Outdoor games in the gym, on the street and in the group room. Categories: indoor games games on mats in the gym

Description: participants move freely around the hall in the basketball stance: straight, right side, left side, back forward, trying not to hit each other. At the signal of the teacher, they perform a two-step stop and assume the basketball player's stance.

The one with the correct stance wins.

Notes: Players who complete the exercise correctly can further evaluate other participants.

"Brother Rabbit, Brother Fox"

Venue: small hall or any venue.

Description of the game: all participants in the game are built in one line. The teacher walks along the line behind the backs of the students and touches one of them - this is a “fox”. Then all the participants (“rabbits”) disperse around the hall and say the following words: “If you drop the bowl, the bowl will break, if the fox’s tail is close, then Lisk is close.”

After these words, the “fox” loudly shouts “Here I am!”, while simultaneously jumping up and raising his arms, after which he catches the “rabbits”. The one whom the “fox” has caught goes to the “fox house”. After the game stops, all its participants are again lined up, and a new “fox” is selected. Game continues.


  • when choosing a “fox”, students stand with their eyes closed and hands clasped in a “boat” behind their backs. Whom the teacher touches by the hands is the “fox”;
  • if the child does not want to be the driver, he puts his hands on his stomach;
  • if during the first period of the game the participant was caught, then in the next period he cannot be a “fox” (when choosing a “fox”, he puts his hands on his stomach);
  • as the game is mastered, the teacher must explain that the “fox” is not only fast, but also cunning, so she must deceive the “rabbits” - not give herself away ahead of time and choose a place in the hall where there are most of the game participants (so that you can immediately hurt one of them)
  • if the “fox” did not shout “Here I am!”, or did not raise her hand (that is, she was not seen or heard), the game stops and a new “fox” is selected;
  • the score is given to the fastest "fox" - she hunted well; to the “cunning fox” herself - for cunning; “rabbits” who have not been caught during the entire game or have been caught, but before that for a very long time and deftly dodged the “fox”.

“Swift deer”

Venue: Sports ground or large hall.

Description of the game: the teacher chooses four drivers - these are "wolves", the rest of the participants are "swift deer". “Wolves” are divided into two groups: two “wolves” are “beaters”, the other two are in “ambush”. At the signal of the teacher, the “deer” run away from the “wolves” to the other side of the site. "Beater wolves" catch "deer" throughout the site, and "wolves in ambush" - only on the middle line of the hall. After each run, the number of “deer” caught is counted, after which they can again take their place on the site. Game continues.


  • the number of runs and "wolves" depends on the size of the site and on the number of participants in the game;
  • the caught "deer" can drop out of the game and stay in a specially designated place. They enter the game when a new group of “wolves” is selected;
  • “wolves” are selected from those participants who were not tagged;
  • the score is given to the best group of “wolves” and those “deer” that were not caught during the entire game.

“Bouncers squared”

Venue: sports hall, any lined area.

Description: the participants of the game are divided into two teams, one of which will be in a square of 10 x 10 m, and the other outside it. On a signal, the members of the outside team begin to kick their opponents with the ball.

Notes: The player who has been knocked out must sit on the bench.


  1. The team that knocks out all opponents in the shortest time wins.
  2. The team that eliminates the most players in a given time wins.


Description: participants with small balls in their hands are located throughout the hall. At the command of the teacher, the children perform tossing and catching the ball: with one hand, with two, throwing it from hand to hand, etc. The participant(s) who stays on the court the longest wins.

Notes: the player who dropped the ball sits on the bench or goes “behind the scenes” (a part of the hall specially designated for this), and continues to perform exercises with the ball there.

"Swift Team".

Venue: Sports Hall.

Description of the game: two teams are located on the volleyball court, each on its own side. Participants are built in a column or line. On each side of the court there are posts, one or two in each of the areas of the volleyball court, the total number of posts corresponds to the number of players in the team. Each member of the team knows to which zone he should move on the signal. The participant must run to the counter and return back. The first team to line up at the start line wins. The start line, as well as the location of the team on it, can be changed. It is also possible that participants perform certain exercises near the counter. In addition, at each stage of the game, players change zones.

"Team relay on the ground."

Venue: Playground around the school.

Description of the game: participants are divided into two teams. Then both teams inspect the terrain along which the relay path will pass, as well as the obstacles that they will need to overcome. If possible, a judge is placed at each stage. After that, the teams draw lots, and one of the teams goes to the start. The finish is determined by the last player. Then the second team starts. The results of both teams are recorded by a stopwatch and at the end of the relay are compared, taking into account penalty points.

