Tangram: schemes and figures. Tangram is a famous Chinese puzzle.

The theme of cats is not over yet. I present to you the game tangram "Cats". Tangram (from the Chinese "seven boards of skill") is a puzzle consisting of seven flat figures that are folded in a certain way to get another, more complex one - we have cats. When solving the puzzle, two conditions must be met: first, all seven tangram figures must be used, and second, the figures must not overlap.

With a tangram, a child will learn to analyze images, highlight geometric shapes in them, learn to visually break an entire object into parts, and vice versa - to compose a given model from elements, and most importantly - to think logically.

This game has different levels of difficulty that can be used with children of different ages.

1. Compiling figures by superimposing on a tangram scheme. The child is given a diagram of a tangram figure, he must put all the elements of the tangram on it.

2. Compilation of figures according to the model. The child is given a tangram scheme, but he must already fold the figure from the elements next to it on the table.

3. Compilation of figures according to the contour image. The child must fold the tangram figure along its contour.

4. Compilation of figures according to one's own design. At this stage, the child independently comes up with figures for drawing up, which develops the imagination very well.

We collect tangram

According to one of the legends, tangram appeared almost two and a half thousand years ago in ancient China. The long-awaited son and heir was born to the elderly emperor. Years passed. The boy grew up healthy and quick-witted beyond his years. But the old emperor was worried that his son, the future ruler of a vast country, did not want to study. The boy liked to play with toys more. The emperor summoned three wise men, one of whom was known as a mathematician, the other became famous as an artist, and the third was a famous philosopher, and ordered them to come up with a game, having fun with which, his son would comprehend the beginnings of mathematics, learned to look at the world with the watchful eyes of an artist, would become patient, like a true philosopher, and would understand that often complex things are made up of simple things. And the three wise men came up with "Shi-Chao-Chu" - a square cut into seven parts.

Parfenova Valentina Nikolaevna, kindergarten teacher

One of the components of the methodological support for the section “Elementary mathematical representations in kindergarten” is the game “Tangram”, through which you can solve mathematical, speech and correctional problems.

The game "Tangram" is one of the simplest math games. The game is easy to make. A square 10 by 10 cm made of cardboard or plastic, equally colored on both sides, is cut into 7 parts, which are called tans. The result is 2 large, 2 small and 1 medium triangles, a square and a parallelogram. Each child is given an envelope with 7 tanas and a sheet of cardboard on which they lay out a picture from the sample. Using all 7 dances, tightly attaching them one to another, children make up a lot of different images according to samples and according to their own design.

The game is interesting for both children and adults. Children are fascinated by the result - they are involved in active practical activities to select the method of arranging the figures in order to create a silhouette.

The success of mastering the game at preschool age depends on the level sensory development children. While playing, children memorize the names geometric shapes, their properties, distinctive features, examine the forms in a visual and tactile-motor way, freely move them in order to obtain a new figure. Children develop the ability to analyze simple images, identify geometric shapes in them and in surrounding objects, practically modify shapes by cutting and compose them from parts.

At the first stage of mastering the game “Tangram”, a series of exercises are carried out aimed at developing in children spatial representations, elements of geometric imagination, to develop practical skills in composing new figures by attaching one of them to another.

Children are offered different tasks: to make figures according to a model, an oral task, a plan. These exercises are preparatory to the second stage of mastering the game - drawing up figures according to dissected samples.<Приложение №1 >.

The ability to visually analyze the shape of a planar figure and its parts is necessary for the successful reconstruction of figures. Children often make mistakes in connecting figures on the sides and in proportion.

Then follow the exercises in drawing up the figures. In case of difficulty, the children turn to the sample. It is made in the form of a table on a sheet of paper of the same size as a silhouette figure, like the sets of figures that children have. This makes it easier in the first lessons to analyze and check the recreated image with a sample.<Рисунок №1>.

The third stage of mastering the game is the compilation of figures according to patterns of a contour character, undivided<Приложение №1>. This is available to children 6-7 years old subject to training. The pattern making games are followed by exercises in making pictures according to one's own design.

