Quest for teachers in the interactive space of the dow. Quest game in kindergarten for older preschoolers

Tatiana Bogdanova
Quest game for teachers of the preschool educational institution "Theory and practice of cognitive research activities"

Scenario of intellectual quest for teachers

« Theory and practice»

Target: Enhance professional pedagogical competence in the implementation in the educational process of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard in terms of the implementation of organization tasks in children cognitive research activities.


Develop creativity teachers, their competence in the implementation of the tasks of the organization cognitive research activities of preschoolers.

Activate the mental activities of educators.

Help bring everyone together team members teachers,

Teach teachers interact and understand personal responsibility for achieving a common result.

Date and venue: 03/23/2018, MDOU kindergarten "Mishutka".

Equipment: draw tokens, station name plates, route sheets, 2 envelopes (yellow and green) with tasks, letter cards (I know, experience, a manual for making a laptop (glue, scissors, cards, etc., various material for conducting the experiment.

Event progress

Upon entering the hall, teachers take chips and sit down at the table on which the chip is of the same color.

It is impossible to imagine our society without such a necessary profession as a kindergarten teacher. It is at preschool age that moral principles and views, the foundations of a life position, are laid, the character of the child is formed. Therefore, the educator must be a wise and kind, competent specialist for whom raising children is not just a profession, but also a vocation.

I would like to start our meeting today with the words confucius:

What I heard, I forgot.

What I saw, I remember.

What I did, I know.

Modern scholars have comprehended the saying attributed to Confucius and expressed it in the language numbers: What we hear is 10%. What we see is 50%. What we do ourselves is 90%.

Therefore, I invite you to participate in quest«».

You need to go through all the stations, according to the route sheet, if there is a team at the station, the other one, upon arrival at it, cannot complete the task, but moves to the next station. All stations are located in the kindergarten building, each station is marked with a sign. You need to pass all the tests and find the treasure. For each challenge passed, each team receives one letter. Finishing quest, both teams assemble a word from these letters, without which neither theory, nor practice.

Travel time quest - 45 minutes. Penalty points are awarded for being late.

To determine the results of the game and identify the strongest, I present the composition jury:

This is a team game, so we have 2 teams at different tables and before we start quest, you need to loosen up.

Warm up "Sonneteer": - 5 minutes

You all know how to rhyme words, so the teams are invited to complete the poem they have started using the key words (FSES, curiosity (ny, experiment (experience, children). Upon completion, the invented poem is read.

1 team

1. In the morning the mood is bad,

I can't paint my eyes...

2. In spring, puddles are everywhere,

Boats float in the streams...

3. Everyone loves obedient, friendly kids,

Capricious, stubborn - no one likes ... 2 team

1. Parents, often angry and scolding.

They lose their emotional connection with the child ...

2. Genetics can be blamed for everything,

Don't even blame the mirror...

3. To show significance to another,

Cheeks do not need to puff out at all ...

Leading. So, let's not waste time, let's start our game.

The first task, the teams need to come up with a name and introduce themselves within 3 minutes.

Teams present their business cards, then route sheets are distributed to them, start and finish times are determined.

station "Smart person"- letter "O", "Z" (manager's office)

Teams are offered 3 tasks from the area « cognitive development» :

Task number 1. Correct the error in the definition

cognitive development is a set of quantitative and qualitative changes occurring in cognitive mental processes, due to age, under the influence of the environment and the adult's own experience.

Answer: (child)

Task number 2. What does the educational area not include « cognitive development» according to GEF?

Formation of elementary mathematical representations.

Development cognitive research activities.

Acquaintance with the subject environment.

Acquaintance with space

Introduction to the social world.

Introduction to the natural world.

Answer: Acquaintance with space.

Task number 3. What types activities allow to realize the content of the educational area « cognitive development» preschoolers?


1. Musical activity

2. Labor activity

3. Communicative activity

4. Informative– research activity

5. Reading fiction

6. Productive activity

7. Game activity

8. Motor activity

station "Guessing movie"- letter «!» , «!» (head teacher's office)

Teams are invited to solve a crossword puzzle in which there are words related to cognitive research activities.