Obstacles in the relay race are determined taking into account the sports equipment located on the site.

Between obstacles, the team moves at a run.

"Curl Mice".

Venue: Gym or any venue.

Description: Participants are divided into two teams, each of which forms a circle. A prerequisite for the game is that the participants hold hands tightly and do not disengage until the end of the game. Both teams are in the middle lane. The teacher or a specially selected leader says the following words: “ears, drying, buns, mice, curls”. For each of these words, the team members must “twist”, crawling under each other's arms. The result is a circle-“curl”. Then the driver begins to keep score, and the teams take one step at a time towards the wall or some landmarks. The first team to reach the goal wins.


  • the score is kept slowly so that each of the participants has time to take a step
  • a reference point can be a student (or two students) released from the lesson, who stand with outstretched arms. As soon as he touches one of the approaching team, he raises his hands up, i.e. this team wins.

“Fox hunting”

Venue: The game is played near the school or in any restricted area.

Description of the game: all participants are divided into 2 teams, after which a draw is held. One of the teams becomes "hunters", the other - "foxes". At the signal of the teacher, the "foxes" run away and hide in the area. After 30-40 seconds, “hunters” run after them. The task of the “hunters” is to catch up or find the “fox”, taunt it and lead it by the hand to the “hunting lodge”. The game ends when the “hunters” catch all the “foxes”.


  • members of the “fox” team put on bibs;
  • “hunters” are in the so-called “hunting lodge” and always stand with their backs to the “foxes”;
  • the starting line for the “foxes” team is 5-10 meters from the “hunting lodge”;
  • “Foxes” are prohibited from: going beyond the boundary lines (fence, etc.), climbing trees, hiding in the school building and refusing to go with the “hunters” if they taunted him. In all these cases, the “fox” player is punished with penalty points and is considered to be caught;
  • "hunters" are forbidden to fight with the "fox" if she does not want to go. In this case, you need to run to the start line and call the number of the “fox” that violated the rules;
  • if the “hunter” taunted the “fox”, then he needs to take her by the hand and bring her to the “hunting lodge”. You can also transfer the “fox” to another “hunter”, and run further to “hunt” yourself. In the same way, you can transfer the number of the “fox” that violated the rules;
  • the winner is the team that, being a team of "hunters", caught all the "foxes" in less time;
  • penalty points are converted into seconds and subtracted from the time taken to catch the “foxes” by the opposing team.

"Hunters, wolves and fir-trees".

Venue: Gym or any venue.

Description of the game: one or more drivers are selected (depending on the size of the site and the number of participants), which are located in the corner of the hall or on the edge of the site - these are hunters. The rest of the participants are wolves. On a signal, the hunters run out of their shelter and try to overpower the wolves (with a ball or hand). The captured wolf does not leave the game, but “transforms” into a Christmas tree - it stops in place and raises its arms like branches. Trees standing nearby can move towards each other, join hands and form a forest. Those wolves that have not yet been tagged can hide behind fir trees or behind the forest, but even in this case they can be tagged. The wolf wins or several wolves, the last ones to be tanned (they become hunters).

"Red-headed cat"

Venue: Gym or Playground.

Description of the game: the teacher chooses one driver - this is the “Red Cat”. He becomes in the center of the hall, and the rest of the participants in the game (“mice”) are located around the “cat” and hold hands. Then the “cat” crouches and covers his eyes with his hands, as if he were sleeping. “Mice” refers to “cat” with these words:

“A sluggish red cat was resting his stomach.

I want to eat, but too lazy to toss and turn.

So the red cat is waiting - maybe the mouse will crawl up!

After these words, the “mice” scatter, and the “cat” catches them. Caught "mice" sit on the bench and "mourn" because the "cat" ate them. The game lasts 10-20 seconds, after which the "cat" chooses a new "cat" from the "mice" that have not been caught!. Then the “eaten mice” re-enter the game, and it continues. The game is played 3-5 times.


  • The “cat” closes his eyes with his hands so that he does not look in advance at the “mouse” he is about to catch. But the “cat” is allowed to spread his fingers and surreptitiously spy on the “mice”;
  • you can choose two “cats” and even three if the game is played in a large hall (in this case, they are located with their backs to each other);
  • as the game is mastered, the actions of the “mice” become more complicated - they can walk in a circle (on their heels, on their toes, etc.) or perform some attention exercises in a circle;
  • the score is given to the “cat” that caught a lot of “mice”, or the “cat” that ran out very quickly and immediately caught several “mice”; or “mice” that have not been caught during the entire game

"The most accurate team."

