Simple ways to memorize lights out. How to memorize playing cards - practical psychology

Let's talk about the development of visual memory, I think that it makes no sense to describe all the advantages that the development of such an ability can give. Anyone who has wondered at least once how to win at cards will be able to say that with a developed visual memory it becomes much easier, win any card game .

First and foremost, one should understand the fact that it is necessary to train visual memory every day. And before, whatever - be, the results will become noticeable, a certain time must pass. Therefore, at first it is very important to show perseverance and consistency in the exercises, and not give up.

training and exercises for the development of visual memory

There is nothing difficult or unusual in this process of training and exercise.

It all starts with simple things and gradually moves on to more complex and complex exercises.

The time that you are going to devote to the development of visual memory should also be increased gradually. Let's say from one minute (per exercise) during the first week to five minutes at the end of the month.

Even with a strong desire and determination to engage in the development of visual memory, in order to start winning at cards as quickly as possible, you should not immediately force events. A lot of hourly classes or overly voluminous tasks that you can set for yourself are more likely to give a negative result and do not accelerate the process of developing such an ability as visual memory... There will be rapid fatigability, scattered attention, or even completely bored.

In this type of exercise (self-study), the triangle rule should be followed. The faster you climb to the top, the less consistent you will get.

Conversely, the more time you spend to achieve your goal (in our case, the answer to the question how to win at cards using visual memory), the more solid foundation you lay. And your developed ability ( visual memory) will be much more stable.

Exercise one.

You will need a deck of 36 cards.

We lay out four cards in front of us. In most card games, trick is played by four (for a pair or each for himself), therefore a trick consists of four cards. In this exercise, we will only memorize the suit (choose any).

The practical application is such that card games usually contain a trump suit and sometimes information about those trump cards that have not yet been played and are in the hands of opponents can be very useful.

The time it takes to memorize playing cards, will have to determine each for himself based on his capabilities.

Let's say you can start with ten seconds for each conditional trick (four cards).

The task in this exercise is development of visual memory simple. Remember in which of the nine conditional tricks the cards of your chosen suit came across, and how many of them were in each trick.

Exercise two.

The purpose and essence of the exercise is the same as in the first case. Only instead of one suit, you should memorize the color of playing cards. For example, Tambourine and hearts or clubs and spades.

Exercise three.

Remember the falling out of curly cards in a red suit and the falling out of playing cards from ten or lower in a black suit. It is possible and necessary to change the selected suits.

For example: the third trick is the king of hearts, Jack of Diamonds, eight clubs, six spades.

Hence, two and two cards.

Exercise four.

Remember each card regardless of its value or suit.

At the initial stage (up to about two weeks), you can name the dropped cards immediately after you turn them over. When you feel confident, you can divide into groups of three tricks and call - (read, memorize) in turn for each of the three inverted tricks. At the end of the first month, subject to constant exercise on development of visual memory you will be able to memorize all (3 x 9) thirty six playing cards. After a month of exercises, when the result is already quite obvious, you can certainly rejoice from the heart, but it is very important not to stop there.

1. Add two more cards to the exercises (6 x 6 = 36).

2. We reduce the time of memorizing cards to five seconds.

3. We use a deck of 52 playing cards.

And in conclusion, a little advice to help. Do not try to keep the image of the whole map in your head (although it may be easier this way). Train yourself to fix your attention on the corner of the card, where there is only value and suit. This habit will save you the discomfort when playing with someone else's deck of cards.

A few more letters to motivate the development of visual memory

In six months of daily exercise, you can achieve memorization of all the cards from the complete (52 cards) deck. Proven in practice. The cards that come out of the game will stand before your eyes like a multiplication table. And then calculating a strategy in any card game regardless of its rules will become simple to disgrace)).

Memory in everyday life
> How to memorize the sequence of playing cards

Professional mnemonists often amaze the public by the fact that they can memorize a whole deck of cards in the order in which it was presented to them. With a little preparation, you can do this too. You can easily memorize the cards leaving the game, you can also demonstrate to your friends (for example, for a bet!) The various wonders of memorizing cards: memorize their sequence or name those cards from the deck that were not shown to you. You can come up with specific "tricks" for over-memorization yourself. Using the system described below, you can do it easily!

How can this be achieved? First of all, you need to firmly grasp the correspondence between the name of the cards and the words. special auxiliary list. Further, for brevity, we will call it BC. The words of the auxiliary list have a certain structure and, like the words of the already well-known verbal-numerical list, are to some extent self-coding, which greatly facilitates their recollection. Thus, it is much easier to remember the correspondence between the name of the playing cards and the words BC than if these were ordinary, not specially constructed words.

So, we have four suits - spades, clubs, diamonds and hearts. Each suit contains 13 cards. First, let's discuss the so-called "non-pictures", which are the majority. VS words for memorization peak will start with the letter " P", clubs- With " T", words to memorize tambourine will start with " B", a worms With " H". That is, the first letter of the words denoting cards will always be the first letter of the name of the corresponding suit. The second consonant letter in these words will be the letter corresponding to their meaning (two, three, nine ...) from the PPM.

"Again the pulp and paper mill ?!" - you say. "Yes, again", - I answer imperturbably, but I warned that if you want to learn to memorize quickly, then you should know the alphanumeric code a little better than the multiplication table for a number. " 2 ". According to this system, words are compiled for all cards - not" pictures ", including aces, for which letters are used that correspond to the PPM number" 1 " (that is " G" and " F"). For the second letter of ten, letters are used that correspond to zero according to the PPM (that is," N" and " M").

