Spatial representations. Up

A child who is preparing to go to school must be able to navigate on a two-dimensional plane. Confidently place geometric shapes on the plane, in the way indicated in the task. At the same time clearly and in detail explaining their actions.

We start by placing objects on a plane, or on a sheet of paper, in a given direction, that is, from bottom to top or top to bottom. As objects, we take simple geometric shapes cut out of colored cardboard.

Arrange the figures on a white sheet from top to bottom, explain your actions to the child. It is important that the child does not just nod his head, but repeats your actions himself on another sheet of paper and at the same time explains his actions: I place objects from top to bottom: a triangle, a square below it, a circle below it.

Then repeat the same steps, but now from bottom to top, then from left to right and from right to left. At the same time, the child must explain his actions in detail. In the future, this will help the child in learning and literature, the Russian language, mathematics and other subjects.

After the child has become confident in completing the tasks, continue the lessons as follows: First, arrange the figures on a piece of paper in three rows, three figures in a row. Tell the child which figure is in the center, which is to the left of it, to the right, above, below. Describe all figures. Now ask the child, on their own, to place a geometric figure, for example, a green triangle in the center of the sheet. Then, to the left of the central shape, ask for another shape, such as a red circle, to be placed. Then ask the next figure, the yellow square, to be placed on top of the red circle. Below the central figure is a blue rectangle and so on, completely fill a sheet of paper with 3 x 3 figures. After the child completes the task, ask him to describe the location of the objects. How he started and ended: In the center I placed a green triangle, to the left of it I put a red circle and so on. With the help of these activities, the child will not only learn to navigate the plane, but will also develop memory.

game - remember

Arrange geometric shapes on a sheet of paper, for example, like this:

  • first row - blue square, empty, red circle;
  • the second row is a yellow triangle in the center;
  • the third row is a green rectangle on the right;

Give the child time to memorize the location of the shapes, then remove the shapes. Now the child must restore the location of the figures from memory, accompanying his actions with detailed comments. When the child completes the tasks confidently and correctly, we complicate: We also place four to five figures in an arbitrary place, but the number of proposed figures for completing the task should be more than the figures that are offered for memorization, that is, if a yellow square, a red one are offered for memorization circle, blue triangle and green rectangle. After memorization, mix these figures with others of the same, but in different colors - a red and blue square, a green and yellow triangle, and so on. Now the child will have to choose from more objects of different colors.

Every chess player should be able to record the position of the pieces on the board and the chess duel. For these purposes, it was designed chess notation- a kind of language of the wise game!
Knowing how the fields and pieces are designated (see lessons #1 and #2), you can easily write down the location of all the pieces on the chessboard. To do this, the designation of the field on which it is located is added to the abbreviated designation of each figure. As you can see, everything is simple!
At the beginning of the entry, the location of the white pieces is indicated, and then the black ones. First, the position of the king is written, then the queen, rooks, bishops, knights and pawns. Identical figures are written in the order of their location from the vertical "a" to "h", and when the figures are located on the same vertical - from the 1st to the 8th horizontal.
Let's write down the position of the figures in the initial position ( №1 ).

White: Ke1, Qd1, Ra1, Rh1, Bc1, Bf1, Nb1, Ng1, p. a2, b2, c2, d2, e2, f1, g1, h1
Black: Ke8, Qd8, Ra8, Rh8, Bc8, Bf8, Nb8, Ng8, p. a7, b7, c7, d7, e7, f7, g7, h7

And here is how the position is recorded on the diagram №2 .

White: Kf4, Bc6, Bc7
Black: Kd2, Bc3, Bf1, p. c2

It is also not difficult to record the moves of an entire game or some position. Since any move is the movement of a piece from one field to another, then the letter designation of the piece is indicated to record it, then the field on which this figure stood is written; and at the very end - the field to which this figure went.
Let's look at a few examples. At the starting position ( №3 ) with the first move, the white knight went to the f3 square.

This move would look like this: 1.Kg1–f3.
The number with a dot before the name of the figure means the ordinal number of the move. For greater clarity, a dash is placed between the field where the figure stood and the field where it went.
If the move is made with the capture of some piece, then instead of a dash, a colon sign ":" is put. The letter designation of the captured piece is not indicated in the record of moves.
On the diagram №4 On the eighteenth move, the white bishop beat the black rook.

