Old maps for the treasure hunter. What is the best way to search for places and dig coins? Old maps of the Yaroslavl province Mende maps in good quality

I think there is no need to tell how important cards are in finding coins and treasures. The success of most events depends on their presence or absence. If in the old days a simple desire to get out into the fields was enough, now the situation has changed radically. All more or less well-known tracts, and what's there, even completely lost in the forests and steppes, turned out to be quite thoroughly cleaned for ancient finds.
To keep adding to your collection, or just to enjoy the cop, you have to show more and more remarkable abilities in the field of finding untrodden places. In this case, the most important role is played by the cards of bygone centuries.

Currently, many of them are available to anyone, but as the advertisement says, they are not all equally useful. Yes, this is true, most of them are only suitable for planning trips to broken places.

Below we will describe what cards are, reveal their features and characterize them in terms of usefulness in business.

General Land Survey Plan - PGM (1780-1830)

Topographic materials began to be actively created under Peter I, at which time a large number of geographical atlases of the empire saw the light. During the reign of Catherine II, these works were continued. They, like Peter's, also did not differ in particular accuracy, but, nevertheless, they nevertheless transmitted the necessary and necessary information.

It was under Catherine the Great that the process of mass land surveying began. Its essence was as follows - the entire territory of the country was divided into counties, which, in turn, consisted of the so-called dacha plans, which were nothing more than plots of owners (allots) with confirmed rights to them and established boundaries. All of them received numbers, for their decoding, an additional Economic note was later issued to the survey plans.
These publications can hardly be called maps, because. they are still far from accurate and are more like diagrams-drawings. But still, from them you can get a lot of useful information on the emergence or existence of a particular settlement in those days.

Maps of Mende (1849-1866)

The name of these, and subsequently many other maps, was given by the names of the people who made the greatest contribution to their development and creation. All of them relied on and had the basis of publications created under Catherine and Paul I, it was on these initiatives that the further development of the so necessary was carried out, in primarily military, modern maps.
The new realities of that time revealed the need to create more accurate and detailed maps than the existing Military Road 40-verst editions. Taking the PGM as a basis and conducting large-scale cartographic surveys, military topographers under the leadership of A.I. Mende set about creating new detailed editions.

In total, two varieties of them were released.:

- one-verst, scale 1 inch is equal to 1 verst or 1cm is equal to 420m

- two-verst, scale in 1 inch 2 versts or 1cm 840m.

Such detailed publications appeared in 8 provinces, although surveys of the area were carried out in 21 provinces for 17 years.


1 and 2 versts - Tver, Vladimir, Ryazan, Penza, Simbirsk and Tambov.
1 verst - Nizhny Novgorod and Penza.

Schubert Maps (1860-1870)

Under the leadership of F.F. Schubert, who headed the Corps of Military Topographers in the early 19th century, a 10-verst map of the Western part of the Russian Empire on 60 sheets was created. But it, like the border 4 and 5 verst, was not very convenient, so soon work began on another.
A new map - three-versts was created first under the leadership of Major General P. A. Tuchkov (until 1851), and then work continued with the participation of Schubert. The period of its creation covers the second half of the 19th century, starting from 1846.
The scale is 3 versts in 1 inch or 1260 m in 1 cm.

The main part of the work was done before 1863 (435 sheets), further work was not suspended (in 1886 - 508 sheets), but basically it was reduced to supplementing and clarifying previous editions.
They turned out to contain cartographic material for all the provinces of the European part of the empire (with the exception of Moscow) and part of the adjacent territories (Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova and the Baltic states).
This map is distinguished by good detailing, showing the type of relief and the nature of the terrain: forest, swamp, rivers and streams, bridges, crossings, etc. All significant objects are placed on it, ranging from schemes of cities to villages with an indication of the number of courtyards, churches, mills, field and forest roads.

When using these materials, it is worth remembering two important features:

1) The accuracy of the designation of various objects has some error, for example, for the most significant it can be from 50 to 200m, for others - from 100 to 500m, and sometimes more.

