Psychological game "mafia". "mafia" - a psychological game as a training of communication, self-confidence Psychological mafia

Probably, there is no person who has not heard about the game "Mafia". Many played at least once, most of them managed to become her fans. Moreover, "Mafia" has become a negotiation training, and corporate and team building cannot do without it because of the serious psychological aspect. Today is about him.

This game, created by a student of the psychology faculty of Moscow State University, is both simple and complex. Both intelligent and funny. It all depends on the person, on what he wants / can take from it and bring into it. But everyone in the Mafia will definitely find something for themselves.


There are an infinite number of different rules, modifications and variations, but the plot is this:

The game begins with the distribution of roles: someone falls to be civilians, and someone - a mafia, Don, Sheriff, Doctor, Bodyguard, etc. can also play, depending on the modification.

The table at which the players sit turns into a small town in which civilians live. Happy. At night, some of them turn out to be the mafia, which gets to know each other. Civilians decide to eradicate crime, but for this they need to figure out "xy from xy". Violent discussions of the players begin on the topic of who, in their opinion, plays "black", voting, during which the alleged representatives of the clan are executed. Well, the mafiosi, meanwhile, accurately and methodically shoot the townspeople at night. The main psychologism of the Mafia is the question: whose team will still win? Those. which team is more likely to kill rivals - they won.

What does this whole thing develop:

#1 Ability to verbal and non-verbal communication

Let's say you are a civilian. If you have already decided for yourself that you know exactly who is dangerous for you personally and who is the mafia, this is not enough. It is important to speak in such a way that your people will believe you. And so that the mafia, which, undoubtedly, will defend itself and intensively dump all the barrels on you, does not convince everyone that you are the black player.

#2 Logic, ability to choose strategy and tactics, flexibility of thinking (no worse than chess)

It is very important to have some tactics from the very beginning. And stick to it.

#3 Ability to distinguish truth from lies by gestures, facial expressions and other subconscious signals

There are only 2 options - either the player is lying or telling the truth. He is nervous? Quietly exhales after talking? Revealingly calm and even yawning? Is he nervously fiddling with the mask? Does he have his arms crossed over his chest? Is your leg shaking under the table? What do all these signals say you know? Play "Mafia" and learn in practice.

#4 Stress resistance, the ability not to succumb to public opinion and the opinion of the majority

#5 Ability to convince, argue

This game is a model of everyday life, where sometimes you have to convince others that you are not a camel, although for some reason everyone firmly believes in it. If you are not able to back up an opinion with arguments, then in an adult dispute you will quickly be discounted. And they will kill, considering it suspicious.

#6 Leadership / teamwork

One team is civilians who do not know each other, but in order to win, they are forced to interact with each other ... and with the mafia, it turns out.

#7 Acting ability

The mafiosi clan are players who, although they know each other, are forced to direct all their skills to ensure that the sheep's skin suits them very well, and the liquidation of civilians does not arouse unnecessary suspicion.

#8 Deduction, analytical thinking

It will be interesting to play not only for the humanities and psychologists (in quotes and without them). The game also has a place for a mathematical approach - every day to remember who voted for whom, who spoke against whom, and who is still killed at night.

#9 Memory

Keeping all the data from the previous paragraph in mind, analyzing, and even not substituted yourself ... already sounds like a memory challenge, doesn't it?

#10 Intuition

But sometimes everything is so confusing (especially for beginners) that there is nothing left but to rely on instinct. And here you can pump intuition well.

Often in life, we just need the skill to speak convincingly, clearly, so that “then they don’t find fault.” This is what the Mafia teaches in the first place.

But above all, this is a very useful, comprehensively developing and healthy pastime in the circle of living - which is important - people.

Human life and its activities are unique processes with many features. A person is born already having certain predispositions, inclinations, abilities. But in order for his interaction with the outside world and society to be more effective and productive, a person needs to “improve”, “pump” himself and his personality. And the process of this improvement begins already from the earliest years, but never ends, one might say, never, because, as they say, there is no limit to perfection. In order to form, consolidate and improve the qualities of a personality, a huge number of various methods and practices are used today. But we will talk about, perhaps, the most popular and effective of them - socio-psychological games.

In this page we will understand what psychological games are in general, what are their features and what they are for. We all have heard more than once that there are games for children, for teenagers, for schoolchildren, for students, small, large, role-playing, business. They can be aimed at the development of any qualities, at the formation of communication skills, at unity, etc. Games are held in kindergartens, schools, recreation camps - these are children's games. Games are also held in higher educational institutions, enterprises and large firms, but these are already games for adults, which are often included in the program of any trainings and seminars. There are even computer psychological games - they are very popular in our time, when almost every person has a home computer or laptop. So what is the reason that games have become an integral part of human life and are present in almost every area of ​​it? And what games can and should be used for yourself? We present the answers to these and many other questions to your precious attention.

