Prey who are you december quest. Prey side missions walkthrough (2017)

At the very beginning, we choose the main character, a man or a woman. After waking up, put on the uniform hanging on the door. You can look around, read magazines and notes, see messages on your computer. In the future, all viewed messages can be viewed in the menu. When you're ready, leave the room, take the elevator up to the roof, and board the helicopter.

Having arrived at the place, go inside the building and, if you wish, talk to the robot. After that, take the elevator downstairs. Walk up to your brother Alex. After a short conversation with him, go to the test chamber.

Approach the glass wall where several scientists are standing. After a short briefing, press the red button, and then move the boxes that appear outside the circle. Go to the next room. You can hide behind a chair, or you can do nothing - fail the test anyway. Next room - press the button, jump over the obstacle and press another button. Next is the last room. Sit down at the table and begin the psychological test. Answer the questions as you like, and then watch a short cut-scene.

Run away

Waking up again, we look around the room again, read everything that comes across, and also look at the messages on the computer. We select all the items, rummage through the boxes, and then put on the uniform and leave the room. We select an adjustable wrench from the corpse on the left, and then the mysterious "January" will contact us.

We go back into the room and break the window with a monkey wrench. Examine all computers and notes that you come across.

Go right, going around your room. In the room with the experiment chair on the closet there will be a suitcase with a Stunner shocker, which is extremely effective against robots, as well as a Kinesthetic Assistant chip. We pass through the door with a burning orange light, then into the room with the helicopter. From there - into the corridor where we met with Alex. Through the now open reception. In the second side room there will be two chairs - one of them is a mimic, the same as the one who attacked the scientist at the end of the test. These small dirty tricksters disguise themselves as different objects that are nearby. You see two cups next to each other - one is most likely a mimic. The trash can rolled - again most likely a mimic. And so with every subject.

We go up the stairs and go straight through the disinfection chamber. We watch how the mimic deals with the scientist, after which the alien will multiply. When they scatter, the doors will open. In the next room on the nearest computer to the left, read the message "Urgent!"

Before us is a closed door to which you need a pass. Here you can do different things. First, you can use the ventilation shaft hatch on the right in the far corner. Secondly, on the right is Bellamy's office, in which there will be a keycard to the simulation lab on the table. Beware of the mimics hiding among the objects around.

Having passed into the next corridor, we will see a more formidable enemy - a phantom, although as long as you can not be afraid of him, he will not leave the limits of that room. We go along the corridor and we select the GIPS-gun. We also collect ammunition from the corpse. With it, you can make improvised stairs along the wall, repair holes in pipes, etc. It will also help in battle - with its help, you can immobilize opponents for a short time and make them more susceptible to damage. There will be several mimics in the foyer. Try a new cannon on them. After that, "January" will offer to take the neuromod from the showcase, an additional task "Everything is about to change." We take it, pump it over, examine everything around, and then we pass into the hall. We go down the stairs, after which "January" contacts us again and offers to go to your office.

Cabinet with a great view

Facing the elevator, the Transtar Exhibition will be on the right. There you can take a neuromod from a pedestal, but a phantom walks there. In the early stages, it is easiest to deal with it in 2 stages: first, neutralize it with the help of a GIPS cannon, and then strike with an adjustable wrench if you have not yet found a pistol or shotgun.

We rise to the third floor along the stairs nearby. We approach our office and enter the code 0451 on the panel to unlock the doors. Inside, pick up whatever you see. On the table near the operator's distributor there will be a pass to Morgan's apartment and a pistol. There will also be a fabricator and a recycler in the room. The recycler is used to process any items into materials, from which then at the fabricator, if you have the necessary drawing, you can make weapons, first-aid kits, cartridges and much more, which is extremely necessary for the passage.

After examining everything around, go to the computer. Grab the conference center pass from the desk and read the note affixed to the monitor. Enter the password, read the messages and turn on the video "Look me, Morgan" in the "Options" menu. We turn around and watch the video. In the video you can see the code - 5150. This combination is suitable for the safe from the department of neuromods.

Through the dim glass

You will not be allowed to watch the video until the end. After your brother Alex contacted you first, and then January, we go back. There will be two side rooms in front of the stairs. In the far room on the table there will be a pass to the emergency room (you can also take a pass to the emergency room on the ground floor at the counter behind the elevators). We pass to the center of teleconferences, located at the other end of the staircase. Keep the GIPS cannon ready, as several mimics will attack you at once. Immobilize them, and then finish off with an adjustable wrench. Elias Black's corpse will be just outside the door. Take the Pistol and Shotgun Ammo from his body, as well as the drawing of the 9mm Pistol Ammo. The pistol itself is nearby.

You can go down to the emergency room. It is located one floor below. There will be two phantoms inside - normal and fiery. Try to shoot the cylinders to inflict maximum damage. It is worth moving quickly and not standing still, because a new type of typhon creates a pillar of fire right under the hero. In the lobby of the emergency room, you can download a sector map from a computer, as well as view mail. The latter will continue the quest "The Disappearing Corpse". Also inspect the entire medical compartment. There is a distributor of operators, where you can call a medical operator who can always cure you, essentially an endless first-aid kit, but tied to a specific area. In one of the rooms there will be a living person, Trevor J. Young, under the control of the mind. So far, you will not be able to neutralize him without killing him, so if you want to get the “Do no harm” achievement, wait until you have a special grenade - a zero-wave silencer.

There will be a security office on the ground floor near the stairs. You can get inside through the pipe, on which you should jump at the beginning of the corridor, and then jump from it into the ventilation shaft. Inside you can find a shotgun and cartridges for it. There is also a note with the code for the interrogation room - 1129. In the safe there is a drawing of cartridges for a 12-gauge shotgun, code 0526, it can be found here, in Sarah Elazar's office, in the book of Orit. Also take the note from the table - this is how the Stolen Neuromods quest will begin.

If you go through the teleconference center and then across the bridge to the other side of the hall, you can get to the sales department, where the Hunter dart launcher will lie on the floor. Also here you can find a box with four neuromods - after finding it, complete the quest "Stolen Neuromods".

On the second floor, from the staircase, you can get through a narrow ledge to the staff recreation room. Behind the bar will be the body of Octavia Figgs. After listening to her transcriptor, you will find out the code for the door to the pre-flight preparation room - 3884.

When you finish inspecting the hall, go up to the third floor along the same stairs that you used to climb to your office, go through the teleconference center and turn left, and then go to a new location - the hardware laboratory. To do this, you will have to use an adjustable wrench to clear your way of hardened foam.

There will be a new enemy inside - the infected operator. For him, you can use the shocker "Stunner". He knocks out a robotic enemy for a while, and also deals significant damage to him. After stunning, you can finish it off with a monkey wrench, but it should be borne in mind that when it is destroyed, it explodes, causing damage. Having passed a little further, in the corridor on the left you can take a neuromod. There will also be another infected operator and mimicry, and at the end of the corridor there will be a hall where through the glass you can watch a scene about the unequal struggle between a scientist and a phantom. Take the staff entrance pass from Sean Larsen's body. Then you can jump down, especially if you want to go stealthily, and climb into the ventilation. You can go back and go to the security point, where you can take cartridges, weapons, as well as a drawing of cartridges for a pistol.

You can get to the next room with lifts to the second floor either through the front door near the security point, or through the ventilation, about which it was written earlier. There will be a phantom inside. On the first floor in the side corridor, you can find the corpse of Eme Schmidt, from which you can pick up a pass to the ballistics laboratory and a disposal grenade. It can be used to destroy Typhons, as well as clear your way by recycling large crates into materials. The ballistics laboratory itself will be nearby. Many materials can be found inside. Safe code 8028 - can be read in a note lying on the floor behind the bars.

In the southern part of the room, near the workshop of Dr. Calvino, you can get into the demo scene, the very room where you could observe the murder of a scientist by a phantom a little earlier. The phantom itself will be one level lower. There you can also find a recycler and a "Huntress" dart launcher. In the central room, there is a chip on the floor with protection from etheric damage.

We approach the workshop of Dr. Calvino. After January contacts you again, we return to the security point and put a marker on Lorenzo Calvino in the equipment laboratory. We rise to the second floor by elevator in the adjacent room. If you go into the corridor to the left, then a phantom and several mimics will attack you there. There will be a terminal near the porthole. The password is in a note on the floor next to it. The second letter will contain the code from the pantry of the machine shop - 9501. Then you can get into Thorstein's office. The code for the safe is 9954.

On the second floor, in one of the side corridors, there is a mark about Lorenzo's body. If you go there, then you will find out that you can get to it only outside the station, and for this you have to make "Artax". We pass into the adjacent room - the mechanical workshop. You can do this through the main entrance, but you will have to repair the electrical installation so that you do not get crippled by the current, or use the GIPS cannon to stop the sparking of the shield for a few seconds. You can also go around the side of the ventilation. We kill several infected operators and mimics. To get to the blueprint and fabricator, climb up the side bales. After you have done everything, open the airlock and go out into outer space. Fly to the marker, search the body of Lorenzo Calvino, take the pass and transcriptor and return back. Go to Dr. Calvino's Workshop. In the far corner of the room, turn on the power supply. On the terminal in the center, we check the network utilities, and then we look at the entry. Note that there are videos from different angles on different screens. This will give you access to the doctor's secret safe. The thermos is lying on the floor near the large screen on the right in the cubbyhole, if you stand facing the terminal. Place it on the scale and a panel will open next to it.

Return back to your cabin. The hall will again be populated by mimics and phantoms, so be careful. Watching the video.

Talk to "January"

One of the shortest and easiest missions in the game - just talk to the operator.

Sharing skip

After the conversation, "January" will give you a pass and a neuromod - take them off the table.

Data store

Get down to the main elevator and try to start it. When nothing comes of it, "January" will contact you and give you the next main task, "Bypass".

Who are you, "December"?

Go to the door to the psychotronics laboratory. On the way, you will be contacted by another operator who introduces himself as "December". Follow to the department of neuromods, there in the foyer you will see a small scene, and then search the remains of the operator. You can continue the main plot or look around and climb up to the second floor. Volunteers' quarters and production can be searched there. In any case, you will have to return to the last room in the future in order to remove the copy protection (the additional task that you will receive, if you do not do it now, will be called "Copy Protection"), so that you can create unlimited neuromods on the fabricator. number of times. We need Holden Graves' office. You will have to sweat a little, because it will be protected by a rather strong enemy - Technopat. The Stunner is most effective against him, but only at close range, or utilization grenades. Below there will be a corpse with a pass to the desired office. Use a computer. When you're done with everything, return to the main task.


Walk forward on the only path. There will be a security point on the right. You can get inside either with a dart gun (break the glass and then shoot the button), or you can just pick the combination lock. Inside the terminal, you can download a location map.

Go to the showers. There will be a hole in the floor. We jump into it and at the end of the tunnel we take the psychoscope from the scientist's body. It will allow you to scan Typhons and get their abilities. Scan an immobilized facial expression nearby, and then head back to the showers. Go further and take the elevator. Scan the open capsule to calibrate the psychoscope.

You will receive an additional quest "Dr. Kelstrup's Neuromods". It is recommended for the passage, tk. get a drawing of the neuromod. Just go to the side room and search everything there. The safe will contain the cherished drawing. On the terminal, you can watch a video about typhons, and take the key cards from the doctor's body. If you create a lot of mods, the blocking will turn on and the task "Copy protection" will appear, if you have not removed it earlier. If this has not been done, then you will have to return to the department of neuromods. The passage of this quest is higher in the mission "Who are you, December?"

When you're ready to proceed, walk up to the large circular door. If the psychoscope is calibrated, then you will be allowed on.

There will be a staircase on the right, along which you can climb to the second floor. At the far end there will be a gateway, which is better to open, and on the opposite side you can find a transcriptor near the girl's body on a chair and get an additional task "Truth-lover". When you're done here, head back down the stairs and scan the Weaver behind the large glass. Here is a fork.

You can go to the left. In this case, the holes in the pipes will have to be plastered to stop the fiery streams, and there will also be several mimics. Proceeding further, you will find yourself near a glass chamber with a subject and receive a new task: "A prisoner in the psychotronic laboratory." Here you will have the first choice affecting the ending: you can free the prisoner by opening the cell door, or kill him by launching mimics at him. All this is done on the terminal near the camera. If you release the prisoner, he will tell you the code from the door to the adjacent room. There, among other things, there will be blueprints for 12-gauge cartridges for a shotgun and a pistol with a silencer.

There will also be a corpse of a woman with a psychoscope in a large room with a camera. Nearby there will be a transcriptor, after listening to which you will be given the task "Sealant for a million dollars." To complete it, you need to go into outer space, since the gateway is not far away, and the gap in the hull should be repaired with the help of a GIPS cannon. After that, go back to the place where you found the transcriptor Christine Lloyd and kill the phantom in the room next to her corpse. A lot of exotic matter can be found here. Having finished on this side, we return and pass by a large glass, behind which we can see the Weaver. We fall into the observation room. On the right, you can take the elevator down to the morgue. This is where you can continue the "Disappearing Corpse" quest. It is impossible to get into the necessary room without a pass, but you can break the window and shoot the button that can unlock the door from the Huntress dart.

