Play chess with the ability to scale the board. Chessboard and the arrangement of chess pieces on it

Hello, friends. You have Uncle Valera Paranichev.

Theater, as you know, begins with a hanger. Chess - from the chessboard. The initial arrangement of chess pieces on the board must be correct, otherwise your whole game will go awry and not according to the rules.

First, a small digression. Since you have landed on this page, it means you are a beginner, so we bring to your attention a cool training video course "How to teach a child to play chess". Thanks to him, you yourself will study and learn all the rules, and also teach a child from 4 years old to play. You will not regret...

If you want to start the game as soon as possible, do not rush. You are a chess player, and chess begins with the basics.

Initial arrangement of figures

In classical chess, the pieces before the start of the game are placed on the board in a strictly defined way: all the pieces are located on four horizontal lines. White on 1 and 2, black on 7 and 8. Rooks on the edges, then knights and bishops.

In the center, on the d and e verticals, are the king and queen. It is in the relative position of the king and queen that confusion most often arises. For ease of remembering, the rule is this: The queen is located on the field of her color. Accordingly, the king is on the field of the opposite color.

The pawns are arranged in a row along the second and seventh ranks. There are 8 on each side.

I recommend that from the first steps you name the moves in accordance with the names of the fields. Usually, when analyzing a game, chess players say this: "Knight ef three." This phrase means the move of the knight on the f3 pod. Or: The queen beats de five" - ​​the queen beat the opponent's piece located on the d5 square.

Pieces and moves

We have separate articles on chess pieces. Therefore, we confine ourselves to a short review. In total, each side has 16 pieces. Each player has a queen, two rooks, two knights, two bishops, 8 pawns each and of course the king.

King- can make moves one cell
Queen- for any distance
Rook- moves vertically and horizontally
Elephant- diagonally
Horse- zigzags. More precisely, with the letter G. That is, two fields forward and one field to the side. Read more in this article
Pawn- can walk either one field forward, or two - from the starting position. Read more about pawn moves in this article.
The king, queen, rook, knight and bishop can move in any direction. Pawn - only forward.

How to arrange pieces on the board

I recommend placing the pieces on the board, starting with the king and queen. Then minor pieces, rooks, and then pawns. While you are still a beginner chess player, this sequence will help to remember the value of chess pieces.

This is not strictly necessary, of course. Just advice from an experienced chess player.

How to play as a beginner

The move e2-e4 opens the way for two pieces at once: the queen and the bishop. In addition, White starts the struggle for control of the center of the board already on the first move.

Accordingly, in response to e2-e4 it is reasonable for Black to reply e7-e5. The arguments are the same as above.

Develop light figures - elephants and horses. It is better to bring the knights closer to the center of the board - to the squares f3, c3, f6, c6.

The center of the board - the squares e4, e5, d4 and d5 is the decisive springboard for the fight for the advantage. Try to keep these squares in view of your pieces.

Try not to drag out castling. For the safety of the king.

Avoid rash moves with wing pawns, especially two-square moves. This weakens the position.

There must be good reasons for bringing the queen into play early. This strongest figure has great potential, but due to its value it can be an object of attack. You will have to constantly take the queen away from the exchange for a less valuable piece.

It is clear that these are very general principles, summarized briefly. Dozens of monographs have been written to describe various chess strategies. If you are a beginner, everything has its time.

We emphasize once again: The initial arrangement of pieces on the chessboard in classical chess is strictly defined. In other types of chess, for example, in Fischer chess, the arrangement is arbitrary. But that's a completely different story.

Hello dear friends. With you dad Zhorik.

In today's article I will tell you about how we spend with Zhorik chess analysis played game online. At what the analysis passes very qualitatively.

The computer shows with arrows the moves (where it is better to go), where the error is. Shows “+” or “-” with numbers, immediately finds mate options in a certain number of moves, sacrifices, combinations and everything like that.

And everything is very convenient. Played - pressed the button - you analyze the game for each move. The computer is not a fool, it analyzes everything very well. Don't think that you are smarter than him. =)

In fact, now there are a lot of various free and paid programs in both Russian and English, where all sorts of engines are connected. There are services, etc. But personally, both me and Zhorik like to analyze everyone more at

If you play on a computer, then it looks like this:

And if on the phone (iPhone), then like this:

The scheme is simple if you play on the site itself. Played, after the game you press - analysis:

And by clicking on each move in the table with the mouse, look at what the computer shows you. The chess game will be analyzed by the Stockfish 8.0 engine. In fact, a very cool engine, so you can be sure of its quality of analysis.

See an example of a game that I played with Zhorik. They tested him for knowledge of the trap in defending the pawn on e5, with the pawn on f6. The game was: 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 f6 3. Nxe5 fe:

You see, the computer shows with an arrow they say to move the next move, he advises the queen on h5. In terms of position, he also estimates it as +3.6 in favor of White.