What is a game?

A game is a kind of activity, the motive of which is not the result, but the process itself, where the re-creation and assimilation of any experience takes place. Also, the game is the main activity of children, through which mental properties, intellectual operations and attitude to the surrounding reality are formed, changed and consolidated. The term "game" is also used to refer to programs or sets of items for the implementation of gaming activities.

The study of human psychology and the psychological realities of his life becomes more interesting and effective when carried out through activities that are of interest to the researcher himself. And such activity, of course, is the game. Experience has shown more than once that socio-psychological games help people to perceive the reality of the psychological aspect of their life very seriously and deeply.

The functions of the gaming activity are as follows:

  • Entertaining - entertains, cheers up;
  • Communicative - promotes communication;
  • Self-actualization - gives a person the opportunity to express themselves;
  • Game therapy - helps to overcome various difficulties that arise in life;
  • Diagnostic - allows you to identify deviations in development and behavior;
  • Corrective - allows you to make changes in the structure of the personality;
  • Socialization - makes it possible to include a person in the system of social relations and contributes to the assimilation of social norms.

The main types of psychological games and their features

Games can be business, positional, innovative, organizational-educational, educational, organizational-thinking, organizational-activity and others. But still, there are several main types of psychological games.

Game shells. In this type of games, the game plot itself is the general background against which developmental, corrective and psychological tasks are solved. Such activities contribute to the development of basic mental properties and processes of the individual, as well as the development of reflection and self-reflection.

Living games. In games-accommodation, there is an individual and joint development of the game space with a group of people, the construction of interpersonal relationships within it and the comprehension of personal values. This type of games develops the motivational aspect of a person's personality, the system of his life values, personal criticality; allows you to build your own activities and relationships with others; expands ideas about human feelings and experiences.

Drama games. Drama games contribute to the self-determination of their participants in certain situations and the improvement of the value-semantic choice. The motivational sphere, the system of life values, the readiness to make elections, the ability to set goals, the skill of planning are developing. The features of reflection and self-reflection are formed.

Design games. Project games have an impact on the development and comprehension by a person of instrumental tasks that are associated with the construction of activities, the achievement of specific results and the systematization of a system of business relationships with others. There is a development of skills in setting goals, planning and the ability to adapt actions to specific conditions. Self-regulation skills are formed, personal criticality and the ability to correlate their actions with the actions of other people develop.

The types of psychological games presented above can be used both as independent ones and used in conjunction with others. The descriptions we have given are the most general and give only a superficial idea of ​​psychological games.

Now we move on to the most interesting block - the games themselves. Next, we will consider some of the most popular and effective games, and their benefits in the development and life of a person.

The most popular and effective games and their benefits

Karpman-Bern triangle

The Karpman-Bern triangle is, to be precise, not even quite a game. More precisely the game, but unconscious. A game that people play without having the slightest idea that they have become participants in it. But, due to the fact that this phenomenon exists, it is necessary to mention it.

This triangle is a simplified model of psychological manipulation that takes place in almost all areas of human life: family, friendship, love, work, business, etc. This relationship of roles that arise in the process of human relations was described by the American psychotherapist Stephen Karpman, who continues the ideas of his teacher, the American psychologist Eric Berne. This relationship, provided that it develops according to the “scheme” of this triangle, is destructive in itself and affects the people participating in this triangle exclusively negatively.

Because it is a triangle, it has three sides: a person who acts as a victim (“Victim”), a person who exerts pressure (“Aggressor”) and a person who intervenes in the situation and wants to help (“Savior”).

Usually it turns out like this: a problem or a difficult life situation arises between two people. Thus, the "Aggressor" and "Victim" appear. The "victim", looking for a solution to the problem, turns to a third party - a person who becomes the "Savior". The “Savior”, by virtue of his kindness, knowledge, or any other reasons, decides to help and advises something. The "victim" follows the advice and behaves according to the advice of the "Saviour". As a result, the advice only leads to a worsening of the situation, and the “Savior” is already extreme - he becomes the “Victim”, the “Victim” - the “Aggressor”, etc. From time to time, each of us plays the role of one of the sides of the Karpman-Bern triangle. The triangle itself often becomes the cause of great quarrels, troubles, troubles, etc.

