Detective quest scenario at home. Quest scenario: how interesting and original to beat the presentation of a gift

Quest "School of Detectives!"

Quest completion time a - about 60 minutes
Number of participants- up to 15 people
Quest is a modern mix of a theme party and a traditional holiday with a guest host. Its basis is the achievement of the set goal through overcoming a series of tasks or puzzles gradually, step by step. Thanks to the unusual format of the event, each child will have to be active. As a result, the holiday will be not only entertaining, but also developing.
Age: from 8 to 14 years old.
Events using this scenario can be organized:
at school;
in the apartment;
in a children's cafe;
outdoors, etc.
Props: Letter, task cards, cipher, rope maze.

Event scenario

The facilitator reads the letter to the children.
Dear ladies and gentlemen, I am Sherlock Holmes, and I invite you to take a course at my school of detectives. Why you? Yes, because everyone is talking about your insight, intelligence, dexterity and cunning.
I really need such helpers, but I need to make sure that you really are what they say about you.
To do this, pass my tests!
Host: Well, guys, it turns out that getting into the Sherlock Holmes school is not so easy. Are you ready to take the test? Probably, they should be attached to the letter (opens the envelope and takes out cards with tasks). And here are the tests themselves. So, let's get started!!!

1st card:
Task 1. "Try - do not make a mistake."
A good detective must be very attentive. Let's see how careful you are!

The host asks the guys sitting in the hall:
- Can you repeat three short phrases after me now?
Nobody, of course, doubts this. “Twice two is four,” says the presenter. Everyone confidently repeats this first phrase.
“Three times three nine,” he says. There is no error again, everything repeated.
“So you made a mistake,” the presenter joyfully declares. The guys are at a loss: “Why?”. The host explains: “So you made a mistake” - this was my third phrase. Nobody repeated it." Well, if there was a very attentive one and repeated it, then he is entitled to a prize - candy

2nd card:
Task 2. "Plasticine dolls" Without mastering the secrets of conspiracy, you will not become a good intelligence officer. One of the components of conspiracy is the ability to transform.
During the task, you have to turn into a plasticine doll. The exercise consists of three stages.
At the first signal, you become a plasticine doll that was kept in a cold place. It is clear that the material has lost its plasticity, it is hard, cruel.
The second signal of the presenter marks the beginning of work with puppets. It will change your poses, but don't forget that the frozen form will make it harder and it will have to feel a certain amount of resistance from the material!
The third signal is the beginning of the last stage of the exercise. Imagine that in the room where our plasticine dolls are located, all the heating devices were turned on at the same time. What has thrown you into a fever? That's right, dolls experience something similar too! What happens to them? They start to soften. As a result, the whole doll "drains" on the floor and turns into a kind of shapeless mass.
3rd card:
Task 3. "Enter the image" To establish the identity of the criminal, many detectives get used to his image. The same is happening to you now. A description of the criminal is read to you, you listen carefully to the description, then you portray this criminal.
1. His gait could not be confused with any other, since he moved somehow in leaps and bounds, and his head was always tilted somewhat to the right. And he constantly sang: "And I love girls ..."
2. He had a charming smile. He limped slightly on his left leg. A weakness in his character was that he constantly unbuttoned and fastened the buttons on his shirt collar.
3. His gait could be called a cockroach step. One leg was rolled up above the knees. The first thing that caught your eye when meeting him was that he was shaking like an aspen leaf and muttering something under his breath.
4. It was a tall man with a proudly raised head and a broad chest. He always kept his hands in his pockets and only occasionally took out his left hand to scratch the back of his head. At the same time, his eyes ran in different directions, and his right leg occasionally twitched.

4th Card:
Task 4. "The screen of reincarnations."
For this task, you will need to enter the stage.
You must prove yourself in the ability to radically change your image.
Let's say an old man comes backstage, a kid comes out. A cat disappears behind the scenes, and a mouse jumps out with a squeak. The actress, shivering from the cold, hides behind the scenes, only to reappear in a second, exhausted from the heat.

5th card:
Task 5. "Chatterbox is a find for a spy"
The ability to keep one's mouth shut is one of the main qualities of a detective. Someone owns it from birth, and someone will have to develop it.
The leader, having arranged chairs with assistants in a circle, invites all cadets to sit on them. A chair is also placed in the center of the circle - for the instructor. He conducts " interrogation with predilection", asking questions of the listeners around him in such a way as to take them by surprise. The complexity of the situation lies in the fact that the answer should not be the one to whom the question is addressed, but his neighbor, for example, on the right. In addition, questions cannot be answered with “yes” or “no”, and it is also forbidden to name colors.
Encouragement will be received by those who have never made a mistake, who without delay gave accurate answers.
Question options:
1. Is a square a rectangle?
2. Is the earth spherical?
3. Does the cow give clear milk?
4. Can you cook scrambled eggs?
5. Do you like blackcurrant or redcurrant more?
6. Is it true that your name is Natalya?
7. Does the frog cackle?
8. Does the Volga flow into the Caspian Sea?
9. Is an apple a fruit?
10. Can you keep secrets?

6th card:
In the next two tasks, you will have to show both detective and theatrical talents.
Task 6. "Reception of guests"
One of you will be the owner of the house. He has to receive guests. Who are these guests? Therein lies the problem. The fact is that when the owner goes out the door, we will determine what role each of the actors got. They can be anyone and anything: relatives of the landlord, his friends or enemies, service workers, presidents, inanimate objects, feelings, seasons ... Our imagination here is limitless. Having determined the roles of the guests, we will invite the landlord to return to the room and ask him to determine, for example, 5-10 minutes, what kind of guests have come to him today.
How to define the image of the guest? Firstly, the actors playing the guests will have to come up with a certain plastic image for their character, so the nature of the movements will already be in some way a clue. Also, consider using vocal expressions. During the game, the host can ask guests various questions - all together or separately, at his discretion. Answering questions, the guests continue to play their roles and try to remain incognito. That is, the answers of the guests should be at the level of hints, clarifications, but not an open "removal of the mask". If in the allotted time the host manages to determine the images of the guests, he leaves the game as a winner.
7th card:
Task 7. "The incident at the mountain resort."
You need to split into two teams. One team will stage the proposed crime, and the second team will have to solve it.
Crime scenario:
The owner of the sanatorium, Ekaterina, calls detective Ulyana.
Catherine: Hello! Is this detective Ulyana? Hello! The owner of the sanatorium Ekaterina is talking to you. Could you come right away?"
Ulyana approaches Ekaterina's sanatorium, looks around.
Ulyana: “Hm, the place is secluded here ... and there are no traces!”
Ekaterina: “All my savings disappeared at night. Some of the guests took advantage of my sound sleep. The ski season is coming to an end, and there are only three guests in the sanatorium.”
Illyana: "Do they know anything about your habits?"
Ekaterina: “Only that I take sleeping pills at night.”
Ulyana: "Don't worry, I'll deal with this case."
Ulyana comes to the first guest, Anna, who has just woken up.

