Interesting family games. Best family competitions

On New Year's Eve, even adults become children and are not averse to fooling around
and have some fun. We bring to your attention the top 15 best New Year's fun.

1. "Creative competition»

In a hat, notes with words on the New Year theme are passed around in a circle. For example, snow, Santa Claus, Christmas tree, snowman, etc. Each participant must sing a song or recite a poem in which the word from his note occurs.

2. « Who quickly? »

The host puts a prize under the tree. Two players put on boots, the larger the better. On a signal, the participants run around the Christmas tree from different sides. Who is faster, that and the prize.

3. « Prize to the touch »

Blindfolded, wearing warm mittens, you need to determine the object by touch. The guessed item goes to the participant as a prize.

4. « find candy »

A bowl of flour is placed in front of the participant. The condition is to get the candy “buried” in flour without the help of hands.

5. « Get an apple »

The competition is similar to the previous one. Only instead of flour and candy - water and an apple.

6. « collect snowballs »

The host lays out “snowballs” on the floor - lumps of white paper or cotton wool. Participants are blindfolded and given a basket. On a signal, they begin to collect "snowballs". The one who collects the most wins.

7. « Who has more? »

In a minute, you need to put on as many things prepared in advance as possible. Who put on the most - he won

8. « fly fly »

The leader throws up a “snowflake” made of cotton wool. The task of the participants is to blow on the snowflake so that it does not fall. The winner is the one who manages to keep the snowflake in the air the longest.

9. « pioneers »

Each player is given a balloon and a marker and offered to discover a new planet. To do this, for a certain time you need to inflate your balloon and draw "inhabitants" on it. Whoever has the most inhabitants wins.

10. « Take it away »

There are two people in the competition. A chair is placed between them. They put a prize on it, for example, a chocolate bar. Whoever quickly, at the gesture of the presenter, puts his hand on the prize, he gets it.

11. « Pop the balloon »

A ball is placed in front of each player and his eyes are tied. Task: pop the balloon with your foot. For adults, the task can be "complicated" - remove the balls.

12. « Mask »

The facilitator puts on a mask for the participant so that he does not see it. The player tries to guess whose mask it is with the help of various questions. You can only answer: yes and no. The one who guesses correctly gets a mask as a gift.

13. « Who is extra? »

Six snowflakes are laid out in a circle on the floor. Seven players run around them to the music. As soon as the music stops, each participant must take a snowflake. The one who turned out to be superfluous is out. The game is repeated until there is only one winner.

14. « Winders »

A prize is tied in the middle of the length of the rope, and pencils are tied to the ends.

On command, the players begin to wind the rope around the pencils. Whoever reaches the prize first wins it.

15. « Transfers»

Another competition for speed and agility. Each player has two glasses - empty and full. The task of the participants is to pour water from one container to another using a straw.

When at a family holiday the table already ceases to arouse keen interest among the guests and owners of the house, philosophical themes usually come into play and global political disputes are started, but at the same time someone usually yawns desperately and squints at horizontal planes, or even at all - at Door.

Well, it means that it's time to move on to an active celebration program and diligently involve all those present in fun games. Choose those that will be appropriate today, now, in this company.

Better yet, entrust the organization of entertainment to children. They are able not only to help mom set the table, but also to become real "stars" of a family holiday. The main thing is to help them believe in themselves. Who knows, maybe for someone this will be the beginning of a truly stellar career?


This game is especially good for a male company - and it is appropriate for adults, serious men, and for fun kids. Two teams are playing. The one that completes the leader's task first wins. The host announces the topic, for example: “By height”, the participants of each team must line up in height (either from the smallest or from the largest, by agreement). Followed by: eye color; the floor on which we live; the number of letters in the names; age; foot size, etc. How much imagination the leader has.


From walnut shells or plain paper, you need to make boats and glue triangular sails to them. We let the ships float in the plate. We blow them in different directions. You can hold a competition for the most beautiful, fastest, and even the most unsinkable ship.

"Formula 1"

Such a game is especially appropriate in the company of male drivers. But no less recklessly play it and the kids. After all, car racing is really interesting!

The players sit around a table, a fire, or simply sit in a circle on the floor. The goal is to become the best Formula 1 driver. To do this, all you need is to remember two simple commands:

1) Vroom-m (the sound of a speeding car).

2) And-and-and-and (the sound of brakes, like a squeak).

To start the car in a circle, say clockwise, the player turns to the neighbor on the left and says: "Vroom-m." The one to whom the car “arrived” can:

2) Turn it in the face of the “sender” and say “i-i-i-i”.

Now the "sender" must "go" to the right. The one who is out of the game is:

1) “Passing” the car, he will turn to his neighbor and say not “vroom”, but “i-i-i-i”.

2) “Braking” the car, instead of “and-and-and-and” in the face of the “sent” “vroom-m”.

Enough "driving", you can enter a time limit for the answer. As a result, the remaining "in the game" 2-3 drivers are appointed "Schumachers" and sprinkled with something "suitable" from drinks, at their discretion (as you know, champagne is used in real races).

