Dragon Age Quests in Orzammar. Dragon Age: Origins Walkthrough - Orzammar Dwarves

With First, you will have to go to the Frost Mountains, where the entrance to Orzammar is located. The first surprise will be a small detachment of mercenaries (including a magician), whose task is to kill your character. Orzammar in general is a complex of locations that is difficult to complete, so if you have a level below the fifteenth, it will be tight.

Walkthrough: Orzammar

Walkthrough: Orzammar

At At the gate to the city, you will see that an emissary of Loghain named Imrek with a couple of associates is trying unsuccessfully to enter. As soon as you announce your desire to enter the city, Imrek will start to object. You can simply drive him away, or kill him - after that, the Gatekeeper will let you in anyway, informing you that the king of Orzammar has recently died, and you will not receive help until his successor is chosen.

Walkthrough: Orzammar

Walkthrough: Orzammar

M after entering the Hall of Heroes and entering the Commons of the city, you will immediately see a small scene with a showdown between the two most likely candidates for the throne - Prince Belen and Lord Harrowmont. If you're playing a Noble Dwarf, both will be familiar to you. After that, you will have the opportunity to talk with the head of the Guard or a dwarf named Neravi, who will tell you a little about the situation in the city and send you to Chief Brandelor in the Council Hall (through the Diamond Halls) for details.

Walkthrough: Orzammar

Walkthrough: Orzammar

O the general meaning of the words of the latter will be as follows - without the king, the Council will not dare to send an army of gnomes to the surface, since a real civil war is brewing here, and one should not dissipate one’s forces - they would deal with their own problems. You will need to support one of the candidates in order to receive the help promised under the Treaties of the Gray Wardens. Who exactly it will be does not matter, although the gnome hero, both noble and commoner, may have personal likes and dislikes, and the consequences of rule for Orzammar himself will vary. The foreman will tell you the names of the main close associates of Prince Belen and Harrowmont and tell you where you can look for them.

Walkthrough: Orzammar

Walkthrough: Orzammar

M You can talk to representatives of both candidates and start completing tasks along two lines, but in the end you still have to decide which of them should be placed on the throne. In order not to be accused of working for the enemy faction, you will need a pumped Persuasion and the completion of an additional quest - in this case, you will be able to maneuver long enough, and none of the factions will stop communicating.

D To begin with, you will be asked to prove loyalty to the selected applicant (or both), and complete a small task.

Lord's trust

Walkthrough: Orzammar

Walkthrough: Orzammar

H To get this quest, you will need to talk to his confidant Doolin, who will show up in Harrowmont's house in the Diamond Halls or in the tavern "At the taverns". If you go to the Council first, Doolin will meet you at the exit and offer to play for Harrowmont in the Arena of Trials, finding out along the way why several of his fighters refused to participate.

Walkthrough: Orzammar

Walkthrough: Orzammar

AT the passage to the Arena is located directly opposite the main entrance to the city (this location will definitely be familiar to a commoner dwarf). The first fighter of Harrowmont, Basil, with a developed Persuasion, will tell you that he has a relationship with a married dwarf, and his compromising letters somehow ended up in the hands of Belen's henchmen, who promise to make them public. In order for Basil to still speak, you will need to remove them from the chest of Miaji - Belen's fighter, either by opening the chest using the skills of the Rogue, or simply by stealing the key from Miaji herself. For letters, you can charge an additional fee of 15 gold.

AT The second fighter of Harrowmont, named Gwyddon, withdrew due to the fact that he was told that Harrowmont had already renounced the throne, and the Competition was only for show. You can convince Gwiddon that this is a lie, and he will still fight.

Walkthrough: Orzammar

Walkthrough: Orzammar

D Next, you need to inform the Arena Manager that you are ready to fight. You can talk to all your future opponents before the fight, but this will not affect anything.

AT the first three battles your Guardian will fight alone, in the fourth - with one of his associates or associates of Harumont against two dwarves, and in the fifth - against three opponents with his group or with Basil and Gwiddon.

Walkthrough: Orzammar

Walkthrough: Orzammar

P Once you are declared champion of the Contest, you can dedicate the victory to Belen (Doulin will be unhappy), Harumont or the Guardians, and finally meet Harumont in person.

Prince's Favor

Walkthrough: Orzammar

Walkthrough: Orzammar

D Prince Belen's trustee named Vartag will be in the Council Chamber or in the Palace. He will give you the next task - to deliver a couple of letters to the followers of Harrowmont with evidence that the lord promised the same reward for supporting two noble houses. The first destination, Lord Helmi, will be in the tavern "At the pubs", and the second will have to be looked for in the Deep Roads. Lady Days, daughter of Lord Days, will declare that she has no right to control her father's voice and will direct you to the Aedukan Thaige, giving you a map and a signet ring so that you will be allowed into the Deep Roads ( noble dwarf will visit here in the prologue).

Walkthrough: Orzammar

Walkthrough: Orzammar

L Deyce's horde can be found in the southwest of the thaig, and to get to him, you will need to fight through several units of Darkspawn and Deephunters. As soon as you hand him the letter, Lord Days will immediately change camp, and upon your return you will be able to report to Vartag and meet with Belen in person.

P Note: If you are doing tasks at the same time, then it is better to give the documents to Henley and Days first, and then go to the Arena, otherwise visit Deep Roads you will fail and the quest will fail.

Walkthrough: Orzammar

Walkthrough: Orzammar

AT no matter which side you take, the following tasks will be identical. Both Belen and Harrowmont will ask you to kill the local head of the mafia named Jarvia, a kind of godmother of the gnome spill, reigning in Dust City. This person will already be familiar to the gnome-commoner.

E If you are in Dusty City for the first time, then not far from the entrance you will stumble upon a group of bandits. A dwarf commoner will meet his friend Leske a little further, who, however, will not say anything particularly useful. To find out the necessary information, talk to the beggar Nadezhda, the merchant Alimar or the dwarf Radek. Nadezhda will tell you everything just like that, and Alimar and Radek will have to be bribed.

Walkthrough: Orzammar

Walkthrough: Orzammar

AT you will eventually learn that Jarvia's lair can only be entered using a special key, and that it can be obtained from members of the Charter, who often go to one of the houses of Dust Town (the Dwarf commoner recognizes his own former dwelling). Previously, there was nothing interesting there, but after this conversation, a small detachment of bandits will meet you there. When you almost finish off the leader, he will ask for mercy. It doesn't matter if you save his life - you will receive the key from the turned phalanx of the finger in any case.

Walkthrough: Orzammar

Walkthrough: Orzammar

D Then your path lies in the Suspicious House nearby. After examining the door, you will find a keyhole hole, but all the breaking skills will not lead to anything - only a turned knuckle taken from the bandits will fit here.

P falling inside, you will find yourself in the Charter's Lair (also partially familiar to a dwarf-commoner), filled with bandits-warriors and robbers, occasionally with mages-mercenaries, and spiders. There are also a lot of traps here, so the robber will be very useful. Moreover, the battle will begin almost from the very beginning - with the Gatekeeper, who cannot be deceived even by Stealth. Some fights can be avoided if you don't look into the side rooms, and it's worth bearing in mind that the charter is full of crafters using Stealth and appearing out of nowhere.

Walkthrough: Orzammar

Walkthrough: Orzammar

D jarvia will be waiting for you in the east hall filled with traps. If your character is a commoner gnome, Leske will help her, otherwise he will be in the prison cell a little earlier, and it will be possible to free him. Jarvia is an orange boss, a rogue assassin who is also excellent with a bow. At the lower levels, this is a very dangerous opponent. Periodically, she will go into Invisibility and attack your most vulnerable teammates or go under the protection of tripwire traps, most of which can be seen only by climbing the stairs. By the way, she herself will be immune to knocking down, but the magic controller will come in handy.

Walkthrough: Orzammar

Walkthrough: Orzammar

R having dealt with Jarvia and collected everything worthy of attention from the bodies and chests, you can get out to the surface through the corridor in the northeast, which will lead you to the Commons through the trading shop.

W here you can do two additional quest, appearing only in the case of parallel execution of the tasks of Belen and Harrowmont.

Betrayal from within

Awarded if you convinced Vartag of your loyalty to Belen without losing Harrowmont's trust when leaving the Arena of Trials. It is necessary to plant compromising letters in Jarvia's personal belongings - this can only be done after defeating her.

Crossing to the other side

You will receive it only if you report to Vartag before Doolin. A Harrowmont confidant will ask you to find evidence that Belen hired Charter to kill Trian. You will also find them in the last room of the dungeons of the Charter.

To Once you report to Belen/Harrowmont about the destruction of Jarvia, you will be assigned the next task - to find the Perfect Branca in the Deep Roads and convince her to support your employer, or, if she died, bring her remains to the city.

