What is the Imaginarium. For all sets and additions, the rules are the same! What other sets are there?

The biggest stress after buying a game is understanding what the rules say. Worse than the rules for games are only instructions for microwave ovens. We decided to make your life a little easier and formulated the essence of the game in one sentence. Here it is:

"You must come up with associations to the selected pictures and guess the pictures of other players by their associations."

If you could understand what is written in this sentence Imaginarium Soyuzmultfilm, you can relax, you already know how to use this game; Everything that is written below will allow you to understand which of your friends does it better than you.

First of all, prepare a game deck. Different numbers of players will require different deck sizes. Count the required number of cards, and return the extra cards to the box. Leave 96 cards for 4 players, 75 for 5, 72 for 6, 98 for 7.
Each player chooses an elephant and a set of voting cards of the same color as the elephant. There are seven voting cards. You will need as many cards as the person is playing. If there are 6 people playing, you do not need a card with number 7.

Definition of the first move.

You must determine who will go first. You can use voting cards for this. All participants take their voting cards, shuffle and draw any card at random. The one who draws the card with the highest number starts walking first. Any other mechanic can be used to select the player to start first.

Game progress.

Leader's move: The leader chooses one of his cards, places it face down in the middle of the table and names his association with that card. Anything can be an association: a word, a sentence, a poem, a famous quote, or even a unique set of sounds. The leader is limited only by his imagination (unless his elephant is standing on one of the special clouds, which are described below).
Answers of the players: The rest of the players choose among their cards one such that best suits the leader's association and also put it face down on the table. The host shuffles all the laid out cards, including his own, and arranges them in one row with the drawings up.
Cards are numbered from left to right: first, second, and so on. Where you have the left, and where the right is, you will have to determine for yourself.
Guessing the leader's card: Now the main task of the players is to guess which of the cards laid out on the table was guessed by the leader. Each player chooses a token with their version number and places it face down in front of them. You cannot choose your own card. The host does not participate in guessing and does not comment on the cards laid out on the table. After all players have made a decision, they turn over their tokens and place them on the corresponding cards for easy counting.

Elephant movement:

If all the players have guessed the leader's card, then his bishop retreats 3 steps back (or to the cloud with number 0, if he has not yet advanced beyond the third field), and the rest of the elephants stand still.
If no one guessed the leader's card, then his bishop steps back 2 steps. The rest of the players move their bishops forward as many steps as the person has chosen their cards.
In any other case, the leader's bishop and the bishops of the players who correctly guessed his card move forward 3 steps. In addition, all players, including the leader, move their bishops forward as many steps as the person has chosen their cards.
End of Turn: At the end of the turn, cards played are discarded and players receive one new map from the deck (when the deck runs out, just keep playing with the remaining cards in your hand). The role of the leader passes to the next player in a clockwise direction.

Special fields.

Some clouds on the playing field are marked with special icons. If the leader's elephant stands on one of these clouds, then restrictions are imposed on its association:
(number 4) - The association must contain exactly four words.
(question mark) – The association must be formulated in the form of a question.
(abibass logo) - The association must be associated with some well-known brand. It is not necessary to name the brand itself - the association can be based on a slogan, commercial, etc. Before the game, you can agree on how to broadly interpret the concept of "brand".
(television) - The association must be associated with a film, cartoon, series or television show.
(book) - Association should be a story.

Game over.

The game ends when the cards in the players' hands run out. The winner is the player whose bishop has advanced the farthest. If one of the elephants has reached the last cloud and needs to move on, it's okay, just send it to the second circle.

Rule variation.

The rules of the "Imaginarium" can be changed as you like. For example, we suggest trying the following variations:
You can end the game when one of the elephants reaches cloud number 39.
You can use all the cards in the game, and when the deck ends, shuffle the discard, forming a new deck. And so on ad infinitum.
You can introduce permanent restrictions on associations. For example, spend a whole game guessing only four-word phrases or stories.
If there are more than seven people who want to play, you can pair up and play two for one.

Additional set of cards.

After a while, you may feel like you know the cards in the deck too well, and you want to try something new. You can buy additional sets of Imaginarium cards or use cards from other association games or even draw these cards yourself.

