Mobile game don't stay on the floor. Outdoor games and exercises for children of preparatory groups

Marina Timeryanova
Outdoor games for the middle group

Mobile game "Cook and kittens"

Purpose: to exercise children in various types of walking or running, developing responsiveness, dexterity, and the ability to focus on a word.

Description of the game: According to the counting rhyme, a cook is selected, who guards the objects lying in the hoop - "sausages". The cook walks around inside the hoop, cord - "kitchen". Children - kittens go in a circle, performing various types of walking, running, pronouncing the text:

Pussy crying in the hallway

Kittens have great grief:

Tricky cook poor pussies

Doesn't let you grab sausages.

With the last word, "kittens" run into the "kitchen", trying to grab a sausage. The cook is trying to knock down the players who have run in. Defeated players are out of the game. The game continues until all the sausages have been stolen from the cook. The winning kitten becomes the chef.

You can not run into a circle ahead of time. The cook is not allowed to grab the kittens, only salt, he is not allowed to go outside the circle. It is forbidden to take 2 or more items at the same time.

Mobile game "Voevoda"

Purpose: to exercise children in rolling, throwing and catching the ball, in the ability to coordinate movement with the word, develop attention, dexterity.

Description of the game: Players roll the ball in a circle from one to another, saying:

An apple rolls into a round dance circle,

Whoever raised it is the governor ...

The child who has the ball at this moment is the governor. He says:

Today I am a warlord.

I'm running from the round dance.

Runs around the circle, puts the ball on the floor between two players. The children say in chorus:

One, two, do not crow

And run like fire!

Players run in a circle in opposite directions, trying to grab the ball before their partner. The one who runs first and grabs the ball rolls it in a circle. Game continues.

Roll or throw the ball only to a nearby player. You can not interfere with a player running around the circle. The one who first touched the ball won.

Mobile game "Find where hidden"

Purpose: to teach to navigate in a room or on a site, to perform actions on a signal.

Game description: Children stand along the wall. The teacher shows them an object and says that he will hide it. The teacher invites the children to turn to the wall. After making sure that none of the children are looking, he hides the object, after which he says: “It's time!”. Children begin to look for an object.

Mobile game "At the bear in the forest"

Purpose: To teach children to alternately perform different functions (run away and catch).

Game description: The bear's den is determined (at the end of the site) and the children's house on the other. Children go for a walk in the forest and perform movements according to the verse, which they say in chorus:

At the bear in the forest,

Mushrooms, I take berries,

The bear doesn't sleep

And growls at us.

As soon as the children have finished saying the poem, the bear gets up with a growl and catches the children, they run home.

Mobile game "Find and keep silent"

Purpose: to teach to navigate in the hall. Cultivate endurance, ingenuity.

Description of the game: The teacher shows the object to the children, and after they close their eyes, he hides it. Then he offers to search, but not to take it, but to say in your ear where it is hidden. Whoever found the first one and the leader in the next game

Mobile game "Fox in the chicken coop"

Purpose: to develop in children dexterity and the ability to perform movement on a signal, exercise in dodging, catching, climbing, deep jumping.

Game description: A chicken coop is drawn on one side of the site. In the chicken coop on the perch (on the benches) there are chickens, the children stand on the benches. On the other side of the site is a fox hole. The rest of the place is a yard. One of the players is appointed as a fox, the rest of the chickens - they walk and run around the yard, peck grains, flap their wings. At the signal of the “Fox”, the chickens run away into the chicken coop, climb onto the perch, and the fox tries to drag the chicken that did not have time to climb the perch. He takes her to his hole. The hens jump off the perch and play resumes.

A fox can catch chickens, and chickens can climb a perch only at the signal of the teacher "Fox!".

Mobile game "Hares and Wolf"

Purpose: to develop in children the ability to perform movements on a signal, exercise in running, jumping on both legs, squatting, catching.

Description of the game: One of the players is appointed as a wolf, the rest represent hares. On one side of the site, hares mark their places with cones, pebbles, from which circles or squares are laid out. At the beginning of the game, the hares stand in their places. The wolf is at the opposite end of the site - in the ravine. The teacher says: “The bunnies are jumping, hop - hop - hop, onto a green meadow. They pinch the grass, listen to see if the wolf is coming. Hares jump out of the circles and scatter around the site. They jump on 2 legs, sit down, nibble grass and look around in search of a wolf. The teacher pronounces the word "Wolf", the wolf comes out of the ravine and runs after the hares, trying to catch and touch them. The hares run each to their own place, where the wolf can no longer overtake them. The wolf takes the caught hares into the ravine. After the wolf catches 2-3 hares, another wolf is selected. Hares run out at the words - hares jump. You can return to your places only after the word "Wolf!".

You can’t catch those hares that the hare-mother gave a paw to. Put cubes on the way - stumps, hares run around them. Choose 2 wolves. A wolf to jump over an obstacle - a stream.

Mobile game "Find a mate"

Purpose: To develop in children the ability to perform movements on a signal, according to the word, quickly builds in pairs. Exercise in running, color recognition. Develop initiative and ingenuity.

Game description: The players stand along the wall. The teacher gives everyone one flag. At the signal of the teacher, the children scatter around the playground. On another signal, or on the word “Find yourself a pair!”, Children with flags of the same color find a pair for themselves, each pair, using the flags, makes one or another figure. An odd number of children participate in the game, 1 must be left without a pair. The players say: "Vanya, Vanya - do not yawn, quickly choose a couple!".

The players get into pairs and scatter at the signal (word) of the educator.

Each time the players must have a pair.

Instead of flags, use handkerchiefs. To prevent children from running in pairs, introduce a limiter - a narrow path, jump over a stream.

Mobile game "Flight of birds"

Purpose: to develop a response to verbal signals. Practice climbing the gymnastic ladder.

Game description: Children stand at one end of the hall, they are birds. At the other end of the hall is a tower (gymnastic wall). At the signal of the teacher: “The birds are flying away!” Birds fly with their wings spread. At the signal "Storm!" - birds fly to the tower - hiding from the storm in the trees. After the words: “The storm has stopped,” the birds fly again.

Mobile game "Shepherd and flock"

Purpose: to consolidate the ability to play by the rules of the game. Exercise in crawling on all fours around the hall.

Game description: Choose a shepherd, give him a horn and a whip. Children depict a herd (cows, calves, sheep). The teacher says the words:

early in the morning

Shepherd: "Tu-ru-ru-ru."

And the cows are in harmony with him

Tightened: "Moo-mu-mu."

Children perform actions to the words, then the shepherd drives the herd into the field (to the agreed lawn, everyone roams around it. After a while, the shepherd snaps the whip, drives the herd home.

Mobile game "Mousetrap"

Purpose: to develop in children endurance, the ability to coordinate movements with words, dexterity. Exercise in running and squatting, building in a circle and walking in a circle.

Description of the game: the players are divided into two unequal teams, the large one forms a circle - a “mousetrap”, the rest are mice. The words:

Oh, how tired the mice are,

Everyone ate, everyone ate.

Beware the cheats

We will get to you.

Let's set up mousetraps

Let's get everyone now!

Then the children put their hands down, and the "mice" remaining in the circle stand in a circle and the mousetrap increases.

Mobile game "Burn, burn bright!"

Purpose: to develop in children endurance, orientation in space. Practice running fast.

Game description:

The players line up in pairs. A line is drawn in front of the column at a distance of 2-3 steps. "Catching" stands on this line. Everyone says:

Burn, burn brightly, so that it does not go out.

Look at the sky, the birds are flying

The bells are ringing! One, two, three - run!

After the word “run”, the children standing in the last pair run along the column (one on the left, the other on the right, trying to grab the hands in front of the catcher, who tries to catch one of the pair before the children have time to meet and join hands. If the catcher succeeds do, then he forms a pair and stands in front of the column, and the rest is catching.

The mobile game "Traps from the circle"

Purpose: to develop in children the ability to coordinate movements with words. Exercise in rhythmic walking, in dodging and catching, in building in a circle

Description of the game: children stand in a circle, holding hands. Trap - in the center of the circle, bandage on the arm. The players move in a circle and say:

We, funny guys, love to run and jump.

Well, try to catch up with us. One, two, three - catch!

Children scatter, and the trap catches up. Caught temporarily steps aside. The game continues until the trap catches 2-3 children. Duration 5-7 minutes.

Mobile game "Wolf in the ditch"

Purpose: to develop courage and dexterity, the ability to act on a signal. Practice running long jump.

Description of the game: two parallel straight lines are drawn on the court at a distance of 80 - 100 cm - a "ditch". A “house of goats” is outlined along the edges of the site. The teacher appoints one playing "wolf", the rest - "goats". All goats are located on one side of the site. The wolf gets into the ditch. At the teacher’s signal “wolf in the ditch”, the goats run to the opposite side of the site, jumping over the ditch, and the wolf tries to catch (touch) them. Those caught are taken to the corner of the moat. The duration of the game is 5-7 minutes.

Mobile game "Homeless Hare"

Purpose: to develop orientation in space in children. Practice fast running

Description of the game: a hunter and a homeless hare are selected from among the players. The rest of the players - hares draw circles for themselves - "their own house." The homeless hare runs away, and the hunter catches up with him. A hare can escape from a hunter by running into any circle; then the hare standing in the circle becomes a homeless hare. If the hunter catches, then they switch roles. Game duration 5-7 minutes

Mobile game "Owl"

Purpose: to develop in children inhibition, observation, the ability to perform movements on a signal. Get kids to run.

Description of the game: two straight lines are drawn at a distance of 80 - 100 cm - this is a "ditch". At a distance of one or two steps from the border, a "goat's house" is outlined. All goats are located on one side of the site. The wolf gets into the ditch. At the signal “wolf in the ditch”, the goats run to the opposite side, jumping over the ditch, while the wolf catches the goats. Those caught are taken to the corner of the moat. Duration 6-8 minutes.

Mobile game "Firemen for training"

Purpose: to develop in children a sense of collectivism, the ability to perform movements on a signal. Exercise in climbing and in building in a column.

Description of the game: children are built facing the gymnastic wall at a distance of 5 - 6 steps in 3 - 4 columns. A bell is hung against each column at the same height. At the signal “1, 2, 3 - run,” the children standing first run to the wall, climb in and ring the bell. Then they descend and stand at the end of their column. Repeat the game 6-8 times.

Card file of outdoor games for children 6-7 years old

Program content:

To teach children to use a variety of outdoor games (including games with elements of competition) that contribute to the development of psychophysical qualities (dexterity, strength, speed, endurance, flexibility), coordination of movements, the ability to navigate in space; independently organize familiar outdoor games with peers, fairly evaluate their results and the results of their comrades. Learn to come up with game options, combine movements, showing Creative skills. Develop interest in sports games and exercises (towns, badminton, table tennis, hockey, football).
card number 1
Mobile game "Traps"
Stroke: With the help of a counting rhyme, a driver is selected - a trap and stands in the middle of the hall (platform). On a signal: "One, two, three - catch!" all the players scatter and dodge the trap, which tries to catch up with someone and touch with his hand (tarnish). The one who was touched by the trap steps aside. When 2-3 players are caught, another trap is chosen. The game is repeated 3 times. If the group is large, then two traps are selected.
card number 2
Mobile game "Smart guys"
Target: Develop dexterity, eye and accuracy of movements.
Stroke: The players are divided into threes and stand in a triangle (the distance between the children is 1.5 m). One child in a trio throws the ball up with both hands, the second must pick it up and throw it up again, the third player catches the ball and throws it up, the first player must catch the ball, etc.
card number 3
Mobile game "Catch up with your couple"
Target: Exercise children in running with acceleration.
Stroke: Children stand in two lines; the distance between the lines is 3-4 steps. At the signal of the teacher, a run is performed to the opposite side of the site (distance 15 - 20). The second rank player tries to touch (stain) the first rank player before he crosses the imaginary line. The teacher counts the number of losers. When repeating the game task, the children change roles.
card number 4
Mobile game "Tops and Roots"
Target: To consolidate knowledge about the way vegetables grow, develop attention, visual and auditory perception, memory, exercise the ability to catch the ball.
Stroke: 1. An adult shows a vegetable (dummy or natural) or names it, children call it and show movements where it grows, if on the ground - they pull their hands up, if underground - they squat. A child can also act as an adult, who himself shows vegetables.
2. Children stand in a circle. In the center is the driver with the ball. He throws the ball to the first player and names any vegetable. The player returns the ball to the leader and answers it's tops or roots. The one who never makes a mistake wins.
card number 5
Mobile game "Don't stay on the floor"
Target: Exercise children in uniform running while maintaining distance, develop coordination in jumping.
Stroke: With the help of a rhyme, a driver is selected - a trap. The trap runs along with the children around the hall (platform). As soon as the teacher says "Catch!" all children scatter and try to climb any elevation (gymnastic benches, cubes, gymnastic wall). The trap is trying to show off. The guys he touched step aside. At the end of the game, the number of losers is counted and a new driver is selected.
card number 6
Mobile game "Flies - does not fly"
Stroke: Children stand in a row. The host calls various objects and raises his hands up. Children should raise their hands up only when the named object is flying. At the end, mark those who have never made a mistake.
card number 7
Mobile game "Quickly stand in a column"
Target: Develop attention and speed of movement.
Stroke: The players are built in three columns (in front of each column is a cube of its own color). The teacher offers to remember your place in the column and the color of the cube. On a signal, the players scatter around the hall (site). After 30-35 sec. The signal "Quickly to the column!" is given, and each child must quickly take his place in the column.
card number 8
Mobile game "Owl"
Target: Development of attention, reaction to a verbal command and arbitrary regulation of behavior.
Stroke: An owl's nest is marked on the site. The rest are mice, bugs, butterflies. At the signal "Day!" Everyone is walking and running. After a while, the signal "Night!" sounds. and everyone stops, remaining in the position in which the team found them. The owl wakes up, flies out of the nest, runs around the children, carefully observes, and takes the one who moves to his nest. On a signal: "Day!" - game continues.
Rules: Stop in the position proposed by the teacher: stand on one knee, on toes, forming pairs, placing the feet in one line.
card number 9
Mobile game "Giants and gnomes"
Target: Encourage children to act on the signal.
Stroke: The driver (most often an adult) explains to the guys that he can only pronounce the words "giants" and "gnomes". At the word "giants", everyone should rise on their toes and raise their hands. And at the word "gnomes", everyone should sit down lower. The one who makes a mistake is out of the game.
Of course, the driver wants to ensure that the players are wrong. To do this, he first pronounces the words "giants!" loud and bass, and "gnomes" - a quiet squeaky whisper. And then, at some point, the other way around. Or, saying "giants", the driver crouches, and saying "gnomes" - rises on his toes.
The pace of the game is accelerating and all the players are gradually dropping out. The last player who has never made a mistake becomes the leader.
card number 10
Mobile game "Rod"
Target: Exercise in jumping with vigorous repulsion with two legs from the ground and bending the legs under you during the jump.
Stroke: Children stand in a circle. In the center of the circle, the teacher holds a rope in his hands, a bag of sand is tied at the end. The teacher rotates the bag on a rope in a circle above the ground (floor), and the children jump up, trying to prevent the bag from touching their legs. The teacher rotates the bag in both directions alternately.
card number 11
Mobile game "Quick pass"
Stroke: The players stand in 3-4 lines and are located half a step from each other. The first player in each line has a large diameter ball. At the signal of the teacher, the children begin to pass the ball to each other from hand to hand. The last player in the line, having received the ball, raises it above his head.
card number 12
Mobile game "Don't get caught"
Stroke: A circle is drawn on the floor (ground) (or laid out from a cord). All players stand behind the circle at a distance of half a step. The leader is chosen. He becomes in a circle anywhere. Children jump in and out of the circle. The driver runs in a circle, trying to touch the players while they are in the circle. The child touched by the driver steps aside. After 30-40 sec. The game stops. Another driver is selected, and the game is repeated with all the children.
card number 13
Mobile game "Circular lapta"
Target: To develop in children dexterity in ball games and speed in running with dodging.
Stroke: Children are divided into two teams. Players of one team stand in a circle, each holding a ball. The players of the second team are inside the circle. The task of the players of the first team is to touch (touch) those who are inside the circle. Children inside the circle try to dodge. When at least a third of the players are tagged, the teams change places.
card number 14
Mobile game "Shapes"
Target: The development of attention, orientation in space, the ability to act on a signal.
Stroke: At the signal of the teacher, all the children scatter around the hall (platform). On the next signal, all the players stop at the place where the team found them and assume a pose. The teacher notes those whose figures turned out to be the most successful.
Options: At the signal: "Stop! Two!" - build a figure in pairs. On the next "Stop! Three!" - in the top three, etc. up to five.
card number 15
Mobile game "Ball over the head"
Target: Develop speed and accuracy of movements when passing the ball.
Stroke: The players are divided into threes. Two guys throw the ball to each other, and the third one stands between them and tries to touch the ball. If he succeeds, he changes places with the player who threw the ball.
card number 16
Mobile game "Pass on the go"
Target: Development of attention, speed and accuracy of movements when passing the ball.
Stroke: The players are divided into pairs, and stand on the starting line. In the hands of one player of each pair of balls of large diameter. At the signal of the teacher, the children, throwing the ball to each other along the way, move to the opposite side of the hall (platform) to the designated line (distance 10m). A pair is celebrated, which quickly and without losing the ball reached the finish line.
card number 17
Mobile game "Bird flight"
Target: Exercise in climbing, developing agility and strength.
Stroke: On one side of the hall are children - birds. On the other side there are various aids - gymnastic benches, cubes, etc. are trees. At the signal "Birds fly away!" children, waving their arms like wings, scatter around the hall. At the signal "Storm!" all the birds run to the trees and try to take any place as quickly as possible. When the teacher says "The storm has stopped!". Children descend from the hills and again scatter around the hall - "the birds continue their flight."
card number 18
Mobile game "Echo"
Target: Exercise in the development of phonemic hearing and the accuracy of auditory perception.
Stroke: Before the game, an adult addresses the children: Have you ever heard an echo? When you travel in the mountains or through the forest, pass through an archway, or are in a large empty hall, you may encounter an echo. That is, you, of course, will not be able to see it, but you can hear it. If you say: "Echo, hello!", then it will answer you: "Echo, hello!", Because it always repeats exactly what you say to it. Now let's play echo.
Then they appoint a driver - "Echo", who must repeat what he is told.
card number 19
Mobile game "Jump - don't hit"
Target: Exercise in jumping on two legs, develop strength and agility.
Stroke: The players line up in two columns and stand at a distance of two steps from each other. Two leaders stand in front of each column with a stretched rope in their hands (length 1.5 - 2 m). The drivers raise the rope to a height of 20 cm and, at the signal of the teacher, pass it under the feet of the players, and they must jump over the rope.
card number 20
Mobile game "Hurry up to run out"
Target: To consolidate the skill of walking and running with a change in direction of movement, the ability to act on the signal of the teacher.
Stroke: The players stand in a circle. 5-6 guys go to the center of the circle. Those standing in a circle join hands and start running to the right or left (or fast walking), and the guys in the center of the circle clap their hands. At the signal of the teacher "Stop!" running in a circle quickly stop and raise their clasped hands up. The teacher counts out loud to three. During this time, those standing in the center of the circle must quickly run out of the circle. After the count of three, the children lower their hands. The one who remains in the circle is considered the loser.
card number 21
Mobile game "The ball to the driver"
Stroke: The players become in 3-4 columns (or 3-4 circles). At a distance of 2-2.5 m from each column, the leader with the ball stands up. At the signal of the educator, the drivers throw the ball to the standing first players, and those, having caught them, return them back and run to the end of their column. Then the drivers throw the balls to the next players, etc.
card number 22
Mobile game "Frogs"
Target: Practice jumping and throwing the ball.
Stroke: Children are built in 3 or 4 columns and stand in front of the wall at the starting line. In the hands of the first players in the column, the ball is of medium or small diameter (depending on the preparedness of the children). The distance to the wall is 1.5 - 2m. The child throws the ball against the wall, and jump over it after bouncing on the floor (ground). The second child in the column picks up the ball, throws it against the wall, jumps over the ball after the bounce, and so on. Each next player, after completing the exercise, stands at the end of his column.
card number 23
Mobile game "Traps with ribbons"
Target: Practice running. Develop dexterity, the ability to quickly navigate.
Stroke: Children are built in a circle; each has a colored ribbon tucked into the back of the belt. There is a trap in the center of the circle. At the signal of the teacher: "One, two, three - catch!" The children run around the playground. The trap runs after the players, trying to pull the ribbon from someone. At the signal of the teacher: "One, two, three, run in a circle!" everyone is in a circle. The teacher offers to raise their hands to those who have lost the ribbon, that is, lost, and counts them. The trap returns the ribbons to the children, and the game is repeated, with a new driver.
card number 24
Mobile game "Carrying balls"
Target: Develop the ability to perform movements on a signal. Practice fast running.
Stroke: Players are built in two columns and stand on the four sides of the hall (platform). In the center is a large-diameter hoop (or basket) in which small balls are placed according to the number of players. At the command of the teacher, the children standing first in the columns run to the hoop, take one ball, return and stand at the end of their column. The second players start running after the first ones cross the marked line, and so on. The team that completes the task quickly and without errors wins.
card number 25
Mobile game "Quickly take it"
Target: Develop the ability to perform movements on a signal.
Stroke: The players form a circle and walk around objects (cubes, balls, skittles); 2-3 fewer items than players. Suddenly, the teacher gives a signal: “Quickly take it!”. Each player must take an item and raise it above their head. The one who did not have time to take the item is considered the loser.
card number 26
Mobile game "Guess whose voice?"
Target: Strengthen the skill of walking in a circle.
Stroke: The driver stands in the center of the hall and closes his eyes. Children form a circle, without holding hands, go in a circle to the right and say:
We gathered in an even circle
Let's turn back together,
And how do we say: "Skok - skok - skok",
Guess whose voice.
The words "skok - skok - skok" are pronounced by one child (at the direction of the teacher).
The driver opens his eyes and tries to guess who said these words. If he guesses correctly, that player takes his place. If the driver did not guess correctly, then when the game is repeated, he again performs this role. Children walk in a circle in the other direction.
card number 27

Target: Develop accuracy in exercises with the ball.
Stroke: The players line up in front of the wall (fence) and throw the ball against the wall, catching it after bouncing off the ground (with a clap, squatting, etc.)
card number 28
Mobile game "Mousetrap"
Target: To develop in children endurance, the ability to coordinate movements with words. Exercise in running with crawling.
Stroke: The players are divided into two unequal groups. The smaller one forms a circle - a "mousetrap", the rest of the "mice" - they are outside the circle. The players, representing a mousetrap, hold hands and begin to walk in a circle, saying: “Oh, how tired the mice are, they gnawed everything. Everyone ate. Beware, cheats, we will get to you! Children stop and raise their clasped hands up, forming a gate. Mice run into and out of the mousetrap. According to the teacher "Hop!" children standing in a circle lower their hands and squat - the mousetrap slammed shut. Players who do not have time to run out of the circle are considered to be caught. Caught mice move into a circle and increase the size of the mousetrap. When most of the mice are caught, the children switch roles.
card number 29
Mobile game "Entertainers"
Target: To develop the creative abilities of children, orientation in space, attention.
Stroke: With the help of a counting rhyme, an entertainer is selected, who stands in the center of the circle formed by the children. Holding hands, the children go in a circle to the right, then to the left and say:
In an even circle one after another
We go step by step.
Stay where you are! together
Let's do it like this!
The children stop, lower their hands, and the entertainer shows some kind of movement. Everyone must repeat it. The one who repeats the movement best of all becomes the new entertainer.
card number 30
Mobile game "In places"
Target: To form the ability to throw and catch the ball, to be dexterous, attentive, to develop an eye.
Stroke: The players form a circle. In front of each child lies an object (a cube, a bag, a skittle). On a signal, everyone scatters around the hall (site) in different directions, and the teacher removes one object. To the signal "In places!" all players must quickly stand in a circle and take a place near an object. The one who was left without a place is considered a loser.
card number 31
Mobile game "Pass the ball"
Target: Practice with the ball.
Stroke: The players are built in 3-4 columns. The distance between the children in the column is one step. The first player in the column receives the ball (large diameter). At the signal of the teacher, the first players pass the ball back between their legs with both hands and run to the end of their column. The next players pass the balls back and run to the end of their column, and so on. When the first player is again in front of the column, he raises the ball high above his head. Repeat 2-3 times. The teacher marks the winning team.
card number 32
Mobile game "Cunning Fox"
Target: To develop in children endurance, observation. Exercise in fast running with dodging, in building in a circle, in catching.
Stroke: The players stand in a circle at a distance of one step from each other. The teacher invites the players to close their eyes, goes around the circle behind the children and touches one of the players, who becomes a cunning fox. Then the teacher invites the players to open their eyes and look carefully which of them is a cunning fox, if she will give herself away with something. The players ask in chorus 3 times, at first quietly, and then louder, "Sly fox, where are you?" While everyone is looking at each other. The cunning fox quickly comes to the middle of the circle, raises his hand up, says "I'm here." All the players scatter around the site, and the fox catches them. The captured fox takes it home to the hole.
Rules: The fox begins to catch the children only after the players who play 3 times in chorus ask and the fox says: "I'm here!"
If the fox gave himself away earlier, the teacher appoints a new fox.
The player who ran out of the area is considered to be caught.

