Competitions for the anniversary of 10 years for a girl. Humorous competition "Torture with balloons"

Funny contests birthday for children 10 years old at home will be no less interesting than in some kind of entertainment center. All it takes is a little time and imagination, and then children's holiday will become unforgettable. Here are games that can be played with children of ten years old.

A fun contest - the game "Hang the fruit"

Rules of the game:

We draw a tree on a large piece of paper. Participants of the competition are divided into teams, they are given paper fruits, which are pasted on double-sided tape. Each participant approaches the tree and blindfolds eats to hang fruit on the tree. The team that hangs the fruit on the tree faster and more correctly (does not miss) wins.

Birthday game for children 10 years old "Magic Tree"

Rules of the game:

The children are told the story of the magic tree. Such a magical tree grows for itself. And once a year, it bears fruit. Today is that special day in which the tree bears fruit. So let's collect these fruits.

Children are given containers for collecting fruits that have fallen off the tree and lie on the rug. They, blindfolded, collect these fruits (sweets, chewing gum, etc.). The winner is the one who collects more "fruits" in his basket. The rest of the participants share their "harvest" with him.

Game "Feed the animal"

Rules of the game:

There are bottles on the table, on the neck of which paper heads of animals with open mouths are put on. Each participant is given the same number of items (peas, small balls, etc.). Children must get into the mouths of animals from a certain distance. Whoever hits the most times is the winner.

Game "Stationary artist"

Rules of the game:

Participants are divided into pairs. Some are motionless artists, others are assistants. The artist is given a pen, pencil or felt-tip pen in his hand. Assistant - a piece of paper. The artist must stand still, the hand with the felt-tip pen should be extended, the assistant holds the paper parallel to the felt-tip pen. The task is to draw a certain picture. Important! The artist does not move, the assistant moves the paper himself to depict a certain subject.

Game "Snoop"

Rules of the game:

A surprise box is placed in the center of the room. All participants stand in a circle, they are given inflated, but not tied, balloons in their hands. About "three", the children should release their balloons. The winner is the one whose ball falls closer to the surprise box.

Game "Pests"

Rules of the game:

A room or any playground is divided into two halves. This room is filled with balloons. Red (or some other) balls will be "pests". Children are divided into two teams and try to drive these "saboteurs" to the side of the other team. The game is for time, a timer is set at the request of the host, and when the time runs out, the team that has fewer "pests" left in its territory wins.

Game "Sleight of the Glove"

Rules of the game:

The game is played by two. Boxing gloves are put on the children and candy is given. The task of the children is to deploy it as soon as possible. The winner is the one who quickly removes the wrapper from the candy.

Game "Funny scarf"

Rules of the game:

All participants make a circle, in the center of which stands the birthday man. He is given a handkerchief which he must toss. The task of the rest is to laugh when the handkerchief is in the air, and freeze when it falls to the floor. Anyone who breaks the rules is out of the game. The one who remains (one person) wins.
can be changed, added, simplified or complicated. It all depends on the characteristics of children and the imagination of adults.

Make your little ones' holiday fun and special, and they'll love it more than anything else.

Each of us wants to create an unforgettable holiday for our child, full of fun, congratulations, gifts. What can please you so much as not children's smiles and joy. But when they gather a holiday not for one child, but for a whole group of friends, the celebration can turn into chaos. Children can get bored with the usual environment. Therefore, it is very important to constantly discharge it with all possible games, contests and other entertainment. There are games for every age and it is very important that every child can take part in it. This is where contests come in.

What competitions are interesting for children of 10 years old?

Children at the age of 10 are already baked students. They need to constantly be on the move to throw out energy, show dexterity and ingenuity. It is good if the common company will be both boys and girls who are a little familiar with each other, since not all children can easily make contact with strangers, and this can bring some kind of pause in entertainment.

