Technology broken phone. Didactic game ("Broken phone".)

In the process of transmission from one person to another, information is significantly modified. According to studies, about 30% of primary information that has passed through a chain of 3-4 people remains unchanged. The remaining 70% consists of conjectures, generalizations, free versions, etc.

Instructions for participants

5-6 volunteers are invited, whom the host asks to go out the door. All other participants will act as spectators. The host calls the first of them and reads to him in the presence of the audience a short text prepared in advance. The text is read once distinctly and not too fast. The player's task is to retell the text he heard to the next player, who was previously outside the door. The second player retells to the third what he managed to remember in turn, etc. As a result, the last player retells to the audience those crumbs of the original text that have come down to him.

Text 1

At the plant of reinforced concrete structures. On the 50th anniversary of the Victory, an accident occurred. Crane operator Ustyugova injured her hand while working on a tower crane. It happened on the first shift. Foreman Petrov, who works in shop number 3, volunteered to help Ustyugova and take her to the emergency room, which is located on the territory of the first city hospital. They were gone for 40 minutes. As a result, downtime and disruption of production occurred in shop No. 3. And in general, lately, informal relations have been noticed between the crane operator Ustyugova and the foreman Petrov.

Text 2

The foreman Ivan Ivanovich called. He asked me to convey that he was delayed in one company, because. negotiates the purchase of new imported equipment for workshops, which, however, is no better than domestic. He should be back by 17 o'clock, by the beginning of the meeting, but if he does not have time, then he must tell the director that it is necessary to change the timing of the manufacture of furniture for two clients. The first one ordered the Caravel sofa, the second - the frog sofa, however, it is necessary to clarify. One master fell ill, and they do not have time to make and deliver furniture on time. The furniture will be ready for the first client on Monday after 13:00, for the second - on Wednesday after 12:00, and possibly already on Tuesday after 17:00. Ivan Ivanovich apologizes in advance for the delay in the production of furniture. He will try his best to be in time for the meeting to explain everything accurately.

Text 3

You need to print three invoices and two invoices. Put stamps on invoices and one waybill. Take two invoices to the accounting department, transfer one invoice and an invoice with a seal to the client with the forwarder. Make a copy of the last invoice and keep a copy for yourself, and take the original to the boss.

Text 4

IP Ivanov will not take anything until Monday, and then he will take 12,000 rubles with delivery on Thursday. IP Petrova will not pay 27,000 rubles for delivery from January 08 until Wednesday - there is no money. And IP Sidorkin did not deliver children's underpants and incorrectly issued an invoice.

Text 5

My favorite school is 239. My friend's car studied at the university, she graduated from this school. Masha did not have time to get a passport, now she has to restore her rights. Her friend needs them to drive a new car.

Text 6

IP Ivanov will not be able to pay until Tuesday. IP Petrova does not want to sign the contract until she tries the product in practice. On Friday, IP Sidorenkov came and asked for an absent position. He was sent to the warehouse, let him look there.

Required material

Dictaphone or video camera (optional).

Issues for discussion

  • How has history changed?
  • What factors played a role in this?

In order to feel the problems of communication interactions, you can play the game "Broken phone". Its conditions are as follows:

    Group up to 15 people.

    Task: to convey several phrases according to the principle of the children's game "Broken Phone", and then compare what the first person heard from the host with what the last person in the message transmission chain heard.

    It is advisable to choose different types of text: a) a long sentence with complex adverbial phrases, b) a well-known quatrain, c) a proverb.

For instance:

    In the fall, when it rains every now and then, and the streets are cold and slushy, students often not only arrive late, but arrive soaked and not ready for class, which greatly disturbs teachers.

    We all learned a little

Something and somehow;

So educate, thank God,

We are not smart enough to shine.

    Grass in the yard

On the grass is firewood.

    After the game, you need to have a discussion:

    why did you get this result?

    what phrases should be chosen so that everyone can correctly understand them and convey them without distortion?

    offer to tell their own examples that led to what results (funny, sad);

Possible conclusion: easier to understand, a text is reproduced, consisting of short monosyllabic sentences, simple or familiar sentences.

    In conclusion, the children should be asked to formulate advice to “others” on how to avoid distortions.