Take the pass from the corpse of Sylvain Bellamy. Further passage of this additional task can be continued later, when access to the residential section appears. When ready, go to the terminal by the large glass chamber and follow the steps in the Controlling the Viewing Compartment section one at a time. Kill the appeared phantom, and then proceed to the new location "Saggita". You can immediately go through the gateway, or before that you can go down the stairs and look around. There will be a long tunnel in front of us. Fly forward avoiding cystoids and their nests. The way forward will be blocked by locked locks and other obstacles several times. To go further, either pick the lock, or fix the electrical board where necessary, or find ventilation. If the fan will work, fix it with the GIPS gun. Fly until you reach the gateway, which requires a pass. There will be a branch nearby. You will recognize him immediately, tk. it will be with the field of gravity change. Follow there. Look around everything and listen to the transcriptor. Beware of energy emissions. Every time he approaches, you will be warned - hide behind the cabinets. In the far corner, read the letters on the terminal and receive the task "Project Blackbox". Mark here on the terminal where Josh Dalton is located and download the location map. Climb to the second floor and climb into the zero-gravity field. Take the service tunnel pass from the scientist's body and head back to the locked airlock. When you get to the fork, focus on the markers: the Arboretum in one side, the body of Josh Dalton on the quest "Project Blackbox" - in the other. First, let's complete an additional task. Fly towards the marker and you will see a large metal round pipe running along the wall. The body is behind her. To get into this pocket, fly along the bottom of this pipe and there will be enough room near its bend to fly under the pipe. Take from the body a pass to the Blackbox laboratory, and also find a K-beam gun nearby - a rather powerful weapon. The main task can now be continued.

Fly towards the marker in the Arboretum. On the way, you will have to face the Weaver. The K-ray gun will be extremely effective against him. We make our way through the gateway, and then go to a new location. A corpse with a transcriptor will lie ahead. Listen to it to receive the "Displeased Employee" quest. Climb the stairs and then climb into the ventilation. One more task will be given here - "Problems with the elevator."

To complete it, go to a new location and deal with Technopat there. Use Stunner and EM Charges to inflict damage and incapacitate it temporarily. As soon as you clear the area, you will be able to travel by elevator. With it, you can quickly move between the hallway, life support and the arboretum. Search the corpse of Devris here and take the key card. Listen to the transcript, lying nearby, and get the task "Do no harm!". To complete it, you will have to go down to the hall and go to the emergency room. In Devris's office, read the letters on the terminal and download the encryption key. Listen to the audio recording "Morgan: Tantrum" through your inventory. The code from the safe in the office can be viewed in the back room of the emergency room, behind the glass, - 7324. Then we go to the office to Dr. Kohl nearby and run the test on the computer. Use the suggested answer options: A, C, B, A, C. A safe will open next to it. Listen to the transcriptor lying there, than complete the task.

Return to the arboretum when you're done. Here are some more side quests:

Save Rani. It is taken in a greenhouse - the building is located on a hill above the entrance to the residential section. However, do not rush to go there. To get started, take a narrow path that starts near the entrance to the residential section and leads to the gazebo. Read the note from the ground and get the code. Go to the greenhouse. Be careful here. There will be a dangerous enemy - the Telepath. He subjugates people and directs them to you. Once nearby, their heads explode, dealing significant damage. A null-wave suppressor or "Stunner" will help to neutralize them. Open the greenhouse on the control panel using the received code. Do not approach people, make a couple of shots from a shotgun at the Telepath, after which he will leave the greenhouse, and you can calmly deal with him without exposing people. Remember that Rani must survive in order for you to receive this assignment. The second option is not to open the door and climb onto the roof, from where you can start shooting at the Telepath. When he dies, talk to Rani. She will issue a code from the AR01 warehouse. Go to the warehouse and complete the task.

The Golden Gun. Use the Gypsum Cannon to create a staircase on the rocks where Alex's office is located. Climb up it and climb into the space under your brother's house. There will be the corpse of Marietta Kirkas. Deal with the electrical panel, and then take the pass and transcriptor from her body, which is worth listening to. Next, the quest will continue in the residential section.

Gardening Tips. Next to the body of Marietta Kirkas, which we just visited, there is a small eminence of stones. Climb onto them, and then jump into a kind of crater. Julien Howard's body will be there. Listen to its transcriptor and create the required device at the fabricator. After that, go to the irrigation system next to the greenhouse. Place the device in the groove and press the button. Now you need to wait 10 real minutes for Dr. Howard's Superfruit to grow. Take it to complete the quest. You can grow an infinite number of times, the main disadvantage is the long wait. At the same time, the fruit is excellent for healing wounds.

Let's go back to the main task - "Bypass". Walk towards the marker and take the elevator down. Listen to the transcriptor of Zechariah West - his corpse will be right in front of the entrance to the data warehouse. Get a new main task - "Collecting votes", and the "Workaround" will be completed. Do not forget to take your pass and a note, which will turn out to be a treasure map for the "Treasure Hunt" quest. Now our path lies in the residential section, but it is worth looking into Alex's office.

Who are you, "December"? (Part 2 - Arboretum)

Go up to Alex's office in the arboretum. The elevators are not working, so use the GIPS cannon to build a ladder along the edge of the hill. Go inside and move the box blocking the entrance to the hatch located near the table. You will need the Climb II ability. Climb inside and unlock the safe. Code - 2512. Take the key card from the apartment of Alex Y. Continuation of the quest - in the residential section.

Collecting voices

Go to the living section. Here you will immediately be greeted by Nightmare and many people controlled by a telepath. Until the Nightmare reacted, we immediately throw a zero-wave silencer at the nearest people, if we want to save their lives. If you kill at least one of them, then you will not get the "Do no harm" achievement (if people explode near you, it will not be considered a murder). For a while, they can be immobilized with a GIPS cannon, but if you pass nearby, they will still explode. There are two options with the Nightmare: you can run away and sit out for a little over 2 minutes in a secluded place, or kill him. For the second option, a K-ray gun is ideal, and for the first, a room with a utilizer on the second floor (the door on the left, as soon as you climb the stairs to the left of the entrance to the residential section). There will be one phantom. From his corpse, you can take a pass - Drugs with limited access. Also in this room a piece of paper with a code from the elevators to the directors' apartment - 3302 will be attached to the table.

"Coca's Request" - This side quest will automatically receive as soon as you find yourself in the living section. The cafeteria is located on the first floor in the far corridor to the right, if you stand with your back to the entrance to the location. The path will be blocked by many infected people. Use a null-wave suppressor or a stun shocker (the latter is effective only at close range). Use a K-beam against the telepath. As soon as he dies, all people controlled by him will lose consciousness. After that, go to the kitchen and talk to the cook Will Mitchell. Take the pass and head to his cabin. Inside, listen to the transcriptor by completing the “Collecting Voices” part of the task, and also grab the medal from the bedside table. Return back to Mitchell and give him his reward. Go to his kitchen. The chef will complain that the water pressure regulator is broken. You can act in two ways: you can fix the one that is lying nearby, or you can return to the arboretum and pick up a working device from the greenhouse. When it is repaired, the cook will put you in the freezer. When you wake up, go to the back room. There will be the body of Abigail Foy. Listen to her transcript. This will advance you on the main task, giving the necessary voice sample, and also get a new task - "Danielle Shaw". Move the block of ice if you have the appropriate skill, or shoot the pipe on the left to melt the ice. After that, open the hatch and climb into the ventilation. The quest "Coca's Request" will be completed. Do not rush to leave the kitchen - Mitchell left a mine on the door. Use a dart gun at the button that opens the door to disarm the trap.

"Pravdolub" - part of this side quest takes place in the residential section. Follow the marker and search the girl's corpse. Listen to her transcript. After that, go to the security point on the ground floor of the living section and listen to the recording and read the report. Continuation of the quest - in the cargo hold.

"Disappearing Corpse" - go to Bellamy's room and search it, and the quest will end.

"Golden pistol" - go to the desired cabin and open the safe (code 3479).

Let's continue with the main task. Visit Danielle Shaw's cabin and listen to the transcript lying there. Also on the computer you can take an additional task - "Treasure Hunt". Another transcript will be in the cinema on the second floor under the chairs. Another part of the vote can be obtained in the bar, also located on the second floor. In the far corner, climb into the ventilation and turn on the power supply. There will be a small room with a terminal near the stage. Listen to the recordings. The next sample will be in the recreation center on the table on the second floor. You can also take a pass to Abigail Foy's cabin on it. Listen to the recording on your computer and get 100% of the voice samples.

After collecting all the voice samples, or even if you have not collected, and you are too lazy to continue, you can proceed to the side quest "Danielle Shaw". Go to the Fitness Center (door code 5078). Be careful - there are many people subordinate to the telepathic person. The telepath himself is in the distant large room - the pool. Kill him, and then go to the window in the far corner and knock on it. Danielle Shaw will appear, she will give a sample of the voice, and also offer to deal with the cook. You need to look for it in the arboretum.

In this location, you can take another side quest. Listen to Lawrence Baxter's transcript in the crew quarters on one of the upper beds. This will give you the quest "A Gift for a Beloved." To complete it, you will need to return to the arboretum.

Who are you, "December"? (part 3 - Residential section)

Enter the password for the elevator (you can find the second floor in the room with the utilizer - 3302). The required pass will be under the globe on the nightstand. Just hit it with an adjustable wrench. Then you can leave the station with the help of the escape capsule, returning to the arboretum, but the game will not appreciate this and will offer to continue playing.

Restore from backup

We return to the arboretum. Here, along the way, you can complete two side tasks:

"Danielle Shaw" - we go to the bridge of "Talos 1". In the far capsule on the left will be our pretender. As soon as you enter the capsule, immediately run away, because another device will work. After that, the task will end.

"A present for a sweetheart." If you stand with your back to the waterfall, you will see a thick tree on the left. Move the stone next to it. Take the pass from pantry A2. Kill inside the phantom and pick up valuable items.

Now you can return to the main task - "Restore from backup". We go to the data warehouse. Unlock it with Shaw's voice password. Walk forward and kill the technopath.

There will be a staircase on the side to the second floor. There, at the terminal, you can continue the quest "Displeased employee" by entering his number - 1129. After that, mark his location on the security terminal. It is located outside the station, so you will have to fly in open space.

In the same place upstairs, take the security pass to get to the room on the first floor. There, on the terminal, unlock the door to the archive. Follow the room with zero gravity. Fly down to the hard drive. On the way, you will come across many cystoid nests, and the Weaver will also be waiting below. Take your spare hard drive and connect it to the server above. On the terminal, click "Connect Disk" and go back. Go back up to the second floor to the room with the utilizer and fabricator. Download the file "Activation_Key_Yu_M" on your computer. After that you will be given the next task "Keys to Paradise". It leads to one of the endings. Since getting one key is easy, you just need to create it on any fabricator, and the second can only be obtained in life support, and this can only be done much later in the story, we will return to the "Restore from a backup" quest.

On the nearby computer of Danielle Shaw, get access to data module B, and then go to the opposite part of the location on the second floor. You will need to move the closet. If you do not have the required skill, use the recycling grenade. Having dealt with the weaver and the phantom, follow the desired corridor. Open the hatch and press the button, after which you will find yourself in a capsule in open space.

After waking up, press the button and fly to the cargo hold. On approaching him, Doctor Igwe will contact you and the quest of the same name will begin. Remember - you only have 7 minutes to save him. If you do not have time or simply open his container, he will die, and this will be reflected in the ending. Fly to his capsule and remember its number. After that, fly to the cargo hold and at the terminal enter the number of the desired container - 2312. The container with Igwe will start moving and dock with the station. After that, through the same container, get inside the station.

Receiving and sending

Go through the central doors (over the bridge) to the room with the survivors. Go up to the second floor and talk to Dr. Igwe after completing his quest and then Sarah Elazar. She will issue the task "Defense of the cargo hold". It also affects the ending. To find the drawing of the turret, you should go outside again and find the necessary safe through the hole. Code - 7527. To apply power to the fabricator, you need to walk along a long corridor engulfed in blue fire. This can be done along the top, moving over the shelves and pipes. Press the button on the switchboard and then exit through the door. You need to install at least three turrets in front of the door to compartment B (the area is marked with dark gray metal), how you get them is not important. You can create them at the fabricator, or you can bring in ready-made ones. One will be right on the bridge, another in the container at number 05. To get to it, take the freight elevator at the terminal opposite. The third turret is from the survivors in the warehouse on the first floor. To open the door or hack the terminal, or get the note from Gus Magill's body. Having installed three turrets (more is better), Sarah Elazar will offer to open the door and provide a code. After you open it, a large number of different typhons will climb from there. After you deal with them, the task "Send and receive" will be completed.

Follow to the room with containers. You can search them, or you can go further into the loading bay of SAGITTA. There will be a container ahead. Pick the lock and take the Annalize Gallegos USB stick from the corpse. Thereby you will complete the "Truth-lover" quest. Next, go to a new location - Life Support.