In notation, this move will look like this: 18.Bb2:h8.

Often in chess books there are comments that begin with Black's move. To indicate Black's move, three dots "..." are placed after the serial number. For example, the entry 23…Qs1:s8 means that on the twenty-third move the black queen from the c1-square captured some white piece on the c8-square.

When a pawn moves, only the initial and final squares are written. For example, the entry 1.e2–e4 means that on the first move the white pawn moved from e2 to e4. Recording 12…с7–с6 means that on the twelfth move the black pawn moved from c7 to c6.
If a pawn reaches the square of promotion (white - the 8th horizontal, and black - the 1st), then after the designation of the squares, the abbreviated designation of the piece into which this pawn has turned is put.
On the diagram №5 the black pawn is promoted to a queen in the fortieth move.

Recorded, this move would look like this: 40…e2–e1Ф.
Short castling is indicated by " 0–0 ", and the long one:" 0–0–0 ».
Shah symbol: " + ". Mat has the symbol " # ».

On the diagram №6 (starting position) and №6a White castled long and at the same time declared check to the black king.

№6 №6a

In notation, this move would be written like this: 1.0–0–0+
Note that if, when considering some position from a book, journal, etc., previous moves are not indicated, the score is kept from the first move!

Attention! In some chess publications, the designation of a check is not placed after the move, and the checkmate is indicated by the symbol "x".

In chess literature, you may also come across the symbols below. Try to remember them.

« ! » - A good, strong move;
« !! » – An excellent, very strong move;
« ? "- Weak move, error;
« ?? "- A very bad move, a gross mistake;
« ?! » - Doubtful move;
« !? » - A move that poses a danger to the opponent, but with better defense, the opponent avoids trouble.
After chess moves, there are sometimes icons indicating the assessment of the position. We will talk about them later. Some chess publications also use additional icons. The decoding of these symbols is usually given at the end of the book.
And now let's talk directly about the recording of the party itself. Here it is important to display all the moves of white and black in the sequence that were made on the chessboard. Moreover, White's move and Black's answer count as one move!
Recording of moves can be done in two ways: in a column and in a row.
1) Recording moves in a column is used in tournament games on special forms. In this case, White's moves are written on the left side, and Black's moves on the right side. Below is a recording of the first four moves of a chess game in which the popular opening variation was played.

1. e2-e4 e7-e5
2. Ng1–f3 Kb8–c6
3. Cf1–c4 Kg8–f6
4. Kb1–c3 d7–d6

(Diagram №7 )

2) In chess literature, it is used (to save space!) to record moves in a line. An example of such an entry is shown below:
1.e2–e4 e7–e5 2.Qd1–h5? Nb8–c6 3.Bf1–c4 Ng8–f6?? 4.Qh5:f7#(diagram №8 ).
A similar checkmate, called "children's", is often found in the games of young chess players.

The move recording system discussed above is called " full notation". Along with it, the so-called " shortened notation". Its essence lies in the fact that when playing a game, we know on which field this or that piece is located. Therefore, after the number of the move, only the name of the piece and the square to which it went are recorded.
Here is how the previous game would be written in shortened notation: 1.e4 e5 2.Qh5? Nc6 3.Bc4 Nf6?? 4.Q:f7#.
In abbreviated notation, if two pieces of the same name can go to the same square (for example, two knights or two rooks), then after the designation of the piece, the letter of the vertical or the number of the horizontal on which this piece stood before the move is added.
On the diagram №9 and №9a the case is shown when a letter is added after the name of the figure.

№10 – starting position with rooks on the e-file. №10a is the position after the rook's move.
The correct notation for this move is: 1.R2e5+.

In abbreviated notation, only a capture by a pawn differs from a capture by other pieces. For comparison, here is a notation of the capture of a piece by the knight: 1.Nc3:b5 (full notation) and 1.K:b5 (abbreviated notation).
And here is how the notation looks like when the pawn captures some piece: 1.f4:e5 (full notation) and 1.fe (abbreviated notation).

As you can see, in abbreviated notation, when a pawn captures, after the move number, the letter of the column on which it stood is written, and then the letter of the column to which it moved after the capture!

