The game is a grasshopper for kids. Outdoor games in physical education lessons

Elena Chuvilina

Outdoor game "Jump Grasshoppers"

The aim of the game. To teach to jump on the spot on two legs, to teach children to jump forward, to look for the hidden.

Material. A flower, a picture - a grasshopper in the grass, painted grasshoppers on paper.

Game progress

Children sit in a semicircle on the carpet. The teacher shows a picture of a drawn grasshopper, tells the children how he jumps, how beautiful, green he is, sits in the grass and chirps merrily. Then the teacher explains to the children that grasshoppers need to be protected, that they cannot be offended, caught and destroyed. First, the teacher reads an excerpt from K. Chukovsky's poem "Fly - Tsokotukha", and then the children repeat after him.

And the grasshopper, and the grasshopper,

Well, just like a man

Dap, Dap, Dap, Dap

For the bush,

Under the bridge

And silence!

Then he explains to the children how grasshoppers jump and invites them to play. The teacher, waving a flower, says: "Grasshoppers, download!" Children first begin to jump in place on both legs, and then jump forward to the teacher who hugs them and praises them. Then all together, repeating the poem, go to the other end of the room. There, in different places (on a chair, under a box, in a basket, against a wall, and so on) are hidden drawings depicting grasshoppers. Then the children look for these pictures and, having found them, go up to the teacher and talk about the painted grasshoppers. At the request of the children, the game is repeated.

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The players are divided into groups of 8-10 people and stand in a circle in different places of the site (hall). In the center of each circle is the driver with a flag in his raised hand (the flags are of a different color). At the first signal, everyone, except those holding the flags, scatter around the site, at the second signal, they squat down and close their eyes, turning away from the drivers. Children with flags change places on the playground. At the command of the teacher "All to your flags!" the players open their eyes, look for their flag, run and build around it. The team that forms the circle the fastest wins.

A defeat is counted if the team's players spied when the drivers changed places. You can invite those who play to music or singing to move in a column behind the teacher, repeating various movements, and after the signal, take a place near your flag.

    "Two frosts"

Parallel straight lines are drawn at a distance of 3-4 steps from the end lines of the site. The enclosed spaces are "houses". All players, except for two drivers, are located behind one of the lines, "in the house". Drivers - in the center of the site. At the signal, they speak loudly:

We are two young brothers

Two frosts are remote:

I am a frost red nose

I am a frost blue nose.

Which one of you will decide

To set off on a path-path?

The children answer in unison:

We are not afraid of threats

And we are not afraid of frost.

After that, they run across to the opposite side of the site.

Drivers catch up by touching them with their hand. The hardened players stop. The rest of the children gather in the "house". The leader marks the players detained by the "frost" and lets them go to the "house" to the rest of the children. The game continues. After a while, other "frosts" are assigned. The best "frosts" are those who "hurt" the players more. It is forbidden to push each other. Those who run out of the "home" cannot go back. Drivers are not allowed to touch players who are behind the "home line"


The driver is appointed - "tag". He takes a bright handkerchief in his hand and stands in the center of the platform; the rest are located on the site. At the signal, the driver raises his handkerchief up and says: "I am a tag." After that, the driver tries to catch up and touch the players. The player touched by the driver becomes a "tag", a handkerchief is given to him, the former "tag" becomes an ordinary player. The new driver should raise his hand up and say: "I am a tag." You cannot immediately touch the former driver. When taking into account the results of the game, the role of the first "tag" is not taken into account.

    "Jumping Little Sparrows"

A large circle is drawn (the place where the "grains" are scattered) 5 - 8m in diameter. The playing - "sparrows", are located behind a circle. The driver - "big bird" - stands in the center of the circle.

Sparrows, jumping on one leg, then jump in, then jump out of the circle. A large bird, running in a circle, does not allow the sparrows to collect grains and "pecks" them, touching them with a hand. The sparrow, which was pecked by a large bird, continues to play. Sparrows try to stay in the circle as long as possible, dodging the big bird. The leader marks those sparrows that she touched with her hand. The most dexterous are those whom she never touched with her hand. You can only change legs after three jumps. The driver can only touch other players within the circle. Duration of the game up to 30 seconds.

    "Hares in the garden"

There are 2 circles in the hall - a large (8-12 m) - a vegetable garden and a small (ø 2-4 m) - a watchman's house, in it - a leading watchman. Hares are located behind a large circle. At the signal, the hares jump in a circle, trying to jump and jump out of the garden. The watchman runs around the garden and tries to catch a hare. Those caught are taken to the house. 3-4 caught, and the driver is selected again. Only on a signal all actions. It is not allowed to stand behind the line (on the spot), and if the hare, jumping, stepped into the line of the house, then he remains there.

    "Fishing rod"

All players stand in a circle, and the driver - in the center of the circle with a rope in his hands. He rotates the string so that the bag slides on the floor, making circle after circle under the feet of the players. They closely monitor the movements of the bag, jump so that it does not hit any of them. Anyone who touches a bag or rope becomes the center and becomes the leader. A player is considered caught if the rope touches his leg below the ankle. Players are not allowed to approach the driver while jumping. The player who touched the rope raises his hand up. He brings a penalty point to his team. The score is pronounced loudly after every mistake. The winner is the team that received after 3-4 minutes. fewer penalties

    "Who is accurate?"

