Competitive works script book quest in the library. A quest game was held in the scientific library

Quest is a great solution for a holiday in the children's library. During the quest, guests of the holiday will be able to feel like real adventurers, solve charades and puzzles. The guys will receive the task: “to follow the trail of the heroes of the books”, and having coped with it they will receive a well-deserved reward! The quest is easy to organize using the script of the literary quest in the Heroes children's library.

The script of the literary quest in the children's library "Heroes"

The librarian meets the guys. To create a mysterious atmosphere, you can turn on background music.

Librarian: Hello guys, do you like books? (Children answer) What are your favorite book characters? (Children answer) Did you know that the characters in the books love you too? Books love to be read. They especially love neat and attentive readers. Today, all our readers are waiting for an award for attentiveness and accuracy, to get it you guys need to complete a quest from the heroes of our books. And we'll start the quest from here. Here, the heroes of the books left their footprints, follow the footsteps of the heroes and see where they will lead you and what lies there. The one who found the message from the heroes returns with the message back.

Task 1. "In the footsteps"

Children follow the footprints left by the heroes of the books (for example, bear footprints, human footprints, etc.) that lead them to the place where the card with the charade is hidden.

Librarian: the guys, the heroes of the books, left us clues in the form of charades, listen and guess.

Task 2. Charades.

Charades are written on cards. The librarian reads the first charade, the next one is read by the one who guessed the previous one. All guessed words must be written on the board (if there is one) or whatman paper.


My first syllable screams a child

My second syllable is the remnants of the fire.

My first syllable and last syllable - the fan at the stadium screamed

And I found the middle syllable in the garden.

(Ole - bow - oye)

Saves your head from the sun

Boys headdress

But if the first letter is replaced by a growl

That is a fairy-tale hero in front of you.

(Cap – Turnip)

First syllable - bad mood

The second syllable - there are two of them on the head.

(Angry - ear)

My first syllable is the name of the king

My second syllable is rest from the day.

(Karl - dream)

Librarian: and now you and I need to add the first letters of the names of the guessed characters and read what happens. The vowel may be repeated several times.

Children fold. It turns out "FROST"

Librarian: looking for a book that contains this tale.

Children are looking for a book. In the book, children find a puzzle.

Librarian: guys, you need to assemble the puzzle and see who is drawn there.

Task 3.

Children collect a puzzle on which there is an image of the shadows of the characters in the book. For example, the book Alice in Wonderland.

Librarian: Guys, what book do you think these characters are from? That's right, these are the characters from the book "Alice in Wonderland", we are looking for this book in our library!

Children find a book in it a letter.

Librarian guys look what a strange letter do you think what subject can help us read the letter? correct mirror. And in which book about Alice was the mirror? Correctly, “Alice Through the Looking Glass” is looking for this book, attaching a letter to the mirror and reading.

Task 4.

Letter: “Dear Readers! I'm going on an adventure again. This time we will travel through the country of Zazarkalye, where the whole world is a chessboard, and the main characters are pieces on chessboard. A journey full of unexpected events, meetings with extraordinary heroes and of course I have absolutely no idea where it will lead me. But still, for the most courageous travelers, I will leave the key where there is a description of the heroes of this book. Your Alice.

The children go in search of the key. Find the key in a chess book or on a chessboard.

Librarian: Guys, what do you think this key can open?

The children answer. Try on the key to the door. The reading room is open.

Librarian: here we are also waiting for a hint and not one. Hints are not to be found in books. We look and search.

Children examine the reading room, find clues written on the bottom of chess pieces standing in different places in the reading room on their own or with the help of a librarian. Number hints.

Librarian: guys, these numbers are a ciphered message. Let's think about how to decrypt it.

To decipher the message, you need to translate the numbers into letters. (Alphabet in numbers) and read the title of the book. For example: "14-1-21-4-13-10" is "Mowgli"

Librarian: the guys are looking for the book "Mowgli"

Children find a book in it, a map of the library with a note where the treasure is hidden.

Librarian: the guys look carefully at the map and go in search of the treasure.

With the help of the map, children find the treasure. Participant awards.

