How to Kill the Executioner in Utopia 2 Walkthrough Alice: Madness Returns


After the end of the video, we leave the room and along the corridor crammed with children, you can inspect the nearby rooms. We reach the stairs, go down and go out into the street. Here we make our way forward to the bazaar, where we notice a white cat. The further route is to chase this fluffy. Once in the gateway, we watch the video.

After the end of the next video, we run across the bridge to the opposite side of the roof and watch a new video.


After talking with the Cheshire cat, we run forward along the path, collect memories and jump over all the obstacles. After a while we get to a small waterfall, where we again meet the Cheshire Cat. At the end of the video, we decrease, look around and understand where we need to run. We pass through the cave forward, climb up and, after passing a few more of the same rooms, we find ourselves in a room with a blue mushroom. We step on it.

Climbing down the board is an easy task. The main thing is to make sure not to miss the teeth. Having landed safely in a pool of blood, we turn right and go out into the clearing, where the Cheshire Cat is waiting for us again. After the end of the conversation, you should not run away from the clearing. If the shells are broken, teeth will fall out of them, and a memory can be found next to the crying statue. Now you can move to the next location, where the first meeting with the monster will take place. He dies with three or four stabs. After cleaning the area, we go further and find ourselves at the cook. Here we are given a list. The Pepper Pot is a ranged weapon. It shoots slowly, deals low damage, but there are no other ranged weapons at the beginning.

After the end of the video, we go out into the yard, where we notice a nest of screws. These enemies are nimble and when they get to our heroine, they immobilize her, so you need to deal with them from afar. But first of all, you need to destroy the nests from which they appear.

The destruction of one nest will lead to the emergence of new ones. There will be about six nests in total, appearing in turn. The last monster will be Mud Doll. After it is destroyed, a pig snout will fly in. We shoot him and run back to the cook.

We pass further along the corridor and find ourselves in a spacious clearing. First, we deal with the screw nests, after which we move closer and shoot the piglet. Having eliminated the newly arrived monsters, we again look for a patch and pepper it. Now the path is open further, it remains only to jump on the dominoes.

At the other end, a meeting with a new monster awaits - a mud worm. Its danger lies in the fact that it slows down the movement of Alice, although he himself moves slowly. We get to the place where part of the earth falls through, and with the help of red mushrooms we move to the opposite side. Caution should be exercised when jumping over streams of red-hot slurry spouting from the ground.

Once on the opposite side, we follow the fleeing doll and, having reached a spacious square, we engage in battle with monsters. Having dealt with nightmares, we pass through the tunnel leading to new location, where we have to meet new opponents: aggressive-minded gnomes. An ordinary gnome is killed with a couple of stabs. A dwarf with a shield, on the other hand, requires a more careful approach - you have to wait until he swings, then jump away from his attack, then run up and finish him off.

After the end of the battle, a red mushroom will appear, which will help you get out of this place. We make our way along the corridor to the edge of the abyss. To overcome it, you just need to decrease, and then jump back to the firmament from its edge. Trying to fly over is not worth it, although Alice jumps far enough, but not so far. Now it remains only to get to the trolley call system and sit there.

Once in the possessions of the Hatter, the main thing is to orient yourself. There are extremely many secret passages and just branches. In order not to get lost, use zoom, in this mode Alice sees various hidden signs and arrows that show the way. First of all, we jump over to the platform on the left and rotate the crane so that the steam plant appears. The further path runs along the platforms through a small settlement of aggressive gnomes.

After that, we go inside a huge building, where we have to meet with the Glaznik - a new monster. He appears to be an extremely vicious teapot. The only vulnerable spot is the eye. Kettle's melee attacks are extremely dangerous, so it's best to stay away from him or parry them and hit while he's confused.

After defeating the first such teapot, two more will appear. Before we move anywhere, we pepper them to death from afar. Having jumped into the next room, we listen to the Cheshire cat. There is a button on the other end of the platform where he was standing. We get up on it and wait until the platform drops to the stop. Now we quickly run around the tea streams and jump onto the elevator.

Once at the top, we pass through a small hall and find a ticking hare in a hat. It is not necessary to be afraid of it, but it is necessary to pick it up. It's a time bomb. We get out upstairs, break a couple of walls and find ourselves visiting the Hatter. Here, after the conversation, we break a couple of walls and put a time bomb on the pressure platform, and we ourselves run in the opposite direction, to the pressure mechanism.

Once at the top, raise the umbrella and read about its use. Immediately a new monster appears - the Ruin. The difficulty of dealing with him lies in the fact that the greatest damage can be done to him only by reflecting his own remote attacks.

Having finished the battle, we go to the right, where we sit down in a cup and embark on a journey. At the factory, we make our way into the first room with lava and pepper the very first button, after which we move on. In a huge hall on the platform, there will be a battle with two Eyes at once. The main thing is not to let them get close and kill the evil dolls before they attack.

Having dealt with the monsters on this platform, we approach its edge and jump down, where we pull the lever. Now, on the rising wheels that have appeared, we climb back up and jump into the passage on the left.

At the exit from there, Alice will encounter a new group of monsters. First of all, we deal with the nearby Glaznik and the puppets, after which we take on what is far away. As soon as the room is cleared, we cross it, rotate the crane and return back. From a distance we destroy the screwhead nests, deal with the Moaning Ruins and climb into the opened passage.

In the new premises, our task will be to rise. To do this, carefully look for red circles, shoot them from the pepper pot and jump to new platforms with the help of emerging steam flows.

The next room was under the control of a mad mouse. First of all, Alice will have to jump from stand to stand to get to the opposite wall. This must be done carefully, because. along the way spills too hot hanging samovar. In addition, Eyes will sometimes appear on the left and shoot at us. Having reached the crane, we cool the lava below and move along the platforms that have appeared to the opposite side. Here we pull the lever so that pieces of metal begin to fuse along the red-hot mass. Carefully jumping on them, we climb to the last tap and block it. As soon as the mouse runs away - we climb into her booth, press the lever and jump after the hands.

From the Hatter we again get out upward, but now we turn to the right. At the end of the video, we run into a huge hall with chippers. We turn off the first line of chippers by placing a rabbit-bomb on the button. Under the second one, you just need to jump over, after which we go up. Behind the flimsy wall there is again a button, we clamp it with a bomb and run along the raised gears. Having made our way under one more hammer, we find the last button, we clamp it again and run to the exit.

In the next room we are waiting for a horizontal vice. The easiest way to overcome them is to dodge, just do it forward. After them, we turn right and, climbing up, hold down the door opening button there and jump down, ignoring the monster that has appeared.

The next room will have many traps and obstacles. First of all, we turn right and slip past the hammers. After that, we get to the room where we will meet a crazy rabbit. The algorithm for defeating him is similar to the battle with the mouse. First we pass through the fenders, then through the vise, we get to the lever and the path to the control cabin opens. We release the Hatter's legs to freedom and go to him, down.

After the end of the video, follow the Hatter. In the first room, where he will try to break open the door, Alice will have to overcome the crowds of opponents. At the next door, you will have to look for a workaround to find the lever that opens this door. First, we jump onto the ledge from behind and aim at the circle. Then we go up in a spiral, go down to the transition, where we find the required lever. In the last room, we again have to fight monsters. Let's watch the video.

The good old killer friend is back in Alice's hands!

Chapter 2


We run away from the pier into the alleys, after the white cat. We get to the tavern. The main door is not allowed, so go ahead and turn left. Here we watch the video and run a little forward, enter the building from the back door and go up to the second floor. We enter the only open door, watch the video.


Once in the expanses of the Arctic, the first thing we do is break the stars. Moving forward, we come across a platform where the first attacking monsters will appear. Having dealt with the enemies, we follow forward, but the path is blocked by someone blowing from the ice rock. The main problem in overcoming it is that it blows Alice away.

In the nearest room, a new weapon will become available - Konyashka. Strong but slow. And then there will be new opponents - Ice Snarks. Fast, vicious frog-shaped fish. Their main danger lies in the fact that they move extremely quickly across the battlefield. Having dealt with the newly arrived enemies, we set off forward through the caves. The path through the caves is extremely linear and clear, problems should not arise.

Having stumbled upon a huge green shell, we go into it. Here we will meet the Cheshire Cat, asking riddles. For correct answers, he gives paint for roses. The answers to the first riddle are the last. Answer to the second riddle: "His name."