Auction for ladies

The host sets a certain female theme (for example, “flowers”, “cosmetic companies”, “elements of clothing”, “jewelry”). The task of the participants is to name in random order the words related to this topic. The participant who gives the last word receives a bonus point.

Women's logic

The facilitator names several items. Participants must name an item that is not on the list and explain their decision. For each correct answer, the participant receives a bonus point. Examples of tasks "What is superfluous?":

Hair coloring with henna, basma or hair dye. (Coloring with paint, since henna and basma are natural dyes)

Vanilla croutons, breadcrumbs, raisin croutons. (Breadcrumbs, as they are not a ready-to-eat product)

Viscose, cotton, polyester. (Polyester, since viscose and cotton are natural materials)

Eau de toilette, lotion, perfume. (An extra lotion, since it is used for hygiene purposes, and eau de toilette and perfume are used as perfumes)

Basting, machine stitching, overlock. (Batting, since it is done by hand, the rest is done on a sewing machine)

Non-standard situations

The facilitator offers each participant a difficult situation from which he must find an original way out. Participants with the most interesting answers receive a reward point. For example:

You have been preparing for the party for a long time, you have specially bought an elegant dress to impress everyone. However, when you arrived, the outfit of the hostess of the house turned out to be like two drops of water similar to yours. What to do?

You are waiting for the arrival of your husband's parents. To impress, you decide to cook something special. However, nothing works out for you: - you oversalt the soup, the roast burns, and the pie looks like a sole. You do not have time to fix anything, because the guests are already ringing the doorbell. What to do?

Before an important date, you went to the hairdresser. As a result of a terrible mistake, you dyed your hair green. Goodbye is one hour away. What to do?

You came to the holiday in a knitted dress. You are talking to a respectable guest and suddenly notice that someone has caught a jacket button on the thread of your dress, and the further he moves away, the more it unravels. And the conversation isn't over yet. What to do?

The participant with the most points wins a prize.


Plays any number of participants. All participants in the game sit at the table, if it is a free area, form a large circle. In the center - the driver with a handkerchief in his hands. He throws the handkerchief up as he flies, everyone laughs out loud, as soon as the handkerchief is on the table or on the ground, everyone calms down. As a rule, at the moment when the handkerchief touched the ground, the “very laughter” begins, but the “fant” is taken from the most laughable. A phantom can be a dance performed, a song told, a joke told, or a playful "task".


This game requires 1 more men than women. The players line up opposite each other. When the melody sounds, the men “grab” the ladies, and the “extra” ... dances with a mop! It's pretty fun to watch the loser gently hug the mop. eighteen

Shoe for Cinderella

Guests are divided into two teams. In each, a captain is chosen, and both must leave the room for a while. Teams sit opposite each other, take off one shoe or boot and throw it in the center on one pile; you can also put “extra” shoes in a pile - use the stocks stored in the closet. The task of the captain is to put on shoes for his team as quickly as possible. The first team to wear the shoes wins.


For this competition, it is better to divide into teams: "boys" and "girls", regardless of the age of the participants.

From balloons of various sizes and shapes, “boys” need to fashion a female figure with adhesive tape, and “girls” need to mold a sculpture of an “ideal” man.

Some of the balloons may already be inflated. In addition, you need to stock up on a sufficient number of uninflated balls and threads. It is interesting to use balloons of various sizes and shapes for this game.


The game involves couples (man and woman). In addition, a bottle (glass or plastic) and a flower (real or artificial) are required for each pair.

Women hold bottles under their arms, and men take flowers in their teeth. The task of each pair is to put the flower into the bottle as quickly as possible without the help of hands.

The pair that completes the task faster than the others wins a prize.

Like Aunt Irina

Those who play according to the counting rhyme choose "Aunt Irina", who goes to the center of the round dance. The round dance joins hands, walks in a circle and sings:

Like Aunt Irina

There were seven children

They didn't drink, they didn't eat,

Everyone looked at the aunt

Together they did this.

Aunt Irina portrays all sorts of grimaces, stands in unthinkable poses (squats on one leg, presses her knee to her chin, etc.). All players must accurately repeat her gestures and grimaces. Whoever makes a mistake, inaccurately repeats the aunt's pose, will replace it in the center of the circle and will show the players what to do.


The game is very good in a large children's or youth company, but it is quite applicable in a closer, but no less friendly circle. So, everyone stands in a circle, in the back of the head one after another. At the leader’s command, everyone takes the waist of the person in front, and together they make “hip movements” left-right-back-forward. Better, of course, play the game to the music! Further, the task becomes more difficult. The leader asks to take the waist in front of the person standing through one! Then, as you may have guessed, “hip movements” are repeated left-right-back-forward. Then the task becomes more difficult again, now it is proposed to take the waist of the one standing two people ahead! Naturally, the movements of the hips ... The game is played until "enough hands". At the end of the game, as a rule, everyone merrily “falls” to the floor!


Participates in the game "male" half of the company. An honorable task - to make jewelry for the woman you love!

Pasta or clothespins (and if there are, then shells, large wooden or plastic beads) are very convenient to string on shoelaces with hard tips. And how fun it is to present the best decoration to its happy owner! At the same time, a small photo session will not hurt - there will be something to remember later!

