Card games for children 2 years old. Educational games for children to memorize English words

Daria Popova

The older Rada gets, the brighter and more interesting we are playing with cards. As an educator, I know that flashcard games are one of the best ways to learn new vocabulary with toddlers, if not the best. Now she is 3 years old, and games with pictures have become more and more exciting and interesting.

Today I want to tell you about the basic picture games. The list is far from complete, and I will be glad if you share your ideas in this topic for discussion.

Games with cards for memorizing English vocabulary

  1. Ghost

You need cards of the same size. Add an image to them. We show the cards one after another and say what is drawn on them. Children repeat the word. When the Ghost card appears, the children get "scared" and hide from the ghost.

At first, the game causes a lot of squealing and delight, and helps to quickly revive vocabulary from memory cards. In addition, it is mobile, which allows you not to tire children with static.

After a while, children get tired of hiding, then they can be taught to answer “I am not scared!” and emphasize how “brave and strong” they are.

Useful phrases:

What a spooky ghost!

Say “I am scared”.

Where are you hiding?

You're hiding under the desk.

The ghost has gone.

Let's keep playing.

Repeat after me.

  1. Bingo

We play loto with children. We name the word, show the card. If they have this picture, they take the card for themselves.

With Russian lotto sets, you can just as well play in English. Or you can print special sets on thick paper from the Internet by searching for them by searching for “bingo for kids free printables”. I've come across a set of lotos on almost every lexical topic that we've been through. With kids under 3 years old, you can simply lay out the cards on the field, and with the older ones you can already play “in an adult way”

Useful phrases can be found in the glossaries from club members «Englishonok»:

  • Antonina Borovskoy
  • Elena Bobkova
  1. memory game

We need pairs of identical cards or logical pairs (for example, animals and their favorite food). The cards are laid out in rows face down. During a turn, the player flips two cards. If the cards match, he takes them for himself and walks again. If different - the transition of the move. The one who collects the most pairs of cards wins.

Useful phrases for the game

  1. Magic Tricks

IN English language not many word endings. But sometimes those that are - it is very important to train. For example, you can practice magical transformations by increasing the number of items. We show the child a card and ask them to name the plural: One bear - lots of .... (bears). This game is also convenient to learn unusual plural endings and exceptions. To do this, it is enough to choose set with pictures with plural exceptions (goose, tooth, foot, snowman etc.) and with nouns requiring "special" endings (leaf, bus, house, witch etc.)

If the child names the plural correctly, he takes the picture for himself, if he makes a mistake, he leaves it for you. Guess who will win? Who will have more pictures at the end? Of course, our little hero!

Useful phrases:

Let's play Magic Tricks!

I will teach you how to turn one thing into lots of things.

One cat - lots of cats.

One dog - lots of dogs.

One frog – lots of…

This card goes to me.

You get the card!

Who has more cards?

Let's count them!


  1. Train

We imagine that the pictures form . We name the direction of the train (The train goes up/down/to the right/to the left) and lay out the picture cars in the order that we call the child. At the same time, the cards themselves are the wagons, perhaps, only the picture of the locomotive itself should be attached at the beginning, and that’s all.

Useful phrases:

The train goes up the hill.

First goes the locomotive.

Train engine (UK)

Train carriage (US)

Then goes cat.

Help the doggie to get into the train car number 2

Which animal is in the train car number 6?

Which animals are in the last train car?

The elephant has a ticket to Train Car 5.

Games with cards to activate English vocabulary

  1. What's gone?

We lay out from 6 to 10 cards in front of the child. We ask him to close his eyes. We remove one picture. Please open your eyes and say what is missing.

What's gone? (What's missing?)

The penguin has gone!

Come out, Penguin!

Where are you hiding?

He is hiding behind your mother's back!

You place is here between the lion and the monkey.

Cover your eyes with your hands.

close your eyes.

Can you turn away?

  1. What's in the house?

We cut out a figure of a house with a window from cardboard. We show the picture through the window (only part of the picture should be visible). Children guess what is in the house.

About animals it is permissible to ask “who?”

Who lives in the house?

Who can you see through the window?

Who is looking out of the window?

  1. Guessing Game

We choose one from a set of pictures on one topic (for example, colors or toys) and put it in front of the children with the picture down. They have to guess what is in the picture.

Can you guess what it is?

I will give you a hint.

It's an animal.

It's a piece of furniture.

It is something we cook with.

It's a kind of food.

  1. Dice Game

We lay out the path from the pictures. and we go in turn to the dropped number of cards. If we name a picture, we stay on it. We don't call - two steps back. The first player to reach the finish line wins.

Which will be your counter?

Place your counter on the start

How many is it rolled?

Can you count the dots?

Go three steps forward.

It's an apple.

Do you like apples?

Do you know what it is?

Go back two steps.

I've caught you up!

I am going to overrun you!

I am not going to give up!

I will beat you!

Let's play again.

  1. What's changed?

We lay out a series of pictures in front of the child. The child closes his eyes. Swapping pictures. The child opens his eyes and says which pictures have been changed.

In previous issues, we talked about how to choose sets of cards for kids, what requirements they must meet, where to start the game. Today you will find out what useful games can be arranged with cards.

We need for the game: real objects and cards with their image. For example, a “ball” card and a real ball, a “doll” card and a real doll.

