What to do with records in minecraft. How to make a vinyl record in the world of Minecraft

Good afternoon, dear users and guests of our portal. Today I will tell you how to make a plate in minecraft.

Music in minecraft

There is music in our favorite game. We can either enable it in the game settings, or insert the record into the player.

Most likely you are interested in two questions. How to craft turntables and records? I'll tell you everything now. Let's start by crafting a turntable. We need to get one diamond and make eight planks. We put our diamond in the central slot, and fill the rest with boards. Now we need to put what we got on the floor.

Now I’ll tell you where and how to get the record. Unfortunately, it is impossible to craft it. Perhaps there are mods that add craft records, but I don't know about that. At the moment, we can get it in an abandoned mine, dams, and so on. That is, in places where chests are randomly spawned. Most often it can be found in the village.

There is also a complicated way. If the skeleton kills the creeper, then our plate will fall out of it. It is quite difficult to do this, but you can try. Remember that if you kill the creeper yourself, then nothing but gunpowder will fall out to you.

With you was an editor - a sailor. Today we talked about music in minecraft. Until next time on Play N Trade, as well as enjoyable game!

In minecraft, you can easily make a music player and listen to various music on it, adding an amazing atmosphere to the game.

In total, the game has 12 records, each of which has its own melody recorded. But getting a record for your jukebox is no easy task. The plate only drops from a creeper killed by a skeleton arrow.
How do you get a plate in Minecraft? The easiest way to make a trap is from two doors, or four hatches, placing them next to the pressure plate, and at the top put a block so that the creeper cannot jump out. You can also use a block of soul sand as a trap. It is necessary to illuminate the area with a trap so that extra mobs do not spawn around. Now we just have to wait for the night and carefully get out into the darkness to attract the attention of the creeper. You can lightly shoot him with a bow for this purpose.
With a certain skill, you can drive the creeper into a trap without blowing it up. Now we lure the skeleton out of the darkness and run around the trap with the creeper so that it is always between you and the skeleton. If you don't want to run, you can set up a similar skeleton trap nearby. Then you can lure him there, stand behind the creeper and calmly watch as the skeleton knocks out a plate from him. Install a secure, opaque roof over the skeleton trap. Then, if you are distracted by other mobs, you can wait for the morning in the shelter and calmly get your plate.

What do the records reproduce?

13 - Ambient composition consisting mainly of cave noises, metallic clinks, bursts and sounds of skeletons and creepers.

Cat - A life-affirming melody performed by a synthesizer.

Blocks -Optimistic melody.

Chirp - Another cheerful, catchy melody.

Far - Calm and relaxing melody.

Mall - Another calm and relaxing melody.

Mellohi - Slow and dark guitar track.

Stal - Moderate jazz.

Strad -Tropical sounds played on a synthesizer.

Ward - Starts with Chopin, an excerpt from Funeral March, organ plays first, then transitions to an electronic, upbeat, adventurous melody with a dark touch.

11-A conquered record of how an unknown mob is chasing the player. You can hear the sounds of running on the ground / gravel and stone / hellstone / hellish brick, you can also hear a barking noise, as before an abrupt stop. After that, you hear something that looks like a lighter (perhaps he lights torches). After that, the run resumes, a breath of wind is heard, the sounds of a portal. The run is accelerating, but in vain - after a few seconds it breaks off. At the very end, you can hear a sound similar to the hoarse croaking of a griffin (probably one of the Enderwalker sounds) or a wolf's bark.

Wait -Bright, catchy electronic melody.


This guide will help you understand alchemy in Thaumcraft, show beginners how to use the "Crucible" and also reveal several useful schemes that will simplify your extraction of essences, as well as speed up the craft of the "Improved Version of the Crucible"
Create conveniences using essences for the "Runic Matrix" and much more

one). Crucible

Everything, as usual, starts with the simplest ...
The crucible is very inconvenient, it scatters contaminated liquid and gas, if you use it incorrectly, and that this does not happen, you must observe the correct proportions of essences, and so on ...