1. One of the stages of the study.

2. …. development is a set of quantitative and qualitative changes occurring in cognitive mental processes, due to age, under the influence of the environment and the child's own experience.

3. One of the leading forms of development cognitive activity of preschoolers.

4. Scientific assumption put forward to explain some phenomena.

5. The main method of research. This is a scientific process, a purposeful impact, upon successful implementation of which a hypothesis is supported or refuted.


1. The quality of the child, which characterizes him as striving to acquire more and more new knowledge, skills and abilities.

2. Topical method cognitive development of preschool children is?

3. The ability of human thinking to critical introspection.

4. Inference.

5. Unconscious desire for knowledge inherent not only to humans, but to many living beings.

station "Pay attention"- letter "T", "A" (caretaker's office)

Teams are offered 2 tasks for reflection.

Task number 1. What age does the experience correspond to?

1. The teacher puts the mill in an empty bowl, pours sand onto the blades with a scoop (2-3 years)

2. Two plant bulbs, identical in shape, are placed in different Wednesday: one - into the water, the other into the soil. Observe their growth and draw a conclusion where the plant grows faster (5-6 years old)

3. The teacher takes a magnet and brings it to different toys, the children watch his actions. Then he gives the children to try how the magnet attracts metal objects. (3-4 years)

4. Water has no shape. Pour water into vessels of different shapes and explain to the children that it takes the shape of the vessel into which it is poured. Then spill on the floor. What happens to water? (4-5 years)

Task number 2. Pedagogical situation

Children ask us adults a lot of questions on various topics. Let's imagine such a situation.

Mom and son are walking down the street. It suddenly began to rain. A son asks: "Mom, why did it rain?"- and hears answer: "You cry and the sky cries".

Do you agree with mom's answer? ___

How would you like to answer the questions? "why" so that the interest contained in the question does not fade, but develops? ___

Is it always a good idea to immediately give a comprehensive answer to a child's question? ___

What should be considered when answering children's questions? ___

Vasily Alexandrovich Sukhomlinsky advised us adults to leave something unsaid, so that the child would again and again want to return to what he had learned.

station "Crazy hands"- letter "Y", "N" - (hall 2nd floor)

Teams are invited to make a laptop "Young Explorer".

station "Laboratory"- letter "P", "YU" (last station - music hall)

The experiment is born simply:

Sometimes - with a naive question.

Sometimes - with a strange answer.

It matures for a long time in secret somewhere

When there is no more doubt

He breaks free

Gives us mercy:

Look! Something happened.

Let's see what we can do? Dear colleagues, and now I will ask you to play the role of children and experiment.

Task number 1. Come up with an experience from the proposed material. Demonstrate (1-2 minutes) (teachers various materials available).

The final stage.

It remains to compose words from the received letters. What did you get? What treasure did you find today? The reward for all participants in the game was the acquisition of knowledge that teachers can put into practice.

“I have always hated the role of an outside observer.

What am I if I don't take part?

To be, I have to participate."

Antoine de Saint-Exupery.

This is how we ourselves should not stand aside when thirst is seething in a child. knowledge. "Want to know everything" says the child "I will be your guide along the way", an adult echoes him, whether it be a tutor, teacher or parent.

Leading. I ask our jury to sum up the game.

While the jury is summing up, we will apply the knowledge you have.

Creative task for teachers

Give examples of characters from works of children's fiction that are distinguished by bright search activity, a penchant for experimentation and the ability to make non-standard decisions in different situations.

Dunno, Winnie the Pooh, Carlson, Niels, Alice.

Can the behavior of these characters be called exploratory?

Dunno - research behavior, constantly looking for new opportunities to implement their ideas.

Winnie the Pooh - behavior is not exploratory, rather informative and curious. This behavior is determined by the peculiarities of thinking, character.

Carlson - exploratory behavior, constantly looking for new opportunities for adventure.

Niels - exploratory behavior, constantly in search of a gnome to find out the secret of his spell.

Alice - her behavior is not exploratory, rather cognitive and inquisitive.

What do you think is missing for this?

For a complete research activities lacks the focus and conclusions that this activities involve.