Competitive and cooperative communication

The exercise reveals important communication techniques between people in a group. Each group should have five people who sit around the table.

Rice. Squares marked up for cutting them into fragments and placing them in different envelopes

    Each group receives a package with five envelopes containing the materials shown in the picture (see picture).

    Each group must collect five squares of the same size from the materials received in the envelopes.

    It is allowed to collect squares in any way, following the rules:

    you can not talk or use gestures;

    participants can transfer fragments to each other, but cannot take them arbitrarily;

    you can not collect all the contents of the envelopes in a common pile, and then break them or make deposits in this common "bank";

    pieces cannot be folded or overlapped;

    all pieces must be used (each square consists of three pieces);

    only one piece can be transferred at a time;

    all materials are transferred only from one specific person to another.

When discussing this exercise, questions are asked: how exactly were the rules followed? What was violated? Why? Did the guys compete or collaborate with each other? To what extent? Were there any changes as the work progressed? When one of the participants collected his square, did he leave the game, although the others continued to work? In which group the squares were collected faster and why? What parallels do you see between this exercise and life?

Preparing handouts for the exercise

To create a set, cardboard squares with a side of 15 cm are taken. They are marked according to the drawing and the numbers are applied with a pencil. The same geometric shapes with the same dimensions are marked with the same numbers, which allows you to replace one piece with another. For each group, you need to prepare five envelopes marked with letters: A, B, C, D, D. Pieces of cardboard are laid out in envelopes in this way: A (9,8,5); B (1,1,1,3); In (1.10); G (4.6); D (7,2,6,3).

Then the numbers are erased from the fragments and the letters corresponding to each of the envelopes are inscribed (so it is convenient to collect them later to prepare the next exercise).

It is better to play this game with a group of 5 or more people. The more people in the chain, the more fun and unpredictable the result is. All players sit in a row on a bench or log so that it is convenient to whisper in each other's ear. If you play at home, any sofa will do. This is a game that develops mindfulness, hearing and a sense of humor. :-)

Rules of the game Broken phone

Leading thinks word and whispers to his pen player so that the others do not hear. The first player whispers in the ear of the second player what he managed to hear. The second passes the word in a whisper to the third, and so on down the chain. Last player loud out loud calls what he heard. This is usually very different from the words, conceived leading and causes general merriment.

The last player becomes the leader, and all the rest “shift” along the bench. The former presenter takes the place of the first player.

  • In order to make the result funnier, the players try to speak very quickly and very quietly.
  • To complicate the game, you can say not a word, but a whole phrase.

With a very large company, you can split into two teams and arrange competition. In this case, the host whispers the same word to each team. the team with the most similar result to the given word wins.

Video game "Broken phone":

(warming psychotechnics)

Participants stand in a column one at a time. The leader stands at the end of the column. Thus, all participants turned their backs to him. With a tap on the shoulder, he offers to turn to face him in front of the standing participant. Then he gestures to show some object (matchbox, pistol, volleyball, etc.). The first participant turns to face the second and also asks him to turn around with a tap on the shoulder and shows the object, the second passes to the third, the third to the fourth, and so on. The last participant names the subject. Conditions: everything is done silently, only with gestures, you can only ask to repeat, participants should not turn around until the previous participant slaps him on the shoulder.

A chain of faces is transmitted to the ear (so that others do not hear) a word or phrase. After it passes through the entire “wire”, it is interesting to listen to the result and appreciate the difference!

The players sit on a bench, the driver whispers a word to the first player, who deliberately quickly passes it on along the chain. The whole point is that it will reach the last player. Then the queue shifts and the last player becomes the first - water.

Everyone sits in a row, the first player thinks of a word or phrase and quickly passes it in a whisper to the next, and so on. After passing the word along the entire chain, the beginner announces the intended word or phrase, and the last one that has reached him. As they say in Odessa, what was thought and what came down are "two big differences."

The purpose of the game is to fix in the minds of students the problems associated with the inability to listen. Aim at mastering the methods of active listening. Equipment: tape recorder.

