Snowball A selection of Christmas games "Christmas game for kids" Snowball game for kids goal

All participants in the game sit or stand in a circle so that all the players can see each other. Participants take turns saying their names. Each subsequent player calls the names of all previous players, adding his own to them. For example: the first participant calls his name, the second - the name of the first and his own, the third - the name of the first, the name of the second and his own, and so on until the last player, who must name the names of everyone who is in the circle.

Game options:

a. In addition to his name, each player names a quality that begins with the first letter of the name and corresponds to his character.

For example: Vera is fidelity, Sergey is brave, Natalya is tender ...

b. Each player, calling his name, accompanies him with some kind of gesture.

in. Each player, calling his name, enters the circle of players, making some kind of movement - waving his hand, limping, bowing, etc. Following him, all the players take a step in a circle, calling the name of the previous player and repeating his movement.

When conducting all variants of the "Snowball", be sure to change or rearrange the players each time, this helps to remember more names.

Use the General Quality game to move players. By changing the participants several times, you can use a different version of the "Snowball", etc.

Game "general quality"

All players sit or stand in a circle. One of them - the leader, does not have enough space. It is called some quality that several players have. They must swap places with each other.

For example: Swap those with dark hair. All dark-haired participants switch places. At the time of transplantation, the leader tries to take an empty seat. If he succeeds, his role passes to the player who did not have enough space.

When the facilitator says the phrase "Overall quality" all players should change places.

Game options:

a. Fruit salad game.

Each participant receives a card with a picture of one of the fruits (pear, apple, plum, etc.). Further, the game is similar to the previous one, only instead of the phrase "General quality", the host says "Fruit Salad".


All participants sit or stand in a circle. At the command of the leader, the players count on the first or second and form pairs. The first one interviews the second participant on the right, and he gives an interview to the second participant on the left. Then, all participants in a circle talk about their neighbors, calling them by name.

Game options:

a. The game "We are similar and not similar."

After a five-minute interview, the participants take turns talking about themselves, starting their speech with the words "We are similar ...". In the next round, the key phrase with which the participants will begin their speech is "We are not alike ..."


Participants are given pens and paper. They are given the following situation: "A wizard has come to you. He can fulfill your seven wishes, which you must write on pieces of paper, starting with the words" I want.

For three minutes, participants write down their desires on paper.

Game options:

a. As a variant of the game, you can invite a group of participants to determine 7 common desires from all sounded.


All participants sit or stand in a circle. The leaders set the rhythm of the task - two claps, two swings of the arms, bent at the elbows and with clenched fists. Who can comfortably raise their thumbs.

Two claps are given for reflection, and for each movement of the hands, the participant says his name twice. During the transmission of the "radiogram", the participant calls his name and the name of the person to whom he transfers the right to play the game.

For example: cotton-cotton SEREZHA-SEREZHA, cotton-cotton SEREZHA-SEREZHA, cotton-cotton SEREZHA-NATASHA, cotton-cotton NATASHA-NATASHA, etc.

As you probably already guessed - the player who receives the "radiogram" first says the name of the one who transmitted the "radiogram", and then his own. Etc.

If the participant who receives the "radiogram" hesitates or makes a mistake, you can take a "fant" from him, but this is another game.

New Year's game for children

New Year's game for children - a competition with a "harmful" character

There are many fun games and competitions that are easy to use in almost any scenario. Children cancompete with some "harmful" character. For example, who will remember more New Year-themed words or songs about winter. Even children can name kind words, and Barmaley or Baba Yaga - evil. Of course, the negative hero will be defeated.

New Year's game for children - who can guess?

The facilitator asks the participants to guess how many pages are in the book? What is the name of the doll? How many nuts (sweets, etc.) are in a transparent bag? What is in the box? (Or a bag - to the touch). The answerer receives this thing as a prize.

New Year's game for children - New Year's round dance

In this New Year's game, the host gathers the children in a circle and says: “Christmas trees are different: wide, and low, and high, and thin. If I say "high"- raise your arms up, "low" - squat, "wide" - make the circle wider, "thin" - make the circle narrower. The game starts. The leader gives the children tasks, trying to confuse them.

