Dragon age: origins: magical session - game tactics and advice from the masters. Battle mage, he's a paladin, he's a tanker! Dragon age start mage guide

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In this topic, you can share your skills and give advice on how best to upgrade a particular character class, how to create the most combat-ready or survivable group, how best to swing allies, how to make the most attacking or most protected character, etc. ... Actually, what specializations are better to pump and what to invest skill points in, all the more you can do multiclasses.

(for example, I heard that in the game you can get to level 25 - is it true or not? I went through the main campaign and only scored lvl 20, despite the fact that I completed almost all the tasks - there were only a couple of quests left from the board in the Denerim tavern .. .But where can you get 5 more levels?).

When leveling a magician, be sure to take the time to read my article in the FAQ section on dragon age about Spell Combinations, believe me, this gives a serious advantage to the mage.

If we talk about a warrior, then pump strength and physique, if your warrior is a shield builder, then pump dexterity to at least 26, otherwise you will not be a shield master.

About party members: Upgrade Liliana’s dexterity and archer skills, you can forget about the rest, put her in tactics distant battle and Archer. She will be very effective in this. Morrigan, never download this Werewolf to her, which she has by default, this is garbage, not a specialization for a companion. Download her elemental magic, except for the earth. And a branch of paralysis in Entropy, you can also develop the last branch of spirit magic. And don't forget combos. Alistair is very weak, I don’t even know why, but the developers didn’t twist something with him, I raised his physique almost to the level of Sheila, but still he was killed pretty quickly. He is a typical shield warrior, download his shield and warrior skills, well, strength, and most importantly physique. I won’t say anything about the rest, because I almost didn’t take them into the party.
Yes, you can, even up to level 100. When you save or destroy the urn with ashes, then when you exit the hall with the urn, they give 750 experience points. Walk back and forth, through the door and back, and swing.

Correctly noticed)) Specialization is a dead end to the point of horror. It’s better for Morigan to develop the branch of Death, Ice, Kenetics (Where the Crushing Dungeon and the force field) and Lightning are to the end, you can still pump out the earth to the “Fist”, but “petrification” is a tight spell to horror, much worse than the “Cone of Ice” and then it just unremarkable. It creates three areal effects around itself: Storm, Blizzard, Storm of Death, Aura of Death, throwing it all up with cones of ice and it can be played alone without the rest of the party. The rest I have are all brutal warriors, pumped purely for bloody combat styles like the Devourer and Berserker, unmeasured damage, coupled with the restoration of all health with one wave of the hand. Just Argh! It’s a pity that the walls always catch only one spetsukha ...

No, because strength and dexterity affect damage to a certain extent. I'm just going to invest a little more in the physique to take the hit. Although I don’t really know yet, here again with armor there is an ambush, in armor you won’t dance with two blades. You may have to invest heavily in dexterity in order to dodge better. But I will still play as a robber, one way or another, but definitely not an archer, by the way, I have already opened all the specializations of this class. Especially a duelist for two blades is good, and it’s quite interesting to get it, you can win cards, you can fight, but I trained differently ...

Yes, everything is really simple. The main thing is to choose the right tactics. For example, this option:
2 tank warriors, 1 mage, 1 rogue.
Warriors have a two-handed or sword + shield, a magician has a staff, freezing and other useful skills, a robber has 2 blades.
Rogue and mage are melee corpses, even on medium difficulty. To pump endurance to them ... is pointless, because without heavy. armor, it will be skill points spent on the wind. But the damage of the robber and the magician is decent. So, we need to make sure that the magician and the robber are not touched, but at the same time they attacked the opponents. That is why we need 2 tank warriors. They should definitely be clad in the heaviest armor you can find, for their job is to hold the line. Warriors have a special provocation skill. While this skill is active, opponents try to attack only them. And this is exactly what will protect our magician and robber from a part. As a result, what we have:
2 tanks take on the entire blow and fight back as best they can. And the robber and the magician help them in this. If anything, the magician will cure them, and the robber from the flank will help them with all sorts of crippling blows. Here is such a tactic. I used it when I first played.

P.S. Sorry for the offtopic, I'll delete the post later.

