The scenario of a sports quest game on the street. Game-quest "We are for a healthy lifestyle!"

natalia zasemkova
Scenario of sports leisure on the street. Quest "Treasure Search"


Formation of positive motivation for the development of dynamic activity of children;

Creation of conditions conducive to the consolidation of friendly relations within the children's team.



1. Develop cognitive interest

2. Develop a sense of humor, imagination, ingenuity

3. Development of physical.


1. Promote the development of attention, coordination abilities

2. Contribute to the rallying of children in a team


1. To cultivate respect for each other, a sense of responsibility, an attentive attitude towards others;

Welcome children to health island! Explain the meaning of the game, choose a captain and a place to store parts of the map!

Pirate: Hello kids! I lost the magic key and now I don't know how to open the magic chest with gold. Can you help me?

caregiver: Certainly. help, but how?

Pirate: I heard from one fortuneteller that the key was broken, and its fragments were scattered on different islands, we need to find it. Well, are you ready for adventure, where will there be different tests on your way? So I bought a map from a familiar sailor. I just can't figure out how.

The pirate takes out a map, and the guys go in the direction indicated by the arrows to the first island.

1. Island "Warm-up".

Children are given the task to come up with movements and dance. After completing the task, they receive a piece of the picture.

2. Sea island.

On the island, it is proposed to find a leaflet with a task.

Task, game "Shark".

The driver is chosen - he is a Shark, the rest are marine inhabitants. The shark is hiding (sitting on a chair, the rest are playing.

An adult reads a poem, children perform movements.

In our sea, that's a miracle

Life is calm and beautiful.

Happiness and love reigns

Even the whale knows this. (children hold hands, make a big circle)

Here is a carp in the quiet sea

Surrounds the waves famously, (run around in circles)

A flock of little jellyfish

Together like a string of beads. (children line up, hugging each other tightly)

Swordfish and hammerhead dance

Forget about hunger. (dance randomly in pairs, depicting fish)

Dolphins are jumping

Arching your back straight. (jumping in place "soldier")

Quietly splashing wave

She is the protector of all. (stop in place, hands depicting waves)

But the shark is hiding far away in the cave,

And the formidable Shark goes hunting,

She says to her friends, clicking teeth:

"I'll cook for lunch today..." (Shark comes out, says any word)

If the leader (Shark) says something edible, then the children run away, the Shark catches up with them, whom it stained, takes them to itself. If it is inedible - the children freeze in place, the Shark looks carefully - whoever moves is enough.

3. Island of pictures.

Collect 2 puzzles.

After completing the task, they receive a piece of the picture.

Move on the map to the next island.

4. Island "Obstacle Course".

Pass the obstacle course. After completing the task, they receive a piece of the picture.

Move on the map to the next island.

5. Island "Ball Trap"

A game: the fabric is stretched, and on top of the fabric throw balls, from below the children must knock them down.

After completing the task, they receive a piece of the picture. Move on the map to the next island.

6. Island "Jumpers".

Relay race "Jumping on fitballs". Divide the children into two teams, arrange in circles. On command, the guys alternately perform jumps on the fitball, passing it to the next one. After completing the task, they receive a piece of the picture. Move on the map to the next island.

7. Island « Disorder» .

Collect scattered cubes, balls, bags in baskets. After completing the task, they receive a piece of the picture.

After that, the children are invited to run around the kindergarten building and run up to the person (recognizing him from a riddle).

Who are all the tales and riddles

And knows the verses by heart?

In dolls, balls, horses

Who plays to old age?

Who has all the questions

Got an immediate response?

Who takes everything out of the house,

Regardless of the budget?

Who can out of the box

Make a TV

Fix electrical plugs

Drive carnations into the wall?

Who is on the Christmas tree

The kids amuse

And just anyone

Is he pretending to be?

The teacher turns the collected picture into a real key. The key opens the chest, where sweet coins lie.

Scenario of the quest game "In search of the treasure" Health ".