Ekaterina Ilyushina will contact you. To get started, go up the floor above the stairs on the right. Search the corpses. Erica Teague will have the password for the safe in the security booth - 9193. There will also be a passage barricaded with plaster of paris. Break the obstacle and read the note from the corpse of Elton Weber. It will talk about the cache. We go down back and go past the faulty electrical panel (you need to either temporarily neutralize it with the help of the GIPS gun or or repair it). We use the elevator to go down to the floor below. There is a passage to the escape pods. Where it bends, jump down under the bridge. There will be a cache. One of the capsules will contain the Corpse of Emily Carter. Listen to her transcript for another side quest, "Sobering Up". To complete it, you need to go to the water treatment plant in the same location (you need the skill "Rise III"). It is necessary to restore the power supply (the remote control to the right of the entrance) and go down the elevator at the far end of the room. There, use the terminal to open the hatch and complete the mission.

It will also be useful in the future, before sending it to the power plant, look into the atmosphere control point on the level above. Deal with the enemies and go around the entire structure from behind. At the terminal, stop the fans, jump down and remove the beam that is interfering with the correct operation of one of the fans, then quickly leave the danger area until the fans start again. This can be done later, at the same time it will greatly save time in the future.

When done, go to the power plant. There will be a locked door ahead. Hack the security terminal in the room in the middle of the corridor or use the GIPS cannon to build a ladder to the ventilation shaft in the far corner of the corridor above the operator station. Walk forward and take the elevator down. You will find yourself in a chamber with a coolant. Deal with enemies. The airlock is locked. The required key card will be immediately on the left. Use the GIPS cannon to extinguish the fire and take the pass. Go ahead and talk to Ekaterina Ilyushina. Help her or not - will be reflected in the ending. You can go straight for the medicine into outer space through the cargo hold, or first restart the reactor and exit through the airlock here. You have 2 real hours for everything.

Get down to the reactor first by the elevator, then by the stairs. The easiest way to get inside the control room is through the roof (requires Ascent II). You can also pick the lock (level 4). On the terminal, press "Emergency Switches". Next, read what is written on the tablet next to it. There will be given the correct order of changing the position of the opened levers: first three on the left, alternately, starting from the farthest from the terminal, and then three on the right in the same way. Then start the restart procedure on the computer. When a breakdown occurs, leave the room and enter the reactor through the glass doors. Walk around and see a broken divertor. Now there are two options: a longer one - to pick up a serviceable spare part from the elevator, which can be learned from the transcriptor lying around here (you can get to the elevator by the stairs), or to fix the existing part (repair level 3). Install a working diverter, return to the control room and proceed with the restart. Return to Ekaterina Ilyushina.

Now you can complete her quest "Help Ekaterina Ilyushina". Unlock the airlock and go into outer space. Follow the marker, find the desired hole in the casing of the station and take the medicine from the cabinet. Return to Catherine and inject it into her.

Keys to paradise

Return to the hall. You will need to go through the chamber with the coolant again, but this time the room is shrouded in gray fog. One shot and the game is over. Proceed either by stealth or using the GIPS cannon. The hall can be immediately accessed through life support - an elevator at the upper level of the location. You will also receive a new side task "Ekaterina Ilyushina". To complete it, simply return to your office, where Dr. Igwe and Ekaterina will be waiting for you. You will have a talk with them, and you will receive a new task - "Catherine's father".

To complete it, you will have to escape to the data warehouse through the arboretum. Passing there, you will additionally receive a quest from Dr. Igwe - "Gustav Leitner". Once in the vault, follow the marker. The desired door is locked. There are two ways: to break the 4th level lock or build a ladder from the GIPS cannon to climb onto the blue wires, and from there another one to get through the hatch. When you get to the computer, you will have a choice - to erase the recording or move it to the computer in your office, in order to return to Ekaterina and listen to the recording. If the record does not appear on your computer, then talk to Ekaterina several times, and then check again. In both cases, the task will be completed, however, what decision you make will be reflected in the ending.

"Gustav Leitner" - go through the arboretum to the living section and go to Igwe's room. There, near the picture, play the proposed record through the inventory and take it with a connect. Give it to Igwe in your office to complete the task.

It is better to complete both of these tasks before visiting Alex's office, because after that, life will become seriously complicated. Before that, it is better to stock up on cartridges, especially charges for a shocker, as well as EM grenades. When you are ready and complete all the side quests that you wanted, then head to Alex's office in the arboretum. Now you will already have a code for the elevator - 1696.

Before I give you the key

Enter the password on Alex's computer and watch the video. Take the chip off the table and install it. Go out into outer space and scan two Coral nodes, then return to Alex's office in the arboretum. You will not be able to finish what you started. Two combat operators will appear.


For a start, it is better to complete the additional task "Pursuing distance". Run to the data warehouse and deactivate your beacon bracelet in the room on the second floor. You need to enter the code on the terminal - 0913. Luther Glass will contact you there and give you an additional task “Help Luther Glass. To complete it, you will have to return to the emergency room. This is actually a trap, and Luther is long dead. We will have to survive when attacked by a huge number of combat operators. After that, the task will be completed.

In the lobby, you can also talk to Dr. Igwe about his mission "Disable Dahl." This task is required if you want to leave the station. Follow to the shuttle bay - the door on the first floor of the hall. On the left there will be a corridor through which you can get to the pre-flight preparation room, code - 5593. The only thing, the road is blocked by a large cabinet - either move it, or use a recycling grenade. Here from the table, take the pass from the shuttle control point - located to the right, if you stand with your back to the entrance to the location. Inside, pay attention to the non-working gravilifts. From this room, go down the stairs to the lower level. A little closer to the center there will be a door that can be unlocked with an existing pass. Activate the gravity lifts and climb back up the same stairs, and then use the elevator to go up even higher.

The control center is a room hanging separately from the ceiling. The bridge to it is broken, so climb onto the railing, speed up and jump over. Extend the bridge using the terminal, and then climb back down and enter the shuttle. Before that, you can also complete one more side task - "Escape attempt". To do this, go down the stairs in the same corridor that we freed from the large cabinet. You will find yourself at the escape pods. You will be asked to blow up the hatch. Go out into open space (the airlock is on the lower level of the shuttle bay), get to the desired hatch and knock on the red latches. Return to the capsules, open the hatch on the panel and launch capsule 2. The reward will be on the lower floor in the toilet on the panels under the ceiling.

Take the shuttle when you're ready. There will be a terminal near the cockpit - on it we move the file with the task parameters. Now we need to find Dahl's technique. To do this, we go out into open space. As soon as you find yourself outside, Dahl will complicate your life a little more.

Dahl's Ultimatum. You are given 15 minutes of real time to complete it, while the outcome of the task affects the ending. We fly to the power plant sluice, from there - to the life support compartment. We go to the control room atmosphere. If you did not fix the fan earlier, then we go around the room around the perimeter and on the opposite side from the entrance at the terminal we stop the fans, quickly jump down and take out the stuck beam. After that, we leave the cavity with the fans as soon as possible. Now we go into the room here on the second floor. If you stand with your back to the entrance, then it will be on the left (Dal is in a similar room on the right). We start the disinfection procedure on the remote control. So Dahl will lose consciousness. If you want to save the survivors, then in no case kill Dahl. We go to his room. The door is locked with a 4th level padlock. It can be hacked, but you can also break the glass near the stairs and go through it. In front there will be a wall with panels, one of which is burning red. It is necessary to repair the air mixture regulator lying around and put it in place. Now nothing threatens people's lives and the timer will turn off. Now let's deal with Dahl's technician - Kaspar. We are heading in a convenient way for you to the psychotronics laboratory. On the way, Doctor Igwe will contact you and offer to look into the department of neuromods on the assignment "Disable Dahl." To get to Kaspar, go to the director's office, and then to the passage in the back of the room (you need to allow access to the conference room on the terminal in this room). The required operator will be hiding behind the mirror.

"Disable Dahl." Completing this task will open access to one of the endings - without this you will also not be able to save the survivors. We go to the department of neuromods. Just follow the marker and you will be at the surgical terminal. Using a computer, fix Dahl, scan the brain, and then perform a neurotomy.

Keys to Paradise (part 2 - Arboretum)

Go to Alex's Office in the Arboretum. The brother of the protagonist / heroine will be hiding in the back room - you can easily find the door by the marker. Open it and talk to Alex Yu. To save your brother - just drag his body back to the back room he left and lock the door. Then there will be the actual endings.

Mind without boundaries

In this option, create a prototype zero-wave silencer at the fabricator, go to the psychotronics laboratory and install it in the heart of the coral. Then you need to go through the arboretum to the bridge of "Talos-1". There will be a choice, but if you want to just activate the device, and not blow up the station, then kill "January". Start a null-wave device on the terminal. Watch the video - the game is completed.


In this case, go to the power plant and go down to the reactor. In front of the glass doors in the floor, open the hatch and press the button. Go downstairs into the appeared passage. Insert two Activator Keys. Then you need to go through the arboretum to the bridge of "Talos-1". Activate self-destruct. Here are a few options:

  1. Die along with the station. Sit in the chair opposite, next to the window.
  2. Run away. There are several ways to escape. First, on the shuttle, but Dahl must be alive. Survivors, if any, will go with you. You can also leave the station on the escape pod. In this case, follow the quest marker "Who are you, December?"


This is the true ending - you will see it after the credits. Here you will be reminded of everything you did during the game. To get the best possible ending you need:

  • Do not install neuromods in the Typhon skill line. A little is possible, but without them it is better.
  • Rescue Subject Ingram in the Psychotronic Lab
  • Rescue Dr. Igwe and then find his Connectomes
  • In the cargo hold, help Sarah Elazar and deploy the turrets, as well as prevent Dahl from strangling her and her people.
  • Spare Dahl and keep him alive
  • Bring the medicine to Ekaterina Ilyushina and let her listen to the discrediting recording about her father
  • Find Danielle Shaw (knock on the glass in the fitness center) and then find volunteer 37 (Coca Mitchell) trying to escape.

After finding out the truth, Alex will offer to shake his hand. You can either agree or kill everyone.

This article will go over all the steps you need to take to complete all side missions in Prey (2017). Some of the simpler tasks were described in separate articles on crew search.


Where to get it: the department of neuromods.

To start this quest, go to the offices after you see the Mimic Killing Gavrilovich (search the corpse of Jovan Gavrilovich) in the Neuromods Department. There is a terminal at the first table on the left - read the letter titled "Urgent!" You will learn about a body, so the additional task will begin. We will immediately describe its passage, but note that in order to complete the mission, you will have to visit other locations.

Go to the location "Hall Talos-1" and go to the emergency room (key card below, on the counter in front of the corridor leading to the shuttle compartment). Take the beacon bracelet from the table marked with a marker, and also read the letter "Injured on the way". The task will be updated.

The next target is the psychotronic laboratory. When you are at the glass chamber with a corpse, which the Weaver will turn into a phantom, then go down on the gravilift and in the far part you will see a morgue. Wait for the operator to fly inside, or break the glass and shoot the dart at the button near the door. Search the corpse of Dr. Sylvain Bellamy to obtain the Bellamy Cabin Keycard. When you are in the living section, just look into the doctor's cabin to complete the quest. Inside you will find 3 Neuromods.


You activate this quest according to the plot. At a certain point in the game, December will contact you and say that you left him a message - you need to leave Talos-1. This is one of the alternate endings, after which there is a normal boot from the last checkpoint.

Go to the department of neuromods and chat with "December". In the briefing room opposite Morgan Yu's apartment (at the beginning of the game), there is a suitcase on the closet on the left. Search it to make sure the Keycard is not there (if you haven't already). Go back to the meeting place with "December" and you will see that "January" destroyed it (if you searched the suitcase earlier, this will happen immediately upon returning to the neuromod department). Search the remains of the operator "December" and from the note you will learn the code for the safe in the office of Alex Yu.

When you find yourself at the Arboretum location, follow the same path as described when taking the Golden Gun quest. From here, find a point by which you can climb higher, to the office of Alex Y. Of course, you can hack the gravilift, but you need level 4 of the skill.

At the top, move the box (skill "Climb-II") and open the protective hatch to find the safe behind the wall. After entering the code, take the Alex Yu transcriptor and the key card from the Alex Yu apartment.

Once in the living quarters, activating the elevator and going upstairs to the directors' apartments, go to Alex's apartment and find the key card required for the quest under the globe on the bedside table.

Now go back to the arboretum and go up to Alex Yu's office. There is a terminal - if you hack it, the bridge will come out. The terminal requires "Hack-IV". Later, Alexa will still give you the code. Go to the capsule (you can reach it, if you are sophisticated, you can fly without the bridge) and start the evacuation. Watch one of the endings. Next to the capsule is Alex Yu's beacon bracelet.


Location: A note from the interrogation room in the security office in the Talos 1 lobby.

There is a desk with a note in the interrogation room of the security office. Read it to take the quest. To complete it, it is enough to go up to the teleconference center (you will get there along the storyline) and go along the bridge to the sales department. There are 4 neuromods lying under the desk of Yumi's office at once. The quest is complete.