Re: Weapon

Well, you give, tactics)))
Well, firstly, the player himself will be the tank, because Alistair is given to us with crooked parameters, and making a tank from Stan is generally ridiculous. Actually, the tank needs strength only to pull on the armor, but not to attack. He does not need to pump in either stamina or physique (although you can throw a couple of points on the latter if there are extra ones left). Strength needs to be brought up to 35-42 in order to wear good heavy armor - and all other points should be thrown into dexterity. Since dexterity affects the defense parameter, and this is important in the first place, and not physical stability. The higher this indicator, the more often the enemies will miss the tank, with an indicator above 100-150, all attacks will practically lose their meaning - at the same time, hang it with all sorts of resists that increase protection and resistance to the elements. For this, the Knight or the Templar is just right. Alistair has poor dexterity, and therefore his high physique does not save him - every enemy hit falls on him, which is why the poor templar loses all HP in a cluster of opponents in a matter of seconds.
Further - a magician is needed not one that causes damage, but a cleric at least. Wynn is best, although Morgan can be promoted as well. Just the magician will stand at a long distance, and constantly heal the tank, giving him both health and all sorts of bonuses to defense. Moreover, for complete happiness, you can throw a Force Field on the tank - it will generally become immune to damage, when using intimidation and taunting, all enemies will run to it, and the second magician (if any) will deal area damage. Yes, and the robber will be able to act more efficiently ...

As for Stan, he is not thought out, and when learning skills, just go to the tactics menu and manually turn off the mode for him such as intimidate, taunt, etc., so that he does not attract enemies to himself.

If you yourself prefer to play as a tank, then you can generally not take Alistair into the group, since one well-hung tank is just right for the party. As an option - Wynn, who heals, and Morgan hits the square with spells, well, Stan, if it goes with the bosses. In another case, if you are a magician, then only Alistair can be pumped for the tank and no one else.

It seems to me that these last few posts, from the moment we switched from weapons to discussing battle tactics and battles, satellites - can be moved to the topic Tips for leveling, combat, etc.

And a little more: if you do not take healer magicians, then you can try the Ripper skill for the tank, taking one skill there - restoring health from the corpses of enemies. In this case, this will give the tank additional HP, but in battle then very good damage dealers, magicians and duelists will be required, who can quickly kill all evil spirits so that the tank has time to heal due to corpses and poultices

Re: Weapon

Is that that much skill?

Re: Weapon

Is that that much skill?
I, in fact, cannot understand how STen can not be thought out or Alsiter, if we can pump skills for them ourselves?

And the point here is that you either pump strength for good armor, or dexterity for evasion. If you pump one Persian both this and that, then you will not achieve anything, because the points are not infinite. So here it is necessary to distinguish, as it were.

no no no you don't understand
In the character screen window on the left there is such a drawn shield - these are general indicators of protection. AT heavy armor they reach about 60-90, I don’t know if it’s possible to raise it higher without potions and spells ... That is, with 42 strength, putting on good armor and a good shield you will provide yourself with a defense parameter of at least 80 - drink the rest with potions, increase with skills or have the magician throw it on. This is the dodge, as it were - and if this defense reaches 120-150, then almost none of the enemies will hit the character with their attacks ... This parameter also increases with dexterity.

Stan and Alistair are not thought out in the sense that the automatic tactics that they set imply to Stan just intimidation and mockery for some reason)) Yes, Stan can not pump this skill, but closer to the 15th level he has nowhere to put points will...

Many people are interested in the question of how to unlock the achievement for critical damage, somewhere here advice was given for a warrior, and I will write for a magician. First, pump the Magic skill and only it, without spending too many points on Willpower or something else. Also try to find all sorts of amulets, staves or armor that give bonuses to magical power. Entropy spells such as sleep, terror, weakness, vulnerability corruption, and contagious corruption should be learned. Try not to touch your chosen victim by any of the satellites (and so that you don’t touch you much) - a suitable place is the Mage tower, where 1-2 Garlocks / Genlocks run out to the hero in the Shadow - they are best suited. So, first throw Sleep on him - then weakness and possible damage - then apply Horror (the combination of sleep and horror spells gives huge damage, and since we have significantly weakened the target, it receives the most severe damage) - I inflicted on Garlock (or Genlock, I don't remember already) about 300 damage

mages and warriors fly out into the chimney as soon as a robber with two swords enters the battle. This can be said to be just a murderous thing that takes out everyone and everything in all directions.
We pump dexterity to this thing, and no one can hit it in close combat - the exception is magic or the dragon's breath, then the thing can be blown away in 5 seconds alone, because I did not take the party))))).

