Cones acorns nuts. Games of low mobility at breaks in elementary school

Training : The players form a circle, in the middle of which the leader becomes, and the rest, breaking up in threes, stand one after the other facing the center (the first number is three to four steps from the leader. The head gives all the players names: the first in the threes are “bumps”, the second "acorns", the third "nuts".

Game content : On a signal, the driver says loudly, for example: "Nuts." All players, called "nuts", must change places, and the driver seeks to take any vacant seat. If he succeeds, then the player left without a place becomes the driver. If the driver says “acorns”, the second ones in threes change places, if the “bumps” - the first ones in threes. When the game is mastered, the driver can call two or even three players in threes, for example: “bumps, nuts”. The summoned must also switch places.

Rules of the game:

2. Players may not defect to any other

three (otherwise the player becomes the leader).

Training: The guys stand in a circle, in the middle is the leader, who is blindfolded.

We played a little

Now we are in a circle.

You guess the riddle, Who called you - find out!

The leader silently points to one of the players, who exclaims: “Find out who I am!” The driver must say his name. If he guessed correctly, the recognized one becomes the driver, if he made a mistake, the game is repeated.

The winner is the one who has never been a driver.

Rules of the game:.

1. Words are pronounced only by the one whom the leader points to.

Make no mistake

Training: Drawings depicting a mill, a tree, a ball, a lumberjack, a bridge, a stork, a frog, a butterfly, a cat, etc. are prepared on sheets of cardboard. The players line up or form a semicircle.

Mill: one arm is raised, the other is lowered and pressed to the body. Children show how the windmill works: they change the position of their hands.

Ball: squat, back round. The players start jumping. The feet are connected, the knees rise high when jumping.

Woodcutter: players raise their hands above their heads

with joined fingers, legs straight. wide

with a wave, the guys imitate chopping firewood.

Those who complete the task more successfully than others win.

Rules of the game:

Penalties are charged for each inaccurate performance.


Training: Children become pairs one after another, holding hands. Ahead, at a distance of 3-4 m, the place of the driver.

oblique, oblique,

Don't go barefoot

And go shod

Wrap your paws.

If you are shod

Wolves won't find a hare

The bear will not find you.

Come out, you burn, you burn!

As soon as the guys finish the recitative, the first couple separates their hands and runs forward to reconnect beyond the line where the driver can no longer catch. He has to catch one of the guys or he'll have to drive again. The driver becomes behind everyone in a pair with the one he caught. The other of this pair becomes the leader.

The game is won by those who have never been caught.

Rules of the game:

1. The game starts at the signal of the leader.

2. You can start running only at the end of the recitative.

Target: Teaching the technique of throwing a small ball at a distance.


Planned results:

Subject Results:

Compliance with safety precautions during the outdoor game "Cones, acorns, nuts";

Metasubject results:

Regulatory UUD:

Cognitive UUD:

- search for information on the technique of throwing the ball at a distance;

Communicative UUD:

- ask questions about the technique of performing the exercise and take part in their discussion;

Personal results:

Lesson type:

Location: gym.



Technological map of the lesson

Physical education teacher: Belova Tatyana Anatolyevna

Class: 4 B class.

Chapter: Athletics.

Lesson topic: “Throwing a small ball for a distance.Mobile game "Cones, acorns, nuts."

Purpose: Teaching the technique of throwing a small ball at a distance.

Improve the technique of throwing a small ball at a distance;

Develop speed of reaction, dexterity and attention;

Cultivate respect and kindness towards each other.

Planned results:

Subject Results:

Learn how to throw a small ball;

Compliance with safety regulations during the outdoor game "Cones, acorns, nuts";

Dosing the load in accordance with the age characteristics of students.

Metasubject results:

Regulatory UUD:

Awareness of the quality of the exercises;

Identification of the reasons for the insufficient level of assimilation of the elements of the execution technique;

Students' awareness of the level and quality of mastering the exercise;

Making the necessary additions and adjustments to improve the technique of throwing at a distance of the ball;

Personal approach to correcting mistakes.

Cognitive UUD:

- search for information on the technique of throwing the ball at a distance;

Self-determination of the causes of incorrect throwing of the ball

Communicative UUD:

- ask questions about the technique of performing the exercise and take part in their discussion;

Respect for the opinions of peers in the process of joint development of throwing techniques;

Interact with peers in the process of joint development of throwing during the passage of the game.