How to play the game: we show the child a real object and call it: “This is a ball”, let the baby touch it and examine it. Then we remove the item (for example, put it in an opaque box with a lid). We ask in a mysterious voice: “Where is the ball?”. The kid is looking for him. We take out from the box not an object, but a picture with a ball: “Here is a ball! It's a ball!" We again unexpectedly hide the picture behind our back and ask: “Where is the ball?”. We pause so that the baby has time to respond to our question. Again we take out the picture and the object and put them next to each other: “Here is a ball (real). And it's a ball! (shown in picture).

In the following repetitions of the game, we immediately give the baby pictures and ask them to bring a paired object to each picture, having found it in the room. The game takes no more than 2 minutes at a time. If the child has an interest in the game, then you can continue it for up to about 5 minutes. We end the game when the child still has interest, and not when he is already tired. The game should be fun, like a game of hide-and-seek with pictures and objects, and not like a learning activity for memorizing cards.

The game "Don't confuse"

First, we play this game with cards that show contrasting objects, for example: a cup, a doll and a pussy (three objects).

How to play the game: introduce the child to each picture separately. Then we lay out all three pictures in a row and ask them to show: “Where is the pussy? Show pussy. Where is the lala doll? Show Lyalya! and make sure that it distinguishes the pictures well from each other.

We vary different pictures in this game. We use different images of the same object. And when the baby learns to distinguish contrasting pictures, we teach the child to distinguish similar pictures. An example of a series of pictures for recognition. Where is the kitty (a cat, a dog and a goat are represented). Or where is the chicken "ko-ko-ko" (goose, chicken and chicken are represented). You can take fruits, vegetables, any items familiar to the child.

This is also a game not only for the development of speech, but also for the development of generalization in kids.

We need for the game: color cards and coloring pictures paired with them. (For example, a photograph of a duck on a card and a picture of the same size as a coloring page - a duck. We make the same pairs for other toys: a colored ball on a card - a ball in coloring. A doll on a card - a doll in coloring.)

How to play the game: first, we show a color picture and talk about this animal (it’s good if you read to the baby the text of E. Charushin or K. Ushinsky with vivid figurative words).

Having introduced the child to the coloring pages, we give him the task - to find a color card for each coloring picture: “Where else is the cockerel? Put your card here. Like this. Here is a cockerel. How does he scream? Crow!"

When the baby grows up a little, it will be possible to make similar pairs of cards: mothers-babies (baby animals), big-small, one-many.

The game "Who (what) is not"

We need for the game: cards with one-syllable and two-syllable words, for example: fox, braid, whirlpool, clock, woman, grandfather, mother, cloud, goose, ball. For older children, you can take cards with more complex content: kiwi, beans, ponies, poppies, mint, ice, elk, hair dryer, compartment (closet), linen, flour, jelly.

How to play the game: First, for this game, we take 3-4 pictures, then we increase their number to 5-6 cards. We lay out 6 cards in front of the child. We call each of them: “Where is the goat? Find a goat. Here is the goat! Let's say together: Ko-za! Then the kid turns away, and we hide one card. The kid turns and guesses who (what) is not, for example: "No pony."

Game "Bring the picture"

How to play the game: Consider three cards together and name them. On the table in the same room there is another set of the same set of pictures. We ask the kid to bring the same picture from the table: “Where else is the horse? Bring the picture." The kid finds a horse among other pictures on the table and brings it. First, we lay out for the baby on the table three pictures to choose from, from which he needs to choose a given card. Then you can change the picture (for example, lay out a slightly different image of a horse on the table than on the original picture).

The game "Game with cards "Running"

This game for toddlers is designed by V.A. Petrova.

How to play the game: we hang pictures at the level of the child's eyes in different places in the room (3-4 pictures). The kid runs from picture to picture and examines them. “Where is our dog “av-av”? Show how the dog says: "aw-aw, aw-aw." Pictures remain in one place for several days, and the baby gradually gets used to their location, quickly finds the right picture at the request of an adult. Then the pictures change.

Races can be carried out not only with pictures, but also with toys or with furniture and other items. “Where is our sofa? Let's sit on the sofa. Where is the window? Here is the window! And what's that? Closet". You can make similar dashes for a walk: “Where is the bench? Where is the tree? Where is the porch?"

Asya Valasina, candidate of pedagogical sciences,

Margarita Daeva
Card games in English classes. flashcard games.

For this game, you need to divide the floor into two zones: the Yes zone and the No zone. All children stand in the Yes zone. The teacher shows the pictures and says the words. If the word matches the picture, then the children remain in the Yes zone. If the teacher says the wrong word, the children move to zone No.

What's missing?

The teacher chooses 5-6 cards and lays them out on the table. Asks the children to name all the words in English and memorize them. This is followed by the command “Close your eyes”, the teacher removes one card. “Open your eyes” - children guess what is missing.

What has come?

The teacher chooses 5-6 cards and lays them out on the table. Asks the children to name all the words in English and memorize them. This is followed by the command “Close your eyes”, the teacher adds one card. “Open your eyes” - children guess what has appeared.

Odd one out

The teacher lays out on the table 4-5 cards from one topic and one - extra - from another. Children must guess what is superfluous and say why.


