Role-playing games in the preparatory journey. Role-playing game "journey into the forest"

Oksana Gladysheva
Trip around the world. Plot- role-playing game

Story - role-playing game

« Trip around the world»

Target. To form the ability to combine various thematic stories in a single game story.


Strengthen the ability of children to take on a role and perform actions in accordance with this role;

To form the ability to transform the acquired knowledge into game actions;

Develop social partnership skills;

Develop mental processes: creative imagination and fantasy, attention, memory, thinking;

- Develop children's speech: enrich vocabulary, the ability to conduct a role-playing dialogue;

Cultivate friendly relations, mutual assistance;

Create an emotionally positive mood in children.

preliminary work:

Conversation on lexical topics: professions, transport;

Reading fiction topics: S. Sakharny "The best ship", K. Chukovsky "Dr. Aibolit", V. Suteeva "Koroablik"

Watching cartoons "Captain Vrungel", "Ship", "Stepa the sailor"

Examination of illustrations and paintings by subject

beating individual stories

Making attributes for story-role-playing games"Hospital", "Shop", "Ship"

Making a collage topic: Travelers.

Working with parents:

Watching movies at home maritime theme

Watch with children the work of a seller, doctor, cashier

Making attributes for story-role-playing games.

Game progress.

1 part: (children are busy with independent gaming activity, the teacher's phone rings, answers the question)

Yes, this is kindergarten.

Group "Larks"

- « Journey»

You invite us to go to trip around the world?

Now I will advise

Guys you want to go to journey?

Well, then we're going to go, we take everything we need on the road.

(children can dress up, take different items, but at the same time, they must explain why they took this or that item)

What transport will we be on? travel? because the road is long

(children's answers, it's better to stay on the ship)

And where can we get it?

(can build, draw if there is ready to use it)

Look, we have a ship! but no captain.

Can we do it ourselves?

part 2: (role distribution)

Then I'll be the captain! Since the biggest and know a lot

I need an assistant captain to steer the ship.

Sailor, maybe two, they must watch the ship, follow the orders of the captain, and not forget about the convenience of passengers

Need a cashier to purchase ship tickets

A controller that will check tickets and allow passengers to board the ship

We need a doctor to take care of your health travelers

We also need a seller where we could purchase goods

Also, we need passengers.

Well, the roles are distributed, then let's get ready to go!

part 3: (shopping for groceries on the road "shop")

We buy the most necessary things that you may need on the road

Is everyone ready? go buy tickets at the box office

part 4: (buying tickets "cashier")

When purchasing tickets, you must name any items that have round shape(apple, ball, sun, wheel)

Split cards will serve as tickets, the cashier gives out to the children, with the correct answer

Everyone buys tickets and walks together to the ship.

part 5: (ticket check "controller")

A game"Find a Pair" children become pairs only if the pictures match (the controller checks the coincidence of the pictures, and passes to the ship)

part 6: (Passenger boarding "sailor" "captain")

The captain gives the command:

Prepare the ship for sailing (inspection of the ship)

Seating passengers (who needs to substitute chairs)

All on board, there was enough space for everyone, then go (the ship made a noise, started to move)

Raise the anchors

Rudder right, rudder left, keep it up (etc.)

part 7: (journey)

Children swim and sing a song “We eat, we eat, we go to distant lands…”

(suddenly water appears in the ship)

Guys, we have trouble, a hole in the ship, our ship stumbled upon a rock

Water fills our ship, what should we do?

We scoop out water (with what is in the hands or hands)

The ship is sinking

We look left, right, looking for an island

- Sailor: an island is visible in the distance, we sail there

- Captain: everyone to leave the ship

- Sailor: all overboard

Passengers leave the ship, dive into the sea

They help each other swim so that no one gets into trouble and drowns.

People are drowning, help them swim ashore

part 8: (island "hospital")

Guys, who got hurt, who needs help?

They were attacked by a shark, they need a bandage

Where is our doctor (the doctor lays out the hospital, and provides first aid to the victims)

Have pity on each other, everything is behind (children hug, pity each other)

We are saved, cheers!

I'm hungry, do you want to eat?

The captain and the sailor go for firewood, they will kindle a fire (building a fire pit)

Girls prepare food and set the table (children sit in circle and eat)

Look, it's getting dark, it's getting colder

The jungle is dangerous at night, many animals roam here, it will rain soon

It's time to build a hut to spend the night

part 9: (building a hut)

Children offer what you can build a hut from, you need to consider all the options proposed by the children, For example:

Let's move the tables and cover with diapers so the rain won't soak us.

