Games with the audience from the stage for teenagers. Joking games, mass games (games with the audience), fun contest games

"Three Movements"

The leader shows three movements. For example: the first - the arms are bent at the elbows, the hands are at shoulder level; the second - stretched in front; the third - hands are raised up.

The children must memorize the number of each movement.

The host shows one movement, while calling the number of another. The players must make only those movements that correspond to the named number (and not those that the leader shows).

"Our suitcase"

Host: Guys, what might we need for a long trip? Name the items that need to be taken first. We name objects in turn. So, the road battles began! (The guys name the objects, whoever names the last one is the most attentive).

"Traffic light"

And now let's check what a friendly team we have, and the song will help us with this. There are three circles in front of you: green, yellow, red. When I show you the green circle, you all sing together, when the yellow circle - we sing quietly, and when the red circle appears in the hall, there is silence, you sing the song to yourself.

So, get ready, let's get started!

"Fly, fly"

Leading: Guys, and now I will name various objects, if they fly, you must say in unison: "They fly, they fly ...". At the same time, you show the flight of the movement of the hands. If objects don't fly, keep quiet.



(The facilitator says the words quickly).

"Goal! By!"

Moderator: Now imagine that you are present at football match, where the match between the teams "Dynamo - Moscow" and "Dynamo - Kyiv" takes place. One half of the audience supports Dynamo-Kyiv, the other half supports Dynamo-Moscow. When I raise my hand, the team shouts “GOAL!”, the left one “PASSED!”, and two hands “PUCHER!”, crossed arms “Bar!”.

Let's see what kind of fans you are.


Host: how fast time flies. Watches are a necessary item for each of us. Let's all listen to how the clock runs and what happens when we treat it carelessly.

Rules of the game: for one clap - the right side of the hall says in chorus: “Tick”, for two claps the left side of the hall answers: “So”.

(The leader first alternates the claps correctly, and then gives two claps two times in a row, two times one at a time).

"Ear, nose"

Leading: the rules of this game are very simple: you need to take yourself with your right hand by the tip of your nose, and with your left hand by your right ear, then clap your hands and change hands so that now the left hand is holding the tip of the nose, and the right hand is holding the left ear.

Shall we try? Started!


Leading: the guys will learn the words of our song:

We dance together

Tra-ta-ta, tra-ta-ta

Our cheerful dance

This is Lavata

Moderator: Are our hands good?

Everyone: good... Presenter: what about the neighbor?

All: Better! (everyone joins hands and sings)

"My triangular cap"

Leading: guys, we will sing one more song, only we will replace each word in turn with various movements. But first, let's learn the words:

My triangular cap

My triangular cap

And if not triangular,

That is not my hat.

(Guys sing)

Leading: And now the word cap - we show, with a hand on the head, but we do not pronounce the word cap. Then, when the word “my” is heard, the guys touch their chests with their hands, but do not pronounce the word itself. For the word triangular, the guys should show three fingers, stretching their hand forward, and then transferring it to the belt.

"Uncle Thomas' Family"

Uncle Thomas has seven sons

Uncle Thomas has seven sons.

They didn't eat, they didn't drink.

And never got bored.

Right hand (the players throw their right hand in front of them and, shaking it to the beat of the melody, repeat the song). So alternately after each verse, the right and left hands are thrown out, the right and left feet are stamped to the beat of the melody, then the movements of the right and left shoulders, the right and left eyes. The game ends like this:

Uncle Thomas has seven sons

Uncle Thomas has seven sons.

They didn't eat, they didn't drink.

And never got bored.

Right hand,

Left hand,

Right leg,

Left leg,

right shoulder,

left shoulder,

Right eye,

Left eye.

And the head (the players put their hands on their heads).

In zoo

Get ready - I'm starting

Ask you questions.

If I ask correctly

You must answer me:

"Saw, seen, seen in the zoo!"

(Asks a question)

Leading: Behind the bars at the gate

Sleeping giant hippopotamus

Leading: Here is a baby elephant a quiet dream

guarding the old elephant

All: Seen, seen, seen in the zoo.

Leading: Black-eyed marten

Wonderful bird.

(the answer should not sound, but if those who are mistaken and say "Saw ...")

Who said the marten is a bird,

Should learn better.

But I don't waste time

I continue the test.

Leading: Ponies - little horses

How funny ponies are.

Seen, seen, seen in the zoo.

Leading: over the fields beyond the mountains.

A chicken with horns walks (laughter in the hall)


Leader: repeat after me the words:

Oh la tarira! (hitting hands on knees)


Oh la tarira!


(When pronouncing the words “ku-ku”, we click our fingers. The cuckoo can cuckoo 10 or more times, while the pace increases).

"What an instrument"

Presenter: guys, are you familiar with musical instruments? I'll check now...

Which instrument

Do you have strings and a pedal?

What is this? Undoubtedly

This is our sonorous (Royal).

He looks like a brother to the button accordion,

Where there is fun, and he ...

I won't suggest

Everyone Knows (Accordion)

I put a pipe to my lips

A trill poured through the forest,

The tool is very fragile.

It is called ... (pipe).

Louder than flutes, louder than violins,

Louder than the trumpets is our giant.

It's rhythmic, it's great

Our cheerful (Drum).

Weak bow movements lead

In the flutter of the strings.

The motive murmurs from afar, sings about a moonlit evening.

So clear is the overflow of sounds, in them

Joy and smile

Sounds dreamy tune

I am called (Violin).

Very few strings have been given to me,

But so far I've had enough!

You are my strings behind

And you will hear: long, long, long!

Come on! Guess who am I!

Naughty (Balalaika).

"The deer has a big house"

Facilitator: learns the words with the children and explains that each word is played with the appropriate hand movements. The pace is constantly picking up.

The deer has a big house,

He looks out his window.

The hare runs through the forest.

There is a knock on his door:

"Knock, knock, open the door,

There's an evil hunter in the forest!

Open doors quickly

Give me a paw."


Leading: guys for this game we need to be divided into three groups.

    1 group says "Tell me about the purchases",

    Group 2 - "About what purchases?",

    Group 3 - "About such purchases."

    All - "About purchases (3 times) mine"

And so we begin to gradually increase the pace.

"The ball is flying"

Presenter: learning the words (the melody of the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest!”)

Flying, flying through the sky balloon

The balloon flies across the sky

But we know that up to the sky

It won't fly at all.

Host: and now each time we will replace the words with movements:

    Flying - waving our arms,

    Sky - raise your index finger up,

    The ball is a circular motion of the hands.

"It's me, it's me, it's all my friends"

Leading: guys, I will ask you questions, and you listen carefully and answer "it's me, it's me, these are all my friends."

Who among you does not like boredom?

Who is the master of all trades here?

Who dances and sings?

Who takes care of the clothes?

Does he put it under the bed?

Who keeps things in order?

Tears and books and notebooks?

Who says thanks?

Who gives thanks for everything?

Who's ready to get going first?

And in the gym, who runs boldly?

Who sings songs in the pioneer detachment?

And who neatly keeps notebooks?

And who is not lazy, and not a coward, and not a crybaby?

Who puts a huge inkblot in a notebook?

Who wants to study "excellently"?

Who is proud of his school and class?

Who answers the lesson without hesitation?

Who helps comrades in their studies?


