Professions in a playful way for children. The best career guidance games

Game "Association"

Purpose of the game- reveal the true attitude of schoolchildren to different professions and, if possible, correct this attitude. It is advisable to play the game when studying the topic "Professiogram". The relative simplicity of the game and the great emotional charge make it possible to use it outside the framework of the course "Man. Labor. Profession", for example, when meeting with schoolchildren on the basis of district centers, training and course complexes.
Game conditions.
The whole class participates (students of 7-8, as well as higher grades).
The time for the first playback is 15 minutes, subsequent playbacks are 5-7 minutes each. The game requires a blackboard.
Game procedure.
The game begins without a clearly expressed preparatory stage (entry into the game is carried out at the first 2 stages).
Stage 1. The name of the game is announced and, if desired, 3 main players are selected (these can be class students).
Stage 2. The conditions of the game are announced:
Instruction:"Now 3 people will leave the class, and the class will guess some profession. Then 3 people will enter and try to guess it with the help of associative questions.
For example: "What color is this profession?", "What kind of furniture does it look like?" etc.
You can ask the students if they played the game "Associations" when a person is thought of instead of a profession.
Experience shows that not all students immediately understand these issues, so it is advisable to practice with one example. Take for analysis the profession "physician" and show that the color of this profession is most likely white, the smell is something related to alcohol (medicine is too suggestive), the furniture is a glass cabinet or a couch ... "
Stage 3. Then the facilitator gives instructions to the guessers: "Each of you can ask only 2 such questions. Now you will go out into the corridor and think over your questions for 2-3 minutes. When you ask questions, specifically indicate to whom exactly you are asking them. After that each of you will have one attempt to guess the profession."
Stage 4. 2-3 people leave the class. The class quickly thinks of a profession, and the host warns everyone that everyone can be asked, so you need to be prepared for the correct, but not suggestive answers.
Stage 5 The facilitator invites guessers who take turns asking questions to the class. The facilitator himself briefly writes questions and answers on the board, makes sure that questions are asked to specific students, and not to the whole class, monitors the dynamics of the game.
Stage 6 When all the questions and answers have been spoken (and written on the board), the host invites three people to think about their answers for one minute. At this point, the facilitator invites the class to look at the blackboard and silently think about whose answers to the association questions were not very successful.
Stage 7. The guessers name their answers. These answers may not exactly match the guessed profession, for example, the profession "military pilot" is guessed, and the answers are: "cosmonaut", "policeman", "race driver". As you can see, "military pilot" and "cosmonaut" are quite close. The right to determine whether the students guessed the profession or not should be given to the class. However, this issue is finally resolved after discussion. The mysterious profession, of course, is called.
Game discussion.
The correctness of each answer to the associative question is discussed separately. If the class does not agree with the answer, you can ask the student who gave such an answer to give an explanation: often these explanations are reasonable. For example, in one game the profession "policeman" was guessed, to the question "what color is the profession?" the answer was "black and white". It turned out that the student had in mind a police baton.
If unsuccessful answers are identified, the class is invited to immediately come up with answers that are more appropriate for the chosen profession; the facilitator can also participate in this, thus correcting the students' ideas about the profession.
You can also ask the guessers which answers best helped them, and which, on the contrary, misled them. After correcting the answers, you can clarify who won.

Game "Veteran" - idler

Purpose of the game- the formation of readiness among schoolchildren for a better construction of a personal professional plan, the allocation of civil, moral positions of professional self-determination.
The game can be correlated with the theme "Personal professional plan". When used on the basis of a training course complex, the main participants in the game are additionally invited to somehow connect their working life with this enterprise.
Game conditions.
The game is designed to work with a class, or with a small group (10-15 people) of students in 8-9 and older grades.
Game time is 20-30 minutes. For the main participants, it is desirable to prepare instructions (see below).
Game procedure.
The preparatory stage consists in a brief acquaintance of students with the structure of a personal professional plan. This game is best played after completing the main topics of the course "Man. Labor. Profession".
Stage 1. Before the name of the game is announced, choose two students for the main roles. It is desirable that these students be witty, funny, desperate (emotional class leaders). Having announced the name of the game, the host invites the selected students to distribute the roles: “Veteran” and “Idler”.
Stage 2. The class gets acquainted with the general instruction: Instruction: "Imagine that we are all in 2050. You are students, I am your class teacher. Now two very interesting people who have lived a long life and have seen a lot in their lifetime will come to visit us. One is a "Veteran of Labour", an honored person.
The other is the eminent "Slacker". In our time, we must know that there are different destinies. Our task is to learn how to correctly evaluate these destinies. So, "Veteran" and "Idler" will now think over their lives; then everyone will briefly talk about their fate and answer your questions, guys."
Stage 3."Veteran" and "Idler" go to the corridor for 3-5 minutes to think over their short story and prepare for students' questions. The facilitator gives "Veteran" and "Slacker" auxiliary written instructions (see appendix).
While they are preparing, the facilitator invites the students in the class to come up with interesting questions for them related to their happiness, personal life, the most significant memories, their favorite activities, how exactly they chose their profession, would they repeat their life, etc. The host draws attention to the fact that guests should be treated with respect, and all your questions should be asked politely, raising your hand.
As an activating moment, you can offer those students who have already come up with a question to raise their hand and not continue the game until the majority comes up with at least one question.
Stage 4. The host invites "Veteran" and "Idler". The class welcomes them (you can stand up, or you can even applaud).
Each of them briefly talks about his life, while the leader should not stand in front of the class, so as not to embarrass the players, but step aside or sit in an empty seat in the class.
Stage 5 The facilitator takes his place in front of the class and invites the students to ask questions to the guests. If all questions are addressed to one of the guests, the presenter himself can ask questions to the one who is asked few questions, thereby increasing attention to this player.
It is allowed that the guests themselves can ask each other questions.
Stage 6 Finishing the game, you should definitely thank the guests for their "frankness".
Game discussion.
It is not uncommon for the discussion to actually start in a question-and-answer session, i.e. in the game itself. If the story or answers of any of the "guests" are contradictory, confused, obviously not believable, students can tell them about it in the class and even start arguing. A stricter order of discussion involves reliance on the scheme of a personal professional plan, when it becomes clear how different stages of the professional fate were achieved by the "Veteran" or due to the failure to fulfill which positions of the personal professional plan by the "Blazard".
You could also ask the class to rate which role performed best. The facilitator should keep in mind that the role of the "Idler" is more difficult, because it is difficult to imagine a pure "Blazard". One can appreciate who managed to prove that he lived a happy life. Finally, one can try to determine what fundamentally distinguishes a working person from an idler. One of the important criteria here is the ability of a person to fully realize himself, not to waste his strength in vain, not to deceive himself. For example, if a person chooses the easier (and less interesting) of two paths, as if saving his strength, he is "idling" in relation to his happiness. Not wanting to fully build their personal professional plans, a person is "idling" in relation to his future. The meaning of idleness - could do something, but did not.

New city game

Purpose of the game- to familiarize schoolchildren with the leading industries and main professions of the region, with the current socio-economic situation in choosing a profession, the needs of the local economy in personnel.
Terms of the game.
The game is designed mainly for high school students, the approximate time of the game is 45 minutes. It can be carried out in the classroom, in the process of school-wide career guidance events.
Game procedure.
Preparatory stage. 2 weeks before the game, the class (group) is divided into teams of equal size (2-3 or 4-5 people each), each of which will represent employees of a certain industry in the game (two are possible).
The leader of the game, without revealing its essence in advance, recommends that teams, using the relevant literature, familiarize themselves with the content, conditions, features of labor in this industry, its main professions and specialties, their requirements for a person, the degree of importance, significance of this industry and the corresponding professions for the national economy and residents of this region, the prospects for its development, etc.
He may also recommend contacting the city (district) center for employment, retraining and vocational guidance of the population, the territorial center for vocational guidance for youth. To get acquainted with the intricacies of the main professions and specialties, a meeting with industry workers helps.
Stage 1. Just before the start of the game, the facilitator announces the name of the game and gives the students the following instructions.
Instruction: "Imagine that the construction of a new city, district or satellite city is planned. It will be a city of machine builders (chemists, oil workers, electronics engineers, textile workers, a scientific town, etc.)"
The main industries for the game are selected during preparation, depending on local specifics. Some attention should be paid to the specialization of the school, giving the task to one of the teams to get acquainted with the relevant industry, its professions, specialties, and their role in the national economy of the city.
Stage 2. Each team represents one or another branch of the national economy, the workers of which are needed by the new city (district). The teams will have to prove the importance, the priority of "their" industry for the national economy of the new city (district) in 3-5 minutes; the importance of workers in the main professions and specialties of this industry; vividly and clearly describe the features of work in it. Time for performance is set depending on the number of "playing" branches; the presenter can use a stopwatch, hourglass. The need to meet a certain time gives the game sharpness and dynamism.
Stage 3. Evaluates the performance of each team of the jury, consisting of 2-3 students (the leader may also be a member of the jury). Evaluation is carried out according to a 5-point system using special, pre-made cards (just like it is done in figure skating). The substantiation of the significance of "one's own" industry and its professions in the new city and the best life characteristics of the content and working conditions, attractive and unattractive features of the industry, professions are separately evaluated. Team members can use posters, poems, proverbs, sayings, ditties, etc.
Stage 4. After that, the team is given 2-3 minutes to answer questions from other teams who are trying in every possible way to belittle the importance of the "playing" industry and its professions for the new city.
Answers to questions are also evaluated in points. The final amount is calculated by a special counting commission (it can be one person).
In order for the winning team not to lose interest in the game, points can also be awarded for the best questions.
The team of "builders" is the first to enter the game (the city must first of all be built; it should only be noted at the beginning that the design and survey work for its construction has already been carried out). One of the tasks of this team is to justify the importance of their work, not only during the construction of the city, but throughout its existence.
Any team can be next - "machine builders", "chemists", "metallurgists". It is only important to substantiate the need or even the priority of "one's own" industry at this stage of the city's development. If several teams want to play in the next round, the players are determined by lot. In the course of preliminary preparation for the game, one or two teams may be given the task to get acquainted with industries in which there is obviously no need in this city (district). For example, the mining industry in Moscow.
To spice up the game, several branches may remain unallocated between the teams. At the end of the game, the leader offers to justify their significance to any playing team in the order of improvisation.
You can also suggest showing the role of a career guidance service or an employment service in the city, legal advice, gardening, etc. This will help to reveal students' knowledge about the functions and importance of these services in the urban economy, form a desire to learn more about the work of these services and the specialists involved in them.
Game discussion.
The team with the most points is considered the winner. For greater interest of the guys in the game, the winners can be awarded some simple prize. It is recommended to invite representatives of the leading industries of the city to the game (employees of personnel services of enterprises, organizations, educational institutions), who can prepare their prize for the team that represented "their" industry, as well as note errors, inaccuracies playing in the characteristics of industries, professions.
For the game, you can make colorful plates with numbers of points, as well as pick up tools, tools, even any details of clothing of the corresponding professions and specialties, which is also evaluated in points. In a regular lesson, the game can be played without paraphernalia.

