Passage of the game hotel the cat. Cat Lady, The Cat Lady, The

03. House Of Pleasure

"Dog Pit"
Dishonored walkthrough. Pub "Hound Pits"

We go around all the rooms, looking for useful items with the help of the magic "Dark vision of II level". We approach the admiral in the backyard, we go to sleep. In the morning we go down into the sewer, with sleeping darts we immobilize two weepers (weepers) - people infected with rat plague. We find the rune in the box and the rune in the water. We get back through the coast: we open the grate with a valve, swim out into open water, climb back to the ground. We approach Pierrot, we buy improvements and a rune from him.

We approach the admiral, we get the task - to kill the Pendleton twins. These are the elder brothers of our ally Lord Pendleton, but they support the power of the Supreme Chancellor in Parliament and therefore must be eliminated. The twins took refuge in the Golden Cat brothel, where they also keep little Emily.

We sail away on a mission together with the boatman Samuel.

wine district

We moored again to the shore of the Wine Quarter. We pass to the end of the coast, along the stairs on the left we go into the city, turn right, go forward to a dead end. We come to where in the previous level there was the house of the Old Rag. On the roof of the third floor above the house of Rags lies a corpse and several useful items. Along the street we pass further into the alley on the left. Bandits are standing here, but now they do not touch us. We can freely go to the door leading to the distillery.

old distillery
Dishonored walkthrough. Dunwall Whiskey Brewery

The bandits don't touch us here either. Along the way, we collect all the useful items. We enter the distillery building. To the right in the locked room can be found drawing "Incandescent Paste", you can get there, teleport into the opening from above. Three mourners are locked in a cage below. We put them to sleep with darts from afar, enter the cage, pick up valuables.

We pass into the room with the moonshine, listen to the leader of the bandits - Slackjaw. He can help with the killing of the Pendleton twins, and can also open a safe path to the Golden Cat brothel, but for this you need to complete a couple of his tasks. The first task is to break into Professor Galvani's house and find the missing man Slekjow.

We leave the building of the distillery. Now the lattice door on the right is already open, we enter it and take bone amulet (1/5). But because of these open doors Aggressive mourners walk in the yard of the distillery. We climb onto the pipes from above, we leave this area along them.

wine district
Dishonored walkthrough. bottle street

We returned to Bottle Street. We go further into the alley on the right. Be careful! Three assassins ambushed ahead! Two of them are standing on the balconies to the left and right, the third is sitting on the roof to the right. All of them can be put to sleep with shots from afar. We collect all useful things on the balconies, on the upper balcony on the right we take bone amulet (2/5). We go down to the merchant Griff, collect his things, buy sleeping darts. We climb onto the roofs, approach Galvani's house, put the guard on the balcony to sleep, and enter the house through the balcony door.

Dr. Galvani's office
Dishonored walkthrough. Galvani's offices

There are only a few guards inside. We rise to the third floor, take evidence next to the body of the murdered bandit. On the bookshelf next to the globe we shift the book, open the door to secret room Dr Galvani. In it we take away the rune (1/5). We leave the house through the balcony.

We return to the old distillery, we speak with Slekzhov. We get the key to the hotel "Captain's Bridge". We take the second task - to find out the code from the castle of the art dealer in exchange for Slackjaw's help in eliminating the Pendleton twins. We leave the distillery area.

We pass to Clevering Boulevard (central square), from it we go down to another street. One of the doors below will be open, inside will be the old woman Old Rags, and next to her bone amulet (3/5). There is also an underground entrance to the Golden Cat bar, but you can’t get through here without a key. We go outside, go up it, turn into the alley on the right.

We see how two guards take away the elixir from the woman. If you don't help quickly, the guards will kill the woman. To save the girl, silently stun both of them with the magic Level II Possession or Level II Slow. For help, the girl gives art dealer's house key.

We go out to the next square, teleport to the other side of the street, go to the hotel "Captain's Bridge". On the first floor of the hotel we find bone amulet (4/5). We climb the stairs to the roof of the building.

Baths "Golden Cat"
Dishonored walkthrough. The Golden Cat brothel

We are on the roof of the building. We approach the edge, turn on the Heart, look at the secret items. We go to the nearest rune in the neighboring house on the right. We teleport to the balcony of the house on the second floor. We go inside the building, climb to the floor above, take the rune (2/5). We get out of the building through the window, through the pipes we pass closer to the entrance to the brothel.

Above the entrance we see a guard standing on the balcony. We quietly teleport to him and strangle him from behind. Look through the doors to see what's going on inside. We are waiting for the guard to talk to the owner of the establishment - Madame Prudentia. When the mistress leaves, we put the guard to sleep, we take him out to the balcony. We follow the hostess, we put her to sleep, we take her golden cat universal key.

