The influence of role-playing games on the development of preschoolers. The influence of an adult on the creation of a play space by older preschoolers in a plot-role-playing game Psychological and pedagogical conditions for the development of communication with peers in older preschool children

Work description

The relevance of the problem raised is caused by the need of psychologists, teachers, parents in improving methods of psychological and pedagogical influence of play methods on the forming personality of the child in order to develop intellectual, creative abilities, the formation of moral qualities, positive relationships of children with peers, with relatives and people around them, consolidating positive tendencies in the development of a senior preschooler and providing moral and volitional readiness to study at school.

Chapter 1. Theoretical aspects of studying the problems of the influence of role-playing games on
Emotional and personal development of older preschool children

Chapter 2. Empirical study of the influence of role-playing games on the emotional and personal development of older preschool children
2.1. Organization of research on the influence of role-playing games on the emotional and personal development of older preschool children
2.2 Conclusions and research results
2.3 Psychological guidelines

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The influence of role-playing games on the emotional and personal development of older preschool children


Chapter 1. Theoretical aspects of studying the problems of the influence of role-playing games on the emotional and personal development of older preschool children

    1. Features of the mental development of older preschool children
    2. Emotional and personal development of older preschool children
    3. The role of play in the mental development of older preschool children

Chapter 2. Empirical study of the influence of role-playing games on the emotional and personal development of older preschool children

2.1. Organization of research on the influence of role-playing games on the emotional and personal development of older preschool children

2.2 Conclusions and research results





Preschool childhood is a short but important period of personality formation. During these years, the child acquires initial knowledge about the life around him, he begins to form a certain attitude towards people, to work, the skills and habits of correct behavior are developed, and a character develops.

The whole life of a preschooler is permeated with play, only in this way is he ready to open himself to the world and the world for himself. Play is one of the main forms of organizing the process of education, training and development in kindergarten.

Play is an intrinsically valuable activity for a preschooler, providing him with a sense of freedom, subservience to things, actions, relationships, allowing him to fully realize "here and now", to achieve a state of complete emotional comfort, to become involved in a children's society based on free communication of equals.

In the process of role-playing games, the child's spiritual and physical strengths develop; his attention, memory, imagination, discipline, dexterity. In addition, play is a way of assimilating social experience, peculiar to preschool age. In play, all aspects of the child's personality are formed, significant changes occur in his psyche, preparing the transition to a new, higher stage of development. This explains the enormous educational potential of play, which psychologists consider the leading activity. Play is a multifaceted phenomenon, it can be considered as a special form of the existence of all aspects of the life of a team without exception. Just as many shades appear with play in the pedagogical guidance of the educational process.

Play is an effective means of shaping the personality of a preschooler, his moral and volitional qualities; the need to influence the world is realized in play. Soviet teacher V.A. Sukhomlinsky emphasized that “play is a huge bright window through which a life-giving stream of ideas and concepts about the world around them pours into the child's spiritual world. The game is a spark that ignites the spark of inquisitiveness and curiosity. " The educational value of the game largely depends on the professional skill of the teacher, on his knowledge of the psychology of the child, taking into account his age and individual characteristics, on the correct methodological guidance of the relationship between children, on the clear organization and conduct of all kinds of games.

The relevance of the problem raised is caused by the need of psychologists, teachers, parents in improving methods of psychological and pedagogical influence of play methods on the forming personality of the child in order to develop intellectual, creative abilities, the formation of moral qualities, positive relationships of children with peers, with relatives and people around them, consolidating positive tendencies in the development of a senior preschooler and providing moral and volitional readiness to study at school. Based on the foregoing and the analysis of scientific literature and practice, the object, the subject of research, the goal were formulated, the tasks of the work were identified. (4, p. 43)

The object of the research is a role-playing game.

The subject of the research is the study of the influence of role-playing games on the formation of positive relationships among children of senior preschool age, the study of moral education and the culture of behavior of children of this age.

The purpose of the study is the influence of the scientific foundations of upbringing of preschoolers, contributing to positive socialization in preschool educational institutions.

According to the influence of the set goal, the following tasks follow:

1. to characterize the role-playing game and its educational value in the formation of the relationship of the older preschooler;

2. study of the theoretical and practical basis of work experience;

3. to test empirically the effectiveness of the influence of role-playing games on the formation of positive relationships among older preschool children.

Research hypothesis: analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature allowed me to assume that plot-role play contributes to the formation of positive relationships between older preschool children and their peers with the indirect and direct participation of a teacher.

Research methods:

Research methods of the communicative and emotional sphere of older preschoolers;

Individual conversation;


Chapter 1. Theoretical aspects of studying the problems of the influence of role-playing games on the emotional and personal development of older preschool children

Play, along with work and learning, is one of the main types of human activity, an amazing phenomenon of our existence. According to G.K. Selevko - a game is a type of activity in conditions of situations aimed at recreating and assimilating social experience, in which self-management of behavior develops and improves. In psychology, the concept of "play" acts as the leading activity of a preschool child, determining his further mental development, primarily because an imaginary situation is inherent in play. The successful solution of educational problems requires close attention to the problems of children's play. Play is the most accessible type of activity for children, a way of processing impressions and knowledge received from the surrounding world. In the game, the peculiarities of the child's thinking and imagination, his emotionality, activity, and the developing need for communication are clearly manifested.

Play is the child's true social practice, his real life in the society of his peers. Therefore, the problem of using play for the purpose of comprehensive education, and, first of all, the formation of the moral side of the individual, is so urgent for preschool pedagogy. Currently, preschool specialists are faced with the task of further studying play as a form of organizing the life and activities of children .. The following provisions are the basis for understanding play as a form of organizing the life and activities of children:

The game is designed to solve general educational tasks, among which the tasks of forming the moral social qualities of the child are of primary importance;

The game should be of an amateur character and develop more and more in this direction, subject to the correct pedagogical guidance;

An important feature of play as a form of children's life is its penetration into various types of activity: work and play, educational activity and play, everyday household activities and play.

In human practice, play activity performs such functions as:

Entertaining (this is the main function of the game - to entertain, please, inspire, arouse interest);

Communicative: mastering the dialectics of communication;

Self-realization in the game as a testing ground for human practice;

Game therapy: overcoming various difficulties arising in other types of life;

Diagnostic: identification of deviations from normative behavior, self-knowledge during the game;

Correction function: making positive changes in the structure of personality indicators;

Interethnic communication: assimilation of social and cultural values ​​common to all people;

Socialization: inclusion in the system of social relations, the assimilation of the norms of human community.

Thus, play is that form of organizing the life of a preschooler, in the conditions of which the teacher can, using various methods, shape the personality of the child, its social orientation.

1.2 Characteristics of the main types of games and their classification

Children's games are very diverse. They are different in content and organization, rules, the nature of the manifestation of children, the effect on the child, the types of objects used, origin, etc. All of this makes it difficult to classify games, but grouping is necessary to properly manage games. Each type of play fulfills its function in the development of the child. The blurring of lines between amateur and educational games observed today in theory and practice is unacceptable. In preschool age, there are three classes of games:

Games initiated by a child - amateur games;

Games that arise at the initiative of an adult who implements them for educational and educational purposes;

Games that come from the historically established traditions of the ethnos are folk games that can arise both at the initiative of an adult and older children.

Each of the listed classes of games, in turn, is represented by species and subspecies. So, the first class includes:

1. Creative role-playing games. The concept of "creative play" covers role-playing games, dramatization games, construction-constructive games. The content of creative games is created by the children themselves. Freedom, independence, self-organization and creativity of children in this group are manifested with particular completeness. Various life experiences are not copied, they are processed by children, some of them are replaced by others, etc.

Role-playing game is the main type of the preschool child's game. The main features of the game are inherent in it: emotional saturation and enthusiasm of children, independence, activity, creativity. The first story games are played as roleless games or games with a hidden role. The actions of children acquire a plot character and are combined into a chain that has a vital meaning. Actions with objects, toys are carried out by each of the players independently. Joint games are possible with the participation of an adult. (10, p. 14)

Dramatization games. They are characterized by the main features of creative games: the presence of a plan, a combination of role-playing and real actions and relationships, and other elements of an imaginary situation. Games are built on the basis of a literary work: the plot of the game, roles, actions of the characters and their speech are determined by the text of the work. Play dramatization has a great impact on a child's speech. The child learns the wealth of the native language, its expressive means, uses various intonations that correspond to the character of the characters and actions, tries to speak clearly so that everyone understands him. The beginning of work on a dramatization game consists in the selection of a work of art. It is important that children are interested in it, arouse strong feelings and experiences. The teacher takes part in the collusion and preparation of the game. Based on the content of the work with children, the plot of the game is drawn up, roles are assigned, and speech material is selected. The teacher uses questions, advice, repeated reading of the work, conversations with children about the game and thus helps to achieve the greatest expressiveness in the portrayal of the characters.

Building construction games are a kind of creative play. In them, children reflect their knowledge and impressions of the world around them. In construction and construction games, some objects are replaced by others: buildings are erected from specially created building materials and constructors, or from natural material (sand, snow). All this gives reason to consider such an activity as one of the types of creative play. Many building-constructive games take place in the form of role-playing games. Children take on the role of construction workers who erect a building, drivers bring building material to them, during breaks the workers have lunch in the canteen, after work they go to the theater, etc. In the process of play, the child's orientation in space, the ability to distinguish and establish the size and proportions of an object, spatial relations are formed and developed. Thus, in building-constructive play, a multifaceted development of the mental activity of children takes place.