New Year's game for children - "Smeshinka"

Here is another fun game. It's called "The Blend".Each child receives a New Year's name. For example: icicle, Christmas tree, Snow Maiden, snowdrift, flashlight, cracker. The facilitator turns to the kids with questions: “What is your name? What's on your nose? What holiday is today? Who will come to visit us? What did you eat for breakfast?” The children answer the questions with their “names”. The main condition is not to laugh. Who laughed - out of the circle. The most serious will certainly receivenew year gift.

New Year's game for children - let's build a snowman

But the task is not easy. Each child has a sign pinned to their back with the letter that is in the word "snowman".assemble a snowman we'll be in order. Ideas can be useful when you need to find pieces of a puzzle with the image of a snowman (if there is no finished one, draw a picture and then cut it into fragments), cubes with Santa Claus, while completing various tasks, and then all together “create” a picture. Or from assemble the snowman from the cut pieces by gluing the appliqué onto a sheet of cardboard.

New Year's game near the Christmas tree

Do you want to make your New Year's holiday especially memorable? Set it up in nature. In this case, firstly, your creative fantasies will not be limited by the size of the apartment, and secondly, you will be able to come up with an interesting scenario, for example, about how forest animals decided to celebrate the New Year in their forest. Choose a sunny, not too cold day and go to the forest, park or yard. The main condition is to find a real live Christmas tree. Tell the children something like this tale: “The forest dwellers decided to celebrate the New Year together. “People cut down our Christmas trees and take them home. And we are worse? - said the animals. We don't need to cut anything. We have our own Christmas tree. You just need to dress it up. "The forest dwellers found a beautiful Christmas tree and let's decorate it with snow and icicles. They hung dried squirrels, nuts and mushrooms, hares fixed carrots, and bullfinches sat on branches like red lanterns. Animals gathered near the Christmas tree and began to dance, dance round dances, yes play games..."

New Year's game for children - "Snowball"

Usually, kids prepare gifts for Santa Claus in the form of a performance. But it will be more interesting not just to stand under the Christmas tree and tell the duty rhyme, but first to play the game"Snowball". Everyone passes around a “snowball” made of cotton wool. Santa Claus says:

Snowball we all roll,

We all count to five.

One, two, three, four, five -

You sing a song

(And you, my friend, dance,

And you read poetry ...)

Now each participant fulfills the wish of Grandfather Frost and receives a New Year's gift from him.

New Year's song contest for children

Why don't we spendsong contest? Write in advance one winter word on pieces of paper (“frost”, “snow maiden”, “snowflake”, “snow”, “winter”, etc.) Now each child draws lots and sings a song where this word occurs. It will be great if moms come to the rescue, and maybe even dads, because the New Year is still a family holiday.

Window painting contest

You can draw with ordinary gouache and on any topic, but, of course, winter scenes are welcome. When summing up, it is clear that all the artists did a brilliant job. And don't let the stained glass scare you. Just think that all the New Year holidays you will be warmed by warm fantasies and kind energy of children's hearts...

New Year's poetry competition for children

And the next competitionpoetic. Each family receives a note with the first line of the poem (for example, “Once in the evening near the Christmas tree ...”, “Frost crackled outside the window ...”, “I looked under the Christmas tree ...”) Come on, children, we compose funny poems to melt the snowdrift and free the Snow Maiden, or wake up the sleepy bear, because only he can give us the keys to the magic chest, or defeat the evil Chill, because she is afraid of laughter and fun ... And we will start the next game with verse:

Wonderful artist

visited the window

Guess it guys

who painted the window.

Do you think it's cold? But no! These are our children. And if you want to bring them joy, arrangedrawing competition on the window.

"Who is Santa Claus?"

Ask the children what they know about Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden:

Who gives gifts to children and adults on New Year's Eve? (Father Frost)

Santa Claus good or evil? (Kind)

Does Santa Claus have a black beard or a white one? (White)

What color is Santa's hat? (Red)

What does Santa Claus have on his feet? (Felt boots)

How does Santa Claus bring gifts? (In a bag)

What does Santa Claus have in his hands - a hose or a staff? (Staff)

What is the name of Santa Claus' granddaughter? (Snow Maiden)

Is the Snow Maiden made of snow or flour? (Out of the snow)

"Christmas Tree"

Two children are fastened with 5-7 clothespins. They are blindfolded. The task of the children is to remove the clothespins from each other as quickly as possible.

