Mass effect 1 passing side quests. We pass side tasks: The Citadel

If you are having problems with Walkthrough Mass Effect, you can always use our advice and information for action. We detail the steps you need to follow to complete the game. mass effect. In the most difficult places, we add pictures that can help you. Walkthrough Mass Effect read on our website.

This walkthrough is dedicated to the main story quests. For tips and additional missions, go to the tips section.


After talking with the Joker and Alenko, we go into the conference room and watch the video.

Eden Prime

The mission begins with a landing on one of the human colonies. Objective: Find out what happened to the colonists. We run forward, periodically shoot back, we watch a couple of videos. In principle, there are no difficulties yet, they can, although unlikely, start on a quest with the neutralization of several bombs - we find, eliminate the danger, reach the lighthouse. This completes the first task.


After we move away from the unpleasant and extremely strange contact with the lighthouse, Normandy will dock with the Citadel - a symbol of universal prosperity and the power of the Council. First of all, we speak with Ambassador Udin, we head to the presidium, we can explore its sights if we wish, we can complete a couple of side tasks that are in no way connected by the main line. When we get to the council tower, we will enter into a dialogue with a turian named Garrus, then with Andersen. We rise to the podium of the council meeting, we are convinced that no one believes us and our words

Branch: find Garrus

There is an idea to involve the turian Garrus in the investigation, who can help expose and capture Saren. On the express citadel we go to the bar "Kora's Lair", there we speak with Harkin. After that, we go to the medical block in the Residential Sectors to talk with Dr. Michelle. A small firefight will begin, Garrus will help us. Together we will go back to that strip bar - they are already waiting for us. We deal with the bandits, we reach Fist; from him we learn about a certain quarian who was interested in the Gray Broker. What to do with Fist is up to you, but as soon as possible, go to the meeting place of the quarian and the people of the Gray Broker. After we help her, she will provide the adviser with evidence that Saren is responsible for the attack on Eden Prime. Together with this audio recording, we are heading to the council meeting. There we will become the first human Specter. After that, I recommend going to the CBC office, where Krogan Rex will be standing by the elevator - he will thank us for Fist and offer his help. We take it with us, sit down in Normandy and choose the next planet for landing.

Finding Liara

The proposed location of Researcher Liara is the Tau Cluster of Artemis, Knossos system, planet Therum. The mission itself is quite simple to complete: we drive, shoot at the geth, get to the excavation site. At some point, you will have to get out of the transport and break through on foot with a fight. We pass inside the building, go down the elevator, we find the blue-skinned Liara T'Soni. We go down below, turn on the drilling rig, having passed a small mini-game. Then we shoot all the hostile synthetics. Mission complete. A council will be convened on Normandy, where we will talk a little about the past mission.


Upon arrival on this cold planet in all respects, we talk with the local security service, head to the customs post and find out that the same Matriarch Benezia has been on Noveria for a long time and is now on the so-called “Height 15”, access to which is temporarily closed for us. With access, we begin our quest. Find Lorik Kin sitting at a table in a cozy cafe. He has the pass we need - we complete his task and get the promised reward. Gianna Parasini, who is actually some kind of agent, can also help in obtaining a pass. In general, we get a pass, we follow to the garage. In case of difficulty, no one forbids you to use the card. In the garage, we shoot a little at the geth, get into our mobile Mako. There, on the surface, severe cold and blizzard. The ride itself is no different from the one that was in the mission to rescue Liara. We reach the hangar, we go on foot.

Along the way, there will be several episodes with decryption that do not cause much difficulty. Further we will meet rachney - highly intelligent beetles. We deal with them, we pass to the elevator. You will need to restart the VI, for this you need to either select a combination of numbers manually, or spend 100 units of uni-helium (if you do not have enough of the latter, you can recycle things into inventories). If we don’t want to spend money, then here is the desired combination, each digit of which is responsible for the block number

1 2 1 3 2 3 1 2 3 1 3 2 1 2 1 3 2 1 2 3 1 3 2 1 3 1 3 2 1 2 1 3 2 1 2 3 1 3

We speak with the VI, find out everything we consider necessary and get three similar tasks: repair the VI terminals, the monorail and the reactor. First of all, let's deal with the reactor. We go down the elevator, shoot back from the enemies, activate the fuel supply, return to the VI.

We follow to the place of breakdown of ground communication lines, this place is easy to find on the map, do not get lost. A small mess will be waiting on the spot, we participate, we fix it. We return, decipher the cleaning terminal, go to the monorail.

Rasselina station

On the spot we are talking with the commander of a small detachment, we can do it if desired side quests, we go down the elevator and watch the video, Benezia appears somewhere. The battle with her goes in several visits, complicated by asari reinforcements. But, to be honest, it will not be difficult to go through it. After killing the Matriarch, we will face a difficult choice - save the rachne race or end it here and now. The choice is yours. There is nothing else to do on Noveria.


After the video, we go to the conference room, land on Feros, communicate with David and his interlocutor, after which an unexpected attack of the Geth will begin. We deal with all enemies, go to a point on the map, upon completion we return and receive four tasks from the colonists. For details on these tasks, contact the following people:

Maca Doyle - water;

David Reynolds - food

May O'Connell - electricity;

Jan Newsted - geth in the tunnels. We do this first, and the previous three will be completed in time. To provide the colonists with food, we kill the leader of the varrens, to provide electricity, we get the necessary parts from the broken transport. To resume the water supply, you need to activate several valves, but we destroy the geth along the way. We return to the people who gave us the tasks, go to the air highway, sit down in Mako and rush forward, of course, shooting along the way.

At a certain moment we leave our truck and go on foot. Soon we find Elizabeth, who will give us an access card. We run through the corridor locations, shoot back from the geth, kill a particularly violent and, apparently, authoritative krogan, talk with VI. When we get to the door control panel, we enter the following values: 11, 13, 7. Activate the door. Now the energy field has disappeared, we return. We use the console marked on the map, we return to Mako. We sit down and go to the spaceport. On the way there will be a decent force of resistance from the Geth colossi and ordinary fighters. We stop at the gate, exit Mako nearby, activate the door console - various creatures will fall from there, so it will be easier to shoot them by sitting back in Mako, do not touch the ones at the elevator in any case, otherwise the mission will fail. They need to be stunned with special sleeping grenades, the ingredients for which we were recently given. In the inventory we equip grenades with nerve gas. We do this with all the colonists on the way, but do not spare the rest.

When all the colonists are put to sleep, we rise higher, to the shelter of the Thorian. On the this moment we need to get rid of the roots, shooting which we will greatly spoil the mood of this creature. So we move through all the levels of the building, killing everyone and everything. Asari biotics are a big threat, be ready. Soon the quest on Feros will be completed.


Before you land on Virmire think a hundred and once. After all, it is on this mission that the fate of Rex will be decided: whether he will die or not depends on your level of hero or apostate. Better get more respect by passing side quests. Through the crowds of geth we make our way to the camp of the salarians, we talk with Major Kirrahe. On his advice, we communicate with the enraged Rex and, depending on the state of Shepard (he is good or not, or maybe there is no speaker at all), we choose what to do with the krogan. In the event that you are not strong in speeches, which means that you have not increased your heroism, then Rex will die from yours, or from the hands of Ashley. But it is better to end the matter peacefully.

In general, the mission is not so much difficult as long. Here you will not find puzzles or overly difficult bosses, you just need to follow a logical and uncomplicated route, periodically shooting and talking. Difficulties will arise in another: you need to choose between the life of Kaidan and Ashley. Personally, I chose Kaidan because I developed a romantic line with Liara and I don't care what happens to Ashley. In principle, this tragic mission to Virmire is completed.


Also, there is nothing difficult in this task. If desired, we walk along the streets of the Citadel, then we go to the Supernova club, discuss with Andersen the plan to escape to Normandy, and, logically, we carry it out.


We overcome a decent number of meters on our own two feet, shoot back from superior enemy forces, ride elevators, etc., etc. In case of inconsistencies along the route, you can look at the map, check and go on the right course. We reach Mako and already on wheels we rush forward along the canal, simultaneously destroying dozens of geth and colossi. Soon we will find ourselves at a dead end, go into the door nearby and learn from the ancient VI the details of the Prothean civilization. We sit back in Mako and drive straight to the relay.

Fall of the Citadel

We get to the dilapidated Citadel, run forward and kill all those who are trying to kill us: geth and krogan. Banal shooting without a hint of puzzles for the brain - no problem to pass. We reach the council hall, enter into a dialogue with Saren and either persuade him to join us, or provoke him to shoot himself. Although, that in the first, that in the second case, Saren will put bullets in his head.

After that, we approach the central control panel of the Citadel, choose between the lives of hundreds of soldiers and members of the council, and engage in battle with the resurrected Saren. This fight can be considered one of the easiest in the game, but not the fastest - you will have to sweat a lot while running around the map. Having defeated him, we watch the most epic video. A little later there will be another dialogue with new or old advisers, in which we will be given the right to choose the first adviser representing all of humanity. Personally, I took Andersen. By the third part you will understand why not Udine. Mass Effect completed.

The PC game Mass Effect is first and foremost a cleverly woven tangle of missions, story, and relationships. At the same time, the main character is given a choice that can seriously affect the further passage. The Mass Effect wiki has a lot to say about the game. Although Mass Effect fans are more tormented by quests, relationships and other difficulties of passing ...

Mass Effect - walkthrough side quests

One of the interesting tasks is the Proteon Mysteries quest. On the planet Eletania (Hercules) you can find an artifact. It is located in the southwestern part of the map. It is difficult to get to it. This can only be done on the Mako transport. Having reached the artifact, examine it. It will activate and you will need the key. To get hold of the key, you need to go to the citadel to Shiara. You can only get the key if you complete both Shiara related quests.

Proper walkthrough of Mass Effect - missing personnel

The task can be obtained at the station of the Citadel, using the elevators. You will be told that a team of personnel has disappeared from radio broadcasts in the gamma sector. Travel to the Antaeus system and land on the planet Trebin. Head to their camp and, using the working console, find out their location. They will be at the excavations of aliens. Head there. You will have to kill the whole team, they can not be saved.

Mass Effect 1 Walkthrough - Abandoned Ship and Missing Freighter

The ship can be found in the Marun Sea (Caspian). We find the ship, climb aboard, destroy the enemies, after which we go to read the logbook. From it, we learn the whole truth about the incident. As for the Freighter, the task can be obtained in the Ming system, in the Gemini Sigma cluster. After boarding and reading the ship's log, you will find out that the biotic Julia went crazy and killed the entire crew. You can easily kill her.

Love line in PC game Mass Effect

In Mass Effect 1 there is a love line, as in the second, and in Andromeda. And here the possibilities of Shepard depend on his gender. So:

  • if you're playing as a male Shepard, then a relationship with Ashley William is possible;
  • if you're playing a female Shepard, then the relationship could be with Kayden Alenko;
  • Liara T'Soni is also offered for both sexes.

Concerning system requirements, then today this third-person shooter can be played literally on anything, even on a calculator. The game was released many years ago, and has already managed to become obsolete. However, the series has not lost its relevance, and the game was recently released.

The question is immediately imposed: is it a big failure or a masterpiece with the Game of the Year nomination? About this my thoughts a little later, but now let's remember how it all began.

What was before this time? How did the series begin its journey and who is this Shepard of yours anyway? In this article and video, you will hear all the answers and decide for yourself which part is the best. Beware of spoilers! However, I do not plan to go through the plot thoroughly.