List of props for holding literary quest in the children's library: traces; cards with charades; whatman paper or board; puzzle with the image of the shadows of the heroes of the fairy tale "Alice in Wonderland"; mirror; letter; key; library map; box with prizes according to the number of participants.

This form is actively used both in Internet games and in street games. In our city, quests are actively carried out by the Department of Youth and Sports.

We began to apply this concept to our events only this year, when we realized that the scheme for building library games, which we and our readers loved so much, fully corresponds to the name “quest”. But in fact, everything started earlier, in 2009.

Main rules/conditions of the quest:

There is a certain plot of the game

There are tasks/obstacles

There is some kind of goal that can be reached by overcoming obstacles.

Usually quests are team games-competitions. And usually in the traditional quest, active (sports) tasks and intellectual ones are interspersed.

Of course, we vary somewhat, change the rules for ourselves. Emphasis on intellectual tasks, search - in books. However, we also insert active moments, especially for kids. But this is more often expressed in impromptu theatricalization, dance steps, etc.

The work is organized like this:

First, there is a discussion of ideas in departments, representatives from each department (heads) gather in an initiative group, bring different proposals, discuss them and make a common decision.

Then, in each department in the field, there is a development-thinking of tasks, design, etc. according to the general theme. Every corner of the library is occupied, halls / ch.z / subscriptions .....

This time social partners (representatives of cultural institutions) were invited. This is a convenient and interesting move.

At the heart of all our quests are interactive exhibition-installations that we work with. At the beginning of the game, all participants are given travel sheets (or "travel letters", or "treasure map", or "record book for all sorts of sciences" ... depending on the theme of the game). At the end of the journey, there is always some kind of surprise-reward (a photo studio where you can take a picture in costumes, a trip to the library basement, diplomas, the opportunity to take home a book from h / z ...).

Yes, and we also do not have team games. The matter is that all our biblioquests pass on unorganized readers. But in principle, if you come to an agreement with the classes, you can also team game(By the way, for September 1 there is already an application to repeat the pirate biblio-twilight for the parallel of the 5th grade).

The library quest, it seems to me, can have several options for linking the plot of the whole game:

specific character in the book

particular book,

A cross-cutting topic on which tasks are selected.

We have already passed several library quests:

- "Our Pushkin" (2009)

- "On the planets with the Little Prince" (2010)

- "The Universe of School Sciences" (2011)

- "Pirate Library Twilight" (2012)

A few words about one of the games.

As part of the celebration of the 200th anniversary of A.S. Pushkin, whose name our library bears, we decided to arrange a thematic travel game on one of the days of the NDK. In each department, game exhibitions-installations were developed and designed. Children, getting to know them, discovered Pushkin's work and the Pushkin era from different angles:

Through music

Through dramatization and creative workshops

Through role-playing games and drawing analogies with life and world literature.

They tried to make all the tasks non-standard, so that they would touch the nerves of children and adolescents, arouse their interest. The so-called "penetration into the era", an attempt to find common ground between the 19th and 21st centuries. Now many people are already holding such meetings, but then we tried it for the first time, at least in our country.

The game began in the hall, where the conditions of the game-travel were explained to all those present, and "traveler's travel letters" were issued. In this "letter" points were given for completed tasks. In addition, here we invited the children to express their opinion about the game (reflection, which we later analyzed and found with great joy great amount enthusiastic responses and DEMAND to make such games as often as possible).

At each exhibition, interesting information about the Pushkin era was first given: - the main occupations of the young ladies of the 19th century,

Who and why fought a duel,

What were the rules for writing letters in the 19th century,

What they talked about in the girl's rooms of Pushkin's times,

Who in the century before last could organize a salon at home ....

Then there were practical game tasks (2-3 options for each site, taking into account different ages and different perseverance of readers). The children were asked to guess, for example:

What does this or that movement with a fan in the hands of a lady mean,

Remember the heroes of Pushkin, who dressed up as someone,

Challenge an opponent to a duel by writing a letter in the style of Pushkin's time,

Rewrite with a pen in the “Album of a Girl of the 19th Century” some Pushkin poem, try on a sundress of a young peasant woman or a costume of a Pushkin hero, etc., etc.