"Imaginarium" is a very simple and very interesting game, in which you need to come up with associations for unusual pictures from the box. The pictures were drawn by crazy artists, so the associations range from the simplest, like “love”, “winter”, “principality”, to the most complex and crazy, in the spirit of “I did everything right”, “Where is the drama? No drama again!”, “Chuck-chak! Run faster!”, maybe just the sea.

So. I took a picture, came up with an association: what now?

Now you need to place the card face down on the table. Other players will try to choose among their cards the one that best suits the voiced association, and put it next to it. Then the cards on the table will be shuffled.

Yep, I got it! Everyone has to guess my card, right?

But no! If everything were so easy, the simplest association would allow you to win. But in order to win, you need to make at least one person guess your card, and even better - all but one.

So how do I figure it out?

If possible, it is difficult and veiled, but it is clear that opinions are divided. When you start playing, you will quickly understand how to do it right. Immediately after this, you will feel a surge of creativity and an increase in the skill of understanding the thoughts and emotions of other people.

What was it about other people?

Imaginarium is one of the most magic games store, which helps a lot in communication. In associations, you learn the most important personal things about a person, learn to understand him better and better predict the train of thought of different people. In a word, this thing is not only sincere, but also very, very cool in terms of developing relationships.

To whom do you give this box?

  • Take home as a family game, wonderful choice.
  • "Imaginarium" is simply created for friendly gatherings in the evenings.
  • This is a very cool gift for any creative person.
  • It can be played at parties.

What's in the box?

  • Scoring field (made directly on the "podium" on the box).
  • 98 big cards with pictures.
  • 49 voting cards for 7 players.
  • 7 flying elephants to move around the field (wooden or plastic depending on the edition).
  • Rules in good Russian.

What other sets are there?


"Game is great! The main surprise for me is that interest is not lost when 3 generations (16, 30-35, 55 years old) of players sit at the table at the same time. The associations are only getting better :) The rare quality of the game... »

Pictures for the "Imaginarium" are selected carefully, Kuznetso once told this procedure.

Sergey Abdulmanov, Head of Marketing

I like the fact that there is a healthier scoring than in Dixit. It is necessary that most of the players guess your card, but not all.

Maxim Polovtsev, developer

First released in 2011.


What other sets are there?


Russia - Cosmodrome Games

Psychologist's conclusion

Date of the study: October 2014 - March 2015

Research methods:

  • Test for the diagnosis of independent thinking
  • Amthauer Intelligence Structure Test
  • Toulouse-Pieron test for diagnosing attention and information processing speed
  • Guilford Imagination Assessments
  • Guilford tasks for assessing divergent thinking
  • Test for the study of intellectual lability

The study involved: students in grades 7-11 (124 people), aged 13 to 19
Purpose of the study: The study of the influence of board games on the mental-cognitive processes of adolescents


As part of the work of the experimental and research site, the work of the circle was organized after school hours for students of the middle and senior levels of school education. At the circle, students were offered to play various board games and after 6 months of work of the circle, the influence of board games on various mental and cognitive abilities was studied.

Before the start of the game process, in the first lessons, diagnostics were carried out to study visual intelligence, independent thinking, divergent thinking, creative imagination, intellectual lability, speed of information processing and attentiveness.

  • Jackal
  • Nefarius
  • Resistance
  • Abracadabra
  • Comparity Cinema
  • Bet.

Analyzing the dynamics of various indicators of intellectual abilities, we note the following features.

Visual Structural Intelligence

Before the experiment, the majority of students 31.2% had an average level of severity. This level is characterized by the fact that the student can understand the meaning of a schematic drawing that explains the condition of the problem or the presentation of textual material, but finds it difficult to translate verbal information into visual-graphic information. After the experiment, this indicator changed. Most students 28.3% have a good level of expression. This level is characterized by the fact that the child, without difficulty, can independently use graphic material, resort to the use of drawings for a more complete assimilation and understanding of information. The change in this indicator was facilitated by the game Comparity Cinema.

