Useful games for the development of creative imagination in preschoolers. Didactic games for the development of the imagination Games for the development of the imagination of preschoolers

Imagination is a kind of mental process that few parents pay attention to. Preparing a child for school, they try to develop thinking, memory, attention, which is extremely important for successful learning. Meanwhile, imagination - the process of creating new images or transforming existing ones into other combinations, is of great importance in the full development of a preschooler. For example, imagination helps to find non-standard solutions, compose stories on a free topic, write essays, fantasize in drawing lessons. If the child has not mastered such skills by school, parents will have to make a lot of efforts to help the little student. Therefore, already at preschool age, it is worth considering how to develop imagination and creativity in children.

Specialists offer many different means, but the most effective is the game as a leading activity of preschool age. In pedagogy, various types of games and exercises have been developed to develop the imagination of children, which can be offered in home education. The main thing is the interest of the parent himself in the game, then this will also captivate the child.

How does play affect the imagination?

The game is a specific means of education and development, allowing each kid not only to embody their creative ideas, but also to unite in plot actions for children of different ages. This is especially valuable for a family in which children of different ages are growing up. How does the game affect the development of creative imagination in preschool children?

Psychologists have long proved that it is in the game that the child's need for knowledge and transformation of the surrounding reality is satisfied, emphasizing the inseparability of play and imagination. For the first time, imagination and creativity appear when the child begins to use substitutes for real objects and take on social roles. For example, the baby fantasizes that the sticks are thermometers at the “doctor”, the leaves are plates at the “mom”.

At senior preschool age, with a well-developed imagination, substitute objects and many game actions become optional. The preschooler plays pretend, the game goes into the inner plane. This is where it is required to teach the child such ways of imagination, so that from recreating it gradually becomes creative. The necessary skills in children can be developed if you know well the properties of the imagination (typing, agglutination, analogy and emphasis), which make it possible to invent and fantasize.

Games and exercises for the development of imagination

What can be offered to parents for the development of imagination in preschool children? Now you can pick up a lot of different games that are successfully used in home education. The main ones are educational games for the development of the imagination, as they are directly aimed at teaching children how to compose new images or transform existing ones.

Using typing to develop imagination

Typing- this is the selection of the essential, repetitive and its embodiment in a specific image.

The property of imagination - typing is most accessible to children, starting from the early preschool age. Such educational games can be verbal, mobile, board. It is important for parents to take into account the age of the child and his psychological characteristics. If the baby is active, outdoor games will be appropriate, a calm, assiduous child can be offered board games.

Classical games and exercises like choosing the same or opposite word are interesting for all children. They can be successfully introduced into homework for the imagination of preschoolers, since the game actions are simple and understandable. The main thing is to complicate the content of the game in time and encourage the child to search for a new image. The rules are as follows: an adult throws the ball to a player with a certain word, the child, in accordance with the theme of the game, must either catch the ball or reject it. Then transfer it to the leader according to the same rules.

"Edible - inedible"

The facilitator throws the ball to the player with a word related or not related to food. For example, an apple - the ball is caught, a book - the ball is rejected. Interest in the game is maintained if the game is played at a fast pace.

"Flies - does not fly"

The game proceeds similarly to the previous one. Thematic words are selected for it. The difficulty is that, unlike the previous game, the vocabulary can be quickly exhausted, since there are much fewer “flying” words. It is precisely at this moment that the adult encourages the child to make an original answer: “What else can fly, besides an airplane, a bird…? (leaf, fluff, snowflake).

"Say the opposite"

A similar game, but unlike the previous ones, the child needs some experience to select words - antonyms, so it is better to play with middle and older preschoolers. The vocabulary can be as follows: high - low, close - far, young - old, good - evil, child - adult, white - black, morning - evening.

"What happened?"

Such an educational game is accessible in its actions to children of different ages, arouses their interest, and gives adults the opportunity to decide. Different options are used for the game: felt-tip pens for paper, sticks for sand or snow. It is good to play with the whole family, as it will be more interesting for several people to participate. Each participant begins to draw some kind of blank figure for the future drawing (circles, wavy lines, dashes, dots), and then everyone changes places and complements each other's drawings, trying to depict something funny.

  • For variation, you can make a sketch-hint for a future drawing: a tree without branches and leaves, a fungus without a leg, a grimace of a clown without a face outline, a moth without some details. Let the child come up with something new and color it in an original way.
  • An interesting game can be made by offering a general execution of the drawing. For example, an adult begins a drawing, a child continues to add details. Then the adult abruptly changes the subject of the drawing, inventing something new, adding interesting details. It is good if the finished drawing is something unusual, for example, an exotic garden, a space landscape, an underwater world. At first, the baby will imitate the adult, he will have to suggest some ideas. If you constantly offer such a game to a preschool child, after a short time he will himself come up with new images based on existing ideas. Such an exercise in family leisure will be useful.


The game requires preliminary preparation in the form of a drawing with two clowns whose faces are not drawn. The adult offers the kid to portray a sad and funny clown. Ask why the clown was sad, what could have happened to him, how funny would help him.

  • Similarly, you can use the figures of good and evil wizards. Here, too, at first, the help of an adult is needed.
  • In the future, a preschooler can invent, draw and cut out figures of animals, fairy-tale characters in the same way. To maintain interest and develop the skill of compiling new images based on existing ones, you can invite the child to start an album and paste in the figures of characters. This will make it possible to track how the child's skill of creating a new image is improving.

For the development of children's imagination, games are very useful in which the child, together with an adult, comes up with what this or that object looks like. Two-year-olds already know how to find familiar objects in the environment. It is good to play such a game in nature, where there is a lot of diverse material for viewing and finding similarities. For example, an adult offers to look at the clouds, observe their changes, see familiar characters in them like a cartoon about Winnie the Pooh: here a cloud looks like Winnie himself, and this one looks like a cat with kittens, and there a boat is sailing.

  • When collecting autumn leaves, you can arrange the game "Find a familiar object in a leaf." Perfect for looking at puddles on the path, a sole print on the sand, an unusual pebble. It all depends on the imagination of an adult who teaches a child to fantasize. Then at home you can sketch what interesting things you saw on a walk.

Games for agglutination

Another property of the imagination is agglutination.

