Mini dayz where to find a tent. Mini DayZ Walkthrough Tips: Learning to Survive Properly

Despite the fact that the map in this post-apocalyptic survivalist is randomly generated, the game still has a number of fixed secret locations where you can get hold of loot. Let's list some of them:

Forester's house. You can run into it in the forest. It looks like an ordinary shed, only with windows. It spawns a flask, a repeater (gun) and a rabbit leg. Have a bite! Sometimes there is a tower and an abandoned car nearby, but there items drop out randomly.

Tower. Stone medieval building, which appeared in update 1.2.0. A knight's helmet is necessarily lying nearby, which will significantly protect your confusion from sudden blows and concussions.

Lock. Medieval ruins of a fortress. Go through the gap in the wall and find a knight's helmet and sword. For the glory of King Arthur!

Radio tower. Large structure, visible from afar. There is a car next to the antenna and there is a booth in which you can find: a cowboy hat, scotch tape, matches, a battery and a firework. There is a walkie-talkie under the tower, there may be nothing in the trunk of the car.

Crashed helicopter. Sometimes in the wasteland you can stumble upon a fallen military helicopter. Everything here is very random - either weapons, or armor, or cookies will be scattered nearby.

Hammer. If you wander along the roads for a long time, then sooner or later you will come across a padded jeep. He can get hold of ammunition or some military wardrobe.

Fallen drone. Perhaps this is a reference to the Stalker, but in a very rare case, you stumble upon a combat Raptor. A walkie-talkie will spawn near him.

DZOT. A stone bunker can serve as a good protection from the weather, but this is where its usefulness ends. Loot spawns here so infrequently that it can be left out altogether.

Withered tree. Its clumsy forms can be immediately distinguished from ordinary Christmas trees and larches around. Under the roots is a box, and in it is a 1911 Colt with an engraving.

Ambulance". If you see a white car with red crosses (and it’s hard not to notice it), then don’t pass by, because free medicines are waiting for you.

Military truck. Looks like a battered green van on wheels. Nearby, without fail, lies a tent and some kind of machine gun.

Camping. Abandoned canvas tents surrounded by cars. Search the whole area and you will find a lot of interesting things, but random ones.

Oleg Davydov

The popular PC game DayZ has made its way to mobile platforms in the form of Mini DAYZ. In this 16-bit version of the original, you will have to roam the abandoned wastelands in search of supplies, fight bloodthirsty zombies and hope that the next day will not be your last. Our short guide will provide tips and tricks that will help you get comfortable in the game world and not make mistakes that can lead your character to inevitable death.

Don't let the name of the game fool you. Despite the “Mini” prefix, this mobile project has a large world to explore and a lot of interesting features.

Plan your route

The first thing to do is to look at the map. The game usually starts on the coast, so your main task will be to find the nearest city. You should not run through the desert without any purpose, otherwise you will completely get lost and will never be able to reach the settlement. As soon as you get on the road, try not to deviate far from it and check all the cars that get in your way. Pay attention to the icons depicted on the map. An icon with a house indicates a small settlement, with two large buildings - a city, with a factory - an industrial facility. In each of these locations you can find a lot of useful things.

Be careful - on the road you can encounter a considerable number of bloodthirsty dead. Remember that zombies start growling when they notice a character. If you hear a roar, but do not see enemies next to you, then this means that they are still off the screen. In this case, it's worth making a hasty retreat if you don't want to run into monsters.

Try to find warm clothes as soon as possible

During your adventure, you will be able to find many different wardrobe items. You should try to replace your standard T-shirt with more durable and warm clothing as soon as possible. Some of them have additional slots that make it much easier to carry things. A jacket can be a good option, which, as a rule, has 2-3 empty slots. It also helps keep you warm on cold days. By the way, we noticed that a drop in temperature can have a very detrimental effect on the character, but its increase does not have any negative consequences, at least at the moment.

Don't throw away your old clothes. Something as lightweight as a t-shirt can be used to craft extra bandages to help stop bleeding and increase your health.