Approximate employment at each site (information + task) - 15–20 minutes. However, if someone wanted to stay and do a few tasks, we did not drive J

For those who completed the task, the Site Superintendent put his seal in the "travel charter" and sent them on.

A surprise gift was provided for those who passed all the stations - they could be photographed as a keepsake in the costume of a young lady or gentleman of the 19th century. The children were very pleased with such a gift and then ran to the library for a month to send themselves pictures on flash drives / disks.

Examples of biblioquests (material taken from the Bibliopuzzle blog):


This form is actively used both in Internet games and in street games.

Main rules/conditions of the quest:
- there is a certain plot of the game
- there are tasks/obstacles
- there is some kind of goal that can be reached by overcoming obstacles.

Usually quests are team games-competitions. And usually in a traditional quest, active (sports) tasks and intellectual ones alternate.

The game is a quiz in the form of a quest. A very convenient form of holding (the children took it with great interest). If necessary, you can replace the works (at the discretion of the teacher) and play this game as extracurricular activity Or a literature class.

Game script for summer camp « Literary quest»

- development of logical thinking,
- testing knowledge of literary works,
- education of a positive emotional and value attitude to Russian and foreign literature,
- improvement of certain types of speech activity of the student (listening, speaking);
- the development of interest in reading literary works,
- team building,
- Identification of leaders.
- update knowledge about literary works (A. Milne "Winnie the Pooh and all-all-all", A.N. Tolstoy "The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio", fairy tales by A.S. Pushkin),
- broaden the horizons of students,
- to promote the formation of independent cognitive activity,
-create conditions for the development of such analytical abilities of students as the ability to analyze, compare, compare, generalize, draw conclusions.
Necessary equipment:
- tokens by the number of questions;
- books by A. Milne "Winnie the Pooh and all-all-all", A.N. Tolstoy "The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio", fairy tales by A.S. Pushkin, etc.;
- portraits of Russian writers;
- leaflets and pens according to the number of teams;
- certificates for rewarding participants.
Leading:- Hello, dear guys! I'm very happy to see you! Tell me, please, do you like computer games?
/Children's answers/
What do you know about such computer games like the quest?
/Children's answers/
- A quest or adventure game is one of the main genres of games that require the player to solve mental problems in order to progress through the story. The plot can be predetermined, or it can give many outcomes, the choice of which depends on the actions of the player. The name quest comes from a series of Sierra games (Space Quest, King's Quest, Police Quest and others). Guys, today you have to take part in a literary quest. Are you ready?
/Children's answers/
- To participate in this exciting game we have to split into teams.
/Division into teams according to some principle: "Pear - apple - banana", "Brownian motion", etc./
- Guys, now each team has to choose a captain and come up with a name.
/Introduction to the teams and their captains./
-Let's get to the game. Let's get acquainted with its rules. The game consists of 4 levels. At each level you have to answer a series of questions. The first person to raise their hand gets the right to answer. If an incorrect answer is given, the right to answer passes to the other team. For each correct answer, the team receives a token. The team with the most tokens wins. So, before you get to the first "level", you need to solve the riddle and find a guessing book.
With Piglet he goes to visit,
He loves honey, he asks for jam.
/Children pronounce riddles, find riddle books among others/
- Well done boys! You have passed the first test and moved on to the first level of the game. As you probably already understood, this level will be dedicated to the work of Alan Alexander Milne "Winnie the Pooh and all-all-all".