Agglutination(lat agglutinatio - gluing) - a combination of qualities

With its help, creative imagination develops very well, as a completely new image is created on the basis of existing images. Agglutination can be practiced when the child gains experience, knowledge of works of art, skills of creative activity (drawing, modeling, appliqué) are consolidated, which can be of help in creating new images.

"Fabulous (non-existent) animal"

A wonderful game for developing the creative imagination of children is a test game in which a new image of an animal is created. This game is most often used by psychologists to examine the child's psyche. But it can be successfully introduced into home schooling. The meaning of the game is that with the help of existing ideas about a real animal, a preschooler can fantasize about a fabulous creature. For example, a bird is a sword, a hare with a long tail, an ant with wings, a moth with a proboscis. It will be interesting to make a sketch of fabulous creatures and color them. Be sure to talk with the child about why the new body part is needed for the animal, whether it will help or harm him. Ask them to come up with an unusual name for a new animal.

Children enjoy playing such games, as they allow them to express in the drawing their desire to transform the environment. If at the initial stage it will be difficult for the baby to cope with the exercise, an adult can help with the choice of the main animal, which is well known to the child. You can make an album with drawings and discuss it during family leisure.


Compilation of fables (what does not happen in reality) is very attractive to children. Parents can take advantage of this interest of the kids and invite them to come up with an unusual story - a fiction. This is a very effective way to develop creative imagination, which will help you come up with creative stories later in school. To make it easier for an adult to explain to a child what the essence of this method is, you can use folk rhymes, rhymes, with which folk pedagogy is so rich. And then dream up on various topics and come up with your own absurd fairy tales. It will be useful to write them down and draw pictures. So it will be easy to see how the child's creative imagination improves.

The village was passing by a peasant,
Suddenly a gate barks from under the dog.
The roofs were frightened, they sat on the raven.
The horse urged the peasant on with a whip.
The horse ate porridge, and the man ate oats.
The horse got into the sleigh, and the man took it.

The fox ran through the forest
The fox has lost its tail.
Vanya went to the forest
Found a fox tail.
The fox came early
Vanya brought berries,
She asked for her tail.

"Fabulous Mix"

For children of middle and older age, a game based on familiar fairy tales will be interesting.

An adult invites the child to come up with his own funny fairy tale with heroes whom he knows well. For example, it can be the well-known fairy tales "Little Red Riding Hood", "Cinderella", "Zayushkina's Hut", "Three Little Pigs" and the like. The younger the child, the simpler the plot should be fairy tales. The game will be more interesting during family leisure, when the whole family will gather. Heroes and fantasy events can be mixed, giving them unusual qualities.

For example, Little Red Riding Hood suddenly became a capricious and naughty girl: instead of going to her grandmother, she went to the neighboring village to her friend Cinderella. The wolf did not wait for the girl in the forest. Such unexpected events will amuse the child and maintain interest in fairy tales.

Games of analogy and emphasis

Analogy is the ability to put oneself in the place of an image or object.

accents- this is highlighting, emphasizing some part of the subject.

With older children, you can conduct games and exercises to develop the imagination by the type of analogy and emphasis. For young children, such methods of composing images are still difficult, since elements of logical thinking are already used here. Older preschoolers who already have the necessary experience will be happy to perform exercises to develop their imagination.


A fairly popular game will help teach a child to put himself in the place of some image and fantasize. For various purposes, it is often carried out in kindergarten. At home, parents can use it in the formation of imagination. It's good to play it with a big group. The host invites everyone to mentally choose any animal for themselves and create its image with the help of posture, facial expressions, gestures. The participant of the game depicts, and the presenter guesses which animal settled in the "zoo".

Alternatively, you can play this game in the form of an exercise. When the host gives commands, for example, by clapping or using a musical toy, all participants turn into animals of the same species and depict them, for example, storks, bears, chanterelles, giraffes. The facilitator marks the player who best portrayed the animal.

"What would happen if..."

A verbal game on analogy, at the same time on emphasis, will interest children. It can be carried out on a trip, during a walk, family leisure, as it does not require prior preparation. An adult starts the game with the words: “What do you think would happen if ... sweets grew on trees; when it rained, watermelons fell from the sky; mothers and fathers went to kindergarten, and children went to work; cats and mice were friends with each other? The topics of such questions can be very diverse: about nature, weather, animals, professions, furniture, clothing, food. The more ridiculous the questions, the more interesting it will be for the child to come up with answers. Then you can switch roles, the preschooler asks questions, and the adult comes up with original answers, thereby teaching his child to think with creative imagination.

With similar games and exercises for developing the imagination of children, parents will be able to prepare their child for successful schooling, grow a creative person with non-standard thinking.

Each specialist who works in a kindergarten with children has his own file of various games and exercises that he uses in the classroom. We bring to your attention several games for the development of imagination, attention, thinking of preschoolers, which can be used in the classroom with children by psychologists, speech therapists and educators.

Game "Words"

(development of imagination, attention, thinking, learn to select associations)

Asks preschoolers: “Children, name the “delicious” words (tangerine, cake, juice, etc.). The children name the words. Topics are selected in accordance with the objectives of the lesson.

For children 3-4 years old may be like this:

"Delicious" words (tangerine, cake, juice, etc.)

"Terrible" words (wolf, Baba Yaga, ghost, etc.)

"Words that ride" (bike, car, bus, etc.)

"Words that fly" (butterfly, plane, crow, etc.)

"Kitchen" words (kettle, plate, refrigerator, etc.)

"Big" words (house, giant, dad, etc.)

"Beautiful" words (mother, flower, picture, etc.)

"Live" words (cat, ant, horse, etc.)

For children 5-6 years old:

"Iron" words (nail, scissors, key, etc.)

"Words that bite" (dog, crocodile, wolf, etc.)

"Russling" words (bag, candy wrapper, newspaper, etc.)

"Wet" words (rain, towel, drop, etc.)

"Words that get dressed" (hat, shirt, coat, etc.)

"Fairytale" words (prince, witch, Cinderella, etc.)

"Shop" words (seller, ice cream, scales, etc.)

"Mom's" words (dress, kiss, perfume, etc.)

In the future, you can come up with, for example: “words that smell”, “winter”, “summer”, “prickly”, “mysterious”, “underwater”, “holiday”, “sad”, “funny”, “good” and many others. Alternatively, try to suggest the name yourself, and also invite the children to do it.