Structural Dynamic Visual Thinking

Before the experiment, most of the students had either a good or a weak level of severity (48.8% and 43.8%, respectively). The weak level is characterized by the fact that the child does not know how to "read" the tables, does not understand the meaning of the information presented in a tabular form. If the table is contained in the text, then the child is limited to reading the phrases explaining it. Thinking as a whole can remain static, descriptive. After the experiment, the distribution of this indicator has changed significantly: less than 30% of students have a weak level of severity, and the majority of students have a good level - 55.6%. The change in this indicator was facilitated by the game Comparity Cinema.

Combinatorial visual thinking

Before the experiment, 15.1% of students had a weak level of severity, and after the experiment, this indicator decreased by almost 2 times, and amounted to 8.1% of students. It is also worth noting that the indicator of a good level of expression for this criterion increased from 47.5% to 52.4% of students.

Abstract thinking

As a result of the primary diagnosis, the majority of students - 54.1% - have a weak level of abstract thinking, after the study, the result has improved significantly. A weak level of severity is noted in 35% of students, and the majority of students - 58.9% have an average level of severity. A weak level of expression indicates that the child operates only with specific (qualitative representations) images, objects or their properties and is not yet able to single out and operate with their relations. An increase in the overall level of expression among students from a weak to an average level of expression was facilitated by games Comparity Cinema and Bet.

figurative synthesis

As a result of the primary diagnosis, the majority of students - 52.4% - have a weak level of figurative synthesis, and after the study, the result has improved significantly. A weak level of severity is observed in 40.4% of students, and the majority of students - 55.6% have an average level of severity. Figurative synthesis - the ability to form holistic ideas based on sequentially incoming, unsystematized, disparate or fragmentary information. Integrity arises on the basis of figurative synthesis, and not logical structuring. It is precisely the general idea that is formed that figuratively combines all the necessary information and therefore needs further logical analysis of its understanding. Figurative synthesis is one of the main operations of systemic thinking, which is necessary in empirical research (to comprehend diverse and disparate information), when working in new areas and at the intersection of sciences. It is also one of the main components of practical intelligence, allowing you to quickly understand the situation as a whole and choose the best direction for further action. An increase in the overall level of expression among students from a weak to an average level of expression was facilitated by games Bet and Resistance. Also, in addition to the above games, the development of this ability can be facilitated by the game Evolution .

Spatial thinking

As a result of the incoming diagnostics, the majority of students - 52.3% have an average level of spatial thinking, 27.7% have a good level, and 4.9% have a high level of severity. After the experiment, the distribution was as follows: average level - 46.8%, good level - 40.3%, high level - 9.7%. Spatial thinking is the ability to isolate the spatial structure of objects and operate not with the images of objects and their “external” properties, but with internal structural elements. Jackal. Also, the development of this indicator can be facilitated by such games as Unicube, Bricks, Cubes for All, proposed by B.N. Nikitin, as well as more complex games-constructors and computer games like Tetris.

Independence of thinking

The indicators for this criterion during the experiment did not change significantly, the distribution of the level of severity before the experiment: the greater pupils 47.6% have a weak level, 29.9% have an average level, and 23.5% have a good level of severity. Distribution according to the level of severity according to the results of the final diagnosis: for the most part of the students - 48.4% have a weak level, 31.2% have an average level, and 20.4% have a good level of severity.

A weak level of independent thinking is characterized by the fact that the child can act only when, immediately before work, he receives detailed instructions exactly how to act. If the student was told what to do, but not explained how to do it, then he will not be able to do the work. The student may not be in trouble. If the task literally repeats the algorithm of some activity that he recently completed. If any changes are made to the way of working, then the child may no longer be able to cope. If a child encounters any difficulties, then usually he does not try to figure it out on his own, but seeks help from peers or a teacher.

divergent thinking

According to the results of the experiment, there is no strong dynamics of changes in the percentage distribution of responses by severity levels. According to the results of the incoming diagnostics, the distribution of responses by severity levels is as follows: weak level - 50%, average level - 37.9%, good level - 7.3%, high level - 4.8% of students. According to the results of the final diagnostics, the distribution by severity levels is as follows: weak level - 57.2%, average level - 24.2%, good level - 9.7%, high level - 8.9% of students. Divergent (creative) thinking is characterized by the breadth of mental search, the ability to use distant analogies and associations, to find non-standard, original solutions, overcoming habitual patterns and established opinions. Often this property is defined as the flexibility of thinking, the ability to apply a variety of approaches and strategies in solving problems, the willingness and ability to consider the available information from different points of view.

