Master class "sports didactic games for the physical education of preschoolers". Didactic games in physical education Didactic game in physical education for kindergarten

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Presentation on the topic: PHYSICAL GAMES

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Games on the topic "Vision - the organ of knowledge" Didactic game "My mood" Purpose: to consolidate the ability of children to determine the mood by the expression of the eyes on the card and without it. Lead children to understand that the eyes express the mood of a person. Material: pictures depicting different moods, an envelope with a slit to highlight the eyes on the card. Methods and techniques for achieving the goal: Invite the children to look at the card in the envelope. He will ask you to answer the question of what mood these eyes speak of. If the child finds it difficult to answer, remove the card from the envelope and offer to re-determine the mood. After that, you can invite the children to show this expression of the eyes themselves.

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Games on the topic "Vision - the organ of knowledge" Didactic game "Fun Gymnastics" Purpose: to develop the ability to relieve visual tension with the help of special gymnastics, to strengthen the eye muscles. Material: diagrams. Methods and techniques for achieving the goal: I. The teacher shows the exercise schemes, and the children reproduce them II. Children are invited to draw with their eyes a snake, a zigzag, the letter O, a triangle.

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Games to the theme "Vision - the organ of knowledge" Didactic game "Look and remember." Purpose: to consolidate children's knowledge of the rules of conduct for the protection of vision. Material: pictures depicting situations. Methods and techniques for achieving the goal: children are hung out and laid out pictures that depict certain situations (namely: the child is sitting at the table, and the light falls from the left side, from the right side; the boy, sitting and lying down, reads a book; washes his face and rubs his eyes with dirty hands; studies in the dark, without a table lamp; watches TV close, close, at a distance) The child must attach or put a red chip on the wrong picture, and green on the correct one, while formulating a rule.

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Games to the theme “We breathe - it means we live” Didactic game “Find out who breathes how” Purpose: To invite children to determine whether only a person breathes? Note that plants absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen. Cultivate a caring attitude towards plants, a desire to care for them. Material: Pictures depicting fish: fish, dogs with their tongues hanging out, trees, flowers. Methods and techniques for achieving the goal: Pictures are upside down. The child takes one and tells whether this object, which is drawn, breathes in nature, how and with what? Pay attention to why it is easier to breathe in the forest, why trees are planted, and flowers are grown in the room? Why are plants planted in the aquarium too?

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Games to the theme “We breathe - it means we live” Didactic game “Guess when a person breathes easier” Purpose: To enable children to assess favorable and unfavorable conditions for breathing. Materials: pictures with drawings: smoke comes out of the chimney, the window is open; there are trees around the house and people are sitting on a bench; a man sitting with his back hunched and a man with an expanded chest; the child sits and leans on the edge of the table with his chest, etc. Methods and techniques for achieving the goal: The child takes any picture and uses explanations in the assessment. For example, smoke carries dirt and carbon dioxide, and there is little oxygen there, so it is better to close the window; the rain came, washed away the dirt from the trees, and they began to breathe better; the hatch must be opened.

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Games for the theme “We breathe means we live” Didactic game “Magic cotton wool” Purpose: Highlight the importance of nasal breathing for the prevention of colds Material: cotton balls Methods and techniques for achieving the goal: children are invited to blow cotton balls off the table using nasal breathing. Whoever manages to do this smoothly, not abruptly, will be able to save their respiratory organs from many diseases.

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Games on the theme “The heart is a tireless motor” Didactic game “I protect my heart” Purpose: to consolidate the knowledge of children that the heart must be protected from childhood, following certain rules. Methods and techniques for achieving the goal. Children are offered pictures depicting situations, children clap their hands once if this situation favorably affects the work of the heart, and twice if it harms.

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Games to the theme “Heart is a tireless motor Didactic game “We make the heart strong” Purpose: To clarify children's knowledge about the effect of physical exercises, emotional state on the work of the heart. Material: cards with the image: a person is sitting; running; stooped man, man swears, climbs uphill. Methods and techniques for achieving the goal: The cards are turned face down. The child comes up and takes any picture. The following task is given: Determine in which case the heart works harder or rests. Do the opposite so that the heart calms down or earns more

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Games for the topic “Language is an organ of feeling” Didactic game “Know by taste” Purpose: to consolidate the ability of children to designate their taste sensations with a word to determine the taste of food. Material: cards with images of products (lemon, salt, pepper, sugar, chokeberry, persimmon) Methods and techniques for achieving the goal: An adult invites a blindfolded child to taste the proposed item, and tell what features he learned. Other children evaluate the correctness of the answer. Note that there are 4 basic tastes: sweet, bitter, sour and salty.

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Games on the topic “Language is a sense organ” Didactic game “Guess what it is” Purpose: to exercise children in the ability to recognize vegetables and fruits in small pieces Methods and techniques for achieving the goal: The child comes to the table, a piece lies on the table. He names what vegetable or fruit this piece comes from and what it tastes like, and then he tries it and evaluates whether he guessed correctly or not

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Games on the topic "Language is an organ of feeling" Sedentary game "Edible and inedible". Purpose: To develop quick reactions in children when answering. Material: ball or cube Methods and techniques for achieving the goal: The players stand in a circle with the leader. The host calls edible and inedible fruits, and the playing edible ones are indicated by raising their hands up, and when naming inedible ones, the hands go down.