Target: promotion of an active and healthy lifestyle, physical education, sports.

Location: day camp during the summer holidays "Sunshine".

The participants of the game gather at the START of the game to receive route sheets and instructions.

Musical introduction to the game - song by V. Shainsky "Together it's fun to walk"


Hello everyone! Happy to see you here

Each other's active our units!

You have been brought together for the game.

Roll call is here, now!

Detachments at the sign of the commander pronounce the name, receive a route sheet.


The game starts! For health, it's time to go!

We need to collect the motto of the game

From the pictures, very friendly.

If we collect them, we will find the Health treasure here!

On your marks! ATTENTION! MARCH!

1 station

2 station

3 station

4 station

5 station

6 station

Glade "Sports"

Road "ZOZH"


"Try Guess"

Living room

"Katsuzo Nishi"

Lesok "Green Pharmacy"

Cafe "Healthy food"

As a result, you need to collect the motto of the game:

If you want to live long

Health should be valued.

Manage them skillfully

How to do it, do not forget!

1 stationGlade "Sports"

    Find a match photo - name and surname of the athlete - sport;

    Solve riddles:

    Who quickly rushes through the snow
    Are you afraid to fail? (Skier)

    Ten plus one someone
    the ball wants to drive into the goal,
    and eleven others
    do not let them seek. (Football)

    The ice around is transparent, flat,
    Two iron strips
    And someone is dancing above them,
    Jumping, waving his arms. (Figure skater)

    - I don't understand, guys, who are you?
    Birders? Anglers?
    What kind of net is in the yard?
    - Don't interfere with the game
    You'd better leave!
    We play ... (volleyball)

    On an empty stomach
    They beat me unbearably;
    Aptly pour players
    I'm kicked.
    They blow air into me
    And they kick me. (Soccer ball)

    He doesn't want to lie down.
    If you throw it, it will jump.
    You hit a little, immediately jump, well, of course - this is ... (ball).

    I decided to become a strongman, I hurried to the strongman:
    - Tell us about this, how did you become a strongman?
    He smiled in response: - Very simple.
    For many years, every day, getting out of bed,
    I lift ... (dumbbells).

    There is a lawn in our school, and there are goats and horses on it.
    We've been tumbling here for exactly forty-five minutes.
    At school - horses and a lawn?!
    What a miracle, guess what! (Gym)

    Green meadow, a hundred benches around,
    people run briskly from gate to gate.
    At the gates of these fishing nets. (Stadium)

    I can’t feel my legs for joy, I’m flying down a terrible hill.
    Sport has become dearer and closer to me, who helped me, children? (Skis)

    Who will catch up with me on the ice?
    We are racing.
    And it's not the horses that carry me,
    and shiny ... (skates).

    Stick in the form of a comma
    pushes the puck in front of him. (Hockey stick)

    In the yard in the morning the game played out, the kids.
    Shouts: “Puck!”, “By!”, “Beat!” - there is a game going on ... (hockey).

    This horse does not eat oats, instead of legs - two wheels.
    Sit on horseback and rush on it, only better drive. (A bike)

    Perform a morning exercise complex by the team; (0-5 b)

2 station Road "ZOZH"

    Show on the layout and tell how to brush your teeth properly;

    Solve puzzles "School's daily routine"

3 station Ostrovok "Try, guess"

    Solve riddles about vegetables and fruits;

These things help!

Save us health!

Like seven heroes!

Get to know them soon!

1. Although it stings, although it burns, a thunderstorm of microbes is red ... iodine!

2. For a brother, for a sister, for the knees there is ... brilliant green!

3. He will tell us the answer. Is there a temperature or not? Getting sick is not much fun. We will put ... a thermometer.

4. Although bitter, but useful. From the garden, the enemy of disease. And he is not a friend of microbes! We know green onions!

5. I train! Very proud! Gives me health ... sport!

6. Announces battle to bacilli. I want everything to be clean! Under water, it will certainly become white lush foam. It was, it was and gone. Because it is .... soap!