So this is how we drive cunning and strength into the same place, but more dexterity. Next, we are looking for good swords, daggers or axes into which runes can be inserted, we take good +5 runes (and what a charm if the weapon has already been enchanted with something)
it’s also convenient for this thing to pump in a skill so that you can hold two one-handed swords, and not just a sword and a dagger.
Then we learn the rest of the skills so that the penalties are removed. You can score on the skills of a robber, I only taught invisibility and opened locks, well, it’s desirable to learn how to set traps (when I ran into traps for a group of peasants in Lothering, and there were 20 of them there, they just stupidly exploded all and no one reached me)))) )).
This thing can be launched into battle in splendid isolation to use stealth. Further - the higher the dexterity, the closer happiness is - it is necessary, while running among the crowd of enemies, to collect as much as possible on yourself in a heap - they will miss with their miserable swords. Turn on the skills Rush and strike with two weapons, and then do Ooooohhhh! - this is such a technique in rotation - and we take out everyone and everyone who surrounded us - I immediately put at least 12 stupid soldiers huddled together in cabbage

But that's not all - nothing compares to twin blades. Two-handers go through the forest as far as possible, all their strength is bullshit, at 15.00 damage, we set ourselves 2 swords for 11.00 damage and already have a total of 22. With the skill turned on, we hit with two swords at once, thereby inflicting the highest damage, and if we still have the weapon itself enchanted, and even with runes - wow! about 150 should be removed for each hit. And the rogue strikes every second! Despite the fact that it takes at least 3-4 seconds to swing the same club for a two-handed warrior. Do we feel the difference? I got somewhere for hitting a monster under 60 + 70 from the hit itself, +20 from magic damage, and even +1 +1 from spells. The fact that a warrior with his two-handed 80-100 hits for a blow, which takes him 5 seconds, the robber will remove in 1-2 seconds, and in 5 - will already exceed three times all the damage that a warrior would inflict with one of his strikers .

And the so-called fatalities happen to the robber more often, because this class itself makes crits more often than others - in the end, only severed heads and massive combos fly in all directions. here I can even brag about my robber, I made a crit 5 times in a row, blowing off the heads of the enemies - this is in the temple of Andraste, there were 2 magicians and 2 warriors and 1 archer, so everyone was crit on the last blow and their head was blown off - of course this is pure luck but there is still something to be proud of)))

The theme of character development in Dragon Age: Origins, like in any other game, is deeply individual. Of course, there are general rules, relying on which you can save time and get a decent result. At one time, he dwelled in some detail on the issue of character development. Richard Psmith, now untimely gone, in an article on Dragon Age: Origins in the magazine "Best computer games"(№11, 2009). After reading the article, the questions will disappear by themselves. I would like to briefly list those characteristics, skills, abilities and spells that need to be developed in a character depending on the chosen class.

For the main character, it is imperative to study skill "Influence"(you need cunning), it will be useful in many cases: the character will be able to easily use authority, convince and extract information from the characters. It is advisable to start developing it from the very beginning, and pump it over as quickly as possible, while trying not to forget about other skills. The third level of influence can be obtained already in Lothering. For warriors priority skills will be "Combat Training" and "Combat Tactics", for robbers- Combat Training, Poison Making, Trap Making and Thief, for magicians- "Herbalist" and "Survival". Developed combat training among magicians reduces the likelihood of a spell breaking when attacking an enemy.

