Typical flow chart sample. Why do we need typical technological maps

A technological map is a document that contains all the necessary information and, accordingly, instructions for personnel who perform a certain technological process or technical maintenance of an object. A well-designed technological map must necessarily give clear answers to the following questions:
- What kind of operations should be performed?
- In what sequence are the operations provided for by the technological process carried out?
- With what frequency is it required to perform operations (in cases when it is necessary to repeat the operation multiple times)?
- How long does it take to complete a single operation?
- What is the end result of performing a certain operation?
- What tools and materials are required to effectively perform the operation?
Development and implementation of technological maps is necessary in such cases:
- with a high degree of complexity of the operations performed;
- in the presence of controversial elements and ambiguities in the planned operations;
- if necessary, a clear definition of labor costs for high-quality operation of the facility.
It must be said that most often a technological map is drawn up for each individual object, drawn up in the form of an understandable table. One technological plan can take into account different, but at the same time having any similarity to each other, object models. This type of documentation is drawn up exclusively by the technical services of the enterprise, while it is approved directly by the head of the enterprise.
Today, there are flow charts for absolutely all types of construction work, which are developed not only by the construction companies themselves, but also by special institutes. Technological maps are also issued by factories specializing in the production of building materials.
Technological maps, first of all, are designed for training workers, because in this document, as mentioned above, the most rational methods of performing various types of work are shown, as well as a chain of actions of the worker is built, who, for his part, has no right to skip any cycle , thus performing the work only at its discretion.
In recent years, the use of technological maps has taken an important place not only in construction, but also in many other industries, including industry and agriculture. And this is not surprising, because the number of workers with sufficiently low qualifications is increasing from year to year, which leads to the impossibility of high-quality performance of the simplest jobs. On the other hand, many new types of work appear every year, so even a skilled worker or foreman often does not know how to correctly and as quickly as possible fulfill the duties assigned to them. In such cases, it is simply impossible to do without a high-quality flowchart (unless, of course, the company wants to effectively perform the assigned tasks).


The basis for compiling a culinary, bakery or confectionery product is a collection of recipes, which contains the content and the necessary standards for bookmarking, the output of semi-finished and ready-made foods, and the cooking technology. In the event that this dish is branded or new, and there is no official recipe for its preparation, then it is necessary to draw up a technical and technological map for it, the content of which is identical to the content of a conventional technological map.

Guided by the recipe, indicate in the technological chart of the products necessary for the preparation of this, the norms for laying the raw materials and the weight content of the semi-finished product and the finished dish in grams. This will determine the total amount of food needed to prepare the estimated number of servings.

Consider the qualitative and quantitative dishes when calculating the cost estimate for it. If the preparation of a dish requires any unique conditions or requirements for the quality of ingredients, then they should also be reflected in the technological chart.

Describe the cooking technology in detail, step by step. At the same time, indicate the norms of time taken to complete each step and the total time required to prepare this dish. Using the bookmark norms and indicators of the nutritional value of the products used, calculate the total calorie content of one portion of the finished dish and indicate it in the technological chart.

In the card, be sure to indicate the weight of one portion of the finished dish and describe in detail the requirements for its design, if any, then for serving the dish. In the event that the manufactured products are subject to long-term storage, reflect the conditions and shelf life in the technological map.

When making a map, adhere to the requirements of the National Standard of the Russian Federation GOST R 50763-2007 “Catering services. Public catering products sold to the population. General technical conditions ". It regulates the content and design of the technological map for public catering products.

Sign the technological card by the chef or production manager, approve it by the head of the catering establishment.


The site contains a collection of the best recipes and recipes for dishes: recipes for baking bread, recipes for fish dishes, a catalog of recipes for salads, etc.

Useful advice

Organization of catering production / Ready menu (download). By purchasing the Ready-made standard menu package, you receive technical and technological charts, calculation charts, calculations of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, calories, justification of calculations and acts of control studies for each dish.


  • drawing up a technical technological map
  • Explanations for the calculation of technological maps

The technological map for a certain type of product is an initial document - the basis for determining the cost of production. So in technological charts for public catering products, the basis for which is the approved recipe for this particular dish, its quantitative and qualitative composition and a description of the cooking technology are indicated.