Personal results:

Respect and goodwill towards each other during the game;

Interaction with peers based on mutual assistance;

The ability to manage your emotions.

Lesson type:

a lesson in the formation of subject skills, mastery of subject skills.

Teaching methods: problem-search, discussion, reproductive, empathy, analogy method, analysis.

Forms of organization: frontal, group, individual.

Equipment and inventory: small balls.

Venue: Sports Hall.

6. General developmental exercises in step motion:

Ex. 1 I.p.-hands to the sides.

4 steps forward-4 circles with brushes inward, the next 4 steps forward-outward.

Exercise 2.- I.p. - bend the arms to the shoulders, 1-4 circular rotations with the arms forward;

5-8 circular rotations with arms back;

Exercise 3.- I.p.-arms are bent in front of the chest, 1-2 jerks with bent arms in front of the chest;

3-4-Jerks with straight arms in front of the chest.

Exercise 4.- I.p.-right hand up, left down;, 1-2-jerks with straight arms, right up, left down;

3-4- jerks with straight arms, left up, right down;

Exercise 5- I.p.-hands up, fingers clasped outward.

Left step forward - tilt to the left, right step forward - tilt to the right.

Exercise 6- I.p.-hands in front of the chest.

For 2 springy steps, abduction of bent arms back, for the next 2 steps forward - the same, but extending the arms with palms up.

Exercise 7 - I.p.-hands to the sides,

1-4 circular rotations with arms forward;

5-8-circular rotations of the arms back.

To focus students' attention on the combination of movements with the rhythm of steps and on maintaining the correct posture when performing exercises.

Perform with maximum range of motion. (exercise 1)

Perform with maximum amplitude. (exercise 2)

Perform with maximum extension of the arms. (exercise 3)

Perform with maximum extension of the arms. Do not bend the arms at the elbows (exercise 4)

When tilting, look at the hands. (exercise 5)

Do not lower your elbows below shoulder level. (exercise 6)

Perform with maximum range of motion. Do not bend your arms at the elbow joints. (exercise 7)

Steps, stops to perform at the expense of the teacher "one-two" (exercise 1)

Focus the attention of students on the long length of the first step and setting the feet from the heel, alignment in columns, intervals of three steps (exercise 2).

Orient students to open the distance and intervals in three steps.

Clearly follow the commands: “to the right, to the left, around, step-march” (exercise 3).

Draw students' attention to the need for the correct position of the hands and the setting of the legs while throwing the ball, the range of motion (exercise 4)

Focus students' attention on the clarity of the exercise, the rhythm of breathing. (5)

Formation in two lines on one side of the court, the first one has the ball.

At a distance of 5,10,15,20,25 m in front of each team there are chips. On the whistle 1st students perform throwing (the teacher says the result of each). 2nd - stand opposite the 1st, at a distance of 25 m; 2nd - throw-3rd - stand, catch balls from the ground.

10. The game "Cones, acorns, nuts."

The players form a circle, in the middle of which the leader becomes, and the rest, split into threes, stand one after the other facing the center (the first number is three to four steps from the leader). The leader gives names to all the players: the first in the threes are “bumps”, the second are “acorns”, the third are “nuts”.

Perform throwing with a large amplitude, release the ball at the highest point, turn to the correct stance when throwing. Perform on whistle.

Game content . On a signal, the driver says loudly, for example: "Nuts." All players, called "nuts", must change places, and the driver seeks to take any vacant seat. If he succeeds, then the player left without a place becomes the driver. If the driver says “acorns”, the second ones in threes change places, if the “bumps” - the first ones in threes. When the game is mastered, the driver can call two or even three players in threes, for example: “bumps, nuts”. The summoned must also switch places.

Players who have never been drivers win.

Rules of the game:

1. Those who have been called are prohibited from remaining in place.

2. Players cannot run to any other three (otherwise the player becomes the leader).

3. You can change the rules (standing facing the center, back, different starting positions).

[ essay ]
  • Continuing Education Program Games for Health [ program ]
  • Volleyball [abstract]
  • Andrianova A., Smirnova V., Kodachigova A. Collection of games for a friendly company of teenagers. Our parents' backyard games [document]
  • Outdoor games as a means of developing physical qualities [abstract]
  • the role of play in child development [abstract]
  • Coursework: Outdoor games for children with a violation of the musculoskeletal system [ course work ]
  • Physical development of a child up to 3 years [abstract]
  • Math games and puzzles [abstract]
  • Ancient Olympic Games [abstract]
  • Game elements in the culture of the twentieth century [document]
  • 1.doc

    "Cones, acorns, nuts"

    Training. The players form a circle, in the middle of which the leader becomes, and the rest, breaking up in threes, stand one after the other facing the center (the first number is three to four steps from the leader (see fig.). The leader gives all the players the names: the first in triples "bumps", the second "acorns", the third "nuts".

