Methods of teaching chess using Internet technologies. How can chess teach teachers to work in new ways? Project "Chess for preschoolers"

All-Russian Conference "Organization of the educational process in a preschool educational institution in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard of DO"


The Government of the Russian Federation pays great attention to the issue of promoting chess education, which is noted in the Program for the Development of Chess in the Russian Federation for 2011-2018. Khanty-Mansiysk Okrug in a relatively short period of time, he reached the first positions in the development of chess education. During the opening of the 17th Anatoly Karpov International Chess Tournament, which was held in the urban-type settlement of Poikovsky, Natalya Komarova made a statement that our district was switching to universal chess education.

In this regard, one of the key tasks of modernization in the education system is the search, testing and integration into the educational process of disciplines that contribute to the intellectual development of the younger generation. The great experience accumulated in many countries makes it possible to consider chess as one of such subjects.

Vice President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev, putting forward the initiative "Our New School", emphasized that the concept of four "I" (which includes institutions, investments, infrastructure and innovations) should be supplemented with a fifth component - Intelligence.

Research by our scientists shows that chess is a powerful catalyst for the development of children's intelligence.

An outstanding Russian teacher V.A. Sukhomlinsky wrote: "Without chess, one cannot imagine the education of mental abilities and memory."

Chess activity influences the formation of arbitrary mental processes in children; in the game, they develop arbitrary attention and arbitrary memory. In the conditions of the game, children concentrate better and remember more. The game of chess organizes the child's feelings, his moral qualities and behavior. Teaching the game of chess allows the fullest use of the potential inherent in the ancient game in the formation of the logical thinking of preschoolers.

The relevance of the problem of teaching preschoolers to play chess is due to the creation of pedagogical conditions for the formation of intellectual abilities.

An analysis of the results of a survey of parents showed: 100% of parents believe that playing chess has a positive effect on the development of children's intelligence, 100% of parents would like their child to learn how to play chess, and 70% believe that learning to play chess can be started already in children's garden.

Project summary

The material of the project on the organization of chess activities is one of the main aspects of intellectual development. The ways of solving the problems of creating pedagogical conditions for the intellectual development of pupils by means of chess activity are shown, in the implementation of which the manifestations of intellectual abilities in children preparing to enter school are obvious.

A feature of the presented material is its consistency in organizing work on chess activities in kindergarten (the closest social environment), resource support for the pedagogical process, material and technical equipment, communication with society.

The material is focused on the development of the child's intellectual abilities in the process of chess activity.

The main directions of the project are: creation of psychological and pedagogical conditions for the successful popularization of chess among children preschool age and parents, ensuring the unity of the educational space on the territory of the district, mastering the basics of a chess game for a preschooler; formation of prerequisites for a conscious attitude of a preschooler to such a sport as chess.

Passport of the project "Chess for preschoolers"

name of the project

"Chess for preschoolers"

Project developers

Working group

Project Purpose

The project is intended for leaders, methodologists and educators of preschool educational institutions, it is recommended for additional education teachers and primary school teachers, as it is aimed at providing practical assistance to the teaching staff of preschool institutions in developing a model of methodological work and planning for chess education, including the creation of a developing object-spatial environment in kindergarten, coordination of pedagogical interaction, organization of various types of children's intellectual activities, popularization of the chess game among parents.

Objective of the project

develop and implement pedagogical conditions for the formation of intellectual abilities of preschoolers by means of chess activities.

Project objectives

  • Provide training for teachers to implement intellectual games chess orientation in educational activities, to organize active forms of exchange of pedagogical experience;
  • provide methodological support for the use of intellectual games for chess activities in preschool educational institutions, broadcast and replicate innovative experience, ensure monitoring of the project's effectiveness;
  • develop methodological recommendations for teachers on the use of chess-oriented intellectual games in working with children of senior preschool age;
  • to diversify the forms and means of popularization of intellectual games associated with chess education, in cooperation with the families of pupils.