Place 6 cards face down on the table. The child rolls the dice and counts

Cards are laid out on the floor or on the table. The teacher asks individual children to “Give me … please”. Children choose the right card.

Who's first?

Children are divided into two teams. The teacher shows the cards. The first team to correctly name the word shown in the picture receives a point. The team with the most points wins.

Run to the right flashcard

The teacher places the cards in different places in the classroom. Calls 2 children and calls the word. Children must find the correct card and run to it. The first person to reach the correct card wins.


A fortress is drawn on the board. The teacher explains that the fortress was attacked by enemies, they put a ladder to it, but it lacks 5 steps. Children have the opportunity to save the fortress. The teacher shows cards on the topics covered, the children name the words. For each mistake, the teacher draws a step. If the children made a mistake less than 5 times, the fortress is saved.

Word road

Lay out the cards on the floor at some distance from each other in the mind of the track. Children step on the cards and call the words.

board race

Hang cards on the topic covered on the board. Children are divided into two teams. The teacher says the word. One child per team runs up to the board and touches the card. For each correct choice, the team receives a point. The team with the most points wins.

Crouching game

Children are divided into two teams. The teacher gives each team a word. Next, he calls the words on the topic covered. When the children hear their word, they should sit down. The rest of the time they are standing. For example, the team was given the word apple. The teacher calls the words: pear, cherries, apple, plum, apple ... At each apple, the children of the corresponding team squat.

mousehole game

A large sheet of cardboard is taken and a hole is cut out in it (mouse mink). Hide the desired card behind the cardboard with the mousehole, so that only a small part of the picture will be visible. Children have to guess what kind of card it is and correctly name the word.

flash a flash card

Show cards quickly-quickly.

Quiet - Loud

The teacher shows a card and calls the word quietly, almost in a whisper. The children repeat in unison.

The teacher shows a card and calls the word out loud, the children repeat after him, like an echo, quieter and quieter.

Lay out the cards on the table. Children name words, remember what follows. The teacher turns the cards face down. Children remember where which card is and call the words.

Correct me

The teacher shows the cards and says the words correctly and incorrectly. If the teacher called the word correctly, the children confirm (Yes, it's a cat). If the teacher says the word wrong, the children correct (No, it's a dog).

For this game you need a picture of a monster. The teacher shows the cards to the children, the children name the words. But as soon as they see the picture of the monster, they scream Monster! And cover their eyes with their hands. With the help of this game, you can work out any constructions (I like, I have).

Bit by bit

Show a card, opening a little bit, a small piece.


Variant of the game “Yes/No”. If the teacher says the word correctly, the children clap. If the teacher says the word incorrectly, the children stomp.

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Communities of parents who raise bilingual children regularly write a column for “Osvita Nova” on a topical issue. Today Marina shared how to use flashcards for language learning with children.

The use of flash cards, or Doman cards, is a must when raising bilingual children. This is a simple and fun way to teach a child not only a foreign language, but also their native language. With their help, you can significantly expand your vocabulary and improve your speaking skills. From my practice - children love to look at them, and as they grow up, play different games with their use.

Which cards to choose is a matter of taste of the parent and the preferences of the child. These can be flash cards with pictures, letters of the alphabet or even whole words. Their choice is now huge.

I offer you interesting and funny Games, which are suitable for any set of flash cards in English. In addition, these games can be played almost anywhere, without time limits.

1. Show and tell.

A game for those who are just starting to use cards with their child. We take a card and simply show and tell what is shown on it. Over time, you can ask different questions about it: “Is it big or small?,” “What is it made of?”, “Do you like it?”, “What color is it?”

2. Classify the words.

Draw two or three large circles on a large piece of paper and write words at the top of each, such as Animals, Food, Clothes. For toddlers, it is better to depict these words or choose a specific circle color for each group of cards. Then give the card you have chosen to the child and ask them to find the correct circle for her.

3.Jump On It.

Spread the cards on the floor or on the ground. Name the card and the child must find it and just jump on it. You can play with a large company or even with the whole family.

4. Touch.

Spread the cards around the space you are in. It can be both indoors and outdoors. Ask the child to run in a circle, and when you name a card, the child must find it and touch it. For example: “Touch the car”, “Touch the bicycle”, “Touch the bus”. Also, this game can be made more difficult by changing the actions to be done with the card: “jump on”, pick up”, bring it to me” or offer to touch different parts of the body “touch with hand, nose, toes, elbow etc”.

5. Give Me Game.

Lay out the cards, set a timer for one minute, and ask the child to collect as many cards as possible, naming them as they collect. For example: “Give me a bus”. Several children can play this game.

6. Flashcard Story.

Give your child some cards. Ask him to come up with a simple story with their help. At first, help the child by choosing the right words. You can play this game and vice versa - so that the child himself says what cards he needs, for him
stories. You can also beat your favorite fairy tale or poem in English.

7. What's Missing.

There are two versions of this game.
Place three cards face up in a row. Ask the child to turn away and turn one of them over. When he turns back, ask him to name the card you turned over. When he guessed it, you flip it back and
add a new one. And so on. You can only turn one card face down at a time.

You can also switch roles with your child and be the one to guess the cards. This is especially good when you introduce new sets of flashcards.

