Stalker call of pripyat where to find artifacts. Where to find artifacts in stalker call of pripyat

The Stalker series of games has captured the minds of gamers around the world. And even if it does not shine with a graphic component, it takes on the atmosphere, open world and variety. You can play in any of the three parts for hours, tens of hours - and constantly be extremely far from the complete passage. There are a huge number of topics regarding these games that can be discussed endlessly, but now we will focus on subjects that are of interest to so many people. These are artifacts. Stalker offers you access to dozens of such objects, but it won't be so easy to find them. If you still have no idea what it is, then this article will tell you in detail about this phenomenon. So what are artifacts? "Stalker" is a game in which any find can be extremely important for the survival of your character, so you should be extremely careful about this issue.

In many computer games, there are objects with special powers - these are artifacts. "Stalker" also has artifacts in the game world, but they are slightly different from those that people are used to seeing in other computer games. Here these are objects, the origin of which is not fully known. They can form in radiation zones under its terrifying influence, or they can appear in completely different ways, which are unknown to absolutely anyone. However, no matter how the artifact is formed, it represents a goal for any gamer and NPC, as it allows you to gain certain powers. When you activate it, it starts to affect your body. Until the activation process is performed, you will not be able to find out exactly what effect this or that item will start to have on you. By the way, it is worth noting that it can also be negative. This is just a general description, later in the article much more will be said about various game artifacts. Stalker does not suffer from a shortage of them.

What are they needed for?

In the game "Stalker: Clear Sky" artifacts can be useful to you in any form, be they negative or positive. The fact is that these items are the main goal of lone stalkers - they hunt for artifacts in order to earn money in this way. Many people come to the Zone precisely because travel through it, although it is extremely life-threatening, but it promises enormous wealth, if you can successfully find and sell artifacts in anomalies. Considering the fact that initially you start the passage exactly as a lone stalker, you should also think about looking for these items in your free time from completing story missions. In the Stalker game, artifacts can really become an excellent source of income for you, as well as a good enhancement if you pay attention to them and use only those that will benefit you.

Origin of artifacts

In the game "Stalker: Call" artifacts can be very diverse, but how are they perceived directly in the game world? It is believed that artifacts are formed in anomalies, and this happens due to a certain kind of impact to which the remains of living beings, plants and various objects that find themselves in the very center of the anomaly are exposed. Naturally, no one can confirm this, so there is no single point of view. In addition, it is not even clear why such a process is taking place - is the finished artifact an object that the anomaly was working on, that is, is it its fruit of creativity, or is it just an accidentally found object that was simply processed and is its kind of waste? Among stalkers and other people, there are various legends about what actually happens in anomalies, but no one can tell you anything specifically. Also, hardly anyone knows where to find artifacts in "Stalker", because if they knew it, they themselves would have got them long ago. So if you want to get this or that artifact - go in search.

Search for artifacts

If you want to know where to find artifacts in the "Stalker", then you can only give one tip - look for anomalies. In the first parts of the game, artifacts are located close to the anomaly that formed them, and they can be easily noticed even with the naked eye. The search is also simplified by the fact that artifacts are highlighted with a slight glow, and sometimes they can even move in space. As you can see, in this case, the search for the artifact is not so difficult, and it cannot be said that it is dangerous. However, with the release of the "Clear Sky" part, everything has changed a lot. Firstly, artifacts are no longer visible to the naked eye - you need to use a special device called a detector to detect them. When you use the detector near the location of an artifact, it is highlighted on the screen. However, this is not all. Secondly, the location of the artifacts has changed - now you cannot find them near the anomalies, you will have to go directly inside the anomalies, which is much more dangerous. This is exactly how the search in the game "Stalker: Clean" was complicated. Artifacts, however, have not lost their popularity, in part due to the fact that their cost and effectiveness have increased along with changes in the gameplay.