Shorthand notation requires less space to write. But in order to avoid discrepancies, it must be conducted very carefully. Especially when recording the moves of pieces of the same name!
At the end of the lesson, we will show several more varieties of abbreviated notation used in chess literature. For example, in books on the theory of openings, a fractional system of recording moves is used. After the number of the move there is a fraction, in the numerator of which is White's move in abbreviated notation, and in the denominator is Black's move in abbreviated notation.
Sometimes, instead of Russian letter designations of figures, English analogues are used.
King - K; Queen - Q; Rook - R; Bishop - B, Knight - N. Pawn, as in the Russian version, without a letter designation.
Particularly popular in modern chess literature is the abbreviated notation, in which instead of the letter designations of the pieces, their symbols are printed. Here is how in this case "childish mat" will be written ( №8 ):

For chess beginners, at first, we recommend writing down moves only in full notation. After you learn how to write down moves mechanically, you can move on to an abbreviated version.

Orientation technique on a sheet of paper - Magic leaves

Author: Emelyanova Sirina Raisovna Place of work educator MBDOU No. 10 "Constellation" ZMR RT Republic of Tatarstan, Zelenodolsk
Target: to develop visual-spatial orientation in children, to form elementary mathematical representations.
Dear colleagues!
Today I want to introduce you with the method of orientation on a sheet of paper, which is essential for the development of visual-spatial representations in children.
In my work, I use a file technique, which I called "Magic Leaves". Here are two types of A4 leaflets, which are lined one by 1.5 cm, the second by 2 cm. squares need to be drawn with a felt-tip pen.

The technique consists of several stages.
1. Getting to know the sheet.
It begins with an introduction to a simple white sheet, which can be done starting with the middle group.
-What is it? Paper
-What shape is it? Rectangular
This side is at the top and is called the top.
This side is at the bottom and is called the bottom side.
This side is on the right and is called the right side.
This side is on the left and is called the left side.
This corner is at the top left and is called the top left.
This corner is at the top right and is called top right, and so on.
At this point I am using fairy tale game- leaf travel - "Magic Leaf" Once upon a time there was a Liszt and five pencils. They decided one day to play together and the pencils went on a journey across the sheet. The yellow pencil went first, he found the top side and drew a yellow line. The red pencil went second, he found the bottom side and drew a red line. I drew a green pencil on the right side, and a blue one on the left. A black pencil remained in the center of the sheet; he built a house there. They decided to divide the corners equally, and drew them in two colors. All the pencils in the house gathered and began to think how else to play with them. Thought and thought, and decided to play catch up. A yellow line was drawn at the top, and a yellow pencil ran up, a red pencil ran down, a green pencil ran to the right, and a blue pencil ran to the left. Then, to make it not boring, two pencils ran: in the upper right corner - yellow and green ran; in the upper left - yellow and blue; in the lower right - green and red; and in the lower left - blue and red. And the black pencil could not catch them. During the game, children understand that this is not just a sheet, but it is colored, and you can play with it. They visually designate each side, and understand that the sheet has landmarks: top, bottom, right side, left side, the center of the sheet is the middle.

2. Acquaintance with the cell.
In the beginning, we use a larger cell, and then move on to the smaller ones. In order for the child to learn to see the boundaries of the cell, you must first circle the cells one at a time, and then you can complicate the task. We circle the cells through one to the end of the page - this is a line. We circle the cells through one down to the end of the page - this is a column.

3. Drawing in cells.
At this stage, children are given tasks to fix the orientation on the sheet. For example, find the upper left corner and draw a triangle there. Find the upper right one and draw a circle there, find the lower left one and draw a square there, and in the lower right one an asterisk. You can also fix colors and counting: find the top left cell and draw a blue circle in it, step back down 4 cells and draw a yellow triangle, step back to the right 3 cells and draw a green square, step back down 5 cells and draw a red square, step back to the right from the green square by 7 cells and draw a black circle, step back from the black circle 3 cells down and draw a blue triangle, etc. Tasks and colors can be any.