Stages of work on the introduction of the game "Tangram" with older children preschool age with general underdevelopment of speech (ONR) were as follows.

At first, the Tangram game was played as part of a math class for 5-7 minutes. Observations of the children during the game confirmed the fact that the children liked the game. After that, an element of competition was introduced, and the one who posted the picture faster than the others received a chip award.

The kids were even more interested. They began to ask to leave more time for the game "Tangram". This made it possible to conduct mathematical leisure activities, quizzes, where children played up to 20-40 minutes.

To enrich the theme of the game, it became necessary to diversify this material, it was found in magazines “ Primary School”, “preschool education”, in the books of Z.A. Mikhailova, T.I. Tarabarina, N.V. Elkina. and etc.

Many pictures were developed by the teacher. A number of pictures invented by children preparatory group. Children's observations confirmed that this game develops mental and speech abilities in children.

There were guys with a diagnosis of “general underdevelopment of speech”, with poor memory, with a small vocabulary, closed. They often played alone. With such children, the teachers played individually, offered pictures for the whole family to play at home. The results were unexpected, the children began to level out, some faster, some slower, but they no longer lag behind their peers in posting pictures and even outperformed some. Having overcome their shyness, isolation, these children began to master the alphabet, reading, mathematics faster and left kindergarten with a clear speech, being able to read and count well.

The next step in complicating this game was the selection of speech material for pictures: riddles, funny short poems, tongue twisters, tongue twisters, counting rhymes, physical minutes. In a speech therapy kindergarten, this speech material for children with impaired sound pronunciation and speech has become especially useful. While playing "Tangram", the children memorized this material, consolidated and automated the sounds in tongue twisters and tongue twisters. Speech was enriched in children, memory was trained.

During the game "Tangram" the skills of quantitative counting were consolidated in children. (Total 5 triangles, 2 large triangles, 2 small triangles, 1 medium-sized triangle. There are 7 tans in the game).

Children practically mastered the ordinal account. So, if you count the thanas of the “Rocket” picture from top to bottom, then the square is in fifth place, small triangles are in first and fourth place, the middle triangle is in third, large triangles are in sixth and seventh place<Приложение №1 >.

Counting tanas from top to bottom, from left to right, children practice orientation on a sheet of paper.

Compiling this or that picture, the children compare the size of the triangles, determine the place for small, large and medium triangles in the pictures of the Tangram game.

The children's knowledge of geometric shapes in this game (triangle, square and quadrangle) is constantly consolidated.

Playing, rearranging small cardboard figurines-tans, children train the small muscles of the hands and fingers.

In the speech therapy groups of the kindergarten, work is carried out on lexical and grammatical topics, within which children's knowledge of the world around them is clarified and consolidated. On many topics, pictures for the game "Tangram" were developed (wild and domestic animals and birds, trees, houses, furniture, toys, dishes, transport, people, families, flowers, mushrooms, insects, fish, etc.). On the topic “Wild Animals”, pictures have been developed: a hare, a fox, a wolf, a bear, a squirrel, a lion, a kangaroo<Приложение №1 >. Playing with pictures, laying them out, children memorize a variety of speech material, as well as consolidate and automate the sounds set by the speech therapist.

Often dads ask themselves: what to play with the child at home? Yes, so that the game would be beneficial for the development of the baby. Especially if this kid is already running and talking at full speed.

At a time when moms love to play developmental games more creativity child (sing, draw, sculpt with the baby), dads often bake about the logical and mathematical development of their child. So what to play?

We offer you the Tangram puzzle game, which you, dear dads, can easily make for your children yourself. This game is often referred to as “cardboard puzzle” or “geometric construction set”. "Tangram" is one of the simple puzzles that a child from 3.5-4 years old can do, and by complicating tasks, it can be interesting and useful for children 5-7 years old.

How to make "Tangram"?

Making a puzzle is very easy. You need a square 8x8 cm. You can cut it out of cardboard, from smooth ceiling tiles (if left over after repair) or from a plastic box from DVD movies. The main thing is that this material should be the same color on both sides. Then the same square is cut into 7 parts. It should be: 2 large, 1 medium and 2 small triangles, a square and a parallelogram. Using all 7 parts, tightly attaching them to each other, you can make a lot of different figures according to samples and according to your own design.