Walkthrough: Orzammar

Walkthrough: Orzammar

H and this time, before leaving the city, a certain Ogren will meet you and ask you to join the group on the grounds that Branca is his wife. It is not necessary to take a gnome, he will still definitely join you a little later in the story. Oghren is a two-handed berserk warrior and will actively comment on the route while hiking in the Deep Roads.


Walkthrough: Orzammar

Walkthrough: Orzammar

H To find Branca, you will have to pass several teigs. If you haven't gone to the Deep Roads for Lord Days, the first location will be Aedukan thaig. If you've been here before, you'll be directed straight to Karridina's Crossing. You will need to cross it from north to south, but the direct path is blocked and you will have to go through the western or eastern cave corridors. To the west, you'll mostly encounter the Darkspawn, and to the east, the Deep Hunters. A couple of times you will come across caves in which the Creatures of Darkness will sort things out with giant arachnids. You can wait until one of the parties finish off the rivals and deal with the rest, or immediately get involved in the battle as a peacekeeper and gain more experience. The intersection itself is a high ground fortified with traps and ballistae. By getting on one side and repelling it, you will be able to stab the rest of the groups in the back.

Walkthrough: Orzammar

Walkthrough: Orzammar

With Next you will visit Ortan teig. It is inhabited mainly by Darkspawn, spiders, spirits and golems. You need to get to the northeast of the teig, where you will find Branka's diary. This place is guarded by the Spider Queen, an orange boss. She periodically summons new spiders, so it's better to run back a little so as not to be distracted by the retinue, which will appear 4-5 times. When you remove a certain amount of health from the boss, it will disappear, but will soon appear again.

Walkthrough: Orzammar

Walkthrough: Orzammar

P after reading Branca's diary, you will learn about the location of a new location - the Dead Moats. Visiting this wonderful place, you will see huge armies of the creatures of darkness and will soon meet with the Dead Legion, fighting with a significant detachment of these creatures. You still need to cross the bridge, so you can support Cardol and his fighters or run ahead, taking the entire Spawn squad on yourself. The bridge will rest against a giant gate, in front of which there will be several ogres and a significant group of Darkspawn. You can lure them one at a time onto the bridge using bows.

Walkthrough: Orzammar

Walkthrough: Orzammar

To When you clear the bridge and the area behind it, the Dead Legion will change its location, but will not go further. You can talk to Kardol, the head of the legion, about how his fighters could help you in the fight against Blight, but Kardol will answer evasively.

Walkthrough: Orzammar

Walkthrough: Orzammar

L The location is filled with only Spawns of Darkness and traps. When crossing a narrow bridge, you will be ambushed by Screamers, and in the south-central part you will meet the Master of the Forge, an orange boss, with his retinue. Removed from him good hammer, but you can get around this place.

Walkthrough: Orzammar

Walkthrough: Orzammar

D You will then enter a large hall filled with skeleton-devourers. Shortly thereafter, you will first hear and then see Gespit, Branca's captain and mistress. From a short conversation, you will understand that Gespit herself is infected with Fel, and Branca is alive, although the rest of the gnomes for the most part died, and a terrible fate befell the women.

Walkthrough: Orzammar

Walkthrough: Orzammar

AT In the next hall, you will encounter a group of ogres, and the nearest door will be locked. The key to it can be found in the southern room with spirits. After you take the key, they will attack you. After going through the previously locked door, you will stumble upon the Darkspawn Womb, the main boss of the level.

Walkthrough: Orzammar

Walkthrough: Orzammar

O the creature itself cannot move, but its “elite” tentacles can reach almost any place in the cave and change location very quickly, and the creature itself spits poison quite accurately, so Natural Balms will come in handy. Also, the Queen will from time to time call on small units of the Creatures of Darkness. A possible tactic is to shoot the Queen from a hallway where she can't reach with either tentacles or poison, but you'll see a more spectacular massacre performed by a Guardian with a melee weapon, although there will be a danger that the Queen will capture your character with tentacles and begin to pinch off pieces directly in the air. Losing a party member in close combat is very easy. To recapture it when captured, freeze the Uterus.

Walkthrough: Orzammar

Walkthrough: Orzammar

P after finishing with the Matka and taking off her good gear, go to the eastern corridor. It makes sense when leaving the location to return to Orzammar to sell unnecessary things and free the backpack - then you will not have the opportunity to do this. When you exit the Moats, you will open new location- Anvil of the Void. When you enter it, Oghren will automatically join you and you can change the rest of the group if you wish.

Walkthrough: Orzammar

Walkthrough: Orzammar

AT soon after that you will meet Branca and learn about what happened to her squad. Then you have to fend off three waves of Darkspawn, and cross the corridor, where they crowd denser than rich girls in a fashion boutique with a new arrival of goods. Area spells will be more than useful. Walkthrough: Orzammar

D Then you will come across a strange device in the form of four heads joined at the back of the head, and four altars opposite the faces. By the will of the localizers, this sculpture is called the Moonshine still, but it only drives away ghosts and spiritual damage. Next to each of the altars is a spirit. You need to destroy each of the spirits and activate its altar, after which you should attack the spirit directly opposite. After you get rid of these spirits, four more, a little stronger, will appear, which you need to get rid of in the same way. Then the strange device will finally break, the locked door nearby will open and you will be able to move on.

Walkthrough: Orzammar

Walkthrough: Orzammar

AT In the last cave, you will find Karidin himself, who will reveal to you the secret of creating golems and ask you to destroy the Anvil of the Void in order to atone for his guilt. At this point, Branca will intervene in the conversation, and you will have to choose which side you will take. If you oppose Karridin and Sheila is present in your group, then she will join him and you will lose her. By the way, when you remove 50% of the health from the Iron Golem, it will turn on the Electric Field - an analogue of the Tempest, so Grounding Elixirs will come in handy. If you go up against Branka, then you will be seriously removed by the influence of Oghren (with high Influence and Persuasion, losses can be minimized, but he still will not leave you in this battle). Branca, when life decreases, activates a rockfall and also makes ghostly doubles for herself - in this case, it is better to freeze or paralyze them, and beat Branca herself.

Walkthrough: Orzammar

Walkthrough: Orzammar

AT district of the battlefield are located veins of lyrium. They are able to restore health and mana to both you and your opponents, so it is better to get ahead of them. It makes sense to immobilize the main boss in some way (for example, with a Force field), and

it should be borne in mind that golems are quite sensitive to magic.

Walkthrough: Orzammar

Walkthrough: Orzammar

P After the fight, Caridin/Branka forge a crown for the new king of Orzammar, saying they don't care who gets it. Karidin will ask you to destroy the Anvil of the Void, and as soon as you fulfill his request, he will jump into the lava. If Branca is still alive, you can convince her that she is doing the wrong thing, in which case she herself will destroy the Anvil and also jump into the lava.

T You can now return to Orzammar (you will be taken directly to the Council Chamber) and choose a new king. If you crown Belen, he will immediately order the execution of Harrowmont. If you hand over the crown to Harrowmont, Belen will stage a fight with the support of his minions in the Council in a desperate coup attempt, and you will have to help kill him. There is no need to hand over the crown to the one you supported initially - you will be free to choose until the last moment.

Walkthrough: Orzammar

Walkthrough: Orzammar

P after that new king will give you the Hammer of Trian and promise to send troops to fight the Pestilence at the right time, which will complete the quest. From now on, an emissary of dwarves is available to you in the camp, who will ask for precious and semi-precious stones such as topaz for the needs of the army.

In order to call the dwarves to join the army, go to the frosty pass. As always, do not rush to follow the mark on the map, first inspect the surroundings and ask the price of goods. Personally, I found excellent armor there for 27 gold. When you're ready to move through the Dragon Age Origins walkthrough, move to the northern part of the location. There you will see the messengers of Loghain who want to do the same as you. But to add the dwarves to your army, not to ours. And they don’t want to let him in, citing the fact that only gnomes can enter during a crisis. Say what you need to the king, and you will find out that the dwarf king has died from a heart attack, and the council is now divided. The dwarves are on the brink of civil war. Then say that you are a gray guard, and you need to go through. Naturally, the messenger of Loghain will be indignant. Personally, I intimidated him and he ran away. But he promised that King Loghain (this creature has already appropriated the royal title!) will quarter us. Well, let him try, but for now we will be allowed into Orzammar, the kingdom of the dwarves.

