Family sports games in nature. The funniest contests for a fun company


You need to run, or rather, jump a certain distance, holding a tennis ball or a matchbox between your knees. If the ball or box falls to the ground, the runner picks it up, knees it again and continues running. Whoever shows wins best time.


Several intersecting, intertwining "paths" are drawn on the asphalt with colored chalk different color. Players, having chosen their "path", try to reach as quickly as possible, to get to the end of the path. Whoever reaches the target first is the winner.


Relay game. A simple bucket is used as a mortar, a mop is used as a broom. The participant stands with one foot in the bucket, the other remains on the ground. With one hand he holds a bucket by the handle, and in the other hand he holds a mop. In this position, it is necessary to go the whole distance and pass the mortar and broom to the next one.


The participants of the game will have to portray the scammers from the Golden Key fairy tale. Two couples are called. One in each pair is the fox Alice, the other is the cat Basilio. The one who is the Fox - bends one leg at the knee and, holding it with his hand, together with the Cat, who is blindfolded, embraced, overcome a given distance. A pair of "hobbled" first receives a "golden key" - a prize.


The participants of the game are invited to jump with a rolling pin as long as possible, breaking into pairs, triples, fours of players.


A wonderful game for one team, which develops coordination, quick reaction and sociability.
Use a well-inflated beach ball to play. The task of the team is to keep the ball in the air as long as possible (of course, hitting it), not to let it fall to the ground. The team that keeps the ball in the air the longest wins.


The game is played by two teams. By lot, one is built in a line behind the start line, and the second - a few meters behind. At a distance of 20 m behind the start line, a second line is drawn, on which flags are set at intervals of 1.5-2 m. A small ball is placed 2 meters from each flag. At the signal of the leader, the players of both teams run forward. The players of the first team go around the flags and rush to the finish line, the players of the second team, bypassing the flags, grab the balls lying behind them and try to hit the fleeing ones with them. For each hit they get a point. After that, the teams switch roles.


Two teams compete in running with jumps over a partner standing with their heads tilted forward and hands on their hips. The numbers at the back start. As soon as the back in the column jumped over the last one, he runs forward and also jumps, etc. The distance is arbitrary.


The players are divided into two teams and line up in columns of two, holding hands, one column parallel to the other. At the signal of the leader, the children standing last in the columns run forward under the raised hands of the players and stand in front of their column, raising their hands up. The latter is a signal for those who are behind, and they do the same as the previous pair. The team whose players finish the run first wins.


Two teams are located on the front lines of the court facing each other. Players squat and grab their ankles with their hands. On a signal, everyone simultaneously begins to move forward, one team towards the other, like hares jumping out of a squat. Hands should not be torn off from the ankles. Back, the players move in the prone position, moving their hands (like flippers). The team captain, when the last player has crossed the court line, loudly announces: "Everyone is home!" The winner is the team, all the players of which reached the finish line faster.

"FROM Bump to Bump".

The players are divided into several teams and lined up in columns one at a time near the starting line. In front of each column from the start to the finish line (10-15m), 10-12 circles (bumps) with a diameter of 25-30 cm are drawn. At the command of the leader, the players standing first start jumping from bump to bump, and when they reach the finish line, they return back running . The first person to come running and his team gets a point. The game is played several times, and in conclusion, it is calculated who personally scored the most points and which team was the first in terms of the number of wins.


Target: development of honesty, attention, how to remember the color of your subject.
Divide the children into teams. Give each team an object of a different color. On a signal, everyone dances to the music. The music ends - everyone stops and closes their eyes. The captains approach the teacher, and he whispers how to get up. The music turns on, everyone opens their eyes and looks for the captain with an object of their color. Options: if the captain lifts the object up with one hand, then the team lines up in a column, if to the side - in a line, if both hands are up - in a circle.

Bump Run

At a distance of 1 m from each other, circles are drawn in a straight line to the finish line. Jumping from circle to circle, participants reach the end line and return back along the shortest path. Running up to the team members, they touch the next player with their hand and stand at the end of the column. The team that finishes the relay first wins.

DON'T TRIP (with hoops)

There is a hoop on the start line in front of each team. On a signal, all participants stand in a hoop, and having raised it to the height of the belt, in this position they run (or go) to the flag (10-15 m), go around it and come back.
The first team to return to the starting line wins, keeping the position of the hoop at waist height.


At the start line, the captain puts a bag of sand on his head. Moving at a fast pace, he must cross the finish line without touching the bag, remove the bag from his head and run to the team. Touching the next player with his hand, he passes the baton, and he goes to the end of the column.


In front of each team, 2 hoops are placed 3 m apart. At the signal of the leader, the captains run to the first hoop, take it with their hands, thread it over their heads and leave it in place. They do the same with the second hoop. Then they run back. Touching the hand of the next player, they pass the baton, and they themselves go to the end of the column.
The victory is awarded to the team that completes the task faster and without errors.