Ulyana: "Did you spend the night here?"
Anna: “Yes, I didn’t go out. It snowed all night, I slept peacefully.”
Xenia, the second vacationer, has already made her own coffee and is having breakfast.
Ulyana: "What do you think about the loss?"
Xenia: “I just heard about her from you. I slept soundly all night."
The third lodger, Eva, was absent all night.
Ulyana: Was there any suspicious noise during the night?
Eva: "I don't know! I spent the night with friends in a neighboring village, and returned only in the morning.”
Ulyana goes to the center of the hall.
Ulyana: “I already know who stole the money. And you?"
Answer: Eve stole the money. Otherwise, why would she need to lie that she had been out all night and had just returned? She is exposed in a lie by the untouched snow cover, which Ulyana saw when approaching the sanatorium.

8th Card:
Task 8. "Alarm"
You need to quietly and unnoticed get into the lair of the bandits and pick up the mysterious package.
The entrance to the lair is blocked by a special security system.
The security system is an ordinary linen elastic band, with which I pulled the entrance, leaving small cells that you can climb into (not without difficulty).
The bundle is at the end of the maze. The task of students is to get to it without touching the edges of the elastic.

Children pass the last test, take the bundle, unfold it and find nice gifts inside (Diplomas for young detectives).

Event form: quest game.

Age of participants: secondary school, grades 5-6.

  • popularization of geography, physical education as scientific disciplines and school subjects, through extracurricular activities.
  • creation of conditions for the realization of the intellectual and creative potential of students.
  • stimulating the cognitive interest of students in the subjects "geography", "physical culture" to increase interest in their study;
  • expand the connection of geography, physical culture with other school disciplines: mathematics, literature, history through creative tasks
  • rallying the school community
  • formation of an active life position of students.

The relevance of methodological development.

The game - one of the most important activities of the child, his self-expression, a way of his improvement. During the game, attention, memory, imagination develop, skills and habits are developed, social experience is assimilated. The game is a recreation of social relations between people, their behavior and decision-making in the conditions of simulation of real situations, public life. The game has an educational and developmental character, therefore it is widely used at present in the educational process.

By participating in the game, students learn to rejoice at the successes of friends, worry about their failures, and help those who need it. Such an event unites the team, creates an atmosphere of emotional comfort, enthusiasm.

The game involves 2-3 teams of 6-10 people per team. Teams need to go through 6 stages. The event is held at the school premises (several classrooms and a sports hall are involved). The quest game provides an opportunity to find answers to questions on the Internet. For this, information has been prepared to help students use it when completing a quest game. As a result, it takes less time to find the necessary information.

Time of implementation of the training session: 60 minutes.

Required resources: PC with Internet access.

A supervisor who accompanies students' activities: to help them in a timely manner in eliminating technical errors that occur when working with a PC and maintaining a working atmosphere.

Game progress.

Hello dear friends!

Today we will make trip around the world. Your path will be difficult, but interesting. Along the way, you will have to make several stops to complete tasks. As you complete tasks, you will receive hints that will show you the direction of your further movement, as well as one of the elements of the famous emblem that you have to collect at the last stage. The team that completes all tasks the fastest wins.

Any experienced traveler will tell you that such a long journey can be full of surprises and surprises. And in order to successfully cope with difficulties, be attentive, friendly, courageous, dexterous.

Game conditions

In order to make a trip, you need to divide into teams, come up with a name for your team and choose a captain. The journey will consist of 6 stages. You will need to complete the tasks offered on each of them.

So we are on our way!!!

The twenty-first century is steep and complex,
It burns hot..
But the Apocalypse has been postponed -
What else, brothers, are you waiting for?
Let's go search the world
The place where we are not yet
Let's spin the planet with our feet
Which is many, many years old.
Let's fly over the ocean
Where there are palm trees and warmth.
We will arrive in the foggy twilight
In the pirate city of Saint-Malo.
Yes, there are few places in this world,
Where we dreamed to visit!
The world is too gray without travel.
Let's open up the roads.


First hint.

You go to an office where they speak the language of Byron, Shakespeare, Sherlock Holmes.

I stop. "Europe". Located in the English classroom.

We start our journey from the continent often referred to as the Old World. You probably guessed the name of our first stop.

II stop Africa. Located in the library.

Hello dear guys. We are glad to welcome you to our continent. Well, where are you, try to guess. On the table are cut sheets with a poem. It must be compiled. Who wrote this poem, what is it called. And where did you go main character save sick animals?

"We live in Zanzibar,
In the Kalahari and the Sahara
On Mount Fernando Po,
Where hippo walks
Along the wide Limpopo".

When answering questions, you can take a hint: either find the answer on the Internet, or use the atlas.

  1. The largest desert in the world? (Sahara)
  2. The largest monkeys in the world and where are they found? (gorillas, rainforests)
  3. The shortest inhabitants on the planet? (pygmies)
  4. Animal with the longest neck? (giraffe)
  5. The largest tree in Africa? (baobab)
  6. The navigator who first circumnavigated Africa? (Vasco da Gama)
  7. The fastest animal, reaching speeds up to 120 km / h (cheetah)
  8. One of the oldest countries in Africa (Egypt)
  9. The longest river in the world? (Nile)
  10. What is the longest lake in Africa? (Tanganyika)
  11. The largest peninsula in Africa, shaped like a rhinoceros horn? (Somalia)
  12. The sea separating Africa and Asia. (Red)
  13. Africa's largest country by area (Algeria)
  14. What is the largest relative of the pig? (hippo)
  15. The river that Victoria Falls is on? (Zambezi)

If all the questions are answered correctly, they get a picture of a black Olympic ring.