Stat points distribution in Dragon Age: Origins:

  • Warriors must emphasize strength and constitution (approximately 2:1), agility develops only to the minimum values ​​​​of opening skills. For " tank warrior»Maximum development of the skills associated with the shield: the line "Shield Strike", "Shield Defense", "Shield Block". As a specialization, we take a berserker or a ripper. For " warrior-hitoboy"- skills with a two-handed sword: the lines "Strike with a hilt", "Mighty blow", from specializations - a knight or a berserker. Among the useful skills, it is worth noting "Provocation" (switching the attention of opponents to the provocateur), and "Exit the battle" (reducing the hostility of opponents). With their help, you can fight for a long time, passing the baton between the warriors.
  • Rogues should focus on dexterity and cunning, depending on the style, strength is also added. A rogue's main weapon can be a dual weapon or a bow. Bows are easier to develop and work better with traps than poisons. For " robber-hit-boy"We develop skills related to dual weapons, here you can also add skills from the Dirty Fight and Low Blow line, the killer and the duelist are suitable from the specializations. " Rogue Overlord» should focus on the bow, but most of the battles he will be busy singing. Of the skills, we develop the “Melee Shooting” or “Rapid Shooting” lines. As specializations, we choose a bard and a ranger. Rogues must be able to pick locks and be invisible by learning the relevant skills. In addition, after leveling the “Combat Training” skill, you can completely switch to the development of cunning by purchasing the “Lethality” skill from the “Low Blow” line. In this case, cunning will be used to calculate attack damage instead of strength.
  • Magi must actively develop magic and willpower (2:1 or 3:1). There are many spells to choose from that make the character unique and inimitable. You can make a healer out of a magician, or you can focus on combat development. In any case, it is desirable to develop a magician under, which do not require special costs, but multiply the damage done or have special effects. mage healer is a lifesaver, helps save a lot of first-aid kits, poultices and constantly saves in difficult situations, healing and resurrecting the fallen on the battlefield, without it - like without hands. Also worth noting are the useful spells Rune of Paralysis, Rune of Neutralization from the School of Creation, Mass Paralysis from the School of Entropy, Crushing Dungeon from the School of Spirit, and the entire Elemental School.