The player in front, that is, the captain, is holding a bag of 6 potatoes and onions. On the finish line, 12 circles are drawn for each team. At the signal of the facilitator, the team captains run to the circles and "plant" potatoes and onions, one vegetable in each circle. Then the first participants return to their teams and pass the bags to the next players. The players, taking the bags, run to collect potatoes and onions, etc.
Rules: Players do not leave the starting line without a bag. If the vegetables have fallen, they should be picked up and only after that you can run.


Team captains receive a tablespoon. An inflated ball is placed on the spoon. Participants must carry the balls to the wall and return back. Arriving at the start, they pass the baton to the next player.
If the ball fell from the spoon, it must be picked up and the baton continued. You can not hold the ball with your hand. For this, penalty points are awarded.

tightrope walker

Each relay participant must follow the line drawn on the floor. You can't step on the floor with it. For balance, you can use your hands. The first player passing the stage passes the baton to the next player.

BAG RUNNING (one by one)

The first team members put bags on their feet and run 3 - 5 m. Having reached the chair, they remove the bag, put it on the chair and return to their teams. Running up to the next players, they touch them with their hands and they run to the chair, put on bags and return in it ... The relay continues until the last player finishes the competition.


Each team member throws the ball into the basketball basket from a distance of 3 m. For each hit, 1 point is awarded. The team with the most points wins this competition.


Three participants from each team are tied to the right leg with an inflatable ball. They must hold out with the balloon and try to pop the balloon of their opponent. The team whose player is left with the ball on his leg wins.


Each member of one team is given one apple by the host. Participants put them under the chin. Members of the other team are given the task of biting off the opponent's apple. The players of the first team try to keep their apple.

RELAY "Pass the stick"

The first participant takes the baton from the leader and runs with it to the wall. Returning back, he passes it to the second player.


Jump on one leg to the wall and run back.


Jump rope to the wall and run back.


1 OPTION. Bring the ball to the wall, overcoming obstacles from the racks.


With the ball - Bring the ball to the wall and try to throw it into the basket. Whoever hits, he brings his team an extra point.


There is a tennis ball on the spoon. It must be carried to the wall and returned back.


1 OPTION. The first player rolls the hoop in front of him to the wall. Back - running. The hoop does not touch the floor. Pass the hoop to the next player.

OPTION 2. The first player climbs into the hoop and runs to the opposite wall and back. Then he grabs the second player with a hoop and they run together to the wall and return back for the third player, etc.


Relay participants put the ball between their legs and jump with it to the wall. Run back and pass the ball to the next player.

Games on fresh air not only good for health, they also develop sociability in children. The children begin to understand what mutual assistance is, how important it is sometimes to subordinate their desires to common interests, and all this will be useful to them in adulthood.

Active games in the fresh air they saturate the child's body with oxygen, and this improves both muscle work and brain activity. You can play on the playground in the yard, as well as in parks, recreation areas. So that children do not get tired quickly, it is better to alternate outdoor games with more calm ones.

1. Touch the ball

Children become in a circle, their task is to pass the ball on outstretched arms so that the driver, who is behind the circle, does not get the ball. Whoever has the ball “stained” in his hands becomes the driver instead. According to the rule: you cannot throw the ball to each other, and if someone drops the ball, then he is out of the game.

2. Train

Children stand behind each other, holding on to the one in front of them. At the head of the locomotive, the leader is the driver who leads him along his route. Children should follow the leader, repeat his movements. If he bounces, then the guys behind him should bounce one after the other, too, if he turns around the tree, then the “locomotive” follows him. According to the rule: children should not unhook from each other, while the leader is not allowed to run fast.

3. Bees

The kids stand in a line, in front of them, 15-20 meters away, a line is drawn with chalk. This is a bee house. Two or three people (bees) stand behind the line and, at the command of the leader, they begin to slowly move towards the guys with the words: “We went out to the forest lawn, raising our legs higher, through bushes and bumps, through branches and stumps. Look - the hollow of a tall Christmas tree. Angry bees fly out! The bees start spinning. At this time, the players say the words: “We are not afraid of a swarm of bees, let's run home now” and try to run behind the line that is behind the bees. The same ones are trying to catch the guys, "sting". Whoever was "stung" by a bee, in the next horse becomes instead of her.

4. To the forest for berries

The leader is chosen - a bear. He "sleeps" in a designated place - a lair. Children go out of the house (draw a circle) into the forest for berries (any light objects can be used instead of berries). They say: The bear has mushrooms in the forest, I take berries. The bear got cold, froze on the stove. At a sign from the leader, the bear suddenly wakes up and rushes to catch the children in the clearing. The winner is not only the one who ran away from the bear, but also brought home more berries. Whoever the driver caught first takes his place in the next horse.