When you find yourself outside "Talos-1", having got out there from the equipment laboratory, then fly to the corpse of Dr. Calvino. Repair the sparkling panel to the left of the door and then return to the hardware lab. Rise on the gravity lift and go inside the wave laboratory. Quest completed!

There will be a terminal with information on the Blackbox project. This will start the additional quest "Project Blackbox".


Where to get it: study the data in the terminal of the wave physics laboratory at the location "Hardware laboratory".

To complete the task and at the same time get through the last door of the wave physics laboratory, you need to find the corpse of Josh Dalton. You will do this at the SAGITTA location (read the article on the SAGITTA location).


Where to get it: at the location "Laboratory of Psychotronics" find the corpse of Annalize Gallegos with a transcriptor. Listen to the recording to start the mission.

This task is activated after you listen to one of the recordings on the transcriptor of Annalize Gallegos in her office in the psychotronic laboratory. When you find yourself in the residential section, then follow the marker and pick up the transcriptor "Request for surveillance: Annalisa Gallegos" from the corpse of Maria Fowles.

Go to the terminal on the ground floor near the gravity lift (concierge desk) and move the observation files. Further, when you find yourself in the cargo hold and go through the plot to the room with containers, do not look for the one you need here. The container in which Quinten Purvis wanted to escape is located in the next spacious room directly opposite the door.

Quinten Purvis' corpse container.

After searching it, you will complete the quest.


Where to get it: the next additional task is taken in the process of listening to the Jia Kyung-Ho transcriptor, whose corpse you will find immediately after moving from SAGITTA to the arboretum.

You will continue it in the data warehouse. When you are near the Danielle Shaw terminal at the top, then go to another terminal on the left and drive in the number of Grant Lockwood's bracelet-beacon - 1129 (or something like that, indicated in the task description). Activate his beacon, then at any terminal in the security office select Grant Lockwood to track. Exit the Talos-1 and fly along the marker until you find the corpse of Grant Lockwood.

Corpse of Grant Lockwood.


Where to get it: after listening to the recording from the Devris transcriptor (on his corpse by the main elevator, if you enter from the side of the arboretum).

To complete it, take the elevator down to the Talos-1 hall, go to the emergency room and use the key card to open the door of Devris' office. Download the decryption key from the terminal, open your inventory, go to the "Data" section and select the "Morgan: Hysteria" audio diary. Press Enter to listen to it again.

You will hear some code combination - A, C, B, A, C. Go to the next office of Matthias Kohl and start the test from his terminal. Go to the terminal at the table on the left and answer the test questions in exactly the same order as described above - ACBAC. A safe will appear, from which you can get 3 neuromods and a transcriptor by Matthias Kohl "Audio recording of the session: Morgan Yu".

Hidden safe in Matthias Kohl's office.


Location: After listening to the Lilly Morris transcript in the arboretum corridor leading to the main elevator.

Lilly Morris's corpse.

You need to find 6 points where the smugglers have hidden resources. They are all inside safes hidden behind red fire alarms. To open them, you need to knock on them three times. But there are more than six alarms on Talos-1. Therefore, you need to recognize the ones behind which the smuggling is really hidden. And it's easy to do - a red light is on above them. Here is the location of all loads:

1. On the wall directly above the corpse of Lilly Morris in the arboretum, where the quest is taken.

First hiding place.

2. In the hall "Talos-1" on the ground floor there is an exhibition hall - on the wall near one of the doorways.

Second cache.

3. In the hall "Talos-1" go on the first floor to the restrooms, but in front of them turn into the corridor on the left. On the wall to the right, high.

4. In the hardware laboratory, go to the atrium with the gravilift and go upstairs. There is a circular bridge and a large statue on a stone pedestal stands at one of the walls. An alarm with a light bulb hangs on the wall.

5. In the living compartment, go to the fitness center and turn right along the corridor to find a cache on the wall.

Fifth cache.

6. In the cargo hold, go upstairs on the gravilift and enter the room with Dr. Igwe (if you saved him) and Alisa Musaeva, who is sitting on the floor. Look on the wall to the left.

The last hiding place.

Quest completed!


Where to get it: when you find yourself at the "Living Section" location, you will hear the chef's monologue. The quest will begin soon.

Cock Will Mitchell.

You need to kill the telepath in the cafeteria and neutralize or kill the infected people. After that, go to the indicated window and talk to the cook. He will give you a keycard to Will Mitchell's cabin. Go to the cabin and open it. Find the reward for the best chef on the curbstone and give it to the quest giver.

Enter the kitchen through the side door. The chef will ask you to repair the water supply. If you have not yet picked up the necessary part, then return to the "Arboretum" location and find it in the greenhouse on one of the tables.

Greenhouse water pressure regulator.

Reinstall. The chef will open the freezer. Enter and you will be locked in it. Find a way out by moving the ice floes or melting them with fire (shoot at the pipe from the side). In the refrigerator, you will find two corpses behind the far right door and one corpse near the ice blocking the protective hatch. You will also find a beacon. Get out of here to complete the quest.


Where to get it: Read the letter in the terminal of Danielle Shaw (in her cabin on the territory of the living section). There are four parts of the map to find:

1. The first will be found on the corpse of Zechariah West at the "Arboretum" location at the transition point to the data warehouse.

Treasure map of Zechariah Vesta.

2. The second treasure map of Emma Beatty can be found on her body in the hallway of the fitness center, in the place where fire is coming down from the pipes.

3. Elias Black's treasure map is in the recreation center, on the table on the second floor.

Elias Black's treasure map.

4. Danielle Shaw's map can be found in the "Data warehouse" location. Go up to the second floor and download the map from the terminal in the command center.

Now you need to go to the places that are shown on each card and find the four numbers.

- Map of Hordinbafla (Zachariah Vesta) shows a water treatment plant in the life support sector. Go to the far left corner and find the number "3" on the wall. Part of the quest will be counted automatically when you are next to the number.

Number "3".

Location on the map.

“Rosalyn's map points to the cargo bay. In the cargo hold, go to the door leading to the life support department. Standing facing her, turn to the right and find the number "5" on the wall beyond the container.

Number "5".

- Map Mechetyk leads to a room with a utilizer in the living section. Go to the front door to this location and go up the stairs on the right if you are looking at it. Turn into the room on the left and look at the number "6" directly opposite the door.

Number "6".

- The last card will lead you to SAGITTA. Go to this location through the arboretum. It will be easier! Fly down the mine where the fuel storage is. Go inside and jump over the destroyed bridge. In front will be the entrance to the shuttle bay. On the right in the corner, on the wall opposite the gravity lifts, there is the number "1". Look at it for the quest to count.

Number "1".

When all the numbers are found and the tasks are marked as completed, then go back to the residential section. Go to Abigail Foy's cabin and enter the code "1365" in the terminal. You will receive an Adventurer's Arsenal Blueprint as a reward. If you craft this in a fabricator, you will receive a suit chip with several benefits. See screenshot for details. Quest completed!

Functions of the Adventurer's Arsenal chip.


Where to get it: Listen to the audio recording on the transcriptor by Lawrence Baxter in the living section (read the article on this location).

Lounger where the transcriptor for the quest is located.

Go to the Arboretum location and go to the fountain. A little further away is the corpse of a woman - it was for her that Baxter was preparing a gift. The corpse lies under the tree with the initials. Find a stone next to the tree that you can move. Under the rock you will find the key card for storage room A2. Enter the pantry to complete the quest. After killing the phantom, you can search the last corpse at the location of Lawrence Baxter.

During your short journey through the Talos 1 space station, you will surely stumble upon several secondary missions. Although you can ignore them and focus on the passage of the main story, however, we do not advise you to do this. The fact is that a good reward is given for completing them. In addition, during the implementation of additional missions, you will be able to learn a lot of new information concerning the game world. For this reason, we decided to publish the walkthrough of all side quests in Prey 2017, indicating the reward given out for them and where they start.

Everything is about to change (Everything you know if about to Change)

  • Location: Neuromods Department, Foyer

Talk to January to find out about a whole bunch of Neuromods. After that, deal with the mimicry in this area and go to the display case with the skull. Now you need to break it and take all the items inside. Neuromods will allow you to unlock additional skills, as a result of which you will improve your combat abilities. We advise you to check out our dedicated guide for the exact location of all neuromods in the game.

Stolen Neuromods

  • Location: Talos-1 Hall, Security Zone

In order to get to this location, you will need a special key card located in the information security department. However, you can not bother yourself with its prey and just crawl through the ventilation hole located directly above the door. Once inside, find the note that contains the code from the storage cell. To do this is quite simple - get rid of the facial expressions, and then read the note lying nearby. Then go to Kimura's office, which is located in the sales area in the lobby of the space station. Please note that you will need a few things to get into the trade area.

Once in the desired location, catch Kimura's phantom form by surprise and follow the mimics that are nearby. After that, check out Kimura's office to get four Neuromods under her desk at once. Also interact with the computer, where there is a lot of interesting plot information. In addition, while here, do not forget to look into Randolph's back office, where you can find the weapon Huntress Boltkaster.

Disappearing corpse

  • Location: Department of Neuromods

You need to go through Jovan Gavrilovich's workstation and examine all emails on him. After that, a new quest will appear in the quest journal.

Once in the main hall, find the key card that opens access to the emergency room (you can find two such cards - their receipt is described in the passage of the main plot tasks). Head to the desired location and view the letters on your computer. So you learn that Dr. Bellamy's corpse has been moved to the psychotronics laboratory.

Once in the desired location, look for an exit from the room with a glass "booth", which leads to the elevators. Walk down and explore the area. Deal with all mimics. You will find a morgue, but the door to it will be blocked. Destroy the glass, and then use the crossbow to interact with the button located on the left side of the door. There you can open it.

Go inside and take the morgue key card. Examine the corpses - one of them will belong to Bellamy. Pick up the key from the body that opens access to the doctor's cabin. Now you will need to go to the living compartment.

Having reached the desired zone, find the cabin you need to complete the side quest. In this room you will find three neuromods and a chip. We advise you to read all the letters on the terminal to unlock a new psi-skill.

Golden Gun

Thanks to the completion of this secondary task, you can get a real golden pistol that not only looks stylish, but also does much more damage than a regular cannon. Plus, it is more accurate than its standard "brother". Below we will provide detailed instructions for completing this quest:

  1. First of all, you should go to the Arboretum location, the entrance to which can be found in the main hall.
  2. Once in the area, notice the Deep Vault's gravity shift and look for a room with a mirror image.
  3. Break the glass and stand next to the screen. Carefully, one of the boxes will fall to the floor and immediately turn into facial expressions.
  4. Next, use the GIPS cannon and climb into the mine.
  5. Once in the upper level, you will stumble upon the corpse of Marietta Kirkos. Search him to find a key card and audio recording.
  6. Listen to the tape to begin the Golden Gun side mission.
  7. Start following the quest marker and thus get to Jada Marks' safe located in the Crew Cabins.
  8. In the audio recording, the code for the safe is named, so it will not be difficult for you to open it. If anything, the combination looks like this: 9712.
  9. Open the container and take the gold-colored Artemis cannon. The safe also contains a weapon upgrade kit.

Unfortunately, we did not find other types of golden weapons. Although it is possible that they are still present in the game.

Do no harm

  • Location: Arboretum

Not far from the main elevator, located in the Arboretum, you can find the body of Hendrik Devris, during a search of which the protagonist will receive a key card in his hands, which opens access to the office located in the emergency room. It is also worth picking up the transcriptor from the corpse. To decipher it, head to the doctor's office on the second level of the station's main hall. There we download one file from the terminal.

Listen to the audio recording, and then go to the office of Matthias Kohl, located nearby. A behavioral test should be taken in it. You should choose the following answer options: A, C, B, A, C. When you do this, the picture hanging in front of the workstation will move upward, thereby revealing a small safe. The code for it can be found in the trampoline office in the quarantine department - it is written on the wall. If you are too lazy to go there, then here it is: 7324. Inside the storage you can find 3 neuromods and a recording of Morgan Yu's session with a psychiatrist.

If desired, access to this data can be obtained without wasting time on Devris. To do this, you just need to enter the above answers into the terminal of Matthias Kohl. You will unlock the safe and be able to get to its contents.

Disgruntled employee

This quest is related to the search for Grant Lockwood, a former station employee who missed the shuttle to Earth. There are a few basic steps you need to complete to complete this quest. Most of them are quite simple, but the game does not speak about the most important thing - where exactly to look for this loser worker?

How do I find Grant Lockwood?

To find the Grant, you first need to go to the Data Warehouse. Get to the control center on the second floor. After killing the fire phantom and mimicry, use Danielle Shaw's computer. So you can activate the tracking bracelet of the character you need. Enter the number 1129.

Now the tricky part begins. To find Lockwood, you need to track him through the security room. Fortunately, one of them is located on the first floor of the data warehouse. Open the crew tab and find their name under the Cargo Bay section. As soon as you click on it, you will receive a marker pointing to Grant's body.

Already in the security room, you will see that Lockwood is dead and is outside the station. Exit into outer space and follow the marker. Finding the body is almost impossible without a pointer, so you don't even need to try to do it. You will find that it is near the shuttle in an area outside the magnetosphere - the radiation is extremely high here, so try not to linger in this area.