Hands on the table!

Those who wish to participate in the game sit close to each other on one side of the table. They receive some small object (coin, button, nut), put their hands under the table and begin to quietly pass this object from hand to hand. The driver sits on the other side of the table. Having seized the moment, he suddenly commands: "Hands on the table!" Everyone should immediately put their hands on the table, palms down. In order not to betray the one who holds the coin (by holding it between the fingers), the other players also hold their palms in a “boat”, tightly squeezing their fingers. And yet, the driver can guess who has the coin and in what hand (by the accidental knock of the coin on the table, by too tense and slow movements, etc.). At the request of the driver, the player must show this hand. If the driver guessed correctly, this player replaces the driver. If you didn't guess correctly, the game is repeated. The main rule: whoever drops or throws out the transmitted object at a dangerous moment, he becomes the driver.

"Football" fluff

Two teams sit on opposite sides of the table. The table is divided in half - as a rule, there is a middle line on folding tables. If it is not there, then the line can be marked with chalk on the tablecloth or with a thread (to stretch it, tie its ends under the table).

A “ball” is placed on this middle line - a bird's feather (a light lump of wool, cotton wool, foam rubber is also quite suitable). The players of both teams simultaneously begin to blow on the "ball", trying to blow it off the table to half of the "opponent". The team that succeeded "scores a goal" against the "opponent".

The game again starts from the middle line and continues until the agreed number of "goals".


The facilitator scatters 20-25 pieces of various small items prepared in advance on the table: nuts, badges, pencils, coins, pins, etc. Everyone looks at them carefully for one minute, and then the facilitator covers all this property with a newspaper. Now all the players take turns calling one of the items, without repeating what has already been named. Who could not do it in 5 seconds, he is out of the game. The last one not eliminated is the winner. It is desirable for the facilitator to have an alphabetical list of items and mark those that have already been named.

What changed?

For those who want to test their powers of observation and memory, ask them to carefully look at those sitting, then go out for 1-2 minutes. When inviting the driver to enter again, those remaining in the room must keep everything as before, except for 5-7 changes, which everyone will agree on. For example, you can rearrange a vase on a table, two people sitting swap places, maintaining their previous positions, you can slightly change someone's hairstyle, remove a badge, etc. The driver, returning to the room, tries to detect as many changes as possible. Then the one whose change was noticed before the others goes to drive.

The game of charades

A charade is a riddle in which the hidden word must be guessed in parts, and each part is itself a whole word, for example: trace - experience, steam - mustache. The game of charades can be simplified a little: parts of the word are already given, and you need to add a whole word from them. Write in advance on the sheets the words that make up the charades: trace, steam, experience, mustache, pass, port, floor, sack, wasp, tour, hay, gas, shaft, spruce, dock, yar, fret, brand, mouse, weight, yak, point. Put the sheets with these words on the table in no particular order. Let each take the two words that will make up the charade. Whoever gets the most charade words is the winner.

five points

Children are especially good at this game. Fold a stack of identical sheets of paper and pierce them through with a needle in five places. Each participant in the game receives a piece of paper and marks punctures on it with dots. Then he makes a drawing - any, but so that the line of the drawing passes without interruption through five points. This competition is not only in the ability to draw, but also in ingenuity, richness of imagination.

Repeat and add

They agree to name words on a specific topic - for example, the names of games. The first player calls: hockey. The second repeats: hockey - and adds: checkers. The third one already says three words: hockey, checkers, charades. Finally, someone will not be able to repeat, without error, the whole series of words (hockey - checkers - charades - crossword puzzle - tags - rounders - badminton - the third extra - blind man's bluff ...). That player is out and the next player in line tries again. The winner is the one who said the longest series of words. It is desirable for the organizer of the game to keep a record of the called words in order in a column and to monitor the observance of the word order when repeating. Another good thing about this game is that it helps you collectively remember a lot of good games. Some of them can be played right there.

fish, animal, bird

The players sit on the sides of the room. Choose a driver. He walks past them, repeating three words: "Fish, beast, bird..." Suddenly stopping in front of someone, he says loudly one of these words, for example, "bird." The player must immediately name some bird, for example "hawk". You can not hesitate and name those animals, fish or birds that have already been named before. The one who gapes or answers incorrectly pays a forfeit, and then “redeems” him - reads poetry, sings, etc.

Prize with a secret

For this game you will need a large box, postcards according to the number of participants in the game, prizes for each participant. Cut each card in half. On the back of one of the halves, write the name of the prize, and on the other half, write the tasks. Tasks can be as follows:

Sing a song

Tell a poem

Ask an interesting question

Tell a funny story

Make a riddle

Make a wish

Sing a duet with someone

Say a phrase, an aphorism for reflection

If you have many participants in the game, you can write the same tasks twice or come up with different ones. Put the halves of the cards with the task in a box, and put the halves of the cards with the name of the prizes in prominent places in the room where the game is being held. Invite everyone present to take the halves of the card with the task from the box and, in turn, complete what is written on the card. After completing the task, the player looks in the room for the other half of his postcard, where the name of the prize he deserves is written. When the half is found and the halves of the card match, the host must give this player the prize indicated on the card.