Avoid melee

We advise you to avoid fighting monsters at close range by any means. Even with good equipment and melee weapons, such battles can be extremely dangerous for the hero's life. The fact is that any blow can cause him to bleed, and in some cases even become infected. For this reason, try to stay as far away from the monsters as possible, killing them with pistols, machine guns, shotguns, and so on.

If zombies get too close to you, then immediately run from them to nearby obstacles. There is a small chance that they will simply get stuck in them and you can easily shoot them. Remember that the monsters here always run in a straight line, no matter what is in their way.

Do not move to increase shooting accuracy

If you stop and stand in one place for a couple of seconds, then your accuracy will increase. The crosshair of the weapon will appear directly on the zombie and will be highlighted in green - this means that you will definitely hit it. If you start moving, the sight will turn red, which means that you will most likely miss your target.

Look for Rice to Fight Hunger

If your character has problems with hunger, then you should not immediately panic. In this case, good old rice will help you, and it doesn’t matter what color it is - white or red. This crop is capable of restoring almost 80 percent of your hunger bar and is fairly easy to find. Therefore, starvation will definitely not threaten you.

Choose Perks Wisely

As you progress through the game, you will gradually earn special points with which you can unlock various perks (unique parameters). Choose them wisely as you won't be able to unlock absolutely everything. For starters, we recommend taking the Sprinter skill, which increases the character's movement speed by 10 percent. At first glance, this may not seem like much, but when you have to run away from a crowd of zombies, you will be happy with such an increase.

Build your own base

In Mini DAYZ, you can create a temporary base by making a campfire and surrounding it with a fence. To do this, you only need to find an ax to cut down a couple of trees. With the help of wood, it will also be possible to craft various items.

We recommend crafting a simple backpack if you couldn't find it in the starting locations (it spawns randomly). To craft this item, you will need rope and burlap - they are not very common, but still they can hardly be called rare.

Try to eat well

The most important thing is to keep yourself in good shape, that is, eat well and not suffer from thirst. The only way to quickly restore your blood after bleeding is to use a blood bag, which is extremely difficult to obtain. It is for this reason that you should mainly rely on your natural regeneration to help you recover from your wounds. However, if the indicators of water and food are at a low level, then there can be no question of any recovery. Therefore, it is worth monitoring your vital signs and replenishing them in time.

We hope that this little guide will help you survive in the dangerous world of Mini DAYZ for at least a few days longer.

A few tips to help you survive in the world of Mini DayZ

Other guides:

  • Mini DayZ FAQ
  • General Guide to Mini DayZ
  • How to create bandages in Mini DayZ
  • Where to find weapons in Mini DayZ
  • Enemies guide in Mini DayZ

While DayZ is still in early access, which means that development is in full swing, there is great news for zombie survival fans - Bohemia Interactive has released a pocket version of the game called Mini DayZ. Designed for smartphones and tablets, the pixelated post-apocalyptic survival sim lets you explore a randomly generated map in search of food, shelter and weapons. You will have to avoid meeting or engaging in fights with animals, zombies and marauders. The game also includes a crafting system (albeit not as advanced as we're used to seeing), which involves collecting materials from inside buildings and vehicles and combining them to create tents, food, weapons, and backpacks.

AT Mini DayZ there are four scales showing how hungry the character is, what kind of thirst he has and whether the weather affects his well-being (only sub-zero temperatures negatively affect). You will have to continue to feed the character and provide him with a safe haven so that none of the statuses drop to zero. If this happens, then hunger or thirst will affect the health of the character. Other difficulties are related to inventory space management, fighting opponents, etc. There are three difficulty modes, and if you are just learning how to survive, then choose "Beginner" to become more familiar with the game.

Move around with stick control scheme

If you have just started playing, you may have noticed that the project has two character control schemes: movement with the stick on the left side of the screen and movement by clicking on the desired location point (roughly speaking, point-&-click). While you are given the option to choose between two options, I personally recommend using the stick control as it gives you better control over your character's movement, especially when being chased by bandits, zombies, and wild predators.