Take the nine tambourine as an example. The corresponding word must begin with a letter " B"(tambourines), and the second consonant in this word should be" R" or " C"(these letters correspond to the number" 9 We can easily find words that satisfy these requirements: bar, badger, boatswain, Pinocchio. I chose from these words for the sun the word “Buratino”, which, in my opinion, is the most graphic-figurative, convenient for further memorization. for your aircraft you can choose (pick up) any other that seems more successful to you.

Auxiliary words for jacks, queens and kings(the so-called "pictures") compiled several in a different way(since there are only 10 numbers, and there are 13 cards in each suit). In these words, the first consonants of all jacks are " V", ladies -" D"and the kings -" TO". The second consonant letters correspond to the first letter in the name of the suit - "P", "T", "B", "H"... For example, the word for king of spades must begin with the letter " TO"(king), the second consonant in this word must be a letter" P"(peaks).

These requirements are met by the words "cap", "drop", "hood". This will become much clearer if you take a close look at the auxiliary word list. Only at first glance, everything seems so confusing and incomprehensible. It is worth spending a little time and delving into the principle of making a list, and it will serve you faithfully for a long time. If the principle of making this list, in spite of everything, seems too complicated to you - your right to come up with your own auxiliary list for memorizing playing cards.

Auxiliary word list for memorizing playing cards

1 (Ace)- button
2 - heel
3 - Spider
4 - stove
5 - navel
6 - bullet
7 - letter
8 - peacock
9 - glove
10 - lipstick
V- bakery products
D- hollow
TO- cap

1 (Ace)
- Tiger
2 - aunt
3 - current
4 - cloud
5 - slippers
6 - telephone
7 - pelvis
8 - shoe
9 - grater
10 - tunnel
V- cotton wool
D- children
TO- whale

1 (Ace)
- God
2 - bottle
3 - bouquet
4 - barrel
5 - butterfly
6 - tower
7 - beads
8 - tusk
9 - Pinocchio
10 - bow
V- vobla
D- baton
TO- cobra

1 (Ace)
- siskin
2 - rosary
3 - receipt
4 - stuffed animal
5 - crisps
6 - a cup
7 - clock
8 - chifir
9 - worm
10 - suitcase
V- voucher
D- game
TO- swing

(Think of the words for jokers yourself, you can take any two words, or for better memorization, think of any two words starting with a letter " F"since this is the brightest letter in this word, besides" D"already used for encoding ladies.) Due to the fact that the conditions for composing words were quite strict, not all words in the list are specific, visual-figurative, that is, convenient for memorization.

Therefore, in order to more effectively use this list, it is advisable to replace them with more specific words, when pronouncing which a vivid image arises, while, just in case, it is important to remember the principle of change. For example, the word "baked goods" (jack of spades). In Russian, it is quite problematic to find a word, a noun in which the first consonant would be " V"and the second one is" P".

The word "baking" itself is quite abstract, so it must be replaced with some specific, some specific type of baking, but so that the final word does not fit the parameters of any other card (for example, the words "cake" and "pie" will not work). The word "eclair" is perfect. Or, for example, for the jack of hearts, it was necessary to compose a word in which the first letter would be required " V", and second - " H".

Except for "evening" and "voucher" it is unlikely that anything will do. But "evening" is a too abstract word, and many of us have bad associations with "voucher" - it is also possible not to remember, therefore it is better to take "evening" and replace it with something concrete associated with evening, for example, "moon" or "star", etc. You can use the word "sheep", because " V"it is not the first letter, but the first consonant, which meets our requirements.

Finding a suitable word for the eight of worms was also not easy, the first letter in it must be mandatory " H"and the second one is" V" or " F". Only the slang word" dude "or" chifir "(colloquial designation of very strong tea) is suitable, so it can also be replaced, for example, with the word" tea "or" tea leaves ".

It would be better if you rewrite the auxiliary word list for yourself again, making the necessary changes, firstly, all the "non-specific" words (for example, "children", "game"), and secondly, you can also replace many words with others that you like better, for example, for tens of peaks, not only "lipstick" is suitable, but also "tomato", "pony", etc. Make sure that your list does not include words that are close in image that can be remembered confuse, for example, "shoe" and "boot" or "beer" and "bottle".

Check how you learned the auxiliary word list for memorizing playing cards. If for some reason you made a lot of mistakes, work on memorizing it yet, do not forget that the list is, as it were, self-coding, and at first, while the BC has not yet been mastered as a multiplication table, often the very knowledge of how the principle is composed of a word, allows you to quickly remember it. A solid knowledge of this list is a prerequisite for successfully memorizing cards. Now let's move on directly to how to remember the sequence of playing cards.

In order to memorize the cards leaving the game, it is necessary to mentally place the corresponding objects in a well-known room ( see Cicero's method). It is even better to place items sequentially right in the room in which the game of cards is taking place, unless, of course, the game is taking place in the open air. (By "place" I mean linking with associations as you did in Exercise # 1-3.)

Then, to remember, you will not even have to strain to remember the room - you just need to look around and "count" the cards that came out from the objects around you. In fact, objects can be placed not only in places in the room, they can be "attached", using an associative connection, to anything. The main thing is to have around you a sufficient number of "hooks" and in advance, before the game, decide which of them you will use.

