The mobile game flies a balloon across the sky. Games in the camp

Attention games for the entertainment and development of children on the site Your!


All players are given pieces of paper on which the number 1 or 2 is written. There should be the same number of such pieces of paper. The leader is chosen - the most important thief. He goes out the door. Meanwhile, an object is hiding in the room. The leader's task is to find him. He does this with the help of thieves (those who have the number 1 on a piece of paper, who tell with their eyes where this item is hidden). The task of the detectives (who has the number 2) is to follow the players and find the thieves. The game ends when an object is found or when the "detectives" have caught all ... "thieves".


The essence of the game is very simple. When the host calls the weekday, the guys clap their hands, and when the day off, there should be no movements. The host at a very fast pace calls the days of the week and follows the most attentive.


The words are very simple: "The ball flies, the ball flies through the sky, the ball flies through the sky. But we know that the ball will not reach the sky in any way." They sing to the melody of the song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest." Gradually, the words are replaced by appropriate gestures (flies - they depict the flight of a bird with their hands, a ball - they imagine that a ball is in their hands, etc.). As a result, we show the whole song with gestures. The game is conducted by the host, who clearly learned the words and gestures.


2-3 players are called who really want to get a prize. The host reads the text: “I’ll tell you a story in a dozen and a half phrases. As soon as I say the number 3, take the prize immediately. Once we caught a pike, gutted it, and inside we saw small fish and not one, but as many as 7. don’t beat them until late at night. Take them and repeat at night once or twice, or better 10. A seasoned guy dreams of becoming an Olympic champion. Look, don’t be cunning at the start, but wait for the command: one, two, march! Once a train at the station I’m 3 I had to wait an hour ... "(if the guys did not have time to take the prize, the presenter takes it and says: "Well, friends, you did not take the prize when there was an opportunity to take it ?!".


All players sit in a circle. Everyone chooses a gesture for himself, without repeating anyone. The game begins with either player showing their gesture, and then someone else's. The one whose gesture is shown by the player also shows his own gesture first, and then another, and so on. The game is played at a fast pace. The one who lost is out of the game.


All players become in a circle. The first selected leader goes out the door. The second presenter is selected, His task is to change gestures imperceptibly for the first presenter (which are picked up by all the players) under the words "Santiki-fan-tiki, lim-pom-no". The task of the guys is not to give out the eyes of the second leader and quickly change gestures behind him. If the first leader did not guess the one who changes the movements three times, he must give a "creative phantom": sing, dance, etc. The game is repeated, and new leaders are selected each time.

Universal Games

Flying, flying through the sky balloon

The text is repeated along with the audience.

First you need to learn the words:

Flying, flying through the sky balloon.

The balloon flies across the sky.

And I know that this ball

It won't get there!

Gradually, words are replaced by hand movements: first the word “ball” is replaced, then the words “sky”, “flies”, “we”. Thus, there are almost no words left, but only movements are shown.

At the end of the game, when almost all words are replaced by gestures, only the words “by”, “and we know”, “what is this”, “before” remain. According to the replaced words, hand movements are selected:

Ball - a circle with hands in the air;

Sky - thumbs up;

Flies - arms to the sides;

I - they point to themselves with a palm, pressing it to their chest.

My triangular hat

It is played in the same way as the previous game, but with different words and movements.

My triangular hat

My triangular cap

And if not triangular,

That is not my hat!

Gradually, the words "cap", "mine", "triangular" are replaced by movements:

Cap - the right palm is brought to the top of the head;

Mine - the left hand is brought to the chest;

Triangular - hands depict a triangle.

Teapot with lid

In this game, as you repeat, the words “teapot”, “lid”, “knob” and “hole” disappear from the game.

Teapot with lid

lid with knob,

Bump with a hole

Steam comes out of the hole.

Steam comes out of the hole

hole in the stump,

knob on the lid,

Lid on a teapot.

Note. The movements are invented by the children themselves.

I you he she

The facilitator pronounces the words and shows the movements. The hall repeats both words and movements.

In this hall - all friends!

Look at yourself, at the neighbor on the right, at the neighbor on the left.

Everyone in this room is friends!

Me, you, he, she together - a friendly family!

Pinch the neighbor on the right, pinch the neighbor on the left.

In this hall - all friends!

Me, you, he, she together - a friendly family!

Hug the neighbor on the right, hug the neighbor on the left.

In this hall - all friends!

Me, you, he, she together - a friendly family!

Kiss the neighbor on the right, kiss the neighbor on the left.

In this hall - all friends!

Me, you, he, she together - a friendly family!

Smile to the neighbor on the right, smile to the neighbor on the left!

In this hall - all friends!

Me, you, he, she together - a friendly family!

Look at yourself - together we are a hundred thousand "I"!


The host pronounces the lines, showing the movements, and the children in the hall repeat after him (standing):

Are we going to party for the holidays?