Game-task "What's missing?"

(Develop visual memory, attention)

Showing interesting toys to children, they can be rearranged, swapped, hidden. Children must say what is missing? You need to give the correct answer quietly, on command.

The game "Select the excess"

(Develop thinking, auditory memory, classify objects according to their characteristics)

Task 1. Choose a picture, among which five can be combined into a group on a common basis, and the sixth is extra: prince, cat, grandmother, fisherman, child, dad.

Task 2. Listen to the words: mouth, nose, ears, eyes, glasses (what is superfluous here?)

Game "Forbidden Number"

(to develop auditory memory, attention)


The psychologist chooses a forbidden number (for example, the number 2); after that, he says aloud a few numbers. Informs the children: “Every time a forbidden number sounds, you need to clap your hands. We hold our hands in front of us. Ready to start!”

Game "Differences"

(develop thinking, speech)

The children are asked to say what the differences are between the following items.

Between a bird and a dog.

Between pen and pencil.

Between wood and glass.

Game "Shop"

(develop short-term memory)

The host calls the words: bread, salt, sausage, butter, cheese, apples, lemon, sugar. The child - "buyer", goes to the store and calls the words "seller" - the child (in the same sequence).

Game "Remember"

(develop auditory memory, mindfulness)

The host says: "I will read the words at a slow pace, and you try to remember these words." Children listen carefully and repeat the words.

forest House

flower bee

sea ​​Apple

sky sun

palm bow

tv river

Psychologist. "What words do you remember, if you want, you can draw them, or just say them out loud."

Game "Say the other way around"

(development of logical thinking)

A word is called that has the opposite meaning. The winner is the one who has never made a mistake.

White black

Day Night

Long short

Summer Winter

Wide narrow

sun month



Imagination is one of the most mysterious areas of our psyche. On the one hand, it stands apart from all other mental processes, on the other hand, it is something intermediate between thinking, memory and perception. Scientists even today cannot say exactly in which areas of our brain it is localized. But without imagination it is impossible to imagine a rational human being. And it is necessary to develop this amazing ability from childhood. What games for the development of imagination can be used at preschool age? Why does a person need the ability to imagine?

Useful feature

The ability to imagine, of course, is necessary for a person. After all, this is his ability to represent objects or phenomena that are absent at the moment or do not exist in principle, as well as mentally manipulate them in the mind. This is useful when it is not possible (or necessary) to perform practical actions with these objects in reality. With the help of imagination, you can go into the past or the future, imagine the possible result of any plan.

In other words, creative activity is impossible without it. That is, if a person did not know how to imagine, we would never know what is:

  • musical works;
  • paintings;
  • literary works;
  • sculpture;
  • architecture;
  • applied art.

The ability to imagine an idea and mentally operate with it underlies all scientific discoveries and inventions. It turns out that without imagination, the development of mankind is impossible.

Every child is born with this potential. But its development and improvement occurs only during the solution of various creative tasks. This function develops most actively in preschool children - from about 4 to 10 years. And if during this period you do not contribute to its improvement, it will go into a passive form.

Age features

The development of the ability to imagine is impossible without fantasy. Most clearly, these abilities are manifested in the play and creative activities of the child. They improve, passing through two age stages.

  1. 2–4 years. Representations of the baby are still involuntary, they arise under the influence of a specific situation, spontaneously.
  2. 4–6 years old. Representations and fantasies become arbitrary. At this time, the games turn into plot, the surrounding objects become the material with which the child embodies the images of his imagination. At the same time, it not only performs a cognitive and intellectual function, but also regulates the mental state. In the game, the kid can become a hero-rescuer, conqueror of the seas, space, courageous, courageous, endow himself with qualities that he lacks in reality. This helps the development of the intellect, moral, emotional spheres, knowledge of the surrounding reality, the formation of personality, the development of self-awareness, thinking, arbitrariness, speech. Expanding cognitive possibilities.

One of the undesirable "side effects" of the development of the imagination is the appearance of fears. The child may begin to be afraid of fictional monsters, ghosts, invisible people, etc. If this happens, try to protect the baby from situations that can provoke the appearance of such fears (watching horror stories, computer games with scary characters). And, of course, take steps to relieve the child of fears. Do not be afraid to contact a child psychologist.

The child develops and acquires new skills during the game. And the basis of any playful and creative activity among preschoolers is precisely the ability to imagine.

The plots of games, invented stories, drawings become richer over time. But at the age of 4 and 5, a preschooler cannot fantasize without performing some actions (he needs to tell, draw, design). Visual support for fantasy fades into the background around the beginning of school age.

Take part in the child's story games. This will help you get to know him better. After all, in the process of such games, the kid transfers his traits, characteristics, fears, dreams to the main character. You may find hidden problems that need to be corrected.

Developing from an early age

So, the ability to imagine and fantasize most actively develops in children from 4 to 10 years old. But this does not mean that until this time it is not worth improving these skills. From about 2 years old, you can begin to teach your child the ability to represent. This will be a good foundation for improving it in the future.

How to encourage a child to imagine?

  • It is useful to play "notions" with him. You can do this in any situation. For example, walking on the street. You can show the baby clouds and ask what they look like (for a start, mom can offer her own version). At this age, images will appear very simple, known to the crumbs (horse, house, bird, flower). You can ask about anything. Let's say what sparrows chirp about: are they discussing delicious grains or a scary cat? What are the leaves on the tree whispering about: about the warm sun, about the evil wind, about harmful insects? Where does the cat run: for a mouse, to her children, to the owner for a treat? Thus, a small child will develop thinking, speech, observation.
  • At home and on the street, you can look for similarities of objects with toys familiar to the baby (what looks like a ball, cube, brick, pyramid?).
  • Very useful design using small parts (cubes, Lego). You can add various boxes to the arsenal of "building materials".

Games grow with your child

After 4 years, games for the development of the imagination become more complex, due to the improvement of mental processes. You can offer, for example, the following games for children of this age.