As places, you can use not only the places themselves, as you did before when you tried to memorize words and numbers using the Cicero method. You can "use" your playmates. This is a very efficient way. It is also good in that you will be able to remember not only which cards left the game, but also which of your partners in the game laid out which cards, which can tell a lot to an experienced card player; This data can be especially valuable at the end of the game, because there are so many conclusions about what the player can still have in his hands.

I would also advise less experienced players to memorize in this way, since it helps to turn into an experienced one in a much shorter period of time. Now I will explain how you can use to memorize the cards of your partners in the game. You need to associate the items of your auxiliary list with the parts of the body of each of the parterres (not forgetting your loved one too). The list of places here, just like in the room, must be decided in advance.

The first place can be the head, then successively the left and right ear, eyes, nose, lips, neck, shoulders (left and right), arms, stomach - there are already 13 possible places for placing objects. In total, more than 20 objects can be placed on one person, if desired. So, suppose your first partner puts a seven of clubs - in the BC it corresponds to the word "pelvis". You imagine that this person has a pelvis on his head, or maybe he is wearing his head (do not forget about the method of compassion - imagine that you knock on this pelvis and hear a characteristic sound ...).

The next person puts a six tambourine, and you can imagine how a tower, for example the Moscow Kremlin or Pisa, if you like. The third one puts a nine of clubs - it corresponds to the word "grater" - you place grater on the head of the third player, and through the holes of this grater you pull strands of his hair, if, of course, he has them; if there is nothing to drag through, think of what else you could do to tie the grater to a specific crown.

After all, as you already know, the implementation of any action with an object significantly helps memorization. Suppose the next card is a queen of diamonds, and the first player puts it again. You can imagine that from the left (for you) his ear is sticking out club- police or one that was used in ancient times as a weapon - you decide. If the next card is the king of clubs, then you can imagine that on the auricle of the second player is floating whale and throws streams of water pouring into the ear of the unfortunate owner of this king. And the third has arrows sticking out of his ear hours(seven of hearts), to feel that he might be tickled.

Thus, you can place all the objects corresponding to the cards leaving the game, linking them to the body parts of the players, using the features of their appearance, applying methods of revitalization and compassion. More imagination and ingenuity, and you are guaranteed success! For example, if you need to associate the word "chips" (five of worms) and the nose of someone from your partners, you can imagine how he inhales the small crumbs that usually remain from chips and sneezes loudly. At the right time, it will be enough for you to just "examine" the player and remember (or just see, if you have a well-developed visual ability), which objects you associated with him.

It is possible not to attach each auxiliary word to a certain place, but to associate with certain players only the first words corresponding to the first cards laid out by them. Then just make up several associative stories corresponding to the order of cards laid out by each player, using method of successive associations. Try different methods of memorizing the cards and decide which one is more convenient for you.

By the way, the method of placing cards around the room is also very effective (if you just need to remember cards leaving the game, without their belonging to this or that player), and I mentioned it in passing only because it practically does not differ from the memorization method by Cicero's method. which we have already discussed in detail in the previous chapters. The only difference is that you place the words of your auxiliary list.

Placing sun items around the room will also be effective when you want to surprise someone with the wonders of your memory and remember the sequence of the deck of cards presented to you. This trick looks very impressive when the cards are called to you by ear, and you, without haste, look around and "hang" them on the "hooks" in your field of vision. You can also answer orally, or you can arrange a deck of cards in the right order - your "examiners" and the audience will be surprised in any case.

Another way to memorize the sequence of cards in the deck is to associate each word corresponding to the card with a word well (I hope!) Of the word-number list you know well (remember, you made and memorized it in the chapter on the number-letter code) ... The first card (that is, an item corresponding to it) with the first word of the list, the second with the second, etc.

For example, if the first card in the deck offered to you for memorization is a dozen of diamonds (the word "bow" in the auxiliary list), then I associate it with the first word of my alphanumeric list, the word "hedgehog", and imagine that on each thorn in the hedgehog is tied in a bow. If the second card in the deck is a six of spades ("bullet"), then I need to associate it with the second word of the alphanumeric list ("poison"). I imagine a bullet filled with poison ...

The thirty-sixth card of a memorized deck, for example, a four of diamonds ("barrel"), I associate with the 36th word of my verbal-numerical list, the word "cat", I imagine a cat that cannot get out of the barrel, and so on. Acting in this way, you can even easily name the serial number of a card chosen by someone at random from a memorable deck or name the corresponding card by the ordered serial number.

In this case, the audience is usually speechless. And you can easily use your "phenomenal ability" for your own purposes, for example, to win a large sum of money or in some other way, come up with it yourself (for example, bet on a desire). You may not immediately show the appearance that you know how to do this, but offer to compete in who will remember more cards from the deck with their serial numbers and make fewer mistakes and ... "accidentally" win.

And for those who like to peep into other people's cards, the ability to memorize the sequence of cards can come in handy so that, having seen the cards once (well, if the opportunity presents itself!), Remember them right away and not wait for such an opportunity to present itself again. In a word, there are many options. Victory in any case will be yours! Just please do not argue for a very large amount without practicing at least a few times.

*** Exercise 56.

Here is a "shuffled" deck of cards. Try to memorize the sequence of the cards included in it. You can memorize only the order of the cards, using your VS and Cicero's method for this, and if you have a desire, try to memorize it along with the serial numbers of the cards. For this, in addition to the VS, knowledge of the verbal-numerical list is also necessary.

