Didactic game on safety in the senior group. Didactic games for the middle group

svetlana svetushkova
Didactic games on life safety for older children

1. Didactic game

"Listen carefully"

Program content:

Consolidate knowledge children about fire hazardous objects, develop dialogic and monologue speech, the ability to compose a story according to a plan.

Game progress:

The teacher asks questions, and the children in chorus answer:

"It's me, it's me, it's all my friends"

Then the teacher distributes cards with drawings of dangerous objects, and each child makes up a short story according to plan:

1. What is it?

2. Can I touch it?

3. Why not?

2. Didactic game

"Call the Firemen"

Program content:

Pin skills children dial the fire department number 01, clearly pronounce the address, your last name, indicate what is on.

Game progress:

For games you need 2 phones. One phone-dispatcher, the second - the victim.

child dialing a number "01" and promptly calls the fire brigade. When calling, you need to be able clearly:

a) give your first and last name

b) indicate what exactly is on fire

c) report the address of the burning object.

3. Didactic game

"Not every mushroom has a place in a basket"

Program content:

Consolidate knowledge children about edible and poisonous mushrooms, to cultivate the ability to properly collect mushrooms without destroying the mycelium.

Game progress:

Exhibited cards with mushrooms. We collect only edible mushrooms in the basket, and leave cards with poisonous mushrooms on the board.

4. Didactic game

"Let's go to the forest for berries"

Program content:

Consolidate concepts "edible and poisonous berries", their names, appearance.

Game progress:

On the floor are cards with images of berries (strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, lingonberries, blackberries, with the image of poisonous berries (wolf bast, wolf berries, crow's eye, lily of the valley berries). You need to collect edible berries, but do not touch the poisonous ones.

Remember the rules:

1. Don't touch unfamiliar flowers and bushes.

2. Even touching poisonous plants can be dangerous.

3. You can not bite and chew a blade of grass, especially unfamiliar,

5. Didactic game

"What sign should be here"

Program content:

Consolidate knowledge children about road signs, to be able to choose a sign in connection with the created situation, the development of speech.

Game progress:

Children are given cards with a drawn plot, and looking at them, you need to say and draw the appropriate sign.

6. Didactic game

"Color the Road Signs"

Program content:

Consolidate knowledge children about the types of road signs - fixing, indicative, prescriptive.

Game progress:

Hand out sheets of paper with drawn signs - contours. Children should type in the color of the sign and tell why they did it.

7. Didactic game

"Draw signs in the figures traffic»

Program content:

Consolidate knowledge children about traffic signs and draw them in geometric shapes, develop the ability to accurately paint over.

Game progress:

Children are given cards with drawn geometric shapes. (circle, square, triangle) and given a specific task. For example, draw a sign - movement is prohibited, an underpass, be careful children.

8. Didactic game

"I am a controller"

Program content:

Pin skills children understand the signs of the traffic controller.

Game progress:

A poster with plot pictures is posted - a traffic controller on the road.

1. The traffic controller stands straight, the rod below is a red light, that is, you cannot cross.

2. If the wand is raised straight up - it is a yellow light - that is, prepare to cross.

3. The rod is pressed to the chest, and the traffic controller is standing sideways - this is a green light, cross the road behind the back of the traffic controller.

4. Wand parallel to outstretched arms - from the side of the left and right sides - movement is allowed.

9. Didactic game

"Connect the cut halves of the signs"

Program content:

Assemble a whole from parts, consolidate knowledge of road signs.

Game progress:

Children are given road signs cut in half, they need to collect whole signs and explain what they mean.

10. Didactic game

"Who, on which road should move"

Program content:

Consolidate knowledge children on the rules of the road for pedestrians, motorists, cyclists.

Game progress:

Children are given cards with drawn road signs. At the bottom of the card are depicted - a pedestrian, a car, a cyclist. Each of them has its own color arrow with which the child must indicate the path of each of them.

One of the most pressing issues today is preservation of life and health of children.

The preschooler is inquisitive, in his various games repeats the actions and actions of an adult. Everyone can hurt a child, but we are able to protect him from such things.

The task of adults is to protect and protect the child, to acquaint him with the rules of fire safety, the rules of the road, to prepare him for meeting various difficult and sometimes dangerous life situations. And explain that troubles lie in wait for us where we least expect them. It is important to teach a child already at preschool age to act correctly in various life situations in order to save life and health. This material contains a card file of games on the basics of child safety. Selected games of different classifications (mobile, educational, didactic, game exercises), physical education minutes, poems, riddles, quizzes, proverbs and sayings. This material will be useful for practical use by educators, kindergarten specialists, as well as parents.