Artifact properties

Many gamers focus on the question: "Where are the artifacts?" "Stalker: Call of Pripyat" is a game in which you better focus on other questions, such as "What do they give?" The properties of artifacts are a very interesting topic that you should thoroughly study before you go to the nearest anomaly in search of this or that item. The fact is that they all have positive and negative properties, which are similar in those artifacts that are produced by the same type of anomalies. For example, if you find an object not far from the "funnel", you can understand that this artifact, when activated, will increase your protection against blows and explosions. This is a very useful property, but at the same time you should remember that in parallel with this, such an artifact will be extremely radioactive, which will cause you damage of a completely different kind. And if you take for consideration an artifact from the "rusty hair" anomaly, then it, on the contrary, cleans your body of radiation - but at the same time, if your character is injured, then it will bleed much more strongly. It is worth noting that the more powerful the object, the stronger its effect, but this applies not only to positive, but also to negative effects. So in the game "Stalker: Shadow of Chernobyl" artifacts should be used wisely.

Tactical approach

So, if you find an artifact, then it can be activated and used, not just sold. Activation is extremely simple - you have five slots in your suit that you can use to place the artifacts you have found there. As soon as an artifact is in one of these slots, it is activated, and its positive and negative properties begin to affect your character. These five slots are present only in the first game - in other parts it all depends on your costume - there can be one slot, and there can also be more of them. But their maximum number does not exceed five. It is worth noting that you can activate several artifacts at once. And this is where you can get creative. If you correctly place your artifacts, then in the end you can compensate for the negative effects of items, making their action much more useful for your character. Naturally, this is not as easy to do as we would like - you will have to spend a lot of time in search and selection of the necessary artifacts, but the result is worth the time spent.

Inactivated artifact

Many gamers are wary of going in search of artifacts, as they think that their negative effects could expose their hero to too serious dangers while they return to sell the found item. But you don't need to worry: if you are not going to use the artifact for yourself. After all, to use it, you need to activate it. As long as it is simply in your inventory, it is inactive, so no effects will work. Until you activate it yourself, you will not receive either positive or negative properties of this artifact, so you can safely deliver it to the merchant and sell it.

Create anomalies

It was originally planned that with the help of artifacts it will be possible to create your own anomalies for their further use. However, in the end, the developers decided that this function was not needed in a single-player game, so they cut it out completely. But she remained in multiplayer mode. What is the essence of this function? If you have found an artifact and activated it, then you can perform a very interesting operation. Take the activated artifact in your hands and immediately throw it on the ground. In a few seconds, a miracle will happen - a new anomaly of the same type in which this item was found will appear in the place of the artifact.

Funnel artifacts

So, you have learned all the basic data about what artifacts are in the Stalker series of games. Now it's time to take a look at some examples. To begin with, it is worth taking the most common anomaly - the "funnel". Here you can find Gravi, Twist and even Goldfish. All these artifacts are united by the same properties - a positive one reduces damage from cutting weapons by 2-5 percent, but at the same time increases damage from radiation by five percent.

Fry artifacts

The next three artifacts relate to the anomaly "Frying" - these are the Drop, and the Crystal. Each of them lowers your character's stamina by 18 percent, but at the same time increases his protection from radiation by 10, 20 or even 30 percent.

Other artifacts

Naturally, there are far from two anomalies, but there is no point in listing all the artifacts. It's just worth noting that one anomaly may have a decrease in bleeding, but an increase in burn damage, and the other - an increase in stamina, is combined with an increase in electricity damage. So you should carefully look at the properties of artifacts and try to use them in combination so that the positive conditions of one artifact overlap the negative conditions of the other - it is quite possible to do this.

Perhaps there is no more surprising, unusual and mysterious artifact than The Heart of the Oasis, The Call of Pripyat does not know. This is truly a legendary item. Every person in the Zone has heard of him. Someone believes in its existence, while others do not. But there is no one who does not want to possess it. So, let's talk about it in more detail.

How to find an artifact

After visiting the scientists and talking with Ozersky, Major Degtyarev can take on the task of finding the legendary artifact "Heart of the Oasis". Finding it won't be easy, but it's worth it!

Leaving the Yanov station, go along the railway to the buildings in the northwest. Here you can find the descent into the dungeon. Be careful - jerboas live here, which can cause a lot of trouble. A pistol or machine gun is best suited to destroy them. Further, after passing through the labyrinth of pipes, the stalker will find himself in a spacious room with columns. This is where the main difficulties begin. However, if you know how to proceed further, then not the slightest problem will arise.