1. 2 -club
2. 4 -peak
3. 9 -club
4. TO-tambourine
5. T-peak
6. 6 -heart
7. 10 -heart
8. V-club
9. T-tambourine
10. 7 -peak
11. 3 -heart
12. D-tambourine
13. 10 -club
14. D jockey

15. 7 -heart
16. TO-peak
17. V-heart
18. 2 -tambourine
19. 5 -peak
20. 4 -club
21. 5 -tambourine
22. T-heart
23. D-club
24. 2 -peak
25. 6 -peak
26. 8 -heart
27. 8 -tambourine
28. V-tambourine

29. 2 -heart
30. 9 -peak
31. 10 -peak
32. 3 -tambourine
33. T-club
34. D-heart
35. Joker
36. V-peak
37. AND-heart
38. 9 -heart
39. 6 -club
40. TO-club
41. 7 -tambourine
42. 5 -heart

43. 10 -tambourine
44. D-peak
45. 3 -club
46. 8 -peak
47. 9 -tambourine
48. 5 -club
49. 8 -club
50. 4 -tambourine
51. V-heart
52. 7 -club
53. 3 -peak
54. 6 -tambourine

In the application you will find several already "shuffled" decks of cards. You can try to memorize them in the ways described above.

To the previous |

Why do you need to memorize cards? Memorizing the cards gives you a huge advantage. Especially at the end of the game, for example, in the same "Fool", when your opponent has 6 cards and you know perfectly well what kind of cards they are. After doing a little calculations, you make the right moves and win. Playing cards 20 years ago, I never attached any importance to this, but I developed my winning strategies, but by chance, after reading about this method of memorization 10 years ago, I began to play in a completely different way, an order of magnitude better, simpler, etc. Of course, this method of memorization, which I will offer you, will not suit everyone right away, since each person has his own abilities, but the fact that through continuous training you will learn to memorize cards is 100 percent guaranteed. In addition, after mastering this technique, you can apply it to anything and just as easily memorize a large number of objects or the like. The main thing is not to stop, but to continue to work on yourself at least periodically. To begin with, you can learn to memorize a trump suit, then one more suit, until you learn to memorize a whole deck. So let's move on to the main thing.
The method of memorizing cards is based on associative thinking. By creating certain associations, that is, pictures, you memorize the cards. In general, you need to build a mental route, and you travel along this route. What you will come across on the way of this route will be maps. Each card must be assigned its own memorable image. To begin with, we will assign certain numbers (and subsequently images) to each card from ace to ten. The numbers will have two meanings: the first is a letter and the second is a number. For example, if we consider the ace as 1, then we have the letter "A", the two becomes "B", the three becomes "B" and so on. The suit will be indicated by the second letter. All clubs, for example, are represented by the letter "T". Diamonds are represented by the letter "B", spades by the letter "P", and hearts by the letter "H". Thus, the deuce of hearts becomes "BCH", the 5th of clubs becomes "DT". Having represented each card in letter notation, we now need to represent the letters in the form of people. For example, 5 clubs is Dmitry Torbinsky, and the ace of spades is Alla Pugacheva.

Here is a table showing how you can get letters for cards from Ace to 10.

2 BTBPBBWarhead

Next to each card, write a person you know well for yourself. With each card, you must have an image of a certain person. It is important to remember that you do not need to memorize the letters that represent the cards, just these letters should lead you to a certain personality. Over time, you will find that when you see 5 clubs, then you have a corresponding image, for example, Dmitry Torbinsky, a famous football player of the Russian national football team, who, for example, scores a goal with the participation of the Russian national team. Later, it will be necessary to assign an action to each person. If Dmitry Torbinsky scores a goal, then Alla Pugacheva sings her famous song, for example, about harlequin. Below I have presented my images, you will need to make your own. As for the cards with pictures, we assign images to them using a similar system.


Personality Action
JackJack the ripper Gut
LadyKsenia SobchakSarcastic
KingRoman Trakhtenberg Tells an anecdote
JackTimur RodriguezDancing
LadyIrina Ponarovskaya Sings on stage
KingPavel VolyaRides a hummer
JackStepan Menshikov In House 2
LadyAlena VodonaevaBig breasts
KingEvgeny LeonovRole in the film An Unusual Miracle
JackAlexander Reva (Artur Pirozhkov) Loves all women
LadyElena BerkovaStarring in an erotic film
KingTarzanDoes striptease




Evgeny Chichvarkin (Euroset businessman)

And h

Igor Chernyshenko (State Duma deputy)


Kaige Chen (famous film director)

Once you have assigned names for the cards, then you need to come up with actions for these people, and it is recommended that you come up with actions that would correspond totheir professions. In addition, these actions should be differentiated by color: clubs are aggressive actions, spades are just doing their job, tambourines are associated with wealth and money, and hearts are associated with love, sex.
For example, on clubs: as mentioned above, Dmitry Torbinsky scores the ball into the goal with anger, Artemy Troitsky at some press conference scolds some pop singer, Ivan Turgenev writes "Mumu". By heart: Andrei Chemerkin goes to the competition in tight clothes and smiles sweetly, Evgeny Chichvarkin is driving his yellow car, on which a red sign of the suit of hearts is painted, Jackie Chan is filming in a bed scene, etc. Similarly, compose actions with other suits.
Before proceeding to the next step, you need to check if you know all these people. To do this, hand over a deck of cards to yourself and call each card by the name that was assigned by you. In our case, take the name from the table. Ideally, you should call the name quickly without stopping. Of course, this requires certain skills. In the process of memorizing names, look at which name is difficult for you and then change it to another well-known name, this will save you time to memorize.