5. Cat and mouse

Children stand in a circle, hold hands, in the center is a “mouse”. Behind the circle at a short distance is a "cat". The hands of the children are raised up, when the cat approaches, the hands fall - the gate closes. If the cat tries to get through the bottom, then the children squat, preventing the cat from climbing into the circle. If she manages to run through the barrier, the opposite side quickly releases the mouse from the circle, then closing the passage for the cat. This game is about attention and quick reaction.

6. Sparrows

A circle is outlined - with a diameter of 3-4 m, inside it is a driver - a "falcon". The rest of the children are "sparrows". Their task is to "peck the grains" that are inside the circle. So they jump in and out of the circle in such a way that the falcon does not spot them. Whom the falcon touches becomes the leader in the next round.

7. You go quieter, you will continue

Two lines are drawn at a distance of about 5 m. The leader is selected. At one line, the player becomes, at the second - the driver with his back to the player. The driver says: “You drive more quietly, you will continue. Stop" and turns around. At this time, the player moving in his direction must stop. If he did not have time to "freeze", then he becomes instead of the driver. Several people can take part in the game.

8. Lions and zebras

A place is chosen - the steppe, where zebras graze, the lines indicate the river. Children are zebras. The leader is selected - a lion, which stands on a hill (its lair) and says: “A lion went hunting, his anger is very terrible! One, two, three, start the game. The lion tries to catch "prey", the zebras run away. They can "jump" across the river, there is a safe place where the lion can't reach them. If a lion has caught a zebra, he takes it to his lair.

9. "The King loves"

The leader is chosen - the king. A line is drawn, on which the king stands with his back to the players and says two phrases: "The king loves ..." and "The king does not love ...", while naming two colors. For example, if the king says: "The king loves the color blue," then children dressed in blue shades walk calmly next to the king. If he says: “The king does not like red,” then the guys in clothes with red inserts or drawings must run past the king along the line so that he does not touch them.

Summer is a wonderful time of the year for all children. The school holidays begin, there is no need to do homework, there is a lot of free time. But every child knows that idleness gets boring very quickly, they want entertainment. What could be more interesting than various outdoor competitions for children in the summer?

In such funny Games you can play in the yard with other children, with children from the school camp or comrades from the recreation center. Wherever you are during the holidays, everywhere will be more fun with the games presented in this article.

To organize interesting contests in nature for children in the summer, it is enough to have a minimum of materials that are always at hand. These are hoops, inflatable circles, fins, balls, sticks, plastic bottles and other waste material.

It is very fun not only to play, but also to prepare manuals for games, while showing imagination, you can add something of your own, come up with similar games. All in your hands.

balloon games

1. "Knights". For these outdoor competitions for children in the summer, you need to have several balloons (according to the number of children), a thin rope, plastic plates and paper clips. Inflated balloons are tied to the belt. From a plastic plate they make a shield on the hand with a rope, in the other hand there is a paper clip. It is necessary, without pushing, to get close to the enemy and try to burst his ball. And the "knight" protects him, substituting his hand with a shield. Whoever has a ball on his belt wins.

2. Relay "Hold the ball." To play, you need to have tennis or badminton rackets and balloons. It is necessary to carry the ball to the selected distance on the racket, while trying not to drop it. Whoever drops the ball receives a penalty point. Whose team will quickly transfer all the balls to the opposite side and score fewer penalty points, that team will win.

3. "Battle". This is one of the most fun outdoor competitions for children in the summer. On a short rope (30 cm long) is tied balloon one side. The other end is tied around the leg below, at ankle level. Hands should be kept behind the back in the "lock". In a limited area playing field children catch up with the opponent and step on the ball so that it bursts. Whoever is the last to remain with the ball on his leg, he won the battle.

Ball games

1. "Harvest." Small multi-colored balls are scattered on a limited small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe playing field. These are vegetables in the garden. The blindfolded player must collect all the "vegetables" in a basket in a short time. Whoever collects faster, he won. You can place two players at the same time and find out which of them will collect the most.

2. "Basketball on the stomach." Two children are playing. A bucket is tied to their belt. In the hands - the ball. You need to hit the basket with the ball, like in basketball. Whoever hits the most times is the winner.

3. "Hit the target." The ball is placed in a net (string bag) and tied on a meter-long rope to a tree branch or horizontal bar, if outdoor competitions for children take place on a sports ground in summer. Objects are placed in front of the ball to be knocked down. These can be plastic water bottles, toys, etc. The player must swing the ball and push it towards the object with enough force to bring it down. You need a good eye here.

hoop games

1. "Pass the hoop." For such competitions in nature for children in the summer, you will need two hoops. Children are divided into two teams and form two circles, holding hands. A hoop is put on one player. The task is as follows: you need to pass the hoop through all the children without opening your hands, that is, climb through it one by one until the object goes around the circle and returns to the initial level, to the child who first started the movement.

2. "Brook". Here you need some hoops. Children line up in pairs. Each couple has a hoop in their hands. Only the last pair has no item. The last two players alternately crawl into the formed tunnel. They take the hoop from the first couple and run with it to the end of the column. The remaining couple without an object runs back and crawls into the tunnel. So you need to move until all the children pass the lane. Whose team completed the task faster, those are the winners.