So let's have fun spinning with us (spinning).

If necessary, we will clap (clap).

And we will stomp our feet (stomp).

If necessary - drink heavily (la-la-la).

If necessary, let's go to the dance (they dance).

If necessary, we will scream (shout).

If necessary, we will shut up (shut up).

Note. This game can be used to establish silence in the hall.

Running in bags around the chairs

Two children compete. They get into bags with their feet. The top of the bags is held by hand. On a signal, the children run around the chairs in different directions. The goth who runs faster wins. The game continues with the next couple.

Spoon in hand, potatoes in spoon

The game is played by two people. 6-8 potatoes are scattered on the floor (on the site). Children are given a basket and a wooden spoon. On a signal, they begin to collect potatoes with a spoon, one at a time and put them in a basket. The child with the most potatoes wins.

Feed each other vegetables or fruits

In the game, you can use apples or carrots. Two players sit on chairs facing each other. They are blindfolded and given an apple. They start feeding each other. The goth who ate the apple the fastest wins.

Carry the ball in the spoon

There are two players involved. They are given a wooden spoon, in which they put a small inflatable ball. Players must run to a certain line and back. The one who does not lose the ball wins.

Pass the ball

Having moved four meters forward from the stand, the participants line up one after another at arm's length. The captain is ahead. He has a ball in his hands. On a signal, the captain passes the ball over his head to the one standing behind, he to the next, and so on until the end. The participant standing at the end, having received the ball, goes with it to the head of the team, stands in front of the captain and repeats the transfer of the ball. The team whose players finish the ball the fastest wins.



Be attentive to your appearance, you show an example to follow.

When you go out to play, always have more games than you need.

Be careful about the words you use when communicating with children. Youth slang is a good thing, but are you sure that you are interpreting this or that word correctly.

When addressing children, smile. A smile is always conducive to a person.

Joke in moderation. Remember that a joke can sometimes offend a person.

Always start with a hello. And if you are playing for the first time, then it’s not bad to get to know each other, at least just introduce yourself.

When explaining the rules of the game, use understandable words, and make sure that the guys understand you correctly. Don't be afraid to repeat yourself, but don't overdo it either.

When using gestures when explaining the rules, do not wave your arms too much. It doesn't look from the outside.

Often you have to work with a microphone. Try in advance how your voice sounds, how best to hold the microphone, so that the words are clear, without any extra sounds.

When working with a microphone, remember that this is what it is for, so that you do not scream.

If in the games you have chosen children will go on stage, then think about how to do it better. You can agree with the radio operator about the phonogram, or you can agree with the children about the applause. It all depends on the conditions in which you will work.

12. If the work takes place without a microphone, then immediately discuss the rules with the children. The rule of the raised hand works best here:

Raising your right hand means that you have something to say, and everyone else needs to listen. (We have one law in the detachment! Everyone listens, only one speaks!)

The left hand raised up means that you are giving the guys a few minutes for noise. Learning this simple rule can be turned into a game, the main thing is that the guys understand and listen to you.

Build games in a logical sequence, from simple to complex.

14. Do not forget to say thank you, and just praise the players. And even better if the guys do it themselves:

Host: Now put your right hand on your head. Stroke, and say: "Ah! What a fine fellow I am!"

Or: Now put your right hand on your neighbor's head. Stroke, and say: "Ah! What a fine fellow you are!"

When you finish playing, especially if the next action occurs after you, or someone else continues to play, do not forget to say goodbye and pass the word, introducing the person or people following you.

Two leaders divide the hall into two halves. The hosts are generals, and 2 parts of the hall, respectively, are their armies. Generals brag to each other.

First: "My army can clap" (1st army clap).

Second: "And my army can not only clap (the 2nd army clap), but also stomp (the 2nd army stomp)."

First: "My army can not only clap (clap), stomp (stomp), but also shout "Hurrah" (shout)." Etc.

Possible options: swing a saber, shoot a pistol, shoot a machine gun, throw grenades, detonate bombs, sing “Get up, the country is huge”, etc. At the end of the game, everyone comes to the world and does all the moves together.


The hall is divided into three parts. Each group learns their words:

The first group - In the bath, brooms are wet.

The second group - The spindles are not sharpened.

The third group - And the straw is not dried.

They all learn together - the lady is the lady, madam is the lady.

At the command of the host, the part of the children to which he points with his hand says his words. If the leader raises both hands up, all the children sing the last line. You will have a beautiful large choir capable of performing at any performance. And if you agree on a melody in advance, then you can also receive a prize.


The host says the words: “We are funny monkeys, we play too loudly. We clap our hands, we stomp our feet, we puff out our cheeks, we jump on toes and even show tongues to each other. Together we will jump to the ceiling, we will raise our finger to the temple. We stick out the ears, the ponytail at the top. We will open our mouths wider, we will make grimaces. When I say the number 3, everyone freezes with grimaces. Players repeat everything after the leader.