So that you can get to know the Karpman-Bern triangle in detail, find out its features and see illustrative examples that correlate with our daily life, you can on Wikipedia.

Now we go directly to games that have a very serious psychological aspect. These games are deliberately organized by people both with the aim of winning / winning, and with the aim of exerting a certain influence on the personality of a person. Organization and participation in these games give a person the opportunity to delve deeper into the essence of his relationship with himself and the people around him. The first game that we should consider as a psychological one is the Mafia game.


Mafia is a word-based role-playing game created in 1986 by Dmitry Davydov, a student at Moscow State University. It is recommended to play it for people over 13 years old. The optimal number of players: from 8 to 16. In the process, the struggle of a smaller organized group with a larger unorganized one is modeled. According to the story, the inhabitants of the city, tired of the activities of the mafia, decide to imprison all representatives of the criminal world. In response to this, the bandits declare war on the townspeople.

At the beginning, the host distributes one card to the participants, which determines their belonging to the mafia or the townspeople. The game is played day and night. At night, the mafia is active, during the day - the townspeople. In the process of alternating the time of day, the mafiosi and the inhabitants of the city each conduct their own activities, during which there are fewer and fewer players in each team. Information about events guides all further actions of the participants. The game is considered over when one of the teams completely wins, i.e. when either all the townspeople are “killed”, or all the bandits are “planted”. If there are very few players, then the game turns out to be too short, but if there are more players than necessary, there is turmoil and confusion, and the game loses its meaning.

The Mafia game is primarily based on communication: discussions, disputes, establishing contacts, etc., which brings it as close as possible to real life. After all, the game uses and manifests all the features and properties of the human personality. The psychological aspect of the game is such that in order to successfully interact with others, a person must try to apply and develop his acting abilities, the gift of persuasion, leadership, deduction. "Mafia" perfectly develops analytical thinking, intuition, logic, memory, ingenuity, theatricality, social influence, teamwork and many other qualities important in life. The main psychologism of this game is which team will win after all. After all, one team is mafiosi who know each other, but in no case are determined to play at a loss to themselves and, moreover, have the opportunity to eliminate the townspeople. And the second team is civilians, unfamiliar with each other, who can act most effectively only by interacting with the mafia. "Mafia" is fraught with great potential and brings great pleasure in intellectual and aesthetic terms.

Details of the game "Mafia", its rules, strategic and tactical features and many other detailed and interesting information related to it, you will find on Wikipedia.


"Poker" is a world famous card game. Its goal is to win bets by collecting the most profitable combination of four or five cards for this, or by making all participants stop participating. All cards in the game are either completely or partially covered. Features of the rules may be different - it depends on the type of poker. But for all types, the presence of trade and game combinations is common.

To play poker, decks of 32, 36 or 54 cards are used. The optimal number of players: from 2 to 10 at one table. The highest card is an ace, then a king, a queen, and so on. Sometimes the lowest card can be an ace - depending on the card combination. Different types of poker consist of a different number of streets - rounds of betting. Each street starts with a new hand. Once the cards have been dealt, any player may bet or leave the game. The winner is the one whose combination of five cards will be the best, or the one who can force out other players and remain alone until the moment when the cards are revealed.

The psychological aspect of poker is very important. plays an important role in the tactics and strategy of the game. The moves made by the players are based, to a large extent, on their skills, habits and perceptions. Thus, the styles of the players are based on a certain psychological basis and are a reflection of the desires and fears of people, the understanding of which gives some players an advantage over others. Also, the style of the player is an excellent display of his character traits. After all, any personal characteristic, as you know, affects the behavior of a person and, consequently, his behavior in the game and the decisions that he makes in certain conditions of the game. Of course, poker is a gambling game that is played for money. And without having gaming skills, a person runs the risk of being in an unenviable situation. But if you play poker without stakes for the sake of training, for example, with friends, then it will be an excellent way to develop and hone such qualities as intuition, logical thinking, the ability to “read” people and disguise your intentions, psychological stability, endurance, cunning, attentiveness , memory and many others. It should be noted that playing poker, among other things, develops self-control, tactical and strategic thinking, as well as the ability to recognize the motives of other people. And these qualities so often turn out to be necessary for us in our daily life.

Details of the game "Poker", rules, strategies and other interesting details can be found on Wikipedia.