Options: 2 foxes are selected. The fox can be chosen by lot.
card number 33
Mobile game "Salki"
Target: Exercise in fast running with dodging, in building in a circle, in catching.
Stroke: All the players run freely around the site, the driver - the tag is trying to tarnish someone. The player who is tarnished becomes a tag; if the lark cannot catch anyone for a long time, then the teacher appoints another driver. If the group is large, then two leaders can be appointed.
card number 34
Mobile game "Stop!"
Target: Exercise in walking with the performance of tasks on a signal, repeat game exercises for balance.
Stroke: The players stand in one line or arbitrarily not far from each other. On the opposite side of the hall, the driver stands with his back to the players. He loudly says: "Walk fast, look, don't yawn, stop!" for each word, the players step forward (rhythmically, in accordance with the spoken text). At the last word, the children stop, and the driver quickly looks around. The one who did not have time to stop takes a step back. The leader turns away and says the text again, and the children continue to move. The player who managed to cross the finish line before the driver says the word "Stop!" becomes the driver.
card number 35
The mobile game "Jumpers - sparrows"
Target: Practice jumping over cords.
Stroke: The teacher lays out a circle of rope on the floor (or draws on the ground) (landmarks can also be sandbags or cubes). The driver is chosen - a kite (or a cat). He stands in the middle of the circle. The rest of the children are sparrows, they stand outside the circle. Sparrows jump in and out of the circle. The kite (or cat) runs in a circle and does not allow sparrows to stay there for a long time. The sparrow, touched by the driver, stops, raises his hand, but does not leave the game. The teacher marks those whom the kite (or cat) has never caught. The game is repeated after a short break.
card number 36
Mobile game "Frogs and Heron"
Target: To develop in children dexterity, speed. Learn to jump back and forth over an object.
Stroke: The boundaries of the swamp (rectangle, square or circle) where frogs live are marked with cubes (side 20 cm), between which ropes are stretched. At the ends of the ropes are sandbags. Away is a heron's nest. Frogs jump, frolic in the swamp. The heron (leader) stands in its nest. At the signal of the teacher, she, raising her legs high, goes to the swamp, steps over the rope and catches the frogs. The frogs escape from the heron - they jump out of the swamp. The heron takes the frogs he has caught to his house. (They stay there until they choose a new heron.) If all the frogs manage to jump out of the swamp and the heron does not catch anyone, she returns to her house alone. After 2-3 games, a new heron is chosen.
Directions: The ropes are placed on the cubes so that they can easily fall if they are touched when jumping. The fallen rope is put back in place. Playing (frogs) should be evenly distributed over the entire area of ​​​​the swamp. There may be 2 herons in the game.
card number 37
Mobile game "Hunters and falcons"
Target: Exercise in fast running, develop speed of reaction.
Stroke: On one side of the hall (platform) are falcons. In the middle of the hall are two hunters. At the signal of the teacher "Falcons, fly!" the children run to the other side of the hall, and the hunters try to catch (tarnish) them before they cross the imaginary line. When the game is repeated, other drivers are selected, but not from among those caught.
card number 38
Outdoor game "Passing the ball in a line (or in a circle)"
Target: Develop speed and accuracy of movements when passing the ball.
Stroke: The players are built in 3-4 lines. In the hands of the first player in each line, the ball (large diameter). At the signal of the teacher, the children begin to pass the ball to each other in a line. As soon as the last player in the line receives the ball, he raises it over his head and all players must turn around and pass the ball in the opposite direction. The first in the line receives the ball, all the children turn again and take their original position. The teacher announces the winning team.
card number 39
Mobile game "Day and night"
Target: To develop in children dexterity, speed.
Stroke: The players are divided into two teams - "Day" and "Night". In the middle of the hall (platform) a line is drawn (or a cord is placed). At a distance of two steps from the line, teams stand with their backs to each other. The teacher says: “Ready!”, Then he gives one of the teams a signal to run, for example, says: “Day”. Children run over the line, and the players of the second team quickly turn around and catch up with the rivals, trying to spot them before they cross the line. The team that manages to tarnish the most players of the opposing team wins.
card number 40
Mobile game "Two frosts"
Target: Exercise in scattered running, develop speed of reaction, the ability to act according to the rules.
Stroke: On opposite sides of the site, two houses are marked with lines. The players are located in one of the houses. Two drivers (Frost - red nose and Frost - blue nose) go to the middle of the site, face the children and say:
We are two young brothers
Two frosts removed,
I am Frost - red nose,
I am Frost - blue nose,
Which one of you decides
On the way - to start the path?
All the chorus players respond:
We are not afraid of threats
And we are not afraid of frost.
After that, the children run to another house, and the frosts try to freeze them (touch them with their hands). The frozen ones remain in the place where the frost overtook them, and stand there until the end of the dash. Frosts count how many guys they managed to freeze. After two dashes, other Morozov are chosen.
card number 41
Mobile game "Spider and flies"
Target: Continue to exercise in running in various directions, in the ability to keep balance. Develop endurance.
Stroke: In one corner of the hall, a web is indicated by a circle (or cord), where the driver lives - a spider. The rest of the children are flies. At the signal of the teacher, all the flies scatter around the room, "fly", buzz. The spider is in the web. At the signal "Spider!" flies stop in the place where the team found them. The spider comes out and looks carefully. The one who moved, the spider leads into its web. After two repetitions, the number of flies caught is counted. The game is resumed with a different driver.
card number 42
Mobile game "Keys"
Stroke: The players stand in circles drawn in any order (or laid out from short cords) at a distance of 2 m from one another. The leader is chosen. He approaches one of the players and asks: "Where are the keys?" He replies: "Go to ... (calls one of the children), knock!" At this time, other children try to change places. The driver must quickly take a free circle during the run. If the driver cannot take a circle for a long time, he shouts: "I found the keys!" Then all the players change places, the one left without a place becomes the driver.
card number 43
Mobile game "Carousel"
Target: To develop in children the rhythm of movements and the ability to coordinate them with words. Exercise in running, walking in a circle and building in a circle.
Stroke: The players form a circle. The teacher gives the children a cord, the ends of which are tied. The children, holding the cord with their right hand, turn to the left and say a poem: "Barely, barely, barely, barely, the carousels spun. And then around, around, all running, running, running." In accordance with the text of the poem, children walk in a circle, first slowly, then faster, then run. During the run, the teacher says: "Be-y-y." Children run 2 times in a circle, the teacher changes the direction of movement, saying: "Turn." The players turn around, quickly intercepting the cord with their left hand and run in the other direction. Then the teacher continues with the children: "Hush, hush, don't write off, stop the carousel. One, two, one, two, the game is over!" The carousel movements are getting slower. At the words "Here the game is over," the children lower the cord to the ground and disperse.
Rules: You can only take a seat on the carousel by calling. Not having time to take a seat before the third call, does not take part in skating. It is necessary to make movements according to the text, observing the rhythm.
Options: Everyone must take their place. Put the cord on the floor, running in a circle after it.
card number 44
Mobile game "Zhmurki"
Target: Improving orientation in space.
Stroke: The educator assigns a rhyme to the driver - blind man's blind man. He stands in the middle of the area, limited by cords. He is blindfolded and asked to turn around several times. All the children scatter, and the blind man's blind man tries to catch someone.
Rules: Do not go beyond the designated border; running away from blind man's buff, you can squat; so that the blind man does not go beyond the site, he is warned with the word "fire".
When the children unwind in the place of the leader - blind man's blind man, then together they say the sentence:
- Cat, cat, what are you standing on?
- On the porch (on the pitcher).
-What are you drinking?
- Kvass!
- Catch the mice, not us.
Here is another version of the sentence:
- Where are you standing?
- On the bridge.
- What are you drinking?
- Kvass.
- Look for us for three years!
card number 45
Mobile game "Handed - sit down (relay with a ball)"
Target: Develop speed and accuracy of movements when passing the ball.
Stroke: The game is played in the hall or on the court. For its implementation, 2-3 volleyballs are required. The players are divided into 2-3 equal teams, which are built behind the line in a column one at a time. Ahead of each team at 6-8 meters is the captain with the ball in his hands. On a signal, the captain passes the ball to the first player of his team. He, having caught the ball, returns it to the captain and crouches. The captain throws the ball to the second player, and so on. Having received the ball from the last player, the captain lifts it up, and the whole team quickly gets up. The team that completes the task first and its captain lifts the ball up wins. The player who dropped the ball must sculpt it, return to his place and continue passing. Also, players should not skip their turn.
card number 46
Mobile game "Polar bears"
Target: Develop speed, agility, endurance.
Stroke: On the edge of the site, which is the sea, a small place is outlined - an ice floe. On it stands the driver - "polar bear". The rest of the "bears" are randomly placed throughout the site.
"Bear" growls: "I'm going out to catch!" - and runs to catch "bear cubs". Having caught one "bear cub", he takes him to the ice floe, then catches another. After that, two caught "bear cubs" join hands and begin to catch the rest of the players. At this time, the "bear" retreats to the ice floe. Having overtaken someone, two "bear cubs" join their free hands so that the caught one finds himself between the hands, and shout: "Bear, help!" "Bear" runs up, taunts the one he has caught and takes him to the ice floe. The next two caught also join hands and catch the rest of the cubs. The game continues until all the bears have been caught.
The last player caught wins and becomes the "polar bear".
Rules: The caught "bear cub" cannot slip out from under the hands of the couple surrounding him until the "bear" has tagged him. When catching, it is forbidden to grab the players by the clothes, and those who run away run out of the boundaries of the site.
card number 47
Mobile game "Frogs in the swamp"
Target: Exercise in jumping on two legs moving forward, developing strength, agility, speed of reaction.
Stroke: On one side of the hall (beyond the line) there is a driver - a crane. In the middle of the hall is a swamp (a circle made of cord). Children sit around - frogs and say:
Here from the hatched rotten
The frogs splashed into the water.
Kwa-ke-ke, kwa-ke-ke,
It will rain on the river.
With the end of the words, the frogs jump into the swamp. The crane catches the frogs that did not have time to jump. The caught frog goes to the crane's nest. When the crane has caught several frogs, another crane is chosen from among those who have never been caught.
card number 48
Mobile game "Ball against the wall"
Target: Develop children's attention, dexterity. Practice catching the ball with both hands.
Stroke: Children stand in 3-4 columns in front of the wall (shield). The player standing first in the column has a ball of small diameter. The player throws the ball against the wall, then goes to the end of his column. The second player must catch the ball after bouncing on the floor and throw it against the wall, etc. The team that completes the task quickly and without losing the ball wins.
card number 49
Mobile game "We are funny guys"
Target: Get kids to run. Strengthen the ability to act on a signal.
Stroke: Children stand behind the line on one side of the playground (hall). In the center of the site are two drivers. The children say in unison:
We are funny guys.
We love to run and jump.
Well, try to catch up with us!
One - two - three - catch!
After the word "Catch!" children run across to the other side of the playground, and the drivers catch up with them. The one whom the driver has taunted, steps aside. As soon as the children cross the finish line, the number of losers is counted. The game is repeated with other drivers.
card number 50
Mobile game "Hunters and ducks"
Stroke: Children are divided into two equal teams - hunters and ducks. Ducks stand in the middle of a large circle. The hunters throw a ball (large diameter), trying to hit the ducks with it. The duck touched by the ball is out of the game. When most (about a third) of the ducks are tagged, the teams switch roles.
card number 51
Mobile game "Quiet - Loud"
Target: Develop observation, attention, the ability to listen to the signal and act in accordance with it.
Stroke: With the help of a counting rhyme, the driver is selected, he stands in the center of the circle and closes his eyes. The teacher gives one of the players an object that can be hidden (lace, ribbon). All children except the driver know who has the item. When the driver approaches this child, the children begin to clap loudly, when they move away, the claps become quieter. The game continues until the driver finds the object. If he fails to do this for a long time, then another driver is selected.
card number 52
Mobile game "Wolf in the ditch"
Target: Exercise children in running, jumping. Strengthen the ability to act on a signal.
Stroke: In the middle of the hall (platform) two parallel lines are drawn (or ropes are laid) at a distance of 80-90 cm from one another - this is a moat. On one side of the site beyond the line is a goat house. Choose a driver - a wolf. All goats are located in the house (beyond the line). The wolf gets into the ditch. At the signal of the teacher: "Wolf in the ditch!" the goats run to the opposite side of the hall, jumping over the moat, and the wolf tries to catch them (to touch them with his hand). The wolf takes the captured goats aside. The signal is given again. After two runs, all the captured goats return to their home, and a new driver is selected.
card number 53
Mobile game "Who is faster to the ball"
Target: Exercise children in speed running.
Stroke: Children stand in two lines. Task: run to the object as quickly as possible, pick it up and raise it above your head (distance 10m). At the command of the educator "March!" the exercise is performed by the first line. The teacher marks the first three participants. Then the second group performs the task, the teacher marks the winners.
card number 54
Mobile game "Pass with the foot"
Target: Develop dexterity in ball games.
Stroke: Players stand in circles of 3-4 people. In the center of each circle is the driver, in front of him lies a ball of large diameter. The driver rolls the ball with his foot to the players (foot pass); each child, having received the ball, holds it for a few seconds, taking it with his foot, and again sends it to the driver.
card number 55
Mobile game "Burners"
Target: Practice speed running.
Stroke: The players line up in two columns, holding hands in pairs. Ahead is the driver. The boys say in unison:
Burn, burn bright
To not go out.
Look at the sky
The birds are flying
The bells are ringing!
One - two - three - run!
After the word "Run!" the children standing in the last pair lower their hands and run to the beginning of the column: one to the right, the other to the left of the column. The driver tries to catch one of the guys before he can join hands with his partner again. If the driver manages to do this, he joins hands with the one who was caught and they stand in front of the column. The one left without a pair becomes the leader. To increase motor activity, you can divide the children into two teams.
card number 56
Mobile game "Passing the ball in the column"
Target: To develop in children dexterity, speed in ball games.
Stroke: Children are built in 3-4 columns; the distance between the players is one step. The one standing in the column first has a ball (large diameter). At the signal of the teacher, the children begin to pass the ball back with both hands above their heads (foot stand shoulder width apart). The last player in the column receives the ball, runs to the front of the column and passes the ball in the same way. The task is performed until the first player in the column is the one who stood first before the start of the game. The team that completes the task quickly and without loss wins.
card number 57
Game exercises with football elements
Target: To develop speed while running, agility, coordination of movements, the ability to navigate in space, to instill in children a sense of collectivism, mutual assistance.
"Ball to the wall". The players are located in front of the wall (fence) at a distance of 3 m from it. Each child has a ball, which he beats at an arbitrary pace against the wall alternately with his right and left foot.
"Smart Guys". Players line up in pairs across the court. Each pair has one ball. The distance between children is 2m. Task: send the ball to the partner with the right and left foot alternately.
"Trace it right." Various objects (cubes, stuffed balls) are placed throughout the site. The child circles the ball around the objects with his right and left foot, not letting it go far from himself.
"Goal in goal". With the help of several cubes, gates are indicated. On the starting line (distance from the gate 5m), the players take turns going out and trying to kick the ball into the goal with the exact movement of the foot (right or left).
"Kill the item." Skittles are placed on the same line at a distance of 4m from the starting line. Task: after a short run-up, hit the ball with an object.
"Exact pass". The players are divided into pairs. Each pair has one ball. Children move from one side of the playground to the other, hitting the ball to each other with their right and left feet alternately.
"Quick pass". The players become a semicircle (a small group, the distance between the players is 2m), in front of them is the driver with the ball. He kicks the ball with his foot to the first player with a quick and accurate movement, and he returns the ball with the same movement, etc. Then the driver changes places with the first player of the team. The exercise is repeated with another driver.
"Clever and fast." Those who play in a line run the ball to the other side of the court, lightly knocking it with their right or left foot so that it does not roll far.
"Pass in a circle." The players stand in a circle (a small group of children) and, rolling, hit the ball, send it to each other with a slight but precise movement of the right or left foot.
"Pass in a circle." The players stand in a circle, in the center is a teacher with a ball. He sends the ball to the children in turn. Having received the ball, the child stops it and sends it back to the teacher with the same movement.
"Pass in three." Children form threes at a distance of 2m from each other. One player has the ball. The players pass the ball to the right in a circle with one foot, then to the left, and so on several times.
"Get in the gate." Children carry the ball from one side of the playground to the other to the designated line (distance 10m) and, not reaching the goal 2m, try to score the ball into the goal.
card number 58
Game exercises with elements of badminton
Target: Develop agility, speed, coordination of movements.
"don't drop it". The players stand in a circle (semicircle) or line. The legs are slightly apart, each child has a shuttlecock in their hands. Task: toss the shuttlecock up with one hand and catch it in the air.
"Throw - catch." Throwing a shuttlecock with one hand and catching it with the other, standing still and moving (for a short distance).
"Flounce towards". Children stand in two lines; the distance between the lines is 2 m, at a distance of arms extended to the side from each other. Every child has a shuttlecock. At the signal of the teacher, each child throws the shuttlecock to the child standing opposite. The main thing is that the shuttlecocks do not fall and do not collide during the transfer.
"Throw in the ring." The players stand in a column one at a time (a group of 4-6 children) in front of the basketball hoop (height from the floor 2m). Every child has a shuttlecock. At the signal of the teacher, the first child in the column approaches the ring and throws the shuttlecock from the bottom up with his right (left) hand, trying to get into the ring.
"Reflect the shuttlecock." Children stand in two semicircles at a distance of one step from each other. Each child has a racket. The driver is selected; he stands in front of the players and alternately throws a shuttlecock to them, and they beat him off. After a while, another driver is selected.