Two games with ready-made content and rules are designed to form and develop certain qualities of the child's personality. In preschool pedagogy, it is customary to divide games with ready-made content and rules into didactic, mobile and musical ones.

2. Didactic games are a type of games with rules specially created by a pedagogical school for the purpose of teaching and educating children. Didactic games are aimed at solving specific problems in teaching children, but at the same time, the educational and developmental influence of game activity appears in them.

Role-playing game - the leading activity of a preschooler

Preschool childhood - from 3 to 6-7 years old - is a very special period of a child's development. It is at this age that internal mental life and internal regulation of behavior arise. inner life manifests itself in the child's imagination, in voluntary behavior, in communication with adults and peers.

All these most important qualities and abilities arise and develop not in conversations with an adult or in classes with specialists, but in a role-playing game.

This is a game in which children take on the roles of adults, and in specially created playful, imaginary conditions they reproduce (or simulate) the activities of adults and the relationship between them.

In such a game, all the mental qualities and personality traits of the child are most intensively formed. Game activity affects the formation of arbitrary behavior and all mental processes - from elementary to the most complex. Fulfilling a play role, the child subordinates to this task all his momentary, impulsive actions. In conditions of play, children concentrate better and remember more than under a direct assignment from an adult. The conscious goal - to concentrate, to remember something, to restrain impulsive movement - is the earliest and most easily distinguished child in the game.

Play has a strong influence on the mental development of a preschooler. Acting with substitute objects, the child begins to operate in a conceivable, conditional space. Subject-substitute becomes a support for thinking. Gradually, play actions are reduced, and the child begins to act in the internal, mental plane. Thus, play contributes to the fact that the child moves on to thinking in terms of images and ideas.

In addition, in the game, performing different roles, the child takes different points of view, and begins to see the object from different angles. This contributes to the development of the most important human thinking ability, allowing you to present a different view and a different point of view.

Role play is critical to developing imagination. Game actions take place in an imaginary situation; real objects are used as others, imaginary; the child takes on the roles of imaginary characters. This practice of acting in an imaginary space encourages children to acquire the capacity for creative imagination.

Communication between a preschooler and peers unfolds mainly in the process of joint play. Playing together, children begin to take into account the wishes and actions of another child, defend their point of view, build and implement joint plans. Therefore, play has a huge impact on the development of communication among children during this period.

The enormous importance of play for the development of all the psyche and personality of the child gives reason to believe that it is this activity that is the leading one in preschool age.

Features of the role-playing game of a preschooler

The central point of role play is the role that the child takes on. At the same time, he does not just call himself the name of the corresponding adult person ("I am an astronaut," "I am a mother," "I am a doctor," but, most importantly, he acts like an adult, whose role he took upon himself would identify with him.

It is the playing role in a concentrated form that embodies the child's connection with the world of adults. The most characteristic aspect of the role is that it is impossible without practical play action. The role of a rider, doctor or chauffeur cannot be performed only in the mind, without real, practical game actions.

It is customary to distinguish between the plot and the content of the game.

The plot of the game- this is the area of ​​reality that is reproduced by children in the game (hospital, family, war, shop, etc.). The plots of the games reflect the specific conditions of the child's life. They change depending on these specific conditions, along with the expansion of the child's horizons and his acquaintance with the environment.

The main source of role-playing games is the child's acquaintance with the life and activities of adults. If children are not familiar with the surrounding world of people, they play little, their games are monotonous and limited. Recently, educators and psychologists have noted a decrease in the level of role-playing games among preschoolers.

Game content- this is what is reproduced by the child as a central moment in human relationships. The specific nature of those relationships between people that children recreate in play can be different and depends on the relationships of real adults around the child. One and the same game in its plot (for example, in a family) can have completely different contents: one "mother" will beat and scold her "children", the other will paint in front of the mirror and rush to visit, the third will constantly wash and cook, the fourth - read books to children and study with them, etc.

All these options reflect what flows into the child from the surrounding life. What a mother does with her daughter, the daughter will do with her doll (or her playmate).

Human relations and the conditions in which a child lives determine not only the plots, but above all the content of children's games. Thus, play arises from the child's living conditions and reflects and reproduces these conditions.

The nature of the game action

Role Acting Plot development in an imaginary situation

3-4 years Separate play actions, which are conditional The role is actually carried out, but not called Plot - a chain of two actions, an imaginary situation is held by an adult

4-5 years Interconnected play actions with a clear role-playing character The role is called, children can change their role during the game A chain of 3-4 interconnected actions / children independently maintain an imaginary situation

5-6 years Transition to role-playing actions reflecting the social functions of people Roles are assigned before the start of the game, children adhere to their role throughout the game A chain of game actions, united by one plot, corresponding to the real logic of adult actions

6 - 7 years Display of relationships between people in play actions (subordination, cooperation). The technique of play actions is conditional Not only the roles, but also the concept of the play are spoken by children before it starts The plot is based on an imaginary situation, the actions are varied and correspond to real relationships between people

Conditions and methods for the development of role-playing games in preschoolers.

The main tasks facing the educator when guiding role-playing games:

1) development of the game as an activity;

2) the use of the game in order to educate the children's collective and individual children.

The development of play as an activity means the expansion of the theme of children's games, the deepening of their content. In play, children should acquire a positive social experience, which is why it is necessary that adults' love for work, friendship, mutual assistance, etc. are reflected in it.

3. For the development of a narrative role-playing game, a pedagogically expedient selection of toys and play materials is necessary, which creates a “material basis for play, ensures the development of play as an activity.

The selection of toys should be carried out in accordance with the main theme of children's games in this age group, taking into account the immediate prospects for their development. For children of primary preschool age, a toy is needed that allows the game to unfold in a family, kindergarten, etc. In groups of middle-aged and older children, the selection of toys should ensure the development of games on work topics and games that reflect social events and phenomena.

4. Techniques for guiding children’s games can be conditionally divided into two groups: techniques for indirect influence and techniques for direct guidance.

Indirect guidance of the game is carried out by enriching the knowledge of children about the surrounding social life, updating game materials, etc., that is, without directly interfering with the game. One of the methods of such an indirect influence on children's play is the introduction of toys and the creation of a play environment even before the start of the game. This technique is used in order to arouse children's interest in a new theme of the game or to enrich the content of an existing one. The introduction of new toys arouses both playful and educational interest of children.

Direct methods of leadership: role-playing participation in the game, participation in the collusion of children, explanation, help, advice during the game, proposing a new theme for the game, etc. But we must not forget that the main condition for using these methods is the preservation and development of children's independence in the game.

5. Three stages of the formation of a plot - role-playing game:

At the first stage(1, 5 - 3 years) the teacher stimulates the child to carry out conditioned actions with objects.

In the second stage(3 years - 5 years) forms in children the ability to accept a role, to move from one role to another in the game. This can be done most successfully if we build a joint game with children in the form of a chain of role-based dialogues between participants, shifting the attention of children from conditioned actions with objects to role-playing speech.

In the third stage(5-7 years old) children should master the ability to come up with a variety of game plots. To do this, the teacher can develop a joint game with the children - inventing, which takes place in a purely speech plan, the main content of which is coming up with new plots that include a variety of events.

6. The main points of the methodology for using the role-playing game:

Game selection. Determined by a specific educational task.

Pedagogical development of a game plan. When developing a game, the educator must strive to maximize its saturation with game content that can captivate the child. This is on the one hand. On the other hand, it is important to determine the intended roles and means of the play organization that would contribute to the fulfillment of the intended educational tasks.

Familiarization of children with the game plan and its joint revision. The teacher should strive to conduct the conversation in such a way as to involve children as much as possible in the discussion of the game plan, in the development of the content of the role-playing actions.

Creation of an imaginary situation. Preschoolers always begin role-playing games by endowing the surrounding objects with figurative meanings: chairs - train, bushes - border, log - ship, etc. Creation of an imaginary situation is the most important basis for starting a creative role-playing game.

Distribution of roles. The teacher must, strives to satisfy the play needs of children, that is, he gives everyone the desired role, offers the sequence of playing roles of varying degrees of activity, looks for opportunities to assert the child's position in the team through the play role.

Beginning of the game. To induce a positive perception of the game in children, you can use some methodological techniques, for example, prepare a group of children to act out the game episode. Another methodological technique may be as follows: at the beginning of the game, the main roles are distributed among active children with a well-developed creative imagination. This allows you to set the tone, show the children an example of interesting role-playing behavior.

Preservation of the game situation. There is a certain condition for maintaining a persistent interest in the game in children:

a) an adult is obliged to set the tone in dealing with playing children, using conventional game terminology (in paramilitary games - clarity and laconism of commands, demand a response: “there is a comrade commander!” a report on the completed assignment);

b) the teacher should try to beat any work of the children's collective

c) all measures of pedagogical influence on children - demands, encouragement, punishments - should be carried out by the teacher in a playful way without destroying the play situation;

d) in the course of a role-playing game, it is advisable to include detailed creative games or games on the ground with identical plots;

e) during the game, the teacher can organize a collective competition between small groups of the playing team.