In fact, you sit like this after the game, look at your mistakes and understand how easy it was to win, however.))) The opponent made mistakes here and there ... Eh ... I wish I could turn back time. I would arrange for him.)))

Thanks to chess analysis, your level of play increases. You start to find good moves, you start to see sacrifices, good combinations, etc.

Farther. If you don’t play on lichess, but for example, somewhere on another site or even offline with a friend in a chess club in your city or at some competitions, you sit down and write down the game on the form and want to analyze it, then again, with lichess is not a problem.

If you have a pgn file, then you can import it into lichess and analyze it in the same way:

Also, if you do not need analysis from the very beginning of the game, but want to analyze some chess position and find out how it was possible to make a better move than you actually did, then everything is just as simple here.

Come in board editor and choose whose move:

Clearing the board:

Set the desired position by dragging the figures onto the board:

Click the "Analyze" button. As a result, this is what kopm shows me:

Checkmate in 4 moves. With a rook sacrifice.)) These are the pies.

Analyze, practice and improve your playing skills. In conclusion of the article, I suggest that you analyze the games of Sergey Karjakin and Magnus Carlsen.

Watch the games here, and make moves on under stockfish analysis. I also advise you to analyze various.

That's all for me. Wait for new articles. We will further describe other possibilities of computer analysis. For example, there is such a mega cool program - Chessbase.

See you soon...

I was inspired to write this program by my once favorite chess site My account allowed there to do only "Deep" analysis of my games (2-3 minutes per game), and not "Maximum" (4-6 minutes per game). In any case, the computer analysis on is slow, because it uses not the stockfish binary engine, but its implementation in a translatable javascript language. Thus, the results of game analysis obtained on the website are often unsatisfactory. Comparison of the results of analysis of games on the site and local analysis by binary Stockfish is far from in favor of the first.

Curiously, immediately after the publication of this program, my account on was closed without any explanation and the return of the annual membership fee! (I had to claim it later myself). Did my program cause them serious financial damage? If I were them, I would be ashamed to make money on poor-quality analysis of chess games (made by the free Stockfish chess engine!) and impose a time limit on the analysis of a game, depending on the amount of money paid for membership. We can only wish success in their quest for "fair" play!

In addition, an analysis like Chemov's just doesn't exist or doesn't really work in Windows chess programs. In "SCID vs. PC" it doesn't exist, and in Chessbase "deep analysis" doesn't work at all! I wonder what the developers think about this?

Therefore, I decided to write my own chess game analyzer, similar to Chemovsky, only much more nimble, easy to install and easy to configure and use.

The functionality of the analyzer of chess games "Creatika"

Main features and limitations
  • Easy to install
  • Simplicity and ease of use. Just right-click on the pgn file and select "Analyze". The file resulting from the analysis will automatically open in the graphical application for pgn files by default
  • New in version 4.1! Graphical user interface for selecting batches for analysis
  • New in version 4.1! The best move of the engine is now stored in the best_moves.db database for quick retrieval. No need to repeatedly waste time analyzing a known position
  • New in version 4! pgn-extract.exe and coreinfo.exe are no longer needed. The Creatica chess game analyzer is now able to independently convert from one chess notation to another and determine the type of your processor. Microsoft .NET framework 4.6 is still needed, as is the SQlite library that is included in the distribution
  • New in version 4! GUI for settings - no more need to edit the chessgame-analyzer.exe.config file with a text editor
  • New in version 4! Deep analysis - the chess engine will play itself with itself several games after each move and determine the best move statistically based on the results of the games played. You need a powerful computer and a lot of time to use deep analysis. Played games are stored in the database and can be used to analyze other games
  • New in version 4! An improved version of the database SQlite compiler is now included in the analyzer
  • New in version! SQlite database KingBaseLite.db updated to 01/19. It includes the first 20 moves of KingBaseLite.pgn games played by opponents with an Elo rating of at least 2300 and a rating difference of no more than 200. This database is designed to search for the statistically best options in openings
  • Attention! SQLite database for version is not compatible with database for version! Please download the new database
  • New in version 4! A set of chess problems for the Arasan engines in PGN and EPD formats is supported - you can compare the abilities of your favorite engines to solve chess puzzles
  • Please note that the format of the annotation template files has changed. Therefore template files for version are not compatible with template files for version
  • New in version! Included the latest Stockfish 10 binaries at the time of release of this version (development build on Feb 8, 2019)
  • New in version 3! Ultra-fast search for statistically best options across a large chess database
  • New in version 3! Chess database compiler (chessdb-compiler.exe) for quick search of statistically best variants from chess databases in pgn format
  • New in version 3! The ability to download a ready-made compiled database for ultra-fast (hundreds of times faster than in Chesbase, for example) search for the statistically best options (includes more than a million games since 2000, Elo rating of players is not less than 2200, details at http://www.
  • New in version 3! Annotation templates allow you to annotate games in any language in any style
  • New in version 3! As an example, the program comes with three well-documented templates in Russian and English
    • Professional - practically without words, only options with a symbolic score at the end of the option
    • Semi-professional - short monotonous comments - used by the program by default
    • Amateur - more detailed various comments to your taste
  • New in version 3! Ability to display multiple options - set by the multipv parameter in the configuration file
  • New in version 3! Symbolic position evaluation at the end of a variant
  • Support for any UCI-compatible chess engines
  • Auto-tuning of most parameters. Possibility of manual configuration through the configuration file
  • Russian and English interfaces
  • Automatic (without user intervention) analysis of a large number of batches
  • PGN standard support
  • Support for any Windows encoding PGN, ECO files and annotation templates
  • New in version 3! Updated binaries (with fixed bugs and increased performance) of the default engine - Stockfish 8, the strongest to date (my build of sources from GitHub from September 7, 2017
  • Time per move, rendering depth, number of threads and memory size for the engine
  • Possibility to start the analysis of games starting from the initial position, from any move
  • Ability to analyze games starting from any position
  • Configurable chess engine process priority
  • Game classification in Russian or English (ECO code, name of opening and variation)
  • The ability to use your own classification file by specifying it as the value of the eco_file parameter
  • Support for Fisher chess (chess 960). Chesbase reads them correctly, but Scid vs PC gives errors - does not support.