The next goal is to get to the ship. You can do this in many different ways, but the most optimal is along the left edge through the lake with sharks. At the end of the video, the typical side-scroller mode will turn on. At first, sharks will attack only from the front, after passing a third of the distance, they will start attacking from behind, and a little later, shooting crabs and mines will appear.

Waking up after an unsuccessful landing, we follow forward along the corridors, jumping over red, dangerous jellyfish. Thus we get to the fiery door and enter it. Let's watch the video.

Now we follow the coral corridors to the fish city. On the main square, you can turn right and, after going down and passing the test, you can get more colors for roses. The test is easily passed by simply running away from enemies.

After completing the test, we return to the square and turn right. Our task now is to get to the theatre. There is only one way there and it runs along the backs of white jellyfish. In the process, you will have to meet a new enemy - the Dead Sailor. Physical damage cannot be dealt to him until he is stunned. The only way to stun him is by detonating the bomb he is holding. Once in place, we communicate with the director and find out our next task. At the exit from the hall, turn right and go all the way.

This is where Pushkocrab will meet for the first time. An extremely strong enemy that fires cannonballs. Immune to damage, so to kill you must first turn it over. The first two times this is done by reflecting his own nuclei with an umbrella, and the last - in melee Konyazhka.

Through the opened passage we get to the Octopus. The new task is to find him 3 times in a row. He will hide in bottles, so as soon as you stumble upon bottles, break them. In the first location, finding an octopus will be easy. In the second, it is a little more difficult, because the desired bottle is not in the total mass, but a little to the side. Having reached the third location with bottles, look around carefully for a small passage for mini-Alice. The octopus will be waiting there.

After the end of the video, we go back and find the singer. Watch the video and run first open location. We jump onto the platform, deal with the monsters that have appeared and release the tools. We repeat in other rooms and help the singer to tune in.

The next challenge is to wake up the dancing mussels. The first two of them will wake up only after the fight with the monsters, and the third has already woken up and she needs help to make a poster. To do this, you first need to find the three missing pieces. The first cube is on your left, the next one is in the cave opposite, and the last one is in the mini-Alice cave. Once all the cubes are collected together, it remains only to collect them in the correct order. In fact, these are ordinary tags and everything is solved in four permutations (you need to put the corresponding picture in an empty place right away).

Following this, we go to the theater, but in the middle of the way we are interrupted and sent to the cemetery to save the lost souls of sailors. This requires clearing three crypts. The sweep will consist in the fact that first on a small platform you need to defeat one of the sailors. It's basically just a Sailor's Ghost, it's just that various other monsters are constantly appearing around him. They will stop appearing only after the sailor calms down. After that, we set off along the dark ceilings to the burial place. It's usually enough just to follow the glowing seahorse. If there is an abyss in front of you and there is nowhere to jump, try to shrink down and see if there are secret platforms.

As soon as the sailors are saved, we go further into the opened gate and after a while we encounter the Giant Ruin. Defeating this monster is extremely difficult, but quite real. The main thing is to dodge his close attacks and keep your distance, while not forgetting to pepper the reptile.

After the monster escapes, we enter the city and get to the theater. Let's watch the video.

The game engine is capable of generating some incredible amount of fragments and spare parts.

Chapter 3


We run through the streets to Radcliffe's house, go in there and go upstairs, go into his room and watch the video. We run back out into the street and run forward along the streets. Having reached the border of collapsing London, we watch the video.


Through the crumbling world we follow the instructions of the caterpillar. Very often, in order to go further, it will be required to deal with a certain number of opponents, and then clear the path to the hookah and use it. Toward the end of the first stage, Alice will encounter the Enormous Ruin again. This time, he will have to fight to the end. The first phase proceeds in the same way as before, i.e. Alice shoots the colossus from afar and runs away when she tries to get closer. The second phase is that the monster starts spewing flames and desperately chasing the heroine. The main thing here is to stay as far away from him as possible and wait until the enemy decides to rest. At this point, and it is necessary to finish it off by any available means.

Here we will be given a new weapon - the Tea Cannon. The best weapon against groups of enemies.

Once in the reality of the East, we look around and run forward along the corridor. main feature This location lies in the fact that there are a lot of hidden platforms here and often used, so if you can’t see the way forward, you should decrease and take a closer look. In addition to this, Alice will have to face new opponents: Samurai Wasps, Archer Wasps, Ink Wasps and Heavy Samurai Wasps.

The first are ordinary opponents who are practically immune to ranged attacks. The best remedy against these reptiles is Konyashka. Archer wasps are not so difficult, they can be quickly peppered to an unflyable state. With the Ink Wasps, the situation is about the same as with the Shurupchels. By themselves, they are not so dangerous, they die quickly and easily, but they are constantly reborn. In order for the wasps to stop appearing, you need to find a nest and destroy it. These nests look like graves.

The heavy Wasp Samurai is a formidable adversary, capable of spoiling nerves. First, he is very strong. Secondly, just like the wasp, the samurai is immune to ranged attacks. To kill such a monster, you must first get close to him, then stun and furiously finish off, tearing off his armor.

Before entering the secret caves, you will have to solve another 15 puzzle. Parts of it are scattered around and the paths to them can be seen in a reduced state. The final puzzle looks like this:

Girl, have you seen my head here? No, sir, I didn't.

Chapter 4


We watch the video and set off on the path through the site. We go out into the street and fall into a swoon. Waking up, we wander along strange corridors forward until we reach a huge failure.


When Alice approaches, the cards themselves will lay out a path for her. Thus we get to a small card castle. At the exit we find two buttons. On the left we put the Bomb Hare, and on the right we put Alice and jump over to an invisible platform. After a short walk and rolling down another hill, we find ourselves in the domain of the Black Queen. We make our way to the gates of the castle and enter.

Here you will meet new enemies - Card Guardians. They are easy enough to kill with any weapon. Now we enter the castle and set off to explore it. In one of the rooms you will be locked up with card guards. As soon as they die, the Executioner will come. It makes no sense to fight him, we run through the door on the right, and then through the keyhole.

Outside, the scenario will repeat itself - first a fight with cards, and then an escape from the Executioner. A new problem appears. To balance the scales in the right direction, use the Hare and move on.

Next, Alice is waiting for a chess problem, not difficult. After opening the gate, we meet the Executioner again and run away from him again. The new enemy is an armored cardboard guard. Immune to many attacks, but vulnerable to boiling water from a kettle. After the battle, we once again encounter the Executioner, who teleports Alice somewhere.

We break forward through the crowds of enemies until the Executioner again teleports to chessboard. This time, the main thing is that the number of your steps is equal to the number of steps of the red figure.

We continue moving forward. You can jump on the nearest scales if you break through the floor and use the spring from below. Next - the last chess problem. The whole point is that the enemy completely repeats Alice's moves. Using this, we easily win and move on.

Again we come across a burning door. Watch the video and move on. Again a small battle, after which the labyrinth will begin. If the exit cannot be found on the move, then we use the left hand rule. After a small fight at the exit, we again give a tear from the Executioner and stumble upon a cake. After eating it, Alice will become big. Controlling a huge Alice, we crush and destroy everyone who comes under the arms and legs. Having reached the tower with a cannon, we proceed to destroy and break. As soon as the heart appears - click on the right mouse button. We continue in the same spirit until Alice returns to her previous size.

We climb into the mouth and then go down. We find a heart and break it. The destruction of each heart leads to the opening of the way further. With everything destroyed, Alice finally meets the Black Queen. Let's watch the video.

London blazing at sunset and furiously choking in the smoke of its own chimneys.

Chapter 5


We go forward along the corridors, after which we find ourselves in a torture chamber. And then another one. In the end, we go out into the foggy street. We move from lantern to lantern, after which we find ourselves at a burning house. Let's watch the video.

Once in a toy town, we go forward a couple, we find a lever with an eye and jump down. Here we are waiting for the first skirmish with the monsters. We watch the video and suddenly we run into a huge evil doll. Big means slow. Let's use this and move on. We pass by the doll swinging on a swing calmly, press the lever and again fight with a big unkind doll. We listen to the Cheshire Cat and go forward. Again we walk along the invisible platforms, shoot the red target and pull the lever.

Now the game is changing the format again. We control the puppet head. To control the strength of the shot, use the spacebar. Having dealt with the next troubles, we roll down the hill. Now Alice will have to run along the track with spikes. To remove the spikes - press the button with an exploding rabbit. After that, another run will follow and jump on invisible platforms, followed by peppering the red target. And again the battle with a huge doll.