    Game content. On a signal, the driver says loudly, for example: "Nuts." All players, called "nuts", must change places, and the driver seeks to take any vacant seat. If he succeeds, then the player left without a place becomes the driver. If the driver says “acorns”, the second ones in threes change places, if the “bumps” are the first in threes. When the game is mastered, the driver can call two or even three players in threes, for example: “bumps, nuts”. The summoned must also switch places.

    Players who have never been drivers win.

    ^ Rules of the game: 1. Those who have been called are prohibited from remaining in place. 2. Players cannot run to any other three (otherwise the player becomes the leader).
    "Hunters and Ducks"

    Training. The players are divided into two teams, one of which - "hunters" - becomes in a circle (before the line), the second - "ducks" - enters the middle of the circle (see Fig.). The "hunters" have a volleyball.

    ^ With
    content of the game.
    On a signal, the "hunters" begin to knock out the "ducks" from the circle. Each player can throw the ball himself or pass the ball for a throw to a teammate. "Ducks", running inside the circle, escape from the ball, dodging and bouncing. The padded "duck" leaves the circle. The game ends when there are no "ducks" left in the circle, after which the players switch roles.

    Playing - "ducks"
    Players - "hunters"

    The team that manages to shoot the "ducks" in less time wins. The head can set the time of the game for throwing the ball into the "ducks". Then the result is summed up by the number of "ducks" knocked out during this time.

    Rules of the game: 1. During the throw of the ball, it is forbidden to step over the line. 2. Those in the circle are not allowed to catch the ball with their hands. 3. Players are not considered out if the ball hit them after bouncing off the floor.
    "Whose rank will win?"

    Training. The players are divided into two equal teams. Two players, one from each team, stand facing each other in front of a line drawn on the ground. Holding each other by the waist.

    ^ Game content. On a signal, the players try to pull the enemy towards them. The loser goes to the winning team.

    Rules of the game. 1. You should start the game from a certain place. 2. The winner is the one who pulled the opponent to his side.

    ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

    □ □ □ □ □ □

    "Day and night"

    Training. Two lines are drawn at some distance from each other. Boys line up on one line, girls line up on the other. leader between them.

    At the command "Night!" boys catch girls, on command "Day!" girls catch boys. The team that catches the most opponents wins.

    Rules of the game. 1. The run begins at the signal of the leader. 2. The tagged move to the opposing team.

    Boys - "Night"

     Presenter

     □ Girls - "Day"
    □ □ □ □ □ □


    f Driving OOOPlaying

    Rules of the game

    18. "Climbers"


    Game content.


    Rules of the game:

    19. "Strip Jumping"


    Game content.

    Rules of the game:

    Training. The players form a circle, in the middle of which the leader becomes, and the rest, breaking up in threes, stand one after the other facing the center (the first number is three to four steps from the leader (Fig. 5). The leader gives all the players names: the first in threes "cones", the second "acorns", the third "nuts".

    f Driving OOOPlaying

    vacant place. If he succeeds, then the player left without a place becomes the driver. If the driver says “acorns”, the second ones in threes change places, if the “bumps” - the first ones in threes. When the game is mastered, the driver can call two or even three players in threes, for example: “bumps, nuts”. The summoned must also switch places.

    Players who have never been drivers win.

    Rules of the game : 1. Those who have been called are prohibited from remaining in place. 2. Players cannot run to any other three (otherwise the player becomes the leader).

    18. "Climbers"

    Training. Two teams of "alpinists" line up facing the gymnastic wall 6-7 m from it. Between the first players and the gymnastic wall, gymnastic benches are installed, turned upside down with slats. At the extreme spans of the wall, gymnastic mats are laid (Fig. 6).

    Game content. At the signal of the teacher, the first players begin to move along the rail of the gymnastic bench, go to the gymnastic wall, climb it, move along the wall to the last span and go down. The height of the ascent to the wall is indicated in advance by the teacher (marked with a ribbon, a flag). When descending from the gymnastic wall, the player has the right to jump from the rail, located at a height of no more than 70-75 cm, into a circle with a diameter of 40 cm, marked with chalk on the mat. Having landed, the player stands last in his line. The second players start moving on the gymnastic bench immediately after the landing of the previous "alpinist".