"Kick the shuttlecock." Children become in a circle (semicircle). Each player has a racket and a shuttlecock. Children toss the shuttlecock with a racket, trying to hit as many times as possible and not let the shuttlecock fall to the ground.
"Come - do not drop." The players line up. Each child has a shuttlecock and a racket. At the command of the teacher, the children toss the shuttlecock with a racket, moving forward with a step. The pace is arbitrary.
"Flounce through the net". In the middle of the site (hall) at a height of 120 cm from the floor, a mesh (or cord) is stretched. Two teams of 5-6 people play. Players stand on either side of the net. Children from one team serve the shuttlecock (3-4 times), and the guys from the second team beat the shuttlecock to the opposite side through the net. Then the teams switch roles.
card number 59
Mobile game "Do not hurt"
Target: Exercise children in walking and running with a snake, enrich motor experience, develop coordination of movements, orientation in space.
Stroke: in parallel in two rows at a distance of 40-45 cm from each other, 6-7 pins are placed from the starting line after 2 m. All players line up in two columns. On a signal, the children run one after another in a "snake" between the pins, running around them from one side and the other, returning to the starting line. The team that does not hit any pins wins.
card number 60
Mobile game "Third extra"
Target: Learn to follow the rules of the game, develop agility and speed of running.
Stroke: The players become pairs in a circle facing the center so that one of the pair is in front and the other is behind him. The distance between the pairs is 1-2 m. Two drivers take a place behind the circle: one runs away, the other catches him. Fleeing from the chase, the evader can get ahead of any pair. Then the one standing behind turns out to be "third wheel" and must run away from the second driver. If the chasing touches the evader, then they change roles. No one should prevent the player from running away from the pursuer.
Options: 1. The “third extra” standing behind in a pair should not run away, but catch up with the second driver.
2. Players stand in pairs facing each other and holding hands. The evader can stand between the hands of any pair. To whom he will stand with his back, that "third extra" and must run away.
3. The players walk in a circle in pairs, hold each other's hands, and free hands on their belts. The escaping, escaping from persecution, can at any moment take someone by the arm. Then the one standing on the other side becomes the one running away. The same game can be played with music.
card number 61
Mobile game "Whoever is named, he catches"
Target: Develop attention, dexterity, speed of reaction to a signal.
Stroke: Children walk or run around the playground. An adult holds a ball in his hands. He calls the name of one of the children and throws the ball up. The named one must catch the ball and throw it up again, calling the name of one of the children. Throw the ball should not be too high and in the direction of the child, whose name is called.
card number 62
Mobile game "Gasper"
Target: Develop attention, coordination of movements, dexterity, tracing the function of the eye.
Stroke: Children stand in a circle at a distance of one step from each other. One of the players has a ball in his hands. At the command of the teacher, the child begins to throw the ball, calling by name the person to whom he throws the ball. The ball must be caught. Whoever dropped the ball stands in the center of the circle and performs any exercise with the ball.
Rules: The ball is thrown through the center of the circle. If the player drops the ball during the exercise, he is given an additional task.
card number 63
Mobile game "Stop!"
Target: Develop auditory attention, orientation in space, visual-motor coordination.
Stroke: The players become in a circle. The driver goes to the middle of the circle with a small ball. He tosses the ball up (or hits it hard on the ground) and says someone's name. The child who was named runs after the ball, the rest scatter in different directions. As soon as the named child picks up the ball, he shouts: "Stop!". All players must stop and stand still where the team found them. The driver tries to hit someone with the ball. The one to whom the ball is thrown can dodge, squat, bounce without leaving the spot. If the driver misses, then he runs after the ball again, and everyone scatters. Taking the ball, the driver again shouts: "Stop!" - and tries to overpower one of the players. Salted becomes the new driver, the game continues.
Rules: The one to whom the ball is thrown must dodge, squat, bounce without leaving the spot.
card number 64
Mobile game "Mice and houses"
Target: To consolidate the ability to quickly change the direction of movement, act on a signal.
Stroke: With the help of a counting rhyme, the driver is selected. The rest of the children stand in rings or circles drawn on the floor and take their places in them - "Mice in houses." The driver comes up to some house and says: "Mouse, mouse, sell the house!" She refuses. Then the driver goes to another "mouse". At this time, the "mouse", which refused to sell the house, calls one of the players and changes place with him. The driver seeks to take the place of one of the running ones. If he succeeds, then the one left without a place becomes the leader. If he fails, he goes from house to house with a request to sell the house. If the driver says: "The cat is coming!", Then everyone should change places, and the driver seeks to occupy someone's house.
card number 65
Mobile game "Four elements"
Target: Develop attention, observation, the ability to make decisions quickly, expand vocabulary.
Stroke: The players stand in a circle. Explain to the children that there are 4 elements: water, earth, air, fire. For example, fish, frogs, crayfish live in water, people, animals, insects, etc. live on earth, but no one lives in fire. If the driver throws the ball and says: "Water", "Earth" or "Air", then the player to whom the ball was thrown must catch it, name the one who lives in this element, and throw the ball back to the driver. If the driver says: "Fire!", then the ball cannot be caught. For an incorrect answer or a ball caught on the word "fire", the player is out of the game. Play until the last remaining participant.
card number 66
Mobile game "Shtander"
Target: Development of motor and communication skills, dexterity, speed of reactions and coordination of movements, figurative thinking.
Stroke: Before the start of the game, a leader is selected with the help of a rhyme. All participants in the game stand in a circle, and the driver in the center of the circle. He throws the ball high and shouts loudly "Shtander - Olya!", naming the name of any of the children. Now the one whose name was called becomes the driver. He tries to catch the ball as soon as possible. And all the other children scatter, trying to be as far as possible from the new driver. As soon as they managed to catch the ball, the driver shouts "Shtander-stop!". After that, everyone is obliged to stop in place, and turn to face the driver. The driver chooses any of the children and calls his name: "I'll get to Kolya!" After that, Kolya should fold his hands in a ring in front of him. It is in this "basketball" hoop that the leader must hit the ball. To get into the ring was easier, the driver has the right to come closer. To do this, he announces in advance, without starting the movement, how many and what steps he wants to take. Steps are as follows: "Simple" - an ordinary step
"Giant" - a wide step. "Lilliputian" - a step is taken to the length of the foot, that is, the heel of the other is attached to the toe of one leg. "Umbrellas" - a jump with a turn. "Frog" - a jump from a squatting position. For example, it may sound like this: "There are four Lilliputian, two giant and three umbrellas before Kolya!" After that, the driver begins to move towards Kolya. Here, too, there are rules. Firstly, you need to move along the shortest straight line, and, secondly, you must complete all the above steps and only them. Approaching Kolya, the driver throws the ball, trying to get into the ring from his hands. If he hit, then Kolya will become the new “throw-in” driver, if he didn’t hit, then he will drive himself.
card number 67
Mobile game "Fortification Defense"
Target: The game helps to improve the skills of throwing, catching, passing the ball, and in the case of playing with the feet - stops, passes, hits on the inside of the foot and lifting, brings up courage, speed of orientation and tactical thinking.
In the center of the hall, a small circle and a large circle are drawn with a diameter (2 and 4 m, respectively). Players are located outside of it. In the center of the small circle, a "fortification" is installed - three maces (skittles). A "defender" is chosen, who stands next to the fortification.
On a signal, they try to hit the "fortification" with the ball. The "Defender" prevents this by hitting and catching balls. The player who knocks down three maces (skittles) at once or the third (the last one) changes places with the "defender".
Rules: 1. Throw (kick) - without going beyond the circle line, otherwise the throw is not counted. 2. "Defender" does not have the right to enter the small circle line, hold with his hands
"strengthening" or to install downed maces again.
Option: Foot play.
Directions: 1. It is necessary to adjust the diameters of the circles in accordance with the capabilities of the players. 2. It is necessary to stimulate collective actions in every possible way, giving preference to passes of the ball, as a result of the combination of which the “defender” got confused and the “reinforcement” turned out to be defenseless.
card number 68
Mobile game "Horses and runners"
Target: Exercise in running, jumping on one leg, develop dexterity, orientation in space.
Stroke: A playground for playing 3x3 or 5x5 m is outlined. Children are divided into two teams: horses and runners. On one side of the site - the house of horses. Runners scatter around the playing area within its boundaries. The horses send one of their team into the field (to the site). The horse catches runners by jumping on one leg. The physical education teacher calls the horse: "Home!". He returns, and instead of him, the next player in turn jumps into the field. And so the horses change all the time. Caught runners are captured by the horses. The game ends when all players in the field have been caught. Then the teams switch roles. The game is repeated.
card number 69
Mobile game "Paints"
Target: Exercise in the ability to run fast, be dexterous, follow the rules of the game.
Stroke: Among the participants, one leading seller and one buyer-monk are chosen, the rest of the children become paints. Paint participants sit in a circle or in a gazebo, sometimes children line up. The seller quietly (in his ear) tells everyone what color of paint suits him. Children remember their color. The monk-buyer should not know the colors of paints. A monk comes to a paint shop and turns to the seller: - I'm a monk in blue pants, I came for paint.
- For what? The monk names the color of the paint (for example, blue). If there is no such paint, then the seller replies: - There is no such paint! Jump along the blue path, on one leg, you will find boots, wear them, but bring them back! Tasks for a monk can be different: to jump on one leg, to pass like a duck, to squat, or in some other way. If the named paint is present in the store, then the seller answers the monk: - There is one!
- What is the price?
- Five rubles (The monk loudly claps the seller's palm five times). At the last clap, the named "paint" jumps up from its place and runs around the arbor or line of other children. The monk tries to catch up with her. If he catches up with the paint, then he himself becomes the paint, and the caught participant-paint becomes the buyer-monk and the game continues. If the monk could not catch the paint, then the game starts over.
A variant of the game "Paints" with the player - "devil": The devil also comes to the store for paints and has the following dialogue with the seller:
- Knock Knock!
- Who's there?
- I'm a devil with horns, with hot pies, a bump on my forehead, and a mouse in my pocket!
- Why did you come?
- For paint!
- For what?
After the paint was named and it was present in the store, the devil paid the seller with claps on the palm of his hand. With the last blow, the paint jumps up and runs away, and the devil at this moment must quickly utter any agreed words.
- Thanks buddy, hold the pie!
As soon as the devil has spoken the last word, the paint stops. The devil must estimate the distance to the runaway paint in steps.
The steps could be:
normal steps,
giant steps,
midget steps,
brick steps (heel to toe).
The devil is told with what steps he should walk towards the paint. If he walked and touched the paint, then the devil himself becomes paint.
card number 70
Mobile game "Birds and cage"
Target: Increasing motivation for gaming activity, exercise running - in a half-sitting position with acceleration and deceleration of the pace of movement.
Stroke: Children are divided into two groups. One forms a circle in the center of the playground (children walk in a circle, holding hands) - this is a cage. Another subgroup is birds. The teacher says: "Open the cage!" Children forming a cage raise their hands. Birds fly into a cage (in a circle) and immediately fly out of it. The teacher says: "Close the cage!" children throw up their hands. Birds left in the cage are considered to be caught. They stand in a circle. The cage increases and the game continues until 1-3 birds remain. Then the children switch roles.
card number 71
Mobile game "North and South Wind"
Target: Develop endurance and attention; improve your running skills.
Stroke: Choose two leaders. A blue ribbon is tied on one hand - this is the north wind, the other is red - this is the south wind. The rest of the children run around the playground. The north wind tries to freeze as many children as possible, to touch them with his hand. Frozen ones take any position (hands to the sides, up, on the belt, stand on one leg, etc.). The south wind seeks to unfreeze the children, also touching his hand and exclaiming: "Free!" After 2-3 minutes, new drivers are appointed, and the game is repeated.
card number 72
Mobile game "Traps on one leg"
Target: Develop coordination, learn to navigate in space.
Stroke: Choose a trap. At the signal of the teacher: "One, two, three! Catch!" children run around the playground. Traps catch them by touching them with their hands. Those caught move away. The game is repeated 3-4 times. You can’t catch someone who managed to stand on one leg in time and wrap his arms around his knee. When 3-4 children are caught, a new trap is chosen.
card number 73
Mobile game "Traps in pairs"
Target: Exercise in running, in the ability to navigate in space, develop agility, speed.
Stroke: Choose a driver. At the signal of the teacher, the children scatter. The driver catches by touching the escaping with his hand. The one who is caught becomes paired with the driver. They join hands and catch other children. Caught also form a pair and participate in fishing. The game ends when all the children have been caught. The last child caught becomes the leader.
card number 74
Mobile game "Hares in the garden"
Target: Practice climbing and jumping over objects. Develop strength, agility, coordination.
Stroke: Across the site put 2-3 gymnastic benches. This is a fence. On one side of the fence there is a clearing where hares (children) frolic, on the other side there is a garden where cabbage grows. Having frolicked in the clearing, the hares climb over the fence (or crawl) and feast on cabbage. When all the hares got into the garden, the teacher says: "The watchman is coming!" Hares run to the clearing, jumping over the fence. The loser is the one who performed the jump incorrectly or was the last to leave the garden. The game is repeated 4-5 times.
card number 75
Mobile game "Catching monkeys"
Target: To develop initiative, observation, memory, dexterity in children. Practice climbing, running.
Stroke: Depicting monkeys, children are located on one side of the site near the gymnastic wall. On the opposite side are the monkey catchers (4-6 children). They want to lure the monkeys out of the trees and catch them. The catchers agree on what moves they will make. They go to the middle of the site and show the planned movements. Monkeys at this time quickly climb the wall and watch the movements of the catchers from there. Having done the movements, the catchers go to the end of the site, and the monkeys get down from the trees, approach the place where the catchers were, and imitate their movements. At the signal of the educator, the “catchers” of the monkeys run to the trees and climb on them. Catchers catch those monkeys that did not have time to climb a tree. Captured monkeys they take away to themselves.
Directions: It is necessary to ensure that the children do not jump off the wall, but go down to the last crossbar. When the game is repeated, the movements of the catchers must be new.
card number 76
Mobile game "Ball in pursuit!"
Target: Develop gross motor skills, visual attention, eye.
Stroke: Children become in a circle. An adult gives two children standing in different places a ball. Then he says, "The ball is in pursuit!" - and the children simultaneously begin to pass them on to their comrades. If one ball catches up with the other, that is, both are in the hands of one child, then he leaves the game for a while. The teacher gives the balls to other children and the game continues.
Rules: The ball is passed on a signal, without passing the players.
card number 77
Mobile game "Hunters and hares"
Target: Exercise in the ability to throw at a moving target, climb (jump) over an obstacle, run fast.
Stroke: On one side of the site, a place for hunters is outlined. On the other side are houses for hares. Each house has 2-3 hares. The hunter walks around the site, pretending to be looking for traces of hares, and then returns to his place. On a signal: "Hares!" - run out of their houses to the clearing and jump on two legs, moving forward. On a signal: "Hunter!" - hares run to the houses. And the hunter throws a ball at them. A hare hit by a ball is considered to have been hit. The hunter takes him to himself, he becomes the hunter's assistant. The game is repeated several times, after which a new hunter is chosen.
Directions: The hunter may have several balls in his hands; shooting at hares in the houses is not allowed.
card number 78
Mobile game "Flock"
Target: Improve the ability to keep a distance while moving, develop attention, speed of reaction.
Stroke: Children are slowly running around the playground - this is a flock of birds. Leader ahead. He leads the flock around the area around the sandbox and slide (or other structures) along the path (in full view of the teacher). The flight lasts 0.5-1 min (it is not allowed to overtake the leader). The teacher strikes the tambourine, the flock crumbles. Everyone strives to quickly find some kind of shelter (bush, tree) or flutter onto a branch (stand on a log, boom, sandbox side, etc.). The last bird to hide is out of the game for one repetition. A new leader is appointed, and the flock flies after him in the other direction. The game is repeated 3-4 more times. At the end, the leader is noted who has withstood the required pace of running and chosen the most interesting route.
card number 79
Mobile game "Ice, wind and frost"
Target: Develop agility, endurance, develop speed skills.
Stroke: The players stand in pairs facing each other and clap their hands, saying:
- cold ice cubes
transparent ice cubes,
They sparkle, they ring:
"Ding, ding..."
They clap for each word: first in their own hands, then in the hands of a friend. They clap their hands and say: "Ding, ding" until they hear the signal: "Wind!". Ice children scatter in different directions and agree on who will build a circle with whom - a big ice floe. On the signal "Frost!" Everyone line up in a circle and hold hands.
Rules: The kids with the most players in the circle win. It is necessary to negotiate quietly about who will build the ice floe with whom. Agreed children join hands. You can change movements only at the signal "Wind!" or "Frost!". It is desirable to include different movements in the game: jumps, light or fast running, side gallop, etc.
card number 80
Mobile game "Bumblebee"
Target: Develop attention, speed, the ability to act on a signal.
Stroke: The players sit in a circle. A ball rolls on the ground inside the circle. Those who play with their hands roll it away from themselves, trying to overpower the other (get into the legs). The one who was touched by the ball (stung) turns his back to the center of the circle and does not participate in the game until another child is touched. Then he comes into play, and the stung again turns his back in a circle.
Rules: Roll the ball only with your hands; you can not catch, hold the ball.
card number 81
Mobile game "Blue, red, yellow"
Target: Learn to act on a signal, develop speed qualities.
Stroke: Children take ribbons of three colors, tie them on each other's hand. Then everyone lines up along the line on one side of the court. The teacher says: “Ready!”, and everyone takes a high start position. The signal to start running is the name of the color of the tape, for example: "Yellow!". At this signal, children run only with a yellow ribbon. The rest should stay where they are. Having reached the opposite side of the playground, the children remain there. Then the teacher calls another color, then a third. When repeated, children

