When will life strange part 2 come out. How developers choose when to release

Of course, there were some minuses (it’s a little frustrating that the developers couldn’t fix all the bugs before the release), but, believe me, all of them are lost in an avalanche of positive emotions, which will surely cover you with your head right after the final credits run across the screen . I, if anything, warned.

One of the characters near the end of the episode makes an interesting point that "politics is everywhere these days." Apparently, this is now one of the main beliefs of the Dontnod developers, since there is more of it in the sequel, especially when compared with the most apolitical first part. One of the main and key themes of Life is Strange 2 is racism (the main characters are Mexicans by nationality), so even one world-famous wall is mentioned in passing in one of the dialogues. This is not to say that this is bad (on the contrary, it's great when serious topics are raised in video games), but if you came here to escape from boring reality in the wonderful world of Weird Life, then this political background can seriously spoil the "experience" .


Sean is studying to be an artist so he can practice his craft at times. Here's just one problem: it will be more difficult to help the player in this than to write a masterpiece that will surpass the genius of Van Gogh's paintings. According to the prompt on the screen, you need to hold down the left button and move the mouse back and forth on the table, but despite my doing these simple actions, the hero refused to make even a small stroke in the notebook. On the other hand, perhaps this is a single bug, and you will have better luck in drawing, who knows.

Of course, after a successful first episode, everyone will be looking forward to the second (for sure, he will not be long in coming), but there is no need to build illusions that Life is Strange 2 will turn into a fantastic thriller. Or rather, not even that. There will be a thriller, but the elements of fantasy will remain nothing more than elements, since the story of human relations has always been at the forefront in Strange Life. We remember: even the developers themselves later admitted that the very superpower around which the fans built many interesting theories initially played the role of a “piano in the bushes” in the plot, which was needed just for the plot to happen.

So from the second part it is worth expecting about the same. First of all, we have before us the tragic story of two brothers who are trying to get out of trouble, and nothing else. Without a doubt, there will be plenty of turning points and unexpected moments in the history of the Diaz family, but they are unlikely to be directly related to Daniel's superpower.

From the point of view of history, the second part is quite a self-sufficient work (at least for now). And even if you did not pass the first part at one time, then you can take on the second without any fear. Unless you miss some interesting references, but it will not be that critical. Although the novelty, when creating the first save, carefully asks what choice you made in the final of the first part, so there will be something else.


A road trip without a cute helper dog? no way!

But what definitely should not be doubted is the visual component of the new "Weird Life". Life is Strange 2 looks much better than the first part. This applies to literally everything. Stylistically, of course, the game has retained its trademark comic-cartoon style, but otherwise the changes are noticeable even to the naked eye. First of all, you notice how the environment has noticeably added detail: the forest looks exactly like a forest, and not like a small, closed corridor location with transparent walls.

Pleased with facial animation and character animation in general. Let me remind you that one of the main problems of interactive movies on the PC was mediocre graphics and terrible "wooden" character animations. And Dontnod finally and irrevocably resolved it. Now the characters (even minor ones) have finally become as human-like as possible, and their movements no longer cause gag reflexes, as they have become smoother and more natural (the only complaint is only about the main character’s running animation – it is still the same “oak”).

It is thanks to such significant changes, coupled with the use of the engine, that system requirements have increased. So, in order to enjoy American beauties at sixty FPS at "very high" settings, you will need at least an average (by today's standards) computer: an Intel Core i5-3470, 6 GB of RAM and an Nvidia GeForce GTX 970 video card. You can comfortably watch on this configuration and to take a direct part in the misadventures of two brothers who were left to the mercy of fate.

Locations are still straight as a ruler, but due to their size, the developers managed to achieve at least some illusion of freedom. And more for an interactive film, in general, is not required.

In addition, this very illusion of freedom is successfully created by our ward - Daniel. He not only follows on the heels of his older brother, but also actively interacts with the world around him, in which absolutely everything is new to him. In this he really resembles a real child.