And the girls will find something to sleep on, because the earth is cold (they carry mattresses from the puppet corner)

We climb into the hut, it starts to rain (children talking)

It's time to sleep, and tomorrow we'll think about how to get home ....

Anastasia Sorokina
Role-playing game"Around the World" (senior group)

Role-playing game"Trip around the world" (senior group)

Target: To form the ability to combine various thematic stories in a single game story.

Tasks: 1. To develop the ability of children to independently prepare the environment for the game (select objects, attributes, use building material to build a ship);

2. Strengthen the ability of children to take on a role and perform actions in accordance with this role;

3. Develop mental processes: creative imagination and fantasy, attention, memory, thinking;

4. Develop children's speech: enrich vocabulary, the ability to conduct a role-playing dialogue;

5. Cultivate friendly relations, mutual assistance;

6. Create an emotionally positive mood in children.

preliminary work:

1. The teacher's story about the duties of the captain, sailors, cashier, controller;

2. Introduction to geographical maps learn to identify land and sea on a map;

3. Familiarity with the marine terminology "Hail anchor", "Full speed ahead", etc.

4. Consideration of illustrations and paintings on the subject;

5. Watching cartoons "Stepa the sailor", "Ship".

6. Reading fiction S. Sakharny "The best ship", V. Suteeva "Ship".

Game progress:

IN: - Guys, we received a letter, and in it an invitation to trip around the world. We will first go to hot Africa, where we will see many exotic beautiful animals. Then to India, where we will meet fairy tale characters from different fairy tales: baby elephant, Riki-Tiki-Tavi, Mowgli and his friends. And to Australia, where a lot of kangaroos live. They will greet you everywhere.

What transport will we be on? travel?

(children's answers, we stop on the ship)

And where can we get it?

(can be built)

Look, we have a ship! What shall we name our ship?

Guys, let's distribute the roles. (Choose the captain, 2 sailors, cashier and controller).

Well, then we are going to go, we take everything that is needed on the road. (children can dress up, take different items, but at the same time, they must explain why they took this or that thing)

To get on the ship, guys, what do you need to do? That's right, you need to buy a ticket. Come to the checkout.

When buying tickets, you must name the items round shape. (with the correct answer, the children receive a ticket)

Tickets bought, now you can go to the ship. (controller checks for tickets)

Captain: Everyone, take your seats. Raise anchor, full speed ahead! (at that time a record of the sound of the sea began to play) .

Captain: Attention attention! We are approaching the coast of Africa. This is the Sahara Desert.

(children get off the ship, look at exotic animals painted on them)

Captain: Attention! On deck pitching!

(children perform forward bends, to the sides, lunges, rotation of arms, torso together with the teacher)

Captain: Well, the pitching is over.

We are coming to Australia soon. Here she is.

(children watch an episode from the life of a kangaroo)

Captain: We are returning home to Russia. How much new we learned about life in other countries. We will talk about this on land.

(passengers get off the ship)

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lyudmila udovidchik
Role-playing game "Underwater Journey"

Criteria for gaming activity

games- trips

Preliminary preparation

Problem situation

Distribution of roles

Use of paraphernalia and substitute items

Role behavior

Game actions

Use of role-playing speech

compliance with the rules

Preliminary preparation

Problem situation

Target role-playing game: develop the ability to implement a game plan, game plot encourage children to be creative plot.

In the middle group

the teacher directs the game without disturbing it, preserves the independent and creative nature of the game activity

already 2-3 children take part, from 20 min. in a day

Journey game is carried out in several stages, including the same type of games "construction", "kitchen", "zoo".

« underwater travel»

Preliminary preparation:

Cognitive educational situation « The underwater world and its inhabitants» .

Application "Fish". Reading thematic literature. Drawing « Undersea world» , team work. S. -r. games "Fishing", "Building a ship".

Problem situation:

An aquarium with a sad goldfish was brought to the group. So that she is not bored, we draw underwater world and decorate fish with natural materials. Rybka says that she wants to return home to the ocean, her mother got into trouble, got tangled in fishing nets.


Children with a teacher conspire to help the fish and find out what is needed for trips

Rybka tells where she lived. Looking at the globe "laying" route. The Fraternal Sea, the Angara, the Yenisei, the Arctic Ocean, the Atlantic Ocean is the birthplace of the fish.

The question is solved on what travel, what to swim under water, what to eat.

