Undeath - readme file. Necromancy in Tamriel Download online mod for Skyrim necromancy

It's a little strange that necromancy in the game has a bad reputation. You would think that there is nothing wrong with bringing a few dead people back to life, given the number of dead bodies from the Dragonborn expansion. The main task in this modification of "Undeath" or "Undead" from the author of Antioch08 will be the destruction of the society of necromancers.

In addition, by destroying them, you can continue this diabolical work. First of all, you will discover all the dark secrets of this society, and then you will begin to perform rituals to become a powerful Lich, who is subject to the army of the living dead. Which of these options did I choose? In fact of the matter! See the screenshot above? It's me.

(I want to warn you in advance: to play this mod, your character must be at least level 30. Moreover, the mod uses the resources of the Dawnguard and Dragonborn add-ons, so make sure you have them. You will need to upgrade the spell skill. In order to to enjoy the functions of the mod, you will need to have almost 300 magicka with you).

The mod starts with my character investigating the disappearance of a convoy of Stendarr's lookouts (these are those polite guys who roam around looking for troublemakers). After examining the bodies at the ambush site, I realized that the leader of the attackers was so kind that he even left a note with orders at the crime scene.

Downright typical of a secret organization that intends to hide its existence from the whole world. This clue led me to a humble castle where one particular necromancer left diaries detailing a ritual that would transform him into a powerful Lich. He sent his followers to get all the necessary things for the ritual.

One of these groups will be able to track down at the moment when the followers will take the priest's body from the grave to cut out the heart. At this point, I will be given a choice. I can rebury the priest, and they will set off, destroy evil plans. This option seems to be the most reasonable. Or I can finish the work of the followers, cut out the heart of the priest, thereby completing the mission of the necromancers, only without the necromancers, since by that time they will be dead.

I take the heart. Why not? After all, the hard work is done, and the priest is already dead. And I was serious when I talked about my growing interest in necromancy.

After chasing and massacring the next group of adherents, I discovered that they were preparing a strange potion at the top of the mountain. They did most of the work, plus the recipe is nearby. And again, I have the opportunity to knock over the bowler hat on the floor, thereby putting an end to malicious intent. But I can’t watch how someone wastes products in vain ... Moreover, all the ingredients are at hand. What the hell? The soup is ready!

In the end, I killed all the necromantic henchmen and did all the work for them. After all, they had no time, they all died in a mortal battle with me. Now I have all the necessary things of their leader. It remains to decide how to track down and kill the leader, thereby putting an end to his sinister plans. But do not forget about my plans.

I find the leader deep underground, in a huge system of ruins and tunnels. I clear my path of the remaining henchmen and skeletons, and then I kill the leader. If I were interested in preventing his evil plans, then at this point the plot should have ended. However, I do not enjoy the monotonous struggle with hooded weirdos. I'm going to be the Lich.

But it's not easy to become a Lich! The leader of the necromancers is dead, and before I can continue his work, I need to know for sure what he was up to. I read his notes, and rush around the dungeon in search of the right items. After all these items are in place, I find the Dark Book. It takes me to a strange dimension in the form of a library of apocrypha.

I won't go into details, but this dimension sucks (it still does in the Dragonborn expansion). You will have to run with only one torch in your hands (darkness literally deals damage). When you try to find and move an item to the right place, you will be attacked by one monster each time. It takes a long time, but I was able to complete the task and return to the real world.

After returning to Tamriel, I still have a lot of things to complete in order to become a Lich. I need some things and a modest place to perform the forbidden ritual. After that, it turns out that a ghostly trader named Broker has been following my career ascent all the time. She sends me the message by courier, and offers to visit her disgusting store. Here I can buy anything I want, including the underground shelter contract. It is there that I can calmly transform away from prying eyes.

Then you have to collect and craft things, combining it all with witchcraft. Following the convoluted instructions, I complete the potion and drop dead after drinking it. Oops! Missed something.

I re-read everything, tried again and voila. I am Lich.

After returning to the surface in human form, I come to the city of Solitude to unleash all evil against the townspeople. I transform into a Lich, floating in the air in the rays of dark magic. Everyone will tremble at the mere sight of my ugly shadow. All will perish by my bony hand. All the dead will rise from the dead to serve me. And suddenly, the courier comes up to me to convey the message.