Leading: guys, do you want to listen to the sound of rain? We do everything like me. (The host speaks and shows)

    And suddenly a droplet fell from the sky (with the finger of the right hand we hit the palm of the left)

    Then two drops fell from the sky. (twice)

    Then three drops fell from the sky. (three times)

    Then four drops fell from the sky. (four times)

    Then five drops fell from the sky. (five times) (hit with a finger, depicting a downpour).

    And the downpour came down hard, strong, like from a bucket.

    A day pours, two pours ... And now it begins to subside.

    Four drops began to fall from the sky. (four times)

    Then three drops fell from the sky. (three times).

    Then two drops fell from the sky.

    Then a single drop began to fall from the sky. (single finger strikes).

    But one drop stubbornly falls ... Do you hear? The rain is over. The sun came out, the rainbow smiles at everyone and everyone is in a good mood.

The hall became quiet.


The hall, together with the expert, pronounces the words and repeats his movements:

They came, they came (we go together).

Hedgehogs, hedgehogs (show spread fingers).

Forged, forged (hit fist on fist).

Scissors, scissors (we show scissors with our hands).

Run in place, run in place (run in place)

Bunnies, bunnies (show ears).

Come on together! Come on together! (all the boys shout loudly: “Boys”, and all the girls: “Girls”).

The game is usually played 2-3 times.


The hall is divided into three parts and each gets its own words:

    1st - "In the bath, the brooms are soaked."

    2nd - "Spindles are not accurate."

    3rd - "But the bast is not dried."

    Words for the hall - "The lady is the lady, the lady is madam."

The host conducts the hall, points to the first, then to the second part, then to the whole hall. On whom he will show, they pronounce their words.


Host: “My friend came from India and brought a fan as a gift (fanning himself with an imaginary fan, the audience repeats). My friend came from India and brought a fan and a sewing machine as a gift (first he depicts a fan, then a typewriter, the audience repeats). Gradually adding more and more new items, for example: skis, a meat grinder, a wind gun, a saxophone ... "

The players must not get lost.


Host: "In order to observe the stars, an astronomer must open the dome of the observatory."

The players spread their arms bent at the elbows, which are in front of the face, in different directions: "Pull - vzhih."

Leading: We put forward the telescope.

The players stretch their necks forward, their hands remain in the same position: “Uuu!!”.

Presenter: "We wipe the lens with a soft cloth."

Players: make rotational movements in front of the face: "Shih - shim - shim."

Moderator: We aim at the target.

Players: With the right hand, they imitate the rotation of the flywheel, the body turns either to the right or to the left: “Z-z-z-z”.

Host: "Look through the eyepiece."

Players: look into the ring formed by the thumb and forefinger: "Oh-oh-oh-oh."

Leading: "And there the stars light up."

Players: open their palms in front of them, alternately with their right and left hands: “Bang - bang - bang”.

Host: "Asteroids are flying, comets are rushing by."

Players: wave their right and left hands: “Bzh - w - w. Three!"

Host: "A storm is flying."

Players: arms spread apart, gently swaying: "Shhhhhh."

Host: "The astronaut fell out of the hatch."

Players: Fall on their side with a groan: "Ah-ah-ah-ah."

Presenter: "Flying saucers fly straight in jambs."

Players: Forefingers make rotational movements near the shoulders: "Ulu-lu-lu-lu."

Host: Meteorites are falling. It's a meteor shower."

Players: Applaud, applause smoothly turns into a standing ovation.


Leading: "The horses go to the start."

Players: imitate hoof fires by hitting their knees with their palms, alternately left and right.

Host: "Let's go! Attention! March!". Players: gradually speed up the run, hitting their knees with greater frequency.

Host: Barrier! (double barrier) Players: make one, two claps on the knees with two palms at once.

Leading: "We run along the pavement." Players: alternately hitting themselves with their fists on the collarbones.

Leading: "Run on the grass." Players: Rub palm on palm.

Leading: "In the swamp." Players: bring index fingers to the corners of the mouth. Alternately moving them up and down, sucking in air through the mouth, peculiar sounds are obtained.

Host: Tribune. The girls scream: “Come on, come on! E-ge-ge." Young men: "Whoa-hoo-hoo" and whistle.

Moderator: "Coming soon." Players: Wipe sweat, imitate putting on a wreath (medal) around the neck.

Notes: The facilitator can alternate tasks at his discretion to pass new ones.


The host divides the hall into five parts and distributes words to each:

    1st "Damn-n-n".

    2nd "Polblina".

    3rd "Pancake Quarter".

    4th "no pancakes, one sour cream."

    5th "Pancakes - pancakes."

Each word is pronounced in a certain tonality and a certain rhythm, and the tone increases from “pancake” to “pancakes”, the whole part, “pancake” to 1/16 - “pancakes”.

If you consistently pronounce the words to the whole hall and correctly maintain the tone and frequency, then a feeling of a bell ringing is created in the hall.


The players repeat the words and movements after the leader.

“My grandmother lives in Brazil! She has such a finger! (Shows thumb, everyone repeats). My grandmother lives in Brazil! She has such a finger! (Showing). And here is the mouth. (Curves his mouth and everyone repeats). Those are the eyes. (Goggles eyes). More and more new phrases are added to such phrases:

These are the shoulders (right shoulder up, left shoulder down). She constantly jumps (showing). And screams: “Oh, how beautiful I am! Why doesn't anyone love me?" (Everyone screams)

After a pause, when the laughter subsides, the Host says: “What is the grandmother, so are the grandchildren.”

"Screamer of the African Tribe"

Oh-oh-oh a-le

Balis bamba la-e

Oh kikilis bamba

Oh sava wavimba

Oh I eat bananas

Ai wai lizi

Ai wai lizi lizi

Pre-ere-ere-oh, oh-oh-oh

Komalamu komalamu, Komalamu vista



S-s-s vista

"Bee and Bear"

The host starts the chant, and the children simply repeat what he said in unison.

On the shore

big river

bee stung

Bear right in the nose.


The bear screamed

Sat on the sand

And he started to sing...

"Merry Grammar"

Leading: guys I offer you the game "Funny Grammar". I will call the words in the singular, and you will answer in the plural.

For example: raft. You are in charge of the rafts. And so, everything is clear.

Raft - rafts.

Mole - moles.

Grotto - grottoes (and correctly grottoes).

Arc - arcs.

Hand - hands.

Flour - flour (no plural).

Resident - residents.

A resident of a town is the inhabitants of a town (and, correctly, a dead town).

Lover - lovers.

Greek - Greeks.

Uzbek - Uzbeks.

Man - people (and rightly so - people!).

Leading: and now the verbs of the indefinite form must be put in the first person.

Dream - I dream.

Shine - I shine.

Whistle - I whistle (but I whistle correctly).

Leading: I will call the masculine words, and you - the corresponding feminine words:

The cook is a cook.

Tailor - dressmaker.

A merchant is a merchant.

Brave - ... (there is no feminine word).

Leading: last try. I call the words of the feminine gender, and you - the corresponding words of the masculine gender:

A goat is a goat.

Wasp - ... (no feminine word).

Leading: all clear. Let's see how you know math, multiplication table.

Guys stand up

Attention game. The host offers to carry out his commands only if he pronounces the appeal “guys”. For example: "Guys, clap your hands," everyone should clap. “Now stomp,” no one should move, because. the appeal "guys" was not said.