7. They will morning streams of tears. Let's not forget about the nose. So that you are not alone, put in your pocket ... a handkerchief!

    Test quiz about proper nutrition.

    Restore proverbs:

Temper your body for the benefit of the cause.

Don't be afraid of the cold, wash yourself up to your waist.

Those who play sports gain strength.

The sun, air and water always help us.

In a healthy body healthy mind.

To walk on foot - to live long.

Give sports time, and in return get health.

Move more, live longer.

Movement is the companion of health.

To walk on foot - to live long.

Thoroughly chewed - almost overcooked.

The more you chew, the longer you live.

Health, joy and work always go together side by side.

4 stationLiving room "Katsuzo Nishi»

    Conversation about the structure of the human body;

    Katsuzo Nishi System Exercises

5 station Lesok "Green Pharmacy"

    Make a word out of letters.

For human health there is a "Green Pharmacy".

It contains plants. For the health of their value.

Rearrange the letters in the word! And imagine a plant!

    This is a honey plant. Favorite tree of bees and bears. This honey is the most delicious.


2. This tree has unusual leaves. In such a forest it is easy to breathe and useful. These baths are relaxing. This tree can be dressed up.


3. The fruits of this shrub are delicious. Contains many vitamins C.


4. The leaves of this tree kill disease-causing microbes. Even brooms for a bath from such branches are the best.


5. And the sweet delicacy of its fruits. And a cold remedy.


    Identify medicinal plant appearance(linden flowers, plantain, dandelion, celandine, mint, blackcurrant, burdock, yarrow).

6 station Cafe "Healthy food"

    Presentation of porridge (barley, millet, rice or buckwheat) by a team member (Homework)

Units as they pass the station gather at the FINISH of the game.

Hand over to the JURY route sheets and the collected motto. Music screensaver of the game.


General gathering blow pipes! Being healthy is nice!

The game is over! To all participants - Hurray!

The JURY sums up. Gives a scroll to the winners and diplomas to the participants of the game.


There is no secret! May the summer be healthy!

Thank you all for participating! Everyone - health, peace, happiness!

A healthy lifestyle is made up of a focus on health as an absolute life value, on the ideals of the individual, family, nation and nature, from effective measures of nutrition, education, physical education and sports, hygiene of body and spirit. Teachers as carriers of culture (including the culture of health) provide optimal psychohygienic conditions for training and education. A social educator contributes to solving the problem of maintaining social health and preventing social ailments. Consequently, the main way to improve health is the creation of favorable socio-pedagogical conditions.
Currently, games in the format of quests are in great demand among students. Game-quest "We are for a healthy lifestyle!" is aimed at forming a culture of a healthy lifestyle among the younger generation, showing responsibility, independence and teamwork, as well as creating conditions for the intellectual and creative self-realization of students and popularizing physical activity.
The social pedagogue performs the following functions in the school: educational and upbringing - provides a targeted pedagogical influence on the behavior and activities of children; organizational - organizes socially valuable activities of students, ensures the implementation of plans, projects and programs; organizational and communicative - involving more children in events.
The teacher-librarian of the school, contributing to the implementation of an integrated approach to the effectiveness of health-saving activities, participates in the organization of sports and recreational activities: holds book exhibitions “Choosing health”, “I protect health - I will help myself!”, “Sport is life, joy, health!”, talks and literature reviews, public events. This work helps students to change themselves and their attitude towards physical culture for the better.
The teacher of physical culture, in combination with the classical form of education, conducts mass physical culture and sports events - days of health and sports, outdoor games and competitions, sports holidays, sports days, with the help of which the formation of the physical culture of the individual is achieved.
The tasks of interaction between physical education teachers, a teacher-librarian and a social teacher during this event are as follows:
- motivation and need for systematic physical education and sports;
- mastering the main types of physical culture and sports activities;
- creation of favorable conditions for optimization of motor activity;
- formation necessary knowledge, skills and habits of a healthy lifestyle, the use of acquired knowledge in everyday life;
- education of the need and ability to independently engage in physical exercises, consciously apply them for the purpose of relaxation, training, increasing efficiency and strengthening health.