  • "Inventor". The task of the kid is to come up with a device that has not yet been invented, but which, in his opinion, can be useful in the household. Then you need to name it, talk about its benefits, depict it on paper. The option is more complicated - to design using improvised materials.
  • "Wizards". The child must imagine himself as a good and then an evil wizard. Let him depict what facial expressions they have, list the magical deeds of each of them. It is useful to draw these characters so that they can be recognized by their appearance, facial features, facial expressions, clothing, attributes, magic items.
  • "Invented Animal" The preschooler must come up with an animal that does not exist (pan fish, haretoad, wingtooth - the kid can fantasize anyone). Let them tell you what the animal looks like, where it lives, what it eats, and then draw the result on paper.
  • "New Appointment". Group game. Children sit in a circle, they are offered several familiar objects. Passing them around in a circle, they must in turn invent a new function for objects. For example, an iron can become a weight or a hammer, an umbrella can become a parachute or a water craft. The winner is the one who comes up with the most original appointment.
  • "Music told". The child listens to classical music, and then tells and depicts everything that she inspired him.
  • "Composers". You can invent stories from pictures or on a given topic, fairy tales with given or arbitrarily invented characters, come up with the ending of well-known fairy tales (for example, “the wolf did not eat seven kids, but ...”, “the gingerbread man did not sit on the tongue of the fox, he left her and ... ").
  • "Talking dance". You can also play with a group. Kids are offered to depict any animal, insect, transport, natural phenomenon in a dance. A more difficult option is to dance surprise, joy, grief, fear, happiness, sadness.

useful drawing

In the process of drawing, children perfectly develop the ability to imagine. You can come up with many non-standard options for drawings.

  • From simple to complex. Kids are offered the simplest drawn figures (a circle, a figure eight, a square, two parallel lines), which need to be completed to something more specific (a figure eight can become glasses, a circle can become a sun or a car wheel).
  • Blots. A preschooler is given an image of some kind of blot. His task is to say what it looks like, sorting through many options. Another option is to draw the blot to a recognizable image.
  • Pictures from dots. A sheet is placed in front of the baby, on which dots are placed in a chaotic manner. His task is to combine them to get any specific image.
  • Mood. Like "thematic" dances, you can arrange a "drawing" game. The child depicts his mood at the moment, or the mood on the instructions of an adult (draw fear, joy, anger, fun).

All these games will help kids to develop their creative skills and imagination. You can come up with others, using the imagination of adults already. The main thing is to motivate the child to come up with something. With age, these games can become even more difficult. With the beginning of schooling, it is useful to connect them with the knowledge gained in the lessons, motivating the child to learn and create new products of the imagination. Well, why is it useful - it is not necessary to repeat.

Didactic games and exercises for the development of imagination

At this age, you can start with the game "Christmas tree with gifts." Draw a big Christmas tree, cut out bags of various shapes (4-5) from paper and put them on the Christmas tree - New Year's gifts for the guys. Bags in shape should resemble different toys: balls, guns, fishing rods, cars, various animals.

The child needs to guess what is in each bag. There are several answers about one bag. After each, be sure to ask the child to describe the toy he invented: what it is made of, what color it is, size, how you can play with it. Fantasize with your child on the topic: who would like to receive this toy as a gift, what is the name of this person, what will he do with it.

At 5-6 years old, you can already compose short stories for each game, in fact, they will consist of answers to your questions. Attention should be paid to the fact that the answers of emotional children are quite consistent and interconnected. The child should not fix attention only on the description of his experiences. If your kid is prone to monosyllabic simple answers, push his imagination, together with him come up with detailed descriptions of toys and their possible adventures.

Game "What does it look like?" also develops the ability to present an object according to its individual features. Prepare several sheets of paper (4-5 for one game), each of which has a figure drawn on it. It should be similar to several objects at the same time.

For each figure, the child should try to give as many answers as possible. And, of course, we need to make out together what each thing looks like, figure out whose it is. If the child is doing well on the task, you can ask him to come up with a short story about what happened to each of the invented objects.

"Magic Mosaic" For this game, you and your child will need a set of geometric shapes cut out of thick cardboard. Each set consists of several circles, squares, triangles, rectangles of different sizes. Compete who from your set will add more different items. It can be houses, cars, trains, tables, chairs, whatever you can think of. Of course, I would like your child to be a winner more often. The game can be played many times by changing the sets themselves, the pieces in them, or the rules of the game. For example, to add objects for a certain time, and then again, but already other objects, etc.

It is important here that the child is not limited to one or two folded objects, but finds all possible options. This is especially true for emotional children, who often, having put down one object, begin to play with it or compose something, tell their own story, moving away from the task. In this case, change the conditions of the game a little: play with one set and give each other tasks in turn: lay down a house, lay down a tree ... Gradually, you will teach your baby to be more attentive to each thing, use its various features and signs. And this is not only imagination, but also perseverance, attentiveness, concentration, which are so often lacking in school, especially for emotional children.

The game "Help the Artist" will bring you the joy of co-creation. Draw a diagram of a person on a piece of paper. Literally like this: "Dot, dot, two hooks ..." Prepare more colored pencils or felt-tip pens.

Tell the child that your friend the artist did not have time to finish the picture and now you will help him. Let your kid come up with what he wants about this little man, and you draw all his inventions, although you can discuss different options together.

Think about who will be drawn here (boy or girl?).

What color will the eyes be? Come up with? Draw without being embarrassed by how you do it, it will still be a great joy for the child. What color is the hair? How to dress a person? Discuss everything in detail. You can come up with and draw what a person has in his hands, what or who is next to him.

After the drawing is finished, you can think together (and then on your own) to think about the name of the drawn person, where he goes, what will happen there. -

The game can be played many times, drawing, adding details to the schematic images of a house or a dog, a train or a car, a tree or a flower, and whatever you want.

This game is especially good for children who are not very self-confident. Here there is such an opportunity: to say everything yourself, and an adult, big and omniscient, will do it all! Many children each time more and more boldly and cheerfully begin to offer their own options, especially if adults willingly accept them.

But the guys-"know-it-alls" this game can teach to listen to the opinions of others. You can discuss different solutions together, choosing whose is better. To consult: which bow is more suitable for the blue eyes of a girl, brown or blue? What color will her shoes be?

