All Detroit: Become Human endings and how to get them (secret ending). Survivors Survivors Kara dies but Alice survives

Detroit: Becoming Human - new project in the "interactive drama" genre from the masters and pioneers of the genre, Quantic Dream Studios. The game continues the tradition of non-linear storytelling that the French projects were famous for. Due to the variety in the choice of approach to each situation, the number of endings in the game is large. How not to get confused in a large number of possible combinations? In this article, we will tell you how to get a good ending in Detroit: Become Human. In addition, we will tell you what needs to be done in order for all the characters to stay alive.

How to save all the characters in Detroit: Become Human

The outcome of the adventure for each player will certainly be unique, thanks to the variations in choice. If you want all characters to survive at the end of Detroit: Become Human, then follow our advice. Even the smallest detail can make a huge difference to the plot.

For the best ending in Detroit: Become Human, you must keep the following characters alive:

The fate of any other characters is unimportant. However, the listed heroes must be alive by the end of the game.

How to save Alice in Detroit: Become Human

Alice is a little girl cared for by Kara after running away from her abusive father's house. During the first mission as Kara, do your best to protect Alice from Todd. It is important to create obstacles for Todd when he loses his temper and starts destroying everything in the house. If you do not interfere with him, he will beat Alice, and the girl will die.

How to save Connor in Detroit: Become Human

Connor can die more than once during the game. Don't worry - it won't affect the outcome of the adventure in any way. The character always leaves doppelgangers, and cannot die permanently.

How to save Hank in Detroit: Become Human

Connor's partner named Hank is also involved in the pursuit of "deviant". In the episode "Battle for Detroit" you must come to the aid of Hank. Otherwise, he will kill himself in the end. You can protect him by becoming his friend in the role of Connor.

How to save Jerry in Detroit: Become Human

When the "Battle for Detroit" begins, Jerry will be taken hostage. You must free both Jerry and Luther. Toward the end of the game, when crossing the Canadian border beyond the Karoo, select the "No casualties" option in the dialogue.

How to save Josh in Detroit: Become Human

When Markus and his group escape the ship, you must save Josh from death.

How to save Kara in Detroit: Become Human

Pay attention to several scenes in which Kara can lose her life. First - save Alice in the first episode, otherwise Todd will kill both the girl and Kara. The second - in the episode with Zlatko, you must successfully complete the combat episode with quick-time events. Also don't forget to free all androids. In this episode, even fighting is not necessary if you can pass the stealth well. Trust Luther.

Third - be careful during the "Battle for Detroit". The android girl will die if Marcus's protest is not peaceful. While crossing the border, do not draw weapons or behave suspiciously.

How to save Luther in Detroit: Become Human

When the army attacks the Jericho, you will have the opportunity to help Luther after he is injured. Do not hesitate - in this case, he will survive. Also don't sacrifice him at the checkpoint at the end of the game.

How to save Marcus in Detroit: Become Human

Marcus can die several times during the passage. One such scene is the "Freedom March". You must run off the stage when given a choice. Of course, the Jericho members will respect you less, but Markus will survive. AT episode "Battle for Detroit" the protest must be peaceful. Do not agree to the FBI's offer, otherwise you will regret it.

How to save North in Detroit: Become Human

After the Jericho bombing episode, you will be chased by the military. North is injured and you must save her. If you accept the FBI's offer, she will die, so send the "men in black" to hell.

How to save Simon in Detroit: Become Human

During the episode "Stratford Tower", do not engage in combat with soldiers at security checkpoints. Simon can also get hurt when you get to the roof. The game will give you the option to shoot the character. Refuse - and the hero will live happily ever after until the very end.

How to get the good ending (save all characters) in Detroit: Become Human

Below we will take a closer look at the conditions that must be met when playing as the three main characters.


The main goal of the android is to create a positive opinion among the public regarding its species. The final protest must take place in a peaceful manner. During the passage, avoid fights (this situation will arise, for example, in the "March of Freedom"). Do not listen to the FBI agents - most of the key characters will die if you agree to the deal. Rely on Connor's help when he becomes a "deviant". Trust him even in difficult situations.


There are several prerequisites for its survival. First, be Hank's friend. Then he won't kill himself in the final. Second - in the episode "Crossroads" become a "deviant". After that, helping Marcus, go to CyberLife to rescue the androids. If you followed these conditions, then Hank will save you, and Markus will successfully carry out the uprising.


The first condition for the survival of the heroine is to pretend to be dead in the episode "Crossroads". During the Battle of Detroit, save Luther and go to the checkpoint. Do not be nervous and do not give out yours - everything will go smoothly. Once at the bus stop, steal tickets from the family and don't lose them. Then Kara will stay alive.

That's all you need to know in order to get the best ending in Detroit: Become Human. We wish you a pleasant trip to the Detroit of the future!