Walking, Winnie was always cheerful. But to find out where he walked, guess the riddle.
Noisy on the mountain
And under the mountain is silent. (Forest.)
Pooh went out into the clearing and saw a tall, very high ...
It's cold in summer
Warms in winter. (Wood.)
At the top of that tree, Vinnie saw...
My pleasant meal
Sweet is the fruit of my labors. (Bee.)
And Pooh climbed a tree for this delicacy.
There is a dugout vessel,
And in it the gruel is not boiled. (Beehive and honey.)
But then Pooh fell from a tree into a bush, and what was the name of the bush?
On mountain mountain
There is a Volyn oak,
He wears a heroic dress for us,
A bitch diabolical. (Blackthorn.)
Pooh pulled a thorn out of his nose, went to his friend Piglet and began to ask him ...
I held your tail in my hand,
You flew, I ran.
Piglet had two balloons one is blue and the other is green: "If you get honey on a green ball, the bees will take you for ..."
I grow up in the summer
And in the fall I fall. (Leaves.)
And if you fly for honey on a blue balloon, then you will look like ...
An eagle flies across the blue sky
Wings spread out
The sun has dimmed. (Cloud.)
Friends took the blue balloon, and Piglet also took it with him ...
black kochet
Wants to bark. (Gun)
They went on a hike. Friends began to inflate the balloon, suddenly Piglet let go of the rope and Pooh flew into ... What kind of ceiling is this -
He's low, he's high
Now he is gray, then whitish,
It's a little bit blue
And sometimes so beautiful -
Lace and blue-blue. (Sky.)
"Hooray! shouted Pooh. “Well, who do I look like?” Guess who he looks like?
The owner of the forest
Waking up in the spring
And in winter under a blizzard howl
Sleeping in a snow hut. (Bear.) There was a short silence and again a voice was heard: “Do you, Piglet, have this thing at home?”
I walk in the rain and in the heat -
My character is like this. (Umbrella.)
Suddenly a bee sat down on Pooh...
Chock has two stoves. (Nose.)
Because of what particular insect was he named Pooh?
Who is above us
Upside down
Walking - not afraid
Are you afraid to fall? (Fly.)
Pooh was walking through the forest and came to visit. To whom?
fluff ball,
long ear,
Jumping smartly
Loves carrots. (Rabbit.)
And about what product did Pooh say that you can not give it?
Everyone needs
And not everyone will. (Bread.)
Pooh climbed out of the hole, and at first he appeared ...
He is always by the seas,
There are always ships. (Nose.)
Then they showed up...
flat board:
Finishing on the edges
And there is a hole in the middle. (Ears.)
Then paws appeared, and then Pooh yelled in a desperate voice. And Robin suggested that he lose weight, and with the help of his friends, Pooh got out of the hole.
- Well done boys! To move to the second level, you must complete the following task. Find among the presented portraits the one that depicts the author of such works as "Ruslan and Lyudmila", "The Tale of the Golden Cockerel", "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish", "The Tale of the Priest and the Worker of His Bulldozer". Write the number of this portrait on a piece of paper.
/Execution of the task/.
- Well done boys! you switched to the second level, the tasks of which are devoted to the work of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin.
1. What cat runs near Lukomorye? /Scientist/
2. How many years did the old man and the old woman live together? / "Exactly 30 years and 3 years"/
3. Who brought the poisoned apple to the princess? /Chernavka/
4. What property did the mirror from the fairy tale “About the Dead Princess” have? /"It speaks skillfully"/
5. What did the old woman call the old man when she found out that he released the goldfish? /"Fool you, simpleton"/
6. Which fairy tale ends with the words “The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it! Good fellows lesson!”? / "The Tale of the Golden Cockerel"/
7. What song did the squirrel sing in "The Tale of Tsar Saltan"? (“In the garden, in the garden”).
8. Who was the leader of the thirty-three heroes? (Chernomor.)
9. Who rushed into the sea over the Swan? (Kite.)