It is important that you create a detailed drawing together, and the story that the child makes up about it includes some unexpected moments. Often the stories of children are standard: “This is a girl Lena. She goes for a walk. He walks, eats and goes to bed." This is where you suggest such a plot twist: “Lena is walking, walking and meeting a talking kitten ...” But at the same time, help the baby not wander too far into the wilds of fantasy, because he still can’t cope with his imagination very well, compose with him a small, but complete story and, of course, based on your joint work.

The Changeling game has stricter rules. Prepare sheets of paper that are the same for you and the child, on each of which a figure is drawn. For one time, it can be four leaves for each, where the same figure is drawn in different positions (inverted).

Each figure should be positioned so that there is room around it for drawing. Take a pencil and draw each of your figures. Before starting, tell your child that all drawings should be different and as interesting and complete as possible. There may be such options for sets of figures.

Then compare your leaflets and look at the pictures that you got. Admit that you, of course, are far from the invention of your partner in the game. For one game, you can finish drawing one or two sets.

"Repair Workshop" Prepare cards with drawings of familiar objects. However, in each drawing there should be some kind of error that needs to be found. You and the child take a drawing and “repair” them: make the correct drawing on a blank sheet of paper. A car without a wheel, a car with three wheels of the same type and one wheel from a bicycle, a hammer without a handle or a hammer with a broken handle, a cup with a broken handle, a chair without one leg or with legs of different lengths, a comb with broken teeth, aircraft without one wing, etc.

If the child copes well with this task, he can try not only to “repair” the object, but to invent a new, unusual, one that has never been before. If, for example, a broken chair was depicted on the card, then you must first “fix” it (draw a good chair), and then draw an unusual chair on a new sheet. But this unusual chair must certainly be of some use. At the end of the game, you can organize an exhibition of inventions.

"Transformations". Prepare two sets of pictures: bewitched and disenchanted. As enchanted pictures, there can be the following: dirty shoes, unmade bed, dirty dishes, mother carries heavy bags, and a boy walks nearby and does not help, children quarrel, a boy cries, a schoolboy is wearing dirty clothes, a torn and dirty book, a boy is sitting, and Grandma is standing next to me. The pictures are disenchanted: clean shoes, the bed is made, the dishes are washed and neatly arranged, the boy helps his mother carry the bags, the children play together, the boy laughs, the schoolboy is wearing clean clothes, a new book, the grandmother is sitting and smiling, and the boy is standing next to him.

Ask the child to disenchant the pictures that the evil wizard has bewitched. To do this is simple: you need to cover the bewitched one with the bewitched picture. And then discuss together why this particular picture disenchants. It is important that the child understands that any thing can be in opposite states.

It is interesting to play “Notice the Unusual” while walking. Together with the child, you carefully look around and inform each other if one of you saw something unusual. A variety of things and situations can be not quite ordinary. For example, a stroller with twins (a regular stroller with one child); brand new car; a bird that the child has not seen before; new packaging of goods in the store, etc. The main idea of ​​this game is that the child learns to look at objects from different positions, to see the new in the old.

The development of the ability to highlight opposites is facilitated by the game "Speak the other way around." You offer the child: “I will name the word, and you answer, but only the other way around. For example, I say "big", and you should say the opposite ... yes, "small". You can use the following pairs of words: big - small, thick - thin, black - white, old - new, alive - dead, same - different, hot - cold, empty - full, light - heavy, clean - dirty, student - a teacher, a sick person is a doctor, a child is an adult, a refrigerator is a heater, ice is water, a strong man is a weakling, an artist is a spectator, a cheerful one is sad, a beautiful one is ugly, a coward is a brave man.

The game "Who can't be without whom?" is also aimed at understanding opposites. Prepare pictures that show a doctor, teacher, firefighter, driver, salesman, builder, artist, television technician, bad weather, winter, sick, student, cook, passenger, buyer, construction site, picture, TV, good weather, summer.

Show the child at first only one picture, for example, where a doctor is depicted. Then ask him to pick up another one, on which is drawn something without which the doctor cannot work. In this case, there should be a picture of the patient. If the child is at a loss, you should ask him questions:

What does the doctor do? (Treats the sick.)

Who is sick? (A person who does not feel well, something hurts him.)

What does a doctor do at work? (Examines patients and prescribes treatment for them.)

If there are no patients, what does the doctor do that day? (The doctor can get acquainted With medical histories of their wards.)

What if there are never any sick people? (Doctors will not be needed.)

It becomes clear to the child that the doctor cannot work without patients. Treatment requires both a doctor and a patient. A similar conclusion is made for each pair of pictures.

In the game "Who will be who?" you name objects and phenomena, and the child must answer the question of how they will change, who they will be. So, who (what) will be ... an egg, a chicken, a boy, an acorn, a seed, an egg, a caterpillar, flour, a wooden board, iron, bricks, fabric, skin, a student, a sick, weak, day, summer, etc.

You should pay attention to the child that sometimes there are different options for reflections. For example, an egg can turn into a chick, a crocodile, a turtle, a snake.

The reverse of this game is "Who was who?". Here the child must guess for himself what changes this or that object arose, and answer the question of who (what) they were before: chicken (egg), grandfather (boy), crocodile (egg), horse (foal), cow ( calf), oak (acorn), fish (roe), apple tree (seed), frog (tadpole), butterfly (caterpillar), bread (flour), cupboard (wood), bicycle (iron), shirt (cloth), house (bricks), summer (winter), day (night), teacher (student).

For the game "Magic Mirror" take a transparent film, cut out a circle, paste over the contour with thick paper. You get a magical "mirror, you can take it with you for a walk. It has amazing properties: if you look in this mirror, you can guess how something you look at will change. The child will look at the construction site and guess that it will soon become a home; and snow - streams; buds - leaves. In this game, it is important not only to establish changes, but to emphasize the opposite states of objects and phenomena.

Creative games for kids 6-7 years old

"Wonderful Forest" Prepare colored pencils or felt-tip pens and draw on a large sheet of paper a few trees and in different places small indefinite figures and lines. Now you can start creating the forest.

Together with the child, draw all the unfinished images (each one draws his own figure), turn them into whatever you want: butterflies, birds, flowers, trees, people. And you can even get into something that does not really happen: into unprecedented plants, invented animals, aliens.