As soon as you find it, the quest will be automatically completed and you will receive several useful items: spare parts, a chip for a suit, a pistol and a neuromod. In general, feel like a space marauder.


  • Location: Talos-1 planking

Head to the office where Dr. Calvino's body is floating in zero gravity. Find the broken console here. Repair it using the Repair skill level 1 and 7 spare parts. As a result, you will open access to the wave physics laboratory and complete this mission.

Inside the new room, you can find a K-Beam and many other valuable items, including an email that will allow you to start a new side quest.

Project "Blackbox"

  • Location: Hardware Lab (Wave Physics Lab)

Once you have unlocked the Wave Physics Lab (see previous mission), examine the email at Lane Carpenter's Terminal that says Blackbox supplies. Nearby you will find a closed door, behind which you can see a terrible, but not yet a threat to you phantom. The main goal is to find the designer Josh Dalton, who disappeared in SAGITT. You also need to find out what the Blackbox project is.

The first step is to make it easier to find the character by marking its location using the terminal of the security office.

Next, head to SAGITTA and go to the tunnel where the entrance to the Arboretum is located. Opposite the entrance, on the wall you can see the inscription SUBSECTION 19, and next to it a large gray chimney. It is behind her that Dalton lies. Destroy the cystoids in front and find the opening to get to the dead body of the constructor.

Find in his pockets a key card that opens access to the Blackbox laboratory, and a couple of other valuable things. Then return to the wave physics room and open the locked door. Next, deal with Lane Carpenter's phantom and download the file from the terminal. This completes the mission.

Get Neuromod

  • Location: Talos I main hall, Morgan Yu's office

Listen to the message written by the main character to himself. Then take the neuromod from the table, which was left by January. This is where the quest ends. It's a pity not all tasks are so simple.

Neuromods of Dr. Klestrup

  • Location: psychotronics laboratory, atrium

Head to the psychotronics laboratory and approach the passage leading to SAGITT. Look left to see the entrance to Dr. Kelstrup's office. Go inside and find the safe. The code for it will be communicated by Morgan's brother. Before searching, the first thing to do is to neutralize the faulty console on the wall. This can be done either with the help of the GIPS gun, or by turning off the electricity in the room. In the latter case, you will not be able to use the nearby fabricator.

Then go to the safe and open it. In it you will find a couple of neuromods and a blueprint for making them.

Ambiguous signals

  • Location: appears during the mission "A Nightmare is Hunting You"

If you start to actively use alien neuromods or take on the task "Copy Protection", then Typhon-nightmare can be sent for you, which is a special alien form created to kill Morgan.

As soon as the monster appears at the station, a countdown will start, which will start counting down 3 minutes. Next, you will need to either hide from the monster, or try to deal with it. By choosing the first option (you just need not to die during the given time), you will get access to the Ambiguous Signals quest. To complete it, you will need to find a special satellite capable of sending special psychotronic signals to the monster, thanks to which you can lure or drive away the monster.

However, before using the appliance, it will need to be repaired first. Head to the machine shop located in the hardware lab and repair the console at the opposite end of the room - you need 8 spare parts and the Repair skill level 3. Remove the communication device from another satellite that you will gain access to, and then go to the casing of the station.

Following the indicator, find the satellite orbiting "Talos-1" and fix the found device on it. From now on, in the "Data" section ("Audio Diaries" menu) you will have 2 transcriptors with which you will be able to scare away and lure nightmares to yourself. Unfortunately, you can only use it 4 times. Already on the first use, you will unlock the "Did you call?" ...

Prisoner in the psychotronic laboratory

  • Location: laboratory of psychotronics, processing of raw materials

This quest is issued and completed while traveling to SAGITTA. Get to the raw materials processing department, which is located in the psychotronic laboratory. Here you will find a new character named Aaron Ingram. He will be locked in a glass room. You will learn that he is a former prisoner - he was sent to prison on charges of kidnapping and human trafficking. You can either let him go or have a Mimic attack him.

If you choose the first option, you will be able to take a small amount of rare resources from the dead body of Aaron, and if the second, then you will be able to get the password to the armory located nearby (8714). However, you can get into the arsenal without using a code - you just need to correctly use your javelin.

Save Rani

  • Location: arboretum, greenhouse

The minds of 3 station workers at once were captured by the telepath. He keeps them in a greenhouse, which is located in the arboretum. If you want to get there, then you will have to either open the access panel (you need the Hacking skill level 3), or find the code for it. Have you chosen the second option? Then head to the other side of the location and find Iris Stein's dead body. Under her legs is a note with the password you need.

Go back to the greenhouse and open the door. Next, you have a tough fight. If the captives you need to rescue get too close to you, their heads will explode. For this reason, you need to stay away from them as far as possible and use the Mind Hacking skill to save them from the monster's control. The Stunner can also help in this matter - one shot will be enough to knock out people. If you do not have these elements, then we advise you to postpone the passage of this mission.

As for the alien, then with the help of the GIPS-gun it can be walled up for a short time. Then use the Zero Wave Silencer to disarm the enemy and finally fire a few K-beam shots. Having dealt with all the aliens in the room, go to Rani Chaudari and talk to her. She will tell you the warehouse password (AR01), located on the way to the data warehouse. Go there to complete the quest. Inside you will find a pair of pistols, two weapon turrets, a shotgun, batteries for the K-ray gun, and a weapon upgrade kit.

  • Location: arboretum

To gain access to this mission, you need to look at the note hanging on the sprayer near the greenhouse (arboretum). Next, you will need to find Dr. Julien Howard, or rather his dead body. It lies on a dais that adjoins Alex Yu's office. You can climb there in two ways:

  • After going through the previously mentioned office of the main character's brother. We talked about this in detail in the passage of the quest "Who are you, December?" For more information, see the article on completing story missions. You just need to jump to the corpse.
  • Passing through the "mirror station" located in the park. To do this, you need to break the glass panel next to the bench and use the GIPS gun to climb the ledge.

After reaching the dais, deal with a couple of mimics and take Julien's transcriptor. Next, head to the fabricator and make a growth formula. It can be created from 3 units of organic materials and 1 unit of all other resources. Then return to the irrigation system, go to the device and place the previously made formula in a special test tube. At the end, you need to click on the button.

After 10 minutes (you can wander around for now) a unique fruit will grow, which must be picked to complete this side quest. This item is able to quickly restore the character's health points.

Before heading to the Psychotronic Lab, take a moment to explore the rest of the Talos I Hall. Start by heading to Security, located near the door to the Shuttle Compartment. The door to the Security Service is locked, but you can unlock it with a well-aimed shot from the Huntress Dart. First, locate the manual override button next to the door inside the guard post. Now aim through one of the holes in the small window and make an accurate shot. As soon as you press the button, the door at the back of the security post will open.

Security Service: Alternative Entrance

Instead of firing flexipen darts through the security post's window, you can find the pass in the IT department on the second floor. Go to the IT security department through the service area on the third floor (the main and rear doors are locked, but you can also use the code: 0913). From the service area, break the glass panes in the floor and go down to the IT department from above. But this option has a disadvantage in view of the two phantoms lurking inside. You need to sneak unnoticed into Steve Folson's office and pick up a pass to the Security Service.

Access the Security Service and download the lobby map. Three letters from Nils Kjergaard indicate that several people are trapped in the Shuttle Compartment and are asking for help from Security. At the guard post, you can find the Weapon Upgrade Kit as well as the Elias Black character sheet in Fatal Fortress, a popular RPG played by the station staff.

Sarah Elazar's office is located next to the security post. Take the shotgun on Sarah's desk. The Shotgun is a powerful melee weapon ideal for dealing heavy damage to Phantoms and other advanced Typhon creatures. But unlike a silenced pistol, the shotgun is very loud.

Use it sparingly only when you are discovered. The message on Sarah's terminal (from Alex) says a lost EP101 pass - sounds very important. Take the note attached to the lamp next to Sarah's terminal. The note contains the code to the next room: 1129. Open the safe near Sarah's desk by entering the code: 0526. The safe contains a blueprint for 12-gauge rounds, as well as an EM charge, a recycling grenade and a zero-wave silencer.

Open the door to the interrogation room using the code (1129) from the note on Sarah's desk. But be prepared to resist the facial expressions waiting inside. In addition to the mimics, the room contains the body of Demetri Bowser. Bowser was present during the incident in the simulation lab. A note on the table reveals information about neuromods without numbers in Yuri Kimura's office, which activates an additional task: Stolen Neuromods.

Lounge for staff

Staff restroom access is restricted due to a damaged door. But there is another way. Return to your office on the third floor and turn to the large window overlooking the foyer. Smash the window with your monkey wrench and descend to the second floor balcony below, using your Artax propulsion system to slow your descent. From this balcony you can access the staff lounge as well as the IT department. Just watch out for the facial expressions that are hiding nearby.

This room has a well-equipped kitchen and a utilizer. Several mimics also hide among the interior items. Eliminate the Mimics, then check the supplies in the kitchen. Here you will also find the body of Octavia Figgs. Take her transcript to get an audio diary (This is not a drill). Listening to the tape reveals the code to the pre-flight preparation room in the shuttle bay.

Emergency room

The door to the emergency room is locked, but the badge can be found at the front desk on the ground floor, or at Bianca Goodwin's office on the third floor. But think twice before entering. The emergency room is patrolled by a phantom and a thermophant. Make sure your weapon is fully charged, especially the Shotgun, GIPS Cannon, and K-Beam Gun. Access the terminal in the waiting room. In it, you can download a lobby map, as well as track crew members.

Before exploring the rest of the emergency room, eliminate the Phantom and Thermo Phantom, a deadly species of Phantom that uses area fire (AoE) attacks. Keep moving so you don't get burned. Stay away from him and use the K-beam in combat. If your K-ray gun is low on ammo, rely on your shotgun.

Gas pipes and flammable liquids

A fire broke out in an emergency room caused by a ruptured gas main. Stay away from open flames to avoid damage. Luckily, you can put out the fire using your GIPS cannon. Start by sealing the holes in the gas line. Then put out the pool of flammable liquid with a blue flame. Watch out for gas pipes and future flammable liquid spills. Sometimes it is useful to make fires to place a wall of fire between yourself and the pursuer typhon.

Enter the consultant's office - Matthias Kohl. Find and search the corpse of April McGwire (located near the doorway). Then enter Kolya's terminal. The Files tab contains the Audio Diaries of three patients: Dr. Calvino, Sarah Elazar, and Danielle Shaw. Transfer all three files to your transcriptor.

Find Luther Glass's body at the back of the emergency room. Take the neuromod from him. Nearby, you can access the Operator Dispenser to summon a medical bot. Talk to him to get medical help and fully restore your health. Use medical operators for healing whenever possible - keep a first aid kit and other healing items as a last resort. While you are in this area, search the various cabinets for useful supplies. The drawing of the first aid kit is located near the terminal of Regina Sellers, next to the microscope.

Psychotronics: Foyer

The public pass opens the door to the Psychotronic Foyer, on the first floor. In addition to Elias Black's terminal, there is also a safe in this room. Although the safe code cannot be entered, it can be hacked if you have the Hacker II skill. The safe contains a Weapon Upgrade Kit and four Neuromods. This content alone makes Hacker a useful skill to add to your repertoire.

Who are you, "December"?

Problem Description: I was contacted by another operator named December. Like January, he has my voice. However, December's directive is to help me escape Talos I. He claims that before I lost my memory, I hid the key to Alex's personal rescue compartment in one of the rooms in the neuromod department.

The operator "December" contacts you at the entrance to the foyer of Psychotronics. Unlike January, this operator has instructions to help you escape the space station using Alex's escape pod. If you are going to complete this Side Quest, you must return to the Neuromod Division where the game began. This should be thought about now, before moving deeper into the Psychotronic laboratory.

Back in the Neuromods Department, go to the Simulation Research Room. Climb the tall console on the left side of the room to find Alex's pass. However, instead of finding the key to Alex's escape pod, you'll find a note from him. It looks like he understood what you were up to and took the pass. But there is also a portfolio with a number of supplies, including food and the stun shocker. December contacts you and asks to meet in the lobby of the neuromods department.

By the time you get to the foyer, January has already caught and wiped out December. He encourages you to continue your journey through Sagitta, insisting that operators like December cannot be trusted. Search the remains of December to receive a Neuromod and a Note. The note contains the code for Alex's safe, which is located in his office, in the Arboretum. Perhaps the key to the escape pod is in this safe? You will be able to continue the task as soon as you gain access to Alex's office.

Back in the Psychotronics foyer, move along the corridor where December originally contacted you and carefully go down the large staircase. An ethereal phantom (like the one you encountered at the Teleconference Center) patrols this staircase. Given the tight restrictions on the stairwell, it is nearly impossible to slip past this threat. So take aim with the K-beam and open fire. If you run out of ammunition, then switch to the GIPS cannon and immobilize the enemy. Then take out the shotgun to finish the job.

Search the area around the base of the stairwell to find more items. Then go to the door at the end of the corridor leading to Psychotronics. Joel Weeks's body lies on the floor in front of the door. Search him. Then use the console on the door to enter the Psychotronic Lab.