Inflatable ring games

1. "Ring toss". Such competitions in nature in the summer are cool for children. You can play on water or on land. The game resembles a ring toss, only the role of the wand on which the rings are thrown is performed by a child who raised his hands up. Whoever is the most accurate and does not drop the circle into the water or onto the ground is the winner.

2. "Obstacle Course". To play, you need large inflatable circles, 6 or 7 pieces. Children stand in pairs and hold the circle with a hole parallel to the ground. The first team in turn begins to pass the strip as follows. In the first circle you need to climb from below, and in the second - from above. And so on until the end. Whichever team finishes first, wins. The guys then change places.

water games

Most best contests in nature for children in the summer - these are games with water. Children are very fond of water fun - both on land and at sea. There are a lot of water games to play with. This includes shooting for accuracy at plastic disposable cups with water tubes, relay races with buckets filled to the brim, knocking down objects with water from a water gun or machine gun.

"Firemen". For such a game, you need one large bowl of water, the same empty one, and many small buckets. Firefighters stand in a chain and pass water to each other, pouring it from bucket to bucket. The latter pours water into an empty bowl. This goes on until time runs out. Whoever got the most water, he won.


1. "Ski". Two wide and short skis are made of thick corrugated cardboard, two arches for feet are attached to them. Children insert their legs into arcs (photo below). Then, at speed, you need to go the distance in such “skis”. Whose team reached the finish line first, those players won the competition.

2. "Train". For such a game, you need to take several large garbage bags of 120 liters, sew them together. Players become in the resulting circle and slowly move from start to finish inside such a device. You can help yourself with your hands. Whose “train” gets to the final station first, he won.

3. The favorite walker of all children is the relay race with eggs on a spoon. You can hold spoons in your hand, or you can hold them in your mouth, as in the photo. Whoever brings the egg to the basket faster and does not drop it, he won.

All these games not only entertain and amuse children, but also teach endurance, accuracy, dexterity, develop motor skills, a sense of collectivism, a desire to win, which is very useful in adulthood.

Two people are involved. On two chairs there is a bowl of water and one spoon each. There are two more chairs a few steps away with an empty glass on them. Whoever fills the empty glass first wins.

Potato in a spoon

It is necessary to run a certain distance, holding a spoon with a large potato in an outstretched hand. They take turns running. Running time is measured by the clock. If the potato falls, they put it back and continue running. You can't run without potatoes! The one with the best time wins. Team competition is even more exciting.

No worse than a kangaroo

You need to run, or rather, jump a certain distance, holding a tennis ball or a matchbox between your knees. Time is recorded by the clock. If the ball or box falls to the ground, the runner picks it up, knees it again and continues running. The one with the best time wins.


Without the help of hands, both teams at speed pass a fake thermometer so that it is necessarily under the left hand.

Getting ready for the trip

The team is given a backpack (it can be replaced with any bag), a set of dishes (cup, mug, spoon, flask) and matches. If there are many people in the team, then you can take two sets of dishes.

The team lines up in a row, in front of the first participant lies a backpack. Dishes are located 15-20 steps from both teams. Each player needs to run to the dishes, take one item, return, put it in a backpack and touch the next player with his hand - "pass" the baton. Then the next participant runs.

Teams are given three points for quickness and neat packing of the backpack.


Two circles are drawn on the ground, in which the players of the teams stand in turn (starting from the first pair). In front of them are signs with cardinal points (north, south, east, west).

The host calls the direction of the world, both participants must simultaneously turn to the corresponding sign. As soon as one of the pair makes a mistake, a point is given to the team of the second participant, and the following players are called into the circle.

Swamp bumps

Teams are given two newspapers ("bumps"), the participants again compete in pairs.

At the start, the players stand on one newspaper, holding the second in their hands. The earth plays the role of a swamp. You need to run over the bumps without falling into the swamp. On command, the players put a newspaper in front of them, move to it, take the one they stood on, put it in front of them, move on, and so on. A point is given to the team whose player reached the finish line faster, without stepping on the ground (without falling into the "swamp"). If the player steps past the bump, the opposing team automatically gets a point.

Cooking competition

Take water from a cup into a spoon, bring it to the next cup without spilling, then return and pass the baton to the next participant. The host, before running, must come up with and name one animal or bird with a given letter, for example:

Relay race

Jump on one leg to the finish line and return back. The host must come up with and name one plant with a specific letter:

K (maple, nettle, bluebell, feather grass, burnet, clover, and so on)

L (lily of the valley, linden, onion, larch, chanterelle, lily and so on)

The winning team gets five points, the losing team gets three points.

merry tree

Ropes of the same length are tied to two trees with trunks approximately equal in thickness. Participants are called in pairs, one from each team. On command, both participants begin to run around the trees and wind ropes around them. A point is given to the team whose member is the first to "wind up".

knock down the skittles

As pins, you can use plastic bottles, in which a little water is poured for stability.

