Didactic game guess the hero of the fairy tale. Didactic games based on fairy tales

Didactic game "Crossroads of fairy tales"

Explanatory note.
We are educators middle group, Gromova Natalya Viktorovna and Stetsyuk Elena Ivanovna for the second year we have been developing speech, memory, thinking of our pupils through acquaintance, study, analysis of well-known fairy tales.
Fairy tales are the first and most accessible form of acquaintance of children in the surrounding world, environment, objects and phenomena, forms of relationships between characters; they teach to recognize good and evil, to speak, to fantasize, to think; in a word - to become a worthy citizen of our society.
It is very important to correctly, accessible and diverse reveal the meaning of each fairy tale for a child in order to form a correct perception of the world in him.
In our work we use numerous techniques and forms of work with a fairy tale. In order to speed up and make the learning process visual, we developed the game "Crossroads of Fairy Tales" in which we met all the fairy tales that we have already met, are getting to know and will be getting to know in the future.

Contribute to the consolidation of folk and author's fairy tales.
Develop memory, attention, thinking through the analysis of the characters of the characters, their role in the fairy tale, the meaning of the attributes inherent in the heroes and objects found in fairy tales;
To form a coherent speech of children.

Description of work:
The game is based on Lull's circles with 8 windows, in which picture material is placed.
First (largest circle) - fairy tales
Second (middle circle) - heroes
The third (inner, small circle) - attributes of characters or objects found in a fairy tale
All three circles are movable and each can rotate independently of each other.
The index arrow is a moving object that connects all three circles.

Game options:
Option one. Introduction to fairy tales.
Pupils are invited to connect the fairy tale (large circle), the hero and the attribute under the arrow, by rotating the circles, while naming the fairy tale, the hero and the attribute (object).

Option two. Fixing the tale.
The first circle - fairy tales, remains the same. In the middle circle - heroes, along with the characters found in fairy tales, characters are placed that are not present in the fairy tales of the first circle, the child's task is to see the "mistake" made by the teacher and name the fairy tale in which this hero occurs. Similarly, attributes and objects from different fairy tales can be placed in a small circle. Only one circle changes.
Option three. Writing a new story.
The first circle - fairy tales, remains the same. Random or teacher-prepared pictures are placed in the second and third circles. The task of the children is to compose a fairy tale, which is obtained as a result of the rotation of circles, under the arrow. Two circles change.
This version of the game can be played with already prepared children, as it is the most difficult.

As can be seen from the description of the options for the game, this type of activity is multivariate and productive.

All picture material is available. If it is needed, I will definitely post it on my blog.


I wish you all success and new discoveries of your talents and opportunities!!!

In our age modern technologies Unfortunately, little time is devoted to reading the works of our classical writers and poets. Therefore, in my work, I actively began to involve the parents of my pupils in close cooperation in the study of works of fiction. Parents together with their children created creative work based on the works of this author.

I would like to bring to your attention didactic games that can be used to consolidate children's knowledge of the works of K. I. Chukovsky. I used these games on a literary quiz, in which both children and their parents took part.

"Journey through fairy tales"

Task : recall excerpts from works and name fairy tales.

Rules of the game: An adult pulls out a card with a poetic riddle, reads it out. The child must complete the sentence and name the passage from which fairy tale. Then the adult shows a picture with the correct answer (book), the child checks himself.

No no! Nightingale

Doesn't sing for pigs!

Call you better ... (to the crow)!


"Who is who"

Task: find out which characters have fabulous names.

Rules of the game: The adult calls the fairy tale character's name, and the child names the hero himself and finds him in the picture.

I wish you all success!

educator MADOU Kindergarten №16

combined view of Kirishi, Leningrad region, Russia

Valentina Voskresenskaya


1. Introducing children to Russian folk tales.

2. Arouse interest in the work of illustrators.

3. The development of coherent speech, dialogic, the activation of the vocabulary of children.

4. Development of memory, perception, imagination.

5. Raising a love for fiction.


I cut out pictures from old primers and alphabets - illustrations based on fairy tales, picked up pictures from the Internet, pasted them on thick cardboard. Some of the pictures were cut into several pieces for later assembly, like puzzles.

Fairy tales.

"Teremok", "Gingerbread Man", "Turnip", "Zayushkina's Hut", "Three Bears", "Masha and the Bear", "Fox Sister and Gray Wolf", "Geese - Swans", "Cat, Rooster and Fox" , "The Frog Princess", "The Fox and the Crane".