Birthday contests: 10 years

A birthday is such a holiday where the birthday person becomes the center of attention for one day. Everything should happen around him and the guests should also pay attention to him. As competitions, this can be:

"Portrait of a birthday boy"

For this you need:

  • 2 sheets of drawing paper;
  • felt-tip pens or pencils;
  • cheerful musical accompaniment.

Competition progress:

Players must be divided into an equal number of teams, each of which is given a piece of drawing paper. During the game, you should get a portrait of the birthday man. Each player, as soon as the music starts playing, comes up and, blindfolded, begins to draw one part of the face, which one each chooses, and so on in turn. As a result, players can draw the same parts, or vice versa, blindfolded, such a funny caricature will turn out.

The next table competition is called “Who eats what?”

You will need: several different vegetables and fruits

The essence of the game: the participants are blindfolded and hands are blindfolded and given in turn to try different products, and they must guess. Whoever makes the fewest mistakes wins. Funny moments are delivered when you have to try sour lemon or onion. And the fact that all manipulations will have to be carried out without the help of hands deliver no less laughter from everyone.

Children's competitions for large companies of children of 10 years old

If the invited company pleases with its quantity, then the competitions should be as mobile as possible with prizes, souvenirs, and medals. Competitions will be good in which children have to complete a team task. Teachers believe that such competitions contribute to the development of team spirit in children, the ability to avoid and quickly resolve conflicts during the game.

"Palm Balls"

In this competition, children can laugh heartily, and all you need for this is balloons. Well, if the celebration takes place in nature, then the balls can be hung right on the trees.

Competition progress:

Balls are hung on trees or other structures. participants are divided into 2 teams and, on a signal, they must run up and tear off the tied ball, burst it, and pass the rest to the next player in the form of a relay race. The first team to empty the palm tree wins.

"Stuck Coin"

Any coin sticks to the player's forehead, and his task is to throw it off, but not with the help of his hands, but using only facial expressions.

Competition "I believe - I do not believe"

Surely everyone remembers this old yard game, and how many positive moments it brought to everyone. Then the questions were simple, but now all the children are very well-read and it will not be difficult for anyone to agree or refute the following facts. Such as:

  1. Lemons grow on a tree.
  2. There are tickets to the moon.
  3. Some circus crocodiles can waltz.
  4. Rainbows also happen at night.
  5. If you run under the mushroom rain, you can grow.
  6. The largest fish in the world is the shark.
  7. Penguins live at the South Pole
  8. Dandelions are pink, especially rare.
  9. Seals can fly
  10. Bats are capable of transmitting radio signals (I don't believe it).

For each guessed question - a token. The winner is determined by the largest number of tokens.

As you can see, you can think of anything that can amuse your children and it will be a much better pastime than a simple feast at home or in a cafe.

An inflated balloon is placed on the table. At this time, the driver is blindfolded and placed with his back to the table. Next, he must take 5 steps forward and spin around himself 3 times. His task is to return to the table and blow off the balloon. As a result, most likely, the child will lose direction and begin to blow off the balloon from where it never was. This competition causes a lot of laughter and joy from.

"Best Chauffeur"

Long threads of the same length are tied to toy cars in advance. How many participants - so many cars. Tie a pencil to the other end of the thread. At the command of the leader, the players begin to wind the threads around the pencils. The winner is the one who winds the entire thread faster, and whose machine, thus, will come first to the finish line.

"Surprise Box"

Various small items are put into the box. There should be a few more of them than guests. When choosing items, they are guided by the age of the players. On the side of the box, a hole is made large enough to fit the hand of the largest of your guests. Having prepared surprises, the box is wrapped with beautiful paper, and the hole is left open. The essence of the competition is that each of the players must put their hand into the hole in the box and, having felt the first object that comes across, name it. If he guessed right, he takes this prize for himself. If the player makes a mistake, he puts the item on the table. Thus, the box should be in the hands of each player.