We go into the room, opposite the mistress's room, on the wall we take the rune (3/5). We pass into the central round hall. Here everyone is busy with their own affairs, you can easily pass by. We enter the door leading to the silver room. Here a picture dealer is chained to a chair. We press the lever to beat the merchant with current discharges until he says the password 696. You can go back to the mistress's room.

From the central round hall, you can go up the circular staircase to the top, where one of the Pendletons closed in a separate room with a girl. You can go down to the basement. There, the second of the Pendletons is in the sauna with the girl. (This brother can be killed if the hot air valve in the next room is fully opened. But we will do without killing at all). We return to the mistress's room.

We go down the angular wooden stairs, eavesdrop on the conversation of two girls, learn about the secret exit from the location. We go up the stairs to the penultimate floor, go into an empty room, collect things, take bone amulet (5/5). We climb the stairs to the top floor. In the first room we put the courtesan to sleep, take the rune (4/5). In the third room we take useful things, in the second room we find the girl Emily. We carry it along the stairs down to the exit from the location.

The girl will get to the boatman on her own, and we go to the Old Distillery to Slackjaw. He receives from us the code to the safe, and in return promises to throw the Pendleton brothers into their own silver mine. Mission completed.

We go to the gateway of the wine quarter, to where the merchant Griff stands. We go up the stairs, in front of us we see a bulletin board. We turn left, using the key we open the door of the art dealer's house.

Art dealer's house
Dishonored walkthrough. The Artist's Residence

We rise to the floor above, we see two bandits in front of the picture. We are waiting for them to disperse, then we put them to sleep in turn. Pick up painting "Light along the inverse curve: Sokolov's self-portrait".

We go up another floor. Here, two bandits are trying to crack the code door. We also kill them one by one. In the room on the side we take painting "Daud and the parabola of bygone days". Open the code door by entering numbers 696 . Inside, we quickly pick up the rune (5/5), painting "Kartis, Morgan and the child of postulates" and other valuables. We go outside through the balcony door nearby, until the rest of the bandits come here.

Chapter I - House in the Forest

  • After the introductory cut-scene, move to the right to the house.
  • We examine the door and try to open it.
  • Then we pass to the right and find ourselves in a tunnel. We move to the right until we run into an ambulance.
  • We examine the car and try to open it.
  • This time we go to the left until we hear a knock. After that, we turn again towards the "Ambulance".
  • Having reached it, we watch how the body falls out on a gurney, after which we examine the body.
  • In the interaction menu that appears, select all actions one by one.
  • Open your mouth and find the key.
  • We pick it up and follow the left to the exit from the tunnel.
  • Once near the house, use the key on the door.
  • You can go into the house and examine all the active items, after that we leave the house and go to the left until we find the hanged body.
  • We pass a little to the left and examine the rope on which the body hangs. Let's try to untie it.
  • We move a little more to the left to the door and try to open it. After the failure, we go again to the right until we come to the gate with animal heads.
  • We go to the left. We see a raven and follow him first to the left, then to the right (when you need to turn around, Susan will turn automatically).
  • The raven leads to the body of a dead deer. We take out the knife from his body.
  • We go to the right and open the door.
  • We approach the rope and use the knife on it.
  • We pass to the right until the inscription "body" appears. Let's take a closer look at it.
  • Take the key and go right to the gate. Apply the key to them.
  • After the conversation, follow the woman to the right into the next room.
  • After another dialogue, we follow the woman out into the street and go to the crucified body.
  • When movement becomes available, we take out the mount.
  • And after another dialogue, we find ourselves in the house. We blow out the candle and go left to the street.
  • We pass to the right until we come to the house, which was found at the very beginning of the game. We go inside.
  • We approach the boards nailed to the wall, and use the mount, open a hole in the wall.
  • We examine the hole and examine it from the inside.
  • We move to the right to the door, but the door will be closed.
  • We return to the left end-to-end to the car until it works.
  • We go to the right until the screen turns white.