Mass Effect 1

Back in 2007, the first part of the trilogy comes out on the Xbox 360, in an exclusive form for a year. Then Microsoft needed good games to sell the new console. That's why they turned their eyes to the studio bioware after a successful Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic.

The task was to come up with an alternative. For about six months, the team pored over only the story and concepts appearance. The script was written by Drew Karpyshyn and Casey Hudson.

The action takes place in the 22nd century, where, with the help of technology, repeaters were created and travel through the universe became possible. People discovered new opportunities and races and joined the interplanetary party.

The story of the game originates from the usual mission of transporting an artifact of an ancient civilization (Prothean) from Mars. The task was given to the main character and part-time commander of the Normandy spacecraft. Only according to the law of the genre, everything went wrong. Geth get involved in the fight for the artifact (a Quarian-created race with AI as a workforce).

Shepard would not have been Shepard if he had not won and taken the artifact, which told him many Prothean knowledge and a terrible secret - the apocalypse is coming, reapers near (another ancient race that restores order in the universe by destroying everything). During the mission, it turns out who was involved in such aggressive behavior, and his name is Saren. However, that's all. Then my team and I start chasing the traitor across the universe.

But that didn't make the story dull and predictable. At that time, Sci-Fi projects were rare, and for fans of the genre, this game was like a breath of fresh air. Everyone still admires the local atmosphere, and the notes found in the vastness of the locations made you read yourself completely, helping to comprehend all the secrets of the lore.

By the way, the well-known dialogue selection wheel first appeared in . Here, relations with the outside world depended on your answers, they could affect the ending or force your partner to undress and please you. Or rather, not to force, but by mutual agreement, and the partners were 18 years old (both male and female).

The leveling in the first part is one of the best, or, more accurately, is extensive. By correctly placing attribute points, one could unlock a new ability, the ability to say something extra in dialogues, or learn how to put on other armor. And customization, due to different stores, was not mediocre. Shepard often bought not only new weapons, but also clothes.

The combat system was not the most outstanding aspect of the game. Even now, true fans are indignant that with each part of the action there is more and more. They are used to talking to virtual partners, traveling the galaxy and riding Mako. However, the last statement is controversial. The machine's physics were squalid to say the least, and after the 10th planet, exploration became dull due to the lack of variety.

The battle itself partially takes place in a stopped mode, where time freezes, and the player is able to give orders to two partners - where to shoot them and what skills to use. In part, this all reminds, as well, because then it came out quite recently, and the shelter system migrated to Mass Effect. And in the "girza" it was implemented better.

Mass Effect 2

Two years later, in 2010, on store shelves (and now on PC immediately) the second part appeared. At the same time, the replayability of the first part increased, because all the decisions made could be transferred to the new product of the company. And these changes cannot be called cosmetic - what characters will be in the game depended on the actions of the player and, if they did not die at your will in the first part, what will be their reaction when they meet and in the future. Interaction with the heroes from your squad has increased significantly. This will be the basis of the main story.

But the plot is completely different. While patrolling the outskirts of space in search of the remaining Geth, Shepherd's team is attacked. Many die, the ship is destroyed, and the GG dies. The end... Could be, but a racist organization of people Cerberus found him and miraculously resurrected him, setting a new goal for the captain - to find out who Collectors and destroy them, because before the Reapers this threat is a priority.

The search for Collectors for all players faded into the background - the main mission was to find partners. And in order for them to join the detachment, they had to fulfill their instructions. It sounds trite, but by doing so we learned more about these people. (or other creatures) and it was very entertaining. Plus the ability to change everything for yourself using the dialogue wheel. The new system to save someone, be rude or kill at the decisive moment tickled many nerves.

In the second part, the developers have made a big bias in the action: the battles have become more dynamic, you do not need to be distracted by customization (it was almost completely demolished, but could have been better finalized), pumping fell under the “katana”, now there are much fewer characteristics, and this is upsetting, because we fell in love with the series not because of the battles.

Despite this, the combat system leveled up and many liked it. The AI ​​of the comrades-in-arms has increased, commands have become easier to give, and the weapons have been replenished with new types - both various healthy guns, like rocket launchers, and other cartridges, for example, incendiary ones. But not everything BioWare did right, new system scanning planets was even duller than riding a Mako. More time was spent, and the pleasure of the gameplay was not observed.

Mass Effect 3

In the year when the end of the world was supposed to happen, it happened in. Shepard worked on the ground in the role of headquarters, he was transferred here because of the help of Cerberus, or they could have been planted altogether. The commander's attempts to prove that the Reapers are nearby have finally paid off. The council decided to listen to him, but it was too late. Throughout the galaxy, where life was observed, skirmishes began with the ancient race. Shepard again had to take command of the Normandie SR-2 frigate and assemble an army that would confront the main enemy.

The third part used the storytelling mechanics from the last game, where we needed to assemble a team, only now the scale has grown. It is necessary to join entire nations, resolving their internal conflicts and helping them escape from the Reapers for the final battle.

Moreover, there is only room for important decisions, there are no neutral answers at all. It is necessary to help one or another race, but helping both forms great conflicts. For example, the three hundred year war between the Quarians and the Geth. The choice is not easy, if you rely on past parts. And for those who missed Mass Effect 1-2, released a playable comic where you could select all the important events and transfer the saves to the last part of the trilogy.

The combat system has not changed much, but Shepard has gained more mobility. Now the developers have found that balance for an interesting fight with the enemy. You move faster through shelters, and clapping while standing - rolls have been added. During the story missions, although infrequently, stationary weapons came across at the level, helping to diversify the game process.

There are still 6 classes left in Mass Effect, each with its own specific skills and characteristics. But if before everyone used their own weapons, now the restrictions have been removed. And at the request of the fans, customization was added to the game - now you can again modify your power armor and weapons, which has expanded its list at times. By the same principle (pleas and requests), the system for scanning planets has accelerated its gameplay. It's still not the best fun part games, but now you do not need to spend a lot of time.

Another point of contention is collective game. Having put together a team of friends from the real world, you could enter cooperative mode, where it was necessary to fend off waves of opponents, periodically completing additional tasks. But they were needed only for the sake of lifting the detachment from one point to another part of the map. The territory of the battle varies both in weather conditions and size, and in different opponents. Each type of troops, as in the single player, is weak to certain weapons. It can be opened over time by pumping a multiplayer character.

This mode had nothing to do with the main story, the players acted as a special forces unit and did all sorts of small (and, in my opinion, rather boring) jobs while Shepard saved the galaxy.

Mass Effect: Andromeda

And now, finally, on the virtual shelves (21st century in the yard) appeared. If we waited for the previous parts and foresaw in advance that the game might not turn out to be a masterpiece, but it would come out worthy of its predecessor, now such guesses are in question. Everyone has already accepted the fact that there will be no Shepard, and the plot develops in another galaxy, where colonists were sent to conquer unexplored parts of space. It is no longer necessary to save the universe, it is only necessary to find a new home and lay the foundation for the next trilogy.

The updated team has introduced a lot of innovations into the series, they include realistic graphics with a change of day and night, and thanks to the new engine - destructibility. Added an improved dialogue wheel and more story focus on characters. And there is also a jetpack for better movement, Mako was returned. Physics was also brought in, which gives a pleasant feeling from the study on a 6-wheeled comrade. Too bad they removed the weapons.

Not to mention the redesigned combat system. The tactical mode also remained, but the speed increased. It would seem that in the third part everything was almost perfect (just for), but now the formula has been improved and that necessary pinch of dynamics has been added.

But what became 100% obvious right away was the weirdness of the animation - both movement and facial. Mostly facial. The emptiness in the eyes, random emotions and lips with a bow - how could you blunder with such an important aspect of the game, in which the dialogues take up an impressive amount of gameplay time? Fortunately, these disadvantages may not be noticed, because we need to read subtitles, the main thing is not to raise our heads ...

On this, my story comes to its logical conclusion, and you write in the comments which part stole your heart from you, and for now I will prepare something new.

Hello ladies and gentlemen. I am glad to welcome you in the ranks of the Alliance. I happened to play in the English version, so the translation of some titles may not match the localization.


You start aboard the Normandy, an Alliance vessel. Your first conversation will be with the pilots of this ship. In this dialogue, you will easily get acquainted with the conversation system in the game, and if you have played Knights of the Old Republic before, then the system will be familiar to you at all. Building a dialogue will affect not only the interlocutors and their actions, but also your reputation, so watch your language, do not blurt out too much. Talk to the pilot and his assistant, then start moving along the ship to the stern. Along the way, you can talk to Navigator Presley, Dr. Chekvas and Corporal Jenkins to get some information and get hold of a modicum of experience. After that, you can go to the menu and distribute your first skill points. When you get to the end, talk to Captain Andersen and his friend, after which your introduction will end and you will find yourself on the planet.

Eden Prime

Your first partners will be Jenkins and Kayden Alenko. Jenkins is a great soldier, but Alenko can use biotic attacks. Unfortunately, he has no combat skills, so you will have to take on this difficult task. Give him experience points in first aid and barrier skills. He will be able to activate the barrier automatically as soon as he gets under enemy fire. Well, now we will have a great opportunity to train in combat. Go ahead and you will stumble upon flying androids, these are weak enemies and it will not be difficult to deal with them. Their main task is to give you practice and familiarize yourself with the combat system.

Move through the first location, destroying enemies. A little ahead, in the water, you will find the first chest with good. It will be right in front of you, so don't miss. Before moving on, turn right into a small dead end. There you will find the first upgrades. Now you can move on. Move forward until Jenkins catches an enemy hit. Now you have to be especially careful. These enemies have special weapon, which your shields are not a hindrance to. If you're not careful, they can beat you.

Don't get close to them and shoot until they are destroyed. Now come and check Jenkins' body before moving on. Move forward, killing all the enemies you meet along the way, remembering to check all the chests and containers you come across for useful items. If you're lucky, you'll get a new level soon, so don't forget to check your menu. As soon as you get a level, allocate points. Going forward, you will stumble upon Ashley. There will again be enemies, they must be destroyed, with the support of Ashley, this will not be very difficult to do. Williams, fleeing from enemies. Save her and she will join you. By the way, she will make an excellent replacement for Jenkins as a soldier. Increase her Assault Rifle skill and upgrade her Soldier skills so she can regenerate health.

Not far from Jenkins you will find chests with equipment. Search them and take what you need. By this time, you most likely already have light armor"Scorpion". If you have the skill to wear armor, and you are not wearing anything yet, put on armor, it will be a great help in the early stages.

Go ahead, you will get to a career. There will again be enemies, they must be destroyed, with the support of Ashley, it will not be very difficult to do this. By the way, in this location you can get acquainted with shelters. The mechanics are somewhat reminiscent of Gears of War. My advice for the future, try to use cover whenever possible. Covers will give a bonus to defense.

When you reach the research village, you will find several resurrected enemies. They will naturally be interested in you. Their most annoying trait is their ability to overload your shields with electric shocks. Run as far as you can and then periodically use Cadon's Throw to knock someone to the ground while still shooting at others.

After getting rid of the enemies, go deeper into the camp to open the door with a combination lock. Save your game before trying to open it. The hacking process comes down to pressing the required buttons. The main thing is to press the buttons displayed on the screen in time. If, for some reason, you don't participate the first time, you will lose 25 Omni Gels, so it's best to reload from a save and try again.

When you get inside, you will meet Dr. Warren and her crazy assistant. If you can successfully talk her, she will tell you the details of the attack and explain what is happening. After talking with her, we go to the spaceship.