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Games on the topic “Language is a sense organ” Didactic game “Where is my place” Purpose: Consolidation of children’s knowledge that language helps to know the taste of food, and that each zone (part) of the language determines different tastes: sour, salty, bitter, sweet. Methods and techniques for achieving the goal: Children lay out objects on the image of the tongue (pictures: hodgepodge, sweets, lemon, hot pepper) on that part of the tongue that corresponds to this taste

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Games on the topic “Teeth are the hardest parts of our body” Didactic game “Good - bad” Tasks: Consolidate children's knowledge of how to help their teeth be healthy. Material: Pictures depicting: very hot and cold food; raw vegetables and fruits (turnips, carrots, cabbage stalks, apples, etc.) that clean and strengthen teeth; milk products; pin, button, nail (it is impossible to gnaw hard objects and pick sharp objects in the teeth); sweets, chocolate; toothbrush, mouthwash cup, toothpaste Methods and techniques for achieving the goal: The child takes a picture, says what is drawn on it and determines whether it is good or bad for teeth, why?

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Games on the topic “Teeth are the hardest parts of our body” Didactic game “Dunno visiting children” Tasks: To consolidate the basic rules for protecting teeth, caring for teeth. Understand why food needs to be chewed thoroughly, what and how to eat in order to keep your teeth healthy. Methods and techniques for achieving the goal: A scenario is played out according to which Dunno is treated to compote, and he wants to gnaw the bones from the apricot, and the children stop him. Know-nothing tries to remove the cap from a bottle of lemonade with his teeth; drink hot tea, reach for ice cream, etc. It is important to ask Dunno a question: “What will happen if cold water is poured into a hot glass?” (Enamel also cracks).

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Games on the theme “Movements make a person strong, dexterous, enduring” Didactic game “Think of movements” Purpose: Encourage children to determine the nature of movements, taking into account the aids used. Equipment: Cards with a schematic representation of benefits: stuffed ball, ribbon, one weight, two weights, flags, etc. Methods and techniques for achieving the goal: Arrange the cards with the drawings down. The players stand in a circle or scattered. One of the children chooses a card and shows it to the others. The facilitator offers to show what exercises can be done with this manual.

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Games on the topic “Movements make a person strong, dexterous, enduring” Didactic game “Lay out the cards” Purpose: Clarify which exercises make different parts of the body strong. Encourage children to name the drawn exercises (“raising hands up”, “leaning forward”, “squatting”, etc.) Equipment: Cards with drawn physical exercises. Methods and techniques for achieving the goal: Invite children to sort them into groups for different parts of the body. In this case, you should name the exercise and determine which part of the body is working at the same time.

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Games on the topic “Movements make a person strong, dexterous, enduring” Didactic game “Do gymnastics” Purpose: To form the ability to independently conduct and perform morning exercises. Equipment: a stand on which a complex of morning exercises is laid out with cards. Methods and techniques for achieving the goal: Involving children (1, 2, 3), depending on their skills, in conducting morning exercises in kindergarten.

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Games on the topic “Movements make a person strong, dexterous, enduring” Didactic game “Learn to be strong” Purpose: To teach children to exercise using the following plan: name the exercise, how to prepare and what to do. To encourage the image of various postures and to assess the state of the muscular system. Methods and techniques for achieving the goal: According to the posture of the child, children should determine which part of the body needs to be strengthened and offer to perform the necessary exercises. Invite everyone to show poses, including adults.

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List of used literature. 1. Dvorkina N.I., Lubysheva L.I. Physical education of children aged 5–6 years on the basis of outdoor games, differentiated by the predominant development of physical qualities [Text]: methodological guide / N.I. Dvorkina, L.I. Lubyshev. - M.: Soviet sport, 2007. - 80 p. 2. Kartushina M.Yu. Health holidays for children 6-7 years old. Scenarios for preschool educational institutions. - Moscow: TC "Sphere", 2011 - 128 p. 3. Silant'eva S.V. Outdoor games for every day to improve the health of children. - Moscow6 Litera, 2012 - 64 p. 4. . Stepanenkova E.Ya. Collection of mobile games. Methodological guide for the program "From birth to school" - Moscow: Mosaic - synthesis, 2011 - 144 p.

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The game is not only a source positive emotions It is also an opportunity to develop the qualities necessary for later life. During the game, the child, without even knowing it, can acquire new knowledge, skills, abilities, develop abilities. Any game is, first of all, communication with peers or adults. And it is at this moment that the child learns to respect other people's victories and adequately endure their failures. Of the wide variety of games, I would like to single out didactic games, which in the hands of a teacher become an interesting, exciting, emotional and creative means of educating a child's harmoniously developed personality.

In the existing practice of teaching the basic movements of children in preschool institutions, direct teaching methods predominate, which are not always effective. The introduction of a game component into training enables the child to look at the movement from a practical, i.e. game, position, teaches him to transform motor skills into his direct activity.

The main purpose of the proposed games is to strengthen the educational focus in teaching children movements. The movement itself remains the main and obligatory component of games, but it no longer acts only as a specific motor action, where certain results must be obtained, but as a cognitive object.

Through games, children get acquainted with the variety of movements, their purpose; learn to differentiate movements by types and methods of execution; correlate, compare the performed movement with the existing measurements - motor standards; practice the application of movements in a new unusual environment.

With the help of a didactic game, additional perception, discrimination of movements, recognition of them not only by external action, but also by verbal description are organized. Thus, children learn to make primary generalizations, to group movements according to certain properties. Didactic games are recommended for use in physical education classes and in independent motor activity of children of five to seven years. The duration of the games is 7-10 minutes, the number of players is 6-10 people.