Completion of the game. When developing a game plan, the teacher outlines the intended ending in advance. It is necessary to take care of such an ending, the game that would make the children want to keep in the life of the collective all the best that the game brought with it.

Thus, we can conclude that through the plot-role play, the child masters spiritual values, assimilates the previous social experience. In it, the child gains the skills of collective thinking.

Role-playing game is the most accessible type of activity for children, a way of processing impressions and knowledge received from the surrounding world, since the peculiarities of the child's thinking and imagination, his emotionality, activity, and the developing need for communication are clearly manifested here.

Role-playing games can become that form of organizing the life of a preschooler, in the conditions of which the teacher, using various methods, forms the personality of the child, its spiritual and social orientation.

The role of educational games in preschool age

Children look at the world around them with wide eyes. Often, parents are surprised by children's energy, and with it persistence and stubbornness. The child is in constant search.

He seeks and finds out, examines and checks, collects and breaks, just gets angry, admires, rejoices and laughs. The child is developing, and your goal is to help him by directing his strength and energy in the right direction.

By the age of three, a child's brain is formed, or rather its structure, while all skills, abilities and properties have their own sensitive periods. For example, speech develops from 6 months to 3 years. If during this time the child does not hear human speech, he will not be able to study it, and it will not be easy to catch up later.

It is not uncommon to be confronted with misconceptions about children's abilities and intelligence. The child's brain is like a sponge, capable of absorbing a colossal amount of information.

It should be remembered that children tend to remember only what arouses their curiosity and interest. This is what serves as an excellent stimulus for development. And what else besides the game can spark genuine interest in a child?

It is the game that is assigned the role of a guide to the world of adults. And it depends on her how the child's personality will be formed in the future.

The most effective method of education and training is developmental games.

Principles of educational games:

Combination of game elements with learning;

Gradual complication of the learning process and playing conditions;

The growth of the child's intellectual activity when solving new problems;

A coordinated connection and dependence between the child's mental activity and the surrounding space, a step-by-step increase in the intensity of intellectual work;

The holistic influence of teaching and educational factors.

With the correct implementation of the above principles, conditions are formed that contribute to the development of the initial norms of self-esteem and self-control in children. This has a tremendous impact on their learning and team life.

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Description of the structural components and general characteristics of the levels of development of role-playing games as a means of raising a child. Preconditions and formation of role-playing games in preschool children. The main pedagogical plots of the games of preschoolers. course work

Forms of work to familiarize preschool children with nature. The use of observations and experiments as a means of environmental education of preschoolers. Identification and assessment of the level of formation of ecological knowledge among older preschoolers. thesis

Continuation. (start: What is a role-playing game?)

The play of a preschooler child develops under the influence of education and training, depends on the acquisition of knowledge and skills, on the education of interests. In play, the individual characteristics of the child are manifested with particular force, while it can be observed that the same child discovers a different level of play creativity, depending on the content of the play, the role played, and relationships with comrades.

Many domestic and foreign psychologists believe that no one will develop a child's creative abilities better than he himself. Therefore, first of all, the child needs to create conditions for spontaneous creative play.

It is possible to single out the main tasks that the educator faces when guiding plot-role-playing games: 1) the development of play as an activity; 2) the use of the game in order to educate the children's collective and individual children.

The development of play as an activity means the expansion of the theme of children's games, the deepening of their content. In the game, the fly should acquire a positive social experience, which is why it is necessary that it reflects the love of adults for work, friendship, mutual assistance, etc.

The more organized the game, the higher its educational impact. Signs of a good game are: the ability to play with concentration, purposefulness, take into account the interests and desires of their comrades, amicably resolve emerging conflicts, help each other in times of difficulty.

However, play can also be a source of formation and negative experience, when the same children act as organizers, take leading roles for themselves, suppressing the independence and initiative of others; the game can reflect the negative aspects of adult life. Educators, guiding the game, must ensure the accumulation of positive experience of social relations.

The constant expansion of children's knowledge about the life around them, the enrichment of their impressions is one of the most important conditions for the development of full-fledged play in a particular group of children.

Important for the development of role-playing games is the pedagogically expedient selection of toys and play materials, which creates the "material basis" of the game, ensures the development of play as an activity.

The selection of toys should be carried out in accordance with the main theme of children's games in this age group, taking into account the immediate prospects for their development. For children of primary preschool age, a toy is needed that allows them to deploy games in a family, kindergarten, etc. In groups of middle-aged and older children, the selection of toys should ensure the development of games on work topics and games that reflect social events and phenomena. When choosing toys, the teacher should take into account the nature of the requirements that children of a given age place on a toy.

The educator, organizing the storage of toys, must also take into account the development of play activities. In younger groups, it is most advisable to store toys so that they are in the child's field of vision - in the play corners: after all, the toy stimulates the kid's play intent, so it must be visible and accessible.

In the middle and senior groups, there is no such need, since children in the selection of toys come from the idea of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe game. But children must definitely know what toys are in the group, where they are stored and maintain an appropriate order.

In older groups, toys can be assembled by theme(for example, for playing hospital, post office, travel, astronauts, etc.). The presence of such ready-made kits, consisting of the most necessary toys, allows children to quickly deploy the game, pick up additional play materials. Such a set of toys should be compiled by the teacher together with the children as the game develops, and given to children only in finished form. Children, together with the teacher, can make homemade toys themselves.

For the correct guidance of the games, the educator needs to study the interests of the children, their favorite games, the completeness and educational value of the games in the group; know how children unite in play: who loves to play with whom, what is the moral basis of these associations, their stability, the nature of relationships in play, etc. Observing the games, the teacher evaluates the degree of development of independence and self-organization of children in play, their ability to negotiate , create a playful environment, fairly resolve emerging conflicts, etc.

In domestic preschool pedagogy, D. V. Mendzheritskaya, R. I. Zhukovskaya, V. P. Zalogina, N. Ya. Mikhailenko and others were engaged in the management of children's games. two groups: techniques of indirect influence and techniques of direct leadership.

Indirect guidance of the game is carried out by enriching the knowledge of the Children about the surrounding social life, updating the game materials, etc., that is, without directly interfering with the game. This preserves the independence of the children during the game.

One of the methods of such an indirect influence on children's play is the introduction of toys and the creation of a play environment even before the start of the game. This technique is used in order to arouse children's interest in a new theme of the game or to enrich the content of an existing one. The introduction of new toys arouses both play and cognitive interest in children.

Direct methods of leadership (role-playing in the game, participation in the collusion of children, clarification, help, advice during the game, proposing a new theme for the game, etc.) make it possible to purposefully influence the content of the game, the relationship of children in the game, the behavior of the players, etc. But we must not forget that the main condition for using these techniques is the preservation and development of children's independence in the game.

Let us consider some aspects of N. Ya. Mikhalenko's concept of the formation of a plot game in preschool childhood. It says that the development of independent play in children occurs much faster if the teacher purposefully guides it, forming specific play skills throughout preschool childhood.

Stages of the formation of a story game

N. Ya. Mikhailenko singles out 3 stages of the formation of a story game.

At the first stage (1.5-3 years) the teacher, expanding the game, places special emphasis on the action with toys and substitute objects, creates situations that stimulate the child to carry out conditioned actions with the object.

At the second stage (3 years - 5 years) the educator forms in children the ability to accept a role, to develop role interaction, to move from one role to another in play. This can be done most successfully by building a joint game with children in the form of a chain of role-based dialogues between participants, shifting the attention of children from conditional actions with a subject to role-playing speech (role dialogue).

At the third stage (5-7 years) children must master the ability to come up with a variety of new plots for games, coordinate game ideas with each other. For this purpose, the educator can develop, together with the children, a kind of game-inventing, proceeding in a purely speech plan, the main content of which is coming up with new plots that include various events.

The peculiarity of the process of formation of play skills, according to N. Ya. Mikhailenko, is that an adult is not a teacher here, but an equal partner: he, as it were, takes the position of a child and plays with him, thereby preserving the naturalness of the game. At the same time, when developing joint play with children, the educator should, from an early age, orient the child to a peer, while teaching him to play interaction with a partner at a level accessible to him.

Conditions and methods for the development of role-playing games in preschoolers

N. V. Krasnoshchekova


Conditions for the development of abilities in preschool age

Each period of childhood creates special favorable conditions for the manifestation and development of abilities. The most peculiar in this respect is the preschool age, when all types of abilities are rapidly developing.

And yet, there is a certain age-related dynamics in their manifestation. The earliest manifestation of artistic talent is first to music, then to drawing, later to science, and talent for mathematics is manifested earlier than others.

Let us recall that abilities are manifested and formed only in activity. This means that only by properly organizing the child's activities, it is possible to identify and then develop his abilities.

KD Ushinsky wrote: "The basic law of children's nature can be expressed as follows: the child needs activity incessantly and gets tired not by activity, but by its monotony or one-sidedness." It is important to include a preschooler in a variety of activities and, avoiding early specialization, to allow all his inclinations and inclinations to manifest.

Let the baby try himself in all areas of activity. For this purpose, a subject environment is created, the baby is provided with all kinds of objects: constructors, materials, pencils, paints, paper, scissors, glue, etc.