How useful is play for a child?

Initially, "tangram" is a puzzle. It is aimed at the development of logical, spatial and constructive thinking, ingenuity.

As a result of these game exercises and tasks, the child will learn to analyze simple images, highlight geometric shapes in them, visually break the whole object into parts, and vice versa, compose a given model from elements.

So where do you start?

Stage 1

To begin with, you can compose images from two or three elements. For example, from triangles to make a square, a trapezoid. The child can be offered to count all the details, compare them in size, find triangles among them.

Then you can simply attach the parts to each other and see what happens: a fungus, a house, a Christmas tree, a bow, a candy, etc.

Stage 2

A little later, you can move on to exercises for folding figures according to a given example. In these tasks, you need to use all 7 elements of the puzzle. It is better to start by drawing up a hare - this is the simplest of the figures below.

Stage 3

A more difficult and interesting task for the children is to recreate images according to contour samples. This exercise requires the visual division of the form into its component parts, that is, into geometric shapes. Such tasks can be offered to children 5-6 years old.

This is already more complicated - the figures of a man running and sitting.

These are the most difficult pieces in this puzzle. But having trained, we think that your guys will be able to do it too.

Here, children can already collect images according to their plans. The picture is first conceived mentally, then the individual parts are assembled, after which the whole picture is created.

Dear dads, it is not necessary to spend money on expensive toys. Remember that the most expensive of all toys for a child can be those that you make for him yourself. And, of course, with whom you will play together.

More tasks with answers to the puzzle:

To organize classes, the following tools and accessories are needed: a ruler, square, compasses, scissors, a simple pencil, cardboard.

- "tangram"

"Tangram" is a simple game that will be interesting for children and adults. The success of mastering the game at preschool age depends on the level of sensory development of the child. Children should know not only the names of geometric shapes, but also their properties, distinguishing features.

A square measuring 100x100 mm, pasted over on both sides with colored paper, is cut into 7 parts. The result is 2 large, 1 medium and 2 small triangles, a square and a parallelogram. Various silhouettes are formed from the resulting figures.

Puzzle "Pythagoras"

Cut a 7x7 cm square into 7 pieces. From the resulting figures, harmonize various silhouettes.

"Magic Circle"

The circle is cut into 10 parts. The rules of the game are the same as in others similar games: use all 10 parts to create a silhouette, without overlapping one another. The cut circle should be colored the same on both sides.

Tangram (Chinese 七巧板, pinyin qī qiǎo bǎn, lit. "seven boards of skill") is a puzzle consisting of seven flat figures that are folded in a certain way to get another, more complex figure (depicting a person, animal, household item, letter or number, etc.). The figure to be obtained is usually specified in the form of a silhouette or an external contour. When solving the puzzle, two conditions must be met: first, all seven tangram figures must be used, and second, the figures must not overlap.


Dimensions are given relative to a large square, the sides and area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich are taken equal to 1.

5 right triangles

2 small ones (with hypotenuse, equal and legs)

1 medium (hypotenuse and legs)

2 large (hypotenuse and legs)

1 square (with a side)

1 parallelogram (with sides and and angles and)

Among these seven parts, the parallelogram stands out for its lack of mirror symmetry (it has only rotational symmetry), so that its mirror image can only be obtained by flipping it upside down. This is the only part of the tangram that needs to be turned over in order to fold certain shapes. When using a one-sided set (in which it is forbidden to flip the pieces), there are pieces that can be folded, while their mirror image cannot.

The pedagogical meaning of the tangram

Promotes the development in children of the ability to play by the rules and follow instructions, visual-figurative thinking, imagination, attention, understanding of color, size and shape, perception, combinatorial abilities.

The author of the book, known to many readers for his speeches in the press about the upbringing of children, talks about the experience of using and using educational games in his family, which allow him to successfully solve the problem of developing the child's creative abilities.