Chapter II - Second First Wind

  • After all the dialogues, we are released into "free swimming".
  • We pass to the right. From the rack we take one or more pairs of gloves. We go further to the right and leave the chamber.
  • Then we go to the left, we read the history of the disease, first our own, then near the next ward. We continue to go left.
  • We get to the reception. We communicate with the nurse.
  • We move a little to the left, inspect the discharge letter and folders.
  • We go all the way to the left and talk to the guards.
  • We return to the chambers and meet Ann's neighbor there.
  • We communicate with her. Susan says she knows Ann's mother's name, but among the answers in this moment there is no correct one, so we can immediately answer that we do not know.
  • We go right to the toilet. We approach the trash can and examine it.
  • Then we examine the mirror and take a fragment.
  • Let's go to the sink. Open hot water. We open the door to the toilet, but do not go out. We wait until the inscription "EIL" appears on the mirror.
  • After that, click on the call. After a few seconds of waiting, a nurse comes to us. In the dialogue with her, select the last remark. The nurse will want to give you pills and ask for a name. You can try to deceive, but you can't fool the nurse. You can refuse to take the pills, but then the guard will come and make you do it.
  • Pay attention to mirrors. The letters on them formed a name - Sheila. That is exactly what we need.
  • We go to our room and lie down on the bed.
  • After that, we go to talk with Ann and choose the only answer.
  • In the subsequent dialogue, we ask you to exchange tags.
  • We return to the toilet and press the call button again. We take the pills again.
  • We go to the reception. We use a fragment on the narcotic heart and collect the poured drug into a glass for pills.
  • We return to our room and lie down on the bed.
  • We go out into the corridor and give Ann a glass of drugs in exchange for her tag.
  • We move to the toilet, open the toilet lid and apply gloves.
  • We flush the water in the toilet, and press the call button.
  • We wait for the nurse and tell her about the breakdown of the toilet bowl.
  • The nurse starts to fix it. While the nurse is busy with repairs, we hurry to the left to the emergency room.
  • We take the statement sheet from the table and turn left. We move to the left and easily pass by the guards.
  • Then we go all the way to the left.
  • When a cloud of memories appears, follow Liz.
  • We go into the corridor and go left until Liz says that we cannot go through.
  • We follow the nurse to the right and go into another corridor. We go to the right to the button and call the elevator. We go inside the arriving elevator.
  • We follow to the left.
  • In the dialogue, you should choose the following replicas:
    1. Yeah. She smoked a cigarette and burned out in bed.
    2. Stripper.
    3. On Valentine's Day.
  • After a couple more dialogues, we find ourselves in the theater.
  • We pass to the left to the cord. We hold on to him.
  • We pass a little to the right. Raven will speak to us.
  • After talking with him, we go to the right until we see two dolls near two doors.
  • We ask a question to any of his dolls: "Which door will the other doll show me?"
  • We enter another, unlit door.
  • We take our reward and exit through another door.
  • We blow out any candle.
  • After that, in the dark, we follow to the right to the bag with the body. We open the bag and it falls to the floor. Open the bag again.
  • Next, we need to collect one of the two weapons or just leave. You can do this by leaving the initial room and going all the way to the right, taking the keys next to the closed door, apply them to this closed door. After leaving, the third chapter will begin.
  • To assemble the Spear, you need:
    1. Metal bayonets. The first one is in the starting room, it can be pulled out of the woman's chest. The second one is in another body of a woman, it can be found if you go all the way to the right, next to the exit.
    2. Wet soap. From the initial room we go to the right and we go in the first door. In the room we move close to the right and take soap from the shelf. Then we turn to the sink and turn on hot or cold water. After that, use soap on the sink.
    3. Bolt. After the picture "Mona Lisa" we go in the door to the left of the picture. We take the bolt from the shelf.
    4. Screw. Exit the previous room and go left. We examine the hand in the picture "Venus". We apply wet soap on the hand. We take the nut.
    5. Wrench. After the picture "Venus" we go to the left to the locker, in which, if you open it, you can get a wrench.
  • To assemble the Wand, we need:
    1. Chair leg. To do this, we leave the room where we ended up and inspect the chair.
    2. Circular saw blade. To do this, from the initial room we go to the right and go into the first door. The light goes out, we wait until it lights up again and take the saw blade on the shelf.
    3. Doll head. To do this, from the last room we go to the right and examine the painting "Woman with an Ermine" and take the head.
  • To collect either of the two weapons, go to the room to the left of the Mona Lisa painting, reach the end of the room and use the workbench. We lay out the necessary components on it, and as soon as everything you need is on the table, the weapon will automatically appear in the inventory.
  • After crafting, we leave the room and go all the way to the left.
  • We look at a small cut-scene, after which an interaction inscription will appear. We use one of the weapons on it.
  • We untie the girl.