All preschoolers draw, sing, dance. But why do children gradually stop doing this by the end of primary school age? One of the reasons is as follows.

Any activity requires certain technical skills and abilities, only then can you achieve an original result if you have mastered them. Children, not having the appropriate skills and abilities, see the low quality of their products and lose interest in the activity.

The famous psychologist N. S. Leites pointed out two most important properties of a gifted child. This is activity and self-regulation.

The kid is distinguished by indefatigable work capacity, which an adult must not only support, but also direct in the appropriate direction, developing cognitive interests and inclinations. Any activity requires the ability to set its goals, regulate and control their behavior, as well as the ability to volitional effort.

The child must learn to bring the work started to the end, to achieve the result, despite the difficulties. The most important personal quality that should be formed in a baby is hard work.

In dealing with gifted, capable children, the correct position of an adult is important. On the one hand, adults often do not like the heightened curiosity of children, their desire to discuss "adult topics", a critical attitude towards parents and educators when they cannot answer the child's questions.

On the other hand, gifted children require increased attention from adults, because they look at them as a source of diverse knowledge, erudites who know the answers to all questions. And, finally, on the third hand, it is the adults who form the child's assessment, attitude to their abilities, to the results achieved in activity.

Therefore, in communicating with a gifted child, an adult should show patience with the baby's ideas, strange in his opinion, show sympathy for failures, try to answer all his questions, provide maximum independence and the opportunity to do something of interest. And at the same time, it should be remembered that a gifted child is still characterized by the same age indicators as an ordinary one. Therefore, he needs to provide time for play, preschool activities, help to avoid premature one-sided growing up.

Difficulties in such children are manifested not only in relationships with adults, but also in relationships with peers. Communication with peers is not always interesting for them, since their mental development is much ahead of the development of the latter.

Older children consider them small. An adult must find a peer of about the same level of psychological development for a gifted child.

Difficulties are observed in gifted children and in relation to themselves. Increased criticality leads to increased anxiety and vulnerability, to the fact that children are often not satisfied with the results of their activities, are acutely worried, if they cannot solve the problem, find an unambiguous answer to the question that has arisen.

And then the child must be helped to believe in himself, in his strength, to support him on the difficult path of knowledge. And at the same time, it is important to teach a preschooler to correctly and objectively evaluate himself, the result obtained.


Belova E., Ishchenko I. A gifted child. What parents can do for him // Preschool education. - 1992. -№7-8. -WITH. 26-31.

Genesis of sensory abilities / Ed. L.A. Wenger. - M., 1976.

Gilbukh Yu.Z., Garnets O.N., Korobko S.L. The phenomenon of mental giftedness // Questions of psychology.-1990.-№4.-P. 147-155.

Karpinskaya N.S. The development of the artistic abilities of preschoolers in the process of dramatization game // Izvestiya APN RSFSR. - 1959. - Issue. 100 .-- S. 98-139.

Komarova T.S. On the development of abilities for visual activity // Preschool education. -1990. - No. 6. - P. 44-50.

Leites N. S. Ability and giftedness in childhood. -M., 1984.

The development of cognitive abilities in the process of preschool education // Ed. L.A. Wenger. - M., 1986.

Tarasova K. Ontogeny of musical abilities. - M., 1988.


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Modern transformations in society, new strategic guidelines in the development of the economy, the openness of society, its rapid informatization and dynamism have radically changed the requirements for education. The educational systems of most of the leading countries of the world have responded to these challenges by basing the goals, content and technologies of education on the results expected from it. The main goal of education is not a simple set of knowledge, skills and abilities, but professional competence based on them - the ability to independently extract, analyze and effectively use information, the ability to rationally live and work in a rapidly changing world.

The educational community is faced with the global task of creating, testing and introducing a new model of education, the basic principles of which are indicated in the "Concept for the development of education in the Republic of Kazakhstan until 2015".

The concept for the development of education was developed in accordance with the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Education", the Convention on the Rights of the Child. The concept identifies education as a national priority. Preschool education and training is the first level of continuous education, which creates a developing environment for the full-fledged formation of a child's personality, taking into account age and individual characteristics.

In the light of all of the above, the theme of the development of plot-role-playing games does not lose its relevance today, since play is the leading activity of preschool children.

Play is the most accessible type of activity for children, a way of processing the impressions and knowledge received from the outside world. In the game, the peculiarities of the child's thinking and imagination, his emotionality, activity, and the developing need for communication are clearly manifested.

Outstanding researcher in the field of psychology L.S. Vygotsky emphasized the unique nature of preschool play. It lies in the fact that the freedom and independence of the players is combined with strict, unconditional obedience to the rules of the game. Such voluntary obedience to the rules occurs when they are not imposed from the outside, but follow from the content of the game, its tasks, when their implementation is its main charm.

A characteristic feature of games, especially role-playing games, is the presence of two types of relationships between children: imaginary, corresponding to the plot, role, and real relationships of the participants in the joint game.

D. V. Menjritskaya, in her book "To the teacher about children's play," says that already in early childhood, the child has the greatest opportunity, precisely in the game, and not in any other activity, to be independent, to communicate at his own discretion with peers, choose toys and use different objects, overcome certain difficulties that are logically related to the plot of the game, its rules.

The older the children become, the higher the level of their general development, the more valuable the game (especially the edagogically guided) is for the development of independent forms of behavior: children have the opportunity to outline the plot themselves or organize games with rules (didactic, mobile), find partners , set a goal and choose the means to implement their plans. An amateur game, requires the child to be able to establish relationships with friends. In these informal children's associations, different traits of a child's character, his habits, interests, ideas about the environment, various skills are manifested, for example, the ability to independently find a way out of problem situations that arise in play, guided by well-known norms and rules of behavior, or the ability to independently organize a real (and not imaginary) work activity to solve game problems.

Play is a child's true social practice, his real life in the society of his peers.

cognitive plot role-playing didactic

1. Theoretical aspects of studying the influence of role-playing games on the development of the personality of an older preschool child

1.1 Theoretical approaches to the definition of the concept of "cognitive development"

One of the important directions in working with preschool children is the development of their cognitive sphere.

In the period of preschool childhood, the origin of the primary image of the world occurs due to the cognitive activity of the child, which has its own specifics at each age stage. The image of the world is formed and exists in the process of the origin, development and functioning of the cognitive sphere of a person, which we consider as a complex formation that provides a person with a normal and full-fledged intellectual and emotional existence and personality development in our world.

In the cognitive sphere, three components can be distinguished:

1. Cognitive (mental) processes. These include: perception; Attention; memory; imagination; thinking (represented by three main types - visual-effective, visual-figurative and logical - and mental operations: analysis, synthesis, generalization; classification; comparison, etc.).

2. Information. It includes the experience and achievements accumulated by humanity on the way of knowing the world. This also includes sources of information, where humanity reflects, records, collects and preserves the experience and achievements of its historical development.

3. Attitude. It is considered as a sensory - emotional experience of a person, which consists of individual emotional reactions to individual objects, objects, phenomena and events of our world.

All components of the cognitive sphere are closely related to each other, they complement and define each other.

So, the level of formation of cognitive (mental) processes (the first component) determines the child's capabilities in cognition, that is, the methods of obtaining information (or methods of cognition) that the child uses at a given age; ways of processing information; the degree of "immersion" of the child in various information (second component), the degree of its awareness and assimilation.

The indissolubility and interconnection of the second component (information) and the third (attitude to information) is obvious. If adults learn the world with their minds, small children - with emotions. For adults, information is primary, attitude is secondary. In children, the opposite is true: attitude is primary, information is secondary.

The cognitive development of preschool children with ODA impairments implies the work of teachers with all three components of the cognitive sphere.

Cognitive development is the most voluminous, informative and complex area, which includes the development of basic cognitive processes: perception, memory, thinking, imagination and attention. The operational side of cognitive processes is those actions, those transformations that a child can perform with the information he receives. So, he can use certain actions to group items (for example, to classify them); the simplest signs (schemes, models) to generalize ideas.

When determining the level of mastery of knowledge, it is important to note two main characteristics. The first is knowledge itself. This includes the child's ideas about nature, the products of human culture, and human relations. This knowledge gradually deepens and expands throughout the preschool age, and is generalized.

However, there is also a second characteristic in the mastery of knowledge - this is the development of ways to obtain it. This includes developing the child's ability to listen to an adult, answer questions, ask questions, experiment on his own.

1.2 Cognitive development of older preschool children

The cognitive activity of children is very high: each answer of an adult gives rise to new questions. Consequently, it is extremely important at this age to contribute to the formation in children of a creative attitude to the world around them and to their activities.

The development of the intellectual abilities of a preschooler cannot occur without the formulation and solution of a wide variety of tasks.

The task is the beginning, the initial link of the cognitive, search and creative process, it is in it that the first awakening of thought is expressed.

The task of the teacher, using a variety of teaching methods, including play, is to systematically and purposefully develop children's mobility and flexibility of thinking. Persistently stimulate the processes of restructuring, switching, search activity; teach children to reason, be flexible in approaching problems, think, draw conclusions themselves, find new, original approaches in order to feel the pleasure of learning.