2) When designating villages, it was customary to subdivide them by size using font, the names of large villages (20 or more households) were written in normal font, small villages and farms in italics.

Strelbitsky Maps

Starting from 1865, I.A. Strelbitsky, who at that time was part of the military topographic department at the General Staff, was instructed to update and supplement the Special Map of the European part of Russia. Under his leadership, work continued from 1865 to 1871. The publication consisted of 178 sheets, covered the provinces located in the center of the country, as well as parts of the adjacent western and southern territories.

Scale: 10 versts in 1 inch or 4200m in 1 cm.

In the future, it was she who served as the basis for the creation of such publications until the middle of the 20th century.

Red Army

These cards bear the abbreviated name of the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army. These works have been published since the 1920s. Of course, for the most part they were based on publications issued before the revolution of 1917 (mostly layouts were used) and covered primarily the Western regions of the country. They were printed in the period from 1925 to 1941. The scale is from 250m to 5km.

They were produced with a number of additions and improvements, so they were actively used during the Second World War.
These maps are characterized by very clear detail and detail, they display all the roads, including the smallest ones, settlements indicating the number of yards, well, and other objects of interest from the point of view of military tactics. The vast majority of the sheets are made in color, but there are also black and white versions.
Their usefulness is certainly high, in view of the fact that many villages disappeared immediately or some time after the end of the war.

General Staff

From the name it is clear that they were produced for military needs, although they were also used by other services, for example, geodetic, topographic, geological, etc. These include editions released after the Second World War, which are again improved and modified previous maps. All of them have the same shape - the territory is divided into sheets, each of them, in turn, is divided into squares.
Initially, they were considered secret and it was almost impossible to get them in Soviet times. Now many (not all) of them are available for use.
Taking into account the fact that the General Staff has a much smaller error with respect to the grid of coordinates, it makes sense to use them (in the absence of old ones) to search for tracts and plan travel routes.

The scale of such maps is the most diverse, ranging from 500 meters to 10 kilometers.

In addition to the above maps, of course, there are many other interesting ones. For example, in the 19th century, many provinces published their own - vicegerent maps, and many search engines also enjoyed great success with German (KDWR), Polish (WIG), which, in fact, are redrawn Russian layouts.

All maps can be used literally, so to speak, but if you can find at least something on the Soviet General Staff (at least the villages that existed after the war), then it’s much more difficult to do this on milestones, they require reference to the terrain. This is done using special programs, and then the already processed materials are loaded into the navigator.

Surveys of the area made tens and even hundreds of years ago are the history of our country. They will provide invaluable assistance not only to amateurs, but also to those who simply love to travel, study their land, its origin and development, and simply those who simply want to know the origin of their kind.

In this article, you will learn what abbreviations and symbols were used on old maps of Mende.
Mende Alexander Ivanovich for 17 years he filmed and created topographic maps some Russian provinces on a scale of 1 inch = 1 verst or 1 cm = 420 m; 1inch=2versts or 1cm=840m

