Passage: Background - Noble dwarf. Dragon Age Choice of Path (character backstory) Dwarven backstories in Dragon Age: Origins

A game dragon age: Origins offers six unique backstories to choose from. This is a great opportunity to get to know the main character better, understand the motives, get to know his life before joining the Gray Guardians. The backstory has almost no effect on the ending of the game, but it greatly affects the starting conditions - the initial chapter, dialogue lines and a set of skills change. Race and gender have a noticeable influence on the plot of the game: they determine how other characters will perceive the main character. A woman, thanks to her "tenderness", can succeed in those situations where a man will be out of work. All these small and large differences make you return to the game and go through it again, each time discovering something new.

Backstories for humans in Dragon Age: Origins:

  • noble person(classes: warrior, robber) - you have to survive the loss of your family and start looking for the killer.
  • Magi

Elves backstories in Dragon Age: Origins:

  • Dalish Elf(classes: warrior, robber) - you have to go to the ancient ruins and stumble upon a strange mirror, eluvian.
  • city ​​elf(classes: warrior, robber) - you have to survive the cancellation of your own wedding and the loss of your bride.
  • Magi(class: mage) - you will take part in the escape from the Circle of Mages on Lake Calenhad.

Dwarf backstories in Dragon Age: Origins:

  • Dwarf Commoner(classes: warrior, robber) - you have to work for the Charter, a criminal group from Orzammar, doing dirty work.
  • Noble Dwarf(classes: warrior, robber) - you will plunge into political intrigues between the noble families of Orzammar.

I'll add my thoughts...
Either at the release of the game there was a condition to slightly change / cut the plot, or the scriptwriters did not consider it necessary to write what is already clear to the sane. What is it?
Why did Belen kill his family? if you read everything and understand their rule, you get the impression of a family of tyrants with a thirst to rule and crush everything for themselves, as well as with the fear that ordinary gnomes (now untouchable) will demand equality, which in truth is exactly how it should be - unanimity or at worst equality. That his father, that his brother were cruel, vile rule and class division into "I am above you, you are below me." A bright mind does not allow this, it is a stupid fear.
So why did Belen kill everyone? did he kill his mother too? I have not heard about this and it is not written anywhere ... and why only my own? if he wanted absolute power, how can someone who does not understand answer, ask yourself the question - why didn’t he kill ALL possible heirs and claimants (entering or filing the right to inherit) to the kingdom?
Based on such an analysis of the facts, Belen only "removed" the tyrants from the throne, because he knew - without changes and simplification, without the abolition of cruelty and bad attitude towards ordinary dwarves, long life to all the people of the dwarves not to see.
And in conclusion .... Belen did not kill anyone else, you hear, ANYONE else killed. He only got rid of the reasons for the imminent death of his people (which were both his father and brother). When completing the story for him, no kills are made on an innocent dwarf. And the documents, in fact, are NOT a fake, if you go to the custodians before presenting them, show the documents to the elder .... how is he .... I don’t remember, he will ask where, you can lie, but the second question will be "so they are forged? ", to which the elder * immediately replies "no, this is NOT a fake, but some conditions have been changed here." That is, in fact, the documents are genuine, this senior, who is also Haroumont's relatives, knows about this transaction and will confirm the question "so did you know about it?". So Haroumont really wanted to deceive, that is, it was HE who fought dishonestly in the elections.
The second task is to deal with a gang of criminals. And again, WHOSE gang is this in fact? of course, Haroumont, we find out in the course of the plot and reading all sorts of notes. Jarvia supports Haromont with might and main.
So who is the killer, m? Belen, or is it Haroumont?
I think for sane people it is obvious that Haroumont is MUCH worse.
And in the end .... for the first time I played (it was a long time ago), if possible, I went for both, and now Haroumont just asked the hero to kill some "interfering" personalities who were not criminals, well, I didn’t fulfill.
By the way, Branca has always been obsessed, Ogren says about this. That is, even when she was a "nice girl," as the dwarf called her, so she can hardly be considered honest.