Head forward, checking out the statues along the way. Passage dragon age start sometimes lets us admire the beauties. You will not interfere with the addition to your code. Also, passing along the alley, Just before the transition to the community halls, an officer's report will be lying around. Raise it - another piece of your code. Now go to the Commons. Here you will see how one gnome kills the second ... for insulting the supposedly future king. As always, don't be in a hurry to take on assignments. First, run around the shops, look for something for yourself. When you're done looking at your purchases, start collecting tasks. Outside there are three tasks that we need to collect everything. I also suggest going to the tavern - very good ale and honey are sold there. Yes, and here you can get some information about the candidates for the throne of the gnomes.

Now let's go to Dust City. The passage of dragon age origins sometimes shows us the other side of life. There are also several tasks. And a merchant. And I also found the dwarf Nadezhda there. She spoke about the caste system of the gnomes. I don’t know about you, but I decided that if the choice is mine, then the one who leaves the caste system will not come to power. The dwarves need a change, that's for sure! The passage of dragon age origins draws an interesting analogy ... Although this is only my opinion. Okay, this will be after. Now go to the diamond quarter and go to the first estate if you want Lord Harrowmont to become king. But I decided that I would fight for Lord Belen! It is he who will lead Orzammar to change! Go now to the Keepers and talk to the Chronicler on assignment from the common quarter (building a church, remember?). I persuaded him for permission to hold prayer meetings, but he did not give permission to build a large church. Here you can take two more tasks. Go to the council chamber and talk to Vartag, who is standing right there. If you repeat my path, then agree to his task. He will give you papers that should reveal Lord Harrowmont's deceit. If you go further down the corridor, you will witness bickering in the council. Well, as small children, by God. They have a feud over the fact that some want to close trade with the outside world before the end of the elections. And why, you ask? Okay it does not matter. Get out of there and go back along the arc of the block. Here you will find Lady Days, the first person to be notified of the deception. Some during the passage of dragon age act dishonestly. Sometimes we do that too. She will believe you, but she will say that only her father, who is now at deep levels, can terminate the contract. We will be given a map and permission to visit the levels, which is what we need. Now let's go to the communal halls, to the tavern. Before entering there, we will hand over the task about the church. Then go to the tavern and talk first with Odral, who drove his daughter away (remember, the task in the dusty city) and convince her to take her daughter back. And then - go to the second lord, who will now vote for Belen. Fine. Now let's go to the dusty city and hand over the task. When it's handed over, let's go to the deep paths. Should we hunt the creatures a little too? But before leaving, talk to the bald gnome, who will say that he has already sold the book we need, and will immediately attack. Killing him is like soaking two fingers in water, and on the corpse is a note that says that the tome was handed over to someone from the Arena for testing. Go there and you will see a mark on the map. There you will kill four people, one of whom will reveal the volume we need. Then hand over the book. Now - on the deep paths! The passage of dragon age enters a new round.

Come there and give the pass documents to the patrol dwarf. Now the path is open to you. Come in and on the map of the deep paths, choose the only available location, except for Orzammar, location. When you enter - until a certain point you will have only one way. After one cave, you will have a branching into three tunnels. In the western tunnel you will find only a bag of bones, which you will need later. If you follow the middle tunnel, you will soon come to a chamber where Lord Days is being attacked by the Deep Hunters. Save him, although this is not so strong and necessary. They would have done it themselves. When you kill - in 30 seconds there will be a second wave. Kill them and now you can calmly talk to the lord. Show him the paper you were given. And, of course, he will agree to vote for Lord Belen. Fine. He invites you to go with him. Give up and keep going. Take the trophies from the chests and go forward, crossing the lava river. Very beautiful. Now keep moving forward. Watch out, deep hunters are coming out of the ground. When you explore all the other dungeons - go outside. For now, there is nothing more interesting for you there. Yes, and you should go there only for experience.
Now go to the Diamond Hall, to the council chambers. Sometimes the passage of the dragon age forces us to participate in politics, well, yes, this only makes the game more interesting. Turn in your quest there. You will be thanked and offered to go to Belen. Agree, you ran so much for this. Talk to him about everything you can. He will tell a lot of interesting things, but after his stories, I realized that I made the right choice. And he will also say that after the neutralization of the lord, there is another person who is an obstacle - a gang, almost entirely consisting of untouchables. Naturally, we agree to help with this problem. To do this, you need to destroy the leader of the criminal organization - Jarvia. Well, for us, as experienced adventurers, this is not difficult. We first go to the Chronicle department, where we hand over the task of finding a book. On the way, I was attacked twice by the fanatical followers of Harrowmont. Well, it doesn’t matter, they are mediocre fighters. After that, with a clear conscience, go to the dusty city. In total, the passage of dragon age develops the plot further and further.

When you enter the dusty city - talk to Nadezhda - she will tell an interesting tale that almost everyone with intact arms and legs serves Jarvia. Ask her where to find Jarvia, and they'll tell you she's hard to find. Yes, and the doors must have a special key. But even Nadezhda does not know where to find such a key. You may or may not pay her. Now go to the trading shop (she is alone in the dusty city) and ask the merchant about Jarvia. You should pay him these 30 silver coins, as the merchant may come in handy in the future. After he tells you everything - go to the "Poor Shack" house, where you will find adventures on your own head. The people of Jarvia are already waiting for you here. Gnomes, in the sense:. As soon as you almost kill their leader, he will immediately stop the fight. Apparently, even he valued his life. Intimidate him and find out that Jarvia's hideout is right below the city. He will give you the key. I let him go, because he was not at all interesting to me. And you? Anyway, time to get out of this house. Remember, there is another entrance on the map - a suspicious door. Here, insert that key from the phalanx of the finger into it, which the leader of the attackers gave you. The door will open and you can go in. Don't forget to save! Then go down the corridor and meet with the gatekeeper of the Charter. You don't even have to try to guess the password. There is no correct option. So just say the password is Death to Bastards. And kill them all without a twinge of conscience. Going further, you will see a crossroads. Go west first - there is only one room. When you put down all the enemies - collect trophies and return to the crossroads. Go east - also one room. But there will be a Qunari mercenary, which is rather strange for the dwarves. Cleaned up? Great, now go back to the crossroads. Walk a little forward - and again at the crossroads. Let's call it the second one. Let's do the same - first to the west, then go to the east. There will be Kanka's chest, from which take ONLY the silver ring. Don't touch the rest! Go back to the second intersection - and further down. To the T-junction. Go north first, then east - after the room, another corridor will stretch, in which there will be a trap near the barrels. Defuse it with your thief or blow it up with your strongest character. Then exit to the next T-junction, where you turn west. You will come to prison cells. Clean up everything hostile here. Then pick up the key from the body of the jailer, unlock the cell and release the prisoner. After that - go east from the T-junction. In the first room, assassins will be waiting for you, who will not come out of the shadows until you approach them. Move on, since there is only one way. And in the next room you will find Jammer's Chest. Take only an iron letter opener from it. Don't touch the rest! Move forward along one corridor. The path does not split yet, because the direction is one. In the next room there will be a Piqué chest, from which you need to take the Garnet Necklace. If you took what I wrote above, then you will have the key to Jammer's cache. Go further along the corridor to the crossroads. Go south first, where cute spiders will be waiting for you. From there you can go immediately to the north, where there will be a few more people and the cache we need, and after that - to the east, where the desired Jarvia is waiting for you. Kill them all, but keep in mind that Jarvia is a pretty strong opponent. When everyone is dead, take the key from Jarvia's body and go further along the only available corridor. Walkthrough dragon games age sometimes makes you act out of honor. There will be an exit to the Charter shop. Naturally, go there. Wow, where are we! Exactly, in Janara's store. How interesting, however. However, he will claim that he has nothing to do with the Charter. Okay, let's take his word for it. Also talk to him about his daughter, who wants to become a magician. He will ask you to immediately drive her home, and there he will deal with her. The choice is yours. I still decided that in the Circle I would ask for her. Okay, it's not that important now. Go outside and go to the diamond quarter. There, go to the Royal Palace and head towards Belen.

Talk to him, and it turns out that this is still not enough to give us troops. And Belen will ask this time to find the Perfect Branca. Yes, yes, the one about which so much is heard. Great twist on the dragon age walkthrough, right? However, he will say that if Branca turns out to be insane, then it would be better for her not to return. An original approach to finding votes. Well, okay, since you have already taken up this, then agree. But first ask him about everything you can. Have you talked? That's good, now go to the deep paths. Before entering, you will meet Ogran, who is her husband. He will want to join you. Agree, of course. Let there be one more warrior in your squad. Now we have access to another location of the deep paths. I advise you to rest, talk to your allies, and so on before leaving for the deep paths. When you're done, go to Karridina's Crossing. We need to go to Ortan teig. Remember? This is what we will focus on.