Look around and see that one of the arches is sparkling. Go through it and move on. The teleport will knock you back. Walk forward through the arch again. Sometimes they will change, and sometimes they will remain the same. Another thing is important - when Major Degtyarev passes under the necessary arches, the teleport will stop throwing him back, and he will be right in the room with the desired artifact - a green ball hangs on a tree. Yes, the stalker "Heart of the Oasis" has finally found it!

If the hero does not feel well, and you don’t want to spend the first-aid kit, then you can just stand in a puddle under the artifact - his life-giving power is so great that it spreads within a radius of several meters. At the same time, the hunger will pass.

But be careful - as soon as the artifact is removed from the tree, a pseudo-dog will immediately appear in the room. You can shoot him or immediately retreat to the stairs and climb up - you won't have to go through the room with portals on the way back.

What properties does it have

The artifact really has outstanding properties. It adds +2 to health, +2 to stamina, -2 to bleeding, +1 to saturation. That is, now you can run around the Zone without carrying food that is quite heavy. And the bandages with first-aid kits will have to be spent much less often.

Alas, it has a "Heart of the Oasis" and a serious minus. It has a strong fonit - radiation +4. You will have to constantly swallow antirad, but it is better to find the "Bubble" artifact. He just perfectly fights radiation -4, so he will be able to balance the negative properties of a valuable find.

Influence of the artifact on the ending

Of course, such an artifact as "Heart of the Oasis" could not help but influence the ending. And, as practice shows, it is better to keep it to yourself. In this case, the new slide will not appear in the final presentation.

But if you give the artifact to scientists, it turns out that rumors about it quickly spread throughout the Zone. And the bandits brazenly take advantage of this - promising to show the newcomer the way to a valuable find, they simply take them to a safe place and rob. So, you can leave the artifact to yourself and not suffer from remorse.

1. Near the stone behind the bush lies a Koster grenade launcher, 3 VOG-25k grenades and a PSO-1m optical sight.

2. Between a bush and a slender tree there are 2 power engineers, 2 first-aid kits, 180 Kalashnikov rounds and 180 NATO rounds.

3. (he and 4 outside the map) Under a wooden structure is a first-aid kit, a bandage and 2 hand grenades RGD-5.

4. In the bush hid (right along the course in the picture) 3 energy drinks, 2 first-aid kits, 120 cartridges for Kalashnikov and 2 portions of Periwinkle tablets.

(Attention! Power engineers tend to roll and hide from the place of the secret!)

5. Under the tree you will find an SVD-2m sniper rifle and 10 rounds of 7.62x54 7N1 mm for it.

6. Sasha gray “warms up” under a small Christmas tree, 120 members to her

7. Climb the tractor, inside - 2 bandages and a first aid kit.

8. On a tree near the dredger - a first aid kit and 2 radio protectors. Be afraid of radiation. Get out with bullets.

9. Go down into the water, there are 150 9x18 mm rounds and 100 9x19 mm rounds under the structure.

10. On the stairs in the burned down house, then we take the Vintar-VS sniper rifle.

11. Near the stone behind the tree lies the PP "Viper 5", 150 rounds of 9x19 mm for it and two RGD-5.

12. We climb onto the pipe, on the supporting structure, without flying off the pipe, take 3 bandages, bottles of vodka and 2 energy drinks.

13. Behind the bush, where the pipe goes underground - 2 first-aid kits and 3 bandages.

14. In the house under the table - bread, sausage, 2 bottles of vodka, 2 energy drinks and canned food.

15. Under the house - a TRs-301 submachine gun, 120 NATO rounds and a bandage.

16. Entrance to the tunnel, and at the end - an antidote, 2 first aid kits, 2 bandages, 2 anabiotics.

17. The stone has 2 first aid kits and 3 F1 grenades.

18. On the truck in the back of 2 canned food. The car itself is radioactive.

19. There will be some old cars in the building, inside one of them is AKM-742, plus 180 rounds of ammunition for it.

20. Climb up the stairs to the attic, on the left there will be an SPSA-14 shotgun and 20 shots of shot.

21. Look for a label in the form of an atom. There will be 3 army first aid kits and 10 charges for the Gauss cannon nearby.