game difficulty
I immediately warn you that I played 100% Russian. I know the version and skills in Russian (and I don’t remember some of the names), but I’ll try to explain so that everyone understands
I started on 3 (fourth is not available at first) as a mage I went through the game without straining when I started for the second time as a warrior I realized that a properly pumped mage is a heavy-imbo class
first, the general advantages - for a warrior, the skills depend on the chosen weapon and there is no choice
now "how I swayed" - let's start with the fact that I gave all the books for skills to gg and as a result of them (skills) gg had more than the rest, the team consisted of me (magician) Morigan Alistair and walls in the first place gg I shook everything "cones" and as a result, about a third of the game of a group of enemies of 3-5 people. flew into the mess - first an ice cone, then lightning, then fire, as a result, the white mobs that fell under all 3 cones died with a 90% chance, and the yellow ones remained with 50% hp + -10% all this time, the Morigan threw them with spells that hit 1 target (to be sure ) that danger schmuck which after that remained finished off al and walls
then heavy artillery was used - an ice storm was pumped (on a decent territory, ALL mobs take little damage for a long time and have a good chance to fall, slow down and freeze [in fact, when casting, everyone starts to run slowly and as a result almost everyone freezes]) and almost right behind it is lightning (see the previous one but without nose control x2-2.5 damage) these 2 skills thrown in the sequence 1ice 2lightning took out the whole crowd for some time, especially if the enemy was noticed in advance and the ice. the storm was thrown before the crowd fled, then chain lightning was pumped (almost UG skill) which is suitable if ALL splashes are already cast and cast on the mob closest to the center of the storms (note if the mob on which the chain lightning was cast is dead, then the cast does not stop and the lightning flies to the place where the current corpse stood and scatters at everyone around) at this time, the Morigan took all the curses and splash paralysis as a result of the evil red mob (only if it hits with a physical attack) a curse was thrown that did not allow him to hit me (all attacks -Misses all crits-normal attacks) and everyone else was also paralyzed, as a result, it was possible to throw splash paralysis on the unsuspecting crowd and almost immediately lightning a storm, then either a chain (if the paralysis hangs for a long time) or ice. storm (if paralysis hangs a little) (how much paralysis hangs you need to find out empirically, but I’ll say that the main indicators are the complexity of the game + the “magic” stat, well, + x% of the attack with the corresponding magic) [the power of any spell is also calculated] then I got into the tower of magicians and had to play for Vin, so in this version of pumping, the earthquake is very good. och. OCH!!! the right skill (it will also come in handy in others) and the main thing is not that the people are slow and constantly falling, but the fact that it is cast ALMOST INSTANTLY, that is, if the enemy does not see you, you cast ice. immediately pause the storm and direct the earthquake on the same area, release the pause and watch how the mobs crawl, how the cockroaches constantly fall and as a result freeze without going beyond the spell, if not just watch it, but also how to start a lightning storm, then you will watch how the crowd is quietly peaceful dies without being able to do anything
after that I understood how I would swing further, a splash dream and "crap whose name I don’t remember" were taken (this crap comes right after the dream and with 100% probability of sleeping and with x% probability of not sleeping it forces either to stand in the camp or attack someone I’ll have to [most often each other]) sleep, by the way, is also cast almost instantly and EVERYTHING (well, except for the red ones) ALWAYS fell asleep with me, and he took blood magic (from the demon in Redcliffe Castle in a dream it was written more than once on different forums) and there he took 3rd skill (it paralyzes everyone within the radius of damage and while they are paralyzed causes average damage, by the way, it also casts almost instantly) then 4 skills were taken in a row - an explosion of the mind (everyone around the caster becomes, by the way, 2 magicians who took this skill + mobari [he has something like that] they can keep the crowd in the camp for the whole battle, provided they are in the center of the crowd) sphere (very useful skill of control if each battle is given with a creak, then you throw it at the strongest mob and while he deals with all the rest in the sphere and it lasts long enough even on reds, the only minus is until it falls, you can’t do anything to this mob) teleken. weapons (such as ice and fire, but instead of fixed damage it gives armor penetration when fighting with animals, it’s useless, but when fighting with heavily armed warriors, they sometimes give a bigger bonus) and a cage (another control can work well in a spark with petrification, or you can also remove interfering ones from battle enemies) so I endured everyone + moreover, most of the described skills (storms, earthquakes) can be cast without seeing the enemy (for example, from behind the wall) and having "survival" from one of the squad members, in principle, you can destroy most of the crowds without letting them do and 5 steps while not using magicians or using them as a buff-heal these same crowds would tear you to shreds
I also didn’t take the last skill in the four starting with vampirism, but in the princepe it is the same lightning. storm
there is also unverified information (a friend told me, I didn’t see it myself) that if you throw a rune of repulsion and paralysis (especially into the crowd) at the same point, it will scatter everyone in different directions and paralyze yourself, I didn’t test it, but it sounds cool

Be careful my friend. If you decide to follow the path of someone whose soul is closely intertwined with magic, then you will have a hard time(Concept art of the backstory for the magician)

I created this post for those who, like me, decided to go this route:

What reason do we have to become magicians? First of all, not only I think that this is the most powerful class in the game. Secondly, Ray Musica himself, as I know, likes to play as a magician. And in the third, there are tasks in the game that only a magician can personally complete. And, finally, in the fourth place, we already have a hit fighter, 2 tank warriors, a hit fighter tank, a robber archer, a robber hit fighter, a mage suppressor, a mage healer, and only a hit mage is not enough, so it is better to develop it. I developed an elemental magician with a half-pumped spirit and one spell from other schools. Specialization was a blood mage and a spiritual healer (in Awakening, a healer, guardian and battle m ... pah! mage-warrior).

A fortress stands on a cliff, rising above the dark waters of Calenhad Lake. This is the tower of the Circle of Magi.(Duncan, the Gray Warden)

Tips for young sorcerers (leveling the elemental magician)

Tips for young sorcerers (leveling the elemental magician)

Let's talk about mage specializations:

Blood Mage: For lack of anything better for a hit slayer, she's pretty good. It's better to learn it after completing the Broken Circle, because it will displease Wynn, but if you take the specialization after that, she will not say anything.