After walking just a couple of meters ahead, you will stumble upon supporters of the second candidate who will want to show us who is the king here. Well, the flag is in their hands and the drum as an accompaniment to their last journey. Go further and you will have a fork - to the West and to the east. The passage of the game dragon age sometimes bifurcates in the same way as the corridors in the game. Let's go west first. There you will find a huge hall with a small number of opponents. Once they're all dead, head up the bridge. Watch out, there are traps! After the bridge - another huge hall, but there are already more enemies. And among them - ogre. When everyone is cleared - go through the only passage further. You again go to the track, near the western edge of which there will be a transition to the map of the area. But it's too early to get there. Head east along the highway, dealing with the creatures of darkness along the way. A little further ahead, you will come across three genlock messengers. Destroy one and run after the rest. They will lead you to a small crowd, which you cut out and find the hilt of one sword. It will help you in the future! Now go back and go forward along the track. At the first intersection, go north, find a branch and follow it. In the first branching room, go north and come to the original entrance. Great, that's what I wanted - to explore as much terrain as possible. Return and go west from the cave. But there is a dead end and we can return to the track with a clear conscience. When you return to the crossroads on the highway - now go east. If you go straight all the time - go to the Ortan teig. We need this! Go there, we'll explore the rest of the area a little later.
So, here you are in the teige. Talk to your gnome companion and move forward. I already have a pointer on the map where we need to go! Go ahead, since there is only one track. When you find a branch, turn there. It will lead to the west. Follow one path to the hall where the spiders are attacking the ogre. There, destroying everyone, you will again be at the fork. Let's head west first. There you will find a warrior's grave, which will be a plus for your codex. Well, now with a clear conscience on the only remaining path. After just a couple of steps north, you will again be at a T-junction. Let's head north first. Although there is not much difference - one way or another, you will come to a large hall with destroyed buildings. Go forward through this cave and stumble upon a living gnome. His name is Ruk, who has been living here for many years. The most merciful thing would be to kill him, even though we will not be given such an opportunity. He will run away to himself, and you will be attacked by spiders. Kill them and move to one of the signs in this room. There is a chest with the notes you need to find. Take them. Explore the hall completely and find two bridges leading to the west, and one passage that leads to the north (Rook escaped through it). Head over the bridges first. Beware of golems - they are VERY dangerous opponents. Go further - there is only one passage. Apparently, there will be a very interesting battle soon. Therefore, save, heal injuries, in short, prepare for battle. Move forward little by little, and better - along the bottom edge. When you go around the central rock, you will attack the queen of spiders. The enemy is difficult, but quite killable. She loves to en masse confuse everyone nearby in a web and run away, so keep that in mind. The passage of the game dragon age origins sometimes slips us such terrible-looking opponents. After her death, go to Branca's diary, which lies right next to it. According to this diary, it follows that the anvil is not in the teig of Ortan, but in the Dead Ditches, or rather, somewhere behind them. It's a shame, of course. But there's nothing you can do, you have to go. But first, let's go back and explore what remains unexplored in this location - the passage where that crazy dwarf fled. Going a little further you will find the same Rook. Personally, I gave him death. And how will you do it? Yes, and in the vase he has the pommel of the sword. It will be useful to you too. Now with a pure heart you can go into the dead ditches. But first, I preferred to go to the Carridina Crossing and scout everything there. You can choose not to do this.

So, we are in the Dead Moats. What will be next? Will we find Branca? Or will we only find her remains in the stomach of some monster? So, you will see a video in which you look from a cliff and ... you will see a dragon. Most likely, this was the same Archdemon that would have to be killed. But not now, not yet. Walking just a little forward, you will stumble upon fighting dwarf legionnaires and creatures of darkness. Naturally, help the legionnaires! Then there is only one way - through the bridge. There are really VERY many darkspawn here, and it will take a lot of effort to kill them. But soon they will be dead. Cross the bridge and destroy the next batch of creatures of darkness. Go south to the chest, and from there - north. Only there is a passage further. Follow it to the big hall. When you deal with the first enemies - go to the north of this hall and examine the room with sarcophagi. From there - to the south, exploring the rooms there. There is also the only passage further south. Move on it. Here you will often come across creatures of darkness - and one boss. An ancient creature of darkness, it is quite difficult to kill him, especially when every little thing flickers under your feet. But the passage of the game dragon age origins provides for the possibility of killing him, do not hesitate! He also has the third part of the sword - the blade. The task will be updated, according to which it will be clear that the sword should be taken to the corpse east of the Ortan teig. So you will move until you reach the next large hall. Apparently - there will be some kind of scary moment, as autosave will occur. Head down, where another boss will be waiting for you. This is an archer, so it's better to immediately throw one character at his distraction while the rest deal with the little things. I managed to kill him so that not a single character died. After the owner of the anvil (it's just a name!) Is dead, go north, looking into the room to the east along the way. On the bridge, screamers will attack you from two sides - it is not difficult to fight back. Go forward and in the next large hall, clean everything alive. There is only one path, so follow it. So you go, go and come to a fork. One way north, one way east. First, north. When you clear the cave from spiders and creatures - collect trophies and move east from the crossroads. Going forward, you will stumble upon a dwarf who does not understand who you are. She is constantly tormented by the creatures of darkness... They make a uterus out of her. She will give new information about Branca, who has done something. Something terrible. Branca has become...

But let's not get ahead of ourselves. Gespit, the same dwarf, runs away. Do not rush to run after her. Slowly look around the room, and then move along one available path. Before entering the large hall, save, go immediately to the north, and then go south. There will be an ogre, who is already killed quickly as usual. From this hall there are two passages to the east. Let's first go to the south passage to the east. There you will find the altar of the Legion of the Dead, which will start a new task. Okay, now let's take the more northern passage to the east. It is here that you will find the sarcophagus, which will continue the task from the southern tunnel. Take everything from there and move on. And then ... Next, the uterus is waiting for you. She is quite a fearsome opponent, especially her tentacles. But it's easy to kill her - run away from her, kill the tentacles and the running enemies, then run up to her and remove a certain part of her health. Then she will reject you - and all over again. In short, everything is simple. When she is dead, you will watch the video again with the participation of Gespit, who will tell you that she was a victim of betrayal. I suspect Branca's betrayals. Take all the trophies from the Womb and exit the location to the Deep Roads. Another new location will become available to you - the Anvil of the Void. Let's go there.

And here we are in the very west of the Deep Roads. Come in and go down the corridor to the stop. And then you will meet Branca, finally. Talk to her. It seems she is in her mind, although not a fact. But Branca will say that she will only agree to support the king if you bring her an anvil. And there is an anvil at the end of the labyrinth ... Well, yes, everyone who wants to send us. Well, let's try to get her an anvil. Well, okay, move along one path, there is nowhere to turn. Here you already have to cut through the crowds of enemies, Indeed great amount and in narrow lanes. Taki will continue until a certain point, or rather, until the start of civil buildings. This is where the maze starts. There are 4 golems that come to life one at a time. Lure them outside and kill them there. You can simply run through the gas chamber. This is not a problem at all. The next hall is much more difficult - the golems come to life in twos. But here you can do smarter. Lure them so that they can only go through the entrance one at a time. Yes, and there are traps, so be careful. Go further down the corridor to a large cave. Go forward and you will see that the stone pedestal has come to life, which you will have to kill. This pedestal has four faces. Each face summons 4 forgotten spirits. So kill just those who appear. It's not that difficult. Along the way, break the four anvils that are behind the spirits. Thus, after going through a couple of circles of the new call of spirits, you will destroy that stone nonsense in the middle. The passage of the game dragon age origins makes you think about how to kill certain opponents. When you destroy it, a door will open to pass further. Then you will enter a large hall with several golems. And there you will talk to Karridin. He was the Perfect among the dwarves. Now he is in the form of a golem. Talk to him, otherwise it will be bad. He will tell you that in order to create a golem, you need to take the life of someone. And immediately Branca will come running, who will say that the anvil is hers. Karridin will ask us to help him destroy the anvil. Either the magic of Karridin, which is terribly similar to blood magic, will go to the crazy Branca, or you will destroy her. I chose to destroy the anvil. And then there is a battle with Branca and her golems, whom she managed to subdue herself. You will have one last request. I asked for the support of the Perfect One and a crown was forged for me. After that, he destroyed the anvil, listened to good wishes from Karridin and saw how he committed suicide. Immediately take a paper copy of the notes about the Golems, they will be useful to you. Head to the exit and before leaving the room, your dwarf companion will speak to you, and we will not have to make our way to the exit ourselves - the map of the area will immediately open. If you have all three pieces of the landman's sword, go to Ortan teig to turn in the quest.

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Orzammar walkthrough - Dragon Age: Origins

Before going to Orzammar, I advise you to develop the skills of your group to the maximum, establish well-coordinated teamwork, purchase everything you need, it will not be easy there.