In fact, it is not difficult to come up with card games. The main thing is to know what topic and activities are interesting for your child. But be sure to use them when raising your bilingual. And the results won't keep you waiting long.

Ideas for games and other activities in English can always be found in our FamiLingvo group.

Stay tuned for new articles - step by step instructions in the upbringing of bilingual children, in my author's materials for "Osvita Nova".

Card games for kids: how to use card games to develop speech, imagination, thinking, attention, perception and memory of a child. Sets of cards for games.

Card games for kids

In this article you will find card games and cards to download:

- Section 1. Card Games for the development of imagination

- Section 2. Card Games for the development of speech

- Section 3. Card Games for the little ones.

— Section 5. Card Games for the development of perception, attention, memory.

- Section - application. Download cards for games with children on different topics.

Cards for children on various topics(vegetables, planets, transport, seasons, toys, furniture, clothes, dishes and others) are now, probably, in any family and in any kindergarten. And on the shelves of stores there is a huge selection of cards of any size and for every taste. But does everyone know how to use them in games with children? Very often, classes and games with cards are limited to their simple memorization: "What is this? Name it." And for older children - to remember the information on the back of the card and reproduce it at the request of an adult.

In fact the developing potential of thematic cards for children is much greater - it is huge! Cards for children can also be used to develop imagination, speech, thinking, memory, perception, attention.

Although such cards are often called "developing", but by themselves they cannot develop a child. After all, a baby develops only in the process of active creative communication with adults on various topics, including the topics depicted on the cards. How to do it - you will learn from this article.

What do you need for card games

For the games in this article, you will need several thematic sets of cards for children with subject pictures (3-5 sets at least). Subject pictures are pictures that depict one object without a plot (for example, a birch, a ball, the Sun or a cloud, a cornflower, a dolphin, and so on).

You can make these cards yourself cutting out subject images from coloring pages and magazines, advertising booklets and sticking them on thick cardboard.

It is desirable that all cards are the same size, but this is not at all necessary.

As mini cards you can also use pictures from old board games- lotto and dominoes on various topics ("transport", "vegetables", "toys", etc.)

Requirements for cards for preschool children

- a realistic, well-recognized image (or a large photograph of the object), in which all the details are clearly visible,

- child-friendly image angle,

- thick cardboard, bright clear printing of the picture,

- the absence of unnecessary distracting details in the picture.

There are many card manufacturers, but in terms of quality, I personally (this is my subjective opinion, of course), really like the Little Genius cards, because:

1) they are made on excellent quality cardboard and will last a long time,

2) this series of cards has excellent image quality.

At the end of this article, I showed their examples on various topics.

Also very good quality cards called "Smart Cards".

As a handout for a group of children, mini-cards on various topics are convenient, which are issued by the Sphere publishing house and are called "handout cards".

Examples of card sets for download are given at the end of this article.

Section 1. Card Games for Children: Imagination Development

Game "Sorcerer"

This is a game for children from five years old, in the simplest version, you can play with children from four years old. The game develops the imagination of children, which is very important not only in itself, but also for development. creative games preschoolers (plot - role-playing and directing).

Preparing for the game: mix cards on different topics in one box. You can also put children's cubes with letters there, and pictures from a lotto or from dominoes on various topics. Close the box. These are our "treasures" that we will take from eyes closed during the game from this box.

Game progress:

The first level of the game.

Step 1. Consider with the children a picture of a sorcerer (or a toy - a sorcerer). As a toy - a sorcerer, you can use the most ordinary plastic water bottle, if you glue the details of the face to it and wrap it in a "magic cloak" - a piece of fabric.

Tell your child a fairy tale about this sorcerer: “Once upon a time there was a sorcerer in a cave. She knew how to bewitch different things: she will bewitch - and take her to her cave. But the sorcerer could enchant only those pictures that did not have a pair. If the pictures became pairs, then the sorcerer could not take them.

Step 2. After that, give the child a box in his hands and invite him to take two cards (two pictures) out of it with his eyes closed. We need to combine these two pictures in one story.

For example, if the picture “snowman” and “basket” falls out, then you can think that the snowman put gifts in the basket and went to congratulate his friends on their birthday or New Year. First, come up with such a story yourself according to the pictures that the child pulled out of the box. Then invite the child to come up with his own story from the new two pictures.

Some children find this game easy, others find it difficult. If it is difficult for a child to think Think first with him. Offer the kid an option: “Where do you think the snowman went with the basket - to the store or to the forest? No? And where to? What did he put in the basket? What would you put in?"

The second level of the game. You can proceed to the second level of the game if your child very easily connects two objects (two cards) in one story. Invite the child to pull out three pictures from the box, then four or five pictures. And tie them into one story. If it’s hard for a child to come up with a story on his own, compose together!

The third level of the game. We need to build a whole chain of 15-20 randomly selected pictures from our box and compose a story based on it.

How to play with cards:

We take cards from the box in turn with our eyes closed and compose a common story. For example, you start as an adult. You take a card and come up with the beginning of a story based on it: “Once upon a time there was .. And he was very ... Once ...”. At this point, you interrupt your story and pass the turn to the child. The child pulls out the second card and comes up with a continuation. Then it's your turn again - we take the third card and continue our story. And so on up to 15-20 cards. We lay out the cards in a row one after another from left to right. At the end of the stage, the child himself can combine the pictures into a common plot.