Before each team - 3-5 bottles. You can shoot down with a stick or bottles, throw - once.

Each team gets as many points as they knocked down the bottles.

Come on, don't back

On level ground, at a step distance from each other, 8-10 towns are placed on the same line (or pins). The player stands in front of the first town, they blindfold him with a blindfold and offer him to go between the towns back and forth. The one who knocks down the fewest towns wins.

paper arrow

To play, you need a dove-type paper arrow, which any student can make. It is better to play in calm weather. The guys are divided into two equal teams. A straight line is drawn on the ground, on which the first player who throws an arrow stands. From the place where the arrow fell, the player of the second team throws in the opposite direction. And again from this place where the arrow fell, the player of the first team throws it again in the opposite direction. So alternately, one after another, players from different teams throw an arrow with all their might in two opposite directions. If, during the last throw, the arrow fell on a line drawn along the ground, both teams threw the same. If the arrow was in the direction from the line in which one of the teams threw, then this team won.


The players are divided into two or three teams of 10-20 people and line up at the back of each other's heads. Each team receives a thick rope (rope), which all players take with their right or left hand, evenly distributed on both sides of the rope. Then each of the participants of the attraction, depending on which side of the rope he is on, is taken with his right or left hand by the ankle of his right or left leg. At the signal of the leading centipede, they jump forward 10-12 meters, holding on to the rope, then turn around and jump back. You can run just on two legs, but then you should put the guys very close to each other. The victory is awarded to the team that first ran to the finish line, provided that none of its participants unhooked from the rope while running or jumping.

relay race with balls

Two or three teams of five to seven people can participate in the relay race. Stages of the relay race: The first stage is to carry the ball on the head. If it falls, stop, pick it up and start moving again. The second stage is to run or walk, and drive the ball through the air. The third stage is to carry two balls, pressing them to each other, between the palms. The fourth stage is to drive the ball along the ground, going around the towns (skittles, toys) placed by the snake. The fifth stage is to quickly walk the distance with a ball tied with a meter thread to the ankle of the leg. The sixth stage is to carry the table tennis ball on a racket or in a large spoon. The seventh stage is to hold the ball between your knees and jump with it like a kangaroo.

Hunting for a wild elephant

There are chairs in front of the teams of players at a distance of 5 - 10 meters. At the signal of the leader, the first scouts run to the chairs and tie the rope with a given knot, the second participants tie a new one to this rope, and so on. The team that quickly ties the rope and pulls the chair out to them wins.

Word volleyball

The ball is thrown through the center of the circle. In this case, the player names a word, a noun. The one who catches the ball simultaneously adds a suitable verb. For example: a bird is flying. Whoever speaks nonsense is out of the game.

Centipede running

This is a group competition. Play 2 - 3 teams of 15 people. The host ties each team with a rope. On a signal, groups of centipedes begin to move to the finish line.

The team that does not fall along the way and comes first wins.


Draw two circles on the start line. Divide the guys equally into two groups of 15 - 20 people, and put each group in a circle. Now tie both groups with ropes, you get two "spiders". On command "march!" both "spiders" begin to race to the finish line, where two other circles are drawn in which they must stand. "Spiders" stumble, do not run, but barely crawl. All players must be either in boots or barefoot.

Nimble hockey player

Participants are built in a column one by one behind the end line of the site. At 3 meters from it, the first vertical stand is installed on the ground (a stuffed ball, a brick, a bucket of sand, thick wooden chocks), then five more stands are installed at the same distance on the same line, the last of them is located on the opposite front line.

The guide, holding the hockey stick, leads the volleyball (you can tennis, football, and so on) and the obstacles (racks) encountered on the way back and forth around the snake. Having caught up with the team, he stops the ball and passes the stick to the next player, and he goes to the end of the team. The relay race ends when all participants hold the ball and stick and pass it to the captain. The winner is the team that manages to do it the fastest.

Relay race with overcoming obstacles

Each team is divided into two equal subgroups. Players of all subgroups are built in columns one by one, one against the other at a distance of 15 meters. Obstacles are installed between them in the middle of the site: a rope stretched across the site at a height of 40 - 50 centimeters, a ditch 1.5 meters wide, is indicated by two lines (the distance between obstacles is 5 meters). At the signal of the leader, the first players of the subgroups standing on one side of the site, with a flag in their hands, run forward towards the second subgroups of their teams, overcome both obstacles one after the other along the way, after which they pass the flag to the players standing first in opposite subgroups. These players run in the opposite direction, overcoming obstacles in reverse order. The first team to complete the flag transfer wins. The number of obstacles and their nature can be varied.

my friend backpack

The team is built in a column one by one behind the end line of the volleyball court. The guide has a tourist backpack behind his back, filled with the things necessary for the trip: a blanket, a badminton racket, a sleeping bag, a deflated soccer ball, and so on. On a signal, a participant with a backpack behind his back runs along the distance, runs along the gymnastic bench, crawls under three or four ropes stretched above the ground, gets up and runs to the opposite front line, runs around the limit post, returns back, having overcome both obstacles, passes the backpack on the start line next, and he goes to the end of his team. The relay race ends when all participants have run their stages. The winner is the team with the best time.

