Outdoor games with children in the family. Outdoor games in kindergarten Outdoor game harvest in kindergarten

Child preschool age incapable of long-term studies at the desk. The principle of frequent change of activity dictates the alternation of a sedentary form of work with physical activity. The child has a constant need to move. As the famous song says: "He must run and jump ...".

Characteristics of outdoor games for preschoolers

The rapid penetration of gadgets and the media into our lives also affects the development of children. There is a decrease in motivation for outdoor games in older preschoolers (5–7 years old). Of course, in kindergartens and centers systematically held classes on physical education and sports holidays. But on weekends and during holidays, children are less likely to feel like playing hopscotch, rubber bands, and Cossack robbers. Games on mobile devices are addictive, offering online communication with other guys.

Games on mobile devices divert the attention of children from noisy fun in the yard and live communication with peers

Particular attention in the educational process is paid to teaching children outdoor games. This game form combines an entertaining element with clear rules aimed at developing physical qualities. The goals of outdoor games are to increase motor activity and enrich the gaming experience of preschoolers. As recent studies show, modern children do not move enough during the day. They rarely walk in the fresh air due to a decrease in interest in outdoor games with their peers. The teacher should teach children the games available to them for independent organization, as well as motivate them to active entertainment.

In the game, children improve motor skills, have fun and communicate

The reason for the decline in interest in mobile games is often poor gaming experience. Children know a few simple games. Soon they get tired of playing the same thing. It is difficult for children to come up with rules for such a game on their own.

When my children and I arrived at the dacha last year, for the first week they disappeared with friends somewhere behind the site. Appeared at home only to have a bite or take a new attribute: a ball, jump ropes, ribbons, a hoop. And then one of the older guys took a tablet out into the street, and the whole company sat down on a bench. To the question: “Why don’t you play balls now?”, They answered: “We played dodgeball so many times, I’m tired.” Then we began to learn together new types of ball games.

Teaching new rules brings children back to playing in the yard

Table: tasks and methods of teaching outdoor games

Age groupTaskslearning techniques
First and second junior (1.5–4 years old)
  • Development of gross motor skills and coordination of movements.
  • The development of attention.
  • Formation of the ability to act on the signal of the educator.
  • For younger preschoolers, games with a simple plot and heroes familiar to children are selected.
  • Participants perform the same movements.
  • One leading role is singled out in games, it is first performed by an adult, then each of the pupils learns it.
  • The educator or physical education instructor is a partner in the game.
  • Games can be accompanied by simple songs or rhymes. If one of the children is silent, during the game you should not focus on this, but learn the text with the child after, in an individual lesson.
Medium (4–5 years)
  • Development of motor skills.
  • The development of attentiveness, dexterity, endurance, eye.
  • Formation to correlate verbal instructions with game action.
  • Fostering a sense of camaraderie.
  • Multi-role games included. At the beginning of the school year, the teacher distributes roles, appoints the leader of the child who copes with the task of the game. From the second half of the year, the guys distribute roles on their own with the help of counting rhymes.
  • Children begin to interact with each other. Therefore, in games, the educator pays attention to the moments when it is necessary to support a classmate, help, act in concert, at the same pace or manner.
  • Making games familiar to children more difficult.
Senior and preparatory (5–7 years)
  • Formation of verbal-logical memory: the ability to memorize verbal instructions of games and reproduce for other children.
  • Development of the ability to work in a team.
  • Building a competitive spirit.
  • Development of expressive performance of movements, artistry.
  • Education of self-organization.
  • The gaming experience of older preschoolers is replenished with a large number of games in which there is no plot or roles: games for speed, endurance, dexterity, with a ball, jump ropes, etc.
  • Holding team competitions.
  • The teacher gives instructions for the game briefly and clearly, but emotionally.
  • To explain the implementation of a complex movement, the teacher performs a show on one of the children.
  • With older preschoolers, an adult participates in the game, if necessary for proper organization. For example, the child did not have enough pair.
  • The teacher is an active observer of the game: encourages, emotionally comments, praises.
  • Most outdoor games in older groups are accompanied by text or a song. When familiarizing the teacher expressively reads the text in its entirety. When learning by children, he makes sure that the reproduction is harmonious, and not dry chanting.

Kids in the game learn to follow the instructions of the teacher, develop simple motor skills

Types of outdoor games

There are several classifications of outdoor games.

According to the degree of physical activity, there are:

  1. - games with low intensity of movements. They are carried out to relieve overvoltage after intellectual activities and as a reduction in physical activity. These games are usually held in one place, the movements are calm and smooth: tilts and turns of the head, swings of the arms, movements of the hand and fingers. Development task sedentary games- development of attention.

    In the game "Do as I do" movements are of low intensity, and attention is extremely concentrated

  2. Games of average mobility - games with a greater degree of physical activity, but the movements are calm. Such games are held in subgroups or the whole team. Developmental tasks: development of the ability to act on command, improvement of coordination of movements, eye measurement, accuracy. Basic movements: walking, tilting the body, passing objects, jumping in place.
    A classic example of a game of medium mobility is "Brook". Children form a column, holding hands and raising them up. The leader-brook passes or runs under the gates and chooses a pair for himself. The one whose couple is broken becomes a stream.

    In the game "Brook" the host passes through the column and chooses a pair

    High mobility games - games for the whole group, with intense movements. These games often contain a competitive element. Children are divided into subgroups, compete in speed, endurance, dexterity. High mobility games include all kinds of chasing games and games like “Who is faster?” Leading movements: jumping, fast running, crawling and climbing.

    Children play the "Snow Queen" - a plot version of the tag

  1. Plotless - games in which roles are not provided, and the rules do not depend on any story (fabulous or everyday). That is, the game does not have a script, but it captivates children with competition.

    Examples of imp story games:

    • “Find the color” is a game for attentiveness and reaction speed: each child has a flag of a certain color in their hands, they walk around the room (platform) and, on a signal, must put a flag on an object of the corresponding color, the latter is eliminated.
    • “Try to pass” is a game of dexterity: children take turns passing under a stretched cord (bar) so as not to hurt, with each passage the obstacle is lowered.
    • “Take a chair” is a game for the speed of reaction: children run around the chairs (their number is 1 less than the number of participants), sit down at a signal, those who do not have enough space are eliminated.
    • "Water Carriers" is a game of speed and dexterity: children are divided into two teams to determine who will quickly and accurately transfer water from one barrel to another with buckets.

    The mobile game "Take a chair" unfolds in the form of a competition: who will be the most dexterous

  2. Story games are outdoor games that are played according to a scenario. The game imitates a domestic scene or a fairy-tale situation. Participants play roles, so the expressiveness of movements develops in the story game.