4. After the child has mastered the orientation on the sheet, the Drawing by cells "Do it like this." The child is offered a sample of the drawing and asked to repeat exactly the same drawing.
Drawing by cells is a very exciting and useful activity for children. This is a game way of developing a baby's spatial imagination, fine motor skills of fingers, coordination of movements, perseverance, and the formation of elementary mathematical representations. Children reinforce concepts such as left, right, down - up.

5. "Finish the second half." Children are offered a sample with one half of the drawing ready, and it is necessary to finish the drawing by completing the second part. The child circles the finished side of the drawing and finishes the opposite.

6. Then the children are offered "Mathematical Dictation". An adult dictates a sequence of actions indicating the number of cells and their directions (left, right, up, down), the child performs the work by ear.
The duration of one lesson with graphic dictations should not exceed 15-20 minutes. But if the child is carried away, do not stop him and interrupt the lesson. Completing tasks, the child will broaden his horizons, increase his vocabulary, learn to navigate on a sheet and in a notebook, get acquainted with different ways of depicting objects, dictations can be successfully used for children from 5 years old. Mathematical dictations contribute to the development of short-term memory. Targets within the framework of the Federal State Educational Standards assume that the child has the ability to volitional efforts and the ability to hear and follow consistent instructions at the graduation to school, and dictations are great for this.

7. "Continue line." In this game, the child has the beginning of a row with an image on a piece of paper, and he needs to continue the row to the end. At the beginning
the child is offered the simplest images, and then they become more complicated: several colors are introduced, several elements, the upper and lower images, elements that need to be completed without taking your hands off the sheet. Etc. You can complicate and conduct a lesson for a while using an hourglass. Then the child himself checks how much he did right and develops self-control.

These games have a unique educational effect, which contribute to the development of memory, speech, imagination; development of orientation skills on a sheet and in a notebook; form elementary mathematical representations, perseverance and patience.
Thank you for your attention!!!


Target. Identification of the child's ability to act in accordance with the instructions; consolidation of the concept of "size of objects" (large - small, more - less).

Name the geometric shapes drawn in the squares on the left. "Transfer" them to the squares on the right as indicated by the arrow. Reduce larger figures and enlarge smaller ones.

Draw exactly the same shapes in the empty cells. What shapes are they?


Target. Identification of the level of formation of the perception of the form, its ability to analyze the location of figures in space. Development of stability of attention, purposefulness of activity. Dictionary activation.

  • Look at and name the geometric figures placed on the left side of the page. Name the smaller figure first, then the larger one. For example, a circle in a square, a circle in an oval, an oval in a circle.

  • You need to transfer each smaller figure to a new place - to the corresponding larger figures.


Target. Revealing the ability of children to establish identity, similarity and difference in the drawings. The development of visual analysis, observation.

Consider rugs. How are they similar? What is the difference? Draw the same rugs in the frames on the right.


Target. Identification of the level of formation of mental processes of analysis, synthesis, comparison. The development of visual-figurative representations, the ability to recreate the whole based on visual correlation.

"Fix" the pillowcase. Choose from different pieces of fabric one that fits in size, color and pattern.


Target. Identification of the ability to establish patterns, the ability to keep instructions and control their actions in the course of work. Development of attention and visual memory.

Find a pattern in the image of objects. What should be displayed in an empty cell?

Name mushrooms. Which one is poisonous? What mushroom should be drawn in an empty cell? Remember the sequence of patterns in each row. Close the table with a piece of paper. Complete the table on the right from memory.


Target. Identification of the ability to visually perceive and differentiate colors, correctly name colors and shades, recognize and name geometric shapes, indicate their color and size; count geometric shapes, indicate their number; write a story description.

  • Consider a clown. What shape is the patch on his suit?

  • Compare patches of the same color. What is the difference?

  • Compare similar patches. What is the difference?
Write a story about a clown.

Target. Determination of the purposefulness of perception, the nature of emotional reactions. Formation of the ability to establish the identity of objects based on visual correlation. Development of attention, self-control, speech.

"Look at the picture. Find in it the objects drawn in the cells, make up the story according to the plot picture.


Target. Identification of the ability to search for patterns in the arrangement of well-known letters and numbers. Development of stability and concentration of attention.

Define the pattern in the same way as you did in the first task with letters. Draw the correct number in the empty box.


Target. Identification of the formation of the processes of analysis, synthesis, comparison. Development of the ability to recreate the whole based on visual correlation.