Technological is not compiled on the basis of collections of recipes. They give the content and norms of the laid raw materials, indicate the norms for the output of semi-finished products and ready-made meals, the technology for their manufacture, including taking into account the time norms. Requirements for the content and design of technological maps for public products are established by the National RF GOST R 50763-2007 “Catering services. Public catering products sold to the population. General technical conditions ".

In the technological chart for such products, indicate the list of products that make up the dish, indicating their quantity in grams. This is necessary in order to calculate the total number of products required to make a certain estimated number of servings. In addition, this recipe will be taken into account in the cost estimate for the specified dish. If there are unique requirements for the quality of the products used, then they should also be indicated in the technological map.

Describe the manufacturing process in a step-by-step format. Indicate the amount of time it will take to complete each step and the total amount of time it will take to prepare the dish.

Indicate the weight of the finished portion and the requirements for its design. If the products are intended for long-term storage, indicate in the technological map the time, terms and conditions of its storage required for implementation. In this case, it is necessary to indicate the indicators of the quality and safety of the finished dish.

In the technological chart, indicate the nutritional value of the finished dish. Calculate it according to the recipe and the total nutritional value of all ingredients.


The technological map is a document according to which the quality control of products and the safety of production processes by the regulatory authorities is carried out.

To establish general rules for information exchange between various government departments, there are flow charts for interdepartmental interaction. Such maps are separate projects, which describe the procedure for the exchange of information between authorities, determine the mutual obligations of institutions on the content, timing and methods of transferring information. The filling of the technological map is carried out according to certain rules.


Check out the structure of technological interagency interaction. A map of the procedure for the provision of public services, data on the composition of documents for a specific service, information on counterparties, plans for entering into title and plans for the implementation of interaction between departments.

Prepare the forms necessary for drawing up a technological map, including forms for entering data on the procedure for the provision of public services, forms for entering data on counterparties and the content of interdepartmental interaction, a form for a plan for amending legal acts and a plan for the implementation of such interaction.

It is impossible to foresee absolutely all cases when filling out the forms, therefore, when filling out the card, proceed from the specific conditions related to the description of the services of your department. The Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation provides instructions for filling out forms for technological maps, relevant recommendations and a description of the procedure for agreeing a technological map.

When filling out a technological map, keep in mind that it is drawn up for each public service separately.

The lack of administrative regulations for the service does not obviate the need to draw up a map. In this case, fill out the technological map on the basis of the acts regulating its provision.

If information is planned to be obtained from the basic resource in the form of an extract, for example, from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, then describe the request in a standard way (according to the instructions), since during the description it may turn out that the data of the basic resource can be translated into interdepartmental interaction.

After drawing up a technological map and filling out all the necessary forms, coordinate it with all contractors involved in the provision of public services (consumers and data providers).


  • About technological maps of interdepartmental interaction

Technological design includes the development of optimal technological solutions and organizational conditions for the implementation of construction processes, ensuring the release of construction products on time with a minimum consumption of all types of resources.

Optimal solution for the construction process is the definition and development of the best combinations of its parameters and options. For this, at the design stage of the construction process, the development of technological options for the implementation of the construction process is consistently carried out, the adoption and development of the most effective option for technological and technical and economic indicators; documenting the construction process.

The main document of the construction process governing its technological and organizational provisions is routing(TC). Technological maps are developed for individual or complex processes. Technological maps provide for the use of technological processes that ensure the required level of quality of work, the combination of construction operations in time and space, and compliance with safety regulations. They are also used as technological documentation for simple processes technological schemes with a description of the sequence and methods of performing the process, with the calculation of labor costs and the need for technical means. In terms of their content, technological schemes represent simplified technological maps.

Flow charts (or flow diagrams) are an integral part of the work production project (PPR)

Routing. The composition of the technological map.