Psychotronic Laboratory

Since the elevator access to the Arboretum is currently unavailable, January has planned an alternate route leading through the Psychotronic Lab. From here you can access the station's Gravity Utility Tunnel System (G.U.T.S.) tunnel system and go to the Arboretum at the top of the station. But Psychotronics is by no means safe - it was from here that the typhons escaped and spread throughout the station. Electric arcs intermittently block your path, crackling from a damaged electrical connection on the left side of the hallway. Shoot the faulty panel with the GIPS cannon. This will give you some time to cross the dangerous area. If you have spare parts and repair skill II, you can fix the electrical panel.

Security point

There is a large, circular room just outside the door. Go straight through it to the security point. Watch out for the mimics lurking in this area. The door to the security post is locked, but you can pick it open if you have the Hacker II skill. Otherwise, break the window to the left of the door using a monkey wrench. Then, aim at the terminal inside with your Huntress Dart. First, open the "Features" tab on the screen. Then press the button at the bottom of the screen to unlock the door to the security booth.

Once inside the security post, use the terminal and load the Psychotronics laboratory map into your transcriptor. There is also an interesting email from Hans Kelstrup, in which he demands the arrest of Dr. Gallegos, which might be worth investigating. Then collect supplies, including ammo and a weapon upgrade kit. Two turrets are also located inside the guard post.

Upgrading the K-Beam Launcher

As you collect weapon upgrade kits, consider using them to upgrade your K-Beam Launcher. Focus on power and firing time improvements first. Fully upgraded, this already powerful weapon becomes irreplaceable when facing advanced Typhon creatures. To fully upgrade your weapon, you must invest neuromod in the skills Lab Assistant I and Laboratory Assistant II. However, it is still important to use the K-Beam gun sparingly, as there is not much ammo for this experimental weapon.

Finishing room

The corridor behind the guard point is divided left and right. Both paths lead to the dressing rooms, where the station personnel prepared to go directly to the Psychotronics laboratory. The path to the right leading to the men's locker room is blocked. But the way through the women's dressing room is clear on the left. Deploy one of the turrets taken from the guard post in front of the entrance to the women's locker room. She will help you deal with the phantom. Lure him to the turret and destroy it. Be sure to read Volume 3 of the Star Treader series in the women's locker room before moving on.

There is a disinfection chamber behind the women's locker room. However, entry is prohibited until you receive the psychoscope. Grab your turret and enter the men's locker room through an unobstructed exit nearby. Deploy the turret in the men's locker room and find the hole in the floor. Allison Brady's body lies next to the breach. Search him for supplies, then go down through the hole in the floor.

Turn on your flashlight and search the narrow service tunnel under the men's locker room. Several mimics are disguised here, so be prepared to beat them with your monkey wrench. Find Janos Jozsef's body - take the psychoscope and other supplies from him, including two Neuromods.

A psychoscope is an optical device used to scan typhons. Scanning reveals new possibilities that you can acquire by installing neuromods. Keeping the psychoscope active, return to the opening in the floor of the men's locker room. A little higher, you can see the mimics and the phantom (if your turret did not destroy them). Keep the enemy in sight of the psychoscope and the device will automatically scan. After performing such an analysis, you will know the weaknesses, immunities and abilities of the typhon. Scanning Mimicry unlocks the Mimicry I ability, with which you can temporarily transform yourself into any small object.

Typhon's abilities

Scanning typhons with a psychoscope is necessary to identify the special typhon abilities that appear on your transcriptor neuromod interface. Also, just like with human abilities, you need to use neuromods to develop typhon skills. They consume Psi energy. Your Psi count is displayed as a purple bar under the suit's integrity meter. This energy can be restored using special injectors - these items are similar to first aid kits and can be quickly used through the wheel of favorites (default Q for PC).

Turrets and Typhons

Up until now, turrets have been your best friends. But everything can change if you get too carried away with studying the capabilities of typhons - in this case, the turrets will not be able to distinguish you from typhon organisms and will attack as soon as you appear in their field of vision. If you learn one Typhon ability, such as Mimicria I, then the turrets will still be friendly to you. If you develop two or more typhon abilities, then the turrets will open fire on you. The way out of this situation will be the ability Hacker II, with which you can hack and reconfigure the turret.


Get out of the gap in the men's locker room and eliminate the mimics and phantoms if they weren't killed by your turret. Now that you have received the psychoscope, you can enter the decontamination chamber. Search Steven Mueller's body near the gravity lift. There might also be a scientific operator in this area - be sure to scan it with a psychoscope to get more data. Similar to Medical and Engineering Operators, you can talk to Science Operators to refill your Psi Meter. When you're ready to move on, enter the gravity lift and travel to the Psychotronic Atrium.


Alex contacts you upon entering the Atrium. While not thrilled with your decision to follow January's directives, he is still your big brother and doesn't want you to get hurt. Alex advises to calibrate the psychoscope by scanning the phantoms in the adjacent cameras.

Explore the sarcophagus chambers in the center of the Atrium. Three of them contain typhons. Some cameras have a protective shield that must be raised before you can scan the phantom inside. Interact with the sheathed screen to lift it up. Scan phantoms in chambers to develop your research. To complete research on this organism, you must scan a total of four separate phantoms. Once the research is complete, you will be able to use neuromods to develop your abilities: Kinetic Burst. This skill allows you to use Psi energy to launch a directed kinetic strike at enemies. By the same principle as the phantoms themselves attack.

After scanning the phantoms, Alex transmits the code from Dr. Kelstrup's safe, in which the neuromods can be found. He wants you to use Neuromods to learn Typhon's ability. Alex believes this is critical to survival.

Director's office

After exploring the Atrium, head to Dr. Kelstrup's office. The door is locked, but you can enter one of the two windows located on the sides of the entrance. Use the monkey wrench to break the windows and jump inside.

Dr. Kelstrup's office is quite large, reflecting his status as director of the Psychotronic Laboratory. It has its own Utilizer and Fabricator, the only such devices in this laboratory. Repair the damaged electrical assembly above Dr. Kelstrup's body before examining the office. Otherwise, you will die from electric arcs. You can access the power terminal at the back of the office (accessible through the service hatch) to turn off the power before doing any repairs. Do not forget to restore the electricity supply if you want to access the Kelstrup terminal, Utilizer and Fabricator.

Access Dr. Kelstrup's terminal. On the Features tab, select Conference Room Mirrors and click Allow Access. This opens up a secret entrance that leads to Kelstrup's Mirror Station. In the same place in the functions, watch the archived videos, which describe the first destructive contact of humanity with typhons. The terminal also contains several revealing emails, including one from Alex about Dr. Gallegos. Kelstrup's body lies on the floor next to his terminal. Search him to get two passes: one from his study and one from his cabin, located in the living section.

Now that you can create your own neuromods, go to the Fabricator and create a few. One Neuromod requires one Organic Block, one Mineral Block, one Plastic Block, and three Exotic Blocks - which is why scavenging and harvesting Typhon organs is so important. You can create up to seven Neuromodes using a blueprint. After that, an error occurs that triggers an additional task.

Copy protection

Problem Description: Lead Neuromod Specialist Holden Graves has revoked all licenses to create neuromods. I need to find his office and figure out how to upgrade the license to create more neuromods.

When an error occurs while trying to create more Neuromods, Alex reveals that Holden Graves has limited the number of Neuromods that can be created. You will need to locate Graves' office in the Neuromods department and renew your license so you can produce Neuromods without restriction. Until then, stay in Psychotronics. You can return to the Neuromods section later.

Station "Mirrors"

Find the locked door in the back of Dr. Kelstrup's office, to the right of the Fabricator. This is the secret door that you opened from his terminal. A pass to Kelstrup's office opens this door, allowing you to access his Mirror Station.

Go down the stairs leading to the Mirror Station. This station allowed Kelstrup to remotely hold meetings with Alex and other Talos 1 personnel. Pick up the transcriptor on the floor to receive an audio diary of the conversation between Dr. Calvino and Dr. Kelstrup. Dr. Calvino instructs Kelstrup to calibrate the station's touchscreen by touching the green dot. Find the green dot on the screen and touch it when it appears. After a frightening moment, the "Mirror" screen becomes faulty.

Follow the short corridor on the left side of the station until you see a service access hatch. Open it and go through to search the area behind the "Mirror". Here you can find several unnecessary items for recycling, as well as ammunition for your GIPS cannon. As you leave this area, be prepared to encounter a phantom that you spotted while calibrating the touchscreen. Use your GIPS cannon to slow it down, then scan it and then use your monkey wrench to attack. Once the phantom is eliminated, return through Dr. Kelstrup's office to the Atrium.

In the Atrium, go to the large circular door marked Containment. This is the calibration checkpoint for the psychoscope. Go to the door and wait for it to open automatically. Right behind the door is a massive security cell filled with some kind of orange energy field, scan the weaver's typhon in it. Ignore the large containment chamber for the moment and look for a doorway marked lab B (lab B). Go through the doorway and onto the adjacent stairs to reach the level above the Atrium. Before moving on to Sagitta, it would be wise to look for something in these laboratories.

Laboratory B

After climbing the stairs, enter the first door on the left to access Laboratory B. Mimics are crawling through the laboratory, so it will take a while to clear it. Try scanning Mimics before killing them. Your lab B activity may also attract some phantoms. Do your best to go unnoticed, but be prepared to immobilize the phantom with your GIPS cannon before finishing them off with your pistol or shotgun. Try to avoid using the K-Beam in this area to conserve ammo.

After eliminating all the typhons, find materials in the laboratory, including a few spare parts. Almost every element in the laboratory is marked with the mark "Don't be a mimic!" Apparently, the breach of the seal caused some justifiable paranoia among the laboratory staff.

Turret in laboratory B

If you're having trouble with mimics and phantoms in the area of ​​lab B, there is a broken turret in the adjoining room next to Helen Barker-Combs's office. Repair and install it. Then try to lure enemies into the line of sight of the turret. Remember - if you have developed several Typhon abilities, then you should hack the turret so that it does not attack you.

Exit Lab B and find Rory Menion's body lying in the hallway near the Behavior Biometrics Room. Search his body for an audio diary, which records Rory's conversation with Damien Lynn. They had plans to escape through the arboretum.

Log in to the Behavior Biometrics Department. Use your monkey wrench to destroy the pieces of plaster blocking the entrance to the lab.

Behavior biometrics

In this lab, you can find two Neuromods as well as Typhon Decoy. Typhon bait, also known as "Nightlight", emits a psycholuminescent signal that attracts typhons. These devices can be used to escape, ambush, or observe the typhon from a safe distance. Press the button next to the Nightlight Testing camera and watch the facial expressions inside that follow the glowing decoy.

This laboratory also houses three separate chambers used to study typhons. Use your psychoscope to scan facial expressions in the Nightlight camera, as well as your facial expressions in the zero-wave camera. The third chamber contains a strange looking golden glow substance. Typhon appears to have woven these threadlike structures out of the air. But Alex and the researchers on Talos 1 don't understand why.

Access Rory Menion's Terminal to experiment with the Zero Wave Silencer in the Features tab. When the device is triggered, your psi counter will temporarily reset to zero. The Zero-Wave Silencer, developed in psychotronics, emits a stream of signals that suppress the psionic abilities of Typhons. These devices can be thrown or attached to stationary objects. Pick up the two Zero-Wave Silencers on the table next to Rory Menion's terminal.

Mitsuko Tokaji's office

The door to Mitsuko Tokaji's office is closed. But you can access it using your Huntress Dart Launcher. First, break the window with a monkey wrench. Then aim at the terminal with a dart gun. You need a function tab and then a button at the bottom of the screen to unlock the door. The button is pretty small, so it might take a few tries before you can get in. Search Tokaji's office for resources and her transcriptor. Here you'll find K-Beam ammo, a weapon upgrade kit, and a couple of Zero Wave Silencers.


Exit the area of ​​laboratory B and follow to laboratory A. On the way, stop at the airlock and open it. psychotronics is now available from the exterior of Talos 1. Find Andrea Hudson's body before continuing on to Lab A.

Laboratory A

Enter the open doorway that leads to Lab A. The station shudders as you enter and several cans fall to the floor. This may attract the attention of some Mimics. Recover the broken turret along the way and take it with you. You will need it shortly. Don't forget to hack the turret if you have installed multiple Neuromods in the Typhon ability.

Inside the second room in the lab, search the body of Evan Avery. Now pay attention to the office of Annalisa Gallegos. The door is locked and the window is filled with plaster. Before destroying the pieces of plaster, take a look at the note next to the window warning of several Mimics trapped inside. Expand the turret from the previous room so that it looks out of this window. Once the turret is in place, break the plaster blocking the window. Step aside and let the turret deal with the mimics crawling through the window. Another good option there will be a recycling grenade thrown through the window into the Mimics' lair.

Annalisa Gallegos's study

After the facial expressions are eliminated, go through the window to the office of Annalisa Gallegos. Gallegos is still sitting at his desk, but not alive anymore. Take the neuromod on the table. Search her body to retrieve a transcript containing two audio diaries. Listen to the "Souvenirs" recording, which will trigger a new Side Quest. Be sure to find Corey Richard's body to get the 9mm Pistol Ammo.