The hall is divided into two halves. The host alternately shows either the left or the right hand. Children, based on which hand is shown, shout:

The right half of the hall - Goal! (right hand raised)

The left half of the hall - Past! (left hand raised)

If the leader raises both hands up, the children shout - "barbell"

The main thing for the players is not to get confused, as the leader can raise his right hand, but point it to the left half of the hall. And vice versa.


Moderator: “Game for attention. Imagine that my left hand is the sea (makes a wave-like movement), and my right hand is a fish (with my right palm it depicts a fish that swims, wriggling). When a fish jumps out of the sea (i.e. raises the right hand over the left hand), you clap. So let's get started." The leader initially makes slow movements. Then he introduces deceptive movements, then speeds up the pace, arranging a standing ovation.


Host: "Now we will learn our signature applause." Offers to repeat after him. “It started to rain” - clap one finger on the palm. “The rain began to intensify” - clap two fingers on the palm. “Became even stronger” - clap three fingers on the palm. “It started raining heavily” - four fingers clapped on the palm. “It started to rain” - with the whole palm. After losing once, the host may offer to learn the ending of the game. When he waves his hand, the whole room should say "yes", and the rain stops, silence is established.


The facilitator invites the children to learn new foreign languages ​​in addition to those they know. And for this you need to take a well-known song:

Lived with grandma

Two cheerful geese.

One is grey, the other is white.

Two cheerful geese.

And try to sing it in another language. And to do this is very simple: all the vowels in the words must be changed to one. If you replace all the vowels with "A", then in English this song will look like this:

It's a pity and a woman

Two vasalakh gasas.

Adan shed, drag balai.

Two vasalakh gasas.

Polish - "E";

Spanish - "I";

French - "Yu";

German - "U";

English - "A";


Let's remember how carrots and cabbage grow. Carrot up, cabbage down.

Shows: arms extended forward. When "carrot" is said, the hands go down; when "cabbage" is said, they go up.

So, we stretch out our arms, like me. When I say "carrot", hands down, and when I say "cabbage", hands up. Listen carefully to me, because my hands will show when it's right and when it's wrong. The main thing is not to succumb to the "provocations" of the presenter and correctly show the "cabbage" and "carrot". Begin!

The host at a fast pace says either "carrot" or "cabbage".

(During the game, the host diligently knocks down the players, showing with his hands the wrong thing. The game goes on for 3-5 minutes).


The words of this game are learned in advance with children. The melody of the song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest." During the game, words are replaced one by one with movements, which the host agrees with the children in advance.

Flying, flying through the sky balloon

The balloon flies across the sky

But we know that this ball

It will fly to the ground.

Flies - waved hands are shown, flight is depicted;

In the sky - the index finger of the right hand is raised up;

Ball - a circle is circled in front of him with his hands;

But we know - hands lean against the chest;

We - hands spread out in front of us;

No way - hands crossed;


You and I are one family

You, we, you, me!

(repeated before every third line)

Smile to the neighbor on the right

Smile to the neighbor on the left -

We are a family.

You and I are one family... wink...

We are a family.

You and I are one family ... hug ...

You and I are one family... pinch...

We are one family ... kiss ...

At the end, the poem is repeated anew, and all movements are repeated (“smile”, “wink”, “hug”, “pinch”, “kiss”).


The words of this game-song are learned with the children in advance and sung, accompanied by hand movements:

teapot - palms parallel to each other

lid - palm of the right hand - lid

bump - fist

hole - fingers in a ring (OK sign)

steam goes - circles are made with the index finger


As you sing, the words are replaced by the word - La-la-la and hand movements.

Teapot with lid.

Lid with a knob.

A pin with a hole.

Steam comes out of the hole.

The steam goes into the hole.

Hole with a knob.

A bowl with a lid.

Lid with teapot.

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All rights belong to their authors. This site does not claim authorship, but provides free use.
Page creation date: 2017-06-11

Sing chica-boom with us!!!
I sing boom-chica-boom
I sing boom-chica-boom
I sing boom-chica-raka, chica-raka, chica-boom!!!
Oh!!! Oh me!!! And again? How can we sing?


Host: A sparrow was walking on the roof!
Children (in chorus): Beat, beat, beat!
Leading: Gathered his friends!
Children: Zay, zay, zay!
Host: Many, many, many of us!
Children: Us, us, us!
Leading: Get up ... (calls any names) everyone now!
The guys who bear the named names get up and bow.


- Tyr-tyr - machine gun,
(hold the handles of the “machine gun” with both hands)
- Above-higher - the plane.
(hands move from bottom to top obliquely)
- Bai! - artillery,
- The cavalry is rushing.
(one hand waves an imaginary saber overhead)
- Hooray!
The meaning of the game is to accompany the words with certain movements, each time to speed up the pace and try to have time to speak and show the movements correctly.