For the formation of intellectual and cognitive abilities in children, I have identified the following tasks:

* Expand children's understanding of the "big world" through multimedia presentations.

* Systematize existing and new information through logical operations (analysis, comparison, generalization, classification).

* Develop the ability to visualize modeling, independently build and use spatial models. (mnemonic tables)

* Promote the development of intellectual abilities, figurative forms of cognition (perception, memory, imagination, thinking).

My work experience convinces me that in kindergarten it is necessary to create favorable conditions for the development of figurative forms of cognition, namely:

* Perception, and, above all, such types of it as purposeful voluntary observation (over the behavior of animals and human activities, the development of plants, the variety of life forms in the surrounding world, perception and understanding of oneself and another person);

* Visual-figurative and visual-schematic thinking, as the ability to operate with images and visual models (mnemonic tables);

* Creative imagination, fantasizing, as the ability to creatively recreate and model new things.

For the development of the cognitive activity of children, it is important that their environment contains stimuli that contribute to the acquaintance of children with the means and methods of cognition, the development of their intellect and ideas about the environment. Therefore, at the first stage of my work, I transformed the subject-development environment in the group room. The environment is organized in such a way that it encourages children to interact with its various elements, thereby increasing the functional activity of the child, gives a varied and changing experience.

Work on the development of the cognitive and intellectual abilities of preschool children includes the activities of all participants in the pedagogical process: a teacher, children, parents.

It involves the establishment of new relationships between adults and children, relationships of close cooperation and partnership. And with this approach, not only educators, but also parents are involved in the educational process.

All of the above makes it possible to work in a systematic and complex manner. The basis for the implementation of the tasks set included the main areas of work with children and parents:

* Cognitive activities with the inclusion of problem situations of children's experimentation;

* Creative tasks, collecting; solving logical problems;

* Educational games and exercises; cognitive experiences;

* Questioning; consulting material (for teachers and parents)

Such purposeful work gives preschoolers the opportunity to experiment, synthesize the knowledge gained, develop creativity and communication skills, which allows them to successfully adapt to school education in the future. And parents, in turn, should be active participants in the educational process.

There is no need to prove that in older preschool age, the pace of mental development of children is very intense and dynamic. The child wants to know everything. His intellectual sphere is acquiring new qualitative characteristics. Children of this age learn not only the external qualities of objects and phenomena, but also their essential internal properties, connections and relationships between them. A six-year-old child can do a lot. But one should not, and overestimate his mental capabilities. Although the logical form of thinking is available, it is not yet typical, not characteristic of it. His type of thinking is specific. Therefore, in my work for the development of visual-figurative thinking of children, I widely use mnemonic tables.

Based on them, the child gets the opportunity to isolate the most essential properties, relationships and connections between objects of the surrounding reality. At the same time, preschoolers without much difficulty not only understand schematic images, but also successfully use them (for example, a room plan for finding a "secret" object hidden in it, a diagram like a geographic map for choosing the right road, graphic models for constructive activity, etc. etc.).

I would like to note that the child acquires cognitive and intellectual experience, first of all, in a variety of activities. Each of its types makes its own, special contribution to the development of preschool children. Does play play a huge role in the development and upbringing of a child? the most important type of children's activity. It is an effective means of shaping the personality of a child, his moral and volitional qualities; the need to influence the world is realized in the game. The Soviet teacher V. A. Sukhomlinsky emphasized that “A game? this is a huge bright window through which a life-giving stream of ideas and concepts about the world around is poured into the child's spiritual world. The game? it is a spark that ignites the spark of inquisitiveness and curiosity. " Research shows that a child who "played out" as a child will find it more difficult to learn and connect with other people than children with a rich play experience, especially the experience of playing together with peers. The acquisition of such skills in planning their own activities is necessary for a child in the process of schooling.

The formation of the child's personality depends on the development of the emotional-volitional sphere. It is at the preschool age that moral norms are assimilated, the ability to subordinate one's actions and actions to moral and ethical rules is developed, and behavioral skills in a team are formed. It should be noted that the emotional-volitional sphere does not develop by itself, but requires long-term painstaking work. Without proper development, it has every chance to form incorrectly, as a result, the child's behavior can take undesirable forms, he can become selfish, spoiled, and intellectual abilities will remain unclaimed.

Due to the fact that the content of education is currently viewed not as the goal of the educational process, but as a means of personal development, pedagogical science and practice are faced with the need to search for new pedagogical technologies that will make it possible to build a way of a child's cognition of the world around him not only as accumulation, acquisition , expanding knowledge about it, but, above all, will contribute to the development of interest in learning, intellectual reflection.

Modern information technologies are increasingly entering our lives. Educational institutions as carriers of culture and knowledge also cannot stand aside. The use of information technology and tools (TSO) significantly helps teachers to increase the effectiveness of training.

1.3 Cognitive development of preschool children

Considering the development of cognitive interest in older preschool children, it is significant that interest grows out of the need to navigate in reality and, becoming a persistent personal education, can lead to the emergence of a new need of a higher level - the need for cognition.

Modern domestic psychologists (L.S.Vygotsky, A.N. Leontyev, S.L. Rubinstein) believe that the development of cognitive interest occurs in activities where the genetic line of its development is traced: curiosity, curiosity, cognitive interest.

An analysis of the stages of interest allows us to trace the dynamics of its formation, and is also necessary to determine the main trends and develop a mechanism for the development of cognitive interest in older preschool children. In this regard, let us dwell in more detail on the disclosure of the features of the formation of interest during the preschool age.

The child's active attitude to the world of things and phenomena manifests itself early. Already in the first year of life, the baby reaches out to the object, grabs it, performs a number of actions with it. This sensory cognition constitutes the initial, yet unconscious level of interest in the subject (L.I.Bozhovich, L.A. Venger, L.S.Vygotsky, N.F. Leontiev, A.V. Zaporozhets, N.N. Poddyakov ). This is due to the fact that the child is open to the perception of the environment, inseparable, merged with the external environment (A.A. Melik - Pashayeva). Orientation in the surrounding reality is the very initial stage of a child's cognitive activity, and this stage is due not only to a primary need, which also occurs in an animal acting on the basis of the instinct of self-preservation. This is already the initial form of a person's spiritual need. Then, under the influence of communication with an adult, complicating activities that expand the child's experience, from the many objects and phenomena of the surrounding world, the child gradually selectively selects only a few, to which his attention is drawn, emotions, i.e. curiosity.

Curiosity is an elementary stage of selective attitude, which is due to purely external, often unexpected circumstances that attract attention. According to B.G. Ananyev, with the elimination of these external signs, the selective focus of attention also disappears. At the stage of curiosity, the child shows an emotional reaction to novelty, accompanied by orienting reactions, which explains the child's constant curiosity about the world around him. At this level of development of cognitive interest, the child still does not notice the desire for cognition of the essence, he is content only with the amusement of this or that object, this or that situation, and nevertheless the factor of amusement can serve as the basis for the manifestation of cognitive interest. The role of an adult is important here, in order not to let the curiosity that has arisen fade away, you need to support it, deepen it, turn it into a need for knowledge. Curiosity (an elementary manifestation of cognitive activity) reveals cognitive needs in the baby, in which the sources of curiosity are hidden.

Curiosity is a valuable personality state characterized by a person's desire to penetrate beyond what he has seen. At this stage of development of interest, children are characterized by rather strong emotions of surprise, the joy of learning, and satisfaction with activities. This is a special form of cognitive activity, an undifferentiated focus of the child on cognition of surrounding objects, phenomena, on mastering reality (D.P. Godovikova, S.L. Rubinstein). This general undifferentiated, emotionally colored orientation of children towards learning a wide range of phenomena is the essence of curiosity. As noted by N.G. Morozova, curiosity is diffuse, not focused on a separate subject or activity. Therefore, an inquisitive child is interested in everyone around him, but not deeply. However, becoming a stable character trait, curiosity has a significant value in the development of personality. Curious people are not indifferent to the world, they are always in search (G.I.Schukina). NF Dobrynin called this stage "the significance of the action", referring to the awakening of curiosity by the activity of the child. In the future, on this basis, differentiated cognitive interests are formed.

Cognitive interest is a desire for knowledge, which is combined with the joy of knowledge and encourages a person to learn as much new as possible, to find out what is incomprehensible about the qualities, properties of objects, phenomena of reality, in the desire to penetrate into the essence, to find the connections and relationships between them. Cognitive interests on the way of their development are characterized by cognitive activity, selective focus, the desire to independently solve problematic issues, cognitive tasks, and establish cause-and-effect relationships. They include intellectual activity combined with emotional attitude and volitional effort.

The concepts of curiosity and cognitive interest have a common basis - a cognitive attitude to the surrounding world. The difference between these concepts is that, firstly, curiosity and cognitive interest are different in the depth of the need they cause in the subject to penetrate the essence of the phenomenon, cognitive interest is characterized by the subject's concentration on certain objects and is a more complex phenomenon than curiosity. Secondly, curiosity and cognitive interest are different in breadth, aroused in the subject by the need to cover subject areas of knowledge about the world around him, curiosity is a more voluminous concept, in this regard, than interest. Third, cognitive interest is strictly selective, as opposed to curiosity. Fourth, cognitive interest is more successful in activating will, attention, and other psychological processes than curiosity.