A weak level of expression indicates that thinking is convergent, linear (the opposite of divergent). The child cannot get out of the habitual patterns of thinking, look at the situation in a new way. “He is convinced” that every problem has only one correct solution. He is always focused on finding this correct result, he does not know how to try and vary various solutions, algorithms of activity. Play can help develop divergent thinking Abracadabra, Nefarius.

Information processing speed

It is worth noting the significant positive changes in this quality, which were identified during the experiment. According to the results of the incoming diagnostics, 41.1% of the students had a weak level of severity. After the experiment, a weak level of expression remained in 35.5% of students, and the majority of students - 42.7% had a good level of expression. The development of the skill of speed of information processing was facilitated by games Bet and Resistance.


According to the results of the incoming diagnostics, most of the students - 37.1% have an average level of attentiveness, 25% - a good level, 4.1% - a high level, also in a third of the students the level of attentiveness was at an extremely weak level of severity (25.7 % - weak level and 8.1% - pathology level). After the experiment, the level of attentiveness increased significantly, a weak level was observed only in 9.7% of students (the level of pathology was not detected), an average level was 33.1%, a good level was 33.8%, and a high level was observed in 23.4% of students. Games contributed to the development of mindfulness Bet, Resistance, Jackal.


Over 120 teenage students aged 13-19 years old took part in the 6 months of operation of the experimental research site Game house. It is worth noting the overall positive impact of the experimental site as on the socio-psychological well-being of students: communication with peers in an informal setting, employment of students after school hours, finding new friends among peers, relieving psychological stress, emotional unloading, a splash of negative stress in a socially acceptable form, and the positive impact of board games on various mental and cognitive processes, as evidenced by the results described above.

Why did you decide to do it?

Long beautiful story - started about two years ago when I got my hands on Dixit. I got hooked on the game and printed 9000 cards for it, and played them until I got sick.

Where did you find so many pictures?

On the Internet there are a bunch of already prepared and selected right for the game. As a rule, they are from people from Russia who liked the game, but were not satisfied with the quality of the cards, and made additional ones.

And you decided to publish them?

After a while, I thought that if I liked the extra cards so much, then someone else would like them, and we decided to produce them. About two years ago, additional sets were published, which they began to sell through Triominos, and then other networks. After that, we realized that it was wrong from the point of view of karma to sell an add-on to someone else's game. And they decided to release their own game. We just had a different scoring system, there was a different field. In general, we still played by different rules for a long time. We checked the possibility of releasing our game. It turned out that in Russia, mechanics as such is not an object of patent law. If the game is unique in its content, then we are within the legal field. We buy all illustrations. For each set, we select the topics that are of interest to us.

How did you choose the artists?

Social networks and the basics of crowdfunding helped. The first set is illustrators from Leprozorium.ru. There are a lot of Russian illustrators there. We chose the best from our point of view. For subsequent sets, we realized that we cannot limit ourselves to one social network, and then we began to attract all the large and not very large communities of illustrators that we have. Searched there, redeemed images.

Was there a special task for the card?

We do not ask you to draw for us. It is very difficult to give a technical task for 98 cards of the same theme, so that you like them. The illustrator gives us the entire database of images that he can sell, then we select good cards and form a set. It turns out 500 cards, of which we choose 98, which are included in the set. We buy them.

That is, some illustrators were so completely stoned at birth, and not when they worked according to your terms of reference?

Yes Yes Yes. We only select. We rarely ask for improvement. I can count on my fingers the cases when they were finalized. We are immediately looking for illustrations with a bunch of small details that are so important for this game.

Many people say that the cards are somewhat gloomy. Why is that?

We wanted to make an adult and expressive game. We decided that we are making a game for adults, and this, it seems to me, is quite. Especially, for example, the friendly atmosphere of Ariadne.

Is it true that you don't know all the artists?