Quack quack!

Everyone sits in a circle on chairs or just on the floor. The man who is blindfolded sits in the middle, he has a pillow in his hands .. After he is blindfolded, everyone changes places and observes silence. The driver tries to feel someone's knees with a pillow, then puts a pillow on these knees and says: "Quack-quack!" The player who has a pillow on his knees must also answer him (it is allowed to change the voice). The driver must identify the player by the voice and give his name. He gets 3 tries. If the driver guessed right, they change places.

History from the cap

Everyone writes on separate pieces of paper, each one word of their choice. The leaves are collected and mixed in a hat. Then everyone takes one piece of paper from the hat and reads it to themselves. The essence of the game: tell a coherent story using the words from the cap. The first player starts with the word: “Once upon a time...” and comes up with a sentence with the word he pulled out. The second one continues and so on. The stories are very funny and then remembered more than once!

Musical instruments

Divide everyone into several teams of 2-3 people. Each team receives a sheet with the name of a musical instrument and must depict the game on it, supplementing it with sounds and movements. The group is given one minute to prepare. Then, one by one, the groups introduce themselves, and the rest guess the instruments.

Give each of the two interlocutors 10 nuts, a topic for conversation and say that they should communicate in pairs, talking and asking questions on the topic, but without saying the word "I". When one of the couple utters the word "I", his interlocutor takes one nut. The one with the most nuts after 5 minutes is the winner.


You will need pencils, crayons, sticky tape and a large sheet of paper. Give each team a set of pencils. At different ends of the room, attach a sheet of paper to the tables or to the wall so that the rivals do not see. Each player receives only one part of the task (description of the picture). Everyone chooses a place for themselves on a piece of paper, and everyone starts drawing at the same time.

For example:

1. Man in blue pants...

2. ...crying a lot...

3. ...a striped toy in your hand...

4. ...cries a lot...

5. ... on the street under the maple ...

1. A baby in a stroller...

2. ...holding a bottle of juice...

3. ...drinks Coca-Cola...

4. ... reads a book ...

5. the raging sea...

Dogs and roosters

The players sit in a circle. The driver gives each the name of the city. Then he says: "I heard that in the city ... dogs crow and roosters bark." The player whose city has been named replies: “No, sir, in the city ... dogs do not crow and roosters do not bark. The city where the dogs crow and the roosters bark is called... The player whose city was named responds in the same way. If someone does not answer immediately or gets confused, he gives a deposit. When a lot of pledges are collected, they are redeemed by completing the tasks of the leader.


Blindfolded, you need to reach the designated place without hitting the placed objects (shoes, watches, dishes, etc.). If you want to cheer up the participants, for the second or third time, when everyone has already seen what kind of objects are on the floor, ask someone to take off the clock and put it down as well. Then blindfold the participants and replace the clock with... eggshells, positioned so that they are more likely to be stepped on. It is difficult to convey the feelings of a person who knows that there is a clock on the playing field and hears a crunch under his own foot...


Take a large empty egg carton. On the bottom of each hole, write the numbers from 1 to 30. Place the target card on the floor. Divide the players into 2 teams. Draw a line one and a half to two meters from the target and give each team 4-5 balls. The goal is to hit the cells and score as many points as possible, but the ball must hit the floor once before hitting the target.

A holiday in the family circle can be organized in different ways. It doesn't have to be a boring event where the adults interact and the kids play on their own. Family competitions will help create a festive atmosphere, as well as unite people of different generations. Get inspired by the article and organize a holiday fun.

Memory Competition

What do relatives do when they gather at the table? That's right, they remember interesting events from life. You can make this process more interesting if you transform it into a family competition. How to carry it out? Each of the guests in turn should talk about an interesting event that happened to family members. You can set boundaries and remember funny moments from the past year. You may or may not do this. Then the competition will be delayed, but it will be more interesting. Everyone remembers something good. When one of those present cannot remember anything, he is eliminated. The person with the best memory wins.

"Guess the melody"

This fun game can easily be turned into a family competition. Songs should be prepared in advance. If there are children in the family, then you can download soundtracks from cartoons. Or you can mix it all together: popular songs, children's songs, movie songs, etc. At the request of the presenter, he can either include only the introduction, or find melodies without words. The family should be divided into teams. Moreover, it is desirable that the participants be of different ages. The team that guesses the most songs wins. Although the host may deliberately arrange a draw, pulling up the losers. How to play - honestly or not, everyone decides for himself.

"Who knows more poetry"

Family poetry contests help parents remember their childhood. Indeed, in this game, it is often not the oldest, but the youngest member of the team that wins. But of course, there are exceptions. Today you can find not so many people who sincerely love poetry. Yet such individuals exist. And they rarely manage to show off their knowledge. So it's worth giving them a chance. The competition can be held in different ways. The family can be divided into two teams, or each person will play for himself. Everyone takes turns reading the verse from memory. The winner is the one who has more poetry in his arsenal. Often it is children who win in such competitions.