Game preparation and holding plan:

  1. Preparation of a route sheet for the passage of stages.
  2. Preparation of questions and answers.
  3. The choice of the organizers of the quest, the formation of teams of players.
  4. Conducting briefing for the participants of the quest.
  5. Passage of playgrounds by teams.
  6. Summarizing.
  7. Rewarding.

Game start.

Each team receives a route sheet indicating the sites. Teams move between gym and the school library, performing thematic, practical and intellectual tasks. At each stage, teams receive points for correctly completed tasks.

1 platform "Proverbs and sayings" (in the library)

  1. Temper your body for the benefit of the cause.
  2. Don't be afraid of the cold, wash yourself up to your waist.
  3. Those who play sports gain strength.
  4. The sun, air and water always help us.
  5. Who loves sports is healthy and cheerful.
  6. And ingenuity is needed, and hardening is important.
  7. In a healthy body healthy mind.
  8. Sails and rigging are in the hands of the athlete.
  9. You will be tempered from youth, you will fit for the whole century.
  10. The sun, air and water are our true friends.
  11. Start a new life not from Monday, but from morning exercises.
  12. Strong in body - rich in deed.
  13. You don’t make friends with sports - you’ll worry about it more than once.
  14. Walking is a long life.
  15. Give sports time, and in return get health.
  16. Move more, you'll live longer.
  17. Movement is the companion of health.
  18. Walking is a long life.
  19. Physical education is the enemy of old age.
  20. Sports and tourism strengthen the body.
  21. Harden yourself - move away from the disease.
  22. If you want to be healthy - temper yourself!
  23. Ice water is a disaster for any ailment.
  24. Moderate food is a comfort to the mind.
  25. The thinner the waist, the longer the life.
  26. Gluttony clouds the mind.
  27. Not everything in the mouth is what the eye sees.
  28. Moderation in food is healthier than a hundred doctors.
  29. Long meals - short life.
  30. Eat breakfast yourself, share lunch with a friend, and give dinner to the enemy.
  31. Eaten at night - for the future will not work.
  32. When you go to bed with an empty stomach, you wake up refreshed.
  33. Shorten dinner - lengthen life.
  34. From delicious and sweet food - do not expect anything but trouble.
  35. Thoroughly chewed - almost overcooked.
  36. The more you chew, the longer you live.
  37. Eat simply - you can live up to a hundred years.
  38. Don't eat sweet stuff.
  39. When I eat I am deaf and dumb.
  40. Health, joy and work always go together side by side.
  41. Laziness catches up with the disease, work cleanses the soul.
  42. Nothing harms a person more than idleness.
  43. The body weakens without work.
  44. Old age does not age, but idleness.
  45. A person gets tired when he has nothing to do.
  46. Idleness is the sister of disease.
  47. A lazybones is always unwell.
  48. From excessive idleness - nonsense profits, in active labor - the will is tempered.

2 platform "Mysteries" (in the library)

1. Who quickly rushes through the snow
Are you afraid to fail? (Skier)

2. Ten plus one someone
the ball wants to drive into the goal,
and eleven others
do not let them seek. (Football)

3. Green meadow,
One hundred benches around
From gate to gate
The people run briskly.
At these gates
Fishing nets. (Stadium)

4. The ice around is transparent, flat,
Two iron strips
And someone is dancing above them,
Jumping, waving his arms. (Figure skater)

5. Right on the road
The horse spread its legs
Headless and tailless
As if rooted to the spot, he stood up.
The horse stands still
Together with the rider. (Projectile - horse)

6. Iron pancakes
thin stick -
iron rolling pin
pancakes bakes,
It attracts by force. (Barbell)

7. Two rings
And two ropes
Up and down,
There and back again.
unfinished flight,
Stance, takeoff and turn. (Projectile - rings)

8. Beardless and not white,
Smooth, hairless body,
iron hooves,
As if dug into the ground
He doesn't bleat, he doesn't make noise.
Where they put it - it stands there;
He is not moved
Jump through it. (Projectile - goat).