Going down and passing through the keyhole into the labyrinth, we are not lost. As a last resort, we use the right hand rule again. At the exit, we press the button and watch what happens.

We continue to move forward. Again a problem with platforms, stealths and scales. Quite difficult, but doable. Alice's goal is a lever that opens the passage. In it - again a problem with weights and sharp presses. After that, we meet again with a big disgruntled doll.

This will be followed by an extremely long run with acrobatic exercises. They will not always be easy to do, but it is almost always obvious what is required of Alice.

Another toy town. Another battle for rose paint. We throw an explosive rabbit on the button and go further. We meet an old acquaintance - a Huge Ruin. We return to an already familiar place, there were terrible children. Once again, we deal with a large and dissatisfied doll. In the dollhouse we fight with its logical inhabitants. Climbing to the top floor, activate the lever and climb even higher. Once again you have to play a melody. Then we run up the railroad.

And again the episode with the control of the doll's head. It will be more difficult than the previous one, but it is quite passable. We slide down a branching hill, where a bunch of enemies are already waiting for us. We enter the burning door and watch the video.

Climbing up, we encounter a group of Ruins. Having reached the doll factory, we rise to the very top and watch the video.

Hysteria paints the world in very contrasting colors.

Chapter 6

We go forward, watching the bizarre changes in the world. Having reached the castle, we enter the final battle. First, keep an eye on Alice's health, hysteria is ineffective in this battle, so you need to keep the life-giving roses at a stable level. Help with this can weak monsters that will curl around. Second, attack the arms as soon as the head turns white. After there are only two hands left, you can start attacking continuously.

After the victory, watch the video.

dishonored. how to neutralize precisely neutralize, and not kill the executioner in the house of the lord regent?

  1. move into the dog that is nearby and wet the executioner. he will not stand the shame and die
  2. try to move into it kill the dog move out of it and suffocate
  3. Passed the mission with the executioner without killing him! After probably 50 attempts) The bottom line is that the executioner is a black magician and everyone is aware of this, information about this can be found all over the map (the conversations of the guards, the officers and letters in the guardroom and the general’s office), but no one can do anything because the executioner is under the protection of a regent who himself knows perfectly well that he serves the Alien. If you want to complete the mission without killing, the main thing is to do nothing with the executioner before you turn on the audio recording with the confession of the regent! When the recording to the floor below turns on, there will be a scene in the doors in which the Lord Regent is knitted. He is cowardly and wants to run away or pay off, but because the guards are not corruptible and there are two of them, he does not succeed. And here we are included! We need to help the lord escape from these two guards (yes yes!). To do this, it is enough to shoot an arrow next to them from around the corner or put one or two to sleep. Then the lord will rush to escape and run to the only one who can protect him at this moment - to the executioner. Don't run after him, it's pointless. And here there are two outcomes - if during the lord's escape an alarm is raised, then at the moment of our approach to the executioner's basement there will already be guards. The bottom line is that if there are few guards, the executioner will scatter them. In order for more soldiers to come running, make some noise in the basement. You can hide on the pipes. The lord and the executioner will move to look for the source of the noise to the entrance to the cellar. There you can move into the lord and go out to the eyes of the guard. The guards will gather 7-8, they will kill both the regent and the executioner. These murders will not be counted because you are not involved in them.
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As Corvo Atano, Empress Jessamine's bodyguard, you arrive at Dunwall Tower by boat with an important message. Get out of the boat and go to the bridge. On it, Emily, the daughter of the Empress, runs up to you. If you agree to play hide and seek with her, an additional task with stealth training will begin.

Follow Emily to the gazebo to meet the Empress. Jessamine speaks there with Burroughs, the main secret service. Now you can talk to her yourself and give the letter [F].

Looks like the news is bad, there is no cure for the Plague yet. Suddenly you are attacked, the first battle begins. Corvo has a sword in his right hand and a pistol in his left. you can repel the blows of the assassins. However, the gun solves all problems in one shot.

Innocently convicted

Corvo was convicted for the murder of the Empress. Hiram Burroughs himself appointed regent, he only had to achieve the recognition of Corvo, although without him there are enough grounds for execution.

You find yourself in Coldridge Prison. Go to the grate and eat [F] the bread that is on the floor. Underneath is an anonymous message, read it. There is a key under the letter. Such is the matryoshka. Open the door and get out. Take the broadsword of the city guard from the table. There are also coins on the table. Sneak up [C] to the guard standing in the passage. You can stun him by holding [Left Ctrl] and then take the body with [F] and drag him away from prying eyes. The second guard also soon manages to turn your back on you, so don't hesitate. There remains only a walking sentry, attack when he goes in the opposite direction from you.

The way forward is open. Climb up with [Space] on the red-lit supports. Here you will find a pistol. The next sentry on the way is outside the door. Looks very imprudently down from the bridge. Steal his key and stun him. Proceed further to the Walking Path. Another guard. Finally we go down and go to the "interrogation room". There is a safe with explosives we need here.

Now you need to install it. We pass after the receding guard through the bars down to the "Prison Yard". The guards can be bypassed by walking in the shadows along the very edge of the courtyard. Make your way to the Post Wing. The easiest way is to get through the first door on the left, stun the guard, go through the next door, stun the guard, and use the lever. Now you can go out and stun the walking sentry. You remove the sentry that stands behind the opened gate when the second one turns away. Then you remove it too. Plant the bomb and run [Left Shift] away. Turn around and run into the resulting passage. The bridge rises, we jump into the water. Swim to the other side, to the entrance to the Catacombs.


Jailbreak successfully completed. Now you need to cross the Catacombs to get to the Renhaven River and meet with a contact.

The grill will not open. But on the box is a note addressed to Corvo. Climb onto the boxes and climb between the pipes. You will have to crouch anyway [C]. Beneath you, rats are eating two guards alive. Jump down, the grate at the back is also locked, so you can only go forward, into the sewer. Jump into the water, you will have to swim towards the "hidden things" marker. When you see a ladder, get out of the water and follow it. Remove the corpse [hold F] to use the valve. Go forward and climb higher, so the grate can be bypassed. A small scene with the dumping of corpses that died from the plague. It seems that those who do this dirty work were given some kind of "elixir" that protects them from infection. Who wins is the carnivorous rats who were given a free lunch. The rats will not disdain a living Corvo, so run below and climb up to the platform in the center. From there, drop three bodies to the rats to distract them. You yourself run and turn the valve to open the gateway. Come forward. Here you will see a hanging chain. Jump on it and press [F], or just approach from a convenient side. Climb up and jump to the platform. Be careful: there are stretch marks here, if you break the wire, the grenade will explode. And in the branch there is even a shooting stretch. And here is the very hidden equipment, along with a letter to the Lord Protector.

So, you need to go to a meeting with Samuel. You now have excellent weapons - a blade and a crossbow. In the latter, we are interested in sleep darts. Hold [mouse wheel] and select sleep dart. You can now unlock the grate with the key you received. A new stretch, but this time we are learning to roll: run up and press duck [C]. And you fly under the stretch.

You can move on. Climb up the already familiar movement. Then jump into the hole, to where the voices are heard from. Shoot a guard with a sleep dart. The next two can be taken out with a simple stun. There is also an option to swim under them and quietly get out of the water when they turn away. Perhaps sailing past them all is the easiest way. You pass the guards and get into the passage to the surface. The boatman Samuel is waiting for you here.

Secret allies

Samuel took you to the Dog Pit. Follow him. Enter the Pub and talk to the Loyalists. They need the help of an experienced man loyal to the empire, and Corvo is perfect for this role. You are sent to Pierrot. Exit the Pub the same way you entered and enter the workshop. Pick up the "empty blubber tank" and go up the stairs. Place the tank in the filler, pull the lever, pull out the tank, go down, set the tank with the blubber in place. Pierrot will now complete your assassin mask. Also now he can modify your ammunition. To begin with, I would advise you to buy sleep darts and a mounting tool. The rest of the items are clearly lethal. You can also buy upgrades on another tab. When you're done, go to bed.

Corvo will wake up to the sound of rain on the roof, your room is in the attic of the Pub. But this is not the strangest thing: something completely abnormal is going on behind the door. Climb up to the "strange attraction". Alien, as he called himself, will give Corvo magical power - teleportation over short distances. Useful skill, nothing to say. To use it, hold [right mouse button], aim at an empty space on the other side and release the button. Move along the chain of stone blocks hanging in the air. If you won't "fly", get closer to the edge of the platform to reduce the teleportation distance.