Yes, as a mini-illustration: we held a Chimera tournament, a very strange person came. Two meters tall, with flowing hair, in a leather jacket, with a white lens in one eye. Nick says and asks for a set. It turned out that this is one of our illustrators. Now I know that he is healthy, in a sober memory and draws in a normal state of consciousness.

How many illustrators do you know personally?

6 people out of 100 with whom we work. I usually don't know who draws what. We choose illustrations without captions, that is, first we collect pictures in a set, and then we look at who it is. True, there are, of course, people who draw for fashion magazines - their handwriting is recognizable literally from a couple of strokes, it is still clear who it was.

How many more additions will there be?

We understand that there are not enough additions in the segment of children. Accordingly, almost done new game"Imaginarium: Childhood" in a separate box, plus by the end of the year, I suppose there will be 2-3 more additional sets of cards.

Supplement every six months?

It's hard to judge. Faced with the fact that they could not find high-quality illustrations, strange, with a lot of details. For example, the Chimera was released two months longer than planned. Now we are expanding to other countries. For example, we want to soon make a set exclusively from illustrations by Indian artists.

Are you afraid of being copied?

There is no fear at all. I am for healthy competition. Game mechanics are not something that should be protected from copying. If they repeat, the segment will develop. We spend a lot of time searching for illustrations. If copies have the same - great, if not - they are unlikely to be able to sell normally.

Tell me about elephants.

Yes, the story with the chips was interesting. Initially, we decided that the counters should be wooden. For adequate money, no company could provide us with a product. As a result, we found people who can cut plywood with a laser. The second part of the Marleson ballet. It was necessary to find those who are ready to paint chips. And it was possible to paint in those volumes only by hand. We found a company that did small woodwork. It turned out very cheap. At first we were afraid that it Kindergarten where children paint elephants with watercolors. Then they went and saw adults who paint all this. In any case, we quickly got to the point that we could not produce the game, because there was a physical limit on elephants per day - we received about 60 sets (about 350 elephants per day). There were not enough of them, they began to solve. I had to switch to plastic, now we are pouring from it.

And what kind of cat with a bottle in his mouth in the photo with the game?

This is one of the great Leprosy memes. Some people with a short leg with photoshop on a regular photo with our elephants made a collage with a cat with skittles in its mouth. It was a year and a half ago. Even now, at every tournament, people come up to me and ask: “Where is the cat with pins and why don’t you supply it, because this is the perfect chip!”. Maybe we will actually release a limited set of cats.

You said you were very passionate. You have three cards in your travel pack that you can't get except by buying it. How many people do you think would go for it just for the collectible value of these cards?

I will not answer directly. This set is taken not only for the sake of cards (although for their sake as well). The idea was to save people from buying a new box because the game is quite expensive even for the regions. And with an intense game, the cards are lost, the elephants run away. In general, the components of the most active players are not very good. As a result, we communicate with a bunch of people, they even play with their parents. As a result, many need replacement components. We made this set so that people could buy elephants, voting cards and a separate field. Plus, good friends advised me to add separate cards there so that people would be more pleasant to buy this set.

Who plays the most?

Judging by Facebook, these are people 25-35 years old, men and women are almost equally divided. Girls play more in tournaments. Maybe they like elephants.

The first game of the game begins with the fact that the men are trying to take away the pictures from the girls in order to somehow start playing, and not just look at them. Are you thinking of doing something else with these drawings?

It was planned for this year. Now we are redesigning the game website, we want to add the option to buy illustrations and print on T-shirts. There are not very many of us in the company, so if we can outsource it, we will.

Tell us about your company.

The company consists of three people. It all started like this: we got together and decided to discuss what to do. I had a certain amount of money, Timur had ideas about the Babylonian Phrasebook. We decided to do.

Timur intervenes: “It wasn't like that. He wrote to me, said that there is an awesome idea - to do naked cleaning.

Sergei continues: Ah, well, yes. Yes, the business model was ready. I thought that within the framework of the law in the Russian Federation, you can do it. Special women will come and clean the apartment naked. This is great: firstly, it is legal, and secondly, it is marginal.

Timur: "I decided to save him from the torments of hell and said: let's make another book."