The technological map consists of eight sections. In general, the individual sections of the technological map include ":

application area - conditions for the implementation of the construction process (including climatic); characteristics of structural elements and their parts or parts of buildings and structures; the composition of the construction process; nomenclature of required material elements:

organization and technology of the construction process - requirements for the completeness of the previous or preparatory process; the composition of the used machines, equipment and mechanisms with an indication of their technical characteristics, types, brands and quantities; list and technological sequence of operations or simple processes; schemes for their implementation;

requirements for quality and acceptance of works - list of operations or processes to be controlled; types and methods of control; used devices and equipment;

calculation of labor costs, machine hours and wages - a list of performed operations and processes with an indication of the scope of work; working and machine time norms and rates;

Work schedule - graphic expression of the sequence and duration of operations and processes based on the labor costs and operating time of the machine determined in the calculation;

material and technical resources - data on the need for materials, semi-finished products and structures for the stipulated scope of work, tools, inventory and fixtures.

safety engineering - measures and rules for the safe execution of processes;

technical and economic indicators - labor costs of workers (man-h); operating time of machines (mash-h); workers' wages (rubles); driver's wages (rubles)

Technological map of the lesson.

“If we teach today as we taught

Yesterday, we will steal tomorrow from the children. "

John Dewey

Dear colleagues! Our society is changing, the goals and content of education are changing.

Modern life today imposes strict requirements on a person - this is a high quality of education, communication skills, dedication, creativity, the qualities of a Leader, and most importantly - the ability to navigate in a large flow of information. Coming out of the walls of the school, the graduate must continue to develop and improve himself, and for this it is necessary to learn certain methods of action.

The preparation of students for life is laid down at school, therefore, the requirements for education today are changing their priorities: knowing component gives way developing.

Nowadays, most teachers still gravitate towardstraditional lesson.This is due to many reasons: the habit of traditional forms of learning and the fear of the new; misunderstanding of a huge number of innovations.

The traditional lesson is our youth, this is how we were taught to work at the institute, this is how we worked all our lives. Its organization is simple, familiar, well-known and worked out to the smallest detail.

But, as practice shows,with traditional teaching, students who have successfully graduated from school find it much more difficult to find themselves in the surrounding reality. There are many more failed personalities among them. It is no coincidence that a joke has been born among teachers in recent years. To the question: "Who lives well in Russia: an excellent student or a C grade student", there is always the same answer - a C grade student, because he is adapted to life, knows how to adapt, choose a non-standard solution, take responsibility, take risks, etc. That is why there are much fewer unsettled and unhappy among them than, unfortunately, among the excellent students, who always clearly and correctly followed the teacher's instructions.

The task of the education system today is not to transfer the amount of knowledge, but to teach children to learn. The main goal of the Federal State Educational Standard isall-round development of the child's personality on the basis of universal educational actions (personal, metasubject and subject)

And in order to meet the requirements of the Second Generation Standards to achievemain resulteducation, the lesson must change, becomenew, modern!

The main didactic lesson structure displayed in lesson outline and in his technological map... They have both static and dynamic elements, which are characterized by a more flexible structure.

In preparation for the modernIn the lesson, the teacher goes through three stages: modeling, design and construction.

Modeling - determination of the main parameters of the lesson, determination of the type and type of lesson.

Design - development of the main components of the pedagogical process.

Construction- creation of lesson technology, i.e. systems of interaction between teacher and students. At the design stage, the teacher createsdocuments - lesson synopsis and (or)technological map according to which will work, solving the assigned tasksand seeking to obtain the main the result of education.

Organize a lesson in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standardthe flow chart of the lesson can help.

Lesson flow chart - what is it?

Routingis a new type of methodological product that provides effective and high-quality teaching of educational courses at school and the ability to achieve the planned results of mastering basic educational programs at the levels of primary and basic education in accordance with the FSES of the second generation.

Concept "routing"came to education from industry. Technological map - technological documentation in the form of a map, a leaflet containing a description of the manufacturing process, processing, production of a certain type of product, production operations, equipment used, and the temporary mode of operations.

Technological map in a didactic contextpresents a project of the educational process, which provides a description from goal to result using innovative technology for working with information. This a modern form of planning the pedagogical interaction of the teacher and students.

The technological map has the following distinctive features: interactivity, structuredness, algorithmicity when working with information, manufacturability and generality.