With the help of this chant, you can smoothly move on to the performance of any song of the organizational period.
Each phrase uttered by the leader, the guys repeat in chorus.
- Oh, Ale!
- Oles bambalas!
- O sawa sawaimba!
- Oh kikils bamba,
- Oh, I eat bananas!
- Oh, I eat oranges!
- What is the mood like?
Children: Wow! (pointing with thumb)
Moderator: Is everyone of this opinion?
Children: Everyone, without exception!
Host: Shall we sit down and have a rest?
Children: Let's sing a song!
Host: John Brown Joy smeared his skis once (repeat 3 times) and went to the Caucasus.
In a phrase that is repeated 3 times, the last word is replaced by a clap. In the next performance - the penultimate one, etc. As a result, the audience tries to rhythmically clap the first phrase, and sings the second. The game helps develop a sense of rhythm.


Flying, flying through the sky ball
The balloon flies across the sky.
But we know: a ball to the sky
It won't fly at all.
First, the word "flies" is replaced by a movement resembling the flapping of wings. In the second performance - the word "heaven" is replaced by the movement of the thumb up. Then, at the word "ball" with both hands, a large circle is outlined in front of you. In the next performance, the word "know" is replaced by tapping a finger on the forehead; at the word "we" - press both hands to the chest, at the word "no way" - shake your head negatively. The most interesting is the last performance of the song, where the main task of the participants is not to stray and correctly show the right word with the movement. In chorus, only “by”, “but”, “before” are repeated here. You can suggest to speed up the pace of the game.


We dance together!
Tra-ta-ta, tra-ta-ta!
Our cheerful dance -
This is Lavat.
- My pens are good, but the neighbor's is better!
Once again they sing a song and go in a round dance.
- My knees are good, but my neighbor's is better!
(ears, cheeks, nose, etc.)
It is possible in another way:
- Were there any pens?
- Were!
- What about your knees?
- Not!
- We take the neighbor's knees and go in a circle.


Members games are divided into groups, depending on how many instruments you intend to include in your orchestra. But the main instruments are: guitar, cymbals, piano, drum.
Conductor sings:
The closet of musicians
O contras speros, speros...
(points to a band, e.g. "guitar")
Gita, Gita, Guitar!
(2 times shows guitar performance)
When each group has performed its part, the conductor sings for the last time:
The closet of musicians
O contras speros, orchestral!
After these words, the groups begin to perform their parts together, a wonderful “orchestra” turns out!


The game is based on the principle of the game "Orchestra".
1st group: Oh server navel, navel, navel ...
2nd group: Jumbo kveliko mitoliko mikaze ...
3rd group: Wee wee dance ...
4th group: Kva-kva, kva-kvaradze ...
The first group begins the chorus with their phrase, repeating it continuously without stopping. As soon as the first phrase has sounded 1-2 times, the second group enters the choir. Then the third and fourth groups join one after another.


On a small meadow
There is a tall house
And in that cheerful house
A cheerful gnome lives.
Dwarf, dwarf, what's your name?
Children (1st half of the hall):
Petka, you have a plaid shirt,
I came to you children
To eat candy!
Children (2nd half of the hall):
Vaska, you have polka dot pants (panties),
I came from a fairy tale
Because I'm good!


The hall is divided into 4 parts.
The 1st part of the hall shouts (whole):
The 2nd part of the hall shouts (half):
Half pancake!
The 3rd part of the hall shouts (quarter):
Quarter of a pancake!
The 4th part of the hall shouts (eighth):
Scream in proportion. Eights (pancakes) scream most often.


My grandmother had a watch and it went like this:
Tick ​​tock, tick tock
The hall repeats after the leader in parts: the 1st half of the hall - “Tick”, the 2nd half of the hall - “So”.
Host: But then dust got into them, and they began to walk like this:
So-so, so-so (1st half of the hall)
Tick-tick, tick-tick (2nd half of the hall)
Then they began to rust, and they walked like this:
Tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock...
Then they completely rusted and the arrows began to walk as they wanted:
Tick-tock-tock, tick-tock...
(then you can “attribute them to the master” ...)


The task of the 1st half of the hall is to shout: Barbell!
The task of the 2nd half of the hall is to shout: Goal!
The presenter simply works as a commentator on a football match.


There is a tribune of girls - the weight of the girl in the hall.
There is a boys' rostrum - all the boys are in the hall.
Horses are galloping - blows to the knees.
Horses take the barrier - clapping.
The horses ran over the pebbles - punches in the chest.
The horses ran on the sand - three palm on palm.
Horses gallop through the swamp - pull your hands on your cheeks and pronounce "chavk-chavk".
Horses gallop past the boys' stands - the boys cheer with shouts.
Horses gallop past the girls' stands - the girls greet with shouts.