Instruction: “Now we will play the game “broken phone”. The task of the participants is to remember the information as best as possible and accurately convey it to the next. We will be sharing information one on one. At first, those who wish (5-6 participants) will go out the door and enter one at a time. I will pass the information to the first person who enters. Then he passes it to the next participant, but without my help, one on one. The second participant - the third, etc. You can memorize information as you wish, allowing for any means other than a written record. Invite those who wish to take part in the game to go through the door. Remind those who remain to keep a close eye on what is happening, noting:

A) the attention of the participants; b) distortion of information.

They must also observe the maximum possible silence, not prompt or interfere with the players. Place two chairs in the center, invite the first participant, sit down and turn on the tape recorder. Information: I will give you information. Your task is to listen to it and pass it on to the next participant in detail.

Are you ready to share information? In case of a positive answer, invite the next one. If the first one has questions, clarify them. The text cannot be repeated. After passing on information, remember to ask students if they are ready to pass it on to the next participant.

After the game is over, discuss the following questions:

  • What memory methods did the participants use?
  • What information was remembered best?
  • What misrepresentations of information were made? What are they related to?

First, the players speak in turn, then the observers.

  1. Feel free to ask questions, clarify what you don't understand.
  2. If necessary, repeat the information in the presence of the interlocutor or in your own words.
  3. Try to highlight the essence of the message, ignoring secondary details if necessary.
  4. Keep in mind that the past experience of each interlocutor plays an important role in the perception of information.
  5. It is desirable to sum up the conversation that took place.

The event ends with a summing up: what new things did we learn, what conclusions could we draw for ourselves.

"Broken phone"

It is played by no more than 10-12 people. If there are more participants in the group, then you can involve all of them or leave some of them as observers. Everyone involved goes out the door.

Instruction. Instruction for those at the door: “Now you will pass information to each other. You will take turns entering the room, listen to the text and pass it on to the next person. I will tell the first, he will tell the second, the second third, etc. Your task is to give information to the next one as close as possible to the text, to say word for word, without confusing anything, without distorting or adding. You can do whatever you want, but you can't write. Clear?

Instruction for those who remained in the room: “Now there will be one participant in the game here, I will tell the first the text, which I will pass on to the second, the second to the third, and so on. Your task is to fix who and how exactly will transmit the text (you can divide the participants between observers, who will watch whom).

The game can be filmed. The first participant enters, and the coach tells him the text. It is better not to shoot the first one, so that he does not lose the entire text from confusion. You can shoot in the floor and record only the sound. Then the first invites the second, then the second calls the third and so on.

Game analysis.

The first question the trainer asks is, “When you communicated information, did you speak to speak or be heard?” Of course, most will say that they were talking to say, and did not try to help the partner understand and remember the text. From this we can draw the first conclusion: when you speak, you need to pay attention to the interlocutor all the time: he hears - he does not hear, he understands - he does not understand. Both by facial expression and by surprised eyes it is always clear that a person does not understand, and then stop and clarify something, explain, ask questions.

The second question of the coach: “Who remembers the instruction that the participants in the game received outside the door?” By common efforts the instruction can be reproduced. And then you can ask the following question: “What does it mean to do anything, you can’t write it down. Clear?" Everyone heard this phrase, but the majority did not pay attention to it mechanically answered: “Understood”, and the rest understood somehow in their own way. But in reality, it was possible to ask again, ask questions, ask to repeat it again, etc. Conclusion: ask the question: “Do you understand?” does not follow, everyone has a standard answer to it: “It is clear”, but there may not be any understanding at all.

Then we analyze who and what lost from the information and why. During the analysis, it can be said that, for example, the text about Marfusha was specially written for this game and there are many inconsistencies in it, which confuse the participants even more. For example, "Marfusha was an exemplary girl, she worked at a factory." These proposals contradict each other in perception, since an exemplary girl is usually presented as a schoolgirl of elementary grades, etc., but here she works at a factory. Thus, it is possible to consider patterns in the receipt and transmission of information and make a detailed analysis on a piece of paper, commenting on each item.

The trainer distributes the text sheets (Appendix 5) to the participants, reads the points one by one, asks the group what they think about this point, and then gives his comment and recommendations on how to speak so that people can hear and remember better.

Mini lecture....