Project implementation timeline

Stage 1 - design (2014-2015 academic year)

  1. Analysis of the effectiveness of the existing MADOU " Kindergarten No. 26 "Joy" of the system of work on the intellectual development of preschoolers.
  2. Formation of a working group for project implementation;
  3. Drawing up a legal, organizational and methodological framework for the implementation of the project;
  4. Drawing up a long-term plan for the professional growth of teachers, aimed at mastering chess education;
  5. Development of the project "Chess for preschoolers" in the system of chess education;
  6. Conclusion of cooperation agreements, drawing up plans joint activities with social partners of the kindergarten;
  7. Development of a system for assessing the quality of educational activities for the intellectual development of preschoolers by means of chess activities.
  1. stage - practical (2015-2016)
  1. Improvement of the legal, organizational and methodological base for the implementation of the project.
  2. Examination of an additional educational program for teaching preschoolers to play chess "White Ladya" of an intellectual-cognitive and physical-sports orientation.
  3. Information and advisory and scientific and methodological support for teachers in mastering modern technologies in chess education (including online consultations, webinars for teachers of the district).
  4. Expansion and strengthening of ties with public organizations, implementation of plans for joint activities. Approbation of new directions and forms of cooperation (including remote ones) with social partners;
  5. Implementation of an additional educational program for teaching preschoolers to play chess "Belaya Ladya", additional education.
  6. Implementation of events of an eventful nature, contributing to intellectual development, popularization of chess activities;
  7. organization of leisure activities "In the chess kingdom", "Clever and clever", holding chess tournaments.
  8. Network interaction with educational organizations of the city of Nefteyugansk: MADOU “Kindergarten No. 9 “Rainbow”, MADOU “Kindergarten No. 20 “Cinderella”, MBDU DO “House of Children's Creativity”.
  9. Implementation of a long-term plan for the professional growth of teachers, aimed at mastering modern technologies of upbringing and education (including through distance learning).
  10. Development of criteria and project effectiveness.
  1. stage - generalizing (2016-201 7 academic year)
  1. Monitoring the effectiveness of the implementation of the main directions of the innovation project; correlation of results with the tasks set.
  2. Generalization of experience in creating pedagogical conditions for the intellectual development of preschoolers by means of chess activities.
  3. Presentation of the results of innovative activities through master classes, pedagogical workshops, practice-oriented seminars, interactive platforms, publication of methodological materials in magazines.

Expected Result


Through the introduction of chess education, senior preschoolers will develop intellectual abilities, improve important components of school readiness, such as:

  • development of logical thinking by 29%;
  • development of spatial orientation on the plane by 40%;
  • development of communication skills by 30%;
  • increasing children's interest in playing chess by 50%.


  • a unified educational space for preschool institutions and families for chess education for preschoolers has been created;
  • the number of parents involved in joint chess activities has been increased by 40%, there is an understanding of the need for chess education for preschoolers;
  • a positive positive image of MADOU "Kindergarten No. 26 "Joy" has been formed.


  • teachers acquired new experience in organizing the chess activities of a preschooler, there was an increase in professional skills;
  • the qualifications of teachers in chess education have improved, there is an understanding of the need to develop chess education in a preschool educational institution, city, region;
  • the updated developing subject-spatial environment in groups and the territory of the preschool institution was replenished;
  • increased skills in organizing active forms of cooperation with the family.

Project "Chess for preschoolers"

It is generally accepted that in order to study the game of chess and achieve high results in it, a child needs a special talent and a predisposition for logical thinking in a child ... I cannot but agree with this, but still, if we consider chess not only as a sport, but also as a way of education a full-fledged, comprehensively developed person, then such an approach limits us in looking for ways to present basic chess knowledge that would be suitable for all children who want to learn it.

If we take into account the global trend to include chess in the school curriculum as a compulsory subject, then the issue of teaching methods becomes more relevant for modern coaches and teachers.

I often heard that those children who are gifted with certain mental abilities, combined with diligence and determination, are destined to be successful in chess. If some of the children are eliminated from the group, this is explained by a banal expression - “chess is not for them ... Vasya needs to play football, and Katya needs to knit! There are those who are smarter, smarter and more diligent.” But the learning process is an equal cooperation between the teacher and the wards! So why is there a strong tendency to attribute all responsibility to the presence (or lack) of certain abilities of children (and not a teacher at all!).