Make your way to the spaceport over the hill. Destroy enemies along the way. Please note that they are standing next to exploding containers. Agree, it’s much easier to kill them this way, but you still get honey mushrooms. There will be a door a little ahead, pick the lock and you can talk to the farmers. A little further you can get a great pistol, yes, and don't forget to search the house, there is also a combination lock. Travel to the spaceport to find Nihlu's corpse. Before you search it, look inside the nearby first-aid kit, and also pick up upgrades behind a burning fire. When you inspect the corpse, the person standing nearby will tell you what he saw. If you can, try to put pressure on him and you can get hold of grenades.

Start making your way to the train station. It should be noted that there will be many enemies, but take a closer look. You see containers with plasma, shoot at them, and they will explode, grabbing enemies who are nearby to the next world. The biggest trouble can deliver a heavy destroyer, he moves to the middle of the train. He should be killed as quickly as possible, keep in mind that if he gets close to you, you will be in big trouble. In this case, use the throw ability to knock him down and run towards the train, where there may still be unkilled enemies. The battle can be somewhat problematic, so save in front of him and in which case, you can replay.

When you get to the next stardock platform, you will find that the enemies have decided to blow up the whole place. And again, the bad thing here is that they are completely not interested in self-preservation, the main thing for them is to protect the charges from you. The battle with them will be much more difficult than all the previous ones, because. this time they are well organized, they have shock weapons and even a couple of snipers. You won't be able to push forward. Get behind cover, shoot, and move on. The main thing is not to rush and then you will easily overcome them.

Having dealt with the enemies, go to the other end of the spaceport and kill the remaining enemies there. Now you can roam around the area. Check all chests and containers. After searching everything in the most thorough way, you can go to the lighthouse, after which the mission will end.

Return to Normandy

After talking with Andersen, go to the main hall and talk to Ashley and Kayden. It is not necessary to talk to them, but it is better to do it anyway, then you can get their gratitude. Then you can check the communication and navigation cabin to get additional information. When you're ready to continue, go to the Joker, after which you can head to the Citadel.


You will land at the station and immediately meet with the human ambassador, Udin. His personality is not very pleasant, but what to do. Having met you, he will say that he will be waiting for you in the council tower. You need to head towards the tower, but once you have freedom of movement, you can explore the area. The following are the main tasks that are critical for passing.

Task 1: Expose Saren

In fact, this is the main quest that you must complete while in the Citadel. So, after talking with Ambassador Udin, go to the council tower. To get there faster, use a special transport system. After reaching the place, talk to Garus, then climb the stairs to find Andersen.

It's a pity, but the council will consider Saren not guilty, so it will be up to you to find evidence of his guilt. Searching for clues will lead you to the need to complete the quests "Garus" and "Shadow Broker". So, let's start with the first quest.

Task 2: Garus

Garus is an investigator whose task was to understand the affairs of Saren. However, Saren very successfully built a web of lies and confused everything so much that Garus did not manage to convict him of something. You can discuss your notes with him and compare who has what. Now head towards Chora's lair. Killers will be waiting for you on the street, whose task is to stop you at any cost. You will have to kill them if you want to get to the place. Having dealt with the enemies, go into the bar, where Harkin will sit at the table. He is not so hot, what an assistant, but he knows where to find Garus. It turns out that Garus can be found at Dr. Michelle's.

Go to the clinic and clean it up. Inside there will be four enemies that require your attention. And now you can talk to Garus. Garus join your squad and this mission will be completed. Oh, by the way, Dr. Michelle sells armor upgrades, so if you don't have regeneration, you can buy from her.

Task 3: Shadow Broker

A shadow broker is engaged in the fact that he trades in information. And here, in the citadel, he has an employee - Barl Won, who works in a bank in the financial zone. Perhaps he knows something about Saren, so let's talk to him. Head to the bank and talk to him. The result will be that he will give you the next quest in the chain. You need to find Wrex, a krogan assassin who was supposed to find Saren on behalf of the Shadow Broker. He is currently at the C-Sec academy. Head over there and look for him. After talking with you, he will decide to join your team.

Task 1 - continued

Now that we have both Garus and Wrex on our team, it's time to take a walk to Chora's lair. Unfortunately, the bar is closed and turned into something resembling a shooting range, and even the Fist settled here. Leave your companions outside and deal with the guards. The Fist and his guards know you're after him, so there's no point in being subtle. You can regroup and go inside. There will be enough enemies in the main area of ​​the bar, but there are also enough shelters here, so hide and calmly eliminate the enemies. After that, pay attention to the rise in the center of the bar and to the alcove on the left, there will also be enemies there, but they are easy to miss. Kill them too. At the far end there will be a door, you go there. True, it is worth noting that there will be another enemy, killing him, you will completely open the way to the "Fist".

Here you can again decide whether to go inside with the team or deal with all the problems yourself. But keep in mind that the "Fist" will not just stand and wait until you deal with it, it is dangerous in itself, and then there are two turrets covering it. The team can be sent to deal with the turrets. By the way, they give experience for them, so it’s better to deal with them first, and only then kill the Fist.

Before dying, it turns out that the "Fist" captured Querian and she will die if we do not have time to find her. We only have 4 minutes for everything. So, first take the data disk from the dead one, you will need it later. Then crack open the safe, there will be useful upgrades. That's it, now we run to the aid of the Querians, by the way, her name is Tali.

So, in four minutes you have to get out to the alley near Chora's lair, but the bar is already re-filled with enemies. Well, you'll have to cut through the outside. Once outside, go left and then up the stairs to enter an alley. If you do everything right and get to the place in time, then you can engage in battle with the assassins sent to kill Tali.

These killers are not so simple, because. can disable your weapons with their abilities. Use cover and focus on only one enemy. Try to keep a distance from them and start dismantling with the next enemy only after the previous one is killed. There are two enemies in total. When both enemies are killed, you can talk to Tali and get some details. Tali will join you and you will decide to show the materials to the captain and ambassador first. You will be in front of them automatically. Talk to them, everything is now possible and to the consul.

Exit the room you're currently in, turn left and go down the stairs. A little ahead you will see transport, it will help you get to the council tower faster. At the tower you will find captain Andersen, talk to him, and he will go with you to the consul. The ambassador will also join you. The dialogue will be long, and in order to earn experience and get the title of the spectrum, you must always choose the first answer from the list provided.

Side quests of the Citadel

They are not mandatory, but very desirable, because they give experience for them, and you and I want to pump the hero, don't we? So, below are the quests and their passage.

Task 4: Finding Guardians

In the tower, go to Chorban and get a task to find the keepers. There are 21 guardians scattered around the citadel, and you need to find them and scan them. You will receive experience points for each keeper you find. Below is a list with their locations. Please note that the numbering is arbitrary, you can search for them in a different order. The first four are in the tower:

Close to Chorban
South, next to the Consul's Reception
In the eastern part
To the northwest, in a side corridor

Eight on the presidium:

West side, next to the elevator to the tower
Northwest, at the headquarters of the "guardianship"
In a small room, northwest of sector "C"
To the north, in a small corridor behind the hall of ambassadors
Northeast, Volus and Elkor office
Southeast, at the entrance to the Chambers of the Consort
South, east of the mall, next to the stairs leading to the bridge
South side of the mall, on the stairs

Six on the territory of "Guardianship":

Take the elevator down from the presidium. The keeper will be in one of the rooms
Alley, northwest
West side, in the corner
Inside the "stream", in the room at the top of the stairs
Next to the elevator to the academy
Outside the medical clinic

Two at the academy:

In the officer's room
In the department of transport

The last keeper at the docks, you can get there from the academy.

Task 5: Jahlid's Concerns

You will meet Jahlid at the academy. If you talk to him, he will say that Chorban, you just completed his quest, wants to kill him. He wants you to meet with Chorban. So go to the meeting. Just talk to Chorban and then return to Jahlid.

Task 6: Consort Asari

Go to the consort's quarters in the northeast corner of the presidium and speak with Sha'ira. She will ask you to go to Chora's hideout and try to shut up the mouth of the person spreading all sorts of rumors about her. He will sit at the table. You can just talk to him and convince him to improve. Now you can return to Sha'ira and receive a reward. It is worth noting that in the process of re-educating Septimus, he will ask you to take something to the Elcor embassy. This will lead to the quest "Heltan's Complaints".

Task 7: Heltan's Complaints

Heltan can be found in the embassy in the presidium. Give him what Septimus asked for and you will receive a small reward.

Task 8: Fan

Konrad Werner wants to speak with you at the upper shops. Remember the movie with the same name? If you give him an autograph, he will be very happy and offer to buy you a drink. To continue the quest, you will need to leave the citadel, you can fly into space, and then return back. Werner will be in the same place as last time. Talk to him. To complete the quest, you will have to leave the citadel once again. When you return, Werner will ask you to make him a spectrum. You need to dissuade him somehow, I just shoved a gun under his nose and he shut up.

Task 9: Reporter's Request

Upstairs at the shops, Emily Wong will be waiting for you, she will ask you to get materials that will allow her to complete the investigation of corruption and organized crime. Remember when we killed the Fist, we grabbed some discs? That's what she needs. Give and you will be rewarded. Also, if you have enough experience in seduction, you can talk her into an exclusive interview and cut down some more money.

Task 10: trace the signal

To get this task, you need to examine a suspicious slot machine. There is an opinion that someone transfers money to a private account. Take the elevator to the presidium. When the elevator stops, go outside. There will be an alarm relay. Find it on the map. Now go to the financial zone. The next relay will be behind Borla Vaughn. From there, go to the Exporium to find the last relay. As you might expect, artificial intelligence is not happy that we discovered it. It will start self-destruction, but you need to have time to press the right buttons to cancel it. If you do everything right, you will gain experience and some money.

Task 11: Rita's sister

Talk to Rita in the Stream to receive the quest. She worries about her sister, Jenna, who works at Chora's bar and is also an informant for Sector C. Go to the bar and try to talk to Jenna, she will refuse to talk to you. On the way back, a man named Chellik will approach you and ask you to meet him at the academy. Go there and talk to him. He will ask you to meet Jax at the shops on the lower level and return with illegal weapon modifications.

Talk to Jax, here you can go two ways: just pay him or try to arrest him.

Task 12: returning home

At the embassy, ​​after Tali joins your team, there will be Samesh Batia. He will ask you to find answers to some questions: the military never returned the body of his wife after she died on Eden Prime. He wonders why he can't get her body to cremate her.

Go to the bar northwest of Samesh to find Bosker. He will tell you that the body was not returned, as scientists are studying wounds to come up with the best ways to protect themselves from enemies. With charm skills, you can convince either Bosker or Samesh. Convincing Samesh is a little more difficult, but he will also give a little more experience for him.

Task 13: Shell

If you decide to visit the Stream after you kill the Fist, you will see a man named Shell there. He will try to sell a game device that will predict the outcome of a game of Quasar. But in order to complete the device, he needs to collect more data about the game. He will offer you to go to a bar and play a couple of games there. The device is not yet perfect, but it can help you win, your chances will increase.

After entering the bar, you can either give the device to Doran and get money and experience, or play the required number of games, get the required data and return to Shell. It will give you more experience points.

After the first meeting with Michelle, you can return to her office and receive the task. Turns out she's being blackmailed. If you agree to help her, she will tell you about a merchant named Morlun. Go and talk to him. Then you will face the blackmailer, kill him, then return to Morlun. Ask him about Bane, but unfortunately he won't have any information. Return to Michelle, she will thank you, give you a discount at the store and tell you what she heard about Bane. Perhaps Captain Andersen knows something about him.