"The listener passes information through a personality filter." This means that any person, having heard the information, compares it with his ideas, with his life experience, with the facts known to him. And passing it on, he can change something, tell it in a different way, because it is clearer to him, because it corresponds to his life experience. Insignificant, from the point of view of the recipient, releases moments.

This means that people divide information into important and unimportant, moreover, important and unimportant not for them, but in this text. And they forget to say an unimportant formation, believing that the other one is more important. Because of this, the text begins to shrink from player to player. Usually already the fourth or fifth participant notices that they start inviting the next one faster and faster.

"Unusual words replaces habitual ones." In this text, for example, the word "exemplary" is used. This word is now rarely used, and usually at the end of Marfush it becomes good, respectable, and so on.

"The listener processes information in accordance with his own logic." This text lacks logic in many respects, and some sentences contradict each other. This usually leads to the fact that people begin to somehow connect the sentences. For example, "Marfusha", in the village, then went to city”, “married and began to work in a factory”, or “and went to the forest for mushrooms”, and so on.

“The listener remembers unusual, “fried” facts. But the “sick” word can crawl to the end, or it can be replaced by a less dangerous and emotionally sustained one.” In the text, two points that attract attention are sex and UFOs. These words, due to their emotional saturation, crowd out other information and usually only sex and UFOs are preserved in the text for the last participant, but at the same time, the word “sex” is often replaced by something else, for example, “made love”, “lived well and they were all right." UFOs are sometimes replaced with aliens, and sometimes they are lost.

"What can be interpreted, the listener will interpret."

Against the backdrop of a game that has just been played, this point can usually not even be commented on, since it can be confirmed by the example of all the participants.

“Speak clearly”, “Use simple words”. Absolutely clear recommendations - the simpler and unambiguous information, the better it is understood and remembered.

"It's important to say it several times." It is an understandable recommendation, since it is really better to say several times and risk looking like a parrot than later regret that it was not done.

“Structify the message, break it into points.” A very useful recommendation: any message should have an internal structure, it should be clear how the sentences are related to each other. The simplest example of structure is numbered sentences: first, second, third, and so on. The sentence that goes under number is very difficult. For example, if there is a lane, a second, a fourth, then it is immediately clear that there was something third.

"Monitor the state of the listener and monitor when he does not understand the information." This means that during a conversation, reactions can be noticed when a person does not hear or does not understand. This is a signal that you need to stop and repeat again, ask a question or comment on what was said.

"Do you understand everything?" do not ask, as everyone usually answers: You need to ask a question for clarification, for example: “After our conversation, what will you do next?”, “What will you do first. This is an understandable recommendation, since since school everyone has developed a reflex to the questions: “Do you understand?”, “Do you understand?”, - automatically answer “understandably”, while not always understanding what they were asked and.

“If there was a hindrance (you were interrupted), then you need to stop and go back, say the previous sentence again.” Usually, when a person is interrupted, the last thought, the last sentence, is usually lost due to the switching of attention. Everyone can remember such situations when, after interference, one of the interlocutors says: “What was I talking about?” Therefore, in order to maintain a connection in the message, it is better to repeat the last sentence and then continue your story.

"You need to consider the tempo characteristics of the listener." This is easily explained: all people speak at different speeds and, what is important for us, are able to listen at the same speed they speak. If a person speaks quickly, then it is necessary to speak with him at about the same speed, and with a slow speaker, respectively, slowly. Why is that? If we speak too slowly for a person, then it annoys him, and if we speak too fast, then a person simply may not hear some words.

"You can create a positive or negative motivation: "if you do everything according to the instructions, then...", "if you don't do it, then it will happen...". Usually start with positive motivation. For example, if you do such and such, then you will get such and such a result. If positive motivation does not help, use negative motivation. For example: "If you violate clause three of the contract, you lose warranty service, money, etc."

You can use techniques such as "fence" - special phrases: "I specifically draw your attention", "I want you to remember this"

The main point is that we can enclose important information with phrases, like a fence within which information must be preserved.

Participants are divided into groups of 3 or 4 people.