Abbreviations on the map

Buyan field- Flat elevated place, open from all sides
vzlobok- A small steep hill.
Veres- Juniper.
Volok (Drag)- Forest or forest clearing
Vspole- Edge of the field, pasture.
Vyselok (High)- A small village, mostly owner-occupied, located near one-patrimonial villages.
Vyaschshiy- The greatest, the highest, the highest.
City (G.)- A fortified or walled village. Management status assigned to a volost, county or provincial in relation to other settlements.
Mane- An oblong hill, overgrown with forest.
Village- A village without a church, whose inhabitants are predominantly peasants of various departments and live without a landowner.
Right hand- Right hand.
Dresva- Coarse sand.
Zapan- Backwater or river bay.
Zasek (Zas.)- Defensive building. It was a combination of forest dead fences, an earthen rampart and a moat with prisons and separate fortresses. The fortifications served as defensive lines, protecting against the raids of the Golden Horde, who systematically robbed and destroyed Russian cities and villages and drove the population into captivity, as well as to protect roads.
Zybun (Zyb.)- A quagmire, an impassable (dead) place.
Koshevnik- Firewood rafted down the river.
Cumulus sands (Kuch.)- Accumulations of loose sand around bushes and shrubs ... Height 30-50 cm, less often up to 1-2 m. In some places they consist of gravel. They usually form in areas with close groundwater - on salt marshes, on the coasts of lakes, seas and rivers.
Lying Meadow- Worthless, bad meadow.
Monastery, monastery (Mon.)- Make up different kinds monastic dormitories, of which the latter sometimes coincide in their meaning with graveyards or estates of a spiritual department.
Myza (m. or Myza)- If it is owner-occupied, then for the most part it is near one-patrimonial villages, or it has the meaning of a manor at a plant and a factory, if it belongs to persons of taxable estates.
Myanda- Pine.
novelty- Cleared, but not plowed land in the forest.
Dump (Rep.)- An embankment of waste rocks, slag, formed during the development of minerals.
Touchstone- Oselok Vlad. wasteland, a place abandoned by the inhabitants; fallow, deposit. Obselok, Oblesye, Obselok or obselye, psk. hard. newly populated place, settlement, new settlements, settlements.
osselier- Osele is akin to the outskirts, the land around the village.
Perekop- Rov.
Chaff- weed
Pogost (Pogost or Pogost)- Has a church and a population consisting of clergy and clergy. The word churchyard comes from the word guest. The place where the merchants traded was called the churchyard. With the adoption of Christianity, churches began to be erected at churchyards. In 15-16 centuries. graveyards begin to die off, hence the word graveyard has a second meaning - a lonely standing church.
Undercut (Under.)- A cleared place in the forest.
disgrace- Review, look.
Midnight- North.
Posad (P. or Pos.)- The order of the huts or a number of houses. A settled settlement located outside a city or fortress.
Pochinok, settlement and farm (Poch.)- The same as the settlement. Farms, however, often have the meaning of estates due to their agricultural character. New settlements that appeared on the first uplifted site were called pochinkas. When one or two others appeared with the original courtyard in repair, it became a village.
Wasteland (Empty)- The village turned into a wasteland if there were no residential yards left in it and arable land was abandoned.
Settlement- A large village or settlement where there is more than one church.
Village (S.)- A village with a church, which has residents mainly from peasants of different departments.
Village (Village)- A settlement of an exclusively proprietary nature with a master's house and various establishments, or a settlement in which a landowner lives with peasants or several landowners. It may also have the name of a village that was formerly a village.
Sloboda, Forshtat (Slob.)- A settlement with more than one church, a settlement outside a city or fortress.
thorns- thorn bush
Homestead (Us.)- They are of two kinds. The estates of the spiritual department are similar to churchyards in terms of the nature of the population. Owner's estates differ either in their agricultural character or as the location of landowners at a factory or factory
Schuetz- Left hand.
Church land (ZZ)- Land allotment belonging to a church parish or monastery
If you don't know what the abbreviation on the map is, read our dictionary

Yaroslavl province was established under Paul the First in 1796 from the lands that were part of the governorship of the same name, established in turn during the administrative reform under Catherine the Second in 1777. Previously (since 1719) these territories were part of the Yaroslavl province, which was alternately as part of the St. Petersburg and Moscow provinces (until the abolition of the division of Russian provinces into provinces in 1775). During the existence of the entire subsequent pre-revolutionary period, the composition and boundaries of the counties of the Yaroslavl province changed several times. So, in 1796, during the reorganization of the vicegerency into a province, Petrovsky district was abolished, in 1822 the cities of Romanov and Borisoglebsk were merged, and Romanovsky district was renamed Romanov-Borisoglebsky, etc.