Starting the passage of dragon age start noble dwarf, you will begin your journey in Orzammar. It should be recalled that the dwarves are the people who are most attached to traditions. We start with the second child of the king. Hmm, I already like it. The passage of dragon age beginning for a noble dwarf promises to be interesting. Your subordinate will approach you and say that he could not find a suitable dagger for this armor, but found a good sword. Okay, let's have a sword. Take the sword and shield, they will come in handy. The king is waiting for us at the feast, but you can come there later. And Lord Harrowmont announced a test for all dwarves to understand who the real warrior is. Hmm, this is more interesting. After that, Gorim himself will join you. Well, that's good. Search the chests in your room and exit from there. The passage of dragon age origins provides the opportunity to fight in the arena. But such happiness is available only to gnomes. Move to the exit of the building, along the way rummaging through all the available rooms. Walking down the street towards the merchant, you will meet two of your brothers, who are rather rude to our servant. Ha! Well, so be it, although I tried to resist him. So you can safely send it far and for a long time. After that, go to the exit from the area and you will be led to the Arena. Talk to the steward and express a desire to fight yourself. Alright, let's have the first fight. In general, I fought with all opponents and defeated them all. Nothing remarkable. The passage of dragon age origins on an easy level is an interesting, but not difficult thing. When all opponents are defeated, you can be rewarded with a ceremonial helmet. But I preferred to give it to my last opponent. After that, talk to your retinue and head back to the quarter of the nobility. In general, the passage of dragon age for a noble gnome will take place here.

Now, with peace of mind, you can go to a feast in our honor. To do this, return to the royal palace and go to the mark on the map. There will be one lord in the banquet room who will give you a side quest. You remember that the passage of dragon age abounds side quests? Lord Days will say that there is a vote next week and asks to put in a good word for them. They want to push through a law that will stop land gnomes from being considered outcasts. Hm, that wouldn't be bad. Now come to your father. Along the way, you can talk to a woman who will say that Lord Days is deceiving us. HM interesting. It turns out that he sent an expedition to the surface last year, but it failed. Interesting news that makes you think about the honesty of Lord Days. After that, I spoke to Lord Days. I have challenged Lord Days to honor. For I will not allow anyone to insult my house. Only the son of Days will protect the house, which somewhat complicates the matter. Although I do not know opponents who will greatly complicate matters in the passage of dragon age. Now we will go to the arena, where the fight will take place. Or rather, a beating. I cannot consider the son of Days a worthy adversary. And Days himself paid full price for his words. You will again find yourself in the banquet hall, and now nothing will prevent you from talking with your father. You will be introduced to the heads of noble houses. Nobody wants to ask us a question, and tomorrow morning we will have to lead the army into battle in order to win another victory over the creatures of darkness. Yes, I definitely like the walkthrough dragon games age for a noble dwarf. And then Duncan is present, who wants to break through to the lower levels in the deep paths. After that, we will be sent for Trian. Hmm, I wonder if I will serve as an errand for my father, or, nevertheless, command the army?

Okay, let's get back to Trian, according to the mark on the map. It's good that in the passage of the game dragon age there are permanent marks on the map. Yes, this arrogant brute behaves like the boss. Immediately, Belen will tell you that Trian wants to kill us. Why didn't I doubt it? Trian is afraid that the council will recognize us as king, and not him. Ha, of course it will. Trian has enough supporters in the council to sow confusion there, but not enough to become king. Yes, and Gorim advises us to kill Trian, as this will only strengthen our Great House. Okay, let's see what Trian does. But first you need to get some sleep. Yes, and I should tell you that in the passage of the game dragon age, not everything is always what it seems.