"Bag jumping"

Children are divided into two teams. The first participants in the competition are given a bag of Santa Claus. Children need to jump in a bag to the Christmas tree and back. Then the next team members get into the bags and jump.

"Running in felt boots"

Children are divided into two teams. Instead of bags, they are given huge boots of Santa Claus (you can give out slippers). Children need to run to the Christmas tree and back in felt boots and pass the boots to the next participants in the competition. You can arrange such a competition around the Christmas tree.

"Catch the snowballs"

Children are divided into pairs. One has a basket without a handle (a bucket, a beautiful box), the second has a bag with snowballs (sewn from cotton wool and fabric). Each child throws a snowball to their partner. He tries to catch a snowball with a basket. If the snowball flew past, it can no longer be lifted. The winner is the pair that has the most snowballs in the basket in a certain time (you can turn on the music).

"Catch the Winter Word"

Invite the children to clap their hands when they hear a word related to winter: blizzard, rubber ring, winter, snow, Monday, Christmas tree, sea, sled, Santa Claus, autumn leaves, bicycle, snowman, dolphin, icicle, snowflake, scissors, Snow Maiden, firecrackers, vacuum cleaner, gifts, skis, etc.

"Draw a snowman"

On a large sheet of paper, each child draws a snowman with felt-tip pens with his eyes closed. The snowman will turn out even funnier if you divide the children into 2 teams and one of the participants will need to draw the head, the second torso, the third legs and arms, etc. You can invite one of the teams to draw a Christmas tree.


Each participant in the game is given a balloon. Children throw the ball up and try not to let it fall (but you can’t pick up the ball).

"Blow off the balloon"

A balloon is placed on the table. The first person is called. He is blindfolded, twisted in place. Then the child, without looking, approaches the balloon and blows on it. Most likely, the child will not blow on the ball, but by.

"Pack the Gift"

2-3 children are welcome. They are invited to pack a gift (small box) in a festive package. And our festive packaging will be ... toilet paper, which needs to be wrapped in a quality box.

"In warm mittens"

Children take it in turns to put on thick mittens, put their hands in a bag of different toys and try to identify by touch what they have come across.

"Bypass Obstacles"

Skittles are placed on the floor. Children are divided into 2 teams. It is necessary blindfolded to reach the end of the room, trying not to knock down a single skittle.

A variant of this game - children stand one after another in a train and go around the pins from one side or the other. You can do this task blindfolded.
"Who's got snow?"

The driver becomes in the center. The rest of the participants in the game form a tight circle around the driver. Behind their backs they pass a snowball (made of cloth and cotton wool). The driver carefully watches the players and at any moment can say: “Stop!”. If the driver has guessed who has the snowball now, the owner of the snowball takes his place. If you didn’t guess, then the one who the driver mistakenly pointed to becomes the center.


Two children stand side by side and hug their partner with one arm around the waist. It turns out a sort of fat man with two heads, two arms and four legs. Children in pairs receive a task, for example, fold a piece of paper in half and then in half again. It is not simple! After all, the hands are from different people! Tasks for other couples can be as follows: get dressed, swaddle a doll, make a pear, etc.

"Work as Santa Claus"

This contest requires a makeshift tunnel, which can be made by sewing the sheet around the edges. The first participant is given a Santa Claus hat and a bag with gifts. He needs to crawl into this tunnel (which is held by adults from 2 sides), while trying not to lose the bag and cap. Put all the gifts out of the bag under the tree and climb back into the tunnel. Pass the bag and cap to the next participant. He again crawls through the tunnel, but with an empty bag. And under the Christmas tree - fills the bag with gifts and comes back, etc.

This game can be played by timing each participant or by dividing the children into teams (but then 2 tunnels are required).

dating games

The players sit in a circle. The first calls his name, the second - the name of the first and his own, the third - the names of the first and second, then - his own, etc., until the circle closes. As a result, the last one in the circle says the names of all the players, and then his own. It is easier, of course, to be the first, but the last is more useful.