Answer: They are living beings. Next station - biology room

Third stop "America"

Located in the biology room

Eat a potato with a tomato, smoke a peace pipe,
and with an Indian, as if with a brother, visit the pyramids ...
Columbus succeeded at once, getting lost along the way.
You name the continent so that you can find it on the globe ...

Next, students are offered pictures depicting plants, animals and natural objects of the continents of South and North America. If everything is guessed correctly, they get a picture of a red Olympic ring.

Fourth stop "Australia"

Located in the geography classroom.

Welcome to the most unusual continent of the planet.

She is below us.
They obviously go upside down
There's an inside-out year.
The gardens bloom there in October.
It's summer in December, not July.
There are rivers flowing without water.
They are in the desert somewhere.
There are traces of wingless birds in the thickets,
The cats eat snakes there.
Animals are born from eggs.
And the dogs don't know how to bark.

What continent is mentioned in the poem by Galina Usova

Students are invited to fold a map of mainland Australia from the cut pieces of the atlas maps. If the task is completed correctly, then the students receive a picture with the image of a green Olympic ring.

You have to go to the office where they study substances and their transformations.

Fifth stop "Asia"

Located in the chemistry room.

One of the countries of this part of the world gave the world great inventions that we still use today. On the table are a compass, paper, a book. Your task is to guess which country we are talking about, and in which part of the world we are.

Answer: China, Asia.

Exercise. I use a map of Asia, name what minerals are mined there, and give examples of how they are used. Each combination: "mineral - example of use" - one point. In order to get a picture with a ring, you need to score 10 points. After completing the task, the team receives a yellow ring.

There is a lawn in our school,
And on it goats and horses.
We are tumbling here
Roughly forty-five minutes.
At school - horses and a lawn?!
What a miracle, guess what!



Sixth stop "Olympic"

Located in the gym

We are glad to welcome you at the last stop. Our world tour is coming to an end. And what is the name of our last stop, you can guess if you determine what kind of multi-colored rings you have in your hands. There are five of them, and they are all part of the famous emblem. Your task is to compose this emblem and explain what it means. As usual, you can use additional hints.

What is a symbol Olympic Games? (five colored rings)

What do they stand for? (five continents).

What continents are the rings? (Australia is green, Asia is yellow, Europe is blue, Africa is black, America is red.)

What other Olympic symbols do you know?

Where and when will the next Olympics be held?

Hint 1.

Five rings, five circles -
Sign of the five continents.
The sign that means
that Sport is like a mutual friend.
All nations are invited
into your World-peaceful circle.

Hint 2.

Which ring means which continent, you can answer if you remember which rings you received at which station.

Hint 3.

Presenter: In Africa in ancient times, one of the favorite sports was bull jumping. In modern gymnastics there is a similar exercise: jumping over …………. (gymnastic goat).

Presenter: The Indians who inhabited America were very fond of playing ball. It was allowed to hit the ball with the elbow or knee. However, it was possible to win immediately if the ball flew through the ring, set high above the site. 100 years ago in America was invented ………. (basketball).

Host: Many modern sports originated in Europe, mainly in England. It was in Europe that competitions between teams began to be organized and uniform rules were created for all. What sports are we talking about? (Tennis, football)

Presenter: Australia was inhabited by tribes whose main means of subsistence was hunting. Representatives of these tribes were excellent shooters. So in sports competitions appeared …………… (sports shooting).

Hello everyone, today we will upload large selection ideas and tasks for a sports quest. Here are ideas for children, teenagers and adults. Moreover, many adult tasks for the quest can be adapted for childhood, and vice versa - adults will be happy to play children's games built into the quest script. I divided all games, tasks, and tests into topics. Each task can be developed (complicated) or simplified (for young children). You can slightly change the task - take only the essence of the idea and implement it with other tools and tools. Any game you can insert into any episode of your turn based strategy game. Quests can combine sports and intellectual tasks, tasks for ingenuity, dexterity, coordination, and accuracy. You will find all this in our article. Let's see what quest games we have prepared for your scenario today.

Quest game for children.

The task of two teams is to fill the buckets with water - the team whose bucket is fuller in the allotted time wins. A whistle blows, children carry water, at the end we weigh a bucket on a scale or a steelyard (a hook with a weight dial).

Ways to carry water can be different. We choose the method according to the ability of the children. Hanging cups with a rocker stick - it is very difficult to keep the second glass on the weight while pouring the first one.

And you can pass glasses of water along the chain, but in an uncomfortable position - OVER THE HEAD.

Or you can deliver water using the TRANSFUSION method through a chain of cups. From the first glass to the second, from the second to the third ... and so on up to the bucket. Speed ​​is important and do not shed.

And to make the transfusion fun, you can do it like this. The idea for a sports quest-competition on a hot summer day in nature.

Quest game

WALKING at speed.

Quest teams can compete with each other in the speed of arrival from point A to point B ... This can be done in many ways.

Prepare simple items - WALKING ASSISTERS.
Scenario text: “The earth is teeming with scorpions or cannibal worms - you can’t touch the ground, but we must get into the cave to the wise She-Wolf Sarum. Here the sorcerer gives us magic stilts - only on them we can go through the valley of cannibal worms.

As you can see, it’s easy to make such stilts yourself - 2 sticks - the timber is not thick but strong (cut or wrap with tape so that your hands do not splinter (or give children gloves from splinters). At the bottom of each stick there is a footrest stuffed - a piece of timber (for two nails not to spin).

You can make snowshoes - wide boards. Text "According to legend, only a beast with two legs and two hearts can enter the portal." It just turns out that wide snowshoes for two players create such a beast - 2 hearts of two players their combined two feet.

The production is simple - pieces of leather from an old belt (or pieces of a car tire) that are stuffed onto the board with screws (through an iron gasket) - this is clearly visible in the photo above.

You can make rope multi-stupas. It is enough to drill holes in them and stretch the rope (as in the photo below).

And here is the solution if you need a THREE-LEGED mythical creature for the quest. We tie two pairs of legs with a rope and get a beast with three legs ... and move with each other.
Such a task is also suitable when a child works in tandem with an adult - quest games for uniting family relationships (dad - children, mother - child, family ties, dependence of family members on each other). A good idea for a quest or sporlandia for Dad's Day...