Looking for T'Soni

While on board the Normandy, try to talk to your teammates whenever possible. They will reveal new information to you, and enter into more trusting, friendly relations with you. Oh, and of course, this mission will add one more member to your team.

First fly to the Artemis Tau system and then to the Knossos system. Land on the planet Terum and immediately save the game. Here you have to drive a vehicle, well, go ahead. So far there are no enemies, but this will not last long. A little later, enemies in tanks will appear. On the plus side, they fire slowly and their cannons turn rather slowly. Keep moving until you come across a refinery. Don't go through the front door, where the Ionia turrets can easily demolish you. It is better to turn right and go into a small corridor that will take you out of the gate. There will be enemies inside, so get ready to kill them. Destroy them with available means, and after the base is cleared, search the buildings, you can find a lot of useful things there.

We get into the transport and continue to move, there will be enemies ahead. The strategy here is very simple: shoot from a distance at enemies, wait a bit to restore the shields, continue to move on. Do not drive into the crowd of enemies, shoot them from afar. When you reach the canyon, you will realize that the transport will not pass further. Come outside and go inside. There will be enemies in the canyon, the tactics are the same as before, kill everyone from afar and do not forget to use the team. After killing all the enemies, be sure to save.

Eventually, you will be ambushed. This is a planned ambush, it will not be possible to avoid it. They will drop in and tear you apart in a few seconds if you don't immediately run for cover. To do this, run to the left of your position and hide. Order your unit to hide in the building, behind the metal sheets, they will protect you from enemy fire. Now just kill everyone who follows you. So you can easily destroy every little thing. Now quickly kill the snipers and return to the building.

Only the heavy attack aircraft remains. A shot from his cannon will instantly kill you, so stay behind cover and order your subordinates to do the same. Use special abilities to remove his shields, everything can now be finally dealt with this reptile.

Go to the cave, inside you go into the elevator and go down. Get ready when Liara asks you to help, agree, and immediately hide for cover, because. now you are attacked by enemies. Go downstairs and collect weapons and other useful things. After you deal with the enemies, activate the mining laser. Go and free Liara. Now head to the elevator and go upstairs where you will encounter a Krogan. Other enemies will immediately join him, so try to use technical or biotic abilities first of all. Then deal with them one by one. When they are done with, you can welcome Liara to your team.

Here we are again on the ship, going to the next detour and talking with everyone in a row to get new information.


Task 1: Talk to Fia Dunn

Once you land on Feros go and talk to Davidam Al Talakani, he will be at the dock. He will offer you to talk to the leader of the colony, Fia Dunn, and the enemies will immediately kill him. A little ahead you will see a small group of colonists, you need to get through to them. Enemies will try to slow you down, but you need to get ahead as quickly as possible. When you get to the colonists, go around their camp and talk to Fia Dann.

Task 2: stop the enemies in the tower

Climb up the stairs, killing all the enemies along the way. When you get to the checkpoint, hide around the corner and take out the advancing enemies one by one. After killing all the evil spirits, check the alcove at the far end of the room before returning to Fia Dunn. He will give you another task.

Task 3: the reason for the attack

Get to the headquarters of "ExoGen" and find out the reason for the attacks. This mission is the main one, the one that you have to solve in the first place. Also, Fia Dann will issue the task "enemies in the tunnels." Now talk to Masha Doyle, she will give the task to "restore the water supply." May O Conel will give the task "power cells", and Devin Reynolds - "meat Varen". Let's do these tasks first, because. they all run next to each other.

Task 4: restore water supply

A little ahead of the elevator will be the entrance to the tunnel, we go inside. There will be large blue valves on the walls, activate them as you move through the tunnel.

Task 5: Enemies in the tunnel

The enemies in the tunnel have a transmitter you need to find and destroy it. It's easy to search for him, he will be marked on your map, just go to the mark. Just keep in mind that Krogan will guard him, you will have to kill him first, and only then break the transmitter.

Task 6: Varen meat

Vraen can be found in the destroyed high-speed section of the tunnel. Just kill him and take what you need.

Task 7: power cells

And here you need to find a burning car, everything is simple there, so let's focus on the main task.

Task 3: continued

Rise upward on the elevator, this is the elevator that is located at the entrance to the tunnels. Having risen, go forward, half way you will come across the Mako transport. The people here are very frightened, but even they are not as scared as those at the Zo landing site. You can get to the headquarters by public transport. Keep in mind that while moving along the road you will not see all the enemies, some will be visible on the radar, but they are not amenable to visual control. In this case, you can get out of the vehicle and go down into the tunnels under the road to kill enemies and gain experience.

Drive to the end of the road until you reach a narrow passage where vehicles can't seep through. While in the transport, shoot all the enemies in sight, try to kill as many as possible, this will greatly simplify the further process. Now exit and go inside the passage, there you will see a locked door. It leads to some utility, but keep in mind that by collecting things, you will activate the enemy. So get ready to deal with it.

Poke around, look at the map and find the marked section, go there. Find a hole there and go down. Go forward and a little later you will come across Elizabeth. Take the key card from her, which will allow you to pass through the locked doors of the complex. Climb back up the nearby stairs. Kill the krogan commander, then talk to Wiel to get some information. Now you can go back to the place where you went down into the hole.

Now you need to return to the ship, but because of the force field, this is difficult to do. Have to turn it off. Head back down the corridor past Viel to the anchors (not a better word) keeping the enemy ship moored to the headquarters. You need to find a weak spot and destroy it. Go forward until you reach two passages, they will have enemies and a couple of terminals from which you can get interesting information.

Now go and check the space dock door, you need to set the pressure valve value between 31 and 33. use valves with values ​​5, 17 and 11 to get more pressure here, then activate the door. Haha, the enemy ship is clearly out of luck.

Run back to Mako, having previously exchanged a few words with Elizabeth. Arriving at the place, you will see that Jiong, obviously, something is wrong with his head, you will have to calm him down, believe me, this is for his own good.

Julianna will give you Anti-Torrian Gas, which you can charge grenades and use them to incapacitate infected colonists without killing them. On the other hand, if you are not afraid of a bad reputation, you can kill them. When you open the door leading to the colony, enemies will appear from there, kill them, just watch out, make sure that the colonists do not suffer, for this you have grenades.

Keep moving inside. In the primary zone of the colony, you can find ammo replenishment in the form of five grenades. However, at some point you still run out of grenades. If you are planning to advance along a peaceful path, deal with the colonists hand-to-hand.

Once you reach the crane control point, activate it and lift it up, by doing this you will open a side passage.

So, now you have to kill Thorian. First, he will enter into a conversation with you through the clone. When he talks enough, kill the clone and turn into a small corridor and immediately go back, because. enemies will attack you. They can be thrown with grenades if you have them. Then go to the stairwell and start shooting at Thorian's nerve nodes to cause him damage. Enemies in this section can be quite a hassle, but the easiest way to take them out is to order your men into position while you lure the enemies into the line of fire of your henchmen.

Continue climbing up, destroying Thorian's nerve nodes and connections along the way. Keep in mind that many of them will lead to the awakening of enemies, so be prepared for this. When you get to the top and destroy Thorian's last nerve link, Shiala will be able to free herself from her prison. Talk to her, then return to the colony. You can safely complete this mission. Before you fly away, talk to all the members of the team, you will receive a lot of new interesting information from them.


Land on Noveria and prepare for a surprise, the authorities want to confiscate your weapons. Whatever the answer, you will only be allowed to keep your weapons if your identities are confirmed. Go and talk to Paranisi, from her you will learn that Lady Benezia is here on this planet and you need to find her. To find it, you need to go down to the surface of the planet, but the administration, unfortunately, does not want to let you in. You need to get to the garage, but for now, let's go through two side tasks.

Task 1: smuggling

Go through the main square to the merchant Opald, he will have a task for you if you want to try your hand at being a smuggler. At the docks, near Normandy, there will be a package that Opald needs. You have two paths. You can just take the package to Opald. Or you can reveal the smuggler and get 500 credits. I just gave the package to the merchant and did not worry, they would still give the experience.

Task 2: espionage

Go to the hotel, once you do that, an assari named Melanie Calis will ask you to do some corporate espionage with Rafael Vargas who is sitting at the bar. She will explain to you that you must not let him go off topic and do it in such a way that he does not drive you away and does not suspect anything. You will also learn that when he is nervous, he will start rubbing his neck, this is some kind of signal for you not to put pressure on him. You have to chat with him long enough for Melanie to hack into his computer. Alternatively, you can simply abandon the mission.

Task 3: Find Benezia

First of all, you need to get into the garage. Talking to Anolesis is useless, it's a dead end. Talking to Paranisi will lead you to a man named Loric Quien, who can be found in the hotel bar. Lorik suspects that Anolesis is corrupt and will ask for help. You can safely tell Analesis about this, he will make you a counteroffer, only before that you will have to deal with several guards.

Having dealt with the enemies in the hotel, go to the office elevator and go upstairs. Here you will come across two guards, you can either kill them or leave them alive, depending on your reputation. All other guards are bad, you can safely kill them. As planned, evidence can be found in Lorik's computer.

Naturally, the problems have not gone anywhere, now, now, here they are. On the way back, Kiara Sterling will cross the road for you and she is by no means happy about the destruction of her people. In addition, this rubbish has a weapon capable of killing weak members of the squad with the first shot. Fall back to Lorik's office and take up defensive positions there.

When you leave, Paranisi will be waiting outside the office and asks you to meet her at the hotel bar before going to Queen. Go to the bar and re-enter into conversation with Paranisi. She will tell you that she works for the internal security bureau of the planet. She will ask you to convince Lorik to act as a witness. Go to him and talk using charm. Convincing him to be a witness will earn you experience and a pass to the garage. After convincing him to testify, go to the office of Analesis. Tell him about Lorik, but don't tell him anything about Giana. Go to Giana and tell her about Lorik, she will arrest Anolesis and you will get a pass. And don't forget to crack his safe.

It's time to head to Peak 15. Go to the garage, there you will be attacked by enemies, kill them. At the opposite end there will be heavy destroyers, however, you will see them before they see you. Shoot them first.

When you reach Peak 15, take the elevator up. After killing the enemies located at the top, you will start the cutscene. Yeah, the hideous creatures are rachnis, but even the weakest of them will get you almost 1,000 credits. Pass through the administrative zone and head to find Mira Kor. You need to restart the control systems, but this can only be done manually. Nearby there will be an elevator leading down, get down. To regain control, you need to repair the memory core. You can pay 100 omni-gels for this, or try to do it manually.

When Mira comes back online, you will be able to find out the status of the structure. It turns out that the land lines are down and the main reactor is down. Before we continue chasing Benezia, we need to fix everything. Fixing the communication lines is easy, just turn them on on the roof. It is much more difficult to get there, because you have to break through the crowds of rachnis. Take up defense in the hall and shoot the advancing enemies. Now get down to the main reactor and return the supply of fuel.

Returning to Mira, you will learn about a new problem. Enemies have occupied the decontamination zone. You can open the gate that holds back the enemies and kill them. Now move forward. You need to find a working elevator. Fortunately, there is one in the research department. Rise upward. After rising, talk to the captain and find out more about what is happening here, and also get a card that opens up a further passage. He will also report that the matriarch Benesi is in the laboratory.

Now let's digress for a second from the main task and go down to the medical bay.

Task 4: quarantine

In the medical bay, talk to Dr. Cohen, he will ask you to go to the quarantined laboratory and help sick scientists find a cure. Talk to Ventralism and ask him to let you into the lab. Go down the elevator and talk to the guard, he will let you inside. Approach the terminal and prepare the medicine. Unfortunately, an asari will attack you here, you will have to kill her. After that, you can return to Dr. Cohen with the medicine.