"One day of life"

(This exercise is a modification of the famous Noun Story game, which was adapted by us to the problem of professional self-determination.)
The meaning of the game exercise- to increase the level of awareness by the participants of the typical and specific in the professional activity of a particular specialist.
The exercise is carried out in a circle. The number of players - from 6-8 to 15-20. Time - from 15 to 25 minutes. Main stages the following:
1. The host determines, together with the rest of the players, which profession would be interesting to consider. For example, the group wanted to consider the profession of “photo model”.
2. General instruction: “Now we will jointly try to compose a story about a typical working day of our worker - a photo model. This will be a story only from nouns. For example, a story about a teacher's work day could be like this: call - breakfast - call - lesson - losers - question - answer - troika - teacher's room - director - scandal - lesson - excellent students - call - home - bed. In this game, we will see how well we imagine the work of a fashion model, and also find out if we are capable of collective creativity, because in the game there is a serious danger of some unfortunate stroke (inappropriately called "for fun", a stupid noun) to spoil the whole story .
An important condition: before naming a new noun, each player must repeat everything that was named before him. Then our story will be perceived as a holistic work. To better remember the named nouns, I advise you to carefully look at all the speakers, as if linking the word with a specific person.
3. The host can name the first word, and the other players take turns calling their nouns, be sure to repeat everything that was called before them. If there are a lot of players (6-8 people), then you can go through two circles, when everyone will have to name two nouns.
4. When summing up the results of the game, you can ask the participants whether the story turned out to be complete or not? did someone spoil the general story with their unfortunate noun? If the story turned out to be confused and chaotic, then you can ask one of the players to tell in their own words what the story was about, what happened there (and did it happen?). One can also discuss how truthfully and typically the workday of the professional in question was presented.
Experience shows that the game is usually quite interesting. Participants are often in creative tension and can even get tired a lot, so this game exercise should not be done more than twice.
A similar exercise can be carried out no less interesting, but already on the topic “DREAM FROM LIFE ...” by such and such a specialist. In this case, a more creative and stormy fantasizing of the participants is possible, since we are talking about an unusual, almost “mystical” situation associated with the mysterious world of dreams...
These exercises are interesting and useful, and even when working with specialists and. For example, in the training program for vocational consultants, you can first include the exercise “One working day in the life of a vocational consultant”, and then - “A dream in the life of a vocational consultant”.
Especially useful for both the school vocational consultant and the vocational consultant of the employment service would be game exercises on the topics “A day in the life of an unemployed person” and “A dream in the life of an unemployed person” (a school graduate of the era of “democratic transformations” and an unemployed adult from the same era ... ).

game island

Game conditions. The game is designed for a class of students in grades 7-8. Game time is 40 minutes. An important role in the game is played by the blackboard, where the statements of schoolchildren are recorded, the result of the group decision is reflected.
Procedure (stages) of the game.
The game does not require an explicit preparatory stage. The course of the game itself is as follows:
1. The name of the game is announced to the class - "Island" and the general instruction is read out: "Imagine that we all "miraculously" ended up on an abandoned island, somewhere in the southern latitudes. It is not known when we will be rescued. We have 2 tasks: 1-survive , 2-remain civilized at the same time.In 40 minutes, we must prove to ourselves that we are able to solve these problems.I, as the oldest of you, will be the leader, but I immediately want to establish democracy in our community.So, your suggestions.. .
2. Schoolchildren offer what is necessary for survival (usually: construction of housing, catering, etc.), and the facilitator writes all the proposals on the board in a column.
3. Further, all proposals are discussed, as a result of which the most important ones remain. All this is reflected on the blackboard.
It is desirable to complete stages 2.3 (together) within 5-10 minutes.
4. When a list of "works" necessary for survival is established, one should, based on the total number of players (including the leader), determine how many people are needed for each "work".
This is determined during a joint discussion, and the leader writes out on the board against each type of "work" the named number of "workers". Time for the stage - 3-5 minutes.
5. Next, the facilitator suggests raising their hands to those who would like to do this or that work (in accordance with the list of allocated works), and, regardless of the required number, write down the number of those who wish to do so on the board. As a rule, there is always some discrepancy between what is required and what is desired.
6. The host announces that "he was struck by an unknown disease, and in 3 minutes he will die." During this time, it is urgent to create a Council of schoolchildren, which will organize further survival. The question of the quantitative composition of the Council and specific candidates is immediately decided.
7. "Dying", the host declares that he turns into an "evil spirit", which is absolutely invulnerable, but can bring a lot of troubles and difficulties for the further survival of the group. Having said this, the host invites the Council to organize further survival, resolve unresolved issues, and he himself goes to the last desks and does not interfere in the game for some time.
8. The Student Council tries to organize survival (to match the required and desired number of employees, organize "work" in specific working groups in the form of discussions of upcoming cases, etc.). Depending on the success of the work of the Council, the leader may somewhat complicate his work in the form of the following interventions:
- with the help of tropical diseases to neutralize the most active schoolchildren (cause the need for medical care);
- with the help of winds, showers complicate the work of some working groups;
- having threatened with an epidemic, suggest the need for the construction of sanitary and hygienic facilities (access to non-prestigious professions), etc.
If the Council is not doing its job well, the leader may not need to intervene.
9. 5-7 minutes before the end of the lesson, the host announces the end of the game.
Game discussion.
If the discussion cannot be organized in this lesson, you can move it to another lesson.
The discussion begins with the question: "Did we manage to survive?" and "Are we still civilized people?". When answering, students should briefly justify their opinion. The facilitator can also answer these questions himself.
Turning to the topic "The needs of the national economy in personnel", it is advisable to use the table (required number and applicants for different types of work) that arose during the game. The visibility of the table allows the facilitator to almost not comment on it. Since the game actually simulates a society, it's easy to jump to problems that are specific to society. It is noteworthy that sometimes groups are formed in the game that fundamentally do not participate in any work.

Aliens game

Purpose of the game- to show the role of labor in the life of society and the individual. The game can be correlated with the selection of a long-term professional goal and determining its correspondence to other life goals (the first element of the general scheme for building a personal professional plan).
Game conditions.
The game is designed to work with a whole class of students in grades 8-9. Game time is 30-40 minutes. Students must have pens and paper.
Game procedure.
This game can be played without an explicit preparatory stage. Lecture material on the role of labor in the life of society can be offered to schoolchildren both before and after the game. In the game itself, the following stages are conditionally distinguished:
Stage 1. 2-3 people are selected from the class to be "aliens". It is desirable that they be one of the leaders of the class.
Stage 2. Read the general instructions.
Instruction: "Unexpectedly, a message has arrived about the arrival of representatives of another civilization on our planet. A press conference is urgently organized, with the participation of journalists from various newspapers, magazines, programs. Due to technical difficulties, the stay of the" aliens "is limited to 15 minutes. During this time, our Civilizations must learn the most important things about each other."
Stage 3. Instructions are given to "aliens".
Instruction: "Now you will leave the class and in 3-4 minutes think about where you came from, for what purpose. Prepare a short story about your planet (no more than 5 minutes), where you will tell what they do, how your inhabitants live. Be ready to answer any question of our "journalists".
You can think about your "alien" appearance."
Stage 4. While the "aliens" are getting ready in the corridor, the "journalists", i.e. the rest of the class is given instructions.
Instruction: "You represent certain agencies, radio or television programs, magazines or newspapers - think about what exactly each of you represents here. Come up with 1-2 important questions for the" aliens "that you will ask after they talk about their planet "When asking a question, raise your hand and first name the body you represent. Questions should be short and interesting."
Stage 5 The host invites the "aliens", warmly greets them and, recalling the limited time of the meeting, immediately gives them the floor.
"Aliens" briefly (within 5 minutes) talk about their planet.
stage 6. The host invites the "journalists" to ask questions, and the "aliens" to briefly answer them. The main competitive moment of this stage is to ask the most interesting and important question. The discussion should focus on student questions.
Stage 7. When there is one minute left at the end of the meeting, i.e. after 14 min. the host warns the participants about this and at the 15th minute announces that the "aliens" have disappeared. "Disappeared" guests are invited to take their seats in the classroom.
Stage 8. Further, all participants in the game must write short messages about their first impressions of the press conference, which should reflect two points: an assessment of the level of civilization development and the expediency of contact with this civilization. "Journalists" mark on their leaflets which body they represent and, if possible, give a catchy title to their message, and "aliens" mark their belonging to another civilization (their message is preliminary information about a meeting with earthlings, which also notes the level of development of the planet and the need contact with its inhabitants). This is given 5-7 minutes.
This game task can act as a test for students of professionally important qualities for the profession of a journalist (the ability to ask important questions, quickly and clearly express their thoughts and impressions ...)
Stage 9 After 5-7 minutes, messages, regardless of whether all students managed to write them or not, are collected. Those who wrote first can be praised for their "journalistic" efficiency. The collected messages are read aloud. It is advisable to offer this to two students (especially from among the passive ones), who read the messages in turn. This procedure is a preparation for the discussion of the game. The time of this stage is 5-7 minutes.
Game discussion.
The facilitator asks the class a question: "You have just assessed the level of development of civilization, and what is the main indicator (criterion) of such development?".
Possible answers are written on the board and each is briefly discussed. At the same time, we can discuss how a developed person differs from an undeveloped one, a happy one from an unhappy one. During the discussion, you can determine the good questions and answers of the participants in the game. It is important to bring students to the understanding that in a developed, happy society, each person can fully realize himself, his capabilities, and this is achieved mainly through work.
Although these questions are quite complex, the facilitator should not impose his opinion (moralize), it is important to bring students a little closer to understanding this provision.
Diagnostic capabilities of the game.
The game reveals the students' understanding of the role of labor in the life of society, their attitude to work, manifested in questions and answers, as well as the creative abilities of students, the level of their wit, imagination.