Distribution of roles.

shipbuilding, sailing, miracles underwater world, fishing, cooking, shark fighting, goldfish mother rescue from nets.

Executive attributes and substitute items

a game"Fishing"

space suits - large plastic bags

applications and drawings - decorations for underwater travel

parts for building a ship - bars, cubes, cubes, chairs

Shark suit - made of plastic bottles and fabric

Role behavior

A game gives you the opportunity to try yourself in the role of an adult, to show creativity in non-standard life situations, to solve various problems that arise along the way plot.

Game actions

Many activities: counting (fish, cubes, crew members, manipulative actions with objects (building, angling, cooking, swimming, etc., systematization of information, dressing, designing, modeling costumes.

Use of role-playing speech

Use of special words appropriate to the situation (we dive, emerge, moor, whistle everyone to the top)

Execution of the rules

Implementation of the rules in accordance with plot: do not go outside "board" ship while sailing, put on "space suits", carry out all the commands of the captain, etc.

"Subject pictures" - Domestic genre. I. And Levitan. Pimenov. LANDSCAPE image of nature "landscape" from the French. "view of the country, locality." The princess is a swan. VG Perov Seeing a Dead Man 1865 Biblical themes dominated art during the Renaissance in the 17th-18th centuries. Animal genre. Daemon. The everyday genre includes paintings that tell about the events of everyday life.

"Russia country" - In the XIX - XX centuries. 90% of trade was in Europe. Buys manufactured goods, clothes, shoes, food, grain, medicines. Main ports: Arkhangelsk, St. Petersburg, Astrakhan. Alekseev A.I., Nikolina V.V. Geography: population and economy of Russia. –M.: Education, 2006. Biogeography. Hydrology.

"Armor of Russia" - Armor of Russia. An excerpt from the documentary film "The Lord of the Hydrosphere -" Shark ". Comparative characteristics of missile systems mx (USA) and rs-20 (Russia). To those who create the armor of Russia. Who are the heroes of our time? As never before, the great scientific construction is proceeding rapidly in our day. Our nuclear shield allows us to solve all the tasks that it must solve.

"Policy of Alexander 1" - Secret organizations. Russo-Iranian War 1826-1828 Russo-Turkish War 1828-1829 Russia in the first half of the 19th century. Give a general assessment of the first stage of the war. Why was the Russian army armed with obsolete weapons? Terms of the Paris Peace. What was the main result of the Crimean War for England, France and Russia?

"Economic regions of Russia" - The following natural zones are presented - tundra, forest-tundra and taiga. A major transport hub is Cherepovets. High concentration of qualified personnel. Natural increase - 5.2%. EGP of the Central region. Economic zoning of Russia. Northwestern region (Composition). seaside, profitable. The soils are podzolic and peat-bog.

"Russia in the 17th century" - Economic development. Preservation of the economic backwardness of Russia. Attached to the place of residence by paying state tax (tax). The nobility: the social support of power acquired the ghosts of the estate. Formation of an absolute monarchy. The penetration of the European model of life into the lives of noble people.

The synopsis was prepared by the teacher Sirik Lyudmila Anatolyevna.


Arouse the desire in children to play the role-playing game "Journey by Sea".


Clarify and expand children's ideas about professions on the ship.

Clarify and expand children's ideas about the structure and functioning of the ship.

To ensure the development of children's ability to use auxiliary material to create attributes in the game.

To ensure the development of the ability of children to play in large groups, consult and help each other.

To improve the ability of children to be attentive to each other.

Systematize children's ideas about some rules of behavior in various situations.

Ensure the development of initiative, organizational and creativity children.

Convince children that in the game it is necessary to follow the rules and norms of behavior in the game.

Contribute to the formation of the ability of children to rejoice themselves when they make others feel good.

Arouse the desire to understand that one needs to think through one's actions, to achieve the goal set together.

EQUIPMENT: a toy car steering wheel, building material, binoculars, a set of "doctor", "products from the store", dishes, sheets of paper, felt-tip pens, sailor collars, caps, a cap of a medical worker, a chef's hat, headphones, a map - a diagram, a screen, "things of passengers ”, various clothes, toilet items, a letter from little men, a “walkie-talkie”.

PRELIMINARY WORK: Examination of illustrations of ships, acquaintance with the structure of the ship, examination of marine attributes, acquaintance with the professions of people on the ship, reading L. Tolstoy's story "Jump", "Shark", acquaintance with physical card of the world, solving problem situations "A second before ...", "What would happen if ..", viewing illustrations on this topic.