"What comes first, what comes next."

The envelopes contain illustrations based on fairy tales, indicating the number of pictures (so as not to get lost).

Children receive one envelope each. They should arrange the pictures according to the development of the plot, name their fairy tale and briefly tell the content.

(Can be used as part of a lesson, or as a free activity).

"Collect cut pictures according to fairy tales."

The envelopes contain large illustrations based on familiar fairy tales, cut into several parts (from 6 to 9 parts, indicating the number of parts.

Each child takes one envelope and assembles the whole from the parts.

It is necessary to name a fairy tale and tell this moment fairy tales.

(As part of the lesson and in free activity, but under the guidance of a teacher).

"Meeting of heroes of fairy tales".

In this game, in addition to the heroes of Russian folk tales, there are heroes of author's fairy tales, as well as cartoon characters.

Children receive one card with the hero of a familiar fairy tale, walk around the group and look for the second hero from the same fairy tale. They form pairs holding hands. They must convey intonation the dialogue of the characters, give a description of the characters.

Children really like these games, and they play with pleasure, fixing the names of fairy tales and developing coherent speech, training memory, overcoming difficulties, because didactic games, for example, with split pictures, require perseverance. Children learn to think, they develop the skills of a culture of speech communication.

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The year 2015, declared the Year of Literature, is coming to an end. At the end of November, we will have a teachers' council on this topic. Each group has chosen a topic on which they are implementing a monthly project. Teachers work with children on the works of different authors. And we took Russian folk fairy tales, as we are working on an annual project to familiarize preschoolers with the origins of Russian folk culture. Thus, we have a short-term project within a long-term, in-depth work on Russian folk fairy tales. Today I want to present to you, dear colleagues, another game based on fairy tales. It was made according to the type of game "The Fourth Extra". The goal of the game is to familiarize children with the origins of Russian folk culture. Yes, and the tasks are the same as in the game "Our beloved fairy tales":

1. Consolidate knowledge of Russian folk fairy tales;

2. Learn fairy tales based on episodic pictures"

3. Develop speech, imagination, thinking;

The teacher shows card and asks, pictures from what fairy tales they see on it. The child, who is given the opportunity to answer, calls fairy tale, three pictures from which he learned, and then calls "extra" fairy tale. You can talk about both fairy tale. In game 10 cards with 4 pictures, 20 Russian folk fairy tales. Here are some I took fairy tales(3 pictures from one fairy tale + 1 picture from another) :

"Vasilisa the Beautiful" - "Turnip";

"Tiny Khavroshechka - Hen Ryaba";

"The Frog Princess" - "Bubble, straw and bast shoes";

"Snegurochka" - "Teremok";

"Sivka-burka" - "Resin goby";

"Bunny Hare" - "Sister Alyonushka.";

"Chernet-sister." - "Kolobok";

"At the command of a pike" - "Two frosts";

"Winged, furry and oily" - "Seven Simeons";

"Geese-swans" - "Zayushkin's hut".

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natalia pinchuk

gra "From what kind of fairy tale am I

Target: fix names and characters familiar to children with children fairy tales, creative imagination, physical activity. Cultivate children's interest in fairy tales. Development of mathematical abilities, consolidation of the account. Develop memory, thinking, observation, speech. Recognize objects by verbal description without relying on the visual perception of objects.

Game progress: 1 option:

The teacher sits down with the children, takes out an animal figurine from the box (a toy from "Kindr Surprise") and asks:-AT what fairy tale is this hero? Children remember and respond.

Option 2: the teacher describes the figurine (a toy from the box, you can also make a riddle. Children will learn from the description what kind of animal it is. When guessing, the teacher takes out this figurine and gives it to the child. (The teacher distributes the figures to the children in the process of guessing) Then the children can play fairy tale in which these characters are present.

3 option: individually with 1 child, or several children. The teacher offers to choose, for example, only 3 squirrels, and then 2 elephants came to visit them (the child chooses 2 elephants from the whole mass of toys). How many animals do we have now? Etc.

4 option: Command possible a game. Children are divided into teams, then the teacher gives each team a task. For example, 1 team selects only those animals that are present in fairy tale"Zayushkina's hut", 2 team only those heroes that are present in fairy tale"Fox with a rock" etc.

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