Well… Not the most impressive spectacle of unspeakable evil that I spent 4 or 5 hours on. Still, after the confused courier appears in front of the Dread Lich, I can do whatever I want. For example, I can cast spells, terrorize the locals, blow them up with magic, and resurrect those who have fallen fighting for me.

Regardless of the level in the library, this mod is just great (and complex). There's probably a lot more content here that I haven't gotten to yet. In addition, in this fashion you have to read a lot: the correctness of actions depends on careful reading of diaries and books. Pick up all new books and diaries. Read them, take them with you. It's the only way to become a Lich like me.

Installation: Download the mod from here. To install the mod, I used the Nexus Mod manager, which I advise you to do as well. After all, I did not find installation instructions. The mod will not force you to complete one quest indefinitely. But in case you get stuck in a certain place, read the FAQ on this page.

Grim dungeons, stinking zombies with sewn-on arms, rotting flesh, and a soul sold to the Perfect Lords, what could be better for a real Necromancer. With this mod, you will be able to create and improve not-quite-living companions on a special Altar. Creating dead servants is not easy and you need a lot of detail and knowledge. There is also a separate Necromancy skill that determines which creatures you can reanimate.

List of creatures:

Skeleton- the simplest servant, which even a beginner of Necromancy can revive. First you need to find the right material - it's either a whole skeleton or the corpse of any person. In the second case, you need to bring the corpse to the Altar, but keep in mind that most of the inhabitants will not approve of this act, plus the body itself weighs indecently a lot. After the corpse is on the Altar, you need to cut off all excess flesh. Next, you can proceed to revitalization, this requires bone meal, nightshade and void salt (the latter can be replaced with a filled black soul stone). However, before reviving the skeleton, it can be strengthened with leather strips and scrap metal. A reinforced skeleton has more health and has a chance of being revived after death. Thus, the reanimated skeleton will be with you for the rest of its life. The skeleton cannot use magic or wear clothes other than rings and amulets. The skeleton's skills are the same as they were in life.

Zombie- can be reanimated by a student of Necromancy. The process of reanimation is the same as that of a skeleton, only without the removal of the flesh. Zombies use melee attacks and cannot wear clothes or use magic, but can wear a ring and an amulet. In addition, all zombies become infected with diseases and infect another person, even the player, with any contact. Resuscitation requires Namira's Rot, Nightshade, and Void Salt. Killed zombies can be reanimated using a special catgut thread to sew up damaged tissue.

Ghost- available for adherents of Necromancy. He is completely immune to normal weapons and only takes damage from magic, silver, daedric, or enchanted weapons. In battle, he uses cold magic and a special curse that reduces the regeneration of magicka and stamina. The Ritual of Revival requires Nightshade, Glowing Dust, and Void Salt. In order to keep a ghost, you must always keep the skull that was his in life.

trell- subject only to Necromancy experts. Thrall has all the martial and magical skills he had in life. The Resuscitation Ritual requires Vampire Ashes, Nightshade, and Void Salt.


When zombies or thralls die, their flesh condition decreases, depending on their age. In order to reanimate them, strips of leather, scrap metal and catgut threads will be required. However, the health of the flesh will decrease slightly depending on your Necromancy skill. If the health of the flesh is less than 0, then reanimation is impossible, and the only way out is to remove the flesh and revive the skeleton.


Thralls can be mummified before resuscitation begins. To do this, you need to put the body in a salt bath for 30 days, then wrap the body with a linen cloth. The process requires 5 salt and 5 linen fabrics. Mummification is only available to Necromancy experts, and grants +15% to all trall attributes. Mummified thralls are also more aggressive, confident, and have a distinct fighting style.

- Desecration of the Soul

By interacting with black soul stones and practicing necromancy, there is a chance to defile your soul. A player with a fouled soul is more vulnerable to disease, health and stamina regeneration, melee weapon effectiveness and eloquence are also reduced. Adepts of Necromancy are less susceptible to corruption.