Guys, we received a telegram from our friends - little men. Listen to what they write to us: (read)

Hello dear friends! We're in trouble! Come quickly and save us. We are looking forward to seeing you. Your friends are human.


I wonder how we can go there?

CHILDREN: by plane, by bus, by train, etc., etc.

I quietly take out a card.

Look, they sent us another map. Perhaps this is our path.

The CHILDREN look at the map.

So what is the best way for us to travel?

CHILDREN: We will go on a ship to save our friends - little men.


Then get down to business. Let's build the ship faster. What can we make it out of?

CHILDREN: we will build from chairs.

The ship has a ship's bow, steering wheel, anchor, sides.

What is the steering wheel, who knows.

CHILDREN: This is the steering wheel of the ship.

How can I do that.

CHILDREN: Tie a toy car steering wheel to a high chair.

How to make an anchor.

CHILDREN: Tie a wooden brick to a rope.

What else do you need to take on your trip?

(Please note that we take only the most necessary things, without which it is hard to do.)

CHILDREN: binoculars, map, medicine, food, change of clothes.

Everything is fine, but what have we forgotten.

CHILDREN: Come up with a name for the ship. And what shall we call it.

CHILDREN: "Quick", "Rescuer", "Breeze", "Friendship".

Which name is more suitable.

CHILDREN: choose.

And now we will distribute who will do what.

(Selecting a group of children)

CHILDREN: agree among themselves who does what.

Who will make the steering wheel.

CHILDREN: Choose 2-3 children.

Anchor who will make.

But who will write the name of the ship.

CHILDREN: appoint.

Girls, and you will distribute among yourselves who will collect medicines, food, things, etc.

We need to hurry to save our friends - little men. So how are we going to work.

CHILDREN: Friendly, calm, yield to each other and help each other.

CHILDREN BUILD A SHIP out of chairs, tie an anchor, attach a steering wheel, attach a name, place household items.

Let's see if our ship is ready. Nothing is forgotten.

Report on the completion of your work.



We tried very hard to complete the work in a short time. The case is strong and reliable. The ship is clean and tidy. We guarantee the reliability of the ship.


Products delivered on board best quality. Clothing is prepared for all occasions. Medicines, bandages, brilliant green were prepared in the right amount.

The name of the ship is written and attached to the side and bow of the ship.

The anchor is securely tied and will not let you down.

The steering wheel of the ship is made using the most advanced technology. He is in good hands.

The binoculars and the map were delivered on board the ship and are in the captain's cabin.

I really enjoyed your progress reports. Getting ready to sail.


And what else do we need to do to sail to our friends - little men.

CHILDREN: choose the crew of the ship.

Who is on the team.

CHILDREN: captain, sailors, doctor, nurse, cook, radio operator, navigator, etc.

(selection of the ship's crew and distribution of roles).

Tell us what qualities physicians should have and what they should do.

CHILDREN: the doctor examines the patient and prescribes treatment, and the nurse gives a pill, injects, bandages. Doctors should be kind, clean, accurate and quickly help a person in trouble.

And who would be the best fit for the position?

CHILDREN: choose, decide.

Who knows what the name of the cook on the ship is.


What should a cook be able to do in the first place.

CHILDREN: delicious to cook

Who is suitable for this role. A cook must have assistants.


Why do we need sailors?

CHILDREN: They keep the ship clean. Everyone helps. They work in the engine room.

And who will be our sailors.


Why did you choose them.

CHILDREN: Because in the group they come to the aid of everyone and know how to do everything.

Who we haven't chosen yet.

CHILDREN: captain and navigator.

What should be the captain.

CHILDREN: brave, courageous, fair, kind, cheerful, resourceful, etc.

And who will be our captain?

CHILDREN are discussing the candidacy for the role of captain.

Who is a navigator.

CHILDREN: A person who helps the captain navigate the ship on the sea.

Children choose a navigator.

The rest will be passengers of the ship.

(Children put on attributes - collars and hats).

Who gets on the ship first.

CHILDREN: the crew of the ship.


Captain command.

CAPTAIN: Team, line up!


CAPTAIN: Are the crew of the Druzhba ship ready to sail?

(There is a roll call. Each child takes a step forward, calls his role and name. Then they take their places on the ship.)

Now who can board the ship.

CHILDREN: passengers.

(They line up one after another and board the ship. Sailors help everyone get settled).