Game options:

This game can be played with 2-3 children at the same time, writing a common story. And you can compete: who has a longer history: the team of mom and dad or the team of children of different ages? The winner of the game is the one who was able to combine the largest number of pictures. .

Section 2. Card games for children: speech development

Speech game with cards "Smeshinki"

In this game, kids will learn to agree on words in gender, number and case, as well as learn to ask and answer questions.

You will need to play a box of cards (shuffle cards on a variety of topics in it).

How to play the game

The first game. Variant of the game with cards for a group of children

Game progress:

You can play in pairs and in a group of children.

Each child, with his eyes closed, takes a card for himself, opens his eyes, examines it and hides it.

The facilitator asks the players questions:

- How did you come home?

- What did you eat for breakfast today?

- What did you get for your birthday? and others.

The player must answer using the word from his card.

Example 1: the player has a "window" card. Then he answers like this: “I arrived at the window. I ate at breakfast box. They gave me a window for my birthday.”

Example 2: Or you can get such a funny dialogue. The player has a card - a bucket.

- What do you drink compote from?

- From a bucket.

- What do you sleep on?

- On a bucket.

- How do you draw pictures?

- Bucket.

Second game. A variant of the game "Smeshinki with cards" in the pair "adult - child"

The player with their eyes closed takes one picture from the card box. Opens his eyes, examines it and hides it from the second player. For example, he turned out to have a “titmouse” card.

The second player asks the question: What do you water the flowers with? The player shows a card and answers using his word (I water the flowers with a titmouse)

It turns out very funny dialogues, but in fact these are grammatical exercises in which the child exercises in the correct coordination of words in case, gender, number.

After the game, ask the child to put things in order in the cards and find each card "its own house", that is, put it in the desired thematic folder or box. Explain why he put this card in this “house” (why he believes that a carrot is a vegetable, a blueberry is a berry, a beret is a headdress, etc.).

Third game. A variant of the game with cards in a circle with a group of children

Which cards are suitable for this version of the game: Depicted on the cards can be both ancient objects (chest, poker, ponyova), and modern objects and tools. Before the game, check so that the children know these items and can explain why a person needs them.

Step 1. Everyone stand in a circle. According to the counting rhyme, the leader is selected, who gets up inside our round dance. Each player with their eyes closed takes a card.

Step 2. The facilitator walks in a circle and asks different questions to all the players in turn. First, the role of the leader is played by an adult to show the kids a sample of the dialogue in this game. Then the children will be able to play this role.

For example:

What are you sitting on?

- On the poker! (shows his picture for verification)

- What do you comb your hair with?

- Soldering iron (shows his card).

- What do you eat for lunch?

- Buckets (shows a card with buckets).

Speech game with cards "Yes and no": learning to conduct a dialogue

This card game can be played in three different ways and develops coherent speech in children.

The basic version of the game with cards "Yes and no"

The game will teach the kid to ask questions in a logical sequence, to conduct a dialogue. In this variant, the game can be played from the age of five and older.

You will need to play: several thematic sets of cards to be shuffled.

Game progress: Take a box or a beautiful opaque bag (bag, folder). The host of the game must hide the card in a box (bag, folder, package), and the player must guess what is hidden. The facilitator can only answer questions with “yes” and “no”.

First, the role of the leader is played by the child (or a group of children), and the adult asks questions:

- Is it alive?

- Is it inanimate?

- Is it an item?

The logic of questions in the game: determine whether an object is living or inanimate, then its purpose (is it furniture, clothes, shoes, a headdress, an electrical appliance, transport, a musical instrument, sports equipment?) and its external features. Then name the answer.

Lightweight version of the game with cards "Yes and no"

In this version, the game can also be played with younger preschoolers 3-4 years old.

How to play:

Lay out the cards on the table (5-10 pieces), and guess one card from those lying on the table. The cards must represent items from different groups(from different sets). For example: bus, sheep, sweater, beret, boots, swallow, closet, washing machine, iron, pan.

Step 1. IN the rider closes his eyes or turns away. At this time, the player hides a colored square under the hidden card. This box means that this particular card is guessed and serves as a test.

Step 2. The facilitator begins to guess - ask questions in order in the following sequence:

Is it alive/non-living?

- a question about the purpose of the item (Does this item put on themselves? Do they ride it?)

- peculiarities appearance(color, shape, surface, details)

- where is the picture (is this card to the right of the sheep? above the card with a refrigerator? etc.)

First, the role of the leader is played by an adult, then by children. Children will need help in the form of leading questions and hints: “Learn from me about the shape of the object. Ask where the answer lies” and other similar questions.

Thematic version of the game with cards "Yes and no"

You will need one set of cards on one topic for the game, for example, Before playing, carefully examine each mushroom, name the shape and color of the cap, legs, the nature of the surface of the mushroom, for which it is used by people, is it edible or poisonous.

Then the host thinks of one mushroom (hides this card), and the player or players must guess what kind of mushroom it is, asking questions: “Does this mushroom grow in a coniferous forest? Does he have a brown hat? Does he have a white leg?

A mushroom diagram will help you ask questions in sequence ”from an article about speech games for children.