Chapter III - River

  • In this chapter, we have two scales: red - anger and blue - joy. Our task is to ensure that the red scale is not completely filled. So the following will describe the procedure that will minimize the filling of the red scale.
  • After we find ourselves at home, we do not immediately go to the shower, but go to our bedroom. To do this, we go to the left until we have to open the door to our room. There we reach the bag and examine it.
  • Then we go to the right and exit the apartment. We use money for an electric meter.
  • We go into the apartment, open the bathroom door, go into it.
  • Turn on the light, take a shower.
  • We go to the kitchen. Open the refrigerator, take out the cheeseburger, use it in the microwave and set for 60 seconds. Next, we eat it.
  • We leave the kitchen. We take a hat in the hallway. We go to our bedroom, open the closet, pick up the volleyball, go into the second free bedroom, take the blouse.
  • After all the items for the scarecrow have been collected, we go to the balcony.
  • We use a volleyball, a blouse and a hat on a clothes hanger. We take the blue mug. We return to the kitchen.
  • Pour water into the kettle and turn it on. We're making coffee.
  • After the mug of coffee is in our inventory, open the cabinet next to the teapot. We take away a box of matches, canned food for cats and use powdered milk. ( Note. If you use milk from the refrigerator, then the scale of anger will rise, as the milk will be spoiled. Coffee also needs to be redone.
  • We go to the balcony. There we will meet a raven. We go to the left to the end of the balcony and scare him away. After that, select the cigarettes in the inventory and click on the choice of "smoking".
  • We leave the balcony and sit down to play the piano. Then again we go to the balcony and use cat food on the bowls (you can take it in the cabinet in the kitchen).
  • We leave the balcony. After talking with the cat, we go to open the front door and talk to the neighbor.

Chapter IV - A Bullet for Susan

Chapter V - Some Flowers Never Reach for the Sun

Chapter VI - The Legend of the Cat Widow

  • So, we have a map of the house, with which we can check all the inhabitants.
  • We go to the right to the door opposite Susan's apartment. Sequentially select all actions from the interaction menu. Then we activate Mitzi in the inventory and ask her to pick the lock. But Mitzi will not be able to do this, saying that the castle is difficult.
  • Apartment #1
  • We approach the stairs and go down to the first floor.
  • We approach the first apartment, use Mitzi and break open the lock.
  • In the corridor we pass a little to the right and take the wrench.
  • We go to the right into the next room, examine the hole. Then we stomp into the next room. As a result, Susan and Mitzi cross out this apartment. We get out of it.
  • Apartment #2
  • We go up to the third floor. We move to the right to the battery, remove the rag from it.
  • We go down to the hall. We go to the left to the flowers. We smell them. After the vase breaks, we pick up the shard.
  • We rise to the first floor. We put a rag on the battery on the left. We approach the sofa on the right. We use a fragment on it. Searching from within. We take valerian.
  • We use valerian on a rag. We go to the hall, we approach the dog lady, we complain about the noise from the dog. We go up to the first floor. Checking out the second apartment. We delete it.
  • Apartment #3
  • We go down to the hall, pick up the broom that the dog lady left. We go to the first floor, to the first apartment, to the living room.
  • We use a broom on a large hole, we get a figurine of a cat. In the inventory we shake the figurine, and then we break it.
  • We get the key to apartment number 3. We rise to the second floor, apply the key to the third apartment.
  • We move to the right until we find a door with the inscription "666". Let's try to open it. After examining the room, we follow the room to the left.
  • We hear the phone ringing. We go left to the door from the room until the phone stops ringing.
  • We go to the left into the corridor, we try to get out, but in the end we get a doorknob. We go to the devil's door, use the handle on it. We go.
  • In the right corner we take the charger.
  • We leave the bath.
  • We find ourselves in a place with four doors. We open the doors in the following order: 4, 1, 2, 3.
  • We enter the opened door. Meet Joe and talk to him.
  • After the conversation, we examine the room, pay attention to the bloody handprints on the closet and above the right door. We pass into another room to the left.
  • We study the panel. We follow to the left and we speak with the woman sitting in a chair. She will growl "Misery".
  • We return to the previous room and approach the bookcase. We are looking for the book "Misery" and open it in inventory. Inside the book we find a screwdriver.
  • We go to the left room and use the screwdriver on the panel. There are two switches (left and right) in the panel that turn the mirrors. You need to rotate all the mirrors so that they are all directed at Ivy. The bloody handprints on the cupboard and above the door are a clue. The right hand print is the right switch, the left hand print is the left switch.
  • We turn the switches as follows: 2 times right, 1 time left, 2 times right. Joe wants Susan to kill the monster. A selection of actions will appear.
  • If you choose the line: "I.. You leave me no choice..", you will have to kill the monster. To do this, use the charger on a woman sitting in a chair.
  • If you choose the line "Kill me if you want, but I won't do it!", then Joe will kill Susan.
  • In any case, we find ourselves in an apartment, and we talk with Mitzi. Automatically exit to
    the corridor. We cross out the third apartment.
  • Apartment No. 5
  • We rise to the third floor. We go to the right, to apartment number 5. We knock. We talk with the old man. Check out this apartment.
  • Apartment No. 8
  • We go down into the hall, go right to the mailboxes, through the inventory we ask Mitzi to break the locks. We retreat to the right to the stairs and wait.
  • We rise to the first floor, read the letters through the inventory.
  • We stomp to the fourth floor and knock on the door of apartment number 8.
  • We pass after Paulina to the left into the dining room. To the question "Have you previously had experience of communicating with children?" we answer "Yes, I sat with the children of my neighbors."
  • We head to the corridor and open the door.
  • After the conversation, we return to the apartment. We pass into the dining room, go to the left into the next room, the bedroom. We take scissors from the bed.
  • We move to the right into the dining room and go a little more to the right until Mitzi and Paulina come.
  • We select the phrase "I feel very bad, somehow suddenly."
  • We go out into the corridor and open the door.
  • After the conversation, we go to the right to the electrical panel and turn off the light.
  • Then quickly go left to the cable and cut it with scissors.
  • We leave to the left to the bedroom. We approach the laptop and use it.
  • After that, we go out into the corridor. We cross out the eighth apartment.
  • Apartment No. 7
  • Jesse went to the store, which means his apartment is empty. We go to the fourth floor, break into the seventh apartment with the help of Mitzi.
  • We enter the apartment. We approach the masks for Halloween and pick up the hockey mask. We follow to the right.
  • We approach Jesse's PC, we try to turn it on.
  • We go down to the hall. We approach the closet and push it. We go through the door to the basement.
  • We take the extension cord lying on the battery.
  • Back to Jessie's PC. We pass quite a bit to the right to the sockets and use an extension cord on them. Susan will throw the end of the wire out the window.
  • We leave the apartment and go down to the first floor. We go into apartment number 1 and go all the way to the right.
  • In the window we see the wire and stick it into the sockets. We return back to apartment number 7. We approach the computer.
  • We cross out the seventh apartment.
  • Apartment #6
  • We rise to the third floor. We go right to the bike. We go a little further until the active point "pedal" appears, we use a wrench on it.
  • We go down to the basement.
  • We go to the end of the room and inspect the sewing mannequin with a wedding dress. We take the dress.
  • We apply the pedal to the coal chute, which is located to the left of the mannequin, open it. We use a wedding dress on the coal chute.
  • We pass to the right and use a screwdriver on the red paint. We take her.
  • We hang a black dress on the mannequin and use scissors on it.