Technological lesson mapIs a way of graphically designing a lesson, a table that allows you to structure the lesson according to the parameters selected by the teacher.

With these parameters there can be the stages of the lesson, its goals, the content of the educational material, methods and techniques for organizing educational activities, the activities of the teacher and the activities of students, the result (formed by the UUD).

Routing structure includes:

1) The name of the stage of the lesson.

2) Objectives of the lesson stage.

4) Teacher activity.

5) Student activities.

6) Forms of work (individual, frontal, pair, group)

7) Result (generated by UUD, product).

The main task of the technological map of the lesson- to reflect the activity-based approach in teaching, the algorithm of the work of the teacher and students at certain stages of the lesson.

The technological map should define the ways to achieve three groups of educational outcomes:

  • personal;
  • metasubject;
  • subject

Having analyzed (on the basis of open electronic sources of information) a sufficiently large number of technological maps of the lesson, developed by teachers, it can be concluded that a unified, established form of such a map does not yet exist. There are no federal regulations on mapping yet, while the process of gaining experience is underway.

Each teacher has the right to develop his own map that is convenient for him personally - the main thing is that it helps in the work, and does not cause irritation, like an unnecessary written load.

I bring to your attention several templates for drawing up a map.

Option 1

Teacher activity

Students' activities




Actions taken

Actions taken

Formable ways of activity

Actions taken

Formable ways of activity

1st stage of the lesson "Setting the goal and objectives of the lesson"

2nd stage of the lesson "Actualization of knowledge"

. . .

The proposed technological map of the lesson is designed to record not only the types of activities of the teacher and students in the lesson, but also the resulting learning outcomes.

Since the planned learning outcomes represent a system of student-centered educational goals, there is no need to select a separate column in the map structure dedicated to the purpose of the designed lesson.

Option 2

Methods, techniques and forms of work are added (methodical substructure of the lesson)

Option 3

Planned results



Stage (time)


Maps vary in the number and list of highlighted sections, depending on the degree of detail in the course of the lesson. The shape of the cards depends on the types of the lesson, but the structure of the card must be preserved.

I bring to your attention a flow chart of a Russian language lesson in grade 3.

As you can see, colleagues, a technological map can be considered as a mini-project of a teacher and it is rather difficult for a teacher to create it at first. It takes a little time to compile it.

The technological map is one of the tools to work in a new way, within the framework of the Federal State Educational Standard and

the need to draw up a technological maparose due to the fact that the requirements for the modern lesson have changed.

What is the difference between a lesson outline and a technological map?

Lesson summary


Presentation tools


Graphic, symbolic

What determines the content

Requirements of programs, content of textbooks

Requirements of the standard

Techniques of activity


Fixed, consciously




Knowledge acquisition form


Educational collaboration

Orientation of training

Transfer of theoretical knowledge

Personal orientation

Benefits of a technological map.

The technological map allows:

  • see educational material holistically and systematically;
  • comprehend and design a sequence of work, taking into account the purpose and topic of the lesson;
  • flexibly use effective methods and forms of work with children in the classroom;
  • coordinate the actions of the teacher and students;
  • organize independent activities of schoolchildren in the learning process;

The technological map will allow the teacher:

  • implement the planned results of the second generation FSES;
  • systematically form students' universal learning actions;
  • design an educational process for mastering the topic, taking into account the goal of mastering the course;
  • in practice, implement interdisciplinary communications;
  • carry out diagnostics of the achievement of the planned results by students at each stage of the development of the topic.

The use of a technological map provides conditions for improving the quality of training, since:

· The educational process for mastering the topic (section) is designed from goal to result;

· Use effective methods of working with information;

· A phased independent educational, intellectual-cognitive and reflexive activity of schoolchildren is organized;

· Conditions are provided for the application of knowledge and skills in practice.

Introspection lesson

Introspection of the lessonthe teacher often simply retells his course and finds it difficult to justify the choice of content, the methods used and organizational forms of teaching. In the traditional plan, mainly the content side of the lesson is painted, which does not allow for its systematic pedagogical analysis. Lesson recording form in the form of a technological mapmakes it possible to detail it as much as possible even at the stage of preparation, to assess the rationality and potential effectiveness of the selected content, methods, means and types of educational activities at each stage of the lesson.