Task 3: continued

Go to the laboratories and talk to Yaroslav Tartakovsky, he will tell you something about the rachnis and say that with the help of a neutron charge, you can destroy all life inside the laboratories. He will give you a key card to start the process, but unfortunately he will be killed before he can enter the activation code into Mira. Take the codes from the corpse and run to the back room, there is a terminal. After starting the process, you will only have two minutes to get out of here on the elevator. The path to the elevator is cut off and you will have to make your way, but you will have enough time, don't worry.

Go to Ventrales, unexpectedly, for you, he will attack. He was ordered by Benesi, so you have no choice but to kill him. Soldiers will be helping him, so it's best to deal with them first. It is clear that Benezia is here somewhere, but where? She's in the defense labs, in the middle of the complex, you need to get there. Go down to the quarantine laboratory, and from there, through the back corridor you will get exactly to the address.

Benezia herself will not immediately enter the battle, first she will throw ordinary enemies into the attack. You are in the northeast part of the laboratory, the first wave will attack you from the south, then from the northwest corner. Walk about halfway west, so that between you and Benezia is a cage with a rachnis queen. There isn't much room to hide here, but the cage will keep Benezia from attacking you with her biotic powers.

The next two groups of enemies will attack you from the northwest and southeast corners. Grenades or some area-affecting abilities are ideal here. This will make it easier for you to deal with enemies. Now deal with Benezia, it will not be so difficult to do this, because now she has no support.

Everything, you can return to Normandy.


Remember, if you have any unfinished side quests, complete them now. after completing the last main mission, you will be automatically transferred to the citadel, and you will not be able to go further.

After landing, you will have to ride on vehicles, destroying enemy watchtowers along the way. Keep in mind that you can get out of the transport and finish off the enemies yourself, as well as pick up the things you need.

Destroy all anti-air turrets and open the gate. You can now head to the Salarian Camp. Save the game. Now go and talk to the krogan. You have three options: kill Wrex yourself, let Ashley kill Wrex, or persuade him and leave together. The last option is, of course, the best. After dealing with this, talk to Kirai, he will tell you how to get into Saren's lair. But that means sending Ashley or Cayden to certain death, I have nothing to advise here, just choose. Before you continue the mission, sell everything you don't need to Captain Rentol. Now approach Kirai and talk again. The mission has begun.

You need to destroy the turrets at the top of the building, as well as destroy other security systems in order to help Kirai. Go north to the communication towers and destroy enemy communications. To the west is a satellite communications tower, destroy it and then head north to the fuel tanks. Kill the enemies and destroy the tanks.

When you reach the entrance to the laboratories, check the map. The entrances are on the north and south. Go through the southern doors, but first you have to break them open. Go inside, there you will find a security point, this will allow you to turn off the alarm at the base. You can also reconfigure the alarm so that most of the enemies attack Kirai, but we will not do this, the author still played a good guy, and not a deceitful sneaky asshole.

Start advancing through block B. Before moving on, look around the area, you can find a lot of interesting things there. Particularly in stock. Now take the elevator to the laboratory, where you have to kill Dr. Droes. Go to the security room and talk to Rana Tanoptis, she will open you further progress in the story. Now you can move further on the elevator. We go forward to meet with Ashley.

Save the game. Now you have to choose whether to go to the aid of Kaydon or retreat and protect Ashley. It depends on your choice who will survive this task, and who will lose their lives. If you decide to protect Ashley, the battle will be a little more difficult. And here is Saren. You will have to fight him regardless of who you choose. The method of destroying it is, first we weaken it as much as possible, using all our skills, and only then we attack it with weapons. He won't die, of course, but he will retreat, and this will allow you to escape before the nuclear device detonates.

Once on Normandy, we again speak with all possible characters. Their set depends on how you went through the previous task, I listed the plot cut points.

Citadel again

So, here we are again in the citadel. However, we will not be allowed to leave it now. Almost immediately you will receive a message that Captain Andersen wants to meet with you. Let's not make him wait. Go and talk to him. We learn from him that he can help unlock your ship, for example by hacking into Udina's computer. It is worth noting that no matter which path you choose, the captain will be in mortal danger helping you. When you are free from isolation, you can complete any side quests if you wish.

Task 1: the fourth state

After going down the elevator to talk to Captain Andersen, you will run into a reporter. It's up to you to talk to her or not. If you agree, she will interview you. If you have a high level of conversational skills and charm, everything will go brilliantly. Yes, and Saren can not be mentioned.

Task 2: family matters

Rebecca and Michael fight in the financial zone. Talk to them and you will be given the opportunity to support one of the opinions. Choose what you like best, there is no right or wrong answer. The experience will be the same.

Task 3: old and unhappy

As you walk down one of the corridors towards Ward, you will come across a man named Zebelot. He will say that he is an old friend of your mother and ask you to borrow money (20 credits) for food. Don't be greedy, give him what he asks for. When Andersen unlocks your ship, go there and contact your mother, she will confirm his words and ask him to convince him of something. Go and convince, I won’t write details, everything is simple there.

Task 4: mediator

Not far from the Potok premises, you will run into Elas, he will ask you to buy some medical supplies for him, namely stimulants. Agree, you will not get money, but you will get experience. Keep in mind that if you bring him antidepressants instead of stimulants, your reputation will deteriorate.


Before you land on Ilose, you can talk to the crew members and complete the romantic quest. After landing, go south to the square. There will be two enemies ahead of you, guess the right moment and kill them. Go to the descent and go down to the ruins, there you will find a computer. With it, you can turn off all the remaining robots. We continue to go south to the elevator leading down. After going forward, hide under the stairs to the left or right to hide from enemies.

Get into the security room and hack the control panel to open the way to the archives. Archives are a long space. You need to get ahead. At the end, you can get out and "Mako", go through the door, and then continue on the elevator.

After a long conversation with the guard, you will have to go after Saren. Make your way through the trenches at the bottom of the archive to reach the pipeline. which is already activated. You must make your way further to continue on to the Citadel. You can talk to Avina, but your main task is to use the elevator next to the starting area.

Keep going forward, you will naturally encounter enemies along the way, but you are strong enough not to pay much attention to them. When you see the drop ship, run to the turrets located nearby as quickly as possible and hack them. There are three of them, enough to bring down a ship.

After passing, further you will come across protective turrets, which are by no means on your side. They can either be bypassed from the east, or hacked and destroyed, for which they will give a whole bunch of experience. After going forward, turn to the southeast, there you will find a panel with which you can return to the citadel.

Move through the tower of the citadel, to the consular area. There will be enemies, kill them. Saren will be waiting a little ahead of you, it's time to finish him, but before that, be sure to save, as there will be plot branching points ahead.

In the first conversation with Saren, there is an interesting option, if you have a very high conversational skill (maximum), you can convince Saren to shoot himself. But if you can't or don't want to, you'll have to fight him. He is a powerful bastard and he has excellent shields. The ideal way to beat him is to use skills so that he can't heal and destroy his shields, and let your teammates deal most of the damage to him on their own. It is worth noting that it is protected from almost all biotic attacks, so it is best to use conventional weapons. Saren is dead, but not forever. But now you can search the corpse and get hold of something.

But now Saren will respawn and you will have to extinguish it again. Only this time he moves even faster, and it's not so easy to do it. But now he is not protected from biotic attacks. But keep in mind that periodically it will slow down, after which it will start shooting rockets at you. When you notice this, hide immediately. And of course, you will need first-aid kits, without them it will be very tight here.

Well, by defeating Saren, you will finally finish the game and be able to start it again to once again enjoy one of the best RPGs of recent times.

Saving the galaxy from an invasion by ruthless cybernetic invaders is the ultimate test for Commander Shepard and his companions. But on the way to victory over the fugitive super agent of the Citadel and his army of robots, we will have many times the opportunity to distinguish ourselves in front of our superiors, go on combat missions that no one else can handle, or simply help humanoids in a difficult situation.

Side quests, they are "tasks" ( Assignments) is a good opportunity to diversify the gameplay, take a break from the plot and help the Normandy team to level up, solve financial issues or get nice equipment. Shepard receives some tasks on planets and in the Citadel. Others are in outer space or even orbiting distant, unexplored worlds. In one of the tasks, the commander will have to remember the past, in the other - to express his prevailing views on the world. If you ignore the side quests at all, the game will be reduced by two to three times. This is useful for those who need to quickly run through the story to earn another reward, however, on the first playthrough, side quests will be the only way to discover the whole game, the Citadel space is the universe mass effect.


On Eden Prime, Shepard won't have time for side missions, so the first missions will only start in the Citadel. There are many of them here - the station is large, the people live here are motley, and the help of the commander will be useful to many inhabitants of the Citadel.

Note: to collect the "harvest" of all quests, you must return to the station twice.

Xeltan's Complaint

Volus tries to explain his misfortune to the police without explaining anything significant. Turns out it doesn't matter to him.

Who is this asari? About the house of contractual hospitality, whose mistress Shaira literally works wonders regardless of the race and gender of visitors, Shepard learns immediately after arrival - in the next room of the embassy. There, the volus and a couple of worried elcors discuss the asari, who has begun to blurt out the secrets of her clients.

You can calm down Zeltan after meeting with General Septimus (quest Asari consort) - it is advisable to do this before handing in the quest to Shaira.

Asari consort

The hostess of the recreation salon, asari Shaira, has problems traditional for humanoids of this kind of occupation - one of her clients, a certain General Septimus, even though a turian, fell in love with her without memory, but got angry at the offer to remain friends and began to spread false rumors about her. Shepard must talk to the general like a soldier talks to... a general, and convince him to leave Shaira alone.

Septimus drowns his troubles in wine at Cora's while watching the dancing asari. Convincing him to leave the girl alone will not be difficult. Agreeing with Shepard's arguments, Septimus will say that he told a certain elcor about three boxes about Shaira. Now you can look at the embassy ( Xeltan's Complaint), calm the elcor, and then go for a reward.

Shaira will tell Shepard a few words about his past and future and give the hero a keychain of unknown purpose. After that, you can beg her for an additional payment with what nature has endowed her with (negative and neutral dialogue options) or say goodbye (positive option).

Note: you can use the key fob as a key on the planet Eletania of the Hercules system of the Attican Beta cluster - the anomaly contains interesting information about the past of the Protheans and people.

Presidium Prophet

Near the tower of the Citadel, a medusa missionary preaches the religion of the Hanar race, which the police officer does not like very much.

Formally, the officer is right - the khanar does not have a permit for missionary activity, and in any case, one cannot engage in religious propaganda on the territory of the Presidium. Hanar stubbornly replies that he does not preach anything, but simply talks about those who, in time immemorial, made his race intelligent. Who these well-wishers are is unknown, but according to the rules of the genre, the hanar should be the secret biological weapon of the Reapers.

The neutral solution to the problem is to buy a hanaru permit. It costs 150 credits. Can be persuaded or threatened to force an officer or hanar to retreat.

Scan the Keepers

The galaxy has been explored, and you can take it as a plot.

On the way back after the first communication with the Citadel Council, Shepard's companions will notice a suspicious salarian crawling around the Keeper with a strange electronic device in his hands. Since we already know that "disturbing" the Guardians of the Citadel is strictly forbidden, the salarian's confusion and fear are understandable. He will report that his name is Korban, he is a scientist and has found a way to investigate the Guardians by reading the signals emitted by them.