The horses galloped to the stadium, where there are many boys and girls - boys and girls greet with shouts.


The host says:
Two stomps, two slams
Hedgehogs, hedgehogs (shows "salami")
Forged, forged (cam to cam)
Scissors, scissors (hands in a cross)
Let's run, let's run (hand run)
Bunnies, bunnies (hands like ears)
Come on, together, come on, together
Girls! (all the girls scream)
Boys! (all the boys scream)

For the first time, the leader shows everything and speaks for himself - he teaches children. The second (third, fourth) time he speaks and shows with the children.


* We are one family:
You, we, you, me!
(repeated before every third line)
Smile to the neighbor on the right
Smile to the neighbor on the left -
We are a family.
* … wink …
We are a family.
* … hug …
*… pinch…
* ... kiss ...

At the end, the poem is repeated anew, and all movements are repeated (“smile”, “wink”, “hug”, “pinch”, “kiss”).


Presenter: Stroke the neighbor on the right on the head and say: “Sunny, you are just gorgeous today!”.
Stroke the neighbor on the left on the head and say: “Well, you are a super-buffalo today!”
Pat yourself on the head and say: “And I, it seems, is also nothing!”


Hey mamba,
Mamba, hey!
Hey mamba,
It is more interesting if two presenters play and the hall is divided into two parts (they compete who is louder).
The 1st time the host says a song, and the audience shouts the last "hey".
2nd time the audience shouts and claps their hands.
3rd time - screaming and clapping on the knees.
4th time - screaming and pulling neighbors on the head.
5th time - screams and throws up everything that is at hand.
6th time - shouting, clapping his hands, clapping his knees, pulling his neighbors on the head, throwing up everything that is and jumping from the seats.

Hall games

Invite the children to check attentiveness, observation and speed of reaction. It's very easy to do. Let the guys answer any of your questions: "Potato". Questions can be addressed to everyone, and sometimes it is better to ask one. For example: "What do you have in this place?" (pointing to his nose). The reaction is easy to imagine. Whoever makes a mistake is out of the game. Do not forget to forgive the most inattentive after the first two questions, otherwise you will not have anyone to continue the game with. Here are some questions you can ask:
What did you eat for lunch today?
What would you like to eat for dinner?
And who is late and now enters the hall?
What did your mother bring you as a gift?
What do you dream about at night?
What is the name of your favorite dog? ... etc.
At the end of the game, give the winners - the most attentive guys - a comic prize - a potato.

This game is also a good mindfulness test. It is very simple, its rules are easy to explain. With your right hand, point to the floor and name: "Gender." Then point to your nose (it's better if you touch it), say: "Nose", and then raise your hand up and say: "Ceiling". Do it slowly. Let the guys show with you, and you will call. Your goal is to confuse the guys. Say: "Nose", and show yourself at this time to the ceiling. The children must listen carefully and show correctly. It's good if you comment on what is happening cheerfully: "I see someone in the fourth row has his nose fallen to the floor and is lying there. Let's help find a fallen off nose." The game can be repeated several times with a faster pace. At the end of the game, you can solemnly invite the owner of the "highest nose in the world" to the stage.

Now let's meet at the stadium. Offer the children a little football warm-up. This is done simply. You - the presenter - say the words: "A flag is flying over the football field, teams are playing ..." One part of the hall chants "Dynamo" in chorus, the other echoes it: "Spartak". Do not naively hope that the guys will immediately and willingly support the game and shout out the required words. Of course not. It is necessary to awaken in them sports passion. And for this, divide the hall into fans (fans) of Spartak and Dynamo (right and left half), do this with the consent of the children. Appoint a main fan on each platform - a boy who enjoys authority among the guys. He can be your assistant. Assign the roles in rows: older fans who scream hoarsely and cough, young fans with steely voices, and even squealing girl fans. Do not demand to carry out your commands, but ironically ask for it. Chant all together some slogans, check who does it better, the "Dynamo" or "Spartacus". Pretend that you did not make out who is shouting louder, and ask again to "organize the yelling." As soon as you feel that the audience has joined the game, start over: "A flag is flying over the football field ..." and you will see that this time you will get a sonorous "Dynamo" and assertive "Spartak". We start the match. There are rules in football, and we will have them. If you raise your hand with an open palm, then the fans should shout in chorus: "Barbell". If the hand is at the top, but clenched into a fist, then this is "Goal!" And if you point to the floor with both hands, then the fans should know that it is "Mimo". And now you will agree that for Spartak you will give commands with your right hand, and for Dynamo - with your left. If the guys understand everything, start reporting on the match between the two teams. For example: “Here, the center forward is approaching the gates of the Dynamo, a blow! (You raise your open hand, the guys shout “Barbell”.) Another blow - again an open hand - “Barbell.” And another blow! Yes, the Spartacists are unlucky today, and meanwhile the ball is already at their gates ... "So you comment on the course of the match, naming the names of the players, who are very similar to the names of the guys known throughout the camp. Speed ​​up the pace of the commentary and the game, keep the emotional intensity high. When the game will start to tire the guys, sum up the match and thank the great fans.