Perhaps, when we make such a diagnosis, there is a certain sense in this, but it is not up to us to decide, and if those children have special abilities in other areas, then they will certainly be realized with proper support. And our task with you - coaches and teachers - is to find the key to each child, to instill love for this amazing game to all those who are willing to do so!

The most difficult thing in this situation is the recognition that perhaps we ourselves lack certain knowledge in the field of child psychology, lack the enthusiasm or desire to seek alternative methods teaching chess. This is especially true for group trainers for beginners.

In order to correctly select the material, plan the course of the lesson and present knowledge in an exciting way, it is necessary to figure out who exactly we are dealing with! Knowing who we teach will be the main clue to how this should be done so that everyone is as interested as possible, and the material is assimilated 100%.

That is why every chess coach-teacher needs to confidently navigate the types of intelligence of children, types of temperament and character, as well as the types of assimilation of knowledge and age characteristics of their wards! This knowledge will become the basis, thanks to which the maximum success of training will be ensured, of course, in combination with the professional competence of the coach as a chess player.

So, if you conduct classes based only on the theoretical presentation of the material, then children of an active, sensitive and communicative type will quickly lose interest, and as a result, attention will be scattered, discipline will be violated. If you oversaturate the lessons emotionally and overdo it with secondary methods of presenting the material, then the children may not grasp the essence of the topic, since there will not be enough time to delve into it, and besides, it will not be easy to calm down the children who have played out. The excessive desire of the coach to teach children everything at once can lead to the fact that children of the receptive warehouse lose their logical connection and as a result, serious problems may arise, since such children simply need to regularly repeat the material they have learned, when, as children of the communicative warehouse, more questions should be asked, from which it follows that the coach simply needs regular quizzes, small competitions, etc. There are a lot of similar examples and nuances, and this is if we take into account only the types of temperament, but there are still such factors as types of intelligence and types of learning in combination with the age characteristics of students ...

Based on the foregoing, it should be concluded that each lesson should be thought out and composed of aspects that will satisfy the needs of each ward. This is the main secret of teaching chess, especially for beginners. Over time, of course, such an urgent need for such auxiliary teaching methods may disappear, but I still recommend using elements of these ideas at any age and for any level, which will make the classes rich and effective.

What can help diversify chess lessons and help novice champions master the material? This is a very interesting and extensive topic that requires a separate article and we will definitely talk about it on the pages of our site in the near future. At the moment, we list several methods that I personally use in my coaching practice.

Below are the conventional names for such methods:

Art breaks (short breaks with creative elements).

Play breaks (break in the middle of the lesson with a task in a fun way).

Sports breaks (a short break in game form with elements of sports).

Video breaks (watching a short video on chess, for example, about the work of famous chess players or even cartoons on chess), etc.

Chess quizzes with the calculation of earned points.

Simultaneous game sessions, where the session can be conducted by one of the students, regardless of his strength. The coach supervises and helps (does not prompt).

In fact, there are a lot of such methods, and in the arsenal of each coach there are their own “proprietary” recipes, which, at times, are kept in the strictest confidence.

The essence of such breaks is to distract students from intense mental activity, thereby preparing the basis for the perception of knowledge, with a fresh look. But one of the important reasons for this method is to satisfy the emotional needs of children with different types of perception of information.

I am sure that many can argue with such methods of teaching, calling it amateur activity and superfluous actions that have nothing to do with chess ... besides, it takes longer to prepare for such classes and apply creativity, and somewhere to invest material resources ...

I've always had pessimistic views about using skills sports games in life situations. What can they give us for life, except gambling? Let's take chess, for example. Highly difficult game, which consists in the manipulation of wooden conditional figures depending on their functional features. For what?

Preoccupied with this question for quite a long time, I found the answer to my question. It was enough to plunge into the historical chess information space and everything became extremely clear.