Sergey: However, I still have domains for this project. And once a year reminders about it pop up. But Timur said: let's better invest in a useless book. This is how the "Conversation" was born. And then we started to implement many other crazy ideas.

Can we expect new products?

Yes. Cheerful - in lifestyle and gifts, in games - classics. For example, a recently made Flirt of Flowers from the nineteenth century.

house rules

Posted by Igor:

Imaginarium game rules for two players.

The cards are not dealt, the leader opens 5 cards from the deck. The facilitator makes an association on one of open cards. Further, the host, as confirmation, puts (number down) a token with the number of the hidden card.

The player puts his 3 tokens on the card that he thinks the leader thought of. If the player is in doubt, then he can put one or 2 tokens on other cards. Those. the player has the right to put one token on 3 cards, or 2 tokens on one card and the remaining third token on another, or all three tokens on one card.

The host opens his token, showing which card he called the association.


Definitely, if the Mad Hatter decided to diversify his endless tea drinking with some kind of board game (what if!) he would certainly choose it. Dixit.

Of course, he could have chosen any other, but it is unlikely that his richest imagination could unfold anywhere like this. And if it would have turned around, it would rather be to the detriment of the rules and gameplay.
Here the rules are extremely simple. For those who do not know, let us recall: the players are given a set of cards, the players take turns appointing the leader, the leader names the association and lays out his card, everyone else lays out theirs, the cards get in the way, laid out, everyone guesses the leader's card. It is beneficial for the leader that his card is guessed, but not all, because in any other case, all players, except for the leader, go forward. The remaining players receive points for correctly guessing the leader's card and for cheating their colleagues. That is, it is beneficial for them to have their card mistaken for the leader's card, because for each deceived partner they get a point. So, as you can see, only a couple of lines were occupied by the rules, otherwise the game is entirely a flight of your imagination and imagination. Our Hatter would have chosen her for that!

So what is this game about, anyway? - you ask. - For whom to play? What is her plot?

You, dear reader, are playing for multi-colored hares who have arranged a hare race in a clearing with fly agarics. And during the race, not hare thoughts come into their heads.

They think about complex family relationships, about the sadness of gods forgotten by people, about the secrets of their native forest and non-native city, about infinity, space flights, freedom, the struggle between good and evil, about war and peace, and even racial intolerance. They just think not in words and sentences, like people, but in images, pictures. That is why they cannot really explain themselves to each other - after all, everyone has their own visual associations with different things, and even more so with abstract concepts.

The player can decide for himself what he associates with the image that pops up in the hare brain. As you understand from all of the above, this game will help you learn a lot of personal information about your partners. For example, the players laid out several cards for the leader's association "work".

They don't look alike, do they? Of course, everyone's job is different! The first was posted by the waiter, the second by the administrator, the third by the mathematician, and the fourth by the guard. But someone laid out the last card in vain, and it’s good if his superiors are not at the table. Which of these cards belongs to the presenter, you will understand only if you know what of all of the above he does. If not all players know this, then, most likely, he will score his points. Although, to be honest, the presenter did not do the right thing, because everyone should be given a chance. Suppose he is at the table for the first time, and is not very familiar with the game. Let's forgive him and move on.

To be fair, the Hatter would have to choose between Dixit and his twin sisters, the Associations and the Imaginarium. Both were released in Russia at different times by different developers.
What is the difference, and which one is better in the end?

Associations (2009), produced by Ranok Creative.

Here, everything happens not in a meadow with fly agarics, but in a crazy exhibition of paintings. Due to the lack of a guide, unlucky visitors are forced to come up with names for the exhibits themselves. Each turn they choose a new guide from their number, he comes up with a name for the picture, which he does not point his finger at, says it, the players choose their picture ... in a word, everything is about like in a meadow with fly agarics. Difference in scoring.

First, the players, choosing one or another picture, make bets on it, and then move back or forward depending on the result. The player who was guessed moves by the number of chips with his color, bets on them are not taken into account. As you can see, the system is tougher, and if your flair is completely undeveloped, you run the risk of trampling at the entrance to the exhibition until the end of the tour. In addition, there are halls at exhibitions in which time, space and the rules of the game are relative concepts. For example, there is a hall where you can’t talk, you can only gesticulate, there is a hall where there is already one name for the picture, and all players, including the host, simply lay out a card suitable for it, there is a hall where you need to guess people.