The host offers a game for attention. To any of his phrases, the players must answer the other way around. For example, the host says "good", the players - "evil". Here is a possible text of the game.

Host: Hello guys. Players: Goodbye.

Moderator: "Yes, hello." Players: "No, goodbye."

Moderator: "Okay, goodbye." Players: Hello.

Leading: "Oh, guys, how good you are." Players: Bad.

Host: "Well, bad."

Players: Good.

Host: "You're just being bad." Players: "Good"

Leading: "Well, okay, good" Players: "Bad", etc.


E pizza hut (we draw a circle with our hands)

E pizza hut

Kentucky Franchikken (Bending your arms at the elbow, waving your arms like a chicken)

End e pizza hut (we draw a circle with our hands)

After that, we shout "McDonald's" and, folding our fingers with a pinch, put them on the crown.

This game is usually played, squeaky (with reduced movements), loudly (with large movements)

"Lion Hunt"

Clapping their hands on their knees, the players say the words in unison:

"We're hunting for a lion,

We are not afraid of him. We have a good gun. And a red-hot sword.

Further words are accompanied by appropriate gestures. All: "Oh! What is it?". Leading: “This is a lake (swamp, meadow, at the end - a lion). All: “You can’t get around him. You can't fly over it. You can't crawl under it. The road is straight ahead ”Bul-bul-bul (or chav-chav, shur-shur, ah-ah-ah). After the word - "lion", everyone repeats the movements and sounds in reverse order.

Try it, make no mistake

Can you repeat three short phrases after me now? - the host asks the guys. Nobody doubts this, of course.

"It's raining today," the host says. Everyone confidently repeats this phrase.

“And tomorrow, you think, the weather will be fine,” he says. There is no error again.

“So you made a mistake,” the presenter joyfully declares. The guys are at a loss: "Why?"

The host explains: “So you made a mistake” - this was my third phrase. Nobody repeated.


I have a steam locomotive TU - TU - CHI - CHI

He takes me on rails - TU - TU - CHI - CHI

He has a pipe and a stove - TU - TU - CHI - CHI

And a magic ring TU - TU - CHI - CHI

We will depart from the station - TU - TU - CHI - CHI

It has four halls - TU - TU - CHI - CHI

We'll go to Paris - TU - TU - CHI - CHI

And maybe even closer TU - TU - CHI - CHI

Here comes the spring rain TU - TU - CHI - CHI

And our train got stuck - TU - TU - CHI - CHI

We are standing in a huge puddle - TU - TU - CHI - CHI

Here we are not up to Paris - TU - TU - CHI - CHI



I was bitten by a hippopotamus - I was bitten by a hippopotamus

(spread arms out to sides)

Out of fear, I climbed a tree - Out of fear, I climbed a tree

And here I am - And here I am

(pointing to themselves)

And my hand is there And my hand is there

(one hand is taken to the side)

I was bitten by a hippopotamus - I was bitten by a hippopotamus

(they spread their arms to the sides, but they do not return the hand allotted in the previous phrase, but keep it in this position until the very end of the game)

I was bitten by a hippopotamus - I was bitten by a hippopotamus

(spread arms out to sides)

Out of fear, I climbed a tree - Out of fear, I climbed a tree

(show how they climb a tree)

And here I am - And here I am

(pointing to themselves)

And my foot is there - And my foot is there

(one leg out to the side)

I was bitten by a hippopotamus - I was bitten by a hippopotamus

We offer you a series of interesting and fun games with the hall. You can use these games at extracurricular school activities or at a summer health camp.

Variant of five-minute games. They help to fill in the pauses that occur before the start of concert programs, and to pass the time in case of forced delays between individual numbers.


Moderator: “Game for attention. Imagine that my left hand is the sea (makes a wave-like movement), and my right hand is a fish (with my right palm it depicts a fish that swims, wriggling). When a fish jumps out of the sea (i.e., the right hand rises over the left hand), you clap. So let's get started."

The leader initially makes slow movements. Then he introduces deceptive movements, then speeds up the pace, arranging a standing ovation.


Host: “Now we will learn our signature applause. Repeat after me. It started to rain - we clap one finger on the palm. The rain began to intensify - we clap two fingers on the palm. Has become even stronger - clap three fingers on the palm. It's raining heavily - four fingers clapping on the palm of your hand. It began to rain - with the whole palm. After losing once, the host may offer to learn the ending of the game. When he waves his hand, the whole room should say: "Yes", and the rain stops, silence is established.


The host proposes to arrange a festive salute in the hall. The most daring spectators will help in this. Two people are invited to the stage. One gets the role of a matchbox, which stands at the right backstage close to the edge of the stage, the second - the role of a match. Standing in the middle of the stage, the match will have to proudly walk to the box and, striking the box with its head, will catch fire. The host invites the viewer in bright red clothes, who will play the role of a spark. The next four spectators become the wick. Lined up in a line, they stand in the middle of the stage. Next, the viewer is invited to play the role of a gun. Placed at the left wings, the gun should loudly say “Bang!”. And, finally, 5-8 spectators in bright clothes are invited from the audience. They squat in front of the stage in a circle and, after the signal of the cannon, they will have to stand up with the words “tili-tili”, and the audience applauds loudly.

After the rehearsal, a salute is arranged, the presenter comments on what is happening: A proud match steps towards the box, striking its head on the box, lights up, a light appears. A match with a twinkle steps towards the wick. The light runs along the wick to the cannon. The gun fires. Fireworks are lit to the applause of the audience.


The presenter proposes to put on a new film "Titanic". Presenter: “Let's go on a sea voyage on the Titanic. But do not be afraid, because we will build this ship ourselves. For this, I need your help." The host invites two people to the stage. They will be the sides of the Titanic. Then another actor is invited. He gets the role of the boat. The sides join hands, the boat hangs in their arms. The bow of the ship should be decorated with a female figure, a girl comes out. Then two tall people are invited, they will be the pipes on the ship. “The ship is built, but not equipped. It is very important not to forget to take a flare.” A little girl who can make a loud, piercing cry is invited to this role. Two actors in white are invited to play the role of the iceberg. He gets in the way of the ship.

Presenter: “The ship crashes into an iceberg and splits in half (the sides unhook their hands, the boat falls into the water). There is panic on the ship (spectators scream). Rats run away from the ship (spectators stamp their feet). A flare takes off." A flare jumps off a chair and yells, “Help! Help!"


Moderator: “Get your hands ready, please. Palms are a horse, and she will run on her knees. Let's learn what a horse can do: run at a gallop (voiced clapping of the hands on the knees); run on the sand (rubbing the palms on the knees); jump on pebbles (knocking fists on the knees); take barriers (hands are raised up and down, clapping on the knees, down). So, we are at the hippodrome. The jumps begin. Let's see whose horse comes first. On your marks! Attention! March!" The host gives various combinations of commands from the learned ones, changes the pace. Host: “Ten meters to the finish line, five, finish! Well, whose horse came first? Children: "Mine!" Host: "Wow! Friendship won!"

Goal - over

The hall is divided into two halves. The leader alternately raises his left, then his right hand. Children alternately (according to their raised hands) shout:

Right hand - "Goal!";

Left - "By!".

If the leader raises both hands up, the children shout: "Barbell"


The hall is divided into two halves. With a wave of the leader's hand, one half usually clap their hands. The second part of the children claps their hands, folding them into a boat. The presenter alternately waves either his left or his right hand - in response to a wave of his hand, the audience alternately claps, depicting the sound of train wheels, gradually speeding up the pace. If the leader raises both hands above his head, the children shout: “Tu-tu!!!”