And in conclusion, before starting to work with a file cabinet, it should be noted that the first digit "6" in all cards means security, the second digit:

1 - fire,

2 - road,

3 - meeting with strangers,

4 - home security

and the third digit means the serial number.

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Deputy Head for UVR

MDOU "Kindergarten No. 71 of a general developmental type"

city ​​of Magnitogorsk, Chelyabinsk region, Russia.

Game "Collect a dangerous object"

Target: To improve the ability of children to assemble from parts - a whole. To consolidate knowledge about dangerous objects and the rules for handling them.

Material: split pictures dangerous items.

Game actions: assemble a dangerous object from parts, tell the rules for safe handling of it.

Safety chain game

Target: Review safety rules.

Material: chips for each child.

Game actions: Any number of children take part in the game, they need to give answers to the question, for example: What do you know the causes of fires? Each child should take turns giving their reasons. For the correct answer, the child is given a chip, the one who scored the most chips wins.

Approximate questions: How can a fire be prevented? What should you do if there is a fire in the apartment? Name the rules for handling electrical appliances. Name the dangerous object and explain why it is dangerous. Etc.

Safety cube game

Target: consolidating the knowledge gained in the classes on life safety.

Material: cardboard cubes depicting various dangerous objects and objects of nature.

Game actions: The child throws a die and tells how dangerous the dropped object or object of nature is and the rules for handling it.

Game "The Fourth Extra"

Target: Learn to find dangerous objects among objects, explain the rules for their safe handling. Develop attention, logical thinking.

Material: a set of cards with the image of various objects.

Game actions: choose among the depicted objects - dangerous and explain your choice.

The game "The house where I live"

Target: consolidate knowledge of the home address and telephone number.

Material: ball.

Game actions: the teacher throws the ball, the child must catch and clearly name the home address, home phone number.

Game "Pick up a toy Tanya"

Target: to consolidate ideas about household items that can / cannot be played; develop attention.

Material: pictures depicting various household items.

Game actions: the child chooses from the proposed pictures, only those that depict objects that can (cannot) be played.

The game "One, two three, what could be dangerous - find"

Target: to consolidate ideas about the sources of danger in the house, to develop ingenuity, attention.

Material: pictures of household items.

Game actions: choose from the proposed pictures, those that depict sources of danger, explain your choice.

The game "Attention: nature!"

Target: to acquaint children with the dangers that can happen to people in nature, which can harm human health.

Material: pictures depicting objects and natural phenomena.

Game actions: choose a phenomenon or object and talk about what dangers it is fraught with.

Game "Edible - inedible".

Target: consolidate the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bedible and inedible mushrooms (berries)

Material: ball.

Game actions: the teacher throws the ball, the child catches, if the mushroom (berry) is edible, if not, the child hits the ball.

The game "Invite the Bear to visit."

Target: consolidate knowledge of the home address, teach the rules for inviting guests.

Material: houses built by children from building material or constructor, teddy bear toy.

Game actions: each child chooses a house for himself, politely invites Bear cub to visit him, giving him his home address.

The game "Write the phone number of salvation."

Target: activate in the memory of children the telephone numbers of rescue services.

Material: cards with the numbers "0", "1", "2", "3", a picture with the image of "ambulance", "fire", "police". Counting sticks, plasticine (for complication).

Game actions: choose a picture of the rescue service, “write” the rescue number using numbers, counting sticks, plasticine.

Good or bad game.

Target: To teach to see an object in its various manifestations, to develop logical thinking.

Game actions: The teacher offers any object (fire, scissors, ax, water, etc.), the child must find its good and bad sides.

Title: Didactic games on life safety for older preschoolers.
Nomination: Kindergarten - Educational games - Didactic

Position: teacher of the first qualification category
Place of work: MBDOU Kindergarten combined type No. 66
Location: Tomsk region, Tomsk

Irina Petrovna Popova
Card file of games on life safety

"We call the rescue service»

Target: develop the ability of children to compose a short story, adhering to the proposed plan.

Game conditions: the participants in the game clearly state their first and last name, come up with a short story on the slides about the situation that has arisen.

Slides appear on the screen, children on the phone (toy) “report” about what is happening.

"Young Rescuers"

Target: to teach children to memorize, and then find and choose the right one from several pictures; develop visual perception.

Game conditions: the participants in the game memorize the object depicted in the picture (a toy, an animal, etc.). After that, through the "smoke" (curtain), they choose from the proposed pictures the one on which there is the same image (save).


Target: to teach children to correlate the scheme of an object with a natural object; develop visual perception.

Game conditions:"rescuers" first consider the scheme, and then find among the toys the one that corresponds to this scheme.