Just burners

The players stand in pairs, holding hands. Pairs line up one after another, and in front of all - one, the one who, by lot, got to "burn". He cannot turn back. Those standing in the last pair of "one, two, three" part their hands, run forward and try to reconnect, running around the driver "burning" one on the left, the other on the right. The same one pursues the fleeing, and if he manages to catch someone, then he becomes with the one caught in the first pair, and the one who is left alone will “burn”.

Double burners

An easy way to play can be made more difficult by playing double burners. Then there are four people in a row. One pair is on fire. You can play with singing:
Burn, burn bright
To not go out!
Look at the sky
The birds are flying
The bells are ringing!
Everyone falls silent, and the "burning" couple continues to count alone: ​​"One, two, three!", clapping their hands. After the word "three!" both rear pairs scatter and try to connect together in front of the "burning" pair. If they succeed, the old pair "burns". If any of the "burning" pairs has caught a pair, then the "burning" pair is connected with the caught one; the four of them stand in the front row.
Rule: running couples must not separate their hands, and a "burning" couple has no right to start moving before the running couples pass it.

Swedish burners

Participants become pairs, and each pair, starting with the leader, receives its number in order: first, second, third, and so on. In the middle, a corridor must be left for the run, so in this game the pairs do not join hands and form two lines. Someone needs to be in charge of this game. He steps forward, ten paces from the first couple. In both hands he has a wand. One by one, he calls pairs (in any order). Both of the called pair run along the inner corridor to the leader, snatch the sticks from his hands and, running around the standing pairs from the outside, give him these sticks again. The one who gave his wand first brings his line a point. When all the pairs run across, it turns out that one of the ranks has more points, and she won.
After each run, the lines change places: the first becomes left, and the left becomes right.

Rhythmic relay race with sticks

The game is played between two or more teams that line up in columns in front of the start line. The first team players have gymnastic sticks in their hands. At the signal of the leader, the players run with them to the counter, located 15 meters from the start line, run around it and return to their columns. Holding a stick by one end, they carry it along the column under the feet of the players, who, without moving, jump over it. Once at the end of the column, the player passes the stick to the partner in front of him, the next one, and so on until the stick reaches the player leading the column. He runs forward with a stick, repeating the task. The game ends when all players have covered the course.

Stripe jumping

On the floor across the site, there are strips 50 centimeters wide. Players line up on one side of the court. On a signal, the first players begin to jump from strip to strip. Jumps can be performed from foot to foot, two at the same time, and so on - on the instructions of the teacher. Those who complete the task correctly receive a point. The team with the most points wins. Repeated 2-3 times.

Agile dragons

Purpose: Development of speed and dexterity of movements. Development of the ability to coordinate actions with the actions of partners.

Game progress: The guys line up in two columns. Each holds in front of the one standing by the belt. They represent dragons. The first in the column is the head of the dragon, the last is the tail, at the command of the leader, the dragons begin to move. The task of the head is to catch the tail of another dragon. And the task of the tail is to escape from the head of the first dragon. The body of the dragon must not be torn, that is, the players do not have the right to unhook their hands. After capturing the tail of another dragon, you can choose a new head and a new tail, and continue the game.

Golden Gate

Purpose: Development of dexterity of movements. Development of the ability to coordinate actions with the actions of partners.

Game progress: The players are divided into equal teams. One team forms a circle, its players join hands and raise them up. There must be sufficient distance between the players so that a person can pass between them, even if bent over. The other team starts moving around each player of the first team in turn and each time passing through the gate formed by the hands of the players of the first team. The players of the second team hold hands, which cannot be disengaged! So, the second team finds itself in the circle, then outside it. The first team during the game says:

Golden Gate
They don't always miss.
The first one is allowed
The second time is forbidden
And for the third time
We won't miss you!

At the last word, the team abruptly lowers its hands. If someone from the second team is inside, he leaves the chain and stands in the center of the circle. Naturally, the second players try to be outside the circle on the last word, but it is not always possible. You can complicate the game by the fact that the players of the first team say their words with their own lips, carefully looking at each other, and suddenly lower their hands. When one person remains in the second team, but is recognized as the winner, and the teams change roles.

children children children children children children children children children children outdoors nature nature nature baton baton baton baton baton baton baton

Anyone in his life traveled with a large company to nature, to rest, to a camp site. But, unfortunately, not everything always goes according to plan. The expected fun vacation suddenly turns out to be a boring quiet gathering. So, to prevent this from happening, you just need to find ways of entertainment yourself, and various competitions are such. That is exactly what we are going to talk about.