Leading: Good afternoon, guests of our today's event. There are a lot of you and all of you are very interesting. I really want to get to know you. I will now give my name, and when I wave my hands, each of you should give your name. So, attention! - My name is ......, and you? (wave hands) - (all the children shout their name) - Well done, I remember everyone, so we met.


Leading: How quickly time flies. Watches are a necessary item for each of us. Let's all listen to how the clock runs and what happens when we treat it carelessly.

Rules of the game: for one clap - the right side of the hall says in chorus: “Tick”, for two claps the left side of the hall answers: “So”.

(The leader first alternates the claps correctly, and then gives two claps two times in a row, two times one at a time).


Leading: “Now we will learn our trademark applause. Repeat after me. It started to rain - we clap one finger on the palm. The rain began to intensify - we clap two fingers on the palm. Has become even stronger - we clap three fingers on the palm. It's raining heavily - four fingers clapping on the palm of your hand. It began to rain - with the whole palm. And now vice versa.


We say this magic word when we ask for something. Ask the guys to follow all your commands, but on the condition that you, the host, are extremely polite and say the word "please" after the command. If you do not say this word, the command is not executed. If agreed, then we can start. So, "Raise your right hand up, please, raise your left hand too, please. Please clasp your hands ... and now disengage ...". Have you seen how many inattentive people are in the hall? Have fun commenting on the results of the game. You can repeat it with other commands a few more times.

    How does an elephant sneeze?

Leading: have you heard an elephant sneezing, I offer it to you

listen to sneeze. To do this, we divide into three groups: the left group - greet yourself, the middle - welcome yourself, the right group - greeting.

At my signal, the left group starts shouting "boxes!"; middle group- “cartilage!”, the right group - “dragged!”.

Let's rehearse, several rehearsals are held, first the groups take turns pronouncing the words, then the start of the game is announced.

And now, at my signal, we simultaneously begin to shout loudly. Repeat two more times. Leading: "Be healthy!".

    Game "ECHO"

Host: now I suggest you imitate an echo, I say a sentence, and you repeat the last syllable three times. For example: "Get ready, kids! Ra! Ra! Ra!"

The game starts! Ra! Ra! Ra!

Don't spare your hands! Lei! Lei!

Hit your hands more fun! Lei! Lei!

What time is it! Hour! Hour!

How much will it be in an hour! Hour! Hour!

And it's not true, there will be two! Two! Two!

Think, think head! Wa! Wa!

How the rooster sings in the village! Uh, uh!

Yes, not an owl, but a rooster! Uh, uh!

Are you sure it is! Well well!

But really how! How how!

What is twice two! Two, two!

And 120 - 2. Two, two!

The head is spinning! Wah wah!

Great answer! Vet, Vet!

Hello math! Vet, Vet!

Is it an ear or a nose? (show ear) Nose, nose!

Or maybe some hay? Woz, woz!

Is it an elbow or an eye? (show elbow) Eye, eye!

You are always good! Yes Yes!

Or only sometimes? Yes Yes!

Tired of answering? Ah, ah!

Let's be quiet!

07.09.2011 36247 947

Hall games

"Our suitcase"

Leading: Guys, what might we need for a long trip? Name the items that you need to take first. We name objects in turn. So, the road battles began! (The guys name the objects, whoever names the last one is the most attentive).

"Traffic light"

And now let's check what a friendly team we have, and the song will help us with this. There are three circles in front of you: green, yellow, red. When I show you the green circle, you all sing together, when the yellow circle - we sing quietly, and when the red circle appears in the hall, there is silence, you sing the song to yourself.

So, get ready, let's get started!

"Fly, fly"

Leading: Guys, and now I will name various objects, if they fly, you must say in unison: "They fly, fly ...". At the same time, you show the flight of the movement of the hands. If objects don't fly, keep quiet.


(The facilitator says the words quickly).

"Goal! By!"

Leading: and now imagine that you are present at a football match, where the match between the teams "Dynamo - Moscow" and "Dynamo - Kyiv" is taking place. One half of the audience supports Dynamo-Kyiv, the other half supports Dynamo-Moscow. When I raise my hand, the team shouts “GOAL!”, the left one “PASSED!”, and two hands “PUCHER!”, crossed arms “Bar!”.

Let's see what kind of fans you are.

So, the scarlet flag flew up on the mast

Two teams play: Dynamo and Spartak.


Leading: How quickly time flies. Watches are a necessary item for each of us. Let's all listen to how the clock runs and what happens when we treat it carelessly.

Rules of the game: for one clap - the right side of the hall says in chorus: “Tick”, for two claps the left side of the hall answers: “So”.

(The leader first alternates the claps correctly, and then gives two claps two times in a row, two times one at a time).

"Ear, nose"

Leading: the rules of this game are very simple: you need to take yourself with your right hand by the tip of your nose, and with your left hand by your right ear, then clap your hands and change hands so that now the left hand is holding the tip of the nose, and the right hand is holding the left ear.

Let's try. started!


Leading: guys learn the words of our song:

We dance together
Tra-ta-ta, tra-ta-ta
Our cheerful dance
This is Lavata

Leading: are our hands good?

All: good... Leading: what about the neighbor?

Everything is better! (everyone joins hands and sings)

"My triangular cap"

Leading: guys, we will sing one more song, only we will replace each word in turn with various movements. But first, let's learn the words:

My triangular cap
My triangular cap
And if not triangular,
That is not my hat.

(Guys sing)

Leading: And now the word cap - we show, with a hand on the head, but we do not pronounce the word cap. Then, at the word my guys touch their chests with their hands, but the word itself is not pronounced. For the word triangular, the guys should show three fingers, stretching their hand forward, and then transferring it to the belt.

"Uncle Thomas' Family"

Uncle Thomas has seven sons
Uncle Thomas has seven sons.
They didn't eat, they didn't drink.
And never got bored.
Right hand. (the players throw out their right hand in front of them and, shaking it to the beat of the melody, repeat the song). So alternately after each verse, the right and left hands are thrown out, the right and left feet are stamped to the beat of the melody, then the movements of the right and left shoulders, the right and left eyes. The game ends like this:
Uncle Thomas has seven sons
Uncle Thomas has seven sons.
They didn't eat, they didn't drink.
And never got bored.
Right hand,
Left hand,
Right leg,
Left leg,
right shoulder,
left shoulder,
Right eye,
Left eye.
And the head (the players put their hands on their heads).

"Merry Grammar"

Leading: guys I offer you the game "Funny Grammar". I will call the words in the singular, and you will answer in the plural.

For example: raft. You are in charge of the rafts. And so, everything is clear.

Raft - rafts.
Mole - moles.
Grotto - grottoes (and correctly grottoes).
Arc - arcs.
Hand - hands.
Flour - flour (no plural).
Resident - residents.
A resident of a town is the inhabitants of a town (and, correctly, a dead town).
Lover - lovers.
Greek - Greeks.
Uzbek - Uzbeks.
Man - people (and right people).

Leading: and now the verbs of the indefinite form must be put in the first person.

Leading: I will call the words of the masculine gender, and you - the corresponding words of the feminine:

The cook is a cook.
Tailor - dressmaker.
A merchant is a merchant.
Brave - ... (there is no feminine word).