You will find yourself on a mountain road, and soon you will meet with hired killers who have come for your soul. In principle, there should not be anything particularly complicated here, the main thing is to get rid of the magician, and then deal with the archers. After the massacre, go to the entrance to the dwarf lands.

Approaching the city, you will see that the entrance is closed, there are political strife in the city, two candidates claim the throne at once: Lord Harrowmont and Prince Belen. You will still be allowed inside after some persuasion and disputes.

Here you will have to decide which of the candidates you will support in the struggle for power. Whoever you choose, in each case you will have to complete a small task. At Harrowmont, it is shorter, and purely for moral reasons, I want to support him more than Belen.

Here I want to dwell on pumping your magicians, well, if there are three of them, then the whole battle with crowds of opponents comes down to the magicians flooding them with waves of fire, cold and lightning, and the tank can only take on those who still managed to reach to mages. In general, by this time you should already know such spells as "Sleep", "Paralysis", "Fan of Fire / Lightning / Cold", and many of the same kind. Now there are more opponents, and they attack in droves, so massive spells are needed. There is a good way to level up skills with the help of skill books, of course they are not cheap, but trust me - it's worth it. Play will become much more comfortable.

Having decided to support Harrowmont, go to the Lord's house from the Common Halls area to the Diamond Halls area. You won’t be able to go to the Lord himself, they don’t let you through because of the fear of spies, but you will meet Dulin’s clerk there, who will offer you to go through the Competition in the name of the Lord. With good preparation, this Competition should not give you problems.

From the Commons, go to the Arena. Look here for Lord's warriors, Basil and Gwiddon, they refuse to fight. One says that he is being blackmailed, the other complains that he has been deceived. In principle, it is not necessary to complete these tasks, but in the event that you decide to help them, you will receive good support in the arena. Basil needs to return the letters that are blackmailing him, and you just need to talk to Gwiddon, and it will not be difficult to get him to take your side.

Having defeated your rivals, return to Dulin, he will send you to clear the city from the gang of the criminal baroness Jarvia. Now in Dusty City, look for a suspicious door, you can't go wrong, the name is of the same name, Hope is sitting at the door. Talk to her and for a small fee she will tell you about the key to the door. Go to the poor man's house nearby, there are members of Jarvia's gang, you can take the key from one of them, you can persuade, but it's easier to take it away by force.

Now straight to the nest of snakes, that is, to the den of robbers. Go along the corridors, clear the building from the robbers, there are chests behind the last door. Jarvia's lair is in the penultimate corridor on the right.

Due to the fact that you have chosen the side of Lord Harrowmont, some dwarves are hostile to you, so now you should be careful even within the city.

Now Lord Harrowmont is ready to support you after he becomes King. The decision on the coronation will be made by the Council, in which the Perfect Branca has the absolute right to vote. Branka has been missing for a long time, last seen two years ago in the Deep Roads at Caridin's Crossing. Therefore, we also go there, in the footsteps and in search of Branca.

Orzammar. Deep Roads

I advise you not to rush and not to break headlong immediately on Deep Roads, first buy everything you need: lyrium, first aid kits, well, or do it yourself if you know how. I think you will not really want to return back to the Camp to heal, so first-aid kits will be very useful to you. Now you can go. At the entrance to the Deep Roads, you meet Oghren, a dwarf warrior, the husband of the missing Branca. He likes to "lay behind the collar", but a noble warrior, owns two-handed weapons, an excellent addition to the team.

You can’t go through the front entrance, but looking to the right, you will see a winding passage, into which we need to. Be careful, do not rush to immediately jump out of the passage, clear the area quietly, without heroism, you will be safer.

Go forward through the tunnels, destroying oncoming opponents along the way. You will get to the bridge, and here you need to act quickly, first destroy the troops behind the bridge, and then slowly but surely get rid of the archers behind your back, it is best to give the soldiers longbows, let them shoot themselves, not so quickly, but effectively, Winn if that can heal, and Morrigan set up magical intrigues for enemies.

Move further to the descent into the lower caves. Along the way, you will meet ogres, you should already be familiar with the tactics of dealing with them, freezing is a blow, and Screamers that will appear out of nowhere. Have time to freeze them before they bite you, after a bite they disappear again.

Again a long corridor leading to the left. Here you will stumble upon a camp with a bunch of all sorts of creatures. The tactics are as follows: first you need to get rid of the emissaries, they cast spells too quickly, we can only dream of such a speed, next take out the hurlocks from the ballistas, and only then the usual hurlocks and genlocks.

There is also a chance not to stumble upon this camp if you go around it along the passage to the right. A crowd of Screamers and a huge ogre are sitting there. The battle will probably be a little easier than in the case of the camp. Both in the first and in the second case of passing through the corridor you will find yourself in teig Ortan.

Here, go straight along the corridor, then turn right and go to a large cave. In the cave, you'll have to help the Spawn deal with the giant spiders. Nonsense, but true. Continuing the path, you will encounter spiders more than once, I advise you to spread out a little so as not to be shackled by the web all at once. Use spells against spiders, poisons do not work on them, freezing, shock, igniting will do. When you see a spider running into the tunnel ahead, do not run after it headlong, but carefully, keeping at a distance of a shot, follow it. This turned out to be a trap and a bunch of spiders will climb on you, and it is easier to deal with them at a distance.

After passing the tunnels, you find yourself in a hall with ghosts, Spawns and golems. Carefully clear the area, but before crossing the bridge, restore mana and health. Now you can deal with the first golem, he throws stones and hits hard backhand, it is advisable not to let him do this. After the massacre with the first golem, we cross the bridge and get rid of the second.

After the bridge we move to the left. We go carefully, getting rid of hordes of spiders along the way. Going further into the depths of the caves, you will encounter the Queen of Spiders on the bridge. She constantly calls for reinforcements, so you need to kill her first.

Now exit the tunnel and look around. On the altar you will find Branca's diary. It says that her squad went to Dead Moats. If you want to get rid of the unnecessary trash that you took out of the cave, find the dwarf Rook in the caves. You need to talk to him very carefully, as he is not quite in his mind, and then he will agree to buy this rubbish from you.

You can go to the Dead Moats. You will see a detachment of kamikaze dwarfs who are fighting the Creatures of Darkness on the bridge. Lure Spawns carefully and skillfully, destroying them one by one. After the battle is over, you can talk to the gnome commander Kardol. Talk about everything in a row and there is a chance that you will persuade him to come with you.

Go to the big gate, destroy the Spawn squad there, now into the small passage on the left. Having entered the caves, you will meet skeletons, crowds of Spawns, having cleared the caves from all the undead, you will find yourself in a hall with ogres. Not scary anymore, is it? After getting rid of them, go to the hall with spirits. Spirits do not touch you only until the moment when you touch something, but you have to touch, as you understand. You need to open the door, the key to which lies in a chest in the back of this room.

The closed door was in the hall with the ogres, go there and open it. Walking along the corridors, you will hear a female voice reading eerie rhymes, the further you go, the more terrifying and louder these rhymes will sound. Sooner or later you will find someone who tells them. This is the dwarf Hespit. After talking with her, you will learn that the source of the Spawns is a certain Womb. Going further along the tunnel, you will come straight to it.

In a battle with the Queen, the main thing is not to let her and the Spawns she summons near the magicians actively attacking the Queen. Also watch out for her tentacles. Most likely, you will have to sweat and drink almost all the stocks of bottles, but the victory will be won.

Now it would be necessary to go to Orzammar, take a break from intense battles, buy the necessary potions, sell excess trash. Now it's time to go to Anvil of the Nether, and make sure to do it in a group with Oghren, preferably well-equipped.

You have found Branca, but she will not rest and is not going anywhere until she finds what she came here for - the Anvil. She sends your squad to look for her (well, yes, who else). Here you will have to go through the traps that Karidin set from such adventurers.

Your first task is to destroy a fairly large squad of Abominations (but when will they run out!). After dealing with them, go through the tunnel to the room with the golems. If you enter the room, you will take damage from the poison, so lure the golems out and hit them here. After clearing the room, send one tank into the room to pull the four levers on the sides of the room, then the poison supply will stop.

Now come to the hall with golems. Not all come to life, but only the second rows of golems. Do not hesitate, try to keep them frozen, otherwise the ranks of the squad may thin out.

After dealing with the golems, you will enter a hall with something made of stone and anvils. Spirits with a large supply of health will climb from this structure. Tactics: Force the squad to stand still, and attack the emerging spirits with magicians. You can activate all the anvils, then the spirits will trample everything at once, perhaps this way you can deal with them faster. You need to destroy at least 8 spirits so that you can go further.