Do the search activity and experimentation of characters always fit into the accepted norms of behavior?

Basically, they do not fit into the norms of behavior, as their experimentation is too fantastic. for instance: Dunno himself flew a rocket to the moon, Carlson walked on the roof with a baby, which is also unacceptable. Winnie the Pooh ate honey in a pot that was meant for the donkey as a birthday present.

Is this good or bad, in your opinion?

For child development, this behavior is not positive, but based on the behavior of these characters, at the same time, the child learns not to be afraid to experiment, make different decisions in situations, and their own activity increases.

Summing up, awarding.

And finish our quest-game I would like Proverbs "Happiness".

God molded a man out of clay, and he had an unused piece left. “What else to blind you? God asked. “Blind me happiness,” the man asked. God did not answer, and only put the remaining piece of clay in the man's palm.

What did God mean by leaving a piece of clay? (answers)

All in our hands:

“Argue, err, make mistakes, but for God's sake, think even crookedly, but yourself,” Gotthold Ephraim Lessing.

Scenario of the pedagogical quest game "Journey"

Target: Activation of mental activity of teachers; disclosure of creative potential; optimization of interpersonal relationships.

Good afternoon dear colleagues! Today I want to invite you to be in the role of contestants, test your strength, demonstrate your abilities. Our team game. Therefore, before we begin, I propose to draw lots. Now everyone takes it in turn to draw a token from the bag.

So the draw is over. Today we have with you not just a game. We have an exciting train journey ahead of us. The team that received red tokens is one part of the train, the team with blue tokens is the second part. The task of the trains is to successfully pass the hard way and get to the station of intellectuals. The path is quite long - 100 km. Distance from station to station. And the more successfully you cope with the proposed tasks, the more chances you have to get to your destination.

Now the teams need to choose the head of their team and come up with a name for the train.

Well done! Well, are the trains ready to hit the road? (musical accompaniment sounds - a moving train).

It's good when a lot of friends go on a journey with you.

It immediately becomes more fun for everyone, I want to move mountains.

Here is the first stop!

    Warm-up station (Not Evaluated)

Guess riddles where the intended word consists of several independent words.

The first word over the teapot melts,

The second is that it grows under the lip of the father.

And the whole sea wind inflates

And invites us to swim with you (Steam mustache)

The first syllable is a note, the second is also,

And in general - it looks like peas(Beans)

The preposition is in my beginning,

At the end - a country house.

And the whole - we decided everything

Both at the blackboard and at the table (Task)

The beginning is a note, then a deer decoration.

And together - a place of brisk movement (Road)

    Station "Remember"

Older people are said to become distracted and forgetful. In fact, forgetfulness is not at all a "privilege" only for the elderly. Alas, “leaky memory can be in people of different ages. What memory do you have?

Task number 1: 25 words are read -Elephant, bed, camel, umbrella, notebook, pencil, bird, coat, glass, phone, flower, man, tree, ball, apple, bag, rose, orange, pyramid, tea, doll, vase, sparrow, hat, bear.

Each team must write down all the words that they managed to remember. Words can be written in any order1 km is charged for each word.)

Task number 2: What is shown?

Each team is shown 3 slides with an interval of 5 seconds. Then questions are asked on the content of the slides, each team has 3 questions (For each correct answer, 2 km is awarded.)

    Station "Savvy"

Participants need to replace phraseological units with one word

An eyesore

nod off

Beat the thumbs

bite your tongue

Like snow on your head

hang your nose

Soar in the clouds

Dress down

Nick down

Wait by the sea for the weather

Sharpen laces

give the floor

Tremble like an aspen leaf

Pee like a chicken paw

Walk on your head

Keep in mind

Talk with three boxes

Keep your mouth shut

After rain on Thursday

(For each correct answer, 1 km is charged.)

    Fantazerov Station

Participants of each team are invited to complete 10 identical images. Drawings must not be repeatedFor each original drawing, 1 km is charged.)

    Station "Understand"

Teams are given cards with 10 words. Within 3 minutes, the participants of the first team must explain as many words as possible to their rivals, while using the same root words is not allowed. Then they switch roles.

