Leading: last try. I call the words of the feminine gender, and you - the corresponding words of the masculine gender:

A goat is a goat.
Wasp - ... (no feminine word).

Leading I don’t even know what else to offer you ... I came up with it!

Get ready - I'm starting
Ask you questions.
If I ask correctly
You must answer me:
“We saw, we saw in the zoo we saw!”

(Asks a question)

Leading: Behind bars at the gate
Sleeping giant hippopotamus

Leading: Here is a baby elephant a quiet dream
guarding the old elephant
All: We saw, we saw in the zoo we saw.

Leading: Black-eyed marten
Wonderful bird.
(the answer should not sound, but if those who are mistaken and say "Saw ...")

Who said the marten is a bird,
Should learn better.
But I don't waste time
I continue the test.

Leading: Ponies - little horses
How funny ponies are.
Seen, seen in the zoo seen.

Leading: beyond the fields beyond the mountains.
A chicken with horns walks. (Laughter in the hall)


Leading: repeat the words after me:
Oh la tarira! (hitting hands on knees)
Oh la tarira!
(when pronouncing the words “ku-ku”, we click our fingers. The cuckoo can cuckoo 10 or more times, while the pace increases).

"What an instrument"

Leading: Guys, are you familiar with musical instruments? I'll check now...
Which instrument
Do you have strings and a pedal?
What is this? Undoubtedly
This is our sonorous (Royal).
He looks like a brother to the button accordion,
Where there is fun, and he ...
I won't suggest
Everyone Knows (Accordion)
I put a pipe to my lips
A trill poured through the forest,
The tool is very fragile.
It is called ... (pipe).
Louder than flutes, louder than violins,
Louder than the trumpets is our giant.
It's rhythmic, it's great
Our cheerful (Drum).
Weak bow movements lead
In the flutter of the strings.
The motive murmurs from afar, sings about a moonlit evening.
So clear is the overflow of sounds, in them
Joy and smile
Sounds dreamy tune
I am called (Violin).
Very few strings have been given to me,
But so far I've had enough!
You are my strings behind
And you will hear: long, long, long!
Come on! Guess who am I!
Naughty (Balalaika).

"The deer has a big house"

Leading learns words with children and explains that each word is played with the appropriate hand movements. The pace is constantly picking up.

The deer has a big house,
He looks out his window.
The hare runs through the forest.
There is a knock on his door:
"Knock, knock, open the door,
There's an evil hunter in the forest!
Open doors quickly
Give me a paw."


Leading: guys for this game we need to divide into three groups.

1 group says "Tell me about the purchases",

2 group"About what purchases?",

3 group About such purchases.

All "About purchases (3 times) mine",

And so we begin to gradually increase the pace.

"The ball is flying"

Leading: learning words

Flying, flying through the sky balloon
The balloon flies across the sky
But we know that up to the sky
It won't fly at all.
(melody of the song "a Christmas tree was born in the forest")

Leading: and now each time we will replace the words with movements:
Flying - waving our arms,
Sky - raise your index finger up,
The ball is a circular motion of the hands.

"It's me, it's me, it's all my friends"

Leading: guys, I will ask you questions, and you listen carefully and answer "it's me, it's me, these are all my friends."

Who among you does not like boredom?
Who is the master of all trades here?
Who dances and sings?
Who takes care of the clothes?
Does he put it under the bed?
Who keeps things in order?
Tears and books and notebooks?
Who says thanks?
Who gives thanks for everything?
Who's ready to get going first?
And in the gym, who runs boldly?
Who sings songs in the pioneer detachment?
And who neatly keeps notebooks?
And who is not lazy, and not a coward, and not a crybaby?
Who puts a huge inkblot in a notebook?
Who wants to study "excellently"?
Who is proud of his school and class?
Who answers the lesson without hesitation?
Who helps comrades in their studies?

Leading: Guys, do you want to listen to the sound of rain?
We do everything like me.

(The host speaks and shows)
And suddenly a drop fell from the sky
(with the finger of the right hand we hit the palm of the left)


Then three drops fell from the sky. (three times)

Then four drops fell from the sky. (four times)

Then five drops fell from the sky. (Five times)
(hit with a finger, depicting a downpour).

And the downpour came down hard, strong, like from a bucket.

Day pours, two pours ...

And this is where it starts to subside.

Four drops began to fall from the sky. (four times)

Then three drops fell from the sky. (three times).

Then two drops fell from the sky.

Then a single drop began to fall from the sky. (single finger strikes).

But one drop stubbornly falls

The rain is over. The sun came out, the rainbow smiles at everyone and everyone is in a good mood.

The hall became quiet.


The hall, together with the expert, pronounces the words and repeats his movements:

They came, they came (we go together).
Hedgehogs, hedgehogs (show spread fingers).
Forged, forged (hit fist on fist).
Scissors, scissors (we show scissors with our hands).
Run in place, run in place (run in place)
Bunnies, bunnies (show ears).
Come on together! Come on together! (all the boys shout loudly: “Boys”, and all the girls: “Girls”).
The game is usually played 2-3 times.


The hall is divided into three parts and each gets its own words:

1st"In the bath, the brooms are soaked."

2nd"Spindles are not accurate."

3rd"And the bast is not dried."

Words for the hall: "The lady is the lady, the lady is madam."

Leading guards the hall, points to the first, then to the second part of it, then to the whole hall. On whom he will show, they pronounce their words.


Leading: “My friend came from India and brought a fan as a gift (fanning himself with an imaginary fan, the audience repeats). My friend came from India and brought a fan and a sewing machine as a gift (first he depicts a fan, then a typewriter, the audience repeats). Gradually adding more and more new items, for example: skis, a meat grinder, a wind gun, a saxophone ... "

The players must not get lost.


Leading: "In order to observe the stars, the astronomer must open the dome of the observatory."

playing they spread the arms bent at the elbows, which are in front of the face, in different directions: “Pull - vzhih”.

Leading: Pull out the telescope.

playing stretch their neck forward, hands remain in the same position: “Uuuuu!!”.

Leading: "Wipe the lens with a soft cloth."

playing: make rotating movements in front of the face: “Shih - shah - shah”.

Leading: Aim at the target.

playing: With the right hand, they imitate the rotation of the flywheel, the body turns either to the right or to the left: “Z-z-z-z”.

Leading: Look through the eyepiece.

playing: look into the ring formed by the thumb and forefinger: "Oh-oh-oh-oh."

Leading: "And there the stars light up."

playing: open their palms in front of them in a spacer, alternately with their right and left hands: "Bang - bang - bang."

Leading: "Asteroids fly, comets fly by."

playing: they wave their right and left hands: “Bzh - f - f. Three!"

Leading: "A storm is flying."

playing: hands spread apart smoothly swaying: "Shhhhhh."

Leading: "The astronaut fell out of the hatch."

playing: Fall on their side with a groan: "Ah-ah-ah-ah."

Leading: "Flying saucers fly straight in schools."

playing: Forefingers make rotational movements near the shoulders: “Ulu-lu-lu-lu”.

Leading: Meteorites are falling. It's a meteor shower."

playing: They applaud, the applause smoothly turns into a standing ovation.


Leading: "The horses go to the start."

playing: they imitate fireboxes of hooves, hitting themselves on the knees with their palms, alternately either left or right.