9. Iron bird
Laid an egg
Egg from the nest
Don't take it easy.
hard egg,
In the egg - a ring;
You will take for the ring -
You will take the egg. (Weight)

10. There is a lawn in our school,
And on it - goats and horses.
We are tumbling here
Roughly forty-five minutes.
At school - horses and a lawn?!
What a miracle - guess what! (Gym)

11. - I don’t understand, guys, who are you?
Birders? Anglers?
What kind of net is in the yard?
- Don't interfere with the game
You'd better leave!
We play ... (volleyball)

12. On an empty stomach
They beat me unbearably;
Aptly pour players
I'm kicked.
They blow air into me
And they kick me. (Soccer ball)

For students in grades 10-11.

1. Who warns smokers about the dangers of smoking? (Ministry of Health)
2. Which organ is primarily affected in smokers? (Lungs.)
3. The most dangerous disease of the 21st century. (AIDS.)
4. His drop kills the horse. (Nicotine.)
5. A drink that can ruin both family and life. (Vodka.)
6. A low-alcohol drink that many people consider harmless. (Beer.)
7. What color are the teeth of smokers? (Yellow.)
8. What happens to people when they smoke, drink alcohol, drink, take drugs? (Degradation of personality - loss of positive qualities.)

3 platform "Interesting questions" (in the library)

1. What is the name of a Russian person who in Holland fell in love with skates and was the first to come up with the idea of ​​nailing them to the soles of his boots. (Russian Emperor Peter the Great)
2. Which gymnastic figure has a namesake among birds? (Martin)
3. What game do the French call "flying rooster"? (Badminton)
4. Which of the sons of Zeus "organized" the first Olympic Games? (Hercules)
5. What is the name of the largest sporting goods company in Germany? ("Adidas")
6. In which game do ladies watch their pieces the most? (Chess)
7. How translated from in English the name of the style of swimming is "butterfly"? (Butterfly)
8. The name of what type of martial arts is translated from Japanese as “soft way”? (Judo)
9. What style of swimming did people borrow from the frog? (Breaststroke)
10. What kind of sport can be easy for some and hard for others? (Athletics)
11. What militant word can be called a pole, and rings, and bars? (Projectile)
12. In what sports team competition, in order to win, do you need to back away? (tug of war)
13. What was the name of the winner of the Games in Ancient Greece? (Olympic)
14. How many days did the competition last? (Five)
15. In honor of which god were the Games held? (In honor of Zeus)
16. Do you think there were competitions of poets and musicians at the Games? (Yes)
17. Remember the motto Olympic Games. ("Faster, higher, stronger")
18. What is the symbol of the Games? (Torch)
19. What is depicted on the Olympic flag? (Five rings)
20. How to decipher the word "sambo"? (Self-defense without weapons).

4 playground " Gym» (in the gym)

Obstacle Course Exercise Sequence

Execution Requirements



Start. Jumping on one leg

Distance 6 m. Perform at least 5 jumps.
Jumping can be performed on the right or left foot.

Markup. Start and finish marks on the floor.

The leg cannot be changed during the course. Every mistake
(less than 5 jumps performed, change of foot during movement) is assessed as a 1.0 second penalty

Crawling on the gymnastic bench.

Crawling from a prone position with the help of bending the arms.

Gymnastic bench.

When performing the exercise, you can not help yourself with your legs.

Equilibrium. Walking on the balance beam, arms to the sides.

Walk on the balance beam without losing your balance.

Outdoor gymnastic beam, mats.

Loss of balance: falling from a log, touching the floor with a foot or hand - 1.0 sec penalty.