10. Who was the kite shot by Guidon? (Sorcerer.)
11. What happened to the old woman's trough? (Cracked.)
12. What color were the boots of the old woman when she was a pillar noblewoman? (Red.)
13. What did the queen order Chernavka to do with the princess? (Take it into the forest to be eaten by wolves.)
14. Where did the old woman want to live so that she would have a goldfish on her parcels? ("In the Okiyane-Sea.")
15. What did the old woman ask the goldfish for the second time? (New hut.)
16. In which coffin did the seven heroes put the princess? (Crystal.)
17. What did the queen do with the magic mirror when she found out that the princess came to life? (Smashed.)
18. By what month, according to the king, should the fair maiden give birth to his son-hero? (“By the end of September.”)
19. What does the scientist cat say when it goes to the left? (Fairy tales.)
20. What is the name of Alexander Pushkin's nanny? (Arina Rodionovna.)
- Guys, your captains will show themselves at the next level. As you know, any leader must have good diction. And in order to develop a clear diction, it is necessary to pronounce tongue twisters from time to time.
Grek rode across the river, sees Grek: there is a crayfish in the river, he put the Grek's hand into the river, the crayfish by the hand of the Grecian tsap.
Sasha walked along the highway and sucked dry.
Aunt reads Tyutchev a little.
- Well done! To go to the next level, you are offered the following task: write on a piece of paper the author and the title of the work whose heroes are in front of you. (Images of Pinocchio and Malvina, heroes of Tolstoy's work "The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio".)
1. Which of the heroes of the fairy tale has a surname and a name that differ in only one letter? / Karabas Barabas /
2. To whom did Giuseppe give the talking log? (To the organ grinder Carlo.)
3. Who almost killed Pinocchio on the first day of his life? (Rat Shushara.)
4. Who are Alice and Basilio? (Fox and cat.)
5. Who saved Pinocchio when the robbers hung him on a tree? (Malvina.)
6. What medicine was used to treat Pinocchio? (Castorca.)
7. What was the name of the country in which Pinocchio was called the cat and the fox? (Country of fools.)
8. What words did Pinocchio have to say in order for the money tree to grow? (Crex, fex, pex.)
9. What academic title did the owner of the puppet theater Karabas Barabas have? (Doctor of puppet science.)
10. Where was the secret door that had to be opened with a golden key? (In Papa Carlo's closet.)
11. What did Pinocchio and his friends find behind this door? (Puppet show.)
12. What magic phrase did Malvina dictate to her guest Pinocchio in a dictation? Why is she magical? (“And the rose fell on the paw of Azor,” the phrase can be read from left to right.)
13. What did Carlo Pinocchio dream of buying for dad? (New jacket.)
14. He "in a wide-brimmed hat walked around the cities with a beautiful hurdy-gurdy and got his bread by singing and music." (The organ grinder Carlo.)
15. "Swayed, swayed on thin legs, stepped once, stepped another, hop-hop, straight to the door, through the threshold and into the street." (Pinocchio.)
16. "Curly-haired pretty girl with a pretty upturned nose." (Malvina.)
17. "A big, scary snake head appeared." (Turtle Tortilla.)
18. "A long, wet, wet man entered with a small, small face, as wrinkled as a morel mushroom." (Duremar.)
19. “A little man in a long white shirt with long sleeves. His face was sprinkled with powder as white as tooth powder. (Pierrot.)
20. “A man so terrible in appearance that one could freeze with horror at one glance at him. His thick, uncombed beard dragged along the floor, his bulging eyes rolled, his huge mouth clanged his teeth, as if it were not a man, but a crocodile. (Karabas Barabas.)
/Summing up the game/
Teams take prizes depending on the number of tokens earned. You can separately note the team captains and the most active participants in the game.
- Guys, did you like the game?
-You see, interesting games lurk not only behind monitor screens. I hope today's meeting will make you open some interesting book that hides many literary mysteries. Thanks for playing! See you soon!