22. In the cab of the truck - 150 rounds of 9x19 mm and a Marta pistol.

23. An Il-86 submachine gun and 120 NATO rounds of ammunition are in a conspicuous place on the boat.

24. Under the seat of the car, a first-aid kit and 120 rounds for Kalashnikov. It is difficult to get it, but it is possible!

25. There will be a table, in the table there will be a Black Hawk pistol and 150 rounds of 45 caliber for it.

26. Again, a radioactive machine. In the cockpit there are 90 9x39 SP-5 mm rounds for the Vintar, 120 NATO rounds.

27. There will be a tree in which the crown develops in two, and between the crowns there are two bandages, a radioprotector, periwinkle and two antidotes.

28. Go into the building. Somewhere there will be blue army first-aid kits - there is a secret. There are also 10 rounds for Gauss, you need to shoot and turn.

29. There are 100 rounds of 45 caliber and 18 rounds for Vintar under the stairs.

30. Between the stones there are 3 bandages and 2 antiradiation.

31. Between the cab and the body of the car there is a compartment where the M203 under-barrel grenade launcher and 3 M203 grenades are located to it.

32. Climb under the stone, there is a SIP-t M200 pistol, 150 rounds of 45 caliber to it, 3 energy drinks, 3 first-aid kits, 3 bandages, 2 antirad, 2 canned food.

33. A difficult secret. First, climb onto the glowing cistern, jump from it to the roof of the gas station, and then rummage around and find the Zarya overalls and a bottle of vodka.

34. First kill and bribe the mercenaries with food. Then go to the roof of the building, where there are a lot of shelves. Look under the canopy, where the main mercenaries were sitting - there we have 2 army first-aid kits, 3 bandages, Periwinkle and "Hercules".

The most avid gamers of computer games, namely Stalker, are interested in looking for artifacts. The game is quite interesting, it makes you think and puzzle over this question. Indeed, for those who possess artifacts, new opportunities open up in the game. The game "Call of Pripyat" has many artifacts that need to be discovered by going through its levels. We will tell you where to find the Call of Pripyat artifacts.

Finding and types of artifacts

There are the most basic and important ones, it is worth finding them first. What impact do they have, and where to find artifacts in Stalker?

Gingerbread man

It is not easy to find it, it is distinguished by its rarity. Helps to recover from any damage, adds 4 points of health. Weighs 0.5 kg. The "Kolobok" artifact is radioactive (+2). It is believed that this artifact affects the genetics of its owner. But scientists have not confirmed this. You need to search for this artifact in the anomalies "Fluid", "Sosnodub". In the location "Zaton" - a swampy area, west. Location "Jupiter" in the northern part. "Kolobok" appears in those areas where a high level of radiation and chemical pollution is recorded.


Possesses heat-absorbing properties, protects from excess heat. Helps withstand high temperatures in frying conditions. It doesn't get hot, doesn't get hot. Its thermal protection is +3. The artifact weighs 0.5 kg. Radiates radiation (+1). You can find the "Crystal" if you look in the "Zaton", on a burnt-out farm.

Blood of stone

An artifact that helps neutralize chemical attack. But if the defeat is big, it won't help. Its owner is protected from chemical attack by 3 points. The radioactivity of Stone Blood is +1. Weight - 0.5 kg. It can be found in anomalies, namely in "Sosnodub". There is also in the southern caves of the burnt-out farm in "Zaton".

Chunk of meat

One of the most useful and important artifacts. Organic matter "Chunk of Meat" has a very high level of protection against chemicals. Protects the wearer by absorbing contaminated air. The protection of this artifact from chemical attack is +6. Radiates radiation (+2). Weighs 0.5 kg. You can find it if you get into the Zatona caves, which are located under the burnt-out farm.

Night star

A jumping, glowing artifact that has very useful properties. May reduce gravity. It will come in handy if the backpack is very heavy. "Night Star" reduces the weight of your load, this helps to quickly get away from the enemy. The largest weight that this artifact can carry is +4. He himself weighs 0.5 kg. Has a low radiation level (+1). You can find the "Night Star" artifact in the "Backwater", namely in the "Trampoline" anomaly behind the "Dredger".