After you have learned all the names for the maps, you need to make a route along which you will place these people. For example, my route starts from home and goes through these objects throughout the day.

1. The entrance to my house. 27. Uralsib Bank.
2. Pharmacy at home.28. "Tveruniversal" bank.
3. Market.29. Regional administration.
4. Parking lot.30. Regional Department of Health.
5. Bridge.31. Main post office.
6. Tram tracks. 32. Regional hospital.
7. Area.33. House of cinema.
8. Shopping center. 34. Bookstore.
9. Sberbank.35. Hotel.
10. Fashion House.36. Dental shop.
11. Construction.37. The road to Moscow.
12. Dentistry.38. Gas station.
13. Shop.39. Traffic police.
14. Mail.40. Inspection.
15. Power grid.41. Medical certificate.
16. Heating network.42. Fish shop.
17. Vodokanal.43. Hypermarket.
18. Medical technology. 44. Construction of a high-rise building.
19. My office.45. Bypass road.
20. Therapeutic room. 46. ​​Tire service.
21. Orthopedic office. 47. Car shop.
22. Surgical office. 48. Shopping complex.
23. Sterilization room. 49. Fountain.
24. Ladder.50. Cinema.
25. Entrance to dentistry. 51. Hockey rink.
26. Machine.52. Cars in front of the house.

Once you initially map out this one-to-one journey, imagine the city from a bird's eye view and roughly sketch a route from one end of the city to the other. Then make a mental picture of yourself walking this route in a specific direction and write down all the familiar places you frequent that would provide you with a suitable background for your imaginary set of personalities.

Memorizing cards

Before you start memorizing the deck, do 3 things: count each step to make sure there are 52; imagine every step is empty, there should be no people or sounds, that is, there should be a ghost town; view each step from the same mental point of view. For example, you stand at a cafe and look at all the steps from it.
Now you can proceed to memorization. For example, the first card is 5 hearts, which is Jackie Chan. I imagine that Jackie Chan is in my driveway and is fighting with someone. The second card is the Queen of Spades, under it I imagine Dmitry Pevtsov, who buys medicine for teeth near the pharmacy, which is located near my house, I imagine the situation from the movie "Gangster Petersburg", when Dmitry Pevtsov's teeth were knocked out and Antibiotic threw him a pack of money for that to heal your teeth. Next in my route is the market, and the third card is 10 hearts. It refers to director Kaige Chen, who makes his film on the market. There is a parking lot near the market, and the fourth card is 10 tambourines, which is denoted by Ksenia Borodina, who picks up her car from the parking lot.
Etc. I pretty quickly learned to memorize this route I created, since for many years I have only one. Therefore, I believe that it will not be difficult for anyone to compose and study one route.
The world record for memorizing one deck of cards is 55 seconds, although there may be people who can do this faster. Based on the method described above, you can learn to memorize several decks of cards: one, two, three, etc. To do this, you just need to create different routes. I think that learning to memorize one deck is enough for you.

I wish you success and do not despair if something does not work out the first time. Let me remind you that absolutely any person can master this memorization technique. The speed of memorization depends on the ability.