After sleeping, you watch the pre-battle meeting. When everyone is sent out on assignments, we will be told that in the eastern part of the deep paths there is a secret door, behind which there is a teig with the shield of the representative of our house! Great, so we just have to get this shield! Who else, besides us, entrust such an important stage in the passage of the game dragon age origins? After the conversation, you will find yourself on the deep paths. As always, you should not immediately run on the main task - experience and things will be very useful to us. But for now, there is only one way - to the west. We'll move there. At the first crossroads, the first creatures of darkness and the corpse of a dwarf will be waiting for you. Collect trophies and head west. In the first cave you will meet the first scout. He will join you and you will have three ways to go. Although you will not need the rest of the paths in the passage of the game dragon age origins now. I suggest you take the east path first. After the next cave, follow one of the available paths and meet the second scout who will join you. We are again waiting for the road to the west, to a large cave. There you will be met by the first large crowd of creatures of Darkness. Although it will be as easy to kill them as other creatures. Move further, to the north, to the very door. And there you will find a surprise - two dead creatures of darkness. And opened door, which is impossible without our family ring. HM interesting. But we'll see what's ahead. Cross the bridge and the captain of the mercenaries will speak to you. And this smart dwarf decides to kill us. Ha! Well, let him try. From the corpse of the captain of the mercenaries, remove the ring of your house, which belongs to Trian. Has our brother screwed up? Well, it's his own fault. Collect trophies and enter according to the mark on the map. A surprise awaits you inside. You can't just get a shield out of a sarcophagus. Take a closer look at the floor - there are three plates on it that are different from the rest. Put your companions on them. Here is such a simple puzzle in the passage of the game dragon age origins. After that, the sarcophagus will open from the effect of the ring, and you can take the shield of your House. After that, you can go to the crossroads, where we have an appointment. But as soon as you go outside, the creatures of darkness will be waiting for you. Well, let yourself, kill them. After death, use the ballista to break the wall, and go through the opened passage. Before the crossroads you will be warned about a possible ambush. Well, let's remember.

When you arrive at the appointed place, you will see the dead Trian. Such a surprise. Not otherwise Belen conceived something. Exactly! As soon as you sit down over the corpse, Belen will appear with his father. And Belen will say that we attacked Trian. And your companions will betray you, except for Gorim, of course. We will be put in chains and taken before the Council. Excellent, I'll applaud standing Belen. After that, you will be in jail. And Gorim will come to you, with whom you need to talk. He brought disappointing news - advice and does not intend to call us. Belen took Trian's place and offered to pronounce the verdict immediately. And the council passed judgment on both you and Gorim. He will be kicked out of the clan and sent to the surface. And we will be walled up in the deep paths to fight to the death with the creatures of darkness. True, there is one more news - Duncan with the Gray guards is now approximately where they will throw us.

They will give us only a sword and a shield, and we must cut through to Duncan. But I liked Lord Harrowmont. He is the only one who believed us. Well, let's go. Again we face the deep paths. Go straight along the road until you turn east. After reaching the large cave, kill a couple of creatures of Darkness and go to the southern tunnel. When you reach the T-junction, turn first to the west, where several deep hunters will be waiting for you, and then, after collecting trophies, to the east. It is there that you will meet Duncan and his Gray Guards. Tell him everything that happened to you, and he will invite us to join the gray guards. So you finish your backstory and get to Ostagar.

In this version of the prologue, you are the second child of King Endryn Aedukan of Orzammar. Your first mission as a new commander is scheduled for tomorrow - to conduct an operation against the Fiends of Darkness. To celebrate this event in a proper way, a feast is held in your honor today, as well as fights in a kind of gladiatorial arena, which the dwarves exclusively revere and call the Arena of Trials.

From Gorim - your right hand and a representative of the Warrior Caste - you can get a shield (it's better not to refuse it, because even if you do not use a shield, you can always sell it, and money in this world - a big problem). He will also inform you that there is still time left before the feast, and you can either go see what is happening in the Arena or run through the merchants who have been allowed to sell their goods in the Diamond District today as an exception.

You can run through the rooms for now and inspect the shelves, chests and cabinets available to you for additional items and experience. In your brother Belen's room, you can find his girlfriend Rika, although dialogue with her will not give you any particularly useful information.

From merchants you can sell what you have collected from the rooms of the palace. The arms dealer will offer you a gift of a special work dagger - depending on how kind you play as a hero, you can simply accept it or kill the poor fellow for daring to offer such a scion of the royal family.

Not far from the gates of the royal palace, you will find two arguing gnomes - Brantin Vollni and the scientist Gertek. If you intervene in the conversation and ask what's the matter, it turns out that Gertek discovered some details of the life of the famous ancestor of Wollney, which his descendant did not like, and therefore he wants compromising information not to appear in Gertek's next book. Depending on the personality of your GG, you can: side with Gertek solely for the sake of historical truth, demand a reward from him for your support, you can even order Gorim to kill Vollni. If you take the side of Vollni, you can either recommend him to kill Gertek, or convince him to leave the scientist alive.