The didactic games on physical education presented below help to consolidate the knowledge gained in thematic classes on physical education in children. Their main goal is to form in children a sustainable interest in physical education and sports. All games are multifunctional. They not only develop interest in sports, but also contribute to the formation and development of mental processes:
- development of perception of color, shape, size, space, time;
- development of visual and auditory attention;
- the formation and development of mental operations (comparison, collation, generalization, exclusion, classification), analysis and synthesis operations; the formation of the logical thinking of children;
- the formation of general and fine motor skills of the hands.
All games are made by me. For the manufacture of games, photographs and symbols of sports were used, as well as pictures from board games and coloring books.

    Didactic games should be played during independent or joint activities of children and the teacher.

    To play in board games you should choose a table at which all participants in the game can comfortably sit.

    Participation in the games of the teacher increases the interest of children in games, contributes to the development of friendly relations.

    For the development of activity and independence, it is advisable to entrust the role of the leader to one of the guys.

    new game should be clearly, briefly explained, individual points can be shown.

    The course of the game and its rules are explained before the start. If necessary, the teacher can show and use questions to find out how the children understood the game.

    All instructions during the game should be given in a calm tone, the correct execution of tasks, compliance with the rules should be noted.

    The activity of children in the game is evaluated by all its participants; at the same time, it is important to note compliance with the rules, the quality of answers, independence in organizing and conducting games.

    After the game, it is necessary to give an objective analysis of the behavior of all the players, their compliance with all the rules, which contributes to the formation of friendly relations and a conscious attitude of each child to his behavior.

Description of didactic games.

"Sport equipment"

Goals and objectives: to form in children an interest in physical education and sports; introduce children to sports equipment; to teach children to recognize and name sports equipment, determine its purpose; develop thinking, attention, memory, logic.
Age: 34 years.
Rules: The set includes cards with a black and white image of sports equipment and colored parts of these pictures (from 3 to 12 parts). The child chooses a black and white picture and overlays the colored parts of this picture on it. After the child collects the picture, he must name the sports equipment that is depicted on it.
Complication: Assemble a picture without relying on a black and white image. Explain how the inventory can be used.

"Fold the picture"

Pictures depicting sports and equipment are cut into various geometric shapes.
Goals and objectives: to form in children an interest in physical education and sports; introduce children to sports; teach children to recognize and name sports; develop imagination, thinking, logic.
Age: 5 - 7 years.
Rules: the player assembles the picture from the parts. Having collected, the child tells what is shown in the picture.

"Find a Pair"

Goals and objectives: to form in children an interest in physical education and sports; introduce children to sports; to teach children to recognize and name sports equipment and equipment, to determine what kind of sport it belongs to; develop the ability to analyze and generalize; develop creative thinking and imagination.
Age: 35 years
1 option: played by 2 to 4 people. The leader sorts the cards into pairs and divides them equally among the players. On command, players must pick up paired cards and fold them. The winner is the one who first coped with the task and correctly named sports equipment.
Option 2: play from 2 to 4 people and the host. The host sorts the cards: he puts one card from a pair in one pile, and the second card in another. He distributes one pile to the players, and puts the second pile face down on the table. The host takes one card and shows it to the players. The player who has a pair from this card calls what is shown in the picture and in what sport it is used. If the answer is correct. Then the player takes the card for himself, if not, then the leader keeps the card for himself. The one with the most collected pairs wins.

"Two halves"

Pictures depicting sports equipment and the main types of equipment movements are cut into two halves.

Goals and objectives: to teach children to recognize and name sports equipment, the main types of movement; develop thinking and memory; develop interest in physical education.
Age: 2 - 3 years.
1 option. The child folds the two halves to make a picture.
Option 2. The child looks for the right half in the stack of pictures. Having collected the picture, the child must name what is shown on it.
3 option. Having collected the picture, the child must name what is shown on it. If this is a movement, then the child must show it. If this is an inventory, then the child must find it in the group and show what exercises can be performed with it.

"Good and Bad"

Goals and objectives: teach children to a healthy lifestyle; to teach children to compare good and bad, useful and harmful; to instill in children the desire to lead a healthy lifestyle; develop thinking, logic, memory.
Age: 36 years.
Rules: children are given cards that depict situations that are harmful to health. Players must determine why it is harmful and find a paired card with a picture of the situation that is beneficial to health.

"Relax actively" (dice)

Goals and objectives: to form interest in motor activity; teach children to recognize and name species active rest; develop memory thinking, logic.
Age: 36 years.
Rules: collect the cubes so that you get a whole image, based on the finished picture.
Complication 1: having collected the image, the child must name what is shown in the picture.
Complication 2: assemble an image from memory, without relying on a finished image.

"Sports Domino"

Goals and objectives: teach children to recognize and name sports; develop memory, logic, thinking.
Age: 4 - 6 years old.
Rules: on the dice depicted symbols of sports. Play 2 - 4 people. Before the game starts, the dice are laid face down on the table and shuffled. Each player chooses any seven dice. The rest of the bones remain on the table - this is the "bazaar". The player with the double picture tile goes first. If several players have a die with a double picture, then the first player is chosen by the rhyme. Next, the players move in turn, placing the bones to the right and left of the first, adding the same picture to the picture of one bone of the other. If the player (whose turn) does not have a dice with the desired picture, then he takes the dice in the "bazaar". The winner is the one who does not have any bones left (or there will be the least of them).