Quest game
task for adults and children
MOVEMENT with element replacement.

The essence of this task for the quest is that here MOVEMENT FORWARD occurs according to the principle of rotation of elements. The rear element is carried forward... again the rear element is carried forward...
In the photo below, everything is clear - the raft rolls on the barrels LIKE THIS, when the last barrel is released, it is removed. is transferred to the front of the raft, and placed under the raft in front, the raft runs over it and a new barrel is immediately released from behind ... it is also transferred forward under the raft ... and so on ...

Teenagers really like this element of the quest. Children are delighted. Everything is in business - there are 2 guys on oars (pusher sticks), there is a man who takes out the last barrel and a man on the bow of the raft who puts a new barrel under the front of the raft. The crew is running the ship is sailing.

It is easy for children to lift plastic barrels. Board - the usual cheap furniture board, or strong plywood.

You can use any cylindrical objects - for example, plastic pipes.

Rolling cylinders can even be human bodies (photo below). We put a soft foam mat on top and rolled forward. Such a quest task is suitable if the game is played indoors in a room with a smooth floor.
We begin the rotation of the bodies at the same time - on the count: one, two, three - we spin!
The released back log man runs forward and lies down in front of the mat, ready for a new collision.

If the cylinder raft option is EXPENSIVE in terms of money (buy pipes and barrels), then you can create other tools. And also move according to the principle of rotation ... we transfer the released rear element to the front.

just below we see how two participants move forward changing three elements with holders for arms and legs (regular boards ... tin blotches or doorknobs for hands .... elastic bands for inserting legs).

But a simple movement is not two elements (pieces of a rug, pieces of cardboard, oilcloths are suitable). Good to use in simple quests for young children.


ways of movement for the game-quest.

Below, let's see how else you can diversify the tasks for the quest in nature or in a spacious room.

Recall children's competitions in physical education. Movement in pairs - the trolley method.

But the movement with balloons sandwiched between the legs. Dropped the ball - stop, find it, hold it with your feet and go ahead. Do not be sad - the enemy can also mess up and you will break ahead.

But the game CATERPILLAR is a favorite fun for quests for both children and adults. The principle of movement is like that of a TANK TRACK. A team of players moves inside a giant caterpillar track.

A closed strip can be made by blinding with adhesive tape or sewing together pieces of a dense awning fabric, oilcloth for a greenhouse,

And you can mold such a model of a game engine from a newspaper and adhesive tape as in the photo below.

And here is another movement according to the principle of rotation - the last one becomes the first. Imitation of the game in the brook.
Only the participants of the brook stand on all fours with their butt up. The last player crawls under the stream and becomes the first (also on all fours) ... and the new last player crawls under the bottom to also become the first booty up. And so on until all players reach the goal of their movement.

You can move towards your goal in different ways. There are no limits to human ingenuity. Even regular plungers can be used to propel them to victory.

Any awkward ways to move forward are OK. Sneer, mock, make fun, figure out how to deprive people of comfort ... the harder it is, the funnier it is. And the main thing is to drive forward to victory.

Tight ropes can be an interesting quest-fun for climbing from above. Excellent agility exercise, team building and it can be adjusted to any quest scenario. It’s easy to explain why it’s necessary, maybe the taut ropes are the fetters of an evil witch ... maybe this magical forest extended branches to us so that we climbed over a terrible swamp .... figure out for yourself how to beat this element of the quest in your scenario story.

Quest task


Tug of war is classic fun. The winner is not the one who falls, but the one who moves the BANTIK beyond the line of his zone. Tie a scarf in the center of the rope. We draw two zones - each team pulls the rope to its own zone. This quest task will be won by the team that drags the bow into its zone.
The zone can be drawn with paint on the grass, it can be marked with a rope on the ground.

Or you can arrange a tightrope TO DELIVERY the enemy from his base. On the ground we establish bases (boxes, hoops-circles) The task is to displace the enemy from his fulcrum. An excellent quest task for a game with a sports power bias.

And you can make a RING-COUPLING from a rope, two or more players are placed in it and the task is to reach the base in order to put an object on the base - WIN THE FIGHT.

Task for the quest script
without opening hands.

But an interesting task for the quest for children and adults is to move the hoop along the chain of people with closed hands. The hoop must pass through all the players from the first to the last, you can’t unclench your hands, we climb and pass the hoop to the neighbor on the other hand. I saw how fat people play this game - funny, amazing, but they succeed.

Quest game task
Get more.

The task of the players is to collect a full box of popcorn. This product is poured into glasses that are attached with an elastic band over your shoes. You need to reach the box and pour out the contents of the glass without removing it from your foot. Difficult quest-task for children and teenagers.

Similarly, it is difficult to carry eggs in spoons. Instead of eggs, we carry empty containers from Kinder Surprises. The team that quickly transfers their eggs from one bucket to another wins. If the egg has fallen, you need to pick it up without hands, also with a spoon.

You can also fill baskets with balls from a dry pool in such a fun way. Just rolling on your stomach on a skateboard board with a basket in your hands. Two teams and two skates also work - two competing players take a place on the skate and they are given one minute to catch, then the next two players get the balls in their minute and so on until all the balls are collected. After that, the balls in the basket are counted and the winner is announced.

Quest games

for hand and foot coordination.

It is very difficult to pick up objects with your feet. Game for the quest collect the balls with your feet. A basin with water in it floats balls for a dry pool from which you need to catch and poison it in a basket nearby. If teams work, then they are given 2 balls per person.

Also, the quest team can collect plastic cups in a pile with the entire composition of the players at the same time, using only their toes.

Or the players (one minute per team) must collect as many rice or corn balls as possible into a box. We work not with our hands, but with Chinese sticks (or two pencils). Filled boxes are compared by eye or by the weight of a culinary scale.

And here (photo below) we collect M-Mdems sweets, sucking them on the tip of a cocktail tube.

If you have a large team of children and want to involve everyone at the same time, then you can organize an upside-down RELAY. Children lie on their backs, legs are raised and we pass a large object with our feet to each other.
In the scenario of the children's quest, this can be played as MONKEYS SHARE BANANA .... or you can transfer a teddy bear, like a bear jumping on ice floes ... think about your scenario and beat this element of the quest for your characters and their story.