We can say that the first episode was a success, and the developers did even more than everyone expected from them. But this is only the beginning, and there is no doubt that the series "Roads" is a kind of "warm-up" before something big. For example, the scene after the end credits indicates that in the second episode, the stories from and Life is Strange 2 will intersect.

When the continuation of the adventures of two teenagers will be released is unclear (the exact release date of the second series has not been announced), so all that remains is to wait. But this wait is definitely worth it.


Verdict: Life is Strange 2 is not just an incredible adventure in the best traditions. The second part of the series has become noticeably prettier in many aspects, and I would like to hope that until the very end of the series, the writers and game designers of Dontnod will not loosen their grip and make another great game that, like the first part, will become the standard of the genre.

Rating of the first episode: 9.0 ("Great").

Ruslan Gubaidullin

More choices and consequences!

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In developing

The sequel to the sensational action game of 2015 will be released very soon Life is Strange: the release of the first episode is scheduled for September 27, and at the German exhibition gamescom 2018 publishers Square Enix brought two whole gameplay fragments. We tell you what the next story from the French studio is like Dontnod Entertainment.


The emotional load this time was not left to the female characters: the new plot will tell about the Diaz brothers, who live in Seattle with their father. The guys remind me of Will and Jonathan Byers from Stranger Things: growing up Sean does not particularly get along with his peers and is reluctant to go to parties, and the younger Daniel is always secretive and every now and then gets into trouble, from which his older brother rescues him.

You will play as Sean. He loves to hang out with his girlfriend Laila, draw sketches and listen to music - by the way, now you can sing along with her! Moreover, half of these activities organically fit into the main gameplay, which makes the passage much more dynamic. But the usual moral choices have not gone away: for example, you can confess to your father about your dubious (weed and alcohol) plans for the evening and suddenly get forty bucks in pocket money for honesty.


A large piece of gameplay shown at the exhibition demonstrates just the beginning of the plot: while Sean was planning what he would do on Halloween evening, Daniel decided to scare the neighbor's bully with his costume, but did not calculate his strength and stained his clothes with paint. Hearing the screams, Sean jumped out to figure out what was the matter, the dispute turned into a fight - and here we are not given a choice: the older brother will push the neighbor in any case, and he will unsuccessfully land on the stone with his spine and die on the spot.

Further events develop in the spirit of Shakespearean tragedies: a young policeman notices the scene, instantly chooses the right and the wrong and points a gun at the children. And just then the boys' father jumps out of the house and rushes to their defense. The frightened policeman, not knowing who to knit first, loses control of the situation and accidentally (or is it not?) pulls the trigger right in the chest of a man. And this is where it happens something, directly related to the new supernatural theme of the season: everything explodes around, the policeman flies to the side, and Sean falls unconscious.

Official gameplay from the developers with this very scene

The first thing he sees when he raises his head is three corpses at once (his father, a policeman and a neighbor) and his younger brother, who is still lying in a swoon. Somewhere in the background, police sirens are already blaring, and Sean makes an instant decision: run! But where should two criminal orphans go? There is only one option: to return from the USA to Mexico, where their father once lived. But how to get there without money, food, transport and adult help? It is this problem that we have to solve for the entire second season, while the brothers will look for fellow travelers, shelter and food.


It will become a little more convenient to do this than in the first part: you can now talk to the characters on the go. For example, Daniel from the other end of the location can shout to his brother that he wants to try an unfamiliar berry. In the original game, you would have had to race across the map towards him; now it is enough from a distance to forbid him to do this.

True, it is better to forbid and allow any antics deliberately: each replica of the older brother forms Daniel's fragile personality. So, if Sean notices something interesting in the vicinity, he can draw his brother's attention to such an object, and the curious kid will surely try to do something with him.