The mod does not add any perks, but changes one. The Dark Souls perk gives a health bonus to all reanimated creatures. In addition, if you are a Necromancy master, they gain +20% magic resistance.

-Reaction to Necromancy

Most of the inhabitants of villages and cities have a negative attitude towards manifestations of necromancy. In particular, people don't like it when you're carrying a corpse and being followed by reanimated servants. Members of the college of Winterhold and the Dark Brotherhood, companions and other people with low morale will not pay any attention. After 1 day, the attitude towards you will be as before.

- Ruins of the Heavenly Temple

There is an altar in the location north of Winterhold, if you place a great soul stone there and use the soul capture spell, a black soul stone will appear. This can be done once every eight days.


After you raise your first dead, Arkay's blessing will no longer be available.

-Necromancer in college

A new character who sells supplies needed for rituals. Usually found in the Arcaneum.

--- Known bugs:

Unique thralls and mummies (For example: Astrid) will level up along with the player. But all bonuses from mummification will not work.
Unique mummies (Ulfric, Hadvar, etc.) have a "gray face" bug.
Skeletons can only use certain shields: iron (not heavy) and domain shields (Whiterun, Stormcloaks, etc.).
Sometimes a corpse placed on the Altar can take funny poses and make sounds of death.
Sometimes, for unknown reasons, satellites can fight each other.

Not compatible with any mod that adds or modifies the soul capture spell, modifies scrolls/staves of resurrection. Other minor incompatibilities include draug dialogue and Arkay's shrine.

Skyre - you need to disable the option "Alternate Perk" in the MSM menu.


The lair of the necromancer is located under the College of Winterhold, in the location Midden - Darkness. You have two options: follow the path of the necromancer and sell your soul to the Ideal Lords, or report to Tolfdir about the lair and complete the quest to find the necromancer.

Dead Thrall

The temporary spell is no match, because some time after the resurrection, your faithful corpses will forever turn into ashes, but thralls will not. The right choice of one or two thralls can be a great help for long hours of your wanderings in various parts of the province.

P receiving a spell

First you need to improve your skill Affliction up to level 90 . To do this, visit the ancient Nordic and Dwemer reserves as often as possible and focus on the school of Witchcraft. Free Tip for the Lazy: Spell Soul Capture your horse also pumps this skill.

Then find a professional sorcerer Finis Gestor at the College of Winterhold and complete his quest to find a volume of ritual spell , which he will give you as soon as you cope with the previous paragraph of the program. This quest does not turn off the marker, unlike the quest with the search for spells of a similar level in the school of Destruction, so it is not so difficult to complete it. As a result, the sorcerer will have a volume on sale Dead Thrall, and you will become the proud owner of this spell.


Numerous camps of militant natives of the Reach are an indispensable source of strong and durable warriors for many necromancers. Ordinary outcasts have the following gradation by levels:

  • Level 1 = Outcast , Outcast shaman
  • Level 6 = Rogue hunter
  • Level 14 = Outcast earner
  • Level 24 = Outcast robber
  • Level 34 = Outcast Ravager
  • Level 46 = Rogue Warlord (Need the Necromage perk)
  • Level 7-51 = Outcast Heatherheart (a level 51 outcast cannot be resurrected, but can be obtained from a similar level 38 outcast, see the example of the Volkihar master vampire in useful tips)

Outcast Warriors always use two swords in an attack, while doing a lot of damage and not blocking the opponent's attacks.

Outcast Mages call on ice atronachs to help and throw ice spears at the enemy.

Outcast Archers use a bow for shooting, which can be improved on a grinder almost twice if you have studied the perk steel armor in skill Blacksmith .

All Forsworn can be equipped with any other Forsworn armor. They can be upgraded at the forge without using any perks. If you raise two outcasts of the same type, then you can easily distinguish one from the other with the help of tattoos on the face or hairstyles.