"I'll take it with me on a hike"

The game proceeds in the same way as Snowball, but in addition to his name, each player also names an item that he would take with him on a hike (or anywhere) and which begins with the first letter of his name.

"Let's get acquainted"

The players form two circles. Those in the inner circle turn to face the outer circle. Music sounds, playing in circles moving in opposite directions. After the music stops, the participants in the game stop in front of each other, get to know each other, naming the name. Then the music sounds again, only now, moving in different directions and running past a friend, they wave their hand to him. Music stops playing, new acquaintances appear. Game continues.

"Sing Your Name"

Each player takes turns singing their name. Everyone else must repeat the name, i.e. sing it the same way, with the same intonations, etc.

"Who is faster"

The squad is divided into 2 teams. Between teams, assistants hold a screen (for example, a bedspread). One person from the team approaches the screen and squats, they should not see each other. At the command of the leader, the screen is lowered and the players sitting near it must name each other. The one who calls faster wins. The loser goes to the opposing team. Etc.

"Zoo with names"

This is the same game as "Zoo 1" or "Zoo 2" (section "Reaction Games"), but each player also says his name each time.

"I never…"

Everyone sits in a circle and puts their hands on their knees. The first player says something he has never done in his life. For example, he says, "I've never flown in an airplane." If one of the players flew, then he bends one finger on his hand. Then the next player speaks, and so on. round. The winner is the one who bends all the fingers the fastest.

"Tutti Frutti"

Everyone sits in a circle on chairs and counts on the first or third. The first numbers will be, for example, apples, the second - bananas, the third - oranges. In the center is the driver, who starts a story about himself and as soon as he mentions one of the named fruits in his story, these players should quickly change places. If the driver says: “Tutti-frutti”, then all the players change places.


The players sit in a circle. The driver says: “My name is ..., I love ...” (you can love anything and anyone) and rolls an apple to someone from the circle. He picks up an apple and also says: “My name is ..., I love ...”. And the apple rolls to the next one. The game continues until all the players have introduced themselves.

Gorgeous Valeria

Participants stand in a circle. The first participant calls his name and an adjective that characterizes him (the player) and begins with the same letter as his name. For example: Gorgeous Valeria, Interesting Igor, etc. The second participant calls the phrase of the first and says his own. The third participant calls the phrases of the first two players and so on until the last participant says his name.


Participants hold hands, forming a circle. The first player starts the game by saying his name. The second participant in a circle repeats the name of the first participant and says his own. The third participant repeats the names of the first two and says his name. And so the game continues until the last person calls all the names, including his own.

A blanket

Participants are divided into two teams, located opposite each other. A blanket is stretched between them. From each team, one person sits closer to the blanket. As soon as the blanket is lowered, it is necessary to have time to pronounce the name of the one who is sitting opposite. Whoever called the fastest - takes the player to his team. The team that "pulls" more players to itself, that is, the team that knows more names, wins.

And I'm going, and I, too, and I'm a hare

The participants of the game sit on chairs in a circle, one place is not occupied by anyone. In the center is the driver. All participants during the game are transplanted in a circle counterclockwise. The player, sitting near an empty chair, changes to it with the words "and I'm going." The next player - with the words "and me too." The third participant says "and I'm a hare" and, hitting an empty chair with his left hand, calls the name of the person sitting in a circle. The one whose name was spoken should run to an empty chair as quickly as possible. The task of the driver is to have time to take a chair faster than the one who was named. Who did not have time, becomes the driver. The game starts over.

We are going on a hike

Participants stand in a circle. The first participant starts the game, naming his name and the object that he takes with him on a hike. The host begins: "My name is Katya, I take rolls with me." All participants need to guess that the item must begin with the same letter as the name. Whoever guesses, the leader takes on a hike. And so on until everyone is correct.