You can also play with sets of cards on other topics, reinforcing the child's ideas about the world around them, clarifying them and developing logical thinking and coherent speech in this game. After all, in order to guess and guess, you need to know a lot on this topic.

Speech game with cards "Guess who I am"

You will need a set of cards to play: animals, fruits, birds, insects, vegetables and any others. Shuffle the cards and put them in the box.

The leader in the game chooses a card with his eyes closed and turns into this object. His task is to tell about himself briefly so that the listeners can guess who he has become.

For example, you might get a dialogue like this:

“I am made by a carpenter of wood.

Have you turned into a table?

— I have a seat.

Have you turned into a stool?

- No. I have a back.

- This is a chair!

First, the role of the leader is played by an adult, then by a child.

If the player guessed- then he becomes the leader of the game, if not, then he continues to play the role of a player.

You can play another version of the game- when the player must tell about his new role in five sentences so that his role is guessed. This is a variant of the game for children with a very high level of speech development.

In this game, you can turn not only into animals and birds, but also into inanimate objects. And you can also introduce elements of theatrical pedagogy - to show the object with gestures.

Section 3. Card games for children: games for the little ones

Requirements for cards for young children

- Pictures for the little ones should be very simple and easily recognizable by the child.

- Images are outlined - so they are easier for children to distinguish.

- Pure colors are used.

- It is better that the picture was without unnecessary details that complicate its recognition by the child and distract the baby from the main signs.

- Cards must be printed on thick cardboard without sharp corners (safe for small children).

For children early age(up to three years) we really need pictures with different images of the same object:

- for example, a soccer ball, a patchwork ball, a knitted ball, balls different colors and sizes.

- or different chickens on the cards: a real chicken in a photograph, a fabulous chicken - an illustration for a nursery rhyme, a clay toy chicken, a rubber toy chicken, a plasticine chicken.

Such a series of cards is needed so that the baby learns to highlight the most important signs of this bird and so that the first skills of independent generalization (mental operation) develop.

Also needed picture cards showing different activities. For example: the bear is sleeping - the girl is sleeping - lala is sleeping - the bunny is sleeping - the pussy is sleeping - the dog is sleeping. You can make such pictures - cards yourself, taking pictures of your child's toys and pets and printing out your photos. This series of cards also contributes to the development of an elementary generalization in the child (note: not memorizing what the adult said, but the child's independent generalization of the main features).

How do we introduce flashcards to young children?

We give pictures to little children for the time of their examination with an adult, and then put them on the shelf. We teach you to be careful with the pictures - do not tear them, do not crush them, do not walk on them.

second year baby can review cards with you from 2 to 10 minutes. At the same time, we name the object depicted on the card, its features, parts, actions with this object. We involve the child in active actions with cards: where, find, bring, take, give to mom, hide, find, show, show with your finger.

With a baby of the third year of life you can already use thematic sets of cards for viewing. We choose topics for games and discussions with the child that are close to the child's life experience: fruits, vegetables, dishes, furniture, toys, shoes, hats, clothes, transport.

How to play games with cards according to the age stages of baby development:

From 1 year to 1 year 3 months.At this stage, cards are used on which the object is located in a static position (does not move). For a child, a game with 1-2 pictures is suitable. The task of such a game is for the child to recognize the objects depicted on the cards: “Where is the cat? Show”, “Where is the cockerel? Find a rooster. Where is the doggy? Find a dog”, “Give me a cockerel. Give me a dog." When the child begins to easily complete the task with two pictures, you can gradually increase their number to six to eight pictures in one game by a year and a half.

From 1 year 3 months to 1 year 6 months - the baby can already consider 3-4 cards during one game. The cards should show two similar items and one contrasting item. For example: a truck, a passenger car and a cat. Or a red cat, a white cat and a dog. The task of the child is to recognize the objects in the pictures.

From 1 year 6 months to 1 year 9 months. At this age we we use games with cards that depict actions (a bear, a bunny, a doll eats, sleeps, plays, washes, dances, and others). We ask questions: “Who is this? What is he doing? Where does Lyalya doll sleep? (in response to our question, the child needs to find from the three pictures named by the adult - the picture that depicts a sleeping chrysalis).

First, the adult comments on what is drawn in the picture and calls himself who is doing what. At the second presentation of the picture, you can already ask the baby: “What is the girl doing? What is the pussy doing?

At this age stage, we use cards not only to recognize the subject, but also to develop generalization:

a) pictures with actions for the development of generalization . For example: a girl drinks (at the table from a cup of tea), a bear drinks (a bear drinks differently - he holds a barrel in his paws), a pussy drinks (from a bowl), a bird drinks (water from a puddle). They all drink in different ways, but this is one action - "drink".

b) subject pictures for the development of generalization. These are pictures of the same object from different materials and different sizes (photo of a doll, drawing of a doll, wooden doll, rubber doll, plastic doll, dolls in different outfits, a large doll and a small doll). All the dolls on the cards are different, but they are called in one word - “doll”. And the child needs to generalize the essential features of such an object as a "doll" in contrast to other things familiar to him in order to recognize the doll in the picture, regardless of its color, size or clothing.

This is a much higher level of development of the child's thinking than asking the child to simply memorize a card that an adult repeatedly shows and calls to him.