Venue: Gym or any venue.

Description: Participants are divided into two teams. Then they are rebuilt in two columns, while taking a stand with legs apart, hands on the shoulders of the person in front. The very first participant holds the ball in his hands. On signal, that player leans forward and rolls him back as hard as possible. The last player receives the ball, runs forward with it and continues the action of the first participant. The team in which the captain with the ball in his hands is again in front of the team wins. A team is awarded one point for a win. After that, other captains are selected, but the scheme of the game changes: the participants close their eyes (either themselves or the player standing in front), and the players with the balls change their location, but at the same time try to be close to each other. On a signal, the rest of the participants open their eyes, run to their captains, line up in the same order and repeat the previous exercise.

The game is repeated 5-6 times, with the captains changing each time. There is no limit to how far the ball carriers can run, but they must be within sight of the other players.

The team with the most points wins.

Notes: the ball is passed only after the last member has entered the column. This player must give some sound command or password to the one standing in front: for example, “rocket is ready” or any other command.


Venue: Gym or any sports ground.

Description: all participants are facing the wall. The teacher or the driver hide any small object anywhere (for example, a key). On a signal, the participants begin to look for a hidden object. Whoever finds it first becomes the “best detective”.

Notes: "best detective" can be further driving.

"Round dance"

Venue: Gym or any venue.

Description: All participants are divided into groups, each of which must include both boys and girls. The group joins hands and forms a round dance, while trying to remember each other. Then the participants disperse to opposite edges of the hall (separately: boys and girls) and line up. Then, at the command of the teacher, everyone performs turns or some other exercises, possibly with their eyes closed. At the command “Round dance”, the participants must join their groups. The team that does it faster than the others wins.

Notes: it is advisable to mark the place where the participants of the “Round Dance” are built with chips.

Dear Guys. The game takes a long time to load. So be patient. Everything will be uploaded soon :)

What a person has a way of life, such is his health. Today we will talk about how to make health strong and resistant to all diseases with the help of the game. Naturally, we will not talk about injections and various preventive vaccinations, the topic will be about the game. Indeed, it is a sports game that makes a person 100% healthy, and only thanks to it a person is always in excellent physical shape. You can go in for sports anywhere: in the park, for example, you can go for a run in the morning, and at home do a lot of exercises that develop flexibility and plasticity. What do they do in the gyms? Let's try not only to find out about this, but also to make a place where they will be comfortable for all athletes in game gym.

This game will appeal not only to fans of dumbbells, jump ropes and treadmills, it will also appeal to designers. Here, each player can create their own sports ground, independently arranging sports equipment. In the game, a gym can be chosen as a place where everything for training will be created and equipped, it will also be possible to choose visitors who will be in this room and do their own thing. This game is a great way to establish yourself as the owner of the hall, and a good way to create such an atmosphere that everyone will enjoy. The owners strive to ensure that as many visitors as possible use their services, and they take into account their wishes: lockers, a cool room, modern equipment, inexpensive use of a subscription. In general, today you are obliged to create a unique super gym, where our heroes will be cool. You can start the arrangement in the game with a general view: perhaps it will be with a view of a big city, or maybe it will be an ordinary house, where everything is done in a hard and gloomy style. In order to select the option you like, you click on the cell at the bottom of the panel and click on it with the mouse. Having settled on one option, you proceed to the following items: for example, lockers. You can find them at the top of the screen on the line with the drawings of the game.

In the game, you can put them anywhere your heart desires. Then you pick up various dumbbells, treadmills and at the very end you invite clients. You can also find them at the top of the panel line. By placing athletes in the gym, you start to make a profit and rejoice that you were able to create the most comfortable and functional gym in the game, which many guys will admire.

Balanina Ekaterina
Outdoor games in the gym, on the street and in the group room

Outdoor games one of the most popular and effective ways of education and full physical development for a growing man. It is natural that games should be planned taking into account the age and individual characteristics of the child.

Outdoor games for children in a group are carried out mainly in two ways. It's frontal (involving all children groups) and group(the general team is divided into two or more groups) . Another type of organization is individual. Used when one of the children is unable to complete the exercise with group.

Target mobile game increase a positive attitude and strengthen psycho-emotional health.

1. Outdoor games necessarily included in physical education. They are

are carried out after exercises in the main movements in order to increase

physiological load and emotionality of the lesson. For this purpose, selected games,

requiring active actions of all children at the same time.

Outdoor games in the hall:

A game: "Trap, take the tape".