Pantomime Competition

It is difficult to find a person who has never played Crocodile. This popular game can be turned into a family competition. On a birthday or on the 8th of March - pantomimes are always popular. And both in adults and in children. How to run a contest? Participants of the table event are divided into two teams. In turn, each person must show the hidden concept, without using words and without pointing to objects. One team guesses the words, and the other guesses. Then the roles change. The team that can better understand the pantomime explanations of their relatives wins.

"Who am I?"

Family competitions for the New Year are different. You can, for example, play the game "Who am I?". Its rules are very simple. You will need stickers for this. Each of those present writes the name of some famous person on a piece of paper. It can be an actor, the hero of a movie or cartoon. Then, clockwise, each relative hangs a piece of paper written by him on the forehead of his neighbor. It is necessary to give a few minutes to the participants so that they can familiarize themselves with the inscriptions of all those present. And now everyone takes turns asking a question that can be answered "yes" or "no". For example: Am I a cartoon character? If a person receives a positive answer, he has the right to ask another question. If he does not guess correctly, then the turn passes to his neighbor. The person who guesses their character's name the fastest wins.


New Year's family competitions can be held on the principle of intellectual olympiads. Their goal is not only to entertain guests, but also to improve the knowledge of children. For example, in the field of geography. For these purposes, the game in the cities is perfect. Her rules are pretty simple. One of the participants names any city, for example Yekaterinburg. Now the next player needs to come up with a city with the letter "g". He says: "Goose-Crystal". Well, and so on. The player who cannot come up with a city for the letter that has fallen out to him is out. The winner is the person whose knowledge of geography is the most extensive. Most often these are those people who often go on business trips.


Family contests and games can be a lot of fun if relatives spend a lot of time together. After all, in this case, they have a lot of common memories. And in the game "Contact" it will come in handy. What are her rules? One of the players becomes the leader and thinks of any word. For example, the hippopotamus. The task of the other players is to guess the hidden word. But they don't have to do it by selection. The essence of the game is as follows. The host announces the first letter of the hidden word. One of the players comes up with his own concept with the letter "g". For example, stylus. He explains to his team: if you eat this, the temperature will rise. If one of the relatives understood what was at stake, he says: "Contact." From this time, 30 seconds are counted, during which the presenter must understand what the word is. If he does not guess correctly, then after the time has elapsed, the players simultaneously say: "Slate lead". Now the leader must say the second letter of his word. It turns out the syllable "gi". And it is for him that you need to come up with the next word for one of the players and explain it as incomprehensibly as possible. The team wins when the leader's cryptic concept is guessed.

"To the touch"

Interesting family New Year's games and contests can be arranged from long-forgotten entertainment. For example, guessing objects by touch. To do this, one of the guests should blindfold with a dark, non-translucent scarf or scarf. In order to complicate the task, large fur gloves should be put on the hands. And now you can start the competition. A variety of items should be given to the participant. It can be an apple, coconut, flour or buckwheat. The player must identify familiar objects by touch. At the same time, you can’t intentionally sniff anything. Of course, if you pour coffee into your mittens, it immediately becomes clear what it is. So it's best to avoid anything that has a strong flavor. You need to count how many items the player guesses, and then blindfold the second participant and repeat the contest. The one who guesses more often wins.

"Get an Apple"

More than one generation of children have fun with this competition. After all, it does not require long preparation, and all the necessary details are always at home. Family games and competitions for the New Year can be held with a large number of participants. A deep bowl of water is placed in front of each person. A small apple is immersed in it. The participant's task is to remove the fruit from the water without using their hands. Competition can be upgraded. For example, change water for flour or powdered sugar. In this case, the apple should be replaced with candy, a piece of chocolate or an orange slice.


This is a very fun family competition will be as follows. Water or juice is poured into one glass and a tube is inserted. The other glass is empty. All participants sit at the table and, at the sign of the host, must pour the liquid from one container to another. At the same time, it is good if the glasses are used the same and the initial water level is fixed. This should be done to ensure that participants do not cheat or drink during the transfusion. You can complicate the competition and prohibit players from using their hands. Well, an option for the advanced is to pour the liquid blindfolded. Adults can improve this game by pouring something alcoholic into glasses instead of juice.

Selfie Contest

Modern technologies today are used by everyone: from small to large. Therefore, it is not surprising that modern holidays can be arranged using phones. Something interesting to come up with. For example, arrange a selfie contest. The facilitator must come up with fun tasks in advance. If the competition is held on New Year's Eve, then the photos must correspond to the event. For example, tasks may sound like this: take a selfie with the president, with Olivier, or with an opening bottle of champagne. If the solemn occasion for which the guests gathered at the table is a birthday, then this event must be reflected in the photographs. For example, you can ask guests to take a selfie with a birthday person, with a birthday cake, or with the oldest family member. The competition may take place as follows. The facilitator announces the task and counts 30 seconds. Who manages to take a selfie during this time goes to the next stage, the rest are eliminated. The winner is the one who can do all the tasks voiced by the leader.

"Don't Clap for Wednesday"

An interesting family competition at the table can be held without props at all. This game is called Don't Clap Wednesday. What are the conditions? The leader in a chaotic manner announces the days of the week and claps on each of them. At this time, the players should listen carefully. If the announced day of the week is Monday, Friday, in general, any other than Wednesday, you need to clap. The leader's task is to confuse the participants. The one who will clap on the word "Wednesday" flies out. The most attentive participant who can control his thoughts and actions wins.