The male


speech therapy


(For each correct answer, both teams are awarded 1 km.)

    Station "Mathematical"

A boy has as many sisters as brothers, and his sister has half as many sisters as brothers.

How many brothers and sisters are in this family? (4 brothers and 3 sisters)

When my father was 31, I was 8 years old, and now my father is twice my age. How old am I now? (23 years old. The difference between the years of father and son is 23 years, therefore, the son must have 23 years for the father to be twice his age).

Points are awarded to the first team to give the correct answer. For each correct answer, 5 km are awarded.

    Station Kvakushkina

In the early morning, frogs croak loudly on the edge.

There are many words, and all words always contain “qua” in themselves.

In the middle, and at the beginning, and in a breakdown, and in a row ...

You have met words more than once, let them speak!











( For each correct answer, 1 km is awarded.)

    Dushevnaya Station

We have come a long way and ended up literally a stone's throw from the coveted station. And intelligence, in my opinion, is measured not only by the power of the mind, but also by the power of the soul. Each team now has to take turns giving compliments to their rivals. And the more of them there are, the more chances to get to the destination.

Let's exclaim, admire each other,

High-sounding words are not to be feared.

Let's compliment each other

After all, these are all happy moments of love.

In this competition, each compliment has its own value. The more original the compliment, the more kilometers awarded for it.


So, according to the results of all stages, each team managed to cover a hundred kilometers. And this means that the most intelligent teachers work in our group. Congratulations! You have arrived at your destination - the station of the Intellectuals.

    Station "Intellectuals"

Outside the windows, the air temperature is the most comfortable, the sky is cloudless, atmospheric pressure is normal. Please do not forget the good mood when leaving. Those who wish can leave their wishes in the book of comments and suggestions. Good luck!

MDOU "Nylginsky Kindergarten No. 1"

Educational quest for kindergarten teachers

"Connoisseurs of the Federal State Educational Standard"

Prepared by: senior educator MDOU

"Nylginsky Kindergarten No. 1"

Pozyreva Natalia Sergeevna

With. Nylga, 2018

Target: The introduction of modern pedagogical technologies in the educational process of preschool education.


    To introduce the basic concepts of active methods (AMO), the stages of application of AMO, types of AMO.

    Teach how to applyactivemethodslearningin practice at all stages of the educational process.

    Clarify and systematize the knowledge of teachers of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Equipment: media projector, presentationPowerPoint, screen.

Attributes: Visual and demonstration material for completing tasks, tasks for teachers, chips for dividing into groups, envelopes with tasks.

Organizing time

I invite you on a fabulous journey,

It will be mysterious

Unusual roads await us,

Decent forces are required.

In the Udmurt kingdom, in the Russian state, there were educators. They worked in the kindergarten for a long time. They had many children in the group. Big and small, serious and funny, singing and dancing, playing and drawing. And the children loved them very much, and they had a lot of knowledge. They gave warmth of soul and all their love to their pupils and rejoiced at their work. And everything was wonderful, but one day dark clouds began to appear in the sky. A sharp wind of change blew and brought GEF DO. And it was ordered to all teachers in the Russian state to unquestioningly observe it. Gathered here all the educators in one team, senior educator .... (Full name) in order to teach them the mind of reason, and the science of wisdom called GEF.She took with her a suitcase with a tricky document, and they sailed along the turbulent river of change on the ship of knowledge. Yes, the felts of the river turned out to be too stormy, the felts of the ship of knowledge are not strong enough, but the team got into a storm and was shipwrecked. The suitcase was carried away by a wave, however, the senior educator ... (full name) managed to save the team and, escaping, managed to give a distress signal using Morse code and even get an answer.

The answer is in this envelope (the envelope is handed to teachers).

1 task.

In the envelope is a leaflet with the text:

You got to the island "Quest"

Find all hints here.

Many tasks await you

interesting tests,

You will find a suitcase with GEF,

Gain the power of knowledge.

Knowledge will help

Find your way home.

Task: use the decoder to decipher the phrase and get a hint.

“You will find a hint, just open the doors”

After receiving the first clue, the team of educators follows the indicated route in search of the second clue.