Another great source for your dark necromantic experiments is vampires. They do not shine with a variety of combat tactics, and are also very vulnerable to fire, but their strength is great. Vampires have the following gradation by levels:

  • Level 1 = Vampire Apprentice
  • Level 6 = Vampire
  • Level 12 = Blood vampire
  • Level 20 = Vampire Shadow Guide
  • Level 28 = vampire night hunter
  • Level 38 = Ancient Vampire
  • Level 48 = Volkihar Vampire (Need the Necromage perk)
  • Level 14-42 = Master Vampire ( Need Necromage perk if vampire level is over 40)
  • Level 53 = Volkihar Master Vampire (it is impossible to resurrect, but you can get it, about it in useful tips)

At unique trails

Ulfric Stormcloak

Ulfric Stormcloak - Jarl of Windhelm and the leader of the rebellion, being a thrall, can use shouts.
You can get the coveted corpse at the end of the civil war storyline for the Imperial Legion.


Orkendor- A powerful magician who leads the possessed in the Dwemer fortress of Batardamz will be able to teleport.
He is the main target in the quest of the Daedric Plague Prince, Peryite.


Cicero- the guardian of the Night Mother in the Dark Brotherhood and a skilled killer in the form of a jester, will sometimes dance.
Cicero can be killed during the passage of the Dark Brotherhood storyline.

Unfortunately, many important opponents have the same level as the player by default, so after level 50 they will not be able to be resurrected.


If your companion (alive) dies and his level is less than 50, then you can resurrect him as a thrall, but after moving to a new territory, he will change the equipment to the one that he had by default.

Helpful Hints

  • The maximum level of a humanoid that can be resurrected using the Dead Thrall spell is 40 by default. Necromage in the school of restoration, which gives 25% effectiveness to all spells against the undead, this level rises to 50.
  • Dead thralls progress in level with the player. This means that after a certain level, you can only resurrect level-limited humanoids.
  • Thralls do not turn to ash upon death. Don't raise them again with a normal resurrect undead spell unless you want to see a mound of bluish ash where the thralls were in a couple of minutes.
  • You can use dead thralls as unlimited storage for your items, but you only have access to their inventory when they are, pardon the pun, dead. But, after the exchange of equipment, you can resurrect them again.
  • To put a thrall to rest without any problems, use elemental cloak spells, for example, Fire Cloak .
  • Resurrect two frost mages, give your companion the Rose of Sanguine, and you will become the proud owner of a whole small army: you + your ally + Dremora + two thralls + two frost atronachs + your horse (if you have one, of course).
  • Dead thralls are armed with whatever equipment you place in their body before resurrecting (this requires moving to a new territory). Unfortunately, with the exception of shields and weapons, this equipment must be exactly the one in which they died. That is, you can remove the armor put on it from the corpse, improve it in the forge and put it back on, but you cannot put on any other armor of the same or another type. Outcast thralls can wear any outcast armor, not just the one in which they found their death the first time.
  • If you are level 53, you can upgrade your level 42 Vampire Thrall to a level 53 Volkihar Vampire. To do this, you need to surrender to the authorities for illegal entry into someone else's home. When you move to another location, your trell will level up. But you will no longer be able to resurrect the Volkihar vampire after his death.
  • To store inactive corpses, use places like the Rampant Flask and the archmage's quarters. During the course of the main story, your house will be attacked one day and all the corpses stored there will disappear.

Mod from the old AML

Necromancers can be evil and at the expense of their servants satisfy their dark curiosity or work to improve the human. They can create an army of the undead, or simply study the nature of the undead. They can hide in their hideouts or live in the city.
In our difficult time, when dark art is avoided. But it still lives in caves, ruins of different provinces. Our research is hidden from the world because of fanatics from the Mages Guild.

First you need to purchase your hardware. Expensive knives are very rare and easy to find in Necromancer hideouts. But you can use a regular dagger or knife.
You will also need a journal where you will enter all your discoveries and adjust your bloodlust
If you have not signed a blood contract, you need to purchase armor or a mantle with a moon sign. Otherwise you will be attacked by other necromancers.
To build your lair, you will need an urn.
So, having bought or obtained the above items, you are ready to start a new life as a necromancer.