    Examples of story games:

    • "Reel": the teacher invites the children to become a thread, holding hands, and wind on an imaginary coil.
    • “Bear and bees”: children depict bees, the leader - a bear, at a signal the bees scatter, the bear tries to catch them.
    • "Cat's House" - a game based on a fairy tale poem: children put out an imaginary fire with the help of game attributes.

    In the plot game "Wolf and Hares", children's motor skills and expressiveness in reproducing images are developed.

  3. Folk outdoor games reflect the ideas of ancestors about the world around and contain folklore motifs. Since ancient times, the game has been a means of versatile development of the child. In games, the need of children for movement and entertainment was filled. Folk games are divided into three groups:
    • dramatic: game imitation of everyday and fairy-tale scenes, acting out dialogues in motion (“Geese-swans”, “At the bear in the forest”);

      In the folk game "Geese-swans" costumes are used, which creates additional interest among children.

    • sports: games-competitions ("Leapfrog", "Gorodki", "Ogaryshi", "Lapta");

      Folk games and amusements are an integral part of festive festivities in kindergarten

    • round dance: a dance game with a given movement and song accompaniment (“Loaf”, “Wattle”, “Dudar”).

      In a round dance game, children learn coordination of movements, expressiveness of singing and attentiveness to each other.

In outdoor games, children are introduced to folk traditions. Folk games are one of the forms of implementation of the regional-national component in education. Children get acquainted with folklore heroes, perform movements to national music, learn poems and songs in their native language.

Folk games are held in kindergartens in various regions of the Russian Federation

  • Bashkir;
  • Belarusian;
  • Buryat;
  • Kazakh;
  • Cossack;
  • Mordovian;
  • Tatar;
  • Ukrainian;
  • Chukchi;
  • Yakut.

Photo gallery: outdoor games of the peoples of Russia

A game-competition at the Chuvash holiday Uyav in kindergarten The Bashkir game "Yurt" consists of a competition: who will make a yurt out of scarves faster In the Mordovian game "Varakaso" children play the role of a chick with chickens and a kite that attacked them In the Kazakh game "Oramal", participants throw a scarf tied to each other, and the host catches it Children play a Cossack round dance game In the Tatar game “Tubeteika”, children pass a skullcap in a circle to the music, on whom the headdress remained, when the music stopped, he performs the task Russian folk game"Carousel" is colorful and cheerful, it is often held at festivities and holidays

The mobile game is played in various regime moments. Games of small and medium mobility are possible between classes. Actually, the game is often a part of activities: musical, educational, sports. The teacher takes into account the degree of stress and the impact on the emotional state of the children: the game should not tire the children or overexcite.

On walks, outdoor games are organized daily. If the exit to the street was preceded by an energy-intensive activity (in terms of physical culture, rhythm), the game is recommended to be played in the middle or at the end of the activity. Traditionally, outdoor games for a walk are classified according to the natural calendar.

  • spring games: with songs, ribbons, flags, toy fruits (“Battle for Flags”, “Dawn Dawn”, “Nimble Hares”);
  • summer games: with rubber bands, jump ropes, crayons (“Fishermen and fish”, “Grasshoppers”, “Olympics, mother's lipstick”);
  • autumn games: natural materials or imitation toys (“Leaf fall”, “Acorn in hands”, “Squirrels, cones and nuts”);
  • winter games: with sleds, skis, snowballs ("The Capture of the Snow Town", "Sledging with Snowballs", "Slalom").

Photo gallery: outdoor games for a walk

Spring games on a walk are held with bright attributes, for example, with ribbons Summer is the time for playing hopscotch In summer, girls like to play with jumping ropes In autumn, natural materials are often used in games In winter, ice skating competitions can be arranged In winter, appropriate sports equipment is used in games, for example, sticks What winter is without snowballs!

Outdoor games are a component of leisure activities in kindergarten. Senior preschoolers conduct master classes on teaching games to younger comrades. The educator organizes leisure activities together with parents in yard and team games. Festive celebrations on Maslenitsa, Christmas, Easter are not complete without folk games and dances.

Video: folk games festival

Conducting outdoor games in kindergarten

The preparatory work begins with the teacher choosing an outdoor game in accordance with the age and individual characteristics of the children. The regime moment or occupation is determined when it is advisable to play the game. The teacher must know the rules and the game text (if any), check the movements on himself, pick up musical accompaniment (optional).

If the game will be played in a group room or gym, the teacher should take care of the preliminary ventilation and wet cleaning of the room.

Attributes or elements of costumes are being prepared for the game. Necessary items are stored in a play or sports corner and are available to children. The teacher involves the children in preparation: he asks to bring a certain object, the right number of attributes, toys of given colors.

Table: stages of an outdoor game

Game stage1, 2 junior groups (1.5–4 years)Middle and older preschoolers (4-7 years old)
Gathering for the game
  • A bell rings, a flute, a funny audio recording (for example, a march).
  • Surprise moment: a video letter, a parcel with attributes, the appearance of a fairy-tale hero visiting the guys.
  • Whistle signal.
  • Surprise moment.
  • Preliminary agreement on the place and time of the game.
Motivating start
  • Disclosure of the “surprise” from the previous stage (the collection was based on a surprise moment): watching a video message, reading a letter, studying the contents of the package, talking with a fairy-tale character, etc.
  • Emotional performance by the teacher of a poem or song on the topic of the upcoming game.
  • Examination of objects prepared for the game.
  • A short conversation on the topic of the game (discussion of the everyday situation, characters, their qualities).
  • Guessing the game from an illustration (photo) or a passage of text, if the guys have previously played it.
ExplanationThe explanation takes place directly during the game. The teacher gives a signal to change actions. He not only names each movement, but also shows it.
  • The teacher tells the name of the game: "Cook and Pie."
  • Outlines the content: the cook has baked a pie and wants to treat them.
  • Explains the rules: the cook “kneads the dough”, the rest lead a round dance and say a rhyme, scatter on a signal, the cook tries to treat him with a pie (salting).
  • Asks several questions to reinforce the rules: “What does the cook do while the others are moving in a circle?”, “When to run in all directions?”
  • If the game is familiar, then after the announcement of the name, questions are asked about knowledge of the rules.
Distribution of roles
  • The role of the leader is with the teacher.
  • When the children repeated the game several times, learned the rules, one of the children becomes the driver. May be given by the teacher as a reward or encouragement. Classmates choose for the role according to their personal qualities (“Petya is clever, he will be an excellent rat-catcher”).
  • First, the role of the leader is with the teacher.
  • After getting acquainted with the game of the driver, the guys choose on their own - according to the counting rhyme.
  • The division into teams is by lot.
The game
  • The teacher gives a signal to start the game: verbal, sound.
  • Actively observes the course of the game: prompts, praises, directs the course of the game, helps to avoid conflict situations.
  • The teacher is always a participant in the game and at the same time leads.
  • Poems and songs are performed by an adult, children echo over time.
  • The teacher participates in the game only if someone did not have enough pair or one of the teams lacks a player.
End of the gameIf the game began with a surprise moment, a response is expected in the final: the children write a letter orally, the teacher writes it down; the guys say goodbye to the fairy-tale character; promise to make crafts for a return parcel.
  • Transition to a sedentary occupation: finger game, listening to songs, etc.
  • stage of reflection. Children, together with the teacher, discuss the game: what they liked or not, what difficulties arose, how to make the game more interesting.