With the help of the technological map, it is possible to conduct not only a systemic, but also an aspect analysis of the lesson (tracing the map vertically).

For instance:

  • implementation by the teacher of the goals of the lesson;
  • the use of developmental methods, methods of enhancing the cognitive activity of students;
  • implementation of assessment and control.


The map does not replace the lesson outline. The summary of the lesson is the notes that allow improvisation, it is the support, the foundation, the foundation of the future building called the "lesson". And the main purpose of the card is to reflect the activity approach, the algorithm of the work of the teacher and students at certain stages of the lesson, the formation of the UUD.


I. Organizational moment. Motivation for learning activities.

Check the seating position at your desk. Tune in to the lesson.

Today is a wonderful day. You came to school in a good mood. Smile at each other and present the warmth of your hands to your deskmate. We will overcome any difficulties together.

Educational and cognitive interest in this lesson, creating a situation of success and trust.

They smile and touch each other with their palms.

Managing partner behavior, willingness to build relationships with other people.

They remember the rules of behavior, tune in to the lesson.

Self-assessment of readiness for a lesson, psychological attitude.

II. Actualization of what has been learned.

1. Let's remember the studied spelling.

In one verbal state they lived and did not grieve orthograms. Spelling-letters of vowels and spelling-letters of consonants often gathered together, and sometimes in one word, and waited for the guys to remember them and did not make a spelling mistake. But sometimes they were naughty and did not want to say their full names. That's what was left of them

(there are signs on the slide:unstressed, consonants, doubled, unpronounceable)

- Remember the full names of these spellings.

2. Work in pairs.

Give examples of words with these spellings.

3. Vocabulary work.

Spelling fun

And errors appeared.

You'd rather find them,

Write off the words correctly.

(entry on the slide:Shyroko, raven pyro, sparrows, muholofka)

- Write it right. Indicate a spelling.

(student works at the blackboard)

The knowledge necessary to understand a new topic is updated.

They listen to a fairy tale, remember spelling.

Give a complete description of the studied spelling and find them in the text.

Dictate 2 words to each other

Ability to listen to the interlocutor, be ready to correct the answer and correct your mistake

They check their work with the board, evaluate the work on the board.

Work according to the plan, checking your actions against the goal, develop assessment criteria.

III. Statement of a problematic question.

Highlight in a word flycatcher root.

I saw the following in the students' notebooks:flycatcher, flycatcher.

What question is there?

(Which student is right? How many roots are there in the word flycatcher?)

Write down the word. Allocate the root.

Formulate an educational problem, build reasoning, prove your point of view.

The whole class in the frontal mode listens to the statements of the students.

Ability to enter into dialogue, express and substantiate your point of view.

The accuracy of the answers is assessed.

To be able to listen in accordance with the target setting, to supplement, clarify statements.

IV. Finding a solution (discovering new knowledge)

1. Conversation on questions.

Who is a flycatcher? (bird)

Why was the bird so named? (picture show)

What is the root in the word fly ?

What is the root in the word catches?

Find the same root words.

Are there flies and fishing roots in the word flycatcher?

So how many roots are there in a word flycatcher ? (There are 2 roots in this word)

What are the names of words with two roots?

Read the definition and compare with your wording.

Write on the board:flycatcher - catches flies.

They answer teacher's questions, develop vocabulary.

They put forward hypotheses.

They read the rule, solve the problem, discover new knowledge.

Process information, build reasoning.

Listen to learners' answers

Formulate your thoughts, build a speech utterance.

They control the correctness of the answers, correct, supplement, clarify.

Draw up a plan for solving a learning problem.

IV. Formulating a topic (working with a definition)

What words are called difficult?

Why were they called that: complex? (Put together from two words)

Give your example of a difficult word.

They give examples, highlight the roots, explain the meaning of words, select the same roots.

Retrieve new information.

They work in frontal mode.

Come to a common decision in joint activities.

Evaluate the correctness of the answers.