In the Yaroslavl province, in whole or in part
There are the following maps and sources:

(with the exception of those indicated on the main page of general
all-Russian atlases, where this province can also be)

Land surveying map of the Yaroslavl province(1778-1797)
Survey map - non-topographic, hand-drawn map of the late 18th century on a scale of 1 inch = 2 versts 1cm=840m or 1inch=1verst 1cm=420m. As a rule, the county was drawn on the parts that are shown on the composite sheet. Some of the maps belong to the period of Catherine II 1775-96, Paul I, having come to power, changed the borders of the counties within the provinces (which, in turn, Alexander I returned with some changes to their original place), while part of the maps of the General Land Survey Fund survived only for this period.
The maps are colored, detailed, divided into counties. The purpose of the map is to show the boundaries of land. More

Map of Mende Yaroslavl province(1850s)
Map of Mende - topographic (indicating latitudes and longitudes), map from the late 1850s. The scale is only 1inch=1verst or 1cm=420m.
The maps are in color, very detailed, broken down by county. The purpose of the map is to show the boundaries of land plots with reference to the terrain.

Modern borders Yaroslavl region differ from pre-revolutionary ones, which is very schematically shown in the figure with a fragment of the Yaroslavl region.

Lists of settlements of the Yaroslavl province in 1865
This is a reference book that contains the following data on settlements: - this is a village, village or village, owner or state (state)
- at the well or at which river it is located
- the number of households, men and women separately
- distance in versts from the county town and camp apartment (centre of camp)
- notes containing the presence of churches, chapels, mills, fairs
This material is not presented separately in the counties on this site.

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On the pages of this blog, I wrote quite a lot about the benefits of maps in our difficult but interesting business - treasure hunting. Thanks to the maps, we learn about the old villages, where they were located, how the street went, and when it approximately existed and disappeared.

According to the maps, we can even find those places where the digger's foot has not set foot. So, in the spring of last year, we got into an unbeaten repair. On PGM there was only a barely noticeable small square. But in fact, there actually turned out to be a settlement where the four of us dug up quite well.

Thanks to maps, we can make our discoveries. Indeed, without them it is not known where to go, unless of course you talk with the local population or identify tracts by poplars, which can be seen from afar.

In our heyday of the Internet, almost any map, old or not, is easy to find and start working with. In this article I will talk about some useful maps in detecting, in particular, those that I use myself.

satellite imagery

I'll start with the newest cards. Satellite images are now of fairly good quality. From them we can see the current state of the place we are interested in. Whether the field is overgrown with forest, whether houses are left in the village, find out the way to the detecting point. This is very detailed map, but it is difficult to overlook the change in heights on it. The relief looks flat. The scale of the pictures is detailed. By the way, if there is no detailed clear picture of the desired area from one service, you can find one from another. For example, if Google's terrain is blurry, then Yandex's is likely to be of excellent quality.

General Staff Cards

Also quite interesting maps. They are intended for the military, which is clear from the name. But they were also popular with topographers, surveyors, geologists, road builders, and others who work on the ground. All maps of the General Staff are similar: sheets of individual squares, divided into smaller squares. The scale is different. From 250 meters to 10 km in 1 cm. A couple of times I heard that there are also hundred meters, that is, 100 meters in 1 cm. At the same time, the maps of the General Staff have a very low error and can be used with great success on GPS navigator for orientation and navigation, as well as finding places to dig and laying routes. All villages are clearly indicated and it is written how many inhabitants there were at the time the maps were created, the order of the location of streets, roads, mills is shown. I often use it myself, besides, the General Staff is loaded into the ozik on the phone.

Maps of the red army

Maps of the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army. They are very similar to the General Staff, but they began to be created back in the 20s of the last century. Due to the lack of funds, people and opportunities, pre-revolutionary maps were taken as a basis. These cards have limited coverage. Namely, you can find maps of the Red Army only in the western part of our country. Not even the Kirov region. Although, somewhere there was a mention that there are topographic maps older than the General Staff of our regions. By the way, the inscription "Coordinate system of 1942" is often confused with the date of creation of this map. In fact, this is not the case, here we are only informed about the coordinate system. And the date of shooting and issue of the card is written in the upper right corner of the sheet. If the list of the General Staff was from 1942, then this is already a map of the Red Army. They, according to the information I have, were produced from 1925 to 1941. The scale is from 250 m to 5 km in 1 cm. Having examined this map, it attracted me with its detail and relative antiquity. Even the smallest settlements are indicated on it. The number of yards is indicated. Undoubtedly great map for the search engine! But it is a pity that it is not in our Vyatka region.