The next gift from the Alien is a "heart", which indicates the location of magical runes and bone amulets. If you point it in the direction where one of the objects is, the heart will signal this. You can find it in the devices tab in your inventory. For now, just move towards the rune. You will have to go down a lot. Scroll the mouse wheel to change heart to teleport and back. At the end, pick up the rune. With it, you can acquire new skills or upgrades of your choice. Since we are going through the game without killing, I recommend taking Dark Vision.

Corvo is finally really waking up. This adventure was not an ordinary dream, because the mark on the arm and the ability are still with you.

Talk to Amiral Havelock in the pub. He will instruct you to eliminate Campbell. Go outside and go to Samuel, on the way you will meet Callista, she will ask you to save her uncle - the captain of the city guard Karnow. You can also go to Pierre, he has runes for sale. When you finish all the things, talk to Samuel and go to the "Wine Quarter".

You find yourself in the location "Wine Quarter". The guard can be stunned, or wait until he leaves. Soon you will come to the "wall of light". It can be turned off, or somehow bypassed. The easiest way is to simply remove the tank with the blubber. Although you can perform any other method described in the tooltip. You can climb the boxes to the roof, which are located here. If you have learned the ability to move in, you can try yourself as a mouse. I will not burden you with the details of each method, Dishonored is good just because there are so many ways to get to the goal.

Old Rags (optional)

You can go to the right, to the house of Old Rags. Visitors pester her. Arm yourself with sleep darts (you can find several in the room to the right of the door), open the door and shoot the bandits. Talk to the old woman, go upstairs and take the rune.

Guests (optional)

Rags invites you to continue fighting the Bottle Street Gang. Make your way through the roofs and pipes to the "office of Dr. Galvani". You need to stun the guard to get the lab key. Find the "dummy book" on the bookshelf, a secret door will open. Take the offal of the plague rat and get out of the office. Now you need to get to the Dunwall Distillery. Make your way along the roofs and pipes to the front door, on the right on the table is the key to the entire distillery. Get inside. Jump on the barrels, teleport behind the tripwire. Jump on the chain. From it, teleport or jump onto the pipe, and so on to the door. Climb down, you don't need a key - you can just crawl under the barrel while crouching. Infect the contents of the alembic. You can return to the Old Rag for a new rune.

The second wall of light is more difficult to pass. For example, I went down to the very bottom and went to the left, teleporting past the visibility zone of the bandits from Bottle Street. The next target is Holger Square. There are so many hiding places below that it is not difficult to stun the soldiers one by one. Overseer Martin is waiting for you in the square. You can free him by activating the shackle lever to the left of him.

Climb to the roof of the porch using teleportation and climb over the fence. Now you need to get into the "Cabinet". To do this, you need to pass another lattice. For example, with the help of teleportation, I climbed into the window of the building on the left. After leaving the other door, go down the stairs - the pipe leads directly to the Chancellery. Climb up the chain. Enter the door to the Kennel, from where you can easily get inside the Chancellery. Go upstairs, we're looking for "branding instructions." Stun the guard inside and read the instructions on the table. Now that we know about the brand, we can go to Campbell's office. Activate any of the glasses on the table and select "pour both glasses". Now hide in one of the dark corners and wait. When Campbell and Curnow leave the office, follow them to the basement, to "Campbell's secret room." When the High Overseer draws his sword, stun him. Now drag to the "interrogation room". You can, for example, climb out the window onto the ledge. In the interrogation room, put Campbell on the interrogation chair. Now you need to get the "brand of the heretic." Climb back and brand Campbell. Climb down and make your way to the door to the backyard. It remains to get to the Boatman Samuel on the roofs.

You have returned to the Dog Pit. Climb off the dock and meet the Loyalists. While they will decipher the diary, you need to sleep. There will be no dreams this time. Talk to Havelock. Then get down into the catacombs through the hatch here. To put the "weeper" to sleep (he cries, by the way, not with tears - but with blood), you will need sleep darts. If you run out, Piero sells them. In the sewers you will find two weepers. Shoot them, pick up two runes and return. Now you have a key to a door that didn't open before. Climb the chain straight to the Pub. Find the admiral. Talk to the boatman to set off.

pleasure house

The Pendleton brothers, owners of the Golden Cat Baths, help the Lord Regent hide Emily. They should be eliminated.

You have been here recently. The same pier of the "Wine Quarter". Get to Dunwall Distillery. Here you need to find Slackjaw. Nobody needs to be stunned, everyone is yours. Slackjaw offers his services to infiltrate " golden cat in exchange for help with one case. Return to the Wine Quarter. Go to "Doctor Galvani's office". Be careful, assassins have appeared here, do not attract their mass attention. Walking on the rooftops will be a good solution. Specifically, you can get into the office itself through the pipes at the top, through the balcony. Climb the stairs to the very top, to the "slackjaw's informant". We stun one guard when he turns away, we immediately hit the second with a sleeping dart. Take the audiogram and backtrack to Slackjaw. As a reward, he will give the key to the building through which you can get straight to the roof of the Golden Cat. And he will also offer to switch places: he himself kidnaps the Pendleton twins, and you do his job. This is the bloodless option.

At the remaining "light wall" go down, under it, on the left there will be a passage to the square. But what is much more interesting: now you can meet a woman there who is being robbed by two guards. You can shoot them both with sleep darts. As a reward, the Survivor will give you the key to the house of the art dealer - the same one. However, we need to get into the "Golden Cat". The revolving observation tower only looks down, not at the rooftops. Enter through the door to the Golden Cat location.

Turn left into a dead end and climb to the very roof. From here you can cross right up to the very window of the "bath". The art dealer is in the "silver" room. Start torturing him with discharges until he says the code. Now you need to find "Madame's Cabinet". Sneak up on the lady and steal the master key. And on the left on the windowsill is a note that indicates where Emily was placed. Exit the office and go up the spiral staircase. Emily is sitting here in the courtesan room. Follow her to the VIP exit. Emily is now believed to have been saved. Hooray! It remains to find Slackjaw and tell him the code to the safe. Then meet up with Samuel and Emily at the pier.

Distinguished guest

Emily is safely brought to the Dog Pit. Corvo wants to see Lord Pendleton. He stands right behind the ruined tower and watches the sunset. He will send you to the admiral. He sits with Martin in the pub.

royal doctor

The new target is Sokolov, an artist and court physician. The author of one of the two active elixirs against the Plague. Visit Piero, complete all business and use the services of Samuel.

Here is the Kaldwin Bridge. Samuel strongly advises turning off the spotlights. Rise upward. It's full of guards. Move on top. You will see a spotlight (not the one you want to turn off - just a spotlight). To the left of it there is a door, we go there. Climb the stairs, take the “key to the warehouse” - it opens the door below, so you can also go through. But we climb to the very top of the stairs. Turn the valve to move the chain, then you can jump over and get the blubber. Insert the tank into the apparatus on the wall. Climb into the cart on the rails and pull the lever. Now you are on the other side. Climb down and sneak past the guards to the door to the Drobbridge.

Sneak through the residential buildings under the bridge. Swim across and climb up. The guard can be put to sleep with a dart, the rest will not notice anything. Go further across the bridge. Remove the blubber to provide an arrester. Climb up the stairs to the very top. Pull the lever, go back, climb onto the raised bridge using teleportation. Go to the end and also teleport higher. There you can extract the blubber tanks. Now you need to carefully go down. For example, you can simply walk along the stretched mounts. But, alas, there is too much light for such a maneuver, unless you have time dilation (in which case no one will notice you). And here is the door to the Midrow substation.

You need to get into the booth upstairs, which has a lever that stops the "wheels". Then you can crawl through them and turn off the wall of light. Behind it is the passage to the "North Side". Just through it you can get into the Sokolov House. Climb onto its roof. Sokolov is busy with his formula. Stun him and drag him down the stairs. For a while, Sokolov can be lowered to the floor to stun interfering guards and servants. You can even find an elevator. In a word, get out of the house through the back entrance. Near the descent to the boat you will see a cage with people. They can be released by removing the blubber. The woman will tell you about the safe. Retrieve the contents and find Samuel.


Anton Sokolov (is it really a “bad Russian”?) was taken to the Pesya Yama pub for interrogation. It's time to rest.