The two teams line up on the sideline of the court. A line is drawn in front of the players' socks from which the throw is made. Players of one of the teams are given a small ball. In front of the line, at a distance of 6m from the throwing line and parallel to it, 5 towns of the same color are placed in a row, with intervals of 1-2 steps, 5 towns of the same color, 5 - another, alternately. Towns of the same color are assigned to each team. At the signal, the teams take turns throwing balls into the towns "in one gulp". Each shot down town of its own color is moved one step further. An alien knocked-down town moves a step closer. The team that managed to move the towns as far as possible wins (the total number of steps to each pin is taken into account). The knocked-down towns are set in place, the opposing team picks up the balls

    « Relay of animals "

The players are divided into 3-4 teams, stand in a column one after another, and are calculated in numerical order. The teacher gives each number a name. For example; "First-Bears", "Second-Foxes", "Third-Wolves". And. etc. Then the teacher calls any "Beast" - "Bears" "Bears" of all teams run to the flags, run around them and return to their places. The one who comes running first brings a point to his team. Then another "Beast" is called, and so on until all the players are called. The team with the most points wins.

    "The ball - to the driver" (center)

The class is divided into 3-4 teams, and is built in circles of equal diameter. The center of each circle is marked with a small circle in which the driver with a volleyball is standing. At the signal of the teacher, the drivers begin to throw the ball to their players in turn and receive it back. Having received the ball from the last player, the driver lifts the ball up. Another driver enters the center of the circle, and the game continues. The team wins. who finished the pass first without dropping the ball.

The team with the fewest drops will be awarded the point that wins.

    "Race of balls in a circle"

The players stand in a circle, facing the center. Two players standing in a circle opposite each other are given a volleyball or medicine ball (preferably of a different color). At the signal, children begin to pass the balls to the right (left) side, trying to ensure that one ball overtakes the other. The players stand in a circle, facing the center. Two players standing in a circle opposite each other are given a volleyball or medicine ball (preferably of a different color).

At the signal, children begin to pass the balls to the right (left) side, trying to ensure that one ball overtakes the other.

    "The ball to the catcher"

The players are divided into two teams, each team has one catcher, who stand in a circle on the opposite side of the court. The catcher can jump in the circle, but not leave the circle. The game starts at the signal. The players, having taken possession of the ball, try to give the ball to their "trap", if he caught the ball, then the team gets one point, the players are not allowed to enter the circle to the catcher. For foul play or violation of the rules, a free throw is given at a distance of 6 steps from the catcher. The winner is the team that gets the most points in a certain time. If the catcher catches the ball from the bounce, or leaves the circle during the catch, the ball does not count.

    « Hunters and ducks "

Children, holding hands, form a circle. They are calculated on the "first-second" and are divided into two teams. 1 - "hunters", 2 - "ducks". The ducks stand in the center of the circle. Hunters remain in their places in a circle, retreat 2 steps back. A line is drawn along their socks. Hunters try to hit the ducks with a ball. Anyone touched by the ball is exited from the circle. When 2-3 ducks remain in the center, the teams change places. The team that "shot" all the ducks the fastest wins. Children, holding hands, form a circle. They are calculated on the "first-second" and are divided into two teams. 1 - "hunters", 2 - "ducks". The ducks stand in the center of the circle. Hunters remain in their places in a circle, retreat 2 steps back. A line is drawn along their socks. Hunters try to hit the ducks with a ball. Anyone touched by the ball is exited from the circle. When 2-3 ducks remain in the center, the teams change places. The winner is the team that "shot" all the ducks the fastest

    "Calling numbers"

The players form a large circle and stand in small circles drawn in advance. The leader counts the children in fives and invites them to remember their numbers. The driver stands in the center of the large circle. Then the leader calls the numbers in any order (from one to five). Players, whose numbers are named, are obliged to switch places. The driver tries to take the vacant seat, after which he receives the number of this player. Left without a seat leads. The winners are those who were the least of all drivers (the first driver does not count).


The players are divided into two teams and line up in the right corners of the court near the side lines. Players in front receive a basketball and stand at the endlines. At the command, everyone runs forward, hitting the ball on the floor, reaching the backboard, throwing the ball into the backboard, then returning dribbling the ball, to the middle of the field, from the center line they throw the next player. This player does everything the same as the first one, so do the others. The team that finishes the relay faster wins.

    "Fight for the ball"

Two teams are freely located on the site with clearly marked boundaries. At the direction of the head, one of the players, standing in the middle of the site, throws the ball up. Following this, the players of each team try to take possession of the ball by throwing it between themselves and intercepting the ball from the opponent. Everyone can run freely around the site. The player who catches the ball from the air scores one point for his team. The team with the most points within the allotted time (3-8 minutes) wins. You cannot hold the ball for more than 3 seconds, do more than two steps with the ball, kick the ball, push the players and touch them with your hands, pull the ball out of your hands, otherwise the ball goes to the other team. It is allowed to knock the ball out of the hands by hitting the palm.

    "Quickly to your places!"

The players are built in a column (line) one by one or in a circle. At the exclamation "For a walk," the children scatter and begin to play on their own, whoever wants what. On the second exclamation "Quickly to your places!" players should take their places as soon as possible. The participants in the game, who took their places last, play. The game is repeated in the same order. After the exclamation "For a walk!" you can't stay in your place. When returning to your seat, you must not push.

    "Crucian carp and pike"

On one side of the site there are "crucians", in the middle - "pike" At a signal, the crucians run across to the other side of the site, the pike catches them. The pike stand behind the seine and lie in wait for them. When the caught carp will be (8-9), baskets are formed - circles through which the carp should run. The pike, located at the exit from the peaks, catches them Who will be caught last is the winner. OPTION: there are two pikes in the game. On one side of the site there are "crucians", in the middle - "pike" At a signal, the crucians run across to the other side of the site, the pike catches them. The pike stand behind the seine and lie in wait for them. When the caught carp will be (8-9), baskets are formed - circles through which the carp should run. The pike, located at the exit from the peaks, catches them Who will be caught last is the winner. OPTION: there are two pikes in the game.

eighteen."Transferred - sit down "

The players are divided into two equal teams and line up in columns one by one. Having received the ball, the captains throw it to the next player of their team. He also, having received the ball, throws it back to the captain and sits down in his place, when the last player, having thrown the ball to the captain, sits down, and, having caught the ball, the captain raises his hands with the ball up. The team that finished the ball throw earlier wins. The player who does not catch the ball must run after him, return to his place, and then throw it to the captain.