The participants stand in a circle. Everyone together makes two claps, a snap of the fingers of the right hand, a snap of the fingers of the left hand, two claps, etc. It is desirable that the leader starts. So, when clicking with the fingers of the right and left hands, the leader says his name, then two claps, after that, when he clicks with the fingers of his right hand, he says his name, and when he clicks with the fingers of his left hand, the name of one of the participants. The player whose name was called repeats the same. For example: Olya, Olya, two claps, Olya, Igor, Igor, Igor, two claps, Igor, Sveta, etc. Whoever didn’t have time, he “slapped”.


The participants stand in a circle. The host approaches any player and says: "Hi, I'm a steam locomotive. What's your name?" The participant calls his name, the "locomotive" repeats. It is important to repeat with the same intonation with which the participant said. Who introduced himself, joins the locomotive. The game continues until all participants have joined each other.

Favourite hobby

All participants sit in a circle on chairs. Leading in the center, he pronounces a certain characteristic (for example: who loves to dance, who plays the guitar, who loves ice cream, etc.), the players referring to themselves should change places. If the host is the first to occupy an empty chair, then the player without a chair becomes the leader.


All participants are given cards, which are divided into 9-16 cells. Each cell contains a task. There is only one point: write in the box the name of a person who (there is scope for imagination here) loves fish, keeps a dog at home, loves stars ... The more unexpected the task, the better. You can put whatever you want on this card. For example, to identify lovers of drawing, singing, playing the guitar, etc. The winner is the one who quickly and accurately collects the names.

Molecule - chaos

Participants depict the Brownian motion of molecules. When they meet, they greet and get to know each other. At the command of the leader: "Molecule of 2, 3, etc.", the players are divided into groups of 2, 3, etc. people. As soon as the command: "Chaos" sounds, the participants again begin to move like molecules. So the game continues.


The host invites the participants to line up according to the color of their eyes (from the lightest to the darkest); by dates and months of birth from January 1 to December 31; in alphabetical order by the first letter of the full name, etc.

"Find a partner."

A group of children becomes in a row by age or by any other sign. The middle divides the row into two groups, which become side by side so that they get pairs. Each couple invents a code for themselves, consisting of two words, for example: (moon - ball, children - garden, etc..). The pair is determined that the first code word belongs to, for example, participant "A", and the second code word belongs to participant "B". For all participants in the game, codes are announced so that they do not repeat. Participants "A" stand on the opposite side of the playing area, change places with each other and are blindfolded.

To avoid accidents, players should stretch their arms forward. Now each player tries, by calling his code, to find his half of the pair. Couples who have found each other remove their blindfolds and get to know each other.


The players choose one of those present. The driver must guess it. To do this, he asks questions: "Suppose the person you conceived to be furniture. What object does it remind you of?" Analyzing the answers of the players, the driver tries to find out who is hidden. An interesting option is when the driver himself is guessed. Associations are given both by the appearance of a person and by his character.

This game is played at a very late stage.

"Invented Portrait"

Partners interview each other about names, where they live, jobs, ages, hobbies, expectations, pets, etc. The facilitator sets the time. Partner "A" then introduces partner "B" to everyone present. In the partner's presentation, the whole group is told 4 facts (events, details, details) that one of the partners finds most interesting. One detail out of four is fictional. The whole group of those present must guess the fictitious information.

"False Coat of Arms"

The group of children is divided into pairs. Each pair receives colored pencils, felt-tip pens, sheets of paper from the host. On sheets of paper, there may already be ready-made contours of the coat of arms. Each participant draws 4 images inside the coat of arms (what is characteristic of him is characteristic). 3 - correct, real, 1 - false, invented, not peculiar to the participant. Each couple carefully studies the partner's painted coat of arms and tries to find out (guess) the false image. Next step of the game: The whole group of children comes together. Partners from each pair present as plausibly as possible (comment) each other's coats of arms. The goal of the whole group is to guess which of the 4 images on each coat of arms is false.

"Duel of Names"

The group of children is divided into 2 subgroups. They (subgroups) are located opposite each other. The facilitator and assistant hold the veil between the groups in such a way that the subgroups do not see each other. In silence, each subgroup selects one player. They should sneak up to the sheet and squat down to face it. On a signal, the leaders quickly lower the sheet. Two participants sitting opposite each other must name the player opposite as soon as possible. Whoever calls the name first has the right to take the player to his team with him.