Chapter VII - Don't Feed the Troll

  • Attention! This chapter contains great amount spoilers for the game's endings, so if you don't want to spoil the experience, it's best not to look here before you finish the game.
  • We find ourselves in apartment number 5.
  • We move to the right and go into the kitchen. We see an old man there. We talk to him. As a result, the old man will stretch the box. We approach the old man and pick up the box.
  • Open the box in inventory and find a gas mask inside. The following selection will appear:
    1. Give the gas mask to Mitzi.
    2. Put on a gas mask.
  • 1. If you give the gas mask to Mitzi, then Susan will die and will again be in the field. We go to the right until we meet an old lady who will offer to blow out one of the two candles.
  • You can blow out the left, right candles or refuse. As a result, Susan will again be in apartment number 5 with Mitzi. We enter to the left into the room in which we find the paralyzed Adam. Mitzi will want to kill him, but Susan will dissuade her.
  • If you choose the phrase "Okay, kill him" in the branching dialogue, then Mitzi will kill Adam and die herself - this is the first ending of the game.
  • If you select other phrases in the branching dialogue, and then: "I'll take care of you, do it for me", then Susan and Mitzi will leave - this is the second ending of the game.
  • 2. If Susan puts on a gas mask, then Mitzi and the old man will die. We go to the left. We see a deer and follow him. When we rest against a wall of skulls, we move to the right until we meet an old lady who will offer to blow out one of the two candles.
  • You can blow out the left, right candles or refuse. As a result, Susan will again be in apartment number 5. We go to the left into the room in which we find the paralyzed Adam. We talk to him.
  • If you select "Kill Adam" in the branching dialogue, then Susan will smoke and blow up the invalid - this is the third ending of the game.
  • If you select "Leave him alive" in the dialogue, then Susan will turn off the computer and just leave - this is the fourth ending of the game.
  • Watch the final cut-scene and this is where the game ends.
  • Spoilers are present, so I recommend that you look here after one playthrough.
  • The game has a special secret ending, which can be obtained by doing the following things:
  • Chapter I Refuse the Queen of Hearts' offer.
  • Chapter II. To prove to Liz that they listened to her.
  • Chapter II. Solve the Raven's riddle and get a reward.
  • Chapter III. Don't let Anger overwhelm your emotional state.
  • Chapter VII. Give the gas mask to Mitzi.
  • Chapter VII. Don't blow out the last candle.
  • Chapter VII. Convince Mitzi that Adam doesn't need to die.
  • If you have questions about how to complete some points, you can refer to the walkthrough itself.