Navigator: Sailor Sasha, help the woman with the child.

Sailor Sasha: Yes! Let me carry your suitcase to your cabin.

Woman: Thank you. You are very kind.

Navigator: Sailor... take the old man to the cabin.

Sailor: Yes! Please follow me. Watch out for the stairs here.


Captain: Everyone took their seats.

Navigator: Passengers have been taken on board. All are arranged in their cabins. Waiting for the ship to sail.

Captain: Give mooring lines.

The sailor raises the anchor.

Captain: Set sail.

Sailors: Yes! Raise your hands up and wave.

(turn on the music sound of the sea).


The captain takes the binoculars and looks.

Navigator: Something got colder and the sky was covered with clouds.

Captain: A storm is coming. We urgently need to repel a telegram, maybe the nearest bay will receive us. ... compose a message and take it to the radio operator.

Guys, help the navigator compose a message. We talk and he writes.

CHILDREN: There is a strong storm at sea. We ask the nearest bays to accept our ship. Let me know who has space on the pier.

The navigator writes down and takes the telegram to the radio operator.

Radio operator: puts on headphones and taps with his fingers on a walkie-talkie made of a designer. (the navigator is standing nearby).

Radio operator: I sent the telegram. Waiting for an answer.

(he adjusts his headphones and speaks).

Bay "Shelter" is ready to receive us.

The navigator writes down a message on a piece of paper and goes to the captain.

Navigator: Oh, what a heavy rain! And terribly cold.

(depicts that it is cold, damp).

Passengers imitate rain and wind; clap their hands and hum.

The navigator gives the sheet to the captain.

The captain reads and gives the command.

Captain: Sailor... rudder right.

Captain: Sailor... check the passengers and report back.

Sailor: Yes!

Sailor…: Captain, the passengers are all right.

Sailor…: There were no incidents on the ship.

Captain: Thank you, everyone is free.

Navigator: Captain, we are mooring.

The captain commands:

Passengers come ashore.

(Children get up and leave).

Doctor, check everyone.

(looks at everyone).

Cook to feed everyone.

(claps hand to hand).

Captain: Team ashore.

(their owner meets them on the shore).

You have arrived at Shelter Bay. We are very glad to see you. How can we help you?

Captain: Thank you very much for giving us a rest. Everything is in order, there are no victims and no destruction. We'll ride out the storm and move on.

Captain: Sailors, inspect the ship. Troubleshoot and report back.

Cook: Everyone was given dry rations.

Doctor: Everyone is fine. There are no wounded.

The sailors straighten the chairs, put things in order.

« The owner "plays a game with passengers" If you like it, then do it ... "

The navigator reports to the captain: The rain has passed, the sea has calmed down. The ship is ready to sail.

Captain: Where is my map? I have to check our route.

Everyone take their seats.


- Give mooring lines.

Sailor: There is and raises the anchor.

(music sounds the sound of the sea).

The captain looks through binoculars.

So we sailed, our friends, little men, are waiting for us on the shore.

Steward: But what is it?

Sailors in chorus: Shark!

Navigator: Whistle everyone upstairs.

Captain: This is what happened to our friends - little men

Doctor: A shark has settled near the coast of their country. And they cannot rest, swim and sunbathe.

Cock: So what do we do now?

Captain: We'll drive her out now!

Shark game

All players swim in the sea (run or flounder in an imaginary sea). At the “shark” signal, the children are united in groups of 2-3 people. "Shark" eats only singles. "Shark" - the driver takes such a player to land, and the game continues. At the end of the game, the children make a big circle, the "shark" runs while the gates are open. On a signal, the gates are closed, the "shark" is in a circle.

- after the game, the captain gives the command

Navigator, bring the ship to port.

Steward: Listen! Permission to perform!

Captain: Do it!

And the sailors and I will swim to the shore. (Everyone pretends to be swimmers.)

On the shore, a screen with dolls, 2 children are hidden behind the screen.

1st: You are strong and brave guys. And most importantly - friendly!

2nd: You saved our country from a shark. Thank you very much!

(Everyone sings the song "True Friend")

8. Bottom line

Captain: Take your seats! Getting ready to sail home! (children take their places)

Dolls (children): Ask to close everyone's eyes on the ship. They say words - spells so that the ship "Friendship" is quickly at home.

Navigator: Here we are at home!

Captain: Passengers leave the ship!

(passengers get off and say thanks)

The captain thanks the crew for their excellent service.

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