Thus, interest as a psychological concept includes many significant processes - from single ones to their aggregate and is expressed in tendencies, needs, relationships. Valuable is the desire of modern psychology to consider interest not in isolation, but in the integral structure of the personality, in the light of the relationships and needs that determine the personality, and also as a dynamic category that has certain stages of formation in ontogenesis.

In the general pedagogical sense, interest is defined (from Lat. Interests - has meaning, important) as the desire to cognize an object or phenomenon, to master one or another type of activity.

In pedagogical practice, cognitive interest is considered as an external stimulus for the processes of upbringing and learning, as a means of enhancing the cognitive activity of a child, as an effective tool for a teacher that allows him to make the learning process attractive, to highlight in teaching exactly those aspects that can attract the involuntary attention of children, activate thinking, provide ease and strength of assimilation.

In an effort to systematize the main provisions of pedagogical science on this issue, we turn to the works of VB Bondarevsky, A.K. Dusavitsky, N. G. Morozova, G. I. Shchukina, T. A. Kulikova and others.

The essence of the pedagogical approach to solving the problem of cognitive interest is as follows:

In the selection in the pedagogical process of the objective possibilities of interesting sides, phenomena of the surrounding life;

In the search for optimal ways to constantly maintain in children a state of active interest in surrounding phenomena, moral, aesthetic, scientific values;

In the purposeful formation of the entire system of training and education of cognitive interest as a valuable personality trait.

Thus, the results of pedagogical research confirm that the development of interest is not a self-contained autonomous process. It is conditioned by the social environment; the scope and nature of the activity of not only the child himself, but also the people around him; processes of education and upbringing, which have special stimuli for arousing interest; the activity of the personality itself, its position. The dependence of interests not only on surrounding objects, but also on people directing, switching, correcting them, confirms the complexity of interest as a psychological and pedagogical phenomenon.

In addition, the study of cognitive interest as a valuable education of a personality allows us to identify its psychological and pedagogical basis, which is made up of interconnected intellectual, emotional, regulatory and creative processes.

Intellectual processes, in addition to logical actions and operations (analysis, synthesis, comparisons, comparisons), generate states of contemplation, reflection, reasoning. GI Shchukina called mental, intellectual processes "the core of cognitive interest." Cognition is impossible without active thought, therefore, thinking processes are the most significant for the development of interest. Developing an interest in the history of the objective world among preschoolers, we must ensure the mastery of the system of knowledge about the objective world (its past and present), as well as the mastery of the system of logical operations to establish cause-and-effect relationships "person - object", "child - object", without which is impossible to foresee a future object.

The basis of a preschooler's interest is an emotional attitude, expressed in a positive, preferable attitude towards the object of interest. Bright positive emotions, determining the needs of children in knowledge, contribute to the development of new motives for activity. Curiosity, as the primary form of manifestation of a cognitive attitude, is based on such an emotional state as surprise. Antiquities are capable of arousing interest in children precisely because of their uncertainty. They surprise with their "unusualness": the child's perception comes into conflict with the usual experience. This leads to the desire to understand the contradiction, therefore, to the emergence of cognitive interest. In addition to emotionally colored facts about the past of the objective world, an excited story of an adult causes an emotional upsurge in a preschooler. In this state, their perception is sharpened, and information is remembered more firmly and for a longer period.

As a special form of reflection of mental development, emotional processes bring to interest many emotional states and experiences: a sense of success, the joy of learning, pride in one's achievements, satisfaction with activities. GI Shchukina noted that in the interest "emotional processes, experiences, do not leave room for cold rationality."

AV Zaporozhets emphasized that "education is not limited to teaching a child a set of known knowledge and skills, but necessarily involves the formation of an emotional attitude to the environment ...".

Thus, an emotional attitude to an object is an obligatory sign and basis of interest.

At the same time, in the development of interest, thought in the process of active search is closely connected with volitional processes. Volitional aspirations, purposefulness, decision-making, attention - all these are regulatory processes that are of great importance for the development of cognitive interests. The most characteristic volitional manifestations of cognitive interest should be considered the initiative of the search, the independence of acquiring knowledge, advancing and setting tasks on the path of cognition.

R.S. Bure points out that the prospect of joy, the expectation of positive emotions, gives rise to the energy for overcoming difficulties in children. At the same time, success is inspiring only when it serves as an indicator of the strength and ability of the child. To do this, he must have the necessary ideas (about the history of the creation of objects), skills, master the ways of their development and use. Then the joy of overcoming obstacles will raise him in his own eyes and those of his peers and adults around him, which will contribute to the development of sustainable interest.

The development of cognitive interests and activity, individual independence are interdependent processes. Cognitive interest generates activity; in turn, increased activity strengthens and deepens cognitive interest. The property of activity as a personality trait develops in activities of a different plan (play, cognitive, work). Cognitive activity, acquiring the features of an intellectual and emotional response to solving various learning problems, creates in the child a desire to listen more sensitively and to look closely at what is happening around, to look for entertaining questions in everyday life. For the development of activity, independence as personal qualities, an important role is played by the fact that the child acts as a subject of activity. If the child's activity is always only performing, imitative, the motivation for the child's activity will always come only from the adult, and his own activity will not rely on the internal environment, the interest in its development will experience fluctuations in the situational order, and in the absence of external motives, it will completely fade away. ... Therefore, for the development of a cognitive interest in the history of the objective world, an activity of a search, creative nature is necessary, where the child acts as a subject of activity.

Thus, with all the variety of processes included in the cognitive interest, they are not isolated, and their presence is a condition for the intellectual and creative development of the individual. Considering the entire upbringing and educational process as a unity of internal and external, it is important to develop such processes as intellectual (the ability to analyze, synthesize, compare, generalize, establish causal relationships), emotional, volitional (development of purposefulness, the formation of planning actions) , creative (the development of variability and hypotheticalness) - everything that, in an organic connection, forms the basis for the development of the cognitive interest of preschoolers in the history of the objective world.

It is also important to highlight the characteristics of cognitive interest that are significant in the process of studying the level of manifestation of interest in older preschool children.

A.K. Markova identifies two groups of criteria for sustainable cognitive interest: meaningful, associated with the characteristics of activity and activity, and dynamic. In substantive criteria, she distinguishes the following characteristics:

Efficiency, as an expression of interest in real behavior and actions, domination as predominance in the structure of the personality;

Selectivity as focus on a specific subject;

Activity, as a concentration in the interest of the diverse efforts of the individual;

Awareness, as a reflection in the mind of the student of the subject of interest and the way to satisfy it;

Mediation, as the refraction of immediate impulses by social standards and value orientations;

Generalization, as the prevalence of interest in a number of academic subjects, classes;

Independence of arising, as the emergence of interest without the help of another person.

The dynamic characteristics of the interest of A.K. Markov relates:

Emotionality as a positive or negative modality of interest;

Switchability, as flexibility, ease of transition from one interest to another;

Latitude, as the number of objects and objects to which the interest extends;

Stability, as the duration of preservation, severity, strength and intensity of interest.

N.G. According to the degree of stability, Morozova identified two types of interest - episodic, temporary, and stable, personal. There is a certain "psychological relationship" between these two types of interest - they are characterized by the desire to gain knowledge, the joy associated with this, the tension of an emotional and cognitive nature.

The very name of the first type of interest shows that it exists temporarily, stimulates its cognitive material, the external side of the activity, the method of presenting (and not assimilating) knowledge. Initially, it arises as an experience of the joy of knowing an object, phenomenon or method of action, as the joy of mastering an activity, which, by virtue of its organization, causes the child to be active.

Stable, or personal, interest develops as the child's cognitive aspiration. It is long-lasting, associated with a proactive search for knowledge. Sustained cognitive interest plays a significant role in the formation of a child's personality.

Yu.K. Babansky and F.K. Savin as the features of the material that stimulate interest are distinguished: its relevance and novelty; disclosure of facts known to preschoolers from a new angle; visibility; entertaining; emotionality; the presence of historical information in the material; showing the latest achievements of science; the effect of paradox, surprise; practical application of the knowledge gained in everyday life, their significance for children; the presence of intersubject connections in the studied material; the use of cognitive games.

N.N. Poddyakov, as the main feature of interest, calls the uncertainty of the object, which is due to such factors as novelty, complexity, cognitive conflict in the collision of the learned and the unknown.

For the formation and actualization of cognitive interest, it must be constantly initiated. During the school period of his life, the child tries to learn as much as possible. Therefore, if you find the right approaches, learning from a complex and tedious necessity can turn into an exciting journey into the world of knowledge. We believe that didactic play is the strongest factor for enhancing cognitive activity.

Didactic play is a multifaceted, complex pedagogical phenomenon. It is a playful method of teaching children, a form of learning, independent play activity, a means of comprehensive education of the individual, as well as one of the means of developing cognitive activity in older preschool children.

Cognitive (didactic) games are specially created situations that simulate reality, from which preschoolers are invited to find a way out.

The technology of the didactic game is a specific technology of problem learning. At the same time, the play activity of older preschool children has an important property: in it, cognitive activity is self-movement, since information does not come from the outside, but is an internal product, the result of the activity itself. The information obtained in this way generates a new one, which, in turn, entails the next link, and so on until the final learning result is achieved.