"Eat an Apple"

This competition is known to everyone since childhood. To carry it out, you need an apple and a thread. The fruit should be tied to a rope half a meter long. Now two guests stand on chairs and take one end of the rope. Two other participants stand next to each other. Thus, there are two commands. If there are many guests, then you can pair them up and invite them to take part too. In general, one of the players hangs an apple at the level of the mouth of his opponent, who is standing below. Now the team's task is to eat the apple as quickly as possible. The participant who is standing below has no right to use his hands. The person on top should direct the apple so that it is convenient to bite off the fruit.


This very simple and interesting game is easy to upgrade into a contest. You can prepare for it in advance, or you can improvise during the holiday. If you like to plan everything, then you should prepare tasks before the holiday begins. Otherwise, all guests are given pieces of paper and pencils. Everyone writes their task on them, the leaves are folded into a tube and put into a common vase. In another container, each guest puts some small object. It can be an earring, a ring or a cufflink. The leader pulls out any thing from the vase. The one to whom it belongs pulls out a task from another container. And of course, he must fulfill it. If he fails to do so, he is out of the game. The winner is the participant who was able to complete all the tasks. You can notify guests in advance not to write impossible. For example, it should be indicated in the conditions that no one will leave the apartment.

Celebrating the holidays at home, there is no time to watch TV while sitting at the table. Moreover, there are many friends and relatives visiting, and even with children. Would you like to diversify the usual feast a little? We bring to your attention a list and description of family games for children and adults at home.

Games and competitions for children and adults

The most wonderful are holidays for children. Kids rejoice so sincerely and provocatively that their hearts simply die. After all, a child constantly requires increased attention, especially if he is the culprit of a solemn day. Any celebration can be varied. It will take a minimum of preparatory activities, a cheerful mood. You can make a small entertainment program, picking up in it not only, but also intellectual contests. Such a party will appeal to all guests without exception, regardless of their age.

Interesting games for children and adults list

It is recommended that everyone who wants to take part in the games be divided into two teams. This measure will unite the team, call on unfamiliar children to make friends. Try to keep the command forces roughly the same. So you can not create misunderstandings and conflict situations. And we present an approximate list of games that can be organized at any holiday.

  1. Mint - prepare some coins and a couple of cups. Teams are built in a column one at a time, each is given coins. Cups are located at some distance (several meters) from the guys. The task of the players is to carry a coin on the toe and lower it into the bowl. The team with the most coins in the cup wins.
  2. There is such a competition for intellectual development. Playing two teams. They are given sheets of paper and pens. Participants write the name of any product, fold a leaf, and pass it on to rivals. From the proposed set, the team must come up with an edible dish within a minute, tell the recipe for its preparation. The more original masterpiece will win.
  3. Drawings. As a rule, such competitions are held with crayons on the pavement, throughout the city. But after all, whatman paper and colored pencils are perfectly used at home. Invite the teams to depict nature, animals, relatives and friends. It is quite clear that friendship will win in such a competition. But the kids will try hard.
  4. Organize a mushroom picking trip. Previously, the presenter hides mushrooms cut out of cardboard in the room. They can be laid out in plain sight, hung, hidden near large pieces of furniture. The guys who come in must collect the maximum number of mushrooms.
  5. Have the kids sit in a circle and have a quiz. It is necessary to ask leading questions or quote phrases from famous fairy tales, and the kids must guess the names. The winner gets a prize!
  6. the children should take turns naming a proverb, saying or a line from a song that mentions animals. The one who did not complete the task within a minute is out of luck - he is out of the game. The remaining player wins.
  7. Try playing word flips. You name a combination of words, and the kids must redo it exactly, but vice versa. For example: a fat man - a thin woman.
  8. Arrange a mindfulness test. Large and small items are laid out on the table. Let the children look at them carefully, throw a tablecloth on the table and invite the kids to list all the items on the tabletop on a piece of paper. The victory is given to the one whose list turned out to be more detailed.
  9. Invite the kids to draw greeting cards for the birthday. To do this, you will need bright-colored felt-tip pens and pieces of whatman paper. Let the children show their imagination, give free rein to creativity. Alternatively, tell them a certain topic - the sun, the sky, and so on. The victory will be common, and the cards prepared by the players will delight the child for a long time to come.
  10. Inflate a dozen balloons, assign two teams. The room is divided into two parts, in each there is a team of players. Cheerful music sounds, children throw balls from their zone to the territory of rivals. Stop the music and take stock. The victory will be for those who have fewer balls on the "ground".

In games, children pay a lot of attention. After all, this is the only way a child will remember his birthday or other celebration for a long period. While the children are actively having fun, adults have time to relax a little, to have intimate conversations.
Having a few hours of free time, you can prepare for a family holiday. To

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Time spent with family is priceless. In the hustle and bustle of days, disappearing daily at work, it is quite rare to be at home with your family. And when a holiday comes or a free day is given out, you really want to spend it in a special way!


