Game where is whose house. Educational game for preschool children "Whose house is this?"

Thematic selection of games and exercises, theme: "Home"


Teach children to clearly understand and distinguish between the concepts of "high", "low".
To consolidate the ability to count to three, to compare the "one-to-many" aggregates.
Form spatial imaginative thinking.
Introduce the geometric figure "square".
Exercise in clear pronunciation of sounds and onomatopoeia.
To develop in children the understanding and use of prepositions in speech for, in, under, out.
Teach children to coordinate numbers with nouns.
Continue learning to draw with your fingers, leaving a print in the right place; to sculpt from plasticine with the "direct rolling" technique; stick the details of the image in the right place.
Develop speech attention, fine movements of fine motor skills.


Picture-background "heaven and earth", figurines of the sun, clouds, houses, flowers.
Pictures depicting one and two houses, cards-numbers "1" and "2".
Background picture with the image of a crane, parts in the form of blocks with a door and windows, roof; glue sticks.
Paired pictures with the image of houses.
Constructed from the designer one-, two- and three-storey houses.
Wooden spatulas. Multi-colored clothespins.
Large building material, various attributes for the obstacle course.
Picture-diagram of the house, details of these houses from colored cardboard.
Drawing of a house with empty windows, yellow finger paint.
A sheet of paper with two vertical lines drawn, plasticine.
Educational game "Pick up the key to the lock."
A picture of three houses. Figures of giraffes, hippos and snakes.
Audio recordings: "There is a house in the woods", "I want to build a house."

Finger game "New House"

Knock knock knock knock knock!
Take the hammer, my friend!
(Children hit the cam on the cam, alternating hands)

We'll build a new home
(There is a window in the house.
The thumbs are folded into a shelf, the rest are connected by a "roof")

There is one more, higher.
(Raise your hands without changing the position of your fingers)

There is a chimney at the top of the roof.
(Raise a clenched fist with an extended index finger)

The house is ready, we invite the guests:
Come soon!
(Show an inviting hand gesture)

Didactic game "House on the mountain"

The picture shows heaven and earth.

Show the sky. Show the ground. Take the house in your hands and attach it to the picture. In which part of the picture did you attach the house, to the sky or to the ground? Why?
Let's put the sun and clouds on the picture. Where will you put the sun and clouds? On sky.
Let beautiful flowers grow around our house. Where will you arrange the flowers? Around the house, on the grass.

How many houses do you have? One house. How many colors? Many colors. How many suns? One sun. How many clouds? Two clouds.

Didactic game "How many houses?"

Count the houses in the picture and label them with numbers.

Application "Build a house"

Lifting crane,
He is above all!
He put a roof on the house.
He put up the walls too!
That's all - the house has been built!

Let's build a house. Lay out the first floor with a door. Lay out the second floor with windows on top. Place the roof even higher. The result is a new house, how many doors (windows, floors) are there?

Paired pictures "Houses"

Here are the pictures lost. Find the exact same picture. (Children find exactly the same picture as theirs. Pictures are laid out on the carpet, and their pairs are distributed to children).

Didactic exercise "High-low house"

There are houses in front of you. Let's count them. One two Three. Take a closer look, which of the houses is the tallest? What's the lowest? Count how many floors are there in the tallest house? How many floors are there in the lowest house? How many floors are there in the average house?

Now I will cover all three houses with handkerchiefs, and you will guess where which house is hidden. What scarf is the lowest house hidden under? The tallest? Average house?

Playing with clothespins "Beautiful fence"

Here are the planks, and here are the clothespins. Let's make a beautiful fence out of them for our houses.

Dynamic pause "On the construction site"

We need to transfer building material to the construction site. Will you help me?

Children carry large building materials from one place to another, overcoming obstacles (hemp, "puddles", etc.)

Construction "Lay out the house"

The pictures show a diagram of a house that you yourself will lay out and build. Take the details and lay them out in the right place on the diagram. Where a triangular roof is drawn - attach a colored triangle there, where there is a square window - attach a square.

(In the archive with the lesson there are pictures with a similar task for the smallest children, there are one-story houses).

Exercise "What sounds do you hear at home?"

How does the kettle whistle? S-s-s.
How does the alarm sound? Z-z-z.
How does the tap water drip? Drip-drip-drip.
How does daddy work with a drill? F-f-f.
How does the vacuum cleaner hum? Ooh.
How do guests knock on the door? Knock-Knock.

Finger painting "Light the lights in the windows of the houses"

Evening came and it got dark. You need to turn on the light and then the windows in the houses will light up with a bright light. Dip your finger in yellow paint and hold it against the window.

(For the smallest, there is a simplified picture in the archive).

Musical finger game "There is a house in the forest made of logs"

(Conducted with audio recording).

Manual labor "Ladder"

We need to fix an old ladder that has broken steps. Take plasticine. Roll out two thin sausages, place them next to each other and attach steps (matches) to them.

We walk up the stairs
We will count all the steps:
It's a lot of fun to count!
One, two, three, four, five -
It's a lot of fun to walk!