Cecilia in the pub will point you to the location of the hideout key, just in case. Sokolov was placed in a cage. It turns out that the old doctor can be bribed. This is obviously a less bloody way than using a pack of man-eating rats. Go to Piero, he agrees to sell you King Street brandy for 150 gold. If you don't have enough, you can rob the pub, there should be a lot more. Bring the bottle to Sokolov.

Reception Lady Boyle

Sokolov revealed only the name of the Lord Regent's mistress. We also need to find out which of the Boyle women we need.

Visit Samuel to attend the masquerade ball at the Boyle estate. Jump from the boat into the water and get out to the stairs. The first bridge doesn't suit us - Tall Man will detect it. But the second one is very easy. Climb over the fence right above the rails. You don't need to sneak in this area. Approach the talking guests. Catch the flying invitation. Now show it to the gatekeeper. Walk around the outhouse and go inside the estate. You can rob guests.

Now you can go to the ball. Talk to the guests, someone will surely tell you about the three bedrooms and the colors of the inhabitants of the estate. Look for Miss White on the ground floor wearing a moth mask. She will ask you to bring her a drink. Find a fountain of sparkling wine, fill a glass and bring it to Miss White. She will tell which of the sisters is dressed in what color. Walk around the ground floor and find Lord Brisby, wearing an ugly cat mask. He wants to talk to you. Lord Brisby offers to help eliminate Lydia Boyle (and you need, according to him, it is she).

Make your way upstairs to the bedrooms. The formidable guard himself will leave the post and go down. You need to find Lydia Boyle's room. The diary states that she likes musicians. Go down the same way and find Lydia in a black dress. Say her name, and then offer to retire to the music room with a harpsichord. Follow Lydia. She will be upset that you do not know how to play it and ... she will go down to the basement herself! Very strange. Stun her and drag her into the boat.

There is also a passage to the Catacombs. Dirty, but there will definitely not be any problems with the guards. Raise the grate with the valve. Now swim at full speed to the closing gateway and Samuel's boat. The best thing is to move into the fish. Go to the Dog Pit.

P.S. Lady Boyle's name, as well as her passion, can be generated differently for you! However, the sequence of actions from this will not change much.

Decisive blow

Meet Lord Pendleton. Then with Admiral Havelock.

Get ready for the road, visit Pierrot. By the way, if you completed the previous task "without bloodshed", in your room in the attic there will be a rune with a note.

When you finish all the cases, use the services of Samuel.

Return to the Tower

It was Lord Regent Burroughs' turn to be humiliated.

The same Dunwall Tower where the Empress lived and where the game began. Jump into the water and swim into the gateway. Through the pipes, through different passages, go up. Don't try to go through the door with the shocker behind it. Teleportation is much more appropriate. Stun all guards one at a time. A wall of light will interfere with you. On the right, you can go to the balcony and teleport directly to the blubber tank, which must be removed to turn off the wall. Yes, you can just walk by. A couple more officers will come right into your hands. Dangerous central posts can be bypassed on the right. From there, you can also teleport to the main building, and find a technical passage to the Tower Lobby.

The Lord Regent communicates with his guards via communicator. He is in his bedroom. But we are not going there, but to the "broadcasting station". Go along the ledge to the right, enter the turret through the door. Pull out the blubber tank to turn off the shocker. Climb the stairs and find the "propaganda officer". He will say that Burroughs audiograms even his most dark secrets. This is a bloodless path. Now there are two ways:

  1. You can turn on the alarm siren (one is downstairs in the lobby, the second on the roof) so that the Lord Regent leaves his chambers and locks himself in a secret room.
  2. You can wait until the Lord Regent finishes the dialogue and is left alone. Then just get into the chambers and stun him. Well, or use a sleep dart, as it turns out.

The safe is easy to find - it's not even hidden. It contains an audiogram. Take it to the tower of the broadcasting station. Let the Lord Regent's secrets be heard by all! Go downstairs and enjoy the arrest scene. It's up to you to leave the still hostile Dunwall Tower. Samuel will be waiting for you in the same place where you left him - in front of the gateway.

On the eve of the coronation

Go to the pub, everyone is already celebrating. Get upstairs and go to bed.

With the flow

This is just the case when you are waiting for a catch the whole game, and no intrigue is obtained. Loyalists - were loyal only to themselves. The poisoned Corvo falls straight into the clutches of Daud, the real assassin who killed the Empress. You find yourself in a familiar mystical area, where the Alien will speak to you.

flooded quarter

Corvo dropped some kind of tank. Well, at least they weren't killed. Take the bricks and throw them up into the boards that cover the hole. Now use teleportation to get out. Pick up a blade from the table, it might come in handy. Climb up the stairs. There are two guards here. You can stun one of them by teleporting directly to the railing and then dragging it up the stairs. The second one is much easier. Jump into the water. A very contrasting sight, after the motley estate of the Boyles, or the royal fortress.

Return equipment (optional)

Before you go to Daud, you need to return your things. Try to get closer to their mark. When you see a chain, climb it. The nearby building used to have a glass roof, but now you can jump down unhindered and use the passage "to the Greaves brewery". Approach the indicated building as close as possible. To get there, you need to push the stairs. And for this you need to restore power. Enter the building closest to the specified roof, here is an instruction, a lever, and a container for blubber. From the back you can get an empty tank. Here, very close, it can be filled with blubber. Go through the building and put the full tank back in place. Activate the lever to lower the stairs. Climb up it and go around, along the pipes, chains and other scrap metal. Here you will overhear the conversation of the assassins. Climb up the chain and there you are inside. You need to turn on the bridge. On the right you can find tanks, to do this, destroy the boards that prevent you from climbing through the bars. Fill the tank with blubber on the way back, put the tank back in place and pull the handle. Go down the chain to the very bottom and grab your equipment. Climb the stairs, open the gate with the valve and get out of this location.

And here it is again, "Rudshore Pier". It is not difficult to get into the "center of Rudshore", although here the best patrolmen are teleporters. However, to get through, you need to steal a key from one of them. Rudshore Center is a real hell. At first it seems that it is simply impossible to slip past the patrolling assassins. But actually it is not. I strongly advise you to jump into the water and turn left. And from here you can start to stun enemies one at a time. The most difficult thing is to knock out a couple of the first ones so that the rest do not notice. You can develop your own strategy, of course. Our goal is "Daud's Lair". Inside it becomes very easy - very dark. When you get out, you will need to climb into the window on the floor above. Daud is hiding here. Bloodless option. Get his purse Daoud. There are different options. The simplest and most obvious is to defeat him in a duel. Avoiding it is almost impossible, the villain also owns the stop of time. You need to beat him using all available aggressive methods. But when you defeat him, you can take his wallet and leave in peace. It remains to pick up the "Key of Daud". You need to go down into the "tunnel to the gate".

Now it remains only to get out of this damned "Flooded Quarter". Turn left after the tunnel. The bodies of those who died from the Plague are dumped here. And not only the dead. Get out upward, past two chatting poor fellows. Then you have different paths. For example, you can climb to the roof of one of the buildings. The easiest way is on the one on the roof of which the rune lies. Then you can jump on the "corpse cart" and drive a little further. Jump in front of the wall of light, to where you can see a tank of blubber, pulling it out will turn off the light wall. Of course, you can get through the guards and the big man in a different way, it's up to you. So, after pulling out the tank, you need to go down. There is a gate lever on the wall here. You need them in them, to the door of the service entrance. Behind it is a passage "to the outskirts of the Old Port." Here you need to get to the entrance to the catacombs. We do this: stand on top of the hatch and turn the valve. Fall down, well, good. Survivors have taken refuge in the catacombs, they will not attack you. Make your way to the exit from the catacombs. The door leads directly to the Dog Pit Pub, for goodness sake.


Cecilia will briefly recount to you the terrible events that took place after Corvo's "departure". Climb up from the basement, watch out for two keys hanging on hooks. One of them will open the door from the abandoned shelter. Outside are two chatty guards and a big man. Make your way to the pub. On the counter are Havelock's orders to the guards. Now go upstairs to your former room, read the letter from Emily.

Rescue Piero and Sokolov (optional)

You can get to these two from Corvo's old room in the attic of the pub. The open window overlooks the roof of the workshop. Drop down onto the ledge from the river side to climb through the window. Pierrot will ask you to bring his drawing. I already had it with me, I think from the pub. In the dialog, select the option to sleep the effect of the discharge column to put all enemies to sleep. Now you need to find an empty tank on the second floor, fill it with blubber, make your way along the eaves to the roof of the workshop and connect the tank to the installation on the roof. Pull the lever to open the tank slots. Bring another tank here, so that all three nests are occupied. The scientists are safe now. You can use Pierrot's services for the last time.

