Girls make monster high makeup. monster high games

Makeup is an everyday procedure without which no woman, including the characters in the Monster High series, can leave the house. The art of making yourself beautiful has been passed down from generation to generation by all the women of the world. Different countries have their own secrets of facial care, many of them are time-tested, they are supplemented by modern means, of which there are now a great many. In pursuit of the perfect appearance, your favorites from the "School of Monsters" do not lag behind the rest of the girls in the world.

If earlier only natural “decorators” were available to women, then nowadays the range of cosmetics for the face is practically innumerable, and in this section of the games the girls will be happy to share their little beauty secrets with you.

A lot of moisturizing and masking creams, powders, blush, lotions - all this helps our heroines to strengthen the skin of the face and set the desired tone. Decorative cosmetics, such as mascara, underwater pencils and lipstick, emphasize advantages and mask imperfections.

These basic knowledge are necessary in order to start playing online for free in flash. monster high makeover games for girls.

The heroines of the animated series "School of Monsters" are now at the peak of popularity. TV viewers love to watch the beautiful Jennifer Long, the adventurer Draculaura and the girl-perfection Rochelle Goyle. They lurk on the other side of the screen, attracting with their sense of style and perfect appearance.

Playing free online flash games for girls Monster School makeup, little makeup artists can freshen up and add new colors to the makeup of their favorite heroines. Lilac, orange, turquoise and other shades of shadows will fall like loose dust on the eyelids of models, updating the image and emphasizing beauty. Lipsticks of completely different colors, liquid eyeliner, lip gloss, and even a makeup remover that, like a liquid eraser, erases all the bumps and inaccuracies - all these are indispensable attributes of the future make-up queen.

Games of a similar theme give all fans of an exciting cartoon a great chance to be inside a fictional universe and have a hand in updating the images of wonderful monster girls.

Makeup Monster High play online for free:

Every girl in Monster High has her own unique monster style that she always follows. After all, it is by the unusual style that the fans recognize the students of the School...

Even though Howlin is three years younger than her sister Claudine, she still cares a lot about her skin and likes to keep it clean, beautiful and...

When spring begins, you always want something new, because at the same time as the flowers bloom, the girl also blooms. Every little princess wants to catch...

Today is Twyla, one of the students of the School of Monsters, has a birthday. The friends thought for a long time about what to give her, because the girl Twyla is rather difficult. One of...

Last year, Hazel's parents vacationed with her on a cruise ship, where they were provided with all the amenities. In the same year, the girl's parents are very ...

Today you have a unique opportunity to visit Frankie Stein's house! She, along with her friends from the Monster High School, is going for an evening walk along ...

Katy has a responsible concert today, which will be held in the concert hall of the neighboring city. A lot of local teenagers will come to the concert, and besides that...

All Monster High Makeover games are excellent online trainers for training how to create a beautiful makeover. At your disposal are charming students from the unusual and very famous Monster High school, who want to change their image a little and become even more attractive. To complete such tasks, you must have a good imagination and a sense of

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Style, because without these skills, beautiful makeup obviously won’t work out, but if you chose monster school makeup games, then you have all these qualities ... We, in turn, want to promise you that there will be a lot of tasks for you and everyone our online task will have its own story, for example, you will have to make up one of the monster beauties for a certain amount of time, or prepare one of the cuties for a cool party.

Draculaura Vampire Makeup

A beauty of vampire origin named Draculaura is one of the prettiest graduates of a mystical educational institution, the girl has soft pink skin that constantly needs good care, this is what you will do in the Monster High Draculaura makeup section of the game. Here all the necessary cosmetics are ready for you: creams, scrubs and of course the best set of decorative cosmetics, with the help of all these tools you will create an incredible make up monster for different occasions.

How to play these games?!

The first thing you have to do is to transform into a real master of the spa salon and conduct the right session of care and cleansing of the facial skin. When all the spa treatments are over and Draculaura's face shines with purity and vampire health, you can already take up cosmetics and apply beautiful makeup on the monster's face:

First create a flawless tone on the face
Color lashes with charcoal mascara
Color your lips with lipstick or gloss
Here are some easy steps!