Choosing a mode of transportation

With the stick control scheme, it will be easier for you to run away from enemies. You can always change the scheme at any time. Just tap the settings icon (gear) at the top right of the screen, and select the "Movement" section.

How to Increase Inventory Space

Compared to other survival projects with the ability to craft in Mini DayZ too little inventory space. At the beginning of the game there will be a minimum number of slots, you will have to store extremely important items. Along with fixed slots for pants, outerwear, primary and secondary weapons, vest, helmet, backpack, there will be additional inventory spaces for storing all other items. One slot gives a shirt, two - jeans. There are also two additional slots - one for storing melee weapons and the other for food or drink.

As mentioned above, jeans have two slots that are used to store food, water, and crafting items.

And here are some ways to increase inventory space:

Use the in-game map to find roads and houses

An area map can be very useful for finding nearby houses, buildings, and roads. Click on the "diary" (notepad) icon on the right side of the screen, under the "gear" icon, and click on the "Map" section to find out the current position of the character.

The map shows individual houses, structures and factories. The red X indicates your current location. By clicking on the "arrow" icon at the bottom of the map, you can go to the world map tab. Always use a map of the area when you feel lost, or want to know where there is a house or other structure nearby, as there are often food, weapons, materials inside. Cars are near houses and roads.

Eat food, drink water at regular intervals to stay alive

The blood bar is located at the top of the screen and shows the character's HP. The character begins to lose blood when he is close to a state of extreme hunger or thirst, has been bitten, etc. Try to eat and drink to make sure the two bars (hunger and thirst) are full and don't drop to zero. When a hero declares that he wants to drink or eat, then know that he warns you that he will soon begin to lose HP. You will need to quickly find water and / or food, feed the hero.

You can also unlock special abilities such as Hamster, which reduces hunger by 15%, and Camel, which reduces thirst by 15%. To do this, click on the character's image in the upper left corner of the screen.

Hunt deer and hares for food

Hunting is one of the useful activities in Mini DayZ. You will need to kill a rabbit or a deer to get meat steaks. Use ranged weapons for this, including a crossbow or any other firearm to hunt game. After shooting, use the knife to get animal meat. To cook meat, you will need a fireplace. Build it using firewood, paper, rags and branches. Light it up with matches.

How to stop bleeding and restore blood

If you are injured, then after a while you will automatically begin to restore blood (after the end of bleeding). This is provided that the scale of hunger and thirst falls below 50%. As soon as this happens, blood regeneration stops. Therefore, you need to ensure that you periodically eat food - apples, canned food, etc. - and drank water, maintaining a high supply of water and food in the body.

You can also unlock the additional skill "Master of Survival". It will allow you to increase the rate of blood regeneration if the stock drops below 50%. Accessing the list of perks is easy - click on the character's avatar in the upper left corner of the screen.

Perk "Master of Survival"

Your character will start to lose blood after being attacked by enemies or wild animals. This can happen both after their first hit, and after the third or fourth (if you have time to quickly kill, then the likelihood of bleeding will be reduced to zero). To stop the bleeding, you will need to find bandages or make homemade ones from clothing pieces by tearing them apart. Use blood packs to instantly restore health. Unlock the Red+ perk to reduce blood loss while bleeding or thirsty.

Create homemade bandages if you can't find regular ones

Bandages in Mini DayZ are not so easy to find. We'll have to look into every house and car. Sometimes you have to comb through a third of the map to get at least one. Luckily, there is a way to make bandages by hand. Although a temporary bandage will not be as effective as a real bandage, it can be used to stop bleeding.

Here's how to create a bandage: find a T-shirt, click on it in your inventory and select Rip into Rags. By the way, you can do this not only with a T-shirt, but also with other clothes, but not all. When bleeding starts, just use the resulting bandage.