Look at the pattern of the doll's blanket. Ira collects the same blanket from scraps. What pieces of fabric should she sew on it?

Choose the markers of the desired color and fill in the empty cells with drawings from the sample.


Target. Identification of features of visual perception, stability, concentration, attention span.

Friends went for a walk with their dogs, but the leashes got tangled. Find out where the dog is. Say the name of each boy's dog.


Target. Revealing the ability to establish patterns in the arrangement of drawings, keep instructions and control their actions in the course of work. Observation of the child's activity (its pace, as well as dexterity and coordination of hand movements).

Cards are hardly laid out in front of the child, they draw his attention to the alternation of drawings, they offer to continue the series.

Find a pattern in the arrangement of figures and objects and continue the row.


Target. Identification of the formation of volumetric-spatial thinking, observation, features of speech development.

The doors of the castle are locked with three locks. Help Puss in Boots find the keys to them. Remember the fairy tale. Tell us how the story ended for the Cat and its owner.


Target. Revealing the ability to establish patterns in the arrangement of figures, determining the ability to hold instructions, features of self-control. (The task is performed at a certain pace, the presence of errors is noted.)

Find a pattern in the arrangement of the figures and continue the row.


Target. Determining the level of development of figurative thinking, understanding the absurdity of the situation.

Look carefully at the picture. She is funny? Does it happen or not? Did the artist draw everything correctly?


Target. Formation of methods of correlative and spatial analysis (method of highlighting the elements of an object with subsequent correlation of their spatial arrangement), the ability to work in accordance with the model.

Draw a fox on the right, as shown in the sample, and color the characters of the fairy tale. What story are these characters from? Remember and tell the part of the fairy tale that is shown in the picture.


Target. Formation of the method of combining two or more signs, development of visual-motor skills.

Find at the bottom of the page and draw in the empty square a butterfly that is suitable in color, shape and pattern.


Target. Formation of methods of analyzing observation and spatial analysis, development of the subtlety of analysis.

The student, adding a geometric pattern from individual squares according to the model, made mistakes. Review student work. Which squares are laid out incorrectly?

Choose from the proposed squares those that will allow you to correct the student's mistakes.

Help: 1 kind of help - divide the sample and the student's work into four squares. To do this, connect the points from top to bottom and from left to right.

2nd type of help - cut out the necessary squares and put them on the drawing in the place where the mistake was made.


Target. Formation of techniques for highlighting the features of an object and determining changing features, the formation of the ability to arrange objects (objects) in a row according to some feature.

Consider the drawings. Name what changes from one drawing to another. Without violating this condition, draw a row.

* Those signs that do not alternate, but change, children changearbitrarily, at will.


Target. Formation of the method of correlative analysis, the ability to be guided in the work by a model.

Find mistakes in the student's work. Trace them with red pencil.

Consider the drawings. Draw the missing parts in each drawing so that they are the same. What did you get?*


Target. Formation of the method of highlighting semantic supports in the condition of the problem, the ability to work according to a multi-link instruction.

Color the flowers in the vase with different pencils so that there is a yellow flower in the middle of the bouquet, and red is between yellow and blue.

Draw the same figures below so that the square is between the rhombus and the triangle, and the circle is to the right of the rhombus.


Target. Formation of techniques for highlighting and combining features.

Consider the rows of figures. In each row, some sign changes from figure to figure. Name and write above the arrow the sign or signs that change.

Signs should be designated as follows: COLOR - C; FORM - F; SIZE - R; THICKNESS - T.


Target. Formation of the reception of the perception of an object as a whole, the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships, to understand the emotional states of people.

Determine the emotional state of the people in each picture. Choose the right word and complete the sentence.

Change each sentence according to the model:

"Due to the fact that Misha ...., he ....".

Words for reference: 1) glad, upset, angry, angry;

  1. rejoiced, upset, angry, angry;

  2. joyful, angry, angry, upset.


Target. Formation of synthesizing techniques object (filling in the missing links whole), perception of the object as a whole.

Consider carefully the picture. Guess what is covered with a sheet of paper in the picture. Explain your answer.

Write a story about the picture.