Game professional consultation

The purpose of the game "professional consultation" is a specially organized help of schoolchildren to each other in choosing a profession under the supervision and control of a psychologist. The game has different variants that have separate descriptions. In some embodiments, the game includes game situations that can act as independent games.
I. GAME "PROFCONSULTATION" (basic version)
Target This version of the game is to acquaint students with the procedure for the correct construction of personal professional plans, as well as to teach students to provide some career guidance to their comrades.
Game conditions.
The game is designed for students in grades 7-10. A group of schoolchildren /3-4 persons/ participates in the game. The game requires a separate room.
The time for the first playback is 30-50 minutes, for the subsequent ones - from 15 to 40 minutes. The total playing time should not exceed 1.5-2 hours.
Game procedure.
Preparatory stage. The facilitator briefly introduces students to the main elements of a personal professional plan (in simpler versions - with the "three pillars" of choosing a profession: "I want", "I can", "I must"). At the preparatory stage, it is important to comfortably seat the participants in the game at a common table. The selection itself in the game group is carried out only on a voluntary basis.
Stage 1. The facilitator introduces the participants to the conditions.
Instruction: "The right choice of profession and building a professional career is of great importance. Specialists of the career guidance service can help you with this.
Schoolchildren with their parents come to specialists-professional consultants to consult about choosing a profession.
The purpose of our lesson is to learn how to properly help comrades in choosing a profession and thereby learn how to better solve our own problems. Let's distribute the roles: "professional consultant" (preferably two), "student" and his "parents".
Counselors and parents should take it seriously, like adults, and let the student be himself. You have to act out a scene in which a professional consultant provides assistance to a student and his parents. Try to ensure that everyone has their say in the game. If there are no questions, you can start the game. I will try not to interfere (while the host is a little seated from the players)".
Stage 2. Pupils play the game on their own, and the leader sits to the side and watches their actions. When organizing his intervention in the game, the leader should keep in mind the following points:
a). At first, students, as a rule, master roles that are unusual for them and hardly discuss serious issues. The leader should not interfere with them.
b). When trying to solve the problems that have arisen on the go, students may find that they are not ready for a solution. The facilitator should also not immediately give a hint, but invite students to think. In this case, after the stormy start of the game, there may be a silent pause. Often, after such deliberation, schoolchildren themselves give ready-made solutions, make interesting proposals.
in). If the students have no constructive suggestions and there is a danger of stopping the game, the facilitator can give the players a hint in a very short form (to formulate the career guidance problem more clearly, clarify the interests, capabilities of the "student", his ideas about future work, about ways to acquire a profession, etc. )
G). The leader must intervene in the following cases:
- game conflict develops into interpersonal;
- one of the participants (especially the "professional consultant") confidently says completely wrong things, while other players agree with him;
- the players themselves ask the facilitator to give them a purely informational information (what kind of competition is in this or that educational institution; is the profession under discussion required in the labor market, etc.);
- the players were carried away by the discussion of some particular issue;
- some players are too active, while others cannot even insert a word;
- the players start to fool around obviously.
All interventions should be minimal.
e). In addition to direct intervention, the facilitator may encourage some participants with the help of approving glances and gestures.
e). One should not expect ideal advice and a mandatory solution of all problems from "professional consultants", because in the game it is only important to realize the problem and outline the most general ways to solve it.
Stage 3. Discussion of the game (playback).
When discussing, the facilitator can ask the "student" and his "parents":
- "Do career counselors deserve your gratitude?" or
- "Did the consultation help you and in what way?"
After that, the facilitator himself can name some mistakes of professional consultants, as well as erroneous statements of students and parents, and tell (or show) how one could act correctly.
At the same time, it is important to rely on the general scheme for building a personal professional plan.
Stage 4. After the discussion, the students change roles and the next playback is organized. Usually the following plays are more dynamic, with fewer errors.

Target games - learn to defend your professional choice with arguments in front of your parents (comrades, teachers, etc.).
This game can be used as an independent game, or it can be included in the game "Professional consultation" as a preparatory game situation.
Game conditions.
The game is designed for students in grades 8-10. The game involves a group of 2-3 people. Game time is 15-20 minutes. The game requires a separate room (or a far corner of the classroom, if the game is included in the game "Professional consultation").
Game procedure.
The game does not require a special preparatory stage.
Stage 1. Roles are distributed between schoolchildren: "student" (plays himself), his "parents" or "relatives" (father, mother, grandmother, older sister, etc.).
Stage 2. The facilitator reads the instructions.
Instruction: "Imagine that the student comes home and declares his professional intentions (if the profession has not yet been chosen, the student can declare that he does not care and he is not going to think about it at all). Parents do not agree with the position of the student and try to dissuade him "A domestic conflict is played out, and the one whose arguments are more convincing wins. Try not to resort to violence, because violence is a sign of weak arguments."
Stage 3. The leader sits down from the players and invites them to start the game. The leader's interventions should be even less than in the game "Professional consultation", because. simulated home scene, not professional advice.
Stage 4. Game discussion.
If the game is used in "Professional consultation" you can do without discussion at all. When used independently, one can clearly formulate the arguments of both sides and discuss them in detail, trying to connect them with the correct construction of a personal professional plan.

Target games - acquaintance with the requirements for admission to educational institutions or to work (then the game would be more correctly called "HR Department"). The game can be used on the basis of the training and production plant to get acquainted with the conditions for admission to various enterprises of the region, educational institutions.
Game conditions.
The game is designed for students in grades 8-10, as well as for applicants. The game can be played by 3 to 10 people. For the game, it is necessary to have specific reference literature, and the presenter must know the features of admission (study or work) to a particular educational institution or enterprise.
Game procedure.
Stage 1. The facilitator introduces the participants to the general instructions.
Instruction: "All of you will soon be going somewhere: to schools, technical schools, universities, to apply for a job. Let's fantasize and imagine that for admission you do not need to pass any exams, but you need to pass an interview with members of the selection committee, which will decide to enroll you or not to enroll. In our game there will be an admissions committee and applicants. Let's see how many people manage to enroll?".
Stage 2. A selection committee of 2-5 people is selected (depending on the number of students) and the question is decided which educational institution will be represented in the game. The facilitator may, without fail, suggest the most prestigious educational institution or the least prestigious enterprise), saying that there will be other educational institutions in the next plays.
Stage 3. Preparing for the game. Members of the selection committee get acquainted with the educational institution (read brochures, professiograms of the main professions prepared in advance by the presenter) and develop the main selection criteria, for example:
- knowledge of the future profession,
- Desire to study in this educational institution,
- learning ability,
- behavior,
- upbringing, etc.
The facilitator invites the rest of the students to think about how the selection committee might like them and enter this institution. Preparation time can take from 5 to 10 minutes.
Stage 4. Students take turns trying to get into an educational institution. One attempt is given from 5 to 15 minutes, depending on the number of players.
Stage 5 Game discussion.
The correctness of the actions of the members of the selection committee is assessed.
The facilitator should tell the students what the real situation is when they enter this educational institution.

IV. GAME "PROFCONSULTATION" (in work with the class)
The game is designed to work with a class within the framework of the course "Man. Labor. Profession", so the game time is calculated for one lesson - 40-45 minutes. For this version of the game, the preparatory stage is important, which can be organized as follows:
1. Play a game at the end of the course "Man. Labor. Profession".
2. In the lessons preceding the game, analyze together with the class the written work "My future profession" or "My personal professional plan" of some students (anonymously and with their consent). When analyzing a personal professional plan, each element can be evaluated on a 5-point scale.
3. If possible, an anonymous exchange of letters between students from different schools is organized. Letters are signed with the given name and the initial letter of the surname. Schoolchildren report about themselves, their plans and formulate their career guidance problem. In response letters, they give each other advice (as if they advise each other). The use of this preparatory technique requires tact and professional ethics from the psychologist. This procedure assumes the voluntariness of students.
Game procedure.
Stage 1. The facilitator introduces the game to the class
Instruction: "Now we will learn to help each other choose a profession. Break into pairs (in the classroom everyone usually already sits in pairs). One of you will be a professional consultant (adult role), and the other will play himself - a student. When half lesson, you will switch roles.
Stage 2. The facilitator invites all students to get leaflets, sign them and prepare game protocols. Each game has its own type of protocols:
A. The first type of game protocol

Having quickly drawn up such a protocol, everyone, regardless of what role he is in, forms his own career guidance problem and makes an entry in the "I am a student" column. Then the game begins: the professional consultant makes notes on his piece of paper in the column "I advise", and the student - in the column "I am a student". It is advisable to make notes at the end of the conversation and not show them to each other.
B. The second type of game protocol

Each participant in the game in the "I am a student" column evaluates all six elements of his personal professional plan on a 5-point scale, putting down marks on the left side of the column (this is exactly what the preparatory stage with the analysis of written work "My personal professional plan" is for) . Further, the game itself begins, in which the professional consultant works on his piece of paper in the "I advise" column, first assessing the situation on the left side of the column before the conversation, and then putting down the assessments after the conversation (what has changed). The student does the same in the "I am a student" column. During the game, the host approaches each pair, finding out how the game is going, whether everything is clear, whether there are any difficulties.
At the end of the game, all protocols are handed over to the leader, who can compare them with survey data, observations, and the results of individual conversations.
There is no pronounced stage of discussion in this game, but the game has certain diagnostic capabilities, because. in it, the schoolchildren themselves give a quantitative assessment of various elements of a personal professional plan, not only to themselves, but also to their comrades.

Guess the profession game

Purpose of the game Acquaintance of schoolchildren with the scientific scheme of the analysis of professions. The game is used when studying the topics "Professiogram", "Profession formula", as well as when getting acquainted with specific professions of various sectors of the national economy.
Game conditions. The game is designed to work with the class (students in grades 7-8, as well as older grades). The time for the first play is 10-15 minutes, for the next - 7-10. The game actively uses the blackboard, it is desirable to have a table for analyzing professions.
In the final determination of the winners, a criterion can be introduced (even before the discussion): if the total number of incorrect answers is more than 10, then the team that guessed the profession loses. After that, the winner is finally determined.
Preparatory stage. At the previous lesson or immediately before the game, students should be familiarized with the "professional formula" (7,112). It is advisable not only to talk about the formula, but also to analyze with its help several professions together with the class. In this case, situations may arise when neither the class nor the psychologist can (because of ignorance) confidently characterize the profession under consideration for any item of the analysis scheme. In this case, one should admit one's lack of information and fill the gap in the near future, showing all students that the main thing is not to deceive oneself, not to build illusions about one's knowledge of the profession. The slightest doubt must be checked. Having set up the schoolchildren in this way, you can proceed to the stages of the game itself, which is largely built similarly to the game "Association".
1. In front of the class, a table is posted with the "formula of professions" or with a scheme for analyzing professions (Appendix 1).
2. Optionally, a group of three people is selected.
3. A general instruction is given: "Now three people will leave the class, and the class will think of a profession. After that, three enter the class and observe it, and everyone sitting in the class should analyze the hidden profession according to the analysis scheme for 3-5 minutes. Through 3-5 minutes each of the three guessers chooses one person from the class, who within 2 minutes write out on the board (a little space is required for this) their options for analyzing the profession according to the analysis scheme.
This recommendation proposes a game using a more extended version of the profession analysis scheme (see Appendix 1)
This option was practically used in work with students in grades 7-8.
For example, the profession "teacher of mathematics" is analyzed as follows: the object of labor is a person, a sign; the aims of labor are gnostic, transformative and inventive; means of labor - functional; conditions - household microclimate, etc. After that, each guesser has one opportunity to guess the profession and after 1 minute of deliberation speaks about his answer. If at least one of the three options is correct, the guessing team won.
4. The guessers leave the class, and the class quickly guesses the profession.
5. The facilitator invites guessers who observe how the class paints on the leaves a mysterious profession according to the analysis scheme.
6. Each guesser chooses one person from the class who writes out their options for analyzing the profession on the board.
7. After that, the guessers evaluate all three options written out for one minute and offer their three guesses.
8. The class assesses whether they have guessed the profession or not, while naming the hidden profession.
Discussion of the game (playback).
For each item of the profession analysis scheme, the facilitator, together with the class, determines the correct and incorrect answers for all three options written on the board.
Watching the guessing class is a disciplinary technique, because the choice of an obvious loafer from the class increases the guessers' chances of winning, and puts the loafer in an uncomfortable position in front of the class.
Appendix 1.
Scheme of the analysis of professions.
1. Subject of labor: nature, technology, man, sign, artistic image.
2. Goals of labor: gnostic (evaluating), transformative, exploratory.
3. Means of labor: manual, mechanical, automatic, functional (speech, facial expressions, physical data), theoretical (knowledge).
4. Working conditions: domestic microclimate, unusual (workshop, shop), extreme (under water, in a mine), outdoors.
5. Labor organization: clear discipline, usual relations: boss - subordinate, relative independence.
6. Communication at work: individual (with a client), work in a group, work with large teams, audiences.
7. Responsibility in work: material, moral, life and health of people.
8. The nature of mobility: sedentary work, work, standing, constant movement.
9. Health requirements: high, normal, almost everyone can work.
10. The needs of society in the profession: required, especially not required, difficult to get a job.
11. Features of the profession: benefits (what?), early retirement, frequent business trips, temptations (the possibility of obtaining unearned income), etc.
12. Obtaining a profession: education is not required, a student at work, completion of special courses, vocational schools, technical schools, universities, postgraduate studies, doctoral studies, academies.