Dixit is an associative board game. Consists of 84 illustrated cards. It can be played by 3 to 6 people. At the beginning, each player receives 6 cards. Everyone takes turns. One of the participants in the game is declared the Storyteller. He takes one card and puts it in front of him so that the picture is not visible. Then he must describe it with a word, phrase, sound, facial expression or gesture that he associates with the picture. Others do not see the card, but among their cards they look for the most suitable one for the Storyteller's description, and they also put it face down on the table. After that, all these cards are shuffled and laid out in a row, and the players, using tokens with numbers, must guess the card that the Storyteller originally described. Next, the players reveal all the cards, count the points. The player who guessed the card moves his chip forward. When all the cards run out, the game will be over. The one with the most points wins.

The game "Dixit" has a number of features, one of which is that associations should not be too simple, not too complex, because. then the card will be very easy or very difficult to guess. The game itself is an excellent tool for the development of analytical and associative thinking, intuition, fantasy, intelligence and other qualities. During the game, participants learn to feel other people, understand them without words and explain them in the same way. We can say that, among other things, the skills of effective non-verbal communication are formed. The game is very interesting and always takes place in a positive friendly atmosphere.

You can learn more about the Dixit game and some of its features on Wikipedia.


"Imaginarium" is an analogue of the game "Dixit". It also needs to select associations for pictures of different semantic load. The rules of the game are the same as in Dixit: one player (the Storyteller) chooses a card and describes it using associations. The rest of the players choose one of the most suitable card from among their own, and put it face down on the table. After all the cards are shuffled, and the player begins to guess them.

The game "Imaginarium" is in no way inferior to its prototype and has an exceptionally beneficial effect on the development of many qualities of the human personality, namely: it develops intelligence, analytical thinking, intuition, imagination, and fantasy. The game activates creative abilities, the ability to intuitively understand others, in every possible way helps to improve communication skills and increase the effectiveness of communication.

You can get acquainted with a more detailed description of the Imaginarium game on the Mosigra website.


"Activity" is a collective associative game in which you need to explain the words written on the cards. In total there are 440 cards in the game with six tasks on each. The standard set is designed for people from 12 years old. But there are options "For children" and "For kids". The minimum number of players is two. The maximum is practically unlimited. You can explain words with the help of facial expressions, drawings or synonymous words. To explain what is hidden, you have only one minute. Some tasks are individual and some are general. Players must move pieces around the game map. The team that reaches the finish line first wins. In the process, you can also choose more complex or easier tasks. For a more difficult task, more points are given.

The game "Activity" is perfect for relaxation and fun pastime and perfectly cheers up. "Activity" develops strategic thinking, ingenuity, imagination, teamwork, intuition, analytical skills. The game contributes to the disclosure of potential and gives each person the opportunity to express themselves from completely different sides. And the many tactical possibilities and behaviors further contribute to this. Both children and adults will get a lot of pleasure and positive emotions from this game.


Monopoly is one of the most famous educational board games in the world. Genre of the game: economic strategy. Minimum number of players: two. The essence of the game is to achieve economic stability for yourself and bankruptcy for other players, using start-up capital. The initial amount for each player is the same. Players take turns making moves on the playing field by throwing a die. The one who earns the most money wins. The game ends when someone is completely broke or when the ATM stops dispensing banknotes and luck cards.

The game "Monopoly" for many years will retain its popularity among a huge number of people. Firstly, it perfectly cheers up and gives a lot of positive emotions. Secondly, the game forms a culture of communication, thanks to the close interaction of participants with each other. Thirdly, during the game, the makings of entrepreneurship and financial literacy develop, mathematical knowledge, logical and strategic thinking, and a sense of tactics are improved. It is also important that the Monopoly game trains memory, develops attention, and also reveals leadership inclinations, independence, responsibility and the desire of a person to be the master of his own life. In addition to this, such qualities as the ability to wait, patience, perseverance, calmness are developed.

You can find out more information about the Monopoly game on Wikipedia.

Other games

The games we briefly mentioned are by no means the only ones of their kind, but they can safely be called worthy examples of some of the very best psychological games. The direction and form of psychological games can be completely different. The main thing is to find the most interesting game for yourself and just start playing it. Better yet, try all the games. This, at the same time, will have a positive impact on many of your personal characteristics, and will help you decide which type of game suits you personally.