After finishing drawing, try to solve each other's drawings and write a story together about one of the inhabitants of the wonderful forest. You can also draw "Wonderful Sea", "Wonderful Glade", "Wonderful Park" and whatever else you want. It is only important that the drawings include pre-prepared figures, and the story is accurately based on your picture.

For the game "Animal House" you will also need a large sheet of paper. Draw on it a large house with windows of various shapes and sizes (4-5 pieces). They can be big or small, rectangular or square, round or triangular, whatever you want. Here is the house, ready to move in.

Tell your child that different animals live in this house: both real and those that don’t exist in the world. Each animal has its own window, which one suits. You need to come up with an animal for each window and draw it there. Fantasize together, but remember that it will be necessary to explain why this particular animal lives in such a window.

Then tell each other about your animals: what are their names, what do they like to do. Try to come up with a story that once happened in your animal house. Try to have all your animals participate, and the events in this story match the appearance and habits of each of the fictional characters.

The game "Wonderful Transformations" will help the child to come up with complex and varied stories on his own. Prepare 4-5 small cards, on each draw 2-3 strips of different lengths and 2-3 circles of different colors. Turn the cards over and place them on the table. Then both the child and you take one of the cards at random, imagine who or what the symbols on it can be, and draw a picture.

In fact, it will be a picture-story, in which it is imperative to include everyone who is indicated on the card. Then exchange cards and pictures and try to make a story from each other's drawings. Then let the authors of the pictures tell their stories. The main thing is that everyone should get a finished work filled with different details.

For the game "Back to Front" select ten pairs of images, for example: a nest with an egg - a bird; a boy in bed - he is in a school uniform with a briefcase; small mushroom - large mushroom; grandmother knits socks - socks are tied; shorn boy - overgrown boy; a woman washes clothes - clothes are dried; a blank sheet of paper in front of the boy - a drawing is drawn on the sheet; the boy rides a bicycle - the bicycle is broken; children play with cubes, the room is in order - an empty room, toys are scattered; the boy has a balloon - a boy without a balloon, a balloon in the air. You take the first pair of pictures and tell the child a story: “There was an egg in the nest. A chick hatched from it. The chick grew up and began to fly. Then change the pictures in places and ask the child to compose a different story based on them. Correct story: "A bird flew, made a nest, laid an egg." It is important to emphasize the opposites of what is happening: in one case, the bird hatches from the egg, and in the other, it hatches the egg. Pay attention to the fact that the child's story is really the opposite of the first, and not its repetition or continuation.

For the game "Train" you need 20 pictures of the same size. Each picture is a trailer. All pictures must be different. The players are dealt an equal number of cards. The host starts the game: “We will play the train. I put the first picture - trailer. But trailers are always fastened to each other. In order for the next to put his trailer, it must be fastened with mine. And for this you need to figure out how the pictures look like. For example, I put a picture on which a plate is drawn. With it, you can fasten a picture with a spoon, because a plate and a spoon are dishes. The spoon can be fastened with a spatula because they are made of metal. So everyone in turn can put their pictures-wagons, you just need to explain how they are fastened together. The main thing is that the child can name his bond.

Then the pictures are shuffled and new pictures are added to it. And then the set of pictures itself changes.

In the game "What in the world does not happen?" the child must come up with and draw something that does not exist in the world. After the child tells about the picture, discuss with him whether it really does not occur in life.

For the game "Inventor" - you will need ten pictures with a clear image of objects. Each picture contains one item. Drawings can be very different: a hammer, a nail puller, a hanger, a saw, a knife, a fork, scissors, a screwdriver, a stool, a bookshelf.

You and your child carefully examine each picture, finding out the purpose of each item. Then you invite him to invent a new tool, for example, one that will be both a hanger and a saw. The child must find a hanger and a saw drawn in the pictures and create (draw) a new tool that will be both a hanger and a saw. You discuss and complete the finished drawing together.

You can use the following pairs of items: stool - bookshelf, fork - knife, hammer - nail puller, scissors - screwdriver and others. Various combinations of these items are possible. As you master the technique of invention, add new items. In the future, the child himself will learn to invent various things that perform several functions.

Didactic games and exercises "Letters».

Material, tool, equipment.

Full alphabet; cards with words (mom, dad, rose, porridge, car, mimosa, etc.); notes with letters; cards with texts of short proverbs, riddles, sayings, names of fairy tales; plasticine (clay, salt dough); stacks; beads.

Depending on the interest and readiness of children, the choice may be as follows:

Each child sculpts letters and makes up his own name (or any word) from them;

Each child sculpts letters for the word "mother" and draws the same letters in the same way or in different ways;

Children sculpt the letters proposed in personal notes or on cards, and by common efforts they make up an alphabet or some text (proverb, saying) from them.

D / game "Different forms".

didactic task. To teach children to "see" and create three-dimensional forms of objects.

Material. Shapes and figures molded from plasticine (volumetric and embossed); geometric shapes cut out of colored thick paper; drawings of geometric bodies.

Variants of tasks and exercises. V depending on the didactic task set, the adult demonstrates certain geometric shapes to the children, informs the purpose of the exercise, explains the necessary conditions or rules.

Fashion three balls, which can be different in size, color, or in two ways at once. What can be turned into each of them and all together.

Draw (draw, cut, sculpt) three different circles. How can this be done in different ways?

Sculpt three different cubes. What can be turned into each of them and all together?

D / game "Signs".

didactic task. To teach children to “read” conditional images, understand symbolism (based on signboards), create symbolic images on a specific topic.

Material. Several photographs or magazine illustrations depicting various buildings familiar to children: grocery stores (bakery, deli, fruit and vegetable store), industrial goods stores - clothes, shoes, books, haberdashery, pharmacy, shoe repair shop, hairdresser, zoo, railway station, stadium, post office, theater, etc. A set of images-symbols (flat and three-dimensional) that can serve as signboards.

Game variant. An adult asks children what stores they go to with their parents. After the answers, he is interested in how you can find out what is sold in it without going into the store. During the conversation, it turns out that usually there are signs with names and images above the entrance to the store, which are visible from afar and understandable even to small children and foreigners. There are signs not only in shops, but also in various institutions (clinic, workshop, hairdresser, etc.). An adult shows the children fashioned vegetables and fruits and offers to answer on the sign of which store you can see this. Then he offers 2-3 more images-symbols (a fashioned boot, a toy, a candy) and, making sure that the children understand the rules of the game, distributes photographs of various buildings. Children look at photographs and begin to sculpt signs.