The first skill simply takes the magician's health instead of mana, and given that the magician does not have much of it, and even because of the ability, the treatment practically stops working, the ability is practically useless. The second ability drains health from allies and heals mages. As you may have thought, the specialization is so-so, but here's why I classified this specialization as a hit spec: Bloody Wound - A massive crushing dungeon that does not affect friendly ones! The last spell is so-so. I don't recommend downloading. Forces the enemy to fight on your side, if it passes a mental check, it deals damage over time.

I advise you to download from the Spiritual healer only Group Healing and Revival. Get the rest from Wynn. I took it only because of the bonuses

Battlemage transforms the mage into a heavily armed warrior. I will not describe in detail. There is a separate post for this.

Werewolf allows you to transform into a spider, a bear and a swarm of insects, and the latter improves all of this.

Specialization Combinations: MK+DC as a hit breaker, BM+MK as a hit breaker, BM+DC as a tank

It is in difficult times that one should not miss the opportunity, at least for a moment soar with happiness(First Enchanter Irving)

Tips for young sorcerers (leveling the elemental magician)

Tips for young sorcerers (leveling the elemental magician)

Proper leveling for a hitoboy: Elemental magic to pump everything except the earth. It can be used until the second spell, note: shock is the most hit cone attack, but the cone of cold freezes ALL enemies. Chain Lightning is the only area-of-effect spell that doesn't hit friendly.

In creation, I pumped only a magic light.

In the spirit, I upgraded branch 2 and 4 to the end, and 3 to the infectious bomb.

In entropy, I only pumped life drain (when you need to heal a little for a hitoboy just right).

The mage community thanks you. May the Creator smile upon you. (Community of Mages Liaison)

Table of natural vulnerability. Every enemy in the game is vulnerable to one type of magic and invulnerable to another. And all sorcerers need to know this table by heart. For example, during the first playthrough, I bought the Staff Sylvanas Mercy and went to Redcliffe. The damn ghouls deflected all of my normal attacks due to their nature resistance.

Tips for young sorcerers (leveling the elemental magician)

Tips for young sorcerers (leveling the elemental magician)

FIRE - Dead people, wild animals, sylvans and possessed burn well

ELECTRICITY - our worst enemies, creatures of darkness, are afraid of high voltage

COLD - All kinds of creatures on the other side of the Veil are very afraid of low temperatures. They are naturally immune to fire.

EARTH - only dragons are afraid of this element and all types of undead are immune to it.

Even in the darkest times, remember to turn to the light(Albus Dumbledore)

Tips for young sorcerers (leveling the elemental magician)

Tips for young sorcerers (leveling the elemental magician)

Tips: Sheila's stone aura enhances magic power. Pump Wynn Flower - it speeds up the restoration of mana. At the beginning of the battle, use earth or cold magic - they slow down enemies.

The most deadly school is spiritual, and not spontaneous, as many might think. For example, a walking boma deals an average of 250 damage to only ONE enemy, and mana burn deals damage equal to the enemy's mana, and he has an average of 750 mana!

I am the Servant of the Arcane Fire, Lord of the Flames of Anor! The Crimson Fire will not help you, Flame of Udun!(Gandalf the Grey)

Hitboy combinations:

Tips for young sorcerers (leveling the elemental magician)

Tips for young sorcerers (leveling the elemental magician)

Sunder: Cone of Cold or Frost Snap followed by Shattering Dungeon or Stone Fist will instantly destroy a weak opponent

Tips for young sorcerers (leveling the elemental magician)

Tips for young sorcerers (leveling the elemental magician)

Ignite: Crushing Dungeon and Force Field create an explosion that deals high damage

Tips for young sorcerers (leveling the elemental magician)

Tips for young sorcerers (leveling the elemental magician)

Combustion: Grease and Fireball will create a wall of fire (Fat from Wynn)

Tips for young sorcerers (leveling the elemental magician)

Tips for young sorcerers (leveling the elemental magician)

Storm of Ages: Magic Power + Storm + Blizzard will create a storm that will deal an average of 90 damage to one enemy per round! (In the beginning, use a blizzard as there is a chance to freeze enemies and calmly read the storm.