    # About Players of opposite teams

    The team that manages to finish the relay race faster than others and makes fewer mistakes than the other team wins.

    Rules of the game: 1. It is forbidden to prematurely move along the rail of the bench. 2. The player must not lose balance. 3. You can not jump from a height higher than indicated by the teacher. 4. Inaccurate landing is also prohibited. For each mistake, the player is penalized with a penalty point.

    19. "Strip Jumping"

    Training. Lines indicate a corridor 2-3 m wide. Lines are drawn across the corridor, forming narrow (30 cm) and wide (50 cm) strips that alternate with each other. There can be 6-8 such strips. Children jump through narrow strips, and repel them when jumping from wide ones. The class is divided into three or four teams that stand in lines (Fig. 7).

    Game content. On a signal, the first numbers of each team start jumping from the beginning of the corridor (with a push with both feet) through narrow strips, making an intermediate jump on each wide strip. Those who performed all the jumps correctly (without stepping on narrow stripes) bring their team a point. The second numbers also jump, etc. If a player steps on a narrow strip, he continues to jump further, but does not bring a point to the team. Jumping speed is not taken into account.

    The team whose players got the most points wins.

    Rules of the game: 1. The width of the strips gradually increases (up to 60, 90, 100 cm). 2. Teams are in the same position and follow the same sequence. 3. The one who jumped on

    Target: development of attention, speed of reaction, accuracy of movements.

    The number of players is more than six.

    Instruction. The players stand in threes, one after the other, facing the center, where the driver stands. The first in triplets are “bumps”, the second are “acorns”, the third are “nuts”. On a signal, the driver pronounces any of the three names, for example, “nuts”. All playing "nuts" must

    swap places. The driver seeks to stand in any vacant seat. If he succeeds, then the player left without a place becomes the driver.

    You can shout out two names and even three. The winner is the one who has never been a driver.

    Methodical instructions. At the request of the children, the game can be played several times.

    Game: "Fish, birds, animals"

    Target: development of speed of reaction, attention, vocabulary enrichment.

    Inventory: volleyball or tennis ball.

    Instruction. All players become a semicircle at a distance of 4-5 meters from the driver, who is holding a volleyball or tennis ball in his hands. The driver, throwing a ball to one of the players, pronounces one of three words: “fish”, “birds”, “animals”. If, for example, the word “fish” is named, the player must catch the ball, take a step forward and immediately return it to the driver, quickly naming any fish, for example, say: “Pike”, The one who does not have time to give the desired answer or repeats it, is out of the game. The winner is the one who did not make a single mistake. The winner becomes the leader.

    Methodical instructions. The game is repeated 2-3 times.

    Game: "Volleyball in a circle"

    Target: mastering the elementary skills of passing the ball, developing the accuracy of movements.

    The number of players can be any.

    Inventory: volleyball.

    Instruction. The players stand in a circle and begin to pass the ball to each other in any way, as in volleyball. Anyone who could not receive or pass the ball receives a penalty point. The one with the fewest penalty points wins.

    Methodical instructions. At the request of the participants, the game can be repeated 2-3 times.


    AT The methodological manual presents outdoor games for disabled children with visual impairments, hearing impairments, intellect, mental retardation and poor health, which are classified according to the level of functional impact (high, medium, low mobility).

    In each outdoor game, the goal, rules, descriptions, methodological descriptions for organizing and managing the conduct are defined. It is known that children with various deviations in the state of health (with pathology of vision, hearing, mental retardation, intelligence, etc.) have different physical abilities, and this feature must be taken into account when conducting outdoor games. An outdoor game activates all body systems: blood circulation, respiration, vision, hearing, it brings positive emotions to the child.

    All this taken together and allows talking about the healing effect of outdoor games.


    1 .Private methods of adaptive physical culture: Tutorial. Under the editorship of L.V. Shapkova.- M.- Soviet sport.- 2003.- 464 p.

    2 .Gibson, R. Fun games / D. Timer (translated from English). - M .: 1994.