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After the coronation

If the Warden has not sacrificed himself, he will return to the landsmeeting hall, where Alistair and/or Anora (depending on your choice in the landsmeeting) will make a speech and thank the Warden, and then ask what he/she is going to do. Your decision will affect the epilogue (and possibly Awakening if you choose to import your character). Then the monarch will say that the people are waiting for their hero.

Before you go out the door, you can talk to your friends and companions for the last time (there is a bug on the console version that prevents Sheila from appearing in this place). In addition, Earl Eamon will be at the feast if you crowned Alistair (with or without Anora). One character from your backstory will also appear at the festivities:

  • Background of a noble person: Fergus Cusland(GG's brother. It turns out that his detachment was ambushed, and the wounded Fergus was saved by the Hasinds. He was ill for a long time and reached Denerim only after defeating the Archdemon.)
  • Mage Background: First Enchanter Irving(if you didn't side with the templars in the quest Broken Circle and Irving survived the fight with Uldred)
  • Background of the city elf: Tsirion Tabris (GG's father. If the Guardian sacrificed himself, then Anora or Alistair (depending on who was on the throne) will make him the first bann of Elfinage.)
  • Dalish Elf Background: Ashalle(GG's guardian)
  • Noble Dwarf Background: burning(GG's friend and temporary companion. Yesoi of the Guard are going to be made Perfect, he will be his right hand)
  • Dwarf Commoner Background: Rika Throw(GG's sister. If the Gray Guardian - a commoner dwarf sacrifices himself in final battle, Rika will come to the funeral with her mother. If the hero survives, she will attend the coronation. If Belen became the king of Orzammar, then Rika will report that the Guardian is now a member of the warrior caste: moreover, he can be proclaimed Perfect. If Harrowmont became king, then Rika would win anyway: she would not be pushed around by a man, but her son would remain a member of House Aeducan.)

Gray Warden

The consequences not only depend on the Guardian's decisions during the game, but also on the approval rating of the companions at the end of the game (for example, this affects Sheila).

  • Earl Eamon remains advisor to Alistair if he becomes king. Eamon abruptly renounces the Erling of Radcliffe in favor of Bann Tegan, which the townspeople approve of. If the Guardian also gave Caitlyn enough coins for her grandfather's sword, she will meet Bann Tegan and they will marry.
  • Earl Eamon returns to Redcliffe and restores it to its former glory if Alistair does not become king, or if the Warden becomes Alistair's chancellor. This also happens if a hardened Alistair marries Anora and Loghain sacrifices himself to destroy the Archdemon.
  • If the Warden leaves Radcliffe during the Attack at Dusk quest, Earl Eamon renounces the erling in favor of Bann Tegan and returns to Radcliffe. However, it cannot be restored to its former glory due to rumors that the town is cursed.
  • If the Warden saves Bevin, Caitlyn's brother in Redcliffe, uses his grandfather's sword and brings him back, he becomes a famous traveler and tells stories that when he was young, he met a Gray Warden who used his grandfather's sword to save Redcliffe, and then returned it.
  • If the Warden paid Caitlyn enough for the sword to allow her to leave for Denerim, she uses this small fortune to open a foundry. She becomes rich, respected and accidentally meets Bann Tegan at the royal court. A few months after that, they get married. This can only happen if the Guardian paid her before starting the Attack at Twilight quest, and not after.
  • If the Guardian gives Bella (from the Redcliffe Tavern) enough money to leave Redcliffe, she makes it to Denerim safely and opens her brewery there. She soon meets Bann Tegan and marries him.
    - If you help both Caitlin and Bella leave Redcliffe and start their own business, then Bann Tegan will marry both girls.
  • If the Warden gave power of attorney to the tavern during the first Battle of Redcliffe to Bella, she will rename the inn "Gray Wanderer's Retreat" and tell stories of your adventures through the years, though no one will believe them.
  • If the Guardian made a deal with the demon of desire, in which the demon promises to capture Connor later, and prevented his mother, Lady Iseult, from being sacrificed, the epilogue will say that Connor completed his Torment and became a full-fledged mage of the Circle, conducting a formal study of the Shadow.
  • If the Guardian made a deal with the demon of desire, and Lady Isolde died during the ritual, then after a while they will decide to send Connor to the Circle of Magicians. However, before the trip, Connor suddenly falls ill and then disappears. A long search will lead nowhere, and this disappearance will remain a mystery.
  • If Connor is saved and the desire demon is killed or intimidated, the boy can be sent to the Circle of Magi. After he completed his Torment and became a full-fledged mage of the Circle. At his father's insistence, he accepted a position in Tevinter, where he began studying the Fade. This will happen if you allow his mother, Lady Iseult, to sacrifice herself in order to perform Jovan's bloody ritual.
  • If Connor is saved and the desire demon is killed or intimidated, Earl Eamon will simply note that Connor was behaving strangely. This will happen if his mother, Lady Iseult, also survives the quest in Redcliffe. This can also happen if both parents are alive (at least with the ending where a hardened Alistair marries Anora and Loghain sacrifices himself).
  • If Connor is killed, Eamon and Iseult will have another child, a daughter named Rowan. Isolde will die in childbirth. Like Connor, the girl turns out to be a magician and is sent to the Circle for official training.

