Stalker Call of Pripyat - walkthrough (additional quests part 1). Fallout 4 Call of Blood quest: the call of freedom does not end

In the third part of the Fallout 4 walkthrough, we will tell you how to complete the "Call of Freedom" quest: from searching for settlers to cleaning up Concorde in new power armor. The previous part "Time is running out" is located.

When you get to the Freedom Museum for the first time, the guy in the fancy hat on the balcony will shout something to you. After a short exchange of phrases, he will tell you to pick up a short laser musket from the ground and go to the museum.
Take the SHORT LASER MUSKET (optional).

Before entering the building, collect things from the corpses that lie at the intersection, and pick up the laser musket near the sidewalk. Taking your weapon, go to the museum through the main door.

Finding Trapped Settlers

When you enter the building, you will need to find the settlers who have barricaded themselves in the museum somewhere on the upper floors. Unfortunately, you are blocked by armed raiders. And this means that you have to fight your way through them.

The first few raiders you come across - they are on the higher level - don't pose much of a threat. Quickly run up the steps (note the locked metal door in front), turn right and follow through the doorway.

Follow the corridor until you reach a room with mannequins. If you haven't done so already, now select a new laser musket through the Pip-Boy's inventory. Then follow southeast to the next room. Go through the doorway opposite, turn left and deal with the raider who is hiding behind wooden boxes.

Now go through the door behind the crates and you will find yourself back in the main foyer. But now you are on the other side of the locked door that you saw earlier. Go left and go around the edge of the room clockwise, avoiding the settled floor in the center. When you reach the ticket booth on the left, take the contents of the toolbox.

Next, keep walking around the foyer until you reach the large central staircase. Climb it, and when you find yourself at the top, quickly turn around. From here, you will clearly see all the raiders above. Take them out with a couple of good shots, and if necessary, use the columns for cover.

When the threat is eliminated, head through the open doors to the northeast, near the top steps. Turn left and enter the wall painting room. Here you will stumble upon two more opponents. Kill them and head through the hole in the brick wall to the northeast. Then turn left.

When you reach the stairs around the corner, head up to the next floor and carefully approach the first doorway on the right. Two raiders will be behind the wall. You need to sit down and quietly remove them. After completing the task, go through the door on the left and collect the items from the orange toolbox.

Return to the corridor, go through the door that the raiders used earlier, and head right along the balcony. There will be an open door ahead, directly below the Exit sign. In this room you will find the settlers. So hold back your weapon!

Conversation with Preston Garvey

As soon as you enter the room, you will be greeted by Preston Garvey. You spoke to him earlier when you were outside.

Tell him you're happy to help, find out more about ghouls, and then let your new friend talk about his plan. He will mention the old power armor found on the roof of the museum. Tell him that you will be happy to help restore it. To end the conversation, agree to go to the basement and pick up the nuclear unit, which is needed to charge the armor.

In the same room where Preston Garvey is, you, which allows you to raise "Perception" by one unit (reading our walkthrough you will collect all the figurines).

nuclear unit

You can reach the basement through the sunken floor at the base of the main staircase. When you're ready to continue, head back down to the lower level the same way you got here and find the closed gate below. Next, use your incredible terminal hacking abilities to open the gate.

Take the nuclear unit from the humming generator and return to Preston Garvey and his comrades. Then follow through the open door on the other side of the room (the one next to the doll of perception) and turn left. Go to the far end of the destroyed balcony and go through the door on the right side, under the red Exit sign.

You will find yourself on the roof of the Freedom Museum. Go to the power armor and insert the nuclear block obtained in the basement into it.

Now that the power armor is charged, climb into it. But before you leave the roof, grab the things from the toolbox and grab the holotape of Michael Daly from the table. Then go to the wreckage of the helicopter and take the minigun.