    "Hit the ball"

Training. To play, you need one volleyball and tennis balls in an amount equal to half of the participants. The players are divided into two teams and line up on opposite sides of the site at a distance of 18-20 m from each other. Lines are drawn in front of the players' toes, and a volleyball is placed in the middle of the court. Players of one team (by lot) receive a small ball.

The content of the game. At the signal from the head, the players throw the ball into the volleyball, trying to roll it back to the opposing team. Players from the other team collect the thrown balls and, upon a signal, also throw them into the volleyball, trying to roll it back. So, alternately the teams throw the balls set. The team that managed to roll the ball beyond the line of the opposite team wins.

Rules of the game: 1. If during the game a volleyball ball rolls out to the side of the players, it is placed in the area of ​​the court on the same line. 2. In this case, the volleyball is fired from both sides at the same time. 3. Each ball driven behind the enemy's line brings the team one point.

    "The ball to a neighbor"

The players stand in a circle at a distance of 1 step from each other. The driver is chosen, who stands behind the circle. One of the players is given the ball. At the signal, the ball is passed in a circle (in any direction), and the driver, running around the circle, tries to touch the ball with his hand. If it succeeds, then it changes with the player who had the ball. The new driver stands outside the circle near the player with the ball. The game lasts 8 minutes. The winner is the one who has never been in the role of the host (except for the first).

Players change with the driver in case of touching the ball with a hand, dropping the ball or passing through one. It is forbidden for the driver to push the players.

    "Penguins with a ball"

Teams line up in columns on the starting line. The first numbers squeeze a volleyball or a stuffed ball between the knees. In this position, he must reach the flag standing at 10 m, go around it and go back .. THE FIRST OPTION is moving with a step. SECOND = RUN. THE THIRD - JUMP. The player who finishes the exercise and passes the ball to the next one stands on the horses of the column. If the ball falls, you need to pick it up and continue moving again.

    "Ball in a circle"

The players line up in two semicircles. The first players have the ball. At the signal of the teacher, the ball is passed from hand to hand. The last one, having received the ball, hits it on the floor and passes it back. The team that completed the pass first wins.

    "Passing balls in columns"

The players stand in columns one at a time, at arm's length, legs apart. Each column is a team. Column guides receive the balls. At the signal of the teacher, the ball is passed over the head. When the ball reaches the last player, everyone turns, bouncing. Round and round, passing the ball back in the same way. After the director receives the ball again, everyone turns around again. Now, in a similar way, the ball is passed between the legs, then to the side; right and left. The team that finishes passing the ball faster than others in all four ways wins.

    "The ball into the goal"

Purpose of the game: to teach how to hit the ball in motion.

Players are divided into 2 teams. 1 team - forwards, 2 - defenders. A gate is placed in front of the attackers. At the signal, the attacker starts the game. With a kick, the player kicks the ball into the center of the field, and he himself runs along the field to the opposite side. The rest of the players try to score the ball into the goal from the serve. If they manage to score the ball before the server reaches the line, they will earn their team a point. If not, the point goes to the opposing team. The second player does the same. In the end, the team with the most points wins. The next time the teams change positions.

    « Linear relay "

The players stand up like the spokes of a wheel, turning their right or left side to the center of the circle,in diverging ranks. Each line is a team. The players standing furthest from the center of the circle are holding a relay baton in their right hand. At the signal of the teacher, these players run forward along the formation circle and, returning to their team from the other side, pass the baton to the next player in the right hand. and they themselves stand at the other end of their line. Those who received the baton run in the same way and. etc. The first number, having taken over the baton, raises it to the top with an exclamation "THERE IS!" The team that completes the sprint wins first. While running around the circle, you must not touch the extreme standing in the teams.

    "Snipers" ("Right on target")

The participants in the game are lined up in one line and are calculated for the first - second. The first numbers are one team "Blue", the second "Red". In front of the players' socks, a line is drawn beyond, which cannot be entered when throwing the ball. At 6 meters from this line and parallel to it, they are placed in a row at a distance of one step from one another, alternating with five towns of two colors. According to the color of the towns, the teams are given a name. At the signal of the teacher, the teams take turns in one gulp (all players at the same time) throw balls into the towns from a standing, kneeling or prone position. Each shot down town of its own color is moved one step further, and the downed town of the enemy team is moved one step closer. The winning team is the team that managed to move their goals further during several throws. The thrown balls are picked up by the players of the other team. Downed townships are being replaced by a teacher's assistant

    "Column ball race" ("Column throw")

2-3 teams of 6-8 people are formed, they stand in columns one by one at a distance of 4 steps from one another. Those standing in front in their hands on a volleyball or basketball. At the signal, the ball starts passing to the one standing behind with two hands behind the head. When the ball reaches the last, he runs forward with the ball (everyone takes a step back), becomes the first and passes the ball back from above, etc. The game continues until each of the team players is first.

    "Transferred - sit down" ("Transferred - gone")

Two columns of players stand at a distance of 3-4 steps from one another. The distance between the players is the length of outstretched arms, laid on the shoulders in front of the standing. In 5-6 steps in front of the column, a line is drawn, for which one representative from the team enters - the captains.