1. Organizational features of career guidance games and basic requirements for holding

Currently, educators and psychologists are of increasing interest in the use of game methods which are aimed at activating schoolchildren in professional self-determination.

The career guidance game is based on the general scheme for building a personal professional plan (PPP).

Scheme for building a personal professional plan

1. A general idea of ​​the role of labor in achieving personal happiness (the value-moral component of LPP).

2. Long-term professional goal (dream) and its consistency with other life goals.

3. Near professional goals (as stages and ways to achieve a distant goal).

4. Reserve options as possible ways of moving to a distant goal.

5. Knowledge of the identified goals (features of professions, educational institutions).

6. Knowing your capabilities to achieve long-range and short-term goals.

7. Knowledge of ways to prepare for achieving goals and ways to work on yourself.

8. Real preparation for achieving goals.

General scheme for constructing career guidance games

1. The goal of the game as a result predicted by the professional consultant in the situation of making a decision on the choice of profession by the optant.

2. Conditions of the game (age, number of participants, time of the game).

3. Materials and equipment necessary for the game.

4. Stages of the game - a consistent presentation of the roles of the leader and participants in achieving their goals of the game.

5. Comments, where additions are considered, explanations for the host on the preparation and conduct of this game to implement its main goals.

Leading Requirements

1. Awareness in career guidance issues.

2. Professional tact.

3. Support for interesting statements of participants, not only in words, but also in facial expressions, gestures, and glances.

4. Confidence that the game will be interesting.

5. Skill, risk to improve game situations.

6. Maintaining an optimal level of game discipline.

Rules for conducting, discussing the game (for the presenter)

1. Create a trusting, friendly mood for the game.

2. Strictly control the time of the performance of the participants in the game.

3. Do not interfere in the game discussion, but only organize it.

4. Follow the culture of the discussion, the dynamics of the game of its participants.

5. From time to time, summarize the discussion by summarizing the main points of the participants.

Rules for conducting, discussing the game (for participants)

1. Volunteer to take part in the game (if you don't want to talk - report it).

2. Feel free to say what corresponds to your opinion, feelings.

3. Speak in a way that does not offend or offend the other person.

4. Respect the opinion of each person.

5. Do not give negative, personal assessments of other participants.

6. When criticizing others, offer your own options for getting out of the situation.

7. Remember - there are no right or wrong, good or bad answers. There are answers that correspond to your opinion or the opinion of other participants.

8. When discussing the game, use the following lines that begin like this:

I think that...

I agree with you, but...

In my opinion it is necessary...

I would say differently...

I think this should be done...

Maybe we should look at it differently...

If ... then perhaps the output will be like this ...

Among good points game method can be noted:

the opportunity for the participant of the game to see the integrity of the problem, its most significant aspects; in the game there is a more creative mastery of the material being studied, decision-making skills are acquired, role-playing behavior is mastered, etc.

To common shortcomings games include the following: the difficulty of presenting large information material in the game - here the game is clearly inferior to lectures and individual conversations; not everyone takes the game seriously, which makes it difficult to transfer the results of the game to real life, etc.

It is advisable to solve purely informational tasks at lectures and in conversations. The necessary minimum information readiness for the game can be achieved in the preliminary lessons. In the game itself, it is more efficient to use the knowledge or ideas already available to the optants. The facilitator's task is to bring this knowledge into a system so that they can be used in solving issues related to the choice of profession.

Methods for assessing the effectiveness of a career guidance game

Feedback is an assessment by the participants of the effectiveness and efficiency of career guidance games, which helps the professional consultant pay attention to his work in order to further correct and improve it, introduce him to cooperation with students, turning them from passive objects of influence into active subjects of choosing a profession.

One of these feedback methods, designed for students in grades 9-11, is to evaluate the game according to the following parameters in points:

1) interestingness;

2) usefulness (what you learned new, how your ideas about the known have changed, etc.);

3) own activity in the game.

The facilitator invites the participants to evaluate this lesson on the sheets of paper on a 10-point system. After evaluation, the participants must justify their answers and give their suggestions for improving this game.

The leaflets are handed over to the presenter, who calculates the average score for all players in three parameters, the percentage of reasonable answers from the total number and analyzes the results, compares them with his observations and takes them into account in further work.

To evaluate the effectiveness of vocational guidance games by students in grades 7-9, the leader can use another method - "Red, Yellow, Blue". To conduct it, you need cards of red, yellow, blue colors (according to the number of participants). When answering, the players raise a card with a color corresponding to their assessment: red - understandable, interesting; yellow - don't care, don't care; blue - incomprehensible, uninteresting.

Conventionally, games can be divided into groups:

Career guidance game exercises;

Games that simulate professional activities;

Games that simulate the process of choosing a profession;

Games that simulate professional activities and the process of choosing a profession.

2. Description of career guidance games and exercises 2.1. Career guidance game exercises

Career guidance game exercises are used to create a relaxed, friendly and natural atmosphere for the work of a professional consultant and optants, as well as in modeling individual elements of professional, life and personal self-determination. Career guidance game exercises are simpler and more dynamic than career guidance games.

A feature of the proposed exercises is that they can be used during group professional consultations of the 1st level, in lectures and conversations on choosing a profession.

When doing this, it is important to observe the following conditions:

    ensure their dynamism;

    focus not on the mistakes (failures) of any player, but on positive, interesting and correct statements and actions;

    observe the principle of voluntary participation in game tasks;

    play a simple game exercise no more than 3-5 times, otherwise the participants will lose interest in it;

    the facilitator should give the players the opportunity to express themselves, speaking less himself;

    when planning a game lesson, it is necessary to have several “spare” game exercises in case the participants take what was originally proposed without much enthusiasm;

    don't try to sum up everything game exercise, because more important is the aftereffect, when the participants themselves become aware of the problem modeled in this exercise, and maybe even discover the truth.

2.1.1. Exercise "Who created it?"

The facilitator invites the participants to name the professions of all people who participated in the manufacture of a product of any production (bread, clothes, books, watches, keys, etc.), based on their experience and imagination. For example, someone who helped sugar beet grow and turn into sweet sugar is a traveler, farmer, seed grower, agronomist, vegetable grower, tractor driver, driver, sorter, beet washer, carver, chemist. This list may be updated and supplemented.

2.1.2. Exercise "From A to Z"

Participants are invited to name any profession in all letters of the alphabet. Sample pointer:

Agronomist, lawyer, actor, archaeologist, archivist, architect........

Librarian, banker, bulldozer operator, accountant, attendant.........

Doctor, veterinarian, driver, plumber..........

Geologist, surveyor, tutor, make-up artist.........

Disinfector, dispatcher, trainer..........

Huntsman, naturalist......

Juggler, journalist.......

Dental technician, cutter........

Art critic, engineer, publisher, inspector, illusionist........

Cashier, controller, cook.......

Foundry worker, laboratory assistant, pilot, literary critic, speech therapist...........

Painter, machinist, mechanic, manager.......

Adjuster, adjuster, compositor.....

Operator, operator, shoemaker.......

Hairdresser, cook, translator, carpenter........

Director, traffic controller, radio mechanic .........

Secretary, stenographer, prompter ........

Merchandiser, dancer, theater expert.......

Teacher, accountant, stacker ......

Pharmacist, photographer, moulder.....

Artist, choreographer, chemist

Flower grower, socle maker ........

Shepherd, watchmaker, chaser...........

Plasterer, stamper, seamstress.........

Economist, electrician, electronic engineer ........

Jeweler, lawyer


2.1.3. Exercise "Pantomime"

Participants are divided into 2 teams and take turns guessing to each other with the help of pantomime the names of some professions, depicting actions characteristic of workers in this profession. The task of the other team is to guess what profession is guessed.

2.1.4. Exercise "Buyer and seller"

Participants are asked to act out the following situations:

1. The buyer is capricious: he does not like all the goods offered by the seller. It looks like he doesn't need to buy anything at all. How will the seller behave?

2. The seller of outerwear helps to choose the right thing. The buyer chooses a raincoat that does not suit him at all. What does the seller do in this case?

3. An irritated buyer comes (he doesn't like the store - too cramped, he doesn't like the sellers - ill-mannered, inattentive, he doesn't like the goods - ugly, expensive, etc.). The purpose of the seller is to improve the mood of the buyer and help him make a purchase.

You can play the same situation with different "sellers" showing different behaviors. After the evaluations, the presenter and participants mark the most successful options.

2.1.5. Exercise "A day in the life of a professional"

The players sit in a circle. It is necessary by joint efforts with the help of words (nouns, common nouns in the nominative case) to compose a story on the topic "An ordinary day in the life of a professional" (who exactly, the group determines for itself). During the game in a circle, everyone names a word that characterizes the activities of this professional so that a coherent story is obtained. For example, a day in the life of a city bus driver: alarm clock - coffee - car park - road - stop - road - stop - crowd - crush - turn - stop - puncture - phone - repairmen - wheel - gratitude, etc. whether it was possible to create a coherent story, as well as how optimistic or sad this story turned out to be and why it happened.

2.1.6. Exercise "Self-portrait"

Each player should be given a sheet of paper and a pencil on which he should try to draw his self-portrait (large one face). The facilitator collects the sheets, shuffles them and distributes them to the participants. Each of them needs to carefully consider the resulting image (it is not necessary to guess who it is) and try to correlate it with any profession. On the reverse side, the participant writes down this profession and passes the sheet to the neighbor on the right, and from the neighbor on the left he takes a new image and does the same. When all the sheets pass in a circle, the leader collects them again, each one shows to all participants and reads out the professions written on the back (except for the stupid and indecent). After that, at the request of one of the participants, you can discuss his self-portrait and the specified professions: do they correlate with his professional interests? What were the participants of the game based on when choosing a profession?

2.1.7. Exercise "Who is who?"

The players sit in a circle. The facilitator writes down with their help on the board 10-15 professions that are attractive to them. Then he calls any of them, and the players within 5-10 seconds. trying to determine to whom of those present it would be best to recommend it. Then, at the command (clap) of the leader, everyone simultaneously shows a hand at the corresponding player (or even at himself) and freezes for a while so that it would be possible to count who has shown the most hands. Do not play more than 3-5 professions from the list.