"Inflammable Items"

Purpose: to promote the development of responsiveness and attention in children.

Game conditions: the leader calls various objects; children, having heard the words denoting fire hazardous objects, clap their hands.

(Iron, TV, watch, candy, cracker, accordion, cutlet, soup, knife, socket, matches, lighter and others).

"We put out the fire"

Target: to develop dexterity and speed of movements, to cultivate the ability to act in concert.

Game conditions: Participants are divided into two teams and lined up. On a signal, the last player passes buckets of "water" (4-5 buckets) to the members of his team. The player standing at the beginning of the line imitates fire extinguishing. The first team to complete the task wins.

"Rescuers Rush to the Rescue"

Target: develop the skills of the main types of movements (walking on an inclined board, jumping from hoop to hoop, crawling on a gymnastic bench, walking on a limited surface - between ropes lying close to each other); to cultivate courage, the desire to help out of trouble.

Game conditions: participants are divided into two teams and take turns overcoming obstacles and run to the toys (several toys), take one at a time (save from a fire) and return back, trying not to drop anyone.

"Encounter with a Stranger"

Game conditions: to exercise children in the correct behavior when meeting a stranger.

Game actions: children tell Dunno how to behave when meeting strangers.

Stranger: Hello, children! I am very glad to meet you and therefore I want to treat you with sweets.

Dunno first treats himself, and then gives sweets to children. They take (do not take) treat. If someone takes candy (or other sweets), the teacher asks if they did the right thing.

Unknown guest: And in my car there are also chocolates and kinder surprises! And how many different toys! Come with me - there's enough for everyone!

Dunno is going to go with a stranger.

Educator: Is Dunno doing the right thing? (addressing a stranger) Who are you? Why did they come?

The stranger grabs the Dunno by the hand and pulls him along. Do not listen to them! I'll take you to your parents, they asked to pick you up!

Dunno cries and follows the Stranger.

Educator: Guys, what should you do if a stranger drags you along? (Break out, shout loudly, call for help) Leave the Dunno alone! (Pushes the Stranger away, takes the Dunno with him)

"So that there is no trouble"

Target: develop the ability to make a short story about dangerous and safe situations depicted in the illustrations.

Game conditions: quickly write a short story about a dangerous or safe situation based on the picture.

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Card file didactic games on the basics of life safety

for older children preschool age

    « Ambulance»

    "When Danger Threatens"

    "I do not have"

    "What would you do?"


    "Our plant helpers"

    "Familiar, own, alien"

    "We are lifeguards"

    "1, 2, 3, what could be dangerous - find it"

    "Choose edible mushrooms and berries"

    "Pick up Tanya's toy"

    "What do we know about things"

    "I'm not afraid of needles"


    "Home Security Fundamentals"

    "How to avoid dangers?" (at home)

    "One, Two, Three - what can be dangerous, find it"

    "Yes and No"

    "House of the Snail"

    "Security Clock"

Didactic games for safety in kindergarten.


stimulating the development of independence and responsibility in children, educating in children the need for healthy lifestyle life;

teaching children the rules of behavior on the road, on the water, in nature, and in various life situations;

formation of skills and habits of safe behavior.

Game number 1 "Ambulance"

Target: strengthening children's knowledge and practical skills in first aid.

Material:: pictures depicting medical supplies (thermometer, bandage, brilliant green).

Description: The teacher plays with the children the situation when a person cuts his arm, leg, broke his knee, elbow, the temperature rose, when his throat hurt, a mote got into his eye, and his nose bled. For each situation, work out a sequence of actions.

Game number 2 "When danger threatens"

Target: reinforcing children's knowledge about the necessary actions in case of danger.

Material: pictures depicting actions dangerous for a child, phone.

Description: children receive a picture, name a dangerous situation and dial the necessary phone number, give their name, address, say what happened.

Game 3 "I don't have to"

Target: teaching norms and rules of behavior in relationships with people.

Material: plot pictures associated with acceptable and unacceptable relationships (in adult-child, child-child systems), the pattern "I - should not" (for example, the image of the sign "-").

Description: players lay out near the template those pictures that depict situations that are unacceptable in relationships with people, explain their choice.

Game number 4 "What would you do?"

Target: strengthening the ability to make the right decisions in various life situations, control their behavior in dealing with people.

Material: plot pictures on the problem, prizes.

Description: the players consider the illustrated typical dangerous situations of possible contact with strangers on the street:

    an unfamiliar adult persuades the child to go somewhere with him, promising to show something interesting, offering a toy;

    an unfamiliar adult opens the car door and invites you to ride with him;

    unfamiliar adult treats candy, ice cream, etc.