From 1 year 9 months to 2 years. Along with the subject pictures on the cards from this age, you can also consider plot pictures with the baby - cards (children feed the birds in winter, children play in the yard, a cat with kittens, and others). Name: Who is this? What is he doing? What is he holding in his hands? And invite the baby to listen to a short story based on this picture from 3-5 simple sentences, which you will tell him from it.

Variants of games with cards for young children

Game 1. Where? We make a pair: a real object and its image on a card

We need for the game: real objects and cards with their image (for example, a “ball” card and a real ball, a “doll” card and a real doll).

How to play the game: We show the child a real object and call it: “This is a ball”, let the baby touch and examine it. And we remove the item (for example, put it in an opaque box with a lid). We ask in a mysterious voice: “Where is the ball?” The kid is looking. We take out from the box not an object, but a picture with a ball: “Here is a ball! It's a ball!" We again unexpectedly hide the picture behind our back and ask: “Where is the ball?”. We pause so that the baby has time to respond to our question. Again we take out the picture and the object and put them next to each other: "Here is the ball (real). And it's a ball! (shown in picture).

In the next iterations of the game we immediately give the baby pictures and ask them to bring a paired object to each picture, having found the object in the room. For example, we give the baby a “ball” card. And we ask: “Where else is the ball?”. The kid looks for a ball in the room, brings it and puts it next to the picture.

The game takes no more than 2 minutes at a time. If the child has an interest in the game, then you can continue it for up to about 5 minutes. We end the game when the child has an interest in continuing it, and not when he is already tired.

The game should be fun, like a game of hide-and-seek with pictures and objects, and not like a learning activity for memorizing cards.

Game 2

The initial level of the task. First, we play this game with cards that show contrasting objects, for example: a cup, a doll and a pussy (three objects).

At the beginning of the game, we introduce the baby to each picture separately. Then we lay out all three pictures in a row and ask them to show: “Where is the pussy? Show pussy. Where is the lala doll? Show Lyalya! and make sure that it distinguishes the pictures well from each other.

We vary different pictures in this game. Variation options:

Option 1. To two well-known pictures we add a third - a new one.

Option 2. We use different images of the same object. For example, in the first game we use a card - a photo of a cat, next time we will take another card - a drawn cat, in the third game we will have a picture of a toy rubber cat, in the fourth - a picture of a cat molded from plasticine. This is all a cat, although it is very different! And the baby needs to highlight the main features of this animal and its difference from other animals and other toys. to recognize the cat in the picture. And not just remember the card and what mom calls it.

Option 3. More difficult task level. When the baby learns to distinguish contrasting pictures, we teach the child to distinguish similar pictures. An example of a series of pictures for recognition: Where is the kitty (a cat, a dog and a goat are represented). Or where is the ko-ko-ko chicken? (represented by goose, hen and chicken).

Game 3. Different pictures.

The task of the game. This is also a game not only for the development of speech, but also for the development of generalization in children.

You will need to play color cards and coloring pictures paired with them. For example, a photo of a duck on a card and a picture of the same size that shows a coloring page - a duck. We make the same pairs for other toys: a colored ball on a card - a coloring ball. The doll on the card is a doll in coloring. And so on.

How to play with cards: First, we will show a color picture and tell about this animal (it’s good if you read to the baby the text of E. Charushin or K. Ushinsky with vivid figurative words).

For example, we show a picture with a cockerel and say the text (based on the text of K. D. Ushinsky): “This is Petya - Cockerel. That's what! Petya is walking around the yard - a cockerel: a red comb on his head, a red beard under his nose (we show in the picture). Petya's nose is a chisel, Petya's tail is a wheel, there are patterns on the tail, spurs on the legs (we show in the figure). What a petya - a cockerel! The cockerel cries koo-ka-re-koooo!"

After that, we show the child a picture - a coloring book and ask: "Who is this?"

Having introduced the child to the coloring pages, we give him the task - to find a color card for each picture - coloring: “Where else is the cockerel? Put your card here. Like this. Here is a cockerel. How does he scream? Crow!"

When the baby grows up a little, it will be possible to make similar pairs of cards: mothers and babies (baby animals), big - small, one - many.

Game 4. Who (what) is not.

You will need cards with one-syllable and two-syllable words: fox, braid, whirlpool, clock, woman, grandfather, mother, cloud, goose, ball, lala (doll), kitty, goat, poppy, house, bow, cat, horse, dog, juice, forest, ball, smoke. For older children, you can take cards with more complex content: kiwi, beans, ponies, poppies, mint, ice, elk, hair dryer, compartment (wardrobe), flax, flour, jelly and others like that.

How to play:

First, for this game we take 3-4 pictures, then we increase their number to 5-6 cards.

Lay out 6 cards in front of the child. Name each of them: “Where is the goat? Find a goat. Here is the goat! Let's say together: ko-za! "

Then the kid turns away, and we hide one card. The kid turns and guesses who (what) is not: “There is no woman” (or answers with one word “woman”, if it is still difficult for him to say a simple two-word sentence).

Game 5. Bring the picture

An adult with a baby examines three cards and names them. On the table in the same room there is another set of the same pictures. The adult asks the kid to bring the same picture from the table: “Where else is the horse? Bring the picture." The kid finds a horse among other pictures on the table and brings it. Here is the horse!