How to keep your character warm

The temperature bar at the top of the screen, far right, indicates whether your character feels warm or cold. You have to make sure this scale doesn't drop to zero. There are various ways to maintain the temperature:

  • Create a fire and kindle it. You will need a campfire kit and matches to keep warm. Combine firewood with wooden sticks, paper, or a rag to create a fireplace. Now place the fireplace on the ground by dragging it to the left side of the inventory screen and light it with the matches.
  • You can hide inside the house or large buildings to stay warm.
  • Look for warm clothes and wear them. Make sure the clothes are in good condition. The condition of the clothes is measured as a percentage. Warm clothes with 70% condition will keep the character warmer than clothes with 40% condition.
  • Find whiskey and drink it to restore some heat points.
  • When it rains or snows, quickly find a tent and set it up in a safe place. Now you can sit in the tent while it's raining. Staying inside the tent will allow you to warm up a bit.
  • Equip various perks such as "Snowman", which will increase durability in cold weather by 200%. There is also the Sweet Home perk, which adds 50% to the heat level if the character is inside the house. You will need at least 200 points to unlock the first perk, but after that, the points needed to unlock the other will continue to increase.

Snowman Perk

Avoid fighting wolf packs

Fighting a pack of wolves is not a wise move, especially if you do not have a weapon in your hands to attack. And even if you have it, the priority should be to escape from the wolves, not to attack them. Use the stick control scheme to make the task of escaping from wild beasts easier.

The wolves will chase your character, so try to hide inside the house or other buildings. Look for the nearest building on the map and move towards it. If you are running through the woods, then try to avoid larger trees that can become an obstacle to the movement of the pack. You can also unlock the Hunter skill if you don't want animals, especially wolves, to notice you quickly. Also, don't forget to get the Sprinter skill as it increases your movement speed by 10%.

You can find firearms at military bases

If you spot tents, a military armored car, or a tank, then quickly search the area around them. The chances of finding a firearm in this case are greater.

Also, stock up on ammo that can be loaded into firearms. Can't find food or water? Request support!

If there are no cars, houses and other objects nearby, if you are in the middle of the forest, then you should ask for help by clicking on the “parachute” icon in the upper left corner of the screen, to the right of the character icon. A container of food will fall from the sky immediately after you watch a promotional video about 30 seconds long. The container will contain a random item, so there is no guarantee that you will receive food or water. It also happens that weapons or ammunition fall out of the containers.

How to earn experience points faster?

Right below your character picture in the upper left corner of the screen is the total points you have earned so far. Points can be exchanged for perks that will help you survive as long as possible. First, you will need to collect 200 points to unlock the first skill, and after that - more than 200 each time to unlock additional perks.

You will earn some points while running and get even more by killing zombies. Searching houses and other places also gives a certain number of points. Your goal is to survive, and the longer you survive, the more points you earn.

How to get rid of zombies?

Fight in Mini DayZ not very complicated. Your character can fight enemies with bare hands or using melee weapons. Melee combat starts automatically when the main character is in close proximity to the enemy. If you're using a ranged weapon, including an assault rifle or shotgun, you don't need to aim as the crosshairs will automatically target enemies. Keep in mind that you will aim at the nearest enemy. Wait for the crosshair to appear on the target, and then click the shoot button to attack the enemy.

  • Your priority should be the minimum number of skirmishes with enemies. This is the only way you can live as long as possible. You can run or hide inside the house if you notice opponents or they see you. If the character's health level is too low, but the battle continues, then quickly press the map button to find the nearest house and hide inside it. Enemies cannot enter the houses, so you are safe. When the zombie leaves or turns its back on you, you can leave the house.
  • Don't use up ammo unless you're in a dangerous situation or need to search buildings for food and other important items.
  • If you have a firearm, then you can eliminate the enemy from a distance. However, to begin with, a crosshair must appear on the enemy. Save ammo for only those enemies that really need to be killed, so that you can, for example, gain access to an important place or building that they are guarding.
  • Advanced weapons like a sledgehammer or pipe can do more damage. With it, you can also deal critical damage that kills opponents on the first hit.
  • By unlocking certain perks, you can increase your combat skills.

And here are the perks:

  • Scout- unlock the perk to notice enemies at a great distance.
  • Sniper- The chances of a headshot when using this weapon are increased by a few percent.
  • blocker- You must unlock the skill if you want to block enemy melee attacks more often.
  • Thresher- unlock the skill if you want to deal damage to several enemies at once.