Video: a master class on organizing and conducting an outdoor game

Table: a fragment of a card file of outdoor games according to the program of N. E. Veraksa "From birth to school"

Types of gamesGame examples
Junior groupmiddle groupSenior grouppreparatory group
With running
  • "Run to me!";
  • "Birds and chicks";
  • "Run to the flag!";
  • "Aircraft";
  • "At the bear in the forest";
  • "Bird and cat";
  • "Find yourself a mate";
  • "Call the rattle";
  • "Homeless Hare";
  • "Traps";
  • "Corners";
  • "Pair run";
  • "Mousetrap";
  • "We are funny guys";
  • "Make a figure";
  • "Carp and pike";
  • "Running";
  • "Empty place";
  • "Pair dashes";
  • "Quickly take, quickly put";
  • "Change the subject";
  • "Trap, take the tape!";
  • "Owl";
  • "Whose link will gather faster?";
  • "Who will roll the hoop to the flag sooner?";
  • "Zhmurki";
  • "Two Frosts";
  • "Catch up with your couple";
  • "The kite and the mother hen".
With jumps
  • "On a flat path";
  • "Catch a mosquito";
  • "Sparrows and a cat";
  • "From bump to bump."
  • "The gray bunny washes."
  • "Don't stay on the floor";
  • "Who will jump better?";
  • "Fishing rod";
  • "From bump to bump";
  • "Who will make fewer jumps?";
  • "Classes".
  • "The Frog and the Heron";
  • "Don't get caught!";
  • "Wolf in the ditch"
With crawling and climbing
  • "The mother hen and chickens";
  • "Rabbits".
  • "Shepherd and flock";
  • "Bird flight";
  • "Kittens and Puppies"
  • “Who will get to the flag sooner?”;
  • "Bear and bees";
  • "Firefighters in training".
  • "Bird flight";
  • "Monkey Catching".

Photo gallery: collection of Russian folk games

"Churilki" is a variant of the game "Blind Man's Bluff" with a round dance element, suitable for pupils of the middle group The dance game "Raven" develops the musical abilities of children The game "Boot" is offered to pupils of older groups, since it requires sufficient development of motor skills and expressive performance of the role In the game "Golden Gate" guys compete in agility and running The game "Owl" contributes creative development children The game "Jump Rope" develops the ability of children to act on a signal The game "Frogs in the Swamp" improves the ability to jump on two legs The game "Tangle" develops in children the ability to correlate words with action The game "Brownie" develops the ability to dance and mindfulness The game "Frost" and wolf" combines dance movements with catch-ups. Round dance game "Carousel" is recommended for younger preschoolers Round dance game "Wattle" develops coordination of movements, suitable for middle preschoolers Children willingly play in "Brook" in their free time

Photo gallery: a collection of games for younger and middle preschoolers

Game "Inflate, Bubble!" teaches kids to gather in a circle and listen carefully (teacher, music) Training in crawling and acting on a signal is carried out in the game “Mice in the Pantry” middle group The game "Sparrows and the Cat" is held in the younger and middle groups. In the "Engine" ("Train"), kids love to play in the classroom, walks, holidays. The game "Find Yourself a Pair" develops the speed of reaction and attentiveness of the children. during a walk in the warm season Usually, from the game “Trap”, children begin to independently play the role of a leader The game “Wolf and Hares” perfectly trains children in dexterity The game “Geese-geese” is one of the first in learning to catch “Cat and Kittens” - mobile a game for kids, it will be more fun when using masks Depicting the "Centipede", children learn to act on a signal and repeat movements The game "Magic Handkerchief" is aimed at developing the attentiveness of kids. potatoes "" Scarecrow "(" Scarecrow ") - simple game to learn to crawl Polar bears have fun playing among the snowdrifts on a winter walk

Photo gallery: a collection of games for middle and older preschoolers

"Burn, burn bright!" - a folk game of dexterity The folk outdoor game "Geese-Swans" is relevant for older preschoolers at national holidays The development of mindfulness and reaction speed is facilitated by the game "Cunning Fox" The game "Entertainers" for mindfulness can be played in winter: children imitate the movements of athletes "Giants and gnomes "- a fun game for children 5-6 years old for attentiveness For the game "Water" children learn a rhyme In "Baba Yaga" it turns out to play when the goal of the driver is to catch the kids In the senior and preparatory group, games of tag are complicated by additional conditions "Baskets" - a variant of tags for older preschoolers 5-6 year olds learn to play tagging games Older children learn how to throw a shuttlecock with a racket Games with chairs instead of horses are fun for children, such as the game "The most dexterous rider"

Duration of outdoor games

The duration of the outdoor game is counted from the stage of explaining the content and rules to the gathered children:

  • for junior groups- 5–6 minutes;
  • for the middle group - 6–8 minutes;
  • for older preschoolers - 8-10 minutes.

The duration of games independently organized by children in their free time is longer. If the guys feel good and interest does not fade away, the game will continue.

Table: time plan for the game “Birds in the Nests” in the second junior group

"Birds" took their places in the nests, ready for the game

Table: time plan for the game "Fox in the chicken coop" in the middle group

The guys are waiting for the signal to start the game "The Fox in the Chicken Coop"

Table: time plan of the game "Who is faster?" in the preparatory group

A competition game in the preparatory group: whose team will pass the ball faster along the chain without dropping it to the floor

Table: summary of the outdoor game "Sparrows and a car" in the first junior group (fragments)
Author: N. V. Romanchenko