-How to create a crucible?- Very simple, you need to place the usual " Boiler "which is made of 7 pieces of iron, its craft is the same pants upside down only, then place the cauldron you created and press Shift + RMB on the placed boiler , with any stick, scepter, or even a staff after which it will turn into " Crucible "

-What does it take to make it work?- First dig out 1 block in the place where you are going to install it, then select one from the ways convenient for you:
one). Light a fire on Hellstone
2.) Pour there Lava Bucket
3.) Put in the hole Nitor

For the guide, I chose the method numbered "2" which looks like this

After you have applied 1 of the methods, place the crucible over the option you have chosen. warmth for crucible

Pour " A bucket of water " above " Crucible "to fill it

-How to use it?- Let's analyze the use of "Crucible" as follows, open Thaumonicon select the alchemy tab, then click for example on " Thaum Ingot "
And we will see the following:

one). First you need to fill the crucible with the required essence (Circle number 1), which is present in almost any item, but each of these items has its own essence associated with the composition of the item
For example, we will scan through " Thaumometer " "Infernal Growth "and see the following:

we see the composition of the subject (PS When creating an item, extraneous and completely unnecessary essences for crafting may be in the crucible, they will not affect the crafting itself, but they will, however, affect the release of dangerous slurry and gas that give not very pleasant effects when the operation to create subject, you must immediately press Shift + RMB with any stick, turpentine, or staff)

2) .After filling the crucible with essence:

Must drop an item highlighted by an oval under the number 2 in the screenshot above and we will get the created item

(P.S Do not forget, after crafting the item, to release the crucible with the key combination Shift + RMB Holding the wand in your hands, this action will prevent the liquid from spilling out and the formation of gases, which is completely undesirable to be near)

2). Alchemy Furnace

It is used to melt items into essences, consumes any type of fuel, but if used as fuel " Allumentum "then the speed of smelting essences will be much higher, and it also burns for a long time, it must be installed above the stove" Distillation cube "but preferably a few, create a few" Essence Tubes "and look at the picture:

And you can draw the essence 3 ways, the first you see in the figure, and the second - using the RMB on the cube " Glass Bubble "and then pour from the bottle into the jar, but to use the second method you need to" Distillation cube "there were at least 8 essences, so much better to use" Pipes and Cans "
You can attach to pipes " Crystallizers" "Centrifuges "and any others Alchemy Supplies , you will understand all this yourself when you get involved in the mod Thaumcraft, this guide contains only basic information about "Alchemy"

3). Decomposition of Essences

Some essences difficult to obtain using melting of objects, but there is a way out, we can split any " Composite"units of essences into their constituents, for example - Motus = Ordo + Aer
That is, when splitting 1 unit of Motus, we get either Ordo or Aer
Well, the diagram looks like this:
The composition of the circuit is as follows 4 " Pipes " 1 "Essence Buffer " and " Alchemical Centrifuge " Thanks to this scheme it will become easier for you to get all kinds of essences (P.S Centrifuge does not accept basic aspects " Terra Ignis Aer Ordo Perditio Aqua"and If a pipe system is used, the pipe may become littered if the pipe becomes clogged. main aspect put bank under the centrifuge to drain the main aspect into it)

4). Auto-Alchemy

Auto Alchemy is an improved version of " Crucible "and having created it, you will no longer bathe in the poisoned liquid, and breathe nauseous gases.
Well, it also simplifies heavy craft used through " Crucible "since now the required amount of essence is consumed by pipes, banks , and by any other methods Alchemy
- So what is needed for this? - first, study the entire tab " Alchemy " in your thaumonicone , after research " Autoalchemy "you will need to install" Crucible "just like using fire underneath, but now water is not needed.
Next create 2 " Alchemical Constructions "and install as shown in the picture below