Will ever get to release. However, the game, which sold 3.5 million copies in Early Access Alpha status, has already brought profit, and interest in DAYZ continues to fall. In three and a half years of production hell, the number of users on the Web has dropped from 45 to 4 thousand, and the current rating of the game on Steam is an impressively low 30/100. In a word, DAYZ is no longer needed, but Bohemia Interactive has released a mobile version of its survival simulator - Mini DAYZ.

Mini DAYZ is a 2D top-down survival game with pixel art. With the big DAYZ, it is related to the map in the browser version, in which the same well-known Chernarus island is presented to the players. As a bonus, it offers another region - Narvakia, with extreme weather conditions. In the mobile version of the game, the map for each game is generated anew.

If you have played survival simulators, then the gameplay should be familiar to you. We search houses in search of supplies, weapons and clothing. We find food or hunt so as not to die of hunger; looking for clean water and other drinks so as not to die of thirst; we mend clothes, hide in houses and make fires so as not to die from the cold. Well, do not forget to fight off zombies, bandits and the military.

In the mobile versions of Mini DAYZ there is only a single-player mode, in the browser there is also a multiplayer, but almost no one plays it. The list is limited to literally a couple of closed and often empty private servers. However, the browser version of Mini DAYZ is a strange thing in general, yes, it has more chips than the mobile version, but I personally don’t understand who will agree to play a mobile game on a PC of their own free will. The mobile version of Mini DAYZ has a certain meaning.

In fact, despite the seeming simplicity, there is a lot in Mini DAYZ, so we strongly recommend that you familiarize yourself with the built-in help. For example, you can create backpacks and bows from scrap items. Plant vegetables and harvest. Repair clothes with duct tape. Light a fire. Having completely searched one island, you can repair the boat (don't forget the ax and planks) and go to the next one.

Unlike other survival simulators, the main problem in Mini DAYZ is not even zombies or cold, but a limited number of loot pockets and unreliable backpacks. Carrying all the cartridges with you, hoping to find a weapon later, is simply unrealistic. So here you have to save the cartridges and get by with piercing and crushing weapons, or even with your bare hands.

Your hero moves either with the help of a virtual joystick, or by direct indication on the touch-screen, in the browser version, the traditional keyboard control via WASD. Shooting from firearms is done with a special button, but your character goes to hand-to-hand combat on his own in close contact with the enemy.

By surviving, defeating zombies and people, the hero gains experience and can get abilities that make it easier to pass: reducing blood loss, accelerating health regeneration, a greater chance of blocking, a greater chance of a critical hit, etc.

The first game sessions in Mini DAYZ will certainly be very short for you, however, even after gaining experience, you can easily get into trouble. The random factor in this game affects a lot. If you didn’t find anything useful in the nearest houses, you most likely won’t last long, even despite the presence of “gratuitous” help from Bohemia Interactive in Mini DAYZ. Yes, by watching a promotional video, you can receive an air parcel with something useful. But, most likely, with something useless, which is not very helpful in your survival. Needless to say, such advertising help completely kills the atmosphere of the game.

Bohemia Interactive has decided to replicate the success of its PC survival shooter DayZ on mobile platforms. Their latest creation is called Mini DayZ and offers players a single-player gameplay, unlike the older brother, focused on .

The goal of the game remains the same: survive by surviving as long as possible against hordes of zombies, fighting hunger and defending yourself from other survivors in the ruins of a post-apocalyptic world. As in any survival game, in Mini DayZ you will have a lot of ways to die. We will try to help you not only successfully start in it, but also survive against all odds. So let's get started.

Item storage

One of the main problems that you will face will be the lack of storage space for items and things. Your clothes at the start do not have many pockets, and the backpack is not so large. The good news is that the same items are packed in one slot.

Any item with a gray box and a number at the bottom of the icon can be stacked. These are, for example, bandages, cartridges, fruits, vegetables, and so on. The maximum stack size is different for each item type.