For example, seeing a chocolate bar in an open car, Daniel will offer to pull it off. If allowed, the outcome is obvious: the younger brother will think that stealing is not so bad, and next time he will not even ask permission. But if you forbid breaking the law, the child, although he will be offended, is unlikely to do something similar in the future. Every time Sean's action influences Daniel's behavior, the now-familiar mark appears in the corner of the screen: "This will have consequences."

In terms of difficult moments and difficult moral choices, the second part has not yet lagged behind the first - and outwardly the project has changed little. Is it a new engine Unreal Engine 4 made the game much more realistic: the hair began to look more like individual strands, and facial animations were added to the characters.

The soundtrack is still being worked on by the French composer Jonathan Morali, the author of the compositions for the first part. The new tracks sound a little different, but still fit perfectly into what is happening on the screen.

So far, Dontnod Entertainment has come up with a beautiful and complex story of growing up and loss. We are looking forward to the release!

Square Enix was pleased with the cooperation with Deck Nine, the authors, and we liked the game at one time. But, like all other fans, we have been waiting for the real sequel, Life is Strange 2 from DONTNOD Entertainment. Summer, a mini-episode set in the same world, only whetted the appetite. Finally, the time has come for a new journey, with new heroes, but the sadness in the voice of the narrator so familiar from the previous parts.

Life is Strange 2

Genre adventure
Platforms Windows, PlayStation 4, Xbox One
Languages English Russian
Developer DONTNOD Entertainment
Publisher Square Enix
Website Steam

Sean Diaz is having a very big day. He is preparing for a high school party where he plans to meet a girl he likes. Best friend Layla on Skype helps the young man to plan a date and constantly teases Sean, either because of his indecision, or about sex. Teenagers are stupid. Sean's younger brother, Daniel, is obsessed with preparing for Halloween, he makes costumes and stuff in his room. The boys' father works in the garage. An idyllic picture, which in a few minutes will shatter into pieces due to nonsense, misunderstanding, a wild combination of circumstances. In an instant, Sean and Daniel will lose everything, lose their father, friends, home, and be left alone against the whole world. They will be forced to flee and go wandering around America.

Action Life is Strange 2 begins in the Northwest of the United States, in the suburbs of Seattle. In the first episode of the game, which has the subtitle "Roads", the boys will travel along the coast of Washington and Oregon and even look for a while in Arcadia Bay, the state of which depends on the decision you made in the finale of the first Life is Strange (there is no transfer of saves, everything is determined one question when creating a new game).

The American outback in general and the Northwest in particular are clearly to the liking of the Parisians from DONTNOD: one-story America, tiny towns, half-empty roads, harsh, fantastically beautiful nature. Some shots from the game, especially at night, seem to have come straight out of regionalist paintings: a gas station in the rain, a car under a lamppost, a motel with a neon sign, a view of the coastal city from the recreation area… Studio artists do an amazing job with the camera and the side light from low autumn sun, giving the picture warmth and evoking sadness about the passing summer. In a word, Life is Strange 2 looks even better than the original - it is warm, lively, sad.

With the second mandatory component of the games in the Life is Strange series - an amazing soundtrack that you want to immediately send to the player, everything is in order here too. I am pleased with both the selection of compositions and their compliance with the mood and situation.

The structure of Life is Strange 2 is a typical American road movie, it is not for nothing that the authors themselves name the films Into the Wild (2007) by Sean Penn and Of Mice and Men (1992) based on the novel of the same name by John Steinbeck as sources of inspiration. The brothers, who are going to get to Mexico, to their father's hometown, are trying to survive in harsh conditions, find food and shelter. On the way, they meet people who treat them differently, both those who want to hand over the fugitives to the police, and those who are ready to help them free of charge. And suddenly it turns out that there is too much politics in the adventure about children. Some characters do not hide their disdain for immigrants at all (the Diaz brothers are Mexicans) and even recall the wall on the southern border that President Trump promised to build. Politics is everywhere, as one of the heroes of the game says.