Consultation for educators "Games for the development of spatial representations"

An important indicator of the development of the child's intellect is self-awareness in time and space. Orientation in space is of great importance for all aspects of human activity, has an impact on the development of his self-awareness, personality as a whole. The development in preschoolers of various ways of perceiving space, full-fledged spatial representations and strong skills of orientation in space is one of the most important tasks of preschool education.

The section "Orientation in space" occupies a significant place in mathematical preparation children preschool age. Children's ideas about space are developed in the process of direct educational activities not only in mathematics, but also in the process of musical and physical education, while doing various kinds visual activity, during regime processes, in didactic, outdoor games, etc.

A large role in the formation of orientation in space belongs to the mobile game, which enables the players to combine knowledge and action. During the game, the child reflects his knowledge of orientation in space, moving relative to his body.

To develop orientation in space, you can use outdoor games in which children need to walk or run in a certain direction, find an object in space, their place. It is important to gradually teach the child to act not only independently, but also together with other children, to find a place in a column, line, circle. Orientation in space is carried out with the help of visual or sound signals, instructions and commands of the teacher.

There are many games that contribute to the development of orientation in space, it is possible to single out some of them that are quite familiar, as they are often used in practice.

Mobile game "Let's visit"

Age: 3-4 years

Chairs are arranged on two sides of the hall (according to the number of children). The teacher invites the children to sit on chairs, take their "houses". The teacher approaches the first group of children, invites them to stand up and go to "visit". Approaching the second group of children, the kids greet and show them their hands. To the words: “The rain has gone!” - children run to their houses and take any places. Then the teacher invites the children of the second group to go to "visit". The game is repeated.

Mobile game "Tram"

Age: 3-4 years

Purpose: to exercise in walking in pairs, in the ability to act on a signal, to develop attention, orientation in space.

Children stand in a column in pairs (holding hands). With free hands, they hold on to the cord (its ends are tied), i.e. Some hold on to the cord with their right hand, others with their left. This is a tram. The teacher stands in one of the corners of the room with three colored flags: yellow, red, green. He explains that “we must move on the green signal, stop on the red and yellow signals. The teacher raises the green flag - the tram is moving, the children are running around the room (site). Having reached the teacher (traffic light), the children look to see if the color has changed. If the color is still green, then the tram movement continues, if the red or yellow flag is raised, the kids stop and wait for the green to appear so that they can move again. Directions. With a small number of participants, you can put them not in pairs, but in one column. The plot of the game can be deployed: they make a stop on the way. Passengers sit and wait for the arrival of the tram; approaching the stop, the trams slow down and stop. Some passengers exit, others enter. In order to enter the tram and get off it, the children lift the cord.

Mobile game "Nimble driver".

Age: 3-4 years

Purpose: to exercise in walking and running in different directions, to develop attention, orientation in space, the ability to act on a signal.

Children are randomly placed around the room. In the hands of each child is a steering wheel (hoop). At the signal of the teacher6 "Let's go!" - children - cars" are moving around the hall in different directions. If the teacher raises a red flag, then the cars stop, if green, they continue to move.

Game exercise "Run to me!"

Age: 3-4 years

Children stand or sit on chairs (bench) on one side of the playground. The teacher is on the opposite side. He says "Run to me!" Children run to the teacher, who, spreading his arms wide to the sides, pretends to want to hug everyone. After the children gather after the teacher, he goes to the other side of the playground and again says: “Run to me!” The game is repeated 4-5 times. To the words of the teacher “Run home!” kids run to chairs, sit down and rest. According to the rules of the game, you can run to the teacher only after the words “Run to me!”, You can’t push and interfere with each other. Instructions: at first the child can sit on any chair, gradually the children learn to find their places. When repeating the game, the chairs can be placed in different places.

Game exercise "Run to the flag"

Age: 3-4 years

Purpose: to exercise in walking and running in different directions, to develop orientation in space, the ability to act on a signal.

The teacher gives the children flags of two colors: red and blue. Holding a red flag in one hand and a blue flag in the other, he spreads his arms to the sides; children are freely grouped opposite the flag of the corresponding color. Then the teacher invites the kids to take a walk - run around the playground. While they are walking, the teacher crosses to the other side, says: “One, two, three - run here as soon as possible!” - at the same time, he spreads his arms with flags to the sides. Children run to him and gather near the flag of the corresponding color. When everyone has gathered, the teacher offers to raise the flags up and wave them. The game is repeated 3-4 times. Directions. You can not scatter around the site before the signal of the educator. He shifts the flags from one hand to the other, so that the children gather to the right, then to the left of him. You can add additional signals and tasks to the game. For example, at the signal “stop”, all players should stop and close their eyes or sit down, and the teacher at this time quietly leaves for another place. At the signal, the children run back to the teacher. Instead of flags, kids can be given handkerchiefs or cubes of the appropriate color, or tie colored ribbons on their hands.

Mobile game "Find your house"

Age: 3-4 years

Purpose: to exercise in walking and running in different directions, to develop orientation in space, the ability to act on a signal.

Each player chooses a house for himself. It can be a chair, a gymnastic bench, a circle drawn on the ground or floor, a hoop, etc. At the signal of the teacher, the children run out onto the playground, run easily and quietly in different directions. At the signal “find your place (house) - they return to their places. Directions. Children should run in different directions without bumping into each other, away from their place, and not run up to it before the signal.

Game "What is hidden?"

Age: 3-4 years.

Purpose: to develop memory and attention.

Children stand in a circle or in a line. The teacher puts 3-5 objects on the floor in front of the children (a cube, a flag, rattles, a ball, etc.) and offers to remember them. Then, at the signal of the teacher, the players turn their backs to the center of the circle or face the wall. The teacher hides 1 or 2 objects and says: “Look!” Children turn to face the center of the circle and carefully look at the objects, remember which ones are not. The teacher approaches some children in turn, and they whisper in a whisper what items are hidden. When most of the players correctly name the hidden objects, the teacher speaks about them aloud. The game is repeated 4-5 times. Directions. If a toy is used in the game, then it is better to select the same type, depicting either animals or birds. In the game, you can consolidate the ability to distinguish between primary colors (red, blue, green, yellow). To do this, select cubes, flags, rings of different colors.

Mobile game "Find where it is hidden"

Age: 3-4 years.