2 task crossword

A crossword puzzle is waiting for teachers in the corridor. Having solved the crossword puzzle and entered the answers, the participants receive the following clue: "ladder"

3 task . The game"Oh what a smart one"

On the stairs, teachers find an envelope with the following task. The envelope contains a piece of paper with the text:“Teachers are modest people, they don’t like to talk a lot about themselves, but sometimes it’s just necessary to overcome their modesty. Your next task is to tell at each step how you are remarkably implementing the requirements and principles of the Federal State Educational Standard in your work. To do this, you need to split into pairs. One of the participants in the couple says, for example: “I create conditions in the team for successful self-education of teachers ...”, and the second one praises: “Oh, what a clever girl you are” ... Then the participants can change.

4 task « Pedagogical fishing.

In the corridor of the 1st floor, the participants are met by a teacher dressed as a cook with a badge "Culinary Master"

Educator: Hello dear guests. Out of curiosity, they came to us, or on business?


caregiver : So I don’t have it, but so be it, I’ll help you if you serve me.

And pedagogical fishing awaits you. Everyone knows that children are not very fond of fish, especially if it is not interesting, not tasty cooked. Now I suggest you catch one fish of each color of your choice, and then come up with and write down a recipe for a delicious, interesting fish dish for children.

The age group is marked on the blue fish

On a red fish - the theme of the day

Yellow fish - GCD schedule for the day

Green fish - regime moments, activities outside of class, which is planned for the day.

Here's a recipe template for you. You can start.

The task of teachers is to develop the content of the educational process for the day, taking into account the integration of educational areas, by filling out the proposed table.

Educator: Well done, you did a great job. For this I will give you a bridge, but a magic ball, they will lead you to the next clue.

5 task . Following the thread of the magic ball, the participants of the quest get to the station, where they are met by a teacher with a badge "Elena the Wise".

caregiver : Hello, dear colleagues, did you come to visit us on business?

Teachers: On the case, we want to find a suitcase with the Federal State Educational Standard.

Educator: So after all, I don’t have it, but I’ll give you a hint where to look for the loss if you complete my tasks:

Determine which educational area the following tasks belong to :

Development of communication, interaction of the child with adults and peers;

The formation of independence, purposefulness and self-regulation of one's own actions;

Formation of readiness for joint activities with peers ...

( Social and communicative development ).


Make conditionsdevelopment preschoolers most appropriate for their psyche, long-tested methods help, which containssocial gaming technology.

Social gaming technology is development child in play communication with peers.

Application of thistechnologies contributes to the realization of the needs of children in movement, the preservation of their psychological health, as well as the formation of communication skills in preschoolers.

Please name the forms of work with children aimed at developing communicative qualities and emotional responsiveness (GCD, role-playing game, conversations, observations, work, reading fiction, familiarization with proverbs and sayings, didactic games ...).

The main conditions of socio-game technology - movement - under any pretext.

I suggest you play a game called "Washing machine"

Purpose: stress relief, discharge.

Instruction. The group lines up in two lines, facing each other. One person (at the beginning of the line) is the “machine”, the second (at the end) is the “dryer”. The “car” passes between the lines, everyone “washes” it: they stroke it, rub it, etc., doing it carefully and accurately. "Dryer" should "dry" him - hug him. After that, the “dryer” becomes a line, the last “wash” becomes a “dryer”, and the next “car” goes from the beginning of the line.

Well done, you did a great job. Here's an envelope with a map of the path. But you will have to walk along it very amicably and unitedly. To do this, we give you this props. Heldthe game "Caterpillar" (They go to the principal's office.)

6 task quiz "GEF Experts"

Participants enter the headmaster's office, where they are met by the Tsar-father. Teachers are invited to take an interactive quiz and get the next clue - the order of the numbers that make up the phone number. By calling the phone number, teachers receive the following clue.

7 task - psychologist's task

Both teams meet in the method room, where they are met by the psychologist Marya the expert.

Psychologist: Hello, dear colleagues, did you come to us on business or visit us?

Teachers: On the case, we want to find a suitcase with the Federal State Educational Standard.