Each child is given the task to make a passport (cardboard card), according to which all participants in the game will be able to learn more and get to know each other.

The passport contains a little information about the owner of the passport (5 - 8 facts). Each fact (appearance, interests, details from personal life) is described in one sentence. The finished passports are folded into a large hat or box and shuffled. Each participant pulls out one passport and, according to the data that is described in it, tries to find out who it is about. The contents of all passports are read aloud and all participants in the game try to find out who they are talking about.

"Invented Portrait"

Partners interview each other about names, where they live, jobs, ages, hobbies, expectations, pets, etc. The facilitator sets the time. Partner "A" then introduces partner "B" to everyone present. In the partner's presentation, the whole group is told 4 facts (events, details, details) that one of the partners finds most interesting. One detail out of four is fictional. The whole group of those present must guess the fictitious information.


The players stand facing each other, forming two circles. You can do this: girls - the inner circle, boys - the outer circle.

The inner circle is "tickets", the outer circle is "passengers". In the center is a stowaway "hare". At the leader's command, the circles begin to move in different directions. The leader shouts: "controller"! Tickets remain in place, and passengers must find their match. "Hare" grabs the "ticket" that he liked. A "passenger" left without a ticket becomes a driver - "Hare". At a meeting "passenger" and "ticket" get acquainted. After some time, the "passenger" can catch not only his own, but also any "ticket" he likes. The game can be accompanied by music.

"Agents 007"

Each participant is given a jar of film. There may be (for example, pebbles, sand, salt, flour, etc.) inside them. The task of the participants is to find their partner by sound without opening the jar.

Kulinich Marina Ilyinichna


for senior preschool age.


To consolidate children's knowledge about the content and characters of literary works of different genres (fairy tale, story, poem, small folklore forms).

Give the opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge and preferences.

Develop interest in fiction, speech.


Game Options:

1. "Sculpt" snowball, sequentially telling a tale (story, poem) and laying out reference pictures.

(I will show on the example of a fairy tale "Kolobok": Who lived in the house? What happened in it? What happened next? Who (or what) met on the way? How did the fairy tale end? What feeling did it leave?

2. Guessing the heroes of a work of art using

Simple enumeration


word game "Not really".

3. Rhyme selection

To the picture shown

To a phrase from a work of art.

Composition of simple quatrains.

The rhyme can be drawn by the teacher or the children themselves.




Nadezhda Litvinyuk
Synopsis of the game interaction of the educator and musical director with young children on the topic: "We are rolling a snowball"


Form ideas about winter natural phenomena: cold, snowing, frosty, slippery (knowledge). Introduce children to the art of applique, form interest in this type of activity (artistic creation).

Develop emotionality and imagery perception of music through musical-rhythmic movements, the ability to perform movement in accordance with the text; develop dynamic hearing (music) . To promote the development of speech as a means of communication. To develop the speech of children, enriching the active vocabulary with adjectives denoting the color, shape, state of objects, adverbs - round, white, frosty, slippery, etc. (communication).

Raising good children caring attitude towards each other and others, interest in game activities and willingness to participate (socialization).

Materials and equipment:

Music Center, notebook, paper snowflakes, Snowman toy, drawing paper, paper napkins, glue, glue sockets, a simple pencil, red and black felt-tip pens.

caregiver begins to look at slides depicting winter natural phenomena on a laptop, thereby attracting the attention of children.

caregiver: Guys, look how beautiful!

1 slide. What is shown here? (Forest) What season? (Winter)

2 slide. Oh look, it's snowing! Snowflakes are spinning, fly!

3 slide. Everything around is white, there is a lot of snow! What happened? (Snowdrifts)

4 slide. And who is here? (People) What are they doing? (ride) What are they on ride? (By ski) These are skiers.

5 slide. See what the kids are doing. (Rolling down the hill)

6 slide. Well, this is a snowman, he's used to the snow, to the cold. Who is making a snowman? (Kids) What a wonderful time of the year - winter!