Queen Anora

  • If Alistair is not toughened, Anora will marry Alistair; remaining an experienced ruler, she assumes all matters related to government and laws, while Alistair personally appears before the commoners, because of which they admire him endlessly.
  • If Aleister is hardened, Anora marries Aleister and they rule together both in matters of government and law, and appear together in public, overseeing the rebuilding process and meeting with the fervent approval of a people who hold the view that the chaos of civil war and the gathering of lands are a small price to pay for the appearance of such beautiful monarchs.
  • Anora marries a Warden; they make many trade contracts with neighboring countries and, along with the Warden, begin what could be a new golden age for Ferelden if they don't fight for power.
  • Anora marries the Guardian, who later makes the ultimate sacrifice by destroying the Archdemon: she becomes an accomplished ruler, but never remarries due to her exceptional standards for suitors, comparing them to her father rather than the Guardian.
  • Anora does not marry anyone and rules alone. She becomes an experienced ruler, but never marries again due to her exceptional standards in choosing a suitor.
  • If Alistair becomes king and Anora does not want to abdicate in his favor, she is put in a tower to avoid a rebellion (at Alistair's request, as he does not want to execute her in case he does not survive the Blight - despite this measure of mercy, Anora admits that she would not mind switching places with him).

Urn of sacred ashes

  • If the Guardian allowed Brother Genitivi to assemble an expedition to the Urn, but did not kill supreme dragon, The urn will disappear without a trace and will once again become a myth.
  • If the Guardian allowed Brother Genitivi to assemble an expedition to the Urn and slew the high dragon, the temple would become a place of worship for the pilgrims.
  • If the Guardian killed Genitivi's brother and the high dragon, the Church will deny all rumors that the Urn has been found.
  • If the Guardian killed Genitivi's brother but didn't kill the high dragon, the Church will announce the discovery of the ashes, but the dragon will one day get tired of the pilgrims and go on a rampage, destroying the temple and possibly the ashes, as they won't find it. The dragon will fly away in search of a new shelter.
  • If the Guardian has desecrated the sacred ashes for Kolgrim, Brother Genitivi will announce the discovery of the ashes, causing great excitement among the scientists. Expeditions into the ruins will find nothing, and a few years later his work will be declared a hoax. He will commit suicide. In winter, the dragon begins to rampage in the vicinity. There will be rumors that he is worshiped by the cultists as the new Andraste. Attempts to find his lair or ashes will not be successful, because the cultists will quickly gain new fans.
  • If the Guardian desecrates the sacred ashes for Kolgrim, then kills him but leaves the dragon alive, there will be rumors of the sacred ashes being involved in the healing of Arl Eamon. People will send expeditions to find the Urn. After countless attempts to kill the high dragon that was found instead of the Urn, it will be decided that it is too dangerous to continue the expeditions. The dragon will suddenly fly off to the west in search of a new refuge, but before that it will run amok, leaving only ruins from the temple. Subsequent expeditions and excavations in the ruins will yield nothing. Some people believe that the Urn is still under the ruins, others say that it was destroyed, others doubt its existence at all, which is why the Urn soon becomes a legend again.
  • If the Guardian did not allow Brother Genitivi to enter the ruins where the cult dwells, the Urn will disappear even if you kill the high dragon.

Circle of Magi

  • If the Guardian saved the mages during the Broken Circle quest, then the epilogue will say that in the following months after the incident, the Circle tower was finally cleared of the last spirits that entered through the Veil. There were no more Taken, and First Enchanter Irving was delighted to announce that the Circle had been saved. Everything that could be saved was saved.
  • The warden mage can ask the ruler for independence for the Circle of Ferelden as a reward. Although King Alistair or Queen Anora agreed to this request, the Church ignored it. Alternatively, if the Guardian Mage makes the ultimate sacrifice, the new ruler will announce that the tower will be rebuilt somewhere else by Alistair/Anora's decree, and the oversight of the templars will be weakened. If this happens, a huge statue of the Guardian will be erected in front of the entrance to the new tower.
  • Cullen may go berserk after Uldred's attempt to take over the Circle and kill several mages before escaping the tower. He becomes a wandering lunatic, hunting all the mages he sees. Alternatively, he can replace Gregor as Knight Commander, controlling the Circle with intimidation (this option is granted if the Guardian decides to side with the templars during the main quest).