2.1.8. Exercise "Experts in professions"

The facilitator invites the participants to complete the following tasks to test their knowledge of the world of the profession:

1. Name a profession, changing the ending in the name of which changes its content? (driver, typist)

2. From the above list, name those professions that:

a) have almost or completely disappeared;

b) appeared only in the 20th century;

c) appeared in the last decades.

List of professions

Operator COMPUTER, tractor mechanic, valeologist, chimney sweep, editor, carpenter, cab driver, cosmonaut, doctor, pilot, ecologist, clown, teacher, guide, batman.

Answers to task 2

a) chimney sweep, cab driver, batman;

b) tractor mechanic, pilot, cosmonaut;

c) operator COMPUTER, ecologist, valeologist.

2.1.9. Exercise "Complete the portrait."

Participants are given a description of the profession, in which there is no characteristic: significance for society, labor operations, requirements for a person. The task is to determine what information about the profession is missing and supplement them. In this case, participants can use the reference literature.

8th grade student Valya K. told the class teacher that she wanted to be a confectioner. Here is her story about this profession: "It is impossible to imagine a festive table without a cake, pastries, cookies or pies. And the mood of people largely depends on how the cake or pastries are prepared. Therefore, the profession of a confectioner is very important and interesting, and most importantly, it is necessary. A confectioner is engaged in cooking and baking various types of dough (yeast, puff, sand).In the process, he monitors the consumption of raw materials.The confectioner must know its basic properties of dough, the technology and mode of preparation of products, methods of decorating them, the rules for the technical operation of equipment, its adjustment.Working conditions in confectionery shops are not easy to please. A confectioner has to work in a room with a high temperature, perform monotonous movements. The profession of a confectioner can be obtained in secondary vocational schools, and continue education in secondary specialized and higher educational institutions. "

Questions for participants:

What important information is missing in the description of the profession of confectioner Valya?

What features are necessary for the successful work of a confectioner?

What qualities should this worker have?

Answers: the story does not say anything about the requirements of the profession for a person.

2.1.10. Exercise "Traps-traps"

The players sit in a circle. A participant (leader) is selected, who will have to choose and name any professional goal (to master a specific profession, to achieve success in it). But for this he will have to overcome the obstacles put forward by other players (traps-traps). All participants within 2-3 minutes. come up with possible, real obstacles on the way to the intended goal. Then each participant in turn names his obstacle, and the driver finds its solution, how could he overcome it. After that, the person who proposed it must name his own version of the solution of the problem, and everyone else evaluates which of the two options turned out to be more successful. The facilitator records the answers on the board. If most of the options of the driver are recognized as more successful, then it is considered that he is able to achieve the intended goal.

2.1.11. Exercise "Star hour-1"

Participants are divided into 2-3 teams of 3-5 people each and determine any profession for themselves. The task of each team is 5-10 minutes. highlight and write on a piece of paper 3-5 the most attractive moments for this profession (the meaning of labor, its meaning, dignity). Then the team representatives take turns reporting their professional choice and answering questions. You can offer all teams the same profession, and then see how different the players' perceptions of this profession are.

2.1.12. Exercise "Star hour-2"

Each participant chooses a profession for himself and, without naming it out loud, writes down on a piece of paper 2-3 attractive moments from this professional activity. Then a pair of volunteer players is selected, who must within 5 minutes. act out a scene of a conversation between two workers, each of whom proves to the other that he has found the greatest satisfaction in his profession. In this case, you can use various statements, intonations, behaviors characteristic of representatives of these professions. And the rest of the players must guess what profession each of the participants in the pair represented. Then the next pair of players is chosen, and so on.

2.1.13. Exercise "Vocational Dictionary"

Participants are divided into two teams and receive leaflets with a list of terms related to the world of professions. The task is to discuss the word terms in teams and explain their meaning to the other team. Time for discussion of one term - 1 min. Teams take turns exchanging definitions of given words, making comments and supplementing each other.

List 1 Profession, tool, duties, working conditions.

List 2 Worker, tools, foreman, salary.

2.2. Games that simulate professional activities

This group of games is aimed at acquainting students with specific professions, at identifying and understanding their individual characteristics, as well as familiarizing themselves with the requirements of the profession for a person.

The main game moment is playing and resolving various situations in the relationship of employees with each other or with customers. This allows you to identify the features of professions, and also contributes to the formation of students' ability to think, reason, and make generalizations.

After acting out the situations, the facilitator can invite the participants to come up with similar scenes for other professions. This activates the existing knowledge, encourages creativity, independent and conscious choice of profession.

If the participants are at a loss, then the facilitator offers them the following scheme to help:

1) determine the profession that is interesting for the participants;

2) identify and clarify the conflict situation typical for the chosen profession; 3) specify the roles, conditions, rules and discuss instructions for the main participants.

2.2.1. Game "Contact"

Target: The game "Contact" models professions of the type "Man-Man" and can be an effective tool in acquiring the skills of a culture of communication for its participants. It is also aimed at partially determining their compliance with specific professions, since participation in problem situations makes it possible to get to know the general features of this field of activity.

Game conditions: It is more appropriate to conduct it with high school students, although the age of participants can vary from 12 to 17 years. The number of participants in the game is 8-10 people (depending on how many game situations the leader will offer). The maximum playing time (including warm-up) is 1 hour 20 minutes.

Materials and equipment: Board, cards with descriptions of situations.

1. Educator kindergarten- child's parents

The child is guilty, the teacher tells the parents about it, and they protect the baby, not delving into the essence of the matter and believing that their child simply cannot be wrong. What is the position of the educator?

2. Doctor - sick

A young doctor, when visiting a patient (elderly person), makes a diagnosis and offers treatment. But the latter has a medical education and does not agree with the diagnosis and methods of treatment. What will the young doctor do?

3. Investigative officer of the criminal investigation department - witness

In the course of the investigation of the crime, the detective of the criminal investigation department talks with the witness (witness). He tells a lie (think for yourself why). How can I convince him to tell the truth? Try to do it.

4. Stewardess - air passenger

During the flight, the passenger is capricious: he does not like the lunch brought by the stewardess, the warm mineral water served by her, etc. How would a flight attendant behave in such a situation?

5. Teacher - student

The erudite student asks for permission to supplement the history teacher after explaining the new material to him. He tells interesting facts, but unknown to the teacher, and is interested in his opinion on this topic. What is the way out in this situation?

6. Chief editor of the newspaper - journalist

The journalist brings relevant material to the editor-in-chief, but the latter understands that it will have to be significantly reduced in volume (think for what reason). What should the editor-in-chief do in order not to offend the journalist?

7. Hairdresser - client

The client orders a haircut that obviously does not suit him (think up why). The hairdresser offers another option, but he does not agree. What position will the hairdresser take?

8. Guide-interpreter - foreign businessman

A guide-interpreter accompanies a group of foreign businessmen from the airport to the hotel. It suddenly turns out that the places in it are not booked due to the fault of the organizers of the trip. Tired foreigners do not understand why they are not allowed to rest after a long trip. What can a guide do in such a situation?

Game stages:

1. Before the start of the game, the facilitator asks the participants what qualities of character are important for professions such as "Man-to-Man". The guys call, and the presenter sums up: sociability, patience, endurance, goodwill, tact, accuracy, responsiveness, friendliness, observation, independence, calmness, self-control. The success of activities in the field of "Man-Man" largely depends on the ability of a specialist to contact people, listen and understand their inner world.

2. To activate attention, you can conduct a short warm-up with the participants, which will help them remember which professions are of the "Human-Human" type. Dividing for convenience all professions of this type into several groups (pedagogical, legal, medical, service sector professions, culture), the facilitator asks the students to name in turn all the professions and specialties they know that belong to these groups. For example, legal professions: prosecutor, legal adviser, arbitrator, judge, lawyer, investigator, criminal investigation officer, etc.

The leader must constantly ensure that the warm-up goes at a fast pace. If there is a hitch during the transfer process, the host starts the count (similar to how it happens at an auction). The winner is the one who

the last to name the profession of this group. After that, the guys quite easily tune in to the game mode.

3. Each situation is played by two, and in situations No. 1 and 8, three take part. The facilitator should prepare sheets with descriptions of specific situations in advance, which are laid out on the table like exam tickets (see Materials and equipment). He explains that the situations are different from each other, but everyone gets the same task: it is necessary to convincingly play each situation and offer their own solution.

4. Discussion of the game: the facilitator invites the participants to analyze the situations they have played out and the behavior of the "specialists", highlight those in which they managed to find the optimal solution, as well as those where more successful options were possible. The result of the game should be the conclusion that, choosing one of the professions belonging to the "Man-Man" type, you need to be ready to communicate with people almost all your working time, while maintaining restraint, calmness, goodwill in any conditions.

Comments: The game "Contact" is quite theatrical. The task of the presenter is to help its participants get used to the roles, to take the place of those people whom they portray. Sometimes players are afraid to make extraordinary decisions, being captive to the usual ideas. For example, they may not know that doctors, in a doubtful case that arises when making a diagnosis, can convene a consultation (situation No. 2). The facilitator's hint will probably push the guys to the right decision. In situation No. 8, they may also be confused, since the task of an interpreter is not to settle the everyday problems of foreigners. But the guide can show initiative and independence: reassure the guests, try to find the organizers of the trip.

Participants are unlikely to find answers to the questions proposed in the game in books and textbooks. It is important to teach them to think independently, to take responsibility for their decisions.

In the future, this game can be used in modeling professions in other areas "Human-Technology", "Human-Sign System", "Human-Nature", "Human-Artistic Image".

2.2.2. Game "Association"

Purpose of the game: To reveal the knowledge of the participants about the professions, to acquaint them with the general features of the areas of activity under consideration, to reveal the emotional attitude to different professions.

Game conditions: The game is designed for students in grades 7-9. The number of participants is 7-14 people. The time for the first drawing is 15 minutes, the next - 5-7 minutes each.

Materials and equipment; Board, sheets of paper, table "Profession requirements for a person" (see Appendix 4.3.).

Game stages:

1. Three players are chosen at will.

2. The following instruction is given: “Now three people will leave the room, and the rest of the participants will guess some profession. Then they will enter and try to guess it using associative questions, for example, “What color is this profession?”, “What smell does it remind you of?”, “What furniture is used ?", "What character trait is important?", etc. "

You can take the profession of a doctor for an approximate analysis, where the answers can be as follows: color - white, smell - something related to alcohol (medicine - too suggestive answer), furniture - glass cabinet, couch, quality - goodwill, patience, honesty.

3. The host gives instructions to the guessers: "Each of you can ask two such questions. Now you will go out into the corridor and think over your questions for 2-3 minutes. When you ask questions, specifically indicate to whom exactly you are asking them."

4. The game begins and the host monitors its dynamics. When all questions and answers are spoken, the facilitator invites three players to think over and name their options.

5. During the discussion of the game, ask the guessers about which answers helped them and which ones misled them. Then together decide the correctness of the answer to each associative question and correct them if necessary. The options may not exactly match the chosen profession, for example, the profession "psychologist", and the answers correspond to the professions "teacher", "educator". The right to determine whether three players have guessed the profession or not should be given to guessers.