Clearing the Concorde from enemies

With the minigun in hand, go forward and stand on the edge of the roof. Look down the street. You will see that it is full of raiders. You need to use the minigun wisely to deal with all opponents. Take advantage of your position and kill all the raiders below. Then go down to the first floor and walk northwest along the street away from the museum. Kill all the raiders on the way and, when you find yourself at the roundabout at the end of the street, get ready for the appearance of a huge dangerous death claw.

As soon as the monster appears, start shooting at him from the minigun. You will be able to do significant damage before it gets to you. If the deathclaw chases after you, keep your distance to start the attack again.

I'm playing on the highest difficulty level, Survival, and I had to spend a full supply of minigun ammo to kill the Deathclaw. So it is better for survival players to wait until the claw itself destroys the raiders, then lure it to some machine and blow it up. A nearby explosion will knock the Deathclaw back and he will briefly lose consciousness. While he lies passed out, you need to shoot him in the head, and when he comes to his senses, run to the store at the end of the street farthest from the Museum of Freedom: he is to the right of the car in the screenshot below:

It is convenient to shoot the foe from this house: the death claw cannot go inside, it will only periodically throw debris at you.

When the monster is defeated, kill the remaining enemies in the area (if any), and then return to the Museum of Freedom.

Once inside the museum, you will find Preston and his companions in the lobby on the ground floor. Walk up to him and start a dialogue. Check that everything is in order and accept the award. Ask them what they will do next. You will find out that the group is planning to settle in yours. Agree to help them with this, and then talk to Mother Murphy.

When she says that your son Sean is still alive, try to find out his whereabouts. She will explain to you that you should go to Diamond City and continue your search there. At this moment, the quest "Pearl of the Commonwealth" will appear in the journal. But there are a few more things you need to do before moving on.

Speak to Preston Garvey at Senchuari

Finish the dialogue and exit the museum. Now return to Senchuari and find Preston: he will be patrolling the streets, and talk to him.

Tell Preston Senchuari was your home. Explain to him that you lived here 200 years ago. After discussing with the other settlers, Preston will ask you to help organize a settlement at Senchuari. Agree to this, and Preston will invite you to talk to Sturges, who will tell you how you can help.

When the conversation is over, the quest "First Step" will appear in the journal, and the current "Call of Freedom" will be closed.

Conversation with Sturges

Before continuing your journey, visit Sturges at the yellow house on the right side of the road. It's right in front of your old house. Ask Sturges how you can help and he will explain that people really need beds. The quest "Senchuari" will appear in your journal.

Please note that the Weapon Workbench, Standard Workshop and Armor Service Station in the courtyard of the house will now become available for use.

It is worth spending a little time on while you are near the station. To do this, you need to get out of the suit and separately repair each part using whatever debris you collected along the way.

It should be borne in mind that your nuclear power armor unit was somewhat discharged during the last battle. This means that soon the suit's capabilities and speed will deteriorate. Since you do not have a spare nuclear unit yet, leave the armor here and continue your journey without it. At least until the next quest. Do not forget to go to Pip-Boy and use the available skill points that you earned for completing the quest.

If you noticed, in the screenshot above, I have two power armor. One you get in the "Call of Freedom" quest, and the other can be taken near Senchuari, next to the crashed vertibird, between the US Air Force satellite station "Olivia" and the graveyard of old robots. One of Preston's quests will lead you there.

Getting there from Senchuari on the north side of the lake is relatively safe. The armor is in very poor condition, without a nuclear block, and with the owner at the left leg, but it will also come in handy.

In power armor without a nuclear block, you can use fast movement, so you don't have to go slowly and for a long time to Senchuari.

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Console Guyz Continues His Guide to Fallout 4 When Freedom Calls

Freedom Calls - Mission in Concord City

When Liberty calls start outside the front door of the Liberty Museum. Before entering, grab the laser musket outside.

Enter the main entrance to the museum by carefully picking up the Laser Musket next to Ryder's body on your right. You don't really need Musket ... save it, and that's precious ammo for later. Raiders easily fall 10mm headshots.