  • The darkspawn retreat Deep Roads, where the dwarven kingdoms are again captured, but they do not return to the surface for some time.
  • Depending on your choice, Sheila may or may not return to the Deep Roads to help the dwarves fight against the darkspawn.
  • Even though the darkspawn horde dispersed after the defeat of the Archdemon, the strongest of them gathered their roaming squads and began to attack the nearby lands and other squads. Some even made it to Orlais before they were defeated (albeit with great difficulty). dragon age: Beginning - Awakening. This epilogue begins the plot of Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening.
    • Loghain can be killed at the lands meeting at the hands of Alistair or the Warden.
    • Loghain can sacrifice himself by killing the Archdemon.
    • If Loghain is drafted into the Guardians but survives the final battle, he becomes the chief recruiter for the order in Ferelden until the arrival of the Orlesians. Gray Wardens from Montsimmar at the request of the Weishaupt fortress itself.
    • If Anora becomes queen and Loghain is dead, she erects a statue in front of the Orlesian embassy in Denerim. If he dies at a meeting of the lands, then only Anora visits her. If he dies after killing the Archdemon, the statue becomes a famous landmark and the people remember his heroism more than his mistakes.
    • If a harrowmont becomes king and Anvil was destroyed, he has to get involved in a long struggle with the uprising of Belen, which does not allow him to achieve the stability he needs in the city. The clan lords rejected many of his laws in the Council, and only his attempts to increase the isolation of the gnomes from the surface met with success. During this time, Harrowmont's health begins to decline. Some claim that he was poisoned, others said it was because of a weak spirit. In any case, after a long illness, the king finally dies. Almost immediately, disputes begin in the Council about the successor to the king.
    • If a harrowmont becomes the new king and Anvil saved, he quickly puts down the uprising of Belen's supporters and passes several laws that are well received by the lords. Unfortunately, this isolates the gnomes more and more from the surface. Caste restrictions and rights of the nobility increase, trade with human lands ceases. After the law prohibiting the casteless from entering the city, it seems that the uprising is completely crushed. Although the uprisings still occur, the Council still holds on to King Harrowmont.
    • If the Guardian destroys Anvil of the Void, a group of gnomes will try to restore it. The first golem they created will be revived with the help of a spirit from the Fade. He will fly into a rage, kill many, and soon the research will stop. However, interest in the discovery of Caridin does not fade away. This is the beginning of the plot of the expansion Golems of Amgarrak.
    • Also, if harrowmont become king and Anvil will be maintained, the initial success will soon decline. Harrowmont will interrupt trade with the surface, resulting in isolation. Also, Harrowmont refuses Branque in new volunteers for the Anvil. She starts raiding the surface to get the right ingredients. The people on the surface decide to take revenge, leading to a brief war with Ferelden. The gates of Orzammar will be besieged and sealed, isolating Orzammar more than ever. This will happen even if the Dwarf Guardian asks for help from Queen Anora or King Alistair in the battles against the darkspawn in the Deep Roads.
    • Support Henbane regardless of the status of the Anvil will bring him the glory of a reformer. Trade with the surface is improving and cast restrictions are being reduced. Casteless will be allowed to take up arms and fight the creatures of darkness in exchange for new freedoms. After some time, some teigs will be returned. Belen's reforms will quickly find enemies in the nobility and warrior castes, but after several attempts on the king's life, the Council will be dissolved. The king begins to rule alone - some will talk about him as a tyrant, others will talk about the vision of the new king, which will lead Orzammar into a new era.
    • Support Henbane and conservation Anvils will result in Branca mastering the Caridin technique, learning how to use the Anvil of the Void to create new golems - the first in centuries. The Dwarven people will welcome this news with support, though few will know the cost. At first, King Belen happily works with Branka, bringing her new people - voluntarily or not - so with the help of golems, darkspawn can be thrown further into the Deep Roads. However, this did not last long. Branca soon refuses to create golems just for the king, who later forbids the use of the Anvil. His men attack Branca's fortress in the Deep Roads, forcing her to lock herself in. Years later, Belén has to retreat. The fortress, guarded by Branca's golems, remains impregnable.
    • If the Dwarf Guardian asks for military assistance from Ferelden, and belem becomes king, the latter will welcome help with open arms. Within a few months, the darkspawn will be driven further into the Deep Roads, and the first dwarf warriors to return with the relic they recaptured from the gates of Bonnamar will be greeted with applause by a cheering crowd.
    • If the Guardian helped his brother Berkel, the new church in Orzammar will gather a surprisingly large number of gnome novices. They would quickly incur the wrath of their more conservative tribesmen, and soon the Andrastians would be curtailed by the Council. Brother Burkel will resist and die when attempted to be arrested during a peaceful demonstration in the Commons. The Council will argue that this was just an accident, but news from Orzammar will reach the Church on the surface, where the High Priestess will decide that it is time to organize a new Exalted March.
    • If the Guardian helps Dagne to join the Circle of Magicians, she would later come up with an elaborate theory about how lyrium vapors affect one's susceptibility to magic. This will attract attention and inspire mages from other parts of Thedas to found a new Circle in Orzammar to gain access to dwarven lyrium and escape from the Church's dominion. Orzammar's desire to harbor the renegades will become so outrageous that the High Priestess will consider the possibility of a new holy quest. The guard mage who asked for freedom for the tower mages and helped Dagna won't be the last straw. It's worth noting that this can only happen if you didn't help Brother Burkel.
    • If the Guardian sides with the templars in the quest Broken Circle and tells Dagna about the destruction of the Circle, she will immediately begin to help restore the tower.
    • If the Dwarf Warden sacrifices himself, Alistair or Anora (depending on who becomes ruler) will tell Gorim that the Guardian's body must be returned to Orzammar, to be returned to the Stone next to King Endryn Aedukan with all rights restored. Alistair/Anora will also send soldiers to aid the dwarves in their battles against the darkspawn.
  • Werewolves can be cured by the Guardian and return to human civilization. They all adopted the surname "Wolf" to remember their past. They soon became famous in Thedas as the best animal tamers and trainers. Every year they light candles in memory of their beloved Lady of the Forest.
  • Werewolves could also be cured by the Guardian and then killed by him when they became human.