Quest task


Game tasks for the quest can be fun and funny. Here is one of them. Here you need to fill the balls of a person. A team on a thin and frail person puts on clothes of a large size and tries to fill it balloons. The balls can be cut off from the garland which the hall is decorated with, it will disappear anyway, but the money has already been paid. You can pre-inflate the balloons yourself. And you can immediately inflate the whole brigade at speed and stuff it under the player’s clothes.
According to the quest script, such a task may mean that you create a giant who must fight the dragon.
Or maybe later arrange a battle of two giants- they will, like two sumo wrestlers, try to push each other's stomachs and bodies out of the "totami" wrestling mat. The video will be killer. Funny puffing with explosions of bursting balloons.

Or in your quest, you can prescribe the birth of two-horned good fairies ... Large tights are filled with balls and put on the heads of the players. The one whose horns are taller and more erect wins.

Quest game


Here I present a selection of team building games. The whole team should lead one common process for all. Each player acts as a vector force that directs the overall total movement of the object (gee, how abstruse). And it's easier - look at the photo.

The players together draw a given figure (company logo, letters, spiral) to hold by the ropes tied to the felt-tip pen. The team that did better and more evenly or faster wins.

A variation of the same game - but with blind artists and a sighted boss. Good game to identify how the department is able to accurately carry out the orders of the head and how the head is able to properly organize the work of people subordinate to him.

The blind method of the game is suitable if the quest is conducted among adults or smart teenagers.

Here is another option that is very popular with teenagers and adults. It is necessary to build a pyramid of glasses with a rope loop. The bottom row is built on the principle of tension pushing. But the upper rad is already more difficult, you need to clamp the cup with the side edges of the loop and lift it, land it in the right place without weakening the lateral tension of the loop.

Often we throw away the scraps of foam insulation, and you can make a fun labyrinth out of it. We glue strips of insulation in the form of maze barriers on cardboard (pizza box) or on wooden plywood.
At the base - along the perimeter - we drill holes, stretch the ropes and start the game process, you need to deliver the ball to the address - from the entrance to the labyrinth to its exit.

Or you can just glue the gymnastic hoop with a sheet of paper (adhesive tape) and cut a round hole on the side. The task is to drive the ball into the hole by manipulating the ropes in the same way.

For children, it will be easier and more interesting to transfer the balls from one basket to another while holding on to the ropes and controlling them. Great bonding training children's team(camps, classes, groups kindergarten). And a fun activity inside the quest script. You can beat this in different ways - depending on the topic of our quest.

It is also difficult to carry the ball on two ropes. It is difficult for children to hold the ball even on two sticks. But tight ropes are an even higher level of difficulty, for teenagers or adults. Try to take the ball with the ropes and move it to the basket. Working in pairs is a good thing. It pays and brings together. And fun and funny. And the rest of the team is rooting for you.

Games-tasks for a children's quest.
We move objects BY THE FORCES OF NATURE.

Air can move objects. Water can be an engine. Feel the power of nature. Feel how it works. Quests for the fun elements of the science quest.
Let's play who will blow the glasses off the table faster. Straws and empty plastic cups and a smooth table surface. Simple and easy game for the quest.

Move the inflatable ball with the power of the jet from the water gun. Two teams can drive their ball to the goal, whoever is faster wins.

Plastic cups can be hung on a strong thread between the post and the fence of the cottage. You need accuracy to hit a glass with a water pistol and make it come to the wall first.

Fun games for the quest

And here are two fun for the quest scenario, where the players must work simultaneously in DEFENSE and ATTACK.
As in the photo below - protect your ball on your leg, and at the same time try to burst the opponent's ball.
A double challenge. An excellent mobile game for the quest of any scenario group.

And here is a fun RUNNING game "Catch up and fill" ... Here, too, each player is an attacker and a defender. The players are divided into 2 teams - we tie white boxes on the back of one, the second gets blue boxes. The White team is catching up with the Blues - to throw a wad of paper (or a plastic ball or a Styrofoam ball) into their box. But at the same time, they must remember that the blue team players are chasing their own boxes on their backs.
That is, you yourself run away so that they don’t throw at you, and at the same time you yourself throw at opponents.

Quest game


This is where the neck will work. We put the cue ball in tights, put the tights on our heads and knock down skittles (water bottles, empty cans) with a cue ball. You can complicate the tasks and knock down a tangerine lying on a glass, but the glass itself cannot be knocked over. Difficult game to coordinate unfamiliar muscles.

Quest game element


Here is a good idea for a quest game episode. We make a web from sticky masking tape and a hoop for gymnastics. We will throw wads of paper into it. The team with the most flies in the web wins.

You can make your own separate web for each team (2 hoops). And you can make a game for two teams in one hoop - but they will throw lumps of different colors - a team of white lumps and a team of newspaper lumps - the one whose lumps stick more to the common web wins. Good game for preschool children.

Game for children's quest.

It is necessary to fill the cups with colored fluffy balls exactly as shown in the picture next to the glass. We work in teams. Those who do it right and quickly win. The game is very popular with young children.

Quest game
Find candy.

Pour powdered sugar into a bowl, or put candy in flour (or a key to a treasure chest, or a note with a hint). The player must find it with his mouth and get it. A fun game for a quest. You can drip not in flour, which tickles your nose and makes you sneeze, but in a delicate, tasty cream (whipped cream or whipped protein cream, yogurt, cottage cheese). Think about how else you can change this idea.

You can pour fine river sand into a basin, hide the key in it and look for it with your toes.

Quest game.

Crystal Palace.

A palace with invisible walls of long spaghetti and soft marshmallow pieces needs to be built in 10 minutes. The team whose palace is taller wins. The game is suitable for older children. For small spaghetti, it is better to replace with toothpicks or skewers (not so brittle) or take spaghetti shorter (break in half, so it will be more convenient for children to work with them).

Balance task
for a children's quest.

It is necessary to fold a tower on the forehead of a neighbor from cookies, chocolate bars. Or other material that suggests itself according to the scenario of your quest. Let it be on topic.

Tasty task

to play the quest.

Eating at speed WITHOUT HANDS is not a problem. Especially if we are talking about delicious things. Watermelon slices lying on a plate are easy, donuts hanging on a string are more difficult, an apple floating in a bucket of water is incredibly difficult. Think about what product fits your quest scenario, and decide how to eat it more difficult, but feasible for players of this age.