Inside the museum, go forward to the locked gate and take Bobby Pan's box on top of the dispenser on the left. Turn right towards the gate and walk through rooms full of red mannequins. On the other side, you will find a large collapsed staircase. Below is a locked cell and terminal. Use the terminal to unlock the cage with a simple hack and get the Fusion Core, which is in the reactor on the other side.

Raiders can try to shoot you down from above. Climb the stairs and break left and right as you enter the door to the room with the huge maid of honor during the war. The floor is littered with boxes and bags of ammunition. Collect them all. Take the first exit to the winding room and stairs to the upper floor.

Raiders in the town hall building

You will find several raiders in this area. Clear them all. Don't shoot the small group of people talking in the room at the far end of the hall near the front of the museum ... they are potential allies.

Once you clear the raiders, go in and talk to Preston. He will give you a mission to help that it is absolutely necessary ... This is Power Armor. You already have the core, so you can head through the closed door at the far end of this room ... but not before grabbing the Perble Bobblehead off the table. Also don't forget to grab Atomic Command from the table.

Once you exit through the far door, follow the compass and head outside. Kill the table (grab the cap and tape) and then head to the power armor. Call mini-jun and go through the helicopter to the roof.

Several raiders will be stationed on rooftops and outside. The Minigun is actually overcrowded for these guys ... your laser musket or 10mm pistol is perfectly adequate. You can fall without damage in Power Armor, so don't hesitate to advance towards your enemies by throwing them outside.

Deathclaw will appear at the main intersection halfway through the duel. It's time to use this mini remote. The Deathclaw is best used from a safe distance, preferably on the balcony of the blue building at the end of the street from the museum (using the inside stairs to climb into the area). Use VATS and target his vulnerable head and belly.

If you are fighting him outdoors, walk away constantly, shooting as you walk. Don't let him take possession of you or he will lash out at you for massive damage. Use Stimpacks to get ahead of the damage curve.

14 November 2015 3:18

Enter the museum

Take laser musket (optional)

While traveling in Concord, on the balcony of the Museum of Liberty, you notice a man who protects a group of settlers from raider attacks. He asks you for help. A short laser musket and ammunition from it - thermonuclear batteries - are lying under the balcony. Take them if you're curious to watch your enemy turn to ash. Then enter the museum.

Reference: Short Laser Musket

Damage: 30 (energetic)

Ammunition: Thermonuclear batteries

Rate of fire: 6

Range: 107

Accuracy: 70

Weight: 12,6

Price: 61

The standard laser musket is not as accurate as other energy rifles, but it is more powerful due to its unique reloading process. The laser musket must be manually reloaded [R] before firing. The standard model allows you to charge no more than two batteries at a time, but more advanced laser musket models can hold up to six charges.

This model is slightly modified and can only be found near the Freedom Museum. For comparison, the standard model of the short laser musket has a range of 71 and the price is lower.

Track down captured settlers

But first you have to clear the museum from the raiders. There are seven of them, and you are one / one - use your brand new weapon and "grind" them into dust! Between battles on the way to the upper floor where the settlers are being held, do not hesitate and look around at the walls of the museum, enjoy the remains of art.

But first, go down to the basement, hack the light terminal or open the light lock with hairpins and take the nuclear unit. You will need it later. Why would you run back and forth?

Now, run upstairs to rescue the hostages.

Talk to Preston Garvey

Meet Preston Garvey and the Minutemen Survivors. They will turn out to be friendly, although they are in a hopeless situation. Agree to help him and Sturges with providing fire support in the fight against the remaining raiders in the city.


There are two exhibits in the museum that you will find to your liking:

Bobblehead of Perception- on a table in the far corner of the room. He will give you a +1 bonus to your Perception attribute.

RobCo - Fun magazine- on a table with a working terminal, on which Sturges was leaning.

Get a nuclear block

You have already done this earlier.

Insert a nuclear block into power armor

Go through the back door to the roof, where the power armor is located.