Svetlana Serdobintseva

Target: development of children's cognitive abilities through quest technologies.


Develop social and communicative qualities by collectively solving common problems through:

Problem solving

Ability to work collaboratively in a variety of tasks

Expanding horizons

Development of logical thinking, fantasy, imagination

Vocabulary Enrichment

Create a positive emotional state

Raise interest in the works of K. I. Chukovsky, a sense of admiration

Children choose a captain who receives a travel itinerary.

This is an unusual card.: It shows the path to the treasure. Do you want to find this treasure? What might be hidden there? Gems, gold coins, something more valuable.

Let's go on a journey and find out what is there.

But the journey will not be easy, a lot can happen. On the way you need to check your route with the map. Before you go on the road, you need to count all the participants so that no one gets lost.

Children stand one after another, the captain counts everyone, now it is known how many participants go on a trip. (Securing the ordinal account).

According to the map-plan, children find the beginning of departure (portrait of K. Chukovsky) and receive the first task.

Exercise 1. "Guess the tale"

Numbered pictures of Chukovsky's fairy tales are laid out on the table. The teacher makes riddles about the heroes of the fairy tale, the children guess and lay out the pictures in order.

Turning the pictures over, a letter is written on the back. Children read, get the word "Telephone". You need to find this book on the shelf by following the arrows indicated on the plan. The book remains with the captain.

In the book, children find a note with a task.

1. He treats mice and rats,

Crocodiles, hares, foxes.

Bandages the wounds

African monkey

And anyone will confirm us

This is a doctor... (Aibolit)

2. He scolds the unwashed,

Makes you rinse

Chimney sweep clean, clean,

Washes cleanly ( "Moydodyr")

3. The dirty old woman lived in a hut

Didn't wash pots, didn't sweep floors.

With the dishes she was once in a quarrel

What is this fairy tale? "Fedorino grief"

4. Well, who, having gained strength,

Swallowed the sun in the sky? (Crocodile)

5. They were afraid of the mustachioed

Everyone, even kill!

But dealt with it

Daring sparrow! (Cockroach)

6. Who seems to be a daw,

Swallowed a washcloth? (Crocodile)

7. I walked around the field

And I bought a samovar

And then he married me

Brave little mosquito. "Fly Tsokotukha"

Task 2. Didactic game "Make a Story"

Children lay out pictures - puzzles, call a fairy tale, find a book on the shelf indicated on the plan "Aibolit" with a task. The book remains with the captain.

Task 3. "Aibolit"

It is necessary to transfer sick animals from one bank of the Limpopo River to the other along a narrow bridge (rope). Everyone should pass only once, but sick animals should not remain.

Task 4. "Telephone"

There is a phone on the table. Of all the rescued animals, it was necessary to choose the heroes of the fairy tale "Telephone". Under the phone, the children find a note with the correct answer and next task.

Task 5 "Find 10 differences"

Children are given two pictures from a fairy tale. You need to find 10 differences. According to the plan, find a book on the shelf that remains with the captain. In the book, a note from next task.

Task 6. "Moydodyr"

Remember what things flew around the room dirty. It is necessary to collect in a basin exactly those items that are mentioned in the fairy tale. Find a book according to plan "Moydodyr", in which a note from next task.

Task 7. "The Fourth Extra"

Cockroach, ignoramus

Fedorino grief, Winnie the Pooh

Find an extra picture, find a book on a shelf. Find in the book exercise: solve riddles

Task 8. "Say a word from a fairy tale.".

Remember what words such poetic lines from the works of K. Chukovsky end with

Only suddenly from behind a bush,

Because of the blue forest

From distant fields

Arriving…. (Sparrow “Cockroach”)

Long, long crocodile

The blue sea extinguished

Pies and pancakes

And dried... (Mushrooms “Confusion”)

I'm for the candle

Candle - in the oven!

I am for book,

Ta - run

And skipping

Under …. (Bed “Moydodyr”)

Fleas came to Mukha,

They brought her boots

And boots are not simple -

They have clasps... (Golden “Tsokotukha Fly”)

Darkness has come

Don't go through the gate:

Who got on the street -

Lost and... (missing "The Stolen Sun")

And behind her forks

Glasses and bottles

Cups and spoons

Jumping on… (track “Fedorino Gora”)

Task 9. "Chain of words"

Everyone chooses a picture for themselves and everyone lines up in a chain. The captains check the correctness of the execution.

Moidodyr - cancer - cat - cockroach - socks - turkey - chicken - Aibolit - phone

When the chain is built, then everyone ends up at the table of the keeper of the books.

book keeper:

Good afternoon my friends! I am glad to see you at my place. I am a book keeper. Both children and adults who love to read often come to me.

What are your most favorite books?

According to the fairy tales of which writer did you travel today?

What did you like the most about your trip?

During your journey you have collected many books by K. Chukovsky. Let's put them on display.

The captains give the books to the keeper, and she puts them on display.

I also have this treasure chest. I do not open it for everyone, but only for those who loves to read.

You are great! You know well all the tales of Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky, you correctly completed all the tasks and my chest will open for you.

The keeper opens the chest, there is a book and a treat for the children.

I present this book to you book corner. And I give the treat to the teachers, try it in the group.

I invite all of you to our library with your parents. Come to us for books, we are always very glad to see you.

See you soon!

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