Visit Callista in the tower. It's just down the road from the roof of Pierrot's workshop. It will add a small part of the mosaic. Use the lever to launch the flare. Take the key from the bed Callista is sitting on. Open the door from the tower and jump towards Samuel.

guiding beacon

It's time to save the princess from prison!

I’ll make a reservation right away: at the time of the passage, I had a “low level of chaos” - if you have a different one, then the mission may look different.

Fort Kingsparrow has two entrances: "from the side of the sea" and "from the side of the harbor." Whichever you choose, the first thing you need to do is turn off the light walls. Go to the "entrance from the sea". To his left in the wall you can see a pipe from which water flows. Too wide pipe. From this room - you can turn off both light walls at once, from both entrances. Now you can choose and clear any of the two "entrances", and you will get inside the fort. Now you need to get into the guardhouse. First, after passing through the courtyard to the other side, you must get inside and turn off the power of another light wall. Now you can go to the guardroom. After the wall of light, immediately climb up the stairs, remove the "key from the lift to the lighthouse" from the hook. At the very top there will be a bridge towards the lighthouse. In order not to fall under the spark gap, go along the bottom of the bridge, where you can see the control panel. Climb into the lift through the door and pull the lever, let's go.

We are already at the lighthouse. Climb up the stairs and you'll be inside. Stun Havelock. It seems that he has already taken care of the rest of the "loyalists". Take the key to Emily's room from the table and unlock the door. It remains only to find out the end of this story.


Corvo, main character, returned from a long trip to the islands in search of a cure for the plague. Having moored, we look around. We sail to the tower, and then we head to the empress with a detailed report. On the way we meet Emily, the daughter of the Empress, and tightly squeeze her in our arms. Let's play a game with her, because we haven't seen each other for so long. We rise to the gazebo, meet with Jess and give her a letter. The guards have disappeared somewhere, and enemies are approaching from the roof of a neighboring building. We shoot a couple, we also learn to block blows. It will not be possible to save the Empress, and her enemies take her daughter with them. The guard who arrived late, without delving into the essence of what happened, accuses us of murder.

Hide and seek (optional).

We run after the girl under the stone bridge. When she starts counting, we go up the stairs and enter stealth mode (crouching). Soon she will give up and then we can go down to Emily.

Innocently convicted.

After the torture, we are brought to a cell. The prison guard leaves food near the door. We eat bread, select a note and a key. We unlock the door, go out into the corridor and pick up the blade and a couple of dozen coins from the table. We deal with enemies, do not forget to block their blows. We run to the bridge, climb up. We collect a lot of supplies, including healing potions and pistols. We go into the corridor, we kill two. We select the key from the guard's belt. We open the door, we run along the walking path. We jump down, to the right, in front of the interrogation door, we collect coins. We enter the interrogation room, from the table we select coins and the report of the officer on duty. We get to the safe, from where we extract the time bomb.
We run back, kill two. Do not forget to search the bodies for trophies (coins, cartridges). We cross the prison yard, we get into the corridor. We kill the guards, search the rooms on the left. We pull the lever, we go through the opened door. We deal with the enemy, we will take supplies from the shelves on the left. We install explosives and run away. Outside, the bridge has risen, jump down into the water. We swim to the sewers, from where we get into the catacombs.


We move straight ahead, open the door. We read the note on the box. We climb up, in covert mode we crawl forward. We see how two starved rats are gnawed. We jump down, keep moving. We are afraid of rats, we attack them little by little and move back. We swim in the center, remove the body from the valve. We unscrew it and get to the area with a lot of rats. On the right side through the scattered objects we make our way to the center. We grab the corpses and throw them on the ground so that the rats are distracted by them. We quickly unscrew the valve and pass on. Turn right, grab the chain. We climb up, we find the equipment left for us - this is a mini-crossbow and a more perfect blade.

We open the grate, on the run we use squats to slip under the stretch. We pass to the parallel side, jump up. We carefully go down the stones. We can jump right on the head of the enemies and hold down the strike button to instantly kill them. Let's practice this, and then get out, where our ally Samuel is waiting for us.

Secret allies.

Having sailed to a new area, we get to the Dog Pit pub. We communicate with the loyalists Admiral Havelock and Lord Pendleton. Let's visit Piero in his workshop. During the manufacture of equipment, the tank with blubber is emptied. We go upstairs, pick up a full tank and install it in the device below. After some manipulations, we get the assassin's mask. You can also buy ammunition and upgrades for the weapons we have from Pierrot. Before going to sleep, we can look around the rooms on the floors of the pub, there are probably a lot of interesting things there.

Alien messenger.

After waking up, open the door on the left and go upstairs. We meet the Alien, who endows us with unique abilities. The "Transfer" skill allows you to instantly overcome short distances. We hold down the corresponding button and indicate the point where we want to move. From the chest we select a spiritual balm, which we restore the hero's mana. We continue to move further and further, actively using the transference. We receive another gift from the Alien - a living heart that will show the right path to runes and amulets. You have to switch between the heart and transference. These two abilities cannot work at the same time. We see that the rune is at the bottom, we jump down there. We move around the islands with the help of transfer. We select the rune and spend it on the appropriate skills. For one rune, we can acquire only two abilities - Darkvision and Vitality. Alien returns us to the familiar reality.

New day.

Waking up, we see a sign on the hand. The dream turned out to be real. We go down to Admiral Havelock and get the task - to kill Campbell.

Rune (optional).

With the help of the heart, it will not be difficult to find a rune in the vicinity of the pub.

High Overseer Campbell.

We get to Samuel. We arrive at the wine district. There are three ways to get to the first wall of light: through the alley on the right, climbing the boxes on the left, or straight ahead, pulling out a barrel of blubber. Let's go straight ahead and deal with the guards. On the other side, we similarly remove the barrel with blubber and get to Holger Square.

We kill the enemy, we speak with the captive Martin. We release it by pulling the lever on the left. Let's go further, climb the boxes on the right and go to the other side of the gate. There are three opponents here, we quickly neutralize the lone patrol. Then two more when they part. We enter the room to the left of the gate, deal with opponents. Through the square we penetrate into the territory of the office, and then into the main building. We go upstairs to Campbell's office. We send Campbell's glass, leave the room and close the door behind us. After the bell strikes, they will arrive to taste the drink. Campbell will die, and we will break into the office and take the incriminating diary. Meet Samuel in the backyard. You can get to it unnoticed on the roofs, and then going down the chain.

Rescue Captain Curnow (optional).

We communicate with Callista near the pub. She asks to rescue her uncle, who is about to be sent by Campbell. In order for Karnow to stay alive, being in the office of the supreme overseer, we poison only Campbell's glass. Then, when Curnow calls the guards, they will attack him. It's time to intervene and kill the guards. Curnow will run away and thereby save himself.

Old Rags (optional).

We will find her in an abandoned house in the alley. After talking with the blind old woman, we get the key. We unlock the door and immediately attack the uninvited guests. They can attack with fire, so getting close to them is not recommended. As a reward, we will receive a rune that can be picked up from the top floor.

Guests (optional).

Rags will give you another task, to get into Galvani's laboratory and steal the plague elixir. We penetrate into the office of Galvani, we rise to the third floor. We draw out the dummy book on the bookshelf. We extract the insides of the rat. We get to the Dunwall distillery. We can't get past the guard at the bottom of the stairs without being seen. Therefore, we neutralize it from firearms or a crossbow. There are two more ahead and one patrolling the area. We can climb onto the roof on the right and get close to the entrance to the distillery. Once inside, before stretching turn right and open the door. From there it is easy to get into the room on the right and poison the elixir. Let's return to Rags for a reward.

Confusion of caretakers.

Meet Havelock Pendleton in the yard. After a difficult task, you can sleep. If you do not immediately agree in the dialogue, you will have to go up to the bedroom on your own.

Waking up, let's go down to Havelock. At night, servants heard incomprehensible sounds coming from the catacombs. We get the key and go down. We move forward until we meet two mourners. They are very dangerous in close combat, so we attack from a distance or with short blows, followed by a retreat. Let's kill two and return to Havelock in the pub, unlocking the basement door.