Goals and objectives: to form in children an interest in physical education and sports; teach children to recognize and name sports; develop attention, memory.
Age: 5 - 7 years.
Rules: I play 2-6 people.
Each player takes 2-3 playing cards, on which symbols of sports are depicted instead of numbers. The driver takes out a chip with a symbol from the bag, names the sport and shows it to the players. The one who has such a symbol on the game card covers it with a token. The player who quickly covers all the symbols with tokens wins.


Goals and objectives: to form children's interest in physical education and sports; teach children to recognize and name sports; develop memory.
Age: 5 - 7 years.
Rules: Play 2 - 6 people. Paired cards with sports symbols are laid out face down on the table in random order. Players alternately turn over two cards. If the symbols on the cards are the same, then the player takes them for himself and makes the next move. If the symbols are different, then the cards are turned back and the next player makes the move. The game ends when all the cards are in the hands of the players. The one with the most pairs wins.

Sports in winter and summer

Goals and objectives: to form in children an interest in physical education and sports; teach children to recognize and name sports; develop logic, memory, thinking, the ability to classify and sort sports.
Age: 5 - 7 years.
Rules: The player is offered to choose symbols (images) of only winter or only summer sports. He then names the given sports; explains why they are summer or winter; tells how the winner is determined.

"Sports Guessing Game"

Goals and objectives: to replenish and consolidate children's knowledge about sports; develop thinking, memory.
Age: 4 - 7 years old.
Rules: leader (educator) mixes playing fields(each shows 6 different sports) and distributes them among the children. Then the facilitator shows a card with the image of the sport and calls it. A player whose field has the same sport takes it, and placing it on top of his field, repeats the name. The player who quickly closes his playing fields with cards wins.
Complication: play the same way, but the name of the sport is given by the player whose field has the same sport. In case of an incorrect answer, the presenter calls the correct answer, gives the card to the player, and the player places a penalty token on top of the card that he put on the playing field. The one with the fewest penalty tokens wins.

"The Fourth Extra"

Goals and objectives: to form interest in physical culture and sports; to consolidate children's knowledge about sports, physical education, hygiene and health; develop logic, thinking, memory.
Age: 4 - 7 years old.
Rules: The player takes one card with four pictures on it. The player names what is shown on the card, then covers the extra picture, explaining why it is superfluous.

"Get on the charger"

Goals and objectives: to form in children an interest in physical education and sports; teach children to compose exercises for morning exercises; develop memory, thinking, logic.
Age: 5 - 7 years.
Rules: The player chooses a card with an image for the starting position. Then he selects the movements for the exercise itself (at the expense of 1-2 or 1-4) so ​​that the intermediate positions of the body and limbs are combined. After compiling the exercise, the child must complete it. There can be multiple players. They take turns doing the exercise, and the rest must complete the task.

"What is what"

Goals and objectives: to form in children an interest in physical education and sports; teach children to recognize and name sports; to teach to identify and name the necessary inventory, equipment, equipment for this sport; develop thinking, memory, logic.
Age: 5 - 7 years.
Rules: The player chooses a card with a sport. Then he selects the symbol of this sport, inventory and equipment for it.
Several people can play at the same time: who will collect the row faster.

"Collect the Symbol"

Goals and objectives: to form in children an interest in physical education and sports; introduce children to the symbols of sports; teach children to recognize and name a sport; develop thinking, attention, memory.
Age: 5 - 7 years.
Rules: From the cut parts, the player collects the symbol of the sport. Then he names this sport and talks about it.

"Sports Four"

For the game, cards with the image of the sport and its symbol are used. They are divided into groups of four cards, united by one symbol (standing in the upper corner), but with different images of this sport.

Goals and objectives: to form in children an interest in physical education and sports; to teach children to distinguish between sports (by season, by inventory, by venue); develop memory, thinking, logic.
Age: 4 - 7 years old.
Rules: 4 - 6 people play. Players are dealt 4 cards. The task of each player is to collect a group of cards with one sport. To do this, the players pass each other clockwise not desired card shirt up. The winner is the one who quickly collects 4 cards with one sport.

"Me and my Shadow"

Goals and objectives: to form in children an interest in physical education and sports; teach children to recognize starting positions; develop attention, memory.
Age: 5 - 7 years.
Rules: I play 2-6 people.
Each player takes 2-3 game cards, which show the silhouettes of starting positions and movements. The driver takes out a chip with a color image from the bag and shows it to the players. The one who has a silhouette of this image on the game card takes a chip and closes the silhouette with it. The winner is the player who quickly covers all the silhouettes with images.

"Guess - Guess"

Goals and objectives: to form in children an interest in physical education and sports; to teach children to recognize sports by signs and definitions; to teach children to think of a sport by signs and definitions; develop memory, thinking, logic.
Age: 5 - 7 years.
Rules: 2 or more people can play.
The driver (adult or child), with the help of cards - “definitions and signs”, guesses the sport.
Players try to guess the sport. The one who guessed correctly becomes the leader.

"Find differences"

Goals and objectives: to form in children an interest in physical education and sports; teach children to recognize and name sports; develop memory, attention, logic.
Age: 4 - 7 years old.
Rules: The player is offered to look at the pictures; name the sport find differences between images.