First you need to learn the skill of butchering corpses. Whether it's a Khajiit, Imperial, Nord corpse, rotting or fresh. Doesn't matter.
Take a knife in your hand and start dismembering with smooth movements. In the process, depending on your skills, you will cut out ribs, pelvis, bones and flesh.
With more expensive knives, whole parts of a corpse can be cut out. But a more experienced necromancer is able to wield a rusty knife. But still, expensive (silver and Daedric) knives have an advantage.
Once the main parts are cut out, separate the skull and heart. After cutting out valuable, in your opinion, parts of the remains can be disposed of.
Remember that there will be many mistakes in your first operations. But don't despair, everything comes with practice.

Another very important skill is bloodlust. This is the main engine of the necromancers' actions. Some describe it as a desire to destroy everything, while others describe it as arousal. In any case, bloodthirstiness increases from various bloody deeds and actions.
Bloodlust can be increased by dismembering corpses, in combat, or by watching your creatures fight. It can be used to create or improve your servants, create a lair, feed devices in a lair, or spray infections.
Stronger necromancers can use their bloodlust to heal their creatures, summon avatars of necromancers, or summon the undead through special spells.
Experienced necromancers notice that some creatures generate bloodthirst more quickly, and some items are able to retain bloodthirst. As soon as you gain experience, you will understand everything yourself.

And finally, the most important skill is the creation of minions - servants.
First you need an altar. You can create your own (read how to create it in the next chapter) or use the one already available in the lairs. Beginners are advised to start with a simple one - the skeleton. Once you have collected the right amount of material (five or six bones and one skull), the magic of the altar will saturate the skeleton, take away some of your bloodthirstiness, the bones of the skeleton will connect and the skeleton will come to life.
He will immediately attack all uninvited guests. But you and your friends will not be touched. By touching him, you can give him any order.
You can order him to follow you or return to the altar. You can destroy and reuse his bones. But if there is a leader or an improved creature of this type, then you can order the skeleton to follow the leader. Can be resurrected with bloodthirst and half the cost of materials when destroyed.
Skeletons are unique in that they can be upgraded to an archer or a brute, but either way it will cost more to upgrade. But an improved type of skeleton will deal more damage and increase resistance. Just like a skeleton, any created creature can be improved.
Improved creatures have their advantages. For example, a skeleton sentry can use both a bow and a sword in battle.

Once you've mastered the skills, you'll want to create your own lair to enhance your abilities.
To create undead you will need an altar. But since a foreign altar limits you in the number of servants, many necromancers want to create their own lair. But this has its own unfortunate consequences. As you become famous, other necromancers will start joining you and your area of ​​operations will expand.
You can turn any place into a lair. But it is recommended to create near the source of the victims. Many necromancers create lairs near cities.
To control your undead, you must first build an altar. After that, you can start building other objects. Please note that if there is a direct connection with the altar, then when controlling the undead or defending, it is not necessary to always be near the altar.
So, put the urn of the necromancer on the ground where the altar will stand. After choosing a position, touch it and the urn will start working with the required amount of bloodthirst. After that, you can pick up the urn for reuse.
After that, protective barriers will be created that will scare away the former owners of this place. That is, with the creation of the altar, the right of the necromancer to this location and all objects in it will be fixed. The protective barrier affects all funny areas around the altar
After creating the lair, you can build other objects. Read more about them in the last chapter of the book. But the most important is a simple coffin. It is needed to create, resurrect the undead and serves as a kind of energy storage. The more servants, the more coffins needed.

Now you have become a real necromancer and your life has changed dramatically. People will treat you differently. Most of this is negative and old friends turn away from you. But still you will find new friends and like-minded people. At first, few people will join you, and if there are such, then only for a while. But in the end, research progresses faster in the group.
Your experience will increase with the growth of the lair, the improvement of creatures and the dismemberment of corpses. There will also be like-minded people who will live in your lair.
Having reached a certain level of necromancy (lvl 50), you can build a beacon to invite other necromancers.
But all this can attract the attention of the Mages Guild. Don't be surprised if, after a week of working with corpses, you find that your lair is being stormed by a horde of mages. Beginners - necromancers do not need to worry. With the growth of your abilities, the guild of magicians will watch you more and more closely and turn to the legion for help

Skeletons - the cheapest creature is a skeleton. They have bloodlust regeneration, fast attacks, and can use bows and swords. But they arrive on the battlefield last and walk on their own. But living skeletons will still come back to you. The maximum upgrade level is a sentry using enchanted bows and swords.