Didactic play as a means of developing the cognitive activity of older preschool children contains great potentialities:

Activates cognitive processes; fosters the interest and attentiveness of older preschool children;

Develops abilities; introduces children to life situations;

Teaches them to act according to the rules, develops curiosity;

Consolidates knowledge, skills.

The general structure of a didactic game contains the following components:

Motivational: needs, motives, interests that determine the desires of children to take part in the game;

Indicative: the choice of means of gaming activities;

Executive: actions, operations that make it possible to realize the set game goal;

Control and evaluative: correction and stimulation of the activity of game activity. The structural element of play is a play task carried out by children in play. Two tasks - didactic and play - reflect the relationship between learning and play. In contrast to the direct formulation of a didactic task in the classroom in didactic play, it is carried out through a play task, determines play actions, becomes the child's own task, arouses the desire and need to solve it, activates play actions. The presence of a didactic task emphasizes the educational nature of the game, the orientation of the educational content on the processes of cognitive activity of older preschool children.

The amusement of the conditional world of the game makes the monotonous activity of memorizing, repeating, consolidating or assimilating information positively emotionally colored, and the emotionality of the game action activates all mental processes and functions of a senior preschool child. Another positive side of didactic play is that it promotes the use of knowledge in a new situation, thus, the material assimilated by preschoolers passes through a kind of practice, brings variety and interest to the pedagogical process. A correctly constructed game enriches the thinking process, develops self-regulation, and strengthens the will of the child. The game leads to his independent discoveries, solutions to problems.

1.4 Plot-role play as a way of all-round development of the child

Role-playing games are games that children themselves come up with. The games reflect the knowledge, impressions, ideas of the child about the world around them, and social relations are recreated. Each such game is characterized by: theme, game design, plot, content and role.

In games, the creative imagination of a child is manifested, who learns to operate with objects and toys as symbols of the phenomenon of life around him, comes up with various combinations of transformation, through the role he takes on, he leaves the circle of familiar everyday life and feels himself an active "participant in the life of adults" (D. B. Elkonin) ...

In games, the child not only reflects the surrounding life, but also rebuilds it, creates the desired future. As L. S. Vygotsky wrote in his works, "the child's play is not a simple memory of the experience, but the creative processing of the experienced impressions, their combination and the construction of them into a new reality that meets the needs and desires of the child himself."

In play, all aspects of a child's personality are formed in unity and interaction.

Play takes an important place in the system of physical, moral, labor and aesthetic education of preschoolers.

The game is of great educational value, it is closely related to learning in the classroom, with observations of everyday life.

As noted by V.I. Yadeshko. - in creative games, an important and complex process of mastering knowledge takes place, which mobilizes the child's mental abilities, his imagination, attention, memory. Playing roles, depicting certain events, children reflect on them, establish a connection between various phenomena. They learn to independently solve game problems, find the best way to implement their plans, use their knowledge, and express them in words.

Quite often the game serves as a pretext for communicating new knowledge to preschoolers, for expanding their horizons. With the development of interest in the work of adults, in public life, in the heroic deeds of people, children have their first dreams of a future profession, the desire to imitate their favorite heroes. All this makes play an important means of creating the direction of the child's personality, which begins to take shape in preschool childhood.

Creative play cannot be subordinated to narrow didactic goals; with its help, the main educational tasks are solved.

An interesting game increases the child's mental activity, and he can solve a more difficult problem than in class. But this does not mean that classes should be conducted only in the form of a game. Learning requires a variety of methods. Play is one of them, and it gives good results only in combination with other methods: observation, conversation, reading, etc.

While playing, children learn to apply their knowledge and skills in practice, to use them in different conditions. In creative games, a wide scope for invention and experimentation opens up. In games with rules, knowledge mobilization is required, an independent choice of a solution to a given problem.

Play is an independent activity in which children interact with their peers. They are united by a common goal, joint efforts to achieve it, and common experiences. Play experiences leave a deep imprint on the mind of the child and contribute to the formation of good feelings, noble aspirations, skills of collective life. The task of the educator is to make each child an active member of the play team, to create relationships between children based on friendship, justice, responsibility to comrades.

The game fosters interest and respect for the work of adults: children portray people of different professions and at the same time imitate not only their actions, but also their attitude to work, to people. Often the game serves as a stimulus to work: the production of the necessary attributes, design.

Play is an important means of aesthetic education of preschoolers, since in this activity creative imagination, the ability to conceive, develops and develops the rhythm and beauty of movements. A deliberate selection of toys helps to develop an artistic taste.

Thus, in preschool childhood, play is the most important independent activity of a child and is of great importance for his physical and mental development, the formation of individuality and the formation of a children's team.

2.Experimental study of the dynamics of role-playing game in senior preschool age

2.1 Organizational aspects of designing an experiment

The experimental study was carried out in January 2014 on the basis of MDOU No. 12 "Lebedushka" in Ermolino.

Purpose: to study the development of role-playing games in senior preschool age. The experiment involved 15 children aged 5.3 to 6 years. Sample characteristics in table 1.

Table No. 1.

Production characteristic

Name code

The study was of an ascertaining nature. It was aimed at studying the development of role-playing games in older preschool age. At the stage of empirical research, 2 methods were used: observation with the aim of studying the dynamics of the plot-role play of children in conditions of free activity; a conversation method that was used to study children's play preferences.

During the observation, the indicators of the development of the plot-role-playing game we identified were recorded:


The first procedure we used was talking with children about their play preferences. The results of the conversation are presented in table 2. _

the plots of children's games were also analyzed and typical plots for older preschool children were identified, the results are presented in diagram 1.

2.2 Analysis and discussion of the results of the study of the dynamics of role-playing games in senior preschool age

Analysis of the conversation.

After analyzing the results of the conversation, we concluded that at senior preschool age, 20% of children prefer playing at home and 80% in the kindergarten group, justifying this with a large number of children, that is, supposed play partners, which indicates that these children prefer playing in a team of peers.

Based on the results of the conversation about favorite and desired games, the children's answers showed that at the senior preschool age, 10% of children want to play object games with toys and 90% prefer a plot-role-playing game with their peers, based on this, we can say that plot- role play in children of this age is the leading activity and its features correspond to age characteristics.

Having studied the answers of children about the game actions performed in the game, we came to the conclusion that at the senior preschool age, 10% of children in the game perform object actions and 90% perform game actions aimed at a peer in a role-playing game.

Based on the results of answers to questions about their preferred playmate, at senior preschool age, 100% of children prefer to play role-playing games with their peers. Based on the results of this analysis, it can be seen that in the senior preschool age, the main topic is social issues (“school”, “travel”, “cafe”, “shop”, “hospital”).

The second procedure that we used was observation of the independent role-playing game of 5.5-6 years old children in natural conditions. our goal was to study the development of role-playing games in senior preschool age. We analyzed the observational data according to the levels of development of the plot-role-playing game identified by D. Elkonin (the criteria were the components of a plot-based role-playing game according to Elkonin: 1- role, 2- plot, 3- content, 4- game actions), the analysis of levels is presented in diagram 2.

observation analysis:

After analyzing the results obtained, we can conclude that in older preschool children, the fourth level of development of the narrative role-playing game according to Elkonin prevails.

the central content of the game is the performance of actions reflecting social and interpersonal relationships. preliminary planning is carried out: the concept of the game is formulated, roles and game items are distributed, sometimes the rules of the game are determined. the roles are clear and distinct, their implementation is governed by the rule. speech is expressive, detailed and clearly role-playing. actions are logical and varied, unfolding in a clear sequence. the proportion of speech actions is increasing. the child isolates the rules from real life and demonstrates obedience to them in the game. substitutions are widely used.


As a result of the work done, the research carried out, we can say that the role-playing game is undoubtedly the leading activity of the older preschooler. It is through play that the child learns the world, prepares for adulthood. At the same time, play is the basis for the child's creative development, the development of the ability to correlate creative skills in real life. The game acts as a kind of bridge from the world of children to the world of adults, where everything is intertwined and interconnected: the world of adults affects the world of children (and vice versa). The plot-based role-playing game is based on the perception of the presented rules, thereby orienting the child to comply with certain rules of adult life. By virtue of its characteristics, play is the best way to develop a child's creativity without using coercive methods. From all of the above, it is clear what role play should play in the modern educational process and how important it is to strive to activate the play activity of preschoolers.

Currently, there is a reformation of Russian pedagogy, including preschool. Today, the most relevant is the implementation of modern developing pedagogical technologies in the educational process. As mentioned above, the leading activity of preschool children is play. Therefore, in recent years, the most urgent is the problem of introducing modern gaming technologies into the educational practice of preschool institutions. It is known that the role-playing game in the classification of game activity is considered the most difficult, but also the most significant for the personal development of children when they enter the world of social relations with the people around them, with nature. The success of performing game actions, the ability of children to live in a single children's team, and the development of children's outlook on speech depend on the correct management of the game, on the timely enrichment of role-playing games.


1. Asmolov AG Psychology of personality., Principles of general psychological analysis. M. publishing house Mosk. University, 1990.