"My Mode"

Goals and objectives: to form in children the desire to lead a healthy lifestyle; teach children to make the correct daily routine; develop memory, attention, logic.
Age: 5 - 7 years.
Rules: The child is invited to consider the daily routine in the pictures, and determine which moments are missing. At the initial stage of training, only one picture is missing. With the subsequent assimilation of the topic "Mode of the day", the number of missing pictures becomes larger. At the final stage, the child independently lays out the mode.

"What do I know about sports - 1"

Goals and objectives: to form in children an interest in physical education and sports; consolidate knowledge about winter sports, the necessary equipment, equipment, equipment for these sports; develop thinking, memory, logic.
Age: 5 - 7 years.
Rules: 2-6 people play.

Yellow- name of the sport

"What do I know about sports - 2"

Goals and objectives: to form in children an interest in physical education and sports; consolidate knowledge about summer sports, the necessary equipment, equipment, equipment for these sports; develop thinking, memory, logic.
Age: 5 - 7 years.
Rules: 2-6 people play.
The game uses a playing field, chips, a cube with numbers 1-3. Players take turns rolling the dice and moving the pieces to answer the questions. If the player answered correctly, he receives a token. When one of the players reaches the finish line, the game ends and the number of tokens is counted. Whoever has the most wins.
The question determines the color of the frame of the symbol that the chip lands on:
Yellow- name of the sport
Red- equipment and inventory for this sport
Blue- clothing and footwear for this sport
Grey In which country did this sport originate?
Green How is the winner determined
Brown- single or team sport

Games to consolidate the types and methods of movement

The game "Who knows more movements?"

Target: fix the name of the types and methods of walking, running, jumping, climbing, throwing.

Rules of the game: accurately name and correctly show movements; you can not repeat the movements named by other players.

Benefits: five cards, each of which depicts a person performing one of the basic movements (walking, running, jumping, climbing, throwing); physical education aids: balls, hoops, gymnastic benches, flat track (at the discretion of the teacher); stationary sports equipment (if the game is played near it).

Methodical instructions: children are divided into two teams. One of the players of the first team mixes the cards, the second (from the other team) draws one of them. The game starts with the movement shown on the card. If walking is depicted on the card, children remember all its types and methods. The first team agrees on what movement will be performed, and then shows it (if possible synchronously), the second calls in chorus the type of movement. Then one of the types or methods of this movement is performed by the second team, and the first one calls it. The game continues until the children remember all the types and methods of movement depicted on the card. A team that fails to show the right movement or name it in time receives a penalty point. The team with the fewest penalty points wins. You can also calculate the result by the number of movements performed.

Note: To arouse the excitement of children in this and other games, you can use special chips. For example, for each movement shown, the team receives a red chip, for the correct name - a blue one. At the end of the game, the teams count the number of those and other chips, their total number. Based on the results, the winning team is determined.

Game "Pass the ball".

Target: develop the ability to apply known movements in a specific situation.

Rules of the game: You cannot use the same movement twice. Start passing the ball only on signal. Perform movements correctly, having previously named them.

Benefits: a ball (of any size) for each playing pair.

Guidelines: two teams (3-5 people each) take part in the game, which line up against each other at a distance of 2-2.5 m. The balls are in the hands of the children of one of the teams. On a signal, the children pass the ball to a partner from the other team, who is standing opposite, with any movement (throw the ball, hit the floor, run up and give it, roll it, etc.). Different ways of throwing - from the chest, from below, from behind the head, etc. - should be considered different movements. A team that repeats a move already used receives a penalty point. The team with the fewest penalty points wins.

Game "Competition".

Target: to develop the ability to transform familiar movements in the right direction to solve the problem.

Rules of the game: perform as many different movements as possible, clearly naming the serial number of each new movement. When all movements are completed, loudly name the total number of movements performed (for example: “Five!”, “Seven!”). If the movement is performed a second time, then the performer stops the action, names the number of movements performed and gives way to another player.

Benefits: a wooden block of wood with a diameter and height of 15-20 cm, an arc, a chair, gymnastic benches.

Methodical instructions: in one game it is recommended to use no more than 3-4 items if there are two or three players, and 1-2 if more than three children participate in the game. Players, at their discretion, can change the location of objects on the plane (vertically, horizontally, etc.). "One, two, the game begins!" - these words, uttered by the chorus, are the signal to start the game. One of the players begins to perform a movement on any of the aids placed on the court, having previously called its serial number, for example: “First - jumping off,” and gives way to another player who performs another movement on the same aid. If none of the players can already perform a new movement on this manual, then each of the children names the total number of movements performed. The game continues with another aid. The overall result is summed up by the number of movements performed on all benefits.

Tourist game.

Target: develop the ability to adequately use movements to achieve the goal.

Rules of the game: each "tourist" or group goes through the route in their own way, i.e. using movements not used by other players. To act in a coordinated manner in the game, to help those who find it difficult to perform movements.

Benefits: any stationary physical education equipment, to which you can additionally attach gymnastic ladders, boards, cubes, etc.; a rope 3-4 m long (for 3-4 children) with loops for putting on the shoulder (the distance between them is 1 m). For each subgroup, you can use special badges.

Methodical instructions: a place for the game is selected and physical culture equipment is installed for the stream passage of the route. Children are divided into two groups, each of which "develops" its own route, that is, decides with what movement it will overcome the established obstacles. Then, by drawing lots or counting rhymes, the order of route groups is determined. The passage of the route is monitored, because. it is necessary to change the intended movement if it is already used. The team with the most coordinated action wins. The teacher or one of the children acts as a judge. The game uses different kinds and ways of movement. For example, you can walk on the bench on your toes, with the usual step, crawl on all fours, on your stomach; step over or jump over cubes; climb the gymnastic ladder over the top, in the middle between the slats, on the side.