The book contains a description of games that are a kind of "mental gymnastics", detailed description methods of their implementation and method of manufacture.



Educational games Nikitins. Golden mean. creators and performers. What games does Nikitin have. How many games do you need to have? "Monkey"


When and how to start. Drawing tasks. Errors, help and hints. Not only patterns. The same, not the same. Same color. Dimensions. Check. One, many, several. Account in order. More, less, equally. As many. Guess how much. Count down. The composition of the number. Meet ten. Let's get to know the numbers. Plus, minus, equal. Make-believe. We share equally. Hide and seek with an account. We train and remember. Orientation in space. Paths and houses. Dictation cubes. Looking for treasure. Sequences. What changed? As it was? Perimeter and area. Figures and their sides. Introduction to the perimeter. Introduction to the area. Both perimeter and area. Combinatorics. Symmetry.


Introduction to the game. Learning to close the "windows". We close the "windows" ourselves. Outline the frames and learn to paint over. Draw frames and play. Circle the liners. We paint over. We shade. "Know the figure by touch." Insert by touch. Sort. Compare. Compliance. "Beads". "House". We train mindfulness.

CHAPTER 4. "UNICUB", "FOLD THE SQUARE" AND OTHER GAME SETS "Unicube". "Fold the square."

Color, shape, size. Find similar. Angles. Length. What does it look like? We play Monkey. "Find the mistake." Draw figurines. Reduced copy. initial geometry. Complete the silhouette. What changed? As it was? Symmetry. "Bricks". "Cubes for Everyone"

CHAPTER 5. NOW ATTENTION! "Attention". "Attention! Guess"


puppet plans. Plan of the room and apartment. Plan for the little ones. Neighborhood plan. My city. Games with real geographical maps. Games with a map hanging on the wall. Games with a card lying on the floor. Map in pieces. Travel games. Game "I know!". Guess what it is?


Introduction to watches. Half an hour. How much was? Five minutes. How to say? Schedule.


"Fractions". We play with circles. Same and different. Big and small. From big to small. We play Monkey. As it was? Learning to count. Equally. The composition of the number. Let's get to know fractions. Numerator and denominator. From writing down the number to counting in the mind. What part is colored? How much is missing? A whole and a half. Compare fractions. Not only fractions. And again symmetry. THERMOMETER AND KNOTS


The text of the book itself is 104 pages long. The rest of the appendix book is game materials. Below is a photo of individual pages of the book. For example, a page from the "fold the pattern" chapter and a page from the appendix to this game.

Photo of a couple of pages from the chapters "fractions" and "Montessori frames and inserts"

If you evaluate the book on the content and style of presentation, I personally would put "5+".

As can be seen from the content, the book discusses the techniques of playing with the Nikitin games. Before buying this book, I already had Nikitin's book "Intellectual Games". Then I thought, is there still a need for a book, if there is a primary source. Having bought the book, I answered myself unambiguously “yes”, because.

1. The book discusses not only the games recommended by Nikitin, but also other games invented by Lena Danilova. It turns out that, having several games, you can play for a long time and in a variety of ways.

2. Applications are very useful. We ourselves have so far only used the applications for the game “fold the pattern”. It is not so easy to start making Nikitin's patterns right away. The appendix gives examples of drawings, starting with one cube and then in increasing complexity. There are apps for other games as well.

3. The book gives recommendations on how to interest the child if it is not possible to play right away (both general recommendations and specific games are given). Not all children want to play by the rules, and not all children are willing to show interest just at the sight of new game parents of such children will find a lot of useful advice in the book.

Tangram in Chinese has a literal meaning as "seven tablets of skill." It is believed that this is one of the oldest puzzles in the history of human civilization, although for the first time about this intellectual game was mentioned in a Chinese book during the reign of the seventh Manchu emperor of the Qing state, who ruled under the motto "Jiaqing - Beautiful and joyful." And in the European lexicon, the word "tangram" first appeared in 1848 in the brochure "Puzzles for Teaching Geometry" written by Thomas Hill, later president of Harvard University.