Work according to the plan, checking your actions against the goal.

V. Development of the ability to apply new knowledge.

1. Work on the textbook.

Exercise 122 - identification in the text of a word consisting of two roots.

What words did this word come from?

How many roots are there?

Write down this word and highlight the roots in it.

2. Determination of the place of complex words in a series of cognate words.

Exercise 123

In which group of one-root words there may be a word waterfall?

3. Group work.

(Work on cards)

Collective performance of the task with the motivation of the choice of the word.

Write out 2 groups of one-root words, isolate the roots.

Determine the lexical meaning of complex words, give an interpretation, highlight the roots.

Process the information received and extract new information.

Group work.

Ability to cooperate, negotiate and come to a common solution.

Realization of the value of joint activities.

Self-control and mutual control of the assignment in groups.

Work according to the plan, determine the degree of success of their work and the work of others.

VI. Summing up the results of the work. Reflection.

What new have you learned in the lesson today?

What are compound words? Dunno answered this question like this: "All incomprehensible words are called difficult." Pinocchio said that all long words are complex words. Afanasy: "Words with two roots are called compound words"

Which hero is right?

Self-assessment of work in the lesson.

To form the ability to generalize, draw conclusions, evaluate their work.

VII. Homework.

1. learn the rule

2. Compose a fairy tale about complex words.

Sequence of teacher actions Modeling a lesson - defining the main parameters of a lesson, including: clarification of the concept or technological idea of ​​teaching; correlating the goal of the lesson with the goals of the academic topic, determining the type and type of lesson Considering the requirements for a lesson according to the Federal State Educational Standard, the type of lesson of study and the primary consolidation of new knowledge; consolidation of new knowledge; complex application of ZUN; generalization and systematization of knowledge; check, assessment and correction of students' ZUN) Lesson type - reflects the leading teaching method.

The sequence of the teacher's actions Design is the development of the main components of the pedagogical process: tasks, content, methods, means, forms of educational activity. Design is the creation of lesson technology, i.e. systems of interaction between teacher and students. At the design stage, the teacher creates documents - a summary of the lesson and (or) a technological map, according to which he will work, solving the tasks and achieving the main result of education

Didactic structure of the lesson Flow chart of the lesson Outline of the lesson

The technological map of the lesson is a new type of methodological product that provides effective and high-quality teaching of academic subjects and the ability to achieve the planned results of mastering basic educational programs in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard. The technological map of the lesson is a method of graphical design of the lesson, a table that allows you to structure the lesson according to the parameters selected by the teacher.

1) The name of the stage of the lesson. 2) Objectives of the lesson stage. 3) The content of the stage. 4) Teacher activity. 5) Student activities. 6) Forms of work (individual, frontal, pair, group) 7) Result (formed by UUD, product). The structure of the WPS includes:

Topic: Objectives: Lesson flow: 1. Organizational moment 2. Checking homework 3. Review 4. Learning new material 5. Consolidation. 6 Lesson summary 7 Homework Traditional lesson outline structure

Characteristics of the technological map The essential characteristic of the technological map is the representation of the educational process at the level of technology - at the level of design and construction, including a description of the actions of the teacher and students (actions of goal-setting, organization, control and regulation). In the technological map of the lesson, the ways of achieving three groups of educational results should be determined: personal, metasubject subject)

Each teacher chooses the structural form of the technological map himself, based on his pedagogical preferences.

Option 1 Activity of the teacher Activity of students Cognitive Communicative Regulatory Actions taken Formable methods of activity Carried out actions Formable methods of activity Carried out actions Formable methods of activity 1st stage of the lesson "Setting the goal and objectives of the lesson" 2nd stage of the lesson "Actualization of knowledge". ... ...