Game option: each of the subgroups develops a route for itself, which starts at the same time. The team that completes the route first wins.

The game "What's wrong?"

Target: differentiation of types and methods of movement.

Rules of the game: do not perform "extra" movements, accurately name them.

Assistances: The game can be played without aids or with the use of small objects such as hoops, balls (per child).

Methodical instructions: children stand in a circle. The teacher shows 2-4 ways of one movement and one of the other (“extra” movement). For example, walking on toes, heels, side steps and running. Children perform movements in the same sequence as the teacher, skipping the "extra" movement. Whoever made a mistake should explain it. If the explanation is correct, then the one who made the mistake is not punished with a penalty point. With an unsatisfactory explanation, a penalty task is performed, which is offered by one of the players.

The game "Guess the riddle".

Target: differentiation of movements characteristic of different sports.

Rules of the game: do not name the answer, but show it in motion.

Methodical instructions: Children stand in a circle at a distance of at least 30 cm from each other. The teacher makes riddles. The children make guesses with movements. At the end of each period of the game (i.e. after each puzzle) they name the way to move. It is good if riddles are offered by the children themselves.

Instead of a fence, a rope is pulled near the house, on the one hand at a height of 30-35 cm, on the other - 40-45 cm, on the third - 50 cm, on the fourth - 60 cm.

The teacher starts the game: “There is a teremok-teremok in the field, it is not low, not high. So far, no one lives in the teremochka. Do you want to live in a teremochka? Then you have to become mice, hares, chanterelles and bears. Each animal will make its way into the house through its own gate. Children agree on who will take on which role. The teacher continues: “They ran past the little mouse, saw the teremok and began to look for where they could approach the house. They saw a gap under the fence, came up and think how to crawl through so as not to touch the fence, because only those mice that correctly perform the movement can live in the house. The “mice” crawl under the rope, the rest of the children watch how the movements are performed and decide which of them will live in the house and who will stay on this side of the fence. “And then the runaway bunnies ran,” says the teacher, “they also wanted to live in the house. They stopped and asked ... What did the bunnies ask about? What did the mice say to them? That's right, the mice answered that they would let the bunnies into the house if they guessed where their "gate" (the next highest rope) was.

In the same way, actions are played by chanterelles, bears. Children who performed incorrect or inaccurate movements and temporarily dropped out of the game are offered a “penalty” option: they must climb correctly under all the ropes. Then they, together with everyone else, can live in a tower. The game ends with a round dance; the teacher suggests walking hand in hand on toes, on heels, with high knees, lateral side steps. Children can be asked when these types of walking are used in life.

The game "Guess what you think."

Target: consolidation of knowledge about the types of walking and their application in life.

Rules of the game: perform the movements correctly.

Methodical instructions: children are divided into two groups. Each group comes up with some kind of life situation where this or that type of walking is used. Then one group demonstrates walking, and the other group must guess what was intended. For example, the children agreed to portray walking on tall grass. They say: "We walked through the meadow like this," and all together they show the movements. Children of the other group express their assumptions, check them in action. If their assumption is wrong, the children of the first group say “No!” in chorus, and when guessing - “Yes!”. The groups change places and the game continues. The group with the most guesses wins.

The game "Recognize the movement."

Target: learn to recognize movements by verbal description.

Rules of the game: accurately name the type and mode of movement.

Methodical instructions: children stand in a circle. The teacher tells the children that he wants to check how they learned the movements that they learned in physical education classes. “I will name the elements of the movement, and you guess and tell me what movement I talked about,” the teacher says. The elements of movement are listed, for example: stand up, aim, swing (or: run up, push off, land on your toes, etc.). Children call movements, the teacher invites the children to show individual elements- aim, swing, show how to throw the ball from the chest, from the shoulder, etc. For the correct execution, everyone receives a chip. The winner is the one who collects the most chips.

The game "Find out the movement on the trail."

Target: consolidation of knowledge about the types of walking, running, jumping.

Rules of the game: accurately perform the movement so that a clear trace remains. It is correct to call the performed movement.

Methodical instructions: The game is played on freshly fallen snow or sand. The teacher suggests remembering what types of walking can imitate the movements of some birds and animals (a hare - by jumping on two legs moving forward, geese - walking in a crouch, a wolf - running, etc.). All movements are pre-played. Children examine the traces left, compare the size of the step, foot. After that, they close their eyes, and the leader walks (runs, jumps) with the movement of the animal, trying to leave a clear trail. Children open their eyes, guess which of the animals walked or ran. They must name what kind of movement was used. If the children guess the movement, the driver changes. If they don't guess, they drive again. The game can be diversified by developing the plot. Children can, for example, find out by footprints where the house in which the "forest animal" lives is hidden, and what kind of animal it is. Methodical instructions: three or four subgroups of children line up facing the center. At the signal "For a walk!" all children walk and run around the room without bumping into each other. At this time, the teacher lays out visual landmarks for construction. On the signal "Home!" the children run to the place of their construction and are built as the figure suggests: in a line, in a circle, in a semicircle.

When repeating the game, the teacher changes the location of visual landmarks so that all children practice in different constructions. The subgroup that builds faster and more correctly wins.

The game "Two pools".

Target: exercise in orientation in space.