Throwing a stuffed ball at a target with both hands from the chest.

The participant performs 3 attempts.
From the place of the throw to the near edge of the target 5 m. Near the place of the throw there are 3 stuffed balls.

Weight of stuffed ball for grades 5-6 1 kg, grades 7-8 2 kg, grades 9-11 3 kg.
The goal is a hoop with a diameter of 60 cm.
Throw line and target markings.

If the participant does not hit the target, then 1.0 seconds is added to him for each miss.

Shuttle run (3 x 7m)

High start from the start line. The segment (7m) is considered to be overcome if the participant stepped over the line limiting the segment with one foot and touched the cone with his hand.

2 cones and markings on the floor

For each failure to reach the line limiting the segment, a 1.0 second penalty is added

Dribbling with racks and throwing a basketball into the ring.

The participant circles 1 rack from the right side, 2 from the left, etc. Racks are circled by the hand farthest from the rack.
Next, the participant leads the ball to the backboard and throws the ball into the ring in an arbitrary way (stopping or after two steps in motion). After throwing into the ring, the participant picks up the ball and crosses the finish line with it.

5 racks or cones. Distance between cones 1 m
The ball is located 1m from the first cone.

Conducting according to the rules of basketball.
Incorrect execution of the exercise is penalized by 1.0 seconds.

The program is considered completed at the moment the participant crosses the finish line with both feet.

The line is marked on the floor.
The referee carries the ball to the beginning of the exercise.

The execution time of the entire complex task is fixed.

Obstacle course exercises are performed in a stream by all team members. The time from the start of the first participant to the finish of the last is estimated. The start of the first participant is made at the command of the judge, the start of the second and subsequent participants - by touching the palm. The finish of the last participant is recorded immediately after crossing the finish line.
One referee fixes the time of passing the exercises of the obstacle course and the correctness of the relay, the second referee evaluates the quality of the assignments.
Students exempted for health reasons from the practical part, help the judges in the arrangement of inventory.

Additional competition "The most, the most!" - optional.

2 boys and 2 girls (from each team) participate. Each of them performs two exercises: first, 30 seconds of flexion and extension of the arms (boys) from the floor, (girls) from the bench, then 30 seconds of jumping on two legs over the rope, rotating it forward or backward. The number of exercises performed in 1 minute is estimated.

The scenario of the sports festival "Pirate Quest" for children 4-5 years old

The scenario of the sports event will be useful to teachers of preschool and additional education in the preparation and conduct of sports activities, parents of preschoolers and younger students in organizing children's holidays. This material is recommended for children over 4 years of age. It is aimed at developing the ability to team up and work together, allows you to involve parents in the game.
Target: organization of sports and gaming leisure activities
Tasks:- arouse children's interest in performing sports tasks;
- organize joint activities in teams;
- involve parents in gaming activities;
- develop dexterity, endurance, attention, diligence, ability to work together.

A few days before the holiday
A surprise was again prepared for the children - they received letters from the pirate Flint in advance, and they had several days left to look forward to the holiday, dream up adventures and treasure hunts, think over a pirate name and costume.
Age of participants: children 4-5 years old.
Characters: Pirate Flint, Lady of the Seas.