Green makeup

As you might have guessed, you also have to go through the Monster High Venus McFlytrap makeover games. This green beauty could not fall out of our attention. The girl is very smart and quite often represents her school at serious symposiums. At such meetings, looking bad is just a collapse, and therefore you must help the unusual heroine to monitor her appearance and keep it in perfect condition.

Online gameplay

First, arm yourself with a cleansing lotion and treat the face of Venus with it.
Take the cream and cover your face with it
Pick up beautiful shadows, eye shadow, lipstick, blush

Makeup sportswear Claudine

Another bright heroine of our online entertainment games Monster High make-up Claudine Wolfe, the daughter of a real werewolf, who cannot live a day without fashion and sports, but the beauty has such interesting hobbies. The girl is very concerned about her appearance, she must be beautiful and flawless everywhere and always, and therefore you must simply be a master in creating Monster High makeup.

Make-up secrets for a fluffy cutie

One fine day, an idea came to the head of a charming schoolgirl to completely update her image and make herself a fresh make-up that will impress all classmates and classmates. First you have to clean the student's furry muzzle, and only then take on decorative cosmetics and apply it to Claudine Wolfe's face. Choose cosmetics so that it perfectly harmonizes with the appearance of a cute girl.

Abby the Snow Charmer's Transformation

A monster school student living in the snowy Himalayas also needs a good makeup artist. And you will become such a master by going to our free games Monster High makeover Abby Bominable. Do not forget about the features of the appearance of the snowy beauty, we remind you that Abby has blue skin and white white hair ...

Frosty gameplay

We start care with a cleansing mask, and only then move on to make-up, we are sure that all these simple steps in our online games are clear to you and you will do just fine with everything. We just wish you good luck and good mood.

Makeup cute Toralei Stripe

Toralei Stripe is a real cat girl. Games Monster High makeup Toralei requires special skills from you, because this clawed charm is not a very feminine nature, but everything should be different and you have to fix it all and no one else !!

game moment

Well, there are no shocking novelties for you here, everything is going according to a well-established scheme. Monster High makeup games are easy to manage, you just need to take your computer mouse in your hands, click on the mission start icon and go to cosmetic procedures. The invariably leading procedure in the make-up of the angular Toralei is facial skin care, here lotions, masks and other things come into play. When the skin is radiant and well-groomed, brushes and paints go into battle, a perfect make-up is created. Everything is interesting, exciting, absolutely free and simple!!

Video surprise with a cartoon about the school of monsters Monster High

If you are terribly tired of boring lessons and ordinary things, and your soul asks for something new, unprecedented and exciting - we are glad to offer you great entertainment! Monster High games will take you to the wonderful world of the most mysterious and extraordinary school! Monster High games for girls will allow you to take part in all the adventures of your favorite heroines and really feel like one of them! Just choose what you would like to do today - wander through the mysterious corridors of the castle in which the School is located, make new hairstyles with Claudine and Draculaura, save the Frogs of the Lagoon or choose a stunning outfit for Cleo - all this and much more awaits you on this page!

An amazing combination of mystical appearance and otherworldly abilities with completely ordinary characters for teenagers made the Monster High characters so popular! Hundreds of thousands of fans every day act out scenes with dolls, enjoy short but funny cartoons and have fun with Monster High games for girls. What is the secret of the charm of young monsters, why are they so sweet to their fans? We invite you to get to know the students of the mysterious and fun Monster High School.

Monster High Characters

All the characters in this series are very unusual and bright. Each has a lot of interesting features that are associated with the origin of the character. We will tell you more about your favorites.

Frankie Stein

Frankie is the daughter of Frankenstein and his wife, she is only 15 days old. Frankie is a little awkward, but very gracious and athletic. She knows how to make friends. Frankie has dark hair with white streaks, and her body is made up of seams and bolts. She is new to Monster High and really wants to make friends. She still lives very little in this world and is very naive and it’s hard for her to fit into a team of teenagers without knowing all the rules of the game. As time passes, she settles down at school and makes many friends. She has a pet - Wotzit puppy.