Rules of the game: You can enter the pool only with tickets and at the “Swim” signal, without bumping into each other.

Benefits: On the floor group room two “pools” were built from building material (or with the help of cords) - narrow and wide with entrances on one side.

Methodical instructions: next to the pool is the ticket office. Children take turns "buying" tickets. Some are narrow, others are wide. At the signal of the teacher, the children enter the "pool" according to the form of the ticket (with a narrow ticket - into the narrow pool). Children imitate the movements of swimmers, divers. At the signal of the teacher, they leave the pool and lower the tickets into boxes (with the corresponding label of a narrow or wide pool).

Uliana Chernova

Didactic game"Couples"

Goals and objectives: to form children's interest in physical education and sports; learn to correlate the picture of a sport with the corresponding pictogram, develop memory, logical thinking.

Age: 5-7 years

rules: 2 or more people participate in the game. Children are given pictures of sports. The leader takes out one pictogram. Players compare it with their picture and name this sport.

Didactic game"Fold and Name"

Goals and objectives: to form children's interest in physical education and sports; introduce children to sports; learn to recognize and name sports; develop imagination,

thinking and logic.

Age: 5-7 years

rules: The player assembles a picture from parts. Having collected, the child tells what is shown in the picture (name the sport)

Didactic game"Sports Guessing Game"

Goals and objectives: to form children's interest in physical education and sports; to teach children to recognize sports by signs and definitions; develop memory, thinking, logic.

Age: 6-7 years old

rules: 2 or more people can play.

Driver (adult or child, with the help of cards - "definitions and features", guesses the sport.

Players try to guess the sport. The one who guessed becomes the driver

Didactic game"Get on the charger"

Goals and objectives: to form children's interest in physical education and sports; to teach children to recognize the starting positions for morning exercises and perform movement, develop attention, memory.

Age: 5-7 years

rules: 2-6 people play.

The player rolls the die, what number will fall out, how many steps he moves with his chip. Then he must take the starting position and perform the corresponding movement indicated by his counter. The players take turns making moves and showing exercises.

"D U Y B O L"

Age:5-7 years.

rules: Players (two, or a team of five children, blow on the ball through a thin tube, Target: Formation of correct breathing skills.

thereby trying to score a goal in the opponent's goal

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Anisina Yulia Valerievna,

instructor for physical education

MBDOU "Kindergarten 81"

g. o. Samara

Description of didactic games

"Sport equipment"

Goals and objectives: to form in children an interest in physical education and sports; introduce children to sports equipment; to teach children to recognize and name sports equipment, determine its purpose; develop thinking, attention, memory, logic.
Age: 34 years.
Rules: The set includes cards with a black and white image of sports equipment and colored parts of these pictures (from 3 to 12 parts). The child chooses a black and white picture and overlays the colored parts of this picture on it. After the child collects the picture, he must name the sports equipment that is depicted on it.
Complication: Assemble a picture without relying on a black and white image. Explain how the inventory can be used.

"Fold the picture"

Pictures depicting sports and equipment are cut into various geometric shapes.
Goals and objectives: to form in children an interest in physical education and sports; introduce children to sports; teach children to recognize and name sports; develop imagination, thinking, logic.
Age: 5 - 7 years.
Rules: the player assembles the picture from the parts. Having collected, the child tells what is shown in the picture.

"Find a Pair"

Goals and objectives: to form in children an interest in physical education and sports; introduce children to sports; to teach children to recognize and name sports equipment and equipment, to determine what kind of sport it belongs to; develop the ability to analyze and generalize; develop creative thinking and imagination.
Age: 35 years
1 option: played by 2 to 4 people. The leader sorts the cards into pairs and divides them equally among the players. On command, players must pick up paired cards and fold them. The winner is the one who first coped with the task and correctly named sports equipment.
Option 2: play from 2 to 4 people and the host. The facilitator sorts the cards: he puts one card from a pair in one pile, and the second card in another. He distributes one pile to the players, and puts the second pile face down on the table. The host takes one card and shows it to the players. The player who has a pair from this card calls what is shown in the picture and in what sport it is used. If the answer is correct. Then the player takes the card for himself, if not, then the leader keeps the card for himself. The one with the most collected pairs wins.

"Two halves"
Pictures depicting sports equipment and the main types of equipment movements are cut into two halves.

Goals and objectives: to teach children to recognize and name sports equipment, the main types of movement; develop thinking and memory; develop interest in physical education.
Age: 2 - 3 years.
1 option. The child folds the two halves to make a picture.
Option 2. The child looks for the right half in the stack of pictures. Having collected the picture, the child must name what is shown on it.
3 option. Having collected the picture, the child must name what is shown on it. If this is a movement, then the child must show it. If this is an inventory, then the child must find it in the group and show what exercises can be performed with it.

"Good and Bad"

Goals and objectives: teach children to a healthy lifestyle; to teach children to compare good and bad, useful and harmful; to instill in children the desire to lead a healthy lifestyle; develop thinking, logic, memory.
Age: 36 years.
Rules: children are given cards that depict situations that are harmful to health. Players must determine why it is harmful and find a paired card with a picture of the situation that is beneficial to health.

"Relax actively" (dice)

Goals and objectives: to form interest in motor activity; teach children to recognize and name types of outdoor activities; develop memory thinking, logic.
Age: 36 years.
Rules: collect the cubes so that you get a whole image, based on the finished picture.
Complication 1: having collected the image, the child must name what is shown in the picture.
Complication 2: assemble an image from memory, without relying on a finished image.