1.Captain Flint: Hello guys! Would you mind teaming up and going on an amazing treasure hunt adventure?
I'm on a distant island
Many years ago
In a hole dark and deep
Buried a priceless treasure.
Tradition tells me
To do so, because I am a pirate!
But before we give you the map and you start searching for treasure, you must pass our tests! Do you agree?
2. QUEEN OF THE SEA: Guys, first we will learn a rhyme about pirates with you. I am reading a poem. Before the last line in each quatrain, everyone loudly pronounces the line in unison.
Raise the anchors, let's go to the sea! We are fearless guys...
Children: Because we are pirates!
There is a formidable wave in the sea, Hurricanes and storms, Well, we are sailing somewhere...
Children: Because we are pirates!
All animals are dearer to us Inhabitants of the seas: Octopus, dolphins, stingrays ...
Children: Because we are pirates!
We sharpened our knives, Who did not hide - tremble! Only we are not to blame
Children: Because we are pirates!
We are sailing straight to the island, We will find treasures there! Let's live richly, friends...
Children: Because we are pirates!
3. Captain Flint: Pirates must be strong and agile. Many adventures and dangers await them. Let's do exercises with you, stretch our arms and legs.
What do we need to charge?
Socks apart and heels together.
We start with a trifle: Stretch to the ceiling.
It doesn't matter that they didn't get it - Straightened up. Above steel!
And we do not stand "hands in trousers" - We put our hands in front of the chest.
So that we are not scolded for laziness - Let's repeat the jerks with our hands.
Hey, don't stoop, guys! Bring your shoulder blades to the end.
Stop! Is there support for the legs? Hands up, the other - to the side.
Are you familiar with the exercise? It's called slopes.
To the right and to the left we repeat, We bend ourselves and straighten.
Now lean forward. Hands to the side. And so…
It looks like the windmill is spinning.
We got up. Exhaled: "Oh!" Inhale and exhale, Inhale again.
Catch your breath and all together We will jump on the spot.
The body was charged with power. Don't forget about the smile.
4. QUEEN OF THE SEA:“To sail on ships you need to be able to maintain balance during a storm. You need to walk along the rope and not fall (do not get off it). Set your feet - strictly heel to toe!
(Stretch a rope on the ground and invite the children to walk along it.)
5. Flint:"Great team! Everyone is so smart, cunning, dexterous! Now you need to pronounce a solemn oath:
“Joining the ranks of pirates and treasure seekers, I swear not to be cowardly, not to lose heart, to help my comrades, to share the treasures found by honor and conscience, otherwise let me be thrown to be eaten by sharks.” Who agrees, says: "I swear!"
5. QUEEN OF THE SEA:"Pirates must be smart and cunning, find what holds the ship in place and the next task."
(You need to find the Anchor, and next to it is an envelope with riddles and part of the map)
6. Flint: “Now we have part of the map!
But where to look for other parts of the map? What's in the envelope? Mystery? Well guess:
I can jump and roll
And if they quit, I'll fly.
Laughing faces all around
Everyone is happy about the round ...
Flint: "Among the balls, look for part of the map! Forward, wonder hunters!"
7. THE GOD OF THE SEAS:"Here's another riddle!"
Standing by the fence
Sitting on them all day
Grandmothers and children.
What is it? Answer! (Bench)
Our next assignment. We will take the ship "On Boarding". The ships will be benches. While the musical accompaniment is playing, all the pirates are dancing. As soon as the music stops, they need the whole team to board their ship. The crew that completes the task faster wins.
Now look for another part of the map on your ship.
8. Flint: The next task for our parents.
Anyone who loves exercise
Has a slim figure.
Mom will ride the ball
And they jump around the hall on it.
You have earned the last part of the map.
Treasures can only be reached along a narrow path in the mountains, while maintaining a team spirit and a pure heart. We need to overcome the hole in the cave. Pirate Flint will be the guide. On the way, it is necessary to overcome the tunnel (fabric pipe), moving on your haunches.) And here you are! Treasure Search!
photo application

Ludmila Khandrikova

Sports and entertainment quest« Journey through the country of physical education and health»

Compiler: physical culture instructor Khandrikova Lyudmila Valentinovna

Target: Developing Interest in Participation sports and outdoor games. Formation of interest and love for sports.


1. Expand and consolidate children's knowledge about healthy lifestyle.

2. To improve physical abilities in the joint motor activity of children and adults.

3. Contribute to the rapprochement and organization of the children of the group. Raise the emotional state of the pupils.


