Games for 2 pixel wrestling. Wrestling wwe games

Wrestling itself is also a kind of mix, combining elements of theatrical performance, martial arts and athletics. In real life, scenarios for thematic shows are developed in advance and, although it seems to viewers that athletes act spontaneously in it, this is an illusion carefully planned by directors and directors. In fact, what is happening is something like a game, wrestling, first of all, a show, and only then a sport.

Its sports component is based on a combination of Greco-Roman wrestling and "trademark grips" - attacking and power techniques, for which auxiliary objects are sometimes used. They can be anything from tables, chairs, stair railings to championship belts.

By the way, champions and contenders for victory are also determined in advance, even if the audience is sure of the opposite, and right in front of it the participants are trying to break chairs over each other's heads. What is good about online wrestling, by the way, is that you can play it without such staging moments. Who will win depends solely on the gamer's skill and ingenuity.

From the bottom to the top

It should be noted right away that every second Wrestling browser game was created based on the legendary series of WWE simulators, which initially could only be played on the Playstation console. Developed by YUKE's Future Media Creators and released by THQ. The first toy in the WWE-SmackDown series! was presented to the public in 2000, the last - WWE-2K 16, in 2015. There is nothing decided in advance in them, and cannot be. Everything depends on you and only on you.

Start your WWE gameplay by choosing one of the four wrestlers available in the menu. Then take care of their image. You can change everything: not only the costume for the performances, but the facial features, skin tone and even height. And although globally the appearance of your hero does not affect his fighting qualities in any way, you must admit that it is much more pleasant to control a cute character.

Moreover, each WWE game consists of many levels and it will be an eyesore for you for a long time. Well, then the "pure" fighting game begins: enter the arena, fight with rivals, defeat everyone and move on to the next stage. In between battles, do not forget to pump your fighter. The stronger and more experienced he becomes, the more chances he will get to survive until the end of the game.

Wrestling games wwe - a unique show

Wrestling fans know that this is just a theatrical performance, not a sport at all. But from this, following the development of events is no less exciting and reckless. The wrestling actors rehearse their performances in order to attract the viewer. Each adheres to his own role - villain, cunning, coward, dodger. Their colorful costumes are carefully thought out to make their wearer memorable.

This trend was especially popular in the 70s of the last century in North America, Japan and Mexico, but it appeared for the first time in France in the 19th century, and from there it stepped into the countries of the West. Having quickly become popular, wrestling acquired its own heroes, who, even after leaving the ring for a long time, remain famous, but already working in the field of cinema:

  • Dwayne Douglas Johnson - stage name The Rock;
  • Bollea Jean Terry - Hogan Hulk;
  • Laurence Turo - Mister T.

Perhaps someone does not know, but the actor, who is also a producer, director, composer and screenwriter is David Arquette, also a former professional wrestler. The most famous film with his participation is "The Scream", although the actor's filmography is quite extensive.

Unfortunately, starting to play wwe wrestling games, you will not see these wonderful, charismatic actors and wrestlers, but the authors of toys tried to preserve the spirit inherent in the genre, endowing them with spectacular tricks. The more graceful your punches, jumps, sweeps, lunges and somersaults are, the more delight the audience will experience, greedy for acting.

What is WWE?

All organized events take place under the supervision of someone. There are companies that deal with all the nuances of preparing a performance, and the more experienced the company, professionally approaching the creation of a future event, the more interesting the show. Everything should go flawlessly, harmoniously and clearly. World Wrestling Entertainment, or WWE, which organizes wrestling shows, has an excellent reputation. And the fans, seeing that the WWE is the organizer of the show on the posters and in the announcements, are sure that they will definitely like the production.

You have to play wwe wrestling, and this means the high quality of the product, which is offered to the attention of gamers. In the arena, the heroes are dressed in their costumes with masks on their faces. While controlling one of them, try to lead him to victory in order to earn the highest rating by collecting the necessary points.

Attractive uncomplicated plots

All wrestling games are similar - they have a common goal. Whoever the characters are, they enter the ring to fight. Among them:

  • Heavyweights;
  • Women;
  • Animals;
  • Celebrities;

The bulk of the toys offer to play wwe games in the style of some banter. Ladies of very impressive builds are dressed in bikinis, but this does not bother them. They are ready to rip each other's hair, rip off the remnants of clothing, break noses. This does not at all fit with female vulnerability and fragility, but there are different representatives of the fair half. Burenki also do not want to follow their fate, giving milk, and therefore entered the wwe games ring and awakened a wild beast in themselves.

Virtual wrestling is not so much theatrical and entertaining as it is funny and funny. Huge pitching sweeps each other, pushing, biting, jumping from above, climbing higher on the ropes. Sometimes the authors focus your attention on individual details - knocking out the teeth of the enemy. Armwrestling is also presented, when participants compete on their hands. It is available at any age, and therefore a seemingly frail little man, sweating, tries to lay your hand down. The longer he does this, the stronger he becomes.

Wrestling is a theatrical sports show combining fighting and entertaining the audience. There are many companies (promotions) organizing their shows, during which certain scenarios develop. Usually, during the show, there are both regular matches and matches for various champion titles. Some backstage events are an integral part of most wrestling shows.

Wrestling originated in North America and gained wide popularity almost all over the world, especially in Mexico and Japan. After watching television became a common past time around the globe, so did the popularity of wrestling, even more than previous contact sports like. Wrestling has grown to become a very popular form of entertainment with million-dollar performances and multiple established wrestling companies.

Wrestling is based on various martial arts and promotions are still featuring new attack techniques like body slams and submission locks. The ever-changing wrestling style also includes various acrobatic maneuvers. In modern wrestling, the promotions are increasingly resorting to the use of auxiliary items (tables, chairs, and ladders) which add interesting probs not otherwise seen in other forms of fighting like UFC. Wrestling has no officially agreed-upon rule set. Instead, there are certain standards for different organizers. Although, the general principles are similar enough not to confuse spectators. One thing is sure, wrestling is a tough career path. Wrestlers must undergo a lot of training to correctly learn techniques to prevent dangerous injuries.

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