Unlike the first part of Life is Strange, the protagonist of the sequel, and he is Sean, has no special abilities. All he can do is choose one of the two or three available solutions in a critical situation. Hit or run, argue or give in, etc. Sean's actions, both at key points and in everyday situations, determine how his younger brother will behave, taking an example from his older brother. Steal a tent in a store, send a child to distract the seller? Rob a car parked by the side of the road? Send Daniel to beg? These decisions will not affect the main plot of the game, but may change some nuances, the behavior of the younger boy, his answers. A similar “moral compass” system is also implemented in, where Clementine’s decisions determine how AJ grows up.

However, without the supernatural in Life is Strange 2 still could not do. As in the original game and spin-off The Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit, one of the characters has paranormal abilities. Daniel, like Captain Spirit, does not know and does not know how to control his abilities, Sean, under the control of the player, will have to somehow humble this unsolicited force. Judging by the scene after the credits of the first episode, in the next part we will find out exactly how.

If Chloe in Before the Storm was limited to graffiti on specially designated walls, then Sean is a real artist, and in some scenes of the game he can sit on a chair / stump / bench and sketch the view he likes in a notebook. Unlike the girls in the previous parts of the game, the young man is in no hurry to pour out his soul to the diary, limiting himself to short phrases or drawings. In general, the texts in the game have become noticeably smaller.

The first episode of Life is Strange 2, like in the original part of the game, is only a prologue, introduction of characters, stage design. It is very uneven in pace and mood, and despite such a tragic beginning of the story, it falls short in terms of intensity of passions to some episodes of the first game and Before the Storm. This is probably what the authors intended, but the prevailing mood of the first episode is more confusion and apathy than sadness and grief. This is due to the shock experienced by both Sean and Daniel, who are trying to forget what happened in front of them in Seattle. However, despite this confusion and unevenness, the first episode of Life is Strange 2 is still good. This is a very interesting project, and we want to know the continuation of this story.

Release dates for the next episodes of Life is Strange 2 have yet to be announced. But, given the experience of previous games in the series, we can expect episodes to be released every two months. It will take you about 4 hours to complete the first part, which gives about 18-20 hours for the whole game, in fact, a lot. On Steam, the first episode is available for purchase separately for 123 UAH, and the entire season for 609 UAH. (discount could be more than 3%).

The fates of Telltale Games and DONTNOD Entertainment are similar in many ways. Both teams gained notoriety after the release of episodic interactive stories, which collected a huge number of prizes and showed excellent sales. After that, publishers began to hunt for teams, they themselves began to actively expand (now there are more than 160 employees in the DONTNOD studio), launch new projects ... In 2018, DONTNOD released three games at once: an ambiguous but very stylish vampire RPG, free adventure, and now full-fledged Life Is Strange 2. What did the constant work and processing lead to

Site score

Pros: Atmosphere; fantastically beautiful picture; great soundtrack; characters you empathize with; political overtones; moral compass system

Minuses: The first episode is uneven in pace and emotional tension.

Conclusion: A beautiful and touching story of two brothers who are forced to run away from home. A worthy sequel to Life is Strange

Finally took place output long awaited first episode Life is Strange 2 on all announced platforms! Those who wish to discuss the episode with others can do so. In contact with, in Discord or in Steam. We also opened album for your screenshots. There you can share your favorite moments and other interesting shots.

In addition, we invite you to participate in the survey (below). Do you think it worked out DONTNOD keep the quality bar and maybe even surpass it, or have the developers lost ground? Don't forget to leave your detailed opinion in the comments!

Now let's move on to the news. First, in Birmingham the exhibition has just ended EGX. Sosisych and Jean-Luc Cano, screenwriter of Life is Strange 2, decided to say hello to all fans of the series:

On the web, meanwhile, appeared list of achievements for all episodes PS4versions games. There are total trophies 47 pieces. Please note that each trophy has its own description, so if you do not want to stumble upon various kinds of spoilers, it is better not to follow the link.