Game of erudition
Children's anatomy.

The team must in a short time remember the names of as many PARTS of the human BODY as possible, write these words on a sticker sheet and stick it in the area where the organ is located. Whoever remembers more wins this round of a fun quest. Suitable for any scenario of a quest game - body parts are a universal concept, it can be adjusted to any plot of any story ...

Games for erudition and logic for children's quests I will put in a separate article and then the link will work here.

Children's game for the quest
dexterous hands

It is necessary to make the ball fall into the hole - for each player in the team we give one ball. Those who quickly complete the task of this stage of the quest win.

Quest task
Blind architect.

Playing the blind architect is fun, especially for kids. This is very funny. Children fall to the floor with laughter, watching the blind attempts to put down the glass and not to drop the almost ready pyramid.

You can diversify this game and put not one but two blind builders into it. One can hold the tower and the other build floors. It will be funnier.
In the scenario of the quest - such a task can be entered into the theme of the NIGHT TASK, when we have to complete the task in the dark. As in fairy tales "build a palace in one night."

And here's another blind game. It is necessary to find by touch among all the figures given. Also find the black cat in the black room. The player feels all the toys, trying to find the cat. Or find a dinosaur from a photo. The child is given a photo of a figurine with a dinosaur, and he is looking for exactly this among other dinosaurs by touch. We mark the time with a stopwatch. We compare the time indicators of the two teams. Great game for kids quest.

And finally… you can set the time for speed quest tasks on your phone (stopwatch), or you can use an hourglass… or a pea clock… Think about what kind of attribute clock you can enter into the quest script for the desired topic and plot of the story.

The prizes that you will give to the participants of the quest can be SWEET MEDALS… like this…
For a child, this is the best gift for a completed quest.

Here are some interesting tasks and quest games you can offer your guests. Think about how to fit the ideas found here into the script. Something will fall on your story right away ... but something needs to be turned back and forth in order to understand how to change the game to suit yours storyline and logical stages of the quest-walker.

Good luck with your game scenario. Successful completion of all stages of the quest.
Become a professional in organizing children's parties. And maybe this will be your calling.

Olga Klishevskaya, specially for the site

The entertainment industry around the world is progressing incredibly fast. Games in reality are a prominent representative of this area. Why is one quest popular and the other not? One important feature is the puzzles in the quest, which should depend on the plot.

Classification of tasks by goals

The script of the game and the tasks for the quest can be completely different and depend on the author's imagination. However, successful games have several mandatory elements: the boundaries of space, the rules announced before the start, the starting point, and the necessary conditions for victory.

  • At the beginning of the game, when the participants are just immersed in another reality, it is important to make the tasks and puzzles not difficult in order to involve each participant in the process.
  • Later, when the plot starts, it is necessary to increase the complexity of the game, make it a team game, so that not a single participant is left without a lesson.
  • The third level is characterized by an acceleration of the pace of the game, it is advisable to insert disturbing “wow-effects” here, in which case everyone will have time to move away from them by the finish line. And finally, the final step. It is the most important, because the emotions and impressions with which the participants leave depend on it. It should be organically inscribed in the plot and be its logical conclusion.

Real-life games are popular entertainment for many reasons: they're fun, they're good for the brain, and they're suitable for different people and spaces. It is clear that, for example, children's quest Not suitable for office use. Therefore, we can distinguish the main audience:

  • Corporate
  • For girls
  • For guys
  • For kids
  • For teenagers
  • For the family

Quest types

For office

    Suitable primarily for a company where employees are creative, with non-standard thinking. Distinctive feature is that for each company you need to select individual scenarios for the quest. Tasks should be team, where you can go to the next level only by interacting with each other.

For girls

    This is a great opportunity to spend time with your loved ones. You can unusually celebrate both a bachelorette party and a birthday. For the fair sex, those quests are suitable where you will not need to apply force, and the tasks will be intellectual and to search for hidden objects.

For men

    Various options are suitable: it can be like Mind games, and for endurance and dexterity, the "leave the room" genre is very suitable here. Tasks can also be very different: mechanized props, interactive riddles, deciphering or searching for objects will arouse interest.


    Real life games can be just as fun as adults. Often the organizers use their favorite characters from movies and cartoons. Most often, children like tasks to search for various objects and artifacts.

For teenagers

    Simple puzzles and tasks in the case of entertainment for teenagers are no longer enough. More challenging puzzles will be more fun, but the game should remain dynamic and colorful, the best choice would be an interactive action game with elements of interesting tasks and risk.

For the family

    AT family games adults and children participate in reality. Therefore, it is necessary that all tasks are within the power of each player, be it a child or an adult.

Locations for quests

Of course, the choice of tasks for the quest also depends on where it will take place. Those tasks that are suitable for the home may not be suitable for the office and definitely cannot be used in open space conditions (parks, museums, streets, etc.). Locations can be:

Quest types


For the home, you can come up with a huge number of tasks, it would be enough only imagination! A great idea would be to use improvised inventory. For example, an old suitcase that closes with a combination lock. Hide the main prize of the game in it, and the team must find the cipher by number by completing various tasks. You can also use a deck of cards, encrypted messages (the cipher can be made, for example, with wax), various furnishings. It is optimal for one person to do 5-7 tasks, but for a team there are already more. Such home entertainment is a great option to give a gift to a birthday person or to cheer up all the guests.


A quest at your workplace is a great option to surprise your boss or colleague who has a birthday. If your company has few employees, then everyone can come up with one puzzle for the boss or another employee, and then enjoy how the participant moves around the building, solving clues. Live quests are also perfect for the office. main feature- interaction with other players. Each participant receives his own unique role and, based on it, solves problems to achieve his goal. The final is often unpredictable, because the player can behave not according to the script, and there are no hints. Here you can find out how your colleagues will behave in a non-standard situation.


If you want to entertain your child in kindergarten or at home, then it will not be difficult for you to write a game script, including fantasy and ingenuity! Only you, like no one else, can know what fascinates your child and his friends. In warm weather, creating a maze is great for a kindergarten. Remember your childhood! How many emotions were there when passing an obstacle course made of stretched ropes or branches. Indoors, you can also make a labyrinth, using tape or using a special tunnel for children.