At the signal, the captains pass the ball (with two hands from the chest or in another way) to the first player of his team, who catches it and returns it, immediately assuming a crouched position. The captain throws the ball with the second, third and other players of the team. Everyone who made a return pass squats. When the last player in the column gives the ball to the captain, he lifts it up and the whole team quickly stands up. The team that finished the passes earlier without breaking the rules wins.

You can complicate the game by adding dribbling. In this case, the last player in the column, having received the ball, runs with him, hitting the ground, behind the line and takes the place of the captain, and he takes the place of the captain, and he is at the head of the column (everyone takes half a step back).

The game ends when the captain, being the last in the column, receives the ball and returns with it behind the line. It is important that there is the same distance between the captain and the column in both teams, for which a line is drawn on the ground.

    "Don't give the ball to the driver"

One of the players is the driver. The rest of the players are placed on the court in random order and, while running, throw a basketball ball to one another. The driver is trying to get hold of the ball. From the place where he managed to catch the ball, he throws it at any player.

In the event of a hit, the player becomes the driver, and the former driver participates in the game on an equal basis with everyone. Players with fewer driver roles wins.

    "Ball school"

In this game, exercises are performed in order of increasing difficulty. We need a small rubber ball. In the courtyard, you can set up a stand that shows the sequence of exercises. Here are some of them:

- Throw the ball up and catch it first with two hands, then only with the right, then with the left.

- Throw the ball up, sit down, touch your toes with your fingers, then get up and catch the ball first with two hands, then only with one.

- Toss the ball overhead from right to left and back.

- Throw the ball high up, bounce around in the air, and catch the ball with both hands.

- Leaning forward, throw the ball between your legs and straighten up to catch it in front.

- Throw the ball up, sit on the floor and catch it without getting up, throw the ball up again, stand up and catch it.

A number of exercises can be done against a wall if there is one outside.

- Throw the ball against the wall and catch it with twists, squats, etc.

- The player hits the ball on the ground with a strong throw so that it hits the wall and bounces off it towards the player who must catch the ball.

    "Hare homeless" ("Hare without a den")

Players are settled in threes (fours or fives). Two players join hands, a "hare" stands between them. Two drivers are selected - "hunter" and "hare". All players are evenly distributed across the court.
At the signal, the "hunter" begins to catch the "hare", which runs away from him. Fleeing from pursuit, the "hare" runs into someone's "house". The owner of the "house" is forced to run away from the "hunter" himself. If the "hunter" manages to touch the escaper, then they change roles.

Rules: 1) you cannot run through the "house"; 2) the person standing in the “house” must immediately run out to make way for the “new hare”; a lingering "hare" can be stained; 3) it is impossible to prevent the "hare" from running into the "house".

Standing in pairs well, but change with those who run away, having established a rule, it is imperative to replace the one who has come running by the players who form the “house”. One should not be allowed to catch one pair of players for a long time.

Options: 1) move "houses" around the site; 2) close "houses" on a signal.

The game helps to improve the speed of reaction, orientation, dexterity, fosters resourcefulness, decisiveness.

    "Relay with balls"

Number of players: 20-30 people.
Place and inventory: hall; 4–6 balls, the same number of clubs.

The players are divided into four to six teams, which are located in columns behind the starting line. At a distance of 4–6 m from the start line, a club is placed in a circle opposite each team. A ball is placed in front of each team.

At the signal, the first players throw or roll the ball on the floor, trying to hit them with the mace. Then they quickly run after the ball and return it to the second player. The fallen mace is placed in a circle. The second player repeats the actions of the first. The team gets a point for the knocked down mace. The team that finishes the relay earlier (for which it receives 10 points) and knocks more clubs wins, i.e. score more points.

Rules: 1) you can shoot down a mace only in the specified way; 2) when throwing, do not step over the line; 3) players must not be prevented from picking up their ball or mace; 4) it is not allowed to throw the ball to the next player before reaching the start line,

The game improves throwing skills, develops dexterity and accuracy of movements.

33 "Moving lasso" (Zhylzhymaly lasso)

The players stand in a circle. One of the players, holding on to one end of the lasso, stands in the center of the circle, and the other (leading), having tied a stick to the other end of the lasso, walks in a circle. Players must jump over the lasso without touching it. A player who could not jump the lasso is eliminated from the game, stands in a circle and shows what he is capable of (sings, dances, reads poetry, etc.)

34. "Rope underfoot"

The player (fisherman) with a "fishing rod" (rope or rope) stands in the center of the hall. The rest are in a circle (5-6 steps). Crouching down, the "fisherman" rotates the "rod" around him, and the players jump around it. The salted ones receive a penalty point or become a “fisherman”.

Option: Relay "Rope underfoot"

Two teams are placed in columns one by one. In front of them (2 m) is the start line. Near the line are the first numbers with short skipping ropes in their hands. At the teacher's signal, they run forward, run around the rack (15-20 m from the start line) and come back, where the second numbers are already waiting for them. The first number gives the second one end of the rope and they, moving along the sides of the column, hold the rope under the feet of the players. The players jump, then the 1st number goes to the end of the column, and the 2nd runs to the rack, runs around it and with the third player leads the rope, etc. the team that finishes the sprints earlier wins.

35 "Burners"

36. Team Relay

Venue: area around the school.

Game description: participants are divided into two teams. Then both teams inspect the terrain along which the relay path will pass, as well as the obstacles that they will need to overcome. If possible, a judge is appointed at each stage. After that, the teams carry out a toss, and one of the teams goes to the start. The finish is determined by the last player. Then the second team starts. The results of both teams are recorded using a stopwatch and are compared at the end of the relay, taking into account the penalty points.