Purpose: to exercise in walking in different directions, to develop attention, orientation in space. Children stand along the wall of the room. The teacher shows a toy (object), says that he will hide it. Children turn to face the wall. The teacher hides the flag and says: "It's time" The children are looking for a hidden flag. The one who finds the flag first hides it when the game is repeated. The game is repeated 3-4 times. Directions. If the children cannot find the flag for a long time, the teacher goes to the place where it is hidden and offers to look there. When a child hides a flag, he needs help.

Mobile game "Find a mate"

Age: 4-5 years.

Purpose: to train children to run loose, without bumping into each other, in the ability to quickly respond to a signal, to develop orientation in space. The teacher distributes to the players one handkerchief (flag), one of the primary colors. On a signal - a blow to a tambourine, a clap - the children scatter around the playground, waving flags over their heads. At the next signal - a few blows to the tambourine, claps, the words: “Find yourself a mate” - children who have handkerchiefs (flags) of the same color find a mate for themselves. Instructions: when repeating the game, the teacher changes handkerchiefs for several children; the players must choose different pairs for themselves on a signal.

Game exercise "The guys have a strict order."

Age: 4-5 years.

Purpose: to exercise in building in a column one at a time, to develop attention, orientation in space, the ability to act together, on a signal. The players stand in a column in height. On a signal, they diverge around the site in any direction, repeating the following words: “The guys have a strict order, They know all their places. Everyone thinks it's more fun: One, two, one, two! Pa signal of the teacher: "Become!" - the children again stand in a column according to their height. Rules: go rhythmically, pronounce words clearly, together; build in a column quickly, without pushing.

Option number 2 Children follow each other in a column one at a time, saying the words: The guys have a strict order, They know all their places, Come on, quickly repeat as I tell you! After the last line, the teacher gives the command how to line up: in a circle, in a line or in a column.

Mobile game "Carousel"

Age: 4-5 years.

Purpose: to exercise in walking and running in a circle, holding hands.

Children form a circle, holding hands, and walk around the circle slowly at first, then faster and faster, and finally they run. The movements are performed in accordance with the pronunciation of the text aloud: Barely, barely, barely, barely The carousel spun, And then in a circle, in a circle, Everything is running, running, running During the run, the teacher says: po-be-zha-whether. After the children run in a circle 2~3 times, the teacher gives a signal to change the direction of movement, saying: “Turn”.

Mobile game "Airplanes"

Age: 4-5 years.

Purpose: to train children in the ability to run without bumping into each other, to perform movements on a signal.

Children are divided into 3-4 links. They stand in columns one behind the other behind the flight commander. The links are located in different places of the site, marked with colored flags - these are airfields. At the signal of the educator: "pilots, prepare the planes for flight," the children scatter in different directions around the site, each stop at their own plane, pour gasoline (bend over). They start the motors (circle their arms in front of their chest), spread their wings (spread their arms to the sides) and fly (quickly scatter in different directions around the site). Aircraft are in the air until the signal of the educator "to land". After this signal, the commanders gather their units (children line up on the run) and lead them to land on airfields. The link that lands first wins. The game is repeated 4-5 times. Directions. It is advisable to use various attributes in the game. The educator can change the flags that indicate the airfields without being noticed by the pilots. The commanders must correctly land the units on their airfields.

A game low mobility"Where did you knock?"

Age: 4-5 years.

Children stand in a circle. The driver is in the center of the circle with eyes closed. The teacher silently walks around the circle behind the children, knocks with a stick and puts it in the hands of one of the children, then steps aside and says: “Where did you knock?”. The driver must guess where they knocked and go to the one who has the wand hidden. Having guessed, he takes the place of the child who had a wand, he becomes the leader. If the driver does not guess where the sound came from, then he starts driving again. Instruction: Silence must be observed in the game.

The game of scarlet mobility "Guess who called."

Age: 4-5 years.

Purpose: to develop auditory attention, orientation in space.

The players stand in a circle, the driver goes to the middle of the circle and closes his eyes. The children go in a circle and say: “We frolic a little, Everyone settled in their places. You, Alyosha, guess Who called you, find out. At the end of the words, the children stop. The teacher points to one of the players. He calls the driver by name. The driver, without opening his eyes, must guess who called him. If he guessed right, he opens his eyes and changes place with him. If the driver makes a mistake, the game is repeated. Children walk in a circle in the other direction. Rules: do not open the eyes of the driver until he calls the caller. During this time, everyone should be quiet.

The game of low mobility "Guess who and where is screaming."

Age: 4-5 years.

Purpose: to develop attention, memory.

The kids stand in a circle with their backs to the center. The teacher stands in a circle. He appoints a leader, who also stands in the middle of the circle and imitates the cry of a domestic animal or bird. After that, all the children turn around, facing in a circle. The one whom the teacher points to guesses who screamed. Then a new driver is appointed. The game will be repeated 5-6 times. Directions. If the child finds it difficult and does not know which animal or bird to imitate, the teacher helps him, prompts.

The game of low mobility "Who left?"

Age: 4-5 years.

Purpose: to develop attention, memory, orientation in space.

Children stand in a circle or semicircle. The teacher invites one of the players to remember those who are nearby (5-6 people), and then leave the room or turn away and close their eyes. One of the children is hiding. The teacher says: “Guess who left?” If the child guesses correctly, he chooses someone instead of himself. If he makes a mistake, he turns away again and closes his eyes, and the one who was hiding returns to his place. The guesser must name it. The game is repeated 4-5 times. Directions. Children don't have to tell. You can not hide for anyone, then the guesser should notice that everyone has remained in place.

Mobile game "Hide and Seek".

Age: 4-5 years.

Purpose: to develop attention, orientation in space. The teacher appoints a driver. He becomes near the teacher or in another designated place and closes his eyes, and the players hide. The driver says: “One, two, three, four, five, I'm going to look. Finding the child, he calls him by name. The child comes out of his hiding place and approaches the caregiver. When the driver finds five children, the teacher gathers the whole group and assigns another child to this role. Instructions: The driver is not allowed to peep.

Game exercise "Whose column will be built faster?"

Age: 4-5 years.

Purpose: to exercise the ability to line up in a column one at a time, act on a signal, develop attention, orientation in space. Children are divided into three groups with the same number of players. Each column chooses a certain object (cube, skittle, ball). At the signal of the tambourine, everyone walks and runs in different directions. At the signal: "To your places!" - children are built in a column at their subject. The column that completed the task faster is noted. Complication. The teacher swaps objects.

Game exercise ""Bump - pebble".

Age: 5-6 years old.

Purpose: to exercise the ability to change the direction of movement on a signal; develop attention and orientation in space. Children walk in a column, the first child has a bump in his hands, the last one has a pebble. To the teacher's signal: "Bump!" - follow the first child, to the signal: “Pebble!”

Game exercise "One - two".

Age: 5-6 years old.

Purpose: to exercise in rebuilding in pairs in motion, on a signal. Children go in a column one at a time, to the signal of the teacher: “In pairs, march!” - rebuild in pairs in motion and go in pairs; to the teacher’s signal: “Line up in a column!” - are rebuilt in a column one at a time.

Game exercise "River - ditch"

Age: 5-6 years old.

Purpose: to exercise in walking with a turn to the right (left) on a signal, to develop attention, orientation in space, dexterity. The players go in a column one at a time, at the signal of the teacher: “The ditch is on the right!” - The children turn to the right and jump forward. The one who jumped in the other direction or did not have time to fulfill the command is considered to have fallen into the river, he is helped to get out by giving a hand. Then everyone is again built in a column one at a time and continues walking until the next signal.

Game exercises with walking "Circle"

Age: 5-6 years old.

Purpose: to exercise in walking in pairs; develop attention, the ability to act on a signal. The players walk in pairs, with an even, moderate step. At the signal of the teacher: "Circulation!" - the last pair breaks: one child goes to the left, the other to the right of the column. They overtake everyone and stand in front of the column.

Game exercise "Figured walking".

Age: 5-6 years old.

Purpose: to exercise in walking in different directions, to develop orientation in space.

- "Snail": Children line up, join hands and, turning left (right), follow the leader first in a circle, and then a snail, that is, making concentric circles one in the other. The distance between the rings of the spiral must be at least 1 m.

- "Needle and thread": Children hold hands, forming a chain. Having circled the chain around the site, the leader stops the children and invites them to raise their hands clasped with their neighbor, forming a row of gates. The leader leads the chain further behind him in the opposite direction under the hands of the guys, bypassing in turn one on the right, the other on the left. At the moment when the chain of children passes under the gate, the child who raised his hands to form the gate turns around and continues to walk in a chain. Rules: to keep walking the specified construction, intervals from each other.

Game exercise "Build a line, a circle, a column."

Age: 5-6 years old.

Purpose: to exercise the ability to line up, circle, column, develop the ability to act on a signal, orientation in space.

Children freely walk in different directions around the playground. In accordance with the signal, they try to quickly form a line, circle or column. Complications: you can cost not one, but 2-3 lines, columns or circles, depending on the number of children.

Mobile game "Zhmurki with a bell".

Age: 5-6 years old.

Purpose: to develop a stable balance, auditory attention, orientation in space.

Children stand in a circle, holding hands. There are two drivers in the center. One of them is blindfolded - this is a blind man's blind man. The other is given a bell. A child with a bell runs inside the circle and calls. Blind Man is trying to catch up with him. Rules: running does not call all the time; if the blind man's blind man cannot catch for a long time, both should be changed.

Game exercise "Freeze".

Age: 6-7 years old.

Purpose: to teach children to understand the schematic representation of the human posture. Material. 15-20 cards (20x30cm). On each card is a schematic representation of a little man in some pose. Children should run around the room scattered, and at the command of the leader “One, two, three, freeze” stop. Saying these words, the teacher shows the children one of the cards with a schematic representation of a person in some pose. The guys should freeze in the same position. Those who take the wrong posture are out of the game. The game is repeated several times, but each time with a new card, and accordingly, the children, stopping at the signal of the driver, take a different position. At the end of the game, 1-2 children remain, who are the winners.

Game "Grandma's tangle".

Age: 6-7 years old.

Purpose: to develop spatial representations the ability to work together. The rope is tied into a ring. One person driving leaves the room or turns away. The rest, holding the rope with both hands, get tangled, forming a living "grandmother's ball". The driver must unravel it so that the circle forms again.

Robot game.

Age: 6-7 years old.

Purpose: to develop spatial representations. Children form pairs. One child in a pair is an "inventor", the other is a "robot" with a remote control. The "inventors" give their "robots" various commands, which he must follow clearly and verbatim, for example: "Go ahead, turn right, raise your left hand, turn left." Then the children switch roles.

Exercise "Shadow"

Age: 6-7 years old.

Purpose: development of body space, the ability to act together. Methodology: Participants are divided into pairs. One of them will be the Man and the other his Shadow. The person makes movements, and the shadow repeats them, and special attention is paid to ensuring that the shadow moves in the same rhythm as the person. She must guess about the well-being, thoughts and goals of the Man, catch all the shades of his mood, etc.

Prepared by an instructor physical culture Trots A.V.

P / and "Mousetrap"

Purpose of the game : Improve movement coordination and agility.

Game progress: The players are divided into two unequal groups. A smaller group of children, holding hands, form a circle. They represent a mousetrap. The remaining children (mice) are outside the circle. Those representing the mousetrap begin to walk in a circle, saying:

Oh, how tired the mice are,

They ate everything, they ate everything,

Beware, cheaters

We will get to you.

Here we put mousetraps,

Let's get everyone now!

Children stop, raise their clasped hands up, forming a gate. Mice run into the mousetrap and run out of it. At the signal of the teacher “Clap”, the children standing in a circle lower their hands, squat - the mousetrap slams shut. Mice that do not have time to run out of the circle (mousetraps) are considered to be caught. Those caught become in a circle, the mousetrap increases. When most of the children are caught, the children switch roles and the game resumes. The game is repeated 4-5 times.

m/p "Who has the ball?"

Purpose of the game: develop mindfulness; to consolidate the ability to perform game actions in accordance with the rules.

Game progress:

The players form a circle, the leader is chosen. He stands in the center of the circle, and the rest of the children move tightly towards each other, hands behind everyone.

The teacher gives someone a ball (6-8 cm in diameter), and the children pass it around behind their backs. The driver tries to guess who has the ball. He says: "Hands!" - and the one who is being addressed should put both hands up, palms up, as if showing that he does not have the ball. If the driver has guessed correctly, he takes the ball and stands in a circle, and the player who has the ball is found starts to drive. The game is repeated.

p / and "Lovishka" (with ribbons)

Target: To develop in children dexterity, ingenuity. Practice running with dodging, catching and building in a circle.

Game progress:The players are built in a circle, each receives a ribbon, which he lays behind the belt or behind the collar. In the center of the circle is a trap. At the signal “One, two, three - catch,” the children scatter, and the trap seeks to pull the ribbon from someone. The one who has lost the ribbon steps aside. At the signal “One, two, three - quickly run into a circle!”, The children are built in a circle. The teacher offers to raise their hands to those who have lost the ribbon, that is, lost, and counts them. The trap returns the ribbons to the children. The game starts with a new driver.

Rules:The trap should take only the tape, without delaying the player. The player, having lost the tape, steps aside.

p / and "Figures"

Target:Cultivate creativity.

Game progress:At the signal of the teacher, all the children scatter around the playground (hall). On the next signal, all the players stop at the place where the team found them and take some kind of pose. The teacher notes those whose figures turned out to be the most successful.

m/p "Find and keep silent"

Target:Develop attention in children.

Game progress:The teacher hides an object in advance and invites the children to find it. The one who saw the object comes up to the teacher and quietly reports the find. The teacher notes the children who turned out to be the most attentive.

p / and "We are funny guys"

Target: .