    3. Karabanova O.A. Game and correction of mental development of the child. -

    4. Mallaev D.M. The educator as an organizer gaming activity blind and visually impaired children. Makhachkala. 1992.

    5. Corrective outdoor games for children with developmental disabilities.

    / Ed. L.V. Shapkina, - M .: Soviet sport, - 2002. - 212 p. 6. Novichikhina E.V. Hoad L.D. "Features of the method of teaching mobile games to deaf children of primary school age" / Adaptive physical culture.-№3.-2006.-9-1 I p.

    7. Vanyushkin V.A. Correction coordination abilities students with intellectual disabilities. Aftorev thesis ... candidate of pedagogical sciences - Ekaterenburg, 1999.

    8. Education and training of children in a special school: A guide for teachers / Ed. V.V. Voronkova, - M. School-Press, 1994,

    9. Dmitriev A.A. Organization of physical activity of mentally retarded children // Allowance., 1991.

    10. Evseev S.P. Adaptive physical culture, its philosophy, content and tasks // Adaptive physical culture and funkts. state of the disabled, St. Petersburg, 1996.

    11 .Koval V.V. Correctional games in the auxiliary school // Defectology, 1991,

    12. Dveirina O.A. Development of coordination abilities at physical culture lessons at school: Textbook//SPbGAFK named after P.F.Lesgavt, 2000.

    13. Velitchenko V.K. Physical education for weakened children: Methodological guide. - M Terra-Sport, 2000

    14. Elkonin D.B. Psychology of the game.1978.

    15. Sukharev A.G. Health and physical education children and teenagers. - M.: Medicine, 1991, - 227 p., ill.


    1. Preparation, organization and management of the game…………………..4

    2. Outdoor games for blind and visually impaired children .............................. 8

    2.1 General requirements for playing the game .............................................. 8

    2.2 Games………………………………………………………..11

    3. Outdoor games for deaf and hard of hearing children.................................. 24

    3.1 Games................. ."............................. ................................................. 25

    4. Outdoor games for children with intellectual problems .............................. 31

    4.1 Games.............................................. ................................................. 32

    5. Outdoor games for mentally retarded older children

    classes ................................................. ................................................. .... 38

    5.1 Games.............................................. ................................................. 38

    6. Outdoor games for children with poor health and

    developmental disorder .............................................................. ...................... 43

    6.1 Games.............................................. ................................................. 44

    Conclusion................................................. ............................................. 53

    Bibliographic sources………………………………54

    Green, red, yellow

    Children become in a circle, the teacher with three circles - in the middle. The teacher gives commands: "Stop! Get ready! Let's go!", while raising the corresponding circle. Students who make a mistake are out of the game.

    3. Change of numbers

    The players stand in a circle shoulder to shoulder and are calculated in numerical order. The driver is in the center. He loudly calls any numbers. The called numbers should quickly change places, and the driver tries to take one of the empty seats. The one left without a seat becomes the driver.

    Russian folk game


    The players stand in pairs one after another. Ahead at a distance of two steps stands

    driver - burner. The sing-song players say the words:

    Burn, burn bright

    To not go out.

    Stay at the bottom

    Look at the field

    There are trumpeters

    Yes, they eat kalachi.

    Look at the sky

    The stars are burning

    Cranes cry:

    Goo, goo, run away. One, two, do not crow,

    And run like fire!

    After the last words, the children standing in the last pair run from both sides along

    columns. The burner tries to stain one of them. If the fleeing players managed to take a friend

    friend by the hand before the burner stains one of them, they stand in front of the first

    steam, and the burner burns again. The game is repeated. If the burner succeeds in staining one of the

    running in pairs, then he stands with him in front of the column, and the one who is left without a pair burns.

    Rules of the game. The burner must not look back. He catches up with the fleeing players

    as soon as they run past him.

    Russian folk game

    "Cat and Mouse".

    The players stand in two rows facing each other, join hands, forming a small circle.

    passage - hole. Cats are in one row, mice are in the other. The first pair starts the game: the cat

    catches a mouse, and she runs around the players. At a dangerous moment, the mouse can hide in

    a corridor formed by the linked hands of the players. As soon as the cat caught the mouse,

    the players line up. The second pair starts the game. The game continues until the cats

    catch all mice.

    Rules of the game. The cat must not run into the hole. The cat and mice must not run far from

    Russian folk game


    Children stand in a circle, hands are held behind their backs, and one of the players - dawn - walks behind with

    tape and says:


    red maiden,

    Walked across the field

    Dropped the keys

    golden keys,

    blue ribbons,

    entwined rings,

    Went for water!