Put on your power armor

Yes, she's not in the best condition, but good enough to help you deal with the Raiders.

Reference: T-45 Power Armor

The T-45's power armor cannot match the protection offered by more advanced models, but it does support a full range of modifications. This model of power armor is not very common, but the complete set can only be found on the roof of the Freedom Museum in Concord.

Take a minigun

Rip the minigun off the rotorcraft if you crave firepower.

Help: Standard Minigun Model

Damage: 8 (gunshot)

Ammunition: 5mm cartridges

Rate of fire: 272

Range: 131

Accuracy: 35

Weight: 27,4

Price: 382

The minigun combines low damage output with an impressive rate of fire, resulting in a very effective firearm. A large magazine allows for continuous shooting, and with the available modifications you can improve both the rate of fire and accuracy, and increase the percentage of damage done. 22

Before entering the inside of the museum (now the former, perhaps), be sure to pick up the laser musket lying near the entrance - the first of the useful things that we will collect during the quest. In the room, you will meet a handful of raiders, and also make sure that the transitions here are quite confusing, at times even reminiscent of a maze.

Continuing the passage of Fallout 4, explore the museum until you find a room with civilians. We need to talk to Preston Garvey, who will tell you about regular attacks from a gang of raiders. But now the guys have a plan on how to fight off the villains: you need to find a nuclear unit, then activate the power armor installed on the roof of the house, and then safely exterminate all the villains in order to put an end to this story.

Of course, we are asked to do this: civilians and civilians for that, so that they do not differ in great combat experience. After accepting Preston's proposal, on the ground floor of the same building, look for a ground floor passageway illuminated by the traditional green square.

But the marked door is locked and the keys are nowhere to be found. The hairpins lying to the left of the door on the table will help to solve the situation. There are six of them - pick up all of them and use them to break the lock. This is another reason why, describing the mandatory quests for passing Fallout 4, we decided to go through one of the side ones. Something, and burglary is an extremely useful thing that you must learn, otherwise locked boxes and doors may remain an insurmountable obstacle for you.

So how do you pick locks in Fallout 4? The key condition is the presence of hairpins, which we have already picked up. Studs can not only be found, but also bought from merchants if necessary. The presence of a hairpin does not give an unequivocal guarantee of breaking the lock, since much depends on your actions and on the reliability of the lock itself. All locks are conventionally divided into light, medium, complex and very complex. Anything more difficult than "easy" can only be hacked if you have the "Burglar" ability.

So, there is a locked lock and there is a hairpin. We look at the locked lock, press the "E" key. To start cracking, move the mouse, thereby turning the pin, and then press the "A" key to turn the screwdriver. The lock may not budge, then release "A" and change the position of your pin, then try again with a screwdriver.

As the stud approaches the only correct position, the lock will turn more and more until it resists the stud or, in the worst case, until it breaks. If you can safely select the correct position for the pin, the lock will turn all the way and open. For more complex locks, the correct position becomes less and less, therefore it is difficult to find it, along the way, the chance of a pin breakage increases.

If necessary, you can interrupt the hacking procedure by pressing the Tab key. In addition, it is generally unrealistic to pick individual locks, if you want to open - look for either a special key or an additional device, such as a terminal or even a lever. It is worth mentioning separately the fact that there are "private" objects that already belong to someone. An attempt to break them is tantamount to a crime, because the text is displayed in red. If you are caught breaking in, all witnesses will automatically become your enemies.

So, we figured out how to pick locks in Fallout 4, now we will continue the walkthrough. Behind the door we opened, pick up the nuclear unit, and then follow to the new goal. True, it is not very easy to get to it, since the ceiling (aka the floor for the target floor) is thoroughly destroyed). But the door is marked with a green square, so it can't be confused with anything. On the stairs, as you already understood, you will not be able to go there.