Game progress:Children stand on one side of the playground beyond the line. The second line is drawn on the opposite side of the site. There is a trap in the center of the site. The trap is assigned by the teacher or chosen by the children. The children say in unison:

We are funny guys

We love to run and jump.

Well, try to catch up with us.

One, two, three - catch!

After the word “catch”, the children run to the other side of the playground, and the trap catches up with the runners, catches them. The one whom the trap manages to touch before the evader crosses the line is considered to be caught. He steps aside. After 2-3 runs, another trap is selected. The game is repeated 3-4 times.

Directions. If after 2 - 3 runs the trap does not catch anyone, a new trap is still selected

p / and "Fishing rod"

Target:improve coordination abilities, strengthen leg muscles.

Game progress:The players stand in a circle, the teacher will stand in the center of the circle. He holds a rope in his hands, at the end of which is tied a bag of sand. The teacher rotates the rope with the bag in a circle just above the floor (ground), and the children jump up on two legs, trying to prevent the bag from touching their legs. Having described 2-3 circles with a bag, the teacher pauses, counts the number of those who hit the bag and gives instructions on how to perform jumps.

p / and "Quickly take it"

goal:Improve signal responsiveness.

Game progress: Children form a circle and, at the signal of the teacher, walk or run around objects (cubes, cones, pebbles), which should be one or two less than children. On the signal: “Quickly take it!” - Each player must take an object and raise it above his head. The one who did not have time to pick up the item is considered the loser.

p / and "Empty place"

Target:Develop the ability to navigate in space and speed


Game progress:The players stand in a circle, putting their hands on their belts - windows are obtained. The leader is chosen. He walks behind the circle and says: I walk around the house

And I look through the windows

I will go to one

And I'll knock softly.

After the word “I’ll knock,” the driver stops, looks into the window against which he stopped, and says: “Knock-knock-knock.” The one in front asks: "Who came?" The leader says his name. Standing in a circle asks: "Why did you come?". The driver replies: “We run to the races,” and both run around the players in different directions. There is an empty space in the circle. The one who reaches it first remains in the circle; the latecomer becomes the driver, and the game continues.

m/p "Classes"

Target:Teach kids to jump.

Game progress:Classics (5 - 6) are painted on the asphalt.
The child takes a flat stone and throws it into the first class. Then he jumps on two legs to the first class, picks up a stone and jumps back. He throws a pebble into the second class, and he himself jumps first into the first class, and from it to the second. Just the same raises a stone and jumps through the first class. Then he throws into the third class and so on until he goes beyond the class line. After that, the rest of the children begin to jump. When the turn comes again to the first child, he takes his pebble and throws it into the class that he did not get into before. So all the children take turns playing. The child from the group who passes all classes first wins.

p / and "Don't get caught"

Target:Develop dexterity and coordination of movement.

Game progress:The players are located around the cord, laid out on the floor in the form of a circle. There are two leaders in the center of the circle. At the signal of the teacher, the children jump on two legs into the circle and back out of the circle as the traps approach. The player who managed to "tarnish" receives a penalty point. After 50 sec. The game stops, the losers are counted, the game is repeated with new drivers.

p / and "Bird Flight"

Target:To fix climbing on the gymnastic ladder.

Game progress:At one end of the hall are children - "birds". At the other end of the hall there are aids on which you can “fly up” (gymnastic benches, cubes, etc.) - “trees”.

At the signal of the teacher: “The birds are flying away!” - children, waving their arms like wings, scatter around the hall; to the signal: "Storm!" - run to the hills and hide there. When the teacher says “The storm has stopped!”, the children descend from the hill and again scatter around the hall (“the birds continue their flight”). During the game, the teacher without fail provides insurance for children, especially when descending from the gymnastic wall.

m/p "Don't Stay on the Floor"

Target:Develop the ability to act on a verbal signal, quickly navigate the situation.

Game progress:A driver is selected - a trap that runs with the children throughout the hall (platform). As soon as the teacher said: “Catch!” - everyone runs away from the trap and tries to climb onto some kind of elevation (bench, cube, stump, etc.). The trap tries to pin down the escaping before they have time to stand on the dais. Children touched by the trap step aside. At the end of the game, the number of caught players is counted and another driver is chosen. The game is restarted.

p / and "The ball to the driver"

Target:Develop dexterity and speed of reaction, the ability to play in a team.

Game progress:The players are divided into 2-3 teams. Each team is built in a circle, in the center of each circle is the leader with the ball in his hands. The drivers throw the ball to the players of their circle in turn and get it back. When the ball goes around all the players, the driver raises it above his head and says “Done!”. Whose team is faster.

p / and "Geese - swans"

Target:to educate children in endurance, the ability to perform movements on a signal. Practice running with dodge.

Game progress:On one side of the hall (platform) the house in which the geese are located is indicated. On the opposite side of the hall stands a shepherd. To the side of the house is a lair (approximately in the middle of the hall), in which a wolf lives, the rest of the place is a meadow. Children are chosen to play the role of a wolf and a shepherd, the rest portray geese. The shepherd drives the geese out into the meadow, they graze and fly.

SHEPHERD: Geese, geese!

Geese: (stop and answer in chorus). Ha, ha, ha!

SHEPHERD: Do you want to eat?

GOOSIE: Yes, yes, yes!


Geese: We can't:

Gray wolf under the mountain

He won't let us go home.

SHEPHERD: So fly as you like,

Just take care of your wings!

Geese, spreading their wings (spread their arms to the sides), fly home through the meadow, and the wolf, running out of the den, tries to catch them (stain). Caught geese go to the lair. After two runs, the number of geese caught by the wolf is counted. Then new drivers are selected - a wolf and a shepherd.

m/n "Flies - does not fly"

Target:Develop the ability to distribute attention, teach concentration.

Game progress:The children stand in a circle with the teacher in the center. He names animate and inanimate objects that fly and do not fly. For example, the teacher says: “The plane flies, the chair flies, the sparrow flies,” etc. Children should raise their hands up if a flying object is named.

p / and "Entertainers"

Target:Develop motor activity of children.

Game progress:A leader is chosen - an entertainer who stands in the center of the circle formed by the children. Holding hands, the children walk in a circle to the right and left, saying:

In an even circle one after another

We go step by step.

Stay where you are! together

Let's do this………..

Children stop, lower their hands; the entertainer shows some movement, and all players must repeat it.

p / and "Firefighters in training"

Target:To consolidate the ability to climb the gymnastic wall without missing the rails.

Game progress:Children are built in four columns facing the gymnastic wall - these are firefighters. On each span of the gymnastic wall, bells are hung at the same height (on a rail).

At the signal of the teacher: "March!" - the children standing first in the columns run to the gymnastic wall, climb it, ring the bell, go down and return to the end of their column. The teacher marks the child who completed the task the fastest. Then the signal is given again and the next group of children runs, and so on.

Target:Develop mindfulness, activity of sensory systems.

Hodge games:The players stand in a circle, in the center of the circle is the driver blindfolded. One of the children approaches the driver, the driver must recognize his friend by touch. The game continues 5-6 times, each time a new driver is chosen.

p / and "Frost Red Nose"

Target: Cultivate speed and agility

move: On the opposite side of the site, two houses are marked, the players are located

In one of the houses. Leading - Frost Red Nose becomes in the middle of the site facing the players and says:

I'm Frost Red Nose.

Which one of you decides

On the way - to start the path?

The players respond in unison:

We are not afraid of threats

And we are not afraid of frost.

After the word “frost”, the children run across the playground to another house, and the driver catches up with them and tries to touch them with his hand, “freeze”. "Frozen" stop at the place where they were touched, and until the end of the dash they stand without moving. The teacher, together with Frost, counts the number of "frozen". After each dash, a new Frost is chosen. At the end of the game, they compare which Frost froze more players.

p / and "Hunters and hares"

Target : Cultivate dexterity

Stroke:A hunter is chosen from among the players, the rest of the children are hares. On one side of the hall (platform) there is a place for a hunter, on the other - a house for hares. The hunter walks around the hall, pretending to be looking for traces of hares, and then returns to his house. Hares jump out of _ behind the bushes and jump (on 2 legs, on the right or left - whoever wants) in different directions. At the signal: "Hunter!" - hares run away into the house, and the hunter throws balls at them (he has 2-2 balls in his hands). The hares he hit are considered shot, and he takes them to his house. After each hunt for hares, the hunter changes, but is not selected from among those caught.

p/i "Brave Sparrows"

Target : Cultivate speed and agility

Stroke:Children are built in a circle, in front of each playing two snowballs. In the center of the circle, the driver is a cat. Children pretend to be a sparrow and, at the signal of the teacher, jump into the circle through the snowballs and jump back out of the circle as the cat approaches. A sparrow touched by a cat. Receives a penalty point, but is not out of the game. After a while, the teacher stops the game and counts the number of "pegged"; a new driver is selected.

p / and "Sly fox"

Target: Cultivate speed and agility

Stroke:The players stand in a circle at a distance of one step from each other. To the side, outside the circle, the fox's house is indicated. At the signal of the teacher, the children close their eyes, and the teacher goes around them from the outside of the circle and touches one of the players, who becomes the leader - a cunning fox. Then the children open their eyes, in chorus 3 times (with a short interval) ask (quietly at first, then louder): “Cunning fox, where are you?” After the third question, the cunning fox quickly runs out to the middle of the circle, raises his hand and says: “I'm here!”. All the players scatter around the site, and the fox catches them (touching them with his hand). After the fox catches 2-3 children and takes them to his house, the teacher says: “In the circle!”. The game is restarted.

m/p "School of the ball"

Target : development of dexterity, quick reaction, attention

Target:A small ball is given for the game. Children play one at a time, two at a time, and in small groups. The player performs the task of movement in order. Having successfully coped with one, he moves on to the next. If a child makes a mistake, he passes me x to another. When the game continues, he starts with the move in which he made a mistake.

p / and "Bears and bees"

Target: Cultivate speed and agility

Stroke:On one side of the hall is a beehive, and on the opposite side is a meadow. To the side is a bear den. At a prearranged signal from the teacher, the bees fly out of the hive (get off the hill (it can be a gymnastic bench, wall, etc.)) fly to the meadow for honey and buzz. The bees fly away, and the bears run out of the den and climb into the hive (fly up the hill) and feast on honey. As soon as the teacher gives a signal: “Bears!”, the bees fly to the hives, and the bears run away to the den. The bees that did not have time to hide sting (touching it with their hand). The stung bears miss one game. The game resumes, and after it is repeated, the children change roles.

p / and "Owl"

Target: form creative imagination

Stroke:On one side of the hall, an owl's nest is indicated. A driver is placed in the nest - an owl. The rest of the children depict birds, butterflies, beetles - they fly around the hall. After a while, the teacher says: “Night!” - and all the players stop on the spot in those positions in which the night caught. The owl flies out of its nest, flaps its wings and looks at who is moving. The one who moved, the owl takes him to his nest. The teacher says: "Day!" - and butterflies, bugs, birds come to life and again begin to fly, spin. After two sorties of an owl for hunting, the number of those caught is counted and a new driver is selected.

p / and "Pair running"

Target: Learn to run in pairs

Stroke:"Change the subject." Children (two children, each with a cube in their hands), at the signal of the teacher, run to the hoop (35 m), change the cube for a ball and return back to the team. Pass the ball to the next players. The next children change the ball for a cube. The task for children is to change one object for another as quickly as possible.

m/n "Who will get to the flag sooner"

Target: improve crawling skills

on all fours and the ability to navigate

in space

Stroke:All players sit on chairs. At a distance of 5-6 steps from the edge of the site, a line is drawn, beyond which there are 4-5 children. On the opposite side of the site, at a distance of 18 - 20 steps, the lines against each place a chair, on which a flag is placed. The chairs are in line. At the signal of the teacher, the children run to the flags, take them, lift them up, then put them back. The teacher notes which of the children raised the flag before the others. Then all those who fled sit on chairs, and the next 4-5 people take their place beyond the line. The game ends when all the children run 1 time to the flag.

p / and "Burn, burn clearly!"

Target: Develop speed and agility

Stroke:The players stand in a column of two, holding hands, in front of the column is the leader. The children say in chorus:

Burn, burn brightly so that it does not go out.

Look at the sky, the birds are flying

The bells are ringing!

One, two, three - run!

At the end of the words, the players of the last pair lower their hands and run to the beginning of the column - one to the right, the other to the left of it. The driver tries to tarnish one of the players before he has time to join hands with his pair. If the driver has stained the player, then he becomes a pair with him in front of the column.

m / and "Get in the hoop"

Target: Develop eye and accuracy of motor actions

Stroke:3 teams participate, building children in a column behind the throw line facing the wall (3-4 m from the throw line). Opposite each team there is a hoop on the floor (1.5-2 m from the throw line). The first players hold the ball in their hands. On a signal, the first players throw the ball against the wall so that, having rebounded, it hits the hoop, then into their hands. Having caught the ball, the children pass it to the next one, and they themselves stand at the end of the column. For each accurate throw, the team is awarded one point. The team with the most points wins.

p / and "Homeless Hare"

Target: Improve the speed of response to a sound signal

Stroke:A hunter and a homeless hare are selected from among the players. The rest of the players - hares draw circles for themselves (at home), and everyone stands in it.