Next, we take a charged stick, staff, or wand in our hands, and click on the structure using the buttons Shift + RMB and it turns out this contraption:

Many schemes for use can be applied Autoalchemistry , but we will consider the most common, and all accessible method, using " Jars and Tags with pipe system " Tags need necessarily or the system will work very slowly , look at the picture below:


And herself Alchemical construction v " Thaumonicone"looks like this:

Having 1 "Singular Pearl "They can be created in unlimited quantities, but first you need to create 8 pieces , and besides that you need 1 " Alchemy Furnace " 4 "Distillation Cuba " 4 "Simple Alchemical Constructs "and build such a structure

That is, Put " Alchemy Stove "then arrange around" Improved Alchemy Constructs "Along the edges over 4" Distillation Cuba "and between them" Alchemical Constructions "

Then by clicking Shift + RMB Charged stick on the structure, we get " Improved Alchemy Furnace "

You can do it very quickly with it. by melting essences , refueling cans , as well as connect a lot various devices v a large number
We will look at some interesting schemes.

one). Distillery

The distillation plant requires the VIS channel "Terra"
We will need:
- 3 Crystallizers
- 32 Pipes
- 2 Essence Buffers
- 4-5 Centrifuges
- 1 golem with heart "Sort"
- Many chests (so that the golem would sort crystals with essences in them)
The system looks like this:

That is, on the 1st side there is a row of crystallizers, the drop of which is tuned to the hungry chest, the other row consists of Centrifuges and buffers for essences ...
In order to manipulate correctly, they need to connect / disconnect the sides, disconnect / connect clicks using any stick, scepter, staff through pipes, the system splits compound essences if necessary, Crystallizes all these essences, or pours them into jars, set it up as you want, and into action ! ...

2). Improved Auto Alchemy Scheme

This scheme will speed up the work of Autoalchemy as much as possible.
What do you need for this ?:

-4 tanks for essences
-Auto alchemical design
The diagram looks like this:

After filling the tanks with essences, disconnect the pipe from the furnace, and create items at high speed

3.) Mego-Storage of essences for the Runic matrix

This scheme requires a lot of resources, but it is worth it, by implementing such a scheme, you will reduce the amount of territory occupied by banks, and increase the speed of transfer of essence to the Runic Matrix
For this you need:
-Improved Alchemy Furnace
-Magic Essence Mirrors
-Essence tanks
The diagram looks like this:

Having tuned the mirrors to the Runic Matrix, you have my store of essences ...

Despite the fact that the game has such not attractive graphics, which will seem at first glance to a novice user, there is still an opportunity to listen to melodies of the same quality. These are usually small symphonies that are included in the game by default. In a single player game, they can be changed by replacing the original files with your own, but most of the players prefer these sounds. Now we are specifically talking about records in minecraft. There are 12 of them in total. The first 11 can be obtained by a regular player, but the last one is only available in creative mode. It is not clear why the developers decided to arrange it this way, but this creates additional interest among the players, especially in the latter.

There were even cases when the server was ready to buy the latter for 1,000 or even 5,000 rubles. Apparently these people just don’t bite money. And so, how to get a plate in minecraft? They can only be obtained from creepers. But not everything is so simple. You know there are skeletal mobs? So, the skeleton should try to kill you, but hit the creeper with an arrow. As soon as he kills him, a plate will fall out of the kripak. It seems that this is very difficult, but not quite. To date, many schemes have been created for creating special farms that allow you to extract such resources. I’ll give you a little advice. If you want a lot of records, build a regular XP farm.

It should contain both explosive mobs and skeletons. When there are a lot of them, they will start shooting at you, killing each other. Then all kinds of resources will pour in. Here is such a cool system that can be easily implemented on any server. Prior to version 1.4.3, the last plate could not be obtained. It is called "11", it is all broken. This was the intention of the developers. If you insert it into the player, you can hear the player running away from evil creatures. So, earlier it was asked only from the server administrators. Some projects managed to sell it in limited quantities through online stores.