Psychologist: So I have it, but, of course, I won’t give it to you just like that. Do my job first.

Determine which educational area the following belong totasks:

formation of interest in the aesthetic side of the surrounding reality, aesthetic attitude to objects and phenomena of the surrounding world, works of art; fostering interest in artistic and creative activities ...

development of children's artistic creativity, interest in independent creative activity ...

Now nametypes of creative activity (graphic, constructive-model, musical, theatrical, etc.)

What is"Creative skills"?

Creativity - the ability to find new original solutions to any problems.

List the methods for developing creative abilities used in the classroom in kindergarten or at home by parents (drawing, modeling, reading, music, educational games, experimentation)

Creativity helps a person to relax, liberate, throw out the accumulated emotions.

And now I invite you to show creativity, non-standard thinking in a technique called "collage".

The theme of our collage is "Kindergarten graduate in accordance with GEF DO."

Teachers approach the table, on which there are all the necessary materials for making a collage, and then present the work.

After completing the task, the psychologist hands the teachers a suitcase locked with a key. The key is in the music room.

Return to the music room .

Development of own quests in microgroups.

Reflection .

Holding. The teachers are shown a suitcase - this is a suitcase of successes, achievements, skills, experience gained. You need to fill it up to see what everyone takes with them. To do this, a poster “Luggage check-in” is drawn up, the teacher approaches the counter and voices the knowledge, skills and abilities most needed for him, acquired during the event, shares ideas and advice.

To check in luggage, I suggest filling out a declaration ...

Good…. Interesting… It bothered… I’ll take it with me…

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Quest game for preschoolers "Search for a hidden surprise"

Pochaeva Tatyana Anatolyevna, teacher-psychologist of MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 2", Konakovo
Description of the material. I offer you a summary of the final lesson of a teacher-psychologist with children in a preparatory group for school. This material may be useful to preschool psychologists, teachers of senior and preparatory groups, as well as parents of preschoolers and students in grades 1-2. It can be used with a group of children of different ages, since the tasks are simple, but require quick wit, observation and attention.
Integration of cognitive areas:"Cognition", "Communication", "Socialization", "Reading fiction".
Summing up the work of a psychologist with children of the preparatory group in a playful way.
To consolidate in independent activity the ability to find differences between objects, to classify, to identify patterns. Give the opportunity to apply the acquired knowledge and ability to work according to the instructions in the game situation.
Develop concentration in a situation of a large number of distractions; the ability to quickly update their knowledge of the world around them.
To cultivate a friendly attitude towards peers, the ability to work in a group, the ability to get in touch and state their requests.
Demonstration and handout material:
- a postcard to start the quest,

- picture "Find 7 differences",

- puzzle pieces "Refrigerator",

- rebus,

- "What is superfluous?",

- image of a ladybug,

- small mirror
- "Chamomile",

- "footprints".
Methodical methods: game situation, summing up.

Conducting a quest game.
To start the game, you need to prepare the room. In our case, the game began in the group room, so for 10 minutes the children left their group with the teacher. During this time, the teacher-psychologist put up a postcard to start the game and laid out the pieces of the puzzle in certain places.
After that, the children returned to the group.

Educational psychologist:“Today we have the final psychological lesson. It will be longer than usual and will last 40 minutes, exactly how long a lesson at school lasts. You will work together and individually, try to be attentive from the first minute so that time is not wasted repeating instructions. The tasks are not difficult, but there are many of them, and all these tasks must be completed within 40 minutes. If the group succeeds, everyone will be in for a surprise.
Our lesson will be held in the form of a quest game. Quest is an adventure game. After solving one task, you get a hint where to look for the next task. And at the end you get access to a surprise.
Look at the clock. They show 9 hours 20 minutes. At exactly 10 o'clock the game should end. Time has gone.

Look around the room carefully. You should see the first clue. She stands in a conspicuous place, bright, shiny.
The first one to see it comes up and takes the hint and gives it to me."

Children carefully examine the room and find a postcard in which the first task is enclosed.