It is interesting that in associations there are sets of decks for different age groups- there are cards that children under sixteen cannot play with.

The game was not highly rated. In fact, the creators just gave the players cheap Dixit. In addition to low cost, it has no obvious advantages over its European counterpart. It seems that the authors did not plan to create a serious competitor to Dixita. What is there! One has only to open the rules to understand that they do not want to take the matter seriously for anything in the world. The text is replete with neologisms, borrowings and colloquial expressions like "do not care", "what for". Only one beginning: “Welcome to the crazy exhibition!”, and everything is already becoming clear.

Language is not the only dubious merit of rules. For example, there are zones where everyone among the cards chooses himself. And the guide must guess, if he guesses, he will immediately be one floor higher. What is the point for players to choose at least something more or less similar to them? It turns out that the game is purely guessing. Why introduce this, if the rest of the game is completely different? The ill-conceived rules turned out to be not such a big problem - many still play by Dixit's rules.

It is also worth noting that this game was the first twin of Dixit, was published just a year after its creation, therefore, it took on all the shame and blame for plagiarism. In addition, there are two more games, a board game and a word game, with the same name, both of which are better known.

Imaginarium (2010), Stupid Casual.

Its creators before the release of this game were engaged in the release of funny, but not very practical souvenirs. That is, not at all practical, even taking into account the fact that souvenirs, in principle, are rarely useful. For example, a diary with already filled pages; pebble player; paper masks. The future creators of the Imaginarium considered the Dixit game to be unfinished in terms of rules, and decided to release their own version.

“Own version” of the rules differs, firstly, in that if the leader’s association is too transparent or too opaque, then he steps back (in Dixit, on the contrary, everyone except him moves).

Secondly, in the Imaginarium, as in the Associations, special rules apply to some cells. For example, somewhere you need to name an association from some movie, show; somewhere in your explanations you need to keep within four words; somewhere - ask the association with a rhetorical question. Hidden advertising lives on some cells - the presenter must mention the name of a brand in the association. And finally, somewhere you need to tell a story that the presenter associates with the picture.

The layout is also different. The glade with fly agarics and hares gave way to the sky and winged elephants flying from cloud to cloud.

Despite the fact that Imaginirium and Dixit, to put it mildly, have much more in common, no one had any particular questions about this. At least, if she was criticized, then not for that. And for the content of the cards. Clearly, the pictures are a matter of taste, but many of them are clearly gloomy for children and the faint of heart.

For such people, "Imaginarium: Childhood" was specially released, and the artists used their entire supply of hitherto unused tenderness, positiveness and fabulousness for this set.

The "adult" set, however, had a fair number of fans who claimed that Dixit was too "childish", simple, and the cards of the Imaginarium evoke much more associations. To be honest, I understand them.
Imaginarium for Dixit is a more serious competitor than the Association, however, only in Russia. Firstly, it is unlikely that its "novelty" will be appreciated by the creators of the original source. Secondly, many pictures of the Imaginarium are designed specifically for a Russian person brought up by Russian fairy tales and cartoons. Maybe that's why the Imaginarium seems more understandable and closer to some players?

Conclusion: although the rules of the three games differ (to be honest, at a minimum), the arguments for or against any of them are only price and personal aesthetic preferences. Associations take with their cheapness, Imaginarium and Dixit - with the execution and thoughtfulness of the rules. True, the pictures of the Imaginarium can cause rejection, but in this case he has a set of cards for children. Compare, choose, this is a matter of your taste.

If you are fond of board games, then you are probably familiar with the Dixit board game. And if you already know her, then you definitely noticed a clear resemblance game mechanics games "Imaginarium" and "Dixit".

This question is actively discussed by fans of both games, but what about us, as they say, what's worse? :)

Such is the act of love

The creators of Imaginarium honestly do not hide the fact that the game was created under the impression of Dixit and even position it as an act of great love for the Western game. But let's talk about everything in order.