How to get a plate in minecraft, namely the last of the creative? Since version 1.4.3, it has become available to all players in the standard version of the game. It seems to me that some interest in all subjects from this series immediately disappeared. Previously, it was something mysterious, interesting, but now it is a common thing that does not carry any semantic meaning. At times, players claim that the game developers are introducing updates every time that only spoil Minecraft. Personally, I think everything is going well so far. There are, of course, some points that I would like to change, but there are no ideal things in the world that would suit everyone!


Few things in this world are as inspiring as music. Minecraft is no exception. Your character, whoever he is, would be very sad if he did not have the opportunity to enjoy enchanting sounds and melodies. This article is dedicated to all music lovers crafters who absolutely cannot do without the coolest Muse.

Minecraft does not have such a wide variety of musical devices as in real life. Yes, probably in the future you will be able to make even an awesome stereo system, but so far you cannot even craft an ordinary tape recorder. You are invited to go a little further back in time and listen to music on good old records. And this, you see, is still much better than coming off under an even more ancient organ. Moreover, the records are so romantic. In order for the music to go to conquer your ears, craft records should be preceded by crafting a player, which in Minecraft is very reminiscent of a nostalgic radio tape recorder.

"Crafting" music

Let's be honest with you, making a turntable is easier than getting a record. The latter will be presented to you by a creeper, on condition that the skeleton takes its life. Minecraft requires that the creeper, ready to give you the vinyl, is between the skeleton and you. The bottom line is that the skeleton is trying to kill your character, and instead "wet" the creeper. Such is the original answer to the question of how to make a plate in Minecraft. Easy to say, harder to do. But nothing. If the pot is cooking, in principle, such an alignment is quite realizable. You just need to hit the trap. How?

Well, for example, make in Minecraft a corridor of stone blocks with a dead end on one side. Blocks can be scattered along the corridor, one of which will eventually become a gravestone for the creeper. This refers to the last block that closes it from you. Having driven the mob there and quickly crafting a hinged block over this stone, you will ensure that the enemy will not get out of there. And here the skeleton, do not hesitate, will arrive in time. And the coveted vinyl record will remain from the villain, except for horns and legs.

What to listen to?

Do you have a choice of musical compositions? Today there are 12 tracks in Minecraft. They are all written by the game's music producer Daniel Rosenfeld, better known as C418. You will probably be interested to know the name of the tracks.

  • Blocks
  • Chirp
  • Mellohi
  • Strad

Unfortunately, for some unknown reason, the creation of music in Minecraft is entrusted to one person. So far, nothing can be done about this, and you will have to come to terms with the fact that neither Alla Borisovna nor Joseph Davydovich will inspire your character. Apparently, these are Swedish sanctions. Do not be discouraged, the main thing is that now you are still able to make the disc and Steve has something to listen to.

Minecraft has a player - it is logical that there are records for it. They are capable of making a variety of sounds inherent in the reality of an online game. Having a record, you can listen to - the sounds of the jungle, an electronic melody, a guitar track, a jazz composition. Plus, the compositions completely coincide with the cave noises, the sounds of the mob chasing the player.

Craft records
The user will be a little upset if he finds out that it is impossible to craft a plate in the usual mode. The only way to get it effortlessly is to use the "/ give @p record_11" command.

But no one will interfere with getting a plate as a trophy. To do this, make the skeleton kill the creeper. Do you think this is difficult? By no means - after all, it is enough to stand between the skeleton and the creeper, and in time to get away from the attack of the skeleton. Thus, the latter will hit the creeper. Accordingly, it will destroy it, having obtained the disc necessary for the player.

Other options
When you don't really want to engage in such close combat with mobs, you can go in search of the plate by searching the chests. The probability that a player will find an item in one of the first chests is small and is about eight percent. So, it's worth stocking up on food and, of course, a lot of patience.

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