For each correct decision, the player receives a chip.

Game number 5 "Phone"

Target: the formation of knowledge about telephone communications, as a matter of prime necessity in critical situations, to acquaint with the telephone numbers of rescue services.

Material: illustrations depicting a particular dangerous situation, game cars of rescue services, cards with phone numbers.

Description: pick up a telephone number, a car of a certain rescue service for an illustration from a specific situation.

Game number 6 "Our plant helpers"

Target: to reinforce in children ideas about how to help themselves and others to always stay healthy.

Material: subject pictures depicting medicinal plants.

Description: The game is played like a lotto. Children have cards with the image of medicinal plants. The teacher shows pictures with similar drawings. A child who has this plant talks about its use for healing. If he said correctly, he gets a picture. The first person to close their card wins.

Game number 7 "Friend, friend, stranger"

Target: the formation of an exact concept of who is "one's own", "stranger", "acquaintance".

Material: ball.

Description: before starting the game, find out from the children who, in their opinion, can be considered “ours”, and who can be called “strangers”, who can be called “acquaintances”, how an acquaintance differs from a loved one, than from a stranger, an outsider. Children stand at a small distance from each other, forming a circle. The leader - in the center, alternately throws the ball to everyone, saying: acquaintance, friend, stranger, highlighting with intonation and pause the one who needs to be called. The child who caught the ball calls the appropriate person and returns the ball to the leader.

Game number 8 "We are the rescuers"

Target: consolidation of ideas about dangerous situations in everyday life, about the correct actions in specific situations, cultivating a sympathetic attitude towards the victim.

Material: a game card with three empty windows (one on top, two on the bottom); pictures of children in specific dangerous situations; a set of cards with the image of those actions that must be performed in a given situation.

Description: the host puts a picture depicting a dangerous situation on the game card, the players choose two correct ones from all the cards depicting actions, and lays them out in sequence.

Game number 9 "1,2,3, what can be dangerous - find it"

Target: consolidation of the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe sources of danger in the house, the development of intelligence, attention.

Material: mock-up or play corner with household items, prizes

Description: the host turns away and counts up to 3-5, and during this time the children should take on the layout or in the play corner those items that, in their opinion, can be dangerous, then everyone explains their choice. Answers are rewarded with prizes.

Game number 10 "Choose edible mushrooms and berries"

Target: consolidation of knowledge about edible and poisonous plants, the ability to distinguish them from each other.

Material: baskets, dummies or cards depicting edible and poisonous mushrooms and berries, chips.

Description: offer to collect edible mushrooms and berries in baskets, and leave the "inedible" in the forest. For each correctly chosen plant-chip. The player with the most chips wins.

Game number 11 "Pick up Tanya's toy"

Target: to consolidate the idea of ​​household items that can / cannot be played; ; develop a sense of mutual support.

Material: game card with the image of a girl and "merry little men"; pictures of various objects.

Description: The teacher offers to help Tanya choose from the items shown by the "merry little men" those that can be played with; explain why you can not play the rest.

Game number 12 "What do we know about things"

Target: to expand children's ideas about the rules of safe behavior in everyday life; develop attention, memory; foster a sense of cooperation.

Material: four game cards depicting a cut, burn, bruised hand and fire; pictures depicting various household items.

Description: 4 children take part in the game, each of them takes a game card with the image of an “injury”. The teacher (child) is the leader. He alternately raises a picture with an image of an object. Participants must guess what kind of injury may result from improper handling of this item, correlate it with their card and take a picture. When selecting, the child must explain why this or that object is dangerous, tell the rules for handling it.

Game number 13 "I'm not afraid of needles"

Target: to consolidate the ability to safely handle a needle; develop fine motor skills; cultivate attention, perseverance.

Material: needles and threads attached to the base of the box; buttons.

Description: invite children to assemble a “pyramid” of buttons by stringing them on a needle and thread or collect beads by threading a needle and thread into both holes of the buttons.

Game number 14 "Caution"

Target: Introduce children to the proper handling of fire, household appliances and electrical appliances. Develop attention, everyday skills, the ability to concentrate.

Material: Large game cards, divided into 4 "cautions", small ones with situations of what to do in order to avoid unpleasant consequences.

Rule: Choose a suitable picture for each “caution”.


The big cards are dealt equally to the players. The driver shows a small card, names the situation depicted and asks who wants to correct their “caution” with such a card. The player who recognizes his card closes his plot on the game card. Unclaimed cards are put aside. The winner is the one who first closes all the plots on the game map. This player becomes the leader.