I hope that in my guide you found the answer to your question, and it helped you. If you find any errors, grammatical or content, then please write down in the comments about it in order to improve the guide. Thank you for visiting this page and reading these words, see you in other guides!)

We offer a complete guide to the passage of the game "Forgotten cities. Cats of Ulthar" (Ghost Towns: The Cats of Ulthar Walkthrough).
If you still have questions about how to complete the game "Forgotten Cities. Cats of Ulthar" - write on the forum.

Bonus part

*all pictures are enlarged by clicking on them
Talk to Atala.
Go to the guillotine and take the LADDER.
Zoom into the church door and take the FRAGMENT (1/2) of the lock.
Return to the square and go right to the house.
Enter the house and right to the kitchen.
Click on the curtain and click on the window.
Fill the EMPTY BOTTLE with tap water.
Zoom into the window and place the BOTTLE on the windowsill to reveal code xxx81.

Exit the kitchen for a Hidden Object Scene.
You receive a LONG HOOK.

Walk up the stairs.
Click on the rug and remove the floorboard.
Use the LONG HOOK to get the pin.
Go downstairs and click on the box near the clock.
Use the pin on the balloon.
Take the LOCK FRAGMENT (2/2).

Return to the square and go straight down the street.
Take the ROPE from the workshop sign.
Click on the box by the door to the workshop and place the two LOCK FRAGMENTS.
You have to move the colored balls into the matching holes.
Take the PITCH PIECE and the CHISEL.
Place the LADDER on the pillar on the right for a Hidden Object Scene.

When finished, it will be added to your inventory. horse.
Return to the house.

Place the ROPE on the wheelbarrow and click to raise it.
Walk right.

Take a shovel.
Place the FORK part on the handle.
Take the FORK.
Use the pitchfork to move the straw, take the HAMMER.
Return to the guillotine.

Zoom into the wall on the left and use the CHISEL and HAMMER to remove the rock.
Take the HORSEMAN.
Enter the house, up the stairs and into the room on the left.
Click on the shield on the wall and place the HORSE and RIDER.
You must exchange the outer blocks to match the color of the circles.

Take the RIFLE.
Exit the room and click on the skylight.
Use the rifle on the window to get the figurine (1/4).
Go to the square to the cat statue.

You receive a COIN.
Click on the house door behind the statue - this is the mayor's house.

Place the COIN in the hole and click to open the door.
Enter, take the BROOM.
Click on the coffee table and take the CROWN.
Return to the square, enter the house and into the bedroom on the right.

Look under the bed and use the BROOM on the cobwebs.
Take the SHED KEY.

Open the shed with the KEY for a Hidden Object Scene.

You receive a DRAWER HANDLE.
Return to the square and go to the mayor's house.

Look at the coffee table and open the drawer with the HANDLE.
Take the figurine (2/4) and DRAWING FRAGMENT (1/3).
Take the figurine to the square.

You receive a CORKSCREW.
Go to the guillotine.

Click on the church door and open it with the CORKSCREW.
Enter the church.
Zoom into the pews on the right and open the locked bag with the CROWN.
Take the BAG from the floor.

You receive a BURNING CANDLE.
Go straight down the street for a Hidden Object Scene.

You will receive a RAG.
Go to the mayor's house and click on the coffee table.

Place the colored filters on the table.
Place the green filter on the left, yellow in the middle and blue on the right to see code 532.
Return to the house, up the stairs, to the right bedroom and to the attic.
Click on the secret room.
Place the BURNING CANDLE on the candlestick.
Take the kettlebell.
Place the BROOM and RAG near the bucket and click on them to clear the wall.
Take the HANDLE from the safe.

Return to the bedroom and click on the safe in the dressing table.
Enter the code 53281.
Take the RAZOR.
Walk down for a Hidden Object Scene.
You receive the SEWER.
Enter the kitchen and click on the cabinet.

Use the RAZOR to open the jar; take the figurine (3/4).
Exit the house and go right to the barn.
Click on the drainpipe and place the pipe from inventory.
Return to the church.
Look at the statue and place the CROSS.
Take the DRAWING FRAGMENT (3/3).

Click on the area for a Hidden Object Scene.
Get hat.

Go to the square and place the figurine.
Take the DRAWING FRAGMENT (2/3).
Return to the mayor's house and click on the painting on the wall.

Color the picture as shown in the picture on the right.

Enter the secret passage.
Pick up the BROOM.
Place the sand on the floor in the BAG.
Place the sandbag and weight on the hooks on the right.
Use the SCOOP on the stove to get the BURNED DOCUMENT.