We say this magic word when we ask for something. Ask the guys to follow all your commands, but on condition - you will be extremely polite - after the command you will say the word "please". If you do not say this word, the command is not executed. If agreed, then we can start. So, "Raise your right hand up, please... Raise your left hand, too, up, please. Please clasp your hands... and now let them go together..." Have you seen how many inattentive people are in the hall? Have fun commenting on the results of the game. You can repeat it with other commands a few more times.

And this chanting game helps to calm the audience, if necessary. You will convincingly ask the boys to gather all their strength into a fist and focus, because this is a test for real men. You are asking the girls to collect all their spiritual strength in the palm of your hand, because. This is a test of womanhood. All those sitting in the hall should repeat the words after you, depicting some of them with hand movements:
They ran, they ran (imitate the movement of a runner).
hedgehogs, hedgehogs,
Sharpened, sharpened (depict sharpening with your hands)
Knives, knives,
Ride, ride, make jumping movements)
Bunnies, bunnies.
Come on, together, come on together:
Girls! - Boys!
The last words of the girls and boys are shouted separately. You determine who is louder. The game can be repeated, but at the end let there be not just a cry, but a cry in a "whisper". Who is quieter?

Invite the children to remember where the nose, eyes, lips are located on their face, where other parts of the body are located. Haven't forgotten? The reaction of the audience is unequivocal: bewilderment, fun, witticisms-cues. And now we will check if this is so. Let's take a trip on our own. Everyone should clap their knees and say in chorus: "Let's go, let's go, let's go ..." At the same time, the players look at the leader and look at him. He, interrupting the "movement", names and shows parts of the body (nape, nose, mouth, hand, eyes, etc.). The guys following the leader should show themselves the same part that he named. You need to be careful, because. the word "ear" may sound, and at this time you, following the leader, stroke your stomach. Or the leader says: "The back of the head", and points to the forehead. Who is the most attentive? Let's find out: "Let's go, let's go, let's go ... Ear. Let's go, let's go, let's go ... Neighbor's ear. Let's go, let's go, let's go ..." In many ways, the success of the game depends on a witty commentary.

This game allows you to test the speed of reaction. You can easily explain the condition to the guys. And they are: Everyone you point to should instantly react and answer your question. That's all. Only when this must be answered with words starting with one letter. For example, the letter "M".
Who are you?
1 child: "Mom"
You: With whom?
2 child: "With Masha"
Where are you going?
3 child: "To Moscow"
You: Why?
4 child: "For milk"
You announce the next letter, quickly ask questions and show to whom they are addressed. Thinking for a fraction of a second. Just imagine what original and funny combinations of questions and answers can be obtained in this game. Cheer up the slow ones, laugh at the good answers, get sincere pleasure from this game. May everyone be happy and have fun.

Participants are divided into two teams (territorially). Then the names of the hands are learned. One is called "goal", the other - "by", when the arms are crossed - the whole hall shouts - "puck". The team that one of the hands points to must loudly shout the name of the hand. The leader's task is to confuse the participants. To inflame passions, the presenter keeps score. If one of the team makes a mistake, then the other team gets one point. The score can be kept strict, or you can do it the way the host wants.

Spectacular game. The host, who is also the director, calls all the participants in the performance in turn to the roles. Roles: Christmas tree, birch, stump, squirrel, clearing with flowers, bird, bunny, wolf, hunters and little red riding hood, everyone else in the hall is the wind. After calling the next participant to the role, the presenter shows and plays with him his role from the beginning of the tale. The text of the story can be changed. Here is one option:
The wind is blowing, the trees are swaying, the oak creaked, the birch with the Christmas tree rustled, the bunny jumped, the birds fly and sing, the squirrel cracks nuts, the little red riding hood went, singing the song: "La-la-la", the wolf is sneaking behind her, the hunters are on the trail, the cap sniffs the flowers, the wolf sniffs the cap, opens its mouth "ah-ah-ah", the hunters grab the wolf. Thanks a lot, everyone!

The game is used for a screen saver before the performance. Host on stage: “Now I’ll ask: “Shouldn’t we play theater?”, And you answer in unison: “Yes, yes, yes!” Let's try. Good! First. "Vshik. First. (Everyone repeats movements and sounds). Flutes began to whistle! Boys: drank-drank (imitate playing the flute). Double basses began to play. Girls: boo-boo (imitate playing the double bass). First! Three people are sitting on the stage. One says ... Who says? (Quickly chooses in the hall). Says: "Shouldn't we organize a Gang?". Someone repeats. First. The second says: Who? "And who will be our chieftain?". First. The third one says: “I.” Who? (chooses). At first. Moderator (to the audience): "And what should he do for this?" For example, from the hall they shout: "Sing!". Leading: "Comes out and sings", inviting the "ataman" to the stage. He comes out and sings.