Lead Coach: - Imagine that you have decided to take part in a competition for the position of a personnel manager in a large firm. The selection is carried out in several stages, each of which brings together different people. Now, in each group, one person (I'll say who later) will try to connect with each of the other members of your small group. At the same time, who establishes contact is interested in obtaining information regarding the selection, and those to whom he addresses take approximately the following position: the selection situation is very important for you, and you want to pass successfully, so you have serious reasons why you do not want to take a break from your thoughts about the upcoming interview and make it clear to the person who is contacting you. At the same time, please remember that if the behavior of the person who contacts you makes you want to enter into a conversation with him, you can do it.

The trainer calls the names of those who in the 1st group should make an attempt to establish contact at the first stage of work. After 3-4 minutes, the trainer stops the role-playing of the situation and offers, staying in small groups, to discuss the result. After that, the trainer changes the composition of the groups and names those who will have to start the conversation at the second stage. Thus, if the work takes place in triplets, then in a training group of twelve people it will take three stages for everyone to be in an active position.

Discussion: Pay attention to verbal and non-verbal aspects that contribute to establishing contact. All participants stand in a circle.

Exercise "Unknown figures"

Lead Coach: - On the count of “one”, each of the participants will begin to make some kind of movement. At the same time, everyone remains in their places. It is desirable to choose such movements that each participant can do. On the count of “two”, you need to stop making the movement that you did on the count of “one”, and start performing the movement that your neighbor on the left did on the count of “one”. If everyone is attentive, then the movement of each, passing in a circle, will return to its “author.

The procedure is performed until the movement of each participant returns to him. Often, already at the first transitions of movements, one of the participants is mistaken. In this case, the trainer encourages the group to search for the moment of movement distortion, after which the exercise starts over. At the end of the exercise, when the movement of each completes a full circle, the trainer asks the participants about who his movement returned to, whether there are changes in his character.

The discussion is directed towards understanding the reasons for the distortions of the transmitted movements and what the participants could do to prevent this from happening.

This procedure is aimed at the awareness by the participants of the group of factors that allow receiving and transmitting information without distortion in the process of communication.

Exercise "Broken phone"

All participants sit in a circle. The video equipment is ready for filming.

Lead Coach: - We have already seen how important it is to be accurate and attentive when receiving and transmitting information. Now(the trainer calls out the names of 5 or 6 people, which he has previously chosen to participate in the procedure) take part in the process(You can involve all members of the group in the procedure if you have time and are not afraid to drag out the procedure). Your task will be to receive and transmit messages. Let Andrey(the trainer calls one of the participants in the procedure) will stay here and everyone else will wait outside the door for a while.” The coach reads the text to Andrey, after reminding him once again that he will have to pass it on to the next participant. All participants sit in a circle. The video equipment is ready for filming. From this moment on, video recording of the work is being carried out.(it is possible to use only tape, dictaphone recording without video sequence).The trainer invites the participants waiting outside the door in sequence, each of whom listens to the previous participant's message and then retells it to the next participant. The last participant to receive the message is asked by the coach, “Oleg, you just received a message. Tell me, please, what will you do after you have received the information? When the participant answers this question, the video recording stops.

- Now the participants of the game will enter here one at a time, the first I will tell the text that he will pass to the second, the second to the third and so on. Your task is to fix who and how exactly will transmit the text (you can divide the participants between observers, who will watch whom.

Text option 1 (usual): - Ivan Petrovich left at 11 o'clock without waiting for you. He was very upset that he could not talk to you personally, and asked me to tell you that if he does not return by dinner, and this will depend on how long he will stay at the meeting at the ministry, then the meeting at 15.30 should be held without him . By the way, the meeting will discuss the supply of new computers, which are no worse than imported ones. And yet, at the meeting, one must not forget to announce that all heads of departments must be examined by psychologists who will work in room 20 from 10 am daily until October 2.

Text option 2: - Marfusha was an exemplary girl. Worked at a factory. Went, like everyone else, to demonstrations. Products - only from the store. And sex only with her husband and only on Fridays. But then she went somehow into the forest and met a UFO there. Since then, things have not been the same for people. Abandoned work. The houses are full of demonstrations. Products only from the market. And sex when horrible and in the most unusual way.