On city streets and nature

A city quest is an educational entertainment where the action is not limited to any room and takes place in an open space - in parks, estates and city streets. In this type of quest, QR codes, maps and applications on the phone are actively used to build a route. There are many options for puzzles, you need to start from the desire of all participants. It can be a detective story, then puzzles in the style of "encrypt the map" are good. If you want to do historical quest, then include the monuments of political figures and kings in the route, and make up questions about them. There are also many other locations for games. All of the above ideas and puzzles can be adapted to any desired location.

We recommend checking out these articles.

Of course, it is impossible to list all possible puzzles and tasks, because there are not a single hundred of them. However, the QuestInfo website has made a selection of successful examples.

  • You can use invisible ink for assignments. Distribute the keys in hidden places, and hints around the room. To complicate matters, clues can be encoded using invisible ink that shows up under ultraviolet light.
  • Another option, in the style of British spies, is to write a clue with melted wax. To find the answer, you only need colored pencils, which you need to paint over the inscription.
  • Also, to open a secret place, you can use the details that start working when you guess the code lock or cipher from numbers or letters.
  • Another fun option is to make a word from the headlines of magazines or newspapers and thus get the key.
  • Or use photographs or paintings scattered around the room. For example, each has a letter, you need to find them all and make a word.
  • And you can also encrypt riddles using pictures, which are a symbol of the next step.
  • Currently, many organizers resort to the use of QR codes. They work most successfully during city quests. You can also use this idea.

Various quest scenarios: general patterns

Completing tasks can be completely different, but there is a set of mandatory elements of any quest: clearly defined boundaries of space, announced rules, the beginning of the action and victory conditions. At the first stage, the participants are just beginning to dive into another world, so it is important to keep the puzzles fairly simple in order to captivate the team in the process. The plot of the plot is accompanied by more complex tasks aimed at team game. Players must interact with each other so that no one remains a passive observer. At the next level, the pace of the quest accelerates, and many companies prefer to insert unexpected “wow effects” at this very moment so that guests can recover by the finale. The final step is the most important. The impression that the guests leave with depends on its quality, so the denouement cannot be blurry, understated or “raw”. A logically structured ending is the key to success.

How to choose a theme for a script

Quests are popular entertainment, so they will suit any event and company. That is why there is a huge variety and a whole field for fantasy on the topic of an interesting and catchy scenario for the quest. The choice depends on your target audience, as well as the place where the quest will be held.

  • Let's say that you have chosen a standard type - an escape room. If your audience is mainly young people, then horror or fantasy style options are perfect for such a room. "Get out of the Chamber of Secrets" based on the Harry Potter books, "House of Peculiar Children", "Abandoned Hospital", "Bank Robbery" - there can be many options.
  • To come up with original and interesting scenarios for a quest based on series or films, consumer demand must be taken into account. Simply put, it is necessary to analyze what is most popular at the moment. For example, more visitors will come to you if the room is decorated in the style of the Marvel universe or the world of "Game of Thrones"
  • The game can take place not only in your location, but also in a cafe, school and even in the office! In this case, you need to adapt to the theme of the place itself. For example, if this is a game in the office of a company, then tasks can be on knowledge in a professional field, on the use of technology, as well as hidden places in the room.
  • The city quest can be done in the style of a detective story about Sherlock Holmes or as a study of local attractions.

Questinfo Offers ready-made quests with prices for every taste

To make things easier, we have put together a few useful tips how to organize a location and write a script. Distribute clues in secret places, and distribute clues evenly throughout the room. Hints can be encrypted, special ink can be used, which will be visible only under ultraviolet radiation, to open the cache, mechanisms can be actively used that open under the influence of a combination of numbers, signals or key combinations. The fantasy or science theme welcomes all sorts of chemical experiments to solve puzzles. Players must first look for clues to obtain the required ingredients, then they must find the liquids themselves, and then mix them up to obtain a potion or cure. It is not at all necessary for the team members to be in the same room to solve the quest: you can divide the participants into different closed rooms, which can be escaped only by interacting with each other through the walls.

It must be borne in mind that quests for a child and an adult can vary greatly both in level and in content. Some tasks suitable for an adult player will not be given to kids.

This is an old team building trick, but always interesting and emotional. One player is blindfolded and launched into a labyrinth, which is laid out on the ground with ropes, or drawn with chalk on the pavement. The rest of the team must lead the blind poor fellow around the maze so that he does not go beyond. You cannot step on the boundary line. Any spade and go through the maze will have to from the very beginning.

Leading a person through the maze, each team member can only say one word and only in turn. If the guides stray, saying two words, or not in turn - the blind man starts the passage of the labyrinth from the beginning. Thus, children soon begin to speak like this: "Go," "Stop," "Spin," "Stop," "Go"...etc.

Task number 2. gossamer

For this task you need a long rope, a padlock and a key. If several teams take part in the quest, then each team needs its own lock and key. The rope, like a web, is randomly wrapped around a structure or several trees. We fasten the lock at one end of the rope, and the key at the other. We fasten the key and the lock on a large ring so that they can be safely moved along the rope. The children's task is to open the castle. One group begins to pull the lock to the center, and the second the key. Somewhere in the middle of the way, the groups meet and open the lock.

If there is no lock at hand, you can hang letters throughout the cobweb. Following the route of the rope, children will collect a word or phrase. Hanging letters can be placed randomly to make an anagram.

Task number 3. tightrope walker

This is a skill challenge. Players do not need to think, but simply by balancing to walk along the cables back and forth. Of all the props, you need a pair of regular car tie-down straps to secure the load. These belts can be found at any hardware store or gas station. If you pull them very hard, they will withstand several well-fed adults.

You can diversify this task with an object at the far end of the route, which must be taken and brought to the start. And do not forget the most important thing - the entire surface under the cables is lava.

Task number 4. Cocktail

For this task, we need several bottles and 3 types of syrup of different flavors. Pour a tablespoon of syrup into each bottle and add water. Mix everything thoroughly and ask the children to guess all three ingredients. For each guessed taste, you can give 1 point. It is better not to mix similar flavors, but to take, for example, chocolate, mint and lemon. If the theme of the quest is pirate, then such a cocktail can be called "Red beard".

Instead of syrups, 3 different juices can be used. In winter, use tea with various types spices that players need to guess. The resulting mixture can be filled into individual bottles for each team, or it can be poured into disposable glasses from one large can or bowler hat.