Leading: "On your marks! Attention! March!".

playing: gradually speed up the run, hitting your knees with greater frequency.

Leading: "Barrier!" (double barrier)

playing: make one, two claps on the knees with two palms at once.

Leading: "We run along the pavement."

playing: alternately hitting himself with his fists on the collarbones.

Leading: "We run on the grass."

playing: Rubbing palm on palm.

Leading: "Through the swamp."

playing: bring index fingers to the corner of the mouth. Alternately moving them up and down, sucking in air through the mouth, peculiar sounds are obtained.

Leading: Tribune.

The girls scream: “Come on, come on! E-ge-ge."

Young men: "Whoa-hoo-hoo" and whistle.

Leading: "Soon finish."

playing: Wipe sweat, imitate putting on a wreath around the neck.

Notes: The facilitator can alternate tasks at his discretion to pass new ones.


Leading divides the hall into five parts and distributes words to each:


2nd"Half pancake".

3rd"A quarter of a pancake."

4th"no pancakes, only sour cream."

5th"Pancakes - pancakes."

Each word is pronounced in a certain tonality and a certain rhythm, and the tone increases from “pancake” to “pancakes”, the whole part, “pancake” to 1/16 - “pancakes”.

If you consistently pronounce the words to the whole hall and correctly maintain the tone and frequency, then a feeling of a bell ringing is created in the hall.


The players repeat the words and movements after the leader.

“My grandmother lives in Brazil! She has such a finger! (Shows her thumb, everyone repeats). My grandmother lives in Brazil! She has such a finger! (show). And here is the mouth. (twitches his mouth and everyone repeats). Those are the eyes. (goggles). More and more new phrases are added to such phrases:

These are the shoulders (right shoulder up, left shoulder down). She constantly jumps (showing). And screams: “Oh, how beautiful I am! Why doesn't anyone love me?" (everyone screams)

After a pause, when the laughter subsides, Leading says: "What is the grandmother, so are the grandchildren."


The host starts the chant, and the children simply repeat what he said in unison.

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See the downloadable file for the full text.
The page contains only a fragment of the material.

Gulyakova Olga
senior counselor
MBOU Diveev-Usad secondary school

Repeat games (chants)

and games with the hall

Chants and games with the audience do not require long and great training. These games are played here and now. Even if it is necessary to learn words, then all this is done along the way, the very learning of words is a game. Here the teacher's attitude to the game is important. Have you decided to play? What do you want from the game? What is it for you? What is it for children? What results will be achieved? Think about these questions before you go out to play with the children.

If the players do not need much preparation, then the leader needs to prepare, and prepare carefully. After all, you are arranging a whole performance, a theater of one actor. You are standing in front of a full hall, and the children sitting in it, with a wave of your hand, perform various actions. You are both an actor, and a conductor, and an entertainer, and an extra, you are the host of the game. Keep this in mind when you go out to play. Be cheerful, cheerful, ironic, kind. Play by yourself, and then the children will also play with you. Well, the following tips, I hope, will help you play correctly and naturally.

Host Tips

1. Be mindful of your appearance you are a role model.

2. When you go out to play, always have more games than you need.

3. Be careful about the words you use when communicating with children. Youth slang is a good thing, but are you sure that you are interpreting this or that word correctly.

4. When addressing children, smile. A smile is always conducive to a person.

5. Joke in moderation. Remember that a joke can sometimes offend a person.

6. Always start with a greeting. And if you are playing for the first time, then it’s not bad to get to know each other, at least just introduce yourself.

7. When explaining the rules of the game, use understandable words, and make sure that the guys understand you correctly. Don't be afraid to repeat yourself, but don't overdo it either.

8. When using gestures when explaining the rules, do not wave your arms too much. It doesn't look from the outside.

9. Often you have to work with a microphone. Try in advance how your voice sounds, how best to hold the microphone, so that the words are clear, without any extra sounds.

10. When working with a microphone, remember that this is what it is for, so that you do not scream.

11. If in the games you have chosen, children have to go on stage, then think about how to do it better. You can agree with the radio operator about the phonogram, or you can agree with the children about the applause. It all depends on the conditions in which you will work.

12. If the work takes place without a microphone, then immediately discuss the rules with the children. The rule of the raised hand works best here:

Raising your right hand means that you have something to say, and everyone else needs to listen. (We have one law in the detachment! Everyone listens, only one speaks!)

The left hand raised up means that you are giving the guys a few minutes for noise. Learning this simple rule can be turned into a game, the main thing is that the guys understand and listen to you.

13. Build games in a logical sequence, from simple to complex.

14. Do not forget to say thank you, and just praise the players. And even better if the guys do it themselves:

Leading: Now put your right hand on your head. Stroke, and say: "Ah! What a fine fellow I am!"

Or: Now put your right hand on your neighbor's head. Stroke, and say: "Ah! What a fine fellow you are!"

15. When you finish playing, especially if the next action will take place after you, or someone else will continue to play, do not forget to say goodbye and pass the word, imagining the person or people following you.


Rules. The facilitator says the words, the participants repeatfollow him. All words are illustrated with movements.

We hunted a lion, we are not afraid of him.

We have a huge gun and a great sword - in!

Ah, what is it? Ah, who is it?

Do not fly over it, do not crawl under it,

Don't bypass it! BUT - Yes, this is grass (river, mountain, swamp etc.)

Well, let's go? Let's go!

Ah, what is it? Ah, who is it?

Eyes - in! Strengthen - in! Zubishchi - in! (etc.).

Oh yes, it's a lion! Well, are we running? Let's run!

The main principle of the game is the movements with which youaccompany the words. The more interesting the movements, the morespring game.


The principle of casting is similar to the previous game, but you need to sing it (you can think of a motive yourself). In the storytelling gamerefers to the morning in China. It can be repeated seven times -according to seven days endowed with each timethe pace of execution increases, you need to speak faster and fasterray.

The sun rises over the Huang He River

The Chinese go to work.

A handful of rice in hand, a portrait of Mao is carried

And they sing a cheerful song:

U-nanny-nanny, unya-unya-unyanya (repeat 4 times).


Host: "We go to the observatory (top top),

open Door (kh-khkhkhkh),

we go (top top),

take out the telescope (uuuuuu)

wipe the window (chic-chic)

we look at the sky, we see one star daughter (bang)

many stars (bang-bang-bang).

flying meteorite (u-u-u)

flying saucer landed (wah-wah-wah).

From it you an alien walked by and asked: "What are you doing here?"

We we answer him: "We're playing Observatory."

"And how is that?" - right we have an alien sewing. "We'll show you now."

In the game, each word is accompanied by the corresponding movements.

The role of an alien is played by any child, youcalled by the leader from the hall.

The hall is divided into three parts. Each group learns their words:

The first group - In the bath, brooms are wet.

The second group - The spindles are not sharpened.

The third group - And the straw is not dried.

At the command of the host, the part of the children to which he points with his hand says his words. If the leader raises both hands up, all the children sing the last line. You will have a beautiful large choir capable of performing at any performance. And if you agree on a melody in advance, then you can also receive a prize.

"MIDDLE" - 1

The hall is divided into four parts. Each group learns their words:

The first group - Spindles are sharpened.

The second group - Brooms are soaked.

The third group - Drink tea with pies.

The fourth group - We will go for mushrooms.

They all learn together - the lady is the lady, madam is the lady.