CHAPTER 16 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
How to memorize a deck of cards. MY LOVE FOR CARDS Maps is where I started. Even when I was a child, I was fond of games - solitaire, poker, pelmanism, bridge. At school, learning to count, I used the following sequence "eight, nine, ten, jack, queen, king." And if I saw card tricks when I saw it, I admired the unusual solutions achieved by mathematics more than the sleight of hand. My love of maps changed direction dramatically in l987. In fact, my whole life has changed. You certainly wouldn't be reading this book now if I hadn't seen Creighton Carvello, the psychiatrist of Middlesbrook, who demonstrated the extraordinary power of human memory on television. Carvello announced that he would memorize a deck of 52 playing cards in the required order, studying it in just 2 minutes and 59 seconds. It was a new world. I was mesmerized. My brain immediately started working, trying to figure out how he did it. And what I find most surprising is that he demonstrated his obvious ability to memorize in sequence. He always had one card on top of the deck, and only looked at it once. It follows from this that he does not possess a photographic or eidetic memory. Confused and intrigued, I retired to an empty room, armed with a deck of cards, and began to ponder the incomprehensible. I was convinced that Carvello's secret was that he looked at the cards one by one. I've also heard something about using stories as a memory aid. BREAKTHROUGH Once I was in my room, my brain was able to return to comprehending my business trip. I had to stay in Kharton for another 6 weeks, and do nothing. Most of my time was occupied by the Sudanese Club, a place for English expats, and I could still visualize in detail a specific place. Looking for a way to memorize the deck of cards that I held in front of me, I began to imagine the high cards of jacks, queens and kings sunbathing and sitting in sun loungers around the pool, chatting with each other. I could imagine a jack holding a spade (spades in English - a spade) in his hand, a lady burying diamonds (diamonds - tambourines). Gradually, these images began to remind me of the people I knew. I was soon able to memorize up to 10 characters around the pool, but that was not enough. Then I mentally flew over Harton, to the places I visited, shops, streets, hotels. This was my first attempt at developing a method of travel, the prototype of what you read in Chapter 2. As I understand it, I was possessed by the spirit of Simonides, a Greek poet known as the inventor of the art of memory, in the distant sixth century BC. (The classic method is described in more detail in Chapter 26) I quickly developed a route that ran through the club and out through the streets of Khartoum. The picture cards were easy to remember, but the others were much more difficult. I remember that at the time I thought it seemed almost impossible (if not ungrateful) to do it, trying to memorize all the images and put them together within 2 minutes 59 seconds. But I was very stubborn, and I directed all my aspirations to break Carvello's record. After a couple of days, I was able to memorize the first deck of cards in 26 minutes, making only 11 mistakes, which turned out to be an important turning point, despite the fact that it was far from the record. After that, nothing else happened, and the next three months turned into lessons on rapid learning. A change has occurred. All day long, every day, I handed over to myself, card by card, pack by pack. I recorded time to the nearest second, analyzed errors, replaced images, and changed travels. It was especially difficult to remember the eight of diamonds. Her image changed from a feeling of pacification to a cloud, to white doves, to hot balloons and finally to Richard Branson (who hurries them). In the end, all the images turned into people. The cards became animated, as did the numbers that soon followed. After three months of intense training, I felt like I had a new brain and my memory was in a respectable state, much like my body after regular exercise. Not only could I memorize one pack in less than three minutes, six decks shuffled together became a piece of cake. Since then, I have been listed in the Guinness Book of Records for 6, 20, 25 and 25 decks (1820), in each case they are shuffled together and I only looked at each card once. My record for one deck of cards is currently 55.62 seconds. In this chapter, I will show you how easy it is to memorize a deck of cards. If you learned numbers well in Chapter 4, and now remember about 100 people representing the numbers 00 through 99, then you may already have done more than three-quarters of the work. It may take half an hour to memorize your first deck. With a little practice and dedication, you can reduce the time to 10 minutes and then 5 minutes. If you are able to do this in less than 3 minutes, then you should seriously consider participating in the Memorial. ANIMAL CARDS First of all, you must assign a personal image to each card starting with ace and ending with 10 (we will look at cards with pictures later). At their core, cards are numbers, and the easiest way to bring them to life is to translate them into pairs of letters. You have already learned this technique. Use the DOMINIC system to provide yourself with the first letter. If you think of an ace as 1, then you have the letter A, 2 becomes B, 3 becomes C, and so on. The suit provides you with the second letter. All clubs (club), for example, are represented by the letter C. Diamonds are represented by the letter D (diamonds), spades by the letter S (spades), and hearts by the letter H (hearts). Thus, 2 worms turn into BH, 5 clubs turn into EC. Going back to our list of people in Chapter 4, you know that 2 hearts are Benny Hill (2 = B, hearts = H, BH = Benny Hill) and 5 clubs are Eric Clapton (5 = E; clubs = C; EC = Eric Clapton). Here is a table showing how to get letters for cards from ace to 10. Card of the Cross of Tambourine of Spades Cherv 1 (ace) AC AD AS AH 2 BC BD BS BH 3 BC BD BS BH 4 BC BD BS BH 5 BC BD BS BH 6 BC BD BS BH 7 BC BD BS BH 8 BC BD BS BH 9 BC BD BS BH 0 (10) OC OD OS OH Copy this list and write down the corresponding identity next to each card. I'm not asking you to come up with new people, you should already have all the images suggested by the above letters. It is important to remember that letters are simply deductively directing you to your image (personality). After a while, you will find that you have made the leap without using letters. When I see a 6 of diamonds, I do not see the letters SD, I do not even perceive the card as a 6 of diamonds, the image of Sharon Davies, a swimmer who wears a rubber ring, automatically appears in front of me. When the gaze of a good pianist sees a piece of music, he doesn't have time to convert the notes into letters, he or she just knows which keys to hit. Likewise, typing, speaking, reading, driving a car, with practice, it all becomes automatic. You must always trigger an action that is unique to each personality and lean on it (Sharron Davies wears a rubber ring), Charlie Chaplin bends a tin can, Eddie \ "The Eagle \" stands on skis, Eric Clepton plays On guitar. I cannot express in words how important these associated actions are. They help attach that person to his or her environment (location). Grid of cards Cards with pictures do not need to be translated into letters, since people are already depicted on them. Once again, let them evoke associations with people you know or public figures. Below I offer a list of skins that might help you, but create your own skins as well. Personally, I associate clubs with aggression, tambourines with wealth, spades with brunettes, and worms with sexual symbols. CARD PERSONALITY ACTION Jack of Clubs Jack the Ripper
(Jack the Ripper) Gut Lady of Clubs Margaret Thatcher
(Margaret Thateher) Swinging the purse King of Clubs Saddam Hussein
(Saddam Hussein) Sets fire to oil wells Jack of Bubey Greald Ratner
(Gerald Ratner) Wearing diamonds Lady of Diamonds Queen
(The Queen) Signs the check King of Diamonds Jean Paul Getty
(Jean Paul Getty) Driven by Rolls-Royce Jack of Spades John Travolta
(John Travona) Dancing Queen of Spades Elizabeth Taylor
(Liz Taylor) Opens Champagne King of Spades Ronald Reagan
(Ronald Reagan) Standing on the podium Jack of Hearts Jason Donovan
(Jason Donovan) Dressed in a colored coat Lady of Hearts Cindy Crawford
(Cindy Crawford) ... This Is My Secret King of Hearts Paul Newman
(Paul Newman) Plays billiards THE NEED FOR PRACTICE Check yourself if you know all these people. There is no point in moving on to the next step until you know how to name the person for each card. Hand over the deck to yourself. Ideally, you should be able to say a name quickly, but it takes a little practice. To get started, try to spend no more than 10 seconds on each card. Some names always come easily, others are more difficult to remember. Write down the ones you get stuck on and try to change the image. And remember, you have to think about the appropriate action of each individual. This will save time later. JOURNEY The easiest way to teach you how to place these people along your journey is to show you how I do it. I have included a list of 52 steps for my favorite itinerary through the city of Guildford in Surrey. 1. Bookstore