Sounds are heard (winds, blizzards).

caregiver: Do you hear? What are these sounds? (The wind blows). That's right, it's a song of the wind. How does the wind blow? (Children show). The wind is blowing hard!

caregiver draws the attention of children to snowflakes lying on the floor.

caregiver: Oh oh oh! Look here! How much snowflakes! And winter has reached our group! How interesting ... And there, and here - everywhere snowflakes. It turned out real snow path! Come on, let's see where it leads?

Children along with educator go on snowflakes that lead them to music hall, in which the effect is created with the help of a mirror rotating ball "falling snowflakes» .

Muses. supervisor: Hello guys, look what beauty is around! How much snowflakes? (Lot)

What time of year do they fly snowflakes? (in winter)

Guys, a snowflakes from what? (Out of the snow)

What kind of snow do we have? (White, fluffy, prickly, cold)

Oh, winter, winter

Twirled, swirled.

All paths, all paths

Do not pass, do not pass!

Lot snowflakes let's play with them.

Musical rhythm game« Snowflakes»

Music, words by T. Shikalov, music. edited by Y. Zabutov

1 couplet:

They flew, they flew, they flew one after another

White snowflakes,

White snowflakes -

Lungs snowflakes.

verse 2:

Spinning around, spinning around

In a friendly round dance

White snowflakes -

Lungs snowflakes.

verse 3:

Played, sparkled raise and lower snowflakes

White snowflakes,

White snowflakes -

Lungs snowflakes.

verse 4:

Quietly spinning in the air, squat down

Lie down on the fields of the meadow

It immediately became so bright!

Everything around is white - white!

Muses. supervisor: Everywhere I look snowflakes are spinning, fly!

Visual gymnastics « Snowflakes»

Snowflakes flew to the right,

The eyes looked to the right.

Snowflakes flew to the left,

The eyes looked to the left.

The wind lifted them up

And dropped to the ground.

caregiver: Dropped snowflakes down, right on the snowdrift. Let's blow on them, let them fly up again. (Children blow on snowflakes) .

Sounds like music"The crunch of the snow"

caregiver: What is it? Is someone coming to us? Whose steps are these? (Children's guesses). Guys, look, it's a snowman. But for some reason he is sad... Ask him what happened, why is he sad? (Children ask in chorus and one at a time).

Snowman: Very sad alone,

I miss you a lot.

I'm very, very afraid

That I melt with longing.

caregiver(referring to children): Guys, why is the snowman bored?

Children: Because he is alone, he has no one to play with ...

caregiver: Are you and I bored?

Children: Not.

caregiver: And why?

Children: There are many of us, we can play with each other ...

caregiver: We need to help him, help the snowman, guys?

Time cannot be wasted.

Gotta save a friend!

caregiver(referring to the snowman): You sit, rest, and the guys and I will think of something. Guys, maybe we will make a friend for a snowman?

Children come to the table, on the table is a sheet of paper, napkins, glue.

caregiver(draws a silhouette of a snowman): This is the torso. What is it? (Children repeat). What body? (Large, round). Now what am I drawing? (Children's guesses). That's right, head. What head? (Round, small). "Sculpt" snowman will be from snowballs. We make lumps from napkins.

caregiver demonstrates the execution sequence work: crumple the napkin, roll out in the palms to make a round lump, dip in glue, attach to the silhouette of a snowman and press lightly.

We rolling a snowball

Round like a ball.

The snowman will have a friend

So and not otherwise!

What do we make lumps of? (From napkins). What lumps? (Soft, round, white, light). How much glued snowballs? (Lot).

And now we are smart

Insert a carrot nose

Let's draw the eyes

Hat on the head.

What a snowman

Funny, white fat man!

What kind of snowman did you get? (White, beautiful, big)

What does the snowman have? (Torso, head, eyes, nose, cap).

What is the snowman made of? (From snowballs) .

Ask our snowman if he likes his friend? (Children ask).

Snowman: Well done boys! What a good friend I have turned out to be, handsome, funny! I will play with my friend on a sled ride!

Musically-rhythm song-game "Sled"

(music by T. Suvorova)

A friend will always come to the rescue

Will help a friend.

After all, joy needs friends,

Needed in grief too!

caregiver invites children to invite snowmen to their group.

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