Considered a classic tangram, it consists of seven flat geometric figures - two large, one medium and two small triangles, a square and a parallelogram. These figures are added to obtain another, more complex, figure. Often these figures depict a person in various movements, some animal or object, a letter or number. The figure that needs to be folded is given in the form of a silhouette or contour, and the task is to find a solution how to place the geometric shapes included in the tangram to get the desired one.

When finding a Tangram solution, two conditions must be observed: the first is that all seven tangram figures must be used, and the second is that the figures must not overlap (overlap each other).

As you can see from history, very respected and smart people attributed such a very simple-looking game to a method of developing intelligence worthy of the closest attention. Try it and you - buy a tangram and add a few figures of these seven polygons.

In addition to this type, there are other types of tangrams. All of them are interesting and exciting in finding a solution. Try it yourself.

Puzzle "Tangram"

One of the most famous fans of the tangram is the world-famous writer and mathematician Lewis Carroll, the one to whom humanity owes the appearance of the various adventures of the girl Alice. He adored the game and often offered his friends problems from a Chinese book he had with 323 problems.

He also wrote the book "Chinese Fashion Puzzle", in which he claimed that Napoleon Bonaparte, after his defeat and imprisonment on the island of St. Helena, spent time at the tangram "exercising his patience and resourcefulness." He had classic set of this logic game made of ivory and a book with tasks. Confirmation of this occupation of Napoleon is in the book by Jerry Slocum "The Tangram Book".

Edgar Allan Poe was no less famous for thinking about putting together a puzzle of seven separate figures. This popular writer of detective stories with interesting plots often solved the problems of the Tangram puzzle.

We talked about only a few well-known personalities who were fascinated by this interesting logic game. We hope that now it will be more interesting to buy a Tangram puzzle. It is worth adding that the great variety of possible figures from the seven geometric figures is amazing - there are several thousand of them, Perhaps you can add a few more to them.

Tangram puzzle "Stomachion"(Archimedes game)

The great thinker and mathematician Archimedes mentions this logical problem in his work, which is now called the Archimedes Palimpsest. It contains the treatise of the same name "Stomachion", which tells about such a concept as absolute infinity, as well as about combinatorics and mathematical physics. About everything that in our modern era is an important section of computer science.

It is believed that Archimedes attempted to find out the number of combinations with which it is possible to add up a perfect square from 14 segments. And only in 2003, with the help of a specially developed computer program American Bill Butler was able to calculate everything possible solutions. The mathematician came to the conclusion that in total this game has 17152 combinations, and provided that the square cannot rotate and it cannot have a mirror reflection, then “only” 536 options.

The puzzle game "Stomachion" is very similar to the tangram and the main difference is the number and shape of the elements it consists of. For all its simplicity, this logic game worthy of attention. The ancient Greeks and Arabs attached great importance to tasks and learning with it.

In addition to the task of finding 536 variants of the ideal square of Archimedes, this logic game offers to add various shapes from its 14 geometric shapes. Try to put together the figures of a person, animals and objects. This is actually not an easy task as it might seem at first glance. The rules are simple: all elements of the Stomachion puzzle can be turned to either side, and all of them must be used.

Tatiana Kholyavskaya

Good day to all!

I think that all educators are familiar with the puzzle game " tangram", I will not write much about her. This Chinese game, which has spread throughout the world for more than 4 thousand years!

Children are very fond of play this game, everyone wants to play, one or two sets per group is not enough. I decided to make more sets of this puzzle for all the children in the group in the kindergarten from cardboard. I glued a self-adhesive film on top of the cardboard sheets. So the figures look more beautiful, and stronger.

A game is an equilateral square. For children 5-6 years old, I made a square 12 * 12 cm. Larger, I think, is not necessary. Yet this a game not only introduces children to geometric shapes, develops thinking, imagination, logic, ingenuity, but also fine motor skills, which means that the details should not be too large.

The square is divided into 7 parts: two large right triangles, two small right triangles, one equilateral square, one middle triangle and a parallelogram.

I signed the main sizes on the photo: square - 4.2 cm * 4.2 cm, large triangles - 8.5 * 8.5 * 12 cm.