"A penny saves a ruble"

To conduct this competition, the guys are divided into teams according to the total number in each. You will need cups or other containers and small coins. Cups are placed on the finish line according to the number of teams. The task of the guys is to transfer one coin on the toe of the foot to the cup of their team. Whoever gets a coin is out of the game. The team with the most coins wins.


For this competition, you need to prepare in advance. It is necessary to write notes with the fulfillment of desires and put them in balloons, which are then inflated. The players choose the one they like the most and burst it. As a result, they receive tasks that need to be completed.

"Paper Plane Attack"

This competition is more convenient to hold on the street. The guys are divided into 2 teams, which must stand against each other. A volleyball net can be used as a dividing line. If there is none, you can draw a strip on the asphalt with chalk. The guys are given pre-prepared paper ones, which they must launch into the territory of the “enemy”. Only one aircraft can be launched at a time. The game lasts 3-5 minutes, after which they calculate which side has how many airplanes. On which there are fewer of them, that team wins.


Any number of players can participate in this contest. Having asked those present to leave for 1 minute, the driver hangs ordinary clothespins on a variety of objects. It can be a chandelier, curtains, a sofa, a carpet, soft toys. The more, the more interesting. The goal of the competition is to find and collect as many clothespins as possible for one player.

10 years is the first round date in a person's life. The entertainment program will make this event bright and memorable. Interesting competitions, original contests and quizzes will amuse the friends of the birthday party invited to the birthday party. Dynamic games will fill the holiday with children's laughter and joy. Happy smiles of children will delight parents and adults present at the event.

    Game "Set of letters"

    All children who want to participate in the game. They are divided equally into 2-3 teams. The facilitator gives each group of participants one the same set letter cards. The task of the players is to make a word out of these letters. The words refer to the theme "Birthday". The team that first raises above its head and shows the host and the audience a given word gets 1 point. Shouting words is prohibited. The folded word must be presented to the host and shown to the audience. After the teams have guessed the first word, the leader gives them the next set of cards and so on. The group of participants with the most points wins.

    Sets of cards with letters

    • ordpoak - gift
    • igtos - guests
    • chic - ball
    • tonkfae - candy
    • rdnipazk - holiday
    • zhaepoelni - wish
    • meninkney - birthday
  • Game "Birthday gift"

    All children who want to participate in the game. They are divided equally into 2-3 teams. For the competition, you will need cardboard blanks in the form of a gift and items for decoration: festive paper, ribbons, sparkles, paper cutouts in the shape of hearts, flowers, sweets.

    The task of the teams is to decorate the workpiece so that it turns out original gift birthday boy. To complicate the task, all participants are blindfolded and given certain items for decoration and glue. Players take turns approaching the gift and begin to decorate it.

    At the end of the game, the birthday boy chooses the winner - the team that created the most original gift.

    Relay competition. All interested children participate in it. They are divided equally into 2 teams. A plastic cup half-filled with caramel is attached to each contestant's leg with adhesive tape.

    Participants line up in 2 lines along the start line. At a certain distance from each of them, a container is placed - a deep plate or cup. The task of the representatives of both teams is to carefully reach their container in turn, pour the contents of the glass into it without the help of hands and return back to the start.

    The team with the most candies in its container after all the participants have passed the relay wins.

    Several children are participating in the competition. Each participant receives 2 sheets of A4 paper. The task of the contestants is to go through the "swamp" along the "bumps" as quickly as possible. To do this, you need to put one sheet on the floor, stand on it with both feet, and put the other sheet in front of you. Then you need to step over to the second sheet, pick up the first sheet and shift it forward and so on. The winner is the participant who quickly overcomes the specified distance in this way (passes through the "swamp").

Each parent is not averse to making their child happy, it can be trips, gifts, various entertainments, competitions that they themselves can arrange. We will talk about them in this article. Children at the age of 10 are already quite independent and try to seem like adults, proving this in various ways, so the competitions for them should be appropriate. Most often, teenagers gather in large teams at a friend's birthday, which makes it quite easy to find entertainment.