Text option 3 (diagnostic): - Once upon a time there was a young beautiful girl namedLuba (L ). The time has come and she fell in love with a handsome guy namedEdik (E ). She knew that he, too, passionately loved her, but this love was "love at a distance," because. they lived on different banks of a wide and turbulent river, which could not be crossed, and there was no bridge. Suffering from separation from her beloved, Lyuba went along the river, looking for an opportunity to cross to the other side. She met a boatmanPetra (P ) and told him about her love, that she was no longer able to live far from her beloved and asked the boatman to transport her to the other side. However, the boatman Peter said that the river was wide and turbulent, and that he would not transport it just like that - she had to pay for the work. Lyuba had no money, and she went along the coast, hoping to find it from someone. On the way she met a passerbynovel (R ), to whom she also told about her love and that if she gets money to pay the boatman for transportation, then she will meet her beloved. Passer-by Roman said that he had money, but he would not give her anything, since this was her problem. In frustrated feelings, she returned to the boatman Peter, hoping to still persuade him. But the boatman simply did not agree to transport it. After thinking, he agreed to transport her if Lyuba would give him all her clothes. Lyuba really did not want to do this, but, imagining that she would soon see her beloved Edik, she made this sacrifice. She gave all her clothes to the boatman, he took her to the other side. Ashamed of her nakedness, Lyuba, hiding behind the bushes, began to make her way to Edik. But a young guy saw herSemyon (WITH ), who was said to be a sex maniac. Seeing a young, beautiful, naked girl, he became aroused, attacked Lyuba and raped her. Passing through the bushes, another manOleg (O ) saw it all and told everyone about the rape, including Edik. When Lyuba finally came to Edik, cold eyes looked at her. “I know everything,” Edik said. "I'm sorry, but I can't love you after all this." Love went back. Life has lost its meaning for her. She threw herself into the river and drowned herself. Interpretation of the text in Appendix No. 3.

Discussion of the exercise is conducted using video recording.

Issues for discussion :

When you conveyed information, did you speak to speak or to be heard?

Of course, most will say what they said to say and did not try to help the partner understand and remember the text. From this we can draw the first conclusion: when you speak, you need to pay attention to the interlocutor all the time: he hears - he does not hear, he understands - he does not understand. From the expression on the face, and from the surprised eyes, it is always clear that a person does not understand, and then it is worth stopping and clarifying something, explaining, asking questions.

Leading: - Who remembers the instruction given to the participants in the game outside the door? By common efforts the instruction can be reproduced. And then you can ask the following question: “What does it mean: you can do anything you want, you can’t write it down. Clear?" Everyone heard this phrase, but the majority did not pay attention to it and mechanically answered: “Understood,” while the rest understood somehow in their own way. But in reality, one could ask again, ask questions, ask to repeat again, etc. Conclusion: ask the question: “Do you understand?” does not follow, everyone has a standard answer to it: “It is clear”, but there may not be any understanding at all.

Then we analyze who and what lost from the information and why. During the analysis, it can be said that, for example, the text about Marfusha was specially written for this game and there are many inconsistencies in it, which confuse the participants even more. For example, "Marfusha was an exemplary girl, she worked at a factory." These proposals contradict each other in perception, since an exemplary girl is usually presented as a schoolgirl of elementary grades, etc., but here she works at a factory. Thus, it is possible to consider patterns in the receipt and transmission of information and make a detailed analysis on a piece of paper, commenting on each item.

The trainer distributes the text sheets (Appendix 4) to the participants, reads the points one by one, asks the group what they think about this point, and then gives his comment and recommendations on how to speak so that people can hear and remember better.

1. The listener passes information through a personal filter. This means that any person, having heard the information, compares it with his ideas, with his life experience, with the facts known to him. And passing it on, he can change something, tell it in a different way, because it is clearer to him, because it corresponds to his life experience.

2. Insignificant, from the point of view of the recipient, points out of sight. This means that people divide information into important and unimportant, and important and unimportant not for them, but in this text. And unimportant information is forgotten to be said, believing that the other is more important. Because of this, the text begins to shrink from player to player. Usually already the fourth or fifth participant notices that they start inviting the next one faster and faster.

3. Replaces unusual words with familiar ones. In this text, for example, the word "exemplary" is used. This word is now rarely used, and usually at the end of Marfush it becomes good, respectable, and so on.

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