The square is cut into pieces:


Templates for building figures can be downloaded on the Internet, from the simplest to the most complex. For small children (4 years) it is better to make the templates yourself by gluing parts of the same size onto a sheet of cardboard, at first they will overlay the parts on top, next to each other over time. For example, here is a card with a fish:

It will still be difficult for them to build according to the drawn schemes. But children 5-6 years old can already build according to schemes, first of such a plan, where the boundaries of geometric shapes are visible:

then no borders:

Children play in such a game can be quite a long time and with enthusiasm (the game develops perseverance) .Here are the figures obtained:

I have children senior group, laid out according to the drawn schemes

I put each set in an envelope

and envelopes in a box

Now I want to do felt tangram.

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How to play Tangram?


The essence of the game




How to play tangram

tangram - Chinese puzzle, whose history goes back more than 2.5 thousand years.

According to legend, the Chinese emperor had a son who was not interested in anything except toys. The emperor called 3 wise men: a mathematician, an artist and a philosopher, and ordered them to come up with a game that would teach the child the basics of mathematics, philosophy and art. And they came up with the game "Shi-Chao-Chu".

The essence of the game is to assemble the figure of any object, animal or thing from 7 geometric shapes.

The game consists of several levels:

  1. parts of the tangrams need to be superimposed on the scheme itself;
  2. the child is given a diagram and he folds the figure on the table according to the model;
  3. the baby is given the contour of the image, and the baby must lay out the parts of the tangram along the contour;
  4. the child independently invents images and puts them together from parts of tangrams.

The game contributes to the development of imagination, attention, perception of colors and shapes and is suitable even for kids 2-3 years old.

tangram - this is a puzzle, which is a square, cut into 7 pieces in a certain way. For preschoolers, the tangram is a great lesson to prepare for school. And at the age of 5-6 years, children love to play very much. They are interested in puzzles with pictures.

Purpose of the game is to collect figures of people, animals, birds, numbers, objects from the details of the tangram ...

Tangram game rules:

  • — IN assembled figure must include all seven parts.
  • — Parts must not overlap.
  • — The parts must be adjacent to each other.

Tangram scheme

Parts of a tangram

This is the tangram itself, fictitious pictures are obtained from its parts.

It is easy to do it yourself using the construction scheme. The drawing can be printed on colored paper on a printer or drawn independently using a ruler. Cut out puzzle pieces from colored paper. Then, laying out the desired figure, glue it on a dense sheet.

An example of a dog schema

The game for children tangram can be in several levels of difficulty. It is better to start with the simplest - lay out the figure according to the model.

Scheme - rocket

So you can fold a house out of a tangram.

At the second stage, you can invite the children to lay out the figures in a solid pattern.


To develop the thinking and imagination of a child, you can use various means and methods, one of which is the tangram game. You can start working with such a fascinating and useful puzzle at preschool age. It will be interesting for children to fold a house, a fish or a cat from simple shapes, and colorful diagrams will help them avoid mistakes.


The puzzle itself came to us from ancient China, and the fact that it is more than a thousand years old indicates that it is fascinating and useful. The word, somewhat unusual for native Russian speakers, in Chinese means "seven boards of skill." The essence of the game is simple: from seven geometric figures on a plane, you need to build something given by the scheme. It can be a figure of a person or an animal, plants, some household items, toys, and older preschoolers can be asked to build numbers and letters. The composition of the set is as follows: triangles (there are five of them) differ in size - large and small, two each, the middle one; parallelogram; square. Interestingly, if you add the elements in a certain sequence, you get a square. You can buy a ready-made puzzle, and even more interesting - make it yourself from thick cardboard, painted in different colors, - so it will be easier for the baby to navigate the diagrams.

Creative freedom is limited by two simple rules– one element cannot be superimposed on another, but all of them must be involved in the construction.


Legend has it that a certain emperor of China began to use the tangram for the first time, who was very worried that his future heir did not show due interest in the learning process. Then the monarch called for help three wise men - a mathematician, an artist and a philosopher, who, by joint efforts, came up with magic square. Thanks to him, you can great amount tasks. And the capricious prince finally began to learn.