    With the last words, the driver carefully places the ribbon on the shoulder of one of the

    players, who, noticing this, quickly takes the tape, and they both run in different directions along

    circle. The one who is left without a place becomes the dawn. The game is repeated.

    Rules of the game. Runners must not cross the circle. The players don't turn around

    while the driver chooses who to put a ribbon on his shoulder


    Game Description

    "Gate" pronounce:

    Golden Gate
    They don't always miss!
    Saying goodbye for the first time
    The second is prohibited
    And for the third time
    We won't miss you!

    After these words, the “gates” abruptly lower their hands, and those children who were caught also become “gates”. Gradually, the number of "gates" increases, and the chain decreases. The game ends when all the children become "gates".

    Rules of the game

    1. Two players stand opposite each other and, holding hands, raise their hands up. Get "gates".
    2. The rest of the children stand one after another and put their hands on the shoulders of the one walking in front, or simply hold hands. The resulting chain must pass under the gate.
    3. Children who are caught also become “gates”. Gradually, the number of "gates" increases, and the chain decreases.
    4. The game ends when all the children become "gates"


    Game Description
    Children stand in threes and, holding hands, form a circle. Each of the three has a name: "cones", "acorns", "nuts". The leader is outside the circle. The host says the word "nuts" (or "bumps", "acorns"), and all the players who have this name change places, and the host tries to take someone's place. If he succeeds, then he becomes a nut ("acorn", "cone"), and the one who was left without a place becomes the leader.

    Rules of the game

    1. Children stand in threes and, holding hands, form a circle. Each of the three has a name: "cones", "acorns", "nuts". The leader is outside the circle.
    2. The host says the word "nuts" (or "bumps", "acorns"), and all the players who have this name change places, and the host tries to take someone's place. If he succeeds, then he becomes a nut ("acorn", "cone"), and the one who was left without a place becomes the leader.


    Clap - fun game on attention and reaction for a large group of children. This children's game is well suited for school breaks in the lower grades.

    Game Description

    The last two remaining players win.

    Rules of the game

    1. The players stand in a circle.
    2. Each player is assigned a number.
    3. Together they begin to clap rhythmically: twice on their hands, twice on their knees.
    4. By clapping his hands, the player calls his number, and by clapping his knees - the number of any other participant standing in the circle.
    5. The one who did not have time to call his number or who called the number of an already eliminated participant leaves the circle and stops the game.
    6. The last two players left win


    Three, Thirteen, Thirty is a game that develops the attention and quick reaction of children well. It can be used at school for physical education minutes for elementary school students.

    Game Description

    Players must quickly execute the appropriate moves.

    Rules of the game

    1. Participants agree in advance - which of the numbers - which action means
    2. Players line up at arm's length.
    3. The driver calls a certain number - participants must quickly perform the appropriate action
    4. The driver can name the numbers in any order
    5. The player who made a mistake takes one step back and continues the game there.
    6. Whoever stays in their original position at the end of the game wins.



    Green, red, yellow

    Children become in a circle, the teacher with three circles - in the middle. The teacher gives commands: "Stop! Get ready! Let's go!", while raising the corresponding circle. Students who make a mistake are out of the game.

    3. Change of numbers

    The players stand in a circle shoulder to shoulder and are calculated in numerical order. The driver is in the center. He loudly calls any numbers. The called numbers should quickly change places, and the driver tries to take one of the empty seats. The one left without a seat becomes the driver.

    Russian folk game


    The players stand in pairs one after another. Ahead at a distance of two steps stands

    driver - burner. The sing-song players say the words:

    Burn, burn bright

    To not go out.

    Stay at the bottom

    Look at the field

    There are trumpeters

    Yes, they eat kalachi.

    Look at the sky

    The stars are burning

    Cranes cry:

    Goo, goo, run away. One, two, do not crow,

    And run like fire!

    After the last words, the children standing in the last pair run from both sides along

    columns. The burner tries to stain one of them. If the fleeing players managed to take a friend

    friend by the hand before the burner stains one of them, they stand in front of the first

    steam, and the burner burns again. The game is repeated. If the burner succeeds in staining one of the

    running in pairs, then he stands with him in front of the column, and the one who is left without a pair burns.

    Rules of the game. The burner must not look back. He catches up with the fleeing players

    as soon as they run past him.

    Russian folk game

    "Cat and Mouse".