Please note: Items with percentages on a gray rectangle are not stacked. They are subject to wear, and the percentage figure shows you the degree of wear (0% is a breakdown).

One more nuance: the game does not stack items for you. Open your inventory and drag the item into the slot for similar items yourself.

Do you want to stop the game?

Mini DayZ saves your progress automatically even before you exit the game. Autosave points are the last buildings you visited. Therefore, if you want to take your mind off the game - find a shelter and go inside. If you only need a short break, entering the settings menu is the only way to pause the game. Remember: when you view the map or the contents of the backpack, enter the skills menu, and so on, your hero does not stop moving, and the zombies do not stop chasing him.

Use the map

Just below the settings icon is a button that opens the map. At the start of the game, you need to look at the map to determine the direction of your movement.

Not everything is shown on the map, but any icon with a house means that there are buildings in this location - it is in them that you will have to look for food and useful items. In addition, zones where zombies are most often found are marked on the map. Be careful in these areas, but do not bypass them just because they are dangerous - the whole world of Mini DayZ is full of dangers. As already mentioned, you will move even if the map is open, so you can leave it as it is, after selecting the point where you want to go.

Fight smart

In the process of searching for items that will not let you die of hunger and cold, you have to fight aggressive zombies, people and animals who want to take your prey. If you are using a short range weapon, try to lure the zombies or dogs into a trap. Run away from them, then turn around sharply and attack - this will allow them to be close, just in the range of your weapon. Use buildings as blocking opponents.

Most of them are chasing you in a straight line, so if you go around the corner of a building, the enemy will try to walk right through it towards you and thus get stuck. This will allow you to break away from him and run in a different direction. Different types of enemies are able to attack each other. You can use this for your own purposes. If you are being chased by a crowd of zombies and a group of people at the same time, leave them to each other. They will start fighting among themselves and thus rid you of their presence.

Search and save

Ideally, you should carry one item of food and drink, as well as one bandage. Although you will often find food and drink when you are hungry, this is not guaranteed. Since at the start of the game you don’t have many storage slots, keep the most necessary things in them - food and drink are more important than paper and even cartridges. You can leave a few items on the ground to pick them up again - but only for a short period.

For several hours, items remain where they were left, but those left for the whole night will definitely disappear. If you want to save them, put up a tent and hide them in it. The same applies to items that appear in buildings: if you return to the building where you have already visited before and collected everything you can, there is a chance to find something else there. You can rip shirts and t-shirts to use later as bandages. If you find clothes that are not really needed, keep in mind that as bandages you will definitely need them.

In this game, you can grow vegetables using a shovel, hoe or pitchfork. You do not have to take care of the plants, but it will take time to get the harvest - 8 hours. Therefore, consider how you can return to the place where the vegetables are planted in order to collect them. One planted vegetable brings you three new ones. If you're not sure what an item is for, tap on its icon or drag it onto another item. For example, tape can be dragged onto items to repair them, barbed wire can be used as a trap, and flares can be set on fire and used as a flashlight.

First day

From the tutorial, you can conclude that your goal is to get a boat and take a trip to another island, but, in fact, this is not the case. The main goal of the game is to survive for the longest possible period of time. Getting to the neighboring island is a bad idea: yes, you will find better equipment there, but there are also many more enemies and dangers. Use the first day and night on the island (and, if possible, the second) in order to thoroughly examine it and prepare for any surprise. Fill all the slots as well as the backpack with useful items and weapons.

If you don't have a light source, try to be in a building with food and water before midnight. The night here is dark and full of dangers - moving around without light is almost unrealistic and unproductive. When you finally decide to look for a boat located somewhere on the far eastern coast of the island, and want to leave it, do it early in the morning. The journey will take you several in-game hours, and it is advisable to get to a new place during the day in order to have time to prepare for any surprises.

Be ready to take advantage of skill points as soon as they become available. You will be notified about this by a green icon on the character icon. Skills in this game are extremely useful, so you need to activate them as quickly as possible. You can choose them as you wish, but start with Hamster and Red+, then choose Sprinter and Trunk Digger, and then focus on combat skills (assuming you're still alive, of course).

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