Option 2 Lesson stage Teacher activity Student activity Methods, techniques, forms, teaching aids used Formable UUD Result of interaction (cooperation)

Option 3 Technology of conducting Students 'activities Teachers' activities Tasks for students Planned results of subject UUD Stage (time) Objectives:

Subject: Russian Class: 3G Lesson topic: Acquaintance with the concept of "compound words" Lesson type: Lesson in the discovery of new knowledge. Technological lesson map

Activity of a teacher Activity of students Cognitive Communicative Regulatory Actions taken Formable methods of activity Carried out actions Formable methods of activity Carried out actions Formable methods of activity 1st stage of the lesson “Organizational moment. Motivation for learning activities "1. Organizes the class, checks the landing at the desk. 2. Gives a positive attitude to the lesson. Educational and cognitive interest in this lesson, creating a situation of success and trust. They smile and touch each other with their palms. Managing partner behavior, willingness to build relationships with other people. They remember the rules of behavior, tune in to the lesson. Self-assessment of readiness for a lesson, emotional and psychological attitude.

Activity of the teacher Activity of students Cognitive Communicative Regulatory Actions taken Formable ways of activity Actions taken Formable methods of activity Carried out actions Formable methods of activity 2nd stage of the lesson "Actualization of what has been learned" 1. Organizes work on the learned spelling 2. Updates the knowledge necessary to understand a new topic. 2. Organizes work in pairs. 3. Organizes vocabulary work. They listen to a spelling tale, remember spelling. Give a complete description of the studied spelling and find them in the text. Interact with the teacher during the interview, carried out in the frontal mode. Ability to listen to the interlocutor, be ready to correct the answer and correct your mistake. Ability to cooperate. They check their work with the board, evaluate the work on the board. Work according to the plan, checking your actions against the goal, develop assessment criteria.

Activity of a teacher Activity of students Cognitive Communicative Regulatory Actions taken Formated methods of activity Actions taken Formated methods of activity Carried out actions Formated methods of activity 3rd stage of the lesson "Formulation of a problem question" 1. Creates a problem situation, leads to the formulation of a problem question Write down the word flycatcher. Allocate the root. Formulate an educational problem, build reasoning, prove your point of view. The whole class in the frontal mode listens to the statements of the students. Ability to enter into dialogue, express and substantiate your point of view. The accuracy of the answers is assessed. To be able to listen in accordance with the target setting, to supplement, clarify statements. Plan learning tasks.

Activity of the teacher Activity of students Cognitive Communicative Regulatory Actions taken Formable ways of activity Actions being taken Formable methods of activity Carried out actions Formable methods of activity 4th stage of the lesson "Finding a solution (discovering new knowledge)" 1. Organizes work on the lexical meaning of the word. 2. Asks to highlight the roots in the words from which this word was formed. 3. Leads children to the discovery of new knowledge - as the words, consisting of two roots are called. 4. Asks to read the definition and compare your answer with the author's wording. 1. Write on the board: flycatcher - catches flies, isolate roots 2. Put forward hypotheses. 3. They read the rule, solve the problem, discover new knowledge. Process information, build reasoning. Listen to students' answers. Formulate their thoughts, build a speech utterance. Participate in the discovery of new knowledge about the composition of the word. They control the correctness of the answers, correct, supplement, clarify. Draw up a plan for solving a learning problem.

Activity of a teacher Activity of students Cognitive Communicative Regulatory Actions taken Formable ways of activity Carried out actions Formable methods of activity Carried out actions Formable methods of activity 5th stage of the lesson "Formulation of the topic (work with definition)" 1. Helps to formulate the topic of the lesson. 2. Organizes work on the definition 3. Asks to give your examples of difficult words. They give examples, highlight the roots, explain the meaning of words, select the same roots. Retrieve new information. They work in frontal mode. Come to a common decision in joint activities. Evaluate the correctness of the answers. Work according to the plan, checking your actions against the goal.

Activity of the teacher Activity of students Cognitive Communicative Regulatory Actions taken Formable methods of activity Actions taken Formable methods of activity Carried out actions Formable methods of activity 6th stage of the lesson "Development of skills in the application of new knowledge" 1. Organizes work on new material according to the textbook 2. Organizes work to determine places of complex words in a row of one-root words 3. Organizes group work to consolidate the material. Determine the lexical meaning of complex words, give an interpretation, highlight the roots. Process the information received and extract new information. Find difficult words. Group work. Ability to cooperate, negotiate and come to a common solution. Realization of the value of joint activities. Self-control and mutual control of the assignment in groups. Work according to the plan, determine the degree of success of their work and the work of others.