Dalish elves

  • The Dalish could have been killed by the werewolves and the Warden.
  • If the Warden has recruited the Dalish, they will become respected due to their participation in the fight against the Blight. Their relationships with people improve significantly, but suddenly the tension rises. If Lanaya replaced Zathrian as Keeper, she would help bring peace between humans and Dalish.
  • The Dalish will officially receive their own lands near Ostagar if their army has served Ferelden against Blight.
  • If the Warden is a Dalish, he can ask for land for his people (the Dalish will be given inland lands only at the request of the Guardian; a bug causes this slide to appear in the epilogue if Lanaya becomes the new guardian).
  • If Zathrian remains the guardian of the clan, he will continue to lead the Dalish long enough for arguments with humans to begin. When he suddenly disappears, his clan will search for him, but find nothing but confirmation that he left of his own free will.

Connor is an unusual character. Various dangers can await him in the chapters, however, unlike other heroes, Connor's death does not lead to the completion of his storyline . At the next stage, a "new Connor" appears - a copy of the android sent from the CyberLife company. The failure of the robot does not lead to a radical plot twist, but it significantly affects the relationship with his partner, Lieutenant Hank. However, after a breakdown, the RK800's memory is reset, so the android no longer has a complete picture of what happened, which may prevent unlocking some elements in the plot tree.

Below is a list of chapters where Connor can die, as well as tips on how to avoid it.

Connor can die in the first chapter: "". This will happen in one of the following cases:

  • When trying to intimidate a deviant with a weapon, the criminal will kill Connor;
  • If the negotiations fail and Connor decides to protect Emma;
  • If Connor sacrifices himself to save the hostage girl.

There is also another negative ending in which Connor does not die, but the mission fails. This happens when negotiations with the criminal do not end with anything (i.e. you will not achieve at least 50-60% chances of success in negotiations) - the deviant falls with the girl from the roof.

Thus, in this chapter, there are two options for a positive ending:

  • Score 90-100% chance of successful negotiations and lie to the deviant, gaining his trust. He will release the girl, after which he will be shot by snipers.
  • Pick up the policeman's gun in the apartment. Climbing to the roof, shoot the deviant yourself.

If Connor finds Kara in the building (in a motel or in the house - it depends on your actions at the head of ""), or she is noticed by the police patrolling the street, then a chase will begin. During the chase, the characters will reach the fence enclosing the highway ("highway"). The heroes will start to cross the road, the outcome is decided in a dynamic scene (QTE). If you fail the QTE, Connor will get hit by a car and die.

In this chapter, Connor can die in several cases at once:

  • While searching for a deviant named Simon: with him on the roof, a shootout will begin. If, after being wounded in the shoulder, you throw yourself at the criminal and fail in the next QTE scene, then Connor will die;
  • During the interrogation of three operators: If you can successfully determine which of the three android operators is the deviant, then at the end of the interrogation, the criminal will rush at you with a knife. If you do not take any action after that, then you will get the ending " Connor passed out". If you try to restore the health of the android after being wounded, then a new fork with three endings awaits you, one of which is " Connor sacrificed himself for Hank” - in this case, you reach the deviant and use the “Save Hank” option. Connor dies, Hank remains unharmed.