Tips for young sorcerers (leveling the elemental magician)

Tips for young sorcerers (leveling the elemental magician)

There is a wise saying: do not urinate against the wind. This time you peed against the hurricane, witcher!(Azar Yaved)

Pumping: you need to pump magic, willpower and physique 1:1:1 and once every five levels willpower and magic 2:1. At levels 7 and 10, all points are in magic

Tips for young sorcerers (leveling the elemental magician)

Tips for young sorcerers (leveling the elemental magician)

Best clothes: The best clothes in my post Velvet Wings, but for those who did not like it, I write the following lines:

Community Hood at Bodan

Shadow walkers in the Pantry of the Circle.

Elemental Grasp drops from Kakskang (Unleashed)

Bodan's Anti-Magic Ward

Andruil's Blessing Belt at the Quartermaster in the Tower

The Quartermaster holds the Lord Magister's Staff

City Key in Orzammar

Morrigan Ring (can still be worn purely symbolically)

Robes of a Tevinter Mage in Curiosities of Thedas

Tips for young sorcerers (leveling the elemental magician)

Tips for young sorcerers (leveling the elemental magician) You see the dark side of the Force in everything(Master Yoda)

My battle looked like this: I was supported by a magic spark, magical power, a magic shield and a funnel of death. Mages were knocked out immediately by a collision of mana. Then Vurya of centuries and ignition. If several enemies survived, then he used fire ball with a bloody wound. If one then lightning or ice grip (See elemental vulnerability table.) In narrow corridors used cone attacks (See elemental vulnerability table.) Winn runes, split and ignite.

Tips for young sorcerers (leveling the elemental magician)

Tips for young sorcerers (leveling the elemental magician)

I hope young wizards find my post useful ^_^

Race selection

The choice naturally stands between a human and an elf, since gnomes by their nature cannot conjure. Each race has its own characteristics, but it is worth remembering that when choosing an elf, everyone will treat you with contempt, and even that is not very important.

Point distribution

Everything is extremely simple here - we download Magic and Willpower in proportions of 2 to 1 and do not forget that it is worth pumping the cunning to the same value up to 16 for pumping influence.

Influence- we definitely pump if we want to avoid a lot of unpleasant moments in the game and just persuade anyone;

combat training- also required to learn, since your spells will be interrupted less often;

Herbalistthe best option whatever one may say, will pump this skill from minor characters and do not spend the points of the main character;

Tactics- something that is generally better not to touch, since you will need manual control over the hero in almost any situation;


With specializations, you will have to decide on your own. It is worth noting that the most useful specializations for you will be Spiritual Healer and Blood Mage.

With the help of a spiritual healer, you can often get out of trouble, and it is worth pumping at least Group Healing and Resurrection, even if you have Wynn in the group.

As for that, this is already a separate build, although some skills, such as Blood Wound, can still serve you well.

Shares second place in need with the blood mage Warrior Mage. It also has its own peculiarities - for example, you can wear heavy armor.

Werewolf - in this case, we do not need this specialization at all.


Here we will go selectively and will take different spells from different branches.

Ice Snap- refers to the magic of water, deals good damage and decently slows down the enemy. The entire branch is obligatory for pumping;

Lightning- rushes periodically between water magics. Quite a strong branch, but does not work on some;

Earth- here we take only stone armor - our magician needs protection;

Fire- a less priority branch, since enemies often have immunity to it;

creation- here we take treatment for obvious reasons;

Runes- the rune of paralysis is our best friend if we don't want to get surrounded. You can also take other runes;

Spirit- here we need Manna Siphoning and then we will definitely not stand aside. Also, in principle, it is worth paying attention to other skills that are no less useful;

Entropy- Life Drain - this is what any magician should download;

Hero equipment

These are the best things for you:

Reaper clothes- located in Curiosities of Thedas, in Denerim;

Key to the city a - in Orzammar we find pages of the code all over the city, after which we go to the throne room on assignment, place the party members on the plates and pick up the item;

Anti magic amulet- You can buy it from Bodan in the camp.

Staff of the Lord Magister as well as a belt called Blessing of Andruil- we buy from the quartermaster in the Circle;

What's up to the party then here you need to take one warrior, one robber and support in the form of a second magician, or instead of the last Sheila - a golem from the add-on. This concludes our guide to the mage in and good luck conquering Ferelden.

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