"Call of Pripyat": where to find the "Flame" artifact? This is a very rare, extremely useful artifact. It's hard to find it, but the owner gets a big plus. This artifact emits infrared rays that affect wounds. Using the Flame artifact, you can quickly get rid of severe skin damage. Despite its origin in hot spots, it is not hot. You can find the "Flame" artifact in some anomalies: "Bitumen", "Frying", "Boiler". But it is formed very rarely.


A very useful artifact and very rare. Restores seriously wounded, heals the most extensive damage. Increases health by 6 points. The radioactivity of this artifact is great. Finding the Firefly is hard. It is found where the level of chemical damage is high: in "Soda", "Concrete Bath", "Loza", "Plavnyah".


It will be very useful if you are in a radioactive zone or "swallowed" radiation. It absorbs harmful substances. You can find the artifact "Twist" in the "Backwater", namely in the "Claw" anomaly or under the burnt-out farm.

Stone Flower

Protects the wearer from the psychic effects of mutants. The defense factor is +3. You need to search for this artifact in the "Backwater", in the center of the "Claw" anomaly.

The popular game is "Call of Pripyat". Find artifacts, I hope our article will help you.

What are artifacts for and where to find them?

Artifacts in S.T.A.L.K.E.R .: Call of Pripyat are mysterious formations with unique properties that appear in places of anomalies after emissions. Anomalies that are abundant on the territory of the Zone pose a direct threat to life. Despite this, they have become the main source of enrichment for stalkers, since they generate various artifacts. Artifacts have a mixed effect on the human body - some of the effects they cause are beneficial, but the downside of this in most cases is the danger of radiation exposure. You can select artifacts in such a way that the resulting negative effect is leveled. The game features a whole scattering of artifacts in the amount of 25 pieces, all of them are unique. Most of them are mined from anomalies. Detectors are used to find them.

Hazard Class:
Spawns artifacts:
Mom's beads
Fire ball
Striking factor:

A variation of the Rift anomaly formed in a swampy area. In cracks up to several meters deep and in deeper layers of moist soil, the accumulated water heats up to high temperatures, periodically breaking out under high pressure on the gun with jets of steam, which is why it got its name.
On cool days, warmth remains around the anomaly, which attracts not only mutants, but also stalkers.
Brave and seasoned stalkers, they manage to take healing hot "baths".


Hazard Class:
Spawns artifacts:
Blood of stone
Gingerbread man
Chunk of meat
Striking factor:
Biochemical burn

A fairly new variety of symbiotic anomaly, formed as a result of the "fusion" of certain types of trees, usually oak and pine. It is clearly distinguishable from a distance by the unusual shape of the "dome" of tree trunks, which are harmless in themselves, in contrast to the accumulated hazardous chemicals under it, which are often concentrated in the "Soda" anomaly.
Getting under the dome of the anomaly, any organic matter "burns out", as if doused with organic acid. There is a suspicion that the anomaly, as a predator, dissolving organic matter, feeds itself.

Hazard Class:
Spawns artifacts:
Striking factor:
Psi radiation

Little studied, unique in form and effect, anomalous activity, the main damaging factor of which is strong psi-radiation.
It looks like a clear straight line, up to 10 meters in depth and more than 100 meters in length, an even fault. According to photographs from military satellites, the anomaly resembles a cut wound left by a gigantic knife. Hence the name.
For some, this "scar" resembles a trench from a fallen meteorite bolide, but the absence of an explosive funnel, inherent in all places where space stones land, casts doubt on this theory of occurrence.

Hazard Class:
Spawns artifacts:
Mom's beads
Fire ball
Striking factor:
Heat, Gravity

Not far from the Jupiter plant, a road collapsed. This place was nicknamed "Bitumen" because the road surface there melted. The breach is full of anomalies - frying mixed with gravitational ... And since there are two types of anomalies, it means that the artifacts should be different.