In the chapter "Last Chance", Connor can die in the police archive, where he enters illegally. Connor will only try to sneak into the archive if he hasn't already figured out the location of Jericho (you can find it in the previous chapter, "", if you shoot at Chloe). At the entrance to the archive you will meet Detective Gavin. Depending on the dialogue with him, you can either do without victims, or incur suspicion on yourself.

In the second case, Gavin will hide at the exit from the archive. When you finish examining the physical evidence, Gavin will accuse you of abuse of authority and point the barrel of a gun. The QTE scene will begin: as a result of this mini-game, Connor either eliminates the detective or becomes a victim himself.

In the second case, the sad outcome for Connor arises due to the lack of evidence and clues (you did not kill a single criminal robot, except for the deviant from the first chapter ""), which would allow you to find; or if they could not (or did not try) to get into the archive. In this case, the Connor model is taken out of production as a failure and out of service. - and this becomes the final point in Connor's story.


This is the penultimate chapter in which Connor can die (if not removed from service and production in the previous chapter). Connor's death in Crossroads does not end his storyline. However, if you still want to prevent Connor's death in this chapter, then it's best to become a deviant. If you decide to leave Connor under the control of the android, then he may die in several cases:

  • While chasing the leader of the deviant androids, a soldier will stop you. An attempt to escape will inevitably lead to the elimination of the android by the soldier; an attempt to fight off the military will launch a mini-game (QTE), the unfavorable outcome of which will also lead to the death of Connor.
  • Connor can die in a fight with Markus - you have to choose which hero will live (the duel will not take place if Markus has already been killed in previous chapters).
  • If Marcus is dead, then North will be in his place. Refusing the offer to go over to the side of the deviants, Connor will try to eliminate the leader of the rebels. North will be chased, during which Connor will be shot by a soldier.

However, switching to the side of the deviants also does not save Connor from the possibility of dying:

  • Deviant Connor can be killed by a soldier while trying to blow up the ship.
  • At the end of the chapter, the deviant Connor can also die trying to help Marcus after the ship was booby-trapped; or if the deviant Connor doesn't have time to join his new companions in time.

Battle for Detroit

If Connor does not become a deviant, then at the beginning of the chapter you will find yourself on the roof with a sniper rifle. But you will not have time to start the operation: you will be prevented by a special police squad. None of the negotiation options will lead to a positive outcome: if you want to keep Connor intact, then just fight and try to win. You can give up, but only if Hank is also on the roof.

If Connor became a deviant, he can die in the CyberLife tower:

  • The first time in the elevator, if nothing is done (the elevator will go to the 31st floor, where Connor will be shot);
  • The second time - in the elevator, if you start a fight with the guards and lose;
  • The third time - if you win the fight in the elevator with a working camera. Arriving at the -49th floor, you will encounter a group of soldiers. A QTE scene will begin, as a result of which Connor can either die or repel the attack;
  • Further, the deviant Connor can die in various ways in a fight with a serviceable "double-Connor". In this case, the double can appear in the android warehouse either alone or with a hostage (Hank), and in each of these two cases there are several tragic endings for Connor the deviant.

As you can see, in this chapter, Connor is in a very vulnerable position (especially if he became a deviant), so you need to be extra careful in choosing actions, as well as respond quickly in QTE scenes.

Upon arrival in Radcliffe, you will first have a conversation with Alistair (if he is in your group), in which he will tell you some curious details of his origin, and then you will be greeted by Thomas - one of the villagers. From him you will learn that the village in recent times constantly being attacked by the undead. The undead appear every night from the earl's castle, and no one knows anything about the fate of both the earl himself and the rest of the inhabitants of the castle. At the end of the conversation, Thomas will escort you to the Church building, where the earl's brother, Bann Teegan, is located. He will confirm the seriousness of the situation and ask you to help defend the village.

Theoretically, you can retire, leaving the village at the mercy of the undead (in which case it will be destroyed). In practice, even if you play the most notorious villain, extra experience and loot will not hurt you, right? In addition, many other quests are connected with the locals, and if they are all killed by the walking dead, then it will be somewhat difficult to complete these quests.

After talking with Teagan, exit the Church and talk to Headman Murdoch. He will tell you about the problems with the local blacksmith Owen, who refuses to do his job, and also mentions a certain Dvin, a dwarf who is an experienced warrior, but does not want to take part in the defense.

Go to the forge and either persuade the blacksmith to open the door for you, or break it down (you can open it yourself if you have the appropriate skill). The blacksmith can be promised to save his daughter Valena from the castle - in this case, he will immediately get to work. Evil heroes can kill him, and then either give Murdoch the armor from the chest in the forge (but it won't be as good as the armor crafted by Owen himself) or keep it and lie to Murdoch that he'll have to make do with what he has. In the latter case, the defenders of the village will be armed even worse.