Phantoms attack

After searching Annalisa Gallegos's office, prepare to face several phantoms patrolling Laboratory A, including one in the adjacent medical bay. Use your GIPS cannon and deployed turret to deal with these threats.

Containment zone

Return to the Atrium and then proceed to the containment area. To the left of the massive containment chamber is a corridor leading to the Raw Material Handling Department. The ruptured gas pipes filled this corridor with fire. Use the GIPS Cannon to seal the first gap in the mainline. But watch the mimics rushing towards you through the remaining flames. The fire ignites the Mimics, dealing heavy damage. Just step back and let the fire destroy these annoying little aliens.

Continue down the corridor using your GIPS cannon to repair the breaks in the pipes. At the end of the corridor, use the monkey wrench to break apart the pieces of gypsum blocking access to the raw materials department.

Raw material processing

Living "volunteer" Aaron Ingram is locked in a cell in the raw materials processing department. Approach the camera to start an additional mission. Here you need to decide whether the object remains alive or dies. These are exactly the tests that Annalisa Gallegos opposed. Scan Aaron in the camera to reveal Human Research Data.

Prisoner in the psychotronic laboratory

Problem Description: I came across an experiment with a volunteer who is locked in a chamber designed to transform mimics into exotic material. This person would most likely die in the process, but the material they fabricated would be extremely useful. However, if I let him go, he will report the code from the arsenal.

Use the terminal in front of the camera. The report states that the subject (Aaron Ingram) is a prisoner from Earth, and his crimes are also listed here. Do you want to release it or do an experiment? The decision is yours. To release the subject, go to the Door Controls tab and open the cell door. If you free Aaron Ingram, he will give you the code for the nearest arsenal. If you decide to experiment on a prisoner, open the Mimic Reproduction tab and press the series of buttons that release Mimics. They kill the prisoner before they breed. After detonating a recycling grenade inside the chamber, you can enter and collect exotic Mimic-derived material.

Arsenal: Alternative Entrance

If you decide to kill a prisoner, you can still access the arsenal. Find the window in the armory in the corridor and clean it from pieces of plaster with an adjustable wrench. Use the Huntress Javelin to fire through the window, aiming for the switch next to the door to the armory. In case of a successful hit, the door will be opened.


Regardless of whether you opened the door yourself or got a code from Aaron Ingram, enter the arsenal to collect several useful items, including a neuromod, a weapon upgrade kit, blueprints, and various ammunition. The arsenal also contains a turret and Damien Lynn's body.

Storage of exotic matter

Opposite the cell with the prisoner is a door leading to the storage of exotic matter. If you have previously repaired the outer case and restored the tightness, then you can enter this room. Otherwise, this room is inaccessible. Find Christine Lloyd's body lying next to the door and take the transcriptor from her with an audio diary that triggers an additional task.

Million Dollar Sealant

Mission Description: Jose Costa was tasked with patching up a small hole in the hull and restoring the atmosphere in the exotic matter storage in the psychotronics laboratory. If I shut it down, I can access this part of the station.

If you want to get into the storage of exotic matter, then you need to do the work of Jose Costa. Return back to the airlock inside the psychotronics and access the Talos I planking. During a spacewalk, find the body of Jose Costa. Next to it, you will notice a hole in the station building. Use the GIPS Cannon to close the gap and then return to Psychotronics. After the gap is closed, you can enter the storage of exotic matter.

Use the turret found in the arsenal to deal with the phantom hiding in the material storage. Once the threat is removed, search the area and collect supplies. This part of the station is filled with exotic material strewn across the floor. You can also find some food in two cells. When you're done, return to the containment area and head down the hallway that leads to the examination room.

Inspection department

The passage leading to Sagitta will be sealed until you complete the experiment in the examination room. The volunteer's body is located inside a large chamber in the center of the room. Go to the terminal next to the camera. Go to the "Manage Examination Compartment" tab in the terminal and select "Open containment". When the screen opens, activate your psychoscope and scan the weaver in the central security chamber if you have not done so earlier.

Somehow, the weaver interacts with the body inside the chamber, creating an electrophantom. Scan this new enemy for weaknesses, immunities, and abilities. Take an EM charge and throw it at the Electrophantom to temporarily disable his ability to use abilities. Attack with the K-beam as the electrophant moves out of the chamber. Keep the weapon beam on the crosshair until the enemy explodes. But stay away from him. Electrophantom emits powerful electrical discharges that can cause malfunctions in the K-ray gun and GIPS cannon. However, your pistol and shotgun are not affected.

After the electrophant is destroyed, the experiment ends, and the path to Sagitta opens. Alex contacts you and gives you new information about the typhons. They seem to be incapable of empathy, hence their cruelty. While Alex speaks, search the area and collect supplies, including checking the remains of the Electrophantom and Ruby Stone's body for the Psi Injector Blueprint.


Before leaving for Sagitta, go to the morgue for a minute, through the gravity lift of the observation department. Find the broken turret near Damian Lynn's terminal. Repair it and place it in front of the door leading to the autopsy room, on which mimics are crawling. While you are here, take the first aid kit and the "antirad" blueprint on Lynn's desk.

Search the autopsy room after eliminating any Mimics inside with the turret. Collect all the materials and find the body of Mitsuko Tokaji.

The door to the morgue is closed, so you need to find another way to get inside. Use your monkey wrench to break the window near Damian Lynn's desk. Now arm yourself with the Huntress Dart Launcher and aim at the switch next to the door. Enter and take the neuromods together with the morgue pass.

Access to Sagitta

Return to the observation room via the grav lift, then turn right to enter the corridor that leads to Sagitta. Watch out for the phantom in this area.

Sagitta (Gravity Utility Tunnel System)

Engineering level

Before entering the tunnel system, visit the recovery room in this staging area. The waste heat exchanger is located at the bottom together with the operator's distributor. Hack the dispenser to activate an engineer to repair your suit. Collect the materials at this bottom, including the Recycling Grenade next to Eric Berger's Terminal. Another recycling grenade is in the next closet. Optimize your inventory with a recycler. When you're ready to exit, head back upstairs and go through the circular doorway to enter the Sagitta tunnel system.

Service tunnel

Sagitta is a microgravity environment. Maneuvering here is identical to moving around the Talos 1 exterior. January reports that these tunnels operate along the entire length of the station. In addition to delivering essential items such as food, water and air through the canals, tunnels are also used by operators to move goods from the cargo bay to the arboretum. Find Eric Berger's body shortly after entering the tunnel to receive the EM Charge Blueprint. This section of the tunnel is linear. Move forward and turn on your flashlight to illuminate the dark areas. Go through the round door at the end of the tunnel, following signs: Cargo Tunnel and Magnetosphere.

Just outside the door, you come across some unknown type of typhon. Activate the psychoscope to conduct a scan. Cystoid nests adhere to the sides of the tunnel system and produce unstable cystoids. When the nests of cystoids burst, numerous small cystoids appear, which move chaotically in flocks. Be careful - if you get too close to the cystoids, they will immediately move in your direction, and after approaching, this entire small army of bizarre spheres explodes, causing damage enough to kill you twice. Fortunately, cystoid nests can be destroyed quite easily with the GIPS cannon. Usually one or two shots are enough to cause a chain reaction and destroy both the nest and the cystoids themselves.

Make your way through the observation station and collect some supplies while keeping your eyes on the cystoid nests blocking the path to the next doorway. Keeping your distance, direct a couple of shells from the GIPS cannon towards the nests. Cystoids can explode near gas pipelines around the perimeter of the tunnel. So stay away from these trunk lines in case they burst and flames erupt. When the area is cleared of cystoids, proceed to the next section of Sagitta.

Carefully move through the next tunnel, destroying cystoid nests along the way. Turn on the flashlight and find the body of Kimberly Bomo. She has a note that contains the code for the next doorway. Once you receive the code, eliminate the cystoid nests in the remainder of the tunnel before approaching the locked door. Once the passage is clear, enter the code on the door keypad to access the next part of the tunnel.

Infection with cystoids in this area is transcendental. Activate your psychoscope to scan nests and swarms of cystoids. Stay away and shoot the nests with the GIPS cannon. Find the Neuromod at the nearest monitoring station.

The door mechanism at the end of the tunnel section is defective. The door slowly opens and closes on its own. In addition, the path is blocked by electric arcs erupting from the damaged electrical panel. Seal the electrical connection with plaster, then repair. Fixing the electrical connection does not fix the door mechanism, but now you can safely wait for the passage to be opened without fear of electric shock.

When moving along the next span of the tunnel, your Artax propulsion system breaks down for a while. January reports that an impulse from a nearby magnetosphere was the cause. The door to the cargo tunnel is closed. You must go through the magnetosphere to get your pass. Find Ramon Ridley's body above the center of the tunnel and check his supplies. The entrance to the magnetosphere is next to Ramon's body.


Medical compartment

The gravity in the magnetosphere control room is at a familiar level, allowing you to move more naturally. Turn left before entering. Here, a damaged door leads to the medical compartment. You can enter if you have the Typhon Mimicry I ability (only one Neuromod is needed to activate it). Use Mimicry to transform into a small object, enough to go through the hole at the base of the damaged door.

Once inside the emergency room, look for supplies and also activate the medical operator to heal yourself. Once you've stocked up on supplies and health, use Mimicry I again and exit the emergency room. Remember that using Typhon abilities (such as Mimicry) consumes psi energy. While you are in the transformed state, psi energy is consumed at a constant rate, so do not linger in the transformed form for too long. Psi energy can be restored with injectors or scientific operators.

Magnetosphere control

Go to the Magnetosphere Control Room. Find Laurel Davis's body and pick up her transcriptor. A panicked audio diary recording states that Anders Kline is dead and in the magnetosphere chamber. Kline has a pass leading to the cargo tunnel. Periodic plasma shock waves pierce the magnetosphere chamber. If you have the Hacker III ability, you can hack Laurel Davis' terminal. Before turning off the magnetosphere, unlock the emergency power compartment located inside the camera. Then turn off the magnetosphere to make it easier to get the pass from Anders Kline's body.

Security point and safe

While in the control room, go to the security post to download the map of Sagitta. On the Crew tab, select Josh Dalton in the Hardware Lab section. You need to find Dalton to continue the side quest Project Blackbox. Also in the control room, under the stairs is a safe. The safe contains a weapon upgrade kit, two recycling grenades, and some spare parts. You can find the password for the safe in the adjacent restroom behind the toilet paper on the shelf. The second book in the Star Voyage series is on the same shelf in the closet.

Pick up the GIPS cannon and climb the nearby stairs (path to the magnetosphere chamber). The corridor above is filled with cystoids. Due to gravity, these cystoids do not float through the air. Instead, they roll on the floor. Create a plaster of paris barrier in front of you, creating a kind of protective wall. Exploding cystoids can rupture adjacent gas lines, so be prepared to act as a master gasman and repair the ruptures in the pipes. The Science Operator in this hallway can replenish your psi energy. There is also a small area above this passage where several useful items can be found, including an EM Charge (create plaster steps to get to this area).

Enter the magnetosphere chamber and find Anders Kline's body. Take a couple of neuromods and a pass to the service tunnel from him. If you turn off the magnetosphere temporarily through the Laurel Davis terminal, then you don't have to worry about plasma pulses turning off your propulsion system.

Emergency supplies

The storage compartment is located at the top of the chamber. It contains a pair of EM charges and a zero-wave silencer. You can also open it through the Laurel Davis terminal.

Get out of the magnetosphere chamber and return to the control room. As you approach the stairs, look out for a couple of Infected Operator Engineers. Use your GIPS cannon to immobilize enemies. Then scan them with a psychoscope. While the infected operator is immobilized, unload the Stun Shocker at him or use a pistol. Be sure to check the remains of each operator to collect ammo for the K-beam.

Service tunnel

Return to the service tunnel and approach the locked door leading to the cargo tunnel. Use the pass you got from Anders Kline to unlock the door. The tunnel outside the door is filled with the golden typhon substance you first encountered in the behavioral biometrics lab. January reports that the entire ecology of typhons is centered around the creation of this unusual substance (the researchers named it Coral). But they still do not understand for what purpose it is created. Don't be afraid to head straight through the Coral - it won't hurt you.

Cargo tunnel

The service tunnel ends at a T-junction with the cargo tunnel. Study the signs here and head towards the arboretum. Activate your psychoscope to scan the weaver hovering in the middle of this tunnel. Although you can sneak past it, it’s better to split this typhon into atoms using a K-ray gun. The weaver is responsible for creating a cystoid nest nearby. Once you eliminate him, use your GIPS cannon to clear the area of ​​cystoids.

Project "Blackbox" (continued)

Before entering the arboretum, try looking for Josh Dalton. Head down the cargo tunnel towards the cargo hold. When you exit the curved pipe and enter sub-section 16, go down to the bottom of the tunnel and follow the path of the large stainless steel pipe.