    The players stand in two rows facing each other, join hands, forming a small circle.

    passage - hole. Cats are in one row, mice are in the other. The first pair starts the game: the cat

    catches a mouse, and she runs around the players. At a dangerous moment, the mouse can hide in

    a corridor formed by the linked hands of the players. As soon as the cat caught the mouse,

    the players line up. The second pair starts the game. The game continues until the cats

    catch all mice.

    Rules of the game. The cat must not run into the hole. The cat and mice must not run far from


    Russian folk game


    Children stand in a circle, hands are held behind their backs, and one of the players - dawn - walks behind with

    tape and says:


    red maiden,

    Walked across the field

    Dropped the keys

    golden keys,

    blue ribbons,

    entwined rings,

    Went for water!

    With the last words, the driver carefully places the ribbon on the shoulder of one of the

    players, who, noticing this, quickly takes the tape, and they both run in different directions along

    circle. The one who is left without a place becomes the dawn. The game is repeated.

    Rules of the game. Runners must not cross the circle. The players don't turn around

    while the driver chooses who to put a ribbon on his shoulder


    Game Description
    In the Golden Gate game, two players stand opposite each other and, holding hands, raise their hands up. Get "gates". The rest of the children stand one after another and put their hands on the shoulders of the one walking in front, or simply hold hands. The resulting chain must pass under the gate.
    "Gate" pronounce:

    Golden Gate
    They don't always miss!
    Saying goodbye for the first time
    The second is prohibited
    And for the third time
    We won't miss you!

    After these words, the “gates” abruptly lower their hands, and those children who were caught also become “gates”. Gradually, the number of "gates" increases, and the chain decreases. The game ends when all the children become "gates".

    Rules of the game

    1. Two players stand opposite each other and, holding hands, raise their hands up. Get "gates".
    2. The rest of the children stand one after another and put their hands on the shoulders of the one walking in front, or simply hold hands. The resulting chain must pass under the gate.
    3. Children who are caught also become “gates”. Gradually, the number of "gates" increases, and the chain decreases.
    4. The game ends when all the children become "gates"


    Game Description
    Children stand in threes and, holding hands, form a circle. Each of the three has a name: "cones", "acorns", "nuts". The leader is outside the circle. The host says the word "nuts" (or "bumps", "acorns"), and all the players who have this name change places, and the host tries to take someone's place. If he succeeds, then he becomes a nut ("acorn", "cone"), and the one who was left without a place becomes the leader.

    Rules of the game

    1. Children stand in threes and, holding hands, form a circle. Each of the three has a name: "cones", "acorns", "nuts". The leader is outside the circle.
    2. The host says the word "nuts" (or "bumps", "acorns"), and all the players who have this name change places, and the host tries to take someone's place. If he succeeds, then he becomes a nut ("acorn", "cone"), and the one who was left without a place becomes the leader.


    Clapping is a fun attention and reaction game for a large group of kids. This children's game is well suited for school breaks in the lower grades.

    Game Description
    The players stand in a circle. Each player receives a serial number.
    All players begin to rhythmically clap together: twice on their hands, twice on their knees. At the same time, one of the players says his number for clapping his hands, for example - “five-five”, and for clapping his knees - the number of any other player.
    The player who did not have time to call his number or who called the number of an already eliminated participant leaves the game.
    The last two remaining players win.

    Rules of the game

    1. The players stand in a circle.
    2. Each player is assigned a number.
    3. Together they begin to clap rhythmically: twice on their hands, twice on their knees.
    4. By clapping his hands, the player calls his number, and by clapping his knees - the number of any other participant standing in the circle.
    5. The one who did not have time to call his number or who called the number of an already eliminated participant leaves the circle and stops the game.
    6. The last two players left win


    Three, Thirteen, Thirty is a game that develops the attention and quick reaction of children well. It can be used at school for physical education minutes for elementary school students.

    Game Description
    The participants in the game stipulate in advance: which of the numbers - which action means.
    Players are built in a line at a distance of arms extended to the sides.
    If the driver (teacher) says "three" - all players must raise their hands up, with the word "thirteen" - hands on the belt, with the word "thirty" - hands forward, etc. (You can come up with a variety of movements)
    Players must quickly execute the appropriate moves.

    Rules of the game

    1. Participants agree in advance - which of the numbers - which action means
    2. Players line up at arm's length.
    3. The driver calls a certain number - participants must quickly perform the appropriate action
    4. The driver can name the numbers in any order
    5. The player who made a mistake takes one step back and continues the game there.
    6. Whoever stays in their original position at the end of the game wins.