Puzzle exercises are certainly useful for preschool children, because in an unobtrusive form they develop useful skills in them: they teach spatial thinking; form and consolidate the concepts of color and shape; improve attention, imagination; develop the ability to "read" the scheme-instruction; learn to visually divide the whole object into parts; help development fine motor skills, since the kids fold the figures on the table with their fingers.

The purpose of such training is to improve the thinking of the child. At the same time, the variety of schemes helps to maintain interest.


Tangram for preschoolers - exciting and useful activity, which can be started from 4-5 years. First, the kids get acquainted with a new set for themselves, study its elements, find a triangle on the instructions of their parents, show which one is large and which is small. Next, adults print out the diagram in full size, inviting the crumbs to overlay the elements on the drawing. It can be houses, animals, birds, fish, a Christmas tree, a little man. Gradually, the tasks become more complicated, the children are offered a hint scheme, which in size may no longer correspond to the real “dimensions” of the figures, and the task is to fold something, such as a bird. Children, as a rule, also become interested in the fact that several varieties of birds can be added from a specific number of elements. To prevent preschoolers from being bored, you should come up with a plot - for example, compose a fairy tale about animals that would like to settle in a house. In order for each of them to take their own "room", you must assemble the beast from the elements of the puzzle.

Further, the following scheme is offered to preschoolers: They make a cat, a hare, a horse, a fish, a duck, a dog. Next to the house, we can “plant” a fir tree to make it beautiful (its diagram is also presented above). Finally, a man built a dwelling for the menagerie - his figure is also on the diagram.

It is noteworthy that the word "tangram" itself is actually an old one. English word, composed of two parts - "tan" - Chinese and "gram" - in Greek "letter". In China, the game is called Chi-Chao-Tu (7 ingenious figures).

The essence of this puzzle lies in the folding of 7 geometric tanram figures of various silhouettes, as well as in inventing new ones. Imagine, it is estimated that 7000 different combinations can be made from the elements of the tangram. When solving the puzzle, you must follow only 2 rules: the first - you must use all 7 tangram figures, and the second - the figures should not overlap each other.

What is the use of tangram?

Folding according to tangram schemes contributes to the development of perseverance, attention, imagination, logical thinking, helps to create a whole from parts and at the same time foresee the result of one's activity, teaches one to follow the rules and act according to instructions. All these skills are necessary for the child while studying at school, and in adulthood.

Tangram: schemes for younger students

It is better for young children to offer simple and interesting tangram patterns, such as animal silhouettes. We offer to collect together with children a cat, carp, camel, fox, turkey and duck. Please note that one picture can be changed quite a bit by moving several figures, and the assembled animal changes position, that is, it seems to come to life.


carp and camel


duck and turkey

For you, a detailed description of the tangram scheme with the image of a hare.

1. We will begin to make the first figure of our hare from the head - a square. Attach the ears to the head: a medium-sized triangle and a parallelogram. We will make the body from 2 large triangles, and the paws from small ones.

2. Our bunny was frightened of something and changed its shape: he pressed his ears, folded his paws. Let's lay out the body from 2 large triangles, connecting them in the form of a parallelogram. We will attach the head from the square to the body, and the ears from the parallelogram to the head. It remains to make paws from 2 small and 1 medium triangles.

3. The hare stopped being afraid and decided to look out from behind the bush: he pricked up his ears (a parallelogram and a middle triangle), and he also had a tail - a small triangle.

And this is how a fox chasing a hare looks like.

Tangram patterns for high school students

A fifth-grader can already safely take on more complex tangram schemes - images of people in motion. Also, children of this age will surely like the intricate silhouettes of numbers and letters.

Tangram develops abstract thinking well, so it will be useful for preschoolers who are preparing for school and.

Tangram in design

Adults can not only play tangram with kids, but also to go further - to use the technique of this puzzle in the design. You can decorate the interior in an original and beautiful way with bookshelves in the form of tangram figures.

Realize your most interesting ideas, it all depends on your imagination.

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