"Sports Domino"

Goals and objectives: teach children to recognize and name sports; develop memory, logic, thinking.
Age: 4 - 6 years.
Rules: the symbols of sports are depicted on the dice. Play 2 - 4 people. Before the game starts, the dice are laid face down on the table and shuffled. Each player chooses any seven dice. The remaining bones remain on the table - this is the "bazaar". The player with the double picture tile goes first. If several players have a die with a double picture, then the first player is chosen by the rhyme. Next, the players move in turn, placing the bones to the right and left of the first, adding the same picture to the picture of one bone of the other. If the player (whose turn) does not have a dice with the desired picture, then he takes the dice in the "bazaar". The winner is the one who does not have any bones left (or there will be the least of them).


Goals and objectives: to form in children an interest in physical education and sports; teach children to recognize and name sports; develop attention, memory.
Age: 5 - 7 years.
Rules: I play 2-6 people.
Each player takes 2-3 playing cards, on which symbols of sports are depicted instead of numbers. The driver takes out a chip with a symbol from the bag, names the sport and shows it to the players. The one who has such a symbol on the game card covers it with a token. The player who quickly covers all the symbols with tokens wins.


Goals and objectives: to form children's interest in physical education and sports; teach children to recognize and name sports; develop memory.
Age: 5 - 7 years.
Rules: Play 2 - 6 people. Paired cards with sports symbols are laid out face down on the table in random order. Players alternately turn over two cards. If the symbols on the cards are the same, then the player takes them for himself and makes the next move. If the symbols are different, then the cards are turned back and the next player makes the move. The game ends when all the cards are in the hands of the players. The one with the most pairs wins.

Sports in winter and summer

Goals and objectives: to form in children an interest in physical education and sports; teach children to recognize and name sports; develop logic, memory, thinking, the ability to classify and sort sports.
Age: 5 - 7 years.
Rules: The player is offered to choose symbols (images) of only winter or only summer sports. He then names the given sports; explains why they are summer or winter; tells how the winner is determined.

"Sports Guessing Game"

Goals and objectives: to replenish and consolidate children's knowledge about sports; develop thinking, memory.
Age: 4 - 7 years.
Rules: the host (teacher) mixes the playing fields (each shows 6 different sports) and distributes them among the children. Then the facilitator shows a card with the image of the sport and calls it. A player whose field has the same sport takes it, and placing it on top of his field, repeats the name. The player who quickly closes his playing fields with cards wins.
Complication: play the same way, but the name of the sport is given by the player whose field has the same sport. In case of an incorrect answer, the presenter calls the correct answer, gives the card to the player, and the player places a penalty token on top of the card that he put on the playing field. The one with the fewest penalty tokens wins.

"The Fourth Extra"

Goals and objectives: to form interest in physical culture and sports; to consolidate children's knowledge about sports, physical education, hygiene and health; develop logic, thinking, memory.
Age: 4 - 7 years.
Rules: The player takes one card with four pictures on it. The player names what is shown on the card, then covers the extra picture, explaining why it is superfluous.

"Get on the charger"

Goals and objectives: to form in children an interest in physical education and sports; teach children to compose exercises for morning exercises; develop memory, thinking, logic.
Age: 5 - 7 years.
Rules: The player chooses a card with an image for the starting position. Then he selects the movements for the exercise itself (at the expense of 1-2 or 1-4) so ​​that the intermediate positions of the body and limbs are combined. After compiling the exercise, the child must complete it. There can be multiple players. They take turns doing the exercise, and the rest must complete the task.

Ludmila Leonova


AT didactic In the game, the child receives new knowledge, reinforces what he has learned in class. Develops his skills, creativity, imagination, ability to logical thinking. AT didactic In play, the child learns to communicate not only with peers, but also with adults, observes certain rules, experiences his victories and defeats, learns to rejoice in the successes of his comrades. On their physical education didactic games I use it in plot and thematic classes, as an introductory part, to set the guys on the topic of the lesson. But mostly these games it is better to use at leisure, in individual work with children, in work with children with disabilities and in joint gaming activity. Games, which I made are used by educators in groups in joint activities with children, where children in small groups can consolidate their knowledge in class, in preliminary work in preparation for holidays or sports activities. In the summer, when specialists work in a group, this is a good opportunity to fix the rules of one or another with the children. didactic game. Games help in laying the foundations healthy lifestyle life, foster interest in sports and sports games, teach sports terminology, which means they help to enrich the child's vocabulary with new words and concepts. For the production of games I use pictures, symbols, photographs of port views and sports equipment.

Didactic games in physics are carried out in the same way as all others

1. It is carried out in small subgroups

2. Adult participation is required to increase interest in the game

3. The rules are clearly explained games

4. Along the way games give clear instructions and note the correct execution games

5. Praise the guys for following the rules and helping their comrades

6. Encourage friendships and self-esteem of participation in the game.

In this game, children get acquainted with different sports, sports equipment, playgrounds, sportswear.


1. Formation of interest in sports

2. Development of thinking.

3. Development of the child's speech

In this game, children are offered a set of pictures depicting objects not only with which they can perform morning exercises, but also other sports equipment. The task is to choose the subject correctly and show 1-2 exercises with it.

In this game, children first put the pieces together into a picture and explain what sport is depicted in it. Complication - on the speed "Who is faster".

Data games help diversify joint activities teacher and children and will contribute to the comprehensive development of the personality of the child.

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