The history of chess begins more than one and a half thousand years ago. The name symbolically consists of two roots: check and mat, which means: the ruler is dead. Speaking about chess, we find nothing mysterious and surprising in this, except for the famous chess grandmasters Kasparov, Karpov. The very same chess field and the figures standing on it can tell extraordinary stories that remain somewhere in the shadow of the players. But, nevertheless, chess is considered a mystery of mankind, since in ancient times it was they who were used as diagnostics and predictions. The secret of the mysterious system of this game, with a rather intriguing name, belonged only to ancient emperors, sages and magicians. With the help of chess, these wise men close to the emperor predicted the outcome of battles and negotiations. It was they who diagnosed tactics in the conduct of court events. The chessboard was large, resembling a battlefield. The emperor spent hours at the chessboard, even alone, playing in turn either white or black pieces. Now all this is available to everyone. The main condition is to learn the rules of the game and learn the features of each of the six figures.

If you look at the life of a person as a whole, you can see that it resembles a chessboard, on which subjects - the main and not very important perform actions in order to secure themselves and their country, as they say now, a place in the sun.

On a chessboard, as on a field of action, a complete picture is visible: who is who, a clear structured handwriting of a strategist who controls all the pieces is visible. I, as a teacher, was very interested in this, I'm not afraid of this word, a masterpiece game, completely reminiscent of life. I never knew how to play chess. But, having become interested, she presented the system of work of a teacher through the prism of a chess game.

What did it give me? Firstly, I was able to clearly associate chess pieces with the forms of my own activity regarding the formation of functional literacy in students through critical thinking strategies. She determined the hierarchy of the system of chess pieces: the viability of which leading pieces directly depends on the functionality of others, whose status is an order of magnitude lower. Secondly, by associating the educational system with the chess game, I found that the rules of the chess game helped me evaluate the influence of the teacher's work system on the decision of the final result as a whole. Thirdly, a representative sample of figures showed how justified tactical actions are in relation to performance. Fourthly, both chess and pedagogy are sciences that study the patterns of transferring social experience, aimed at the development and formation of an intellectual, harmonious human personality.

One can endlessly enumerate the points of contact between the chess game and the teacher's work system. But, you should always remember that every science has a strict concept, and it is strictly forbidden to shift one to another. You can only look at one subject through the prism of another and, having noted the winning positions, apply it without violating scientific concepts. Thus, this once again proves the positiveness of the integration of education and science, as a necessary condition for lifelong learning, contributing not only to raising the prestige of the teacher, but also to the formation of a functionally literate personality of the student.

In my system of work on the formation of functional literacy through critical thinking strategies, I present my own activities through the prism of a chess game.

Chess science presents six unique types of pieces. Each figure has its own unique name. Each of them is endowed with certain functionality. They differ in the power of impact force and are tied to a specific situation on the chess field. There are pieces that the strategist sacrifices to get a positive result. In the event of a clash of forces, the strategist is given the opportunity to exchange pieces in order to achieve victory.

The teacher himself acts as a strategist:

Deep knowledge of pedagogical science, possessing the skill of managing the process (in this case, learning),

moral and ethical principles,

Able to establish partnerships with all participants in the educational process,

Owning an arsenal of modern pedagogical tools in the context of TRKM,

Able to evaluate the rationality of certain tactical steps in relation to the result.

If we interpret the roles of chess pieces and introduce positive aspects into pedagogical practice, then it may look something like this. We will present the functional capabilities of chess pieces in a hierarchical order: from the highest rank to the lowest.

The chess piece - the King - is the most important piece. According to the rules, you can't play without him, you can't beat him. The king can move to any adjacent square next to him in any direction (horizontally, diagonally or vertically), but only if this square is not attacked by enemy pieces or is not occupied by his own. The king strikes in the same way as it moves, that is, it can eat any enemy piece standing nearby (if it is not protected). If we transfer the functional advantages to the pedagogical paradigm, then innovations, the implementation of engineering in any educational process, can act as the king. In practice, it looks like this: the ongoing injection of innovations in the event of a collision with another technology that has been previously tested, either outlives it, due to the loss of relevance, or integrates it with innovations, using it as a "scaffold - scaffolding" (according to Mercer) to adapt the introduced innovations.