The obstacles in the relay are determined taking into account the sports equipment located on the site.

The team runs between the obstacles.

37. "Fox Hunt"

Location: the game is played near the school or in any limited area.

Description of the game: all participants are divided into 2 teams, after which a draw is held. One of the teams becomes "hunters", the other - "foxes". At the signal of the teacher, the "foxes" run away and hide in the area. In 30-40 seconds “hunters” run after them. The task of the “hunters” is to catch up or find the “fox”, to grease it and lead it by the hand to the “hunting lodge”. The game ends when the “hunters” have caught all the “foxes”.


    team members “foxes” put on bibs;

    hunters "are in the so-called" hunting lodge "and always stand with their backs to the" foxes ";

    the starting line for the fox team is 5-10 meters from the hunting lodge;

    foxes ”are prohibited: to go beyond the boundary lines (fence, etc.), climb trees, hide in the school building and refuse to go with the“ hunters ”if he was bitten. In all these cases, the “fox” player is penalized with penalty points and is considered caught;

    hunters "are prohibited from fighting the" fox "if she does not want to go. In this case, you need to run to the start line and call the number of the “fox” that broke the rules;

    if the “hunter” has bitten the “fox”, then he needs to take her by the hand and bring her to the “hunting lodge”. You can also transfer the "fox" to another "hunter" and then run on to "hunt" yourself. In the same way, you can transfer the number of the “fox” that broke the rules;

    the winner is the team that, being a team of “hunters”, has caught all the “foxes” in less time;

    Penalty points are converted into seconds and deducted from the time spent on catching the “foxes” by the opposing team.

38. "Balapandar" ("Hen with Chickens")

The game involves a mother chicken, little chickens and a predatory kite that hunts them (this role is played by an adult host). First, a mother chicken with chickens bask in the sun, splash around the pond, look for worms in a clearing, etc. Suddenly a bird of prey swoops in and tries to steal the chickens. The chicken mom has to shelter, hide her children, gather them together and protect them from danger. You can use a large piece of cloth for children to hide under. A kite cannot steal a hidden chicken. When all the chickens are hidden, the kite is circling menacingly over them for some time, and then flies away. The chicken mother releases her children from the shelter, and they frolic in the clearing again. In subsequent games, the role of the mother-hen and the kite can be assigned to other, especially “problem” children.

39. "Catching up on the march" ("Who will overtake?")

Training. The players are located along one of the walls of the hall. They are divided into fives and hold hands. These are commands.

The content of the game. The task of the teams is, at the signal of the teacher, jumping on one leg, to reach the line drawn in front of them in ten steps.

Then the teams turn and jump in the opposite direction.

The first team to reach the border wins. The game can be complicated by giving the task to jump on one leg, and the other, bending, to hold the ankle joint.

Rules of the game: 1. You cannot stand on both legs. 2. Players must not disengage their hands. 3. In case of violation of the rules, the team is awarded a defeat.

40. "Climbers"

Training. Two teams of "climbers" line up in ranks facing the gymnastic wall 6-7 m away from it. Between the first players and the gymnastic wall, gymnastic benches are installed, turned upside down. At the extreme spans of the walls, gymnastic mats are laid.

The content of the game. At a signal from the teacher, the first players begin to move along the rail of the gymnastic bench, move to the gymnastic wall, climb onto it, move along the wall to the extreme span and go down. The height of the rise on the wall is indicated in advance by the teacher (marked with a ribbon, a flag). When descending from the gymnastic wall, the player has the right to jump from the rail, located at a height of no more than 70-75 cm, into a circle with a diameter of 40 cm, marked with chalk on the mat. Having landed, the player gets up last in his line. The second players start moving on the gymnastic bench immediately after the landing of the previous "climber".

The winner is the team that managed to finish the relay faster than the others and made fewer mistakes than the other team.

Rules of the game: 1. Premature movement on the bench rail is prohibited. 2. The player must not lose balance. 3. You can not jump from a height exceeding the one indicated by the teacher. 4. Inaccurate landing is also prohibited. For every mistake the player is punished with a penalty point.

41. "Catch - drop" ("Catch - drop")

On purpose and character repeats the game "".

On the playground, children form a circle, standing at arm's length from each other. In the center of the circle is a teacher who, in turn, throws the ball to the children, and then catches it from them, while pronouncing the rhyme:

"Catch, throw,
Don't let it fall! .. "

The teacher says the text slowly so that during this time the child has time to catch and throw the ball back.

The game starts from a short distance (radius of a circle is 1 m), and then gradually this distance increases to 2-2.5 m.

The teacher notes the children who have never dropped the ball.

42. "Snake" ("Swipe the ball")

Purpose of the game: learning to dribble the ball (with feet, stick, hands), avoiding obstacles, developing dexterity and coordination of movements.

A line is drawn on the playground. Perpendicular to it, 8-10 objects are placed in a row (pins, cubes, pegs driven into the ground, etc.) at a distance of 1 m from each other.

At the signal or command of the educator, the child must dribble the ball with his foot from the line, bypassing all objects with a "snake", now to the right, then to the left, without losing the ball or knocking down a single object.

The winner is the player who passes the "snake" without mistakes.

Game option:

you can make two identical "snake" lines at a distance of 2 m from each other and hold a speed competition between two participants at the same time;

the child will lead a small ball from the line with a club, bypassing the objects of the "snake";

the player will dribble the ball from the line, bypassing all the objects of the "snake", while striking it on the floor or ground.

43. "Seine" (Yakut game)

Purpose of the game: teaching the basic types of movement (walking, running, jumping), strengthening the musculoskeletal system, developing dexterity.