Skeleton: 4 bones, 1 human skull.

Skeleton Brute/Archer: 6 bones.

Skeleton Guard: 9 bones.

Skeleton Hero: 15 bones

Skeleton Champion: 20 bones

Skeleton - Sentry: 25 bones.

Zombie - This is a stronger, but expensive servant. With their disgusting appearance, zombies inspire horror. They require bone and flesh to create. The simplest zombie will fall apart, but can be easily upgraded. More advanced types of zombies have regeneration, and an ancient zombie can infect victims with diseases. When bloodthirsty, all infected victims will turn into fresh zombies. Since one ancient zombie in a minute can turn a crowd of people into malleable zombies.

Rotten Zombie: 3 bones, 5 pieces of skin, human heart.

Unfinished Zombie: 5 bones, 7 pieces of skin, human skull.

Zombie: 6 bones, 14 pieces of leather.

Terrible Zombie: 8 bones, 17 pieces of leather.

Ancient Zombie: 11 bones, 22 pieces of leather.

Flesh Atronachs - These are huge creatures twice the height of an ordinary person. They are believed to have come from the Mundus Plan. They do a lot of damage, but also require two coffins. The most powerful frost atronachs can hit up to three enemies. But because of their height, they will not go to a location with low ceilings

Flesh Atronach: 15 pieces of skin, human heart.

Flesh Titan: 30 pieces of leather.

Flesh Colossus: 40 pieces of leather.

Flesh Leviathan: 50 pieces of leather.

Chaos - These are scary bone monsters that cause huge damage. Although they do not have additional skills, they are able to see the invisible. But due to the huge size, two coffins are required. As you improve, new abilities will appear.

Weak mess: 20 bones.

Chaos: 30 bones and a human skull.

Improved Chaos: 50 bones.

Beagle - This hound is relatively cheap and effective in combat. Its speed gives it an edge when trapping prey. Because of its structure, you can experiment with its abilities.

Skinned Hound - the simplest type of hound: 3 bones, 3 pieces of leather, wolf skin.

Hound of Hell- Hellhounds are able to deal fire damage to enemies: 15 pieces of leather, 3 fire salts.

Hound - demon - these hounds are strong, fast and pony-sized: 25 pieces of leather.

Blood Hound - although they are not as powerful as their counterparts, they suck out the vitality of enemies in battle. This is why many necromancers prefer this type: 15 pieces of leather, 3 vampire dust

Soul Hound- This type is filled with dark energy. Willingly sacrifice their power when severely wounded: 15 pieces of leather, black soul gem

Lair construction
Building a lair is a very troublesome task. A good lair gives the necromancer a safe haven, manage items, maintain various devices in good condition, summon allies and create his army of the undead. Below is a list of devices that can be found in a good den.

Evil Altar
This is the heart of any lair. Without it, it is impossible to build other objects. It is needed to control the defense of the lair, meet necromancers and creatures, set up protective barriers (10 bloodthirst)

Coffins are needed to create servants. The simplest coffin gives one creation. The more coffins, the more servants you can create. And therefore, experienced necromancers invest all their resources in improving coffins (7 bloodlust)

Bloodlust is one of the most important features of a necromancer's life. The Bloodletter allows you to turn bone and flesh into bloodthirst. Regenerating a large number of bloodthirst requires great skill. Some necromancers donate entire rooms to blood farms. (10 bloodthirst)

The opposite is the pods. They turn bloodlust into bone and flesh. A little patience combined with blood and space can accumulate a lot of resources. So there will be no need to hunt for bones and flesh. (10 bloodthirst)

Needed to summon other necromancers. But with an insufficient level of necromancy (50+ lvl), no one will respond to the call. Distance from necromancers is also an important factor. If you need bones and flesh, then you can use the beacon as a call for magicians from the guild. (15 Bloodthirst)

Blood Protection
As you grow, you will need protection. Blood Guards are Daedric in design and can shoot fireballs and bolts at enemies. They can also manipulate the minds of opponents, forcing them to attack each other. But such protection is very expensive and requires a lot of bloodlust. (7 bloodthirst)