Return to the house and go right to the barn.
Use the BROOM to clean the dust off the windowsill.
Return to the church.
Click on the pew and use the pliers to take the four nails out of the drawer and open it.
Take the last STATUETTE (4/4) and take it to the square.
Take the HOOK and return to the mayor's house, go to the secret passage.

Place the HOOK on the end of the long chain on the left and click to remove the bag.
Take the PUMPKIN.
Return to the barn.
Place the PUMPKIN on the scarecrow; use the razor on the pumpkin.
Place the HAT on the scarecrow.
Pick up the TOOTHBRUSH that the crow drops.

Select the barn for a Hidden Object Scene.
You receive a PASTE.

Enter the house and into the room on the left.
Examine the table and place the BURNED DOCUMENT.
Clean the document with the TOOTHBRUSH.
Return to the guillotine and click on the pillar.
Attach the document to the post using PASTE.

Click on the area for a Hidden Object Scene.
You receive a RING.

Return to the mayor's house and go up the stairs.
Place the RING on the knocker and knock on the door.
Talk to the mayor, then use the RIFLE on him.
Take the CAGE KEY.
Go to the secret passage.
Open the cage with the kitten with the KEY.

Congratulations! You have completed the bonus part of the Collector's Edition of the game Ghost Towns: The Cats of Ulthar Walkthrough.

Walkthrough - Page 1

Walkthrough written for the English version of the game


The game contains scenes of violence and cruelty, as well as sexual overtones, so it has rating 18+.


This game is a third-person quest. The main character of the game is Susan Ashley. The game has several storylines, and the endings depend on the choice made at the end of the game. Management is carried out using the keyboard. Movement takes place with left and right keys .

Interaction Menu opens when you press the "up" button when hot spots appear. Switching between actions is carried out using the "up" or "down" keys. The choice of action is carried out using the Enter key. Closes the interaction menu when you press the left or right buttons.

The inventory is located at the bottom of the screen and becomes active when you press the "down" key. The desired item is selected using the "right" or "left" keys and taken by pressing the "Enter" key. Next, a menu of interaction with the selected item opens. The desired action is selected with the "up" or "down" keys and confirmed with the "Enter" key.

The most common actions in the interaction menu are:

Examine- inspect, investigate

use- to use, to apply an object

Exit to the main menu is carried out using the "Esc" key. The following actions are possible in the main menu:

resume- continue the game

quit– exit from the game (to confirm the exit from the game, press the "Enter" key)

Chapter 1

Chapter 1

The intro video talks about Susan being left alone and she decides to kill herself by taking pills. You can skip the video by pressing the Esc key. Finally, we are in the field.

You can choose any replica, but in the end we find ourselves in the lady's house.

If you agree with the lady, then we find ourselves in the house. We're talking to the lady. We sequentially select all the replicas in the branching dialog. We ask about the sacrifice of the soul and the sacrifice of blood. Then we approach the candle on the piano and blow out the candle(blow out). We go left to the street.

If you refuse the lady's offer, then we also find ourselves in the house. We approach the candle (candle) on the piano and blow it out (blow out). We go left to the street.

The game continues regardless of the choice made. We find ourselves on the street next to the tree on which Susan was hanged. We pass to the right until we come to the house, which was found at the very beginning of the game. We go inside. We approach the boards (planks), nailed to the wall, and activate the inventory. Use the mount, open hole(hole) in the wall.

Inspecting the hole(examine) and explore it from the inside(reach inside). As a result, Susan will lose her arm. We move to the right to the door, but the door will be closed. We return to the left and see that the machine has earned. We go to the right until the screen turns white.

Chapter 2

chapter 2. second first breath

We watch a short video, after which Susan will be in the hospital. We speak with the doctor (you can choose any remarks in the branching dialogue) and watch another video. Then we communicate with the nurse Liz. In the branching dialog, you can select any replicas. After the end of the conversation, we find ourselves in the office of Dr. X. We talk with the doctor about Susan's childhood. In the branching dialog, you can select any replicas.

As a result, we find ourselves in a room with a bandage (band) in inventory. We pass to the right. From the rack (gloves rack) we take one or more pairs of gloves (take gloves). We go further to the right and leave the chamber.

We move to the left and read (read) medical history(drug chart) . We pass a little more to the left and examine the flowers (flower). Continue left to next door(door). We go inside (enter). The room looks exactly like Susan's room. We go out and read the medical history (drug chart). We learn that the neighbor's name is Ann Burton.

We pass to the left and get into the emergency room. We communicate(talk to) with a nurse (nurse). In the branching dialogue, we select all the lines one by one and find out that Susan will not be able to leave before she talks to the doctor.