Comments: The host should help the players in case of misunderstanding of the essence of the issue, as well as in difficulties in posing questions.

In the process of work, the list of questions will be replenished, which will help the facilitator better organize the game and discussion. You can guess not only professions, but also specific places of work, educational institutions, etc.

2.2.3. Game "Alien Interns"

Purpose of the game: To acquaint participants with the main structural divisions (departments) of a typical industrial enterprise, its professions, with the basic requirements of these professions for a person, to teach how to compare the requirements of the profession with the characteristics of a person.

Game conditions: The game is designed for students in grades 7-11. The number of participants is 20-30 people. The duration of the game is 30-40 minutes.

Materials and equipment: Board, table "Profession requirements for a person" (see Appendix 4.3.), instruction cards.

Instruction card for "Alien Trainees"

In order to get acquainted with earthly professions, you arrived at one of the enterprises. Try to more accurately imagine your appearance (depict on the board) so that you can find a job for you, since you are very different from earthlings. Think about how you look, indicate: height and weight; shape, body cover;

legs, arms (how many and which ones); analyzers (eyes, ears, nose ..), what functions they perform; your strengths (no more than two) and your weaknesses (no less than two).

Card-instruction of the content of the work of the planning and economic department

The department is engaged in drawing up plans for the work of the enterprise and analyzes their implementation. Work takes place in an ordinary room, at tables. The main subject of labor is numbers, tables, graphs, reports. Microcalculators and computers are used for calculations. The main employee (economist) must be neat, executive, have good memory, calculation and analytical abilities, developed self-control.

Card-instruction of the content of the work of accounting

The department controls the expenditure of funds, payroll. Work is carried out in a normal room. Microcalculators and computers are used in the work. The main employee (accountant) must be attentive, accurate, executive, patient, be able to count quickly, have a good memory.

Card-instruction of the content of the work of the technological department

The department is engaged in the development of technological processes and monitors their compliance. Frequent contacts with the management of shops and direct executors are typical. The work takes place in an ordinary room, where technological documentation is studied and developed. The main worker (technologist) must have developed technical and spatial thinking, good visual working memory, communication skills, be principled.

Card-instruction of the content of the work of the technical control department

The department controls the quality of manufactured products, identifies the causes of defects. Measurements are taken on special tables with the help of measuring instruments. The main worker (controller) must be accurate, attentive, principled, have a good eye, hearing, skin-tactile sensitivity, visual-operative memory, technical thinking and spatial imagination.

Card-instruction of the content of the work experimental design bureau

The Bureau creates new product samples and improves existing ones. Work in an ordinary room, at the drawing board, sometimes in special areas when assembling prototypes. The main worker (designer) must be accurate, be able to competently make drawings, have developed spatial thinking, memory. Special requirements are placed on vision and accuracy of hand movements.

Card-instruction for the content of the work of the machine shop of the machine shop

At the site, they are engaged in the manufacture of parts on machine tools. Workers select tools for processing, set the mode of operations, perform work operations for the manufacture of parts, monitor the operation of machines. The main worker (machinist of a wide profile) must be able to understand the drawings, have a good eye, hearing, possess technical thinking, be collected, balanced and hardy.

Card-instruction of the content of the work of the repair section of the machine shop

On the site they are engaged in the repair and maintenance of machine tools. You have to work in different parts of the shop. The main worker (mechanic-repairman) must have a good knowledge of machine tools and equipment, have developed technical thinking, good health, vision and hearing, be concentrated, attentive.

Card-instruction of the content of the work of the carpentry shop

The workshop is engaged in the manufacture and repair of wooden structures. The work uses various carpentry tools (saws, drills, planers), woodworking machines. The main worker (carpenter) must have a good eye, coordination of movements, hearing, spatial thinking, be attentive and focused.

Card-instruction of the content of the work of the enterprise security service

The service provides round-the-clock protection of the territory of the enterprise. The main worker (guard) must be vigilant, courageous, resolute, enduring, and in good health.

Card-instruction of the content of the work of the personnel department

The department is engaged in hiring and dismissal of employees, issues various certificates. The work takes place under normal conditions and is associated with frequent receptions of visitors. You also have to work with various documents. The main employee (inspector) must be responsible, accurate, attentive, friendly, have a good memory, communication skills.

Game stages:

1. Before the game, the host briefly talks about the fact that in any factory, enterprise there are many different services and professions, each of which makes its own requirements for a person.

2. The host introduces everyone to the instructions: “Imagine that recently our planet has made contact with another civilization. Scientists of both planets are studying each other in different directions. Two alien professors are exploring earthly professions. They decided to study them not only from books and stories, but also having tried to work, to undergo an internship. "

Two main participants are selected - "Alien trainees". The host continues: "You and I are representatives of the enterprise, heads of departments, workshops. We were all brought together for a responsible meeting so that we would select several suitable professions for the guests. "Alien trainees" will now go and figure out how they look, and the rest of the participants will be divided into groups of 2 -3 people and will choose "Leaders".

3. "Alien trainees" are given auxiliary instructions (see Materials and equipment), a pen and paper, and they go out into the corridor for 5 minutes.

The rest of the participants are divided into groups (departments) of 2-3 people. Each group chooses the "Head" of the department. They are given instructions indicating the name of the department, its main functions, the content of the work, the requirements of professions for a person (see Materials and equipment). The leader then says: "When the "Alien Trainees" introduce you to their appearance, each "Head" must decide whether they can work for him or not and inform them of their decision, justifying it. "

4. "Alien trainees" are invited to the audience, who introduce everyone to their appearance (draw on the board), answer questions. The facilitator limits the number of questions, makes sure that they correspond to the goals of the game (if there are many questions, this can lead the game in a different direction and make it look like the game "Aliens"). Time for presentations and answers to questions is 5-7 minutes. 5. After the performances of the "Alien trainees" the members of the groups (representatives of the departments) discuss the candidates. The facilitator then invites the "Heads" of departments to give the group's opinion on whether the "Alien Trainees" will be able to carry out the work of their department or section. If there are no people willing to speak first, the facilitator can turn to someone in particular, for example: “Let the “Head” of the machine shop of the machine shop say his first word, as a direct manufacturer of parts."

The speech of the "Leaders" should not exceed 5 minutes.

6. The facilitator proposes to discuss the game: do the “Alien-trainees” agree with the opinion of the “Leaders”, whether they are suitable for one or another unit, fixing the answers on the board. At the end of the discussion, the facilitator sums up, draws the attention of the participants to the structure of an industrial enterprise, where people with different interests and abilities can find work.

Development of a good career guidance game that can be fully used in your school. In development, you don’t have to cut the film yourself, make a presentation, think about the stages of the game. Everything is here. This game is interesting for students in grades 3-4. The game promotes general awareness of professions, broadens one's horizons, develops team spirit, a sense of humor, and responsibility.



Big game by profession (elementary school)

Game description and instructions.

Purpose of the game : introduce students to game form with professions, contribute to broadening one's horizons, consolidate some knowledge about professions, promote the development of creative thinking, ways of communication, foster team spirit, motivate to study and search for information on the Internet.

Preparing for the game:

one . Invite 6 teachers to take part in the game (to be experts at the stations).

2 .Print and cut the necessary materials for the game (route sheets; names of stations (large); prepare the necessary items for each of the items (at the stage "Item one - many professions" bring the following items: sugar (pieces in a small jar), brushes (2 different ones), a computer mouse, scissors and a piece of cloth, a CD (DVD); at the stage “Professions are different, professions are important” - a laptop (pre-upload a film there (“My film”, see the folder); at each other stage, put forms for answers; at the stage "Professions and history" - a laptop (for showing the presentation "Stage I Professions and history").

3 . Organize the game on a sufficiently large area (large recreation or assembly hall), put 6 tables/desks Additionally, you can post the name "Great game by profession."

Organization of the game: before the start of the game, students receive route sheets with a given route. To avoid collisions with a team of another class, follow your own scheme of movement through the stations.

I stage. "Professions and History".

During the slide show, the expert at the station asks the students if they know the names of the professions being shown. For a correct answer, 1 point is awarded. Additional points can be obtained if you answer which of the professions you see exist in the modern world and which do not. For example, there is currently no profession of a shoe-shine, a coachman. The profession of a chimney sweep currently exists in European countries, but this is a small profession in the state.

How to use: open a presentation (stage I "Professions and history"), click "SLIDE SHOW", then "FROM CURRENT SLIDE", the name of the profession opens after clicking the slide again with the mouse (the name of the profession pops up from the right to the middle). This is provided so that the children think about the name, and then check their answer. The total score for the number of correct names is put on the team's route list by an expert at the station.

Stage II "Professions are different, professions are important."

The expert demonstrates the film on a laptop to a team of players and the students then have to name the professions that were mentioned in the film (points are awarded for correctly named professions). The expert writes.

III stage. “One subject, many professions!”

This stage involves "earning" points with original answers. Objects (attributes of professions) are presented, students must figure out how and what profession can use these objects. 1 point is awarded for ordinary answers, 2 points for original answers. Some examples are given in the guide for the expert (see guide).

IV stage "Professions of fairy-tale heroes".

The expert asks questions and writes down the correct answers of the students in the card. In part 2 of the tasks, it is necessary to continue the proverb (for clarity, each proverb is cut into 2 parts. It is necessary to connect the necessary halves and write down the correct answer)

V stage. "ABC of professions".

At the station, the expert fills out a card according to the answers of the children (if these are children in grades 3-4, it is possible for the students to fill out the card themselves). It is necessary to name as many professions as possible with the letters "P", "A", "C". For each correctly named profession, 1 point is awarded. The total score for the number of correct names is put on the team's route sheet.

VI stage. "Talking Surnames". Basically, they are anagrams. Students must, by rearranging the letters in words, get the names of professions. Points are awarded for correctly deciphered job titles.

Experts fill out the route lists of each team, put a signature (for seriousness!), At the end, they calculate the points of each team. Each team is awarded a diploma (the criteria for awarding are chosen general advice teachers, for example, for the most original and accurate answers, for the fastest and most informative answers, for originality of thinking and team spirit, for resourcefulness and broad-mindedness, for deep knowledge, etc.)


Route list "Big game by profession" 3 " A" class

Venue: 2nd floor, elementary school.

Instruction: To avoid collisions with other classes, follow strictly the stations of the route sheet.

Slides captions:

Pharmacist, pharmacist


Coachman, coachman

Bricklayer, builder




chimney sweep


beekeeper, beekeeper


Gymnasts, circus performers


Shoe shiner

Pilot, aviator

Well done!!!