2. Cinema
3. Telephone booth
4. Newsstand
5. Office of the head of the bank
6. Bank teller
7. MacDonald
8. In the Building
9. The way to the bar
10. Reception
11. Ladder
12. Restaurant upstairs
13. Piano bar
14. Bar in the form of a tent
15. Scene
16. Behind the scenes
17. Cemetery
18. Multi-storey car park
19. Personal office
20. Chinese restaurant
21. Gate entrance to the tower
22. Tower
23. VIP bar
24. Pub (bar for the people)
25. Descent
26. Bus stop 27. Traffic light
28. Showroom of cars
29. Walkways, gangways
30. River boat
31. Car parking
32. Theater
33. Department store
34. Bus departure point
35. Cobblestone Workshop
36. Hot food store
37. Railway bridge
38. The head of the train
39. The machinist
40. Coupe
41. First class
42. Card Game
43. Station platform
44. Waiting room
45. Ticket office
46. ​​Reception of the sports center
47. Cafeteria
48. Swimming pool
49. Badminton court
50. Shower
51. Sauna
52. Jacuzzi When I originally mapped this solo trip, I had a bird's eye view of the city and roughly sketched the route from one end to the other. I then drew a mental picture of myself walking this route in a logical direction, and wrote down all the familiar places I often visited that I thought would provide a suitable background for my imaginary cast of personalities (cast). I am constantly developing new routes for myself (I had to use 35 of them, each similar to the above, when I memorized 35 packs of cards) and I am surprised at how easily each step is memorized. But the neighborhood I choose is always familiar to Guildford, my hometown. When you are about to map your own route, you should do the same. Pick a place that you know well. You should start by taking the 10 steps around your house that you learned about in Chapter 2, and then move to the side of work or someone else’s house or park. First, go around the route schematically, and then write down all the places that can be used. Once you have 52 steps, learn them. You will also be surprised how easy it is to remember them. If any of them bother you, change it. Perhaps too connected or not special enough. Once you're happy with your route, you're ready to memorize your first deck of cards. REMEMBERING THE DECK Before I start my deck, whether I'm going to set a world record or exercise my brain, I mentally run my route paying attention to three things: 1. I count every step to make sure there are 52 in all. 2. I represent each step (scene) is empty. There shouldn't be any sounds or people. Guildford, for example, becomes a ghost town. This ensures that all previous characters or objects that you remember earlier are erased. You erase the video tape in anticipation of new information. 3. I view each step (scene) from a separate and the same mental point of view. This is similar to how I view old instant photos. For example, I always stand outside the bookstore looking through the window. I am always at the foot of a small restaurant and look up, and I never stand at the top of it, looking down. This is important to maintain continuity. First map I am now ready to deal with the first card. Before I turn it over, I visualize the first step (scene) of the journey. In this case, it is a bookstore. A rather vague memory of buildings. Then I turn the card over. Let's imagine this is 5 worms, which we know is Edward Health (5 = E, worms = H, EH = Edward Health). You can often see him in the bookstore. He conducts, so I quickly shape him face to face with a bookshelf struggling to conduct an orchestra with a baton in one hand. Place and personality must interact in order for the image to become memorable. This whole process takes me 1 second on average. At first, your brain feels stiff and a little inelastic, but you should have the intention of dealing with each card within 15 to 20 seconds. I've been working on this every day for the past 4 years. Remember to use as many sensations as possible. Think carefully if this all seems too difficult. Warm up, do a few warm-up exercises, make your memory more flexible, give your imagination new fantasies. Second card When I turn over the second card, I’m already watching a movie. This is the Queen of Spades. I picture Elizabeth Taylor uncorking a champagne bottle (her action) in the foyer. (There is no doubt that she is serving the premiere of her latest film.) I get covered in tiny droplets and feel like my clothes are getting sticky. This is not just Liz Taylor, which I will remember later. I always associate it with the action of opening a bottle of champagne, which is equally important. Third card The third card is 10 hearts, which we know is Oliver Hardy. Imagine him trying to get into a small telephone booth with a large bundle of boards on his shoulder. Oliver Hardy's actions with the boards are amusing. Again, planks are as vital as Hardy's. Fourth card The fourth card is Christopher Dean. I imagine him driving (his action) headfirst into a newsstand. Outside the kiosk, the road is icy and I can hear a grinding sound as the metal skates slide over it. Ice skating is an essential factor. This may be the only thing I can remember after I move on. However, it is essential to make Christopher Dean the only skater in my group of performers. Etc. As you can see from my route, the last three stops require a certain amount of energy. When I go to set a world record, I get excited about every place (worried), so I am only attracted by the fact that I have to collapse from exhaustion into a bubbling Jacuzzi at the end of my journey. The final The last card turned out to be the Queen of Hearts. I can imagine a more unpleasant lot for a man than splashing around in bubbles with Cindy Crawford. All of this can end in different ways. I was there one time with Henry Cooper splashing aftershave lotion around him. THE IMPORTANCE OF FAITH One of the secrets of fast card memorization is trust. You are attached to what you yourself think about how quickly you move to the next scene. But how can you know when a person has already absorbed the image? There are no burning lights, no bell ringing. Honestly, you never know for sure that something is already safe in your memory. You just have to rely on trust. The relationship between people and place is like two Velcro pieces. There are hundreds of individual characteristics in each person (and in the actions or objects that are associated with them), the images in your route are also full of physically present details. Usually it is possible to connect them in only a couple of ways, this is very similar to how Velcro pieces are connected, which can be connected to each other with only one or two hooks. OVERVIEW The moment of truth has come and I am always a bit of an alarming moment for me. It doesn't have to be that way, though. All the hard work has already been done and it is time to relax and get paid. Creating images is much more tedious than arranging them in a specific order. Sit back and let the images come to your mind, they cannot be forced. All you do is play the video tape. I should pay attention to the fact that the time during which you restore the list of cards is not recorded in the Guinness Book of Records. My world record of 55.62 seconds is the time it took me to save the information. This is a mastery of memory, not oral reproduction. What happened in the bookstore? I watch the video tape (from exactly the same comfortable vantage point outside) and I see someone waving a conductor's baton around the books as if they were conducting them. Edward Heath, 5 worms. And now I'm in front of the cinema. I see the shine of dark hair and a bottle of something: Elizabeth Taylor is the Queen of Spades. Sometimes I only need a bottle of champagne. The images become solid and persistent: boards stuck in the booth - Oliver Hardy: .. "another funny rework I got stuck in", 10 worms. Someone skates into the newsstand, grinding along the sidewalk: Christopher Dean, 3 tambourines. Even today, I continue to marvel at the speed and ease with which these images come back. As soon as I retrieve one card, the next two line up in front and beckon me. Someday I won't be able to work with maps fast enough. When you start increasing the speed of memorizing cards (less than 10 minutes), you should note that you no longer need to capture each image in such detail. The whole process of creating and restoring images is like a race to catch the train. You run past a bustling market tent, a street musician, roadworks, and a coffee shop. But only after you fell from exhaustion on the train and catch your breath, you begin to remember the details: the shouts of "beautiful fresh strawberries", Ave Maria performed by a flutist, you feel the jackhammer working, creating vibration under your feet, the smell of freshly brewed coffee beans from Kenya. Rely on your wonderful memory. Trust her. You will be amazed at her ability to recreate imagery along the way. Pay attention to what is causing you difficulties. This is either the person's or the place's fault. If they start to cause trouble on a regular basis, change them. Whether you cannot restore one card, you can calculate by the method of elimination.