Didactic game "Pick the key to the lock"

Children pick up keys to locks of the same color and open them.

House on the lawn,
All doors are locked.
We will pick up all the keys
And we will unlock the hut.

Didactic game "Whose house?"

The picture shows three houses - high, lower and low. Children are given three figures - a giraffe, a hippopotamus and a snake.

Children, think about who lives in which house? What house does the giraffe live in? In the highest house. Why do you think so? What house does the hippo live in? The hippopotamus lives in a lower house. Why? Now think and tell me - which house is suitable for a snake? The lowest house is suitable for the snake. And why?

Musical and rhythmic exercise "I want to build a house"

Children choose their own musical instruments and with their help "play along" with the sounding music. (Conducted under the audio recording of the same name).


This section contains material on the same topic, but designed in the form of classes for children 1-2 and 2-3 years old. Many (but not all) of the games from this thematic collection are used there, as well as some other, non-thematic elements of the lesson (greeting, etc.).

Educational game "Whose house?"

For junior and middle children preschool age

Purpose of the game:

Formation of elementary ecological concepts (features of the life of some animals, their habitats, ways of adapting to the environment);

Development of fine motor skills, sensory perception, visual memory, observation and attention.

Rules of the game:

Didactic game consists of 20 matchboxes, pasted over in different colors. On the outside, the box contains the habitat of various animals, and on the inside, the box contains images of animals.

It is necessary to correctly select the inner part of the box with the image of the animal to the outer part with the image of the dwelling (house) of the animal. A little hint may be the color of the matchbox.


game variations

    "We have a common ...". Unfold all the inner parts of the box. Invite the child to choose animals that have a common or similar habitat (for example, who lives in burrows, or who lives in the sea, or who lives in wooden houses, who builds their own dwellings, etc.)

    "We play ourselves." The inner parts of the animal box are mixed and placed face down in the center of the table. Players divide boxes with images of animal habitats among themselves. The presenter picks up a box with a picture of an animal. The player who has a box with the habitat of this animal takes the inner part for himself and collects the box. The winner is the one who first collects all the halves.

Galina Alekseeva
Didactic game: "Whose house is this?"

Explanatory note.

Man has two worlds:

The one who created us

Another that we have from the century

We create to the best of our ability.

N. Zabolotsky

The once actual slogan "conquer", "conquer nature", "curb" it is now changing with calls to understand it, preserve and increase its wealth. Unfortunately, society realized this when the negative consequences of the consumer attitude of people to nature were already visible, when there were practically no untouched areas of nature on the planet, when the state of the habitat had a negative impact on the health of a huge number of people.

In our time, the problems of environmental education have come to the fore, and they are given more and more attention. Why have these problems become urgent? The reason is human activity in nature, often illiterate, incorrect from an ecological point of view, wasteful, leading to a violation of the ecological balance.

Each of those who brought and brings harm to nature was once a child. That is why the role of preschool institutions in the ecological education of children is so great.

Preschool childhood is a short but very important period of personality formation. During these years, the child acquires initial knowledge about the life around him, he begins to form a certain attitude towards people, to work, the skills and habits of correct behavior are developed, character is formed.

The main activity of preschool children is the game, in the process of which spiritual and physical strength is developed baby: his attention, memory, imagination, discipline, dexterity, etc. In addition, the game is a kind, a way of assimilating social experience, characteristic of preschool age. V didactic ecological games the child acquires a varied experience of interacting with the world around him; performs very specific environmental protection work; learns the rules of behavior in the environment; becomes kind, sensitive, responsive to someone else's misfortune.

Didactic game: “This is whose house

Target: the formation of environmental knowledge in preschool children through didactic game.


Consolidate knowledge about animals and their habitats;

Expand knowledge about them; enrich the dictionary;

To develop in children constructive skills and thinking, artistic imagination, fine motor skills, memory, attention;

Foster a love of nature.

Material: magazines "Young Naturalist", books, matchboxes, glue, scissors.

The game made by hand from waste material for older preschool children.

After reviewing old magazines "Young Naturalist" and books, together with the children we decided to make with our own hands didactic game on the topic“This is whose house... Have piled up empty matchboxes. We picked up pictures of animals and their homes. On top, pictures were glued outside with the image of the dwelling of an animal, bird, fish, insect, and inside the animal itself, a bird, fish, insect living there. The guys were careful when working with scissors, they tried to carefully cut out images of animals along the contour. Having cut out the animals along the contour, the guys were in no hurry to glue them on the boxes, but decided to try to place them on them and only after that they proceeded to glue the figures. for instance: bear den, dog booth, starling birdhouse, fish tank, honeycomb-bee, anthill-ant, burrow-badger and others.

Didactic game made by children was ready!

Children with great interest playing the game, made with your own hands!

That's so great and fun didactic material - children made with their own hands!