Claudine Wolfe

Claudine is the daughter of a werewolf. She has an older brother named Claude and a sister named Howlin. Their family is very numerous, since its members themselves claim that they could not count their relatives. Claudine is 15 years old, covered in fur and wearing a piercing in each of her wolf ears. Claudine is a real fashionista, but at the same time the owner of a strong character. She never goes with the flow and is always very loyal to her friends and family. Due to this nature, in the first season of the cartoons, she was at odds with Cleo, but then, after Claudine joined the support group led by Cleo, they became friends. Her best friends are Frankie and Draculara, and her pet is the purple kitten Crescent.


Daughter of Count Dracula. She is 1599 years old and turns 1600 during the course of the cartoon. Her birthday is February 14, Valentine's Day. Draculara has a pet - the bat Great Earl. Despite his vampire roots, Draculara is a vegetarian and not only does not drink blood, but even cannot stand the word "blood" and always turns pale at the mention of it. She has soft pink skin and her fangs are almost always visible sticking out of her mouth, even when she is not speaking. Draculara is a sweet and friendly girl, she loves to smile, laugh and walk on sunny lawns (under an umbrella, of course). Writes stories about his friends. Meets Claudine, brother of Claudine, her best friend. Draculaura is one of the most popular characters in free monster high games for girls.

Cleo de Nile

Cleo is the daughter of a mummy and she is 5842 years old. She has an older brother and sister named Ramses and Nefera respectively. Her pet is the venomous snake Hissett. She is the captain of the Intimidate (cheerleading group), the most popular girl in the school, and Deuce Gorgon's girlfriend. Cleo can be rude, but always remains a true friend.

Deuce Gorgon

Deuce is the 16-year-old son of Medusa Gorgon. Like his entire family, he has the ability to turn everything into stone. She loves to cook, but carefully hides it. The captain of the Monster High casketball team and a fan of skateboarding. Deuce is an open and friendly character who is loved by all the students of Monster High and who naturally has many friends. He wears dark glasses so as not to turn everyone he interacts with into stone. He has a stylish snake hairdo on his head. His pet, a two-tailed rat, is named Perseus (the name was chosen to annoy his mother).

Blue Lagoon

Laguna is 15 years old and is the daughter of the Creature from the Black Lagoon and Nereid. Laguna is an exchange student from the Backside School, as evidenced by her slight Australian accent. She is very athletic and outgoing, which allows her to have many friends at Monster High. Her somewhat aloof nature again makes reference to her Australian roots. Dating Gillington Webber. This relationship upsets the parents on both sides, since Jill lives in fresh water, while Laguna lives in salt water and should not be crossed. Her pet is the Neptune piranha, which Laguna always carries with her in the aquarium.

Gulia Yelps

Gulia is the daughter of a zombie. She is 16 years old and is considered the smartest student in Monster High. However, she can only talk with the help of groans and mooing, like all zombies. However, she does not eat brains like a zombie, although she demonstrates her attachment to fast food. He wears large glasses, which are also called nerd glasses. Her pet is the owl Sir Hootsalot.

Now that you know everything about your favorite characters, it will be even more interesting for you to play Monster School online games on our website! Monster High games for girls give you the opportunity to have fun with the students of this unusual school, take part in all their mysterious adventures and romantic stories!

It's a great time for girls in the sense that the characters of cartoons and animated series have become much closer to them. "Monster High School" - an American animated series made a real boom and caused the appearance of dolls and computer games. It talks about the children of famous monsters, known to us from various literary works, as well as cinematic products. Terrible children of terrible parents are still in school, but they have the right to be called the true offspring of their parents. The episodes of the series are short - one and a half to three minutes, but this is quite enough to highlight the school problems that invariably occur in a teenage team, especially if it is so unusual.