Other chess piece the strongest - the Queen - is the commander, the general of the chess army. Therefore, it must be protected so that it is not just beaten. The queen moves both like a bishop and like a rook, can move diagonally, vertically and horizontally to any number of squares. Performs a strike in the same way. The functional role of the Queen in the pedagogical field is played by the resource support of the pedagogical process as a whole, including technical resources. It is the resource provision vertically and diagonally (the system of upbringing, educational and additional education) that can ensure the high-quality implementation of innovations to improve the quality of educational services of the school. Like the Queen, resource support, so that it does not lose its capabilities, must be protected and not wasted on trifles. In other words, it is necessary to teach participants in the educational process how to use resource provision in such a way as to achieve maximum effect at a minimum cost.

And now the next chess piece enters the chess field - the rook - the second most powerful piece from the queen, moves vertically and horizontally, on which it is located, on the pedagogical field, in the functional capabilities of the rook, the integration of educational subjects appears (intra-subject - integration of the thematic range within one educational areas, interdisciplinary - integration of the thematic range of several educational areas, transdisciplinary - integration of teaching and educational + additional education integration) through the implementation of projects. The projects are distinguished by their diversity: a lesson-case, a country of author's fairy tales, pedagogical workshops, the search for truth, business games, case betting, open space technologies, and so on. The teacher can create his own projects and involve students in them regarding their individual and age characteristics. Thus, the participants in the educational process will travel on the boat, developing their personal potential in relation to various educational trajectories, integrating common themes of various subject areas.

The bishop is a long-range piece, like a rook and a queen. The obvious disadvantage of the bishop is that it can only walk on squares of one color. In the pedagogical field, these functions will be valuable in distributing the potential of students, that is, the formation of groups of students to work in the classroom, taking into account their motivational needs, who are interested in independent search and promotion of knowledge. Group rotation may look like this: couples /leader + 1/, small groups /leader + 2/, large groups /moderator + leader + time manager + 3/. With proper distribution, the result will exceed your expectations.

The most unusual figure is the Horse. He walks with the letter "G": two fields vertically and one horizontally, or vice versa - two fields horizontally and one vertically. He is very strong in closed positions (when the pawns of both sides are against each other), since he is the only piece that can jump over obstacles in its path. It is this function in the educational process that the system of assessment of teaching and learning can play. Evaluation of achievements can be direct (horizontal) - summative (expressed by a specific score on a five-point system), or vertical - formative (not expressed by a specific score). Here for the teacher there is a wide range of assessment, the value of which is a view "from the outside" - an independent assessment: mutual assessment of classmates, self-assessment, teacher assessment. In order for the assessment to be objective, the teacher prepares assessment sheets indicating descriptors, according to which the assessment itself and mutual assessment will be objective and reasoned. Thus, the function of the horse "jumping" will be justified for the teacher in the assessment, taking into account the "side view".

Well, the lowest rank in chess belongs to the Pawn. In chess, it is not customary to call it a piece, but the masters call the pawn the "soul of the chess game" because of its importance on the playing field. It protects and supports the main figures. In the future, if successful, it turns into any strong figure. Here the words of Suvorov come to mind: “The soldier who does not dream of becoming a general is bad.” Healthy ambition has always provided a breakthrough in any area of ​​human development. Therefore, in the pedagogical field, the Pawn's functional affiliation refers to a teacher of a new formation, who has experienced reframing, who understands that the new world, the new school needs a new teacher who is able to create a comfortable atmosphere of innovative education. Support and development of innovative practices in educational institutions is a necessary postulate of the modern school. The implementers of engineering are teachers of a new formation, whose activities take place in a strictly measured system: in the classroom, within the school, in the development of professional network communities. This is the only way to bring education to a new level.

Only six pieces on the chessboard - king, queen, rook, knight, bishop, pawn. And what complex problems they are able to solve on the chess field! We have a lot to learn from them. Having adopted the system of interaction of pieces on the chessboard and transferring their conceptual foundations to the field of pedagogical practice, one can come to the creation new system education. It is enough to constructively prioritize and distribute functional responsibilities.