Schubert map

With your permission, a brief background. At the beginning of the 19th century, F.F. Schubert headed the corps of military topographers and under him a 10-verst map of the Western parts was created Russian Empire on 60 sheets. But for some reason, it turned out to be inconvenient for practical use. I had to start working on a new one. It began to be created under the guidance of P. A. Tuchkov, but later Schubert took over the work on it. It covers the time period of almost the entire second half of the 19th century, starting from 1846. But the main work was done before 1863, when 435 sheets were made. Further work continued at a similar pace. In 1886, 508 sheets were drawn. Basically, they used the already compiled ten-verst line, only supplementing and clarifying it. Very good detail of objects. Literally everything that is needed is indicated: settlements, forests, rivers, roads, crossings, etc. There is even the nature of the relief. Its scale is 3 versts in 1 inch or 1260 m in 1 cm. However, not all areas are drawn by Schubert. For example, Vyatka, alas, is not there.

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Strelbitsky Map

In the middle of the 19th century, I. A. Strelbitsky was a member of the Military Topographic Department at the General Staff and he was instructed to update and supplement the Special Map of the European Part of Russia. Strelbitsky supervised this work from 1865 to 1871. The new map consisted of 178 sheets and covered the European part of the country and parts of the adjacent western and southern provinces. The scale is very inaccurate. There are 10 versts in 1 inch. And if translated in our manner, then 4200 m in 1 cm. In particular, this map was also used as the basis for creating maps of the Red Army. What to say about the map of Strelbitsky: a large error, only major roads and settlements are marked. Suitable, of course, as an overview map, but I do not use it.

Mende Map

Its author is A. I. Mende. From 1849 to 1866, he supervised the work on creating a map in the central provinces of the Russian Empire. When creating this map, 40 surveyors and 8 officers of the Corps of Military Topographers worked. Its scale is 420 m in 1 cm. Very interesting map, but does not cover all European part Russia. It's a pity ... This is a boundary map with decent detail. Very similar to PGM.

PGM or General Survey Plan

The oldest of the maps presented here and, despite its age, is very accurate and detailed. The decree to create a general survey plan was given in 1796. Under Catherine the Great, mass land surveying began: the country's territory was divided into counties, and they were divided into dachas - plots of owners who had rights to these lands within certain boundaries. They were assigned numbers, and their decoding is given in the economic note, which was an addition to the plan for each province. The scale of the map is 1 or 2 versts in an inch, which is the usual 420 meters in 1 cm. When superimposed on modern map and when binding to satellites, you will encounter difficulty - the error is quite large. After all, this is not a map tied to coordinates, but just a plan. But enough detailed plan! From it you can get a lot of useful information for searching with a metal detector about the time the point appeared, its size at that time, the location of the street and houses, about roads and highways. Churches and church lands are marked, on which markets and fairs could be located, since these territories were not taxed. The map is very interesting and I use it. It is suitable as an overview map: look, think and go. I don't see the point in linking it. But to impose on modern satellite imagery still worth it! By the way, some sheets, due to their dilapidation, may not be well preserved and instead of places of interest you will see a hole.

Thus, we have just examined those cards that are mainly used by treasure hunters. There are also other cards, but about them sometime later.

Each map is good in its own way and brings certain benefits to the digger when planning places for digging and studying the history of his area. And you need to use the cards at the same time, mentally overlaying them on top of each other and comparing the terrain on the old and more new map. These cards are the history of our country.

Where can I download?

Yes, right here on this blog. I recently started uploading old maps. You can view and download them.