Pleasure house.

After talking with Martin and Havelock, head to the boatman and head to the Golden Cat. Not far from the shore we can listen to instructions from Peddleton; after all, we will have to kill his brothers - Morgan and Custis.

Slackjaw (additional).

Arriving in the wine district, we will go to Bottle Street and then to the distillery, where we will meet with Slackjaw.

Missing Crowley (optional).

Slackjaw will help us get into the Golden Cat, but on the condition that we help him find Galvani. First, let's visit his office. On the way back to the wine district, we will run into mourners. The consequences of our previous actions are evident! The Assassins live in an alleyway called Bottle Street. Lure them to the bandits, they will distract them for a while. We have already been to the office before, we go up to the top floor and take the evidence next to the body of Slekjov's informant. At the same time, we will open the laboratory again, pulling the model of the book on the bookshelf, and take the rune. We deliver the audiogram to Slackjow. We refuse the service.

Pleasure House (continued).

We get to the hotel "Captain's Bridge". There are more guards and in order to slip past them, you will have to study the route of movement. Having penetrated inside, we rise upward. On the roofs on the left we get to the balcony. We enter the "Golden Cat", now we act carefully and slowly, since the protection here is almost at every step. We penetrate into the smoking and cream rooms; we destroy the main targets and girls so that they do not have time to call for help. It remains to penetrate into the office of Madame Prudentia and also deal with her. We search the body, take the key, and from the table - the book of visitors. We learn that Emily is being held on the top floor. Let's go up there and enter the room. We follow the girl to a special door for important guests. We return to Samuel.

Distinguished guest.

The heiress is safe, now Callista will take care of her peace of mind. Let's talk with Pendleton, his condition is easy for us to understand; on the one hand, we did a good deed, and on the other hand, we killed two of his brothers at once. Havelock and Martin are waiting for us at the pub with a plan of action already in place.

Royal doctor.

Anton Sokolov is a very influential doctor. The Loyalists want to extract from him the name of the Lord Regent's mistress. To do this, we will arrive at the Kaldwin Bridge and first of all turn off the searchlights, which will treacherously betray us to the guards at night. Having gone forward a little, we will jump on the boards on the right to the chain, and then from the chain to the other side. We go up the stairs to the right and, looking up, we will see a ledge along which you can climb to the ventilation pipe. We move along it until it breaks. We jump down, in front of the trash can. Passing along the wall, we enter inside the building. We rise to the third floor, turn the valve. The chain has moved forward, through it we will get to the other side. We take a tank with blubber, connect it to the control panel next to the trolley. We pull the lever and quickly jump onto the trolley. Once on the other side, carefully jump down. Let's watch for the enemy and attack him in a jump. The rest is easy to deal with, or just walk past them to the door leading to Drobridge.

Ahead are two talking guards. Let's go behind the shelter to the left, jump onto the roof to the left by transfer. Let's jump down to the left on the boxes. We go straight until we see a device that shocks if we approach a certain distance. Let's turn around and see the passage down to the right. Let's jump across the river in boats. It is dangerous to be in the water, because. predatory fish live there. We climb up the boxes, wait for the enemies to leave and go through the small bridge (to the left of the main bridge). We clean the room, use the wires to calculate the control panel and de-energize the shocking device by removing the tank with the blubber. Now we climb the stairs to the highest level. We kill the guard, we pull the lever on the control panel. The bridge has risen, transfer jump onto it through the wall in the center. We move to the other side, also by transfer we climb up the wooden structure. We remove the tanks with the blubber and de-energize the searchlight. On the side mounts of the bridge, carefully drive down and get to the Midrow substation.

We leave to the balcony and go through the ventilation pipe on the right to the end. We can jump onto the locker and kill three opponents. We go up, pull the lever. The structure on the left has stopped, crawl under it and activate another lever. We pass the barrier and go to the North side. Immediately turn into the alley on the right, jump onto the roof using the transfer. Two people are standing in front of the door to Sokolov's house. We can watch for one of them behind the box, or attack right away.

Once inside, we go upstairs. There are no ceilings in the rooms, so by transfer we climb the wall and penetrate into the area surrounded by barriers. We open the doors, we pass under the pipes on the left. We rise even higher, we speak with Sokolov. We stun him from behind and carry him on our shoulders to Samuel. In order not to have to re-pass the whole path that we have made, we gradually go down under the bridge by transfer. Moreover, he is almost under us.


After a hard day, you can relax. We wake up to the voice of Emily. There is nothing terrible that she will stay in our room, which we inform her about. We go down, we see Pierrot, peeping through the keyhole for Callista. Let's ask him not to spy. Let's not disturb Kallista and immediately go to the interrogation of Sokolov. Let's talk to him and try to bribe. To do this, we will purchase a bottle of King Street brandy from Piero for 150 coins.

Reception Lady Boyle.

We learn the name of the lady who posed for Sokolov. Just today there will be a reception in honor of the Boyles, where all three sisters will be present. Arriving at the location, we go up to the shore. Big men roam the streets, keep our distance from them. We get to the estate on the roofs or just along the street parallel to the big man. We jump over the gate on the boxes. We approach the guests, the girl will fly an invitation. We catch it and show it to the gatekeeper. We approach the gate and enter the ball. Then we get to the lobby of the mansion.

Inside we communicate with the guests and get some kind of hints. You need to get to the second floor to find out who is hiding behind what mask. The path to the stairs was blocked by a barrier. A guard stands motionless nearby. We will steal the key from him in such a way that the servants do not notice us. Wires from the barrier lead to the room on the right. We unlock and go inside also, without being under the gaze of the maids. Carefully, crouching, we rise to the second floor. We search the first bedroom, read the diary on the table and take the key. Next up is Esma's bedroom. There are a lot of guards here, it is not necessary to eliminate them, the main thing is to sneak forward and turn left. Reading a diary in the bathroom. In the room next to the bed there is a table, and above it is a lever. We pull it, we teleport to the opened passage from above. Through the attic we will get into Waverly's bedroom. From the table we will take the key to the bedroom itself, from the closet the key to all the doors of the Dunwall Tower. The most important thing is the information from which we find out that our target is dressed in black and she is paranoid. Let's go back to the lobby and tell Waverly her name, then let us know that someone wants to kill her and ask her to follow us. Let's go down to the basement, or rather to the wine cellar, where there are no servants or guards. We will kill her and from here, through the catacombs, we will leave the territory. We swim quickly and preferably under water. Having unscrewed the valve, we immediately turn left and try to have time to swim under the closing gates.

Note from Pendleton (optional).

Pendleton will ask us to deliver a note to Lord Shaw. Of the signs - a wolf mask. As soon as we enter the estate, we will find Shaw and hand over the notes. We follow the duelist, pick up a weapon and stand in the indicated place. So, we turn our backs on the enemy. At the expense of "One", turn around and shoot. We return to Pendleton.

Decisive blow.

The Lord Regent lost financial support from Boyle and began to weaken. Let's talk with Lord Pendleton, and then with Admiral Havelock.

Return to the tower.

Let's chat with Callista in the pub. She will report that Emily constantly plays hide and seek with her and does not want to study at all. You can find it in the attic, in our room.

Samuel will take us to Dunwall Tower. We swim inside through the gateway. We climb up, then along the side pipes. In the wall you can see a small passage with red pipes. We quickly pass through the spinning mechanisms, we will meet rats in front. Transfer jump to the door in the center. Opening it, we will see the installation, which beats the current. With a jerk we will run (or transfer) to the left and from there we will pull out a tank with a blubber. We go up, neutralize the enemy standing with his back. Further, the enemies will be on both sides, it is best to get rid of both. We pick up the key to the side door from one of them, to the left of the barrier. Going outside, we are afraid of a patrolling big man and rats nearby. When he turns around, follow him, but hide behind a side passage. We get to the stairs, we can wait until the enemies pass and jump over a small wall and kill the enemy standing nearby. Don't forget to quickly hide the body. We go further, the big man is patrolling here, without falling under his gaze, we move to the left along the wall. We jump over it and run straight, then turn into the room. We eliminate the enemy, go upstairs and turn the valve. A passage has opened, through it we will jump into the water and from here it is easy to get to the doors of the tower.