As an addition, there are a few more games that you can master. This is a wonderful game "Telepathy", the main focus of which is self-knowledge, awareness of oneself and the development of one's hidden abilities. To develop the ability to listen and mindfulness, there is a wonderful game called "Lost Narrator". By the way, it also affects interpersonal relationships. A good game of trust and mutual understanding is “Coin”. There is also a close interaction of participants in it, which allows them to study in depth the psychological characteristics of each other. The category of such games can also include the games "Homeostat", "Docking", "Line", "Choice" and others. You can easily find information about these and many other interesting psychological games on the Internet. By the way, about the Internet: today a large number of very interesting computer and online games have been developed that have a pronounced psychological focus. You can find such games in computer stores or download them from the Internet. Good games installed on your home computer will always contribute to a more relaxed and friendly atmosphere in your home. You can always take a break from everyday affairs by playing, for example, online monopoly. And it will be interesting and fun for your children to watch how you play and participate in the process themselves. Naturally, there are educational online games for children, which are a pleasure to play. Look on the Internet for something suitable, and you will definitely find a worthwhile option for yourself and your loved ones.

Games as a way of effective psychological influence, as mentioned earlier, have found application in various fields of human activity. A person begins to play from a very young age - at home with his parents, in kindergarten with other children. Then we are faced with different games in the junior and senior grades of school, institute, university. In adulthood, we are also surrounded by games, but these are already games for adults. With the help of such games, people striving for success and self-improvement develop their strengths and work on their weaknesses. And this actually makes them stronger and more developed personalities, increases their efficiency and effectiveness, makes interaction with the outside world and themselves deeper and more harmonious.

Do not neglect this way of self-development and you. Play games, change them, invent your own. Take games to your “armament” and make them a part of your life. So you can always be in the process of development. And the process of personal growth will never bore you and will continue to be interesting and exciting.

We wish you success on the path of self-improvement and study of human psychology!


Hey! We invite you and your friends to the Maf-club "Second navigation" for an exciting developing role-playing game "Mafia".

Mayor of the city Harry in a Ferrari (leading)

before the game day, issues a residence permit to residents (invites players by phone) and

collects the city - 10-18 people.

Participating in the life of the city is not difficult, even if you have never played Mafia. The mayor will help you master the rules of the city (game), in which there is an intense struggle between "Civilians", "Commissioner" and "Doctor" against the organized "Mafia" and the boundless "Maniac".

And your weapon is the word. Let's shoot?!

It's scary to think, but our Maf-club is already 6 years old. To be honest, it was spontaneously organized by the first game on April 09, 2011, simply because of the interest and enjoyment of the game itself. But no one could have thought that this idea would grow into a whole movement of active people, where various events are now taking place.

  • "Mafia"- an exciting psychological educational role-playing game...
  • "Mafia"- my hobby, recreation, entertainment ...
  • "Mafia"— complex training of communication (development of communication skills), self-confidence, public speaking, emotional intelligence, intuition, leadership...

The training game "Mafia" helps a person to form and develop the skills of effective communication and confident interaction with others, make emotional relief, and also get great pleasure from the game itself.

The night is coming. The city falls asleep.

Everyone is fast asleep.

The mafia is waking up...

Not only an exciting game awaits you, but also:

  • Developing self-confidence when interacting with others.
  • Develop skills in effective communication, persuasion, recognition...
  • Tea-coffee-sweets-lambs breaks to discuss games.
  • Live communication, new acquaintances and friends.
  • Unforgettable fantasies and impressions.
  • Great mood, lots of laughter and positive.

You can also order a game for your company (friends, acquaintances, colleagues, staff) at a convenient time, including weekends and holidays. Usually the game "Mafia" is ordered when you want to hold an event somehow unusual (birthday, corporate party, party ...).

  • The game is led by a professional psychologist.
  • Address: st. Blokhin, d. 17, back door, password 2v. m. Sports (5 minutes).
  • The contribution "for cartridges" for all games throughout the evening, including a sweet table (tea, coffee, sweets, lamb ...) is 500 rubles.
  • The number of participants is limited.
  • Sign up: +7 953 355-22-52; +7 963 321-64-92

Here's what people who already play Mafia say.