This task is "collectible" - you need to go around with a scanner in the hands of each and every Guardian at the station, receiving a small portion of money and experience for each. The task is a very good way to raise the first finances and levels.

Note: if you take the quest Jahleed's Fears earlier than this, you will find Korban on the lower floor of the mall.

And here is the list of Guardians.

    The one that Korban tried to scan.

    To the east (next to Rear Admiral Kahoku).

    To the north at the end of the bridge, which is on the left side of the main passage.

    Upstairs behind the stairs, near the Presidium of the Council (southwest).

    Near the elevator tower of the Citadel.

    Near the passage to the Presidium-Wards elevator, next to the Citadel tower (quest Presidium Prophet). Remember this entrance, you will need it later for quests The Signal Tracking and Jahleed's Fears.

    Presidium-Wards Transition Corridor ( Jahleed's Fears).

    In the shopping districts (next to the hanar merchant), in the warehouse (quest The Signal Tracking).

    Near the transition to the upper level, south of the shopping districts.

    Near the entrance to the asari establishment ( Asari consort).

    On the balcony behind the cafeteria of the embassies ( homecoming).

    At the end of the room with taciturn diplomats of different races, across the corridor from the cafeteria.

    In the elcor consulate room ( Xeltan's Complaint).

    An alley next to the shopping districts and the Bark Den club (the place where you save Tali in the story).

    Market, upper level, in the corner ( The Fan).

    Institution "Potok", in the zone of slot machines, in the corner (quest The Signal Tracking).

    Near the medical unit ( Doctor Michel), around the corner.

    Under the medical block, behind the stairs - near the entrance to the Z-Sec police academy, where the cars are parked.

    Police Academy, to the right of the elevator, in the turian quartermaster's room.

    Police academy, control zone (quest Planting a Bug).

    Pier at the docks, next to the Normandy.

Jahleed's Fears

At first, each hypnosis session will cause the team to have uncontrollable fits of jealousy.

This quest will overtake you in the Presidium-Wards passage (from the Citadel tower two steps to the east and down the elevator). Little volus Jalid is convinced that Korban's former business partner wants to kill him, but the police are unwilling to take the case until the volus reveals the details.

Korban can be found in the lower levels of the markets. He will either tell you the details about the task already given to you. Scan the Keepers and will make it clear that for Jalid to lie is just to spit, or he will attack if you have not met him before. In the first case, the salarian can be persuaded to make peace with Jalid.

In the second case, you have more options - after the battle, you can take the scanning quest from Korban or finish him off. After that, it will be possible to take the same quest from Jalid, issue it to the authorities or demand a reward.

Reporter's Request

At the entrance to the Potok Club, Shepard is waiting for journalist Emily Wong. She wants to hire our hero to collect information about the gangs of the Citadel.

The information we need is lying on the floor in the Fist bandit's room. Take the data disk and return to Amy Wong. Persuasion or threat skills will increase the reward. You will hear about her reports later on the radio.

Planting a Bug

Condition: completed quest Reporter's Request.

This is the second quest from Emily Wong - this time you will meet her in the tower of the Citadel. A journalist wants to do a revealing report about a security breach in the Citadel area. Shepard's task is to plant a bug in the control room. The matter is simple - go to the indicated place (the police academy, to the left of the elevator) and “mine” the indicated place. In addition, a journalist can be persuaded to feel sorry for the unfortunate buggered dispatchers or to lie to her, saying that the bug has been installed.

“Yes, the salary was last paid in December ... no, in November.”

The Fourth Estate


After Shepard returns to the station at the police academy, reporter Khalisa Al-Jilani will capture him and attempt to interview the first human Specter. You can answer as you like - for example, refuse to speak at all, express yourself officially evasively, or use conversational talents. The answers will affect the hero's worldview (the villain may even answer one of the questions with an assault).

Shepard would later hear about himself on the radio and find out how his superiors reacted to the interview.

Shells the Gambler

"Quasar" - is it possible to outsmart a soulless slot machine?

Condition: Shepard is a Specter and visits The Flow for the second time.

From the Potok club, the guards throw out a salarian named Shells - he was caught trying to outwit the casino. Shells wants to create a system for cheating at Quasar and invites Shepard to help him by reading the latest data from the slot machines.

Shepard, of course, can now or later give the salarian to the owner of the institution, the volus Doran, or honestly take up the game. It is necessary to win five times to read the necessary data. Doran watches Shepard - if he wins too often, the volus will accuse the hero of cheating.

Rita's Sister

Flow waitress Rita is concerned about Jenna's fate - it's her sister who has gone to work at Cora's Stash, a nasty place. Rita knows that Jenna is not just a bartender, but is working undercover for the Citadel Police.

If you visit the Den, then Jenna, for obvious reasons, will not want to talk to Shepard about being fired. At the exit, Shepard will be pushed by a turian pretending to be drunk. This is Detective Chellick, who will take command in his office at the police academy (next to the control room) and accuse the hero of putting Jenna's cover in jeopardy.

You can get a girl out of the Den if you use persuasion skills or agree to play the role of a buyer of illegal weapon modifications. The transaction must take place at the lower level of the shopping district. The seller is krogan Jax. You can try to arrest him or just kill him, but for Chellik this is an undesirable outcome.

signal tracking

A program that steals pocket change on its own initiative is a big leap forward in artificial intelligence.

And another quest starting in the Flax Club area, at the far end of the casino room. Someone is siphoning cash from a slot machine. The first transmitter to check is in the Presidium-Wards corridor (quest Jahleed's Fears).

The second transmitter can be found in the office of information dealer Barla Von. The third one is in the warehouse of the mall (next to the hanar merchant).

It turns out that the funds are being stolen by artificial intelligence, which has freed itself from the control of the humanoid that created it and is now saving up for a ship in order to fly to the geths. Under the threat of disclosure, the AI ​​will choose to blow up the terminal along with Shepard and partners. You cannot convince him. There are two options for behavior - to shoot the terminal yourself or turn it off, solving a simple puzzle in a few seconds (there is no single solution here - the puzzle is generated "on the go").

Doctor Michel

We already know Dr. Michelle through the story. After we deal with the bandits offending her, she will offer Shepard to hand over the medicines as prescribed and report that she is being blackmailed by Morlun, a salarian merchant from the trading quarters.

If Shepard tries to convince Morlun to leave the doctor alone, his familiar krogan will stand up for the merchant; at this point, the conversation can turn into a glorious fight if the hero does not have enough conversational skills.

Family Matter

Condition: completed at least one story planet.

Near the shopping district of the Presidium, the Petrovsky family stands and argues - the pregnant Rebecca and her brother-in-law Mikhail. Rebecca's husband has died of a rare hereditary heart condition, and Mikhail pushes for gene therapy for the child. Rebecca fears side effects and refuses to undergo therapy, relying on traditional treatment.

Shepard will be able to resolve the family dispute on his own. Alignment points are assigned for the use of conversational skills - persuasion or threat.


Samet, the husband of one of Eden Prime's victims, insists that the Alliance hand over his wife's body to him, but officials refuse and won't even say why. Samet will catch Shepard in the embassy area and ask him to look into the matter.

An employee of the diplomatic corps, Bosker, is standing in the cafeteria. He will inform Shepard that Nirali's body can serve science and save other lives, but the research could take a very long time.

It is up to you whether to force Bosker to hand over the body to his inconsolable husband, or to convince Samet to back down by appealing to his sense of duty. In both cases, conversational skills will be required.

The Fan

On the poisonous planet of the apes, a mirror ball holds the legacy of the Forerunners. It's good that Shepard just had the key to it lying around!

Condition: Shepard - spectrum.

At the top level of the shopping districts, the hero will be met by his fan Konrad Werner and asked for an autograph. When Shepard returns to the Citadel from one of the quest planets, Konrad Werner will lie in wait for him in the same place and ask him to take a photo for memory.

After the next quest planet, Konrad will require you to make it a spectrum. Depending on the hero's worldview and his speech skills, you can either convince the fan to do his duty in the rear, or laugh at him, which will lead to his death.

Our Own Worst Enemy

Condition: Completed the planet Virmire.

Near the club "Potok", where Captain Andersen called you for a private conversation, the participants of the rally are crowding. Charles Sarocino, an activist in the great-human chauvinist political organization Terra Firma, will ask Shepard to support his platform in the upcoming elections. The path of goodness is failure. Consent is the path of evil.

Negotiator's Request

Condition: Completed the planet Virmire.

Elias Keeler, a diplomat, is standing at the entrance to Potok, suffering from severe withdrawal symptoms. He will ask Shepard to get him a mental stimulant to negotiate with the naturally smart salarians.

You can get a stimulant from Dr. Michel (neutral path), give out a sedative drug under the guise of a stimulant (path of evil) or have a heart-to-heart talk with Elias (here the outcome depends on what method of persuasion the hero uses).

Old, Unhappy, Far Off Things

Condition: Shepard grew up in space.

This is one of three missions that are tightly tied to the character's chosen origin. Old Zabaleta, who knows Shepard's mother, will lie in wait for the hero in the Presidium-Wards corridor and ask for money for a ticket home.

In the Normandy's communications room, Shepard can contact his mother and find out more about Zabaleta. The mother will report that this is a veteran suffering from post-traumatic stress syndrome, and that he must be handed over to the appropriate services. Returning to the old man, Shepard can give him money for a hangover or convince him to contact the veterans' assistance service.

Even for a girl as crazy as a March cat, Shepard has a serious argument.

I Remember Me

Condition: Shepard is a descendant of the colonists.

When Shepard returns to the Citadel for the first time and gets into the elevator, Lieutenant Girard calls him on the radio and informs him that a half-crazy girl on the pier is brandishing a gun and threatening to commit suicide. Talita is a former colonist, she was in the hands of batarian slavers, Shepard can try to talk to her and inject a sedative.

From the very first words, it is clear that Talita is mad as a hatter. Shepard can carefully ferret out her story, calming her down and moving slowly towards her. It will not be difficult for a “good” character to carefully approach her and convince her to take a sedative, to which the girl will respond with a quote from Aliens. The neutrals will administer the medicine by force, and the villains can either force the girl to commit suicide or convince Lieutenant Girard to shoot her.

old friends

Condition: Shepard is an earthling.

After returning to the Citadel from the story planet, Shepard will meet Finch, a former accomplice from the Earth gang. He will ask for the release of a familiar bandit captured by the Tuarians, and will threaten to reveal "family secrets".

It's a dangerous business to threaten Shepard. After all, he can either agree to talk with the guardian of order in the “Kora Den”, or give out Finch’s plans, and neutralize him, without saying a bad word.

In addition, some galactic quests start in the Citadel: Hostile Takeover, Distress Call, Hostage, Missing Marines, Major Kyle and others - I will talk about them in more detail below.

Note: meeting with Rear Admiral Mikhailovich on the pier after the first story planet is not a quest, but just a funny conversation. Talking to an angry military man can give Shepard several "good" or "evil" points depending on the answers chosen.



The jellyfish merchant Opold will offer Shepard to smuggle contraband goods (illegal weapon modifications) through customs, taking advantage of the exclusive position of the spectrum. The package will be placed at the air bridge itself.

You can find out the name of the buyer from Opold - this is a krogan with the speaking name of Inamord. Shepard has several options.

    Just assign the item.

    Give the goods to Opold and get the money. You can bargain.

    Talk to Inamorda and hand over the goods to him - by bargaining, Shepard can earn up to 750 credits. This will not please Opold, who was going to get his gesheft from the deal.