Competitions for a large company

So, contests that are convenient to hold at home with a large number of people:


All children sit in a row. The first person speaks a word into the ear of the next person so that others do not hear. The second player must also pass to the third and so on. The last one says what he heard, if it's right, then the first one sits down at the end and everything starts anew, if not, then everyone remains in their places.

frog gaze

The guys stand in a circle, the leader is selected. Everyone closes their eyes, and the driver walks in a circle and somehow notifies one person that he is a frog, and the other that he is a hunter. When the circle is completed, the children open their eyes. The essence of the game is for the frog to eat all the mosquitoes (the remaining guys), but not be caught by the hunter.
The frog winks first to one, then to the other, those who saw it sit down. But if the hunter noticed, then he goes to the center and announces to everyone that he has found the frog.

eye color

Children are divided into 2 teams. The leader says: "To the start, attention, march." As soon as the last word was spoken, the guys scatter and remember the color of the eyes of other participants. The essence of the competition is to line up according to the shades of the eyes, from lighter to darker or vice versa. Which team is faster is the winner. Variations of such a game can be varied. For example, by hair color, by date of birth or by the letters with which their name begins.

guessing game

You need to prepare pieces of paper with words in advance, then wrap them well so that what is written is not visible and put them in some kind of container, let it be a hat, a saucepan, etc.

Then the children are divided into teams, more than two can be, it all depends on the number of people who wish, and a certain time is allotted to explain the words. For example, 30 seconds, during this time the player must take out pieces of paper and talk about these words so that his teammates can guess, but he must not say the same root words and synonyms. Time is running out, and the container with words is passed on. The next round is explained by other players from the same companies. When the words end, it is calculated who has more pieces of paper.

Competitions for several people

If, nevertheless, the team of children is not so large, it does not matter, you can arrange competitions where everyone will be for himself or collective creativity:

Unseen Beast

For the competition you will need:

  • Whatman
  • The pencils

The first participant comes to the table where all the accessories are laid out, all the others should not see what he is doing. He draws the head of the animal and wraps the image, the next player already marks the neck on paper and also wraps the drawn one. This continues until the animal is completely completed, after which it unfolds the entire piece of paper, and everyone sees a funny image of a new animal, unknown to anyone until this moment.


All the guys should bring their expensive things, well, not in the sense that they cost a lot, but that they are very important to them, maybe it will be a watch, a personal diary, stickers, etc. The host takes them to another room so that no one can peep. Then he lays out the brought things on the floor in a line so that you can easily walk between them and begins to call one by one. The leader blindfolds the child and asks to go from the beginning to the end of the lines so as not to step on anything. In the end, all the participants are already watching the passage of the distance friends and are very worried about their "treasures". The one who doesn't step on anything wins.


A couple of children are chosen. A pre-inflated balloon is tied to each left leg. The task of the guys is to burst the opponent's ball. Whoever does it faster is the winner.

Competitions in nature

Children can also gather at a friend's cottage or in some open area where there is a lot of space and where to turn around:

sea ​​battle

This competition should be held either somewhere in nature, where there is a pond or in a pool. Children are divided into 2 teams and stand on both sides. And they start splashing with water, but you can’t turn your head away, whoever did it is out of the game. The team with the last person left wins.

Winter shooting range

Winter version of darts. Children need to be outdoors as much as possible. But constantly walking is also boring, so you can come up with various entertainments, for example, the Winter Shooting Range contest. Players are divided into 2 teams, at some distance from them a target is hung, where points are indicated. Children take turns making snowballs and throwing them at a given place, whoever has more points wins.

hidden treasures

What is the birthday associated with? Of course, with some kind of treasure or treasure. You can arrange a mini-quest to find treasures. Parents hide sweets or gifts for children in advance and draw a map for the children to follow. On the way they meet various obstacles, such as: guessing a rebus, reading a poem, doing something with the whole team, etc. The team that reaches the treasure first wins. But, of course, friendship won, so parents reward children for their “effort”.

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