Educational psychologist: Task 1 Find the differences. On this sheet you see two identical, at first glance, pictures. But there are 7 differences between them. These differences will help you find the next clue.
(Distribute pictures to children in sufficient numbers so that each child has the opportunity to compare and search).
Who saw the first difference? What is the difference?
Children's answers.

Educational psychologist:“You saw that the flower is different, so look for a piece of the puzzle there. In total, you need to find 7 pieces of the puzzle and put them on the table (show where).
Children name the differences: “Pillow, bedside table, rug, window sill, sofa, flower in a vase, floor lamp (I replaced it with a table lamp).”
When all fragments are found, the second task is executed. (The children completed the first task in one group very quickly, in the other they could not find a piece of the puzzle hidden on the bedside table for a long time, because they mistook another piece of furniture for a bedside table, so the presenter had to tell what a bedside table was).
Task 2 "Fold the puzzle."

Despite the fact that children are good at solving puzzles, at first there were difficulties. Nevertheless, they put the puzzle together and saw that the arrow points to the refrigerator.
Educational psychologist:“Think about where you can find a refrigerator?”
Children's answers: "In the kitchen."
Educational psychologist:“I propose to go down to the 1st floor and go to the kitchen.”
Nina Vasilievna (kitchen worker) comes out, the children explain to her that they want to see a refrigerator in the kitchen. She invites the children to first guess the riddle:

Who cooks cabbage soup, cutlets,
Borsch, dumplings, vinaigrettes;
Cooks porridge and compotes,
Fried entrecote in oil
Crushes potatoes,
Does the soup interfere with the ladle?

Children's answer: cook.

Children enter the room, examine it and find a riddle (this is the third task):
“We have a robot in our apartment,
He has a huge trunk.
Robot loves cleanliness
And buzzes like a liner: "Tu-u-u",
With great desire swallows the dust,
But he doesn’t get sick, he doesn’t sneeze.”

Children's answers: this is a vacuum cleaner.

Educational psychologist:“Think about where the vacuum cleaner could be? What is it for?
Children's answers: a vacuum cleaner is needed to vacuum carpets.
Educational psychologist:“Remember in which rooms of the kindergarten you saw carpets?”
Children's answers. To check their guess, the children go two by two to the music room, the gym, the dry pool room, etc. Everyone else, along with the psychologist, are waiting for their return.

Under the vacuum cleaner, the children discover another clue in the form of a puzzle, solving which they understand that their path lies in the laundry room.

Children are met by a kindergarten laundry worker. She makes a riddle:
"Strokes everything it touches,
And if you touch it, it bites."

In the ironing room, children receive worksheets and return to their group.

Educational psychologist:"You have been given sheets to find extra items that will tell you where to look for the next clue."
Task 5 "What is superfluous?"
(Answers: saucepan, cup, book, umbrella, balloon, camera.
In these objects or near them are hidden pictures depicting ladybugs. Since there are many children in the group, there were 2 pots, 2 cups, etc.)

Task 6 "Ladybug"

When all 12 ladybugs are found, the educational psychologist shows hers. Children must find exactly the same among the found ladybugs.

Task 7 "Read the word"

On the back of the "correct" ladybug (the second copy), the word is written in a mirror image. The word is closet.

Task 8 (individual)
In the closet in the folder are sheets with assignments. They are of varying difficulty. Sheets are signed for speed of distribution. Children perform tasks, if they do not understand what exactly needs to be done, the leader and educators explain the instructions.

Tasks are performed at the tables.

Task 9 "Chamomile"

While the children are solving the Chamomile, the psychologist's assistant lays out the "traces" that will lead them to a surprise.
This is where the game ends. A photo is taken for memory.

The game was played in two preparatory groups. The first group easily completed the allotted 40 minutes. The children acted quickly, successfully, coped with all the tasks of the quest without prompting. The second group worked in isolation, each child wanted to personally complete the task, was upset if he was not the first to find the correct answer, etc. In order to meet the 40 minutes and get to the surprise, individual tasks had to be skipped. Petals of "Chamomile" with questions were torn off by all the children. If they could not answer the question on their own, the group helped.
Children and teachers of both groups liked the quest game very much.

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