Target. Formation of a generalization technique based on highlighting the features of the presented object (concrete or abstract), distinguishing between essential and non-essential features, combining concepts according to an essential feature.

Of the six pictures, choose two that can be combined into a group and give it one common name. Explain your answer.

Of the six words, choose two that can be combined into one group according to an essential feature.

  • frost snow ice autumn rain skates

  • root word subject ending adjective rule

  • stop bus wheel tram ticket driver

  • sweet cunning bright red beautiful kind


Target. Formation of the method of synthesis, perception of the object as a whole.

Consider pictures. They depict the beginning and end of the story that happened to the boys. Think about what happened to the boys at the river. Draw two missing pictures.

Read the beginning and end of the story. Supplement very briefly its content so that you get a story. Write the story in your notebook.

Sasha and Kolya agreed to go to the cinema this weekend.

Therefore, Kolya stayed with Sasha and helped a friend.


Target. The formation of techniques for highlighting and combining features, the formation of the ability to arrange objects in a row according to some feature.

Consider rows of three-dimensional figures. In each row, some sign changes from figure to figure. Name which sign changes from figure to figure, and what remains unchanged in each of the rows.

To depict the thickness of a figure, a child can be offered to useits schematic designation;* JKs * - fat body A> - slim figure,

For example:


Target. Formation of the method of highlighting semantic supports in the condition of the problem, the formation of the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships.

Read the task. Underline with red pencil only those
data in the condition that will be required to answer the
task question. Cross out the extra data with a blue pencil
from the condition.

Andrey, Igor, Seryozha and Vova participate in running competitions - Andrey runs after Igor. Igor runs slower than Vova. Serezha runs fast. Which boy runs ahead of everyone?

Use the picture to solve the problem. Draw segments on the file,
showing how each of the boys ran. Take away from
file sheet of paper with which the correct
answers and check your work.

Target. Formation of the method of considering an object from different points of view, the ability to highlight the hidden meaning of an expression, to understand the figurative meaning of proverbs.

  • Read proverbs. In each triple of proverbs, two are connected by a common meaning, and the third does not fit them. Find the extra word.

  • Consider the drawings. Draw arrows to connect the picture and the proverbs that fit it in meaning.

  • Outfit falcons, and the gait of a crow.

  • Eagle eyes and mosquito wings.

  • And the sparrow does not live without people.

  • A bee stings with a sting, and a man with a word

  • One bee does not bring much honey.

  • One horse cannot cover the entire field.

  • If you chase two hares, you won't catch one.

  • A cowardly bunny and a stump - a wolf.

  • Chasing two birds with one stone - you won't catch a single one.


Target. Formation of methods of analyzing observation and spatial analysis (method of highlighting the elements of an object with subsequent correlation of their spatial arrangement), development of the subtlety of analysis.

What details in the picture on the right are located differently than in the picture on the left?

What squares need to replace the details in the pattern on the right so that the patterns become the same?

Help: divide the drawings into 1.5 cm by 1.5 cm squares. Compare each element of the patterns separately and find the mismatched parts.


Target. Formation of the ability to correctly use (use) prepositions denoting spatial relationships.

Show the kitten inside the closet, the dog behind the box and in front of the box, the lampshade over the table, the kitten under the chair, behind the closet, in the closet, on the chair, in the drawer.


  • Where is the kitten hiding? (In the closet, behind the closet, under the armchair.)

  • Where is the kitten? (On a chair, in a box.)

  • Where is the dog? (Behind the box, in front of the box.)
Make up phrases, answering the question "Where is ...?". For example: Kitty in closet.


Target. Formation with the help of the scheme of skills for highlighting prepositions as independent separate words.

I will read the prepositions, and you show me where the preposition man is (in box, under box, on the box, behind box, comes out of the box).

Remember the words-prepositions “on”, “for”, “under”, etc. Make a sentence with any preposition.

Target. The development of reading interest in children of six to seven years of age in the process of global reading of words, the formation of interest in letters, the development of memory, attention, preparation for analytical and synthetic reading. Fixing the use of prepositions.

Help the rabbits to hide from the fox. Draw a line from each bunny to the place where he wants to hide, according to the note he left.

preliminaryJob. An adult reads the words on separate cards, having previously made photocopies of them from this drawing. After reading the card aloud, the adult places it on the drawing, inviting the child to remember what is written on it. This is how each card is processed.