At the command of the host, the part of the children to which he points with his hand says his words. If the leader raises both hands up, all the children sing the last line. You will also have a beautiful large choir capable of performing at any performance. And if you agree on a melody in advance, then you can also receive a prize.


The hall is divided into two halves. The host alternately shows either the left or the right hand. Children, based on which hand is shown, shout:

The right half of the hall - Goal! (right hand raised)

The left half of the hall - Past! (left hand raised)

If the leader raises both hands up, the children shout - "barbell"

The main thing for the players is not to get confused, as the leader can raise his right hand, but point it to the left half of the hall. And vice versa.

The host asks the children: - Do you know how an elephant sneezes? Do you want to know?

The hall is divided into three equal parts, and each group learns its word:

The first group is boxes.

The second group is cartilage.

The third group - dragged.

And then, with a wave of the leader's hand, all the children shout at the same time - but each group has its own word.

This is how an elephant sneezes.


The hall is divided into two halves. With a wave of the leader's hand, one half usually clap their hands. The second part of the children claps their hands, folding them in a "boat". The host alternately waves his left and then his right hand. Reacting to the wave of the hand, the hall claps in turn, imitating the sound of train wheels, gradually speeding up the pace. If the leader raises both hands above his head - the children shout "TU-TU" !!!

Here you can remind the children how they got to the camp, what they experienced on the road. This game is very good for the very beginning, not only the beginning of the business, but also the beginning of the shift.


The children must continue the sentence correctly.

At night, head up,

Howling gray angry ........ (children answer)

Who knows a lot about raspberries?

Well, of course gray ....... (children answer)

Who likes to rush through the branches?

Of course, redhead ........... (children answer)

Having overcome all obstacles,

Faithful hoof beats .......... (children answer)

Do you eat tree bark in winter?

Well, of course gray .......... (children answer)

He loves the oak acorn.

Of course - it's wild .......... (children answer)


This game-song is learned with children in advance, and sung. As you sing, the words (from the end of the phrase) are replaced by hand claps (the number of claps corresponds to the number of syllables).

John Brown Boy oiled his skis once.

John Brown Boy oiled his skis once.

And he went to the Caucasus.

John Brown Boy smeared skis one (cotton)

John Brown Boy smeared skis one (cotton)

And he went to the Caucasus.

John Brown Boy smeared skis (cotton, cotton)

John-Brown-Boy smeared (cotton, cotton, cotton)


The words of this game-song are learned with children in advance and sung, accompanied by hand movements:

teapot- palms parallel to each other

cap- the palm of the right hand - with a lid

bump- cam

hole- fingers in a ring (OK sign)

steam is coming- circles are made with the index finger in ascending order.

As you sing, the words are replaced by the word - La-la-la and hand movements.

Teapot with lid.

Lid with a knob.

Bump with hole...

There is steam in the hole.

The steam goes into the hole.

Hole in the stump...

Lump in the lid..

Lid with teapot.


The hall is divided into five parts, and each group distributes its words:

1 group - Pancake-n-n-n-n

2nd group - Half pancake

Group 3 - A quarter of a pancake

4 group - No pancakes, one sour cream

Group 5 - Pancakes-pancakes

Each word is pronounced in a certain key and in a certain size, and the tone increases from the first word to the last (Pancakes-pancakes - 1/16). If you simultaneously pronounce these words to the whole hall and correctly maintain the tone and frequency, then a feeling of bell ringing is created in the hall.

The words of the game are learned with the children in advance and are simply sung for the first time.


The best swing? - Wild creepers.

This is from the cradle - Monkeys know.

Who has been swinging all the time? - Yes! Yes! Yes!

He is not upset - Never!

After the children have memorized their words, their own movement is added to each phrase:

line 1 - children do nothing;

2 line - children clap their hands on their words;

3 line - the children bounce in place on their own words;

Line 4 - children both clap and bounce.

After this game, the host may well thank the children for the spectacle delivered - to see so many monkeys in one place.


The facilitator invites the children to learn new foreign languages ​​in addition to those they know. And for this you need to take a well-known song:

Lived with grandma

Two cheerful geese.

One is grey, the other is white.

Two cheerful geese.

And try to sing it in another language. And to do this is very simple: all the vowels in the words must be changed to some one. If you replace all the vowels with "A", then English language this song will look like this:

It's a pity and a woman

Two vasalakh gasas.

Adan shed, drag balai.

Two vasalakh gasas.

Polish - "E";

Spanish - "I";

French - "Yu";

German - "U";

English - "A";


Those who play after the leader repeat words and movements, gradually increasing the overall pace.

The words


One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight!

They stomp their feet.

Fuck-fuck-machine gun!

Clenched fists depict shooting.

Higher, higher plane!

Throw an invisible ball to the top with palms.

Boom, artillery!

They clap their hands.

The cavalry is coming! Hooray!

Waving an imaginary sword.


Those who play after the leader repeat words and movements.

The words


A hunter has gathered to hunt. He put on a hat, boots, took a gun and

went down the road

They stomp their feet.

then along the sand

Rub palm on palm.

along the logs across the bridge,

They punch in the chest.

through the swamp from bump to bump,

They clap their hands.

along the path.

They slap on the knees.

Tired. "Uffff!" He sat down on a stump, looked around, saw a bear behind a bush, got scared and ran back.

Down the path

They slap on the knees.

through the swamp from bump to bump,

They clap their hands.

along the logs across the bridge,

They punch in the chest.

then along the sand

Rub palm on palm.

went down the road.

They stomp their feet.

He ran home, took off his boots, hat, gun. Tired. "Uffff!", told his wife how he went

on the way to,

They stomp their feet.

then along the sand

Rub palm on palm.

along the logs across the bridge,

They punch in the chest.

through the swamp from bump to bump,

They clap their hands.

along the path.

They slap on the knees.

If the players are not tired, the game can be continued further: The wife decided to gossip with her neighbor: “But mine was hunting a bear!” and so on.

And the little son overheard, came to his friends and says: “And my dad went hunting!”

In this case, the pace of the game can be increased. The main thing is not to go astray yourself, and so that the players do not go astray.


Host: Do you have palms? Show.

The players show their hands.

Moderator: And your knees? Clap your hands on your knees.

The players clap their hands on their knees.

Host: Great. This is how the horses enter the field of the hippodrome. Repeat the movements after me.

Those playing along with the leader measuredly clap their knees, imitating the clatter of hooves.

Host: The horses go to the start. The stands are roaring.

The players imitate cries and exclamations of support.

Host: Attention! On your marks! March!

Playing together with the leader gradually speed up the "run".

Host: Barrier!

The players make one clap with two palms at once.

Host: Double barrier!

The players make two claps with two palms at once.

Leading: We run along the pavement.

Playing together with the leader, alternately hit themselves with their fists in the chest.

Leading: We run on the grass.

The players rub palm on palm.

Host: Tribunes pani.

Girls shout words of support to their horses: "Come on, come on!", "Hey!" and so on.

Host: Tribunes of pans.

The boys shout words of support to their horses: "Come on, come on!", "Hey!" and so on.

Host: Soon the finish line.

Those playing with the leader speed up the blows to the knees.

Host: Finish! Winner's reward ceremony!

Everyone clap their hands.