Task number 5. footgolf

It's time for our kids to warm up a bit. To do this, we will send them to play a game that is a mixture of golf and football. In any accessible place, we dig a hole the size of a soccer ball in the ground. For entourage, you can place a bucket in this hole and put a flag. We take the players 150-200 meters away, draw a line and offer to roll the ball into the hole in 5 hits. Children take turns hitting the ball each time. It's a lot of fun to play football in the woods with the ball constantly bouncing off the trees. And even more fun in the car park))

Task number 6. Treasure from the chest

All children love to look for treasures and treasures, and we will not disappoint them. Of course we could bury small chests with precious coins, and place a code word on one of the coins. But taking into account our requirements for the budget of the quest, we replace the chests with plastic lunch containers, and the coins with spiral pasta. In one of these pasta, you can hide a piece of paper with a message. Children will enthusiastically bite pasta in search of a code.

By the way, if you need gold nuggets for your entourage, then you can buy a can of gold paint for car rims and paint ordinary rubble or large stones with it. The very place of the treasure can be encrypted with GPS coordinates, or in the old fashioned way - with a cross on a printed Google map of the area.

Task number 7. Cells

Another team building challenge. Wind the rope between two trees so that you get cages with two floors. The size of one cell should be approximately 30 cm x 50 cm. In these cells, you need to hand over the player so that he does not touch the ground. Each cell can only be used once.

Task number 8. Shooting

Don't feed the boys with bread - let them shoot. A task with shooting always arouses increased interest, and a children's quest rarely does without it. If you don't want to overly militarize the game, then you can limit yourself to simply throwing tennis balls into cans. It is especially interesting to throw balls at a target over a high fence with a fire spotter. If your kids are a little older, you can teach them how to make slingshots and punches, or take a couple of air guns. But never give children a reason to shoot animals.

Task number 9. Black water

There are a lot of interesting chemical experiments for quests. One of the most accessible is to make black water transparent. To create black water, we need a bottle of ordinary water in which we need to add a pinch of starch and a couple of drops of iodine. After some time of non-use, the starch will settle and the bottle will just need to be shaken. You can discolor such black water with an ampoule of sodium thiosulfate, which is sold in any pharmacy. The water discoloration reaction lasts 1-2 minutes. You can play it in the quest in different ways. You can buy different ampoules - with glucose or saline solution, paint them all in different colors or provide them with different words, but only the ampoule that contains sodium thiosulfate will play.

Task number 10. Memory test

Developing visual memory is very useful for children, so be sure to include such tasks in quests. We need a lined board and a dozen different items. Children study the arrangement of objects on the board for a couple of minutes, and then try to put the objects in their places. Simple and helpful.

Ideally, you need to have two sets of items and two boards. On the first board, you arrange all the items in the right order and cover it with a blanket. The second board is empty, a set of items lies nearby. During the quest, you tear off the cover from the first board for 10-15 seconds and give the children the opportunity to remember the items. Then the players must restore the whole picture from memory already on the second board.

Task number 11. underground word

If you have the opportunity to buy or rent children's metal detectors, then you can do a lot of interesting puzzles with them. You can even organize entire championships of treasure hunters. Hide coins of various denominations on the field and send the children to collect them. And we offer to carefully and imperceptibly trample metal chains into the ground in the form of large letters. Children must use a metal detector to determine which letters are buried. As a result, name the whole word. Enough 2-3 large and understandable letters. For example the word: "GOAL"

If you want to hold a treasure hunting championship, then it is better to use not ordinary coins, and metal plates, or lids from cans. Such large objects are easy to detect even with the simplest metal detector and are easy to remove from the ground. You can also bury a chest in a clearing and cover it with a metal plate, which must be sprinkled with earth and grass. Players first use a metal detector to find a slab, and then a treasure chest under it.

Task number 12. Treasure from the bottom of the sea

For this task, we need powerful magnets, which can be obtained from old speakers, or computer hard drives. And it is better to buy ready-made search magnets with special eyelets for ropes. The simplest ones cost about $20-$30. These magnets are very interesting to extract coins from the water. Just scatter coins along the shore of a lake, pond, pool, or under a bridge over a shallow river. Just make sure that the coins are fresher than 2011, the old ones are not magnetic.

Large nuts or bolts can be used instead of coins. Give the children a couple of minutes to wield magnets along the bottom and count the treasures raised from the bottom. Do not forget to take a screwdriver or pliers with you, it will not be so easy to tear off coins from a powerful magnet. It is advisable to entrust the procedure of tearing coins to adults.

Task number 13. Word Search

It is very easy to prepare this assignment. Just hide various words in a certain search area - on the playground, in the room, on the stairs in the entrance, in the car, etc. Searching for hidden secrets is interesting in itself, but you will make an additional puzzle. All found words can be words from one popular song or picture that you need to guess. In this case, it is not necessary to search for all the words, and the most ingenious will understand what it is about pretty quickly. And those who do not like to think will increase the chances of winning by active search.

Write the words themselves on self-adhesive labels and remove them after the quest. On your summer cottage, words can be written with a permanent marker. In the forest, write words on wooden tablets and nail them to a tree. Another piece of paper with the word can be taped to a pole or tree with tape. Remember to warn children that it is strictly forbidden to remove stickers or signs with words. The children will be able to rewrite the found words in the block, or take a picture with the phone.

Task number 14. Photo hunting

Let's try to develop some creative skills in our players. Now all children have phones that can be used to take photos during the quest. So let's invite the children to take funny staged pictures. In the frames, they can jump and hover in the air, they can catch animals or birds in the lens, throw objects, climb trees, or just make funny faces. Three different shots will be enough for any quest.

If the photo itself is not enough for you, then you can complicate the task a little. Give the children a long word, for example: WIND GENERATOR and ask the letters of this word to make up the name of the subject. This item must be found and photographed. The longer the word, the more points you can get for this task. Thus, players who find and photograph the "crow" or "gate" will receive 6 points. Whoever guesses to remove the "car" or "leg" gets 4 points. For the photo of the "ravine" you can get 5 points.

We will gladly accept your donation to the Yandex.Money card

Our charity quests for children look like this. In any case, we will regularly hold games for orphans at our own expense, but with your help they will be much more entourage, more interesting and for a larger audience.

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