Secondly, before the release of the first episode, the game received various ratings, which cannot but rejoice. For example, edition GameSpot appreciated first episode on 9 /10 , a Trusted Reviews exposed game five stars! In general, the new episode received positive reviews from critics. Based on about 41 reviews average score over data opencritic is 81 points from 100 !

Estimates of the second season of Life is Strange can not but rejoice

By the way, the release of the game was not spared by the fast food chain Arby's:

By the way, this is not the first time. A year ago Arby's similarly met release Before the Storm.

Insert Coins also does not lag behind and has already released a line merch for Life is Strange 2:

More Alejandro Arce, game designer for Life is Strange 2, tweeted a photo of the Good News Wall in his office Square Enix. At the time of the release of the game, the wall looked exactly like this.

Thirdly, there is a vote going on right now. Golden Joystick Awards! Life is Strange 2 claims to be " Golden Joystick for the best audio design. If you agree with this nomination, then proceed here and cast your vote before the 25th of October!

And fourthly. Feral Interactive stated who is working on porting Life is Strange 2 to Mac and linux. The second season of the adventure will be available on these operating systems next year, the exact date will be announced closer to the launch. With the port being announced so soon, unlike the first season and Before the Storm, we won't have to wait too long.

The game will be released on Mac and Linux in 2019.

Finally, let's mention a few news that are not related to the games of the Life is Strange series. Firstly, the news has recently thundered that in the studio Telltale Games there were mass layoffs of employees, which put (almost) all their projects in jeopardy. Michelle Koch, co-director of Life is Strange 2, left About this post on his Twitter:

I was sad to hear the bad news about Telltale. I have always been a fan of all the wonderful work of these talented people. To be honest, they were the reason why I wanted to work on episodic narrative, and without them, Life is Strange would not exist.

Thanks to them all!

And secondly, Koethe officially released a new song, which was previously "" on Spotify. As expected, it is dedicated to Life is Strange 2:

In Life is Strange 2, players found an Easter egg on The Last of Us. In one scene, Daniel and Sean discover something strange in a tree. The first of the brothers will say what it's like Nutcracker, and the elder will begin to depict the sounds of a monster from the game Naughty Dog. Neil Druckmann, one of the leaders The Last of Us 2, the reference seems to be liked:

And if you don't like to watch the end credits to the end, then in the game you could miss something else interesting. In the ranks of the writers of the second season, as it turned out, are Steve Gaynor and Carla Zimonja from full bright, the authors Gone Home. They supplemented the script of the game and finalized the dialogues.

Steve Gaynor and Carla Zimonja in the credits of Life is Strange 2

In addition, we invite you to watch a video that will introduce you to the voice actors who gave their voice to the characters in the game:

Well, the last. We invite you to remember the news that we in February.

Looking back at it, I want to say: “It was close…”

Developers from Dontnod officially announced Life is Strange 2 is the sequel to the 2015 game of the same name. The story of the girl Max Caulfield from Life is Strange, which received the ability to control time, won the hearts of many gamers. And today Dontnod officially announced the long-awaited second part of the game.

Official announcement of Life is Strange 2

Announcement Life is Strange 2 was made possible through a video posted in the official game. In it, the developers thanked the players for purchasing the first part and said that work on the second part is already in progress. The developers have not said anything about the name of the game and whether it will be distributed by episodes. However, they announced that they would not perform at E3.

We can't wait to tell you about the new part of the game when the time comes, but right now we're hard at work to ensure the game is the best quality we can create. We are very grateful for your patience and ask for a little more time. The new game won't be at E3 this June, but we'll be watching the show near you and good luck to everyone!
— dontnod

The first part of Life is Strange was released in 2015 for PC, PS3, PS4, Xbox360 and Xbox One. It was distributed in an episodic format and received good reviews from critics. Our portal gives her 8 points out of 10.

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