It's more of a game than a game. You can have fun in a group of three people. Everyone is quickly divided into three equal groups (if there are a lot of guys, then you can divide approximately). We say that with a wave of the hand or some kind of voice signal, one group shouts: "Boxes!", Another - "Cartilage!", A third - "Matches!". You can immediately discuss that you need to shout very sharply and briefly.

The presenter divides all those in the hall into three teams. One command "Spindles are turned", the second - "Brooms are soaked", the third - "Mistress, lady, madam mistress". The host points his hand at one of the teams and she shouts her name. Over time, the pace of the game increases.

Among the players, a leader is selected - a "regulator". Everyone sings a song, and he raises his hand up and makes movements with it clockwise down. Three rules: hand up - sing the song loudly; hand in a horizontal position - the song subsides; hand below - they sing the song "to themselves." Then the "regulator" slowly raises his hand, etc. the game continues.

Everyone is sitting in a circle. The counselor sits so that everyone can clearly see him, his chair is, as it were, separated from the rest. You can put the guys in a semicircle. The leader says: "Do we have palms? (Guys show) And knees? (Someone will inevitably slap his knee on his knee) Great! to the start, - with one hand we hit the knee, as if exploding the ground about a friend. - Across the swamp - quickly grab your knees with your fives and raise your hands vertically with a loud smack. - Barrier! - hands hung a little further at chest level. Etc. You can come up with your own options for "crossing the terrain." All this quickly alternates in any sequence. Final: Final coming soon! - quick clap - the stands are approaching! Tribune of girls. Girls, we scream. And here's the boys' podium! Come on guys! - Exclamations. - Here's the finish line. Hooray! We won.

Clapping their hands on their knees, the players say the words in unison:
"We're hunting the lion,
We are not afraid of him
We have a good gun
And a hot sword."
Further words are accompanied by appropriate gestures. All: "Oh! What is it?". Leading: "This is a lake (swamp, meadow, at the end - a lion). All:" You can't go around it. You can't fly over it. You can't crawl under it. The road is straight ahead." Bul-bul-bul (or chav-chav, shur-shur, ah-ah-ah). After the word - "lion", everyone repeats the movements and sounds in reverse order.

Hall games

Games with the hall will help you cheer up the guys and set them up emotionally, remove the noise in the hall, and also fill in an unexpected pause during an event.

"Dwarfs and Giants"
The leader agrees with the guys that if he says "giants", everyone should climb socks and raise both hands up; if he says "dwarfs", everyone should squat down and stretch their arms forward. First, the leader conducts a rehearsal, while he may not make movements. Then, while conducting the game, the host may from time to time show movements out of place. You can change the movements: on the word "dwarfs" - they bring their hands together, connecting their palms, on the word "giants" - they spread their arms wide apart.

"A train"
Imagine that we have to move a heavy train from the rails. The wheels begin to slowly knock at the junctions of the rails. We mark this knock with a double clap. The host claps first. Behind him are the rest of the members. The train accelerates, the leader makes a double clap shorter, everyone must respond to a change in rhythm. The pace accelerates, the train rushes. The leader can change the direction of "movement" by saying "back". From this point on, the pace slows down to a complete stop of the train.

"Forbidden Movement"
The host agrees with the guys what movement should not be done, for example: sit down, clap your hands, wave your hands. Then the leader shows various movements that the players must repeat exactly after him. The more varied and fun these movements, the more interesting the game. Suddenly, the leader shows a forbidden movement.
You can complicate the game: agree that there are two movements that cannot be repeated, but instead of them, others must be done. For example, when the leader puts his hand on the back of his head, the players should sit down, cross-legged, and when he leans forward, they should clap their hands twice. Before the start of the game, you need to thoroughly rehearse all the movements.

"Sun, fence, pebbles".
The host, gradually increasing the pace, and in any order gives the players the following commands: “Sunshine!”, “Fence!”, “Pebbles”. Playing for the team "Sunshine!" spread their fingers on their hands, at the command "Fence!" they close their fingers and straighten their palms, their hands are clenched into fists at the command “Pebbles!”

Submit your palm to the beginning of the summer rain. 1 drop falls (the host hits with one finger on the outstretched palm).
2 drops fall (2 fingers).
3 drops fall (3 fingers).
It's starting to rain! (Slaps palm against palm.)
Heavy rain! Shower! (Sound rises.)
Thunder! Hail! (The clatter of feet is added to the noise of the palms.)
The rain stops.
4 drops, 3, 2, 1.
The sun has reappeared!