Activity of the teacher2 Activity of students Cognitive Communicative Regulatory Actions taken Formable methods of activity Carried out actions Formable methods of activity Carried out actions Formable methods of activity 7th stage of the lesson “Summing up the results of work. Reflection. »1. Organizes the summing up of the results of the work in the lesson. 2. Asks you to rate your work using conventional symbols. Participate in the conversation. They check their knowledge gained in the lesson. Summarize knowledge about the studied material Draw signal circles, evaluate their work. To form the ability to generalize, draw conclusions, evaluate their work.

Activity of the teacher Activity of students Cognitive Communicative Regulatory Actions taken Formable ways of activities Carried out actions Formable methods of activity Carried out actions Formable methods of activity 8th stage of the lesson "Homework" 1. Learn rule 2. Compose a fairy tale about complex words.

Differences between the lesson outline and the technological map Lesson outline Flow chart Presentation means Text Graphic, symbolic What determines the content Requirements of programs, content of textbooks Requirements of the standard Activity methods Consciously Fixed, consciously Differentiation Group Individual Form of knowledge acquisition Individual Educational cooperation Teaching orientation Transfer of theoretical knowledge Personal orientation

The technological map will allow the teacher to: implement the planned results of the second generation FSES; systematically form students' universal learning actions; design an educational process for mastering the topic, taking into account the goal of mastering the course; in practice, implement interdisciplinary communications; carry out diagnostics of the achievement of the planned results by students at each stage of the development of the topic.

The use of a technological map provides conditions for improving the quality of education, since: the educational process for mastering a topic (section) is designed from goal to result; effective methods of working with information are used; a step-by-step independent educational, intellectual-cognitive and reflective activity of schoolchildren is organized; conditions are provided for the application of knowledge and skills in practice.

With the help of the technological map, it is possible to conduct not only a systemic, but also an aspect analysis of the lesson (tracing the map vertically). For example: the teacher's implementation of the goals of the lesson; the use of developmental methods, methods of enhancing the cognitive activity of students; implementation of assessment and control.


Only after careful preparation and assessment of the object to be dismantled. During the preparation process, a detailed technological map is drawn up, which allows you to record all stages of the upcoming work. The technological map is a kind of dismantling work plan. And in case of demolition of a complex object, you cannot do without such a map.

What is included in the technological map?

A technological map is a document that contains important information about the object, the upcoming dismantling work, as well as a kind of instruction for workers who will perform the process of dismantling or demolishing the object.

The standard flow chart lists the upcoming operations in detail, as well as signs a clear plan and sequence of work. In especially difficult cases when dismantling a large object, when it is necessary to repeat some operations many times, the frequency of operations is indicated in the technological map.

The technological map allows you to calculate in advance how long it will take to complete each operation and dismantle the facility as a whole. Also, this card indicates the tools and materials that will be needed for effective, high-quality and safe dismantling.

In what cases is a technological map required?

Without a technological map, it is impossible to perform a high-quality dismantling of a structure or other object. Detailed instructions are important in case of excessive complexity of the upcoming operations, in the presence of controversial decisions during dismantling, as well as if it is necessary to clearly define the time, money and labor costs for the upcoming work.

For each individual object, its own technological map is drawn up. Sometimes for similar models of objects similar technological maps can be compiled. However, in any case, this type of documentation is drawn up taking into account the nuances of the upcoming work and is approved by the head of the enterprise that will carry out the dismantling.

Technological maps are drawn up not only for dismantling, but also for many other types of construction work. They are developed by construction companies, as well as specialized institutes. In addition, such cards are issued even by factories that produce building materials.

This type of documentation offers the most rational method for performing various construction works, including dismantling. In the technological map, the worker's action plan is clearly and accessible. If you pass any point, the dismantling or construction process will be of poor quality and even unsafe. Therefore, we can say that the technological map is designed for training and monitoring the actions of workers.

Technological maps allow you to dismantle correctly, efficiently, safely, in the shortest possible time and with the involvement of the required number of workers.

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