    Lesson number 28.13.

    Lesson summary on physical education on the topic: "Mobile games"

    Grade: Grade 1

    Location: gym.

    Inventory: in/in balls, whistle.



    1. Learn outdoor games "Hunters and ducks", "Cones, acorns, nuts";

    2. Mobile game "Shootout"

    II. Wellness:

    1. Develop dexterity, speed of reaction, attention.

    III .Educational:

    1. To cultivate discipline, collectivism, respect for comrades.

    Physical education teacher: Voronina Ekaterina Anatolyevna

    loading dosage

    organizational and methodological instructions

    I. Introductory part.

    1. Construction.

    2. Walking

      on socks;

      on the heels;

      on the outside of the foot

    3. Running




    4. Outdoor switchgear complex in motion

    I.p. - hands within the framework.

    1-4 - circular movements in the wrist joint forward.

    5-8- also back.

    I.p. - hands to shoulders.

    1-4 - circular movements in the shoulder joint forward.

    5-8- also back.

    I.p. - hands forward.

    1-8- "scissors".

    Outdoor switchgear complex on site to develop flexibility:

    I.p. - hands on the belt, legs slightly apart.

    1- Tilt the body to the right.

    2- I.p.

    3- Also to the left.


    I. p. - stand legs apart, lean forward, arms to the sides.

    1-8 - "mill".

    I. p. - stand legs apart, hands on the belt.

    1- lean forward.

    2- bend back.

    1-4-Lunge right forward.

    5-8- Also left.

    I. p. - stand legs together, hands on the belt.

    1- Deep squat, hands forward.

    2- I.p.

    II. Main part.

      Game "Hunters and Ducks"

    Training. The players are divided into two teams, one of which - "hunters" - becomes in a circle (before the line), the second - "ducks" - enters the middle of the circle. The "hunters" have a volleyball.Game content. On a signal, the "hunters" begin to knock out the "ducks" from the circle. Each player can throw the ball himself or pass the ball for a throw to a teammate. "Ducks". running inside the circle, they escape from the ball, dodging and bouncing. The padded "duck" leaves the circle. The game ends when there are no "ducks" left in the circle, after which the players switch roles. The team that manages to shoot the "ducks" in less time wins. The head can set the time of the game for throwing the ball into the "ducks". Then the result is summed up by the number of "ducks" knocked out during this time.

      Game "Cones, acorns, nuts"

    Training. The players form a circle, in the middle of which the leader becomes, and the rest, split into threes, stand one after the other facing the center (the first number is three to four steps from the leader). The leader gives names to all the players: the first in the threes are "bumps", the second are "acorns", the third are "nuts". Game content. On a signal, the driver says loudly, for example: "Nuts." All players, called "nuts", must change places, and the driver seeks to take any vacant seat. If he succeeds, then the player left without a place becomes the driver. If the driver says "acorns", the second ones in threes change places, if the "bumps" - the first ones in threes. When the game is mastered, the driver can call two or even three players in threes, for example: "bumps, nuts." The summoned must also switch places.

    Players who have never been drivers win.

      Shootout game

    III . Final part.

    Game "Owl"


    Homework: to develop dexterity, repeat exercises with the ball.

    10 minutes

    1 min

    1 min

    2 minutes

    6 min.

    6-8 times

    6-8 times

    6-8 times

    6-8 times

    6-8 times

    6-8 times

    6-8 times

    6-8 ra

    35 min

    5 minutes

    Greeting, message of lesson tasks.

    Hands up, behind the head, on the belt; keep your back straight, straighten your shoulders.

    The pace is slow and steady.

    Perform counting with max amplitude.

    Hands are straight. Perform on account.

    Do not bend your legs, touch your socks with your hands. Perform with max amplitude.

    Perform with max amplitude.

    Head straight.

    Perform on account. The back is straight, the chin is raised, the heels do not tear off the floor.

    The back is straight, hands on the belt.

    Legs are straight

    the back is straight.

    Rules of the game: 1. During the throw of the ball, it is forbidden to step over the line. 2. Those in the circle are not allowed to catch the ball with their hands. 3. Players are not considered out if the ball hit them after bouncing off the floor

    Rules of the game: 1. Those who have been called are prohibited from remaining in place. 3. Players cannot run to any other three (otherwise the player becomes the leader).

    Remind the rules of the game and safety rules.

    Ask about what you liked? What didn't work?

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