Option 1

The player who recognizes his card describes the possible consequences of the situation depicted on the big map and then gets a small one.

Option 2

Small cards are placed in front of the players in a pile, pictures down. When making a move, the player takes the top card. If it turned out to be suitable, the player has the right to the next move, if not, the right to move is transferred to another player.

Game number 15 "Basics of safety in the house"

Target: To acquaint children with the correct (safe) and incorrect (dangerous) behavior of the child in the house. Develop perception, attention, memory, thinking of children.

Material: Cards with plots of the safe behavior of the heroes of the game and three empty windows, small plot pictures depicting the dangerous behavior of the heroes.

Description: presenter distributes big cards children. Shows one small card. Children with a “solved” card close the corresponding empty window. The first person to close their windows wins.

Option 1

Before closing the window, the child explains what is happening to the characters in the picture and why their behavior can be life-threatening.

Option 2

Players are evenly dealt large cards. Small cards are stacked face down. By lot, one of the players begins to “walk”, that is, draw one small card from the common pile. Pulled out, puts it face up, and all players look to see who has an empty cell corresponding to the positive situation depicted at the top of his sheet. If the player "learned" the situation, he closes the empty window at the bottom of his game sheet with a small picture. The turn then passes to the next player. The winner is the one who first closes all the empty windows on their game cards.

Game number 16 "How to avoid dangers?" (at home)

Target: To acquaint children with dangerous situations that they may encounter at home, to form the ability to avoid these situations.

Material: plot pictures, danger signs Х, ! safety rules in verses.

Description: the leader distributes cards with situations to the players equally and reads verses. Players must recognize their picture from the content of the poem and explain how to get out of a dangerous situation and not get into it. For a correct answer, the player receives a card with a poem.

Option 1

The facilitator shows the picture to the children, and they must explain what situation is depicted in it and how to avoid it. The winner is the one who explains the situation better and more correctly.

Option 2

The facilitator reads the poem and offers to put a danger sign next to the corresponding picture and explain why such a sign.

Game number 17 "One, two, three - what can be dangerous, find"

Target: To consolidate ideas about the sources of danger in the house; develop intelligence, attention, cultivate a sense of camaraderie.

Rule: Do not push, do not take objects from each other.

Material: Layout or play corner with household items, prizes (chips or pictures): X signs - you can not use it yourself

Use with caution.

Description: the host turns away and counts up to 5-10, and during this time the children should take on the layout or in the play corner those items that, in their opinion, can be dangerous. Then everyone explains their choice. Answers are rewarded with prizes.

Option 1

Conducting a game in the play area of ​​the senior group.

Option 2

Each child has two conventional sign X! .While the leader is counting, the children put signs near dangerous objects. For each correct answer, the presenter gives a prize.

Game number 18 "So and not so"

Target: To consolidate the ability to distinguish life-threatening situations from non-dangerous ones; develop attention; educate the desire to comply with safety rules.

Rules: Under the red card, put pictures depicting life-threatening actions of the child, under the green one - non-dangerous ((permitted).

Material: 2 cards - green and red. Pictures depicting dangerous and safe actions of children; signs are symbols.

Description: the teacher shows the picture, the children take turns, explaining their choice, put the picture either under the red or under the green card.

Option 1

Instead of pictures, use photographs of children. Children take turns taking a photo, telling what is shown on it, if the situation is dangerous, they select the appropriate sign - a symbol, explaining the rules of safe behavior in this situation.

Game number 19 "House of the Snail"

Target: Summarize children's ideas about the rules of safe behavior; develop protective self-awareness; foster a sense of cooperation, consolidate counting skills.

Rule: Follow the order.

Material: The playing field with the image of a snail, inside the house, with which various household items, chips, a cube are drawn.

Description: The children take turns rolling the dice and moving their chip as many spaces as there are dots on the dice. Each player calls what is shown in the picture, where his chip is.

Option 1

The players talk not only about what is shown in the picture, but also the rules for handling this item.

Option 2

If the chip stops at the picture, which shows an object that children are forbidden to use, the player skips a move.

Game 20 "Security Clock"

Target: , with whom they meet in everyday life.

Material: chips, a round field with an arrow on which objects are depicted.


1 option

The game is played by 1 to 3 people.

The children take turns turning the clock. The child, having carefully examined the object, tells what it is intended for, what can be dangerous and the rules for handling it. For a complete and correct answer, the child receives a chip.

Option 2

The game involves 2 people.

The child spins the arrow. Then he asks questions to his opponent about how to use this item so that trouble does not happen. If the child answers correctly, then he gets the right to the next move. And if it is difficult to answer, then the child who asked the question must answer himself.

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