3 And the class "One subject - many professions!"







Computer mouse




Scissors and cloth




CD disc (DVD




3 B class "One subject - many professions!"

What professions can use these items? What professions cannot do without these items? (For the original answer - 2 points, for an ordinary answer - 1 point)

Sugar -_______________________________________________________________________________





tassel -____________________________________________________________________________




Computer mouse-______________________________________________________________




Scissors and cloth -__________________________________________________________________




CD disc (DVD )-______________________________________________________________________




3 In the class "One subject - many professions!"

What professions can use these items? What professions cannot do without these items? (For the original answer - 2 points, for an ordinary answer - 1 point)

Sugar -_______________________________________________________________________________





tassel -____________________________________________________________________________




Computer mouse-______________________________________________________________




Scissors and cloth -__________________________________________________________________




CD disc (DVD )-______________________________________________________________________




3 And the class "One subject - many professions!" (optional command)

What professions can use these items? What professions cannot do without these items? (For the original answer - 2 points, for an ordinary answer - 1 point)

Sugar -_______________________________________________________________________________





tassel -____________________________________________________________________________




Computer mouse-______________________________________________________________




Scissors and cloth -__________________________________________________________________




CD disc (DVD )-______________________________________________________________________




4 A class "One subject - many professions!"

What professions can use these items? What professions cannot do without these items? (For the original answer - 2 points, for an ordinary answer - 1 point)

Sugar -_______________________________________________________________________________





tassel -____________________________________________________________________________




Computer mouse-______________________________________________________________




Scissors and cloth -__________________________________________________________________




CD disc (DVD )-______________________________________________________________________




4 B class "One subject - many professions!"

What professions can use these items? What professions cannot do without these items? (For the original answer - 2 points, for an ordinary answer - 1 point)

Sugar -_______________________________________________________________________________





tassel -____________________________________________________________________________




Computer mouse-______________________________________________________________




Scissors and cloth -__________________________________________________________________




CD disc (DVD )-______________________________________________________________________





The answer is an actor.

Answer- cook (make jam)


Answer - painter, director


Completion mark "+" "-"


Measure seven times...

one cut 1 point

One plows, seven ...

wave hands 1 point

Patience and hard work...

everyone will grind 1 point

Master's work...

afraid 1 point

The sloth has both hands...

left 1 point

Great patience will come and

skill 1 point

One in the field...

not a warrior 1 point


3 A class

1. What is the profession in which the Wolf from the fairy tale “seven kids” could work today?

2. What could the hero of the cartoon "Vacation in Prostokvashino" cat Matroskin work as?

3. How can two from the casket from the cartoon "Vovka in the Far Far Away" work?

4. What could the Tsar from the same cartoon work as?


5. What could Vasilisa from the same cartoon work as?

3 B class

IV stage. "Professions of fairy-tale heroes».

1. What is the profession in which the Wolf from the fairy tale “seven kids” could work today?


2. What could the hero of the cartoon "Vacation in Prostokvashino" cat Matroskin work as?


3. How can two from the casket from the cartoon "Vovka in the Far Far Away" work?


4. What could the Tsar from the same cartoon work as?


5. What could Vasilisa from the same cartoon work as?


6. Find the other half of the proverbs:

The cards are distributed by the instructor at the stage, he also fills in the column "Continuation of the phrase"

3 to class

IV stage. "Professions of fairy-tale heroes».

1. What is the profession in which the Wolf from the fairy tale “seven kids” could work today?


2. What could the hero of the cartoon "Vacation in Prostokvashino" cat Matroskin work as?


3. How can two from the casket from the cartoon "Vovka in the Far Far Away" work?


4. What could the Tsar from the same cartoon work as?


5. What could Vasilisa from the same cartoon work as?


6. Find the other half of the proverbs:

The cards are distributed by the instructor at the stage, he also fills in the column "Continuation of the phrase"

4 A class

IV stage. "Professions of fairy-tale heroes».

1. What is the profession in which the Wolf from the fairy tale “seven kids” could work today?


2. What could the hero of the cartoon "Vacation in Prostokvashino" cat Matroskin work as?


3. How can two from the casket from the cartoon "Vovka in the Far Far Away" work?


4. What could the Tsar from the same cartoon work as?


5. What could Vasilisa from the same cartoon work as?


6. Find the other half of the proverbs:

The cards are distributed by the instructor at the stage, he also fills in the column "Continuation of the phrase"

4 B class

IV stage. "Professions of fairy-tale heroes».

1. What is the profession in which the Wolf from the fairy tale “seven kids” could work today?


2. What could the hero of the cartoon "Vacation in Prostokvashino" cat Matroskin work as?


3. How can two from the casket from the cartoon "Vovka in the Far Far Away" work?


4. What could the Tsar from the same cartoon work as?


5. What could Vasilisa from the same cartoon work as?


6. Find the other half of the proverbs:

The cards are distributed by the instructor at the stage, he also fills in the column "Continuation of the phrase"

IV stage. Note for the instructor:

1. What is the profession in which the Wolf from the fairy tale “seven kids” could work today?

The answer is an actor.

2. What could the hero of the cartoon "Vacation in Prostokvashino" cat Matroskin work as?

Answer- livestock breeder, milker, merchant, seamstress, embroiderer,cook (make jam)

3. How can two from the casket from the cartoon "Vovka in the Far Far Away" work?

Answer- carpenter, cook, dough-maker, lumberjack.

4. What could the Tsar from the same cartoon work as?

Answer - painter, director

5. What could Vasilisa from the same cartoon work as?

Answer- architects, landscape designer.

6. Find the other half of the proverbs: put 1 point in their route sheet if the students correctly completed the proverb.

Completion mark "+" "-"


you can’t pull a fish out of the pond 1 point

Measure seven times...

one cut 1 point

One plows, seven ...

wave hands 1 point

Patience and hard work...

everyone will grind 1 point

Master's work...

afraid 1 point

The sloth has both hands...

left 1 point

3 B class

V stage. "ABC of professions"




3B class

V stage. "ABC of professions"(children name professions, the instructor fills in at the stage)

Name as many professions as possible with the letters "P", "A", "C"




4 A class

V stage. "ABC of professions"(children name professions, the instructor fills in at the stage)

Name as many professions as possible with the letters "P", "A", "C"







3 B class









3 to class

VI stage. "Talking Surnames".Rearrange the letters in the words and get the name of the profession.









4 A class

VI stage. "Talking Surnames".Rearrange the letters in the words and get the name of the profession.









Memo for the instructor "One subject - many professions!"

One by one, show the objects to the children, ask a question "What professions use these items?What professions cannot do without these items? and record student responses on their route sheets. Count the correct answers.Ordinary professions - 1 point, original use subjects in the profession - 2 points.

The correct answers might be:

Sugar - cook, confectioner, baker, bartender, barmaid, caramel maker, winemaker, perfumer (maybe), trainer (gives sugar to the animal for the right command) - immediately 2 points for originality!;

Tassel - artist, decorator, animator, painter, maid (brushes dust off the furniture when cleaning the room) - immediately 2 points for originality"; confectioner - 2 points (smear the pies with beaten eggs to get a golden crust, the hairdresser - 2 points (brushes hair off client's shoulders)

Computer mouse- programmer, decorator, architect, teacher, director, any profession in which it can be used. At his discretion, the instructor can give 2 points for any original answer ...

Scissors and cloth - fashion designer, designer, tailor, seamstress, cutter, decorator, manufacturer of upholstered furniture - 2 points for originality at once!; nurse and veterinarian (bandages the wound with bandages (cloth) and cuts it off with scissors) -2 points for originality!;

One subject, many professions

3A (additional)

"Professions and history"

3A (additional)

"Professions are different, professions are important"

3A (additional)

"Professions of fairy-tale heroes"

3A (additional)

"Talking Surnames"

3A (additional)

career guidance games

Development of self-presentation skills when applying for a job. Determination of long-term life and professional goals. Analysis and comprehension of professional prospects. Management of a personal professional plan. Encouraging participants to make informed career choices. Development of professionally important qualities. Figurative reflection of the actual need for professional achievements. Teaching knowledge, skills and self-presentation skills. Group career guidance training. The facilitator and participants find out with what emotions this or that profession is associated. Group career guidance training. Participants come up with business ideas, they invite other participants to their fictitious enterprises. Group career guidance training. Participants develop business plans for their future, others evaluate these business plans. Procedure for group career guidance training. Participants learn to predict the future. Group procedure psychological training . Participants come up with new, fun professions. Increasing the level of awareness of possible obstacles (traps) on the way to professional goals and ideas about ways to overcome these obstacles. Group career guidance training. Participants on verbs come up with professions. Participants try to imagine how they could enrich this or that profession. Increasing the level of awareness by the participants of the typical and specific in the professional activities of a particular specialist. Group career guidance training. Participants match well-known characters to popular professions. Awareness of the benefits and prospects for the professional development of a former soldier in a market economy. Group career guidance training. Several participants get themselves the role of "profession", they must choose among the remaining participants adequate representatives. Increasing the participants' level of awareness of their concepts such as specialization within a particular profession and to expand awareness of the diversity of professional work. Increasing the level of orientation in the world of professional work and a better understanding of the characteristics of professions associated with prestige. Procedure of the career guidance training program. Participants choose a profession for themselves, then choose a related profession, on which their own work will depend. Creative self-disclosure of participants and increasing their competence in the field of social adaptation in the process of job search. Increasing the level of awareness among the participants of the peculiarities of labor activity in the most prestigious fields of activity at the moment, taking into account the specifics of the period the country is going through. Career training process. The host, together with the participants, divide the space of the board into "areas" in which the "cities"-professions are located. Assistance to participants in developing a constructive attitude towards unemployment, creating conditions for an active search for a way out of a negative situation, as well as creating the prerequisites for the formation of an adequate self-esteem. Group career guidance training. Participants master the concept of "capital". Career training process. Participants get acquainted with the concept of "personal capital", its different types. Acquaintance of participants with the scheme of analysis of professions. The procedure of group vocational guidance training for schoolchildren. Participants guess and solve professions. Development of the ability to highlight the common in various types of work. The goal of the game is to learn to correlate a person (including oneself) with professions at an associative, figurative level and, thus, increase the readiness of schoolchildren to distinguish between professional stereotypes. Career guidance game for middle and high school students. It is aimed at expanding the horizons in the field of the world of professions, awakening interest in the content aspects of professional activity. Group career guidance training. Participants come up with non-existent professions. Group career guidance training. Participants discuss the question "Does money smell?" and in general, how much a person's value system should correlate with the chosen profession. Group career guidance training. Participants name professions with letters of the alphabet. The procedure of group vocational guidance training for schoolchildren. Participants choose what they like more: work or activity. Estimation of the probability of accomplishing the events of a successful career in a real career. Assistance to participants in the analysis of PVC occupations. Analysis of the influence of internal and external forces on a career. Determination to which sphere of life the events of "unsuccessful", "successful" and "real" careers belong. Analysis of possible events that promote and hinder a career. Evaluation of the personal significance of the events of "unsuccessful", "successful" and "my real career". The study of ways of self-realization through the profession. Developing effective self-presentation skills. Increasing the willingness of participants to prioritize when planning their life and professional prospects, as well as the willingness to correlate their professional goals and opportunities. Simulation of some elements of the interview when applying for a job and when entering an educational institution. Encouragement of participants' interest in conscious professional self-determination. To help participants better understand the main personal meanings of a particular professional activity for a person and correlate these meanings with their own idea of ​​happiness. Checking the formation of a personal professional plan. Enabling participants to relate their image to different professions based on students' knowledge of each other. Helping participants in practice to understand the features of a conscious choice of profession. Determination of promising life and professional goals; analysis and understanding of their life and professional prospects. Introducing a social dimension to an individual career. Creating a sense of completion. Awakening interest in various professions. Creation of a strategic life plan for the next 5 years and a motivating motto for the next 2 months. Analysis of the features of a particular profession under consideration. Modeling of some typical traits and characteristics of the behavior of certain professionals, allowing you to better understand the generalized images of representatives of these professions and correlate them with ideas about your own self-image.