So, my program is a console application under MS Windows. The results of game analysis can be seen on the screen immediately, but it is more convenient to view them in a graphical chess application that can read PGN files, for example, in Chessbase or .

The program comes with a free stockfish engine, the most powerful to date. You can also configure the application to use commercial engines such as Komodo or Houdini (not supplied with the program), as well as any other UCI compliant chess engine of your choice.

During batch analysis, the following information is displayed:

  • program name, version and developer
  • titles (tags) of the party
  • the name of the chess engine and the names of its developers,
  • number of threads and hash size of the engine in MB,
  • moves with position evaluation, depth of analysis and comments.

Each move is by default accompanied by position evaluation and calculation depth. If the difference between the estimate of the best move and the move made in the game is greater than certain threshold values, then a comment about inaccuracy, error or gap is displayed. The best move and continuation are also indicated as a variation. At the end of the variation, the estimate of the best move, the depth of calculation, the number of nodes in MU, and the speed of analysis in MU/s are reported. If the engine sees checkmate, then the moves leading to checkmate will also be shown.

When the difference in the assessment of the positions of the parties exceeds one pawn, encouraging comments are included. If the move matches the best move of the engine, then congratulations are displayed. If the difference in score between the best move and the move made in the game does not exceed 0.2 pawns, then a good move and a better continuation are reported. Encouraging annotations differ in their tone depending on whether the party wins or loses.

The results of the analysis are saved in a new pgn file, the name of which consists of the name of the original pgn file and the suffix "-analyzed_<движком>" (or "-analyzed_by_ " if the original file name did not contain Russian letters). This file can be viewed in any graphics chess application that supports the pgn format. Please note that some graphics programs, such as SCID vs PC, cannot open files whose names include not English letters.

After the analysis is completed, the results will automatically be displayed in the default graphical chess application for pgn files, such as Chessbase, SCID vs PC, or any other that understands the pgn format.

Download , Installation , Use and Setup

Programs used by the application chess analyzer "Creatika"

Stockfish 10 (latest developer builds)

The chess game analyzer comes with the free Stockfish chess engine, which is by far the strongest. It consists of four binaries:

  • stockfish_10_32bit.exe - for 32-bit version of Windows
  • stockfish_10_x64.exe - for 64-bit version of Windows
  • stockfish_10_x64_modern.exe - for 64-bit version of Windows running on a computer with a processor that supports POPCNT instructions
  • stockfish_10_x64_bmi2.exe - for 64-bit version of Windows running on a computer with a processor that supports BMI2 instructions

By default, the chess analyzer will automatically select the optimal binary.

Position Analysis - very important skill for chess players of all levels. Many players analyze positions almost spontaneously , without a clearly defined plan.

They do not have a scheme with which you can systematically approach the analysis of positions.

The result is an incomplete analysis and many missed opportunities. In this article, we are going to change that. We will offer a simple and easy to implement plan to analyze all your games.

The material on the board is one of the most important elements for position analysis. Other things being equal, the side with the most material always has the advantage. Therefore, I recommend that you start evaluating any position by checking the material from both sides. This is very easy to do.