Abstract pointContent
TargetDevelop auditory qualities, motor activity, the ability to follow the rules of the game.
EquipmentToy car, tambourine, toy steering wheel, sparrow hats.
Game progressGathering children for an outdoor game (PI)Sounds like a sparrow singing in the recording.
Educator: "Children, who sings this?".
Children's answers.
Jumping, jumping sparrow,
Calling small children.
Throw the crumbs to the sparrow
I will sing you a song. Chick-chirp!
Throw millet and barley
I will sing to you all day.
Chick-chirp! Chick-chirp!
Creating interest in PISparrow story:
“Once upon a time there were little gray sparrows. On a clear sunny day, they flew around the garden and looked for grains or insects ... "
Statement of the content and rules of the IPLet's remember how sparrows fly, jump.
I fly down the street, I live under the roof (they flap their wings).
Sparrows are looking for crumbs around the yard (bend over or squat).
The bird is small, has claws, cannot walk (jumps on two legs).
And now the rules of the game: sparrows sit on chairs, these are nests. On a signal, they fly out, jump, peck the grains. And as soon as the car (I will be a car) buzzes "beep, beep", all the sparrows fly into the nests.
Explanation during the game“Sparrows have come to us. And they began to live in nests here on chairs.
There was a car in the garage here (I take a toy car and put it aside). The car is in the garage - run the sparrows out of the house (a tambourine sounds). Let's wave the wings (showing), peck the grains (showing). We chirp with joy ("chirp").
(I go to the car, I take a toy) The car drove out of the garage - b-b-b - fly sparrows to the house so that the car doesn’t crush you (the tambourine is silent).
(I'm taking the car "to the garage") The car has left - fly out the sparrows.
End of PISedentary game "Let's drive a car"
And now all the sparrows will sit in a big car and go for a drive. I put the chairs in pairs in one direction, assign a driver, give the child a toy steering wheel.

The guys are training to act on a signal in the game "Sparrows and a car"

How to conduct an open preview of the game?

Open viewing of outdoor games serves methodological tasks:

  • presentation of an interesting development;
  • event for pedagogical certification;
  • master class for colleagues, young teachers, students of pedagogical schools;
  • involvement of parents in the development of the gaming experience of children.

Open screening involves the presence of guests during the game

The teacher is preparing for the open viewing of the game, not the children. For them, it's just a game that guests want to watch. Memorizing answers with children, rehearsing roles, specifically repeating the game is strictly prohibited. The value of open events is in the demonstration of pedagogical skills.

Usually an outdoor game is part of an open lesson. For open events, it is recommended to prepare integrated sessions in which various areas of development are revealed. The organization of directly educational activities, productive creativity, the methodology for conducting plot-role-playing or outdoor games, etc. are evaluated.

Card file of integrated activities with outdoor games

  • "Journey in the Magic Forest" in the senior group: the development of speech activity through musical activity and outdoor games.
  • "Folk life in Russia" for all ages (material is selected): acquaintance with folk music, life, crafts and round dance games.
  • "Modes of transport" in the younger groups: directly educational activities and the outdoor game "Engine".
  • "Sparrows and a cat" in the younger group: drawing sparrows and an outdoor game.
  • "Sparrows and a cat" in the middle group: modeling sparrows, drawing up a collective creative work and mobile game.
  • "Variety of plants" in the preparatory group: experimental activities ("Plant growth factors: water, light, heat") and the outdoor game "Day and night plants".

The structure of open classes for the educator traditionally includes outdoor games familiar to children. In this case, you should not "play" the primary conduct of the game. Recall with the guys the content and rules in the conversation, add the stage of introspection (“Do you think the game was more fun today?”) - these are also indicators of the ability to organize the game.
Tip: to play at an open show, use unusual attributes and original masks, including homemade ones.

Video: open lesson "Folk fun in Russia"

Open classes dedicated exclusively to outdoor games are conducted by a physical education instructor in the gym. An educator can be involved in conducting games: he shows movements, helps to distribute roles, perform poetic and song texts, and participates in games.

Physical education lesson consists of games of a general orientation:

  • with the same attributes: games with a ball, with jump ropes, with flags;
  • story games: based on fairy tales, with everyday scenes;
  • one subject: yard, round dance, pioneer games.

Video: open lesson "Ball Games"

Materials for outdoor games

Attributes are stored in the game corner and the gym. Children have free access to some of the items with which they are able to play the game on their own.

Younger preschoolers can play with the ball on their own: roll it or throw it to each other.

In the middle group, children know poems for some games. Character masks, flags, ribbons are available for them.

Senior preschoolers play with skipping ropes, rubber bands, a badminton set, in towns.

As mentioned above, children like to participate in the manufacture of items for games - attributes and masks. It is recommended to use waste material for this purpose. Children are delighted as a simple thing becomes an important part of an interesting game. And they are also very proud when they manage to give a second life to useless garbage: jars, plastic bottles, boxes.

Photo gallery: homemade attributes

Waste material attributes for catching games Homemade attributes for running games Do-it-yourself animal masks Unusual attribute for the game "Spider web" Steering wheels from waste material for the game "Colored cars" Homemade horses for outdoor games Gloves and balls with Velcro for games with throwing and Jumping Ribbon Attribute Homemade Parachute Attribute Children participate in unusual races (with boxes on their feet)

In outdoor games, chest emblems and medallions are used. They are needed to designate characters and in team competition games. Making medallions is easy: cut out circles from cardboard, decorate or stick a printed image and hang it on a satin ribbon. Emblems are more difficult because they are attached to clothing. The use of badges is not recommended in games with preschoolers, children may be injured by a sharp clasp. It holds paper tokens well and does not leave marks on clothes with double-sided tape.

Photo gallery: emblems and medallions

Examples of emblems for outdoor games "Owl", "Chicks and a cat" Medallions with the image of animals for story games Homemade medallions for outdoor games Examples of award medallions

In the playing area there is a booklet or card file on outdoor games. Children independently study the schematic images of games, remember the rules or turn to the teacher for help if they want to play the game. Great idea: to create a collection of games together with the guys. You can start a folder that will be replenished with cards with a description of each game studied and photos with the guys themselves.

Photo gallery: game schemes for younger preschoolers

Sketching the game “Sparrows and a Car” Sketching the game “Don’t Hit the Rope” Sketching the game “Train” Sketching the game “Sun and Rain” Sketching the game “My Jolly Sonorous Ball” Sketching the game “Mice and Cat” Sketching the game “Shaggy Dog” Sketching the game “ Tram" Sketch of the game "Bubble" Sketch of the game "Find your color"

Video: booklet "Mobile games"

Text material for outdoor games

Outdoor games are a natural form of motor skills training and entertainment. From time immemorial, children gathered in groups, agreed on the rules of the game and had fun in the yard. To this day, special genres of oral folk art live in outdoor games. Children's folklore - verbal creativity, reflecting the ideas and knowledge of children, arises and exists in traditionally children's activities: games and fun. Simple poems and stories are permeated with motives of goodness and joy. They mention fairy-tale heroes, characters loved by children. Modern children rarely come up with something new. It is important to replenish their experience by memorizing and using small literary genres in the game: counting rhymes, chants, jokes, rhymes.