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Buyan-field - A flat, elevated place, open from all sides
Vzlobok - A small steep hill.
Veres - Juniper.
Volok (Drag) - Forest or forest clearing
Vspole - Edge of the field, pasture.
Vyselok (Vys.) - A small village, mostly owner-occupied, located near single-patrimonial villages.
Vyaschshiy - The largest, highest, high.
City (G.) - A fortified or walled village. Management status assigned to a volost, county or provincial in relation to other settlements.
Mane - An oblong hill covered with forest.
Village - A village without a church, whose inhabitants are predominantly peasants of various departments and live without a landowner.
Hand - Right hand.
Dresva - Coarse sand.
Zapan - Backwater or river bay.
Zasek (Zas.) - Defensive structure. It was a combination of forest dead fences, an earthen rampart and a moat with prisons and separate fortresses. The fortifications served as defensive lines, protecting against the raids of the Golden Horde, who systematically robbed and destroyed Russian cities and villages and drove the population into captivity, as well as to protect roads.
Zybun (Zyb.) - A bog, an impassable (dead) place.
Koshevnik - Firewood rafted down the river.
Cumulus sands (Kuch.) - Accumulations of loose sand around bushes and shrubs ... Height 30-50 cm, less often up to 1-2 m. In some places they consist of gravel. They usually form in areas with close groundwater - on salt marshes, on the coasts of lakes, seas and rivers.
Lyady meadow - Worthless, bad meadow.
Monastery, monastery (Mon.) - They make up various types of monastic hostels, of which the latter sometimes coincide in their meaning with graveyards or estates of a spiritual department.
Myza (m. or Myza) - If it is owner-occupied, then for the most part it is near one-patrimonial villages, or it has the meaning of a manor at a plant and a factory, if it belongs to persons of taxable estates.
Myanda - Pine.
Novina - Cleared, but not plowed land in the forest.
Dump (Rev.) - An embankment of waste rocks, slag, formed during the development of minerals.
Touchstone - Touchstone Vlad. wasteland, a place abandoned by the inhabitants; fallow, deposit. Obselok, Oblesye, Obselok or obselye, psk. hard. newly populated place, settlement, new settlements, settlements.
Oselye - Oselye is akin to the outskirts, the land around the village.
Perekop - Ditch.
Chaff - Weed
Pogost (Pogost or Pogost) - Has a church and a population consisting of clergy and clergy. The word churchyard comes from the word guest. The place where the merchants traded was called the churchyard. With the adoption of Christianity, churches began to be erected at churchyards. In 15-16 centuries. graveyards begin to die off, hence the word graveyard has a second meaning - a lonely standing church.
Podsek (Pod.) - A cleared place in the forest.
Disgrace - Review, look.
Midnight - North.
Posad (P. or Pos.) - The order of the huts or a number of houses. A settled settlement located outside a city or fortress.
Pochinok, village and farm (Poch.) - The same as a settlement. Farms, however, often have the meaning of estates due to their agricultural character. New settlements that appeared on the first uplifted site were called pochinkas. When one or two others appeared with the original courtyard in repair, it became a village.
Wasteland (Empty) - The village turned into a wasteland if there were no residential yards left in it and arable land was abandoned.
Settlement - A large village or settlement where there is more than one church.
Village (S.) - A village with a church, which has residents mainly from peasants of different departments.
Seltso (Sel.) - A village of an exclusively proprietary nature with a master's house and various owner-occupied institutions, or a village in which a landowner lives with peasants or several landowners. It may also have the name of a village that was formerly a village.
Sloboda, Forshtat (Slob.) - A village with more than one church, a settlement outside a city or fortress.
Terniye - Thorny bush
Manor (Us.) - They are of two kinds. The manors of the spiritual department are similar to churchyards in terms of the nature of the population. Owner's estates differ either in their agricultural character or as the location of landowners at a factory or factory
Shuytsa - Left hand.
Church land (CL) - Land allotment belonging to a church parish or monastery

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