Monster High games online, which are designed to introduce you to the new adventures of cute characters, will be another way to spend some time in an extraordinary company. Those who have already managed to watch all the seasons of the sensational cinematic product will surely remember the main characters and their characters. But, if there are those who have heard about such a great company for the first time, they will like to spend their leisure time with them while playing Monster High for free. So, meet the cute rising generation of new monsters, who, although not as terrible as their parents, but still, you need to be careful when joking with them:

Now that you know the main actors, it's easy for you to imagine this whole company together. Even without seeing the series before, you can easily get acquainted with each heroine and her habits by simply launching Monster High games for free. In such a pleasant female society, there is always a theme of fashion. And where there is fashion, there are dress ups with variations. Since all characters are representatives of a kind of monsters, the choice of clothing style for them will be individual. Pick up beautiful swimsuits, light tops and skirts, attractive blouses and jackets, do not forget about shoes, which are also presented in a wide range in the wardrobe of our ladies.

Immerse yourself in the world of monsters by playing Monster High games

Games for girls Monster High offer to play sports with them, which are required in the school curriculum. Together with the monster girls you will play basketball, surf the sea waves and become a great cheerleading team for the school football club. After such active training, the hair can be disheveled, and the makeup can be smeared. In order to get yourself in order again, let's recover in Monster High games for girls, in which you can regain your proper appearance. In the hairdresser's, each girl will resume her hairstyle, which is inherent in her nature, and in the beauty parlor you will find a whole palette of makeup colors that will emphasize the style features. In the same workshops for reincarnation, you can always prepare for the most beloved celebration of all monsters - Halloween. In order to adequately celebrate it, it is necessary to carefully choose costumes and other paraphernalia.

Like ordinary girls, representatives of otherworldly forces also have name days, and they invite friends to a holiday, set tables for them, and arrange discos. To get ready for the next party, learn some new dance moves with our girlfriends and help them bake a delicious cake. Following the prompts, you have to create a base from the dough, and then put all kinds of yummy on the baked cake, in order to then share it among all the guests. When the guests go to their homes, you have to clean everything so that the apartment shines clean again. Wash all the dishes, remove the trash, collect the scattered things, wipe the tables and mop the floor. When the work is completed, you can go to the Monster High Adventure games in order to go on a journey with your best friends and collect all the coins along the way. You are waiting for real tests to destroy monster fish, as well as traps. To stay safe, try to be careful and Monster High online games will delight you with new features more than once.

If Venus McFlytrap is your favorite character from Monster High, then you will definitely love Monster High Makeover: Green Makeup!


Venus has been waiting for this day for so long! Today she has to speak at the school assembly to convince the monsters to join the environmentalist club. In order to get this opportunity, she persuaded the director, all his deputies, and most importantly, the students of Monster High, that they really needed to listen to her. She rehearsed her speech in front of the mirror for two weeks, and today should be the day of her triumph! All night, Venus could not close her eyes, imagining how her speech would affect her school friends, how they would be imbued with her arguments, join the club and fight pollution with her.

But what is it? Waking up in the morning, Venus was horrified: some kind of horror is looking at her from the mirror, and not the pretty girl that usually meets her there !! It is at this moment that we see Venus in the game Monster High Makeup: Green Cosmetics. On the face - a perfect ecological disaster! Oh, how difficult it is to be a teenager ....

But there is always a way! This is not the time to panic - it's time to take care of your skin, which Venus McFlytrap often forgets about, giving herself up to worries about the environmental situation in the world. There is still a little time before the performance, and there is a whole arsenal of cosmetics in the bathroom.

Controls in the game Monster High Makeup: Green Cosmetics

The game will tell you which magical cosmetics and in what order to apply. Just click on the vial that the big arrow points to, and then click on the place on the face of Venus where the arrow moves. First you need to cleanse the skin and make refreshing masks. After that, you can let your imagination run wild and make an amazing makeover for your favorite heroine!

When you are done with facial cleansing and makeup, start choosing the right wardrobe for the occasion. And remember: Venus must look amazing!

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