Returning to the mode of the education system, moving away from the interpreted associations of the chess world, it should be concluded that the driving forces of the pedagogical process have always been contradictions that have had a beneficial effect on the development of any educational direction.

We, local educators, are creating new systems for the implementation of the State Educational Standards in the practice of teaching and learning. All this is to ensure that our graduates are not only sought-after specialists in the labor market in the future, can extract the necessary information on their own and use it in life situations, but also be mobile in matters of reprofiling their profession. After all, the world does not stand still. Today, teachers, doctors, builders, engineers, designers, etc. are in demand. And who will be in demand tomorrow?! Nobody knows this... But we are sure that our children will be ready for it! Because we use a non-standard approach to solving the problems of modern education.

Creating our own system, we are not trying, as they say now, to “reinvent the wheel” a second time. We use the baggage of ideas that is the world heritage of mankind. Only we apply these ideas not in their pure form, but through a certain prism, interpreting, conditionally designating aspects of the system itself, finding common ground. And to use the unique invention of human thought - chess - in solving pedagogical problems - another invention of human thought for the benefit of mankind.

The use of computer technology in chess classes

Poddubnaya Olesya Alexandrovna, chess coach

Your attention is given a description of the effectiveness of the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in teaching children to play chess.

The use of information and communication technologies in the educational process is an urgent problem of modern education. ICTs are the leading tool for human information activity in the information society. Currently, 85% of children aged 7 to 17 use a computer, and many of them are constantly surfing the Internet. Therefore, today the interest in the virtual acquisition of knowledge is one of the powerful motives of students for knowledge. The stage of interest in learning is enriched by increasing the possibility of perception, the development of imagination and emotions. Today it is necessary that every teacher in any field could prepare and conduct a lesson using ICT. It is visual, beautiful, colorful, informative, interactive, saves the time of the teacher and pupil, allows the child to work at his own pace, and the teacher to work with the student in a differentiated and individual way, makes it possible to quickly monitor and evaluate the learning outcomes.

In teaching ICT in chess classes, I successfully use MS Office programs (Word, Power Point); chess teaching and game computer programs: "Dinosaurs teach chess", "Chess with Garry Kasparov", "Chess task book for beginner chess players", "Chess etudes", "Chess Internet. Play and learning.

Extremely interesting work using the Power Point program. It leads to a number of positive effects:

  • enriches the lesson with emotional coloring; psychologically facilitates the process of assimilation;
  • expands the general horizons of students;
  • increases the productivity of the teacher and students in the classroom.

Slides of multimedia presentations are an excellent visual material that not only enlivens the lesson, but also forms a fantasy, develops the creative and intellectual abilities of the child.

A creative teacher with computer skills can prepare a rich material for the lesson. The use of animation in slides allows the teacher to give students a clearer idea of ​​what they heard in class. Children are happy to immerse themselves in the material being studied, tell at home about what they see on the screen.

"Dinosaurs teach chess" this game allows you to teach both a group of children and individually. AT this game can be played by a child from 4 to 8 years old. The game is very effective for learning. It helps to achieve basic knowledge. There are six levels in the program. When passing all six, the child reaches the level of 5-4 ranks in chess. After each lesson, children are given a practical task in the form of a game.

Chess training programs, such as "Chess Problem Book for Beginners", "Chess Etudes" contain a huge number of training tasks classified by topic and difficulty level. Training in these programs, from beginner to master, is designed for a phased study of chess tactics. Built-in game programs allow you to play the given positions, taking into account individual settings. The programs used in the classroom contain textual and graphic hints and refutation of erroneous moves, which allows students to work independently.

The use of computer tests for a lesson makes it possible to obtain an objective picture of the level of assimilation of the studied material among pupils in a short time and to correct it in a timely manner.

The results of conducting chess lessons with the use of ICT are encouraging. The children are happy to come to such classes, they are actively working. The use of computer technology allows the teacher to: fill classes with new content; maintain independence in the development of computer technologies; develop students' curiosity. Information and communication technologies expand the teacher's opportunities to introduce children to a fascinating world where they have to independently extract, analyze, present and transmit information to others; these technologies significantly increase the didactic and student-oriented parameters of the educational process.

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