The "homeless hare" runs away, and the "hunters" catch up with him. "Hare" can escape from the "hunter" by running into any circle; then the “hare” that has flocked in the circle must immediately run away, because now he is becoming homeless and the “hunter” will catch him. As soon as the “hunter” has caught (stripped) the hare, he himself becomes a “hare”, and the former “hare” becomes a “hunter”.

p / and "Carousel"

Target:to develop in children the rhythm of movements and

The ability to coordinate them with words

Stroke:Children form a circle, holding the cord with their right hand, walk in a circle at first slowly, then faster and start running. Movements are performed in accordance with the text spoken aloud:

Barely, barely, barely, barely

The carousels spin

And then around, around, around,

Everyone run, run, run.

After the children run 2-3 circles, the teacher organizes them and gives a signal to change the direction of movement. The players turn around and, intercepting the cord with the other hand, continue walking and running. Then the teacher together with the children says:

Hush, hush, don't rush!

Stop the carousel!

One, two, one, two

Here the game is over.

The movement of the "carousel" is gradually slowing down. To the words "That's the game over!" children stop.

m/p "Knock down the skittle"

Target: Train accuracy, strengthen arm muscles

Stroke:Players stand in a line behind the starting line for 6-8 people. On a signal, children change snowballs, trying to knock down the skittles (distance 4-5 m from the starting line). The players who managed to hit the targets are marked.

p / and "From bump to bump"

Target: develop the ability to jump on two legs with

moving forward

Stroke:The teacher lays out flat hoops in a checkerboard pattern (6 pieces in two lines). The players line up in two columns and, on command, jump on two legs from hoop to hoop. The distance between children in jumps is 2-3 hoops, in order to prevent injuries. The team that completes the task quickly and correctly wins.

p / and "Oncoming dashes"

Target: Strengthen the ability of children to run for distillation

Stroke:The group is divided in half. The players stand on opposite sides of the court behind the lines in a line at a distance of at least one step from each other. Each group of children has ribbons of their own color on their hands - blue, yellow. At the signal of the teacher “blue”, children with blue ribbons run to the opposite side. The children standing opposite stretch out their palms forward and wait for the running ones to touch them with their hands. The one who was touched runs to the other side of the site, stops behind the line, turns and raises his hand up. Etc.

p/i "Serso"

Target: Develop attention, eye, coordination

movement, accuracy

Stroke:Two children stand opposite each other at a short distance (2-3 m). One of them throws towards the other ring, and he catches them on a stick.

With a large number of participants, the children, divided into pairs, stand opposite each other at a distance of 3-4 m. One of them (by agreement) has a stick in his hands, the other has a stick and several rings (at first 2, later 3-4) . The latter puts rings on the tip of the stick and sends them one at a time towards his partner, who catches the rings on his stick. When all the rings are thrown, the rings caught are counted, after which the children change roles. Whoever catches the most rings wins.

p / and "K&

Tatyana Udalova
A selection of outdoor games according to themed weeks"Senior preschool age"



: cook, nanny

1. Exerc. "Swing baby"

Target: development of flexibility, feeling of joy, sound gymnastics. Game progress. I. p. Sitting. We press the foot to the chest, cradles the “baby”; forehead touches the knee. Swaying, sings: ah-ah-ah.

Target: development of flexibility, feeling of joy, sound gymnastics.

2. "Teapot" (sound -f-).

Target: Correct inhalation training; development of motor imagination.

Game progress. Hands to the sides - the kettle boils. Hands up. Raise your hands with a sound - the water boiled and splashed out.

Vegetables and fruits

1. Exercise "Picking apples"

Target: imitation of movements: pluck put in the basket.

2. Relay "Bring the harvest"

Target: develop creativity in motion, dexterity; to form endurance, patience; listen and follow instructions correctly.


Labor of people

1. Exerc. "Geese are flying", "Leaves rustle underfoot"

Target: combination of movement and speech.

Target:- develop creativity in motion.

2. Exercise "Picking apples", Exercise "Train with watermelons"

Target: coordination training, sound gymnastics.

Game progress. Children throw the ball to each other in a circle, when the ball returns to the first child, he throws it to the teacher (they loaded the watermelons).

3. "Gu-gu-gu."

Game progress. Hand rotation - the train is moving. Children say "shhhh" - the train has arrived. The upload starts. Movement as before.



1. The game "Who is faster"

Target: orientation in space, vocabulary enrichment.

Game progress. Stand around the child with leaves from: birch, oak, mountain ash, after moving to the music between different leaves. At the end of the music, take a leaf and find the child - the “tree” from which the leaf is.

2. Exercise "Tree", "Bush".

Target: to teach children to switch from one movement to another, to develop motor activity.

Game progress. Children run. At the signal "Tree" stop in the position "Tree", "Bush" - squat.


1. The game "Shoe Salad".

Game progress. Children take off their shoes, put them in a common pile, then, with their eyes closed, must find it.

2. Exercise "We walk in hats"

Target: develop coordination of movements - walk with a light load - a "hat" on your head.

Wild animals

1. Mobile game "Hunters and animals"

Target: to fix the dictionary, to learn to navigate in space: around, right, left. Develop dexterity, dodge.

2. The game "Bear and squirrels", warm-up exercise "Cubs"

Target: develop creativity in movement, combine movement with speech

Pets and birds 1. Exercise "Chickens", "Cockerel".

Game progress. Stand up, bending over, arms hanging freely. Say: “Tick-tock”, while patting your knees - exhale, straighten up. Raise your arms and shoulders - inhale.

2. P / game “Shepherd and flock.

Target: continue to teach children orientation in space; develop creativity in motion.

3. "Geese-geese"

Target: to teach children to act according to the text, to develop attention, endurance, motor memory.


Wintering and migratory birds

1. Breathing exercise "Owl-Owl"

Target: Develop correction of hand movements with respiratory movements of the chest (deep exhalation).

Game progress. The children sit in front of the teacher. On the words "day" head turns to the left, to the right. “Night” - they look ahead - waving their hands with “wings”, lowering them down, they pronounce lingeringly without tension: “u-u-fff”. 2-4 times

2. P / game "Owl-Owl"

Target: develop attention, memory, endurance, orientation in space.

3. P / game "Flight of birds"

Target: develop motor skills: running, dodging. Build self-confidence by taking on a leadership role. Develop visual and auditory attention, reaction.

4. P / game "Crows and sparrows"

Target: develop visual and auditory attention, orientation in space: around, opposite sides.

Animals of the North

1. "Bear on an ice floe"

Target: develop dexterity, exercise in running; learn to evaluate the implementation of the rules in the game.

2. Walking, running "Deer"

Target: strengthening the muscles of the foot; maintaining correct posture.


1. Exercise "Stool", "Table"

Target: strengthening the muscular corset.


P / game "Jug"

Target: develop accuracy, dexterity, attention, speed of reaction; monitor the intelligibility of speech, combine movements with speech

P / game "Dishes

Target: development of coordination of movements; strengthening the muscles of the upper and lower extremities. Development of motor imagination, coordination of movements with the text.

Game progress.

1. Here is a large glass teapot I. p. straighten the stomach, arms

Very important, like a boss on a belt.

2. Here are porcelain cups Sit down, hands on the belt.

Very fragile poor things.

3. Here are porcelain saucers Stretch with your hands up.

Just knock, they'll break.

4. Here are teaspoons - I. p. Standing on one leg

Head on a thin stem.

5. Here is a plastic tray, I. p. Lying on the carpet, stretch.

He brought us dishes.


electrical appliances

1. Exercise "Fan" ("Mill")

Target: develop small muscles (hands, train joint mobility, sound gymnastics.

Game progress. 1) working at full capacity; 2) light wind - rotation only with the hands

I. p. o. with. Hands to the side


1. P \ game "Two Frosts"

Target: exercise in running, dodge; build self-confidence by giving leading roles to timid and insecure children; develop attention endurance; follow the correct pronunciation of words in the text.

2. P / game "Entertainers"

Target: to fix the pronunciation of counting rhymes when choosing a leader; to achieve a clear pronunciation of words in the text; develop memory, attention; to consolidate knowledge about winter sports.

Game progress. "Entertainer" stands in the center of the circle. Children walk in a circle, say: “In an even circle one after another, we go step by step, stand still. Friendly together. Let's do it... like this!

Lowering their hands, they stop. "Entertainer" shows the action characteristic of one of the types of winter sports. Children repeat and name this action. After several repetitions, the "Entertainer" chooses another child.


"Building a house" Gymnastics

Target: learn to breathe through the nose; develop correction of movements of the arms, torso with breathing exercises.

Sequence of carrying out:

1) Legs apart, arms down 1-inhale, 2-tilt, 3-inhale, 4-tilt.

2) “We put bricks” I. p. Legs apart, hands on the belt; elbows back - inhale. Mahi right (left) hand to the side - exhale.

3) “White the ceiling” I. p. Legs apart, arms lowered. 1 Exhale - raise your right hand up - back. 2 Exhale, I. p.

4) "We paste the wallpaper" O. s. bend your arms at the elbows at waist level - inhale. Exhale - rise on toes, straight arms up.

5) “We paint the floor” 1 I. p. Kneeling, arms bent at the elbows, hands in a fist. 2 - tilt, arms forward, slightly tilted, fingers apart

Game "I am a massage therapist"

Target: Create a cheerful emotional mood; clear pronunciation of words; increase the general tone, develop motor skills of the hands.

Game progress. Children give each other a back massage, “drawing”, saying 1 “rails - rails”, “sleepers - sleepers”, “a belated train is coming”. 2 "Ride the train" or run. It's good if the children run, squeal, scream.

Game "Mail"

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P / game "Paints"

Target: to consolidate the ability to choose a seller, a wolf with a rhyme; to achieve a clear pronunciation of the text of words; develop attention, memory, exercise in running.

ORU "Toy Store"

Target: develop creativity in motion; to fix the dictionary on the topic "Toys".


Fairy Week

Lesson "Journey to a fairy tale"

Target: develop creative imagination; to teach to convey the image when showing actions, to verbalize them, to select words-signs; develop general motor skills.


P / game "Airplanes"

Target: develop orientation in space, teach to analyze their actions, evaluate the actions of other children; develop agility in running.

P / game "Colored cars"

Target: see "Airplanes"

P / game "Taxi"

Target: to teach to negotiate, to cultivate friendly relations; develop visual and auditory attention, reaction.


Our Edge.

Fauna and flora "Name the tree", "Name the animal"

Purpose: enrichment of the dictionary on the topic "Animals and Plants"

Game progress. Children stand in a circle. The leader throws the ball, the one who catches the ball must name a tree, an animal of the taiga, throws the ball to the leader.


Target: dictionary enrichment: scouts, gunners, snipers; learn to listen and complete tasks. Endurance, patience; build self-confidence, strive to achieve the goal.


Target: to teach children to independently select words to identify signs: an old person, a young one. Develop creative imagination, learn to control your body. Practice running.

Exercise "Grandfather and grandson" 1 child - grandfather, 2 child - grandson.


March 8

Target: To cultivate the desire for victory, to endure defeat with dignity. Develop dexterity. When pronouncing the verses, pronounce the sounds clearly.

The country

Target: Enrichment of the dictionary on the topic of animals and plants. To teach the management of their activities, to respond in a timely manner to the actions of the teacher. Develop independence and the ability to improvise. Cultivate a sense of camaraderie, courage, imagination. Combine movement with speech: simulation games around the country.


P / games "Dawn-dawn", "Geese", "Shepherd and flock"

Relay races, round dance games.

Target: expand knowledge and ideas about spring. Consolidate vocabulary, notice changes in nature, use knowledge when choosing actions. To form the ability to foresee the consequences of their actions, manage their activities, combine pronunciation of words with movement.

Week of jokes, laughter

Target: create an emotional mood, identify the abilities and interests of children. Instill love for healthy lifestyle life. Develop a sense of humor, fantasies - when playing out fables.


Space, planets

P / Game "Cosmonauts", Breathing exercise "Flight to the Moon, to the Sun", "Flight into space"

Target: Develop general motor skills, agility. To instill love for all living things, to sympathize, to help in difficult times. To fix the dictionary on the topic "Space". To convey the habits of heroes in motion, to verbalize their actions. Exercise in the development of articulation of the vocal cords.

Undersea world

Exercise "Algae"

Target: introduce children to relaxation exercises.

Exercise "Crabs"

Target: develop creative imagination, strengthen the muscular corset.

P / games "Shark" (option of a trap, "Collect pearls"

Target: enrichment of the dictionary on the topic "Underwater world", to develop dexterity, physical qualities. Develop mental abilities, logical thinking when solving riddles about the sea, underwater inhabitants.

Animals of hot countries

Target: Development of dexterity in children, exercise in running, throwing. Develop attention, ability to listen and follow instructions. Train endurance, patience. To form the ability to be a leader, to be self-confident.

Exercise "Butterflies"

Target: develop breathing.

Countries and peoples

Target: expand the vocabulary of children, horizons. Develop motor skills, motor imagination. AT game form introduce peoples, countries, games of different peoples.


Victory Day

Program content see "Army"

Game-lesson "Man in antiquity"

Target b: to improve the health of children. Develop basic movements in a playful way. To be able to draw a conclusion: - why the life of ancient people differs from the life of modern man. Use common sentences in your answers

blooming spring

P / game "Stork"

(p. 141 Kudryavtsev)

Target: development of creativity in motion in the transfer of the image. Develop logical thinking. Be able to notice changes in the behavior of birds and animals in the spring. To achieve the correct pronunciation of sounds, words during the game.

The game "Collecting tulips" (p. 160 Kudryavtsev)

Target: development of auditory attention, ingenuity.

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