The most important thing in competitions is thoughtfulness, everything must be planned in advance, all details are packed, all texts are spelled out. Also, do not forget about the age category. It is inappropriate to hold those contests that will be uninteresting or even incomprehensible to a group of people. Therefore, in order for the rest to be a success with a bang and the birthday to go well, it is necessary that each of the participants can feel at ease, and in no case feel embarrassed.

What are the contests

In general, competitions are divided into several types:

  • Intelligent. Such competitions are usually attended by older people who love to show off their knowledge, show intelligence and erudition. Chess can also be classified as an intellectual competition, if the winner is awarded a prize.
  • Merry. This type implies fun, laughter, tomfoolery. They bring positive emotions not only to the participants, but also to the spectators. Concerning age group, then these contests are suitable for everyone, because everyone likes to laugh at himself and his friend.
  • Physical. These competitions are distinguished by the manifestation of physical strength, they involve fights using sports props (weights, rope, jump rope, etc.). Age is not limited, males are preferably involved.

The most popular competitions in nature

Let's start with the most interesting and frequently used birthday contests in nature, which are popular in any company, and not a single vacation trip can do without them.

Of course, one of these competitions is the "Tug of War". He has many variations. It brings out command power.

"Tug of War"

All participants must be divided into 2 teams, it is desirable that the forces are approximately equal. You can choose 2 captains, who will recruit companions one by one, you can do it in another way, this is up to you. The two resulting groups become opposite each other, take the rope. It is necessary to make marks on the ground, for example, drive a stick into the ground where the middle of the rope is and where each team is located, and on the rope itself, tie a ribbon exactly in the middle so that the winner can be determined. After these actions, at the command of the leader, the participants begin to pull the rope. The winner is the group that quickly combined the ribbon on the rope with the mark on their side. It is better to hold such a competition when the company is already a little tipsy, it will be more interesting and funnier.

The next, no less popular competition, which is suitable for corporate outdoor recreation on a birthday, is Treasure Hunt.

"Treasure Hunt"

This competition will require different items from each of the two teams, the same number. It is desirable that all items be about the same size, such as different jars, chocolate bars, small packages of cookies, sweets - everything that is not a pity to give away. While the participants are not looking, the host hides all the details in the recreation area, choosing two different places. You can hide it anywhere: in the hollow of a tree, under a pile of leaves, behind a stump, in a hole and others. interesting places. Each team in the territory allotted to it is looking for the things of the opponent, which at the time of the competition are treasures. The host announces the start of the game, and the teams begin their search, trying to find all the things faster than their rivals. And when all the treasures are found by one of the groups, they are automatically awarded to the winners as the main prize, and of course, they also take their things. The competition is very interesting, exciting, everyone will be happy to become a participant in this game.

Very common, old good game from a series of catch-ups that will cause a sea of ​​​​emotions, these are “paints”. Anyone who is not afraid to run a certain distance will want to participate in this competition.


This game is scripted. All participants stand in a line and guess any color, it is desirable that it be rare, so it will be more difficult to guess. The host (buyer) walks a short distance away from them and turns away. A similar dialogue follows:

  • Host (B): - Knock-knock-knock?
  • Participants (U): — Who is here?
  • Q: I am a monk.
  • W: Why did you come?
  • B: For paint.
  • W: What color?
  • Next, the host says any color that comes to his mind.
  • B: - (for example) behind the blue one.
  • If this paint is missing, then the answer sounds something like this:
  • U: - No, now jump around on one leg.
  • And then the buyer jumps a small circle. But if such a beauty is among those conceived, then the participants answer:
  • U: - There is one, you need to pay for it ...

Names the age of the owner of this color.

The buyer quickly counts aloud to the named number, and at this time the beauty tries to run far away from him. Having counted, the leader runs after the paint, and then the catch-up begins, it can take a long time, everyone supports the evader with a loud cry. The point is for the beauty to return to its place, not caught. If the host still caught her, then they change places, and the game starts again, only with a different buyer. This competition is very fun, interesting, especially when there are many participants.

Contests are very popular in nature on birthdays - relay races, when all the vacationers ate, got drunk and decided to have fun. Here are a few options for such an active holiday.


Participants are divided into 2 teams, stand in equal columns one after the other. The captains of each team are given a lit candle in their hands. Usually the distance of the run is chosen to be small so that each player can run his own way without a long wait. A route is chosen, along which the participants run in turn. For example: you need to run to a tree that is the same distance from each team, run around it and return. But the main thing is that the candle does not go out in any case. If suddenly this happens, then the participant must return to the team, light a candle and start all over again. If the fire does not go out, then the candle is passed to the next from the team, and he runs on the same conditions. The game continues until the moment when each of the participants does not make his way. The winner is the team that completes the task the fastest.