V round dance games-dance necessarily sound songs

A rhyme is a short rhyming rhyme that determines the leader in the game. It helps build honesty and a sense of camaraderie. The teacher introduces counters in games with children 4 years old. First, an adult pronounces the text and shows how the drawing is carried out with his help. Then a counting rhyme is memorized with the guys, and they try to determine the leader on their own with its help.

Photo gallery: examples of counters for memorization

A simple counting rhyme "The woman sowed peas" is used in games with children 3-4 years old The counting "Bunny" is learned with children 3-4 years old The counting rhyme for elimination An example of modern children's folklore is the counting "Suitcase" The counting rhyme is intended for choosing a leader in hide-and-seek Counting "Hedgehog" suitable for toddlers

Video: counting rhymes for children

Calls are short rhythmic songs in which the child refers to natural phenomena, animals and plants. With the help of invocations, children develop a sense of the significance of words, their ancient sacred meaning. These songs accompany outdoor games. They are used by children to play up some randomness or a small problem.

In round dance games with movement “according to the sun” (the chain goes around in a clockwise direction), spring calls and appeals about the sun are often used.
You can beat problem situations with invocations, for example, when water got into your ear while swimming (“Mouse, mouse, pour out the water ...”), and if you feel sad to ask for consolation from the month (“Month, month, shine ...”).

Photo gallery: examples of calls for games

Calls for folk outdoor games Call for outdoor games on a winter walk Summer calls

Video: round dances and the call of the sun

Nursery rhymes are short rhymes intended for pronunciation (less often singing) with young children. The nursery rhymes are accompanied by elementary game movements: clapping, swinging, tilting, stomping, etc. These rhymes develop rhythm in 1-3 year old kids and form an interest in outdoor games.

Tip: arrange joint leisure activities with mothers, introduce them to nursery rhymes. Toddlers are best at expanding knowledge and developing skills through joint games with mom. The teacher performs a nursery rhyme, participates in the game, the kids repeat the movements after him. But the younger preschool age is the time of playing with an adult partner. And the best partner, of course, is mom.

Photo gallery: examples of nursery rhymes with movements

Nursery rhyme with imitation movements about picking mushrooms Nursery rhyme "Let's go, let's go" teaches kids to jump and run in place Birds rhyme is loved by kids, they like to portray birds movements

Video: autumn nursery rhymes

Analysis of outdoor games in kindergarten

The purpose of the analysis of the conducted game is to determine the level of organizational skills of the teacher. The development of abilities depends on the competent setting of tasks, the choice of the game itself in accordance with the age and individual characteristics of children. The analysis takes into account the degree of motivation to participate in the game, what methods created interest in children. The head is considering gaming activity pupils in connection with their methodology.

Mobile Game Analysis Protocol

  1. The name of the game, the objectives of the game.
  2. The number of participants in the game, their age.
  3. Condition of the venue.
  4. Preliminary work, preparation of pupils.
  5. Motivational tricks.
  6. The use of folklore material in the game.
  7. Methods for explaining the game.
  8. The course and completion of the game: the emotional state and motor activity of children, the expressiveness of movements, whether the teacher needed additional help.
  9. Pros and cons in the organization of the game, ways of correction in the work of the educator.
  10. Implementation of tasks:
    • 2 - implemented in the game;
    • 1 - partially implemented;
    • 0 - the results of the game do not correspond to the tasks.

A brief analysis of the game is filed with the abstract in the teacher's folder. It describes the positive and unsuccessful moments in the game (the date is indicated), a long-term work plan is outlined.

Analysis of the outdoor game in the first junior group.

This game teaches you to control your behavior. The task of children is to perform game actions in time, which are determined by the role. The game situation provides for the alternation of two groups of actions - active movements and their deceleration, which requires certain efforts.

Created an emotional mood for the event.

The set goal has been achieved.

Perspectives: to continue work on children learning the rules in games.

Festival of outdoor games in kindergarten

Festivals dedicated to outdoor games are a variant of a sports holiday in kindergarten. This is a kind of form of accountability for the teacher on the development of games and at the same time entertainment for children.

It is best to spend sports holidays in the fresh air

Principles of organizing a sports event:

  • choosing the best place: in the gym, on the territory of the kindergarten, on the sports ground of a neighboring school, in a nearby park;
  • determination of participants and guests: participation of children of different ages (middle and senior groups, senior and preparatory), whether parents, brothers, sisters will be invited;
  • drawing up a holiday program: outdoor games of varying degrees of intensity alternate with singing, reading poetry, watching a presentation;
  • thinking over the award ceremony, if it is planned to hold games-competitions: commemorative medallions, diplomas.

Video: winter festival of outdoor games

Sports holidays are organized with pupils, starting from the middle group: the guys are invited to participate in the games of the senior group. Festivals of outdoor games should be held at different times of the year so that children have a constant motivation for active recreation.

Duration of outdoor games festivals

  • In the middle group - 30-40 minutes.
  • In the eldest - 40-50 minutes.
  • In the preparatory - no more than 1 hour.

The greatest benefit for the recovery and hardening of children is brought by holidays organized in the open air.

Festivals of Russian folk games are traditionally held during Christmas holidays, on Shrovetide week, on Trinity and Ivan Kupala in the summer. These are colorful and cheerful holidays, participating in which children join traditions. Pupils of younger groups also take part in the "revelry" (necessarily together with their parents): among the folk games there are many that are suitable for the smallest. Stomping to the rhythm of the joke, dancing and running away from Baba Yaga is a real delight for kids!

The festival of folk games is often held on Maslenitsa

Last summer, the head of the circle for spiritual and moral education organized a holiday of folk games for the Trinity. The city park was chosen as the venue. Parents were involved in the preparation of the site for the holiday: they made a decorative wattle fence, decorated the trees with ribbons and balloons. Unfortunately, there are no birches in the park, so they made a beautiful dummy.

Trinity festivities began with a beautiful girl greeting the guests. The presenter told about the history of the holiday and drew everyone into the round dance "Birch".

At the holiday, children and parents played "Wattle", "Burn, burn, clear", "Lady", "Bells". Between the games, a wreath weaving master class was held.