A useful device that heals wounded necromancers and creatures at the expense of bloodlust. With him you can survive with a handful of like-minded people against an entire army (10 bloodlust)

Bag of bones
Flesh and bones can be stored in these bags. Although all containers can be safely stored in a lair, they are very inconvenient. (2 Bloodthirst)

sleeping bed
On it, the necromancer can comfortably rest from the righteous there. (2 Bloodthirst)

Mod Features
- you can collect corpses
- plunder the graves of Cyrodiil
- manage bloodthirstiness - an invariable attribute of necromancy
- create altars to create your servants - undead
- 5 types of undead: Skeletons, Zombies, Hounds, Flesh Atronachs and Chaos
- you can upgrade skeletons for melee or ranged combat
- give hounds unique abilities
- the latest types of zombies have regeneration
- new abilities: zombie infection, summoning a skeleton avatar, creating hounds for your protection
- you can create leaders that your servants will follow - undead
- you can build your lair with resources, an altar and other fittings
- you can join a group of necromancers, put on a robe and live in any cave or fort in Cyrodiil
- in fashion there is a system of fame. The more people know about you. the more problems you have
- earning the trust of necromancers and they will become your followers
- mod gives complete freedom of action. No quests or big pop-up messages. Just install the mod and decide for yourself what you want. Join a group of necromancers or create your own lair
- by clearing any cave you can turn it into your lair
- as soon as you "stake out" a cave, then the respawn of enemies is turned off in it
- in your lair you can set up protective barriers and traps
- as soon as you become famous, other necromancers will join you
- in the book "Moonlight" written instructions for fashion

May the moonlight light your way!!!

Oblivion and all DLCs

Now available on Nintendo Switch and VR, these are at least two reasons to try the Vampire Necromage build, which is one of the strongest builds in the game. In this guide you will find how to become a Necromage Vampire in Skyrim.

How to become a Vampire Lord in Skyrim

Being a vampire in Skyrim has both pros and cons. Of course, everyone will hate you, and going out in the sun is a serious health hazard. But the benefits will help you a lot in stealth.

First you must become a vampire. You can contract the disease called Sanguinare Vampiris, be attacked by a vampire, or be exposed to a vampire weapon. If you are a werewolf, you will be immune. Hircine's Ring will also give immunity.

Sanguinare Vampiris can be cured during the incubation period with a Cure Disease Potion. In addition, you can pray at the altar or ask the Watcher Stendarr. But if you do not take any action within 72 hours in the game, the transformation into a vampire will be completed.

Get Necromage Perks

First of all, take the Necromage perk in the Restoration branch. Then continue building with the perks we've listed below.

Important! Do not take any of the following perks until you become a vampire. Otherwise, you will not receive related bonuses.

When you become a vampire, take as many of these perks as you can:

  • Atronach (Atronach);
  • Atronach Stone (The Atronach Stone);
  • Dead Thrall;
  • Dragon skin (Dragon skin);
  • Double flurry (Dual Flurry);
  • Patch pockets (Extra Pockets);
  • Fists of Steel (Fists of Steel);
  • Invisibility;
  • Stone of the Lord (The Lord Stone);
  • Magic Resistance;
  • Muffle steps (Muffle);
  • Powerful shot (Power Shot);
  • Quick shooting (Quick Shot);
  • Recovery (Recovery);
  • Ritual Stone (The Ritual Stone);
  • The Steed Stone;
  • Protective spells (Shielding spells);
  • Snake blood (Snakeblood);
  • Strong hand (Steady Hand);
  • Wings of the Wind (Wind Walker).

Playing as a Necromage Vampire

Once you become a full-fledged vampire, you will be immune to disease and poison and will be very resistant to frost. In addition, you will be 25% harder to spot when sneaking. But that is not all.

As a vampire, your character will be defined as an undead in the game, so you can take full advantage of the Necromage in the Restoration skill tree. This perk increases the effectiveness of all spells and effects against the undead.

Spells, effects, and equipped upgrades will be increased by 25%. In addition, they will last longer by 50%. Be sure to take advantage of this. You will be able to increase the skill of Alchemy (Fortify Alchemy) by more than 29%.

Other guides

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