Therefore, looking at this door from below, turn right, you will see boxes there, above the boxes there is a hole in the ceiling. We need to jump onto the boxes and jump over them to the upper floor, on which the target door is located. It may not seem like an easy undertaking for beginners, but a couple of minutes of practice will noticeably "train" you.

After passing through this door, continue the passage of Fallout 4 already on the roof. Power armor is located right in front of you, to start, press the "E" action button, after which our hero will install a nuclear block and launch this very armor. Pick up a minigun nearby in a helicopter, after which you can say with full confidence that we are ready to provide worthy resistance to the raiders.

Power armor is good because in it you can easily jump from the roof to the ground and not be afraid to turn into a cake. Having landed on the ground, arrange a bloody harvest for the raiders, there will be many of them, but we have powerful weapons in our hands and the armor that we just picked up will not be superfluous either. When you exterminate most of the bandits, a large creature of not the most pleasant appearance will emerge from the ground - the Death Claw. His disposition is not particularly friendly, so he will have to destroy.

It is not recommended to do this in a direct collision, it is better to keep him at a distance while he is busy with our raider opponents. Don't worry about them - all your attention is on the monster, that is, pour fire on it as tightly as possible. When both the Raiders and the Deathclaw are destroyed, return to Preston to continue Fallout 4. He will express his gratitude and ask if we have any desire to walk with them to Senchuari. We answer with consent, for this is the very place where our home is.

There, the grandmother will share her visions with us: she saw the son of our hero in these visions, because she is sure that he can be found in Diamond City. When the conversation with her ends, we will receive a new task - "Pearl of the Commonwealth" and it is already mandatory. It can also be obtained by simply showing up in Diamond City. Or without this quest by talking to Mother Murphy.

Before leaving for Diamond City, we will complete this task - go after Preston in Senchuari, return to your house. It is now not only our home, but also the home of our newly found allies. Once again, having listened to the words of gratitude, we can proceed to further advancement along the storyline. Just in case: you can find power armor where you dropped it, therefore we recommend removing it near your house, so that if necessary, it would be easy to find.

Preston will give a tip on another side mission, but let's proceed to the priority goal: follow to Diamond City.

Walking through Concord, the Survivor witnesses an armed clash near the Freedom Museum. On the balcony, a man in a cowboy hat is trying to protect a group of settlers from violent raiders. He screams to attract attention and asks for help from a refugee, offering at the same time to capture a laser musket lying next to the corpse of a deceased comrade.

This is how the first quest for the minutemans begins - "Call of Freedom".

A shot from laser muskets can be increased by pressing the reload key several times (by default R). The higher the charge, the higher the damage done.

Going inside the building, we have to fight the merciless thugs and find the settlers. Having reached the place, the Survivor meets a small detachment of people and their leader, who turns out to be no more, no less, and the very last Minuteman of the Commonwealth - Preston Garvey.

Immediately near the entrance at the terminal, behind which Sturgers works, there is the RobCo - Fun magazine, and at the end of the room, on the table near the door, there is a Puppet "Perception".

Preston and Sturges offer the Survivor a plan on how to deal with the remaining raiders outside the museum.
It turns out on the roof there is an old crashed rotorcraft, in which there is a T - 45 power armor (an army copy) and, just in time, a minigun.

But there is a small problem - there is no energy source in the armor, and of course we have to find it. We go down to the basement, break the terminal protection system and take away the nuclear unit.

Having procured a nuclear unit, we put on power armor, pull out the minigun from the rotorcraft and arrange a lead shower for the creatures.

Be careful, in the midst of the battle with the raiders, the Deathclaw will break out of the underground communications.

Having cleared the city from raiders and terrible creatures, we return to Preston and report on the completion of the task.

The whole company is glad of our return, and on behalf of Preston asks to join us in order to continue the journey together.

The path leads to the Senchuari settlement. The place was not chosen by chance, for a long time Mother Murphy has been visited by a vision associated with this dead place, which, as it seems to her, can be revived ...

Upon reaching Sanchuari, Preston asks the Survivor to help revive the Minutemen.

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