You can either compare figures "by heads" (for example, 2 horses, elephant, 5 pawns and rook against 2 elephants, horse, 5 pawns and rooks) or by points ("pawns") (for example, 19 points against 19 points)

While material advantage is a very important factor to keep in mind when analyzing a position, it cannot tell us everything that is happening on the board.

If you have an extra rook, but checkmate in a couple of moves, it would be foolish to say that you have an advantage.

Therefore, it is necessary to take into account the position of the king (or, more precisely, his safety) taking into account all possible threats, mating attacks, etc.

You can quickly check the safety of the king by comparing the pawn structure and counting the number of defending pieces against the number of attackers.

Tip: In order to improve your game, you need to not only study the opening, but also focus on positional understanding and endgame play. If you want to play endings well, I suggest checking out where we go over a lot of common endings. After studying these materials, you no longer have to guess about the winning approach. You will simply apply the perfected technique:

Piece activity is the ability to create threats, control important squares on the chessboard (eg weak ones), and/or the ability to move freely around the board. This is a very important element to consider when analyzing a position, especially when other factors such as the material balance and the king's safety seem to be equal.

To compare the activity of the pieces for both sides, you need to take each white piece and compare it to the black copy. For example, the white knight can control 3 cells while black controls 4 .

This means that the black knight is more active. However, if the white knight controls 3 squares near the opponent's king, and the black knight controls 4 on the opposite side of the board, we will consider the white knight to be more active, because he is more useful.

Control diagonals(especially long ones) with bishops and queen often plays a decisive role in attacking the opponent's position.

The side that has this control definitely has some positional advantage, all other things being equal.

Center control (fields e4-d4-e5-d5) is another important element to consider when evaluating a position. The importance of the center comes from the fact that it provides more opportunities to attack, and also reduces the possibility of your opponent's counterattack.

The side that owns the center often has more active pieces as well as a safer king position.

Space control allows you to arrange your pieces for more effective offensive / defensive position and at the same time prevent your opponent from doing the same.

You can estimate how much space each side has by counting the number of squares controlled by pieces and pawns on the opponent's side.

Usually, the side with the space advantage should attack and put pressure on the enemy's position. Because it is difficult to coordinate the work of the figures due to lack of space.

Attack at once multiple targets often decides the game as your opponent is unable to reorganize his defense due to lack of space.

The pawn structure is closely related to space, control of the center and strong / weak fields. At the same time, you should also pay attention to weak pawns such as backward, isolated, doubled, etc.

You can also download this cheat sheet in pdf format to better remember the steps for scoring positions.

Note: If you are looking for a sharp increase in chess level, then it is necessary to systematically work on all elements of the game:

  • Tactics
  • Positional play
  • Attacking Skills
  • Endgame technique
  • Analysis of classic games
  • Psychological preparation
  • And much more

At first glance, it looks like there is a lot of work to be done. But thanks to our training course Your learning will be easy, efficiently and with minimal time. Join the training program "", right now!

Can be viewed from multiple camera angles and has three different graphics frameworks - with or without sound effects and shape reflection on blackboard. ... A well-designed program for comfortable playing and learning chess, this fully three-dimensional chess board will attract many players with its beauty.

The stone moves like chess knight, but in two steps, not one. ... This game is played on a square blackboard NxN. ... The game is made by Carl Schroer. ... All positions move or jump over the barrier for both players. ... Each time the player must move the stone. ... Build fences in this simple and addictive game.

Chess-7 offers you the following features: - playing chess with a computer (several difficulty levels); - playing chess with an opponent; - analysis chess positions or decision chess tasks; - change view chess boards and figures (up to seven built-in skins); - use of your own skins; - changing the view of the inactive part of the playing field (background and tone color, sheet view...

There is also a setting option boards with situations. ... You will be able to choose a different look chess heroes including dinosaurs, insects, traditional chess and more. ... Play against your friend or against the computer. ... Fantasy Chess was created by Dataware. ... The pros will also find great training here by practicing their move strategies.

This program does not change anything in chess, and allows you to move any piece to any place on the blackboard, as in real chess blackboard. ... This is just a simple program designed to emulate a real chess boards and chess figures. ... When you want to play chess by email and don't want to get the real chess board then you can...

In the game, you can make various settings, choose chess boards and figurines. ... In addition, you also have the option to upload other chess games in PGN format. ... Some chess the parties are animated, and they take place in various settings - in a dungeon, the Middle Ages or in a cemetery. ... Play chess against the computer or another player via the Internet or LAN...

Cellular automation consists of: - The structure of the cells, such as a square on chess blackboard. ... - Viral reflection, simulation of the reproduction of the object's cells to a viral infection. ... - Limited diffusion, illustrates the process in which parts are in diffusion (moving randomly) and form a fractal structure. ... Documentation is provided with a complete description of the algorithms.

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