Dixit is a board game created by the Frenchman Jean-Louis Rubira, the illustrations for the game are also drawn by the Frenchwoman Marie Cardois. The game was released in 2008 and quickly gained popularity and received many awards around the world, in particular, after 2 years it managed to win one of the most prestigious awards "Game of the Year 2010 in Germany".

Soon the game came to Russia and captured the minds and hearts of boarders. Among them were Sergei Kuznetsov and Timur Kadyrov, they did not yet know how it all would turn out, but they simply played Dixit for a long time. They independently printed additional cards for it and even sold them. And then they decided to create their own Russian counterpart, slightly changing the rules. The first test run of Imaginarium was released in November 2011.

Charming madness

The illustrations for the Imaginarium deserve special attention. This is a large selection of illustrations from artists all over the Internet. They were carefully collected from many different sources. Therefore, the pictures of the Imaginarium are so different, unlike each other, and often so crazy. And this, of course, gives its charm to the Imaginarium.

What now?

Now these games in Russia are almost on an equal footing, "Imaginarium" recent times became more popular and loved. Because it is ours, domestic, with our authors and illustrators, it is closer to us, more interesting, more unusual and at the same time much cheaper. Therefore, Imaginarium is a proven game that will be a great gift for your friends and one of your family's favorite games.

A whole box of creative associations!

More great game not to be found. After all, she teaches kindness and creativity. The game does not provide any hard and fast rules. They are there, but they are more creative than the rules of other games. Your imagination will enjoy the process of the game to its fullest, and you will discover a new world of associations.
Board game Imaginarium - amazing game to search for associations that should arise when seeing unusual pictures. They are created by creative artists who put so much meaning into them that it is sometimes difficult to guess what they wanted to say.

Associations and imagination! Intuition help!

The goal of the game is to guess as much as possible from the laid out cards those that the presenter has thought of, and get a decent number of points. Which of the players successfully coped with the task, becomes the main winner.

Why fantasize and imagine?

The host takes a card from the deck, and, having shown all the skills of fantasy and imagination, comes up with an association for it. Moreover, such that even your child or friend could not quickly guess, otherwise the whole point of the game disappears. While other players must guess and guess what kind of association you have in mind. They have time to think and then vote on what they think is the best fit. It's like a secret society of associates, but it's so fascinating...

Everyone is captivated by associations!

The board game Imaginarium is a magically associative game designed to awaken imagination and creativity in every player. Everyone in the amount from 3 to 7 players can invent, as well as guess associations. And even those who think that he has problems with his imagination or does not have it at all. This is not true. It just needs to be developed...
The game is designed for childhood over 12 years old and adult parents who do not want to drown in the world of everyday problems. The Imaginarium will completely immerse you in an unusual atmosphere and give you genuine emotions of joy.

The Imaginarium game is a creative hit for everyone!

It miraculously completely deprives communication barriers of communication, develops you as a person, and you will look at the world with different eyes - full of beauty .... The Imaginarium teaches you to better understand the people around you and strive for the opportunity to guess someone's thoughts and actions. The Imaginarium game is the best gift, from which positive energy emanates from the outside, and a deep and beautiful meaning of associations is hidden inside the box. She will be great family game, will surprise everyone at any holiday. It is limitless, like all associations in a box.
This is more than a game - it is a beautiful art of the game, coupled with creativity.

How to play?

  • Before the start, each player chooses an elephant of a certain color and to match the voting card. All elephants are placed on the playing field at the starting mark. The deck with pictures is shuffled and 6 cards are dealt to each.
  • Each player during the game at least once becomes the leader. He must make an association to one of his cards. Then he pronounces it out loud for his rivals, thereby laying out this card face down.
  • The rest of the players need to guess the card that the presenter made up. To do this, the host takes a card and mixes it with the cards of other players and turns it upside down. Next, the players vote and lay out a voting card with the desired number so that everyone can see it.
  • After that, the points are calculated. And according to the points scored, the players advance along playing field. The winner is the player who reaches the final mark.

What's in the box?

  • playing field;
  • 98 picture cards;
  • 49 voting cards for 7 players;
  • 7 chips in the form of flying elephants;
  • rules of the game.

If you are bored with gadgets or you just finally want to escape from them, turn your attention to board games from the category

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