Trinity festivities from time immemorial were day fun games for children and youth

Table: script for a holiday of folk outdoor games in kindergarten (fragments)
Author: O. I. Marchenko, physical education instructor

holiday stageContent
Introductory stage, inclusion in the game situationChildren enter the hall to the music. Two buffoons run out.
1st buffoon. Hello dear guests! We have been waiting for you for a long time, waiting, the holiday does not start without you. Today there will be games, dancing, laughter. There is enough joy for everyone.
2nd buffoon. Today is a holiday of peace and spring.
The peoples' friendship grows stronger year by year!
Forever vanish signs of war.
May there be peace, and happiness, and freedom!
1st buffoon. Guys! We have gathered today to remember the old days, to play folk games. Each nation has its own traditions, its own songs, fairy tales, games.
Look, this is a globe - a model of our Earth. There are many people with skin on our planet different color- white, black, yellow. And they all want to live in peace. Let's guys build a ship and call it Friendship. Let our ship sail the seas and oceans in different countries.
Children build a ship from a floor constructor.
1 PI (mobile game)1st buffoon. And our boat sails from the station Russia. And the favorite game of Russians is “Burn, burn clearly!”
They play.
2 and 3 PIThe host points on the globe with a pointer with a boat attached to it, where the ship of travelers stops.
We make our first stop in the northern country of Norway. The nature here is very harsh. The sea crashes into the shore. There are fishermen who go out to sea and catch fish every day. And we will play the Norwegian folk game "Seine".
They play.
2nd buffoon. Our ship is sailing on.
Here is another northern country - the Netherlands. It is small and almost all of it is on the water. Strong winds blow all the time in the Netherlands.
Dutch game "Windmills".
RiddlesAnd now our ship is heading for France - the country of forests, vineyards and fairy tales. As long as the ship is sailing. We will guess what fairy tales these riddles are about (the fairy tales of Charles Perrault).
4 PI1st buffoon. A small strait separates France from England - a country located on a large island. England has always been famous for its rainy climate and fogs. But the English guys, like all the children of the world, love to play.
English folk game "Let everyone do as I do."
5 and 6 PI1st buffoon. We change course and sail south, to the shores of Africa - the big black continent. Africa is very hot, there is a large Sahara desert. People conserve water, trying not to spill a single drop. And we will become water carriers.
African game "Water Carriers".
1st buffoon. And now we are sailing to the shores of Brazil. It has a lot of swamps.
The game "Cross the Swamp".
CompletionWe have traveled to many countries, and there are many left that we have not visited, but it is time for us to return to Russia. There is nothing more beautiful than our Motherland.
Children read poems about the Motherland.
In every country we visited, we played the children's favorite games. Guys, what is the name of the region in which we live?
Children. Krasnodar. Kuban.
Let's play the Kuban game "Topolek".
Parting2nd buffoon. Well done to us guys!
Strong, skillful, friendly and brave!
1st buffoon. After all, the truth, friends, is good on the planet,
When the masters on the planet are children!
Let's protect anyone from adversity
Big and trusting blue ball!
A sourcePedkopilka

During this festival, children get acquainted with the peculiarities of different countries in an entertaining way. The advantage of the given scenario is in subject integration. The event synthesizes elements of the areas " Physical development"(games), "Knowledge" (geographical information), "Artistic and aesthetic" (address to poems, fairy tales). The finale of the holiday is dedicated to the Krasnodar Territory, which brings up in children a reverent attitude towards their small homeland.

Take it as a rule: a festive event (sports, musical, educational orientation) is implemented within the framework of the main provision of the Federal State Educational Standard - the education of a comprehensively developed personality. A variety of forms of active leisure is fun for children and benefits.

Education - higher philological, master's degree in philology. Specialty - teacher of Russian language and literature, teacher of history. Studying the contemporary literary process is part of my life. As a teacher in recent years, I have more often interacted with preschool children, so I actively explore the experience of preschool teachers, study the latest developments in teaching preschoolers.


The host comes out with a toy hedgehog:

Let's meet friends

Forest hedgehog, prickly - me!

Harvest day has come

Good thing I found out!

I was in such a hurry to the guys

The rain got me wet.

But I found the path

It even arrived on time!

Come to the garden

See how everything grows

How to play hide and seek

Cucumbers in the garden.

Like sunflowers in a potato

Stretching palms towards the sun

Like morning dew

Beans have glossy whiskers.

How they blush at the fence

Giant tomatoes.

Everything grows, everything blooms,

No one is tight.

Come in. garden -

Very interesting.

Invites the children to stand in a circle and play.

mobile game low mobility"Our garden is fine."

Our garden is fine.

We dug up beds in the spring ( imitate work with a shovel).

We weeded the garden we bend down, we reach the floor with our hands).

watering the garden ( show how watered with a watering can).

Small holes are not dense

We planted cabbage squat down, put your hands on your knees).

All summer she got fat,

Growing up and up slowly rising).

And now she has dough, poor thing,

Says: "Step aside!" ( stomp your foot at the end of a sentence)

Leading: Here are some good fellows! Well, since you know so much about the garden, then I suggest you solve the riddles!


Golden and useful

Vitamin, although sharp,

It has a bitter taste...

Burns ... Not a lemon. (Onion)

As in the garden under the leaf

The chump rolled up -

Zelenets remote,

Delicious little vegetable. (Cucumber)

vegetable garden

Hid in the basement

Bright yellow in color

And the braid is like a bouquet. (Carrot)

Red, kids, but not a poppy.

In the garden - not beetroot.

Juicy tasty sir.

Guessed? (Tomato)

Brown is not a bear,

In a mink - but not a mouse. (Potato)

In these yellow pyramids

Hundreds of delicious grains. (Corn)

Leading: Oh, what smart kids we have! All mysteries solved! And now we invite the children of the eldest and preparatory group in a circle.

(Movements, as in the children's game “Like on ... we baked a loaf for a name day”)

We'll take baskets

Let's go to the garden.

Harvest collect

And stock up for the winter.

People came to the garden.

There is a carrot growing

Here is such a height

Here's the width.

People came to the garden.

Cabbage grows there

Here is such a height

Here's the width.

(You can ask the children what else is growing in the garden and play with it.)

We're going, we're going home

On a horse-drawn horse.

Open the gate -

The harvest is coming from the field.

We rode on a horse

Passed by the field.

Here is the field

Wide, big!

And on the field it is earing

Golden wheat.

I am a spike, and you are a spike,

I am a spikelet, and you are a spikelet.

Hello, hello, friend!

Leading: "Now let's play a game!"

.Musical game "Apple"

This game requires an apple. The participants of the game dance to the music and at the same time pass the apple to each other. The host turns off the music from time to time. The one who at that moment had an apple in his hands is out. The last player to dance wins and is rewarded with an apple.

Leading: "And now we invite our youngest children to play."

The game "Hedgehog walks with a drum"

Game "Dachniks" (for older children)

Children are built in two columns. The first child from each team runs with a hoop and leaves it in a certain place. Then girls run with baskets and "plant" vegetables. Then the boys drive up in cars and collect the crops in the back. The team that completes the task first wins.

At the end of the holiday, children dance to the song "Antoshka".

Scenario of summer entertainment for children of the younger group in the kindergarten "Harvesting"

Material Description: I offer you a little entertainment. This material will be useful to educators of younger groups, parents.