We move a little to the left and inspect statement sheet(discharge letter) addressed to Anne Barten and folders. The nurse won't let me take anything. We go all the way to the left and talk to the guards (security). Security will require an extract sheet. We return to the chambers and meet Ann's neighbor there.

We communicate with a neighbor-patient (patient). Susan lies that she knows her mother, but she cannot name her mother. Ann will send Susan away. We go to the toilet to the right. Approaching wastebasket(bin) and explore it (search). As a result, Susan finds a medicine pot there. We read the announcement (note) on the wall. Then we examine the mirror (mirror) and take a fragment(take shard of mirror). Having finished the inspection, press (press) the call button (bell) on the right side of the mirror and wait for the arrival of the nurse.

We speak with the nurse. In the branching dialog, select last remark(I'm feeling a bit woozy) . The nurse will want to give you pills and ask for a name. You can try to deceive, but you can't fool the nurse. You can refuse to take the pills, but then the guard will come and make you do it. As a result, Susan begins to hallucinate.

2. What is the job of Liz's roommate. Correct answer: second line stripper .

3. When Liz's boyfriend dumped her. Correct Answer: First line Valentine's Day .

Despite all the correct answers, Liz will still jump off the roof. Dr. X will not believe Susan and will say that Liz is alive. And then the Aesculapius will stab Susan several times.

Susan finds herself in the theater hall. We pass to the left to the cord (cord). We pull the cord(pull). We pass a little to the right. Raven will speak to us and offer to go to the right to two doors. One door will bring us back, the second will give us a reward.

We go to the right until we see two dolls next to two doors. The raven will say that one doll is always lying, and the second one is telling the truth. You can ask only one question and only one of the dolls. We approach any doll and choose any question from the branching dialogue. Then we go into one of the doors.

We find ourselves in the house of a strange elderly lady. Blow out any candle (blow out) and watch a short video. After that, in the dark, we follow to the right to the bag with the body (body bag). Open the bag (open), and it falls to the floor. We open the bag again and find Susan in it.

We find ourselves in a psychiatric hospital. Read suicide note on the wall (suicide note) . We go to the right and pull out (take) metal pin(iron bar) from a woman's chest. We pass to the left, open the door and exit.

We examine(examine) chair (chair) and raise(pick up) him. The chair will fall apart, and we will have a leg. We go to the right and go in the door. In the room we move back to the right and take (take) from the shelf soap(soap). Then we turn to the sink (sink) and open hot or cold water (run hot / cold water). After that, use soap on the sink.

We wait until the light turns on, and we approach the shelves next to the door (to the left). Take from the shelf round saw blade(saw blade). We leave the room and go right. We examine the painting "Woman with an ermine" (Lady with an ermine) and take the doll's head(take doll's head).

We go further to the right and read (read) the warning (danger sign) hanging on the wall. We move further to the right and examining the closed door . We go a little to the right and take the key(key). After that, we examine the body of Liz and take out of it metal rod(take down). We approach the locked door and use the key on it. We watch a video in which Susan makes a choice: you can leave and forget about everything (leave) or stay and take revenge on the doctor (stay).

If you choose to leave, the third chapter will begin. If you choose to stay, then Susan will again be in the hallway.

We move all the time to the left. We examine the painting "Mona Lisa» (Mona Liza) and go in the door to the left of the picture. We study the skeleton (skeleton). We take from the shelf (take) bolt(bolt). We leave into the corridor and pass to the left. Open (open) the locker (locker) and pick up (take) from it a wrench (wrench).

We return to the room with the skeleton. We go to the right and examine (examine) table(workbench). Susan will say that here she can make weapons (weapon). We use (use) the table. We lay out on the table two metal pins, a chair leg, a blade, a wrench, a doll's head, a nut and a bolt. To do this, select in inventory desired subject and press "use" in the interaction menu.

As a result, Susan will collect a rod (mace) and a harpoon (spear), which will automatically be in the inventory. In the interaction menu with the table, select the return to the room (return to room). We leave the room and go further to the left.

We examine the picture (examine) "Venus" (Venus) and studying the hand(look at hand) women. We find on the finger nut instead of a ring. We use (use) wet soap (wet soap) and get a nut (nut). We move further to the left, we examine another painting "Girl with a Pearl Earring" (Girl with a Pearl Earring). We go further to the left.

We follow to the left until we see the doctor and his victim. We are watching a short video, after which an active point "Doctor X" will appear near Susan. We select in the inventory either a wand or a harpoon, and use (use) this item on doctor X. In the branching dialogue, you can choose any replica with which Susan will kill the doctor.

We examine (look at) the girl (girl) and untie (untie) her. In the branching dialog, select any replica again. Eventually Susan will go home.

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