Here you meet Caridin. You will have a choice of which side to take. If you choose Branca, you will earn the strong disapproval of most of your companions, and if Caridina, then only Morrigan and Oghren will be outraged, but they can be appeased with gifts. Depending on your decision, you will have to fight one of them. First, helpers will appear, get rid of them, and then from the one who did not fall on your choice. From your chosen one you will receive a crown for the King.

With the crown in hand, you can make a choice, and it's not too late to change your mind at the last moment. There should be only one left ... and nothing can be decided here without the help of physical strength.

Now you can rest, buy everything you need, do secondary tasks before going to Radcliffe

Interesting Facts

Go to the location of the Pass in frosty mountains. At the bridge you will be met by a group of fighters (three warriors, a robber and a mage) sent by Loghain to destroy you. If your level and equipment allow you to kill them without any problems, then you can safely go to Orzammar - handle it.

At the entrance to the dwarven stronghold, another obstacle awaits you: the dwarves will agree to let you inside, but you will still need to deal with the ambassador of King Loghain, either by intimidating or fighting him and his bodyguards. The path to Orzammar is then open to the Gray Wardens.

Search for Chief Bandelor

Pass through the Hall of Heroes of Orzammar to the Commons. There, the Guardian will witness a very ugly scene of a showdown between two candidates for the dwarf throne, after which you can talk with the Captain of the Guard, who will open the tasks “Dulin Forinder” and “Vartag Gavorn” for us, and go to the Diamond Halls of Orzammar, where all the local nobility live. Bandelor sits in the Council, where you will watch another scene from the gnome showdown, this time between deshirs, councilors. This will complete the task and you will have the opportunity to ask the foreman about the current situation.

Note: if you are playing as a Guardian with an untouchable dwarf backstory, Sister Rika will meet you at the entrance to the Diamond Halls and lead you straight to Vartag Gavorn.

Brief description of candidates for the throne

To get a rough picture of what each of the participants in the struggle for power is like, as well as to delve into the current situation, you can talk to many inhabitants of Orzammar and get their opinion: merchants, warriors, representatives of the nobility, rooting for one or the other - all of them will talk about different aspects and share their point of view on what is happening.

Lord Piral Harrowmont

Prince Belen Aedukan

Vartag Gavorn

If you decide to take the side of Prince Belen, go look for his assistant Vartag Gavorn - you can find him in the Assembly Hall. He will say that Belen cannot trust anyone at this time, when the former supporters of his family have defected to Harrowmont, so you have to prove your loyalty by completing a small assignment.

Prince's Favor: The First Quest

You need to show Lord Helmy and Lady Days the IOUs of Harrowmont, from which it is clear that the latter promised them the same lands for the votes. Lord Helmi is found in the tavern "At the taverns". Just show him the papers and ask him not to vote for Harrowmont - that will be enough.

Lady Days stands in the Diamond Halls, between Harrowmont House and the palace. She will look at the receipts, but will say that she has no right to decide this issue, since the agreement was signed by her father, who is now in the Deep Roads. To go there, take a pass from her and, presenting it to the guards at the entrance to the tunnels, go to the Aedukan teig. There you will have to fight several groups of darkspawn, as well as help Lord Days fight off hordes of underground hunters. After two animal attacks are repulsed, you can talk to the gnome. Show him the papers and ask him not to vote for Harrowmont. You can also agree to go to Orzammar with them or stay in the thaig to rummage around and return to the city on your own.

Doolin Forinder

If you decide to support Lord Harrowmont, then you should talk to Dulin Forinder - his assistant. You can find him either immediately after leaving the Assembly halls, on the porch, or, if for some reason you decide not to contact him right away, in Harrowmont Manor.

Lord's Trust: First Quest

Doolin will ask you to prove your loyalty to Lord Harrowmont by speaking at the Trials on his behalf. In addition, you will be asked to find out for what reasons two of his best fighters, Basil and Gwiddon, refused to participate.

Travel across the bridge in the Commons to the Halls of Trials. If you decide to return Gwiddon and Basil to service, this must be done before you talk to the steward and agree to participate. In this case, they will be able to join you in battles.

Basil is standing in the central hall, to the left of the steward. He admits that he refused to participate in the Trials, because a fighter from Belen, Miadzh, threatens to publicize his letters to the dwarf Revelka, who is married to the son of one of the deshirs - if this happens, her husband will disown her, and Basil, in best case, will die in a duel. If you want to help him, you'll have to get hold of those incriminating letters.

Go to the corridor to the right from the entrance, there you will see Miaja and her brother Lucian. You can try to dissuade them from blackmailing, but this will be ineffective. Miaji's room, where the letters are stored, is locked. Steal it and open the right door. In the chest, which can already be opened by a thief, there are papers that need to be taken to Bayzil. You can return them just like that; ask for a reward of 10 gold; or use persuasion to trade 15 gold for them. Basil will agree to participate in the Trials.

To find Gviddon, go to the corridor to the left of the entrance, and then to the right "out". Talk to him - and he will tell you that he refused to participate, because he heard that Harrowmont was going to surrender, and Gwiddon did not want to cover himself and his entire family with shame. Intimidate him or convince him that the rumors are false, and Harrowmont is not going to cede the throne to Belen. Gwiddon will agree to participate in the Trials.

Approach the steward and declare your participation in the Trials. You will be automatically transferred to the arena, where before each fight you can ask about the next opponents, pause between fights and save. Belen's opponents will be as follows:

  • Severin is a warrior;
  • Miaja is a warrior, Lucian is a robber. They will go out together against one Guardian;
  • Khanashan of the Silent Sisters is a warrior;
  • Wojek Aivo is a warrior, Velance is a rogue/assassin. The Guardian can choose one partner for himself: Gwiddon, Basil, or someone from his group, with the exception of Sheila;
  • Piotin Aedukan with his group (two strong warriors, one weaker warrior and one rogue/duelist). The guard can call to his choice either Gwiddon with Basil, or his associates.

After the victory, go to Doolin and report on your successes. He will offer you to meet Lord Harrowmont. You can agree right away - and you will be transferred to the Harrowmont estate, or you can ask him to wait and go later.

Note: If you complete the first mission as Belen, you will be able to take part in Trials later as Gray Warden, dedicating his final victory to the prince. In this case, the list of opponents will be somewhat different.

Betrayal from within

After completing the first task for Harrowmont, there is an opportunity to secretly change sides and start working for Belen. To start the quest, approach Vartag Gavorn and convince him (requires advanced Persuasion) that you want to support the rightful heir with the full trust of Harrowmont. Tell him that Harrowmont has set his sights on Jarvia's lair, Vartag Gavorn will give you documents proving Harrowmont's connection with the Charter, and tell you to plant them in a shelter in a prominent place.

Stan will not approve of such a move, nor will Wynn, but she can be persuaded so as not to lose approval points. Sheila will react negatively to this if her relationship with her is lower than warm.

Change of preferences

If you have completed Belen's quest, you can secretly defect to the side of Harrowmont. Talk to Dulin Forinder and convince him that you want to work for the lord. Tell that Belen asked you to deal with Jarvia, and Dulin will tell you to find documents in the charter hideout proving that Belen hired bandits to kill his brother Trian.

A hardened Leliana will express her approval, Stan, on the contrary, will consider such actions an act of cowardice.

Prince's Favor: Second Quest/Lord's Trust: Second Quest

Whichever side you choose, he will thank you for your cooperation and promise to help in the fight against the Blight ... when he becomes king. The next obstacle that stands in his way to the throne is the chaos perpetrated by the bandits of Jarvia. If your candidate manages to put an end to her activities, this will greatly strengthen his position in the vote. Well, you have to do the dirty work again.

  • If you complete the task "Betrayal from Within" for Belen, then Vartag Gavorn will give you papers that compromise Harrowmont, which must be planted in the shelter.
  • If you have accepted the "Change of Preferences" quest, Dulin will ask you to search Jarvia's hideout for papers proving that Carta killed Trian on Belen's orders and take them to Dulin.

Jarvia hideout

First you need to find the entrance to Jarvia's hideout, which is only accessible to members of her gang. Go down to Dust Town and ask the locals about the Charter and its leader. If your Guardian is from the untouchable gnomes, then talk to Leske, he will stand by the fire in Dust Town. The dwarf Nadezhda, who is sitting there, will tell everything to the other guard. It is still possible to talk to beggars or buy information from Alimar in a local shop, but their information will not bring any practical benefit. Nadezhda will not only show where the secret door to the shelter is located, but also tell that the key to open it must be knocked out from one of the members of the gang. Go to Broska's house, there you will be met by the bandits that Jarvia sent to deal with you. After you hit their sides, you can either let them go in peace, or finish them off - in any case, get the key. Go to the secret door and insert it into the hole - now you can go inside.