In order not to rack your brains - what is so interesting to come up with, we offer a sea of ​​​​options - how you can fill and decorate any holiday with your family!

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If there are children in the house, they will be happy to play games with their parents. The game can be absolutely anyone, the main thing is that all family members participate in it, and no one is left out.


After reading in detail about each game, you can choose the most liked and suitable for yourself!

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"Cablegram" (a game for adults and children from 5 years old)

You will need paper and a pencil.

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How to play:

Step 1. Write on a piece of paper in a column the name (child, grandmother, your name, dog's name, etc.). You can also write just a word. The word must be 5 or more letters long.

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Step 2 Together with the children, come up with your own interpretation of this word, i.e. a sentence in which the words begin with the letters of the given word and follow in order.


Example 1


G - Giant


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A - chieftain


The proposal turned out like this: "A giant robot is looking for a chieftain's hat."

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Another version of the same name: "A loud roar frightened the walking artist." Or: “The robbers said to the inspector: “The sixth was arrested.” Or: "The goose lay down, depicting the skin of an antelope."

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Example 2


C - Sergey


B - in the evening

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T - solid


A is an apricot.

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The result was a sentence: "Sergey ate a hard apricot in the evening."


The sentence must make sense, although elements of fantasy or humor are allowed.

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Game "Mimicry and gestures"

The host thinks of a word and tells it to one of the players who will beat this item. The task of the demonstrator is to describe the object as much as possible with gestures and facial expressions. Under no circumstances should you speak. Guessing, in turn, asking leading questions, must recognize what kind of task the leader gave.


The game is very exciting, especially if the participants are not devoid of a sense of humor and have acting skills.

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Find a surprise (treasure)

You can play this game with the whole family (parents come up with a task). For kids, the task will be in pictures, for older preschoolers and younger schoolchildren - in the form of cards with words (“table”, “on the window”, “in the closet”).

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Step 1. Hide your surprises discreetly from children in different places of the apartment. For the little ones, draw a plan - how to go to the treasure. On the plan, be sure to indicate the place from which the child will begin. For older children (who are learning to read or can already read), lay out the path clues in words or short phrases.


For example, a hint for children 5-7 years old - the word “window” is written in large letters on the note. So, you need to look for the next path sign on some window in the apartment.


For children from 7 years old, the hint may be different: "Look on the window."


Or a hint in the form of a riddle, a rebus, a “guess the missing word” task.

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Step 2. The child is looking for a surprise either according to the plan or according to the way signs (they found a note on the table with the word “window”, went to look at the windows.


On the window in the kitchen, they found the clue "cupboard". We went around different closets at home and found the clue "sofa".


There was a surprise on the couch under the pillow.

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Step 3. The child will definitely receive his surprise (calendar, small toy, leaflet with a picture, etc.), even if he needs help on the way.


This game is very interesting for children and they are happy to read the words and learn to use the plan.

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"Funny Tale"

All she needs is paper and a pencil.


The first player writes the beginning of the tale, then folds the sheet so that the next participant does not see what was written.


In a circle, all players write one desired line for the fairy tale, while bending a piece of paper.


The game ends when the sheet is completely collapsed.

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Lost Search game

Game for adults and children from 3 years old


This competition for the whole family develops attentiveness and visual memory of its participants.




For props, you need a colored tablecloth and many small items. It can be lipstick tubes, small boxes, caps, ballpoint pens, teaspoons, matchboxes - in general, everything you find at home. The more varied the props, the better.

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All these utensils are laid out on a table, which is previously covered with a tablecloth, and the participants are seated around.


The essence of the game is to remember all the items lying on the playing field and immediately notice the item that will disappear from the table.

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Example. The driver invites the players to carefully look at the table and try to remember many more items and how they are located. After that, everyone should close their eyes, and the driver removes from the table and hides one of the objects.


At his command, the participants open their eyes and try to figure out which object has disappeared.


The one who guesses becomes the leader.

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The game of turnaround

Game for adults and children of school age.

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The task of the players is to unravel the well-known expressions said in reverse. For each guessed expression, the player receives one chip. The one who guessed the most shifters wins. He is awarded a medal. The rest of the players are also awarded, but - with a diploma for participating in the game.

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Here are our favorite flip-flops that we played over the holidays with family, colleagues at work, and friends. First, give the players some examples of shifters and their clues, and then start a fun game of riddles:

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Happiness moves in heaps (Trouble does not come alone).


Started having fun - cowardly sit at home (Finished business - walk boldly)


He hid that algae - get out of the aquarium (He called himself a load - climb into the body).


To frighten dogs - to walk around the city (to be afraid of wolves - do not go into the forest)


From courage, the back of the head is small (Fear has large eyes)


Bald head - male disgrace (Scythe - girlish beauty)


On a policeman, boots get wet (On a thief, a hat is on fire)


From idleness you will release all the squids into the ocean (Without labor you will not catch a fish from the pond)


A scout near Moscow will leave (Language will bring to Kyiv)


Carriages of cleanliness are afraid (Tanks of dirt are not afraid)


Cheerful night in the morning, because there is no one to rest (Day until evening is boring, if there is nothing to do)


Happiness has gone - close the window (Trouble has come - open the gate)


The anchor turns black in the company (The lonely sail turns white)


The logic of the black stallion (Nonsense bullshit)


The hare is eaten by the hands (the wolf is fed by the legs)


Animal stalls humiliated (Man sounds proud)


The flame has stopped! (The ice has broken!)