In the game, students are given the opportunity to get acquainted with the content of the work of the professions of an investigator, biologist, writer, journalist, actress, salesman and test themselves in professional tests.

MOU IRMO "Markovskaya secondary school" r. p. Markova, Irkutsk district, Irkutsk region, 2017

Development summary extracurricular activities

"The game is a journey into the world of professions"

(for primary school students)

Compiled by: educational psychologist

Galina Viktorovna Otkidach

Target: early career guidance; enrichment of ideas about the world of professions.

Development of visual and auditory memory, attention, logical thinking,

artistic abilities, skills of speech culture, the ability to competently build sentences;

Development of motivation for cognitive activity;

Activation and expansion of vocabulary.

Preparation for the lesson:


Letters of the alphabet on a piece of paper

Investigator Pictures,

Tongue Twisters,

Cards with the task to portray someone,

Memory test text

Jury sheets,

Prizes for awarding.

Actors and performers (high school students play): Presenter, Seller, Investigator, Writer, Biologist, Actress, Journalist, jury members

Game progress:


Hello guys!

Poet Vladimir Mayakovsky wrote a poem:

My years are growing, I will be 17,

who should I work then?

What should I do?

Probably, each of you also thought more than once about your future profession, what does he want to become?

Today we invite you to participate in the game - a journey into the world of professions. In our game you will meet representatives of several professions. These people will tell you about their profession and offer to check if you have the ability for it.

For the game we need to be divided into 3 teams. Each team will take a place at different tables.

Distribution by teams

The game will be held in the form of competitions. A jury will work to evaluate the performance of tasks.

Jury presentation

First, each team needs to come up with a name.

So, acquaintance with professions begins. And the teams get the first task:

Each team has a piece of paper with the alphabet on it. You need to come up with the names of professions for each letter of the alphabet in 3 minutes.

Team work

Leaves are handed over to the jury.


The jury evaluates your work, and it's time for us to get acquainted with the professionals.

Now tell about his profession Salesman


The seller is a profession associated with the sale of goods to the public, assisting the buyer in choosing goods. The seller needs to be able to count well, to be attentive.

When communicating with buyers, the seller must be able to listen to them in order to get a clear idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat they want to buy. Sometimes the buyer cannot express his desire properly. In this case, the seller has to use logical thinking to guess what his client needs.

Imagine that an absent-minded customer came to your store, who forgot the names of the products. Therefore, he gives their description, and you must quickly, without hesitation, answer what he wants to acquire.

The task "What did the buyer want to buy?"

Green, oblong, juicy -

Sweet, creamy, cold

White, steam, cow -

Round, fragrant, Antonov -

Red, juicy, round -

Green, crispy, lightly salted -

Delicious, scarlet, juicy -

Atlantic, fatty, lightly salted -

Small, black, grainy -

Answers are evaluated by the jury

And now you are welcomed by the Investigator


An investigator is a person who collects and checks evidence in investigating crimes.

What do you think, what subjects should a future investigator know?

It is very important for an investigator to have a high level of attention development, good visual memory, logical thinking, the ability to listen and remember.

The task "What did the thieves steal?"

To test these abilities, students are given the opportunity to “investigate” a case. You will receive a photo with images of the crime. Children are given photo No. 1 (in the application)

You need to carefully consider the picture and remember everything.

There was a theft in the house.

Photo No. 1 is taken, photo No. 2 is given (in the application)

It is necessary to make an inventory of the stolen goods. Write down on a sheet everything that is stolen.

(Comparing two pictures and finding missing items.)

Answer sheets - jury

While the jury is summing up, I will play with you.

The game "Tyt-tyr machine gun"

Present your profession Writer


Thanks to the writer, we can learn a lot about our past and our present, and even look into the future. A good writer is said to be eloquent. This means that the writer has a rich vocabulary and knows how to correctly build sentences.

Let's try to check your vocabulary.

Exercise: Make up several sentences, where each word begins with one of the four letters "M, B, K, C" (must be written on a sheet)

A task for the ability to correctly build sentences.

In each sentence, the words are usually arranged in a certain order. If this order is changed, the sentence may lose its meaning. Try in the following sentences (leaflets with sets of words are distributed) to find the original meaning by rearranging the words in places, and you can’t use additional words and leave “extra” words, but you can change the endings. (write on sheet)

- Grandfather, hammer, color, old, help, TV, with, repair, and, screwdriver.

- Cats, sit, film, on, soft, and, grandmother, pro, watch, sofa, Siamese.

- Sleep, elephant, girl, s, trunk, dream, about, pink, big.

We hand over your leaflets to the jury for verification.

I came to tell about my profession Biologist


A biologist studies wildlife, studies the structure of plants and animals, their origin, what they do, where they lived or live, what they eat. His attention is focused on the animal and plant world.

It is very important for a biologist to be observant.

A biologist may find himself in situations where he has to make important decisions quickly. He must have a good response.

Task "Speed ​​of reaction"

Each team gets 5 questions. Oral responses.

  1. When does lily of the valley bloom? (In the spring.)
  2. How many nuts are in an empty glass? (Zero.)
  3. How many legs, tails and horns does one cow have? (7)
  4. Three ostriches flew. The hunter killed one. How many ostriches are left? (Ostriches don't fly.)
  5. Bird prison. (Cell.)_________________________________________________
  6. A pair of horses ran 20 km. How far did each horse run? (20 km)
  7. A plant that looks like a hedgehog. (Cactus.)
  8. Not fire, but burning. What is it? (Nettle.)
  9. The nose is long, the voice is thin, whoever kills him will shed his blood (Komar.)
  10. And road markings, and the name of the animal (Zebra.) ____________________________
  11. Which bird does not lay eggs, but hatch from them? (Rooster.)
  12. A fish with a mustache. (Som.)
  13. A flower growing bald in the wind (Dandelion.)
  14. Who hoots in the forest at night? (Owl.)
  15. The raven flies, the dog sits on the tail. Could it be? (Yes.)

While the jury is counting the points, we will play with you.

Elephant game ( Boxes, cartilage, dragged)

Guys, and now we are visiting Actress


The actor plays roles, or, in other words, creates images of literary characters on stage or on the set.

The actor must have a good visual memory, have a clear speech and speak correctly.

2 participants from each team are invited

Task 1. "Say a tongue twister» Practice and say the tongue twister 3 times in a row.

  • The password is "eagle".
  • Osip is hoarse, Arkhip is hoarse.
  • It's terrible for a beetle to live on a bitch.
  • Sanka is carrying Sonya on a sled.
  • Our Polkan fell into a trap.
  • Sashka knocked off his hat with a bump.
  • The house painter Shurik interfered with red lead.
  • Weaving fabric on Tanya's scarf.
  • A cap on a cap, a cap under the cap.

Do not be upset if something did not work out for you, the one who trains will succeed.

Task 2 "Admission to the theater school»

2 participants are invited

Of course, the actor must have artistic abilities, that is, the ability to "get used" to any role, the actor must be very observant. You can test this ability with the following game. You need to draw a card. What is written on the leaflet, do not name.

The role players must behave in such a way that others guess who they are (depict what is written on their cards).

The jury sums up

And another representative of the profession - Journalist


Journalists look for the most interesting and important events happening in the world in order to report them orally or in writing in the media - in newspapers, magazines, on television or radio.

A journalist needs a good auditory memory to remember much of what people say to him.

The task "Auditory memory"

Listen carefully to the text once and then answer the questions.

“Once in early spring, Misha, his mother Elena Sergeevna and father Dmitry Ivanovich were invited to the village for the birthday of grandfather Vanya. The family went to visit by an eight-hour train from the Kiev railway station. The ride was not very long: the necessary stop was the eighth from the end. Grandpa was very happy to meet his grandson.”

Questions to teams (2 each)

  1. What will the boy be called when he becomes an adult?
  2. Whose father was grandfather Vanya - father's or mother's?
  3. Did the train leave at 7 o'clock?
  4. From which station did the family leave?
  5. At what stop did they get off, if there are 12 stops on this branch?
  6. Was it winter?

Was it difficult to remember the information right away?

Now you know your questions, and I will repeat the story again and ask you again.

While the jury is evaluating the responses of the teams, let's play.

Game "Say-sey-chore"

The jury sums up. Rewards all participants in the game.

Leading: we invite everyone to finish our journey into the world of professions with a game . A game « Uncle Thomas'


Galina Semyonova. "Development of educational and cognitive motives of younger schoolchildren" "School psychologist" No. 10,18, 21/2004


The game "Tyt-tyr machine gun"

All participants pronounce the words, accompanying them with movements.

"Tyr - tyr, machine gun, (hold the handles of the "machine gun" with both hands)

Higher, higher, plane, (hand moves from bottom to top obliquely)

Bang! - artillery, (cotton)

The cavalry is galloping, (with one hand they wave an imaginary saber over their heads)

Tanks rustle with tires (rubbing of palms against each other)

and the submarines look into the distance (one hand is visored to the eyes)

Elephant game

Another fun game for ages 9-12 is called Elephant. The facilitator asks the children: “Do you know how an elephant sneezes? Do you want to know?"

The hall is divided into three equal parts, and each group learns its word:

the first group - boxes;

the second group - cartilage;

the third group - dragged.

And then, with a wave of the leader’s hand, all the children shout at the same time, but each group shouts its own word. “This is how an elephant sneezes!”

Game "Say-sey-chore"

Sei-sei-khore (pat themselves on the knees simultaneously with both hands - 2 times for the words “sei-sei”, for the word “hora” touch the shoulders with crossed arms)

Sei-sei-hore (repeat the same movements)

Sei-sei-hore-sa (we repeat, and on “sa” - hands bent at the elbows raise up)

Sei-sei-hore-sa (same movements)

O chi-chi-maka (hands forward at shoulder level, make circular movements with the pelvis in time with the words)

Maka-maka-maka-maka (moving the pelvis to the right, left, right, left)

The pace is accelerating

Game "Uncle Thomas"

Uncle Thomas has seven sons

Uncle Thomas has seven sons.

They didn't eat, they didn't drink.

And never got bored.

Right hand. (the players throw out their right hand in front of them and, shaking it to the beat of the melody, repeat the song). So alternately after each verse, the right and left hands are thrown out, the right and left feet are stamped to the beat of the melody, then the movements of the right and left shoulders, the right and left eyes. The game ends like this:

Uncle Thomas has seven sons

Uncle Thomas has seven sons.

They didn't eat, they didn't drink.

And never got bored.

Right hand,

Left hand,

Right leg,

Left leg,

right shoulder,

left shoulder,

Right eye,

Left eye.

And the head (the players put their hands on their heads). ALL!

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