Note: there is another opportunity to get the key - to kill the dwarves who ran into Figor - a merchant in the Commons. However, I would not recommend that you go this way, because that way you will lose the opportunity to trade with him.

Stop Jarvia and her Charter

First of all, you will stumble upon a gatekeeper who will ask for a password. Whichever option you choose, he and his guards will attack you. Deal with them and move on. A rogue in the team is welcome, because the corridors and rooms are full of traps and locked chests. You can also complete the Jammer's Cache side quest along the way.

We get the task by reading Jammer's diary in the first room to the right. To complete it, you need to take one of the cheapest items from three chests:

  • Kanka's Chest. In the second room on the left. You need to take only a silver ring for the dress;
  • Jammer Chest. In the room at the end of the second corridor. Take the iron letter opener;
  • Piqué Chest. Immediately in the next room. Garnet necklace to the dress.

As soon as you take the third item, they will all disappear from the bag and the key to Jammer's stash will appear. The cache itself is located in the room to the left along the corridor, in a pen with a manual bronto and nagas. Inside there will be money and a Helm for the two-core to restore stamina in battle.

Jarvia will be in the largest room. After a short cutscene, she will attack you, she is an elite rogue boss, so her skills and tactics will be appropriate. Watch out for high-level tripwires, however, they are easily identified by clusters of barrels (if your rogue isn't very good at spotting them, he may not see a few of them). When the Charter is finished, search the room thoroughly.

  • Don't forget to pick up or plant incriminating documents if you've accepted one of the Side Switch missions.
  • In one of the locked chests you will find a Love Letter.

Follow the corridor to the exit using Jarvia's key - it will lead you to a secret exit from the Vault to Janar's blacksmith's shop. After a short video, go with a report to your employer.

True perfection

To achieve the final victory of your candidate, you will have to find Perfect Branca, who went to the Deep Roads in search of some ancient secrets. Both Belen and Harrowmont believe that her vote will be decisive, because the Perfect are considered among the Dwarves as living ancestors, endowed with wisdom and blessed to know what is best for the people.

In Search of the Anvil of the Void

You should start your search from Caridina Crossing - it was there, according to information, that Branca went on her mission. Go to the Commons to the entrance to the Deep Roads. There you will meet Oghren, Branca's husband, who will impose himself on you as an obligatory companion. Follow him to Caridin's Crossing. After talking with Oghren, you will be met by three mercenaries (they will not be there if you complete the task for both candidates) who are tasked with killing you. Deal with them and explore the location.

Caridina Crossing

To get around the blockage on the main highway, you can go along the right or left tunnel. In the first case (the northwestern part), you will have to fight the creatures of darkness. Their groups will be located close to each other, so be especially careful if you are having a hard time taking them down one by one without a break. This path will take you to one of the exits from the Crossroads, but this is not the exit you want.

Abyssal hunters are scattered along the left (northeast) tunnel, and one of the bloodied pouches from the quest "To Pieces" can also be found there. This way you will reach, in fact, the crossroads, where the creatures of darkness have settled, fenced off by traps.

The southwestern part of the tunnels is a narrow corridor, in which there are a couple of groups of darkspawn with an ogre elite boss. In one of the groups on the body of the genlock, you can find a part of the sword of the landman, which is needed for the quest "Sword of the landlord". At the southeast turn of the main tract you will find one of the glass phylacteries.

The southeast tunnel is a dead end, but there you will find another bloody pouch. You will have to fight with the creatures of darkness and with a lot of deep hunters, led by an orange boss - the matriarch of the deep hunters.

In fact, you do not have to go through all the tunnels to get to the desired exit, which leads to the Ortan teig, but it is better to immediately clear the entire location and collect all the items from side quests because you don't want to come back later.

Teig at home Ortan

Passing through the southern exit from Karidina Crossing will automatically unlock the Ortan House's Taig location. After talking with Oghren, go straight along the highway, and then into the tunnel - anyway, the road ahead is littered with boulders. Along the way, you will come across spiders, a lot of spiders, creatures of darkness fighting with them, disturbed dwarf spirits, stone golems. In addition, in a large cave with two bridges, you will meet the dwarf Rook, who, when he sees you, will run away to his shelter. You can follow him to chat and buy/sell things. If you have taken the task "Mother's Hope", then he will tell you the story of his exile. We also learn from the gnome that the spiders dragged some papers of Branka to their lair. In the vase, you will find another part of the landman's sword.

Near the place where we first saw Ruka, there is a chest from the house of Ortan. Take Ortan's notes to take to Orta in the Halls of the Guardians in Orzammar on the Lost Records quest. In the southern part of this area there is an altar for the task "To pieces", it can also be marked as a place of power on the instructions of the magicians. Cross the bridge. There you will be met by more spirits with golems. After clearing this side, go to the corridor. Along the way, you will come across spiders escaping with all their paws, and you have to prepare for an uphill battle with the Infested Spider Queen and her minions.

First, go to the left and deal with two groups of ordinary spiders in the company of hurlock emissaries. Be prepared for the fact that she will call on minions, spit poison painfully and move around the battlefield, either crawling up to the ceiling, then going back down. Use fire magic and blood magic, as well as items that increase your resistance to nature and spirit. Common spiders are pretty good at dying from fireballs.

After you defeat the spider, read Branca's notes right there. From them you will learn that you need to go further to the former city of the Legion of the Dead - to the Dead Moats.

Dead Moats

After the scene in which the Archdemon will summon the creatures of darkness somewhere there, go straight until you stumble upon the legionnaires at the bridge. Help them fight the enemies while moving across the bridge to the opposite side. When you clear all the monsters, return to talk with the leader of the Legion of the Dead, Kardol, after which you can run further. The gates of the fortress, of course, are locked - to go inside, go to the left, and make your way through a long corridor on the other side of the gate. On the first tier there will be standard dark creatures with emissaries, brontos and spiders. In the sarcophagi here you will find two pieces of Legion armor.

On the second tier in the southern cave there will be a large group of darkspawn led by the orange boss Genlock - the owner of the forge. In the middle of the bridge, an ambush of screamers awaits you, and in the northernmost hall there are dead Rippers with a genlock emissary, here in the sarcophagus you will find another piece of Legion armor.

Third tier. Here you will find two emissaries and some spiders in a cave to the north, and in the next room along the corridor you will meet one of the survivors of Branca's house - Hespit. Talk to her, and when she runs away, go ahead.

After you deal with the two ogre bosses, go to the southern room, where you will take the key to the inner gate and the missing piece of armor - the Helm of the Legion from the altar of the legionnaires. Once you take them, you will have to fight the spirits of the legionnaires. Also, if you do the side quest " dead castle”, then you will have a difficult battle with the Demon of the empty breed.

Make your way through the gate and don't forget to look into the sarcophagus along the way if you're doing Dead Castle to collect the Dead Caste Token. On this we can consider the location passed. Almost. Get ready to meet the Mother.

The uterus is a rather difficult boss, beating with tentacles that emerge right from the ground. In addition, she launches poison gas and stuns with a scream, summons darkspawn to her aid and lifts characters into the air, dealing heavy damage. Since it deals natural damage, items that increase resistance to this element will be especially useful. It is better to tank with a character who has high armor and hit points. Sheila, equipped with a crystal with nature resistance, will also come in handy here. Since the Uterus is a creature of darkness, weapons with fire damage and fire spells will be effective against her. But her resistance to nature is 75%, so such weapons and spells will be of little use.

After the Matka is finished, you will see Gespit again. Collect valuable items from the body of the Womb and go to the map of the Deep Roads, where a new location will become available - the Anvil of the Void. Here you will have one last opportunity to change the composition of the group, returning to Orzammar. It is also the last opportunity to complete the Mother's Hope side quest and the Locked in Stone quest to obtain the Ageless Greatsword.

Anvil of the Nether

Branca will meet you at the entrance. She will block the way back to force you to go forward and thus clear all the traps on the way to the Anvil that her henchmen failed to pass.

Clear the area and corridor from the creatures of darkness, among which there will be a genlock emissary and an ogre. The first major obstacle will be a room with poison gas and golems. They will begin to revive in turn: the first - as soon as you get close to them, the second - after killing the first, and so on. There are four of them in total, and four valves that need to be closed so that the gas stops flowing into the room.

In the second room, the golems stand and come to life in pairs, but it will be possible to rest between them. Traps are set between the pairs. Disarm the first one and go forward - the second pair of golems will activate and attack you. Then deactivate the next trap and fight the next pair of golems. The first and fourth pairs will remain intact - go further down the corridor.