1. Puzzles with split pictures - «»

2. Rope - 1pc

3. Baskets - 2 pieces

4. Balls are small - according to the number of participants

5. Sandbox scoops - 2 pcs

6. Envelopes - 6 pcs

7 Map - « Country of physical education and health»

10. Hoops - 6 pcs

11. Balancers.

12. Long rope for crawling and jumping.

13. Jump ropes.

Leading: Oh (adult); Oh (adult)

Participants Children of the senior group


Territory of the kindergarten playground, playground of a large stadium, verandas of groups).

move sports and entertainment quest:

Sounds music, participants quests run out to the sports ground. Oh and Ah appear and greet the participants.

Oh: Hello dear guys!

Oh: Hello girls and boys!

Together: We are very glad to see you all today, that you are all healthy and go to kindergarten.

Oh: Let's do exercises together now.

FLASHMOB - children and teachers take part.

Oh: Guys what do you think health?

Children's answers.

Oh: Health- this is not only the absence of any disease, but also a cheerful mood, good appetite, physical strength, beauty and joy.

Oh: Today in our kindergarten passes quest is not easy but very interesting game, it will require strength, knowledge and ingenuity from you.

Oh: We brought a map for you as a gift so that you can go on an exciting travel, but along the way, viruses and microbes penetrated there and destroyed it, only pieces remained. And now we have to go to travel without a map and create it again.

Oh: Are you guys ready to help us create a new map?

Oh: We are on our way through the cities Physical education and health countries».

You will need to go through several stages and tests, at each stage you will receive an envelope with a piece of the card, and at the end trips we will try to fold it and give it to the children from another kindergarten.

TOGETHER: We wish you good luck, we believe and hope for you!

Stage 1. A game "Take it and don't drop it" - "City of Agility"


Children line up in a column, put two buckets. At the beginning of the column, the basket is empty, another basket with balls is placed at a distance of 5 m. The task of children with the help of a spatula is to transfer the balls from one basket to another.

Stage 2. "Obstacle Course"- City of Speed

DOW playground

Jumping from hoop to hoop.

Running under a spinning rope.


Stage 3. "Tug of War"- City of Strength

Stage 4. "Rope jumping"- City of Endurance.

Stage 5 "Walking on balance beams"-city of balance

Stage 6 "Riddles - crossword"

1. Get up early in the morning,

Jump, run, push up.

For health, for order

People all need... (charger)

2. What is always useful to us: Sun, air and (water)

3. Slowly inhale through the nose, fresh (air) we get.

4. strong, want to grow up healthy, for this we need to comply with .... (mode)

5. If you want to break a record, it will help you .... (sport)

6. In nutrition, the regime is also important, then we will run away from diseases.

Vegetables and fruits are not interchangeable, with them we get - .... (vitamins)

7. Being hardy always helps us…. (walking)

8. Legs and muscles are always in motion -

It's not just a person walking.

Such are the fast movements

We call short -. (run)

Oh: Let's read together what the word turned out to be - « HEALTH» .

For solving the crossword puzzle, you get the last piece of the map, and let's all try to put it together.

On the map we see those cities Physical education and health countries where we were today, let's repeat them again .... Now we can pass this card to other children so that they can do an exciting travel and also became dexterous, fast, strong, hardy and as healthy as you.

Oh: Well, guys, our game with you has come to an end. Did you like travel around the cities of the country of physical education and health? Learned a lot of interesting things? Thank you for your care, resourcefulness, dexterity and ingenuity. And now we want to give you vitamins so that you are healthy!

Related publications:

Quest - game "Journey through the island of Health" for children 1 junior group. Prepared by the teacher of the first category Khalilullina Svetlana.

Quest game "Journey for the secrets of health" Purpose: to form a positive attitude towards a healthy lifestyle in children. Tasks: Fix.

Purpose: to develop the physical qualities of pupils in active activities. Tasks: educational: to contribute to the expansion of horizons;.

Russian folk music sounds. The buffoons come out. 1 Buffoon: Hello, dear guests - both small and large! 2 Buffoon: Hello.

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