  • Svetlana (Honda): Harry, what a necessary and useful thing you are doing!! I mean your mafia training) for people leading a rather secluded lifestyle, this is a great opportunity to train in the ability, for example, "the right to pump" ... Once again, I was convinced of this when the ambulance did not want to take my mother to the hospital with an attack. I gave them so much! Eehhh, and everything is correct, with reasoning, calmly and calmly! Thank you! And by the way, there are many maf clubs, I myself have been to several, and your club has such a comfortable atmosphere that everyone wants to return! And that too, thanks to you! Health to you and your loved ones!!))
  • Barbara (Barbarian): How good is Mafia for me. As a conservative, when I first heard about the Mafia, I was not surprised that soon a large number of people began to play it, I saw excerpts from programs with showbiz stars and obvious fashion. Therefore, in advance I had some antipathy to this issue. I was confident in myself on a solid 4, that my experience allows me to understand people, my speech is delivered and I can control myself. But after a short period of games, all my stereotypes were destroyed as much as possible. Of course, the Mafia carries an amazing emotional flow: relaxation, anger, panic, joy, revealing oneself in various situations, concentration, empathy and a host of other things. In addition, it is still necessary to equally quickly and clearly think, speak, make a decision, and convince. Ethics, self-control, respect, patience, too, no one has canceled! And now fill it all with passion, wonderful company and atmosphere and get a ready-made cocktail for self-knowledge and self-realization! And if you ask: “How good is the Mafia for me?”, I will answer: “This game does not teach you to lie, it teaches cunning, ingenuity. Sooner or later, the most silent and shy person will speak, and some manage to learn how to do it quite beautifully , convincing, positive.It teaches you to control yourself, cope with stress, psychological pressure, be persuasive, interesting, work in a team, "see a person" and be able to "manage" him, trains willpower, patience. And if you haven't played Mafia and, after reading my review, you will laugh and say that you are: stress-resistant, understand people, convincing, emotionally restrained, I will just invite you to play!

  • Masha (Minar): For me, "Mafia" is not only a lively, pleasant emotional game, but, of course, a tough verbal battle in which my mind actively participates. I go to these games with a sense of trepidation, joy. I look forward to them every time. This is a platform for developing your intuition, your logical thinking. Now it is much easier for me to object to someone with arguments if I have to defend my point of view in disputes (after all, I have a quick-tempered character). I learn to understand people, I try to lead them, I convince them. I have grown a lot over myself during these games. This is something that does not bother to do - because there is no limit to improving your skills.

  • Tatyana (Tanyushka): What can I say about the Mafia game? It's not just a game! This is a really great way to express yourself and develop your communication skills with people. In the Second Navigation, such a friendly atmosphere is created that people are transformed before our eyes - those who at first “could not connect two words” after two or three games already amaze with their eloquence. And the need to transform into various characters during the game (the commissioner, the maniac, the doctor, and the MAFIA) sometimes reveals real actors. Many do not even realize what they are capable of when they start playing for the first time and how pleasant it is to watch the almost theatrical action of seasoned players. And, besides, Mafia is a really great way to brighten up the evening with a cheerful company and recharge with positive energy for the week ahead!

  • Rashit (Rashit): The game of Mafia is a ready-made training on how to overcome the objections of the interlocutor in a stressful situation! Oddly enough, what seems absolutely understandable and simple to you is often a topic for discussion for other people, and you often have to learn to be reliable and logical for your listener or opponent, often without understanding the obligation of the process. Practice and the fascination of the process do their job, and now you can already convey your point of view in an understandable way for the audience! And when you also communicate with interesting, bright and talented people, the process is captivating in itself! Very useful for "beginners" in any "conversational" profession.

MAFIA - development, MAFIA - emotions, MAFIA - thinking,

MAFIA - communication, MAFIA - lie detection,

MAFIA - intuition, MAFIA - beliefs, MAFIA - interest,

MAFIA - psychology, MAFIA - family ...

Mafia "SECOND NAVIGATION". We are 6 years old!

Welcome to family!

Hey! We invite you and your friends to Maf-Club "Second navigation" for an exciting game.

We play on Fridays from 19:00 all evening.

  • "Mafia" — psychological developing role-playing game.
  • "Mafia" – training of effective communication, development of communication skills and confident behavior…

Training game "Mafia" helps a person to form and develop the skills of effective communication and confident interaction with others, to produce emotional relief, and also to get great pleasure from the very process of the game.

The mayor of the city - the leader before the game day "issues a residence permit to residents": invites players and gathers the city - 10-16 people.

Participating in the life of the city is not difficult, even if you have never played. Leading Harry in a Ferrari will help you learn the rules of the city (game), in which there is an intense struggle between civilians, the commissioner, the sheriff and the doctor against the organized mafia and the boundless maniac.

  • And your weapon is the word!

Not only an exciting game awaits you, but also:

  • Developing effective communication skills and confident interaction with others.
  • Development of persuasion and recognition skills.
  • Tea-coffee-sweets-lambs breaks to discuss games.
  • Live communication, new acquaintances and friends.
  • Unforgettable fantasies and impressions.
  • Great mood, lots of laughter and positive!

The game is led by a professional psychologist.

You can order a game for your company(friends, acquaintances, colleagues, staff) at a convenient time, including weekends and holidays. Usually the game "Mafia" is ordered when you want to hold an event somehow unusual (birthday, corporate party, party ...).