Hazard Class:
Spawns artifacts:
Stone Flower
Striking factor:

This anomaly is full of gravitational artifacts. It is difficult not to notice this place, there anomalies severely crumpled the earth, part of the hill was simply demolished. And in the caves that opened in the hill, snorks immediately settled, but they rarely go outside.
The claw is a cluster of gravitational anomalies, under the influence of which the earth curved into a bizarre formation, somewhat reminiscent of a claw. Under the "dome" of the anomaly, there are quite a few Springboards and Funnels, there is a Carousel, as well as a fairly high level of radiation.

Hazard Class:
Spawns artifacts:
Fire ball
Mom's beads
Striking factor:

"Circus" is an interesting anomaly located on the Zaton. As a result of unknown processes in the ground, a kind of depression was formed, in the center of which there were "Zharki". At a height of about 10 meters is the "Carousel". Apparently, it got its name because of the similarity to the circus arena. Inside are two movable fire anomalies that can cause significant damage.
It is worth noting that some believe that movable fire anomalies are somewhat similar to a poltergeist. At least, when moving towards the anomaly, the stalker has a feeling of being "noticed", for example, as when approaching the "Iron Forest" anomaly (or rather, the poltergeist in this anomaly). This is because the poltergeist is at the center of the anomaly. However, no throwing of heavy objects occurs, because the poltergeist is fiery (it tries to fry you, forming something like mini-fry under you).

Iron forest

Hazard Class:
Spawns artifacts:
Striking factor:
Electric discharge

In the southwest of Zaton, there is an old electrical substation. At this point, electricity "exited" from wires and transformers, forming a large field of Electra anomalies. The name of the dangerous substation was probably due to the numerous metal supports of power lines on the territory. In some places of this archianomaly, an increased radiation background is observed, and telekinetic poltergeists have also been observed in this area many times. "Iron Forest" is one of the places where one of the military helicopters crashed during the military operation "Fairway" Under the anomaly there is a test shop. It is known that there the technician Cardan was engaged in the development of a certain "product number 62", better known as the "Gauss cannon" ..


Hazard Class:
Spawns artifacts:
Fire ball
Mom's beads
Striking factor:

Ash is an old cemetery, near Kopachi. It is very dangerous there, a lot of hot weather, sometimes zombies come. Usually, this place is avoided, but sometimes artifacts are found there.

Hazard Class:
Spawns artifacts:
Blood of the Stone
Chunk of Meat, Soul
Gingerbread man, Bubble
Striking factor:
Biochemical burn

The fill behind the cement plant, this place is also called "Plavni". In that place, the bay turned into an eerie stinking swamp, it is full of "soda" in the water. Although, what kind of water is already there, it is almost solid acid. Artifacts were found there, but they say that the monsters really like this place.

Concrete bath

Hazard Class:
Spawns artifacts:
Blood of the Stone
Chunk of Meat, Soul
Gingerbread man, Bubble
Striking factor:
Biochemical burn

It is a cluster of soda anomalies located in a "concrete bath" - apparently, which served as the basis for the foundation of some extension to the Jupiter plant, which was never built. On an elevation in the center of the anomaly, artifacts of a chemical nature periodically appear, which can be picked up without even climbing into the poisonous waters of a concrete bath: just look around and understand how to jump from the upper tier to a huge, semicircular ledge south of the archianomaly and then jump even lower to the site leading to the artifact ...

Hazard Class:
Spawns artifacts:
Mom's beads
Fire ball
Striking factor:

Outwardly, the anomaly is a bit like the "Circus", but there is a significant difference. Firstly, instead of a pit, there is a small "dent" in the ground, emitting "Comets" from itself, and secondly, instead of poltergeists, stews and pseudo-dogs graze near the anomaly, hoping to get fried meat.