    Hand over the smugglers to administrator Anoleus and get a story pass to the garage, keeping the goods if you wish. Opold will be sad, Inamorda will go deal with him.


Asari Mullen Kallis will offer Shepard to participate in industrial espionage for the Double Helix Corporation. All you have to do is approach employee Rafael Vargas and distract him with a conversation while spyware is downloaded onto the network. The moments when Rafael thinks are easy to recognize - he rubs his neck thoughtfully.

The good Shepard will either not agree to the dirty task, or will hand over the asari with offal to Raphael. In this case, Mullen will rush to leave the planet.

The path of the villain is to distract Raphael with conversations until the device beeps, or lie to the asari, saying that the viruses are loaded.


Data Recovery

On Feros, almost all side quests are done in the basement of this battered building.

In the small Exo-Jeny hideout (halfway between Hope Zhu and the corporate building), scientist Gavin Hossle will ask Shepard to download files from the computer in the building occupied by droids.

This room is located next to the passage, closed by a protective field. Once you're on the other side, turn right and fight some krogan mercenaries. The data is at the end of the room, you read it from a computer terminal.

After returning to the shelter and neutralizing the security officer who decided to kill everyone, give the files to Gavin.

Geth in the Tunnels

You will receive this and all other Feros quests from the Zhu colonists. They can all be completed in the same place - in the channels on the lower floors of the building.

Fai Dan will ask Shepard to eliminate the geths who installed the transmitter in the basement. Go down there and move along the corridors, shooting robots from a distance. Droids will be waiting for you on your way back, so be careful.

The transmitter is behind the first bridge. It is guarded by snipers and krogan mercenaries. Shoot the communication device.

Varren Meat

The ravenous varren, which look like a cross between wolves and killer whales, is a valuable source of nutritious meat, but the colony is starving due to the fact that the varren are guarded by an alpha male, and gethi are found in the cellars. The task will be given to you by David Reynolds.

You will also find these creatures in the basements if you turn into one of the doors on the left side of the corridor.

Power Cells

This quest will be given by May O'Connell. For the generator, she needs batteries, and you can also look for them in the basement. You'll pick them up from a wrecked armored car in the same section of the tunnel where the predatory varren attacked you.

Water Restoration

The woman who is fiddling with the pipes at the entrance to the colony will ask Shepard to return water to the colony by turning several valves in the basement.

All three valves are located in a long corridor where you will fight the geths.

On the other three planets (Wyrmire, Ilos, Ferum) there are no side quests for the same reasons that they are not on Eden Prime - a fight, enemies are all around, bullets fly, there is no one to take quests from.

But a couple of quests are waiting for Commander Shepard on his ship.


Family Armor

Urdnot Wrex, your ship's krogan, is looking for a heirloom - ceremonial armor that was lost during the rebellions. You can find out if you gently ask him several times about his past, work and family.

You can get this very armor on the planet Tuntau (Phoenix, Argos Pho) by searching the pirate base in the southeast of the landing zone. Wrex is better to take with you so as not to go far. You will find her on the second floor, in a safe (another reason to have a burglar character in the team).

Wrex will thank us heartily, but will hide the armor.

Tali's Pilgrimage

The quarian Tali-Zora accompanies Shepard after the Citadel, but she is technically on a pilgrimage. Young variant are always sent on a pilgrimage so that they grow up away from their native fleet and along the way bring something valuable with them. You will learn this if you talk heart to heart with Tali several times.

Secret information you will learn in the process of completing the quest Geth Incursions on the Solcrum planet (Grissom system, Armstrong Nebula) by downloading them from the terminal. Tali will want to put his paws on them, and Shepard, if he is a good Shepard, will give her a copy of the data.

Find Dr. saleon

Detective Garrus grieves deeply for missing the insane geneticist Dr. Saleon in the past, who grew organs for sale inside the bodies of volunteers. You will find out if you carefully talk with Garrus about what is "good" and what is "bad" several times.

One can imagine Garrus' joy when traces of Dr. Saleon are found in the Herschel (Kepler Verge) system. Saleon jumped - he was locked in a room by his own experimental zombies. Take Garrus with you on a mission, equip the group appropriately - take stopping ammo, biotics, shotguns and all.

The doctor will not want to give up, so he will have to issue it under the item “expenses”. Once back on the ship, don't forget to go down to the hangar and make a suggestion to Garrus.

love line

Nothing unites a commander and subordinates like mutual romantic aspirations. Against the backdrop of Shepard's love affairs on the Normandy, even the famous Citadel pales in color, where, as you know, there are entertainment of all kinds - from blackjack to asari.

Shepard of either gender can choose a pair of two applicants. At the service of the man is a young hundred-year-old girl, the alien Liara T'Soni, or the general in a skirt, the warrior Ashley Williams. Women choose between the same Liara and biotic Kaidan Alenko.

The first sprouts of feelings will begin to break through in Ashley or Kaidan after Shepard, saving her / him on Eden Prime, blows his brain with a prophecy about the Reapers. At the exit from the ward, he/she will be waiting for Shepard with a question about how he/she is feeling.

At a meeting after visiting one of the planets, a quarrel will break out between Liara and Ashley / Kaidan - Shepard will have to intervene with the words "Girls, do not quarrel!" and after everyone has dispersed, make a personal suggestion to both.

The idea of ​​rocking out with Liara and Ashley right away is tempting, but the writers have their own plans. You will have to choose between them, as both (both) will begin to be interested: “What about you with that / that one?”

After that, little depends on Shepard. His or her heart belongs to Kaidan, Ashley or Liara, and this may affect the choice of the main character when he is on the planet Wyrmire.

It remains only to embrace the sweetheart when the Normandy is locked up in the Citadel, and then to be hospitably met in your cabin before visiting Ilos.

Galactic missions

These tasks are united by the place of action - unexplored planets full of dangers, moons burned by the sun, spaceships lost among the stars.

Note: almost all of these tasks can be taken in several ways - pick up from an NPC, receive an order from Admiral Hackett by radio, or pick up a quest already on the planet itself.

Asari Diplomacy

The diplomat with the discordant name Nassana Dantius will ask Shepard to find her sister Dahlia, who has been kidnapped by a group of mercenaries and held in the Macedon (Artemis Tau) system.

Nassana will contact when Shepard is on the ship and offer to meet her at the embassy. Another way to get the quest is to hack the terminal in the Peak 15 laboratory, in the dining room (the next room after the hangar).

In any case, you can go to the Macedonia system just to storm the "Fortress" of the mercenaries, hack the console and find out that you just killed Dahlia in battle.

With a loose tongue, Nassana can be squeezed out of a rare Armali license for your ship merchant.

Besieged Base

"Me-ya-yaso has come!" the varren rejoice. Poor...

Condition: Shepard is 80% kind (246 points).

As soon as Admiral Hackett hears about Shepard's immense kindness, he will immediately send us to the planet Hawn of the Cacus system (Chone, Cacus, Hades Gamma). The situation is complicated - a group of biotics has seized a medical base and taken scientists hostage, knocking them out with powerful psychedelics.

Now scientists roam the base, get under their feet and mumble all sorts of nonsense - they are so out of their mind that sometimes they freely pass through boxes and electronic consoles. The station is full of explosive containers, so be careful with the use of mines, conventional and technical.


Condition: task completed Missing Marines.

Admiral Kahoku will suddenly get in touch and report that he has come across the trail of the group that destroyed his foot soldiers. The gang, calling themselves "Cerberus", is located on the planet Binthu of the Yangtze system of the Voyager cluster in three underground laboratories at once. All three must be destroyed.

The base in the south is protected by stationary guns. The Cerberus group is experimenting on the rakni, and one of the representatives of the insectoid race cuckoos outside the protective field, surrounded by bandits. If Shepard suddenly runs into the room and disables the field, the rakni will attack everyone in a row - there is a high probability that the bandits will suffer.

Both remaining bases are arranged in a similar way, only in one a bunch of small explosive rakni, and in the other - a few zombies (in appearance - just from Feros).

You will find Admiral Kahoku in the last laboratory.

Asari, as can be repeatedly observed, are completely alien to species bias.

Colony of the Dead

You will get this task from one of the Feros terminals (that's where the Cerberus got the rakni!) or on the Chasca planet itself (Matano, Maroon Sea), which will appear on the map after visiting this story planet.

The name of the mission leaves no room for doubt - the group must be equipped "under the undead". It is not necessary to clear them completely - just go down to the scientific laboratory and activate the terminal.

Grenades and biotic skills work very well against zombies in tight corridors.

Dead Scientists

You can pick up the quest on Noveria, in one of the port terminals, if you have someone to hack it. If not, it doesn't matter: the admiral will issue the task. Your goal is the planet Ontarom, the Newton system, the Kepler Verge cluster.

With the help of the dominant height, clear the approaches to the base from the mercenaries. After fighting the base itself, Shepard will stumble upon Corporal Toombs, who put a cannon to the scientist's head. It's not an easy task - a soldier almost died when a scientist from the Cerberus decided to feed his entire platoon to an underground worm. If in the past Shepard was the only survivor of the platoon, then he will be especially angry with the scientist. Again, Admiral Kahoku lost his men because of these Cerberus...

The choice is yours - kill the scientist, the soldier, or convince Toombs to drop the cannon so no one gets hurt.

Depot Sigma-23

Shepard will enter this mission by completing tasks Listening Post Alpha and Listening Post Theta. Dangerous goods trails lead to the Gorgon system of the Argos Pho sector. The team must be equipped "for insects" - take biotics and, if possible, systems of protection against poisons. On an abandoned ship of unknown origin, a whole nest of rakni will be found. The team is dead, and all Shepard finds are diaries.

The ship must be blown up. After activating the self-destruct system, in the best traditions of Alien, the path to salvation will be blocked by swarms of insects that you will have to fight.

Derelict Freighter

"Which one of you little rascals stole the secrets?"

An abandoned cargo ship is drifting in the Caspian sector of the Maroon Sea. When preparing a boarding team, give it anti-droid equipment and ammunition, but do not forget shotguns that stop ammunition and biotics, as you will also have to fight with geths and their creations - electric zombies.

From the computer terminals, you will learn that the team picked up an alien artifact that successfully hypnotized everyone and sent them to the geths, right into the manipulators.

Distress Call

Shepard will pick up information about the distress signal from the crashed medical ship as soon as he first arrives on the Citadel, without leaving the very first room in the embassy.

The tracks lead to the planet Metgos in the Hydra system of the Argos Rho cluster. Indeed, there is a lighthouse near the broken ship, but the team is restless - something in everything that happens is not to the liking of Shepard's partners. And indeed, as soon as the "Mako" drives up to the lighthouse, an anti-tank mine pops up along the course, and a crowd of geths jumps out from around the corner in an open field.

The simplest solution to the problem is to drive away, and then return and shoot off the legs of all the droids of the Armatura system from afar.

Espionage Probe

This mission favors snipers in particular. Command discovered the remains of an ancient spy probe in the Voyager cluster. And everything would be fine, but the probe is equipped with a nuclear charge that protects human secrets from enemies who decide to lay a paw on the equipment. Since, in the current political situation, it would be wrong to let the Citadel know that people are launching atomic bombs into space, Shepard must defuse the bomb and take the probe with him.

The target is the Agebinium planet of the Amazon Voyager cluster system. The trace of the lighthouse leads to the mine, which is very suspicious - it was not the probe itself that flew there. It is completely empty inside, and the probe itself lies in the corner, as if it should be so. Of course, this is a trap - the entrance to the mines will collapse, and the bandit Elanos Khaliat, the only one of his kind with a turian name and voice, will jump out of the holoprojector. He is very angry at Shepard for foiling the attack on Terminus and now wants to detonate the atomic bomb. The hero will only have a few seconds to disable three detonators by playing three mini-games.