Here's what people who already play Mafia say:

  • Barbarian (Barbarian): "How good is Mafia for me. As a conservative, when I first heard about the Mafia, I was not surprised that soon a large number of people began to play it, I saw excerpts from programs with showbiz stars and obvious fashion. Therefore, in advance I had some antipathy to this issue. I was confident in myself on a solid 4, that my experience allows me to understand people, my speech is delivered and I can control myself. But after a short period of games, all my stereotypes were destroyed as much as possible. Of course, the Mafia carries an amazing emotional flow: relaxation, anger, panic, joy, revealing oneself in various situations, concentration, empathy and a host of other things. In addition, it is still necessary to equally quickly and clearly think, speak, make a decision, and convince. Ethics, self-control, respect, patience, too, no one has canceled! And now fill it all with passion, wonderful company and atmosphere and get a ready-made cocktail for self-knowledge and self-realization! And if you ask: “How good is the Mafia for me?”, I will answer: “This game does not teach you to lie, it teaches cunning, ingenuity. Sooner or later, the most silent and shy person will speak, and some manage to learn how to do it quite beautifully , convincing, positive.It teaches you to control yourself, cope with stress, psychological pressure, be persuasive, interesting, work in a team, "see a person" and be able to "manage" him, trains willpower, patience. And if you haven't played Mafia and, after reading my review, you will laugh and say that you are: stress-resistant, understand people, convincing, emotionally restrained, I will just invite you to play!"
  • Masha (Minar): "For me, "Mafia" is not only a lively, pleasant emotional game, but, of course, a tough verbal battle in which my mind actively participates. I go to these games with a sense of trepidation, joy. I look forward to them every time. This is a platform for developing your intuition, your logical thinking. Now it is much easier for me to object to someone with arguments if I have to defend my point of view in disputes (after all, I have a quick-tempered character). I learn to understand people, I try to lead them, I convince them. I have grown a lot over myself during these games. This is something that does not bother to do - because there is no limit to improving your skills. "
  • Tatyana (Tanyushka): "What can I say about the Mafia game? That it's not just a Game! It's a really great way to express yourself and develop communication skills with people. In the Second Navigation, such a friendly atmosphere is created that people are transformed before our eyes - those who, at the beginning of "two words could not connect" after two or three games they are already striking in their eloquence. And the need to transform into various characters during the game (commissioner, maniac, doctor, and mafia) sometimes reveals real actors. Many do not even know what they are capable of when they start to the game for the first time and how nice it is to watch the almost theatrical action of seasoned players. And, besides, Mafia is a really great way to brighten up the evening with a fun company and recharge with positive energy for the week ahead!"
  • Rashit (Rashit): "Playing Mafia is a ready-made training on how to overcome the objections of the interlocutor in a stressful situation! Oddly enough, what seems absolutely clear and simple to you is often a topic for discussion for other people and you have to, often without understanding the obligation of the process, learns to be reliable and logical for his listener or opponent.Practice and the fascination of the process do their job, and now you can already convey your point of view quite easily for the audience to understand!And when you also communicate with interesting, bright and talented people, then the process is exciting in itself! Very useful for "beginners" in any "conversational" profession."

Mafia- development, Mafia - emotions, Mafia - thinking, Mafia - communication, Mafia - lie recognition, Mafia - intuition, Mafia - beliefs, Mafia - interest, Mafia - psychology, Mafia - family ...

Welcome to family!

Copied from the site ""

psychological exercises for training

Game "Mafia"

Time spending: 50-60 min.

Target: develop skills of persuasion, defense of one's position.

materials: cards with inscriptions CITIZEN, DOCTOR, MAFIA, MANIAC.

The essence of the game

The game "Mafia" is based on constant communication and discussions between the participants. There is a place in the game for deception and deceit, for the conclusion and vile violation of treaties and alliances.

The discussion of the game position takes place through a clash of opinions in incessant disputes, while some players prefer to remain silent, while others, on the contrary, participate in the discussion too actively and noisily. Thus, the game is as close to real life as possible.

The task of civilians is to understand who the mafia is, the task of the mafia is to play in such a way that none of the civilians guess that they are the mafia.

The main rules of the mafia game:

  • The facilitator distributes cards face down to the participants in the game;
  • Participants who got cards with the inscription CITIZEN are part of the "civilians" team;
  • The participant who received a card with the inscription DOCTOR is a "doctor" and is part of the "civilians" team;
  • Participants who got cards with the inscription MAFIA are part of the "mafia" team;
  • The participant who received a card with the inscription MANIAC is a "maniac" and is part of the "civilians" team.