The playground is a "lake". Two drivers with a "seine" walk along it (holding a stretched rope, rope, cord by the ends). They try to drive into the "seine" other playing children - "fish" who are trying to escape from the "seine" by jumping over it. The “fishes” who did not have time to jump over the “seine” or who hit it at the moment of the jump are eliminated from the game, and the drivers begin a new run with the “seine” across the playing area.

The rules of the game: the "seine" must move at the same height all the time. It is strictly forbidden to lift the "seine" while jumping, which can lead to injury.

The game ends when all the "fish" are caught.

44. "Throw and catch" ("4 throws")

Purpose of the game: learning to throw and catch the ball in a playful way, develop the child's dexterity and coordination.

On the playground, between two vertical posts or two trees, a rope is pulled at the height of the child's raised arms. The teacher explains and shows how to throw the ball over the rope, run after it under the rope and catch it without letting it touch the ground. Once you catch the ball, you can throw it from the other side and catch it again. 1-3 children can play at the same time, and then pass the ball to other children. The teacher observes and notes successful throws and catch of the ball.

Variant of the game: at the line at a distance of 1-1.5 m from the rope, children stand in columns, divided into 2-3 teams with an equal number of players. The game itself is carried out in the form of a relay race: the first child throws the ball, catches up, catches it. Then he returns at a run, passes to the next player, and he himself stands at the end of the column.

45. "Salki"

The classic children's ball game. All children run freely around the playground, and the driver tries to hit the players with the ball. The "scorched" player leaves the game and leaves the field of the court. The game continues until there is only one “unwashed” player left. It is he who becomes the winner. It is important to warn children about safety before playing. You cannot throw the ball very hard. We must try not to get into the heads of other players. Violation of this rule is "punishable" by a fine: the presenter leaves the site, and another driver is chosen

46. ​​"Heron and frogs" (Ukrainian game)

According to the counting, the driver is chosen - "heron". The rest are "frogs". While the "heron" is asleep (standing, leaning forward, resting his hands on his feet), the rest of the players jump on their haunches, depicting "frogs". Suddenly the "heron" wakes up, utters a cry and begins to catch the "frogs". The soldier replaces the "frog". Play 5-6 times.

47. "Grasshoppers" (Belarusian game)

In the middle of the site, draw a circle of such a size that all the "grasshoppers" can freely fit in it. Then the "starling" is chosen according to the counting-out - the driver. "Starling" stands in a circle, "grasshoppers" - behind a circle. The "starling", leaving the circle, begins to catch the "grasshoppers", moving in any way: on one leg, on crossed legs, "goose step", etc. All "grasshoppers" should move in the same way as the driver. When the "starling" catches the "grasshopper", he leads him into a circle and remains there himself. "Grasshopper" becomes a "starling", but moves in a different way. The game ends when all players are in a circle.

48. "Shtander"

The driver throws the ball up and shouts out the name of one of the players: “Shtander! Igor! " Everyone, except for the one whose name the driver shouted out, scatter. The one who was shouted by the driver catches the ball on the fly or picks it up from the ground and tries to hit one of the fleeing players with it. Having caught the ball on the fly, the player has the right, in turn, to shout: "Shtander!" Everyone should stop, and the player can easily aim and "stain" the nearest player. The Tainted One is eliminated from the game or is awarded penalty points.

49. "Mousetrap"

The players are divided into two unequal subgroups: the smaller one (about 1 third of the players) forms a circle - a "mousetrap". The rest - "mice" are located outside the circle. The players - "mousetrap" - join hands, raise their hands up, forming a collar. The "mice" begin to run into and out of the "mousetrap". Children forming a "mousetrap" pronounce the words:

Oh, how tired the mice are

Their passion is simply divorced!

They gnawed everything, everyone ate,

They climb everywhere. Here's the attack!

Beware, cheats,

We will get to you.

Here we put the mousetraps,

Let's catch everyone now!

At the last words, the children give up, the "mousetrap" slams shut. Those who do not have time to run out of the circle are considered caught and stand in a circle - a "mousetrap".

The presenter stands in front of the participants in the game. They follow his hands and accurately copy all the movements he makes, except for one - the forbidden one, which is agreed upon before the start of the game. (For example, it is forbidden to put your hands down. If someone after the leader drops his hands, he becomes the leader). Correctly you need to raise your hands up.

51. "Sun and Moon"

The participants of the game gather on the playground and choose two captains. The captains step aside and quietly agree which of them will be "month" and who will be "sun". The rest of the players stand in a column one at a time and put both hands on the shoulders of the one in front of them, or hold hands, or take him by the belt. The "sun" and "month" come up to the players, hold hands and, raising them high, represent the gate. The players sing a song:

Shala, there was a grouse,

She walked, she walked speckled,

She walked in a meadow

She led the children around:

Older, younger,

Medium, large.

With this song, the players walk in a chain through the gate. “Sun” and “month”, lowering their hands, stop the last player and quietly ask: “Who are you going to - to the“ sun ”or to the“ month ”?”. The player answers who he will go to, and stands in the direction of the "sun" or "month". The game continues. At the end of the game, you need to calculate who has more players - the "sun" or "month".

This game can also be used as a way of dividing into teams for a more complex outdoor game.

52. "Aydahar"

Students, standing in a row by height, are divided into groups of 8-10 people. They are located in the corners of the playground, holding on to the waist in front of the person standing. Each column is an air beast Aydahar. According to Chinese legend, Aydahar's head eats its own tail. At the signal of the teacher, the players who are the first, without breaking away from the main mass, begin to run with turns to the right and left, trying to catch the last player. If someone succeeds, then he becomes the second, and the game continues on. When for a long time the "head" cannot catch the "tail", then it swaps places with the second player in the column. The game continues until all the children have been in the role of "head" or "tail".