You will have to exit the mine in a different way. Shoot from afar Khaliat and his bandits and return the stolen "Mako".

ExoGeni Facility

The task is taken on Feros, in one of the terminals, or in the Vostok system itself (Maroon Sea cluster). Plant zombies rebelled on the planet Nodacrux - scientists were forced to hide in the back rooms of the laboratory. Who will save them if not Shepard?

Zombies run both outside the laboratory and inside. The barricaded scientists will be grateful to you, but in moderation - if Shepard tries to bring them to justice, they will prefer death at his hands.

Geth Incursions

This is the longest quest - in order to complete it, you need to clear an entire star cluster of geths. You can pick it up either on Feros, from one of the terminals, or in the Armstrong Nebula.

    Antibaar (Tereshkova). It is not necessary to leave Mako here. Clear the outpost of the Geths from robots and shoot everyone who will fly to the noise.

    Casbin (Hong). Here it makes sense to try to get rid of the robots, being at the maximum distance. A ship will fly in and land a few more robots, which will also need to be shot.

    Maji (Vamshi). The principle is the same - we stand high, shoot far. Missiles will fly from the geth base, which must be avoided if possible. At the end, there will be a battle with the Colossus.

    Rayingri (Gagarin). Here you will be met by electric zombies and the first laboratory, which will have to be stormed "on foot". At the exit, you will again be warmly greeted by a robot landing ship, so try to keep the Mako closer to the entrance.

    Solcrum (Grissom). This is the last quest planet. The robot base is east of the drop zone and is guarded by the hulking Colossi. Here, too, you will have to go inside, taking the best equipment - the battle will be very serious, as the robots will not only jam the radars, but also butt heads. Don't forget to hack the terminal on the first floor - there is important information for Tali.

Hades" Dogs

Condition: task completed Cerberus.

The final base of the Cerberus, a group of scientists and mercenaries who had the misfortune of angering Shepard, is on the planet Nepheron in the Columbia system. Inside, you should not expect any special surprises - mercenaries, corridors, boxes. Don't forget to hack the terminal in the back room. The information that Shepard will remove from there will be of interest to the Dark Broker. He will get in touch and offer to sell information. If Shepard refuses to sell data, Broker will get angry, but until the very end of the game he will not have a chance to harm the hero or, conversely, to help in any way if Shepard turns out to be accommodating.


The biotic terrorists want someone to pay for their constant migraines.

Bioterrorists have taken hostage Chairman Burns of the transhumanist research agency and are threatening to kill him for voting against reparations for victims of substandard implants. We learn about this from the admiral or from the news on the radio.

Shepard is sent to "negotiate" in the Farinata system (Hades Gamma cluster), on the ship "Ontario". It makes sense to take Kaidan with you - he himself is a biotic who suffered from old implants.

Docking to the ship would be stealthy, but once the alarm went off, Shepard would only have three minutes left while the biotics mustered the courage to shoot Burns. There is no time for strategies anymore - we just run and shoot, trying to hide behind the backs of our partners as much as possible.

In the back room, the terrorists have Burns at gunpoint. You can persuade them to lay down their arms, but only if the hero has a good tongue. If not, shooting will not be avoided.

Hostile Takeover

Condition: Shepard - spectrum.

This curious task will be given to Shepard by a woman, Helena Blake. Information about her can be found in the reports of the Citadel police. Once Shepard is given the title of superspy, Helena will fish him out of the Presidium shopping district, reveal that she represents a criminal organization, and offer a "order" for two rival gang bosses. At this place, you can safely give a gift, stuffing points of "good" - the hero will receive the quest in any case.

In appearance - a respectable lady, in her soul - a cold-blooded "godmother".

One of Helena's rivals resides in the Dis system on the planet Klensal (Hades Gamma). It is very easy to clear the entrance to the mines by shooting from behind the crest of the mountain. The bandits in the mines are heavily armed, but you have plenty of time to plan and implement tactical plans. You will find the boss at the end of the hall.

The next stop is the Gemini Sigma cluster, Han system, planet Mavigon. This is another snow planet, but it’s better not to leave the Mako for a long time - it’s very easy to freeze here. The base is located on the top of the mountain - before you run into it from the cold, you need to destroy everything around.

Inside you will find the standard alignment: turn left and a large hall full of boxes and bandits. The best tactic here is baiting.

When both bandits are dead, look for Helena Blake on the planet Amaranthine of the Fortuna system of the Horse Head Nebula - she will meet you at her base just outside the entrance.

Here, Shepard, as usual, has several options for behavior.

    Take your reward and leave. We will not meet Helena again and will not be able to visit her again.

    Try to arrest. Helena, of course, will not be delighted with the idea, so you have to fight the bandits.

    Try to convince her to quit the criminal business. This requires well-developed conversational skills.

Listening Post Alpha

Condition: completed Noveria.

Soldiers from the outpost "Alpha" request help - they are attacked by unknown creatures. Shepard will land on the Nepmos planet of the Erebus system of the Styx Theta cluster. Grab your Rakni gear before heading out. There will be found still alive, but rather frightened foot soldiers who need to be protected from the attack of beetles.

After talking to Lieutenant Durand, connect the Mako to the rocket launchers or return to the armored car to face the enemies the old fashioned way.

Now you need to get into the infected mine and destroy the hive. This will have to be done carefully - the rakni love to hide among the boxes and jump when Shepard is not looking.

Listening Post Theta

On the planet Altahe of the Acheron system of the Styx Theta cluster, there are few survivors - mostly rakni. They will have to be destroyed both on the surface of the planet and inside the base. Search the rooms and download information from the terminal that will lead you to the task Depot Sigma-23.

Lost Freighter

The task is easy. Search the Ming system of the Gemini Sigma cluster for a seemingly derelict ship. Traps are built inside, the team hears mysterious steps, but no one attacks - for the time being, for the time being.

Shoot containers from a distance. Search three cabins - from the diaries you will learn what happened on the ship. At the exit you will be met by the hero of the occasion - she is a strong biotic, but there are three of you.

What to do with the only crew member left "barely alive"? It's up to you.

Lost Module

These will steal anything!

As soon as Shepard gets into the Hercules (Attican Beta) system, the admiral will ask him for a favor: the Alliance has lost a probe with important information - now the geths are looking for it, and it would be better to get ahead of them.

The probe is easy to find - it fell on the picturesque green planet Eletania. But there is no data module at the crash site - it was dragged away by local goggle-eyed monkeys. You can search them all in turn or go straight to the abandoned mine in the north, where a monkey with a module roams in the farthest room.

On the way back, the heroes will lie in wait for the gethi - you already know what to do with them.

Note: it is on this planet, in the mountains in the southwest, that the Prothean artifact is located, to which the keychain presented to us by Shaira fits. Before you find out what connected the primitive people and the Protheans (in the spirit of Arthur Clarke's Odyssey), you need to pick a simple lock.

Major Kyle

The cultists do not yet know that Shepard intended to arrest "Kyle's father."

And here begins Coppola and Apocalypse Now. You can find out about Major Kyle from a hacked computer in the embassies or simply by being in the Century system (Hawking Eta cluster) - there the admiral will bring you up to date in the old fashioned way.

A retired Marine, Major Kyle (in some cases an acquaintance of Shepard) has gone insane and organized a sinister cult on the distant planet Presrop. And everything would be fine, but the Alliance officers sent to reconnaissance disappeared and probably died.

There are two ways to complete the task - with the help of guns or kind words. The first problem is getting to Kyle's father. If Shepard served with him, he'll be fine. If not, you will have to use eloquence or automata, breaking doors on the way.

"Father Kyle" admits that the officers have been killed, but he clearly doesn't understand what this could lead to. An impatient Shepard will simply shoot him, a patient Shepard will explain to Kyle how he framed his entire flock. Imbued with the importance of the moment, Kyle will ask for an hour to get ready. He can be trusted. In any case, simply taking him away in front of the entire cult is an impossible task.

Later you will hear about the major on the radio.

Missing Marines

Admiral Kahoku will ask you to find the missing foot soldiers - the same suspicious type that is on duty near the terminal in the Citadel tower. The mission will lead Shepard to the planet Edolus (Sparta, Artemis Tau). The foot soldiers are dead, and it's not hard to figure out what killed them - an inquisitive underground worm that's still hungry. He has stealth and spitting, you have the mobility and firepower of the Mako.

When Kahoku learns about the fate of the missing soldiers, Shepard will receive a new quest - Cerberus.

Missing Survey Team

A team of researchers has gone missing in the Antaeus (Hades Gamma) system on the planet Trebin. Shepard finds out about this by being in those parts or riding an elevator.

Equip the zombie exterminator team before landing. Search the huts and go down into the mine, where you will find crowds of zombies in ambush and, what is the strangest thing, "thorns" for transformation. Have archaeologists really unearthed them? What happened to them? Maybe the gethi attacked the base, because the spikes are their signature!

We will never know the answer to this mystery.


If Shepard returned to the Citadel after the story planet, then a man named Garoth will approach him in the Citadel tower and ask him to find his brother's ship. The brother disappeared in a dangerous area - Traverse, where pirates are rampant. Shepard is to visit the Strenuus system in the Horse Head Nebula. There, near the planet Xawin, a ship will be found.

The tracks lead to the planet, and we have to go down, storm the pirate base and find the body of our brother.

Rogue VI

On the moon, Shepard should first of all look for Soviet probes. And here is one of them - "USSR Luna-23".

I will safely call this task the most difficult and most important in the entire game. Even as a side one, it can only be considered a stretch, because only after completing it, Shepard will open the class specialization - an additional skill.

It's heavy because your enemies here are flying drones that render most biotic skills useless, move fast and spit missiles, which is especially dangerous in a cramped room.

Shepard will receive the task when he crosses the twentieth level. The situation is complicated - the military computer on the moon went crazy and stopped obeying orders. To turn it off, you need to break through the defensive lines into three lunar bunkers and destroy the computer elements there.

On the lunar surface, the Makos will be bombarded by stationary cannons, but the real problems will begin in the bunkers. Firstly, there will be a lot of drones, which are very difficult to deal with. Lure tactics don't work very well with them, and teammates tend to die quickly, so take care of them.

In addition, the computer activates three levels of protection. In the first bunker, poisonous gas awaits the heroes, in the second, the doors will slam shut with protective fields, and in the third, the number of droids will double. It's not easy to earn a specialization - but this quest is special, there's no need to hurry.

The Negotiation

Condition: Shepard is 80% angry (246 points).

Having learned that Commander Shepard has been sitting on the Dark Side for a long time, the admiral will send him to negotiate with the provincial leader Darius, who suddenly began to attack Alliance ships.

The meeting will take place in the Plutus (Hades Gamma) system on the planet Nonuel. Before talking, search the containers. Darius is obviously unhappy that a soldier was sent to the negotiations, and not a diplomat. He will state that it was the Alliance that provided his gang with weapons to protect this region of space from the batarians. However, now Darius is trying on the crown of the provincial king and believes that all the local asteroids belong to him.

As usual, you have two options: convince Darius to settle the matter peacefully, or provoke a shootout with a couple of strong words. In the second case, you will have to endure a difficult battle, as the team will be in the same room with the enemies. A strong biotic is required to fight krogan mercenaries and a techie to sabotage.

It's not hard to guess what exactly the Alliance expects from Shepard.

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