In the third room there will be a Spirit Device, which you need to deal with in order to go further. The device itself is a column with four faces on different sides, whose eyes are illuminated, it seems, by electricity. The general principle is this: kill the spirits that the column generates, use an active forge - it will blind the corresponding "face". After one or two activated forges, the column turns, so you need to look at which sides are not yet blinded, and hit the spirit from the right side first. After the eyes begin to bleed, you need to use the forge on them again to deactivate them completely. When all eyes are out, this stage will be counted as completed, and you can move on. By the way, the column itself is marked on the map as "Moonshine"; Apparently, this is an Easter egg from translators.

The final part remained - a meeting with Karidin and, again, with Branka. You have to choose which side to take, because Branca wants to save the Anvil, and Karidin believes that it must be destroyed. Whichever side you take, you have to fight the golems. If Sheila is in your group, she will fight on the side of Caridin anyway.

Alliance with Branka will be approved by Oghren, Morrigan and Zevran, not approved by Leliana, Alistair and Wynn. If you decide to fight for Karidin, their reaction will be the opposite.


  • You can side with Caridin and destroy the Anvil. In this case, Karidin will forge a crown for you and commit suicide, and in final battle gnomes will join you;
  • You can side with Branca and leave the Anvil. For this, she will forge a crown for you and promise support in the final battle not only for gnomes, but also for golems;
  • You can side with Branca, but convince her to destroy the Anvil (requires very high conviction). Branca will forge a crown for you and commit suicide, and in the final battle the dwarves will join without golems;
  • Depending on whether you decide to keep or destroy the Anvil, you will unlock the "Pragmatist" or "Liberator" achievement, respectively.

In addition, in this zone there is a stele with the names of the dwarves who sacrificed themselves to become golems - talk about it with Sheila and Oghren and take a copy, which can then be taken to Orzammar to the chroniclers. If Sheila is not with you, show her a copy of these notes later to activate her personal quest. Collect loot from the corpses and look into the chest on the outskirts of the Anvil. You can return to Orzammar and choose a king. Just return to the entrance to the cave - Oghren will ask if you are ready to go and the News Council. If you don't need anything else here, agree and move to Orzammar using the map - you will automatically find yourself right at the coronation ceremony.

King of Orzammar

For whomever you perform tasks, you are free to choose any of the two candidates. How big a contribution you made to the promotion of Belen and Harrowmont depends on the number of their supporters and the value of the reward.

  • If you chose Harrowmont and his support reaches +6 points, then there will be very few supporters of Belen in the hall. If the support is +3 points, then there will be more hostile gnomes. If you chose Harrowmont but his support is 0, then almost everyone in the council chamber will be hostile to you.
  • If Harrowmont has been chosen and his support reaches +5, he will gift you his staff. If Belen was chosen with high enough support, then he will give you the mace of Aedukan, if you scored low, then he will give you the hammer of Trian.

How points are awarded to a particular candidate, you can see below. In addition, in the course of completing tasks, you can visit the foreman Bandelor and ask him about the distribution of votes.

For Lord Harrowmont
  • Convince Gwydon and Basil to play for Harrowmont in Trials +1
  • Win Trials as Harrowmont +1
  • At the end of the last battle of the Trials, call for the victory of Harrowmont +1
  • On the quest "Change of Preferences", search Jarvia's hideout for evidence that Belen hired Carta to kill Trian +1
  • Kill Jarvia while completing "A Lord's Trust: The Second Mission" +3
For Prince Belen
  • In the Prince's first task, tell Lord Days "Will you tell your daughter not to vote for Harrowmont?". High Persuasion Success/Fail +3/+1
  • Tell Lord Days, "Will you return the favor?" Requires medium persuasion. Also get a 25% discount on Gorim goods +2/+1
  • Tell Lord Days "I'm at your service" +2
  • When completing the task "Betrayal from Within", place documents proving the connection of Harrowmont with the Charter in the chest of the Charter. +1
  • Kill Jarvia while completing the quest Prince's Favor: Mission Two +3
Note: if you are a noble dwarf, you can ask King Belen to restore your good name and surname.

After the coronation, you can talk to Cardol and convince him to join you in the fight against Blight on the surface. The dwarf will only need to ask, the rest will need high conviction.

At this point, one of the main story quests will be considered completed, and you will receive the support of the dwarves and possibly golems and / or the Legion of the Dead, if you have met the appropriate conditions.

Location cards

Commons of Orzammar

1. Exit to the Hall of Heroes of Orzammar
2. Captain of the Guard
3. Entrance to the Diamond Quarter
4. mine manager
5. Entrance to the Deep Roads
6. Shop Figora
7. Janara Store
8. Tavern "At the tavern"
9. Entrance to Dust City
10. Orzammar Trials

Diamond Halls of Orzammar

1. Exit to the Commons
2. Harrowmont Manor
3. Royal Palace
4. Council Hall
5. Chronicle Hall
6. Lady Days

Orzammar Trials

1. Exit to the Commons
2. Test Master
3. Basil
4. Guiddon
5. Miaja and Lucian
6. Miaggi's room

dusty city

1. Exit to the Commons
2. Alimar's shop
3. Secret entrance to the Charter hideout
4. Brosky House
5. Bonfire (Hope and Leske)

Asylum Charter

1. Exit to Dusty City
2. Gatekeeper
3. Jammer's Diary
4. Kanky's Chest
5. Jammer Chest
6. Pique chest
7. Jammer's cache
8. Jarvia
9. Compromising chest / for compromising evidence

Caridina Crossing

1. Darkspawn
2. Ambush at the crossroads
3. Deep Hunters
4. Ogre (orange boss)
5. Deephunter Matriarch (Orange Boss)
6. Exit to Ortan teig

Teig at home Ortan

1. Entrance to the location
2. Spiders and darkspawn
3. Hand
4. Camp Ruka
5. Infested Spider Queen
6. Posts by Branca
7. Exit to the Dead Moats

Dead Moats

1. Cardol and the Legion of the Dead
2. Genlock - Forgemaster (orange boss)
3. Screamer Ambush
4. Hespit
5. Tomb of the Legion, altar
6. Uterus!

Anvil of the Nether

1. Branca
2. gas room
3. trap room
4. Spirit device
5. Perfect Karidin
6. Anvil of the Nether
7. Dwarf Nameplates
A detailed description of the Orzammar side quests and the Deep Roads can be found in

I'll add my thoughts...
Either at the release of the game there was a condition to slightly change / cut the plot, or the scriptwriters did not consider it necessary to write what is already clear to the sane. What is it?
Why did Belen kill his family? if you read everything and understand their rule, you get the impression of a family of tyrants with a thirst to rule and crush everything for themselves, as well as with the fear that ordinary gnomes (now untouchable) will demand equality, which in truth is exactly how it should be - unanimity or at worst equality. That his father, that his brother were cruel, vile rule and class division into "I am above you, you are below me." A bright mind does not allow this, it is a stupid fear.
So why did Belen kill everyone? did he kill his mother too? I have not heard about this and it is not written anywhere ... and why only my own? if he wanted absolute power, how can someone who does not understand answer, ask yourself the question - why didn’t he kill ALL possible heirs and claimants (entering or submitting the right to inherit) to the kingdom?
Based on such an analysis of the facts, Belen only "removed" the tyrants from the throne, because he knew - without changes and simplification, without the abolition of cruelty and bad attitude towards ordinary dwarves, long life to all the people of the dwarves not to see.
And in conclusion .... Belen did not kill anyone else, you hear, ANYONE else killed. He only got rid of the reasons for the imminent death of his people (which were both his father and brother). When completing the story for him, no kills are made on an innocent dwarf. And the documents, in fact, are NOT a fake, if you go to the custodians before presenting them, show the documents to the elder .... how is he .... I don’t remember, he will ask where, you can lie, but the second question will be "so they are forged? ", to which the elder * immediately replies "no, this is NOT a fake, but some conditions have been changed here." That is, in fact, the documents are genuine, this senior, who is also Haroumont's relatives, knows about this transaction and will confirm the question "so did you know about it?". So Haroumont really wanted to deceive, that is, it was HE who fought dishonestly in the elections.
The second task is to deal with a gang of criminals. And again, WHOSE gang is this in fact? of course, Haroumont, we find out in the course of the plot and reading all sorts of notes. Jarvia supports Haromont with might and main.
So who is the killer, m? Belen, or is it Haroumont?
I think for sane people it is obvious that Haroumont is MUCH worse.
And in the end .... for the first time I played (it was a long time ago), if possible, I went for both, and now Haroumont just asked the hero to kill some "interfering" personalities who were not criminals, well, I didn’t fulfill.
By the way, Branca has always been obsessed, Ogren says about this. That is, even when she was a "nice girl," as the dwarf called her, so she can hardly be considered honest.

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