Find Josh Dalton at the dead end of the tunnel. Its body is surrounded by several cystoids. Destroy them, then loot Dalton's body to obtain K-Ray Gun ammo, a Blackbox Lab Pass, and a transcriptor. You can also retrieve ammo from a floating K-Beam Gun. Audio diary on transcript (Sting Operation), in which you can hear a heated argument between Josh and Lane Carpenter, his colleague. It seems that this conversation ended tragically for Carpenter. To resume the challenge, go to the Wave Physics Lab in the Hardware Lab and use the new pass to enter the Blackbox Lab.

Radioactive waste

Avoid contact with containers containing radioactive waste while driving through the cargo tunnel. If you get too close, you will suffer from radiation poisoning, to cure which you will need to take antirad. Try to eliminate those canisters with a recycling grenade. These charges not only disintegrate the canisters, but also remove all traces of radiation.

Director level

Continue down the cargo tunnel until you reach the door leading to the arboretum. Log out of the tunnel system to access this storage area. You can find a range of accessories here, including Typhon Bait and Recycling Grenade. When you finish your search, enter the arboretum.


Sagitta loading platform

This loading area accepts goods via Sagitta from the cargo bay. Be careful, there are facial expressions hiding here. Also here are the only ones in the arboretum - a recycler and a fabricator. Find the body of Jia Kyung-Ho, one of the Talos I security personnel. He has a pistol, neuromod and transcriptor with him. Shocker "Stunner" is also located next to his body.

After working with the recycler and fabricator, climb the nearby stairs. The door at the top of the stairs does not work. A massive, unknown typhon roams the path outside the door. January warns you to stay away from this typhon. You can try scanning it with a psychoscope, but it quickly disappears from view. The door can be force-opened if you have the Climb III ability. Otherwise, you need to find another way out.

Turn right from the door. Find Mark Sellers' body half hanging from the duct. Jump in and search him. Move on and get out into the arboretum through the hatch.

Experimental plants

Take a look around. The Arboretum is unlike any other facility on Talos 1 because it is filled with lush vegetation. In addition to supplying oxygen to the station, the plants grown in the arboretum are used as food for the crew. Researchers here are experimenting with different soils, fertilizers and irrigation regimes to create new types of fruits and vegetables.


The closet next to Dr. Howard's experiment site is locked down. You can hack the console if you have the Hacker I ability. There are several random items in the closet, including food and various parts. Careful, there is a facial expression hiding inside, so that every object is under suspicion.

Walk forward a little to find Evelyn McCarthy's body. Shotgun next to her body. Several broken turrets are also nearby. If you have more than one Typhon ability, hack the turrets before repairing them. If you don't hack these turrets, they will attack you. Take one of the turrets and carry it up the steps leading to the greenhouse.


As you approach the main greenhouse door, Rodney S. Poole tries to get your attention from the inside. He begs to open the door by knocking on the next window. Use your psychoscope to scan an unknown typhon flying inside the greenhouse. This is a telepathic person. He is able to take over the minds of people and turn them into his mindless slaves. Watch the telepath control Rodney S. Poole. There is nothing you can do to stop this, but you can still rescue Rodney and the rest of the staff trapped inside the greenhouse. Stop at the window and scan a part of the crew under the control of the telepath. Don't get too close to them, or their heads will explode!

Dr. Howard's password

The greenhouse terminal can be accessed using the password of Dr. Julien Howard. Find his password in the note next to Iris Stein's body, not far from the living section foyer. Pay attention to the neuromod, which is located on the adjacent chessboard.

Save Rani

Description of the problem: Rani and the others were captured by the telepath's typhon. Killing him could free them.

Pick up the note on the ground just outside the main greenhouse door to start this side quest. Rani offers to kill the telepath in order to save those whose consciousness he controls.

Deploy the turret near the greenhouse. Although she cannot shoot through the windows, she will target the telepath inside and get his attention. The telepath can fly, which allows him to hide through the roof of the greenhouse. Sent on the outside of Typhon and attack him with the K-beam. Killing a telepath makes all mentally controlled subjects unconscious, but at least they are alive.

If you do not want to wait for the telepath to fly out of the greenhouse, then open the doors through the terminal. To access it, you need Julien Howard's password (see above). You can also hack the terminal if you have the Hacker III ability. Through the open doors, the telepath will be at a lower height, so it will be easier for you to destroy him. Watch out for the victims of the telepath! Use the stun shocker if they attack.

After the telepath is eliminated, enter the greenhouse and talk to Rani Chaudari. She is the only conscious member of the crew. Rani is grateful for your help and gives the code for the armory (Warehouse AR01). Find some turrets there, which can be very useful for fighting Typhons. Meanwhile, Rani heads to the cargo hold. You complete this side quest using the generated code.

While you're still in the greenhouse, take a look around. Here you can stock up on tomatoes and pomegranates. Also find the Zero Wave Silencer in the supply crate near the main door. You can also use the Science Operator Dispenser to replenish your psi energy. Don't forget to search the unconscious crew members (Rodney S. Poole and Mickey Pitt-Sr.). Find Edna Burton at the back entrance to the greenhouse. She has a recycling grenade.

Water pressure regulator

Remove the water pressure regulator from the workbench inside the greenhouse. This part will come in handy later, once you gain access to the living section.


After inspecting the greenhouse, exit and take the large staircase where you previously repaired two turrets. Enter the corridor that leads to the Talos I Hall. Two active turrets guard the main door. Find Jenny King's body along the way. Take the typhon bait and first aid kit from her. Walk down the foyer corridor and look for Lily Morris's corpse on the right. Its transcriptor activates a new additional task.

Smugglers on Talos

Task Description: Lily Morris worked with Eddie Voss and other researchers at the station to steal company secrets and technology. Eddie set up caches on Talos to transfer these stolen goods to someone working in the cargo hold from where they would be shipped from Talos.

Listen to the audio recording (Three Wrench Strikes) on Lily Morris's transcript to begin this enrichment activity. The first cache is located just above Morris' body - it's a red alarm bell. Use the monkey wrench to hit it three times to reveal a hidden cache containing ammo and a neuromod. This is the first of six such caches. Look for the same alarms to discover other caches.

Medical compartment

You can restore health in the medical compartment on the right side of the corridor. Here you can pick up a first aid kit and call a medical operator. There is a service hatch in the corner of the room that leads to a secret storage room. The hatch is blocked by two boxes. If you have the Climb I ability, then you can remove the boxes and crawl through the duct. Don't get hung up on this access point. There is also an easier way to get inside.

Secret warehouse

There are two ways to get to the secret storage area. Through the service panel in the medical bay, or by breaking one of the two aquarium screens flanking the doorway to the Talos 1 lobby. In any case, be prepared to confront the etheric phantom (or electrophantom). It is best to lure this typhon into the foyer corridor. In this case, it will be occupied by two turrets.

Explore the interior of this large space and collect supplies. Find a storage room behind the cage where you can collect many useful items. The passage is blocked by boxes that you can move with the Climb III skill, or use a recycling grenade. You can also transform into a small item with Mimicry I, and then sneak into the gap under the cage. Inside you will find Karin Buckley's body, as well as a weapon upgrade kit and a shotgun blueprint. When you finish your search in this area, return to the outside corridor and enter the door that leads to the Talos I lobby. It's time to take the elevator.

Hall "Talos-1"

Arboretum: Foyer

  • Audio Diary: Morgan: Tantrum
  • Pass: Hendrik Devries' Study

Sneak to the elevator when you reach the arboretum foyer. The entrance to the elevator is guarded by a large, unknown typhon. Scan it with a psychoscope to find out the characteristics. It's a technopath. This type of typhon can subordinate mechanical and electrical systems, hence the reason for the malfunction of the elevator. A couple of injured operators are patrolling the area next to the technopath.

Elevator problems (continued)

Keeping your distance, toss EM Charge and Zero Wave Silencer at Technopath and infected operators. The EM Charge temporarily disables infected operators, allowing you to focus on the technopath. Use a K-beam gun. Make sure the weapon is fully charged before opening fire. Focus the unstable particle beam at the technopath until it explodes. Then eliminate the operators with the Stunner shocker. January reports that the elevator is working again, which means you can quickly move to the hall of Talos I and the life support bay. Before heading back to the arboretum, find the body of Hendrik Devris nearby to activate a new side mission.


Security post

On your return to the arboretum, take one of the turrets you repaired earlier. Take it to the entrance to the living section. Deploy the turret. A couple of phantoms lurk behind an impromptu barricade. Break through pieces of plaster and try to lure the phantoms into the range of your turret. Step aside and let the turret do all the hard work in this fight. The second phantom can be hidden by the stairs leading to the living section. Try to deal with him the same way.

After the phantoms are finished, pay attention to the guard post. Two infected operators are inside. Move your turret so that it is facing the post. The door can be broken open if you have the Hacker II ability. Once the passage opens, run back and allow your turret to make contact with the infected operators. Inside the guard post, use the terminal to download the arboretum map. This is also a good opportunity to find Julien Howard and complete the Gardening Tips side quest. Select Dr. Howard from the list to locate his body and create a waypoint. Before leaving the guard post, search it and collect supplies. One of the lockers contains several useful items, including a blueprint for an injector.

Armory room

From the guard post, follow the path to the weapons room (warehouse AR01). Take the turret with you. In this area, you can encounter an ethereal phantom. Scan the enemy with your psychoscope and deploy the turret. While the turret opens fire on the etheric phantom, aim at the enemy with the GIPS cannon to slow their movement. The K-ray gun is also very effective against all types of typhons.

Access to the data warehouse

Take one of the turrets with you as you head towards the gravity lift in the data warehouse. If you have not met the ethereal phantom at the AR01 warehouse, then it is most likely hiding somewhere on the way to the data warehouse and Alex's office. Either way, place the turret on the pad next to the gravity lift. Go down to the data warehouse.

Zechariah West's body is on the floor in front of the data warehouse entrance. Search him, as well as the case lying nearby. Listen to the audio recording (Hacking the Data Store) on the transcriptor. From it it becomes clear that access to the storage is tied to the voice of Danielle Shaw. She must utter a passphrase to unlock the lock. West offers to collect samples of Shaw's voice. These parts of the recordings can then be put together using the software on your transcriptor to synthesize her voice. January agrees with this method and suggests starting the search from Shaw's cabin, located in the living section. Do not forget to take the pass to the residential section from the body of Zachariah West, as well as the hand-drawn map that belongs to the upcoming Treasure Hunt side-mission.

A guide on finding Grant Lockwood and completing the optional mission Disgruntled Employee in Prey.

In Prey, there's an optional side mission titled “Disgruntled Employee” that requires you to find a staff member by the name of Grant Lockwood. While most of the steps needed to complete the Disgruntled Employee side mission are relatively simple, the hardest aspect is actually finding Grant Lockwood himself.

So, if you’ve searched high and low and still can’t seem to track him down, we’ve put together a quick guide on where you can find Grant Lockwood in Prey.

Prey - Where is Grant Lockwood?

You "ll need to locate Grant Lockwood to complete the Disgruntled Employee side mission in Prey.

It can be frustrating to complete most of the steps in the Disgruntled Employee side mission only to find yourself scouring Talos I for the elusive Grant Lockwood in Prey. Fortunately, we can help point you in the right direction and help you finally complete the Disgruntled Employee side mission. So, where is Grant Lockwood in Prey?

First, you’ll need to head to Deep Storage, then make your way to the Command Center on Level 2. Once there, you’ll run into various Typhon enemies including a Phantom and several Mimics. After dealing with these enemies, head to Danielle Sho’s computer workstation (you’ll also need to head here while you’re running through Treasure Maps trying to complete the Hidden Treasure side mission).

The first step in finding Grant Lockwood in Prey is to head up to Level 2 of the Command Center.

After you look through Danielle Sho's computer workstation, you’ll be able to activate Grant Lockwood’s tracking bracelet. Next, enter the number 1129 as specified in the Disgruntled Employee side mission description. Next, you’ll need to head out and find Grant Lockwood. To do so, you’ll need to pay a visit to one of the Security Stations.

Fortunately, if you head down to Level 1 of Deep Storage, you’ll find a Security Station that you can use. There, you’ll need to open the “Crew” tab and locate his name in the Cargo Bay section. Upon clicking Grant Lockwood's name, you’ll acquire a quest marker that leads to his body. The Security Station computer gives you two helpful chunks of information in regards to Grant Lockwood: he’s dead and he’s located outside of Talos I.

You "ll eventually come to learn that Grant Lockwood is dead, and his body can be found floating outside Talos I in Prey.

With these two details in mind, you’ll need to head outside Talos I and follow the marker to his floating body. Without activating the marker, though, this can be a near-impossible endeavor. As you follow the marker and track Grant Lockwood down in Prey, you’ll likely find his corpse floating around near the shuttle that he missed in the area right outside the magnetosphere.

Word of caution, the radiation is extremely heavy in this area, so try to deal with Grant Lockwood's body in a timely manner. Once you successfully find and interact with Grant Lockwood's body, you’ll complete the Disgruntled Employee side mission in Prey. Having trouble with any of the other side missions in Prey? Let us know in the comments below, and we’ll try to lend you a helping hand!

By reading this guide, you should now know where to find Grant Lockwood and how to complete the Disgruntled Employee side mission in Prey.

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