Game progress:

Option 1:

To begin with, consider with the child all the pictures on the boxes and tell that each animal has its own house where he sleeps, hides from the weather and raises his cubs. Discuss what these are called « houses» and them "Tenants", and then ask to disassemble all the boxes, mix and reassemble, resettling the tenants correctly and commenting on their actions. for instance: “This is an ant. He lives in an anthill ".

Option 2: you can knowingly resettle "Tenants" wrong and ask the child to correct mistakes. In addition, you can discuss with whom these animals live. for instance: "This is a bear. He lives in a den with a she-bear and cubs ".


1. Akimushkin I. "Animal world"-M .: Young Guard

2. Bram A. E. "Life of animals"- T. P. -SPb. Comrade "Public benefit"

3. Zuev D. "Forest Life"- M .: Publishing house of the Academy of Sciences.

4. Young naturalist. 1994.-# 3

Related publications:

The game is a small knitted house, with windows on the right (2 windows) and left (3 windows) sides, into which they can be inserted.

The didactic game "House for Numbers" was created by me for the successful mastering of writing and sequence by older preschool children.

Description of the material: in this master class, the process of making a didactic game for the sensory development of children 2-3 years old with their own hands is shown.

Purpose of the game: to form a meaningful perception of the shape of geometric shapes, to form an idea of ​​basic colors and geometric ones.

Objectives: to help kids develop visual perception, voluntary attention, memory and imaginative thinking, as well as to consolidate the name of the flowers.

Edited the development game "Whose House?" and added the names of the pictures in Russian and English on the reverse side.

Educational game "Whose house?" introduces children to the habitats of animals, strengthens visual memory, develops observation and attention. On the back of the cards, the names of animals and their habitats in Russian and English, which also helps to learn English in game form... Designed for children 1-5 years old.

Print on both sides. Cut the sheets into square cards. There will be the rules of the game on the back cover. which can be glued to the box with the game or put into a transparent file where the cards will be stored.

Rules of the game:

1. The third is superfluous. Select three game cards so that two of them make up a common pair. Invite your child to remove the extra card. Offer more and more cards gradually.

2. Common together. Lay out the animal cards on the table. Ask him to choose animals that have a common or similar habitat. For example, who lives in burrows, who lives in the sea, who lives in wooden houses, who builds their own house, etc.

3. Whose house. The child must connect (put next to) the animal cards with their habitat.

4. We play ourselves. All animal cards are shuffled and placed face down in the center of the table. Players share the cards with animal habitats equally. The presenter raises and names the card with the image of the animal. The player who has a card with the habitat of this animal takes it for himself. The winner is the one who first collects all the halves.

Evseev M. Yu., Evseeva E. L.

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Here is a game for preschool children, with the help of which kids will be able to learn about the various plants and fruits that grow on them.
Before starting the game, cut the cards along the dotted lines, you get 72 cards.
Option 1
Give the children an equal share of the plant cards. Then show the fruit cards one at a time. Children take cards that suit them. Then each child names their plants and their fruits.
Option 2
You can give children cards with fruits, and pick up cards with plants for them.
Option 3
Invite the children to sort the cards into groups: vegetables, fruits, flowers, trees, shrubs.
Option 4
Place several cards in front of the child and invite them to remember them. Then ask to turn away and swap the cards or remove 1-2. Invite your child to tell you what is gone and what has changed.

An educational game about animals and their homes. The game contains paired cards depicting animals and their houses.
Help each animal, insect, bird and fish find their own house. Collect the required pictures in pairs.
A bear lives in a den, and a bee lives in a hive.
A dog lives in a kennel, and a cat lives in a basket.
The squirrel lives in the hollow of a tree, and the mole lives in an earthen burrow.
A fox lives in a hole, and an ant lives in an anthill.
The bird lives in the nest, and the fish lives in the aquarium.

The game "Opposites" develops speech, attention, figurative and semantic memory, lays the foundations for logical thinking.
Funny, bright pictures will help with this.
Completeness: 6 sheets of cut cards.
Before starting, cut the sheets into cards along the dotted lines.

Here is a game for children 3-6 years old, with the help of which kids will be able to develop visual perception, voluntary attention, logical thinking, memory and coherent speech.
Before starting the game, cut the cards along the dotted lines, you get 72 cards.

Board game "What's what?" consists of 20 cardboard cards, cut into 2 elements using the Puzzle technology. There are 40 elements in total. They depict various objects, plants and animals. All images are logical pairs based on sharing or purpose.

Board game "Whose baby?" is a didactic mosaic for toddlers. It consists of eight large cardboard cards cut into 2 pieces using the Puzzie technology. Some halves of the cards depict animals familiar to kids, and others - their babies.
Play develops the child's observation, attention and analytical skills.

Purpose of the game: To acquaint the child with the names and characteristics of animals, their habitats.
Course of the game: Lay the cards face up. Place 5 story cards separately.
Ask the kid to find a picture of an animal, ask where he lives,
which of the 5 story cards can you attach it to? Invite your child to collect all the chains of cards.
There are 5 A4 sheets in the file, cut out the puzzles and preferably laminate with wide tape.

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