If you settle the matter with the blacksmith peacefully, then he himself will give you the key to the chest if you ask about it, and you can do with its contents as you wish, including selling it on the spot to the same Owen.

As for Dvin, he, like Owen, can be persuaded to take part in the defense or simply killed. (If you want him to fight, but don't have much diplomatic talent, you can simply pay him for his services.) If he decides to help the villagers, he will join Ser Perth's knights in battle along with his two lieutenants. (Dvin, by the way, will not respond to all your calls, so if your hero does not have the lockpicking skill, you will have to break down the door to talk to him face to face.)

In addition, if you wish, you can involve the local innkeeper Lloyd in the defense of the village - he needs to be threatened, polite persuasion will not work here.

You can also help Ser Perth inspire his knights in the upcoming battle by persuading the Reverend Mother to give you the sacred talismans of the Church. The talismans don't really provide any special protection, so the Reverend Mother will be against giving them to the knights, but you can still talk her into doing it for morale reasons.

You can add another potential defender to your ranks if you talk with the elf Berwick in the tavern. Almost any direction of the conversation will let you know that the elf is here for a reason (if your GG still fails to figure it out, then his associates will help him - for example, Zevran or Leliana). To improve your chances of getting Berwick to clean water, before talking to him, ask the waitress Bella and / or Lloyd himself about him. You can also steal from him a letter giving him instructions, and thus force him to confess. After the elf finally confesses why and who sent him here, you can tell him to take part in the defense of the village, send him away or simply kill him.

If you search an empty trading shop, you will find a barrel with interesting contents there. You can tell Ser Perth about her - in this case, she can be used as a trap and set fire to the passage along which the undead usually get to the village.

Once you're done, report to either Ser Pert or Murdoch that you're ready for defense, which will automatically take you to the moment of the night attack.

If you set fire to the passage, then I advise you not to get too close to it - the knights of Ser Perth and Dvin with assistants (if he joined the defense), who are quite obviously not very smart, sometimes run straight into the flame, safely roasting themselves alive. Lure the Darkspawn on you away from the fire if you wish to keep them alive.

After you kill a certain number of opponents, one of the villagers will come to you with a message that part of the Fiends is attacking the defenders of the Church building from the side of the lake. Run after him. Unlike the first part of the defense, it is more difficult to use spells and skills of mass destruction here due to other defenders scurrying under the feet, besides, the Spawns receive replenishment much more often and in greater numbers.

As before, you need to kill a certain number of opponents, but sometimes some of them get stuck on the approach from the lake and do not appear at the place of defense. If a lot of time has passed, you do not see other Fiends and absolutely nothing happens, search the area for "lost" enemies - when you deal with them, you will automatically be transported to the next morning.

After summing up the results of the battle, Bann Teagan will ask you to meet him at the mill building. There he will reveal to you the secret of the existence of a secret passage to the basement of the castle, but he will not have time to add anything significant, because at that moment the wife of Earl Isolde will appear. It doesn't matter how you lead the conversation - as a result, Teagan will still decide to go to the castle with her, after handing you a family ring that opens a secret door.

Go inside the mill and go down to the secret passage that will lead you to the castle dungeon. After you have dealt with several walking dead, the magician imprisoned in the chamber will call out to you. If you yourself play a magician, then you will recognize your old friend Jovan in him. Jovan, as it turns out, is the same magician who poisoned Arl Eamon, although if you ask in more detail why on earth he needed it, you will find out that Loghain was involved in this.

You can kill Jovan (although most of your followers will not approve of this), leave him in a dungeon, or set him free. In the latter case, depending on what options in the conversation you choose, Jovan can either escape from the castle or stay to try to fix his handiwork.

After clearing the dungeon from the dead (beware of the corpses on the floor, they have a habit of coming to life very quickly when you are nearby), you will get out to the first floor of the castle. Unfortunately, the door to the main hall is closed and at the moment you do not have direct access to it. You need to exit through the door to the basement, go through the courtyard and enter the main hall from there. In the part of the castle accessible to you, you will find even more walking dead, and in one of the northern rooms there are also a few mabari dogs, but in general there is nothing particularly interesting there. Exit to the basement - which, as a nice change, will be free of opponents - and then to the courtyard. The yard will also seem empty at first - but only before you take the first few steps. After that, two groups will be outlined in it - several skeleton archers at the top of the stairs and several skeleton warriors led by a revenant in the far corner of the courtyard. The revenant party won't get close to you unless you get too far away from the entrance to the courtyard, so it makes sense to shoot the archers from a distance so you don't get distracted by them later

If Ser Perth is still alive after the siege, then he and his knights are waiting for you behind the barricade, which you can raise by pressing the lever in the wall. In this case, they will join you and help in the battle. Decide for yourself if you need more help. The revenant in the courtyard is an elite, so he's a level down from those you might have already met by breaking the black vials or in the graves in the Bressilian Forest. Having finished with him, you will have to decide whether to invite Ser Perth (if, of course, he is still alive) with you to the castle or leave him to guard the gates. It has no other meaning than additional help in fights, so do as you please.