This competition also requires 2 teams, the same formation of participants, only instead of running with a candle, each of the group will need to jump on one leg to a certain place and back. To complicate the task a little, you can choose the terrain on the slope so that the jumper goes up there, and back down the hill. The more the players fall, the funnier the audience naturally gets. The winner is the team that finishes the relay first. As a prize in this competition, you can make any remedy for abrasions and bruises, it will come in handy. By the way, instead of jumping on one leg, as an option, you can equip the participant in skis, give out sticks and send along the same path, it will be no less funny.

Outdoor recreation is generally very popular nowadays, people are charging positive emotions, are not afraid to open up and be funny and just have fun, not remembering everyday problems. But you can relax not only in nature, but also, for example, in the country, celebrating, meeting graduates, or simply for no reason.

As a rule, the dacha is usually located outside the city, and apart from your friends, no one will see you in the coming days, so you can hold a similar competition.

"Bright bottle"

For the props, you will need all the cosmetics that the girls took with them from home: nail polishes, lipsticks, shadows, blush, etc. Everything is neatly laid out in a circle, a bottle is placed in the center. All participants sit around and start the game. They take turns spinning the bottle, which object it points to, the participant will have to use it (make up nails, cheeks, lips). It's very funny, especially when both sexes are involved. The main thing in such a competition is to capture everything in photographs, so that later they can laugh together at the received shots.

The game can continue until the moment when all participants are decorated.. The winner is the one whose makeup is the best and most beautiful, it will be fun if the winner is a young man. And you can do it differently: play until one of the participants remains, untouched by cosmetics, and he will be the winner. As a prize, you can give away part of the cosmetics.

A very interesting comic contest will improve the mood in any bored company. Everyone loves to play people, but not everyone wants to be a test subject.


No more than 5 people can take part in this competition. From a newspaper or a large sheet of paper, you need to twist a bag with a hole at the end. Participants must insert it into their pants or trousers, always in front. Each player is given a coin, which he must put on his forehead, raising his head up. After the done actions, the rules of the game are announced to the participants. The bottom line is that with the same coin from the forehead, the players can get into the bag. But in which leg the coin will fall, this will decide the further development of the game. While the facilitator explains the rules and the participants look up, one of the spectators brings a container of water. After warning the facilitator about the beginning of the game, when the participants with their heads raised try to aim at the bag, the facilitator pours the prepared water into it. All the spectators will simply die of laughter from such a prank, and the participants will not be very offended, but will simply laugh along with everyone.

The presence of competitions at the camp site will increase your mood

If you decide to relax, celebrate your birthday or any other holiday at the camp site, then in this case, many competitions will also be useful to you. Indeed, in the absence of games, you can get bored, and so that this does not happen, we offer the following options.


Several people can participate in this fun contest at the same time. Participants sit in a circle, in front of them, in the center, any prize is placed. The entire competition is held in verse. The host starts:

  • If you hear the number three, then rather take the prize.

Then the leader pronounces rhymed phrases, one after another, where the word three should be the logical conclusion. The participants, who are waiting to hear the cherished word, are already beginning to reach for the gift, but the ending turns out to be unexpected.

  • Lights were turned on by the lanterns - there are exactly eight of them in a row.
  • We waited for her inside, maybe an hour, or even five.

And a host can say a lot of similar phrases, but word three should be where no one expects to hear it, for example:

  • On a grand occasion, I wrote you three words.

In this phrase, the participants may not even hear the right word, and wait further, and whoever understands first that it still sounded will receive the prize. The most attentive participant will be the winner.

If suddenly there are children on vacation, then they can also be involved in the competition, even as props.

"It does not pull its load"

How many children are on vacation, so many teams will be in this competition. Each of the players must put one child on their shoulders. Next to each team there will be a container, and at the distance that will be measured for the race, a bucket of water. The task is for the runner with a glass in his hand and a child on his shoulders to run to the bucket., took water, returned just as quickly and poured water into a container. Then the next player in the group takes the child, the glass, and repeats the actions of the previous participant. The winner is not the team that finishes the competition first, but the one that has more water in their allotted container. This competition is best held after the first glass so that the children do not suffer.

Very interesting and popular competitions at the hostel are also competitions from the series of throwers and throwers.

It is better to divide those wishing to participate into two equal teams of 6 people, and more can be. A bucket of potatoes is placed next to the team, it is better if it is small, and each group must have an equal amount. At an average distance from the participants, another bucket is placed, only already empty, it will be the goal. A line is marked that cannot be stepped on, if the player nevertheless stepped in, then the throw will not be counted. The task is simple - to get potatoes into the bucket, each player has 3 attempts. The team with the most potatoes in their bucket wins. As a prize, the winners take a potato.

Wherever you rest, wherever you celebrate holidays, wherever you gather in a big friendly company, your fun and good mood enhance contests and games, no matter what age you are.

In the conclusion of the article, the types of the above competitions can be distinguished.

In conclusion, I would like to say, no matter how old you are, in your heart you always remain children. A birthday is the best holiday when you can feel like a child. And only on vacation, in competitions and games, you can show yourself real and sincerely enjoy the little things.

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