He hid in the field, it was a little hot (He came out of the forest, there was a severe frost)


Run, century, I'm terrible! (Stop, moment! You are beautiful!)


Cabin boy. Jung, cry! (Captain, captain, smile!)


A tornado screeched a hymn to him: “Get up, cactus, get up!” (The blizzard sang a song to her: “Sleep, Christmas tree, bye-bye!”)


Rested tools of production do not sleep (tired toys sleep)


Than enemies sit in a gloomy dungeon (than friends roam the wide world)

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If I were king

The game develops the imagination. Before the game, agree with the children where you can take things for her (from the nursery, or only from the living room, etc.). And say that the rule of the game is that after use, all things will need to be put in their places.

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How to play

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Step 1. The first team starts (select it by lot). They say: “If I were (hereinafter referred to as the role, for example, king), then I would have (hereinafter referred to as 5 items, for example, throne, crown, servants, palace, mantle).

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Step 2. The other team must quickly find these things in the room in the 3-5 minutes allocated to them. For example, a scarf can become a mantle. If a chair is draped with a veil, then there will be a throne. At the signal, the preparations are over.

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Step 3. The second team presents first what it came up with. And the first evaluates.



Then the teams change places and the game is repeated. For the game, you can take on different roles: professions (doctor, captain of the ship), fairy-tale characters (Cinderella, King, Pinocchio, etc.) At the end of the whole game, all things are laid out in their places.

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Game "Package with a gift"

This game can be played by the whole family or a friendly company. Moreover, the more participants in it, the better. This game develops a very valuable moral quality of a person - the ability to share with others and the ability to keep a given word and rules, the ability to rejoice in the luck of another person and not perceive it as a personal defeat.

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Prepare for the game:

1. Bundle. Take a little surprise and wrap it in paper. Secure with adhesive tape (transparent adhesive tape). Then wrap again in a layer of paper and fasten with tape again. And so on until you get a bundle of many layers of paper. Fasten the layers so that you can easily unfold them during the game.


2. Surprises for each player (picture, calendar, candy, nuts or something else).

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How to play:

Stand or sit in a circle. You can play together with your child. And you can in a large circle of acquaintances and friends. Turn on the music and pass the bundle to each other in a circle to the music. When the music stops (you can either appoint someone, for example, a grandmother, "responsible for the music" or pre-record the music with pauses), the bundle stops.

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The player who has it in his hands unties it. And then passes the bundle with a surprise in a circle. The bundle becomes lighter and lighter, and no one knows when the layers will run out and the prize will finally show. With each step, the child finds it harder and harder to hand over the bundle, and one does not want to give it away! But you have to share, because the rule of the game is to pass it on as soon as the music starts.


At the end of the game, the last player - "lucky" - unfolds the bundle and gets a surprise!


But all players must also receive a little surprise so that the children can rejoice together.

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Game "Traffic light"

Mark with a rope or a line on the floor two lines - the starting line and the line for the traffic light. One person in this game will be the traffic light. We choose him by counting.

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The players stand at the starting line, and the traffic light stands on the other side of the room with its back to the players.


The task of the players is to quietly approach the "traffic light" and touch it.


The game ends when everyone has touched the traffic light.

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How to play:

The traffic light counts to 10: “One, two, three, four, five” and suddenly quickly and unexpectedly says: “Red light”, immediately turning to the players.


Players must freeze in place at this signal. If the traffic light notices that one of the players continues to move, he sends him back to the starting line.


You can confuse players by changing the pace of the score, making pauses. The game teaches children to control their behavior, to control their movements.

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Game "Magic melody"

This game is experimentation, it will be interesting for children of any age and adults.



Take glasses or glasses. It is better to find a set of identical glasses or glasses (6-12 pieces), but if there is no set, then you can take the same cans or the same glass bottles.

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Pour water into the bowl so that it is at a different level in each vessel. Show your child how to get a sound, for example, by gently tapping a glass (glass) with a spoon. Let the children experiment. Let them try to understand in which vessels a higher or lower sound is produced. You can also use drum sticks.


Try playing different tunes on this unusual crockery musical instrument. It captivates not only children, but also adults!

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Game "Change!"

This game can be played both indoors and outdoors during the summer. The minimum number of players is 4 people.


Everyone stand in a circle. Or sit in a circle on chairs.


One player (we choose him according to the counting rhyme) is the driver. He names two other players, for example: "Mom and Dasha".


At these words, mother and Dasha should change places with each other, that is, mother should sit on Dasha's place, and Dasha - on mother's. At the same time, the host tries to be the first to take someone else's place - either mom's or Dashino.


Who was left without a place - leads in the next game.


The game develops attention and speed of reaction.

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You can also please your loved ones and play

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Have fun games and harmony and peace in the family! I really want to believe that games for the whole family will bring many joyful bright moments into your life! I wish you success in their implementation! Happy holiday!

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