The hall, together with the leader, pronounces the words and repeats his movements:
Two stomps, two claps (2 times we stamp our feet, clap our hands)
Hedgehogs, hedgehogs, (show spread fingers)
Anvil, anvil, (hit fist on fist)
Scissors, scissors. (hands show scissors)
Run in place, run in place (run in place)
Bunnies, bunnies. (showing ears)
Come on together, come on together
Girls! (all the girls shout: "Girls!")
Boys! (all the boys in shout "Boys!")

"A ball is flying across the sky"
All the guys repeat these words and movements after the leader.
A ball flies, a ball flies across the sky, (they wave their hands and show the ball)
A balloon flies across the sky (with a finger to the sky) (they wave their hands and show the balloon).
But we know (point to the head) we (hit their chest) that this is a ball
They won’t fly away from us (they hit their chests) (they wave their hands).
Then one word is replaced by the corresponding movement, and all words are repeated, except for this word (instead of it - movement). Then the other words are replaced one by one. In the end, everything is shown only by movements.

The host calls on the stage willing participants according to the number of heroes of the fairy tale, distributes roles (Grandfather, Grandmother, Gingerbread Man, Hare, Wolf, Bear, Fox). Then he tells a fairy tale, and every time, as soon as the name of one of the heroes of the fairy tale sounds, he must sit down. The host, leaving the plot of the tale the same, but often unexpectedly returns to the hero, repeats his name several times. Participants must be careful not to miss their "move"

The facilitator divides the room into four parts. Each group stands up and says their words to the motive of "Lady".
The first group (let's say 1.2 row): "We went to the fair."
The next group (3rd, 4th rows): "They bought a samovar for themselves."
Next (5.6 row): "You sit down with us soon."
Next (row 7.8): "Drink tea with pies."
Then all together: “Mistress! Lady! Madam mistress!
The game is repeated several times with increasing tempo.

"Red Riding Hood"
The host invites 6-7 people to the stage. They need to present. That they are correspondents and report from the scene. They are in the fairy tale "Little Red Riding Hood" at that moment when the wolf comes into the house to the grandmother. Each correspondent needs to choose a place where he is and tell what he sees from there. The host alternately gives the floor to the reporters.

Host: Param-Parerum!
Guys: Hey!
Host: Param-Parerum!
Guys: Hey!
Host: Param-Parerum!
Guys: Hey! Hey! Hey!
Moderator: How are you feeling?
Guys: Wow! (show fist with thumb up)
Moderator: Is everyone of this opinion?
Guys: Yes!
Host: Then: Hurrah!!!
Guys: Hurrah! Hooray! Hooray!

The leader with the left hand depicts the sea level, and with the right hand the Goldfish. When a fish jumps out of the sea, the audience clap, when it is in the sea - no. The fish starts to swim and jump out faster and faster. Viewers need to be careful not to make a mistake.

"The Hype"
Two come on stage. One starts to say something, the other repeats after him.
First: What are you repeating after me?
Second: You are repeating.
First: No, it's you.
Second: No you.
First: Let's ask the guys.
Second: Come on.
First and second: Which of us repeats?
First: Let's do this. This is your half of the hall, and this is mine (they divide the hall in half). Who is louder, he is right.
At the signal of its leader, half of the hall repeats sounds and movements after him, gradually adding new ones. (clapping, whistling, squealing, throwing something up, etc.).
At the end, the presenters need to measure themselves and say that the whole audience supported them well and now they will never quarrel.

"Volume Knob"
The hall depicts the sound of the radio, and the leader of the volume knob for this radio. The higher the leader's hand is raised, the louder the sound makes the hall, the lower the sound becomes quieter. The leader can smoothly and sharply move his hand. The hall needs to convey these changes in sound.

The hall is divided into four parts.
The first plays the role of the right backstage (with the right hand, as if they are pushing back the curtain with the words: "Whack. Whack."
The second is the left wings (the same thing, only with the left hand).
The third group will be an orchestra. Each depicts an instrument. Fanfare sounds.
The fourth group is the audience. Stormy applause.
So, is everyone ready? Begin.
The right side was opened.
The left side was opened.
Orchestra - fanfare.
Audience applause.
The show starts!

"You are welcome"
The host asks the audience to perform some movement. The hall only grants his request if he says "Please". Spectators need to be very careful and try not to make mistakes.

The host asks the audience to perform some movement. And the hall does the opposite. For example:
- Turn left (the hall turns right).
- Sit down (the hall rises).

"Traffic lights"
The leader has cards of three colors: red, yellow, green. When the facilitator shows the guys a green card, they should stomp their feet, clap their hands on yellow, and not red - sit quietly. The presenter has an assistant who confuses the guys and shows the wrong thing.

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