You can meet a couple of ladies whom Gorim will introduce to you as "hunters of the nobility" - a term for girls from the lower castes, whose main task is to seduce men from the Noble Caste for the purpose of pregnancy and the birth of a son - as in this case they can petition to get a higher status. If you are playing as a male character, you can invite them to your room for the evening, if not, you can promise to recommend them to your brothers. Your brothers, Trian, the king's eldest son and heir to the throne, and Belen, your younger brother, are also currently in the Diamond District.

If you decide to visit the Arena, then you will be escorted there by special guards. In the Arena, you can simply watch the battle itself, or take part in them directly. If you decide to take part in the competition, then you will have to fight one by one with four opponents. For victory, you will be awarded a helmet, which you can give to one of your opponents if you wish.

Once you have completed all the activities in the Arena and the Diamond District, go back to the palace and head to the throne room. There you will meet Gray Warden Duncan and Lord Days, who will ask you to support him in front of the rest of the nobility in the issue of returning the former rights to those dwarves who once chose the surface as their place of residence. Lord Days has his own personal interest in this case - and not only the one he confesses to you if you start questioning him. Lady Helmy, who is right there, will tell you about the details of his personal interest. You can support Days or not, you can talk to him after talking with Lady Helmy and either get a decent bribe from him, or demand satisfaction for deceit and fight his son in the Arena as a result. If you took a loan letter from him, then go to the Diamond District and exchange it for money before you talk to your father - then you will no longer have such an opportunity.

After talking with your father King Endryn, you will be sent in search of your brother Trian. You can find him either in his chambers (if you have already visited the Arena), or in the Arena, if you have not visited it yet. After talking with Trian, Belen will share with you his suspicions that Trian sees you as a threat to his position as heir and is most likely plotting to kill you. Answer as you see fit - it will not affect much.

This conversation will complete this part of the prologue and take you to the next day in an abandoned thaig, where you will be given a special assignment: to find the lost relic of the Aedukan family - the shield of the Perfect Aedukan.

The abandoned teig is nothing particularly interesting. Here and there, Fiends of Darkness will attack you and Gorim, and on the way to the goal, two more associates will join you - a warrior and a robber (which can be very useful if you are not a robber yourself - traps and closed chests are not uncommon in this area) . In one place you will meet a fairly large group of Fiends led by Alpha (Leader) Harlock - if you have any problems, remember that you can always lure only a part of the opponents at you using bows.

When you reach the Aedukan Thai, you will find that someone is ahead of you - a group of mercenaries have already dealt with the Shadowfiends and are now waiting for you to ask about the exact location of the Aedukan shield. Any variant of the conversation will end in a battle. Beware of traps and shots from nearby ballista - if there are problems, it is better to retreat and lure the enemy towards you.

After finishing the battle, go inside the chamber. To get the shield, you need to solve a small puzzle. If you study the floor tiles, you will notice that some of them are slightly different from others - they are set more deeply and you will hear a creak if you stand on them. There are three of these plates in total, and all you need to do is put three of your associates on them, after which you can use the ring given to you and open the sarcophagus.

At the exit from the chamber, an ambush from the Fiends of Darkness will attack you. After you deal with her, return to the agreed meeting place. You do not have to run around there - if you charge the ballista with bolts that are in one of the barrels, you can demolish the stone blockage and go almost straight to the meeting point.

Depending on whether you decide to deal with Trian in a conversation with Belen or do nothing for now, you can find either Trian himself with guards, or his cold corpse. If Trian is alive, he will attack you and you will have to kill him.

In any case, immediately after this, your father, Belen and Lord Harramont will appear on the scene, and you will be accused of killing your brother. Gorim will remain by your side to the end, but your other two companions will betray you, claiming that you treacherously attacked Trian. After that, you will be taken to prison, and after a while Gorim will report your fate - you will be sent alone to Deep Roads so that you may perish at the hands of the Fiends of Darkness. Gorim will also inform you that Duncan and several others are on the Paths in this area. Gray Wardens– so you can try to get through to them.

Once on the Paths, you have to defeat a few spiders, fiends and other abominations (fortunately for you, mostly walking alone). Duncan is located at the southernmost point of the map. After seeing you and listening to your story, Duncan will invite you to join the ranks of the Gray Wardens, and after that you will depart for Ostagar.

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