Age Group: preparatory.





Exercise children in dodging, catching and building in a circle;

Improve coordination of movements, the ability to navigate in space;

Learn to fairly evaluate your results and the results of your comrades


To instill in children the desire to participate in games.

Game actions: Children are built in a circle; each has a colored ribbon tucked into the back of the belt. There is a trap in the center of the circle. At the signal of the teacher: "One, two, three - catch!" The children run around the playground. The trap runs after the players, trying to pull the ribbon from someone. At the signal of the teacher: "One, two, three in a circle, run faster!" everyone is in a circle. The teacher offers to raise their hands to those who have lost the ribbon, that is, lost, and counts them. The trap returns the ribbons to the children, and the game is repeated, with a new driver.

rules: The trap should only take the tape without delaying the player. The player, having lost the tape, steps aside.

Equipment - tapes according to the number of children.

preliminary work:


Organization games:

Location outdoor games games: sport games, high mobility games should be carried out on sports ground,



games - during the game

3. Summarizing.

2. Before classes are appropriate medium mobility games. In day mode outdoor games can be organized from all over group, as well as subgroups. It depends on the nature of the game actions, the number of players, their preparedness, conditions and other factors.

Outdoor games in the group room:

A game: "Cosmonauts".

Age Group: medium.

Target: increase a positive attitude and strengthen psycho-emotional health.



Increasing the efficiency of the body.


Develop agility and speed;

Learn to perform actions in accordance with the instructions of the teacher.


To educate children in the ability to follow elementary rules games

Game actions: Rocket hoops are laid out along the edges of the site. There are a few more people playing than rockets. Children stand in a circle and hold hands. They go in circles pronouncing the text:

Fast rockets are waiting for us

To travel to planets.

What we want

Let's fly to this one!

But there is one secret in the game:

There is no room for latecomers!

Only after the last words, the children scatter and occupy the rockets.


Equipment - hoops according to the number of participants.

preliminary work:

The teacher must know the content games, its rules, in what conditions and with how many children it will be held. Prepare the necessary inventory, attributes, posters.

Organization games:

Location outdoor games should correspond to the type, goals and objectives of the ongoing games: sport games, high mobility games should be carried out on sports ground, games of medium and low mobility are held on the territory of the walking area.


1. The explanation of the educator is a crucial moment that affects the course games.

2. Direct conduct games - during the game immediately correct mistakes and clarify what the children did not understand, as necessary to take part in it.

3. Summarizing.

3. Most useful and expedient outdoor games, while walking. On the morning walk after classes, different in nature are held outdoor games. Their number and duration on individual days of the week are not the same.

When selecting games, previous lessons are taken into account. So, after class

native language, drawing, modeling, it is advisable to play a game with more active

actions. However, after classes that required concentrated attention from children,

not recommended to learn new games. If a physical education or music lesson was held in the morning, then it is advisable to conduct games and middle exercises mobility, and organize them in the middle or end of the walk, and at the very beginning, give the children the opportunity to play on their own.

outdoor games:

A game: "Sparrows and a cat".

Age Group: 2 junior Group.

Target: increase a positive attitude and strengthen psycho-emotional health.



Increasing the efficiency of the body.


To teach children to run without hitting each other, to dodge the catcher, to run away quickly, to find their place;

Teach children to be careful when taking a place, not to push comrades.


To educate children in the ability to follow elementary rules games, coordinate movements, navigate in space.

Game actions: Children - "Sparrows" sitting in their "nests" (in circles marked on the ground or painted on the pavement) on one side of the site. On the other side of the site - "cat". Once "cat" doze off "Sparrows" "fly out" on the road, "fly over" from place to place, looking for crumbs, grains (children squat, tap their knees with their fingers, as if pecking). But here "wakes up" "cat", "meows" and runs for "Sparrows", which "fly away" in their "nests". Role first "cat" the teacher performs, and then one of the children.

rules: take places without pushing, pushing or taking someone else's place.

Equipment - hoops according to the number of children, masks.

preliminary work:

The teacher must know the content games, its rules, in what conditions and with how many children it will be held. Prepare the necessary inventory, attributes, posters.

Organization games:

Location outdoor games should correspond to the type, goals and objectives of the ongoing games: sport games, high mobility games should be carried out on sports ground, games of medium and low mobility are held on the territory of the walking area.


1. The explanation of the educator is a crucial moment that affects the course games.

2. Direct conduct games - during the game immediately correct mistakes and clarify what the children did not understand, as necessary to take part in it.

3. Summarizing.

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