1. To develop children's ability to distinguish and name vegetables and fruits.
2. Continue to develop the ability of children to listen carefully to the teacher, to answer questions.
3. To form the ability to name colors: red, yellow, green.
4. Cultivate a desire to help in difficult times.

Entertainment progress:

Educator: Guys, grandparents came to visit us, they need to collect vegetables and fruits in the garden. But they themselves are already old and ask you to help them. Are you willing to help?
Children: Of course we are ready to help.
Educator: Well done guys for helping out. Let's remember what vegetables grow in the garden.
Children: Carrots, cucumbers, beets, cabbage, zucchini, eggplant, tomatoes.
Educator: Right. What fruits did grandparents grow?
Children: Apples, pears, plums.
Educator: Well done guys, you got it right. Let's remember finger gymnastics about vegetables.

Finger gymnastics:
We collect in a basket
And carrots and potatoes.
Cucumbers, beans, peas
Our harvest is not bad.

(Alternately bend your fingers to your palm, starting with the big one. With the words “Our harvest is not bad”, cover the entire fist).
Educator: Well, we remembered fruits and vegetables, it's time to go to the garden and harvest.
Game: Harvest.(a bed with plastic vegetables was made on the floor in advance: carrots, cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes, and there are two trees on which apples and pears hang).
Educator: Guys, grandparents prepared two baskets. You need to put vegetables in the red basket, and put fruits in the yellow one. (Children collect vegetables and fruits in baskets). Well done guys, they helped grandparents well. Let's look at the harvest. (the teacher takes out a vegetable or fruit from the baskets) Guys, what do I have in my hands?
Children: It's a tomato, it's a vegetable.
Educator: What color are our tomatoes?
Children: Red and yellow.
Educator: Right. Now what did I get out of the basket?
Children: This is a green cucumber.
Educator: That's right, I invite you to play the game.
Game "Cucumber, Cucumber"
At one end of the hall is a teacher (trap), at the other end are children. They approach the trap by jumping on two legs. The teacher says:
"Cucumber, cucumber,
Don't go to that end.
The mouse lives there
It will bite your tail off."

Children run to their places, and the teacher catches up with them.

Educator: How clever you are, you ran away quickly, well done. What am I showing you now, a vegetable or a fruit?
Children: This is an apple, a fruit.
Educator: What color are apples?
Children: Green, red.
Educator: What good fellows you are, you have harvested, and now you can dance.
Dance: "We're having fun."(after the dance, grandparents enter, thank the children for their help and treat everyone with apples).

Games for kids autumn holiday

The game is played by two people. They take each basket in their hands. 10 - 12 cones are scattered on the floor. On a signal, the children begin to collect them in their baskets. The one who collects the most cones wins.

Two people are playing. On one side of the hall are two buckets in which carrots and potatoes are mixed. Each child, on a signal, runs with a basket to a bucket and chooses either carrots or potatoes in his basket and returns back. Whoever completes the task faster, he won.

In the game, you can use apples or carrots. Two players sit on chairs opposite each other. They are blindfolded and given an apple. They start feeding each other. The one who ate the apple the fastest wins.

The game involves 3 people. Paper vines, cornflowers and dandelion leaves are scattered around the hall. Children are given a bucket. On a signal, they must collect the weeds in buckets: one - loaches, the other leaves, the third - cornflowers. The child who completes the task faster than the others wins.

2 children participate in the game. On 2 trays are 1 maple leaf, cut into pieces. On command, children collect pieces of paper piece by piece to the music. The winner is the one who is the first to make a leaflet from disparate particles.
The game is played by two people. 6-8 potatoes are scattered on the floor. Each child has a basket and a wooden spoon. On a signal, you need to collect potatoes with a spoon, one at a time, and put them in a basket. The child who collects the most potatoes in a certain amount of time wins.

Two children are participating. "Puddle" - a carpet in the center of the hall. On a signal, the children put on galoshes and run from one end of the carpet to the other and back. The one who runs faster wins.

On one side of the hall there are 2 trucks, on the other side, dummies of onions, cucumbers, tomatoes, beets and potatoes are laid out on the floor, 2 of each. The game is played by two. On a signal, they drive trucks to the opposite side of the hall, fill them with vegetables and return back. The one who completes the task faster wins.
A more difficult option: transport one vegetable at a time.

It involves two teams. Fake mushrooms are laid out on the floor. At the signal of the team, the mushrooms run around the snake along the "winding path" (each child holds on to the shoulders of the one in front). The winner is the team that:
- did not drop a single mushroom;
- did not lose a single participant;
- Faster to the finish line.

At the opposite wall of the hall, two racks are placed with a rope stretched between them. Apples and pears are tied to a rope for sticks. The child is blindfolded. He must reach the racks, cut off any fruit with scissors and guess it by touch.
Children stand in a circle, in the center of the circle - the driver with the ball. He throws the ball to any child and says one of the words: "Vegetable", "Berry" or "Fruit". The child, having caught the ball, quickly names the familiar vegetable, berry or fruit, respectively. Whoever makes a mistake is out of the game.

On the tablet, fruits are drawn in several rows (for example: an apple, a pear, an orange). In each row, the fruits are arranged in a different order. The presenter closes any fruit in any row and asks: “What is missing?” Children must name the fruit that is closed. Options: instead of fruits - vegetables, berries, mushrooms, tree leaves.

They play in twos. Each participant is given an empty basket. Silhouettes of mushrooms lie on the floor. Children take turns taking the silhouette of a mushroom, name any mushroom they know, and put it in a basket. The one who "collected" the most mushrooms wins.

Two parent volunteers hold a rope from which apples are tied. The game is played by 2 children. They are offered to eat an apple hanging on a rope without touching it with their hands. Who quickly?

There are two teams of 6 children. This is a grandfather, grandmother, Bug, granddaughter, cat and mouse. There are 2 chairs on the opposite wall of the hall. On each chair sits a "turnip" - children in a hat with the image of a turnip. The grandfather starts the game. On a signal, he runs to the "turnip", runs around it and returns, the grandmother clings to him (takes him by the waist), and they continue to run together, again go around the "turnip" and run back, then the granddaughter joins them, etc. At the end of the game, a "turnip" clings to the mouse. The team that pulls out the turnip the fastest wins.

Three couples for one minute collect grains (beans, peas, pumpkin seeds) scattered on the floor. Those who collect the most win.

Blindfolded, the players must taste the vegetables that they are offered.

Equipment: 8 hoops, 2 buckets, 4-5 potatoes, 2 watering cans.
2 teams of 4 people participate.
1st participant "plows the ground" (puts hoops).
The 2nd participant “plants potatoes” (puts potatoes in a hoop).
The 3rd participant “waters the potatoes” (runs around each hoop with a watering can).
The 4th participant “harvests” (collects potatoes in a bucket).
The faster team wins.