We open the doors, eliminate the guard who turned towards the stairs, while others communicate with the Lord Regent via video link. Hide the body in the side room. Under the stairs on the right there is a door, let's go through it. Take the key from the wall on the left. We go further, in front of the talking guards. Let's turn right and go upstairs. Let's look into the first room on the left, take the security key and unlock the door. We take out the tank with the blubber. There is a guard next to the next door, but soon he will move away, and we will be able to pass through the barrier. We get to the stairs, go up the left side and continue to walk along the side we were on.

We get out on the roof, the territory is patrolled by guards. We get to the building where the Lord Regent is located on the right side. From the window we can jump inside. Let's deal with the enemy, indoors. Then we go through the door on the side, go up the stairs and take out the tank with the blubber. We'll bring the body here. The second guard will come running, we similarly deal with him and drag him to the stairs. Now we can climb up and finish off the lord regent while the big man does not see us. We hide the corpse on the side and return to Samuel. To do this, we will go outside in the same way that we entered. We run across to the opposite side and jump into the ditch. We swim to the left, get out on land. On this side we run all the way and in order not to fall on the rocks, we use a teleport towards the water.

Visit the executioner (optional).

In the kitchen on the first floor of the tower, we eavesdrop on the conversation. The maid will take the food to the executioner. Following her, we will find the executioner. We move along the second floor to the end of the corridor through the rooms on the left. Probably have to kill or silence the servants. It is quite difficult to sneak up on the executioner unnoticed, but the main thing is to quickly kill his dog, and only then deal with the interrogator, as the local guards call him. We block his blows and strike back, no one will come running to the noise, so we will deal with him at a calm pace.

On the eve of the coronation.

The Lord Regent has been defeated, and now nothing can stop Emily Kaldwin from becoming the head of the country. Let's celebrate this event in the pub with the loyalists. Further, we go up to our bedroom and, having reached the bed, we lose consciousness. Lord Pendleton and Admiral Havelock planned to poison us and appear before the country in the "white light." However, Samuel practically saved us. Instead of a full dose, he mixed only half into the drink.

With the flow.

Waking up in a boat in the middle of a flooded quarter, the assassins take us to Daoud. During the beating, we are transported to another reality, where we will communicate with the Alien.

Flooded area.

We wake up in a hole, put on a mask and start throwing bricks into a wooden hatch. We break it, we climb up by transferring it. From the table we take away useful items, including a more or less usable blade. We go up the stairs, we destroy two assassins. We jump off the water and head towards Daud.

Essential Tools (Optional).

We jump into the water and swim to Greaves's fat factory. We are afraid of spitters and mourners who have accumulated in a group. In front of the fat factory building, there is a smaller building. Next to the stairs and the blubber filler, we find a tank and fill it. Let's bring it into the building, install it in the connector and pull the lever. Now we can climb the ladder to the fat factory. Through the pipes we move around the building, along the chain we climb up. We are waiting for the assassins to leave and go upstairs. Another closed grate, let's go right and break the fragile wall above the grate. We take the tank, fill the blubber and activate the lever. We go down to the very bottom, where we will find our equipment. But before that, you will have to kill five mourners. The Timebending ability will help you defeat enemies in a few seconds without harming your health. We rise along the next stairs, turn the valve and get out.

Flooded quarter (continued).

We will be hindered all the way by fast and strong assassins. They are able to instantly teleport and see well from long distances. The surest way against these enemies is the "time bend" skill. Of all the methods presented, we will choose revenge. We run up and deal with him and his guards. We pick up the key hanging under the counter. We go down into the tunnel, from where we get out to Rudshore.

We get out of the pit, go to the right along the rails. It's dangerous to go forward, there are too many brutes in control of the territory. By transfer we climb the wall of the destroyed building. We are waiting for the trolley to pass, and we can jump on it with the same transfer. Once at the gate, do not forget to jump to the side, otherwise the wall of light will split us. We take out the tank with the blubber. We go down the chain to the left. We select the moment and run to the door. Let's go to the Old Port.

Works and cares.

We freely get to the hatch, turn the valve and jump down. We communicate with the wounded bandit, who tells us where we can get the key. We jump onto the red pipe, go left and crawl through the narrow passage. We run quickly and swiftly along the lower paths so that the creatures cannot hit us. We swim under water and climb up, we will get right into the Dog Pit. Creeping up behind, we pick up the universal key from Rags. We get to the drainage pipe, break through the boards and return to the locked doors on the stream. We share with the mourners. After we break through the wooden fences, another one will be right behind the shield into the room, where two creatures will attack us at once. So it's easier to use "time bend".

Help Slackjaw (optional).

Creeping up from behind, we will steal the key and the Old Rags. She finds out about it, and we promise to kill us. Slackjaw advises destroying the Rags cameo. We go upstairs to the witch's room. We pick up the cameo from the bed, pull the stove lever, put the cameo in the stove and pull the lever again. We save from rats by standing on the bed. It remains only to finish off Rags, hit her with a knife. We release Slekdzhova by pulling the lever.


Entering the pub, we communicate with Cecilia. She will tell us about recent events. Let's go upstairs, unlock the door with the keys on the left. On the street we see a tall man and two guards. When the big man hides around the corner, we jump down to the left and get to the door. There are also many guards inside. We'll pick up Havelock's orders from the bar. We go upstairs, read a letter from Emily. We get to Callista, pick up the key and another letter. From the bedroom we get to the roof, and from the roof to the tower. We unlock the door, go inside and give a signal to Samuel by firing a rocket launcher. We go ashore on the other side and meet with Samuel.

Rescue Pierrot and Sokolov (optional).

From the window of our bedroom, we can get to the roof. We carefully jump onto the ventilation pipe and move along it to Pierrot's balcony. Sokolov and Pierrot, while they were in prison, came up with a device. We will find drawings for it in the pub on the second floor, in Havelock's room. We return the same way, eliminate two guards and, having taken the drawing, deliver it to the allies. Discharge column is ready to use, let's burn the enemies!

Guiding beacon.

Samuel will take us to the lighthouse on Kingsparrow Island and immediately ask us to leave the boat. His intentions are to expose us to our enemies. He fires into the air, and the guards run to the noise. Let's deal with them and go towards the harbor. We go along the bottom, open the hatches in the floor and climb up. We deal with two guards, moreover, so that the searchlight is not directed at us. There is a drainpipe between the harbor and the sea. Let's climb on it and extract the tank with blubber from the side of the harbor.

Let's go back to the barrier, jump over the gate. Watching the brawl between Martin and Pendleton. Let's climb the walls on the right and hiding behind the boxes - up. Eliminate Martin, take the key. On the left side we get to Pendleton, he will die in just a minute, but we can finish him off to speed up the process. Run upstairs, then straight ahead. There is a discharge column ahead, so let's go along the bridge from below. We unlock the elevator door and go upstairs.

We kill a couple of guards and climb to the very top of the lighthouse. Havelock has grabbed Emily and is about to jump! We use the "bend of time" and quickly run towards them. At the last moment, we grab the girl from the hands of the admiral. Watch the final video.

dishonored. how to neutralize (precisely neutralize, not kill) the executioner in the house of the lord regent? and got the best answer

Answer from Dreamok[newbie]
Passed the mission with the executioner without killing him! After probably 50 attempts) The bottom line is that the executioner is a black magician and everyone is aware of this, information about this can be found all over the map (the conversations of the guards, the officers and letters in the guardroom and the general’s office), but no one can do anything because the executioner is under the protection of a regent who himself knows perfectly well that he serves the Alien. If you want to complete the mission without killing, the main thing is to do nothing with the executioner before you turn on the audio recording with the confession of the regent! When the recording to the floor below turns on, there will be a scene in the doors in which the Lord Regent is knitted. He is cowardly and wants to run away or pay off, but because the guards are not corruptible and there are two of them, he does not succeed. And here we are included! We need to help the lord escape from these two guards (yes yes!). To do this, it is enough to shoot an arrow next to them from around the corner or put one or two to sleep. Then the lord will rush to escape and run to the only one who can protect him at this moment - to the executioner. Don't run after him, it's pointless. And here there are two outcomes - if during the lord's escape an alarm is raised, then at the moment of our approach to the executioner's basement there will already be guards. The bottom line is that if there are few guards, the executioner will scatter them. In order for more soldiers to come running, make some noise in the basement. You can hide on the pipes. The lord and the executioner will move to look for the source of the noise to the entrance to the cellar. There you can move into the lord and go out to the eyes of the guard. The guards will gather 7-8, they will kill both the regent and the executioner. These murders will not be counted because you are not involved in them.

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