Today I would like to talk about how you can use memorization of cards from a practical point of view. Moreover, we already had material talking about a special mnemonic system that is suitable for memorizing the order of cards in a deck. It is worth noting that it is really easy to use it to list all the cards in the same order in which they were dealt, but what if you were dealt 47 out of 52 cards and asked to name the 5 remaining? In this case, our old system will not help us very much. That is why the time has come to consider the new, supplemented NPF.

The essence of the NPP

First, let's go back to the essence of the system, which we talked about earlier. It is called CHP (Man-Action-Object). Her idea is to create 52 images of the type “some person does something with something”, and to do it so that the images are memorable: eccentric, large, colorful, mobile, vulgar and so on.

Now, when you are dealt 3 cards, you need to get a unique image using the first card as a person, the second as an action, and the third as an item. After that, this image is associated with the first place in a certain Loki and you repeat this algorithm with the next 3 cards.

Based on this, let's think about what will be required of you if you need to remember the cards that are missing? In the example from the first paragraph, in the worst case, you will need to iterate over all the images 47 times in a row, because you will constantly have to guess “what if this is 2 spades?”, And then check the whole chain of cards again.

Of course, if you want to use the memory of cards for practical purposes: when playing the fool, blackjack or otherwise card game, then you simply cannot spend so much time calculating the remaining cards, so if the order of the cards is not important to you, but the availability of the remaining cards in the deck, you should use another idea.

Supplemented NPP

First, you still need to find a suitable Loki - a route with places that you clearly imagine. But this time not one, but four at once, along the route for each suit. That is, 4 routes with 5 seats.

Secondly, fortunately, you do not have to compose a new system of the type of NPP, because we will also use its previous version to calculate the remaining cards in the deck.

And now we will consider this idea in practice. As soon as you are dealt 1, 2, or even 10 cards, you need to split the cards into 4 routes, gradually forming the images of the NDP.

That is, for example, you are dealt 4 tref, 2 spades, 7 hearts and 9 spades. In order to memorize these cards, you need to place a person corresponding to 4 of spades on the route intended for tref, do the same for 2 spades and 7 hearts, and when it comes the turn of 9 spades, present it as an action corresponding to this card and fasten from 2 peaks.

Thus, in the end, when you are asked to name the remaining cards, it will be enough for you to walk along each route once in order to easily tell which cards are missing. That is, in fact, you view all the images only 1 time, and not as many as 47.


However, it is worth noting that working with 4 routes at once is more difficult than it seems at first glance. But when you start to get it, you can play blackjack with the same ease with which the hero of Dustin Hoffman did it in the movie "Rain Man".

Finally, if you are playing with multiple decks, you can either split everything into 4 routes per suit, or use 4 routes per deck. In my opinion, in the case of two decks, it is convenient to use the first method. And with 3 or more - the second. But you are free to experiment.

How would you complement this system?

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