2. Boguslavskaya Z. M. Developing games for children of younger preschool age / M. Enlightenment 1991.

3. Bondarenko A. K. Education of children in the game / M. Education, 1983.

4. Developmental and educational psychology: Texts. Elkonin D.B. / Comp. and comments. Shuare Marta O. - M.: 1992.

5. Vygotsky L.S. Educational Psychology / Ed. V.V. Davydova. - M .: Pedagogy, 1991.

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Topic: The influence of role-playing games on the social and moral development of older preschool children

What is a game in its general sense?Play is the central activity of a child, filled with meaning and meaning for him. Play is an essential part of a child's healthy development. Emotionally important experience gets meaningful expression in the game. Play is an important link in communication between children.In modern pedagogical theory, play is considered as the leading activity of a preschooler. The leading position of the game is determined not by the amount of time the child devotes to it, but by the fact that: it satisfies his basic needs; in the depths of the game, other types of activity arise and develop; play is most conducive to the mental development of the child.

Elkonin D.B. emphasized that play is a complex psychological phenomenon that gives the effect of general mental development. According to KD Ushinsky, the child “lives” in play and the traces of this life remain deeper in him than the traces of real life. In the game, the child learns to subordinate his behavior to the rules of the game, learns the rules for communicating with people, develops his mental abilities and cognitive interests, which are especially important for successful schooling. Playing for a child is a serious business.

Games differ in content, characteristic features, in what place they occupy in the life of children, in their upbringing and education.

In our study, we will consider the role-playing game and how it affects the social and moral development of older preschool children.

In older preschool age, role-playing game becomes the leading type of activity, where the child models the ways of behavior, actions, relationships of adults. It highlights the relationship between people and the meaning of their work. In fulfilling roles, the child learns to act in accordance with the moral norms accepted in human society. Role-playing games take a significant place in the life of children. A distinctive feature of the plot-based role-playing game is that it is created by the children themselves, and their play activity is of a clearly expressed amateur and creative nature. Their basis is children's amateur performances. Sometimes such games are called creative role-playing games, emphasizing that children do not just copy certain actions, but creatively comprehend and reproduce them in the created images, game actions. In a creative role-playing game, the child actively recreates, models the phenomena of real life, experiences them, and this fills his life with rich content, leaves a mark for many years. A role-playing game is a kind of school in which a child actively and creatively learns the rules and norms of people's behavior, their attitude to work, to the world around them, to people and to himself. The ability to see the world not only from one's own point of view, but also through the eyes of another person appears in the game, i.e. intellectual decentration takes place, the ability to analyze one's own actions, actions, motives of behavior with the actions of other people is formed. In such a game and through such a game, preschool children develop and form such qualities as honesty, sincerity, initiative, empathy, endurance, sympathy, compassion.

Features of the role-playing game are revealed in the works of psychologists (L.S.Vygotsky, D.B. Elkonin, A.V. Zaporozhets) and teachers (R.I. Zhukovskaya, D.V. Menzheritskaya, A.P. Usova, N. Ya. Mikhailenko).

Psychologist Zaporozhets Z.A. notes: "A role-playing game, like a fairy tale, teaches a child to imbue with the thoughts and feelings of the people portrayed, going beyond the circle of everyday impressions into the wider world of human aspirations and heroic deeds."

The famous psychologist L.S. Vygotsky believes that the role-playing game is the most important source of the formation of the social consciousness of a preschool child. This is its main function and significance for the development of the personality of a child of this age. In the game, according to Vygotsky, “homoesse"- the person becomes.

Role-playing game is social in origin, i.e. arises in the course of the historical development of society as a result of a change in the place of the child in the system of social relations. This conclusion was made by D.B. Elkonin based on the analysis of ethnographic research. The emergence of play is not associated with the action of any innate, instinctive forces, but with certain conditions of the child's life in society. The game is social not only in origin, but also in its content. All researchers who described role play indicated that the surrounding reality has a huge influence on it, that the plots of children's games are determined by social, everyday, family conditions of life.

The basis of the role-playing game is an imaginary or imaginary situation, which consists in the fact that the child takes on the role of an adult and performs it in a play environment created by him. For example, playing in school, depicts a teacher teaching a lesson with students (peers) in the classroom (on the carpet).

In the process of role-playing games, the child not only creates an imaginary situation, but also takes on the role of another. The independence of children in the role-playing game is one of its characteristic features. Children themselves choose the theme of the game, determine the lines of its development, decide how they will begin to reveal the roles, where the game will unfold, etc. e. Each child is free to choose the means of embodying the image. At the same time, nothing is impossible: you can, sitting in a chair - "rocket", find yourself on the Moon, with the help of a stick - "scalpel" - to perform an operation. Such freedom in the implementation of the concept of the game and the flight of imagination allow the preschooler to independently engage in those spheres of human activity that in real life will be inaccessible to him for a long time. Uniting in a role-playing game, children choose partners of their own free will, establish game rules themselves, monitor their implementation, and regulate relationships. But the most important thing is that in the game the child embodies his view, his ideas, his attitude to the event that he is playing out.

The creative nature of the role-playing game is determined by the presence of a plan in it, the implementation of which is associated with the active work of the imagination, with the development of the child's ability to reflect his impressions of the world around him. When playing the role, the child's creativity takes on the character of reincarnation. His success is directly related to the personal experience of the player, the degree of development of his feelings, fantasy, interests. Like any creative activity, role-playing game is emotionally saturated and gives every child joy and pleasure by its very process.

A role-playing game has the following structural components: plot, content, role.

The main component of a plot-based role-playing game is the plot, without it there is no plot-based role-playing game itself. The plot of the game is the sphere of reality that is reproduced by children. The plot is a reflection by the child of certain actions, events, relationships from the life and activities of others. At the same time, his game actions (turning the steering wheel of a car, preparing dinner, teaching students to draw, etc.) are one of the main means of implementing the plot. The plots of the games are varied. Conventionally, they are divided into household (games with the family, kindergarten), industrial, reflecting the professional work of people (games to the hospital, store, livestock farm), public (games to celebrate the city's birthday, to the library, school, flight to the moon).

The content of the game, notes D.B. Elkonin is what is reproduced by the child as the central and characteristic moment of activity and relations between adults in their everyday, work, social activities. Depending on the depth of the child's ideas about the activities of adults, the content of the games also changes. The game is not a world of absolute freedom and arbitrariness. On the contrary, it has laws and rules similar to those that are in reality. As L.S. Vygotsky, any role-playing game is a game with the rules that exist within the role that the child takes on.

What is a role for a child? The role is his playing position: he identifies himself with any character in the plot and acts in accordance with the ideas about this character. Each role contains its own rules of behavior, taken by the child from the surrounding life, borrowed from relationships in the world of adults. So, mom takes care of the children, prepares food for them, puts them to bed; the teacher speaks loudly and clearly, strict, demands that everyone listen to her, not be naughty in the classroom. Submission of the child to the rules of role-playing behavior is an essential element of the role-playing game. The deviation of any of the players from these rules provokes protests from the partners in the game: "You cannot argue with the captain!" or: "The captains give orders loudly, and you ask the sailor to wash the deck!" Thus, for preschoolers, a role is a model of how to act. Based on this sample, the child evaluates the behavior of the participants in the game, and then his own.

Consider what kind of relationship develops between children during the game.

In the course of the role-playing game, the child keeps in his head two plans: real and play: “I am a child - you are a child. I am a doctor - you are a patient. " Role and real relationships develop and manifest between children. Role relationships are determined by the plot and content of the game, taken on by the role. In role statements and actions, children reflect their ideas about the nature and content of the relationships between the characters in the game (the doctor must be attentive and careful to the patients). But even while portraying negative relationships between the characters during the game, children in reality continue to treat each other caringly and in a comradely manner.

Real relationships are relationships between children as comrades, play partners. They determine the choice and distribution of roles, they appear when the child, as it were, temporarily leaves the role and gives a variety of remarks, remarks, demands, instructions on the observance of the rules that regulate the course of the game.

L.S. Vygotsky considers the main contradiction of play: on the one hand, play is a joyful, free, emotionally rich children's activity, on the other hand, plot-based role-playing is a school of voluntary behavior. The child subordinating his actions to the rules, does what is supposed to, overcoming his desires.

Play, like other types of joint activity, requires a preschooler to display certain moral and volitional qualities, skills necessary to establish contacts with peers. Such skills of A.P. Usova characterized as qualities of the "public" and attributed to them the ability to act together; make connections with other children; find their place among the players, show initiative and convince others to take into the game; be considerate of peers; not only to influence children by organizing them, but also to obey the fair demands of their peers, to take their opinion into account. These qualities are formed and manifested in the process of communication in the joint games of children.

From all of the above, it follows that the role-playing game creates certain conditions for the assimilation of moral norms and rules of behavior. The sphere of knowledge about moral relations, accepted in human society, is mastered by the child mainly by performing roles, modeling ways of behavior, actions, relationships between people. Therefore, it is important that children understand the inner, moral meaning of "good" and "bad" actions, correctly convey the character of the characters' experiences, and not only repeat certain actions.

Thus, the value of play (plot - role in particular) for the moral formation of the personality of a preschooler is invaluable, because the child is formed when the rules are followed in plot - role relationships and when communicating with peers in real relationships about the game.

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