To make it more convenient to congratulate and rejoice at the victories of your friends and comrades, you can clap in an unusual way:

1. Lightly tap on the left palm with the index finger of the right hand.

2. Then add the second finger and tap with two.

3. Then three fingers.

4. Four.

6. Clap with the whole palm.

7. We only clap our fingers.

8. Remove one finger and knock with four.

9. Three fingers.

Such applause really resembles the sound of rain, for which they received such a name. Do not forget that applause to yourself will be a great gift for you and your children.


Host: A sparrow was walking on the roof!
Children (in chorus): Beat, beat, beat!
Leading: Gathered his friends!
Children: Zay, zay, zay!
Host: Many, many, many of us!
Children: Us, us, us!
Leading: Get up ... (calls any names) everyone now!
The guys who bear the named names get up and bow.

With the help of this chant, you can smoothly move on to the performance of any song of the organizational period.
Each phrase uttered by the leader, the guys repeat in chorus.
- Oh, Ale!
- Oles bambalas!
- O sawa sawaimba!
- Oh kikils bamba,
- Oh, I eat bananas!
- Oh, I eat oranges!
- What is the mood like?
Children: Wow! (pointing with thumb)
Moderator: Is everyone of this opinion?
Children: Everyone, without exception!
Host: Shall we sit down and have a rest?
Children: Let's sing a song!


Flying, flying through the sky ball
The balloon flies across the sky.
But we know: a ball to the sky
It won't fly at all.
First, the word "flies" is replaced by a movement resembling the flapping of wings. In the second performance, the word "heaven" is replaced by the movement of the thumb up. Then, at the word "ball" with both hands, a large circle is outlined in front of you. In the next performance, the word "know" is replaced by tapping a finger on the forehead; at the word "we" - press both hands to the chest, at the word "no way" - shake your head negatively. The most interesting is the last performance of the song, where the main task of the participants is not to stray and correctly show the right word with the movement. In chorus, only “by”, “but”, “before” are repeated here. You can suggest to speed up the pace of the game.


We dance together!
Tra-ta-ta, tra-ta-ta!
Our cheerful dance -
This is Lavat.
- My pens are good, but the neighbor's is better!
Once again they sing a song and go in a round dance.
- My knees are good, but my neighbor's is better!
(ears, cheeks, nose, etc.)
It is possible in another way:
- Were there any pens?
- Were!
- What about your knees?
- Not!
- We take the neighbor's knees and go in a circle.


The participants in the game are divided into groups, depending on how many instruments you are going to include in your orchestra. But the main instruments are: guitar, cymbals, piano, drum.
Conductor sings:
The closet of musicians
O contras speros, speros...
(points to a band, e.g. "guitar")
Gita, Gita, Guitar!
(2 times shows guitar performance)
When each group has performed its part, the conductor sings for the last time:
The closet of musicians
O contras speros, orchestral!
After these words, the groups begin to perform their parts together, a wonderful “orchestra” turns out!


The game is based on the principle of the game "Orchestra".
1st group: Oh server navel, navel, navel ...
2nd group: Jumbo kveliko mitoliko mikaze ...
3rd group: Wee wee dance ...
4th group: Kva-kva, kva-kvaradze ...
The first group begins the chorus with their phrase, repeating it continuously without stopping. As soon as the first phrase has sounded 1-2 times, the second group enters the choir. Then the third and fourth groups join one after another.


The hall is divided into 2 groups.
On a small meadow
There is a tall house
And in that cheerful house
A cheerful gnome lives.
Dwarf, dwarf, what's your name?
Children (1st half of the hall):
Petka, you have a plaid shirt,
I came to you children
To eat candy!
Children (2nd half of the hall):
Vaska, you have polka dot pants (panties),
I came from a fairy tale
Because I'm good!


The hall is divided into 4 parts.
The 1st part of the hall shouts (whole):
The 2nd part of the hall shouts (half):
Half pancake!
The 3rd part of the hall shouts (quarter):
Quarter of a pancake!
The 4th part of the hall shouts (eighth):
Scream in proportion. Eights (pancakes) scream most often.


My grandmother had a watch and it went like this:
Tick ​​tock, tick tock
The hall repeats after the leader in parts:
1st half of the hall - "Tick", 2nd half of the hall - "So".
Leading: But then dust got into them, and they began to walk like this:
So-so, so-so (1st half of the hall)
Tick-tick, tick-tick (2nd half of the hall)
Then they began to rust, and they walked like this:
Tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock...
Then they completely rusted and the arrows began to walk as they wanted:
Tick-tock-tock, tick-tock...
(then you can “attribute them to the master” ...)


* We are one family:
You, we, you, me!
(repeated before every third line)
Smile to the neighbor on the right
Smile to the neighbor on the left -
We are a family.
* … wink …
We are a family.
* … hug …
*… pinch…
* ... kiss ...

At the end, the poem is repeated anew, and all movements are repeated (“smile”, “wink”, “hug”, “pinch”, “kiss”).


Presenter: Stroke the neighbor on the right on the head and say: “Sunny, you are just gorgeous today!”.
Stroke the neighbor on the left on the head and say: “Well, you are a super-buffalo today!”
Pat yourself on the head and say: “And I, it seems, is also nothing!”


On the shore

Bolshoy re-ki


Bear right in the nose,


The bear roared

Sat on a bee (on a stump)

And he began to sing...


I'm riding a tank

I see co-ro-woo,

In a cap-ke-ushan-ke,

With a healthy horn.

Hello, co-ro-va,

How are you doing?

Do you speak English?

Cheabout- PS- wa- eat?

Float in an underwater boat,


In a mask and las-tah,

With a healthy horn.

Hello, co-ro-va,

How are you doing?

Sprechen Sie Deutsch?

Cheabout- PS- wa- eat?

Le-chu on the vert-le-te,


On pa-ra-shyu-te,

With the view of su-ro-vym.

Hello, co-ro-va,

Where-yes pro-le-ta-eat?

As-sa-lam Ale-kum,

What are you eating?


Chicka-boom is a cool song.

Chica-boom sing all together.

If you want great noise

Sing chica-boom with us!

I sing: "Boom, chica-boom"!

I sing: "Boom, chica-raka, chica-raka, chica-boom!"

Oh! Oh! Aha!

And again?! And all together?! And faster?!

(repeat: very loud (quiet, slow, fast, etc.)

"O - PERI - TIKI - TOMBA" ("Africa")

Oh - peri - tiki - tomba!

Oh - musa - musa - musa!


Oh - pickel, oh - baby!

Le - oh - le, oh - le - baba - lae!

Oh, I eat bananas!

Oh, I eat oranges!

Oh, I eat pioneers!

Ema, ema, ema, eat!


I got bitten by a hippopotamus!

And out of fear, I climbed on a branch!

And I'm sitting here, and my foot is there!

I got bitten by a hippopotamus!

BUT! Aunt Mana! Aunt Mana! Aunt Mana!

BUT! Uncle Sanya! Uncle Sanya! Uncle Sanya!

BUT! Grandma Dunya! Grandma Dunya! Grandma Dunya!

I got bitten by a hippopotamus!

(You can use any names.)


From Sukhumi to Batumi (everyone: “Ai-ai-ai!”),

From Batumi to Sukhumi (everyone: "Ai-ai-ai!")

From Moscow to Leningrad (everyone: “Ay-ay-ay!”),

Tumba-tumba-tumba (repeat)

Tara-mara, tara-mara (repeat)

Pum, tarabum, tarabum (repeat)

All together: "Bang-bang!"

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