33 Target. Prevention of biography and dyslexia. Choosing the correct image of a printed letter among pairs or rows of letters printed in a mirror. Lexicon activation.

Show the correct typed letters by covering the mirror images with your finger in each pair or row. Think of 2-3 words with each of these letters at the beginning of the word.


Target. Teaching children the global reading of syllables and words. Development of memory, attention, interest in letters and syllables.

Read what is written on the cards (with the help of the teacher). Consider pictures. Connect the cards with lines to make words. Read the words.


Target. Teaching children the global reading of syllables and words.

Read what is written on the cards under the pictures. Make up words by connecting the syllables on the cards with lines.


Target. Prevention of dysgraphia and dyslexia. Development of logical thinking, visual and auditory attention, spatial perception. Work with isographs. Reading words written in different scripts. Recognition of objects depicted by letters.

A word is hidden in each picture. Look carefully at the first picture. Guess what word is hidden in it. Read it by circling the letters with a pointer. Such picture words are called isographs. Solve the rest of the isographs, helping yourself with a pointer. Name the objects depicted with letters.


Guess the isographs. Read the words by circling the letters with a pointer. Name the objects depicted with letters.


Target. Composing a whole from seven asymmetrical parts. Memorization of words read by an adult. Global reading of words accessible to the child. Matching words and pictures.

Consider the drawing. Read the words on the cards. Match each part of the picture with the correct card. Put the parts together to make a whole picture.

Target. Definition in the text of the order of the sentences located in the broken sequence.

Look at the pictures in order. Read the highlighted words. Match each picture with the correct sentence.


Target. Learning how to compose a story based on a series of sequential pictures.

Consider pictures. They can make up a story. The pictures are mixed up. Think and determine the sequence of events. Put the correct numbers in the small squares. Read the sentence cards and think about which pictures they refer to. For which picture is the card missing? Make a suggestion for this picture.

Target. Exercises in isolating and clearly pronouncing the first sound of words of different syllabic structures. Expansion of the stock of species concepts on the topic "Birds and insects", differentiation of these generic concepts. Exercises in the exclusion of the 4th superfluous object, independent grouping of images according to the categorical principle (birds - insects).

Look at the pictures in the top row. Three of them can

Combine into one group and call it a generalizing (general) word, and

The fourth one is redundant. Name a general word. Which subject

Extra? Why?

Name each picture. Try to pronounce the word so that

The first sound in it was clearly audible. How are these words similar? Write

In a small square, the letter S.

Look at the pictures in the second row. Divide all the pictures into two

Groups: insects and birds.


Target. Teaching the construction of statements. Consolidation of knowledge of the names of labor duties corresponding to various construction specialties.

Read each card and match it with the corresponding picture. Tell us about the work of a plasterer, tiler, fitter, glazier, painter, whom you see in the drawings. What is the common word for all these professions?

Make sentences by connecting cards with the names of construction specialties and cards with a description of labor activities. Who should do what?


Target. Learning to build statements about the purpose of individual items (from 2-3 sentences). Formation of a generalizing concept of "medical supplies", the introduction of the exact names of objects into the active dictionary.

Consider the drawings. Tell us which medical supplies the doctor needs and which ones the nurse needs.


The doctor listened to the patient's heart and lungs. I measured the pressure with a tonometer. Then he measured the patient's body temperature. (What happened next?)

The nurse took cotton wool, a pipette and eye drops. (What happened next?)

The doctor looked at the patient's throat, found out what his temperature was, and ordered the nurse to urgently bring a syringe. (What happened next?)

Target. The study of impressive speech (understanding the meanings of words denoting objects and actions). Exercises in recognizing the position of a sound in a word.

Find pictures for the following words (objects and actions).

Ice drift, lair, leaf fall, autumn, starlings, winter, wind, winter crops, field, haystacks, seedlings, ice floes, mushrooms, birdhouse, spring, bunches of mountain ash, new settlers.

It blows, rises, flew in, sleeps, floats, breaks, hangs, melts, turns green,

They chirp, whirl, hibernate, crumble.

Name the words with the sound [l] ([l"]). Determine its place in the word.

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