53. "Manage to Escape"

Purpose of the game: to teach to combine fast running in a straight line with a sharp turn.

On opposite sides of the playing court, 2 parallel lines are drawn at a distance of 40 meters. A visual reference point (flag, pin, etc.) is set in the middle of the platform. Players are divided into 2 teams and are located on opposite lines. At the signal of the teacher, the players who are the first in their ranks run to the flag and everyone tries to quickly grab it and return to their place. The one who did not get the flag must catch up with the owner of the flag, touch him with his hands and take away the flag, for which he receives a point. The game continues until all the players in the teams have run.

54. "Touch the Bear"

Purpose: to teach to overcome fear and develop dexterity.

Children choose 1 "bear" and one "owner". They hold onto the 2 ends of a 1-meter rope. The "bear" is sitting on a stool, and the "owner" is standing nearby. The rest of the players form a circle around them. At a signal from the teacher, the players standing along the circle begin to touch the "bear" with their hands one at a time in turn. And the "owner" protects him, trying to touch the players with his hands. If he got the player without letting go of the end of the rope, then the player leaves the game and steps aside. And if the player touches the "bear", then he changes places with the owner and continues the game. The "bear" sits on the stool not indifferently, and also tries to catch the players and switch places with him. The game continues until all players have been in the role of "bear" or "master".

55. "Good morning, hunter!"

Purpose of the game: to teach to run fast, being as close as possible to a certain circle.

Players choose one "hunter", and the rest join hands, forming a large circle, and read poetry.

The sun is shining brightly

The air is warm.

And where you don't look

Everything around is light.

The meadow is dazzling

Bright flowers,

Doused with gold

Dark sheets.

The forest slumbers: not a sound -

Lit rustles in a dream,

Only a lark

The air rings.

After these words, the "hunter" walking along the outer side of the circle comes up to one of the players and touches his shoulder. He turns to face him and shakes hands with him. Then they run in different directions in order to be the first to run to the vacant place in the circle. Having met face to face, they suddenly stop, shake hands and continue running. Whoever is left without a place continues the game as a "hunter".

56. Jump First

Purpose of the game: To compete in the duration of jumps on one leg.

Players choose 2 judges. The rest are divided into 2 teams and stand on opposite lines, the distance between which is 12-18 meters. The judges are in the middle. At the command of the referee, the players of each team begin jumping on one leg. Towards each other. When they meet in the middle, without lowering their feet, they shake hands and immediately continue jumping further in order to be the first to come to the vacant place of the enemy. The first to arrive gets 1 point. After that, the next couples compete. The game continues until all players measure their strength. At the end of the game, the referees will calculate the points and determine the winning team. The game is repeated 2-3 times.

57. "Catch Up"

Purpose: to teach to run, keeping a distance, in a straight line in a row of three.

The teacher chooses 2 people to judge. One is at the start, the other is at the finish. The rest of the students, of their choice, are united by 3 people and stand on the starting line of the treadmill. From it, the second line is drawn 3 meters away, and the finish line is 60 meters away. At the command: "Ready to start!" the first three are on the first line, and the second three on the second. When the command sounds: "Attention!", They take a high start position (one leg in front, body, leaning slightly forward, lower the opposite hand down). And on command: "March!" the players on the second line start running, and the players on the first line try to catch up with them to the finish line. After all the children have run once, the players switch places. During the game, the triplets must swap places 3 times and then sum up the results.

58. "Fifteen with a chain"

Purpose of the game: to teach the players to "spot" by running, holding hands.

The "tag" is selected. The rest are scattering about the playground. At the signal of the teacher, at the beginning of the game, the "tag" starts running around the court and catches up with the players. Whom he touched with his hand, he also becomes a "tag." They join hands and now the two of them are running and catching the players. The next caught player becomes the third for the hands and the three of them begin to "spot" the fourth, and so on. The game continues until all players make one long chain. The game ends when 1 player remains on the court. The next time he starts the game.

59. Ball Race

The players are divided into 2 - 4 teams. Teams stand in ranks on the sides of the site. The distance between the players is 3-4 meters. The right-flank of each team has the ball. At the signal, the right-flank player throws the ball to a nearby player, he to the next, etc. The last player to receive the ball runs to the right flank. The game continues until the right-flank one comes running to its place. The team that finishes the game earlier wins.

60. "Kick the ball"

Purpose of the game: to teach how to quickly reach a conditional place in order to have time to grab the ball and hit the opponent's ball first. On opposite sides of the playing area, draw 2 parallel lines at a distance of 30-40 meters. On the middle line, 2 circles with a diameter of 1 meter are indicated in 2 places, in the middle of which there are 1 small ball. Players are divided into 4 teams and are located on opposite lines in a column, one at a time. At the signal, the first players in the team begin a quick run towards the circle and try to grab the ball in order to hit the opposing player with it. And the player who is late for the ball dodges the ball by all means and runs back. If he succeeds, then he brings him to his team. And in case of failure, the ball remains in place and each player takes his place in the team. The game continues until each player in turn grabs the ball.

61. "Karlygashtar" (Swallows)

Children stand upright, arms outstretched. The presenter invites them to stand on their right foot and at the same time bring the body to a horizontal position. At the same time, the left leg is laid back and also takes a horizontal position. This position must be maintained as long as possible, preferably bending over in the back. The host evaluates all the swallows.