The gameplay is divided into "day" and "night":

  • The first con starts at nightfall, during which all players fall asleep, that is, they close their eyes and put on masks.
  • At night, the host allows mafia players to open their eyes and get to know their comrades-in-arms. After meeting the players of the mafia team fall asleep.
  • Next, the host asks the doctor to wake up. The doctor wakes up and falls asleep, after which the host wakes up the maniac. As a result, the leader understands who is who.
  • At the next stage, the day comes, all the players wake up, and a discussion begins on the question of which of them can be dishonest, that is, involved in the mafia.
  • At the end of the discussion, the host announces an open vote for landing in prison. The player with the most votes must go to jail, that is, leave the game after opening his card and showing it to all participants
  • Then night falls again and the mafia wakes up. The mafia team deliberates with facial expressions and gestures and chooses the next victim, which is reported to the host. The mafia is asleep.
  • Further, according to the rules of the Mafia game, the doctor wakes up and points to one of the residents whom he wants to cure, that is, save him from murder. The doctor falls asleep. (The Doctor cannot heal the same player two nights in a row, including himself.)
  • The maniac wakes up and points to one of the residents whom he wants to “rape”, after which he also falls asleep.
  • A new day is coming. If the mafia and the doctor pointed to the same person at night, then the victim survives. The host announces that an attempt was made on one of the civilians at night, but the mafia missed, and the whole city wakes up. The name of the surviving player has not been revealed.
  • If the doctor failed to "cure" the victim. The host announces that everyone is waking up, except for the resident killed by the mafia at night. This participant leaves the game, and his card is shown to all residents.
  • The host also announces the player who was "raped" by a maniac at night, the whole subsequent "day", this player cannot speak.
  • Information about all the events that took place “at night”, as well as about the vote of the previous “day”, is used by the surviving players for discussion and the next choice for condemnation.
  • Then everything is repeated according to the rules above: discussion, voting, etc.

The game continues until the complete victory of one of the teams, namely, the arrest of all members of the mafia, or the killing of all civilians.

Issues for discussion:

  1. Was it comfortable for you to be in this or that role?
  2. How did you feel when you had to deceive other participants?
  3. How often do you have to "play" in life?
  4. Was it easy for you to make decisions in favor of other participants?
  5. How did you feel when you didn't play your part convincingly?
For a year of playing "Mafia", my girlfriend became a champion in deception ... Only 50 hours of playing (once a week) almost destroyed our relationship with her, which we both cherish very much ... five years of sincerity, mutual understanding almost broke o foolish training in the ability to deceive yourself ... and others!
It's not about the game, it's about the girl.
it's in the game!!!
just take responsibility and shift it to the game - it's easier))))
What nonsense?! Cheating in the game and cheating in reality are two very different things.
I play mafia with my girlfriend all the time. No need to transfer game moments to personal relationships.
There should be trust and honesty in relationships, and in the game - deceit, logic and cunning, which have nothing to do with real life.

Sin is either there or it is not. And any deception is a sin.
Is cheating in football also a sin? And role-playing games with children? Is theater a scam? The game is the game. You know the rules and you agree with them. Cheating is when you don't know about it. Be healthy people, not religious fanatics.
Yes, but there is a famous book by E. Bern, which says that we all play games
I completely agree with Svyatoslav, smart girl! I wish there were more of these guys!
And, by the way, the theater is a deception, and acting is not from God.

thanks for the rules
Vika You are talking nonsense. Following your conclusion: Are people a sin? They were born in sin. Mean down with the people
Angel of Death
well, actually, Andrei, it is so ... people are the very first sin and the main source of sin ... moreover, the same source defines people as sinners in principle ... and only invites them to strive for righteousness (in advance determining the failure of these attempts))))
It is not the skills of deception that make a person sinful, but the goals and motives of deception.

To deceive the enemy in a war and save the Motherland is not a sin, but a feat. Therefore, deceit in itself is not a sin, but the motive for your deceit.

In the game, the player, playing as the Mafia, takes on a complex role where he is forced to deceive others in order to first of all allow others to train to detect lies, cunning, errors in logic, cooperate with others, learn to trust, analyze, speak and much more.

Hence, it is not the lack of skills to deceive that makes you holy and sinless, but pure thoughts. And also, not having deception skills forces you to use them.

The game reflects the eternal confrontation between Good and Evil. Pretending that Evil does not exist is naive cunning. To know Evil by sight, but to choose Good is wisdom.

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