The game can be complicated over time: invite 5-7 children to sculpt signs for the same building. A prerequisite for this is that all signs must be different. Another version of the game: come up with and sculpt a sign so that the rest of the children can guess which institution or store it is suitable for.

Didactic game

"Compare landscapes - morning, day, evening and night."

didactic task. Formation of ideas about the role of sunlight (lighting) in the perception of color.

Didactic games and conversations based on illustrative material.

How are these landscapes similar and how are they different? The same house is depicted at different times of the day - morning, afternoon, evening and night. What is special about the coloring of each painting? How does the color of the sky change? What color is the sky during the day? And what does it look like at night? What is the reason for this, do you think? When the sun shines, we see a colored world, we distinguish all its colors. And at night, when there is no sun, everything plunges into darkness and becomes dark, colorless, almost invisible. If at night you light a flashlight or turn on the headlights on the street, you can see as during the day. This means that the color of objects does not disappear anywhere, we just do not see it without good lighting.

game exercise

"What is different and what is the same"

Software tasks.

To teach children to notice the artistic features of still lifes: the difference and similarity in composition, in the combination of colors, in the manner of painting by artists.


Game progress.

The exercise can be done in two ways.

The task is offered to all children. The first child to complete the task correctly receives a token.

Divide the children into two teams of four to five people. Children have the opportunity to confer. For the correct answer, the team is given a chip. Teams can receive assignments at the same time if there are enough postcards. In this case, the teams should be seated at different tables or fenced off from each other with a light cardboard screen.

Game tasks.

1. "Find among the postcards only still lifes." Put five or six postcards in front of the children, including three or four still lifes, and offer to place only still lifes next to them. Two chips will be given to a team or a child who can also explain why these postcards can be called still lifes.

"Find one still life that differs sharply (in composition) from other still lifes." For example, on one postcard, objects can be located close to each other, while on another they are scattered throughout the space.

“Spread the still lifes into three groups: in the first group there should be works on which the artists depicted glass objects among the objects; in the second - works on which the artists depicted metal objects; in the third - works on which the artists painted ceramic objects. Explain how you recognized glass, metal, and ceramic objects."

Divide the still lifes into two groups, two postcards in each group. Explain why you distributed it this way” (detailed and generalized manner of writing).

“Look at each postcard and say what color paint (what color scheme) the artist needed the most to paint this or that still life.”

At the end, the results are summed up and the winners are revealed.

game exercise

"Autumn leaves".

Learn to notice in the shade of color its components: yellow-green, yellow-brown, yellow-orange, red-orange, red-brown, etc.


Two cups with yellow paint (diluted watercolor), a little green and orange or brown watercolor liquid paint; leaves (oak, maple, birch, etc.), cut out of thick paper or thin cardboard and painted in yellow, red in different shades; cards with cut silhouettes of leaves and squares of the same colors and shades as cardboard leaves; plot picture depicting autumn nature.

Game progress.

The facilitator places two cups of yellow paint in front of the children. He asks about her color. Then he adds some green paint to one cup. He asks what color the paint in the cup is now. Confirms that the color has remained yellow, but its hue has changed because another color has been added to the paint. This shade of yellow can be called yellow-green. It seems to consist of two colors: yellow and green. The facilitator adds orange paint to another glass and asks what this shade of yellow can be called. (yellow-orange).

The host distributes two or three pieces of paper to each player, shows a square and offers to find among their leaves the same color and shade and name it.

The facilitator gives the task to find the desired sheet by the name of the color and shade and show it (red-brown, yellow-brown, etc.).

The facilitator distributes to the players one card with cut silhouettes of leaves and asks each in turn: “What color and shade should I give you a square for your leaf (leaves)?” Children who correctly named the color with a shade receive squares and put them under the slots on the card.

The facilitator places a picture of an autumn landscape in front of the children and gives the task: "Name the color and shades of the autumn foliage depicted in the picture." You can conduct this exercise as a competition: "Who will name the most colors and shades of autumn leaves."

Didactic game

"Choose colors for the artist"

To consolidate children's knowledge about the color of winter, autumn, spring, summer in different weather, obtained in the process of observing nature and looking at landscape paintings; develop children's imagination.


Small rectangles of different colors and shades, several pieces (5-6) of each color.

Game progress.

The teacher puts “paints” (multi-colored rectangles) in the middle of the table and tells the children about the landscape painter who decided to paint a picture about summer (in the story, the teacher does not name the color of objects): “The artist decided to paint a picture about summer. He decided to depict a meadow with colorful flowers, followed by a dense forest and a fast river. And above them is a high clear sky.

Then the teacher invites the children to think about what colors the artist will need for this picture, and pick them up for him. Children pick up “paints” and tell what kind of paint the artist will paint (forest and meadow with green paint of different shades, the sky will be blue with white clouds, flowers will be red, yellow, blue, orange ...).

Further, the teacher talks about another artist who decided to depict an autumn grove in which maples, birches, mountain ash and thin aspens grow. And next to the forest is an empty field from which the harvest has already been harvested.

Children select “paints” for the autumn landscape and say that the artist will paint the field with brown paint, and the foliage on the trees - yellow, dark yellow, orange, dark red, rowan berries - bright orange. In one of the descriptions of the picture, it is necessary to mention the sky at sunset or sunrise. Similarly, one can describe a gloomy windy autumn day, a picture of blooming spring nature, and also a clear winter day or a picture of snowfall, storms, etc.

Didactic game

"Learn by description"

To teach children to recognize a bird belonging to a particular species according to the listed characteristic features (analysis); match the shape of a bird with the shape of a sheet of paper and its location


The educator has pictures depicting a swan, a crane, a stork, a woodpecker, a flying swallow, the same smaller pictures, 25 chips, a screen, five Sharp Eye badges.

Game progress.

Plant the children in a semicircle, put a table in front of them, on the table a small cardboard screen, behind which lay out pictures with smaller birds. Put five chips next to each picture. Hang five pictures on the board with the image of a crane, a swan, a woodpecker, a swallow and a stork. Say: “Children, there are five birds in front of you. What are their names? (All these birds differ from each other in the color of feathers, the shape and size of the beak, tail, legs, wings.) Let's play the game "Find out by description." I will tell you about one of these birds, describe its distinguishing features, and you have to guess which bird I talked about. But the child will not speak about this aloud, but will come to the table and silently point his finger at the bird.