Option: 6 - 8 guys participate in the game. They represent swallows and stand in a circle. Each swallow must build a nest for itself. (draw a circle around you). The driver does not have a nest, he stands in the center of a large circle. The game starts at the signal. All "swallows" are in the swallow pose. The driver, choosing a circle (nest) for himself, jumps into it. As soon as there are 2 swallows in one nest, they jump out of the nest and jump on one leg, bending around a large circle towards each other. The one who returns first takes the nest, and the latecomer becomes the driver.

62. "Golden Gate"

Several players are blindfolded and pair up against each other at arm's length. Each pair forms a gate. The rest of the players, breaking up into groups according to the number of "gates", try to go through the gates one by one. It is necessary to pass or run silently, carefully, you can crawl or bend over. At the slightest rustle, the players standing at the gate can raise their hands to block the path and delay the passing one, but immediately lower them. The winners are the players who managed to safely pass through the gate.

63. "Slalom with the ball"

The players are divided into two teams and line up in the right corners of the court near the side lines. Players in front receive a basketball and stand at the endlines. At the command, everyone runs forward, hitting the ball on the floor, reaching the backboard, throwing the ball into the backboard, then returning dribbling the ball, to the middle of the field, from the center line they throw the next player. This player does everything the same as the first one, so do the others. The team that finishes the relay faster wins

64. "Oralman" ("Figure")

The players stand in circles, hold hands. The driver is in the center of the circle. At a signal, children move in a circle to the right - to the left, changing the pace (slowly, quickly, running). On another signal, everyone stops and assumes some kind of posture. The driver chooses the player whose pose he likes best. Changes places with him. The game continues, but the players move in the other direction. The winner is the one who was the most driving

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Passionate Moms Club

We continue to delight you with ready-made scenarios for thematic summer walks for children. Today Olga Gutaeva, another participant of the Most-Most Summer project, is sharing the scenario of the "Grasshopper" walk. In it you will find games for the development of fine motor skills, exciting outdoor games, activities for creative and intellectual development.

As many participants in our summer themed walks have noticed, they help mothers to draw the attention of their children to the simplest things in the world around them and teach them to come up with exciting games, starting from the child's keen interest in these simple things. So in this thematic walk, the most ordinary grasshopper became the hero of the games, but this did not prevent Olga from coming up with an interesting and original walk for the child.

Scenario of a thematic walk "Grasshopper"

On a walk, it will come in handy:

  • Walking notebook
  • Pencil or pen
  • Plasticine or salty dough
  • Crayons for painting on asphalt
  • Camera


On the way for a walk, invite your child to guess who will be the hero of your games today:

Early in the morning to the clearing

Jump, Jump, Jump!

And kicks inside out

Dryg, Dryg, Dryg!

Bouncing man

What is your name? ( Grasshopper)

Who is from leaf to blade of grass

Riding fast along the path?

Who chirps so merrily

Does he want to talk about something?

This little man is green ( Grasshopper)

Observations, experiments, experiments

Talk about grasshoppers on your walk. Where live? What do they hear? What do they eat? (by the way, most of the species are omnivores with a tendency to predation) In what fairy tales are they found? To make the road more fun, you can recall the song "A grasshopper was sitting in the grass."

Listen to the chirping of grasshoppers in the clearing. Find a grasshopper by sound.

Sketch the grasshopper in your notebook, compare with other studied insects.

Active games

Arrange an obstacle course that can only be traversed by jumping (on two legs, on the right, on the left, with your back, over small obstacles). Babies love to jump with their mother's help, holding two hands.

Jump who is higher. You can put chalk marks where you jumped.

Play the game "Grasshoppers and Frog": the frog sleeps - the grasshoppers jump, the frog wakes up - the grasshoppers freeze. The first one to move becomes a frog. Or try the version of the blooper game, when all participants can only jump, the caught becomes a new frog. Or the frog can knock out the grasshoppers with a ball.

Creativity on a walk

You can compose speech therapy rhymes like:

Zhu-zhu-zhu, I am friends with the grasshopper.

Ra-ra-ra, the grasshopper met a mosquito.

And let's do it, and have fun, and work with problematic sounds.

If you took plasticine (salted dough) with you or found clay or loam on the spot, you can mold grasshoppers using blades of grass or thin twigs for their paws.

You can make a house for a grasshopper from suitable materials. You can take the finished grasshoppers home or leave the created composition on the lawn.

Sensory development and fine motor skills

Finger gymnastics "Grasshopper"

(alternately connect the thumbs of both hands with other fingers and say the text line by line, divide the words in the lines into syllables)

Our grasshopper is small.

Greenish, remote,

Chirping with paws,

He wants to beat the tambourine.

Game "Catch a Grasshopper". The palms of the child lie on the palms of an adult with the back side up. The task of the frog is to have time to slap its palms on the back of the grasshopper's palms. Then switch roles.

Intellectual development

Draw numbered circles on the asphalt with chalk or on the ground with a stick. The task of the grasshopper is to jump through the circles in order. You can jump with your feet or, in a more compact version, with your fingers.

Take the Grasshopper Home Labyrinth. You can draw a labyrinth in the same way as circles, and plant frogs (pebbles, leaves) on dead-end directions.

Game "edible-inedible" for a grasshopper. Throw a ball to each other, naming what might be food for the grasshopper and what the grasshopper doesn't eat. In the first case, you need to catch the ball, in the second - to hit.

On the way from a walk

Ask your child what he liked about the walk today. What was the most interesting, the easiest, the most difficult? What else would he like to know about grasshoppers (this will be your homework)? You can compose your own fairy tale about a grasshopper, maybe even based on your walk.

Try thematic weeks now - get your abstract for free!

A detailed description of thematic games and activities, all the necessary materials for printing. Everything you need for complex developmental activities!

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