First, we lay out for the baby on the table three pictures to choose from, from which he needs to choose a given card. Then you can change the picture (for example, lay out another image of a horse on the table - a horse of a different size, color, a drawn image instead of a photograph).

Game 6

Game 7

Put in the box cards that your baby is already familiar with and whose names he already remembers well. In the evening, when the whole family is assembled, ask him to find a card in the box: “Where is the fox?”. When the kid finds the picture, ask him to give it to his dad or grandma or grandpa: “Here is a fox! Give to grandfather (dad, mother, grandmother). The game develops understanding of speech in a small child.

Similarly, you can play with toys, giving the cards you found to them: “Here is honey! Give it to the bear (give it to the lala, give it to the bunny).

Section 5. Card games for children: development of attention, perception, memory

Game with cards "Chest"

You will need to play: an opaque box with a lid or a chest (for example, a beautiful cardboard chest from under the New Year's set of sweets).

How to play: Show your child 6-10 cards from one thematic set. For example, bird cards. Examine and dung each bird, discuss how they differ from each other and how they are similar. Try to remember what is on the cards.

Then the child closes his eyes, and you hide three cards in the chest. The child opens his eyes and guesses what kind of cards are in the chest.

IN next game we are changing part of the cards for the game - adding new ones.

If the child guesses easily, then five cards can be hidden in the chest.

Playing with cards "One, two, three - look carefully"

You will need to play several pairs of cards. It is necessary that they contain the same objects, but depicted differently. For example, the first set of cards is a photo of pets. Paired second set of cards - drawn images of pets.

How to play. The adult quickly shows a card from his set and says very quickly: "One - two - three - look carefully!". Immediately removes the card. Children need to quickly find a similar picture on the table among the laid out cards of a paired set and name it. The winner is the one who quickly found it among all the pictures laid out on the table.

Game with cards "Concepts"

You will need different thematic sets of cards. Lay out four subject pictures in front of the child. Three of them are a homogeneous group and belong to the same concept. The fourth one is redundant. The child needs to find an extra card and remove it, and also explain how to name the remaining pictures in one word and why they can be combined into one group (transport, trees, shrubs, migratory birds and other concepts).

Task examples:

— Apple, pear, plum, plate.

- Cup, spoon, fork, glasses.

- Rose, cornflower, chamomile, birch.

Card game "Card Classification"

Lay out cards from 3-6 sets in front of the child, mixing them with each other.

The task is to consider all the pictures and arrange them into groups. Name each group with a word (these are professions, these are vegetables, these are poultry, these are African animals, etc.). After the child combines all the cards into groups, you need to ask him to explain why he put all these pictures in one group and what they have in common.

You can enter provocative pictures into the set of pictures for the game - which cannot be attributed to any group or combined with other pictures.

Card game "What has changed"

Lay out a row of cards in front of the child. Name them and review them with your child. Then let the baby turn away, and you make changes to this row, for example, you can add a picture, or vice versa, remove the picture, swap the pictures. When everything is ready, the baby opens his eyes and tries to guess what has changed. Then the adult and the child switch roles.

Game with cards "Guess by part"

Lay out a row of cards in front of the child, for example, cards on the topic “Wandering Birds”. Consider carefully all the birds - how they are similar, how they differ, how you can recognize them, why they are called "nomadic". Then the baby turns away, and the adult at this time takes one card and closes it with a thick white sheet of cardboard so that only part of the image is visible. The kid needs to guess what kind of card it is. The rest of the cards are closed and not visible.

If it is difficult for a child to guess, then you can slightly open the image so that part of the body, beak, wing, or other striking feature of this bird is visible.

The game can be played with any thematic set of cards.

Game with cards for the development of memory "Help Dunno"

Lay out in front of the child 6-7 pairs of pictures related in meaning. For example, a fisherman - a net, soap - a washcloth, a hare - a carrot, Santa Claus - a snowflake, and so on. Pictures need to be shuffled.

Tell the child that the Dunno at school was asked to remember these items, but he cannot and does not know how to complete this task. The child needs to arrange all the cards in pairs according to their meaning, remember the pairs. Then we close the cards with a sheet of thick paper or a thick handkerchief, and the baby tries to name the pairs that he remembers. If he names a couple, then he gets it. We count how many pictures he managed to win from us in this game.

If a child easily remembers 6 pairs of objects, then you can increase the number of pictures in the game.

Game with cards "Hat - invisible"

You will need a thick sheet of paper with an invisibility hat drawn on it. We put cards on the table, cover them with a sheet of paper - our “invisible hat”. We raise the sheet with the invisibility cap and count to three, showing the child the cards. Then the invisibility cap is lowered, and the pictures become invisible. The child needs to memorize the cards in three seconds. When the invisible hat closes the cards again, the kid calls them.

Restore order game

You will need 10 cards, place them randomly on the table or on the floor. Invite the child to remember their location (for 15 - 20 seconds). Then the baby turns away, and the adult changes the pictures in places. The child needs to arrange the pictures, restoring order.

Section 6. Download cards for games with children without registration

You can download cards and pictures for games with children for free on our website "Rodnaya Path" and in our Vkontakte group "Child Development from Birth to School".

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