Hazard Class:
Spawns artifacts:
Blood of the Stone
Chunk of Meat, Soul
Gingerbread man
Bubble, Firefly
Striking factor:
Biochemical burn

"Vine" is a bizarre anomaly resembling a vine sagging between houses in Pripyat. The anomaly is dangerous with "Soda" on the ground and in the pit (where, presumably, the roots of the vine are located), and along the branches - "Acid (Chemical) comet" flying from above. However, in the pit you can occasionally find some artifacts; you can also climb the branch itself and, having shown the miracles of balancing act, reach the balcony on the top floor, then you can grab, for example, the "Kolobok" artifact. A significant relief for the stalker who decided to conquer the "Vine" is that the "Acid Comet" is in constant motion and moves along the branches of the vine. As a result, it is possible to trace the frequency with which the comet passes this or that segment of the path and it is quite "safe" to go to the balcony. At night, the "Vine" makes an indelible impression on all observers. A large plant that most resembles an overgrown vine or vine. Soda pops abound under the plant on the ground. On the trunk itself, a chemical comet flies from wall to wall. This biological arch-anomaly generates artifacts both on the ground - among chemical anomalies, and in high-rise apartments.

Space bubble

Hazard Class:
Very tall
Spawns artifacts:
Striking factor:

Well visible spherical translucent formation. Without going into the details of Einstein's theory of relativity, this anomaly can be called a "hole in space", stalkers call it a space bubble, probably because of its appearance and action.
Any object or part of it, falling into the area of ​​effect of the anomaly (entry point), instantly "falls out" from the reverse side (exit point), but only where this reverse side will end up, no one knows. Perhaps you jump out with your feet straight into the Grinder. The exact mechanism of action of this phenomenon of the Zone has not yet been studied, which is associated with the rare occurrence of this anomaly and its certain unpredictability in relation to experimenters. There are known cases of such anomalies sticking together into one, in the place of their mass appearance, having fallen into such a twisting of space, people can wander for a long time in the space limited by these anomalies, time after time teleporting to its center. Sometimes in such anomalous spaces it is possible to find the unique artifact of the Compass generated by them. Its name speaks for itself - it is able to find a loophole and show "paths" in space. With its help, you can find the point of entry or exit from the spatial anomaly.

Meat grinder

Hazard Class:
Spawns artifacts:
gold fish
Stone Flower
Striking factor:

This arch-anomaly is barely visible to the eye. Represents a sphere. It differs from other anomalous formations of a gravitational nature primarily in its large size and power, as well as in the fact that multidirectional physical forces act in the "Meat Grinder", capable of both tearing and flattening any object that has fallen into the anomaly's zone of action.

Hazard Class:
Spawns artifacts:
Striking factor:

The anomaly is presumably of a gravitational nature. At the moment of activation, with terrible force, it draws in everything that is within a radius of 10-15 meters. If you hit the center of the "funnel" there is no chance of survival: the body of both the animal and the person will be compressed into a dense lump, and then torn apart at the moment of the so-called discharge.
During the entire period of existence - on average it is about a week - the anomaly does not change the place of its manifestation; can be visually detected during the day by the characteristic movement of air above it, swirling foliage, fragments of dismembered corpses and a characteristic dark spot on the ground in the center. It is extremely dangerous at night, since it is detected only by detectors or by throwing metal objects.

Hazard Class:
Spawns artifacts:
Mom's beads
Fire ball
Eye, Flame
Striking factor:

In an inactive state, it looks like a barely visible cloud of hot air, however, when it enters the zone of action of any object or living creature, it forms a compact zone heated to a temperature of about 1500K. At night it can only be detected by powerful detectors or by throwing metal objects.

Hazard Class:
Spawns artifacts:
does not form
Striking factor:

One of the three flying anomalies in the Zone. It is a small-diameter fireball, followed by a tail from the same fire. The Comet moves exclusively along closed trajectories with constant speed.
The heat from the anomaly is felt several meters away, and contact directly with the ball itself is often fatal. However, knowing the path of the comet's motion makes it less dangerous.
An acidic version of this anomaly is also found in the archianomaly Loza. The only differences are the type of damage and the color.

Hazard Class:
Spawns artifacts:
Does not form
Striking factor:
Electric discharge

Tesla is a mobile anomaly of electrical nature. In fact, it is an electra that can fly quickly along a given trajectory. It is found mainly in confined spaces with high anomalous activity. It does not produce artifacts, by its nature it is a provocateur of electromagnetic impulses, due to which the devices begin to malfunction, or even turn off, but there is also a theory that anomalies are evolving, and this is the evolution of "Electra". It is quite possible that these anomalies are involved in the frequent crashes of military helicopters in the Exclusion Zone.

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