Entering the main hall, you will see a very remarkable scene with the participation of Bann Teagan, Iseult and Connor. Regardless of how you lead the conversation, everything will again end in a battle. Don't be afraid to go against the Teagan - you won't kill him, he will just pass out and regain his former mental clarity when the fight is over.

After the battle, you have to decide what to do. If you destroyed the Circle Mages and killed or kicked Jovan out of the castle, then you will have no choice - you will have to kill Connor. If Jovan decides to stay to help, he will offer an alternative, which in turn has two solutions: accept Isolde's sacrifice or use the help of the Circle's magicians (you must choose the option "Is there really no other way out?" For Jovan to come up with this idea) .You don't have to complete Broken Circle already for the last option. If you decide to follow this path, then you can simply go to the Mage Tower, solve their problems and ask Irving to help in Connor's case. Of course, if you have already saved the mages, then all you have to do is just return to the Tower and talk to Irving. The death of Isolde will cause a huge loss of influence with Alistair. He will not like Connor's death either, but in both cases, the loss of influence can be reduced (or even completely nullified) with the help of Persuasion. If you save both mother and son, you will receive a significant increase in his influence.

Note: if you killed or drove Jovan away, but saved the Circle Mages, then you will have the opportunity to save Connor only with their help (of course, the Blood Ritual with the Isolde death option will not be available to you in this case). In this case, advice on what to do in order not to destroy the boy will be given to you by your party members - for example, Wynn or Morrigan.

If you decide to kill Connor, then follow to the second floor. Having broken through the militia of the walking dead, you now have to deal with the demoness of desire. Twice, when you take a certain number of lives from her, she will disappear, and several new opponents will appear in her place. When you finally finish her, Isolde will appear. You can convince her of the need for a victim (then she will ask you to let her do the deed), or knock her out and kill Connor yourself.

If you decide to go to the Shadow, then you have to choose who to send there. If you used the Blood Magic ritual, you can send Wynn, Morrigan there, or go yourself if you are a mage. If you used the services of the magicians of the Circle, then in addition to the above, you can send Jovan there, although this will not affect his future fate at all. If you have developed Persuasion, you can even persuade Irving himself to go to the Shadow.

In the Shadow, you have to find Connor several times, running back and forth through the Shadow Portals. Each time at the end of the conversation, you will have to fight a demoness who will call more and more smaller demons to help. If you are a mage and went to the Shadow yourself, then in the last conversation with the demoness she will make you an offer - she leaves, leaving Connor alone, but returns in the future, and you will be rewarded with a skill point, a blood mage specialization or ... moment pleasures with a demoness. You can also ask her to raise the disposition of any of your allies towards you - in this case, it will rise by 20 points. With Persuasion leveled up, you can use threats to claim more than one reward, or a reward plus a promise to leave Connor's mind and not return (in this case, Connor's epilogue will be exactly the same as if you killed the demoness). If you accept the demoness's offer, then your allies (and everyone else) will react in the same way as if you killed her. The difference will be visible only in the epilogue in the story about the further fate of Connor.

If you sent someone else into the Shadow, then you will not have options to end the conversation peacefully.

If you sent another magician to the Shadow (or rejected the offer), then the last conversation will end in a battle. After you take enough lives from the demoness, she will begin to split into copies - be careful and hit the one that highlights a little more than the rest. Also look out for the nearby lyrium (it will be especially useful for Jovan, who has no mana potions or healing).

Death of the demoness or acceptance of her offer will end your stay in the Fade.

Once you've dealt with Connor one way or another, your next task is to somehow bring the dying Earl Eamon back to life. The only way to achieve this is to get the ashes of Andraste, which, according to legend, has miraculous healing properties.

Non-plot quests

Rescue the blacksmith's daughter Valena. Valena is located in the castle (in the part where you first get from the underground passage to the exit to the basement and the courtyard) in a small room at the end of the corridor in the northeastern part of the map. You must find her before you end up with Connor anyway. If you do not do this, then she will be considered dead, and the blacksmith will kill himself if you tell him about it.

This quest gives you Caitlin in the Church building. She cannot find her younger brother and fears that something has happened to him. The little brother is hiding in their house in a closet on the first floor. This cabinet is not highlighted by pressing the TAB key, you just need to get close enough to it to activate the dialogue with the boy. You can convince him (or threaten him) to give him the key to the chest on the second floor, which contains a very good family sword. After that, send him to the sisters and go talk to her yourself. If you want, you can offer her to return the sword after the battle.

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