I have pictures with the same birds behind the screen. For the correct guess you will get a chip. Those who collect five chips each will win, i.е. solve all riddles. When describing, similar signs of birds should be named first, for example, the long legs of a crane and a stork, or the long necks of these birds and a swan. And the distinguishing features, for example, the short legs with the membranes of a swan or its color, should be called the last.

Description examples.

Crane. This bird has a long neck, beak and legs. Tail | fluffy but short. The color of the feathers is gray, the tail is black. On the head is a red cap.

Stork. This bird has a long neck, long legs and beak, short tail, white feathers, black wing tips and tail.

Swan. This bird has a long neck, short beak, short pointed tail, white feathers and short webbed feet.

Woodpecker. This bird has a strong, large beak, legs with tenacious claws and a variegated coloration. Black, red and white feathers on the head, white and black feathers on the wings, white chest, yellow and red belly. When this bird sits on a tree trunk, the eye clings tightly to the bark with its claws and rests against the trunk with an elastic tail.

Martin. The color of this bird is black and white. She has a small beak and short legs - Wings are long, longer than the body. The tail is forked.

For each bird, five children are the first to raise their hand. At the end of the game, the teacher invites those who have received five chips to come to the table. Declares them the winners and rewards them with the "Vigilant Eye" badges.

Didactic game

"Finish the house."

To teach to convey the symmetrical structure of the house, focusing on its half, to notice differences in details (the shape and size of windows, doors, etc.).


Cards with images of halves of houses of the same color, but different architecture; wall blocks with windows or doors of various shapes and sizes (square 3 × 3 cm or 4×4 cm) and halves of roofs; cards with an outline image of whole houses and free cards of the same size, divided by a line in half (for game options); penalty chips (the same number for all players).

Game progress.

I option. The host distributes the players into two teams and offers to sit at the table opposite each other. On a common tray puts wall blocks for all houses and halves of roofs. Each child is given a card with an outline image of the whole house (all houses of different architecture) and a free card to lay out the house. game task. Independently determine half of the house, lay it out of the blocks on a free card. Then switch places with each other and finish "building" your partner's house so that the house is symmetrical. While laying out the house, turn over the card with the outline image. At the end of the work, you can check on the card whether the task was completed correctly.

Option II. Each player independently invents the architecture of the house, lays out half of the building on a free card and invites his partner to complete its construction. Children take wall blocks and halves of roofs from a common tray.

These games contribute to the development of creative, non-standard thinking, enrich the child's vocabulary, make his speech more expressive and emotional. Games on imagination can be carried out in any conditions: at home, on the road, on vacation, while walking. All you need is a few creative ideas and unlimited imagination.

➣ Useful book

You will find a lot of creative ideas in Gianni Rodari's book A Grammar of Fantasy.

"FAIRY" Try to compose an incredible story with your child, not like reality, where everything is turned upside down. You have probably seen pictures in books on the development of logic, where the artist “made a mistake” and painted light bulbs instead of pears on a tree, a piece of cheese in the sky instead of the Moon. Children are attracted by everything unusual and not similar to the usual way of life. Try to compose something that looks like a painting by a dunno artist. It can be a fairy tale, the hero of which will be the baby himself. He will gladly give you fresh ideas and make significant changes to the script.

"CONTINUE THE DRAWING". For this game, you will need blank sheets of paper and pencils. You can also draw with chalk on the pavement, with a stick on the sand or in the snow. The essence of the game is as follows: you take turns drawing blanks for each other for future drawings. It can be circles, dots, strokes, spirals, different squiggles.

You can make different sketches: spontaneous and with prompts. The players have a creative task: to come up with a finished drawing from the element. It can be an object, a plant, a person, an animal, etc. It may be difficult for the child to come up with something original at first, and he will draw according to your model. Show him how a mushroom, an apple, a cloud, a clown, a butterfly or a smile of the Cheshire Cat appear from a simple squiggle. Try to draw a joint drawing in several stages. For example, you start, the kid continues, then from the same drawing you come up with something new, changing the idea, adding new strokes. The final "product" can turn out to be a very original alien creature or an exotic fruit.

"IMAGINE THIS". The game begins with the words: “Imagine that people could only walk on their hands. What would happen then? The list of topics can be very diverse and relate to a person, his habits and character, natural phenomena, animals, household items. For example: what would happen if...:

Candy fell from the sky instead of rain?

Does it snow all year round?

For thirty-three days it rained non-stop?

Were there crocodiles in the plumbing?

Could you walk in the sky?

Can people fly?

Did bears live in nests?

Did loaves grow on trees?

Did watermelons float on the river?

Was there a balloon hanging in the sky instead of the moon?

Were the houses made of cotton?

Were the forks made of chocolate?

Did the man have eyes in the back of his head?

How else can it be used?

To play this game, you will need a variety of household items, clothes, things. Show the child an object and ask: “How else can this be used?” The more answers you have, the better.

"STORY ON THE CARDS". To play this game, you will need blanks. Old magazines and newspapers, before burning in the fireplace in the country, must undergo a thorough "inspection". Here you can find many photos that will become thematic hints for your stories. It is better to stick the cut out photos on thick cardboard, you will get original cards. Distribute the cards to all the participants in the game, lay out the cards in turn and tell a mini-story from the picture. The game develops well not only figurative, but also logical thinking.

"FAIRY VINAIGRET". You will need a good knowledge of fairy tale characters. Choose those fairy tales that your child is already familiar with. Compose your own fairy tale, where Pinocchio and Little Red Riding Hood, Kolobok and Hen Ryaba, Ivan Tsarevich and Ilya Muromets, Cinderella and the Little Mermaid will be involved. Let the fairy tale have a simple, unpretentious plot, and let old acquaintances suddenly show themselves in a completely different quality. Let the negative characters become kind, and the positive ones become capricious and naughty. Let events mix up, it turns out abracadabra, well seasoned with humor. In this way, you reanimate the child's interest in a fairy tale if he suddenly lost it.

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