The player, blindfolded, must draw peas so that they do not go beyond the line of the pod.

Children are invited to unload "cars" with "vegetables". Cars are placed against one wall, and two baskets are placed opposite them against the other wall. Near the baskets, one player stands up at a time and, on a signal, they run to the cars. You can carry vegetables one at a time. Vegetables should be the same in all machines, both in quantity and volume. Other members can then "load" the machines; In this case, the players stand at the cars, run to the baskets on a signal and transfer the vegetables to the cars. Cars can be boxes, chairs; vegetables - skittles, cubes, etc.
Musical accompaniment sounds. Children, each of which is a "scarecrow", go to the middle of the hall and spread their arms to the sides. If the host says: “Sparrow!”, Then you need to wave your hands. If the host says: "Crow!" - you have to clap your hands.

The driver ("mushroom picker") is blindfolded. Mushroom children run around the hall. If a "fly agaric" comes across, the children shout: "Don't take it!" The winner is the one who "gathers" more "mushrooms" in a certain time.

It is necessary to determine the vegetable or fruit by touch, without removing it from the bag.

The game is played by two children. On 2 trays are 1 maple leaf, cut into pieces. On command, children collect pieces of paper piece by piece to the music. The winner is the one who is the first to make a leaflet from disparate particles.

In the cup are pieces of different vegetables or fruits. The child is blindfolded and he must taste to determine what it is.

Game "Autumn leaves".
Children with leaflets in their hands stand in a circle and together with the teacher recite a poem.
We are autumn leaves
They sat on the branches.
The wind blew, they flew.
We flew, we flew.
And they sat quietly on the ground.
The wind picked up again.
And lifted all the leaves.
Turned them round and round.
And dropped to the ground.
Children imitate the actions of the “leaves” in accordance with the text of the poem: they squat down, fly around the room, sit down again quietly, rise, spin and sit down again. The leaves are collected in a bouquet.
Finger game "Autumn bouquet".
- Guys, let's collect the autumn bouquet.
One, two, three, four, five -
Let's collect the leaves. (Squeeze and unclench fists).
Birch leaves.
rowan leaves,
poplar leaves,
aspen leaves,
Oak leaves (Bend fingers alternately).
We will collect
Autumn in a vase
We'll take the bouquet. (Squeeze and unclench fists).
“Sort vegetables and fruits”
Two people are playing. On one side of the hall are two buckets in which vegetables and fruits are mixed. Each child, on a signal, runs with a basket to a bucket and chooses either vegetables or fruits in his basket and returns back. Whoever completes the task faster, he won.


Lesson plan

  1. Game "Name vegetables and fruits."
  2. Pantomime "Turnip".
  3. Jokes.
  4. Riddles competition.
  5. The game "I choose juice."

Lesson progress

3. Pantomime "Turnip"

arrange purchases so that some are useful to her for borscht, and others for compote.

a) - Why are you, bunny, sad?

  • Lost a head of cabbage.
  • Which one then?
  • Come on, little bunny

Let me touch your belly!

  • He's tight as a drum!

b) — Where is the apple, Andryusha?

  • I have been eating an apple for a long time.
  • You didn't wash it, did you?
  • I have cleansed the skin.
  • Well done you have become.
  • I've been like this for a long time.
  • And where is the cleaning of cases?
  • I also ate cleaning!

6. Riddles contest


8. The game "I choose juice"

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Purpose: to consolidate knowledge about vegetables and fruits.

Lesson plan

    Game "Name vegetables and fruits."

    Mobile game "Garden and vegetable garden".

    Pantomime "Turnip".

    Mobile relay game "Let's help mom cook dinner."


    Riddles competition.

    Mobile game "Harvest".

    The game "I choose juice."

Lesson progress

1. Game "Name vegetables and fruits"

a) The speech therapist presents the children with a basket of vegetables with the words:

We planted a vegetable garden ourselves in the spring. We planted and weeded ourselves. And now ... He settled down, lay down in a huge basket And red, and yellow, and black, and blue, Such a healthy multi-colored people. (Tomato, turnip, radish, eggplant.)

b) Children, taking out one at a time, name vegetables and fruits lying in two different baskets.

c) The speech therapist reports the topic of leisure.

2. Outdoor game "Garden and vegetable garden"(consolidation of verb vocabulary)

Children choose hats with the image of fruits and vegetables and stand in a circle, holding hands. Leading child in the center. Children go in a circle in one direction or the other with the words: "We came to the garden, the cucumber grows here."

The leading child (in a cucumber cap) gives the command: "Squat, squat, pick a cucumber from the garden."

Children squat, imitate movement on the instructions of the driver. The driver changes, the next task also changes, for example: “Pull the carrot out of the garden.”

And now we'll go to the garden, We'll pick apples there. Get up on your toes, pluck straight from the tree.

3. Pantomime "Turnip"

Roles are chosen by children at will, or they are distributed by a speech therapist. Pantomime can be repeated with a different cast of participants.

4. Mobile relay game "Let's help mom cook dinner"

Two teams are playing. The basket contains natural vegetables and fruits or dummies: cabbage, onion, garlic, carrots, beets, potatoes, parsley, apple, pear, banana, lemon, pineapple, orange, tangerine.

Teacher: Mom came from the market, she had vegetables and fruits in her basket. She decided to cook borscht and compote. Need her

arrange purchases so that some are useful to her for borscht, and others for compote.

5. Jokes prepared in advance

a) - Why are you, bunny, sad?

    Lost a head of cabbage.

  • Like this... Round, white and big.

    Come on, little bunny

Let me touch your belly!

    He's tight as a drum!

    So, I ate my head of cabbage. And I forgot.

b) - Where is the apple, Andryusha?

    I have been eating an apple for a long time.

    You didn't wash it, did you?

    I have cleansed the skin.

    Well done you have become.

    I've been like this for a long time.

    And where is the cleaning of cases?

    I also ate cleaning!

6. Riddles contest

a) Recall and guess riddles about vegetables and fruits.

b) Make a riddle-description.

7. Mobile game "Harvest"

Two teams are playing. The first collects, for example, bananas. The result of each participant is counted in chorus. The second collects carrots. Summing up.

8. The game "I choose juice"

The children played for a long time, the children were very tired. Children rush to the group, they want to drink juice.

Children choose plastic cups with fruit and vegetable tabs inside and name the juice they have chosen.

Children give different answers: “I like apple juice, it is sweet”, “I chose carrot juice”, “I like pear juice the most”.

Summarizing. Announcement of the winning team.

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